Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Police Considering Serere Measures
Chautauqua Opens
at Grand Island
Another Claimant
to Check Speeding;.
for Wilson Estate
8esioni Last Tea Days After Which
Big Tent Will Be Used (or Demo
, cratic Contention.
Man in New Hampshire Sail He is
Eight Aastrtao Arrested Charge
f Coadartliic Themselves la
Offensive Maaaer Shooter
Welt Scattered.
How to prevent speeding automobile
from endangering tha Uvea of people and
Brother of Late Judge Wilton
. of Tecomseh.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. July . 8pe
tlal.r Th fourth Chautauqua ambly fur
this city, but rather the first under the
auspice of a local organization perfected
through th. effort of tha Commercial
club, wii opened Saturday night with a
magician program and today the Chi
cago Uperatio company la giving an aft
ernoon and evening program with lectures
by Dr. Frank. Q. Smith and L. J. Beu
champ. Tha big tent at Del wood park was
first used Saturday for tha county Llghth
grade graduation exercises and fifty pu
plla received - the diplomas. The county
superintendent. Ml Doea Kolla, had ar
ranged a fine program of sports and games
between sessions and tha patrons of the
different' district schools of the county.
represented In tha class, were present In
large numbers.
Beginning tomorrow the atate Baptist
Touog People' union will have a conven
tion brs and an Institute of methods of
teaching Sunday acbool, with a good array
of talent for every day. A number of the
visiting- delegates are In the city today and
are attending tha various Sunday schools
of the city. '
Ther.;-wiBb. an afternoon and an eve
ning program every day thla week and
prominent features of the program, be
side Those already mentioned are: Sena
tor Cummins of lorn a, J. Adam Bede, Sena
tor Ollta James. . Ueorge K. Wendllng,
Father John Daly, Mrs. I M. Lake and
others and. In tha musical Una, the Dun
bar Quartette, the pixie Juhilee singers,
I the Hounds orchestra tha Hustons' and
Tha Chautauqua season, the advance sale
for which, eclipses anything ever before
experienced here. close on Sunday evening.-1
Aside from tha uses Indicated the
commencement, convention and Chautau
qua proper the big tent will remain pitched
until Tuesday when 'as a final event under
thla canvas, the democratic slate conven
tion will be held therein.
Clerk Keeps Opeo .atil Mldalght te
Aeeosaaaodate Late Oaes.
TECUM 8EH,' Neb., July IS. Special. )
Tha closing of the time for candidates to
file In Johnson' county wa attended by
considerable bustle Saturday evening.
Allen . Powell, editor of the Sterling Sun,
who bad been considering the advisability
of filing, aa a .straight democratic candi
' date 4 for represenallve from the Fourth
district,' which la In, Johnson county, did
not finally make up his mind until after
lv o'clock ' Saturday evening. At that
time he telephoned County Clerk I J.
t1 pence of his desire and a-ked the clerk
to be at bis oft:c until midnight. Mr.
Powell reached Tecumseh In time to file
with but fifteen minutes to spars, making
tha trip to' Tecumseh .' In an automobile.
The filings olosedUos follows: For float
senator,. Johnson and Nemaha counties. L.
A. Varner, republican; W. H. Talcott,
democrat.'- ' For -county representative.
TECUMSEH, Neb.. July IS -4Fpeclal.)-
As the time approaches for the settlement
of the case of John Wilson, Jr., of Hous
ton. Texas, claimant for the estate of the
late Judge and Mrs. John Wilson of
Ttcjmsc'h, It seema that more "John Wil
sons'" ar heard from. The last In
cident la the receiving by County Judge
James Livlngrtnn of a letter from Alex
ander Wilson of Berlin Mills, New Ramp
shire. Thla Mr. Wilson says h doea not
pietend to be the fortunate son of the Te
cuinsth Wilson, but that he la his brother
and that this "John Wilson" Is In Novla
Scotia, He then goes on to ask the judge
whether or not he had better come to Te
cuirseh In an endeavor to get the estate.
Judge Livingston has set Aug. t a the day
for hearing the petition of the John Wilson,
jr., from Houston, Tex., and the old settlers
and curious ones from ir and near will
be. on hand to hear the case, for it will be
very interesting. The court room will be
entirely too small to accommodate the
hops Stay In Wrnen,
BEATRICE, Neb.. July IS. (Special.) A
committee of Wymore business nen haw
returned from Omaha, where they held a
conference with General Manager Holdrege
relative to the proposed removal of the
shops from Wymore to Havelock, Neb. At
the close of the conference Mr. Holdrege
announced that there would be no change
at the present time.
Tkunloa Democrats X, alastrocted.
PENDER. NEB.. July 18 (Special.)
The following delegates to the democratic
state convention were selected at the pri
mary iield Saturday, July 1: J. S. Tate,
Dan' Flynn, J. A. Lamere. August Joost,
K. W. Tarrant. Governor Shallenbergcr
and the state officials were indorsed. The
delegation was not Instructed on the coun
ty option Issue,
nock Democrats Aa-alat Optfoa.
BAS8ETT. Neb., July 1. (Special.) The
Rock county democratlo convention Sat
urday, adopted resolutions favoring the
re-nomlnatlon of Governor Shallenbergcr,
and Instructed the delegation to oppose
insertion of county option planks In the
state platform convention. J. J. Carltn and
J. H. Bergman were elected delegate to
the state convention.
Nebraska na Xotes.
TECUMSEH Word has been received of
the death at Uridley, Cat., of Mrs. James
Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Davis moved from
Tc-cumsen to Uridley two or three years
BEATRICE Word was received here last
evening announcicg the marriage of An
drew M. Anderson and Miss Hazel Andrea-,
both of Filley, wh;ch occurred at Council
Bluffs. They will make their home at
TECUMSEH Lieutenant Thomas W
Bridges, who recently graduated from the
national military academy at West Point,
is visiting at the home of his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Bridges, In Sterling, this
destroying property In South Omaha ts on
of the problems of the South Omaha police
department It Is probably true that the
machlnea which ply between Omaha and
South Omaha make faster time on tha
average than on any of tha streets short of
the country roads, where the top Botch Is
Some of the cars flit down Twenty-fourth
street so fast that the number cannot b
read on a passing car. The notice ar
seriously discussing a means of checking
thee cars effectually. Most of the driver
care little for the flourish of a policeman'
club, but go by and ride home by another
treet If they have been hailed.
Tt Is proposed to stretch a good strong
wire before speeding cars, but uch a
device Is too slow to be worked. Of 1st
It Is suggested that a long Inch board be
studded with sharpened nails and that tha
officer be Instructed to cast this in the
street before a speeding machine and com
pel a halt or great loss and trouble will
follow a a penalty. Such a device I
thought most practical and It Is said to
have been used with good effect In New
York and other eastern cities.
Elaht Aaatrlaas Held.
The South Omaha police arrested eight
Austrian Saturday night on the charge
of Insulting women. These -men live in a
crowded tenement house at Twenty-eighth
nd R streets. It Is charged that they
were tunning on the lawns not In respect
able attire and otherwise offending the
The South Omaha officer have been
carefully watching the colonies of tho
foreign population, such as were so pre
valent a year ago. and have seen to It that
the men were held In check. The city also
passed an ordinance to prevent the over
crowding of tenements. The practice form.
erly permitted as high as forty men to
sleep in one room which should not hare
been used by more than four or five. The
eight men arrested all lived In one room.
The police Insist that these people should
give up this kind of practice and live after
the fashion of the people of the United
States and give up their clannlshneu.
The men arrested Saturday night were
Nick Carbrik, Mike Murkniu. Mike Storika,
Steve Roblch, Mike Kokuich, Ely Rlchmlch,
Steve Hllldura and Nick Supica.
county. He Is enjoying a three months'
furlough, at the end of which time he ex-
rT H c JoTnLol e! Pecu xo "Kned to duty either in the
Johnson county. Rev.; P. C. Johnson, E. phllpplne j8iands or in Alaska.
r . k. I T ..-- L'inlar. 1 1 rumi t I
. riww - ......... ........ . BEATRICE The board of supervisors ad-
licans; Allen Powell nd J. Jr. Anderson, . journed Saturday to August 11. after sitting
democratic, v For county attorney, si. t..
Cowan ad E" R. Hitchcock, both -republican;
no candidate for the democrats. For
county commissioner. First district, J. F.
Fink John H.- Kvana, both republican;
John Costctlo and 'George LUllch,' both
Officers Estimate Total at Haadred
tens Tkeaaia,
ASHLAND. Neb., July 18. (Special.)
Car.dldttrs In Saunders county have been
low In filing for the different offices. For
state senator. Saunderrand Sarpy counties.
Alex Laverty luf Ashland, republican, has
filed for a third term and the democrats
liava -two candidates. County Attorney
Ernest R- Ringo c-f Papilllon and Ex
County Judge Emil R. Placek of Wahoo.
For representatives In the twenty-seventh
district (Saunders county) William E.
Barbe. of-Ashland filed as a democrat
and Representative Frank Doleaal, of
Wahoo. democrat, filed 1r re-election. On
the republican aide. Balthasar N. Jessen, a
farmer sooth ' of Cedar Bluffs, and Jul
Fttermiohel. a banker at Valparaiso, filed
for representatives and Peter Knuth, a
Douglas precinct farmer living west of
Cedar Bluffs, filed for county commissioner
for the third district, the democratic can
didate for, thla office being Soren Miller,
residing In Cedar precinct, south of Cedar
Bluffs. So far aa known, all legislative
candidates who have filed either as re
publicans or democrats are opposed - to
county option. Barbee of Ashland signed
"statement No. 1" but some of the others
passed It up In' fiilng.
three days as a board of equalisation. The
board refused to reconsider its action In
increasing the valuation of the Gaee
County Gas. Light and Power company
from fc.Oi to fcO.OOQ. . The valuation of
farm land In Gage county was reduced Mi
per cent, making a total reduction of r'l.-
090. .
Next Musical
Festival at Fargo
Norwegian-Danish Sinjers' Associa
tion Ends Successful Session
at Sioux Falls.
JTIaal Hash for Merit's OffKe Satur
day Afrorwooa.
BEATRICE. Neb.. July 18. t Special. )
The .tisAo lor the candidates, to file for
office closed Saturday, and during the aft
ernoon there was a lively scramble among
omo of the office seekers to reach the
county clerk's, vftlttav before .the doors
closed. Following I a list of the filings:
Kenate rVter Jansen and Charles Over-tx-ck.
republicans; Jacob Klein, aemoemt.
Representatives Mervln J. Jo.inaon.
Che. J- MiVoil, Gwrge Humphreys, Krea
C. Ojafiln. II- Clyde Fuley. all republicans;
h. Lacy, J. W. M.kiick, J. iw Mont
gonwey, dVmut'iata.
Kost'Sler of lswds Mrs. Alice Hensley
and John A. Weaver, republicans; Giloert
V. Reynolds, democrat.
County Attorney General L. W. olby,
r publican; Fred O. McUirr. democrat.
Superv iMorS"
First Dutrtct George Kretscr. democrat.
Second - District D utht a. Daloey, re
publican. . - , ,..,
lima District-J. W. Marple. William
. Klerback, republicans.
math DlKtrut-L. Jl. Archard and E vv .
Fenton, republicans; M. J. Morao. demo
crat. Seventh District F. M. 1-ayton and Jihn
R. Sailing, dkmociats. Geoigs Williamson,
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., July 18. (Special.)
The great biennial singing festival of the
Northwestern Norwegian-Danish' Singers'
association, after having been in session In
Sioux Falls since Thursday, has now con
cluded its seeslons and today the hundreds
of singers who were In attendance are re
turning to their homes in the various
states of tha northwest.
At a business session Fargo. N. D.. was
selected as the place for holding the next
fei-tlval of tha association. Lars Chris
tiansen of Fargo was elected by a unani
mous vote as the new president of the
In addition to the numerous singing soci
eties which participated In the festival
here, seven new societies have been organ
ised and thesewill take part In the gath
ering In 1913 at Fargo. These new mem
bers are from the state of North and
South Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota and
Most of the visiting singers, together
with many of the residents of Sioux Falls,
attended a picnic given Sunday afternoon
at a point three mile north of Sioux Falls
In honor of the visitors. The day was de
lightfully cool, following unusually hot
weather on Saturday." and the picnic in
what Is tune of the finetst grove in east
er South Dakota was thoroughly enjoyed.
Special tiaina were run ever the. South
Dakota Central railroad for the accommo
dation of those who attended.
Clah Hri Scattered.
So many of the South Omaha Gun club
members are taking their summer vaca
tlons that the weekly shoot was very
lightly attended. Many of the members
visited the Benson club and spent a good
afternoon away from home. Next week
however, the member will be at home and
are expecting guests from Council Bluffs
and from the Omaha Gun club, aa well as
from Benson. The afternoon will be made
one of special interest by the club mem
bers and good entertainment will be pro
Ma ale City Gossip.
John Golden has gone to or hite water,
nan., on business.
Charles Freed of Lincoln wa a guest of
South Omaha iriends over Sunday.'
Fred Englen of the Cudahy Packing com
pany left Saturday for Wichita, Kan.
The West Side Bryan club will meet Mon
day evening at Twenty-sixth and Q atreeta
STORZ Delicious Bottled Beer delivered
promptly to your residence. Phone Bo. 1631.
Brcderick a aiaaiow ay.
The Willing Workers of the Christian
church will give an Ice cream social in
Highland park Tuesday evening.
John W. Immel. Infant son of H. R. Im-
meL 200 North Twenty-sixth street, died
yesterday. The body was sent last night
to OJbe. Kan.
The Roumanian societies of South Omaha
will dedicate a new banner Sunday. July
24. at Rushlng's halt A dance will be held
In the evening.
The city council meets tonight In regular
session. The clerk will prohably be in
structed to re-advertise the city Improve
ment bonds at tne increased rate.
'PHONE SOITII SOS for a case of JET.
TER GOLD TOP. Prompt delivery to
any part -of city. William Jetter.
We wlh to thank frHr.ds. neighbor, and
tha members of the Odd Fellow arg .
bekah lodges for their floral
their sympathy, and many acts of kindness
shown us during our recent bereavements
bv the death of our father and mother.
William Bennett. Olive Bennett. Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Smith and family, Mrs. A. J
Statatorr Charge Aaalaat Priest.
PIERRE. & D.. July IS. tSpecial. The
people of Fort Pierre are stirred up over a
bearing which Is In progress in that place,
in which Rev. Father Anthony O'Harra
Friends Have Alibi
for AllegedMurderer
Kan Arrested for Crime in Arkansas
was in South Dakota When
it Was 'Committed.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. July 18. (Special.)
Information ha reached ths atate to the
effect that a man named J. E. Langston,
who a abort time ago wa arrested In
Tripp county and taken to Arkansas on
the charge of murder, will not be per
mitted to furnish a bond and must re
main In Jail until hla trial in October.
Langston appeared in South Dakota some
months ago and took up his residence on
a homestead In the ceded portion of the
Rosebud Indian reservation In Tripp coun
ty, he having been one of those who was
fortunate enough to draw a homestead
there in the government land lottery. The
has been arrested and is being given a pre
liminary hearing on a statutory charge aetectives who after a long search final!
traced him to South Dikota. and secured
Helena Meyers, a 13-year-old girl of his
congregation at Philip. The hearing Is
dragging along and proba'oly wi 1 not be
completed until some time the middle of
the present week, as there are a number of
witnesses to be heard yet.
Itev. A. U. Aatrll la Porto Rico.
IOWA FALLS, la.. July lS.-tSpeclalJ.
Rev. A. G. Axtell. ' who has for several
iarj been pastor of the Congregational
church at Alden. has tendered his resig
nation tu act-cDt a call i,i f,i-L.
LtKl-latlve t aadldatrs of Both Par-, tr a
Auerican Missionary association to the
pi incipaltihip of the Bianoho Kellogg instl
luto at b'antruce, Porto Sautruc is
a suburb of baa Juan, the caplul of tha
he church a ill act on the resig
ns .Inn la August as It becomes effective
tha first of September.
tw Telrjhooe torn pa Ira.
PlEIlKE. S. D.. July la.-Th returns to
the stale auditor show that since, the as
sessment of a year ago eighty-one new
i lies
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. July lS.-Specia!.)
Tho officers of Dattige District Xn 1,
of pawneo county, Nebraska, have recently
filed . with the county clerk at Pawnee j
City a list of the assessments oi oeucius
tobe derived, from the drainage wurk
aloMK th -Nemaha river near Table Hock,
and havo estimated the cost of construct-
Inj.lhe improvements, as follows:
Kacavatliig malu channel....
Kxcavatwg Clear creek....
taeavatmg lann branch..
liver clearing
Il, gat of way
bridge ...
.ia to
is ; uu
Dooroos Saravry
In th abdominal region Is prevented by
the use of Dr. King New Life Pills, tn
patnles purifier, fee "vr sale by Beaton
Drue Cav , -
telephone companies have commenced to
do business in the state, the total number
returned to the state assessment board a
ar ago being aJ and the total this
ear running up to STL
s YYosaaat 1I i erred.
6T. LOl'lS. Mo. July Ik-After a fruit
less aearrh of eiahtecn hours, it is believed
that Miss Viola oenaenbrenner, daughter of
a shoe manhunt, and her escort. Joeeph
tiarlich. were urowned while in a catioe
on th Meremac river yesterday- ,
his arrest, asserted that the murder he Is
charged with committing was committed
about two years ago.
Langston's (r.enus In Tripp county de
clare that they have made an Investiga
t o which is a'leged to have developed the
fact that the murder wa committed on
March S of this year. If this proves
be the case. Iangston's friends In South
Dakota s and ready to aid him In estab
lishing an alibi.
Langston, they declare, was In Tripp
county several weeks before that date, and
they have evidence as to exactly where h
wa on March a On that data be was in
Dallas, Gregory' county, where he roomed
that night which was the night they say
the murder was committed in Arkansas
for which Langston is under arrest.
Hallway to Bo Electrified.
LAKE CITT. Is-, July lS.-8peclaO.-Officiala
of the Newton A Northwestern
steam railroad, running between Rockwell
City and Des Moines, have beet lnvestt-ai-lng
th sentiment of the people of th
county in regard to electrifying that por
tion of the line between Rockwell City
and Gowri. It seems now to be practi
cally certain that th change will take
place. A committee Is a ready endeavor
ing to rals the required 15 000 bonus,
and It 1 understood that Webs:
county will shoulder Sl.aOO of It. If th
electrifying takes place cars will be run
bet sen th county seat and Do Moines
every two hours.
r. . : t
- : I
'A.--. .. IK 7T,.f ft
"ft ' " ,
7 v f t' S - U.AfH ft
Welcome to the conven
tion. Here are old friends ,
to greet and new friends to
meet. But amid the hand
shaking and the shouting the
sightseeing and electioneering,
don't forget that dear old friend,
& iV"-
1 I
i 1
Waiting to bid you welcome, to quench your thirst,
to cool you in the heat of the fray. And when you
return from the scene of battle, nerve worn and
throat weary, you'll find him at the soda fountain
or straining at the cork of his bottle, ready to
greet you with a refreshing smile.
So here's to a pleasant and successful time.
We pledge you in a bumper of Coca-Cola.
Send for
our interest
ing booklet,
4Cti m . t
ine lrutn
About Goca-Cola
Atlanta, Ga.
you see ah
Arrow think
of Coca-Cola