'A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY io, 1910. ALL IS 0U1ET AT SEW ARE Tranquillity Follow! Lynching of the "Dry" DetectiTe Yeiterday. MORE TROUBLE NOT IMPROBABLE Head of Anti-Saloon Detectives Sara lie Will Arrest Mtror and Shr Iff oa Charge ( Aldlagt tha I,rabera. Colorado Elks Pay Omaha Pleasant Visit 1 i - " i "v 1 11111 1 g"1 "l taftS , wmS , uwj j Ju La Ji w. iJ . im f I J 1 NEWARK, O.. July s.-after eighteen hours of turmoil following tha raid on al leged "speak eaales" yesterday, which re sulted In tha shooting to daath of William Howard and tha lynching of Detective Carl Ethrlngton, who conferred to firing the hot that ended Howard's life, Newark Is quiet today. All morning a crowd of several hundred persons surrounded the morgue, where the bodies of Howard and Ethrlngton are held, awaiting word from relatives. The tele phone pole, from which the dateotlva was hanged. Is guarded from tha ravages of reilo hunters, but before the city offlolals encased It In sheet Iron, tha pole had bean hacked half through by those who sought mementoes of the night's work. Adjutant General Waybrecht, Colonel Byron Bargar of the Fourth regiment, Ohio National guard, and Lieutenant Benjamin Chamberlain of Troop B, who came to Newark to make an investigation of the affair, today returned to Columbus. No further trouble Is anticipated. The next grand Jury will Investigate the lynching. Threats r Detectives. Announcement was made here today by Ed Hale, who headed the detective force of the Antl-Waloon league yesterday at Newark In raiding the "soft drink" saloons here, that he ia gathering an armed force of fifty deteotjves here and has secured warrants whloh he Intends to serve on Mayor Atherton and Sheriff Links of Newark thle afternoon for not upholding the laws of Ohio and for aiding the , lynchers, and also on several proprietors of "speak easles" for violating the local option law of the state In serving beer In a "dry" torrltory. The detective says he will take his men to Newark by train and mount horses In tha suburbs and ride into town with the warrants and serve them If he has to shoot Secretary Long today received sNelegram . from auvernor Harmon, who Is at his sum mer home at Charlevoix, Mich., stating that he will leave for Columbus at enoe and , take charge of the situation at Newark. The governor ia expected some time to morrow, Story of Lynch Inc. Carl Etherlngton, ri yeara old, em ployed Thursday night by the State Antl-9aloon league as a blind tiger 'lalder, was lynched here at 10:35 last night following a day of almost continu ous rioting. The heavy doors of he Lick ing 'county Jail were battered Sown and Etherlngton was dragged from his cell. He was shot, kicked and bruised before the street was reached and the finish fol low ed quickly. I'earlng that the whim of the mob might take a new' turn at any moment the police at midnight released Uie six "dry: detec tives. They were turned loose, upon their own resources, and quickly disappeared. City and county authorities this morning avoided the question as to whether or not the mob leaders would be prosecuted. Tho sheriff defends his stand on th ground that while the mob was attempting t an entrance to' the Jail he was busy telephon ing to Columbus. Kthorliigton early in the evening ' con loused he killed. William Howard, proprie tor of the "Lent Chance" restaurant and former chief of police, in a raid of alleged "ep&iik uasies," this afternoon, and, nar rowly escaped lynching at that time. When news from the hospital Uiat How ard had died passed over the city at o'clock tonight the fury of tha mob took definite form. Larue battering rams were directed upon the doors of the Licking county Jail and the deputies were power less. The doors tell after nearly an hour's attack. Crying plteously, Etherlngton, a curly headed Kentucklan, who had been serving us a strike breaker since he was released from marina service three months ago, was dragged forth. "I didn't mean to do it," he walled. His cries fell upon deaf ears. fearing that the mob spirit would not be katlb-fltd by one victim, Hheriff Links I mi mediately asked Adjutant Oenerai Wey- brecht for troops to protect. six other "dry" raiders held at the city prison In another section of' the town. A hurried guard was thrown out In their defense, The mob, after the first taste-of blood, seemed to quiet, but it Is feared that they will storm the city prison before the night Is finished. Ktherlaaton Breaks Dunn. ' Etherlngton' last . momenta, while be heard the mob battering down the doors, were spent In praying and writing a note to his ' parents, farmers residing near Williamsburg, Ky. "What will mother say when aha hears of thiuT" he kept moaning to the Jailer. While the mob waa battering down the doors, Ktnertng:on was In bis cell. In an attempt to commit suicide he smothered bis head in bis coat and set fire to It, He was caught in time. In the melee oa the mob waa leaving tha Jail eight prisoners, held for petty offenses, escapes. ' una reiunea 10 leave. As Etherlngton mounted the block ready for the swing be waa asked to make a speech. "I want to warn all young fallows not to try to make a living the way I have done by strike-breaking and taking Jobs like this," he declared. "I had better have worked, and I wouldn't be here now." The swing of the rope cut him short He hung there for an hour, while the crowd quietly left After the first excitement there was no disorder. .At the finish there were hundreds of women and little chil dren in the crowd, all eager to accomplish his death. No member of the mob was masked, and no attempt was made to con ceal their identity. The leaders were per sonal friends of the dead man.' ' Howard IMU Sot Kr.Lt, Howard, it Is charged, did not resist ths ostectlves when they entered hia place oa the outskirts of tho city. He, It is said. however, put his arms about Etherlngton as if U hold him, whereupon the officer fired a bullet into his head. jjtrlkmg Baltimore Ohio railway em- ploea declare Etherlngton recently came to Newark as a siriKeDreaaer, ana the 111 feeling growing out of the strike has In U-nslfied that due to the raids today. To night a strikebreaker was pursued through the streets for several squares. He saved h1ms'.f by Jumping through the window of a laundry. Although the mob about the Jail tonight la menacing, no effort has been made to call out troops. The .detectives who made the ralda ar rived this morning, with search and eels- ure warrants secured from tha mayor of Granville, a nearby village. One of the first saloons via I ted was that of Louts Bolton, where a bartender, Edward XI o- Kanna. wan hit over the head' with brass knuckles. The detective who hit hire was ky a erowd of people, and he was ' v.. y . j j X 1 '.V,Y ... i v ri it r ,tr? : v -it ;-,rr- ' -. if. n -: -v i - - ft -.. i .'CSi 1 - ;. ;-Ll, ;;: . H .-, w.-r-.- -en -f - - . BAND OF COIXJOADO SPRINGS LODGE, B. P. O. E. Lo, the poor Indian, functioned In a new role yesterday afternoon at the Burlington station. He was playing on a bassoon, a tuba or a aaxaphone, perchance a cornet or trombone. Forty of him In glistening war paint, war bonnet and other accoutre ments dispensed really sweet music and wild raucous yells. "They aren's roal Indians, are they?" In quired ono little girl. "They are Indians; good Indians." was the answer, "but not real redmen. Instead of the hoarse exhaust of a loco motive or Its shrill screech of whistle the Burlington station heard new and more sofe falling sounds. The Colorado Springs lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, was stopping off for a. few minutes on Its way to Detroit. If the train had not been late these western warriors would have marched up town. As It was. they made things merry beneath the shadows of the Tenth street viaduct. The lodge band Is noteworthy for two things artistic costuming and real ability to play various musical Instruments. Its music Is far better than many a profes sional outfit and in rigging themselves up as Indians the Colorado Springs Elks have Williams, Central City; John Muehlhausen, rescued by the police with difficulty, The officers with their prisoner'! were followed Wy the mob to the Jail. ' Licking county, of which Newark Is the county seat. In dry under the Itote local option law, but anti-saloon league official declare the law is not enforced. 'Wayne B. Whef.ler, state superintendent of the league, in an interview at Columbus tonight, de clared today's situation was brought about by alleged negligence on the part of Mayor Atherton In not upholding the law. COLUMBUS, O., July . Adjutant Gen eral Charles Weybrecht telephoned his of fices from Newark today, saying that everything was quiet and that the troops would not be needed. - Georgo S. Long, secretary to the gov ernor, talked to the Licking county clerk of courts at Newark and was assured by him that all danger of further trouble there waa over. Mr. Long said an investigation of the lynching at Newark would be made. CLEVELAND, O., July 9. Charles Etherlngton, who was lynched at Newark tonight, and hia eight companions, who are still In custody, were hired In Cleveland In behalf of v the Anti-Saloon league. For several days ast an advertisement has ap peared In the local papers calling for men for special detective work. The advertise ment was Inserted by a detective agency organized by Harry Bradbury, a former city official, and for which former Stale Representative Fierce Metxger Is attorney. Mr. Metzger refused tonight to comment upon the riots, claiming he was merely called by the agenoy to act as its legal representative. It was stated at the office of the agency that the order for the men was received from the' Columbus head quarters of the Ohio Anti-Saloon league. spared no pains nor expense. Some of their apparel was bought from the noble rod man himself. C. B. Horn, the drum major, wore a war bonnet which stood him 1100 and he had a hand-made silver belt carved and wrought by some crude native silversmith. L. R. Holland, past exalted ruler of the Colorado Springs lodge, was one of the few members of the party not In Indian regalia. Exalted Ruler Hopkins wore full feathers. Another Elks' band, alo from Colorado, was at the same time playing to an Omaha audience. This was tho Cowboy band of Peublo lodge No. SO. These men, dressed 1n black shirts, chaps and red bandannas, marched up from their special train at the Union station to the club roomsof the local lodge, where they played first a street concert and . later upstairs. Besides Pueblo, a number of other Colo rado lodges were represented, the OPueblans thmeslves, being headed by B. F. Kopelilc past exalted ruler. Others in the party were K. L. Fahnestock of Leadvllle, Dr. C. S. Cramer of sallda. E. H. Stonemeyer, Canon City; John L. Dorn, Ouray; John Victor; Asbury White, Peublo, Mr. White Is chairman of the finance committee and member of the board of directors of the Irrigation congress, which Pueblo Is to hold In September. All these Coloradans weer boosting strongly for the congress and disseminated considerable literature concerning it The Puehlana had a special badge, con slating of four medallions above an elk's hoad, the whole in bronze. One medallion typified the Indian stage of Colorado; the second, the cattle raising stage; the third, the mining era, and the fourth, agriculture. Above all was a steel bar significant of Pueblo's great Industry These various epochs will, be exemplified In floats entered In the big parade at De troit, and Pueblo hopes to carry off a prize therefor. . DETROIT, Mich., July 9.-Offlcer of the Orand Lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, here for the grand reunion of the order were scheduled to leave this morning for Wyandotte to witness the launching of the big lake freighter, Vir ginia, at noon. The program also Included luncheon at the Detroit boat club Town Kiectn Saloon Keepers. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., July . -(Special.) The town council of the little village of Tabor adopted a new method of making a selection from the applicants for saloon licenses." All the applications could net be granted, aud therefore, instead of making the selecting themselves, the town council called a special election and submitted ths matter to the voters. When the votes were counted It was found that Matt B. Welfl and Hruska Sl Trunec had received the highest number of votes, and on the strength, of this the town board now has issued licenses to tlvem. South Dakota News Motes. HURON The Brookings Vonstruotlon company has been awarded the contract for lateral sewers, me contract pnue beutg 7,lto7.W. HURON Charles Wilson, JO years or age. employed in the Chicago & North wee tern railway snaps nere, ioi nia ten nantt uy Coming in contact wim a circular saw. HURON J. L. Hollarbush, a resident of this ally for twenty years, died at his home yesterday. Mr. Hollarbush came to Uie territory In 183 and leaves a wife and tx children. PIERRE The flret meeting of the State Board of Equ&llzutloii and Aaensinent met this week and took an adjournment to July 11. whe-n the representatives or tne rail roads and other corporate Interests will be given a hearing. ABERDEEN The reports of Aberdeen batiks show a decrtSHe of but $S.0u0 in de- poolts of Aberdeen rexidents under the last leport. uepoaits ot lusiaents, uumneKs men lid bankers of outsldu tuwns in Aberdeen banks, however, show a decrease of fltM, WW. PIERRE The Stanley County institute, which is In (elon at Fort i'leire, has 110 teachers in attendance, inaklntf It one of the lurge institutes of the state. At the elghtn grade graduation exeiciues eighty of the pupils of tne country ncr.ools were slven diplomas. HURON John Kottes Is amonx the first Of 114 lo county fanners to grow winter wheat He Is now harvesting a splendid crop on his farm two and a half miles wait of the city. The emimated yield is from elxhteen to twenty bushels oer acre. The head are well filled with fully de veloped kernels. PIERRE Governor Veasey has selected N. 11- Kingman, commander of the titate Grand Army of the Republic, as the repre. sentatlve of South Dakota for the meeting to oe neia tins run ror beginning tne r- rangemefita for the grand celebration of the fiftieth annlveraary of the battle of Uettysburg In Vila. ABERDEEN A number of farmers In northern South Dakota beguji cutting bar ley yesterday, t onirary to expectations, the yield Is proving much better than ex pected and Ih running about elsht bushels to the acre, or about a half crop. In sotie instanoea the header is being used because of the short straw. PIERRE Trie old settlers' plonlo did not get the crowd of old-timers expected, but there wss a fair attendance from both Pierre and rNirt Pierre. The officers elected for the ensuing year are: p. K. liH'lure of Pierre, provident; W. H. Frost or f or t t'larre, vice prsidnt; M. Z. Uulh rle of Pierre, secretary. SOOTH WANTS CONVENTION Delegates from Arkansas Boosting for Hardware Meeting.' SEVERAL HUNDRED IN PARTY Delegations Represent Six States and Use Sloorani "No Farther from North to South Than from ' y South to North." ' 'It's not farther from the north, to the south than from the south to the north." This is the battle cry of several hundred southern men and women who were in Omaha for the day and who wish to see the next convention of the National Retail Hardware association go to Little Rock. Omaha is a rendezvous for nearly all the southern and eastern delegates going to tne convention at Denver and special cars and special trains arrived at every hour throughout the late morning and afternoon. The southerners were the first on- the scene. The majority of them came from Missouri and Arkansas, but delegates are at hand from Mississippi, Georgia. Tennes see and Kentucky. All these caine in coaches over the . Bur- llneton and on arrival were taken to the Commercial club, where sheep bells were pinned on them. Nathan Roberts,- W. S. Wright and E. P. Berryman acted as a re ception committee. Tho Little Rock men are boosters after the heart of Omaha. They are chock full of enthusiasm aud spout facts by the score as to why the Arkansas metropolis should get the convention. On the special train, which leaves Union station at 7 p. m., these southerners hope to line up the large Chi cago and eastern delegations and the Min neapolis men also. Moreover, they expect to have the Nebraska delegates pledged by the time the party arrives In Denver Sunday. J. P. Simpson and Senator Hampton Williams are the head of the Arkansas party, the latter being a resident of Hot Springs. Tired of Jeff Davis. Mr. Williams Is of the opinion that his state will not again be represented by Sen ator Jeff Davis. "He floated in on a wave of populism which spread over the state at that time and we trust his course Is about run. lie has done Arkansas' national reputation no good," said Mr. Williams. All the southerners declare that the out come of the Reno fight has had a bad in fluence on the colored residents of the south, but expressed the hope that things will soon quiet down. "Of course," said W. L, Harlan, another Arkansas man, "hoodlum whites have played their part in making trouble be tween the races following the fight." The Missouri delegation is headed by J. G. Webber of Clayton, president of th state association. G. F. D. Kanster Is tho chairman of its committee on transporta tion. A number of St. Louis girls, daughters and sisters of the delegates, are members of the party and they bear out the city's reputation for the comeliness of Its daugh ter. The Minneapolis cars had not arrived here by 12:30 and It looked as if these would be late for the luncheon at Happy Hollow. The Chicago train arrived at 4 p. in. Trolley cars took these visitors to Happy Hollow for a short stay. BRIEF CITY NEWS Have Boot Print IX Take your printing- to the Times. Sleotrto Tans -Barf ess-Orandea Co. Beet Dry Cleaning of garments. Twin City Dye Works. 407 South Fifteenth. Home Zioaas to Home Makers makes rent money work for the family. Ne braska Savings and Loan Ass'n. will show you. JOS Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. Kom . Culverts Veedet The County clerk has been authorized by the Board of County Commissioners to advertise for bids for culvert Installation, and repairing lirt Douglas county. In many places the cul verts are in poor shape, and several new ones are necessary. i , . .. Before Going on Tour Vacation place your valuables such as -money, silverware, Jewels and insurance policies in a box in the American Safe Deposit Vaults in the Bee Building, which are fire and burglar proof. Boxes rent for only 1 for three months. F. C. Hamer, President Avery Appointed Overseer H. R. Avery was appointed by the county commissioners at the Saturday morning meeting a over seer of road work' for Douglas county; He will receive a salary of $100 per month, his Incumbency to commence July 15. He will furnish . his own conveyance about the oounty. More Bluing- Boom Heeded As one re sult of the tour of inspection taken Friday by Ghe Board of County Commissioners, tho members are considering ordering an extension to the dining room at the county hospital. Owing to the crowded condition of that institution the present quarters are found to be inadequate. In the Divorce Court The following de crees have been granted: John R. Holly from Isabella Holly, abandonment; Eva J Scott from Walter Scott cruelty; Esta M, Conrad from Charles H. Conrad, habitual drunkard and failure to support; Lena Bor sot from Samuel Borset, nonsupport; Esther Jarvis from Peter W. Jarvis, cruelty. Teams to Bifle Tourney Enroute to the national rifle tourney, the Hawaiian Rifle team, numbering twenty of the Hawaiian Islanders, will leave Oakland, Col., on July 20. The tourney will be held at Camp Perry, O., rifle teams from all over the country meeting there. The Hawallai team will travel by tho Southern Pacific, Union Pacific, and Milwaukee roads, reach, ing Omaha about the first of August Charged with Befnsal to Stop Deputy County Attorney Maguey Saturday morn, ing filed a complaint in county com against Charles Klrschbraun on a charge of refusing to stop when his automobile was signalled to do so by the driver of a team of restive horses. The complainant l " .V .j. 1 wi".' SCMtV-OLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. make it possible for every man, woman or child living in Omaha, South Omaha or Council Bluffs to OWN A BEAU TIFUL GOLD WATCH. JUST SEND US A FRIEND'S NAME 17110 IS GOIIIG TO BUY A PIANO This remarkable advertising- offer is made by the 8ohmollr & Mueller Piano company, (Established 67 years). JUST TO STIMULATE OUR BUSINESS DUIUNG THE HOT SUMMKK MONTHS, (usually the dull season In the Piano Business.) HERE ARE THE PARTICULARS Nearly everyone knows a friend or an acqoalntence, who is going to buy a piano. VK WANT TIIK NAME AND ADDHKS9 OF THAT PARTY and now right here la where your opportunity comes in to get a Beautiful Oold .Watch Absolutely Free. Send us Immediately the name and address of the party you have In mind and we will do our utmost to sell them a piano, and the chances are we will do it. be cause our line of Pianos Is Vie finest and we offer our customers better values and easier terms than any other piano concern In this country. Whether we sell the piano for cash or on time, you get your watch. Could any business offer be more honest or fair than the above? Simply giro the name and address, we wlU do all the work, A word about these Fine Gold Watches. You can have your choice of Elgin or Wal thatn movements. Plain or engraved cases, any size, ladles' or gents' including those new popular thin models. GET BUSY RIGHT AWAY Send us the first customer's name and address today. If requested men tion your name in any way in order to make sale. If two or more parties forward the same prospect or name, we will give the watch to the first sender, if a purchase Is , made. Address all communications to Dept. J. WW f!'. .,11 -J 1315 Farnam St. piano co. Omaha, Neb. is Hans O. Uiiasiuaun. who olaiuia ha , was crowded over an embankment by Kirsch braun, the latter driving an automobile. Colonel KoOartay Ooea te CampCol onel D. E. MoCarthy, chief quartermaster, Department of the Missouri, will leave 8un- day evening for the maneuver camp at Pole mountain, thirty ranee west or Chey enne. Colonel McCarthy Is to be chief quartermaster of the camp and will be In tlhe field for the next six wecKs. captain Bolles will be in charge of the quarter master's office here during the absence of Colonel MoCarthy. Jones Waives Preliminary Examination Charles Jones, who Is charged with hav ing emjexzled $200 from the Bloom Tomb stone company, waved preliminary exami nation before Judge Crawford, and was bound over to the district court Saturday morning. His bond was set at 1600, In do fault of which he has been committed to the county Jail. The embesxlement Is al leged to have been made on June 8, after which Jones left town, and was later cap tured at Blue. Island, 111., where he was returned by Officer Hayes. Disgraceful Coa4not of liver and bowels, In' refusing to act, U quickly remedied with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Kc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. United States District Attdrney- Howell has gone east for a vacation trip. Railway Note aa' Prsemais. The headquarters of the Northwestern are beln completaly remodeled and will present a fine appearance when dona. B. Ij. Lomax, general passenger agent of the Western Faclflo railroad left last night fur Chicago on routine business connected with his road. ... aeorge W. Holdrege, gvtieral manager of the Burlington rood, left Saturday for the Paclfio coast on a pleasure trip. Mr. iioldrege says he has needed a rest for some time. " Wyncote, a station on the Burlington line seventy-one miles west of Northport, has been changed to . Llngle and wilt be opened with a regular service on July 12, 1S1), with II. E. fcVhwalm as the agent. The country around Llngle is developing fast and the necessity of another shipping point has been noted for some time. 8. F. Miller, general freight and passen ger agct of the Northwestern, has re turned from a trip in the state. Mr. Miller states that the recent rains have improved the crops very much and that since the farmers have all been computing the amount of their crop on bumper crop years Inxtead of average years lie thinks that the loss will roally amount to vety little on account of the dry weather. DESKS Tit Special Prices An excellent opportunity to equip your office complete or in part. ALL DESKS Marked at liberal reduotlons more than 125 patterns and sises to choice from, in oak and mahogany ftOLL TOPS FI.AT TOP8 TYPEWRIT ING and STANDING DESKS. Agents for Oloba-Wersloks Oo, TlUag Devices. Orchard & Wilheltn 414-16-18 louth 16th Street. mm '"'I'.V'', " It's the purest, It's the best. Nothing finer For your guest L'3ftr HAVE A CASE WW .THE BtER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT HOME Consumers' Distributer John Nlttler 3224 S. 24 th Strict Doug. 1SB9, Red 3932 Ind. . . . . A-1420 ..A'r.'iaa mm ii -nlrrmiitsiiiiaiiiiiiii fiaaSMBSBSaSBEB naalaesa olle ea Not Schools. ABERDEEN, B. D.. July S.-(8peclal.)-At MHbank, Judge Frank McNulty if the circuit court denied the Injunction of Frank B, Grangir, proprietor of a commercial school, asking the court to close down six Aberdeen saloons on the ground that they were within W0 feet of his Institution, and therefore prohibited by the statute, declar ing saloons shall not be permitted within lot) feet of a public or private school. Ths court decided tbe business college did not come under the designation intended by the statute. Mr. Granger will appeal the case to the state supreme court. When you have anytning to sell or trads, advertise It In The Bee Want Ad columns and get quick results. h co. n IPDIKE MILLING jT;-v ";'.'"Vl "'V- '-'-V' n:r - '' ;': i.: ' '-- " i : : "tfZr- .--"L - r VJM - ....... . . ! .... -, ,-. , , ...T- ... . , .-, it. J. . ... .... ... . . ..,J .... Better Be Safe Than Sorry Get a Kett" Abstract at 305 S. 17th St. Why? They are absolutely correct ab stracts. They are made by experienced abstractors. Every abstract Is SOV1LT checked. Our rates are tha most reason able. Our methods are ths most modern. We will please you in every way. The Kerr Abstract Co. 304 9. lTta Vaoas Dong. 6437. D E C A U S E rr lis" : '- .,. a Ml '7'-;:. 'im V: ! tfesw" -'-Tf.'-r'JV'-.-' -1 at ' i " I ? r n o'iT. Baker Bros. New Place of Business. "We are now in our new quarters, lit 16 Howard street, ready for business. Increased space and facilities insures the highest quality of cuts in one or more colors. This is your invitation to come and see us. Baker Bros. Engraving vCo. Omaha. HAY FEVER ASTHMA If you suffer, call or write me at ones and learn of something you will be grate ful for the balance of your lite, J. 0. LIoBRIDE, BUUa, Neb. r..WM-'g.W.V"J.'JMCT YOUR OPPORTUNITY ii I i. 'J FTFF'fi "ti'gj'Saa Colling Agenoy UiV tho bost De lar iirUcle tho market. Patent. Abso lute necessity. Unlver eally wanted. Y149caro Omaha Deo. . 8. '-n, .A n