11 TITE BET!: OMAHA, FRIDAY JULY 22, 1910. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cyjiei en Wheat Are Higher on Fur. tner Advi'cei from Russia. CORN v STAXTS SOME HIGHLR -at? Basin- on the Upfalif Voter lorn lp with the Strength I Wkt Shorts freely.- Cover July 21. 1910. on further un- from Russia. northwest are m ..'OMAHA. I. rut ciibles were higher favorable v. rather advices Weather 'conditions In the aim dry with mure moderate temperatures, uri the other hand. If aood weather con tinues In the winter wheat belt the move i"ii of hard wheat will undoubtedly In LTVtxe. lliere la not much change In the corn situation. Weather 1m mill clear and tem peratures rising, f-tocka are very light and otmand gottd. There ,'S little disposition on the part of country shippers to Increase their ottering. Hentynent lavors bull aide. W heat ouenml nn eni hurlier cables and shorts covering on continued dry weather in the spring wheat belt. LAter the mar ket waa easier and slumped back under preamire of hedging' nalns toy elevator and caHli houses who Hold-agaliul their country purchases. Heavy buying at the ripening started corn higher with the strength In wheat. Short covered freely, rwlng anxloua buyera be- cai e of the clrnia weather and aome higher ti-niperaturtH over the belt. Cloning values weic siron ntHoD 'levels for the day 1'rimnr wheat receipts were 840.0U) bu. and shipments were 4.M.UK bu.i against re celpts Inst year of 774,000 bu., and ship IlKlltH of! 4.11 .Mai ' Primary 'corn receipts wtre 338.000 bu. and shipment were 1x0.000 bu.; against re celpts last- year of atl.ooO bu., and ship tmnta of Stk.oin) hn Cleuranrea wera 5.000 bu. of corn, 600 bu, of oata. k and wheat and flour equal to 65.000 bu. L,lveioool drifted VAA to 2d higher on wheat, aid Hd higher on corn. 1-xal rant of options: , li : , WHATIIRIl IV Til 15 GRA11 BELT eaerally Fair In This Vicinity, with Little Change In Temiteratare. OMAHA. July 21. 1919. Generally fair weather prevails In all portions of the rountry this morning except hat It la unsettled In the middle Atlantic tates, with raJna falling on the North arol'na coast. A few and very widely scat tered showers occurred In Colorado, Kan sas. Nebraska, Iowa and the upper valleys Ithln the laat twenty-four hours, but the falls were extremely light and badly dis rupted. Temperature changea have been light and unimportant in all sections since he preceding report. A slight but general rise la shown in the middle and lower por tions or me central vaiieyr ana east over the lake region and eastern statea, and a light fall occurred in the extreme upper Missouri valley and on the 1'acifio slope. While considerable cloudlneaa will prevail over the central valleys tha weather will nrobably continue fair In this vicinity to night and Friday, with no important change In temperature. 1810 1909 1908 1907 Minimum temperature.... 70 72 68 75 Precipitation 00 T .00 T Normal temperature for today, 77 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March L 1Z.SI inches. Deficiency corresponding period. 1909. .10 of an Inch. . Cxcess corresponding period . in 1908. . 2. 72 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Artlcles.Jppen. High .J,ow. Close. Yes y Wheat 1 July. ' Hept. Corn July. . Hept. Oats ; July... Y- WHEA 'Yiard, Si 1 04 i oii't 60- .v CO .5 89 " 1. . f 37'; 37H 1 Opioha Cash .rrlces. v 4 i HEAT No. 2 hard, $1.02Viti'1.04V4; No. 8 d. Ii.eoWtrt.fau: -No. 4 hard, Wctfll.OO; rejected hard.. HO-fiiKic; No. 2 spring, $1.014f I K; Nik 3 luring, U&C&U.00V1; No. 4 spring (WSiOTo. 1 t ' - COHN-No. 2 white, .2V6; No. 3 white, IHS.4it)2e;.No, 4 white. 61tmc: No. 8 color, b9V(iu'a: No. 4 color. f4it3vc: No. 2 yel- log-SWinfiOc: No-3 yellow. 59V.tfM10c: No, ,llow,. OfclvftSHc; No. 2, u'J.c; No. 3, Wi' :u; No, 4. Ci7Vitla8Oi 'ho grade, 4u.5c. OATS $tao(hifd,) -40c; No. 8 White, Sh lie; nk 4 white, a7M.y:wy(tc; no. s -yei- w, 37V(i:5H4'! No.' t yellow, 36VMj'S7'AO. UAHLtfV-'-No. v4--5:Sfc&5e. nominal; No, d, 51ii'52c,' nominal; rejected, 4SS0c, nom inal. RYK No. 2. IWtfflZKc, nominal; No. BtmtpJOVte. nominal. i Carlo necelpts. I Wheat. Corn. Oats, 1 OS'il 1 02V4 60 I '-3S OGMi 1 03V4 1 02vi 1 tt!l go mt. 3-;i 7V4 ('hlcagO' Minneapolis .. Omaha . Duluth til .wo ...... . 103 Corn mm Wkeat Hcgjlon Dalletln. For Omaha. Neh.. for the twentv-four boura ending at i a. m., 76th meridian time, Thursday, July 21, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp.- lUin- Ptition. Max. Mln. fall. As! land, Neb.... 87 Auburn, Nub Vi Broken Bow, Neb. W ColumbuH, Neb... 8.M Culbertson, Neb.. 100 Kalrbury. Neb.... HI Fairmont. Neb.... 86 Or. Island, Nb.,M Partington. Neb. W Hnstlngs, Neb.... 88 Holdrege, fieb..,. 88 Oakdale, Aeb 80 Omaha. reb m Tekamal), Neb.... 90 Alia, la no Carrol'.. Ia 7 Clarinda, Ia 88 Mriy, la... ....... KH jlioux City. la.... 86 Minimum temperature per.ud ending at 8 a. m. D13TK1CT AVERAGE 64 M 1 t0 61 64 60 60 68 Hi 63 65 67 68 61 f.ft 66 61 66 .00 .00 .0J .1)0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 .oo .24 .00 .oo .00 .00 for Skv. Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear twolve-hour No. of Temp. Rain- District Station. Max. Mln. fall. Columbus, O 1 Aiulsvllle, ivy 19 , IndiananolK Ind.. 12 Chicago, 111 a; Ht. IaiuIs, Mo 13 Des Moines, la 14 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 . Ranra. City, Mo.. 24 Omaha, Neb 13 No important change occurred In the corn since the preceding report, wood rains oc curred at two stations in the Minneapolis district, and light rains occurred at. one station each in the Omaha and Kansas City districts. No appreciable precipitation tccurred In other districts. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Redaction in National Lead Dividend , Believes Sail Market. tsBBMBsanat PREFERRED STOCK ADVANCES Foreign Market Disturbed by Kallnre of less IlroLerage HonJr, Tkronlnx Pressare on "e rnrtUes Markets. NEW YORK. July 2l.-LTn4Jl the reduc tion In the dividend on National Lead was announced the stork market today was a humdrlim affair. The news of this action crested some speculative excitement. Sales of 100-share lots could be effected only at rapid concessions of 10 to 1H points between sales. Closing last night at , the stock sold as low as 62. Hurh a violent und ab rupt shrinkage In market valuation, even of a single security, was toound to pre cipitate some protective liquidation In other atocks. The effect on speculative sentiment and on the stock market position was en hanced by the use made for two days of vaguely denned rumors of steps taking to better the copper trade position to push up tne price or metal industrials. The advance In the price of National Lead preferred In face of the demorallr.a tlon In the common stock waa a commen tary on the Increased benefit of coneerv lng earnings for the senior security. The explanation offered for the reduced divi dend was that business and earnings did not warrant the maintenance of the higher rate. The earlier feeble Influences In the mar ket dropped out of sight In the excitement which followed the National Lead divi dend action. Foreign markets were disturbed by the failure or a Drokerage house In Vienna, which threw pressure on securities mar kets. The action of the wheat and cotton mar kets revived uneasiness over the crop pros pects, and the effect of the later easing of tne wneat market was lost in the general weasness or biocks. uovernment disburse. ments through the aubtreasurv continue to add large amounts to the cash holdings of the banks. -Time money here Is growing easier ,and tne roreign exchange market was firm. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. $1,009,000. United States bands were unchanged on ran. Number of sales ana leading- quotations on s looks were: Increase, 10K.ftnn; govemmenet securities, decrease, o!W,000. The proportion of the hank's reserve to liabilities this week Is 5127 per cent; lsst week It was w.e per cent. New York Mone Market. NEW TORK. July 21. MONET On call, easy; Xa' per cent; ruling rate, per cent; closing bid, 2'4 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Ttme loans, easier; sixty days. Jti3V per rent; ninety oar, irvij per cent; six months per cent. PRIM B MERCANTILE PAPEK-5'Wl per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at 14 S3W 4.RS75 for sixty-day bills, and at $4 So66 for demand. Commercial bills, t4.834r4.W4. Ml LVF.R Har, HSc; Mexlran dollars. 44c. HON DB Government, steady; railroad, Ir regular. Closing quotations on trnnan ioaay s follows: . t nl. k, rf....l'HJrn 4 49 coupon 1'" 'do H Xt'. 5. .00 86 M .00 84 58 .no 86 C. .00 81 60 .110 84 C2 .00 J2 64 .H 88 64 .10 88-62 .20 In temperature has and wheat region Bilss. High. Low. Qm .... ?s IS 108 CHICAGO GItAI.V AND PROVISION Ventures of the Trading; and Cloaln Prices on Board of Trade. ; CHICAGO, July 21. Corn led the entire speculative trade on the exchange here to day. Transactions In that cereal reached huge . proportions. Fear that dry weather might ruin the growing crop was the sole uause. -. The-. score 'resulted in a net ad vance of lo to , iVdTjc a- bushel in the price of the yellow Kernels, and apparently waved wheat from' a sharp decline. Clos hts? prices "for'th ' tatter' 'staple were ' Ir regular iii tf her to c lower.. Oats finished with gains of WpSio to 'fac. Pro- t talons were unchanged to 12Hc up. Short sellers of 'every sort were forced tevupver ibecauas of the stearopede In the ittt murlu))., ?-... , Reports were numerous as to damage In prospect West of the Mississippi. Details of actual Injury td the crops were most ylentlfu.'. froan the southwest. One dispatch from Iowa asserted, that much stock waa being sold In that state because there was ho 'probability of getting feed for the un lumlH.1 Rain; It was declared, was ur- f;eutly. needed at once by fully half the corn u Iowa. "Lunk of moisture in Nebraska whs said' to have made the crop situation there almont equally crlUraL Chicago stock yards interests were good buyers of food stuffs nil rluv. The HentHmher otitlnn ranged" between 62c and 64Vc, with the close firm at 6:wat4c, a net rise or iwnc. xne kORHli market was also firm. JNo. yellow closed .at 6:tVsi63-Vc . Wheat, after a sharp break on heavy sell- lng, responded materially to the big bulge ' In corn. A djill, y-agglDg tone developed, but renewed' Hie-' add strength was im parted from tne 'neighboring corn pit. Fluctuations of the September option were from l.064A)tWlCB"to W.usv. with the close ear at l.07V to ii.whwi.vi. Oats took' a little of the color prevailing In the corn trade. September varied from 8!H(1H to 3ii;'u40c, and finished Ho un at Sit'iiC Provisions 3naa ' aa 'Upward tendency. At the winduti pork was 2V-10o higher, lard 2Snc to &u7c, and ribs unchanged to u"4o up. C'Vlic leading future ranged as follows: art;ciea.rpuel M'Kh. J Low. Clou.j Yes'y. Dec. Ma Coru July,, amy . Sl'pt. leo. -My Vork I I lif 1 I 08V,10W-HllO7Vl,-! 1 0H7 42 Wheat I ' '"'1 ' July I 110 I I to j.io;v'ij . l in Vis I I 113.-1 1 131 I1 . W ei'-il' .'624trVl 64 KU)tVii,62MilU'Wl l' 42 l' 42WI 43V-3 43'4 4i! I 2s 70 I is'MWI 25 70 l i tl 00 21 62 i-: -i r- 11 7i I 11 82HI U 7! 11 L'V 11 i7M 11 w 11 45 11 47, 11 40 12 u I (J Uim; ji m 11 11 (A 11 65 11 00 11 12V4 11 00 42Vtl 4U 30 1 -tll0tV-4 1 12ill2:i-lJ 60HI ' (12 63 63T4'ii64 61;SS:i5SSli 62 1 09H 1 07 1 W 1 12 o4 ,1 NEW VOnK GFX EllAL MIRKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodltlea. ' NEW TORK, July 21. FLOUR Firmer; spring patents, $6.76'(i6.16; winter straights, M-40rd4.fi0; winter patents, M fcfJS.OO; spring clears, 84.364. 60; winter extras, No. 1, 3.7ft3.90; winter extras, No. 2, SS.60Hj3.65; KaHas straights. 14.855.16. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, 84.10fa4.25; choice to laney, H.4OV4&0- CORNMKAI-Steady; fine white and yel low, 11.4091.46; coarae. lt.404fl.GO; kiln dried, RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 83, f. o. b. WHEAT Spot market irregular; No. 2 red. SI. 10. elevator to arrive, c. I. f.; No. 2 red, 31.1114. f- o. b.j No. 1 northern. Sl.33, f. o. b. Firm European cables, together with foreign buying and reports of crop damage abroad, sent wheat prices up, and the market was firm, closing uncnangea to Wo net higher. July closed at 11.21. Septem ber at 11.12 and December at 11.141. CORN Spot market firm: No. Z, 754c. nominal, elevator domestic basis, to arrive, I. f.: exoort No. 2. nominal. I. o. D. Option market was stronger on covering by July shorts, closing i 2c net advance. July closed at 74c and HepiemDer at Ht OATS Spot market Iirm; mixed, zn to s lbs., nominal; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs., 441 Sic; clipped white, 84 to 42 lbs., 60rd&3toc. HAY aieaoy ; prune, i.ajwi. '" I1.17V4M-Z0; No. 2, Sl.ltXQa.12; No. 3, Sl.0ucal.06. HIDES-(juiet; central America, ziyrw&K, Bogota, 2Kj22i. HOPA-Kaav: atate. common to choice, 19u9, 21ia23c; 1908, nominal; Pacitlo coast, lsou, 15rl6c; liHw, nominal. PROVloiONa rora, steaay; mess, jzo.owqi 29.60; family, 826.00(26.60; short clear, S24.6U t26.00. Beef, steady; mess, S16.KkJJliS.oO; fam ily, SlS.Wuau.w; oeer naina, o.w. v-ui meats, steady; pickled bellies. 1 to 14 lbs.. S17.50(gn.00; pickled hams, tiaurtfllGO. Lard, ateauy; miouie wm prune, tu.auii.no, re fined, steady; continent, $120; Houth Amer ica. $13.70; compound. S.12U.8(. TALLOW wteaoy, prime city, nnas., ic; country, 65jr7'Ac. BlITTEU Bteaay; creamery, specials, 2828c; extras, 2((&2Sc; thirds to firsts, f.mtic; state, aairy, coraniou iu iinesi, 2iC; procees, second to special, iaaHC. EGGSFirm; fresh gathered, extra firsts, 2Vu211c; firsts, lS&'ISc; seconds, 1617c. Cllfcjr-nJU rvteaoy ; biib, wnuie iiiuk, spe cials, l6Vtfl6c; state, whole milk, fancy, iii.o' state, whole milk, average prime. uutinvici atate. whole cream, fair to good. 12feU13'!c; state, whole milk, common, V4 ii4. ,: skims, fun to special, zwuiu'ac. POULTRT Alive, irregular; chickens, 9ft,n.i;ic: fowls. llc; turkeys, 14c. Dressed, ir regular; western, lhi&'21c; western fowls. 14(a:lS!c; western turaeys, lotawc. too H) 1.ICI0 00 too ! ' io KXi 25. (HIO l.noo ""700 160 100 , t,0D . t.m too 800 00 ! j.BOO . 1,600 1.3U0 II '4 B0 69 t II "lis 88 71 102 61 iw" tt 89 99 ' 112 109 'f; iw 2 80 8 49 68 27 "UH ' 6 101 49 132 920, n 7 99 US 101 'ie IMS, 81 72 148 121 72 30 July iept. Lara- J.ul Ssept . Oi I. ' NOV. Ju.iy eit. . Oct. JiV 42H 4P4 401 40H 4J 4i0H I 26 8216, 21 ia m.. a 21 65 I. 11 80 11 65 11 45 U 73 11 7V , 11 60 U J2H if )1 75 I 11 75 12 07Hf 11 65 11 071i 11 0) 35 36 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOl'it Ku nil winter patents, $0.25; win ter straights, $4.35US.OU; spring patents, best hard, $iij7(U; bakers, S3.7uu5.30. RVE-Ne. I. (We. UARLE1 Feed or mixing, 62363c; fair to choice mailing,. 67 '! 73c. SEt.L:i-Flux, No. 1 southwestern, J2.4'; N.' 1 northwestern, $3.66. Timothy, S4.50 6.25. Clover. $12.00. - PROVISION. Pork, mess, per bbl., $26.00 Si.'o.ii. Lard, per 100 lus., $11,734. Hhort lbs. 'aides (loose), S11.S7V12.26; short clear sldtts thuNMHt), SlU.0UKil3.Ia. Total Uarancaa of wheat and flour were eiiuul to 55.OJ0 bu. Primary receipts were 44tMX' bw. . compared with 774.0UO bu. the torrsioiidlng day a year ago. jj,huiiml recrlpta fur tomorrow: Wheat, 84 iiUf, corn, lis cars; oats, 174 cars; hogs, a lo,OtO head." 2 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, Il.(ul U; No. S red. Sl.tnitfl lO; No. 2 hard. lAyl H; No. 3 hard. SI .08411.101 No. 1 northern spring, $1.27Vut-2i No. 2 northern spring, Sl licl 25; .no. S spring, , S1.16;rl.23.''oih: No.- 3 cash. 63',ntac; No. 3 CSaln C2c No. 2 while, 6tu7c; No. S white. UiViuc; No. 3 yellow, (oWiuieVc; No u4VvOb4-o. Oats: No. 3 white, 441$ white. Mic;. no. 4 white. andard. tiVimVo. liL'l TEH Firm; ci aainerlea. tt&Xlc; ualitvs, xiiiic. KttkM tsy. . at mark, cases Included lOgllo; jaoents,Aei41 cases; firsts, 15c; pitm. "cirkttiiE-Steadyf daisies. l14c: twins, lvItV ; young Americas, 15VsOl6c; long 1 linriisv -IHlt ltj'ti-- t "V .ljTATOEj Firm; choice to fancy, 63 t.': fair ti rood. LM16W.. 1'Ol.LTRY Steady ; turkeys, 20c; live fowls 14Vm-: .surlugs, 170. VEAL-Stea.ly; ;.0 to 60-1'.. weights. 8tf c; tfl ta j-li. weights. Sc; to to HO-lb. kiht. IO10SA ; t'lilrago Receipts Wheat. 61 cars; eorn, 163 ears; oats. 10S cara. Estimated tumor- row kat. 84 ears; corn, Its cars; oats. 174 cara. St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS, July 21. WHEAT Lower; Jnlv il.MU: KfDtember. 81.04 December. $1.07. Cash, lower; track. No. Z red, $1.06 1M- No. X hard. S1.08UL1214. CORN Futures, higher: September, 6S14c; Peoember, 69-c. Cash, firm; track. No. J, 64Hc; No. S white, 67c. OATS Futures, higher; September, S714c; December. 38c. Cash, firm; track. No. 2. 43c; No. 2 white. 47c. RYE Uachangcd. 77c. FLOUR Unchanged; red winter patents, $6.00ii5.60; extra fancy and straight, 4-70((f 4.; hard winter clears, S3.4O&3.90. KRKli Timothy, si.tw. CORNMEAL $3.25. BRAN Firm; sacked east" track, L02!t 1.03. HAY Steady; timothy. si7.oH30.6o; pralrla. $18.0014.60. rKOVlsiuns- fora, nigner; joooing, $25.75. Ijird, higher; prime steam, fll.Uf 11.75. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra short, 813.25; clear ribs, $13.26; short cleara. $13 SO. Bacon, lower; Doxed extra snort. $14.76: clear rlbar $14.75; short clears, $16.00. iticltky steady: cnicKens. 13c: springs. 16fii6c; turkeys, 16J22c; ducks, S'jl2c; geese. creamery, 2W28C. Allla-rhalmets pfd Anulsamattd Coppsr ..... 64,400 el Am. Agricultural Am. bt Sugar Amorli-an Cn Amorlcan C. A F American Cotton Oil , American H. A L. pfd..., Am. les Securities- American UnMd Amerlcsn Locomotive American 8. A H American 8. A R. pfd... Am. stesl Foundries Am. Sugar Heflnlni American T. T American Tobacco pfd... American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co..... Atehlaun AUhtaon pfd i. ........... Atlantic Oast Una flaltlmore Ohio.-.: nathlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr. Canadian Jaciflo , Central Leather . ;. Central Lealhar pfd Central sf Now Jersey Chesapeake A Ohio... 1,600 74 Chicago A Alton Chicago Ot. W nsr.. 400 33 W. v. u. w. pra..... Chicago A N. W 2i0 143 C, M. A St. P , 6,400 123 C, C, C. A St. L - 100 72 Colorado F. A I 700 11 Colorado A Southern Conaolldated Oai 7,400 133 131 Delaware A Hudson Denver A Rio Orande 400 10 29 D. A R. O. pfd , 100 70 70 Dlatlllers' Securities 600 is 17-a Brie ,soo 24 14 Eli 1st pfd 600 41 40 Brls 14 pfd General Electric 300 141 142 Great Northern pfd 1,600 UK m Great Northern Ore ctfs... 1,800 6 40 Illinois Central 100 129 12U Interboroasti Met oo 17 17 Int. Met. pfd 600 60 . 60 International Harvester ... 1,700 93 90 Int. Marino pfd International Paper , 100 10. 10 International Pump 700 43. 4J Iowa Central ..'. Kanaaa city Bo 400 :s 8 K. C. Bo. pfd 200 W W Laclede Uaa 1,200 100 Loulavllls A N T. u lw US' Mmn. A St. 'Louis M., 8t. P. A g. 8. M 100 128 lit M., K. A T l. tl 31 M., K. A T. pfd. .. MO- 44 (4 Missouri Pacific 300 bK 67 National BWcult 100 101 103 National Lead 13,000 48 63 N. H. R. of M. Id pfd New York Central I,r00 J13 112 N. Y., O. A W... 300 43 48 Norfolk A Western North American 100 70 70 Northern Pacific t,too 118 117 Pacific Mail 100 16 , Pennsylvania 7,600 lu 117 People' a Uaa 7U0 UK 106 P., C, C. A Bt L Pittsburg Coal PressedV Steel Car Pullman Palace Car... Hallway Steel Spring.. Reading Hepubllo Steel kepuMIe Steel pld Hock Island Co Hock Island Co. pfd... St. L. A 8. F. M pfd. St. Louis 8. W St. L. 8. W. pfd Sioas-Shsf field 8, A I. Southern Pacific Southern Hallway . . . . So. Hallway pld Tennessee Copper 300 22 Texas A Pacific ..... T., St. L. A W T., St. L. A W. pfd 1,000 48 Union Pacific 2,8O0 162 Union Pacllio pfd 100 0 V. S. Realty, ex-dlv United states Rubber 1.000 86 United States Steel 100 70 U. 8. Steel pfd 1,000 1 6 Utah Copper 4.M0 46 Va. -Carolina Chemical .... 1,400 . 64 Wabash luO 17 Wabash pld 3,100 S6 Western Maryland 200 44 Westlnghouae Electric 100 6t W eaters Union too 60 Wheeling A Lake Erie Total sales for the day, 621,800 shares. were V- 8. Is, rsg do coupon I). 8. 4a. rcg do coupon Allls-Chai. 1st 6s. Am, Ag. 6s Am. T. A T. cv. Amer. Tob. 4s., do Is ..MI1K. C. So. 1st 8s.... ...101,1,. g deb. 4s 1:U.... ....lHS'U A N. unl. 4s..... ,...114M. K. A T. 1st 4s.. .... T do gen. 4s 100 Ho. Psclfto 4s 4s.. rN. R. R. of M. 4a. T8N. Y. C. g. Ss ....llo do deb. N. H. Armour A Co 4t.. 1 N, Atchison gen. 4s MS do cv. 4s 104 N. A W. 1st c. 4s.. do cv. 6s 161 do cv. ts At. C. U 1st 4s MNo. Psoitis 4s B. A U. 4s t ) 11 , do ls tr. 8. L. mg. 4s.. do 8. W. 3s.... tPsnn, cv, Ss 116. Brk. Tr. cv. 4s 81 do con. es On. ot Oa. 6s... 104 Reading gen. 4s ... Can. Leather 6s. gt, U A 8. F. fg. C. ot N. J. g. 6S....111 do gen. 6s. Ches. A Ohio 4s....loost. L. 8. W. s. D. A H. O. 4s S3 Mo 1st gold 4s... Chicago A A. Sa... 70 Seaboard A. L. 4a. C, B. A V. J. 4a.... Ko. Paclfle col. 4s do gen. 4a 87 do cv. 4s C. M. A 8.P. g 3s 41 do 1st ret. 4s... C, H. I. A P. c. 4s. 71Bos Railway 6s..... do rfg. 4a 67 do gen. 4a Colo. Ind. 6s 77 Union Psctflt 4a... Colo. Mid. 4s 45 do tr, 4s C. A S. r. A e. 4s. 66 do 1st A ret. 4s D. A H. cv. 4s N. R. R. of M. 4s I). A H. O. r. 6s... Dlatlllers' 6e Erie p. 1. 4s do gen so M IS 2 ' M 86 77 7 A H. ....1M 6 7S o ... 17 4s. 80 ... U a.. 76 ... 86 ... 72 89 M 10a 74 100 108 SB U. B. Rubber 6s 102 3 V. 8. Steel 2d 6a 1024 UOv.-Caro. Chetn. 6s.. 6Wabash 1st ts 107 81 do 1st A ex. 4s... 107 western sis. s 64 do cv. 4s, ser. A.. 61WesL Klee. ev. 6a... 82 do series B 1 Wis. central 4s 6 Uen. Klec. cv. 6s... 13 Mo. Pac. ev. 6s ctfs. M 111. Can. 1st ret. 4a.. 87 Int. Met. 4s 7 Int. M. M. 4s 42 Hid. Offered. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Lighter Receipts of Cattle, but Fair for Thursday. HOGS ARE FIVE TO TEN HIGHER Mederatte Rati a)f Sfceea mm4 Issis6, Wall Price Raaare (ram Sirens; to Tea Flfteea feats Ulsktf, SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., July 21, 1910. , 113 7"S , S 0 , S3 tk0 6M 21 cows. 4 steers 12 cows. S oows., 23 st-rs 4 cows. W trailers.. 1 (rsclfrs.. 7W T feeders.. 731 10 cows 412 35 (teers.... l 30 cows... 21 steer.., 10 nelNrs s m S 2". S (0 1 75 t 16 S 2 4 66 00 4 00 s 00 5 65 S 40 4 10 10 ster.... ? 1 calf 1 bull 1"0 4 cows Ki IS frelers..lrt7N 1 cow 90 1 heifer.... 7M 1 cair 2-W 28 feeders.. "S 4 corn s 13 51 cslves... 272 5 ferders.. 10 6 feodcrs.. 5 70 6 00 8 as 2 7V 4 90 2 60 3 2"; 7 00 t 0 3 7S 5 76 4 00 3 60 Receipts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday.. Estimate Thursday .. Cattle. Hoks. Efieep. S.270 S.297 6.023 2.S04 S.401 4.211 6.T.S5 t.tiDO 17.25S 16.771 7,M ,300 Four days this week.. S.S13 23.90S 60.637 Same daya last week. ...13,737 24 .395 40.90 Pame days 2 weeks ago.. S.901 14.5-7 17. 0T1 Same days S weeks ao.. 10.728 SS.'O 1H.423 tame days 4 weeks ago..l6.S93 41.1KS 14. ISO Same days last year 12,672 2.646 21,838 Tha following; table shows the receipts ot cattle, hoKs and sheep at South Omaha for to date as compared with last 190. inc. ueo. 490,333 83,290 1,497,170 IM.4&2 719,670 69.907 Tha fnllnwlnff tahla Ihowl til SVerMS prices of hogs at Houth Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: the year year: Cattle ... Hogs .... Sheep date as 1910. ... 623.(23 ..1,211.718 799,677 HOOK A biar supply of hogs was ysrdcd this morning and later developments In dlrated that a bis; supply watt needed. Hhipper took kindly to the Unlit and baron trades from the start, but their purchases were hardly lare enough to atiae killers any uneasiness. Hum 01 offerings went to killers at figures Just bout fcfllOc higher, four droves aggregat ing 7.KW head, averaging pretty close to SK.30. !emand was generous from all local quarters and movement active throughout. midday count shun lng a very good clear ance. Kaiige of prices ni much the same as resterdav. ruuch Heavies going; at J.vi, good heavies selling around Ss 20, mixed bringing SN.354YS 40 and lights moving at high figures, selected bacon hon.i topping at SS 70, a dime higher than yesterday's ton. A larire share of rreetnts ransed from tS. in to t.it. a compared with yesterday's bulk of $8.1fvrrS.fc-,. Tfflev advance carries the market only little higher than it was at last week's close, but the trade differs from that of Saturday In that light hogs are selling 16'u20o higher, while heavies are in much the same notches. Representative sales: Date. July July July July July July July July July July July July 10. II. u. 13. 14. 16. IS. 17... 18. 1. 20. 21. I 1910. lC).l308.lSO7.llit-19O5-190- 1 I 44 S 34i 20T 8 K'A t 34V S17T4 e 8 ST.S, 8 S4T4 8 SWti 7 671 2l I 64 S 6 SSI T CBI 1 6 7 71 7 62 7 83 7.741 .1 J 49 43 S SI 8 37 441 40 7 761 7 76( 28 7 70 IS 27 I e 651 (l a mi I 741 I 6 71 6 7G 6 72 i 69 6 74 8 80 8 601 8 67 8 60 6: 8 63 8 81 6 4J 8 48, 6 11) S SS 8 03 6 13 81 8 Ml 8 47 6 64, 6 IS 8 66 6 6 6 21 6 631 6 18 6 69 16 03 t 61 10 Loaton CloslaaT Stocks. BOSTON, July 21. Closing; quotations on stocks and bonds: log 2u0 .liijuo . l.ttoo . ,00 71)0 804 Ks) 12, H 1,700 li 142 1 'si" 74 404 64 1.8 !U a e ..,, w n j white, &Vt S yellow, 1 st; Xo .y V a :. st t 81 16 i 30 'io 72 40 44 113 'so 46 80 'S5 116 41 68 17 84 44 8V4 Hi 6 88 80 8 46 67 II 88 6 lul 48H lit 132 J 27 S7 l M 110 108, 22 76 184 81 103 280 78 25 33 46 141 121 74 so 68 131 l:6 2t t 8i 24 40 so 141 128, 61 128 60 tt 14 10 43 j 1 2 JI9 27 lit 81 68 - 67 llM 62 2 112 42 17 68 117 26 137 106 M It 81 166 ' 139 80 tl 80 72 40 37 67 68 112 22 64 80 27 81 4 160 to 6 88 48 116 42 68 16 34 48 6 40 4 Allsues Amsl. Copper ... A. Z. L. A 8.... Arisooa Com. ... Atlantic B. A C C. A 8. Uutte Coalition , Cal. A Anions., Cal. A Hacla... Centennial M. 84 Mohawk , Nevada Con , 3 Nlplssing Mines , la North liuue .... . 4 North Lake . llOid Dominion .. , 17 Osceola . 49 PaiTott.8. A C. .610 Qnlncy 16 Shannon Copper Range C. C. 68 Superior Esat Dutta C. M... franklin Ulroux Con oralis Coo. ....... Oreene CanaJiea .... lale Royals Copper. Kerr Lake Lake Copper La Salle Copper..... Miami Copper Bid. Aiked. 68uienor A B. M... K Superior A P. C... , 4l'amarack ,31 U. 8. C. A O 6U. 8. 8. K. A M. ,16 do pfd , 7 lull con . 82 Winona tWolerlns 184a . 42 . 1 . 10 . 32 . 7 . 33 .lit . 12 . 70 . I ,. 88 . 8 . 10 . 61 ,. 33 .. 84 . 46 ,. 30 106 ' Boston Stocaia as Bonds. BOSTON, July 21. Closing quotations on mining slocks were ss follows: Adventure 4Mlchlgan Arliona Com 14 Miami Allouel 8S Mebawk Ailantto 6Mpiiing Cal. A Arliona 60 Norln Butts Cal. A Hacla 616- Osceola Centcnnlsl Hit Old Dominion Copper Hang 61 Qulncy Daljr-West '.. 6ttay Con. ...' KaM Butts 6 Shannon First National 3Hupertor Copper .... Hancock 16Kuperior A Boston.. Helvetia 3Tamsrsck. Indiana 7U. 8. 8. & R. Co. Isle-Korale 16 do pfd Keweenaw Lake Copper .. LaSalls Massachusetts VU tab Con 8J!t Wolverine 10Uoston A Ely.... 7 1 . 4 . 18 . 46 . -0 M .120 . 88 . 71 - 17 Mi . 38 8 . 08 . 36 . 46 .11 .IUS 1H t York Cars, ..Hvotationa. Tha following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members New York. Stock exchange, 3le Houth sixteenth street. iimana: - in. t- Bay State Oat 23 inspiration , 7 Butte Coalition 17LarW 4 Cactus S l-lsNwhKCon It Ctilnv 33 Ohle opper 1 cm let con iMHifUm coalition .. IS Fraction W May Central 3 7-14 Ely Central .......... 64 Bwifl Pkg. Co 103 Kly Con 21 geai-s-Hoebuuk Co.. ..164 franklin 108uperlor A P lo Ulrous 6Tonnpsi Mining 4 Ooldileld Con. .v.. 8 11-4 I'rlsily Copper ...... 44a. uoiaueia jiorenos..s zroru iase ., s (ioldfield Dalay 6 Bohemia , 4 ureens vauanea 1 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 2 p. m., yes terday: RKt'EIPTH. C, M. & St. P 1 Wabash RR 4 Missouri Pacific S Union Pacific 24 C. ft N. W. (east).... 1 C. & N. W. (west).... 30 C, St. P., M. & O.. 1 C, H. & W. (east)... 3 c. a. at u. twesti... C, It. I. 4k P. (east)... 1 C, R. I. eV P (west).... .. Illinois Central 1 C, O. W H'fs. Total reoclpts. 4: ..116 4 8 e e 2 21 13 1 4f 6 1 10 .. 1 1 32 2 1 6 1 .. 4 1 1 136 48 10 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep DISPOSITION 638 2.861 1,157 266 No. 60. At. 800 45 8"! 20 301) 84 831 41 823 60 0 68 I 61. ...... .310 48.. 41..... it.... 44.... tl.... 44.... 44.... 86.... 69.... 65.... 60.... 6.... 4!.... 63.... 66.... 44.... 61.... 60 HUTTER-Steady: EOGS Steady, 15c. Flour, bbla Wheat, bu Corn, bu....." Oats, bu , Receipts. Shipments ... 6.200 4.8O0 ... 1H.O0O 63 000 ... 63.000 2.00U ... 14.0U0 2.000 and ProTlaloas. 51.-WHEAT July, Kaasaa f'lty Grala KANSAS CITY. July Sl.OiVsOl.O; December, 11.03',, sellers; cash S1.02S44 1.0361 December, 6103!. sellers; cash, uncliangea to iu iowsi , ,u. i nara, i 011 1.U6; No. 3, S1O3S1.07; No. 2 red, SliKtH.oo; Mo. 3, SI. 02. CORN July, 2c; September, Sl'c; De cember, 67Hc; Way, OtMnc; cash unchanged to lc higher; No. 2 mixed, 83c; No. S, b2vc; No. 2 white, 600; No. 3. 66o. OATS Unchanged; No. S White, 416343c; Nu- 2 mixed, 3iv37c. HYE-No. 2, 73HJ760. HAY Unchanged 10 60c higher; choice timothy, 814.OOwl4.60; choice prairie. S11.6U. BUTTER Creamery, nose; firsts. 34c; seconds. 22c; packing stock, 20c. KUGS Firsts. S4 20; seconds, 83.00; cur rent receipts, new esses, M.iu; niisceilaji- Lerat teceritlra. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, Jr., (33 New York Ufa building. Omaha: Bid. Asked. neaincs vresroery pfd Bestrlcs Creamery, com Codas? Packing Co. ts, U34 City Natlonsl.Baak Bldg. 4s, lt City of Omasa 4VW, 184 Columbus Cleo. Ul, 6. 1834 German Fire iDsuranos lew Portland Cement let wig. Is.... lews Portland Ceaeat eon. a Kansas Oas A Else. I per seat (.... tUnsss O. A 81. ss, 1823 Mickigaa State Tel. pld Morrla A Co, 4a, 188 Neb. Tel, stack 4 per cent Omaha Water Ce. 6s, 146 Omaha Oas 6s. 1,17 Omaha Klec. Light 6s, 19J8... Omaha Slee. Light pfd 6 per cent Omaha A C. B. 8C Hy pfd ( per east Omaha A C. B. Bt. )ty ia, 11a Omaha A C. B. Ky A B. pld PaslflS T. T, 6a. 1831 Swift A Co. 6a, 1914 8ats Insursnse Co. Western Maryland Trl-Clty Ry. A U Co, 6s. 1128 Trt-City R. A L. pfd. stock. 4 par Mat Usloa Stock Yards aleck. South Omasa 6 66 88 M 86 8 tt 104 103 Ml 44 tl 104 10-2 tt It tt lot tt lot t6 M 84 tl tl tl tt 100 tt tt tt n . 86 84 82 68 18 68 . t7 88 44 47 84 84 t leu US lit 44 64 17 tl tl tt tl l.osdos Stock Market. LONDON, July 21. American securities, after a fractionally higher opening today movea irregularly. At noon the market was steauy wun prices ranging from un changed to higher than yesterday's New York closing. Closing quotations were aa follows! ous, S4 0D. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. ., Oats, bu. .., Receipts. Shipments. 387, UM0 , Im.OcO 22.UUO 870.(410 2 0(0 &i,0u0 Mlaaeapulls Grala Market. MTNNEAPOIJ3. July SI. WHEAT July, $1.2-'H: September, I1.17H; lecember, SI lo1; caxh. No. 1 hard, (1.29; No. 1 northern, Sl.j;al -29: No. t northern, 81.25 Vol. J7'; No. S northern, S1.22W1.!4'. COKN No. 3 yellow, 6l1iC2c. OATS No. 8 white, 43S44C ItYK No. 8, 7Stl'76c. SKKI Flax. S20.55. B KAN In loO-lb. aarks. 820 004J20 50. FIAIUR First patents (In wood, t. o. b., MlnneaKlis), 86.104i4i.3W; aecond patents, 8u.9O.10; first clears, 84 6j4.76; sweoud olaau-a S3.tUlall. Consols, money do aoeount Amal. Copper Anaconda Atchison do pfd Ba III store A Ohio.. Canadian Pacltlc ., Ches. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W C, M. A fit. P.... De Bears Denver A R. O.... do pfd arte do 1st pfd do Id pfil Orsad Trunk Illinois central .... SI LYE II Bar, N. 61 13-ltLoulsTills A . 81M., K. A T . 2N. T. Central.... t Norfolk A W .VA do pfd .101 Ontario A W .lltPannaylvsnla .... .nil's Rand Xllnes . T6 R lading . 23 go. Railway U do pfd . llouthern Paclfio . Sllnion Pacltlc .... , 71 do pfd . 111. 8. Hteel 42 do pld . 31 Waba.h . ' do pfd .1st Spanish 4a steadv m 26l:4 n,r f The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2'i per cent. ...147 ... SS ...117 ...100 ... tl ... 44 ... 66 ... ... 72 ... 14 ... 66 ...116 ...U6 ... 1.1 ... 71 ..'.lit ... 17 ... 1 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, July 21. The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: Trust, Funds-Gold coin,. SSf!6,08G,669; silver dollars, S4o,tt92,0U0; . silver dollars of 1890, 83,647,000; silver certificates outstanding, 49,692,000. ' .ns.,n ., Otsneral Fund Standard 'Silver dollars In general fund, S2.600.9t48; current liabilities, 698,092,489; working balance In treasury of fices, 833,946,723: In banks to credit of treas urer of the United State. 840,018,887; sub sidiary silver coin. 2l9,tat4,2e2; minor coin, Sl,ltit,813; total balance, in general fund, 97,208,68o. New York Misting; Stocks. NEW YORK, July 21. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Allca 800 l.aadvllle Con S Brunswick Cos 7 Little Chief 4 Com. Tunnel stock... 23 Mai lean 100 do bonds 16 Ontarta .., ,.100 Con. Cal. A Va 66 Ophlr Ot Horn Sliver ........ 40 standard , st Iron Silver 166' Yellow Jacket 60 Offered. Bask at France statement. PARIS. July 21. The weekly statement of the Bank of France showa the follow ing changea: Notes In circulation, de creased, 106,400,000 francs.; treasury deposits. Increased, 77.2CO.OOO francs; general deposits, decreased, 18.200.000 francs; gold In hand. Increased, 8,076,000 francs; silver in hand, decreased, 8.850,000 francs; bills discounted, decreased, 3.600,000 francs; advances, de creased, 11,976,000 francs. Bank Clear ;n ire. CM AHA, July 2i. Bank ceiarings for to day were 82,687,083.76 and for the correspond ing uate last year i4,H,iM.e. Coffee Market. NEW YORv, July 21.-Coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of three points on the steady allowing 01 tne European markets, cover ing, and local buying. Trie demand was not particularly active, .but-offerings were comparatively small, ana tne market closed steady, net unchanged to five points nigner. eaies were reported 01 la.aw bags, Closing bids: July and August, 8.80c; September and October, 7.00c; November. 7.06c: December. 7 10c; January, 7.14c. February, 7.18c; March, 7.18c: April: 7.IS0: May, 7.2nc: June. 7.21c. Havre closed higher. Hamburg unchanged to Vi pfg. higher. Rio 60 rela lower at 87.75. Santos firm, unchanged at 64 uo for fours; fifty reis higher at Jo. 60 for sevens. Kecelpts at tne two Hrasllian ports, 50.000 bags against 67,0ts last year. New York warehouse deliveries yesterday 11.108 against 1.464 last year. The minimum temperature reported In Sao Paulo Was 33 decrees. Spot coffee, eady: Rio No. 7, 8H: Santos No. 4. W6- Mild coffee, steady; Cordova 1B12-. Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 21. METALS Stand ard copper firm; spot and future, 811.87 12 30. London steady; spot price, Hi Is 3d; futures, ftl Ss 9d; 1-ake. S12.62fe 1167 ; elec trolytic. 112.26412 60: casting, , iu.UVU.H Tin, spot firm; futures steady; spot and futures. 832.7534.00; London firm; spot, 148 10s aud futures 1160 us Ed. Lean, steady 84 45 bid. New Yoik. and 84 27atj4.Sr. East Kt. Louis: London firm; spot, 149 10s; fu tures, IVJ 12s d. Lead steady; 64.46 bid, New York, and 84 2711 4 S3. East Bt. Louis Iondon. spot, 12 lis 3d. Spelter steady; 85.60 iyb.m. New York, and 64 styuo.o.,, Kant Bt, Louis. Iron. Cleveland warrants, 49s Vid In London; locally Iron was unchanged. Omaha Pkg. Co 832 842 Swift and Company 425 2,175 Cudahy Packing Co..... 1,141 8,12 Amnour & Co 408 1,187 Murphy Shipping Oo..., 230 Schlous Packing Co 11 Om. Pkg. Co.. Denver.. 108 Om. Pkg. Co., Carson.. 60 Cudahy Pkg. C. K. C... 18 Cudahy Pkg. S. St. P Stephens Hros 3a Hill & Son 110 F. B. Lewis 69 Huston A Co..... 2t J. H. Bulla S3 L. F. Husa ...1.... 18 L. Wolf 23 McCreary A Carey 228 S. Wertheimer 221 Lee Rothschild , 32 Smith & Polsley : 14 Mo. & Kans.-Calf. Co... 21 ..... Lee Decan 8 .... Other buyers 358 6,Sb0 Total 8.790 8,16 10.778 CATTLE Receipts ot cattle this morning looked small aa compared with the heavy runs ot yesterday and the day before, but they were very I air lor a Tiiuraoay. r or tha tour days this week; tha total foots up over 33,000 head, the heaviest run experi enced at this point tor a long time. While not oulte double the receipts of last week and a year ago tha receipts this week so far are more than double the receipts 01 two and three weeks ago. In eplte ot the large run the market has been kept pretty well cleared up though prices have declined sharply, especially on the medium grades. Beef steers were In moderate suppiy and as there was a fair demand the market on the better grade? waa If anything stronger. The less desirable kinds were about steady. The mora desirable kinds of cows and heifers were strong and In some caaes pos lbly 10c hgher, while the general run of stuff was about steady. Feeders were very slow sellers and prices weak. Stockers were hard to move even at lower Drices. uuotatlons on native came: uooa to cnoice corn-red steers, t7.wtai.ia; iir i guou corn-fed steers, ).(i.w; common to tair corn-fed steers. $5.00o8.1!5; good to choloe ihws and heifers. S4.76ti6.75: fair to good cows and heifers, S3.60&4.7&; common to fair cows and belters, S3.6U4ji3.2o; good to cnoics tockers and feeders, S4.6urcj6.eu: rair to good stockers and feeders, S3.76tJ4.26; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, 83.00(9 8.76; stock heifers, 83.264j4.00; veal calves, S3.60r7.00: bulls, stags, etc., 83.006.26. uuotatlons on range oatua: uooa to choioe grass beeves, 36.60&S.25; gair to good beeves,- S4.76&6.40; common to fair beeves, a Tt '-V , en. ...nH . a .h... w,wa fta OtVWv, CE. eO-IUV"UV, SVVU .... . 1 ...... 1 .-w n w, l.WYl.w, fair to good grades, 63. 6004. 00; catiners and cutters. 82.7&i&S.3d. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. A. Pr. No. . At. Pr. S 1116 t 40 ft 1061 86 8 840 t 00 It 1011 t 44 JV..... 864 t 10 36 1024 4 74 0 1140 t 25 60 1821 1 40 COWS. 48 63 63.. 70.. 61.. 61.. 40.. 42.. 61.. 68.. 68.. 66.. 71.. 61.. 66.. 44.. tl.. 61.. 80.. 40.. 31.. 43.. 65 64.. 61.. 44.. 64.. 66.. 68.. 64.. 48.. ..264 ...Ml ...191 ,..811 ...IIH) ...tn ...304 ...2S1 ...Ml ...Z4 ...tot ...H ...m ...801 . ...2t ...II ,!:t ..104 ..ll ..801 ..3tt ,.2 ..3tt ..160 ..171 ..!(5 ..271 ..371 ..270 ..281 ..288 ..148 ..SV4 ..2W .. ..251. ...164 ...tr8 ...Ml .241) .101 ....101 ....366 ....2M) ....2(4 ....241 ....142 ....261 gh. SO 64 . 'ii to to "bo IN Pr. t CO I 00 S 8 S 06 S 05 I lo S 10 I 10 I 10 i 10 1 10 1 it I 16 I 13 I II I It I 15 I 16 I 16 , t 16 I It t It I 17 S 17 I 17 I 17 S 17 S 17 I 17 I 20 I 2t . I to I 24 I 20 I 20 I 20 S 30 S 22 S 35 S 26 S 26 I 25 I 26 '35 4 I !6 i " I 16 I 36 8 16 I 25.. S 25 S 26 I 25 I S 26 I 17 I 27 S 14 No. ti 41 24 47...., 66 6..... 71 67 68.... 67.... 60.... 81.... .... 68.... 73.... 67.... 66.... 62.... .S.... 61.... 66.... 4.... 70.... 67.... 62.... 68... 66... 12... 66... 18... 74... 49... 61 Av. ..141 . .2o4 ..244 ..8.M ,.V0 ..11 ..214 ..351 ...246 ..2i ,.244 ...206 ,..243 ,..2S7 ...110 ...2.-.I ...269 ...264 til 246 248 212 ttt 167 IH 2 241 241 :4i 241 211 253 243 ..230 tt 234 I 73., 71..., 68..., 67..., 64.... 17... 47.... 19... 25... 64... ..2:15 ..340 ....247 ....146 ....246 ....117 ....845 ,...1M ....217 ..236 17 221 67... 62.. St.. 11.. 63.. 76.. 74.. 86.. It.. tt.. 11.. .17 ....211 ....207 ....211 ....188 ....221 ....Sot ....200 ....206 ....187 ....14 40 Pr. I 80 I 34 S M S lo t 3V I as t 86 S 80 1 ;-o 1 SO I 80 I 10 I 12 S J5 I 85 I 85 I 15 I 86 8 85 16 I 85 I 85 I .16 I 36 5 35 6 86 I 4t I 40 I 40 5 40 6 40 I 40 S 40 I 46 I 46 I 46 I 46 8 45 I 46 I 46 I 46 I 60 S 60 S 60 I 60 I 60 I 60 I 60 I 65 8 46 I 66 I 45 I 70 I 70 I 75 I 71 Bank of KsglasS Statement. , LONDON. July 21. The weekly statement of the Bank ot England shows the follow ing changes: , Total reserve, decrease, 38.000; circula tion, decrease. 166.000; bullion, decrease. A 174.78'.'; other securities, decrease, i61,oj0; otner aepoaus, increase. .i26,uuv; public de. posits, decrease, j.i,.'i,ouu; notes reserve, SHEEP Remembrance of the hungry at titude of feeder buyers yesterday was very evident In killers' action at tne opening 01 tne sneep market this morning, qup plies were liberal, with mutton strings fairly plentiful, but demand was actlv and broad from the start. Further 1m provement develoDed In the scale of prices, good fat sheep selling at figures easily strong to a dime higher. Montana wethers, cnoice and ho fat. moved at 84.00. whlc rrlce Is highest quotable. Usual spread ot 1.00 prevails between wethers and year lings, but choice fat yearlings have been scare lately and 86.00 quotation has not been recognised In the list of Katies. Fat ewe have been In light supply, as well, but early declines have been fully regained, and recent sales are just about in the same notches as those of a week ago. Reaction. In fat lambs has been even more pronounced than In the sheep branch of the trade. Fat graasers sold as high as S7.26(s7.36 today, a net gain of fully a Quarter over values of last Thursday. Keener demand Is generally ascribed to strength In the eaet and scarcity of offer ings at this point as compared with yester day's trade, today's sales appeared to be all of lOrglec higher. itsins in many sections of the corn belt have infused a better feeling in the feeder urancn 01 tne trade and Inquiry is begin ning to show almost as much urgency as that of last year. All of the early weak ness has been recovered and current Drices on good thin or half fat grades average up strong to a little hlarher than at laat Week's close. Improvement is not evidenced aa much In higher prices, however, as in in larger volume of demand. 'The tone of today's trade was aotlve and prices re latively strong feeder yearlings selling around St.oOi.t and on up as high as 84.76. Feeder lambs have been scarce, but local values compare very favorably wltn .suae ai oiner points, good kinds selling around S6.6O&6.60. uuotatlons on gran stock: Oood n rhnloa Iambs, S6.76fei7.8o: fair to aood lamhs ta.2M 8.75; feeding lambs, S5.166.70; handy weight yearlings, 84.606.00; heavy yearlings, S4.uo( .bo; reeaing yearlings. S4.00irj4.76; good to jnoice wetners, 3.ip4 00; fair to good weth era, 13.3Mj3.6i: feeding wethers. S.V'wawv ist ewes, z.ioau.ot; ieeuing ewes, S-.&ql'Z.OO. Representative sales: no. Av. 863 Mohtant wethers 12a 4482 Montant wotbers 123 10 Wyoming wethers, culls 97 80 Wyoming wethers, culls 100 128 Wyoming wethers, culls 106 io wyomang wetners, culls 110 WMAIIA IJ CM. It At, .MAHKtCT. Staple an8 Fancy frotlar Trices Far. nlaneil l llujt-ra anal Wholesalers. HU 1 TKI'. Cicam.'iy, No. L ueilvcred to the retail tiado in 1-lt). cartons, auc; No. ! In 30-10. tubs, doc; No. a. tu l-il. carton. Sms; No. 3. iu 60-10. tubs, 2,o; packing took, bollu pack, ic; uatry, in who. tups. IJ. Market changes every lucsuay. CIl-h.Sii iwlna, l.Ho; youiig Acusrioaa, 19c; daisy, INr; triplets, loc; llmbeiger, lc; No. 1 bricK, lie; luiiKirUnt bwi&a, omesllo Swiss, 2.1c; block Swiss, Z3c FuUlaTtlY messed toroiiers, Hoc; liens. Lie; vockH, 11V; duiks, 18c; gece. toe; tur keys, 2tc; pigeons, per dot., 41.1s); homes squabs, per flos., Rw; fancy squabs, per dos., 83.60; io. 1, per ous., hw Alive broilers, l'i 18c; hens. 12c; 01a roosters, ic, old ducks, lull foatneied, lie; young ducks, 13c; geei-e, full feathered. 1; turkeys, it , guinea fowls. Sue cacti; pigeons, per aos.. "... v. . ...... 1 1 ia, ..ni.lk. Nn 1 per dos., l.i0; No. 3. per do., hoc. FISH tell frosen) Pickerel, lie; white fish, 14c; pike, 13c; tiout. lc; large crappiea. isj; tpaiusii macnci -i, uv; sei. isc; uaa- dock, Lie; flounders, J.tc; tjrern oauiMli. W, buffalo, kc; halibut, tec; wnuo per en, ci hulli.earla. 14c: white cat. 18c: roeanaa, u.wt each, khaih-oea, per iir, 60c; frog legs, per dus., Sue; salmon, l.c. No. 1 11b, lt.c; rso. x. 14c; rxo. s, c; no. loin, lic; No.. 2, 14c; No. S. lo'tc; No. chuck. 6vc; Nu. I, 6,s,c; No. 3. 8c; No. 1 round, 114c; No. 2. 8c; No. 3, Sv; IMo. S ilato, tvc; No. 2. 6e; No. 8. 4c FRUITS oranges: California Camelia brand lUdlaad vuienclas. luu size, per boa. Moo; 1W rise, per box, loo else, S4.60; '. . . - - - .. u 1... 11.. i,s ana smaner aia, wva, r". - ,ana Meatterraneau sweets, uo-io aura, jer box, S4.w- Lemons: jumoiuora, extra fancy, ov-iv r , ... , ..-" -." slr.es, PC box, ttv siau, ova pr ho:c less; Minset uisuu, yor una, fi.isn. Bananas: uncy seieci, uim io'rida. 30-36 sisea, J.3.oO; 42-48 slses, 4.60. Cantaloupes: Caliloroia, A slse, $4.36; 46 standa.-us, 80.00. v,aeriitis, auiuruia, ner 4-bask t crate, 81.50. Plums: California, ner 10-lb. box, Sl.76. Aprlcota: California, red per 4-basket crate. tl.2b. Blue prunes; Fer crate, -t;av,:B. vw.,.w...i, v 30-lb box, Bc; lexas jeuuw iiurs, per -basket crate, 6663 7Jc. Pears : California Bartiett, ler wi '" " e..ns.ia, ijjcxa( lc per 10. jaiw. sai,i;iiui viaua, . new, 30 J -id. paa- . sln and native per ou., iw, "jis. n California and southern, per lb., 2Vo. Onions: Texns crystal wax, per crate, 82.60; yellow, in acn, . - fancy, white, per ll., lc; red, por lb., loo. Eggplant: Fancy Florida, per uoa.. SUotf iAj Tomatoes: Tennessee, per 4-basket nra'te 8110. String and wax beans: Per hamper, about 25 lbs.. S2.00; market baa keta, 76o. Cucumbers: Hot house and i,.,nin mown, per doa., 75o. ' HOMIC-OKOWN VEGKTABLES - Rad. lahes- Extra fancy home-grown, per dog. bunches. 20o. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per ' dos 80c. Parsley: Per dos. bunches, 460. As. raraaus: Per dog. bunches, 46j50c. Ureea Onions' Per dos bunches, 25u. Turnips: Per market basket. 40o. Carrots: Per mar ket basket. 60c. Beets: Per market bas ket. 60c. Green Peas: Per market basket, MiRCELT-ANKOUSWalniits: Black, per lb 2c: California No. 1. per lb., 17c; Cal ifornia No. 2. per lb.. Ho. Hlckorynuts: Large, per lb., 4c; ."-.all, per lb., 6c. Cocoa outs: Per Back. 85.00: per dox., 5o. Liverpool drain Market, LIVERPOOL July 21.-WHEAT-Spot dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock; futures steady; July, 7s7-d; Oct., 7a8d; Dec, 7s84d. ' , . . CORN" Spot firm; old American mixed Ks 5Vtd; old American mixed via Galveston, 6s6d; new kiln dried. 6 4Md; futures steady; Sept., 4sl0d; Oct.. 4s lOd. Dry Goods Slnrket. NEW YORK. July 21. DRY OOODS-Tha cotton goods market held steady and re tained the gains of the early part of the week. Jobbers' sales were fair for this period of the season. Men's wear for spring has been openeo at reductions vu"' "vm 100 to 20c a yard on staples. is.... 86.... 13.... 1 S 1 1 .. 841 .. 781 .. 117 .. tat .. S61 ., S6S .. tM .. 481 .. t4S . 701 ..1004 .. S64 660 . 146 ,.1000 . 780 .1404 s SO 3 66 8 46 S 70 5 75 8 76 8 76 4 SO 4 50 4 54 6 60 8 M 4 63 3 40 27 194 S 46 23 186 S 66 16 Ml I 66 16 14 I 74 4 876 S 16 16 t6 S 80 7 1014 S It 1 1404 8 26 1 1104 I 16 II 1341 I 64 HEIFERS. t 44 S 648 S 14 COYVa AND HEIFERS. .. 113 4 00 BULLS. I 60 1 1880 S 10 1 1360 8 IS S 120 S 16 1 2320 CALVES. t.. 6.. 3.. I.. 8.. 4.. 1.. 12.. 40.. 5 64 6 00 I o t IS to 171 164 114 STOCKERS 641 S 00 846 I Ot 738 I 25 164 I SS 704 I 10 I... 1... I... AND 6... 17... I... 16... 10. ITS . 20 , 204 8 36 5 44 8 64 6 00 S 64 7 40 7 00 FEEDERS. ,771 so ......... 144 t 50 66 I t 64 171 8 64 85t 4 10 WESTERNS SOUTH DAKOTA. 60 cows 910 3 75 88 calves... 224 14 calves... 358 4 00 9 calves... 200 20 cowa 878 8 60 5 cows 864 13 cows 830 2 00 13 steers.... 617 A. L. McOoa S. D. 25 8 00 481 Wyoming gathers, culls 109 Pr. 4 00 4 00 X 50 8 85 8 85 1 85 8 05 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand Cattle and Hogs Find Slow Sheep Strong:. CHICAGO, July 21. CATTLE Receipts, 7,000 head; market, slow; beeves, Si.00Ca8.TO Texas steers, 3.G0;5.70; western steers, 85.00 fiH.&u; stockers and feeders, S4.10G74.40; cows and neirers, S2.rsVa6.60; calves, S6.7&i9.00. hous Receipts, 14,000 head; market, Slow; lights, I8.9O&9.00; mixed, 88.20.80 nsav, Si.JW-U'Ou roun'o,. ei.svmo.10; good tu Oholce heavy, $8.tKfft.G5;' pigs, 88.65M.05; bulk of sales, 88 25.65. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipt!, 18.000 head; market, strong; native, S2.6Wj4.35; western, I2.5fr7f4.25; yearlings, S4.00fin.00; native lambs, t4.604J7.25; western, 84.26i&7.25. Peoria Grain Market, PEORIA, July 21.-CORN Steady; No. I white, 61ke; No. 8 white, oijc; in o. a yel low. 634; No. 4, Sl'ic; no graae ivnuoua. OATS Strong; standard, 43V4; No. I White, 42tf43c. , Omaha liny Market. OMAHA, July 21. No. 1 upland. 81200: No. 2 upland, $11.00; packing, ta.oo; wneat straw, $7.00; rye and oata, $3.00; new hay, $13.00. - n'.v Wool Market. ot T.ninH Julv m. Wool Steady : ter ritory and western mediums, lHdiZici fine mediums, .---.c: fine; 134il4c. Frontier Day is , Being Arranged Annual Cowboy Celebration Will Be Held at Cheyenne This Year Saddle Given. Frontier day, the annual cowboy celebra tion of Wyoming and the west, will be held on August 24 at Cheyenne this year. Tha event Is probably the greatest social and fun lovers' gathering of the western ranges and during the period of the week before and after Frontier day people are traveling Into Cheyenne from all directions. Races of all kinds, broncho breaking con test, cowboy roping events and other west ern amusements are the program ot the day, everything being held In an immense arena and race course called Frontier day park. Tha business Interests of Cheyenne and large wholesale firms, etc., furnish valuable prizes for the winners. A beautiful western riding saddle will ba given by the Union Paclfio to the winner of the broncho breaking contest, the saddle being on exhibition, in the city ticket office In Omaha at the present time. The saddle is of russet leather, finished with a' large single circle cinch and trimmed In brasa with the latest style straps. It Is valued at $150 and was built by the Alfred Cornlsn company especially tor the qccaslon. I cows S38 4 cows 975 5 cows 1005 8 steers.. It helfera. 12 steers.. 6 steers.. 12 feeders. 760 , 682 748 m 973 U COWS 632 8 40 4 00 4 00 3 00 8 40 8 60 4 40 4 a 8 40 steers.... 858 7 cows 967 10 steers. ...1117 8 steers.... 990 5 bulls 1364 86 cows 927 6 steers.... 9M 4 heifers... 660 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. July 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, 9,000 head; market ateady to 15c lower. Dressed beef and export aeeers, I8.9O&8.00; fair to good. $4.506.76; western steers, $4.2S4r,7.J6; stockers snd feeders, 83.05 $5.75; southern steers, 3.50t5.4&; southern cows, $2.60fe4.10; native cows, $2.50g5.00; na tive heifers, 83.60tj4.60; bulls, S3.OOfj4.GO; calves. 84 5068.60. , irnria l;u. - r Ann v. . . ... t. -. 1 a..- J?15a higher; fculk, $8.608.80; heavy, $8 409; w 8 65; packers and butchers, $8.8orn8."5; light, $8 57iS 80. - SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14.000 head; market lOfllRo higher; lambs, 84.26ti' 5.00; yearlings. $4.255.0o; wethers, ft-lio 425: ewes, SJ.SO'Si.OO; stockers and feeders, $2.603 4 00. 00 840 4 40 4 40 860 4 00 4 40 S40 IS heifers. 20 cows. 80 cowa... calves. 12 bulls 19 steera....l243 103 heifers.. 964 W, 85 steerg . 4 bulls... 22 cows... h. M. 8rlndley-. D. ... 692 2 7;. cows 7;8 ,.. C9 8 56 28 calves... 15 Ben Harrison S. D. 876 S 65 40 cows 822 208 3 75 28 calves... 191 B. B. Brooke Wyo. MM 3 40 $ steers.. ..1091 t 00 147 feeders. KT74 4 90 82 cows 1038 T. Wolfe Wyo. 5 00 24 steers.. ..1130 3 40 68 cows 890 3 60 lb cons 912 Chalfant-Wyo. 1138 137 874 Uaa Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 21.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet, 10 points decline; middling up lands, l'c: middling guir, m.zoc. esaica, 10.045 bales. Futures closed very steady; July, lc; August, 15.30c: September. 13.73c; October, 13.07c; November, 12.Mc; Decem ber, 13.91c; January, 12 .xic; February, 13.86c; March, 12 91c: May. 12.96c. ' ST. LOUIS. July 21. COTTON Un. changed; initialing, lc; sales, & bales; re ceipts, 2. .'71 bales; shipments, ?.03 bales; stock, 8.1 J bales. 21 steers.. ..1U0 4 60 WESTERNS. A. M. Chambers Neb. 22 feeders, 64s 4 00 6 es. ft hs. 761 Seater Bros Neb, 54 cows 10UC 75 P. Sllsson-Neb. : VllwanLer Grain Market. - MILWAUKEE. July Jl.-WHEAT-No. 1 northern, $1.2tigl.27; No. 2 northern, $1.24& 1.25; September. $1 07V8l.07Ti bid. OATS 43 Vya 44 o. BAR LE Y Sa tuples, &U68',o, 20 steers.., 8 cows.... S3 cows.... 8 heifers. 17 cows.... .1104 5 i ". . tdi 4 00 . liO 8 75 SOUTH . 76Q 9 steers. 7 cows.., DAKOTA. i bulls... .1073 . 9J0 2 65 tt 25 20 6 23 4 V) 1 90 480 400 4 10 2 SS 3 50 4 40 121 , I.Onls I.lve Stork Market. ST. 1X)UIS. July n.-CATTLE-Reoelpts, 6.500 head; market lOftlio lower; native shipping and export steers, I7.1orri8.40; flrse(1 beef and butcher steers, $6 00tfi7.75; stockers and feeders. $3.25l7.65; cows and neirers, S3.50W7.16; csnners. I2 5CW3.00; bulls, 3 Stf3.7E: calves. S 0oj9.00; Texas arid In M'i steers, $4.0007.45; cows end heifers, ti.Mm.to. HOGS Receipts. 8,200 hes. market 103 23o Jilehei-. Pigs and lights. 88 25i?fl.or); pack ers rA57 8.7J; butchers snd best heavy, g gfvfin ne. SHEEP AND IAMRS-Recelpts. 8 101 head: market standv; rathe muttons. $3 7Wi 4 U: Inmbs. $,".00wi "5: polls and bucks, $2.."0 l!.0O; Stocktrg, 82.6038.50. Chaiuberlaln'a Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system, cure constipation and sick headache,, gold by .all desvlera. . . .. Ilnlldlntv Permits. McCague Investment company, 5403 North Twenty-eighth, frame dwelling, $1,200; L A. Gobe), 6315 North Twenty-eighth, frame dwelling, 3o00; M. Garrison, 6114 North Twenty-fourth, alterations. $1,000; Coombs A Finlay, 8118 South Thirty-second avenue.' frame dwelling, $3,000. Mra. Yoont Is Better. CHICAGO, July 21. The condition of Mrs. Alexander C. Young, who was shot by Charles W. Rlgdon before he committed sulcldo last Friday, showed marked Im provements today, according to the r ca pital physicians. Mrs. Young suffered relupse yesterday. 11 calves... 10C7 6 cews 1014 4 feeders.. 10J7 9" cow s 999 47 cows SI2 a 3 AO NEBRASKA .1250 S 88 8 40 3 l:i 3 40 3 60 3 U) 4 cows.... feeders. 10 cows..., 6 calves. , 12 foeders.. 776 7 cows..... 186 3 calves... 140 670 725 9 170 t. .Teafili !.! Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. July tl. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.300 head; market steady: steers $4 Vr8.00: cows and heifers, $2.50fii5 00 calves. 00fj60. HOGS Recelnts. 8.200 head; market, loo tibrher; top, $0 76; bulk nt aalea. IX 4fiS 5 HHEEP . AND IAMBS-Receipts, 8.000 bend: market strong; lOo higher; lambs. $5.&O07.tu. Stock In Slaht. Receipts of live stock at the five princi pal western m ante is yesterday: 17 feeders.. 102 4 M 1 calf 90 4 50 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 26 steers., ..1214 4 '16 34 steers. ...lir.T 4 50 I feeders. , 602 8 80 15 feeders.. 502 J I t alaers.... U 8 40 T Steers.. .. 968 t 15 1 2 70 70 1 75 10 4 15 South Omaha t 70 1 St. Joseph .. 8 601 Kansas City I St. I.ouls ... Chicago Total receipts Cattle. Hogs. Eheep. 2.600 ft.iM 9,300 2.800 S.lWl 5,(i) 9.0U0 5.0O0 14,01s 4 WI0 2110 3.100 7,000 14.000 U.000 , 37,600 J9,000 48,400 18U8-1U10 JohnMuirS(o. SpeciaustsIn Odd Lots PART PAID PURCHASES To accomodate tbe Investor of moderate means, who does not wish, to speculate, we offer, a plan which eliminates the neces sity for margin calls. Bend for Oircular He. ISWOdd fcot XaTStinent." Members Sew York Stock Xxobaage. 11 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Herbert E.G00GI1 Go Brokers and Dealers . 0iU XOTXSUOMSV BTOCIfJ M OataJU OSSUs, SIB SSeard ef VftMte SSlasj, SSeU Sraeaa, Pong. SSI I Xa4L A-SU l-a laDJSSX 4VSSJ) laaVSSUIIST SSOVSSI US tit B'fATas t