T11F. OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: JULY 17, 1910. 10 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cablet Are Some Lower on Reported , Showeri in Russia. CORN SITATION IS THE SAME Weak, hot Late Strength Corn WMt I a Trifle heva Rfatw4 la t iFkM(d, bat Flrsn with the Wknl .44TBBCC. Putin rs. stesdy; Julv. s SH1; October, 7i 441; Icember, 7s i. I'OKN-Hpot, firm; old American mixed, in Ad; old American mixed, vie (tjlvfimn, Fi M : new kiln drleiL. Of 4d, futures, steady; beptember, 4a 84d; Octobrr, 4 4d. OMAHA, July 16, 1910. Cabin (bowed mmi realising and were lorot lower, on reported showers iiiKumu. Jry weather conultlona In our northwest tp.lng wheat belt and estimates are being lowered on the final crop fig ma. crop experts predict very light surplus stock for the 1I0 crop. There la no Important change in the corn situation. Crop newa continue generally favorable with good rains emit of the Mis sissippi river, each demand and light re- Ccipis- are the strengthening feature. Wheat was a trifle weaK early on re ported ahowera In Russia and lower cable, nut Inter continued bulllali dope from, the north eat gave the market renewed atrength and new high level were reached and the close was strong alightly under the high. Corn wag unc hanged, but firm, with the advance In wheat. Newa waa Inclined to be more bullion and aome reporla of corn firing In Oklahoma gava southwestern markets more atrength. Cash demand keeps local valuea firm and higher. Primary wheat receipt were .457,000 buehela and ahlpmenta were 800,000 buRhela, against receipt taut year of 424,000 buahela and shipment of 213,000 buahela. . Primary corn receipt were 308,000 buahela and ahlpmenta were 824,000 bushel, against receipts laat year of 400iJ buahela anil ahlpmenta of 178,000 buahela. Clearance were 27.000 buahela of corn, S.0U0 bushel of oats and wheat and flour equal to 188,000 bushels, Liverpool cioseu. to Vid lower on wheat and 4d lower on born. Local range or options: WKATIHCW 1 THI URAI 0ELT Indlvntlona Are for (IUe Fsttr Tealakt and malar, OMAHA, Neb., July 1. 1910. Heavy rains continued general in the middle Mississippi and Ohio valleys during the last (wenty-four hours, and some re markably heavy falls occurred in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. A fall of 4 JO inches occurred at lUoomlngton, lnd.; 3.20 Inches at tronton. Mo.; SOU In ches at New Burnslde, 111.; and falls rang ing from one to two Inches were general in the states named. Lighter rains occurred in the Houth Atlantic states, and showers were scattered over the western Canadian provinces. Temperature change have been alight and unimportant everywhere, except that generally cooler weather prevalla in the lake region, extreme upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys and extreme north west. Generally clear weather prevails In the central valleya and western portion this morning, snd the Indications are for continued fair in this vicinity tonight and Sunday with no important change in tem perature. 1910 1909 1908 1907 Minimum temperature .. 72 87 72 68 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .93 .Normal temperature for today, 77 decrees. Deficiency In precipitation alnca Marcn 1, ii.ni niches. Excess corresDondlna nerlod In 1909. .10 of an Inch. Kxcess corresponding period in 1908, 3.40 incnes. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Cars aaa Wheat Region Balletla. For Omaha, Neb., for tha twenty-four hour ending at 8 a. m.. 75th meridian time. Saturday, vJuly 18, 1910: V OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp.- Rain Stat'.on. Max. Mln. fall. SVy, Aahland, Keb 92 6 .00 Clear Artlcles-I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tas'y. Wheat- . July.., tfept... Corn July... . He.pt... Oats July... Sept... 1 02 louil be 374! 374 1 M 1 03 1 02 10U4J lOlVt 1 01 64 64 68 f8 37 374 8754 87 Auburn. Neb 87 Broken Bow, Neb. '. Columbus, Neb... 91 Culbertson, Neb.. 97 ' Falrbury, Neb.... 94 Fairmont, Neb.... 88 Gr. Isliind, Neb... 8s Hurtlnrton, Neb. 89 Omaha Cask Prices. WHEAT No. 3 hard, 1.031.04; No. 3 hard. $1.00511.02; No. 4 hard, OodjrSl.Ol; re jected hard, S4tf91c; No. 3 spring. $1.0li(fl.O3; No. 8 spring. Unci, $1.00; No. 4 spring. S9WJ7C. CORN No. 3 white, ic; No. 8 wnite, 824 3i4e; No. 4 white, 604'814c: No. I yel low, 694c; No. 1 yellow, &94&5U4C; No. 4 J-elloW, 67Vitl9c: No. 2, SB4c; No. 3, Wf Ktc; No. 4. 674(fio8c: no (trade. 485ro. OATS Standard, 40c; No. I whl. Wj S!"ic; No. 4 white, 3!ft;tiie; No. S yellow, 3M9 3c; No. 4 yellow, 37ifl.384c. BARLEY No. 4, 61jZc, nominal; No. 1 feed, 48v60o, nominal; rejected, 464USC, nom inal. , RYE No. 2, 76720, nominal; No. 8, sq 70c, nominal. ' carll Hecelnts. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 18 162 144 Minneapolis 120 . Omaha 8 38 11 Duiuth 40 66 68 G2 67 66 (SO 0 62 61 a 61 87 87 67 64 66 61 86 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .oo .09 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 for Clear Clear Clear Clear deer Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cleur Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear twenty-four NEWYGRKSTOCliS AND BUNDS Captains of Industry and Finance - Show Confidence in Business. EARNINGS OF THE RAILROADS Claim Made tkat Money Klaga Try la Coerce Administration lata Xet Interfering with the Traits. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION Feature o-f tke Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. , CHICAGO, July 18. For the second time In forty-eight hours the season's high price record for wheat waa broken today. It was blistering hot in the northwest and there were reports that damage to the spring wheat crop waa such that a large part of Manitoba wpuld not yield enough for seed. Washington state was said to expect ltuis than half a crop. A general stampede to buy whirled in .maiiy - speculators who earlier In the day had sold, believing a decline was Imminent. Closing quotations were at a net advance of ViilWc. Corn fin ished 0l,c to IStc up. Oats were V40 off to HtyMiO advance, and provisions txu22'ic down. 1 V .. , . The wheat market started weak on dis appointing cables from Liverpool, where prices were lower, notwithstanding the sen sational upturn in America. Then, too, showery weather was reported In Russia and light rains in the Canadian northwest. But burning temperature was the order of the day in the Dakota and Minnesota. Winter wheat states suffered also, though in a different way. lialns there curtailed threshing and delayed the marketing of the crop. Resting Instructions to purchase in case of a break came to light In sur prising quantity. (Simultaneously some of the foreign . shorts bought considerable wheat here. Incidentally the English vis ible supply decreased 2,238,000 bu., agalnnt an Increase of 83,000 bu. a year ago. Fluc tuations were aulck and freoueht. out dur ing the greater part of the time the market was aeciueaiy aoove last nights level. September reached Sl.OKVk. which was 4c dearer than any previous quotation for the option mis year, xne low point of the day lor the same delivery, 1.0o!v'au.0b. waa . scored In the first half hour. Closing; prices were strong ana almost the best of the season, with September 4o to Wlo net higher at S1.07H to ll.07'iil.0b. Reports from Oklahoma that corn, was filing aided a rally In that grain, but the chief influence was sympathy with wheat. The ransre for September was from 6ra OHc to 61o, with the close firm at 61ftc. a net gain of c. The cash market was firm also. No. 2 yellow closed at 64(3S4Vtc. In general the oats market followed other (rain. September kept within limits of iB'Kc, clOHtim M.llVo UD at 3!fVuNfM.r. Pork was down SCc, lard btQlOo and ribs Leautng futures ranged as follows: HaatingR, Neb.... 89 Holdrege, Neb.... 91 Oakdale, Neb 88 Omaha, Neb 88 Tekamah, Neb.... 90 Alta, la 89 Carroll, la 89 Clarlnda. la 82 Sibley, la 86 Sioux City, la... 88 Minimum temperature period ending at a a, m. DISTRICT AVERAGE. No. of Temp. Raln District " Stations. Max. ' Mln. fall. Columbus, 0 17 88 68 .60 Louisville. Ky 19 ' 90 70 - .00 Indianapolis, lnd.. 11 90 68 IV) Chicago, 111. ...j... 26 86 66 .90 St. Louis, Mo 13 ' -82 m 1.40 lies Moines, la.... It $ 66 .10 Minneapolis. Minn. 30 94 66 .00 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 92 60 .20 Omaha, Neb 19 90 64 .00 No Important change In temperntitre has occurred In the corn and wheat region since the preceding report. Heavy - rains were get era) over the eastern portion of the corn belt within the last tWenty-four hours, and some remarkably heavy falls occurred In Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio- and Kentucky. Four and twenty-hundredths Inches occurred at Bloomington, lnd., 3.30 Inches at ironton. Mo.. 8.00 inches at New Burnslde, 111., and falls ranging from one to over two Inches were quite general. No appreciable precipitation occurred west of the Missouri river slnoe the last report. . L; A. WF.l.SH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. NEW YORK ' GENERAL MARKET l notations Artloles. Open,! High. Low. Close.j Yes. Wheat I July 1 OS 8H pt. l 06-6V Dec. 107H May 1104-11 corn- July Sept. Deo. May Kept. ieo. Alay Pork - July ' Sept ' ept. ' Oct.- Nov. Ill Us July Sept 1 Oct 1 10 1 m4 l(Wk 1 13V J 1 08 1 09V 1 3V61 07 V8 1 "7TllW-m 1 104ill24-la sovos 69(w-Ul 411 39VqS 40S,'U Vi 31 1 tUfel 1 08'A 1 07-74 1 Q6U 111-H 59 594 R'ii9Ht(S SS'41 67,589)1 hl ov w 414 3! 43 4ml la U 65 11 75 11 2 11 30 It 00 j 11 67H 10 ;vki It 65 11 76 It 60 U S7H! 12 00 11 w u 024 21 40 11 60 11 66 11 66 11 30 11 90 11 46 10 k:h 41 W 41 8!rV&.,39H!hS 21 47Vil n oo 11 70 11 67H 11 ao 11 90 11 60 tr 67H Zl 70 11 65 U 77H 11 40 13 10 It 60 10 WTVai 11 10 Varloaa No. 8. Cash quotatlona were aa follows: r lotlt irm; winter uateiiti. fisr. winter atralghts, S4 3wu5.00; spring patents! pest naru, fi.w. oaaers, si. ftKuo.iH). H YE No. 2. 78c. ; uA RLE Y Feed or mixing, SAJ'70c; fair to cnoiue mailing, ou 10c. Shir;La Max. No. 1 southwestern. S2.3S No. I northwestern, 2.4ut Timothy, 6.&i. tiovir, an. ib. PKOrlSION'8-Pork. mess, per 100 1. tMOUfi 27.00. Lard, per loO lbs., $11.60. Short ribs, sides (looi. ll.CWuU.io, short clear sides (bexedl, I11.26.13.&0. Total clearuncea of wheat and flour were equal to 168.VU bu. Primary receipts were 40u, 100 du.. comparea witn 44.000 bu. th corresponuing uy a year ago. Uattmated receipts for Monday: Wheat. IS cars: corn, IMi cars; oats, lil cars; hoga. kv.OoO head. ' Chlcugo Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3 red, Slovvl.U1; No. 3 red, Sl VnLU; new, 111 1.174; No. 2 bard. llul.U; No. 3 haid, fl.OWl.lb; No. 1 northern aprlng, lt.!Mtl; No. I northern aprlng. l.ivul.24; No. 3 aprlng, 1 ia1.16. Corn: No. 3 cash, 2ij fcVm; No. 3 cash, m.2o; No. 3 white, Mc; No. I white, 64vitVi-; No. 2 yellow, 4 644c; No. 8 yellow, Wti34c. Oata: No. 2 white. 44a'44Vic: No. 8 while, 42S4c; No. 4 white. 4l4b42Sxc; atandard, 43'viM-tc. mrrTlcti No market K38 No market. CHEKSB Steady; dalslea. la,le; twtna. hulu4-; young Americas, 15Vmic; long horna, H,(lc. POULTRY Strady: turkeys. 30c. Live fowls. 16c; springs, 19c. VEAL Steady; W to 60-pound welehls. 8'iriUc: 60 to -pound weights, 9n12c; so to llo-pound weights, 10l2c. r'ki..,.n kmi-Wheat. IB cars: corn. lil cars; oats, 144 cars. Estimated Tomor- r,,viVh-at, 18 cars; corn, 1W cars, osts, ll cars. L.lvtraol ttmln Market. UVEK1HKIL. July l.-WHKAT-Spot, dull; No. 3 red western winter, no atovk. of tke Day Commodities. NEW YORK. July 16. -FLOUR Hlffhar pring patents, Sa.60'&5.86; winter straights. S4.40tH.60; winter patents, 34.46.00; spring clears. S4.3oa4.w: winter extras. No. 1. I3.7nfti4.90; winter extras. No. 3, S3.60Cg-3.B6; Kansas straights, m.vmsb.ou. nye nour. firm; fair to good, 34.104.26; choice to fancy. M f'lH.W. . CORN MEAL Firm: fine white and yel low, Sl.4Ubvl.i0; coarse, S1.40l.&0; kiln dried. 33.40u-'3.46. w wrJAT spot, rirm; iso. x rea, ma, I. f.. to arrive elevator: No. 1 northern. SI 84H. f- o. b. With the exception of July wheat which advanced sharply on cover ing by belated shorts, the wheat waa easier earlier on the cables and profit ' taking, but rallied sharply with bullish crop newa from the northwest, closing 34c net higher 011 July and Ho up otherwise. July closed l.Z2c, - September, xi.JZc;. uecemoer, 11144c. . CORN Spot, firm; No. 2, Tzc, elevator domestic; export No. 3, 714, f. o. b.. Corn was without transactions, closing un changed t 4c net higher. July closed 694c, September, 70c; December, 64c. Re ceipts, k,9b Dusneis; snipmems, is.oit bushels. OATS Spot firm; mixed, Jwa pounds, nominal: natural white. 2tHi2 pounds. HW 61 pounds; clipped white, wiftHi pounds, tsXtf 6:14a. Receipts, ou.iuo pounus. svpmenia, l.tloO bushels. HAY Steady: prime. xi.;wttiz& no. i. Lli-Vtdl.20; No. 2, Sl.lOitfl.U; No, 1 31004(1.06. lliUxa rasy; iemrtu Aineiiuak, Bogota, iWO' . . hdps Easy: state, common to choice. 1909, 2123c; 1908, nominal; Paclflo coast, 1909, liVu6c: 1H08. nominal. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, 32&.5Wj 26.00;- family, SM).00i2.60; short clear, u.o UOO. Beef, steady; mess, S16.&O&16.00; fam ily, Sl9.60giaj.ou; Deer nams, t.w.vj. cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 1" to 14 lb., S17.&omt.0O; pickled .bams, S16-wrapl6.&0. Lard, steady; middle west prime, 8ll.8fr31ll.96; re fined, steady; continent, 81260; South Amer ica. 313.76; compound, S9.U4i$9.74. TALLOW steady; prima city, nnas., ec; eountrv. 6Vffl64c. - HUTTER Steady: creamery specials. 304 C'-4c; extras, 284Q284o; third to first 844 ti274c; state dairy, common to finest 4 fIVfco. . k . .. ... ' L'HKKHri-oieaay ; siaie, -wnoi num. spe cial. lb-luSilbHc; state, wnoie miiK, fancy. lbuc: state. wrole milk, average prime. 14 jlic; state, whole milk, fair to good, 134ji 144c; state, wnoie mux, common, iuhj U,c; skims, full to special, mwiKC KIULIKI Alive, Bmuy; wraiern oroif er, 23c; towls, 18c; turkeys, JOiU'Hc. Dressed, Irregular; western broilers, OXo-ic; fowls, lJlsc; turkeys, 164skj. - gt.'-I.oala General Market. ST. LOUIS, July 16. WHEAT-Futures. higher; July, 31-064; September, $l.t&4n 1.06: December. 31.08. Cash, firm; track. No. t reo, S1121.13; No. 3 hard, 1.0bV 1.144- CORN Futures, higher; September, 61c December, 57c. Cash, weak; track. No. toe: No. 3 white. 64c. OATS Futures, higher; September, S4c; December, 3i4n. Cash,' steady; track. No. t, 40c; No. 3 white, 444c, RYE Unchanged. 76e. KLOl'lt-FIrm; red winter patents, S6.30S 6.60; extra fancy and straight . S4-IWB4.S6; hard winter clears, il.4Uirri.yu. SEE1 Timothy, 84.009.00. CltN MV:AL SS.35. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 98o4f 3100. HAY-Flnu; timothy, S17.5O421.00; prairie, Si3.0tU 14.60. IRON COTTON TIES 61c. BAGGING 8 7-lo. HEMP TWINB-ic. . PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; lobbing $26.60. Lard, lower; prime steam, Sll.43401 H.024. Dry salt niea. lower; boxed, extra short. 11.10; clear rips, su.du; anon clears, 113.76. Bacon, lower; boxed, extra shorts, 813.00: clear rlba. 115 ou; snort clears, xin.zb. lOULTi;Y Steady; cliickens. Wmc springs. 164il6c; turkeys, 14) -'2c ; ducks. 6U 12c; geese. 694. BUTTER Steady; creamery, Jllisc EGGS Lower, 16o. NEW YORK. July 16. (Special Tele gramsThe volume of trade on the Stock exchange this week waa only sufficient to move tne market sluKgishiy. There were steady rises, then aufldeii declines and while the market was technically better than it was last week, it suffered and will continue to surfer for some time to oome from nar rowneaa. The country la pusslng through a peculiar era and one typical of American business and financial affairs. The ordinary ki- vrwtora., aa ia alwaya the ease when the market Is down, are holding aloof through caution. Meanwhile such eminent captains of industry and finance as Judge K. H. Gary of the United States Steel corporation; w.fc,. corey, jacoo scnirr, the bansar; Rob ert Jarvls, president of the Consolidated Stock exchange; E. T. Bedford ot the Standard Oil company; E. T. Jeffrey, chair man of tha Wabash railroad and president or the Denver & Rio Uramle railroad James Clews, the banker, and others are breaking their customary silence to give voice to their confidence In the future of American business. A prominent French capltallut this week had a letter published In a Parisian news paper, urging all Frenchmen with money to Invest to buy American stocks and bonds now at the market prices. He recalled great fortunes made by those who bought while the market was low in 1907. Money Klaga Force Market. The crux of tha matter seema to be this: A coterie of money kings In order to coerce the administration from Interfering further with "the trusta" and combinations of cap ital have forced down the market Every circumstance, no matter now slight, which might have a depesaing Influence, Is being seixea upon as a pretext for falling quota tions. And yet despite this campaign, they cannot disguise tne real facts. They can not cover the dividends which are reuularlv being declared; they cannot hide the In creased revenues of railroads; they cannot keep the public from seeing that with the possible exception of wheat crops will be bigger this yeai than last. The circum stantial evidence of prosperity cannot be hidden and yet the market continues slug gishly along with Wall street echoing the cry: "iveep pontics away from business." Tha banks are beginning to gain on opera, tions with the subtreasury and with the in. coming of gold from abroad the' money market should become much easier with receding rate. There is no forced demand for accommodation from Stock exchange quarters. Currency Movements. Returns for the present week's currency movement in ana out ot JNew York City DaiiKs snow a net inflow in cash of 810. 611,000. On operations with the Interior in stitxitlons the net flow of cash Into New torn was 88,499,000 and on operations with the subtreasury the gain was 3862,000. The Import of nearly $2,000,i0 gold from abi-Cid brought the grand total to over 310.000.0oo. Tho narrowness In the tond market has shown ltsulf In the demand for securities of small multiples. Bonds In dannmlna. tions of $100 and $200 and $3)0 are selling aieaauy, wnereas tne bonds in denomlna-: tions of $1,000 are listless. A number of big investment - houses which, hitherto have made no special effort to attract the small investor are now .advertising bonds ot small denominations. The bonds In small multiples have advantages dver the high priced debentures. If they are of standard recognition they are Just as safe, yield Just as much. Just as easy to negotiate and eu e more easily handled otherwise. While the earning power of railroads in southern territory has - Improved to con siderable extent in the last year, the price of their stocks and bonds have fallen off In sympathy with the greneral market dur ing; the last few months until the percent ages on' railroad market valuation are now very high. The price of Pennsylvania stock was ef fected but little by labor trouble In the present week. Pennsylvania stock is not given to much fluctuation, because the bulk of it Is held for permanent Investment and is not traaea in actively. Some Railroad ' Karnlnsra. Going, north, tha Canadian Paclflo will earn IS per oent upon Its common stork during its present fiscal year. While Big our carnuiKB uo i loi point 10 a mid-year dividend, the traffic deDartment of the cieveiana, Columbus, Cincinnati & St, Louis Is not downcast. Ordinarily the earn ings in the first half of the fiscal year are smaller than those. in the latter half. Estimating upon figures furnished by six Gould lines, the. gross in the fiscal year Just ended will go over 11 per cent These lines are the Denver .A Rio Grande, Mis souri Pacific, Iron Mountain, Texas Pa cific, St. Louis Southwestern and Wabash. As these linos penetrate great grain grow ing sections tne outlook lor heavy traffic Is bright There has been much apltatlon over the copper metals situation In the last five days. There has been a vague report that me- movement lor curtailment will take tangible form. However, too many persons are prone to Judge the copper market by tho workings of Amalgamated shares. Amalgamated is a Sbcculative stock and If does not reflect conditions in the copper market any more than the quotations of Texas Midland railroad' would show tho real condition in the railroad field. Reports of rain In the agricultural belts ere rccilved with reloiclnar. There will be a very heavy com crop and the harvest outlook , In tha northwest Is much lm proed. James Hill of St. Paul while In this city the other day declared that the crop situation need give no alarm at all. As Mr. Hill la a student of crop affairs his moras must ho accepted as authemlo prophecies. Reports from the southern Industrial field say that while new orders are scarce, suffi cient orders are on hand now in the Birm ingham field to keep iron and steel Indus trie busy for ninety days. By that time ne- railroad contracts will be coming In. iMumoer ot sales ana leaevns quotations on stocks were: P , ".. r. a m. l PIMnhiira lnel Frwrn) stl Cr rmiinsn paiao rr Italla-ay ftll Spring Hrxlln Keptihlle stt ltopuMIr St"l M KO.-K lilan1 t'o Hik-K Uland . ntd St. I,, at S. r. 24 pfd St. Lou la . W st. t. a. W. ptd Bh.ffl,1 ft, A I Hnulhorn Parlflc Puulhnrn Railway so. ltaiiwar irn Trmese CopDr Tviaa at Paciric si. L. at W St. U A y. nfd Union Pacific t nl.in Pacific pfd.; t'nltwt tata Haalty t'nlted State Rubber loltad Slataa Steel 1. S. stH ptd...., t'tah t'ppr Va.--arollna Chemical ... Wabaah , Wabash pfd .... Wetuln Rhone Electric .... Western V'nlon , Wheeling; ALE. " m 16 1&4 i il rnl lt 1MI V-i sr ,4"l 144 H? li 100 81 l SI IH 'i.soi 81 4 14 TT 414' lit tH ' '.'in) 1H4 nS l74 w n ft'4 2 l.KW fc) MH MS f il4 2f"- 20S, 100 2 ! 3 314 910 vt a ' 22.210 1H3 141 14 . 1 "HI 100 ' Mv, J4 W 37, K) 7H 704 T''i 1"0 11H lli Hi" , l.WO 41 411 41" 4io t M (4 , 17 3H4 201) M4a t "4 41 100 4 44 4 Total an tor th day. 1S.H har. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 16. MONEY On call, nominal. Time loans somewhat easier; alxtv days, 841l.1- per cent; ninety days, 44 per cent; six months, 6p4 Vr cent PRIME MERCANTILE Pr cant. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business in bankers' bills at 4.fcoi( 4 6360 for sixty-day Dills; $4 8546 for demand. Commercial bills, $4 tBi.R.-. SILVER Bar, 644c; Mexican aouars, aoc. BONDS Government steady; railroad. easy. Closing quotations on oo.-ici today were aa follows: ....4Int. M. M, 44.. .... Kio Japan 4a i4 lv do 41 Wt ,...1U)K O. So. lat 3a 72i ... 1HHU 8. deb. 4a 1181.... M4 ....1USL. A N. unl. 4 1S .... 74, M., K. A T. lat 4a.. 7 .... ion do ro, 4t 4S 4a..ino4Mo. Pacific 4a. 17V4 .... t N. R. K. of M. 44. '4 ....1W4,N. Y. f. . a 87 v 01IA1IA LIVE SlOCli MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Steady Saturday, Stronger for Week. HOGS SELL FIVE TO TEN LOWER No Chance In Sheen Saturday, bnt Cor Week Prices Aro Thirty Five to Sixty-Five Cents Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, July 16, 1910. M , (t , $.,.&; feeUllig , nit'AUO LIVE STOCK MARKET attle Are Steady Hogs and Sheep l.ovt i-r. CHICAGO, July Is. CATTLE Receipts, SOU head; market sleiidy; beeve, 8.aoju; Texas stei-rs, M.ubN; western stmis, $4.1nwAljU; slotkeis Mini teeueis, ed.buwi.iM, owa and heilei, i.imuu.su; vaive, u .00. tiOGS Receipts. 8,000 htad; market, ic lower; lisiit, 5.w4iJ.w, mixed, ts.uUus.wi; heavy. $.vau8.o; lough, Vviv-uaAi; good to eno.e e ht a, H ii.4jt.iii; piss, eo.wua.vU, uun Ot SHlrS, $8.4utf!l.lD. SHEE1" AiSO LAMBS Receipts, 2.OD0 head; market, 2.'a lower; native, i.jf'a-.Ju; western, $2.oUti4.:w; yearlliiK, Stwniu.lo; anibs, native, $4.bot,7.00, western, 44.3U1tfl.tO. Recelpu, ver; Official Monday Olticiai l ucuy OKiciai Wednesday.. Official Ihuisaay ... OHiuial fnuay ivallmats Saturday ., Cattie. aloue. anrep. 13.M1 ll.VM 8,111 8.31 1,UM -1.UU1 , 5,4 3,411 , ,U4 V,eW . 2,M0 I,UU , 2,114 HA i b,A 43 0,44 V. 8. rat. 3a, re do coupon V. 8. Sa. rt...... do coupon V. 8. 4a, res...... do coupon Allle-Chel. lat ta Am. Ag. ta Am. T. A T. ct. Am. Tobacco 4a. do a Armour Co. 414a... Il do deb. 4s. Atchlaon rn. do or. 4a , do or. a AU C. U lat 4., pal. A Ohio I.... do IV do B. W. .., Brk. Tr. ct. 4a.... Ceo. of Oa. (.... Can. leather 6a.. O. of N. J. . te. W4N. T.. N. H. A H. ...103W cv. 6 1314 ...107 N. A W. lat o. 4a.. ! ... do ot. 4a W ... IHltNo. Pacific 4. 1004 ... ih) do 3 '.. 70V4 ... fWO. 8. U rfri. 4a W ... I3pnn. ct. 3Va ln... H ...104 do con. 4a liM ... MViReadlns aen 4a 874 .lailaSt. L. A 8. F. f(. 4 SOU Cbea. A Ohio 4fta...o;t do gen. 6 8fVa do ret. 6. M"fH. L,, S. W. c. 4.. 74 Chicago aV A. SVi.. To do lat fold 4 Ml C, B. A (4. ). 4.... KViseaboaj-d A. L. 4s.... T34 do gen. 4a WlaSo. Pac. ool. 4 C. M. A 8.P. g. 34 t-lVi do ct. 4a 7 C, R. I. A P. c 4.. 72 du lat raf. 4a....... 3 do rfg. 4e 87 So. Railway 8 lie Colo. Ind. 5a. 74 do gen. 4a 74U Colo. Mid. 4a 40 Union Paclflo 4a 10U I'. A 8. r. A . 44. KH do ct. 4 1U2 D. a h JD. A R. O. 4i do raf. 6.... Diatliler' b .. Kri p. 1. 4... do gan. 4a.... do cv. 4a. do aeriea B. M do lat A ref. 4.... SW 2HU. 8. Rubber 4..'....ln24 tl'. 8. Steel Id 6 1 Va.-Caro. Cham. 8a.. W to Wabash lat 8a 1074 t do lat A ex. 4a 44 tsMWeetern Md. 4 to Weat Klec. ct. 6a.. aeh. Klec. ct. B...1S Wla. Central 4a..... 111. ten. lat ref. 4.. Mo. fac. ct. 8 ctfa int. Met. 4Ha Ml Bid. Offered. r. A.. 7 . l . 88 London Stock .Market. LONDON, July 18. American securities on the stock axenanire here today opened about unchanged from yesterday's New York closing-. Later Canadian issues weak ened on crop news, while the rest of the list moved Irregularly. The market closed steady, a Traction either side or parity. Six davs this week.... 14.607 36.0.1o 44.lt) Same cays last week. .. .11,212 2,ikM 2i,4o4 oame days 2 weeks anu. .ll,w4 bJ.ju la.e.l aaine days 8 weeks auo..li.l42 oo.uv ao.eii Same days 4 weeks ago. .16,104 4i,o48 l.ft4 bams aaya last year....l4,w3 tn.ai z,l Tha foiiowinir tMhie ah.u,a iha receipta of cattle, hog and sheep at Sou in Omaha fur tu year to data toinpared wuu last year; 1810. lis. iiiu. ' Cattle ieuOll 47s ',01 20.MM Hoas 1,1m, 4 1,4J,!S0 2,2J "eei I M.wU W,IW eo,ev . - The follow ln table shows t;i average prices of lion at South Omaha tor U last everal days, wltli comparisons: Lata. 1810. l.lls.llsJ7.ilo-jlW.liio4. July J....I 8 77i. I S 361 I ! i ? JUiy 8.... 8664 J M SIS 6 74 I l July 8....1 a i k.-l a i kulili I t u JUiy 10.,. 7 j 8 2 4 6 33 juiy io...j S 44 I I ail W H M 1 w July 12... 8 3341 7 5 I S 74 8 4 38 4 8 Juiy id... 8 I ei S 4 14 8 b l uiy n... i iui i i 4.1 - oi u ji July 16... 1 7&i 8 81 6 71 6 646 13 JUiy lu... 8 844 il o 'll I ! " " July' 18.. . S 2741 7 831 S7 6 7 S 50i lw Sunday. Holiday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the union stock yarns, bouth Omaha, IS eh. tor twenty-lour bouts ending at 8 p. in., yesferday: ' RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hog's. Sheep. H'r's 1 .. . C. M. & St. P W'aDush ' ,.. Missouri Pacific ... Union Paclilc C. At N. W., tast... C. dt N. W., west. U. St. V. M. A O... C B. ft y., west... C. H. 1. At P.. east. Illinois central C. O. W 2 2 16 4 36 4 16 t 2 86 43 1-ltLoulBTlll A N. ... 824M., K. A T ... ... 414N. Y. Central.. ... 7', Norfolk A W... ...102 do pfd ...lot Ontario A W... Conaola, money... do account.. Atrial. Copper. Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio 11SH Pennsylvania Canadian Pacific 141 Rand Mi ilea Chesapeake A 0 74 Heading .... Chicago 6. W 244Boutham Ry Cbt., Mil. A St F...127 do pfd. De Bear .- Uenver A Rio O... do pfd Kria do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd Orand Trunk Illinol Central . 17(4 Southern Paolflc. . Il Union Pacific. . 73 v do pfd . 2fi4U. 8. Steel . 4i do pfd i.. . II Wabaah . 24 do pld. .134 SpanUh 4a SILVER Bar, quiet at lu 3-lod per ounce. MONBI-1J14 Pr oont The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 3 per cent; for three months bill. 211-I0O24 per cent .1474 ... 4 ...117 ...1U04 ... 82 ... ii ... 44 ... 4 ... 74 ... 34 46 ...117 ...1474 .... 94 . ... 7S4 ....llVi .... Id .... t4 Kl 1 Local Hoarmen, .- ... , r Quotatlona f ujmtshed - by Samuel BurnA Im, ,B M. TapIi I .If a hllilllintf ( . ...4.: ; 1 . . Bid. Aa'keAA Beatrice Creamerr pfd It 84 Cndahy Packing Co. ta, 1924 City National Uaak Bldg. 4a. 1M City ct Omaha 4H. 1IM0 1U3 Columbu Blec. LA- 8. 1M4 u W 100 Oerman Fire Insurance. Iowa Portland Cement lat uitg. 4a Iowa Portland Cement con. aa Hanaaa Oa A Klec. 7 per cent pfd Kauaa U. A 81. 4a, 1822 Michigan Slat Tel. pld Morris 4k Co. 4taa. lib!) Neb. Tel. stock 4 per cent Omaha Water Co. U, M44 Omalm tiaa lli Omaha Bieo. Light pfd 4 per cent. Omaha A C. B. 84. Ky pfd 8 per cent 81 Onmiia A J. U. 8t. H. oa, lau i4 Omaha A C. B. Ry A B. pfd 6 Paoifla '1'. T. ta, .Ml t Bwift A Co. aa, 114 Bute Inasrano Co 110 Seattle, City of, 8a, 11128 104 Trl-Cltr My. A 1 Co. 6a. 1423 W Trt-Clty R. A L. pfd. a tuck. 8 per cent 8I4 Union 8 took Yard Mock, south Omaha 84 84 I W 86 81 e4 884 n 82 Si 104 WJVi 81 1024 IM) 109 1IM 84 874 Ml 100 894 84 83 H 47 88 lo4 407 474 4 II Boston Stocks nnd Bond. BOSTON, July 16. Closing- quotations milium stocka were u follows: Allouea Amal. Copper A. K. U 8 Arliona Oura Atlantle B. A C. C. 8. M Butte Coalition .... Cal. A Arlaona Cal. A Heels Centennial 8 Mohawk . 6eNevada Coo. ... . SlVtNipleatng Mine . 14 North Butt . 814 North take . 11 Old Dominion .. . 1H Oaceola . 41 Parrott 8. AC. .810 yuincji lavi Shannon Copper Rang' C. C oeSasuparior Allia-Chalmer pfd 2714 Amalgamated Copper ' 8,800 644 844 64 American Agricultural ' 34 Am. Beet Sugar 100 32 S3 83 American Can Americas C. 4V- F 800 804 WS4 f4 American Cotton OH VJ Ainerl.-an H. A U pfd 200 ' 30 S Am. Ice Becuritlea 200 a 8244 23 American Inaeeii 11 American lAKomotlre .' ' 89 American 8. A It l.ZWI 4H 48 4S Am. 8. A R. pfd............ 100 lulVa 1014 1014 Am. Stoel Foundriea. ..a. 61 '4 Am. Sugar Keflnlag 117 American T. A T 800 133 1324 1324 Anierloan Tobacco pfd ' , , 91 American Woolen too 27 ft a Anaconda Mining Co euO 374 ? M'4 Atchlaon 8,300 WVa 984 98 Atchlaon pfd 100 looifc Hd j Gnat Butte U M. Oiroux Con. Franklin Oranby Con Orecne Cananea .... lale Itoyale Copper, Kerr Lake Lake Copper La Salle Cupper.... Miami Copper ..... tl-dly. Asked. 4Si8uperlor A B. M.... tnasupenor P. C... 4-XiTaiiiai-ack 8s 11. 8. C. A O 44V. 8. 8. R. A M... ; 16 do pfd , 7'AUtah Oon JoSaWluooa 4Wolerlue 11 on . 43 . 1.4 . 1"S . 21 . 84 . 32 .116 . 12 . 48 . 37 74 4 . 47 81 86 44 80 6 100 Kansas City Live Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., July 10. C A '1' 1' L E Receipts, 100 head, including 50 southerns. Market unchanged. Nativii sti-ers, Sj.uuuv 8.26; southern steers, 83.buiti6.uu; aotithein cows, $i OOi.i4.60; native cows and lit-if t-ie, $2.uOk6.60; mockers nnd feeders, 81.2. Ai .,.7,,; bulls, $3.2'i4.uu; calws, $4.0iiiiu8.3o; western steers, $l.ii7.2!i; western cows, $3.0nti6.u. HOGS Receipts, 3.000 hrail. market, o-liloc lower; bulk of sales. $.4o"8s.ii; heavy, 8836 fi8.4!; packers and bulcheis, $.418 bo; light, $8.6tr?i8 7(1. SHEEP AND LAM I'M Receipts, none. Market unchanged. Muttons, $3.uVi 4.60; a nibs, $0.004,7.00; fed wethers snd yearlings, $3.764,4.76; fed western ewes, $3.b04j4.uO. St. Loots Live StocU Market ST. LOUIS. Mo.. July 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 400 head, including 300 Texans; mar ket, steady. Native beef steers, 46.60tg8.40; cows and heifers, $4.75411.26; Blockers and feeders, S4.2o4io.o0; Texas and Indian steers. $4.2f'a7.O0; cows nnd heifers, $3.2;V5i.in; calve, In carload lots. $ii.0UTU9.25. HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; .market, 10c lower. Plga and lights. $8,764)9.30; packers, $S.&4T8.90; butchers and best heavy, $8.7641 9.20. No sheep sales. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. July 18. CATTLE St. Joseph Live Stock Market. Receipts. 200 nead: market steady; steers, Io.5o4ii.o0; cows and heifers, $2.60434.60; calves. $3.00418.00. HOGS Rece tits. S.000 head: market SWloc lower; top, $8.6; bulk of sales, $.S.3o4i.60. SHEFP AND LAMBS-Recelpis. bOU, head; market steady; lamos, $4.6uU'7.00. Stock In SlnlBt. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 42 5.4: 1,091 St. Joseph 200 6.000 60J Knnsas City 100 8.0U0 St. Louis 4'W 5.000 Chicago 800 8,000 ,2,000 ToUl receipts.. 1,042 2i,4J8 3,o91 OMAHA GK1M lilt A I. MARKET. Totals receipts...: 1 Disposition Catie. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 2 Swift & Company I. .. l,i-o Cuaahy facaing Co l.liV Armour t Co i,oi6 Murpny snippers .. i Bwlit.from country., Cudahy trom bo. bt. Paul Other buyers , 28 .... Totals 28 6,118 CATTLE Thers were no cattle today, at least notnlng ot any consequence, but the total for the week makes a very goou showing, there being an increase over iai week and a gain as comparea witn a year ago. The receipts at tne present lime are pretty equally divided between natives ana western, witn the prospect gooa ior rapid increase In ths proportion of westerns cominar. T he week opened with a stlarp DreaK in beef cattie. but later on as aemana De- came quite active, while the supply . was not especially burdensome the maraet took a turn lor tne Better, ine aecnne at ins opening of the week waa all made up and at the close prices are iuuy as gooa as last week. Some kinds, If anything, axe a little stronger. Cows and heifers also broke sharply tli first of tne week, but as receipts later on proved to be light, while the aemana w good and brisk, the market steadily ad vanced until at tha ciose of the week I prices are 0Vil6c higher than one week ago. blockers and teeners nave seen goou seller ail week, gradually ftrniSig up un der the influence of true buying on tne J part 'of the country until at the close of I the Week the market is lol&c Higher on desirable kinds at tha close of last week. Quotations on cattle: CJood to cnolce cornted steers, $7.54t8.'J0; fair to good corn fed steers, u.2&'47.26; common to lair corn led steers, u.uitti.6u; good to choice Cows and heifers, So.vtrrjd.uO; fair to good cows and heifers, $3.64o.00; common to fair cow and heiters, T2.7oiv8.7a; good to choice stock ers and feeders, 34.264J.76; i fair to good stockors and feeders, 3U7&4H26; common to fair stockers and feeders, ti.Wvi.li; stock heifers, 8J.ffi4i4.26; veal calves, 80.0O4 47.00; bulls, stag, etc., $3.OV4l.O0. Representative sales; . No. at. P. 34a AT. Pr. 1 140 4 00 X UO 4 00 1 160 4 36 I., SlO 76 4 180 6 40 8., 148 3 78 3 20 6 78 HOGS Lower advices from eastern point proved a strong bear factor In the hog yards this morning and prices broke 64flOu in consequence. Demand was not very ac tive, but receipts were limited and a good clearance made at an early hour. Snippers purchased tuny 1,000 head and paid tne top price, $8.60, tor a load of bacon hugs. In a general way all of yesterday's advance was lost, bulk - of prices dropping baca Into Thursday's notches. Good heavy hog sold around $8.15, mixed grades ranged trom $8.20 to $8.3o and good lights brought the high figure. A large share ot reueipta went at 88.2oj'8.3o, as com pared with yesterday s bulk ot 86.20418.40. Receipts for the week are a few thousand head heavier than either last week's run or that of a year ago. Demand has been reasonably broad, but none too active, ship pers were cautious buyers auid the trend of prices generally lower. Range of sales Is still wide, witn gooa Dacon weignts selling at or near the top and rougu Howies at the bottom. Current sales indicate a decline of 36c trom prices paid a week ago, Representative tales: . Clearing; House Bank Statement. NEW YORK, -July 16. The statement of clearing house banns for tne week shows that the banks hold $27,144,060 more than the requirements of the 26 per cent reserve rule. This 'is an increase of $16,816,100 In the proportionate cash reserve as compared with last week. Tho statement follows: Amount. Decrease. .$l,l8.4i3,400 $19,614,200 . l,177,llo,2to 7,4W.ioU 48,400,700 88,iy,600 . 252,u21,70U . 821, 420,200 . 2HI.277,6DO 11.200 2,0i3,JU) ll,!)2i,v00 V3,960,3O0 l,8ou,MI0 77,142.ti60 16,818,100 2l,o4.8i 16,808,800 ...49.000 ...61,000 . Klour, bbls Wheat, bu.'.. Corn, bu , Oata, bu Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions. KAK8A4 CITY. July 18.-WHEAT-July, $1,024; September, $1,024: December, $1.04. Cash unchanged to lc higher; No. 2 hard, $1.0o4fl l0; No. 3. $1.0(jl.08; No. 3 red, $J.02u 1.04; No. 3, $1.00r(H.02. CORN July, lc; September, 6s"V; In cumber, 644i.. Cash, unchanged; No. t mixed. 834c; No. 8. (3c; No. 2 white, wa 8o4c N. 3. 4tii44c. ' OATS I'nchanired; No. 3 white, 41443c; No. 3 mixed, Sonjiic RYE No. 2. 720. HA Y I'nchanged to "60 higher; choice timothy, $14,004; 14.60; choice prairie. $12,004, 12 !C HL'TTKR Creamery, extras. I7c; firsts, 244c: seconds. S24e; packing stock. 21c. EUUS- Firsts, $4.20; seconds, $1.00; cur rent receipts, new cases, $3.80; miscellan eous, $i. 8b. Receipis-snipnients. Wheat, bu 149.IM1 II0O1O Corn, bu 18 000 88 OOH Oata, bu l.wf Atlantic Coast Line... Baltimore A Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacirlo v... Central Leather Central Leather pld Central of New Jersey... Cheaapeake A Ohio Chicago A Alton... t lika-go Gt. W C. O. W. pfd iiicago A N. W C, si. A 8t. P C, C. C. A 8t. L, Colorado Fuel A Iron.... Colorado A Southern Coneulldated uaa Corn Product Delaware A Hudson Ileiner A Kto Oraode.... Recelpta. Shlpmenta. "."' .u'.l'..l .... 4L3H0 4.410 1 .eo.ooo M.iwoi ,'";,. '.... 100 4I0 lSlk 1,4'S) 174 100 1864 100 324 Ski 73V4 100 113 3.600 1224 I.oans ' ; Deposit ., Circulation . Legal tenders bpvcls Reserve Iteserve required . Surplus Lx.-U. S. deposits 1 he percentage of actual reserve of the dealing douse banks toxlay waa 27.87. Tha statement of banks and trust com mit 1I2V 1104 pames of ureater New 1 ork -not reporting lj clearing house shows: - Amount. Decrease. Loans $1,143,V29,600 $4.8a.uOO Specie 124,2a,ouo 2,Mi3,KM 1-gal tenaer 22Jtu.4uO M3.700 iotai deposlU I,241,2uo,bu0 7,618,200 Increase. 109 "4 I 77 V, 77", ln.S'4 18&V 34 33 734 !:::: 143" 1044 290 "4 24 a4 44 14214 10 83 London M-ooW Market. LONDON, July 18 The stock market dur ing the week, despite a lack of increased business, iiifiliuaiiied .a generally steady 1224 lWk .2 - 83 lit 1 undertone a 'id mere was a sugni Improve 84 , nient in values. 'm 1MV 1U i Alnerlt'n securities threw off the depres- 100 144 J44 14 on arising from me weakness of copper "ioo 'aW 'aii I "nd U1,P"' share, and with persistent bull support, -and the better monetary position Ko ' at. Mi. ft. St.. At. Bit, Pr. 46.. IM 340 8 10 78 214 U0 8 274 4 IU ioo 8 16 7 ..314 40 I 80 (,1 ell 800 8 1j 41 34t 80 8 30 U 394 40 I 16 70 3o 40 8 10 eu 94 80 8 i4 74 . 80 3 30 Id 318 240 I 16 70 81. UO I lu. 9 3 80 6 16 71 138 ... I 80 93 SM ... 8 30 , 71 144 ... 4 30 6 4)4 14 8 30 ' 69...'.... J8 KM 9 eO t 8o4 ... I 20 74 21-9 120 I 30 , !h ... 20 41 .84 90 I 90 ' it 90 4 30 W 9,4 ... 190 to 909 190 I 20 41 Ul ... 4 90 o tie 41 I 91 48 m 140 3 M ell 32 9UV 8 30 , 3 3(0 90 9 80 fcj 3M 10 4 -0 74 Ht 90 8 90 90 iii tU IW 70. 341 130 8 90 99 274 90 9 3e 39 34 40 8 89 94 392 80 9 20 76 3M '130 9 i8to 47..... ...2.1 80 I 22 70 Mi 390 I o2' u 279 100 9 Ultt 46 341 ... 8 19 . 34 M ... 9 la . 64 9o4 80 8 90 M, Joe 200 I 9o 49 n4 ... I 16 6 3 Ml 130 8 2j . fc Ul Ml I . o 347 340 9 9e eo lil 90 8 114 e3 31 130 8 eu 72 tl ... I9i ,i 91 W 111 99 344 ... II, 14 ike ... 8 8a 96 1-1 190 8 37 66 3A 90 I lo 49 844 ... 4 40 17 241 40 8 2a 41 K4 ... 4 40 .) 144 40 I 83 71 2I7 200 I 40 eu 294 90 I 96 14 21 ... 140 k4 314 8 111 49 3e4 11) It) ,0 340 SVO 8 29 '10 Joe ... 9 40 14 99 90 I 36 79 333 ... 9 46 o 341 340 8 3 Ul III I o II 99 90 9 314 '' W 90 I W Securltlea J3.IMJ pri, jj pld. 20.000 General glectdic Oreat Northern pfd Great Northern Ore Ctfa.. Illlnola Central Inlerborough Met. Int. Met. pfd International Harvester .. Int. Marine pl'l UiternaUonal Paper Internetlonal Pwirip ..... Iowa Central Kanaaa Cltr so k. C. Bo. pfd Laclede lias Leulavllle A N...,..... Minn. A 81. Loula U .t. P. A 8. 8. 81... 91 . k. T , 64 . K. T. pfd lllaenurl pacific National Lead N. K. H. of at. 3d pfd.. New York Central N. V.. O. A W Vorlolk A Weewru North Amertran Norther Parlflc Parlflu Mall Pennarlvanla e.ouol Pevfle 0e 300 . 100 294 i4 414 m ii4 900 124 800 1&4 61 94'4 2 414 30 144 14. K'34 1234 61 1194 12' "4 j, values improved gradually and closed from one to five points higher. Continental i houses were belter buyers during the laat ua a ot me weea. Discount rates hardened In anticlpailon of strong American and continental compe tition for the $3,000,000 ooutti African gold due here Monday. So 944 108 104 104 174 39 9" Itl IKS e34 ii'ij" 98 1144 'iiii 310 MO 1UO Hal 100 KM 109 100 (OO i?4 28 s 4 141 6"4 94 '44 14 44 1 274 l4 4 111 319 ii'ii" 6 iii" 'in 1174 ii7i 4-n 44 lrn "4 4 1!4 414 974 I 44 117-4 3it 1 ' ha. m Hank Clearlngta. OMAHA. July 16. Bank clearings for to day were $2,268,206.74, and for tne corre spondlng dale last year, $2,101,878.33. Clear- In g,a lor the week were: 1808. 1910. ....$ 2,444,627.76 , $ 3.6o, 193.36 .... 2.1',Ki6.83 3,3i.lj2.68 .... 2.32'),0i'.S.68 3.0M.SH6.26 .... 1. 800.31" 32 1, 873.804. 6 .... 2.080.612 26 :.W0,ul2 26 .... :,101.D78.23 3.260,208.74 Staple) and Fancy I'rodace Prices Fir. ntshed kr Borers and Wholesalers. liUTTUK Creamery. No. L uuhvereu to the retail trade in l-io. carious, ouv; iNo. 1, in 30-io. tups, 80c; No. 2, in 1-lu. caronj, Hoc; No. 3, In o-lb. tubs, 2c; pacaiug alock, solid pack, 2n,c; uairy, lu oO-iu. luw, 26c. Murkst cuanges every I uesuay. Cliccear 1 wins, li4c; youi.g Amerloaa, 18c; aauy, 17,o; trip. eta, 18u; iimUcigei, toe; No. 1 buck, 17o; unporteu bwiu, oc; uoinestic dwiss, lie; block tiwiss, 22c. lOULTRf Dressed broiler. o, hens, 16c; cocks, llc; duoks, 2oc; geese, 16c; tur keys, 2oc; pigeons, per uos., eLsO; homer stiuabs, per uos., $4.uo; fancy squabs, pur no., 8S.00; No. L per dos., $d.oo. Alive broiiera, noin 14 to 14 lbs., 2oc; 14 to d 10s., lie; hens, 126; old roosters, 10; md ducks, full feathered, loo; young uuckm, lot.-; geese, lull tegHherrd, 8c; turaeys, lc; s unit a 10 wis, aw eacu; pigeons, per ao., 16c; homer, per dos., $3.wv; situaus. No. 4, per dos., tLuO; No. 8, per aos., ouu. FIHH tall frosen) flckerel, Uu; white fish, 14c; pike, lie; trout, 16c; large crapp.es. 200; bpanisn luaciieiel, lac; eei, lou; nau aock, wc; IioOiiaurs, Lie; green caUisn, Iw, buftalo. 8c: haliuut. loc. white perch, u; bullheads, 14c; White cat, lsu; rooeiiiau, JU-w eacn, siiauroeu, per pair, 600; tiog leu, oar aos., ouc; baiinon, jukj. , liKh.lt' Coin-Ribs, No. 1, 184c; No. 2. 14c; No. 3, sc. Loin, No. L loc; No. 2. 144c, No. 3. 104c Chuck, No. 1. 8V80; No. 2. 7u, No. 8, ai. ituuuu, iso. L 114c; No. 3, 104c; No. 8, 6-40, r-iate. No. j, 140. No. 2, NO. 8, 6t0. FRUlTri-Orancea: . California Caniella biaud Redlanu aieiicias. luu sise, per dux. $4.00; 120 size, per box, $4.60; 160 also, $4.60; li ana smaller sises, per oox, 4.ou.i Ha vana Mediterranean sweetst - 200-218 Bisvs, per box. 44.00. Demons: Limuuiera, exira fancy, 800-300 slses, $8.60; choice, aov-auv sizes, per 'Oox, S8.OU148.6O; 240 slue, 60c per box less: bunset brand, per box, 31.00, Bananas: fancy select, per bunch, $2.2bdii 2.u0; jumbo, bunch, $2.7o44.io. pineapples: r'lorlaa, 30-38 sites. 82.7ou3.00; 42-48 sues, $2.60. Cantaloupes: California, 64 slse, $4.26; 4d standards, 86.60. Cherries: California, per 4-basket crate, $1.50. fluins; CallioriUa, per 10-lb. box, $1.76. Apricots: California, red, per 4-Dasket crate, $1.20. Blue prunes per crate. 11. 00. Peaches: Calitornia, per 20-lb. box, 80c; Texas yellow trees, per 4- basket crate, 66. loc. Pears: California Bartlett, per box, $2.76. Watermelons: Texas, 14o per lb. Dates: Anchor brand. new, 30 1-ib. pkgs. in box. par box, $2.00. VLOaiABLLs Irish potatoes: Wiscon sin and native, per bu., 60c. Cabbage: New California and southern, per 10., 24u. Onions: Texas crystal wax. per crate. fci.oO: yellow, In sacks, per lb., 4c. Gallic: Extra fancy, wnne, per id., 10c, rea, per 10., loo. Eggplant: fanoy e loriua, per aos., SLuoiit 3.oj. 'tomatoes: lennessee, per 4-oaske orate, $1.10. string and wax beans: Per hamper, about 26. lbs., $2.00; market bas kets, 760. Cucumbers: Hot- house and home grown, per dos., 76c. HOMtC-QROWN VEGETABLES Rad- lahes: Extra fancy home-grown, per doz, bunches, 20c. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per doz., 80c. Parsley: Per doz. bunches, 46o. As paragus: Per doi. bunches, 45tijOc. Ureen Onions: Per doz. bunches, 26c. Turnlpsr Per market basket, 400. carrots: per mur- ket basket. 60c. Reels: Per market baa. ket, 60c. Green Peas: Per market basket, 11.00. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Black, per lb.. 2c: California No. 1, per 10., lie; Cal Ifornla No. 2. Per lb.. 14c. Hickorynuta: Large, per lb., 4c; "-.ali, per lb., 6c. Cocoa- nuts; Pur saca, 90. uu; per ooz., 000. 'evr York Cnrli (luotutlone, The following quotations . are furnished by Loxun & liryan, members New York Stock exchange, 316 South Ulxteeuth street, ciniuha: . 24 Inspiration . 144 Nevada Con, ... w 8 Newhouae ...... .: 104 Ohio Copper . IHRay Central ... . 48 Bwift Pkg. Co.. . '.6 Superior A P... . 21 sTonopah Mining . 94 'trinity Copper . 44 North Lake .... 10 SHORTEN OCEAN VOYAGE Long Island Fort of Entry Dream is Materializing. MAKES SAVING OF DAY'S TIME Bis; Issue of securities of Rail road and Traction Ctinpnnlee Stock Kxrhange Traoa-nrtlotie. BY PRESTON C. ADAM3. NEW YORK, July l.-(Speolal Dispatch to The Hee.l The dream Austin C rbln and Andrew J. Cassatt nf a great vort of entry for stt'iinishlps from Europe at Mon- tank lVl it. Long Island, cuttlnw off prac tically a day In the run arrnss the AtlantlO bids fair to become a reality In the near future. The enormous Increase in the tonnage and dratt of the ti anratlantlc liners will soon go beyond the depth of water available in New York harbor and make a new port with unlimited depth of channel a nofrs lty and no placr along the coast has the advantage of Montauk. 1 have It from high sources that the great transatlantic. lines have praotlcally come to an agieeiimtit that the race for great tpocd shall be halted. Only those ships now on tl.o ways or for which contracts have been made, wheA speed has been th main object will be built. In ships to be laid down In the future it will be sought to get the maximum of cargo carrying capacity with a moderate and economical speed. Already the Cunard line has taken th lead In this new departure. It will soon lay down two steamers 1.0H0 feet long with a capacity of 60.0W) tons. It will be neces sary to build bigger docks even In New York for these monster ships and this ta but tho beginning. Just as the different lines vied with each ether for speed, so they will keep up the race for supremacy In size and capacity until the limit of New York harbor has been exceeded, and this means that some new port of entry like Montauk Point will be necessary as no other Atlantic port can take a ship whlcli draws too much water for New York. It was In anticipation of this condition which lend Mr. CassHtt to purchase the Long Island railroad for the Pennsylvania. Austin Corbln, who for many years was the head nf the Lous: Island road first con ceived the Idea of making the eastern most point of Lung Island the entry port tor New York, but he was ahead of the times. Mr. Cassatt was greatly imaressed with the idea and when opp rtunlty offered, h took in the Ixmg Island as part of the Pennsylvsnla system. When the change is made the Pennsylvania will be In a posi tion to exact toll on all of this traffic as It aill have a mnnniinlv of railroad communi cation between New York and Montauk and through Its system of tunnels can load cars at Montauk and without breaking bulk send them to any point on tne system. . I'ew Railroad iecnrltlea. The rallnmd and traction companies ot the United States have Issued ;0,0t,000 new securities during the last six months. Of this total $435,Oi,O00 has been In b-.-ndi, ,1 only SiS.OOO.O'iO' in stocks and almost $160,000, 000 In not?s including equipment trust cer- tlflcates. The aggregate authorized ex ceeded $1,000,000,000, but the Investment de mand was bo Indlflerent mat a very mi go percentage had to be withheld for the present. Thus $237,000,000 n-'W stock was authorized by the various companies, yet onlv one-third of this total was actually placed upon the market. The bonds au- thorued reacnea .u.uu,uw nu $17,00,OUO. Uurlng June alnvcst- Sioo.puo.uw new issues went actually placed,, Including about $.S6,000,000 bonds, $27.0(10,000 stock and $23 000,000 notes. The authorizations during the second half of the year may not be so large, but If the money marget proves at. all favorable a good many postponed flota tions will no doubt be brought forward. ... Bar 8 tat Gas. Butt Coalition Cactue Ctilno Chief Con Pevia-Dalv .... Ely Central ... Ely ( on. 1 Franklin ttlrouk I. 44 19 11 It I 1024 10 4 t New York .Mlulnt; jttooka. NEW YORK, July 16. Closing quotations on mining stocks were Alice brintawlck Con Com. Tunnel stock.. do bonda Con. Cal. A Va riwrn snver lidiili Coo, .... .304 Iron Sliver .... , 1 -Utile Chief , 23 Meaitan , 14 Ontario . 81 Ophlr . 40 biaiioard , Yellow Jacket .....176 4 1-A) 3V0 lOO 49 (0 Monday ... TiieH.lM v . . . ..... - 27Vi I Wtdneaday 13i,t Uj 1 Thursday Friday ... Saturday ToUl ... ..$13,(114.4:9 74 $14,063,274.78 Mllwankee t.ra.'a Market, MILWAUKEE, Julg IS. Flour firm. W H IOAT-Niv 1 northern. l.24s1.2; No. $ northern. $1.3'nil.24; September, $1,074. OATS 48c. RARLlCt -Samples, V0$70W SlilCliP Excepting iour Ool. bleu of old weiner thai were ponsigiicd unect to a packer, tnere was nothing receiveu In tno way 01 sueep or iaiiio toay wuu wuiuu lu try out price. juiy lece.pis thus far have been un usually 1 1 oel .!, over 42,000 head of Western snowing up at tnls point since a week, o. ui wetnei iroiu iduo and Vvyouung inaue up over hail of tne run and feeder on was large, owing to urouiny condition in various pails ot tne weal and uonu weat. limbs nave been scarce, out eastern points have been Well supplied and itiLiuuy ia neither active nor broaa. The week opened witn siiarp declines on all classes ot stock, and closed at tne low prices. 1-ate sales of wethers show net de clines of 84ovc. yeraiiiigs are around 60c lower with light and liunoy weignia la vored; ewes we.e equally l ard hit and lamba bl'OSe UOS I ill llipMblie hvitil ose at otner points. Supplies of feeder stock were a little too heavy (or requirements, but fcifjoo reduc tions served to put tne stuif on a more at tractive basis and the week is closing with a very good clearance, li la a liitie too early for corn-belt number to buy heavily and many of the ordeis tnat are coming lu are not for immediate execution. tduotationa 011 giaaa atuc: cood to choice lauibe. Io.6uui.l0; lair to good lauiba. IO.Ouuj i.M; feculng lambs. 5.oOhj.cio; handy welglit I Minneapolis t.ralo Slarket. MINNKAPOLIS, July 10. W11I0AT July. $126; September, $l.l4'l.l4 to $1.14; Oecembcr, $1.1.4- Cash, io. 1 nard tl.rtvii: No. 1 1101 mem, tl.8tHUl.38; No. , northern, tl.24(u1.20; No. 3 northern, $1.20 I4. i'LAX Cfcsed at $2,464. CORN No. 3 Vellow, frttfcilO'.iC. OATS No. 3, white, 404'a.i34c Rl E No. 2. 73m6c. BRAN in 100-puuiid sacks, $20.0020.60. KLOt'U l'"libt patents, ill wood, I. o. b Mimuarolls, $C80i(ii.00; second patents, J5.GU fa'C.Mt; tirst clears, $4.tki4i4.76; second cleurs, 9o.40tf3.70. t'ollon llarket. NEW YORK. July 16. COTTflN-Kuturea closed firm. Closing bids: July, 14.30c; Aug ust. 15.81c; September, 13 woe; October, l.hic; NotV-inber, 12.7c; lucember. U.OUc; January, IS.tiut: February, 12.6ic; March. 12.;ot ; ala, 12.T3c. Spot closed quiet; middling upland. li;.40c; middling uplands, gulf, lO.&c; no Vl IA)UIS. July 16. COTTON Steady ; middling, 14c;' sales, none; receipts, 281 bulea; shijunents, 7U7 bales; sloc-k, 13,4112 bales. Near Kncllsh Capital. The. ne.w ranltat annllcatlons (govern ment funds and new company flotations) In , V, a I ji tu, in ma rket and elsewhere in the United Kingdom for the quarter year end ing today have been extremely heavy. The 'Economist'' on Saturday will give 1.721,C00 as the quarter's applications, which with the 89.365,000 reported for the preceding quarter year makes an extraordinary and unprecedented nan yeavr, wrnioe il49,07ii,0u0. These rvcord-marKing nguree are um chiefly to the large American borrowings, amounting to 30.000,000, and to the Rubber company flotations amounting to 18,000,000. For the hall year 01 130a m wiai nin-.-tlons were 121,000,000 and for 1908 109,000,000. Heretofore 190S has been the highest full year for new capital applications and the half year's totals are already within 6,000, 000 of that full year's total, while they are 5,000,000 above the enure year s ngures ior 1'JtW. Stock Exchange Transactions. For the first six months of the current year the transactions on the stock ex change were in excess of 5.ouO,000 shares, while those in bonds approximated $3oO, 000,000, as compared witn 97,80O,83 shares and $727,401,066, respectively, in till corre sponding period a year ago. The falling off In the sale of stocks for the half year reflects the general feeling of uncertainty among Investors, engendered by the sharp and almost continuous decline. Fear that new railroad legislation would curtail divi dends has done much to check buying, especially Bince operating expenses have been largely Increased .by the advance 111 wages of the employes, The postponement of Hie decision In the suits to dissolve the Standard Oil and Tobacco trusts tended to put Industrials under the ban; renewed agi tation for tariff-reform was also a factor. The outside public has apparently had less money with which to speculate be cause of the high cost of living. M"naa; manipulative moves by pools "sewl tended to drive away participation In Wall street. Output of Neve- Companies. The output of new companies in the east ern statees last month with an authorized capital of $l,Ou0,0C0 and over reached a total of $231,318,400, Si good part of which was furnished by comparatively few concern. These figures compare with $138,980,400 In May and $212,076,000 In June, 1809. Chsrtera taken out by other companies with an in dividual capital of $100,000 and over, In cluding other states than those of the east, brought the grand total up to $311, 874, 400, against $224,441,800 In May and $290,111,300 ill June, liiOO. -Oppose the Cotton Tariff. That dry goods merchants of the United States will make a fight against senators and representatives who voted for the Pres ent textile tariff was announced yesterday by Frederick B. Shipley, chairman of the Wholesale Ury Gooda association, which contains 132 wholesalers and Importers In this city, and Is affiliated with the 28,000 merchants throughout the country. "Of the entire amount used, less that 40 -000,000 of cotton goods is Imported,' said Mr. Bhlpley. "I do not think It will exceed $3J,0O0.OOO. While the great bulk of the cot ton used Is grown, spun, woven and made up In the United States, the American at nome la paying more for his cotton goods tnan he could buy the same, goods abroad. "Why. the wanes paid for 1 lie manufac ture of cotton does not exceed 3 per- cent of the entire cost, and by -reason of ma chinery we can manufacture cotton goods cheaper than is possible abroad, yet by reason of the tarlt-f the shop girl is made to pay more for her cotton shirtwaist than she could buy the same shirtwaist for lu London. . ,t ..... "Both President Taft and tSeantor Aldrloh have been quoted as saying that the new tarlft) was 111 general a decrease In rates and that It was beneficial In this way. Our cunimlttee hag examined every Item and in more than 2uo t-asea of cotton gooda aione 1 can shew that the tariff haa been raised all the way from 17 6-10 per cent to 96 3-10 per cent. It Ih upon col ton sheet ing that the increase last mentioned is ob servable." Custom Dutlea for the Year, The duties coilecttd at the customs house In the f'lucal year Mitlid yesterday were ahead of the remarkable record of lw Tne total this year fn in ail sourcei whs mil &O.VOV.I1; that f 1807 was $2J2,7W..lo. Much, of the difference, II la declared, has bten due to (lie rigid enforcement of tne law In relation tu all classes of Importers. 8 agar and Molassrs. NEW YORK. Juiv 18.-UGAR-Raw, sltadv; muscovado, 89 test, 8.80c; centrif ugal 8 test. 4.30c. Molases sugar. 89 fe4 3 66c. Ref Ined. quiet; Crushed, 6 86c; gran ulated. .16c. powdered, 6.2ic. Peoria Oraln Slarket. PEORIA. July IS. CORN Higher; No. 2 yellow, 62c; No. S yellow, 62c. No. 3, 62c; No 4, ovc. vearlliiMS. 9t.6otv6.ou: heavy yearlings. 84 lo I Omaha Hay Market, 4.60; heavy feeding yearling, $4.lMj4.36; 1 OMAHA, July IS. No. 1 Upland, $10.11; No. good to choice wether. $3.6'i'u3.90; fair to 1 $ Upland, $s o; parking, t-i.iO: wheat si raw, good wether, $3.&d8.u0; feeding withers, I $ 00; rye and oats, $1.00; new hay, $11.00. Herbert & Gooch Go broker and Dealers , ' 6KAI3I 3aoviaioa stock Cuaua omc ,. $13 Board ef Trad Slag. eU ViMMte. 3oug. 8311 Sad. A-si 1 I..,.' Ai4 MaU8af 8O0IS aJtJ ee-. eAT3L STOCK FJMVJXZ-n COJfTAOTSI lu and upward Invented in Options may return very large profits in aa ac tive stock market witn limited risk. All contracts tecuieJ on roinmUslon. Write fur detail and rate for Option. C3SAS.I.I1" 38. TEltBf fc COMJAsTT 17S Hour, 'tuUatttlyhla, 3-