THE BEK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1!)10. Nebraska Nebraska ) COMMONER TO SHARE 13 PIE Updike Plant at TWELVE MILLIONS INCREASE McCook, Neb., is Destroyed Probable Sice of Boost State Valua tion Will Get. Nebraska 1 I ) r ) GoTernor Will Try Persuasion and Patronage on Peerless One. CHANCE TO PRINT AMENDMENT Demoeratle Fapera Thrnnhoit Nr nraaka Dlatr4 to Pahllsh So ', tleea Befor Election Demos Hash ta Slaa Mttfiatnti, (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 19.-Speclal.)-Bellevlng that a soft answer turneth away wrath, Governor Bhallenberger today designated the Commoner as the on democratic paper in Lancaster county which ahould publish tha f-roposfd1 ctohstltutlohal amendment to ba aubmltted to the voters at the fall elec tlon, Thua In thla county the Commoner aharea the honor 'with the Lincoln Star In getting the democratic pie, though the Star rot the bis slice Hat fall, when It published the Hat of defunct corporations undsr the occupation tax law. Beside, the Cimmoner, the governor des ignated papers In all the countlea of the tate, except fn six, which are to be named later or aa soon aa the governor haa In vestigated them. The law which gives the governor the authority to designate the papers In which the' proposed ''constitutional amendment shall be published was enacted by the dem ocratlc legislature last winter, which ought to keep all the pie In the democratic ranks. Senator Tanner was the author of the bill, but he1 announced at that time that he would not publish the proposed amend tnents aa proof that he waa working for principal and net pelf. The governor, how ' ever. Included the South Omaha Democrat in the favored Hat. The six countlea In which no papers ''Have been designated are Orant, Hooker, Logan, McPherson, Sarpy and Thonms. : ' , , Pavers In I.iat. The governor certified thep artlal, list of of - papers to tho secretary of state today The list include the following papers Adams County Democrat, Hastings; Reg ister, Neltgh; Uanner County News, L,ewia- burg; firewater" News, Urewster; Argus, Albion; Herald, Alliance; Uoyn County tvwi, Ankea; Hrown County Democrat iwnswnrtn; Ueniocvat, Kearney; Mlrrow Lyonds; llutler County Press. David t'ltv ' Journal, P.'attsniouth; Cedar County News Hartington; nreexe, Wauneta; Democrat, Valentine: 'Telegraph. Sidney'. Register. Sutton; Journal, Ho ell; Cuming County democrat, West Point; Custer County Bea con. Broken Bow; North Nebraska Kagle, Dakota City; Chronicle, Chadron; Cllpper Citisen, Lexington;' Register, Chappel; Dixon County Leader. Ponca; Herald, Fre mont: . Nebraska Daily Democrat, South Omaha; News, Haigler; Guzette, Geneva; Tribune. llloimingtori; Chronicle, Moore field; Pioneer. Arapahoe; Gage County Deniocrut, Beatrice; Garden County News, Lowellyn; Tribune, Uurwell; Bulletin, El wood; Leader- Independent, Greeley; Free Press, Grand Inland; Sun, Aurera; Harlan County. Journal, Alum; Hayes Center Re ' publican; ReglHter, Trenton; Holt County Independent, O'Neil; Hhotograph-Press, St. Paul; Journal, Fairbury; Johnson County Tribunal, Tecumseh; Courier, Mlnden; Keith -County "tVewa, Ogalalla; Herald, Spring view; Western Nebraska Observer, Kimball; Nebraska Liberal. Crelghtcn; Commoner, Lincoln; Telegram, North Platte; Loup City News. Taylor; Enter prise, Battle Creek; Republican, Central City; News-Bladt. 'Bridgeport:- News-Jour- Jial.-' Fullerton; Noma ha County Herald Auburn ; Express, Superior; News Two Elevators, Coal Bins, Office Building and Contents Burned Early This Morning. M'COOK, Neb., July 1 (Special Tele gram.) The entire - plant of the Updike Grain and Coal company at thla place waa destroyed, this morning by fire, their con tents being consumed. Twelve thousand bushels of oats, fc,O00 bushels of corn and several hundred bushels of wheat besides several hundred tons of coal were de atroyed. Thla waa one of the best plants In southwestern Nebraska. The origin of the fire la unknown. The loss will aggre gate $30,000 and Is covered by a blanket in surance carried by the Updike company. FIVE DEMOCRATS FOR COXGRES9 S. M. Bailer of Falrbary Last Oae ia Fob Mb. District. FAIR BURT, Nb July W.-(Speclal)-S. M. Bailey of this city has filed as demo cratic candidate for congress from the Fourth district. There are now five demo crats In the race for congress. They are Judge B. F. Oood of Wahoo, Charles Gil bert of York, Judge Matt Miller of David City, S. L. Mains of Crete and S. M. Bailey of Falrbuiy. A. H. Martin of this city has filed as socialist candidate for congress. Others have filed as follows: State sena tor. Twenty-third district. Henry Dlek mann, Plymouth, republican; John P. Thlessen, Jansen, republican; V. C. Line, Dlller, republican; Wcs Pickens, Powell, democrat. Representative, Thirty-sixth district, Luther Bonham. Representative Thirty-fourth district, C. I. Clark, Steele City, republican; Henry Helllger, Plymouth, democrat. County attorney. F. L. Ruin, republican. County commissioner, Henry Hansmlre, I. N. Thompson, Ed Lawrence, Charles Hoppe. James Chambers s.nd Frltx Hum feld, republican; Ed Shoe,otham, democrat. FIVE COUNTIES NOT KEP0RTED Doaalae Coaatr Coatrlbatea Over Mllllom id Half Dollars as Ita Snare ( Llft-Aaaeaaaaeat by C'oaatlea. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July l.-tSpeclal.) With five countlea missing the, total assessed valu ation of the state aa reteurned to the State Board of Equalisation by county board is 1390.288,183. The counties missing are Box Butte, Cedar, Deuel, Gage and Keith. These counties were assessed last year at 120,709, 294. If these countlea are returned at the same valuation this year, the total assessed value of the state will be $410,995,479, or an Increase of $12,099.flK the total assessment last year being $.198,980,819. Of the Increase this year $267,996 waa on railroad property. Douglas county contri buted $1,671,674 aa its portion of the In crease and the remainder, $10,160,101, was contributed by the other ninety-one countlea. The following table shows the assess ment by counties for the years 1909 and 1910, as equalised by the State board last year and returned by the county boards this year: 1909. , $ e,4US.tf2 ,975, 41 5 County. Adams Antelope ., Banner .... Blaine Boone Box Butte Boyd , Brown Buffalo .... Burt , Butler .... Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne 352.0B3 897, 439 6,ttl.6'3 1.143.744 1514.36o 1.128,971 7.107,619 6,65.3:fl 6.957.004 8,007,966 6, 403, 849 974.067 2.676,798 2,125,310 1910. 6.640,391 4,166,617 377, 6J9 435.474 6.192,304 Clay 6 b75.0'.' braska City; Chief. Pawnee City: Perkins County Sent.nel, (irant; Progress, Holdreg;; Leader, Pierce; Telegram, Columbus; Dem ocrat, Oscoola; Reporter, Indt&nola; Falls City News. Falls City; Leader. Rassctt; Democrat, Wilbur; Democrat, Wahoo; In dexv Mitchell; Independent-Democrat, Sew ard; Standard, Runhvlllei-Tllrtes-Indeperyi-ent. Loup City; Sun, -Harrison;.'. Register, Stanton; Register, Hebron; Times. Pender; Journal, Ord;' Democrat, Blair; Democrat, Wayne; Chief. Red Cloud; Independent, Bartlett; Democrat, York. Candidates Fear Bryan. The hoplesness -of the democrats to carry the legislature and at the name time the, hold Mr. Bryun has on these who are candidates on the democratic ticket- was evidenced by the number of legislative can didates who got In under the Oregon' plan and signed Statement No. 1 at the laset mlnutce. Many democratic candidates for ,the legislature sent In Bpeclal requests after making their filings and asked that the secretary of state record them as hav ing; signed Statement No. 1. This activity on the part of the candidates was noticed after Mr. Bryan issued his statement In favor of an endorsement of that act of the legislature of which he waa the father. f t Motive of Patrick. The fart that .W. , R. Patrick announced hlmeelf aa a candldato for governor on the democratic ticket after having said he favored the euectlon of Senator Aldrlch, republican; and that he was apposed to both Governor Shallenberger and Mayor Dahlman, has started some discussion among democrats us to his real reason for getting Into tho race. An Omaha democrat Is authority for the statement that Patrick said he was for Aldrlch and hoped to see him elected. . Aldrlch la quoted as having suggested that those who desire to help him would boost Mayor Dahlman for the democratic nomination, as '. friends of the governor are of the opinion ' that Patrick hopes In the long luii to help Aldrlch by hla candidacy. Though Mr. Bryan haa Issued five of tidal statements in his latest round, he has not yet aald whether he will support the democratic norrJnee for governor If de feated, In the. Grand Island convention, so efforts are being made to draw him out In this subject. Some believe that he will support Patrlckf, and othera are of the opinion Aldrlch fills the bill. Will Attain Lead Pops Governor Shaken berger has a cinch on one nomination, that of the populist party. He Is the only candidate for governor who haa filed m that ticket.. Willis Reed of Madison, thought he had the popullat nomination for United States aenator tied down, but at the laat momen Saturday, G. M. Hitchcock, another can didate, got busy and filed a popuhst pet I tlon, so he Is candldute on the double header, SDd Richard L. Metcalfe has alio coma In under a populist petition. Mayor Dahlman and W. R. Patrick are the tne Simon pure democratic candidatea. It be Ins: too late now for Patrick to file a pro hlbltlon petition. The following delegates were appointed by Governor Shallenberger Tuesday to the second notional conservation congress to be held at St. Paul, Minn., September to Prof..-0. E. I'ondra, Lincoln; O. Hull Alma: Jesse Fout. Dlilerl; Lew Deets, KKoarKnKeKyK; James M. Dunkle, Urana lsianu; W. it. lanning, Hastings; J. i t-miinadv. Mlnden: H. R. McKelvie. Lincoln f. W. Hervey. Omaha; J. U. McDonald North Platte: .Charles A. Morrlii Sootl llluff: .,W. S. i Ridsell, Alliance; James Coffey.-Chadron; Jack Walsh, Humboldt; John P. .Thieesen, Jansen. Uaveraor Annotate Delegates. The governor haa epolnted Dan V. Stephen of Fremont and Peter Wolbach of Grand Island, delegatea to the Interna tional road -congress which will be held In Brussels, July 91 to August 8. The followtngdelegates have been ap pointed by the governor to represent the state of Nebraska In the fourth Interna tional conference of state andlot-al taxa tion to be held In Milwaukee. August 10 to September S: II'. A. lilwards. Grand Island; Albert Watklns, Lincoln; J. k Coatiu, Vt'tllow Island. . . Nebraska News Notes. GORDON There was a heavy rain and electrical storm here Monday night lasting five hours. ALBION Quite a number of Company M, National Guard, left this morning for Ashland to participate in the target prac tice at that place. WEST POINT The new officers of the County central committee of the republi can party of Cuming county are K. H. Macg, chairman; H. M. Basslnger, secre tary; and Henjy Behrens, treasurer. NEBRASKA CJTY Louis Wllberger, while working In-ihe hay field Sunday, was overcome by the heat and for a time It was feared he had Jot his mind. He is under the care of a.ilnysklan and will recover. , u i' PERU In celebration of their fifleth wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cole leave this week for Minneapolis, Minn., where they expect to make an extended visit among Mr. Cole's brothers whom he has not seen for years. PERU Thursday,' July 28, has been set for the laying of the cornerstone of the new administration building at the Normal school. Senator E. J. Uurkett will be present and make the principal address on the "New Woman and the Young Man." PERU Division Superintendent Lyman, MeJ I accompanied by the chief engineer, was Colfax Cuming 4,961.337 6,338,946 Custer 7,119,629 Dakota Dawes Dawson 2.571,035 1.952.442 6, . 445 Deuel 1.437,604 2.552.382 1.252.S24 7.241.112 6.719.319 6,987,872 8,070,727 l'.055!645 2,909,41 2.188,179 6.817.630 6.109,431 6,466.026 7,286,813 2.616,976 2.010,693 6.419,847 Dixon Dodge Douglas ... Dundy .... Klilomre .. Franklin .. Frontier .. Furnas .... Gage Garden .... Garfield .. Gosper .... Grant Greeley ... Hall Hamilton . Harlan .... Hayes Hitchcock 4.012,75a 8,307.478 85.756,733 1.426,172 6,796,540 S.613.803 2,699,436 4.222,963 10,091,410 'iwioCT 2.143,450 672,426 2.106,717 6.581,100 6.359,751 3,660,710 749.105 1,848.470 In Peru Tuesday, and while here decided upon the location for the new depot. The engineer will soon return to Btake off the givunds and the work of. building will be gin at once NEBRASKA CITY Father John Hahn, pawtor of the St Mary's Catholic xhurch, has resigned and will go to Orleans, Neb., to take charge of the church at that place. His place will be filled by a priest from Ohio. Father Hahn preaches his farewell beiinon on August 7 WEST POINT Miss Gertrude Llndale. a graduate of the stenographic department of the Omaha Commercial college, has opened an office In West Point as public stenographer, this being the first one In the hixtorr of the city where the puDllc neeos call for an office of this kind. w SHUBE11T The funeral of David Ward aged forty yearn, was held at the Metho dist church In Shubert, followed by burial at Prairie Union. Mr. Ward was plowing in the corn field when stricken with bowel trouble, and lived only a few houis. The widow and six children survive. WEST POINT-C. F. Schonlau. editor of the Houston Signal at Houston, Minn., visited the city of his birth yesterday for the first time in thirty years. His father, the late Dr. -bchoruau established the Ne braska Voiksblatt, a German publication at West Point thirty-five years ago. WEST POINT During the last six days a total of t inches of rain has fallen In the vicinity of . West Point. Corn never looked better, hay has yielded a better drop than was expected, and pastures have re vived considerably. Taken altogether the average of the crops of the county will be up to the norrrml standard. WEST POINT-Mrs. John Holtx passed way last evening at her home northwest of the city at the age of 83 years. A son and two daughters survive. The funeral obsequies will be celebrated by Rev. M. Li'iim-r. pastor of the Rock German Luth eran church. - Mra. Holts waa a widow of one of the earliest ploneera of this county. NEBRASKA CITY The Robert Graves company of New York City filed a suit In the county court against W. a. Hyer, the stationer, and an attachment waa placed In the handa of the sheriff. This is the fourth attachment against the stock and the vvereabouta of the owner of the stock Is not known, as he Is on the road trav eling for a picture moulding firm. NEBRASKA CITY Yesterday morning Mrs. John Rouacn, who resides In the east ern purl of the city, went up stairs with a lamp In her hand to get some medicine. in coining down she tripped and fell, the lamp exploded - and the house was soon ablase. Mrs. Housch waa rescued, although slightly burned, and the house was saved, but the contents were destroyed. ALBION The political candidates, who have filed for the several offices In Boone county, are as follows: State aenator, Aubrey A. Smith, republican; C. G. Karnes, democrat; representative, Roscoe Smith, republican; O.' H. Fiory, democrat; Iver By gland, populist; county attorney, O. M. Needhani, republican; F. J, Mack, demo crat. ; . WEST POINT Twenty-five men took purl in the blue rock shoot at the farm of August ltelchllnger on Sunday, wherein the high score of 23 was won by H. 11 B.-nne. William Raduechel came In second with 21, and Nicholas Peatrowsky with 20. These meeting of the sportsmen of the county are becoming exceedingly popular. being held alternately on the farms within eusy distance of West Point. ALBION A distressing accident occurred yesterday at th home of Mr. E. E. Mans field, when one of his dapghters, while starting a rire in a gasoline stove, was se vereiy burned. It appears that the oil became Ignited while alia was endeavoring to start the generator, and In a second she was perfectly covered with the burning flflld. W hlle very painfully burned, It is thought sne win recover, WEST POINT-County Judge Dewald of ficiated at the marriage of Arthur Zuhle and Miss Ida Otterstein, well known and popular young people of Neligh township, Ilia groom la the son of William Zuhlke, a well known old aettler of Neligh town ship, and the bride a daughter of Ludwig Otterstein, both of them being born and brought up in mis county, the children of pioneer settlers. They will reside on their ovtn'furm lti the neighborhood of their old home. NEBRASKA CITY An eighteen-) ear old son ofL'onductor William G'riffln, while playing ball yesterday, was struck In the back by the knee of another buy who waa running bases, and ruptured one of hla kidneys. Tha young man was in a ser ious condition and was taken to Omaha Monday evening, where he will undergo a aurgical operation. The young man did not realise at first that he waa aa seriously Injured aa It proved to be later and con tinued playing bail for some little time before he fainted and had. to be carried home, t Holt 3,616,288 Hooker 398,160 Howard 2.712.207 Jefferson 6,691,663 Johnson 4.306,892 Kearney 4,043.922 Keith 1,940,789 Keya Paha 829.696 Kimball 1,386,875 Knox 4,744,102 Lancaster 20,009,199 Lincoln 4.678,354 I-ogan 2,262 Loup 273,670 Madison 6,887,384 McPherson 2.10.2SS Merrick 4,2ol,7r Morril 867,874 Nance -. 3.396,894 Nemaha 6,337,99 Nuckolls 6.340.893 Otoe 8,444,589 Pawnee 4,9t.408 Perkins 1,061.755 Phelps 4,603,589 Pierce 4.039.216 Platte 7.541.9; Polk 4.852.416 Red Willow J.30r,,302 Richardson 6,002 399 Rock 837,373 Saline 7.200,774 Sai-py 3.82-1.101 Saunders 9,362.236 Scott's Bluff 1 626,625 Seward 6,828. 2h7 Sheridan ,., 2.286.014 Sherman 2,6i;9,22il Sioux . 1,061,220 Stanton 3.701.935 Thayer 5,648.502 Thomas 457.388 Thurston 1.676,494 Valley 2.947.163 Washington 6.033.141 Wavne 4.419.649 Webster 4,328.429 Wheeler 472.16 York 7.683,670 4.111.847 8,458,039 3i',427,07 1,443.628 6.897,499 3.697,463 2,726,561 4.267,703 "748 123 642,783 J,177,3fi8 702, 96 2.194,397 6,821,081 6.603,060 8.706,727 761,518 1,892,403 3,720,386 437.081 8.798,469 6,781.844 4,280, 4i!4 4,136,452 '882' 125 1,366.961 4,960,404 20.393,197 4,931,661 321. 2Vi 236,988 6,054,702 363,164 4.365,170 1.080,430 3.387.4,2 6.421.0 "2 6.444, 42 S.536.78!! 6,049,08 1.029.D2 4.674.817 4.176,242 7.753.8F8 6.inS.835 3.349 179 7.004.221 eil.grg 7,367.7112 3.803.419 . S2,9-? 1.671.806 7.005,632 2484,(v:,9 2.761.50C 1,0'S,004 S,?4,572 5.724.1F5 476.959 Z.UIK, N44 3.100.3S6 5. 228, 134 4.461.798 4.427.053 538.715 7,884,044 Total $39S,985,S19 $390,286,183 Demos Meet at Iloldrece. HOLDREG E, Neb., July 19. (Special.) The Franklin county democratic convention will meet tomorrow at Macon. Delegates will be present from HUdreth, Campbell. Franklin, Bloomlngton, Rlverton, and Up land, and indications point to one of the most Important convention ever held by the party In that county. ' A Fierce Attack of malaria, liver derangement and kidney trouble. Is easily cured by Electric Bitters the guaranteed remedy. 60c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. The Midwest Life In the first six months of 1910 The Mid west Life made a net gain In Insurance in force of $024,000. .Each of the six months showed a slight Increase over the corres ponding month In last year. The company now has $2,336,000 of Insurance on Its books. i' irst mortgages on Nebraska real estate comprise the largest Item in the asset of The Midwest Life. Probably no other com rany In the United States haa so large a percentage of Ita assets In real estat mortgages, and not a dollar of either prin cipal or Interest la In default.- Loyalty to Nebraska prompts all Its citizens to buy of Nebraska Institutions, particularly when an equally good article can be obtained The policies of The Midwest Life are tho equal of any on the market and tho prem U.m ratea are aa low. It treats Its policy uuiiKTia iifiin kiiu pays claims promptly as soon as proofs are made. Insure In It Home office 119 South Tenth Street, Lincoln. Summer suite to order 417 Ml reduced trem 2e McCarthy-Wllsou, 104 Keuth II lb. L.B.r.lcCounGo. South End 16th St. Viaduct "Home of ihs long Ton" FACTORY PRODUCT t. Xrfmla fthoe FaotorUa Week fmlj g. The factory output of the St Louis Shoe Factorlea for the week ending July 2d. waa 334,0(0 pairs and tha shipment by rail and river were 1 1,(90 casos. Reported by the Shoe a. Leather Gasetta. 7 I fc v T IWvs:-.;.- n, . rf-V:-:miL-!--if-::W :: Vvy-'it Bye 1 and Good. When finis is written to the convention when the last word is saidwhen the last hand has been shaken and -you turn your eyes toward home and the home welcome, just remember that awaits you too at home, ready to refresh your convention worn body and quench that travel thirst. So here's good bye and good luck we drink, in Coca-Cola, to our next meeting. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Atlanta, Ga, Send for our interest ing booklet, "The Truth About Coca-Cola" Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola