THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JTLY 151. loin V Nebraska SATURDAY TO D RISC Deputy Secretary cf State Itakw a Ruling- en" Point attorney glkxrax fayors it Aaaaae ( XmUUi riln far I sited State Sraatarr aa- a laWr of Ola.r Arm rat a List.' Nebraska (From a Pteff Corre:jnni-i)t-) LlSCXlLJ. July . 14. iSp-iJ. Lwjiut' Swcratary of Slat Addison Wait bu held that u lat day foi rilins candidate n tn a-rtinary ballot is fiturfiy, July It. Mr. Junkln. btfur coins tu aestom Nt braaka, f irured thai t, wouVd jwwv fil-in-s ua t Jul- lh. but triis morning Mr. Walt dicusd the question with t:ia at torn ry -m-iJ actd it antiuunml tha the kjrai department held feAtuiday to tt toe it day for f 11 Inc. W. A. Geuig of Hn.kfn candidate '" republican twiunitioo for tiaavrw. baa km a LJncoln visitor dur in tha last few daj-a. mnrtirr with repub lican vialtors to tba city. Mr. George U prasldont of tha Security State bank. C. K. Adams af Superior fild hla cam looay p-nn tn secretary of s:t a a can didal for tba republic an nomination for i rul1' n-iaris'.ed. Velaer Vnlted State senator. Captain Adam re- "arrled. eentV received the endorsement of bis Th bulldlnir M erected with tha view Two Grand Island Men Crushed to Death by Wall Van Velzer and L. Grady ImtanUy Killed Waile Restoring Damaged Good, from Building. GRASf ISLAND. Neb, July 1C (Special Telegram.) While th aind blowing a gala lart right a fore of men continued working in tha fire damaged building cf the Nebraska Mercantile company, remov ing a lot of canted good, tha label of ahich had been destroyed, and which had been purchased by Frank Olnen. and wer Ulr.g deposed of at a fir sale. The north ail fell and Clarene Van Velser and Law rence Grady, both young men, wer caught by the tons of brick and stone and Instantly killed. Trank 01en, man named Hall, and erveral others had do ascapa. A lad named KarrelL standing on a box car in front of the building, but sufficiently to the west to be able to see th swaying of trie wan. caie tba alarm and all made an effort to get out of th way. Velser and Grady veered around tbe boa car, but were eaugtat within four feet of safety. Their heeds were crushed and they war frtght- only recently Nebraska 1 BRICKLAYERS 501 TO STRIEE I " " IN. crashed jflto, th big riate glass front on -TL , "Tletely dmoltahtng tt. Fortun.t-lv nr. on B1urwJ hr ts, r.ying and the auto received EttH ar no aarr-aar. wm?A. -ITT-Mra Nlil Horn. v7 W. Horn, a banker of ?racue. d, dn-sdev at the home of aLnt-l";1-'- She w as born In Wisconsin ternher It,. W7.., ana ,Drrtwi twc ,.r i -V"-1 She was a ropul.r 7" n1 b-en a rea.der.t of this fZHL J7" Jnny ,"r" ht uneral wiil oe held at Syracuse Friday. r.?n'LEX.BOVr.-Th,, annual plrntc of old settler ft, m . k- b . ettKi of C uster count r. wa ..eld today at V,J rrt,v- l mile, west of Mema. tJZXZl ' prT'rm- on"'lng of music, speerne. races snd gamea ot various una, was rendered 1 k. . . fit! ' nd residents from test part of ti,e county were in attendance. NEBRASKA fTTT-i. .k. 1 cf 'Maggie Wessel v.. Marcus VVesseL Juaae 1 rirn n. njui t u 11 s oertsioa yesterday, giving a dtvoroe i the - -.. 11 -"m"vT"r P"",0"' of five minoT Z"" ' "rurnng me tiushand to nar li-Tl-"" n,onth tor each child for it " iitinii are resioents cf Cssi county, and the husband to ou, weitJr Serre Jotipe em Other Uniora They Will Stay at Work. AE.RA5GE TCI OUTSTDZ KEN fsjtrarfor Arraaare to Brtag Sa,e Catters froaa rhleaa la tmt Walkoat -Col dwell Lew ve Tr. r a i bom county. Nuckolls, for this place. Tb following candloate filed their name with toe secretary of state today: P. Rooney, Wayne, republican, repre awntatHr, Seventeenth district. lld not sign staLenient N. 1. John J. Kder, Omaha, republican, secre tary cf state. J. T. Arthur. Comrtork, demucrat-popu-Brt. representative. Ftfty-aixth dieui't. Ild not sgn stateraent No. L - John C GammilL. Stofkvilt. republican. awnator. Twenty-ninth district. lJid not tisn statement No. 1. George W. Wiltse. Randolph, republican, enaior. E;hth distrk-t. .Did not aign tBtemect No. L Ernest Ft Rtnsrn. Papillion, democrat, awnator. Fifth diftrlct. tilgned statement No. 1. A. J. Van Alstln, Omaha, republican, rall-w-ay commissioner. C. H. W hltnejr. Hartington, democrat, at torney general. Nebraska Nasbys Meet in Omaha E. F. Thomai ii Elected President cf the State Postmaster' Association. LINCOLN. Neb., July 14. t Special ) B. F. Thomas of Omaha was elected president of to Nebraska Stat Postmasters' aesocia ticB this morning and Omaha w as select d a the nert meeting place. Postmaster Cook of Blair w as re-elected secretary. i of earn ing a wholesale stock of goods, the alls wer heavy and contained hundreds tons of brick and sum. A frontage of boot Tifty feet two and one-half stories from the second story up. crashed through the box car adjaoent to the on on which Fart ell stood a If it wer of paper. The coroner's jury Investigating the death of Clareno Van Velzer and Lawrence Grady reached a verdict late today finding that the men cam to their death by the falling of tha north wail of the building occupied by the Nebraska Mercantile com pany, said deceased parties being at the time of th accident in the employ of F. 1. 1 Oleen. receiving goods from th Nebraska Mercantile company. Tbe Jury makes no finding as to whether blame was attached to anyone or not. Several of th interested parties were represented at the Inquest by counsel. were also DAMAGE BY ELECTRIC STORM Two Ix-bes f R.I. t , -e mmtr Tlaa Falls la Faraaa raatr. v BEAVER CITT. Neb.. July li.- Special Tek-gram.) ljurtng an electrie , storm last eight th farm house of Fred Leidlng war trwek and, ;rflt dasmaswd, - Tw ha tacks of Claude Eschetman at ruck and eonfciraett. AH losses covered by Insurance. Abou two inches of rain fell. rnjL.Uitfc.UK, .Neb, July 14. Specia cup county was given another thorough woaaing Jan night, close to an inch of water falling. Some, ptrts of the cottnti that were not reached by the rain of Mon oa were the rectpents- of last nlght'f Cownpour. Cms oontiDue to look bette? daily and prospects fur a corn crop es peclally, are far better than two intmtiw ego. . BIG REWARD FOR MURDERER air-tnvw Maaw-rea Dollar Offered f- tsstare sl.Msriem af Laals Flea. laNCA, Neb,. July 14. (Special Tb gaurder of Mlsa Louise Flege Is still matte: fw lntigatlon. The autborttlea of Haw xmnty hav off f red reward of tam fm vidonc that will convict the murderer and tha three brothers of the murdered gir have raised their offer to STone for evident that will convict. Ietettive are still at work with th- county attorney, tiarenoe KJngsburj' tl Fuoca. ' THEODORE FAHN ENDS LIFE- Wawltar Fai-naee Walks ta Bank ml t stir, wthierrr Me eaaa Ballet , lata Brwlaw rYWCA, Veb, July 14 (Special. I-Theu or Eaha jesterday. after walking thre, atiies from his home to the bank of th. Piw, put a piMol to his head and killn himself amnarrt'y. . He had beB ditnkir heavily ten s.;n tm. Mr. Kahn oatied acres cf Iv daar cf ncanibravce. H leave a t;:.- M thre children. Dsvaaasre wr ftJUa4 Dam. aHU.vl Nb-July 14 Sjils; commissioner a ho wer appointed to a.;.. I"-1 aaard the damspra fur the con emnatkB of th Snell mill dam in Sal .Creek at Ashland, reported their flndir.f; to County Jsdjie t!:rle H. Slama a Wahoo this roornlcg. Tl:ey find that dm-i ges sujwaird by Jsme 1L Hnell to b th, um at U00 and that of ihs l'aj-mers au. Merchant Bank t Ahhland. wlach hold a morUiM of about on the propeio to be no.oue, a total 4-f fl4.:lL The bearin, was beld a week aj;o at At.hland. siui which tint th appiaisrrs hake had tl swatier under advlsetiteit. The oraluag, Aistrict, which seek Jo remove the mil. dam. gav notu-t f aa appeal from toe award t tn distiHt court. State Sheriffs Meet at Kearney Thirty -Six Officers Entertained by Being; Taken Out to See Cap itol EilL KEARNET. Neb- July M (Special Tele gram.) The Nebraska sheriff met la semi annual convention In the Eaarles hall in this city today. Secretary James Chlmside (.f Fairbury states that the convention wa on of tbe most successful In practical re sults since th organisation of th associa tion, twenty years ago. Thlrty-sla sheriff representing aa many counties were prt-s- t'nu President 3. M. Dunkel of Grand laland railed th first session to order. Judge W n. Oldham delivered th address of wel come to which the president resnonAwi The Commercial club reception ocmmltte in autos took the visitors to the Military "a to the industrial school, showing the th city and Capital Hill and passed them In to see the ball game. The preseno of thirty-six sheriffs seemed to confuse the players aomewhat. After a buslneta session In the evening. Sheriff .-amnvn v banquet to tha visitor. " w convention will be held at Co- umbua. Bets On Jeff and Wins His Fortune Going Broke at Beno, Georpe Stai lord Writes Home and is Bich. If George Stafford hadn't gon to Rene ana net on Jeffries h would not hav won all the money he did. It's an actual fact, however, strange It may seem, that Etaf- lor oki go to Reno, bet ob Jeffries and m oacs covered with glory and with fortune comes in for a little credit In th suooen leap to wealth of Mr. Stafford. Staf ford's trip to the scene of th fight, by a mere chance, happened ta break Into the columns of The Re, as a piece of passing neu ne w-j-ea lor money and It did the work-rather nut effeclfvelr than th. oeu It chanced that a wealthy unr-u u- etafford's who had been looking for his nephew for several months saw th ,u of news ic Th Be and straightway wrote to his nephew telling the Utter of the for tune that awaited him. "Another unci of v. Vim ngm entnusiast had died, rt was explained, and deceased's fortune fell, by uuieiiwin to sar. cuaxiord. HAIL COMES WITH TORNADO 'trip af Badly Battered Sla MUe fro a Pie era. PIERRE. S. JX, July It (Special.) Hai which accompanied the tornado east ol last evening badly battered the croj n a strip two miles wide. Bin miles north -f this city, and another hail ,-belt did a area amount erf damage in central Sul! .xjuot, near Oneda. 7 l Tbeee Mea Make 1s at. HOLT-RFXIE. Neb.. lu!y 14 Pnecln ! For be f,m tise it k l ie.-d in tbe M tory of the stite jrua:ia aU three com snlaeioned afbotrs of company ba. woo places on th retlmerlal rtfl and plt-J team The tire officer aha have aroomplished that frt are Captain Franl Annrsia. Fhwf 1. 1. u-kk. and Second Lieutenant A. O. NbsIutkI. aU of ootrtpany t: c4 this citv. Of the ace. t cn each team, the kw-al nt..n won three places. Cartaln Anderecm" ai4 Lieatenant ' Naalund being the riU tesen. aad LieutenanT White being on the gatri team of the oecxnd regiment The then will take part in tbe target practice a a hmi tha coming we. k at Ashland Xeaeaeka Krw Sate. BKATT-ICE Fred Laflln, of Wymor yesterday filed for the republican nomina Uoh for representauv from Gag eonty MAPISON-Judge Bate lssu-d a mir riage license t Brennan J. McGlnty of Meadom Grov and Miss Julia E. Corkle of lliooa. BEATR1C7E J. B. Dann. for thirty ytar a reaidnt of Beatrice, died yesterday morning, aictia ' years. t leoa . n .n.- and six ohjidran. NEBRASKA. CITT. Aocordin in ih. . port ul i. T. Wright, who has Just com vLJth school u-ociu of this city, thai re 1.74k school (Ouidj em aji uuiu'i i l ear. MAi.leK.N-Mrs. Mabel Beck lias i-uin-ienced ai-tiou in the district court of Madt- -u ounty Ut cltvon-e from her busiand tihiam Beck, cliargmg in bey petition .ui .g other thing cruelty, adultery and Nt-BikAbKA C1TV The b(Iy of R. J icHa-r. t died at Chicagu. wiil be .iusiit t this city Frioay mr Interment is survived by a widow and three chil- eu, i.i. ift heung tii dauguu-r or u u ui HiHciiof of tlu city. . I MKATitlCE-The Elk street propert tiers oiyanlred an improvement rlui art ill hi hy the eletUt.!! .f Uiee offloerr. wiiy ociinian. president : C. f. tiu.ut oe pieeaaem ;Chrics tWddinjiUui. tit Andrew Anotrfen. secretery. NEBRAs-KA CITT.-Lare Btniiett. nut t me veteran ei;pret,Kuien of tma city .lid latliei ol Ouirlea K.nuit ....... A the Xebraeka Cuy Teienhouc cotnoai.v is beu adJuUged meant! and taken iJ he. buMpital at Lincoln for treatment. AKUXaTON-Albert Johnson, "i r ! K. Ivintn. w as srnuuaiv l.u n a iwnsway Tuitdu liirrumn J,.v., ... .la pioair.g frn an 1.3 team, in turning i.-uihI win. him. mm in the cuiti-ai--r and cut Mm fesdlv about fhe . NalERAFivA CITI-S. H. Buck ha. filed ins petition to hat his name placed uih.ii he ballot a a candidute for Mate aenstur rt is the man that Mr. Bryan came down her to force to chanaa hi ifi.i , .... j Lhe call for a special sessum of the W. 1 latura. NKBRAPKA CITT.-Tb horn of Mrs Ueie Lambert, altuated m the southern lrt cf the city, aai burned Wednesday - 1 " itimniw, jar. Lamtwl "' u a visit and thera Six Autoists Get Big Fines Speeders Bounded Up by Past Hot- mf Cops Brinff Seat Sua to City. Six automobile speeder who wer eap- uirea tn various parts of th city 'Wednes day by Motorcycle Officers Morgan and Reigleman, wer fined for exceeding th speed limit by Judge Crawford Thursday morning. For th one day's work th net proceeds paid Into th city's coffers amounted t S13S. Tbe violators wer G. B. Koch. 1117 Far nam, fined 11 and costs; K. C Green. G7 south Sixteenth street, S3 and costs- Law- reno Nelson. KM North Fortieth street. (3 and costs; E- W. Hart. Council Bluff, js ana costs; u. u. ijougiaa. Ztt North Thirty sigbth street, CO and eosfs. and T. u. Van Brant. S3 and costs. Woman is Only Speeder to Pay lay Ellis is Only One f Eijjht Anto ists Who Pays the Fine Levied. Out of the eight persons arrested Monday 'or speeding and disorderly conduct. May --ilia. isi7 Sherman avenue, la the only one bo has paid her fine tbua far. MIes Ellis handed over the $100 and costs Wednesday evening, and departed. The rest of th party, with th exoea- tion of Bert Simpson of Florence got their iberty oa appeal bonds and pardons from Acting Mayor Brucker. Simpson Is stm prisoner, maamgenans to get aa appeal bund. Notle has been served on tha Teem Workers" and Erigineera onions th . Bricklayers' union will not take part In any strike which may arts from the svmna- tbettc movement started la favor of the "w" "oraers an engineer, who struck on the new court house job a few weeks ago. The number of bricklayer employed 1 amalL ther being only eight or ten. "reparation are being mad by th eon tractor. It is said. In the event of a stone rotters' strike, to rush from Chicago men t take their place. The Chlcag men being considered ar thought to be mem bers of Stone Cutters' anion. No. t an organisation Sep rat frtfn th Interna tional onion, which is represented In Omaha. If a strik Is called It will as before. during th absence of Contractor Caldwell. H left th olty yesterday afternoea fm- Springfield. Ill, to return during tbe first part of August. It Is not likely that any thing wtU be oon by th union until the Hrt of next week, although the action may oe owcioea upon at th sneetlngs of the Trades Council and Central Labor anion Thursday and Friday nights. Sunday Sports at Club to Be Threshed Out Directors and Members of Bod and Gun Cln. Will Bats Hot Ses sion Priday Tig-ht. Friday tiurM is tbe time set tor th eon- test at the Rod and Gun club to determine whether or not the members murt abide by the ruling of President W. 6. Sheldon. and abstain from all sports on Snnday ex cept tennis. At that Um the board of directors win hav aa open meeting, when an th member will be given a ehanc to be heard. Then th Question will be Threshed out. Bom of the members of the board nf director say tbey will never give official sanction t Sunday sport and will resign before tbey permit them under their re rlme. Member, on the other hand, say the director ar elected by th members and should bow to th win of th mem bera. Tbey say that if a majority of the member desire Sunday sport they should be allowed to hav them. Tbe fight 4s waiter warm and feeling ir at a fever heat beoaue something must b don. Sunday attendance haa been fall ing off and tbe oaf is suffering. Members bold that th matter of what they do mi Sunday 1 simply a question for their own conscience ta decide, and th. tbey don't propose t be dictated to by any board of director. It is claimed that the member nav th prtvelege of racing their boats on Sunday if they chaos and that tv.. night ale chooa cn ana trta- ld-eat en th diamond tbey wrtshed. At any rat the water la bofflmr and or tt is liable ts boil over Friday night at th dance ban at th club- liff! save a sum jost eqioal to tfie arriiooot you sp(33m3 OOF AMERICAN STARVING IN NICARAGUA PRISON Cearal Ollvwrea Ga - WtUtaaa Plttaaaua, Cytare by Jaaarta rarrw. of WASHINGTON. July la-William Ttt- maa, ui American captured by th. W.r-w forces near Bluefielda, waa found yesterday ta a starving condition tn a filthy en at Managua, according ta a dispatch to tbe Stat department from Consul Olivarea. Mr Ollvarea forced Madrix to accord Pittman bettor treatment. lap and White GirrVVed Here Satsnzo Ehofn and 2Ciss Dorothy Jouler Cret License for Ceremony They Left Yesterday. Matsuso Sbofu. a young Japanese travel ing aalesman from New York City, and Miss rorthy Miller of Chicago were issued a marriage license by Clerk Furay Thursday morning. They had not decided when th license was secured whs was to perform the ceremony, but expected to be married today. Miss Miller is. a former Nebraska girl and was born at Salem. She is U and the groom Is 14 years of aga They will return tj New York where they -IU make their horn. POSTAL RECEIPTS GROWNiS ttaa Fifty Lavrsrewa Otflm "aw Urge Inrren (w Tear. WASHINGTON, July 14 Postal receipt. t Tifty large postofficos of th Vnited State during June showed aa Increas of 67 per cent ovei the aam month i... year. The receipu of Jtm, 190. were II s per cent greater than In June. MOB. Tn total receipts at these fifty large of- 1 flee last month amounted to SS.ass.ig,, com- ! pared with S7.W.M1. during th mm, month I lis i9u9. j Of these cities the on reporting the largest increase was Hartford. Conn - I per cent. L Vrilltaaa svetrk. Isrw Oead. KFHAWKA. Neh.. July j (Special Wliiiam Ketch, a farmer Bvlng one miTe gNtih of team, while loading hay this aft ernoon dropped aead It 1 empcd be had beart faiUv. He W veil a a..' and three Beats Mother-in- Law; Arrested r. W. Bay is Canfht at Hotel After a Wild E-ene at Eis Home, EXPLOSION ON DNEJPER RIVER Aerldeat t teaaaer'a Mmiln Rise t aaer af Easrai Laos af Life. , Civ w aa tn waa v.. the houM and the cause of uia fir- ii retore uuknuwn. t fcrtOKEN bW-The e.w , v. . yr BiiAen Bow t.ectrw Ltn Ml be located at the tear of the Buriins on dett. acrons the street, snd work win " commenced upon tt immediately K M -"urrie and t'har ies Martin are now" at" in .d f t ie cuti;ny. NEBRASKA CITT-J. W. Armstrong i. IM-rhap on of tn tUdst men m thlTart stt. aa h celebrated his nlnetr. iuxt ortnar nniveiurf Trurndny H s also ot. of the oldest pioneers ta this pan f the siate havtn- corn lrm In tti and haa alwajs mad this his home slnct BKATRICR-Th txed .ar, veerd.y everruied t protest of Frark rdl of Island Grove . t4ctt to a mad heme oneuxt Vi.-.Z hi farm Semi file a n-wioe w-tth tte count eiery a hems a aea A ' . th SUrn of H.K. ltXMr4d , .. . vV-ued titHigh hie premiwa. maaiputatlnc h f.ther. I.r. readme?" the tourad garage y.erda, u mac-hli Charged with having asaulted his mother-in-law in a 'brutal manner, T. W. Rty JOll Cuming luwl, is a prisoner at the polio station. Neighbors living nearby Ray aumrnoned the police Wednesday night, reporting the maa was boating his mother-in-law fearfully. When to policemen in th emergency auto reached the srene. R had disappeared. The maa was finally caught at th Pax ton hotel, where be engaged a room for th night. Internal Revenue Shows Increase Orcf Three Hundred Thoiuan'd Dol lars Ahead f Last Tear's Beceipti. An increase of S3K BI U reportd In th yearly c'l-rtlon of Internal revenue -v tc ror the year ending Juo SS. lj. Tb figures for to year )u riueed are U a.7i 77. against igi,si t rr th rear ending Jun SB. IKH. Th figure for total oollections Is high, being exceeded only by th figure for th year wham the Spanish w ar w as la pc ogrewr LON DON, July 14,-tHartiing rumor, of rreat loss of life following a collision be tween steamers en the Dneiper river reached her today from Odeasa, Russia! Inoulrr ...... . v. . . . . . , uu, m reports ar ex- ; aggerated versions of last Saturday s ' accident when a boiler exploded oa the i teamsr LovekiJ. At that tlm thre per- 1 """" CJv aiiiea and subsequently four teen otners died from Injuries. POWDER CASE NEARS THE END Oovenimrat Claw Rewartal la Case Asralast Alleaea Jaa- NEW TORK, jriyTalVlth th rebuttal of th evidence by tb oefenaa c Scarlet, counsel for the government, closed its case idsy before Federal Examiner Ma- uv, u ui n oaring in th suit of tb gov ernment against th Impoot-1 Nemours Powder company for alleged violation of th anti-trust law. DEATH RECORD. . P. ICtriL, MARSHALLTOWN. la Jy M-f Special Tlegrra-J. p. Kirk, father ot 'xrhic" Kirk, former low star athlete, died bee last night of dropsy, aged U year. Mr Kirk was a traveling salesman for over tanty year. iafca H. A Ilia.. SIOVX CTTT, July It -Judge John H AHisen. who for half a century was en gaged la th banking busTfaas here, died today, aged 7. He wa well know la circle aU ever tb west . Staaffe. PTTTSBURa. Pa. July 14,-Joaeph R StauKer. a millionaire coal and lumber operator of Fayett county, died today at his country borne in Soottdale. aged 7 Persisteat Adveruslag la the Road, t 4,,. Returaa MJi Price S&Je "VNLether you bur the lowest or the highest priced rait in out stork, the percent age ot Raving is the Mine. It is this certainty of absolute fairness on our iiart that keeps this the busiest clothing store in town. $10.00 to $35.00 Three-Piece Snits for $5.00 to $17.50. - $7.50 to $25.00 Two-Piece Outing Suits for $3.75 to $12.50. iT ' Omaha's One Modern Clothing Store. V . Jw-flV w?mv , - v? vy v -'.i.nv. .! m, im 1.1 . . . i VI iM, i" The Home of Quality Clothes ayjUdi , T.Tti.ia S3SBS9t SI08.50 Saved! ii H Save JUST that amount if you are willing to take advantage of ALL the cash rebates o Jered to "'Bennett Club" members On A Superb untington" Piano The "Club" wiV be limited to 150 members. Will even over top our former "Piano Clubs' Our latest " Club" is replete with 8 features. This newer plan is as hon orable as it is simple. DO read on! i 'Club" FeatTire No. L The piano offered u a regnlarly made lnBtm xnent that la sold the country over hy Htmt lnston" dealeri at $125. Thronth the 'anb'' .It cosu you only $244.50 clear aavlnr ot $80.50 "Club" Feature No. 2. Ton haTe 175 week in which to pay the prloe of the piano; you have merely to meet weekly payment of $1.S. which amount Ig. about half that usually charged for HEXTALS on equally, fine make. Club" Feature No. 3. You ret a cash rebate of lSe per week for every week yon pay In advance. In two weeks this , would amount to J2c; la 175 wks it , amounts to $28. This brings the piano down t to $216.50: Total "Club" earing $108.50. "Club" Feature No. 4. "Club" Feature No. 5. EViS?a ordinary -Club" memberships sare one $b 0.60; enough for two years of music les sens. If all adTance payments are made one save $108.60. enough for an extended mus- .- leal edu cation. Club" Feature No. 6. ' ' Ton may join the -Club" no matter where vou live. A number of out of town members are already enrolled. All arrangements and pay ments may fee made by mail and we GUAK- . AXTEE satUfacUon. "Cfab7 Feature No. 7. ' ? Every piano is GUARANTEED for five years of eerrlce. the guarantee being made by both the makers and ourselves; you are not courting trouble when you Join this newest "Bennett Piano anb." 1 Club" Feature No. 8. VI Ton have an opportunity to try out the piano for twelve weeks before accepting; then 16S more weeks to clinch your selection, or. yoa may exchange it on anr of our other makes after that. Ton now ixave an opportunity to purchase on an almost 'unbelievable easy plan the very make of piano that has been chosen In preference to all others by "Paderewski." the world's great est pianist. RPWf"? f our Vr- See the make preferred by "PAD- KL WSKI. the world famous exponent of piano playing. See the surprising amount of instrumental value and tonal perfection that one may NOW install m one s home on the payment of trifling "Qub" dues. Be a "Qub" ad get "C privileges. Remember ISO members fill the Note The Piano Dep't Third Floor Pianos delivered at once. ennett Co. 16th and Harney Sts. Omaha, Neb. K2S3K32 av..iiiiiisi WILSON AC A1S HE ADS TABORS Ke-Elected Chief Grand Mentor With out Any Opposition. 0THE1 OFFICERS ARE CHOSEN Vrtsa Drill Tratas Arrive a Take fart la W Paraar aa Saaaa raatlilMis far rsa rji1 ic"- -ta.. up of kBWlu of Omsna ha InM .iiion tot tea years una hi frds In sist b will easily win out aain. Johnson, himself, with a t.roa amil. aajf, "It loot prrtty duhlous tot m.- since thrre are eeveral trther oandWales. but tbe old bead ear he i In no di.nrrr. For nest of xiv, minor ffio-a tbre were a too many candidates, and tha hour be ta t arid 'i o elork. wn tbe votme, occurred. 'r U-jy enovch to tn. .v.. Klertton f r-ffiorr, wss the nsr-ir.e J ei,"ca, 'forrt ' ueat buslnefts yesterday la the conventloa of thai Trlll wM Knisht of Tah r and Tiaurht-rs of th j The pns rtrlll team. Rrtc Vrlnceasf Tebernsrlt at Osihorfs haU: With reporla ! Palail.n Oujjd. of Kauaas City. Kan., caoie of committee out of the way In the morn- tin Thuia.y momma. Th ... -ni . . liahed in 11. Mrs Emma Ga'nra. ru I Z . "".U U' floor. Th- rrand prerrptresa, has likewise brn ro-'citv ron- 'rons snd Kannai elected year aftr year, .tid a. sur of ill ... k " lo th "mount of brlii. aln chc-en. Grand Presiding Prinoe. and t. khV,.- 'i',? r""t,r'e 3ur" C Jl Johnson of Om.B. i .- ... ' I " knlrtts drill !f.hms On Frirt.v htfh 1. . . . Tr- - ""TOU" to siart from and Calif.-rnla nreea, ,t n ocluck S:r A. U. ii. V. G ii.. will 1 ot Z iD J1" k rrlnoesa. Mll. P, latin. Ouaid. uniform ,ank krlshts. maid snd The ;i ,.f March wlU be south oc blltnttl t to Tenth, to r.rnam. to EujUteenih. to Harney. to Kifiritli; then ouu.-tr-merrh on Harney to Suuestk. to i-.vrn-Vv . he" rrla - taken f,r "iH-ie the annual to be held. picnic i tng. with the ntwn adjourument Hr-raa the ply for plac. far h ion. Chief Grand Mentor R Frar.k W llaon "'- r-lecl-4 aithout cppueltiun. M a riri'l 1.1. . . . . u ... w... ... 1.1 . 1 I au n. II 1 r.K. A but in a mo. rood h uinored n -r. ontchL" saa Mr. Johnson, "ff, wlU show jot 'KimtilnT in the drill line you nerei saw bf urt " Friday eiiir th drUl tract made of the and Kltter. O Bfattin Iiri r-riahtful 'omaah. I: i-r -SMi torpor. Jam -k ek kia . r. overcom bv Ki-tn ,-arUd- i'W. For sale by Tl.KttotiieiituauoB-i. Want