Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Wishei Can Enough to Take Dele
gate to the Field Club.
orniks wnf R rntd im K"-
rla ,Mri . lwspasr
Mea rrora All Part of
" fc'Crr.
"If Omaha,' iutomoblle cwnn will fur-
llsh mschlnf to take the dnlegatee to the
Id club national convention to the Field
Hub Tuasday noon, we ha1l never turn
rh Hat Into tha assessor' office nor other
wiaa embarrass tha owner, but they will
do Omaha tnore jtood than any ona little
proposition wa now hava on hand." Thla
la tha agreement which the automobile
committee of tha Omaha Ad club la willing
to make In order fo secure machlnea for
tha trip Tuesday noon. '
Roma Miller' la fhalrmart of tha committee
to eecure ear anil he haa written to. 750
local owners.' 'Lew than eighty hava ao
far responded, which mnni accommoda
tion arSnged for about 230 peraona out of
tha 600' or SOS necessary.
Tha advertising men, who' meet In Omaha
next week, ' represent the largeat new
paper, agricultural publication and mag
aalnes In tha United States, and a Omaha
1 aeckisg favorable Information through
the publication, the-' Omaha Ad club
and the publicity bureau of tha Commer
cial club are anxious to make a good lm
preslon. It la proponed to leave the Boyd
theater In automobiles promptly at 11:30
Tuesday moaning anl take tha guest of the
city for ashovt ride over the boulevards
and about, tha residence part of tha city,
arriving at tha Field club promptly at 12:30
o'clock. , ... , ..,.
"We would Ijlre automobile and not ask
awnera to bring, their machlnea, but wa can
not hire enough to do us any food," aay
Mr. Miller. -;;..
"I bad the privilege of seeing the Lincoln
business men take the poatmastere for
rid Tuesday," said Will A. Campbell of
the publicity' bureau. "'They had all the
machines they needed four abreast for a
block In' front of the Lincoln hotel. If
Lincoln and every other city we visit can
Civ automobile rides, wa believe Omaha
owners will ba glad to furnish their ma
chlnea when they understand the situation.
Tha biggest hit Kansaa City made during
tha Ad club' convention there wa the gen
roue way In which automobiles wera fur
nished not for ona hour, but for a whole
forenoon. Tha Omaha - club la asking f0r
only on our to take tha party to tha
Field clMb.",
Xam f St. . Joseph's Hospital Psmci
AwjwHid Serve Tweatyj
Five Yaars.
Ven. 81ster Mary Johanna of St Joseph's
fcoapltal, for twenty-flva years ona of the
moat faithful f tha .nurses In the hospital,
died Wednesday night at 11:30 o'clock. Her
demfs la mourned by all tha sisters In the
fit. Francis order, who knew her and
loved bar. Ffrr aavaral year aha had bean
In a frail condition,, and at different times
waa .taken on vacation trlpa for her health,
but Saturday morning aha became 111 and
haa since been Id a critical state. Requiem
solemn high mats will be delivered In the
Chapel at St.. Joseph's Saturday morning,
and her. body will be laid to rest In the
Sisters' lot In the Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
( On July . I, Sister, Johanna with two other
Bister celebrated thalr silver jubilee, mark
ing her twenty-fifth .year In tha convent
Her. aged, father, who la M years old, was
with her at, tha time, of her death. Many
relatfvea and friend have arrived and will
attend tha funeral Saturday. Those who are
now n Oniaha aia Mary and Genevieve
Leonard of Spauldlng, Neb., nlecea of the
deceased, who-arlved this morning; Clare
and Claude. Leonard of Springfield, III.,
and Potcr Leonard, a brother, ara also In
Omaha.. A Bister, Mrs. Purdy, and daughter
of Beatrice, Ntb.. reached Omaha Thursday
morning, and another sister, Clare, who la
In the convent, at Kvanaton. 111., reached
here before .the demise of Slater Johanna.
Makes. He-cord Rmss Bstwtea Omaha
and Chieaarav Darin aha
Month f Jane. ,
' During tha month of Jun tha Burlington
railroad mad tha bent record of accurate
railroad operation that- the west haa ever
known. Four -trains, dally were run from
Chicago to Omaha), a distance of 4M miles
for the thirty daya of June, and only twice
were any ef the train late In coming Into
Omaha ' .... . .
There la a record of 1.97ft mile each day
or a total oM, milea and. In thla dis
tance, there '' were ' two tralna late, one
thtrty-aeven minute arid tha other ninety
eight minute. In all 1 minutes.
fcurlinston officii.! era proud of the rec
ord established and are malklng It one of
4he lead ef their advertising column.
Oeerga B. StratUaa is Remembered
by HI JTellow Euipleyea Whea
i 11 is Peaeleaed.
George E, ,. Ftratttnan, foreman of tha
Upholstering, department of the Union Fac
Iflo, railroad. , received . a. pleasant aurprise
Wednesday from hie friends In the depart
ment, foreman -and employes. Mr. Stratt-
man haa been with the Union Paclflo forty
three year and waa retired on July t by
the railroad with a pension a a mark of
esteem for hta long service.
Mr. 6t rat tmaa was "presented with i
beautiful ' porae by the friend who aur
prised him as a token of friendship from
them. Mueio for' the evening wa furnished
by sevtral members of the Union Pacific
orchestra who were' present
day is
ale ef
" Dally rrlikt
KeeeBea irfeiers from- lung trouble till
they learn Dr. King New Discovery will
help them.' 'tOo and 11.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug C.6.
MaskoK. tha BeaatMal.
Do you kriow the place? If not. your
pleasure ha' auffered. Ask for that hand
some Maskoka folder Issued by the Grand
Trunk Railway System. - It contain a large
map, lot Jf view, and a fund of fact.
Lea than a day' Journey from principal
American cities. For' all particular apply
to W. 8. Cookson,9r7 Merchants Loan dt
Trust Building, Chicago.-
Saeanerfrat Scat Sal.
Sal ef tickets- for Omaha Saengerfest
begins Friday. July 15.. at Auditorium box
offloe and Myer'Dil)on Drug store, Six
teenth and Far nam atreeta. 23 rows arena.
1100; 10 rows arena, 1160; 10 rowa arena,
1 0; box .seats, .00; stats back of boaea,
1106; halooay l and 1. tl BO; balcony S and 4,
11.03; balcony I and , TTif ; balcony T. t,
" and la, Wa, , . . .
DiMTitery W a daararaus disease, but can
be cured. Chamberlain' Cul.c, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy haa been successfully
Used In nine epidemic) ef dysentery. It has
never been known to fait It la equally val
v uabla for children and adult, and when re
duced with aater and wetend. It la pleas
and U lake, fuld by all dealers.
ta Oar
Sale of
The tremendous clearing sales of the past two weeks have left
thousands of yards of the most desirable goods, In remnants of various
sixes. We have made tremendous reductions on these goods for Fri
day for a grand remnant clearance.
Every Odd Lot and Every Remnant Sacrificed.
Most Remarkable Bargains of the Clearing Sale
AH our 59c Rough Silk Pongee 25c yd
24-inch silk Pongee in naturals, tans, champagne, hew blues,'
French grays, browns, reseda, apricot, lilac, helio, old rose,
catawba, amethyst the biggest pongee bar
gain ever offered in any hoii6e in America jf5m
main floor bargain square yard
All our 60c and 70c All Silk Messalines 33c
Check silks, fancy stripes, bengalines in plain and jacquard
patterns, colored taffetas, China silks, summer Jap Z Z
silks, etc. main floor bargain square, yard. .'. . . -rC
All the silk pieces from
the dressmaking; stock,
short ends of all kinds
of silks and velvets, In
lots of one to three
pieces, suitable for
fancy work and ' )
hat trimmings, f"
each piece
All the larger pieces,
up to to 1 yard long
black and ' colors.
All kinds ot silks rep
resented in the lot
All the Chiffon,
barred Marqaisette,
fancy colored silks
suitable for bat trim
mlngs, hat and head
drapes, worth up'
to 60c yd., at, yd.OC
All the silk remnants, worth up to 75c yard, in
lengths from 1 to 10 yards at, yard. ........... C
ILemnant Clearing Sale Dress Goods
All the broken lines and odd lots of French dress linens,
Himalaya, Durbar and Irish poplin suitings, etc all 27
inches wide all good, fashionable colorings, in- IO'iT
eluding black and feream at, yard .............. JLai2L
Remnant Clearing Sale in Basement
Blue and tan shades
finest 2 Be mercer-
. lzed poplins, dress
lengths, 10a
at, yard
Yard wide, soft fin
ish long cloth, ' ten
yard bolts; on spe
cial table, $1.26
values- at, HE
bolt ......... 1 31
Summer lawns, light
and dark patterns,
dress lengths, at
6c and
Yard wide blue and
tan cbambray ging
ham, also nurse
stripes 12 He val
ues, "at, 11
yard I2v
All the novelty dark
colored suiting, mill
remnants, 9 1
will go at, yd. . 2C
Plain and fancy
white goods, big
bargam square plied
high, up to 16c val-
. ues, mill remnants.
Odd lengths and lots, various grades, all kinds, short
. lengths cotton goods will be cleared away, at, yard .
Remnants of Embroideries and Laces
18-inch fine Embroidered Flouncings, Skirtings, Corset
Cover widths and wide insertions many worth 1CV
40o a yard big bargain square, at, yard JC
Fancy wash laces, linen tor
r chons, cotton torchons,
cluny effects, , fancy vals,
etc., clearing price, fT
per yard ajjjC
, Fine embroidery edgings and In
sertions, narrow and medium
widths, neat openwork designs,
also remnants and odd -m v
, lots, many worth 20c, ISIr
at, yard
Remnants, sample pieces, etc., allover laces and nettings, also rem-
nams vi appiiquea, inoeruons ana eages, to 1 ej g
yard In piece, at, each - If lO
niece lVV
Store Closes Daily at 5 P. M. Saturdays at 10 P. M.
South " Dakota
ot Springs
Endorsed by the U. S. Govern
ment as a National Sanitarium
Is in the heart of the mystic
region of the Black Hills,
at an altitude of 3,000 feet.
Its summer, climate , is charming.
Its medicinal waters ; and big plunge baths
restore health and provide recreation.
Its hotel accommodations are good. :
Direct Train Service
Through Pullman Sleeping Cars and :Free ..W
Reclining Chair Cars to Deadwood daily, leave
Union Station at 3:55 p. m.
Low Rates Daily
Throughout the summer to Hot Springs, Dead
wood, Lead, Rapid City, S. D., and Douglas,
Casper, Shoshone and Lander, Wyo.
Illustrated folders uith full
CftTl I particulars at
1401-1403 Farnam Slrttt
- " Omaha, Nib ' ' ' " "
J store CSoees at S O'clock aad atarday BTla-hts
a 10 O'clock SarUff Jaly a4 Ana-ust. J A Jyf
Friday all the Silk Remnants
From Sale of Dressmakers' Stock
It's been a great week in the silks. The bargains hare never been
equalled. 1 a tnousana snoppers swoopea aown on mem. it left us
with loads of remnants. Friday they get march
ing orders. 'Silks of many kinds, too numerous to
mention here, worth 76c and 11.00 yard, for
Silks, Foulards, Marquisettes, Wash Taffetas, Colored Pongees, yard
wide Lining Silks, Cashmlr de Sole, etc., 11.26, AQf
19e-29c I
11.60 and 12.00 silks, at
Tussah Silks
Natural tan ot pongee shades and
air other good colorings, plain,
fancy and stripe patterns, as
. shown in window, 69c
value, Friday, yard . .
Kimono Crepes from the piece all
new 18c goods, at. yd. J2H
Scotch Madras, yard wide striped
effects on white grounds 12V
Remnants, Ginghams, Percales,
Chambrays, etc., 12Vc and 15c
goods, clearing, at,' yard . . .Qft
Friday Extra Cambric and Nainsook Gowns
A very special bargain, flue, well made garments, made of soft finish
nainsooks mostly. A variety of handsome slipover gowns, with dainty
lace yokes; also square and V shape embroidery trimmed CQa
styles, Omaha's best values, at Dif L
CORSET OOYEttS A special purchase of fine cambric garments with
unusually fine quality laces and embroidery trimming,
60c values, for ; ,
cambric bottom, well made and
finished, for 252
ruffle and hemstitched tucks.
39c values, at 23
ODD LOTS LiXEN COATS AND SLITS About 15 styles In all linen
garments, new nobby effects, worth $10.00, $12.00, f Q Qr
$16.00, for Friday clearing '. JeJetfe)
LINEN AND REP SUITS A whole rack full of new natural linens
reppB in all shades, regular prices $10.00, for Friday f r A A
clearing, at J.VV
short sleeve styles, self band trimming, at
inohi Doilies and 3
skeins embroidery
silk, all for . . .5
SPECIAL-r50 gross
pillow tassels, cot
ton and silk, Fri
day, each ,. . . .X
white handkerch'fs
hemstitched, full
size, for 2
NECKWEAR Friday Extra 200
dozen women's Summer Jabots,
Dutch Collars and other novelty
Neckwear, values are up to 26
cents, each 5
LACES 600 pieces in two big
lots, showy new goods, worth 5c
to 15c a yd., Friday, 3 and 5
HOSnsRY--For, women and chil
dren, aU sizes, ribbed and plain
seamless goods, the regular 16c
grades, for Friday, pair .... T
Flouncings and Corset Cover
Embroideries, 18 and 27 inch,
als 22 inch allovers, worth to
69c, at ,-25
clean up, 600 yards all kinds of
lengths and colors, 1 to 4 inches
wide, yard ..3U
RIBBONS A sale six Inch all silk
goods, plain taffetas, moires, sat-
. in taffetas and fancies, up to
49c values, at 15
Bleached ' Mercerized ' Table Dam
ask, 64 inch, 50c quality . .33?
Hack Towels Good size, durable
lOo quality, each 7W
Bed Spreads Full size, heavy
Marseilles pattern, $1.25 value,
at, each 89?
Women's Small Size Oxfords in a : Great Friday Oeaa-Up
The woman who can. wear small shoes is In great luck. We have hun
dreds of pairs of tan and black oxfords with welted or turn soles, all
new summer styles, of course. The sizes are 2Vt, 3,
and 4M, dependable $3.00 qualities; clearing up at, pair.
Barefoot Sandals Tan, all leath
er Sandals, worth $1.00 and
$1.26 a pair, at
per pair ,..........,. C5J
Men's Tan Oxfords Russia Calf,
patent colt, blucher and dull
leathers, $3.60 and $4.00 values,
at, per pair ......... .$2.25
' Clearing Up HavHand China
Five lots np 'to $7.60 values, to go, at 10c, 16c, 26c, 50c and $1.00. All
odds and ends In a final clean(np; the bargains are simply Immense:
Plates of all kinds, Fruit Dishes,' Cups and Saucers, Bowls, Chocc
Ice Relishes, and odd Cups, val- late Pots, Oatmeal Plates of all
ues to 60c, for 10a? kinds, values to $1.00, at.. 15.
Creamers, Bowls, Cake Chop Dishes, Bakers,. Chocolate Pots, Coffee
and Tea Pots, Casse-.
Plates, ; Celeries, , Ice
Relishes. Coffee Cups
and Saucers, values
to $1.60, at ..251
Chop Dishes, Bakers,
Salads, Ice Relishes,
Platters, etc., values
to $5.00, to clear, at,
each 50a?
roles. Covered Dishes
Sauce and Gravy
Tureens, values to
$7.50, at, each 91.00
Friday Bargains in Hardware Dept.
65o Enamelled Preserving Kettles,
at, each -25?
15c Aluminum Collapsible Drink
ing Cup, for ..10?
75c Brass Lawn Sprinklers 59
12c Garden Hose, for 0
$3.00 Lawn Mowers, for 82.25
$6.00 Lawn Mowers, for $4.25
Hammock Hooks, per dozen . .5
$4:25 Water Filter and Cooler,
for $2.75
lOo Exray Stove Polish 54
$39.50 Peninsular Steel Ranges,
for $20.50
Damaged Wash Boilers at ) OFP
Screen Doors, odd . sizes,' Imper
fect, for ; 25 ?
$2.00 Razors, one lot,' each (J5t?
60c Baseball Gloves, at ....37?
$2.00 Bathing Suits for men, at,
suit $1.25
$1.25 Bath Suits, for men 75
Bennett's Big Grocery v
Betinett's Capitol Flour
per sack .Sl-WJ
and to stamp.
OU Sardines,-per can 4
Benson' Kippered Her
ring, can IOO
Allready Codfish, cau So
Chef Boneless Herring,
per jar t. ... . .ao
Hubbard BnuasR, B. W.
H. brand, worth 16o, st.
t cans for lae
Pickles, medium sour, at,
per quart loo
and 10 atampa. - -Cheese,
full cream, per
pound BOO
-' and 10 stamps.
Cheese. Virginia Qwlea.
per pound ....... ., SOa
and SO stamps.
E. C. Corn Flakes, three
paukasea for 86s
and 10 stamps.
Capitol Hasina rowder.
I lb. ran for . .'. .tl.00
and 109 stamp.
Capitol Extract,, at. Per
bottle ISO
and 10 Stamp.' -Tea
Bpeolals Japsn Tea
Oolong. Cunpowder and
. EnslUh Breakfast, at.
per pound 60 and two
With each pound. 4
lb. Capitol Pepper Free.'
Tea Sifting, lio quality,
per package .ISO
Double Btampa on Gran
ulated Hugar.
lums snouu
J, 000 pounds Bennett's
Capitol Creamery for
Friday and 8aturqn
lb. bricks ,...Ss
finest Oonatry Batter
direct from toe Xsrm
per lb Sflo
Bennett'a Best Ooffea. us
Dally Sto lb.. Cor ..SOo
Bennetfa Capital Coffee.
usually tSe. lb. for Sto
OaJUata Oil ro Call .
SmaU bottle ...... M
and to atampa
Medium bottle, for 4So
and 40 atampa.
Large bottle. ' for Too
and 80 stamp.
Rolled Mop Herring, per
csn Soe
Once More That Corset Clearance
$1.00 R. & G. Corsets c ........
$1.25 Warner's Corsets ........ ,
$1.50 Arnecan Beauty Corsets. .... C,
Everybody knows those goods,, they are standard makes, but we have
accumulate too" many broken lots for the good of the stock.- Our In
ventory brought them to light. There sue so many kinds and lengths
that no trouble will be found In securing the desired style. ..Friday
will be the last you can buy them for .39 and 69j
Bargain Friday, Extras, White Goedsi
Linens, Domestics, etc.
Remnants White Goods, all sorts of fancy embroidered goods, checks,
stripes, etc, 10c to 50c goods, in lengths up to S yards, to go,
... . .... ..... .HALF PRICE
Pillow Oases 42x36 inch, nicely
made, heavy 16c grade.. HHf
American Prints Large range of
patterns, all colors, yard . . -5
Unbleached Muslin 3G inches,
strong and durable, '6 Vic value,
at, per yard K,
Flati Balls In bouillon,
per can ISa
Lemon Cakes, lb XSa
Beat 'Km All Soap, nine
bars for 2Se
Wiggle Stick Bluing
large slicks for ...,88o
- and 10 atampa.
Poppy Condensed Milk,
cans for S60
Newport Cataup, at, per
fcottle 10
' and 10 atampa.
Marshall's Fresh Mack
erel, can tt&o
and 10 atampa.
Jap Hlca. 7c grade, t lbs.
for 86a
Itddy's Horseradish Mus
tard, jar for loo
acd t stamps.
Solders Pork and Beans.
per can ISO
. . and It atampa. .
. laols tjyrup, per
can 1SH
A ad 10 Stamps
Iten's Tourlat and Gra
ham Crackers, fresh'
baked, package .. 10
and 10 stamps.
V8 cloti it 6
Except Saturdays
Ihtercsting Friday Dargain -Eleyis
In tho Dig Domestio Room 1 s
One table of Organdies, good pat
terns and colors, our regular
12 Vic quality; all at one price,
Vard . ,s 7Hs
All our ISc Organdies, Batiste,
etc.; all at one price. ... 10
Remnants of White Lawn, In
good long mill lengths, regular
12 Vic quality; Friday at, per
yard 7i
One table of White Goods, con
sisting ot Dimities, Madras,
Long Cloth, Nainsook; worth
up to 19c; at, a yard. . . . 10c
18c Aberfoyle Ginghams, a good
assortment; at. a yard. 12 Ha
Bed Spreads, slightly soiled,
worth up to $3.50. ea.$l.S9
7Vc Prints al. a yard.;., . -5
7 Vic Hand and Face Towels; at.
each 5c
Remnants of Toweling and Mus
lins at Just about half price.
Remnants of Table Linen, blea
ched and unbleached, good val
ues, at, yd. . .50c, 40c, 80c, gita
Remnants of Wosi Goods, goods
that sold up to-$1. Cp; a yard;
all at one price, per yard.59
Linen Finished Sheets, 72x90,
regular 69c sheets; at, ea.55
AT 2 P. M. All remnants of
White Goods and Wash Goods
that accumulated during the
week; goods worth up to i9
all at one price 10c
Women's & Misses'
Wash Dresses,
worth $3.60 at,
choice . . .$1.05
Children'! Wash
Presses, colors only
$1.50 values, 0
to 12 years. -GOt?
Children's Presses
and It o in pera,
worth 75c; on sale
at .'. ' ..'. . -25
Women's With
Waists that sold at
$1.50, your choice
at . . 05
Ladies' Dress Skirts,
values to $5.00;
your choice, eacl
$2.08 & $1.08
Worstrn'., Wrappers,
the regular $1.00
$1?25 qualltyf ' on
sale at ... .(J0
Women's Wash
Waists that sold at
$1.00," your choice
Waah- Dress Hklrt
worth up to $3.50;
your 'choice,, each,
$1.08 and 080
Gingham , Italer
skirts, regular 75c
and $i. 00 values;
choice . . . . .40
$1.50 Center Pieces 75c
Beautiful. Lace Trimmed Center
Pieces and Dresser Scarfs,
made to sell at $1.50; on sale
Friday at, each. ...... 75
. Embroideries
Mill lengths of, beautiful fan;y
Embroideries, a big assort
ment for selection at, per
yd.l9c,10c,7?c, 8 Vic, 2Ktf
Round Up Solo of lotions
All Fancy and Staple Notions
Friday at from one-half to one
fourth regular prices.
6 dosen Buttons 5
6 packages ' Gold Eye Needles
for .... 5
6 rolls Cotton Tape for, . . .
6 Aluminum ThimDles for. . .5
25c Needle Books for... ,3V
12 Long Hat Pins for.:.t.5
6 balls Darning Cotton,' fast col
ors, Friday for . ...... . , . .5
200 yards Machine Thread, at,
per spool ....1
Linen Thread, per spool. .3
At Llain Silk Counter Friday
$125 Quality Black Pean de Sole
Beautiful soft quality, wear
guaranteed, 36 inches wide; on
sale at, per,, yard. ...... .85
S 1.00 Quality Black Taffetas
86 Inches wide, oil boiled; a
matchless value at. . . . . .69
4)1.00 All Silk Shantungs 36
. Inches wide , In tho natural
. color only; a great, bargain,
at .... "...50
85c All Silk Pongee 27 Inches
wide, In tan only; at, yd. 33
All the Silk Remnants L", 25c yd
A great clean up of the remnants left from the past week's big silk
selling Messallnes, Foulards, Pongees, plain colors and fancies.
In almost unlimited assortments, values to $1.00 yard. ... .25
You can save from 25c to 50c cn every dollar invested by
taking advantage of these prices on Groceries and Vege
tables Friday in our Grocery Department. . .. , . t
I lb. Whit or Yellow Meal ...15c
Egg O Bee; , Corn : Flakes or Dr.
Price's Breakfast Foods, per
package 7 Ho
Orapa Nuts, package ........... lOo
S pkgs. Yeast Foam ..... i ..... lOo
8 bara Diamond 'C" or Beat 'Em All
Soap !6c
Assorted Pickles In bot.. each IVic
1 lb. package Beeded Raisins,. tVo
Burnham's Jellycon, package. .. .7c
OU or Mustard Sardines, can.... 4c
Imported Norwegian Smoked Sar
dines . te
Best Soda Cracker, lb 7 Ho
Fresh Crisp Ginger Snapa. lb... T Vie
rrioes oa rraatt JrWts and TareU-
blea tot rrlday.
Texas Elbarta Peaches, crate , . ,71c
Small baskets, each ....15c and 30c
4 bunches Green Onions ........ 6c
5 bunches Fresh Beet .'. i.'.Bc
S bunche Freeh Radishes . .".. ... to
3 hunches Turnip ,y , .... .6c
t heads New Cabbage 10j
Large Cucumber, each . .to
t bunche Carrot 6c
Fresh Wax or String Beana, lb. 7 Ho
Large head Caullf)pr..6a and Ho
2 atalka Fresh Celery ..Be
All correct forms in current social usage engraved in the best
manner and punctually delivered when promised. ''"t
i , , i' -, - '.' .
and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail
elsewhere. '"''" '
A. I. ROOT, Incorporated !
1210-1212 HOWARD ST. '' . PHOPE D." 1604
Ty iWW- VAA J- -a--U 1
Get off at Omaha
Sixth Annual Convention July J 8, J 9 and 20
Associated Ad Clubls
Meet with America's business creators - -LWWTC