Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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? jDoys Khala owts $
J These comfortable and very serviceable
garments arc made of tan army khaki in
Norfolk jacket or plain double breasted
styles with knickerbockers for ages 6 to
16 years.
They usually sell for $3.75, now reduced to
1518-1520 FARNAM STREET.
where they will keep open house and en
trrtaln alt week.
Tudai'a Protram.
Director Th. Rud. Reese.
Soloists Miss M. Muenonoff, Mrs. Hese
8protte, Mils Myrtle Moses, Mr. Christ.
Hansen, Mr. M. Kellermann and Mrs. A.
tielude to Opera t,ohngrln Warner
(a) Dat Kraut Vergesaennelt Flelita
to) Handmaennchen Bnahma
(c) Im Kahne .Orleg
8olo for Alto Mid Myrtle Mofen.
Walther's Prix Hong, trora "The Meister
dinner" Wagner
Kuio for Tenor Mr. Christ. Hansen.
Fbantasla: "C Minor" Muxart
Prison Scene from "The Prophet"
.' Meyti t!er
Polo for Mosxo-tioprano Mrs. Hesse-sprotte.
The Two Grenadiers... Schumann
Holo for lias Mr. M. Kellermann.
Ciaccona ;.. .....Bach
Solo for VIoiln (unacoompanled) Mr.
' A. F. Bteehcle.'
Der Hlrt auf dern Felpen Schubert
.Soprano Solo with Clarinet Obligate
Mtxa Mary Muenonoff.
Hungarian Dance No. 1 Brahma
Director of Bund Theo. Kelbe.
Director of Orchestra Th. Rud. Reese,
soloists Miss Mutnthoff. soprano: Mr.
Ileese-Hprotle, mezso-soprano; Miss Myrtle
Jt'OHes, alto; Mr. Christ. Hansen, tenor; Mr,
M. Kellerniann. baritone.
(a) Kestmarsch . R. Strauss
tb Festival Overture C. M. v. Weber
Dea Deutschen Mamies Wort und Lied
-f A. Dregert
Bundes-Chorus with Orchestra Accora-
panlment Mr. Th, Kelbe, Director.
Aria from the ODera. 'The Africans".. '
Solo for Tenor Mr. Christ. Hansen.
Value de Concert Brlllante (arranged by
Th. Rud. Reeo......i.Doehler-tfhullhoft
Aria: My Heart la Weary. Mom Opera.
"Nadeschda" ...i.........Goring-Thomas
Nolo for Alto Miss Myrtle Mosea.
(a) Ever Dear ,Home Otto W. Rlchter
tb) Das elgeue Hers H. Schaetfer
liundea-Chorus a Capella Th. Kelbe,
' PART II. .
Overture: Semlramu Rossini
Aria from "The Barber of Seville", .Rossini
Miss Mary Muenonoff.
(a) Untreue ...i'.... Olueck
v to) The German Song.. ..John Kalllwoda
Bundus-Cborus Capelia.
Td the Evening Star, from Tannhauaer
7 , Wagner
Solo for Baritono Mr. M. Kellerrnann.. .
Aria from "Samson and Delilah"...'..'...
, Salnt-Sasm
Solo for Meio-S'Jirno Mra. Hesae-Sprotte.
The Oath on the Ruettlj. ........ .Carl Flque
Bundos-Chorua. Harltone Solo by Mr. Harry
Burkley and Orchestra Aceompani
! ment Th. Kelbe, Director.
Peters Driven to Kef aw In Hie Big
' ' ToWlagT'Citr Outside.
A long list of Peoria singer and their
wives Is spread -on '.' the - register at the
Merchants. ' Herman B. Peter, the pro
prietor, has the advantage of most hotel
keepers In being able to speak th language
of the test, both 111 the high and the . low
key.' In consequence the guest of the
Merchants are having a. real treat, and
Peter 1 In constant demand for a hun
dred and one- thlnssJ. He finally took
refuge In ait. automobile . outsldo at the
curb, and looked as much like a tired
traveler as Is possible to. a. stall-fed land
lord. The Peoria singer are a jolly lot,
and when .one of their number fell asleep
he was arranged with uch artistic skill
that he couldn't recognise himself when he
woke, up,
After a good loo- ill the glass, when he
had unloaded ins clothe oi th decoration
attached; he paid wearier ."Here it is, Just
the first day of the fun, and' I'm about half
discouraged yet, already."
(Continued from First Page.)
the house committee on . Interstate and
foreign commerce.
Inawrtreat Moreaesi Small.
Speaker Cannon In bis Kansas tour also
made one speech in the Fifth district, wher
Ccr.greesmkir Calderhead, who was a mem
ber of the committee that put the finish
ing touches on the Iuyne-Aldrlch tariff
bljj.. is fighting for renomlnatlon against
a progressive candidate.
fl have closely watched the audiences
that I have addressed In Kansas," said
Bpcoiuer Cannon today, "and I have noticed
that between the beginning and the end of
each meeting the voters have grown In
reef ptlvene. v Kansas l.hi a prosperous
condition, out in o-caiiei insurgent repuu
llcans have been pounding at them.
''However, from my observation. I ant
convinced. U)t, the , republican parly is
growing Kansaal Xbe attempt of the
so-called progressive to organise a new
party, an insurguut republican party, will
fall flat., There won't be a new party. I
recognise no Insurgent republicanism.
"I believe that the- present- republican
delegation from Kansas . will be renom
inated, a it ought to "-be."
Wlaa Katie Tomar of ' Chloafero Shot
br Hesktr fc UUaovared a
. Uar -Hooatt ',
CHICAOO. July W-MIs Katie Tomar s,
11 years old, waa seriously, wounded -early
today after a struggle with a burglar whom
she discovered IU lisr bedroom. Miss. To
mer attempted t eeiae the man tnd then
tried to go, out -of the room to give -an'
alarm. A ah "ran the. man , fired two
hot, on bullet lodglb.'ln her right
shoulder. Th. puut escaped. . . , .'
Hoeaefele Aaoeaameat Malaed.
fUVKUNU O., July . Kaet Cleve
land appraisers have ptaced a valuation
of (I.OiM.iM) on John D. Hocktfeller's Forest
Hill estate. J'lils I an Increasa of Sue .per
nt over the last appraisal, when th vat
uaiiou waa ftacd at UMj:ti. Mr. idn k
afeller has nut indicated if he will fight
the appraisement.- '
If you have anything to aell or trade
advertise It In Vhe U Want Ad col
tuaoa and t quick ruita
Iowa Governor
is Charged with .
Criminal Libel
Grand Jury Returns Bill ia Coniieo-
moval of Chairman Cownie.
(From a Btafl Correspondent.)
i vM..-....v ..,-... .-a
will devolve u.e duty of prosecuting Gov
ernor Carroll, who waa Indicted ' today tot
criminal libel, today stated that he Intends
to make us strong a case against him as
possible and will leave nothing Unddne that
will sift the case to the bottom. "I In
tend to prosecute the case," he said, "with
the tame diligence aa if the accused was
a man In private life." The case will Come
to trial before Judge PeOraff, an appointee
of Governor Carroll.
The Indictment is the outrowth of a
lengthy Investigation by the grand Jury of
affair at th Iowa Industrial School for
Girls at Mitchellvlll. It Is alleged In the
bill that the governor made libelous state
ment concerning John Cownie, former
chairman of the State Board of Control, in
an article published In the t aloine
Capital of May 24, In which the governor
et forth at length his reason for demand
ing th resignation of Mr. Cowul.
Governor Carroll waa not placed under
arrest, but wa notified over th telephone
by Sheriff Ness that the Indictment had
been returned against him. Attorney M. H.
Cohen entered an appearance for the gov
ernor, who did not go to the court house.
The governor was permitted to remain at
liberty without bond. '
Lower Rates
on Yellow Pine
to Nebraska
Commission Finds that Burlington ill
Discriminating Western
V Pointi in Colorado"'! Favor.
WASHINGTON.. July ao.-ln jt decblon
today th Interstate Commro commis
sion held that , the . rate . on yellow pine
lumber and Its product ' from point, in
Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and Missouri
to point In Nebraska, Colorado and Wyonv
ing, reached by th line of the Chicago,
Burlington and Qulncy railroad company
and other carriers, are unreasonably high.
The proceedings were Instituted by the
Louisiana Central Lumber company and
other manufacturers of yellow pine.
By .. order of the commission - the de
fendant carrier are required to put Into
1 effect not later thai! October 1, 1910, reduoec
rate based on th rate to Colorado com
mon point, and which shall, not exceed
XI cent per 100 pound to Barton, Neb.,
et cents per 140 pound to 8med, Neb.,
and 17: cent per 100 pound to Venango
and Sanborn. '
His Charged with KlUlagt Father
Fire Yrara Ago Captared at ..
v liesi Haalda.
SIOUX RAPIDS? Ia., July M.-Fellx For
baul, alia John Compton, acoused of mur
dering his father at Chippewa Falls, Wis.,
in U06, ha been recaptured her after a
five-years' hunt After the murder . For
baul wa arrested, but escaped from JalL
A letter of inquiry he wrote regarding hi
father' estate led to hi capture.
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair.
For low a Fair.
Teinperaturva at Omaha yesterday:
I a, in
... 1
G a. m
1 a. m
I a, di......,
a. m
10 a. m
' 11 a. m. ...j....
U cu
1 p. m.........
' t p m...
I p. m
4 p. in
j' . (''vss
. U
, M
, 1
e p. n
ip. m..
T p. m..
I p. n..
OMAHA, July ao.-OffU lal. record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding period of the last tnree
yearn: liHO. 1D0. liX 1WT.
Maximum temperature..., M 91 82 (K)
Minimum twnperalure....' 06 74 67 74
Mean temperature J8 S3 74 M
Precipltatlou u U utf ..00. .00
Temperature and precipitation departure
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and compared with the laat two years:
Normal temperature............. 77
Kxceaa for the day j
Total excess since March 1, lWO
Normal precipitation IS inch
Ii-ficlency for th day 15 ln h
Tvtal rainfall since March I.... 4 01 Im-he
lWiclencv sine Maroh I jmn Inchbs
)erii'leiiy for cor. period. 19a...' lOlnoh
Excea for cor. period. luut(, ...... Ill
Report from Htatloa at T t, M.
station and Ktt Temp. MS. Ralh-
01 w earner. 7 p. m. Teirio.
. M
Cheyenne, cloudy
Davenport, part cloudy
' S8
iH-uvei. cloudy......
les M Inrt, cloudy
inim city, clear...,,,
ljindrr, part cloudy.,.
North Platte, clear..,.
Omaha, part clout i.'
Puetilo, cloudy
Kapld City, clear
.. tt
.. W
.. U
8alt Lake City, cloudy.... W
itante Ke, rain ;t
Sheridan, rain 7
rimux City, clear a
T tudlcal trace of precipitation.
L. A, WxXAHLovai FetoaUr.
Hindu Count and Fortune Teller
Againit Medical L&wi
Kate Board f Btealleal Bssalsert
Appolat Commissi! to Take l
taso of Dr. J. XV. Croffor
of La mo a I.
(From a Btaff Corresponds -
DE8 MOINES, 1., July J0.-Ppecil Tele
gram.) Count Nathoo, th Hindu fortune
teller, who 1 under a twenty -year t entente
ofr assault upon a girl of Ds Moines, waa
again Indicted today thin time ofr practic
ing medicine without a 'tcvnse.. 11 went tt
Fommlasloa for Crofford.
Th State Board of Medical Kaamlr.ers
today appointed a commission to tak up
the case of Dr. J. W. Crofford of Laroml,
and to determine whether hi certificate a
a doctor should be restored to him because
of hi pardoj oy the governor.
Judge Jam H. Vail Dead.
Judge James Howard Valt, a pioneer Jur
ist, foimerly judge of the Flfteent Judicial
district in MlreourL district Judge In North
Dakota, assistant circuit attorney at St.
Devi and for iran year a member of
U.e city council at fct. Louis .died today at
Mufcatlne. a?,rd tt
Gaubllag at Ollinffii
Henry 1. JuOn, main witnos for the
proseiutiOit'ln the tare started by the ktute
of I'uvu to oust T. J.. Pilllpp a mayor of
O'tuiinva. -ti'itlfltd todiy that opn gJLit'b
Ung la pt rmltled in Ottumwa and that he
lias v.'fii pbliccmt-u looking on.'
loniuieads Hallroad Coniwlaalon,
land railroad has written to the Iowa rail
laud railroad hi written to th Iowa rail!
road commissioner thanking them for their
complete and exhaustive report on the
Urecn Mountain Wreck In which a Rock Is-
ditched while on Great
Western traoka.
He commend th com
mission for having mad such a thorough
Investigation and adds: 1 ,
'vVhll I think such lesson a we should
learn from this accident have been tho
roughly Impressed upon the minds of our
people, yet this report serve to emphasise
our responsibilities In connection with the
operation of train, particularly our re
sponsibility in detourlng our train over the
line of other railroad."
He adds that the Rock Island last year
put in use 100 steel paaenger car and ha
sixty more under construction, and also
installed in eastern Iowa automatio block
signal. ,
Tax Levy to Bo Rcdaced.
This year, not following the precedent of
last, th stata executive council will not
make any readjustment of personal prop
erty or real estate assessments, and the re
turn made to the state auditor will stand
for taxing purposes. Th council ha also
decided that no material change will be
made in regard to asaeament of the express
line or the sleeping car and equipment
companies. Th telephone assessment Is
finished and all that ia needed is to have
the clerical work of figuring up the amount
made. This leave the state tax levy
either at the rate 8.4 mill or to have a re
duction of one-tenth of a mill, which .Will
be suflfcient to raise the needed revenue
beoauie of th enormous inane as in per
sonal property assessment.
City Adopt Com ml salon idea.
The governor and secretary of state to
day received the certificate of Mayor Ingle'
due, of Marshalltown In regard to the vote
In thfit city in fayor of the commission
"plan. of. city government.. This 1 recorded
and, the city .placed In the class with spe
olal charter cities. This 1 the fifth Iowa
city to adopt the 'plan: De Moines, Sioux
City, Cedar Rapid, Fort Dodge and Mar
Iowa New Nate.
TRAttR While crossing the Rock Island
tracks, Ueorge McNeai, agea's years, the
son of Mr. ' and Mrs. -Jonu MoNeai,, was
struck and killed by a switch engine, which
wa shunting a "string oi cars.
HARLAN The Harlan public square, in
cluding the court house park, will be lighted
by a system of modern electroliers.. Thla
la possible by the voluntary contriuuuon
of - lax payer and business men and an
appropriation by th board of supervisors.
MARhHALLTOWN Frank Peehel. Jr.
received probable fatal .injury Tuesday
When a horse lie was hitchina to a reauer,
kicked, striking him just below the heart
in- the"- region of. the solar plexus. The
doctor believe reshcl received Internal In
Montreal, Can., who ha been pnyiica)
director of the railroad Young Men
Christian association for three year, and
who recently resigned, ha accepted the
physical directorship of the Oalgary, Can.
eliy association.
IOWA C1TY-J. J. Champion Of Bsca
naba, Mich., was found beside a railroad
track west of Iowa City, Unconscious, after
thirty-six hours' exposure, with a badly
injured lert arm. uangrene naa set In and
he may die, if th amputation of the arm
doe not save mm.
cuKblu.N The Burlington main line ha
been asaeaned by the executive council at
it,iMJ per imie. The creston sou in orancn
oi tnat line la asseaaed at te.luo per mile,
and tli norm uranon between here and
Cumberland at m,km per mile. Ih Clii
cago Oreat Western' aaseasiuent ia 4,W0
per miiu.
HARLAN Shelby county tax payer are
awaiting witn interest the reuuiui of
contract of the county with M. W. Uoir
Co.. lax rerrets. lha firm ha been em
ployed by the board of supervisor to begin
work not later than October 1, and to com
plete the search of the record by De
cember 31, ua
HARLAN H. K. Swain, olerk of the dis
trict court of dhelby county ha completed
hi aunual report to the state board ol
heal in. For tne year ending june an, lilu,
only two dlvoroes have been granted In tne
county and to offset tins itu marriages
have taken piace in the county; iii births
I are aisu ivioiieu ir liiv uuiiLj.
HAKLAM While the long drouth ha
pinched the pastures, small grain looks
11 : very well indeed, especially is this true ot
I wheat fielaa . Vt lieat naa a good place thta
year in bneloy county, and in proinis is
fin for a good yield. Farmer are har
vesting tlnioitiy and clover. Many of the
. nieaaows are yiuiumg well In spite of tne
1 dry weather. Corn lields are booming;. , .
JJENlbON-Thfe court house ufticluls 'of
Crawford and Harrison counties have baws
ball teams and last season had two giunus,
one at Lenlson and tne other at Logan. In
both gauitt last year the Crawford county
ofiiclalu came out ahead. The Harrison
county team will be at Uenlson Friday,
July Z2, for the first game of this seaaon.
The visitors claim they expect to gut all
the games this year.
HARLAN The officer of Zenobla Re
bekah lodge for the ensuing year were In
stalled at Odd, Fellows hall last evening,
Miss Viola .Mlbuni of Khelby, district de
puty grand president doing the work. Mrs.
Mary Allen wa mad noole grand; Mrs.
Jennie Baughn, vice grand; Mrs. Rose
Parker, secretary; Mrs. Alice Woltf, treas
urer. A I'S liquet wa served in Uie Odd
Fellows dining hail after the work.
HA11LAN Memebera of th Earllng band
In thla county think perhaps thair organ
isation la the oldest In the stale, that Is,
th oldest band of which the organisation
has bean Continuous and th membership
largely so. It waa organised February k,
lsi. and Celebrated Us twentieth anniver
sary last winter. Theodore 8cheuring has
been its leader for eighteen years. It lias
a membership of nineteen, and all but
three are farmer and all apeak th Ger
man language. . .
BRAI)lYVILLK-Two Braddyvllle wo
men. Mrs. Bud Wilcox and her Bister, Mrs.
Frank Phepherd, while going through a
pasture, were attacked by a cow with a
young calf and Mr. Wih-ox waa caught by
' tha f,iw and hMitlv frornj llri. Mhti!w!-t
called a dog to tnelr assistance, who
started for the ralf. At this the cow left
the woman and ran to th aid ot the calf,
nd Mr. Wilcox wa aula to make hr
eacape. Had not the cow ben partially
dehorned Urt - W.lrox would doubtis have
bet (U11 .Injured,
. m
i . ... : - , " r f .
. . , , - '
That lively eqttad of big advertising 'men,
the Chicago delegation, i not only - on
of the most. Interesting -outfits at the' con
vention, but one ot the most appreciative.
These Chlcagoans have-desired to register
their apppreclatlon of th effort Omaha
has mad to entertain ki the visitor and
ha delegated George v. Mason of their
number to make ,-' statement .
'We want to thank the people ot Omaha
In general and the Omaha Ad club in par
ticular," said Mr. Masonv "Also the Knights
of Ak-Sar-Ben, the Omaha Commercial
club, the Field clu!$, Cdnntry club, and ttie
Happy Hollow cluh for Jhe highly success
ful effort made to entertain u visitors.
"V have never, attended a convention
(Continued on Second Page.)
announced as passed by, the resolution com
mittee. .. ! , '
De Moloes et Cap.
Among - the prize winners, Des Molne
wa announced the winner of the Prlnl
er' Ink cud. s. ' ' ' ' .: .
Colonel William Kennedy officiated . as
the closing flgvre of the splendid occasion.
He delivered a parting' address on behalf
of Omaha and bade the visitors hearty
welcome to return visits.
All concerned" in the. convention have de
clared It wa the best ever held by any
advertising organisation In the world.
Most of the delegate took train leaving
th city very quickly after the convention,
tome of the trains being held for them
past, tr running time schedule. Quite . a
ho wing of attendants however, dallied, In
town over night . , . ..
Brisbane Boost Aatos. -Buying
automobile .1. a good thing, ac
cording to Arthur Brisbane. Differing with
former Vice President Fairbanks, ..who
talked Tuesday, Mr. Brisbane declared there
waa no harm in people's indulgence in corn-
f v
tort and luxury rather than leave their
money In the bank tor wealthy men to
manipulate for' Interest 1
Addressing, the ad men's convention, the
Js'w York editor; , known a. -the highest
salaried newspaper man in the world, said
the foregoing things, told how he managed
to get hi salary and men to
ua th same methods In . getting what
ihey deserv. .
i t
' " 'S. iS: if
i y :
. v ::
"You men ai s not gstUng orly a Riuth
Club Sends Hustling
at which more thorough and more, skillful i
arrangements' were made-for everyone to
have a good time, and we ahall tll every
one we meet -about the Omaha spirit of
hospitality. It Is truly great. You cant
go too far In- representing our apprecia
tion." Th Chicago delegation, all of whom are
member of the Chlcego Athletic associa
tion, ha 'been pretty near the most promi
nent delegation at 'the convention. It'
member represent advertiser who plate
millions of buslnes every year. There are
agency representative Ilk C. II. Tousaltn
of the Lord ft Thomas company and John
Lee Maliln, head of the Mnhln aaency,
and men who handle the advertising for the'
biggest (,'hlraRo retail and wholexalo house.'
At th head of th delegation- Is J. R.
Wolts, bearer of a famous "sunny smile."
which 1 natural with him, and I a busi
ness asset worth thousands every year.
He i the publisher of "Farm Life," and
the president -of the Chicago Advertising
Another prominent member of this prom
inent delegation la W. R. Emery, western
manager for-"K very body" magaslne."' Mr.
Emery was one ot . tho first men In the
west to perceive the benefit which would
accrue from a national organisation, and
he ha been one of the moat active work
ers in the Associated Advertising clubs of
America since the association came Into
being six years ago.
The oar In which he rode to the Field
olub . Tuesday burst a tire en route and
his party visited a. nearby drug store. A
mag&alna stand stood nearby. "How many
Everybody's do you sell aa compared with
Hampton' and McClure's?" asked one of
one party, throwing the clerk a wink.
"Oh, twice as. many," answered the clerk,
and Mr. Emery .went on hi way happy
through the afternoon.
The Chicago Quartet has been one of
the real hits of the convention. The four
well-trained singers who compose It have
been caiied upon to warble At every meet
ing and have responded to song after song
to encore ofter encore. The four singer
are O. W. Mason, A. E. Chamberlain, W.
Watrous and L. D. Wallace.
The Chicago men . showed foresight, in
money aa you earn," was a cuggestion from
Following are a few other striking gem
from hi speech:
"The simplest word are the greatest. . .
"Success In writing is' reached through
expressing' what other people think.
"The greatest sentence , ever penned
were, To be or riot to be; that I the ques
tion,' in English, and 'Leave all hope be
hind, you who enter here,' In Italian. They
are great because they cannot be simplified
and they express what everybody thinks.
' "Human being' all have a pin sticking
in them; remove the pin and you will win
"The 'greatest' happiness .In the .world
comes from personality," as Goethe ha
said. '
. , Greatest, of -All Professions. .
Mr-v Brisbane pronounced-advertising the
greatest profession in the world. He de
clared it an art and asserted that ad
men .should -.share equally in the results
from theic work with the. men who., employ
them. . ...
On this, point the. speaker, . announced
that, he had Induced Thomas Edison to
'contract for five page of apace in the
New York Evening Journal for. $6,000 and
then charged the Inventor S5.000 for .writing
I the" advertisement W -fill it. '' ,.
, 'vnuei mux uiu diJoaeu vali avagaiiuw yi
buying aft"antemo'bUe, Mr. 'Brisbane' said
he' had' heard 'A Chicago banker was be
hind a move to shut - Off the sale ' of ma
chine ori'the'gtound they were taking
vast amounts- of money out of the bank
and cutting it out of circulation.- "You can
readily see how a bank loses when a man
buy a machine at the request of hi wife,
and the family economise in other way
to make up," h said. "On the other hand,
. where the banker gain In having the pur
chaser's money under hi rare to lend out
at interest and himself have ten automo
bile, the other man Jose. :. I think it
is a very good thing for ten men to
have. an automobile each instead .of-one
man having ten. autos and the other nine
none." ' - . . -'
"In proportion a the . race overcome
mobility, . the habit of remaining in one
a. ROY
place, Just so much doe the race advance.
By conquering the science of locomotion
on water, earth and in th air, humanity
take great leap and bounds to Improve
ment and high' intelligence It Is thor
oughly logical for us to choose going from
one place to another In an hour rather
than limiting ourselves to the- slow travel
of an hour and a half In a buggy. I have
five auto and ' I am going to get an
other." Mot HI fey Asklaa.
Mr. Qrlsbane declared he arrived at his
encrmou salary by asking ror it and earn
ing It through producing result. '
I told Mr. Hearst on day that $8,000
a year was ridiculous and I wanted to
Diak 1100,000 a year. He wa astonished at
first, but -finally offered to give me a.
thousand-dollar raise for every 10,000 In
crease I brought to the circulation. From
that time I earned a thousand-dollar . In
crease every month for a long time."
i f !'-,i-; -is- : . i ,-v y, ; i.yf '
'. - ' '
. ' -
.... (
f ' y
I -
' '
A 'newr creation In the focxj Une. .The combining of
Wheat, Rice, Oats and Barley. No breakfast . food
can compare with it. One trial will prcrve it,' ! ; (
.r.-Aak.Your Grocer. - - -:
1 ' ' ' 1 '
v H .
" ' w.
i '-.::.
1 "
: " v.. t.
. ."v
, .. .. a,. f
s f
' V ''V. ;' i-
adopting a consplcipus attire and have
cauht the eyes of -everyone since their
arrival. White yachting caps, trimmed
with gold braid, dark serge coats, bear
ing the "C. A. A." emblem on the sleeve,
white flannel trousers and ' white shoes
have completed their rrjakeup. The dole
gates are nearly all big men. physically, as
well as mentally, and their physical, site,
together with the dtattncliva dress. ' has
helped 'tot advertise the Chlcagoans enif
Chicago. - They have worked hard at this
an. done a pretty gopd Job.
This am Chicago bunch was a great
help to Omaha lri aecuring 'the "conventloh
at LoulHvIll a year ago.
The Speaker, then gave'lWmself ''to the
subjeot of advertising. He pointed out. that
a smalt paper ha -greater value for ad
vertisers than a large one. Thar small
DaDcr. he said. ' was tloser to Its readers!
iti editor was a friend of, the readers and
the advertisement had 'the effect of being
the editor's personal recommendation.
Mr. Brisbane and Mr.-Fouss, his traveling
companion of the Journal, lunched at' the
Omaha' club, ani later were driven about
town In an auto by Mr. Josyln, 'They left
Omaha shortly before 8 o'clock Wednesday
evening for "New York.' ' '
Julius Schneider wa the first speaker of
the morning session. Hls'toplo was "Ad
vertising."' Thunderous 'applause greeted
the address and It was pronounced by Ylr.
Brisbane the "best talk -on advertising he
ever had heard. Mr. Schneider attacked the
."hog Latin" of breakfast food name and
the practice" ot giving more attention to
balancing advertisement typographically
than to making them expresive. - He
favored the-uee of picture lh advertising.
'The speaker explained the divisions of the
population'' relating to ' literacy and the
power to absorb advertisements. Owing to
th' percentage ' bt absolutely ' illiterate
people, pi rtiau?- illiterate and people un
able to critically appreciate worthy ad
vertisements,' lie said there Vaa only 15 per
cent of the population really cultured and
acutely attentive 'readers. ' Pictures, he ex
plained, therefore' "was a' medium ' which
reached ' the' entire pdpulatlon.
C. M. Wesseis'cbnciuded the ' epeechm&k
Ing with a talk on trade Journal advertis
ing.'' . '": ;. "' . . " '
Convoutioa Note.
The Kansas City delegation brought with
them their "long and short man." Did you
see IhemT Bcourlock and Partes. ,
Frank Gray was here too he's the man
that mode "Pat" Harris famous.
The "BUI Nye" of the convention wa
present la person of C. K. Arrles, Kansas
City representative of Hand, Knox & Co.
The dean -of -the Kansas- City delegation
waa W. H. Hoffstott. and he shouldered
the responalbility of the honor with his
usual ability a,long that line.
Talk about loyalty. W. E. Campbell. Na
tional vice president' and president of the
K.auaaa city Ad ctuu,-goi up oui oi-a sick
bed, to come, to Omaha. That'a. coming
some. ....
"That man" Doldberg and "Joy" Young
were on their good behavior this year an
carried themselves 1 with becoming dignity.
They hsd to, they are both proud "daddies"
of bouncing boys. .
. "Teddy Roosevelt's dougle was also with
the Kansas City Advancing Club. If you
could have seen, those teeth and heard
Plachek pay. "dee-lighted" you would have
appreciated the, resemblance at once.
On Tuesday..", and - Wednesday "Open
House " was kept at the Kaunas City Ad
vertising club headquarter. Home Hotel.
Room D-l-2-3. Kefreahments ware served
with the. usual Kansas City generosity.
One of the best talks of the convention
was that of L. 1J, ,6uurlpck of Kansas City.
mi xmmm:,. -m
Ifete'v; ):i
X s
. . -
I ; 1
I 1 '
PiMirlm-k a abJouaddresiar- at ,!) ttRle 4Jum
year made piirh an lmpreilon on I lie pro
gram committee they asked T6r irtnrV-iiT"
a"1 " 1
' Early this mornlmr when OnY .' luslne
ftien wa'ked to offu-t thev saw every. '.
wherw large placards Inbelwl- I'Mrtv tlaasaen. 1
for Minnmilii " There Is a .drbaie. aa.lo ,
whether, the Mtnawiita Sfn phr' 1 lte asr
late lKt nishl or early. It Is haf(f t leU
whether thene Mlunesola men when seen In
the morning are 1111 already yet
Mlnneant seem to like -ha .mullnl -.of ...
three. There are thirty men-hi' 4(1 tWl
(atlon. There are threw publisher In th
tiunch. They ptnh thirty bortsis:' and there
are tnree advertUIng malingers of rail
road. They are Z. I1. Ureen of the Son
Line. .11. A. Nohl rf lh Wlwh.mi - -.
nd J. N. Stewart, Otherwise known ''
"Acorn Jack." who manages th advertl-
g destinies of the Northern Pacific. (
" r rl J
If you have anything to sqll pr trxle f
vertlse It In The ltee' fant A j"Bolt .J
nn and gel quick resuTfs"'- . I
StOp ;
o.s-''. ,
'; .'n;'i :..
"."' .--1 IT
'I wt
Ulackberrv Dalaam '"
Quickly stops Diarrhoea, Dj scnUry, ,C,h'?j- .
era Infantum and all bowel trouble with
out constipating. No opltnd' noi othei haolt
forming drugs. Accep'i''onry .Wakafletd'A
It cures after other -remedies fall. 3Sc"or.'
throe bottlts for 11.00. ' Everywhere.
. ,ff) .-i,,,,...)
Thought. the Kemltte
and Hand Made
wa a- , JO-ooae-t I
ntu4 M dropped'-1
mek '
in the
olfar tor to btr. an
other. I'fiattCtf yan't
know a 5-oent cigar could
he o good.
Remitter andapcl
Made rS-cent Cigar.
C2 BiNM1' WT:a
.' - OMAKA:1 .T-f.JO'-V
II Uians
lo'tirf t ;
- Ordinal and fiemifno
llftk l.ia.iMr....l.i
Tht Focd-drink fcr All igtt.
More healthful tKam,TsnOroCo";e,-
Agrees with lha weakest 1 digestion.- ., j -
Delicious, invigorating 'and niitritioti.
Rich milk, malted 'grain', p6Wdet fortft. " '
" .1 - f.; ;!cro cf . '
VA quick lunch prepared in msmitaL
Take no wbtitnie.AktjrJ10Rt)CSC ,tf
'Others dre imitations, '7
B 0 a u 1 1 f u j Qoi ti
Thar are but few people .,wtio .Jtave , ,
thaio. Oeod Teeta. every on miaht ne
It they would ko tO Dr. : Bradbury '"Ihe -qulckaat,
easiest and -.least, paloiul), ar ,
the oaiy method .employed by us aud
hundreos of our patients,' both ' t& and '''
out rf the'vlty wllr alauly:-tartiyU' ebuut'.
th good- denial .wvrk1,n4, ourUBtto-rtlaU ,.
way of doing thing. XlrdWha and'brTuge 9 '
oora irom per iooin'-i nate thai
fit I rem tO-4ls.SU'. Falnles MUM. ,f .
lion of teeth. Nerve of teth,, removed
without hurting you. ' Work warranted" '
tea year. .''-.i.) itwt ' :rt
iaoa rtrum et' "' "v"
Hfon ft. 'iCa'.
if IMM .
i &ABYr
1.. 1.
. - r !k i,r!i
. .. A BIUSBM.IJN1! ,,,.,-fT M
; ' " " -rr.( 1 i - -.'i. .-j
1 v)l j -
CIRCUS, CC3 Pcnp!3,45Q Animals,- .
$25,CS3 Arnioar.prb Slx-t'cfcsflje :l
Gorgeous Street .v;Paft5d3;2 y
Bring all -tho
folkg and gee
for yonrtelf a'
Fifty-Cent Clr
cui for 29 cent.
Don't forget it'a
a 1 cruel circus
war relentlessly
waged by a cir
cus trust, so
Seila-Floto 'de
claret ' ' barcala
General Adirjlsslpil
TLi Day tnd Data
day. Thug tha people no! the elrcui i"
benefit vhila' tt tltcWwu laati'", "
Doors Open 0n Ilouf tjifUer. V iv':
.Admittlag of a Visit to, tho B.' ..U.U
. - Ca Wal aVa C'! aC ;':l
v -. .,'. 1 .-. I . t "A
Seat Sale at Beaton Crug CbB'S,WPC.'
Omaha vs. Sioux !yr ,
Vinton Street f ark ; '
July 19-2a2-22,
Special careavea ,16m Jm4 ; Farnaps,
; i t. ,3'.3Q. nr , '- :
3? TOETS ' -i,
torlum; pric' after' " i I
XUos."-lt .'UiV- Tt,-''.
on sal today at Auditorium; pric' after' - t
x , , ioou and valng.:.I,i - : i .
$1.50, Tflvo f
.Special rlu frlday,! ,w t. . ,! I
llatlnei-ILOO, 750.' " WJ ;