Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. TlIUUKlAV, .HILY 21. 1f10.
Mave Beet Mb It.
Take yon printing to the Ttsnss.
Xleetrlo ?aas Sttrgess-Oraadea Co.
Thomas vr, Blacksara fur congress.
st ry Cleaning of garment. Twin
riiy Dye Work, Oil South Fifteenth.
Tf our VaTlags increase your earn
ing! by becoming a member of Nebraska
fcavlngs and loan An n, Kama S par cent
Vr annum. 110 Farnam (St., Omaha.
en Mossy u a landlord profit. Put
Into a home. 11 makaa for family happi
ness and Independence, bee Nebraska Bay
ing and Loan Ass'n. U0& Farnam, Omaha.
Eastman la ill justice of the Peace
Kaufman was seized Tuesday night by a
icveie attack of acute Indigestion. He
vlll be confined to lils rooma In the
barkr block for several days.
ugg.rjuan Deputy for JTebraska
mm is to also m
Cttrtin Wirei that lie Comei Friday
with Veteran.
Aeraplanee Are Here aal Ready to
Take to the Groaada tit
rrt. Fifth Oraat
Qlenn II. Curtlss, star performer for the
Mid-West Aviation meet, will arrive In
Omaha Friday night of this week. J. C.
Mars Is on his way, and a new third man,
John D. McCurdy, will come with Curtlns.
A telegram to this affect was received by
Clark Powell Wednesday. McCurdy, the
avlntor added to those expected, for the
narun . Buggerman has returned irom I Omaha exhibitions, ha been associated
a two weeks; trip to the Mackinac Wth Curt, ftnd wlt A,allder Graham
Islands. While attenolng the Bnal BTlth Ben ,nventor of tho t.,Pphone. In airship
lunventlori at Ottawa Beach Mr. Hugger-
experiments that were carried on at Ham-
man was appointed deputy for Nebraska. , ... . ,.,
v " mondsport, N. T., In the winter and spring
, salutary rrlsoners to Msee Twenty- of 19m anJ im IIe cnmet hera from Hrad.
four military prisoners of the United docki Nova Bcotia and he rM bM,n si
tuates govemment came through Omaha ing tno ..B1Iver Darr at a number of
yesterday, closely guarded by a squad Canadian m.t.
Failure in All Ages
Lessons Gleaned from the
lstorr of rrohlblUon U
sclent aad Modern, Times
Pnarth Article.
To the Editor of The Bee In my last
communications I have argued against
prohibition as wrong In principle and prac
tice. Let me now warn the Incautious
reader against confounding prohibition with
total abstinence. Prohibition Is a matter
of state policy; total abstinence Is a mat
ter of private practice. It la perfectly con
sistent for a man .to be a total abstainer
and an antl-prohlbltionlst. It la equally
consistent for a drinker to favor prohibi
tion. Total abstinence Is as old as Zo
roaster, or the Kenlte founder'of the Rech
abltes. Thus It reaches back almost to
Contract Let for First New Structure
for University of Omaha.
Iacreaaed Enrollment Expected Wkea
the Fall Semester Begins oa Sep
tember 1 Excellent True
pert far School.
The University of Omaha has let the con
tract for Its first new bulldl.ig and opera
tions began on It Wednesday. It Is a gym
nasium building and will be erected on the
university site the old John I. Uedlck
homestead on North Twenty-fourth streut
where the large dwelling house forms the
of twelve soldier and an off Iceer. The
The aeroplanes that are to coma from
prisoners left on the i:60 train for San xt)antlo CUy and Kansas City have arrived
r rancisco. wnere iney win serve out men atjd r, t0 be Mt up at grounds Wed-
terma In tita prison there. nesday. Two specially trained mechanics
Clark Mar Im III Heme Because Lynn Bawter and Cy Ammonds, In the
ho' was tu unfortunate as to be caught, employ of Curtlss have come to take charge
convicted and sentenced to five years In 0f the machines and to see that they are
the Iowa state penitentiary on a charge properly housed and cared for,
of horse stealing, James M. Clark Stands
a chance' of losing his home along with
his liberty. Ilia wife, Minnie K. Clark,
has , started suit for divorce. Clark has
served two years" tf his time.
Solicit Money
Which They Say
Mavor Joins in tor Campaign
, Singers' Parade hrmed with Letter from Mayor Dahl
Receives Share of Ovation Planned
. ;,',' lor Milwaukee and Chi
cago Crowd.
' 't teaaaamaaaaaaa
Would-be Congressman Stoecker was In
man, Two Men Collect Con
siderable Amount.
Armed with a letter from Mayor Dahl
man In which the mayor declined himself
a personal friend of the bearer and thank
ful for any favor that might be done him.
atrumental in arranging a little rcheme that C. K. Uilklson secretary of the South
worked to perfection at noon Wednesday.
Omaha Labor Gazette, has collected, ac-
Solomon and, perhaps, to the date of Abra- original building and has been highly adap-
ham. ted to class room work.
Hut who was the author of prohibition? The gymnasium will cover a ground space
It was a man who, In some respects, was of SOxlOO feet and will cost from $18,000 to
the greatest man that has lived In 2.0U0 IAO0O. The basement w.ll be ot stono and
years. Abul-Kaem-Ibn-Abdallah. better the superstructure of flue pressed brick.
known as the Arabian Dronhet Mohammed. The basement will contain tho baths and
He lived, aa you all know. In tha seventh above tiiere will bo a running track, bat
century of Christ Mohammed thus en- cony and all the equipment that goes with
forces his Iron law: "If a drop of wine fall I a first-class modern gymnasium,
In a well; if tho well la filled up; If grass As the university's student roll will be
grow above It; If a sheep eat of that grass, I materially enlarged by the beginning of
then shall my followers not eat that mut-1 the second year, September 1, the Inten-
ton." When Mohammed's successor, Kallf tlon Is to have this gymnasium completed
Oman, took Jerusalem, A. D., 637, and then I oy the opening of the fall term and give
and there enforced the first prohibitory th, voung men and women access to phy
law in a Christian country, aopronius, tne .,., culture w,u a, intellectual
unnsuan pairiarcn, exciaimea: inis is oil D u E jenkln,. actln oresident of the
uutn tne aoomination or aesoiauon spoxen .,, v. .A juiu.,, Howard Kunnedv.
of by Daniel, the prophet, standing In the pre8,d1)t of tne board o( trustec,f ,ay tne
liuijr (iwue, Aits Auuia wiuoi cu Kimi.
new Institution has the most excellent
prospects for a good year and successful
We made such a good start last year
with the aid of Count Julian, the Greek,
and held It for seven centuries. They pun
ished any person found vending wine by
nAiirln- mnltan losil rinwn his thrnAt. This
mav be r0mmendPd bv soma extremists. tnBt w hav had n" difficulty in Impress-
but let us see what is the final outcome of hl mea ot bl business affairs with the
uch a policy. The Parsls, Mohammedans rtous Importance and the bright future
and Brahmins made up the dominant forces of this university and we have really been
in India prior to Cllve's conquest. Though, somewhat surprised ourselves at the re
like Caeser s Oauls, they differed among 1 sponslve energy with which we have met
themselves In respect to customs, lnstl- from our friends.
tutlons and laws, they all agreed In dis
carding the use of liquor. England brought p T) p I f .
Bibles and beer. But let us look back, and VJ. I. V-ilOllK VjeiS
Divorce Decree
Mavor . D&hlman. comlna from the west, cording to the police department, several
was on a train'an hour late, and as a nunarea uonars in uiouw irum me
result, tho Chicago and Milwaukee delega- of the third ward, allesing that the letter
tlona to the Saetigerfest arrived at the was given niro lor im puioo oi mimum
same tlmo as the mayor. campaign funds. Ullkison was arrested
The visiting delegations had bands along, Wednesday and will be held awaiting the
and It was an easy matter to have the mayor a disposal.
Dahlrhan reception committee, In gaily Cornelius H. Van Wle of 831 North
deoorated automobiles, fall In behind the Twenty-first street. South Omaha, editor
German marchers. So Mayor "Jlmy and of the Labor Qasette, had a similar letter
his 'cohorts getf the'- bneftt of the crowds and Is accused by tha chief of polioe ot
that lined the streets to see the parade of having used it for the same purpose, He
the Chlcsgo and Milwaukee men. To all has not been arrested. The letter which
appearances the mayor's return home was Mr. Gilklson had was
a gala affair. June ' 1910. To Whom It May Con
loern. The bearer, Mr. C. E. Gilklson,
COMES FROM THE FARM TO secretary of the Labor Gazette. Is person
I ally known to me ana tne policy pursued
BATTLE WITH W. J. BRYAN by his publication on the labor question
expresses my sentiments. Mr. Gilklson
Bill" Deph Says He Differs from and his associates are desirous of creating
the Commoner Mora Than a fund for the purpose of purchasing and
Ever Before. operating their own printing plant, thus
, f reducing the cost of production of their
'Bill" Peoh, of Ithaca, Saunders county, I publication. They are favorable to my
after sixteen- years of quietude and silence, I candidacy for governor and any courtesy
has taken the warpath again. "And I'm In or assistance extended will be personally
for blood this time," says tha old middle appreciated by, yours truly.
of tho road populist, -who was ever and JAMES C. UAHLMAN, Mayor,
always opposed to fuslqn. "I gave them the letter," said Mayor
"Today I differ more radically with Mr. Dahlman on his return to the city Wed
Bryan than I ever did with any public nesday morning, "because they needed as-
man. I know, hint through, pd .through, J tortasuse 4n building- uo their paper.' and.
from hla start to the present moment, and aa thcy. were frtenda nln I thought
t urana isiana l propose 10 nave my say tn, letter might help them. As far as
in a way that will leave no one In doubt collecting money for campaign purposes
s to my attitude." . ,. . 1 1 concerned they never had my consent
AS in tne days .wneu populism was mm- . . anything like that."
tant in Nebraska, tne oia war norse or tne auki.on W.B not brourht ud In nolle.
cause Is... still vigorous and vehement In courf Wednesday morning, as the city
his convictions. Though to years ot age, ne proecutor refused to file a complaint
doesn't look to be more than 80. and IP the against him jintll the matter could be dis
ease of Falrvlew doesn t learn his reol cussed with the mayor. H. B. Fleharty,
name in the -populist convention at Grand who acted as attorney for Gilklson, threat
Island, It will be becnuxe "Bill" Dech ened to bring habeas - corpus proceedings
cannot talk. , unless his client was released on bond.
In other years Dech served In the hous Police Judge Crawford was not given an
and senate ax a populist and was one of opportunity to fix the bund, as Gilklson
the ,men claiming the lieutenant governor- was not brought before him,
ship, around whom a fierce fight waged.
He announces openly that he has come out XTmx7cKr7e H-ir
of his retirement on the farm at this time L C Wo UJy a LlUVC
to combat the newest pet Issue of Bryan
with all the vigor he oan throw Into the
see the effect of liquor abstinence In India.
The fact Is that man craves a nerve food;
whether he really needs It or not, I do not
nrMuma to determine. But he craves It.
and win have it, either as alcohol, nicotine, Attorneys for Mr s. Cronk Say that
l""' or WMal-T; . .? - - Case Will Be Carried to the
i,w,wu acres uevoieu 10 me raising ui i
popples for opium. They chew betel, a I DUpreme lOUri.
narcotic stimulant, which consists of the
leaf of ono of many species of pepper. George P. Cronk was given a divorce
These leaves are plucked green and spread from his wife, Cora L. Cmnk, Wednesday
over with chanum. or moistened quick lime morning before Judge Troup In district
obtained from calcined shells, end wrapped court Attorneys for Mrs. Cronk say they
about Bcraplngs of the aceca nut, known will take an appeal to the supreme court.
as plnang. This abominable concoction Is Temporary alimony will be granted until
put Into the mouth and chewed. Men and the decision of Judge Troup Is either sus-
women chew this stuff from morning to talned or reversed by the supreme court,
night. In fact It Is now a matter of etl- Mrs. Cronk had nothing to say regarding
quette. as is the snuff box In Europe. It the decision. She says she intends to
Blves the satlva the color of blood, the lips make Omaha her permanent home. Mr.
are blackened and the teeth destroyed by Cronk also says he will not leave the city,
Its continued use, so that young men of 25 and he expressed gratification over the
are often toothless. Hashish, the lntoxi-I outcome of his auit
eating extract of hemp. Is used In India
by those who can afford the luxury. Any- I OV NG CUP FDR t. L. LOMAX
one who has read uumas' Monie cristo
knows the effect of Hashish. The book Is Employes of l'auenger Department
fiction, but the picture Is real. The East of Vnlon Pacific Give Token
Indians smoke the strongest tobacco and I of Esteem
drink the strongest tea. The same la true E. L. Lomax, formerly the general pas-
of other countries, where enforced abstl- senger agent of the Union Pacific, left
nence from liquor has prevailed. For seven Wednesday for Los Angeles, where he will
centuries the Moors enforced prohibition 1 take up his new position as general pas-
in Spain, until the Christians were so senger director of the Western Pacific road.
thoroughly trained to abstinence' that they Th employes of the office in which Mr,
are now the lightest liquor drinkers In Lomax formerly hois' forth, presented him
Europe. But tho cigarettes they smoke, with' a beatulful ilovlnit cup as a token
and, the coffee they drtnk la alarming. In af their esteem , ,iul as a remem-
Vermont prohibition existed ror twenty- brance of them. , Tie cup Btands fifteen
five years; and tne sale ot morpnine, co- inch.- hh. finished in Dollshed irold and
calne, etc. at drug stores Increased with BIver. Mr. Lomax made a short speech
each year, une or tne strongest total ao- of aoocDtllnce. sa.vlag how soirv he was
that he could not take all of his old office
force with him to his new' road
stalners In this state smokes regularly fif
teen cigars a day a dry drunk. I knew
another total abstainer who drank elgh-1
teen cups of coffee a day. Prohibition
swaps the drunkard for the dope fiend.
How do you like the exchange?
Their Outing
MOTHER SEEKS HER LOST SON Streets of Omaha and
men oian ior juanawa
Asks Headers of Tho Bee to Notify I for picnic.
Her If 110 Appears In
Umana. 1 Wavlnr their fines and man him, in
time to a biaas band the 300 neusooya of
There 1s pathos ' -' the plaint of a New Omaha and South Omaha marched throuah
York mother who writes Tho Bee In the ,ha streets Wednesday rooming and left
hope that possibly some information may for Manawa to celebrate their annunl tiio
be gained concerning the whereabouts of nlo A ioug athletic program with fifty
ner missing uoy. nor or mort nrit priMg the free use of most
tells its OW.I Story: .v.. amusement concRMlona a t Man u.a
NEW TORK. CITT, July 1. 1910. HI I u .i , . k, a,
Cherry 8tret.-To the Editor of The Bee: - - were
Will you please puDtisa mis in me nope i . .j vrvaram,
Of finding some news ot my sonr The prises were donated by Omaha bust
K.'i! V.0a&t."n,db.r M- ' usemeut ticket, by Man
t, tow, when he wrote me from Denver lager Byrne ot the park and twenty Omaha
that no was swuus in a siun. uui ex- matrons and young women went with the
ce-ted. to go to Omaha in a week. nil , , J l"
v . . , ., ,.. hAva to nelD them enlov thmiiii. un
to servo the dinner. The menu Is a glori
ous one from a small boy's standpoint.
Including Sue fried chickens, gallons upon
galloua of Ice cream and melons, fruit,
crackerjack and other delights In plenty.
wrote that he Was well and wetglted ltii
pounds and measured live teet eigne incnee.
He promised to come home In Xieoember.
Will any reauer, wuu mmjr kiiuw ui iiiiu,
kindly let me Know. epeciiuujr,
Finest - Mercnaaaise from tho Tefft-
Weller Dry tioode Stock of new
lork Baasht at Croat
The Tefft-Waller company w
Says that tho Foothills In .Western
Nebraska Are Ideal for Cat
tie Halslas;.
C. B. Chrlstensen of Holt county was
Broadway, New York, one of the oldest m Bouth Omaha yesterday with the object
wholesale dry goods house In this country of i00klng over the market conditions. He
has retired from business and the entire i( a large land owner in Iowa as well as
stock has been sold at the most unusual Nebraska, and la at present stocking up
bargains. , - . the Nebraska ranch In Holt county. He Is
This sale In New York was sucn a re- ocatd about twenty mllea south of O Nell!
markable occasion that two of the members ln the section where the upper waters of
of the Brandels firm and twenty buyers lna Eikhorn spread out like a fan and make
and heads of departments were called toona of the fineat hay and grass countries
New York, -w here they selected the most ... tn. worid. He says his plan la to breed
desirable ..merchandise that was disposed t cam, OB ),ts Nebraska farm and ship
of. On acoaunt of our Immense purchases tn4m to lla jowa .arm to rmish. At the
we were ab4 to secure bargains that were atwr place tney will be mar the niarke
wonderfuL ; 1 ond in the mlust ot the b'-at corn section
Thae giK'Os are now coming in by ex- ot tna counlry. By this means he hopes
preeo and .nearly every train from tho east to economise on the output by using tne
is bringing us new ioi. iuw awu .m cheaper Nebraska grass and pasture land
be pUced on. sale very shortly. 1Ia aala "This plan was not new with
f UHAMibi!) BTVttr.M. m. but lt iaa been done by several of my
nelarhbors In Iowa and has worked well
3lrrlas;e 1-tcenaeo. I , ,.kl. Nebraska for araxlna. For cattlB
The following marriage licensee were is- brMdlng u u the finest state I ever saw
Age. I The spring vair in Holt county flow
right out of the ground. We have our
tHSOlUXT. ... " -
i i Met to daVl
Name and Residence.
Joigen P. Jonset.. Omaha
Mario .Jeiuen, Omaha
Alvln A. Lelser. Grand Island.
Mamie Rentfrow, Urand Island
Carl A. Lutlberg. Omaha.. ....
Ada slwanson, Omaha
Frank A. Hf. Wall. 8. D...
Emm K. Heeb. Wall. 8. U
Oeorire H. Kelly. Unooln 21
Clara,, M.. Bergcrs. Omaha a
William C. JilpP. Omaha...... .17
Martha E. Ci-ane. Indianapolis I,
John W. leter. Buffalo. Wyo J8
Cora Freese, Omaha U
hills where never finer grass grew. The
m sand hills are not much good, as a rule,
l but that la by no means the wilderness
40 it was supposed to be several yar ago.
Police Herd In
. Many Offenders
Make a Biff Roundup Wednesday,
Capturing Seyenty-Six
The police force of Omaha had a busy
day yesterday and the rush continued far!
into the night. In the aggregate seventy-
six arrests were made. One of the fea
tures of the day's turmoil was a raid made I
by Hergeant Madscn and Officers Ring,
Murphy, Egan, Wilson and Woods at
1210-1214 Chicago street where a crowd of
thirty-two was gathered ln. Out of this
bunch thirteen were women. Various minor
charges were Included ln the complaints.
Gpod Health
Good Teeth
To keep yours
sound and white
(rivet trim srruri.
ulous daily careP
with a dentrifice GRAVES,
that both polishes
and preserves.
ft Wlo
Calls Pollco Attention to mir
Pickpockets and Helps Ron
Them Down.
VI e& ' ' aT Jb
At All
Straw Hats Cut to Less
&j h'- it
V.t''- 'i vtf.'.-V i. ; I '
Than V2 Price
All Straw Hats that Qrt
sold' up to $2.00 SOK,
All Straw Hats that ctj f Q
sold up to $5.00, at
Closes at
5 p. tn.
'The House of
High Merit.",
Closes at
5 p. nt.
Restored to Natural Color with One Bottle of
Tho Only True Hair Restorer,. Tonic and
My hair was as white as snow when I commenced using
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. One bottle re
stored my hair to its natural dark brown color. As I am now
70 years old, I consider the result most remarkable. It is an
agreeable and refreshing hair dressing, keeping the hair Bofl
ad glossy, without being in the least greasy or sticky.
210 West Main Street, Rochester, N. Y.
1 !j Pi an lorar, ' J
PKalfTonlciaiDrgssInsv u
If ftm4 m. WhW rWf'i D
Iii I'f ... I
HritCE We. AND ll.W f
1 I !j?nai wytth cMuncAieo w f
i J Fa Htw xut cm at
t r- .,,,,-
Why hesitate when VYETH'S SAGE AND
SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is daily producta
just such results?
After years of study end analysis of the ha'r, we
have been able to produce an ideal Hair Tonic
and Restorer, which contains an actual constituent
of hair, combined with ingredients of recognized
merit for treatment of hair and scalp diseases. It
makes and keeps the scalp clean and healthy, gives life,
strength and lustre to the hair, and restores faded
ftad ray hair to natural color.
No matter how long and thick your hair is,
EDY will make it longer and thicker.. It will re
move every trace of dandruff in a few days, stop
falling in one week, and start a new growth in from
one to three months.
Thene Af0 tacts that have been orovpn kIn rnrin nf in..
anteed to do all that it is claimed tc do or the price will be refunded.
If Vsuf Drufjtst Doa tfm Km It Band SOo. In Stsvtnpf .
ajrtd W Will Sand Voj Largn Bonis. Esprasa Prvpavfcl
Wyeth Chemical Company,
Compare for yourself
Wleasure The Bee against other local
papers in respect of quality as well as
quantity of timely news and interest
ing articles rom day to day and The
Bees superiority will he demonstrated
July clearing sale bt odds and
endB, in suit cases, bags,
trunks and traveler's goods.
Tbls means reliable goods at
a great saving to you right
at vacation tlmo.
Freling & Steinle
Trunks. Ba& Suit Ctiti
tad Good Leather Goodi
H Harris and Georgo Hartman, two
light flngsred men who were attempting
to work tha crowds at tna Boms noiei
Tuesday evening, were arrested after an
excltlns chase down the alley, ln wnicn
shots were fired and general excitement
prevailed. Kenneth Cameron, a reporter
for a local newspaper, noticed tne two
men In the hotel, and knowing the reputa
tion of one, followed them for nearly a half
hour. He notified the police and tha hotel
management, and the two men were
shadowed until tha detectives arrived.
Nothing was found on their persons when
they were arrested, but a bell boy who
had been detailed to watch them, located
a pocket book which had been stolen and
then hidden by the men.
H. Harris, while being taken to the street,
by a quick Jerk, succeeded ln breaking
away, and made an attempt to escape by
running down the alley between the Her
Grand and the Rome hotels. He was fol
lowed by Cameron and Officer Ferris, and
after several shots u ere fired, he was
captured. Captain Mostyn, George Hell
and Officer Ferris were the officers on
the case.
George Hartman was arrested some time
ago for a small offense, and has not been
out of jail but a short time. He is un
usually tall and thin, while his pal Is short
and heavy.
i Tra-rii-Hi TBTiiminisn MiiiiMirnaiiiMiininisra iMiiTiinsm iiaaiiwi i mmmmamm imihi
Take Wtrnlnf.
Don't let stomach, liver or kidney trouble
down you when you can Quickly down them
with Electrlo Bitters. Wo. Forvsale by I ta buy. Tha proceeds will be used to pay
Beaton Drug Co. I the debts of the church.
Kev. C. W. 8avlde Has Arraajred for
lasg and Speaklnsr on tha
Cttr of Peorta.
Rev. C. W. Savldge has arranged to hold
religious services Friday, July 19, on board
tha City of Peorta. Ha will make an effort
to raise t-"0. which Is still due on the
I'eople's church. There will be speuklng,
singing and prayers. Mr. Bavldga has
tickets at JS oents each and he says he
alll cell and deliver to any on who wishes
July 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27
Grounds, Forty-Fifth and Military Avenuo
Hours, 3 to 6 P. M.
GLEE El 13. CURTISS, America's Forqjnosl Aviator, Will Head tiie Flyers
This is positively the only western meet in which Mr. Glenn Curtisa himself will take part. He will use the sume
aeroplane in which he made his famous flight from Albany to New York, and will be assisted by J. C. Mars and Eugene
Ely, two of the most daring and venturesome aviators in America today.
This is one of the few opportunities that has been offered in this country to view every typo of craft that files
the spherical and dirgible balloons and the h'eavier-than-air machines.
It will be practically impossible to furnish tickets to the big crowds at the grounds to advantage, and the manage-
ment has, therefore, placed tickets for sale at the following points:.
Crlsuey's Pharmacy ...
Baratoaq Drug Co
Red Cross Pharmacy. . .
Walnut Hill Pharmacy,
Deinls Park Pharmacy.
J. H. Schmidt Drug Store
Barnes Drug Co. ....... .
Beaton Drug Co. ........
J. H. Merchant.
Merchant Hotel.
J. L. Brandels.
Paston Hotel
. . 24th and Laku
. . 24th and Ames
,17th and Cuming
,40th and Cuming
, . 33d and Cuming
.24th and Cuming
40th and Dodge
.... 15th and Farnam
i . . . .ICth, and Howard
1508 Farnam
ICth and Douglas
14th and Farnam
liar Grand 16th and Howard
Courtney & Co nth and Douglas
O. D. KIpllnger isth and Farnam
Hayden Bros 16th and Dodge
(Sherman & McConnell 16th and Dodge
Mortis Meyer Cigar Store 1314 Farnam
Henehaw Hotel -r , 1509 Farnam
Murray Hotel 14th and Harney
Loyal Hotel 16th and Capitol Are.
Bcblltz Hotel ; ICth and Harney
Myers-Dillon Drug Co... 18th and Farnam
I.. O. CTfbson . .601 North 24th Bt., South Omaha
Fibbcr-Mi'UUl Co 24th and N 8ts., South Omaha
J. A. Clark Drug Co. . . .Cor. Broadway and Main Bis., Co. Bluffs, Iowa
Rome Hotel 16th and Jkckson
Prices Adults, 50c; Children, 25c; Grandstand. 50o; Automobiles. $1.00
MH IP f pjpPI