tjnday r Bee. PART TWO EDITORIAL FAGtS I TO 10 Omaha IMS VOL. XL-NO. 5. -OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNINO, JULY 17, 1910. SINGLE COrY FIVE CENTS. Political and Social News of the Old World Reported by Special Cable and Correspondence . : , , . ' ENGLISH tfOMEN LEARN TO BATTLE Gentle Axt of Self-Protection , Object of Newly Formed Club. is WILL TAKE ATHLETIC TXLADflNQ Idea ii to Be Able to Cope with Bade Interloper!. m JAPANESE METHOD IS TAKEN UP Sulfrag-ettes When "Pit" Will Eesist Police Officers. EXPECT TO SEDUCE ARREST FAD Lord Kitchener mt Last ia Aboat to HMCk 1IU Loi Delayed Usui in Eaglaad'a Official Life. BY ;paul lambeth. LONDON, July IS. (Special Dispatch to The Bee.) A woman's athletic society la . being organised In connection with the Women' Freedom league, the chief or ganization of the militant suffragettes,- In crdar that the women may learn the art tt fighting and wrestling and thus make ihelr arrests In the future the matter of -considerable physical display. L'p until the present . the arrest of suf frugettes has been one of London's chief outdoor diversions, but. Judging from the conditions which are being made for the future the bobbies will - have their hands more than full In handling the women. Mrs. Oarrud, a Jlu Jltsu expert, has been engaged by the organization to teach tnat difficult art. "The women under my charge will use the Japanese -method of dealing with po licemen and with rude men who Interrupt their meetings," said Mrs. Oarrud. - "They are tired of being hock led by a lot of brainless men and arrested by a lot of legal puppet-, as our police are. We. are going to use force In 'earnest In the future. If some of those big brutes of policemen are Injured it won't be our fault for warn ing haa now been given," Mlsa Kelly, who gained considerable no toriety aa a "hunger striker" 'in various 'Jails, will also have charge of a branch of the athletic branch. Mlsa Kelly Is a -tall athletic young woman with broad shoul ders and muscles 'that form In knots upon her arms like the muscles of a' prize fighter. Mrs. Oarrud Is only five feet tall, t but It Is her boast' that she can "throw" a . hulking six-foot policeman over her shoul- der beoause 'she has done It many times In the past' From now on the war for '"votes for ' women" will' go on Vita re newed "vigor. ' ".. ,i : . Designer for -We w Coinage. ; .. It la announced . that Mr. Bertram Mack ' ennal, A. R. A., has. been chosen to de ' sigh and inodel the new coinage, and the .coronation medal, which. will-be struck of next year. In commemoration to . King George's accession. The . appointment has a, special fitness from the fact that Mr. Mufktnn u the ' first artist from the .overseas dominions - to. secure election-to the royal academy. But apart from senti ment, he has Justified his medals which he executed for the Olympic games of 1909, Kitchener fr Ilia Goal. Few men have been shunted about In pub lic office as a result of politics in the same degree that has fallen to the lot of Lord Kitchener. It has been the ambition of the famous soldier for years to become chief ot the Imperial General staff, . and now. after many trials and disappointments,. tbat hleh of flee looks to be nearly in his grasp, It is not at all unlikely that General 81r Neville Lyttleton, O. C. B., commander In-ch'.ef of the forces In Ireland, may de sire to. retire at an early, data and that his Kuccessur may be General Sir William Nicholson, O. C. II.; ' chief of tho lmrlal general staff. Should theso changes take place the way would' be clear for tho ap pointment ot Lord Kltchoner to. the offlcs he could so ably flU and has so long sought. Sneaking of Lord Kitchener, the famous Soltlkr is an enthusiastic gardener. Re cently when hp was locking about for a bouse near London ho Bpt-clfled that it must be surrounded with fields so that he could raise practically all the vegetables .' necessary ' for the household. In Calcutta. .when Lord Kitchener was stationed there, ho could be seen at work in bis garden aswiDlng and owning. ' ' - ' Phlna Ordered Sold. Having been condemned as unfit for further service, the battleships Centurion and -Uarfleur, the armoured cruiser, Nel son, and the protected cruiser, Melampus, have been ordered by the admiralty to be old by public auction. ' The Melampus, which was built under the naval defense set,, was. for two. month under the. command of King George, then commander in the navy, who commissioned it in U&i to take part In the naval man' ouvivs of thut year. Tho Barfleur, Cou turion and Nelson re all ex-flaghlps. lirotbers as Peers. In accordance with precedent. Sir Charjes Hardlngo will bo raised to the peerage be fore ho sails for India, being created viscount of .the 1'nlted Kingdom. As he Is the younger brother of Viscount Hard Inge, the rare occurrence of two brothers being peers will take place There have been v.ny few instances of this nature, but one readily occurs to mind, that of the Karl of Iddesleigh and Lord Northcote. Curiously enough. Lord Northcote obtained his peer au by bring appointed governor of Horn bay. American Warships' at Pl mouth. Much Interest has been evinced in the American squadron of warships, which dropped anchor in Plymouth aound for ft visit. A number of the tailors on shoro have attracted much attention in Plymouth and London. The squsdren comprised Ilia Iowa, tarrying the pennant ot Captain Uoorge R. Claik. renlor officer; the Massachusetts and Indiana, and. apart front their ordinary complements, the three vessels have on board between them over 2U0 midshipmen ot the United States navy, who are out from tho naw4 academy at Annapolis for a three months' instructional cruise In . European water. The squadron coaled, tak !ng on nearly 1.009 tons of Cardiff fuel and sirs tiled away to Marseilles for a week'a visit there T IRISH LEADERS ARE COMING Redmond, O'Connor and Devlin Bonnd for America. COME IN INTERESTS OF COUNTRY Will . Probably React tbe tUM States Karly In Aaa-aet . Redmond's Many Ac eom:llBh ments. BY THOMAS EMMETT. DUBLIN, July K.-KSpecla! Dispatch to The Bee.) John Redmond, T. P. O'Connor and Joseph Devlin, are making prepara tions for their American trip. While the date of their departure haa not been defi nitely announced they probably will sail late In August" and will remain In the United States several weeks. They are In constant communication with the leaders of Irish thought In the United States and In tKelr Itinerary will be guided largely by the wishes of their American friends. Mr. Redmond Is watching closely the de velopments of the conference which Is seeking to find some way out of the British constitutional muddle. He Is not hopeful, tut If the British leaders should, reach an agreement which Is not Inimical to home rule he will support It. If ar.y at tempt la made,' however, to sidetrack home rule there will be trouble. Redmond's Personality. Mr. Redmond does not, like some parlia mentarians, seize upon any excuso to get upon his' feet, but rarely rises unless he haa something to say. And he says It with sledge hammer emphasis and diction that Invariably attracts all the shirkers back to the "green benches." He first figured prominently In the polit ical history of Ireland In 1880, when he ac companied Mr. Pamell . to the famous meeting at Ennlscorthy, when they were nearly murdered by a hostile mob. Mr. Redmond entered Parliament soon afterwards as the member for New Roes. Unlike most new members, he delivered his maiden speech on the night he took his seat, and he holds the record of being sus pended before the close of the sitting. " He Is a fine billiard player, a practised hand at the foils, rides well, as frequent visitors to Hyde Park have many "oppor tunities of observing. Is a good shot, and can still give a good account of himself In front of a wicket" His foot ball days are it, but, he still takes a deep Interest in game. The love of the drama, fostered hla schol days at Clongowes, when he was looked upn as the crack performer In their Shakespearean productions, has never left him, and, when In London, if duties permit it, is an enthusiastic flrstnlghter. Vice Regents in Residence. Lord and Lady Aberdeen have returned to Ireland and taken up their residence at tha Viceregal Lodge. It'll pleasant resi dence at this season, situated in the cen tral position of the open 1,760 acres of the Phoenix Fark. Close to the boundary ot the Viceregal demesna is the AH Ireland Polo .club ground, the Hurllngham of Dub lin, where a sport-loving public assemble In crowds to witness the constant polo matches. Cricket grounds are numerous In the park .and possessed by all classes. The lodge Jn , the Pheonix Park was made a viceregal residence ten years or so be fore Union) having previously been the ranger's lodge., The subrange' lodges. In close contlngulty to It, were made the resi dences respectively of the chief and under secretaries. Kitchener's Ontlnat. Lord Kitchener enjoyed his trip through the lower, middle and upper lakes or KUlarney immensely. He stated it was forty years since he had been In KUlarney last, and he sincerely hoped to be able to visit it more frequently In the future. He was charmed with the scenery and the weather was ideal. His lordship added his signature to the distinguished rcll already bung up in the lounge of the Royal Victoria hotel, and,, by special permission he was photographed, before leaving for Dereen, the residence of the marquis or Londs- downe, enroute to Cork via Glengarlff. Das Ball at Belfast. Belfast was. treated to a real American game of base ball the other day, the play era being a party of cadets from the United States training ship Newport lying af Car rlckfergus. They were entertained at lunch by tha lord mayor of the city. HE FALLS FROM MOUNTAIN TOP, NO WEDDING BELLS Pathetic Kndlnsv of n Romantic Af fair of tbe Heart la the Al pine Wilds. GENEVA, July 17. (Special Dispatch to The Bee.) A pathetic Alpine tragedy hap pened on Sunday on the Jallouvre moun tain, 7,000 feet high, which is situated in Geneva In Savoy. Emlle Husar, a young Pole residing In Geneva, and a good climber, promised his fiancee that this would be his last climb. as bis marriage was arranged for the mor row. His finaceo objetced to hla climbing, but Husar waa enthusiastic and attempted to climb. the aheer unknown peak ot Jail ouvre. He fell 700 feet and waa killed. Members of the Alpine club 'transported his corpse to a hut, which they burled In Alutna flowers. The body was carried down to Geneva on Monday. POISON TAKES TWO MONKS Dura Others Are Seriously III nt Saa Kateban Monastery na Resnlt of Feud. LISBON, July It (Special Dispatch to Tha Bee.) Two Franciscan monks are dead at the monastery of San Esteben as the result of poison and a dozen others are seriously ill. The affair is declared to be the result of a feud with Inhabitants of the district Last month a number ot peasants made a night attack on tha place and endeavored to ret fire to the building, The monks, however, barricaded the doors and couraegously held the enemy at bay until a detachment ot civil guards arrived. No further attacks have been made on tha monastery, but after eating their even lug meal recently a number of monks showed symptoms ot poisoning and It was fuund that the soup bad been polsonsd. LAIRD OF SKIB0 GIVES UP FIFTY Corneals Makes Contribution to Plod den Memorial Kand and Others Follow. EDINBURGH. July 14. (Special Dispatch to The Bee) Dr. Andrew Carnegie cf Sklbo emtio has contributed $64 to Flodden memorial fund. Sir Robert Usher has given (A, but the total amount subscribed stil falls short of the minimum sum required. KAISER'S ILLNESS EXCITES ANXIETY Physical Condition of German Ruler Worse Than is Generally Supposed. REJECTED AS INSURANCE RISK Offer of Excessive Premiums is No Inducement. GREAT EFFORT TO KEEP SECRET Investigation of Friedberg" Bomb Worries the Police. " PLOT TAKES ON DRAMATIC PHASE Germany nt Present Lends All Other C'onntrles In the IN n ra be r of Labor Disputes Wages tho Main Issno., BL MALCOLM CLARKE. BERLIN, JULY 16. (Special Dispatch to The Bee.) Much has been written about tha kaiser's health, but I am in possession of facts which tend to show that his phy sical condition is worse than Is generally believed. About eight months ago his maj esty was told by physicians that hla sym toms were such as to excite alarm. The kaiser's first thought was of his fam ily and he Immediately opened negotiations to purchase a life insurance policy for 15,000,000 upon his life so that adequate pro vision might be made for his younger children In case of sudden death. Medical experts were sent by the In surance company to Potsdam castle where they made a searching physical examine tlon of the Kmperot- Within a fortnight word was conveyed to the ruler that the company would not care to take the risk of Insuring his life. His majesty attempted to purchase the policy by agreeing to pay $000,000 annually In premiums. At this rate the company would be reimbursed for the $5,000,000 in ten years but even this allur ing offer was rejected. It Is reported In official circles that over tures have been made to all the big in surance companies of Great Britain, Eu rope and America and iot one will place a risk upon the life of the emperor. This puts an entirely new,aspect upon the mat ter of the kaiser's Illness. Extraordinary attempts have been made to keep the true facts from becoming public and the agents through whom negotiations with Insurance companies ywere carried on were all sworn Bomb .Oatragre Interesting. The Imperial Investigation of the. Fried' berg bomb outrage and its , accompanying attempt to plunder, the Imperial bank, hai now attained to the 'point where tha Ger man secret service branch is pow working 111 hand fth the international represent. tlves upon the Continent and they are en gaged In unravelling the last threads of the most ' perfectly laid plot ' that' has come to their attention In many years. . Story of the Crime. In view of the possibility of further developments,. It will, be advisable briefly to recapitulate the details ot the affair so far as they have become known. To pick up tbe first thread of the story one must go back to June 14. At 10:45 on tne evening of that day, a policeman on watch in the Frankfort Bockenhelmer . Landstrasse, where tha merchant princes of the Main have their town palaces, noticed a man emerge from the garden of the banker. Herr A. Mayer, mount a bicycle,, and ride off with all apeed. Possible the constable would not have paid particular attention to the occurrence had ' it not been that a few minutes later the stillness of night was broken by a tremendous report, followed by the crash ot glass from a score of win dows. An explosion bad taken place Just outside the banker's house on the path leading up to the tradesmen entrance." There was a brief struggle, during which the manager received several blows on the head with suine hard object, evtdntly pistol. Tbe noise attracted other people in the building, who were heard approach lng. Then the stranger appeared to realise that bis enterprlue had (ailed. He broke loose and mode for the door, but tarried In his flight to fire a couple of revengeful shots at his ' opponent. One struck- the manager on the forehead, and the other grazed his novo. 'Flight aad Parsalt The miscreant was encountered in the doorway by several persons who had heard the reports and stopped to see what was wrong. With the utmost sang irota ne told them that somebody had been shot. and that he was off to fetch a doctor. He mounted a blcyce which was standing outside, and hastened away. But, as luck would have It, the. pursuit was speedily taken yp. Bystanders urged the driver ot an empty motor-car to Join in the chase. He waa indifferent to their appeals, and soon . disappeared. The police, however, were fortunate enough to secure tha ser vices of another car, .and overtook the criminal Just outside Nauhelm. He had ! he meanwhile fired two more shots at persons who, rather by accident than de sign, bad interposed themselves between him and safety. One deaf and dumb boy of IS was struck In the lower part of the abdomen, but the wound haa not proved fatal. ...... . When the fugitive, who was plainly ex hausted by hla desperate efforts to escape. saw that the pursuers were close on his heels, he Jumped off the bicycle arfid took to the fields. He was. however, overhauled and after having directed a shot at the policeman nearest to him, sunk down on his knees and fired his last bullet through his own brain. Labor Troablee Many, According to statistics Jiidt published In tbe German "Imperial Labor Gasette," Germany leada ln the number of strikes. From the figures given It would seem that the German workmen are usually far from satisfied. According to the figures there were 1,947 strikes in Germany in 1S0S alone, against .9 in England, France and Austria had respectively 1.071 and 721. Germany too, had far more strikes than any country In Europe Ui ISO). Of 1,41 German strike for higher wages, S6 were successful, 4kS partly so, and 7 failed. The German trade unions disbursed on account of strikes In 107 tha sum of $3, MO.OOO or SI per cent of their total expen diture for all purposes; while the British unions ln ths same period paid out only ltJei.000 for strikes, or tfc per coat ot their segregate eapeaUitura, CRETAN CRISIS OAS PASSED No Lone-er Anv Laiurer of Outbreaks from the Islanders. WELL NOT ANNEX TO GREECE Km per or Francis .Joseph Tnlcea Snmmer Layoff f rem , Stronaons Dntlea of tho Throne Political Datl. BY EM1L ANDRASSY. VIENNA, July It (Spoolal Dispatch to The Bee.)-There is very reason ntow to Deueve inei uie Cretan crisis has passed and danger of an outbreak over the gov ernment of the island has for the time be- lng at ail events been eliminated. The status quo will be maintained and the Cre- tans will not be annexed to Greece for a while. That this will be the ultimate des tination of Crete la regarded as certain, but the time la not yet ripe for it. The new government of Turkey la In a position Where it Would not go Very far to avoid war. In fact some of the leading members of the Turkish government are Inclined to believe that a foreign war would do much to soldlfy the country and if the Turkish army and navy were In a little better trim It Is not all unlikely that the sublime port would be Inclined to force matters, Europe, however, does not want war and will not permit either Crete or Bulgaria to give Turkey a fair excuse for putting her armies Into the field. Emperor Takes Rest. The Emperor Francis Joseph has cone to Ischl, where he will reside until the be- ginning of September. The emoeror Is said to hve exerted his influence In order to In- duce the duke of .Cumberland to attend the christening of the Infant son of the grand duke and grand duchess of Mecklenburg- Schwerin, when he would have met the Emperor William. Tha duke, however, will not entertain the Idea of a peraonal recon- cilllatlon with the German emperor. He is as obstinate on this point as was his great gandfather George III. on the question of Catholic emancipation. ,m,er' i no Arcnauke Joseph Ferdinand, a cousin of the Emperor Francis Joseph recently had a narrow escape from drowning, He had made a balloon ascent at Llnz, accom panied by an officer and an engineer. The balloon was caught In a violent storm and waa driven down into the Danube, thai car dipping into ' the water. The occupants threw out ballast and thus got the balloon to rise a little, but It again fell Into the river, and the archduke and his companions were up to their necks ln water before eventually managed to lighten the car suf ficiently to cross the river. Dael ' Over Polities. ' . A duel, fought with swords, took place in .Vienna Detween ur, stoelsel, a German 4eputy, and a Pan-German student, named rather hard on some. , A bachelor, having Wagner. Mrho bag passed unfavorable crlti- severely starved hie natural human ambl clsims ln publie upon Dr. Stoelsel's political tlon to be the father of a family ln order aettmyin ths-sixth bout Herr Wagner I waa slightly woonded In the arm and face, Dr. stoelsel was untouched. AVIATOR: CROWDS DEMAND FLIGHT REGARDLESS OF COST tierr Hobl, German Flyer, Meet Death ia Effort to Give Crowd Somethlag for Moaey. BERLIN.' July l.-(SnoJal . Di.nh t Th Bee.)-How entirely unjustified are aviators crowds in demanding a flight at au costs was borne out at Stettin, when " B" in practice tne . marriage oi Herr Robl, a young German aviator, met telephone glrla' la most certainly not en hla death ln an endeavor to give the on- couraged, and It la difficult to' Imagine lookers something for their money. A num. I that It could be. Tha most efficient tele- ber of aviators who were participating in phonist Is not likely to be the lady who has the meeting having refused to fly on ac- most babies at home whom she would p re count of the bad weather conditions, the fer to mind, and, as a matter ot fact, public' began to hiss and Jeer and to call ought to be minding. Instead of connecting loudly for Herr - Robl, who was a great wires for impatient people to exchange favorite. Herr Robl, against the advice of the authorities essayed a flight in his Fai man biplane, and flew beautifully for a short time to the accompaniment of tu- clerks to marry without government per multuoua cheers from the spectators. Bud- mission. Men clerks can marry without denly the machine dropped like a atone to leave of the authorltiea at present Soon the ground from a height of 260 feet. The aviator waa picked up dead, having been icrrioiy mangiea, irom underneath the de- bria of tha aeroplane which waa smashed to pieces. Robl was formerly one of the best-known German track cyclists. He be- gan his cycle racing career as a sprinter about fifteen years ago. He was one of the first riders to adopt motor-pacing and was one of the most daring of pace-followers, his monster motor tandems being famous all over Europe. He won the world's mid - die-distance championship in 1901 And the following year, Berlin being the scene of both victories. At the time of his death he still held several world's records. This latest accident brings tha total number of "flying" deaths to eight They are: Self- ridge, Lefebvre, Ferber, Fernandes, Dela- grange, Leblon, Michelln and Robl. PEEK-A-B00 SHOCKS PRIEST n with Onenworlt Waists Ai Hereafter to Be - Barred from Charch. GENEVA, July la. (Special Dispatch tp The Bee.) Cure Vllllger, . the! head of the h" come before the Perls courts. M. village church of Sarmenstorf ln the Can- Chevaux la suing . M. Jacquelln for $6,000 ton of Argovie, was so shocked by the whlch h declares he expended on behal,' younger women of hla congregation appear- ot M- Jcquelln at the general elections lng In church ln white openwork blouses, M- u PPrs that M. Chevaux re- owlng to the very hot weather which pre- his candidature in consideration of vailed, that he changed the subject of the payment of this sum by M. Jacquelln. sermon and spoke on' the vanities of the M' Ch,vu w". according y to the bar world, and openwork blouses In particular. ,0 do he could to cure the re- At the end of the sermon the cure stated turn of M- Jmn. nd he says he did that in the future no women wearing open- ' Another mn w" elected In their dl- work blouses would be allowed to enter vl"lon- n M- Jcquelln refused to pay tha church, and that he had given orders the monev- Hence tha claim of M Chevaux. to that effect The men In the village sup port the cure, while the women are very In dignant. WILL PLANT BIG LOT OF TREES Victorian Departmeat la geatW Wales Takes Deep Interest la Forestry. HB 8TDNKT. July Is. Special Dispatch to the Bee.) Much attention has been' paid to forestry recently. The Victorian de partment this winter will plant nearly a million young pines, apruoes, and hard woods, and will aow 125.000 Immediately. Probably four million seedlings will be available In 191L The New Mouth Wales government now Inserts more afforesta tion clauses -Jn Its lease-. It la taking this step to prevent undue destruction of the valuable plno and Ironbark belts when th jPllllga scrub la thrown ope PLAN TO RECLAIM V AXJTQTTTATft 1) APT? 2111 1UJU. All U liilV-U Depopulation of France Creates Mucn Anxiety in Govern ment Circles, WAR TAX ON BACHELORS Fathers of Large Families Are in ' Line for Promotion. LAW OF ESTATES IS AMT.irpT.TI Pnblic Officials Are Bound to Com XTarriara puisory Maxriagv. FRANCE IS A LAND OF SPINSTERS Maids Are ameroaa la Service of Telcurnnh and Telenhnna Oman laatloas Fresh Graft Scan rial la on Tap. BY PAUL VILHERS. PARIS, July 16. (Special Dispatch to The Bee.) There is consternation In the French bureaucracy over a bm Mor the senate Introduced by Senator Lannelongue for the purpose of checking the depopulation move ment lrf Prance. It contains the following provisions: Extra military service for sin- "le men over 25 of compulsory marriage for all civil servents snd those holding municipal or communal appoint- ments from the sge of Z5. and especial ad vantages for those having three or more children, tr.d the suppression of the ar- Melee In the code compelling a man to divide his fortune among his children. The fther, In M. Lannelonque s bill, would be bl dispose ot his fortune how he liked, nd n this way the senator thinks would not restrict his family In the fear that his Property would be cut up into very small portions. Tha younger children would gain from the fact that they would have to make their own wav In life Toaa-h oa the Celibates. AH "functionaries" are by no means mar ried men. In fact, the bachelors are prob ably in the majority, while spinsters cer taJnlr r ln the PBta- telegrapha and tele- Phonea. Hitherto chiefs of all government officials have;, as a rule, anown an Unmis takable bias In favor of bachelors among the mal clerks. The Idea generally was that a functionary without home encum- brances was more sealous In the discharge of his public duties. He would not mind working overtime, having only to run out and dine at a restaurant, whereas his mar ried caleague was afraid of keeping madam waiting and spoiling the dinner, Now all this Is to be changed. . It will be to get on In the "administration," will have ome cause for complaint It the tables are turned and married men pass over his head, now that, perhaps, he haa reached an -age nt which it is no longer so easy to find a mate as It might have been. ' For the' Ladles, What t As for the ladies ot the posts, telegraphs. and telephones, a tew years ago there was actually a question whether marriage would not be forbidden them ky regulation. Luckily, so Inhuman a veto never was ap- Plled' or the P"tmater who "PP' wouI hear something from Prof. Lannel- usually idle talk over them. A regulation. at all events, exists, and - is rlgorou&ly enforced, forbidding any female government they may have to marry to comply with tho regulations. I Aaother Graft Scandal. France Is rarely without a graft scandal or . Aa the result of revelations, made 'n the course ot a stormy debate In the chamber when two deputies declared that under M. Combes' ministry they had been I offered the Legion of Honor In return for montsry payment. Mr. Rouanet (socialist) 1 has brought In a motion, for the total sup pression of all civil decorations in France, I proposing that his motion be discussed 1m- mediately. Amid some noise, the prime minister, M. Briand, urged that M. Rouanet's proposal was Introduced under the influence of the revelations and that the question of the abolition of decorations must first be thor- oushlv considered. There were all sorts of intermediaries who sought to profit not oniy oy aecorauons, out oy an Kinas oi favors. There were also numbers of good cltisena who "did not deserve to see wither ln their buttonholes the decorations they had well deserved. A curious example of political corruption Premier a Printer. M. Briand, the French premier, who haa recently emerged successfully frovi a gen eral election, la a solicitor by profession, although he started life as a compositor. He Represented the Batnt Nazaire Labor exchange and the Syndicate of Metallurgists of Trlgnoe. His presence was objscted to by some of the delegates, who argued that, as a qualified solicitor, hs ought to be excluded from a congress of workmen. "I am a workman myself," replied M. Briand, "a working compositor, as I com pose by myself the newspaper tbat I pub lish at Saint Nasalre." "Where did you get tha money to make yourself a lawyer?" he was asked. "By working for It," replied the future premier. So he waa at once admitted. It la interesting to note that since he haa had the responsibilities of office bis opinions have been considerably modified. SPANISH SITUATION ACUTE Little Hope of Merry Del Val Ad justment. POPE IS VERY MUCH PERTURBED Dtstarbaace Welgha Heavily oa Hla Mind aad Merlons Physical Breakdown Now Seems Immlaeat. BY CLEMENT J. BARRETT. ROME, July !, (Special Dispatch to The Bee.) The situation ln 8 pa In and tha health of the pope are causing sir ious concern In the. Vatican. It irt feared that there is now little chance for an amicable adjustment of the Spanish situa tion. Cardinal Merry Del Val has placed the chun-h In a position from which It cannot recede without serious loss of prestige and it Is eared the Spanish government will be Impelled to go much further along the way of the separation of church and state than it was at first Intended. The situation has weighed heavily on the mind of the pope and has caused a serious breakdown in his physical condition. I understood In fact that thuse cleao to the holy father take a most serious view of his condition and would not be surprised at any time If he should break down entirely. Italy aad Argentina. The departure from Homo of President elect Saeng Pena of the Argentine repub lic was a notable event. Dr. Sacns pena has been Argentine minister to Italy for the last three years and has done a great deal to cement a close friendship between, the two countries. It has been due hugely to his efforts that a steady stream of Italian immigration has been turned to the South American republic. It is thought altogether likely that when he assumes the presidency special steps will do taken to attract more Italians to Argen Una by offering special Inducements to set tlers. Princess Clementine to Wed. Princess Clementine, the youngest duugh ter of the late King Leopold of Belgium, in Turin on her arrival was welcomed at the station by Prince Victor Napoleon The princess proceeded to a hotel, where the dowager ducheas of Aosta vlBlted her It is stated that the marriage of Princess Clementine and Prince Victor Napoleon will take place shortly at Moncalleri castlii. I where the chapel has already been pre' pared. The ceremony will be of a private character, aa the bride is ln mourning for her father. ' Orphans' Chaplain a Snlclde. Con 'Robbiano, chaplain of an orphan boys' home, committed suicide Cy throwing himself down from the top of Milan cathe dral. The death was witnessed by the king of Italy's . court chaplain, who happened to look up from the royal palace opposite. LAND OWNERS ARE NOT. HURT. BY THE TAX New Sonth Wales Plan Has Been Tried for Years Wlthoat r : . bad Results. 8YDNET, July l.-(Speclal Dlepatch to The Bee.) The progressive land tax, which Is the most Immediately important item of the labor program, was clearly de fined last year In the bill which 'Mr. Fish er's government laid on the table of the House before It was expelled from office. The tax Is to be levied on the reasonable market value of the land, "assuming that the actual Improvements thereon had not been made." This sounds highly theoret ical, but the New South Wales land tax has boen levied ln that fashion for many years, and recent resumptions show that owners did not suffer by It The tendency has a! ways been to undervalue. Absentees (In cluding extra-Australian companlea and companies ln which more than two-fifths or the snares are neki by absentees) pay on the whole value; others on the value less $15,000. The usual exemptions are made in favor of land held for genuinely char itable, religious of public purposes. The taxpayer must make his own valuation, which may be amended by a commissioner, who has power to make also Independent valuations or to use those made by any atate authority. Tha taxpayer may appeal to the high court against overvaluation the commissioner may also appeal to th high court for a declaration allowing Ui commonwealth to resume at the owner1 valuation land wilfully' undervalued. The tax is a first encumbrance and may not be evaded. Mortgagers pay it; the mortgagee Is not liable unless he has en tered Into possession. Wilful understate ments involves a fine of 500, plus treble tax and estimates more than 25 per cent below the finally ascertained value are deemed wilful. MADMAN WIELDS BIG KNIFE Leaves Trail of Death aad Coasterna tloa ia the Path of His Travels. MADRID," July 10. (Special Dispatch to The Bee. V At Canlllas de Aceltuno th other day a man named Antonio Jlmenei suddenly went mad and attacked people I the street with a large knife. He killed a old man, a woman carrying a child and young girl, and he injured many others. The greatest consternation prevailed and people fled In every direction. He was not overpowered tllf after a moat desperate struggle. OCEAN TRAVEL IS VERY BRIS Board of Trado Flaarca Compiled I Glasgow Make 3a teres! lag Khowlan. GLASGOW, July 16. Oipeclal Dispatch the Bee.) A board of trade return show that during the five months ending .May 31, no fewer than 2S.6:I6 passengers left the Clyde for places out of Euurope. - Of theae 14.401 were bound for the United States and 15,066 for Canada, thirteen for. Aus tralia, and sixty-six for other places. In the month of May alone 4.603 left for Can ada and 1837 for the United States. SHAM BATTLE IN THE AIR French Military Aviators Take l'p Guns Three Hundred aad Tweatiy-FIre Feet. PARIS. July II. (Special Dispatch to The Bee.) Military aviators engaged In a mimic aerial battle at Vlncennes. The Blues, representing the attacking fores, beat the Reds, tha defending force. Both forces carried guns to a height of 1U0 lus ters (about C6 fee FINLAND'S END IS POLITICAL COUP Absorption by Russia is Classed as Trag-edy of High Pol itics. INISH IS DECLARED INEVITABLE Russian Powers Seek Protection of Whole Empire. MUCH EXCITEMENT OVER ARMS Small States Protest Against Loss of Name. FINNS ARE PATRIOTIC PEOPLE averaor General Abolishes Ifatlve Postage Stamps, Thus Wiping Oat Individuality of the Country. ' : i BY GKORGB FRASfcK. ST. PETERSBURG. July 16.-(SDecial TMs- patclto The Bee.) The absorption of Kin land by ItUMia was one ot those tragedies f hlsh ltolltics which was sad, but in evitable. The best Interests of the empire required the elimination of the ancient rand duchy as a semi-independent entity. The point Willi Russia Is that she considers herself vulnerable at her Finnish frontier, and wishes to bo In a position to tske what measures she thinks best for the protec tion of the Rusiian empire aa a whole. But Russia ,hus rather spoilt her case In the eyes of outsiders by practically follow ing the lead of the wolf in the fable, who accused the lamb of muddfing( the water. For example, a great deal of excitement was worked t p recently over the alleged conspiracy of the Finns to smuggle arm! into the country. The facts are these) One or two Finnish firms tried to evade the prohibition against the saloon guns. and their guns were smuggled Into the coun try together with a few million cartridge. This was part of a great Finnish plot against Russia, but tho millions of skins of all animals exported every year from Finland more than accounts,' 'to' an un biassed person,, for the cartridges and rifles Imported. Part of Poller of Progress. One other great point In favor of Rus sia's action is the general tendency ln . Europe towards the gradual swallowing up of small states, but it Is not to be expected that the email states will submit to lose their individuality without a struggle. .' This la particularly hard lines on an Is tensely patriotic people like the Finns, and they fought the ground inch by Inch aa they have seen themselves being swallowed up by Russia. i. . . '. . kttnoe tbe present csar carne to tho throne the Russian government haa been particu larly determinod in its onslaughts, and In 18U9 they Sent to Finland as governor gen eral Bobrlkof. aa implacable enemy of Fin nish liberty. . : .. . y i He was an overbearing officer who had risen from the ranks, and be was so. cor dially hated by the Finns that when h took' a walk in the street any Finns who saw him 'coming promptly crossed -to the other side.' At another time he patronised a concert gotten up for charitable pur poses, and though the Finns bought up all the tickets, not one of them attended. He caused' the Finnish postage stamps to be abolished, and ordered the use of Russian stamps Instead. To meet this the Finns Issued a "mourning stamp," all black, ex cept the arm of Finland in red, and stuok It on their' lettera beside the compulsory Russian stamp. The Russian government deprived the Finna of even thla amall satis faction; the sale of the stamp waa forbid den, and all lettera bearing it were de stroyed. Boycott on a Senator. y One of the Finnish senators who had sup ported at Helalngfors, the Finnish capital. By the indiscretion ot a porter he secured rooms in one hotel. When the manager discovered who his guest waa he asked him to leave at once, but this the eenauor refused to do. As a result, the public boy cotted the hotel, and it waa practically ruined. Several petitions and deputations were sent to the ciar, but the deputations he refused to see and the petitions' were Ig nored. The crash came when a- young man of good family and education assass inated General Bobrlkof. . . Even this terrible affair did not stag Russia's hand and the Russlflcatlon haa gone on more sternly than ever. During the recent debate, opposition, realising that they had no change for fair discussion, withdrew from the Duma, leaving tha government, a free hand. As a rosult thirteen complicated classes were passed In twelve minutes and the final reading taken. When the result waa declared one of the mosle determined of the governments party sprang to his feet. Shouting triumphantly: "Finis Flnlandloe" "The finish of Fin land:" SPENT HONEYMOON IN PRIS0?J Once They Tried to Kill Each Ot but Conditions Changed for tho Better. HAMBURG, July 10. (Special Dispatch tfc the Bee. .Their marriage being opposed ktf the girl's pa re n la, a Hamburg sailor an his aweefheart determined to commit Idol clde. The couple went to a field outslrfl the city with two pistols and fired simul taneously at one another, but only luo ceuded In receiving slight wounds. The lovers were arrested, tiled and acquitted, but the publlo prosecutor niipealcd. Meun whllo the lovers had overcome their rela tives' objections, and married. The second trial took place, and the couple were both sent to gaol for attempted murder, snd In consequence are spending their honeymoon ln prison. TO FOUND BENEDICTINE ABBEY Mgr. Ann, falorn Has Undertaken a Project at tho Pope's Ini tiative. ANTWERP, July 111. (Special Dispatch to the Bee.) Monslgnor Van Caloen, acting In accordance with the wlshts of the pope, has aocepu-d the offer of the Belgian gov ernment, and has undertaken the task of founding a Benedictine Abbey on the high tablelands of the Katanga,