V 10 TOE OMATIA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 10, 1910. GRAIN AND PRODUCE AUlEi Government Eeport on Spring Wheat it Extremely Bullish. VII EAT OPENS SOLIE HIGHL2, Voru la Firm ua tne Aivtica In Want, bat ttauie Off Wkfi the Uaaa Nell In Larue tiunntitlea. OMAHA. July , 1010. The government Iitmrn uu mo cuiiuiuoii l epilog hUMU WMB CllH'Hil.1) uUlllSll. 'A teport oaa certainly continued tne iiivau news which lias been coming In since . i.x. aiy speli etarieu. it la generally coiict Ueu that Mini piupcts now u.u uomeauc sup ply win be Hunted and legal. jict of t port Ueiaand wtieat prices w.n icmcii lugnei levels. , All that la needed now to Insure a bum per crop ol coin lor the imuuie and rn states la a good soaking ra.-i. Conui tlons are railiur bearish, wn.ra Vaiuea are Ilrm witn trie advance in wheal. - 5Va a result of the Dullish government re I port Issued yesterday aner tne close the ' wheat market opened anarply hlgner and opening prices were maintained tinouglioul tne day. The situation favura the bull siue. l.'orn opened firm on the advance. In wheat, but eased off a shade later on Bolt ing by long, who construed the govern ment report as bearish. Cash prices were strong and local demand keeps active. Primary corn receipts were 31,OUO bu. and ahlpmentn were 2o3,ou0 bu.. against re ceipts last year of 204,000 bu. and shipments ' of 411.000 bu. Primary corn receipts were 361,000 bu. and shipments were 2f.fi.000 bu., against receipts last year of 212,000 bu. and shipments of . 22, wo bu. . . Clearances were 66,000 bu. of corn, Z.OWJ bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to 141.0)0 bu. . . Liverpool closed 2sja2o higher on wheat and He higher on corn. Local range of Options: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yea y. Wheat July... 93 99 99 Sept... 8 99 89 Corn July... 65 56 65 Sept... 66V4 68!4 M'4 Oats . July... 37 87V J7H Sept... 37 37 37 99 97 W 97 66 661 ttVt 66-h 37V4 T4 37 Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2, Wcfitl.OZ; No. S hard, MlygBM; No. 4 hard, 8.'s7c; rejected hard, Vnt7c; No. 3 spring, 9Kci1.02; No. 8 spring. 96Co9c; No. 4 spring. tOifJVbC I CORN No. 3 white, Sic; No. I white, 90 fllo; No. 4 white, 69U0c; No. 3 yellow, 67Ve; No..3 yellow. 66ti57V4e; No. 4 yellow, 64V(f6c; No. 2, 67c; No. 3, 66Vi&67c; No. 4, 64'V(i'; no grade, 46ii63c. OAT8 Standard, 3tlc; No. 2 white, 38 tVc; No. 4 white, 37330: No. S yellow, 87k 3Sc; No. 4 yellow, 3637c BARLEY No. 4. mjAlc; No. 1 feed, 44 46c; rejected, 39 43c. KYfc-No. 3, 7tW72c; No. 8, 68v&70o. Carlot Receipts. - Wheat Corn. Oat Chicago Minneapolis Omaha Dulutli 26 183 63 .113 . 81 . 31 45 CHICAGO OR A IX AND PROVISIONS F tares ,( the Tradlna; and Closing Prtvea on Board of Trade. CHICACSO, July 9. Only bread and aeed left In one state, half a crop In another auch were among the Inference drawn on change here today In tracing the signifi cance of a government report as to the coming yield of wheat as affected by drought. In a whirl of excitement gains of as much as 3Ho a bushel were made on aome sales, compared with last night's prices, but the close found the market comparatively steady at a net advance of 2Vd"a. So many people figured on a sym pathetic advance In corn that the result of their action was almost exactly the reverse, Vlc decline to "c rally. Oats, however, finished Wa to He up. Frovtstons sJso were In the end at a allghtly higher level by 2WC to 7M.O. There waa decidedly less buying on the part of eleventh hour investors than seemed to have been expected. Frofit taking by , longs and covering by shorts made uto a built of business, though, that has not often been equaled on a short day. Light but widespread rain In the northwest. where the drought has been worst, did muuh to temper the effect of the govern ment figures. Forecast of cooler weather had a similar Influence. Cash wheat buyers failed to follow the advance, but millers said the flour trade tad been helped. The government report was Interpreted to mean tnat there were 100.0UO, 000 less bushels of wheat In tho Dakota and Minnesota than a month ago. A crop bulge at Liverpool was largely responsible for the general buying at the outset. One of the results of today's basis of prices waa to stimulate offerings of wheat from the country, notably Illinois and the southwest No corresponding Increase In demand by shippers here was noted. There waa one cheerful note. A dispatch from Texas said threshing there was about completed with the best yield In thirty years. Boptenv ber ranged from 31.0JH to 11.06 and closed z2c up at l.o4ViH.04W. FresKure of selling in corn was directed chiefly against December and May optional September fluctuated between tiuVitc and tn.c. closing MiC lower at ttoVu't.Oo. The cash market was easy. No. x yellow closed 624c. After a general rush to cover, oats lapsed back Into a local scalping affair. For September the high and low points of the day were too end 89t.c with the close at Ksvff:Sc, which waa toko above last night's final prices. Hog products were sharply higher early. All that was made of the advance till the end waa an average of a nickel. Leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. High. Low. Cios. Yes y. Wheat l I July, il Ue 1 Orti Sept. llflSH-! 1 06 Doc lO4-tt-0t 1 0 May il 0tV(jU( 1 09 I Corn 1 I I 1 06' 1 08 1 0aSlO4V4 1 03 1 Ol 1 uas 106H 1 tl7V107VSs! .lulv USU,iViTr M.74- fent. 6t" '60TVtl Deo. 6H 69? May Oats . July tiept. ,Do. May ily Sept. Oct. ' iSettt. ' Oct. IllllS- ' July rtept. ' Oct. 61j-2h! 60 ... I 41 HI n4il 41 41 4i -y 40 WSlKVjiiS.! 2914 4ovnn 4" 4HB!40li.'a' i2 4T 42 42V3'.j , 4'f i 24 10 22 0" Vsi'oo 21 86 21 974! -1 M-H 21 2U 12 00 12 06 11 90 12 00 11 87 11 KW 11 80 12 074 11 92vi 13 0t) 11 9-'V4 11 90 11 V 11 82H, ii 1! 42V 12 4S 13 42ls, 12 45 11 90 11 96 12 40 11 97'V 11 97H 11 92 11 25 11 36 t U 25 U 3S It 32, No. 2. Cash unotatlous were as follows: FliOL'K Firm; winter patents, 4.60'(T4.95 winter straights. I4.306t4.8ti: spring patents, hard held at P 7"; spring straights, i.00(o 4.7; bakers, HYtJ-Xo. 2. 71V. ' BAKLKY Feed or mixing. j5o; fair to noire malting. Uj .b'.. SWKDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern. fcl.ffT No; 1 northweetern, $J.19. Timothy, li: over. 111. Bo. FROVI.SlONi Fork. me, per Mil.. 4.75 (aio.W. lrd, er loo U.S., Ill.fTH. Siiort riba. sides lloosel. 12.S7Mi 12 s7',; short tleir sides (boxed). 11 3.7)1 14.U0. Total clearances of wheat and flour were eiual to 141,000 bu. Primary receipts were Wil.UOO bu., compared with 204.0UO bu. the corresponding day a year ago. F.stlmalod receipts for Monday: Wheal, T cars; corn. 192 cars, oats, 110 cars; hogs. 26.000 head. Chicago Cash Frkes Wheat: No. 'J red tl.07al.ot: No. 3 red. I1.06WHH Otf't; No. hard. I1.0SW1 07; N. I harl. .05itl.0il No. 1 northern spring, tl.Mal.20; No. t north rn sping, I.12'.(1.15: No. S. spring, 11.0641 1.12. Corn: No. 3 cash, wh0V-; No. caah, 6H.tftAk'; No. 2 white. Dwuonc; No. white. aiiMS&c; No. 3 yellow, 624c; No. yellow. illV(lc. tlata: No. S cash, 44(f 4io; No. 8 white, 42ir4.iv: .no. 4 wlut lVvnVx-: atandard. a'-.ljvtv. t llfcK K Steady ; daisies, ltVjti 15V twins. lbl&V: young Americas, 16VQ16C lima; liorns. 15VA16C. ' POTAlXJEii Steady: choice to fancy, t&tr toe: rair to gooa. Mc, POULTRY Firm; turkeys, 17c; liv foals. UV; springs, lVa3e. VEAI Steady; uO to so-lb. wts., Hajnc M to lb. wis., 9vvVo; to 110-lb. wis. UjflOSfcC. Mlnneanolla tirala Market. WINNKAIVUf. July WH EAT-Julv tt Sapterolier, tl ll'il W, December, Ctm. i nut, li.juv,, .o. northern, II. Wit. 20: No. 2 northern, $1,184 1.1H; .V . $1 lrf.il. IS. FLAX-'loed at 12 1. I'OKN-No. 8 yellow, PIS'!.'. OATH No. 3 white. 4lii44c. RYE No. 2. fiMlTcc. HKAN-ln iiio-lo. sac ks, IJO.ntli Jn 2S. FIX (I'll First patents, (in wood, f . o. h . Minneapiills) In. W ij 7; second patents, $f.3M !..;; urst dears, $4.8.Vi4.4j; second clem . .l.lif(i3.40. WHATIIKH I Tllll VHAIX BELT Probably fair Tunmbt anal Issdsy In This Vicinity. OMAHA, July 9. 1910. Showers were gu..c iieiarai wtuiin the laHt twenty-tour hunts In tne upper Missis sippi and upper Missouri vitil ana were scattered throughout the Rocay mountain i exam and the northwest, and snowery weather continues tins morning In eastern NeOiaeKii, western Iowa and Minnesota. Rums alio occurred III the riotilu Atlantic stales since tne preceding report. A trough of low prc-HKiiie still txleuutf - across tne central alleys from tne lake region to tne Rio Ui slide valley. An area ol nlgn pressure, accompanied by lower tempera ture, overlies the northwest, with Ha crest over Montana, and this high will move uun over tne valleys, causing cooler weather In this vicinity tonlgnt. The weather will continue unsettled In this vicinity during the day, but will probably be followed by fair tonight and Sunday and continued cool (Sunday. Tempeiatuie und precipitation at Omaha, compared Willi the three preceding years: 11(10. ISO. 1807. Minimum temperature.... 71 b 66 71 Precipitation .... T .60 .00 ,1b Noiinul temperature lor today i6 degrees. I ef iclency Jii precipitation since March L 11.33 Inches, Kxcesa corresponding period, 1909, 0.61 of mi me t Kxcesa corresponding period In 1908, 4.31 Indies. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Cora and Wheat Heariun Bulletin. For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at ft a. m., 76th meridian time, Saturday, July 9, 1310: OMAHA LH3TRICT. Temp. Rain- Station. Max. Mln. fall. Hky. Cloudy Ashland, Neb ! Auburn, Neb 9i Broken Bow, Neb. 92 Columbus, Neb... 93 Culbertson, Neb.. 104 Kalrbury, Neb... 91 Fairmont, Neb... 92 Or. Island, Neb.. 91 Harlington, Neb.. 92 Hastings, Neb.... 93 Holdrege, Neb.... 97 (1H .00 to 60 61 62 64 63 65 62 61 63 67 66 63 00 63 63 60 62 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.10 .00 .00 .74 .00 .43 .38 .00 .00 .79 .44 for Ft. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy . Cloudy Ft. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Kalntns; Raining Halnlnir Ft. cluudy Cloudy Raining - Cloudy twelve-hour Oakdale, ieb. 8S 92 94 88 93 96 85 90 Omaha, Neb,... Tekamah, Neb. Alta, la Carroll, la Clarlnda, la Sibley, la Sioux City, la.. Minimum temperature period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAOB. No. of Temp. Rain fall. District. Stations. Max. Mln. Columbus, 0 17 90 68 .00 Louisville, Ky 19 90 61 .40 Indianapolis, Jnd.. 12 90 68 .00 Chicago, 111 26 94 6S .00 St. Louis, Mo 13 94 70 .00 Irs Moines, la 14 94 64 700 Minneapolis, Minn. SO 84 56 .40 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 9Z w .00 Omaha, Neb U 92 . 63 .60 Showers occurred In the last twenty- four hours In the Dakotas, Minnesota, Ne braska, western Iowa, and Kentucky, and continue In the Omaha and Minneapolis districts this morning. They were some what scattered, but were moderately heavy I In the districts named. A fall of 1.10 Inches OCCUireu at riarbiuiuii, wrw., cuu bli n'jwi- lna Qreen. Ky. The weather Is slightly ccoler this morning in the upper lake le gion and extreme upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. EW YORK GENERAL MARKET notation of the Day on Vavrlona Commodities. NEW YORK. July 9. FLOUR Unsettled nd a-enerallv held higher: spring patents. I5.40I&&.70; winter straights. 14.3644.60; wln ter patents, H.atKyo.w; spring clears, v.ami 60: winter extras, no. i, J. (WttJ.w; winter xtras. No. 2. H.6"4j3.5; Kansas straights. l4.H6Cg'4.85. Receipts. 17,120 bbls.; shipments, 14.411 bbls. Rye flour, firm; rair to gooa, 14.15(04.40; choice to fancy, I4.364i4.50. CORN MEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, tl.4(u 1.4i; coarBe, tl.35L40; kiln dried, I3.26fr3.40. WliliiAT spot market strong; io. a reu, I1.11V4, c, 1. f., to arrive; No. 1 northern, $1.27V, f 'o. b. canal boat. Options: Wheat was strong and hlgner on tne government report, although the market was held In heck by profit taking and reports or gooa howers over a large area In the north west, closing- at 27c net advance. July. 11.11 1.12, closed at 11.12. September, 11.08 ftl.09to; closed at S1.09V4. December, IL09-t yil.lOHi closed at 1.1W. Receipts, 16,HUV bu. ; shipments, 16,496 bu. t CORN Spot market steady; NO. 2, 69c, I. f. elevator, domestic to arrive; export No. 2, 69c, f. o. b., to arrive.. Option mar ket was without transactions, closing un changed to o net lower. July closed at 6K14C, September at 6Wio and December at 6iVjC. Receipts. 1.850 bu.: shipments, 2.396 bu. OATS Spot market firmer; mixea, atlow lbs., nominal; natural white, 26 to 82 ids.. 46Vi,(47Mic; clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., 48 Va 62c Receipts, 28,976 bu.; shipments, 2,286 bu. HAY Firm: Prime. I1.22VMv1.2d; No. L tl l7V4''a'1.20; No. 2, 1.12V4a1.17Vli; No. i, 11.00. HOPS Easy; state, common to choice, 1909, 21iu23c; 190S, nominal; Facifio coast, 1909, lu(i()16c; 1908, nominal. HlDKS Kasy ; central America, zivuaa; Boirnta. 2lir22c. Lr-ATHh.lt Dull; hemlock Iirsts, Z&Wc; seconds. 22Si24c: reie;ts. 19W20C. PROVISIONS Fork, firm; mess. ia.60ftl 26.00; family, l6.0iHW26.60; short clear, I24.o0 ti 26.00. Beet, Ilrm; mess, xib.toruit.w; iam- liy, fitt.Wfioi.uu; neer nams, ii.i.o,-T),ei'. .;ui meats, steady; pickiea oenies, iu to i ids.. HT.oOCill'.oti: pickled hams, iieoiKiiivm Lara quiet; middle west prime, u.uxttia.lt); re fined, steady; continent, 112. w; youth Amer ica. 113.76: compound, l9.12W39.87Vt. TALLOW Steady ; prime city, hhds., 6Hc; country, bV'0V. St. Loots General Slairket. ST. LOUIS. July . WHEAT Futures higher; July, $I.02lfc; September, $1.02; De cember. $1.044: cash firm; track. No. 2 red. 11.07'tfl.oe; No. I hard, $1.00C'j)1.08. CORN f utures lower; nepiemDer, Kc; Iieceinber. 67V4c; cash higher; track. No. 2. 624 ii 63c; No. 2 white. 6Vii67c. OAT f utures weak; Meptemoer, triVic; December, 3V; caah steady; track. No. 2, 39c: No. 2 white. 44c. RYK Unchanged at 75c. KlOl'R Unchanged; red winter patents. I5.204i6.5A; extra fancy and straight. $460 5.10; hard winter clears. $3.40i&3.90. SKED-Timotny, ia.oo44.oo. l'OHNMF.AI-13.26. 11 RAN Firm; aacked, east track, 944i5c. HAY-Hlgher; timothy, $15.504j 19.50; pral le, $13.0lV(i 14.00. HA(H11N()-V. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, $240ii. Lard, higher; prime steam, $U.62V4j 11.N2V4. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed, extra shorts, $13.75; clear ribs, $13.75; short clears, $14.00. Bacon, lower; boxed, extra shorts. $lu .25; clear lilts, $Ui.25; short clears, $15.50. Ft il L 1 K i Steady ; chickens, isc: sprtna. 164116c; turkeys, 18Vb"22c; ducks, 8c; geese, PUTTER Steady; creamery, 24427VrO. F.IK1S Steady at 16c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 40,0)10 36.OH0 Corn, bu 34,0t0 32,(I0 Oats, bu 49,000 11,000 Kaaaia City lira In and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, July .-WHKAT-July. 810; September, P8V; December, 99V; cash 2o to So up; No. 2, $1.0lVijl.09; No. 3, 9s.-rutl.08; No. 2 red, 98c4i$1.01; No. 3, ktcU $1.00. CORN July, Rff'ic; September, 67V; De cember, 64c, bid; cash V to lo higher: No. 2 mixed, olHWc; No. 3, aOtiptflo; No. 2 white, MVlr; -o. a, M4)MC. OATS 1c higher; No, $ white, 404jH2c; mixed. 437. RYK No. 2. 70c. H AY lTnchanged; choice timothy, $14,004 14 M: choice prairie. $10.25fj 10.60. BUTTER Creamery, extras, 25V; firsts, 24V: seconds. 22 V; packing stock, 20V. EGG Firsts, $4.50; seconds. $3.50; current receipts, new cases, $3.90; miscellaneous. J-oo. i Receipts. Shipments. , 75.000 69.0110 36.000 60.1)00 .0u0 6.0U0 Wheat, bu Corn bu ... Oats, bu ., Mllwaakeo drain Market. MILWAUKEE. July . WHEAT No. 1 northern. $l.l4ll 20; No. t northern, $1.1742 1.19; September. $1.0414. I VTH BARLEY -Samples, 6&4i7'ic. Peoria Market. PEORIA, July t.--ORN-Hlgher; No. i yellow, Mc; No. $ yellow, 2c; No. 8. 62c; V a a.. OATS HilUtr; whlu, HSc standard, 41c; No. . 3 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Rumor of Reduced Union Pacific Dividend it Ridiculed. ST. PAUL STRONG IN WALL STREET Generally, Market Continues to Was; and It la Believed the Bot tom Will Hons Be Reached. NEW YORK. July 9. (Special Telegram.) The awraae market price of thirty stand ard Industrial and railroad stocks is now ll; one year, ago the same stocks averaged IMS. Slowly and surely the market is sag ging to a level where bear runiord can have no effect. The bottom must soon be touched. . We are certainly approaching a firm standard when f lunctuatlona will be up instead of downward. The stock market during the present week was In a nervous and unsettled stale, but commencing yesterday a stronger tone has prevailed. With the Improved senti ment prevailing, Wall street is inclined to pay less attention to reports of lowered dividends. A more rational view Is being taken. Thus tho rumor that Union Pacific may reduce Its dividend ha- being ridiculed. The groHs earnings of Union Facifio would h:ive to fall off 2x,000,000. or 30 er cent, before the 6 per cent from railroad . operations would hegln to reduce. From 190 to Iwis Union Pacific gros-r earnings fell off :ioo, 000. Income from Investments would have to drop 110.000.000 before the margin of safety over and above the 4 per cent on Union Pacific would be wiped out The directors of the St. Paul Railroad company took the most effectual means of disposing of the rumors that St. Paul's dividend was to be cut by declaring the dividend for the half Just ending ut the usual rate. St. Paul Is In stronger condi tion than many of the Wall street inter ests realize. . Shock for tho near. The promulgators of the bear rumors got another shock from Atchison. The declar ation of the regular quarterly dividend on the common stock of Atchison was what was generally expected. However, as usual the dividend Waa discounted. The com pany s gross earnings in the fiscal year Just ended were $106,000,000, tho largest In the company's history. The street, or at any rate a great part of It, got a surprise in the advance of the annual dividend rate of Virginia-Carolina Chemical from 3 to 6 per cent. Evi dence that the Increased dividend rate had not been discounted by the Insiders was shown by the fact that the stock has ad vanced 6 Per cent sine tho itni.r.Mn The bank statement shows another heavy i .V Kurrnc irom ixew xork banks to the United States subtreasury. From the Interior during the week there was a net Inflow of $l,90ti)0, but on operations with the subtreasury, owing to corporation pay ments, there was a loss of 18,169.000, the net result being a drain of $6,263,000 from the New York banks. The first gold import movement has been Inaugurated with the engagement of 11.750.000 irnld har. i t,- J""'" tne flr8t large Import of gold fu.ui.o mnoe January, i0B. other en gagements which are ponding are tempor arily checked by a raise in the exchange rate. Copper Is War Down. Producers of copper are of the opinion that the price ol this metal has found its .?' oeneve that future move ment will be upward. Adolnh Lewisohn tne copper magnate, who arrived In this country yesterday from Europe, is of the opinion that there la nn n.u,o,.,lu ... amalgamation of the copper interests of the United States Into a "combine." Mr. Lew isohn believe natural laws will adjust con ditions in the copper metal market without relying ution a i'ntruii..iun ducers to raise and lower the output as the orders soem to Justify. He said the pres ent copper condftions have prevailed before .-r" " aiways adjusted them- """Y"- J-wisonn looks optimistically vii 1 11 e ill iiki mn nnff uavm n... .1 : i , Europe governing this metal are very bright Just now. . Soever & C.n. hn m,rt..- .L - Missouri. Kansas & Texas Railway com pany $10,000,000 one-year 6 ner oent i,, gold bondw. The proceeds of tha win k. r"He2. to, flnanc the cost of new terminals in ht. Louis, new eonlnment snH irr.nr... ments and the acquisition of the stock of t a .-iitrai railway, a valuable -w,,,cn owns a Traction over miles of line from Waco to Ho tan, Tex. 267 In the Field of 'Laor The settlement of labor difficulties upon southern railroads has clarified the atmos phere lu that section, practically free of KS. i'a H?weve''. trouble has now been . 1,10 rBSl ard middle west again, with employes of the Pennsylvania lines del inarming higher wages. An amicable ad- j..w..i ui mis airricuity is anticipated I ne .Pennsylvania rnai'i trnnhla 1o n44 leduby.ine conciliatory attitude adopted by both sides. . Louisville & Nashville earned less for its stock in the second half of the fiscal year than It did in the first. The road has Just closed its fiscal year with nearly 17 per nt earned upon Its lines. No steps are being taken to regulate the prices in the steel market. A shrinkage is l?.wn, .but tne outlot 'or trade is good. Statistics compiled today show that ac tual sales pf new railroad, industrial and public service bonds of all classes during June reached total of $120,00(5,000, bringlna tna grana total for the first half of the year up to $876,000,000. The bond market has thought" " conipletely Pthejtlc as some An. '"V!"' 'n'erest Is the election of Ed ward H. It. Green, son of Hetty Qreen. as a director in the Seaboard National bank. When Mr. Green arrives here later In the month from Texas, where he runs the Mid land railroad, it is reported he will make another attempt to become a factor in Wall street. Number of sales und leading quotations v. ct .irv. n a vyrsiv u 1O110W8: Sales. Hlrh. Low. Close. Allia-Chalmera pfo Amalgamated Copper American Agricultural .... American Beet Sugar American Can American C. A K Americas Cotton Oil American H. A L. ptd Am, loe Securities American LJnaeed American Locomotive American 8. A K Am. 8. A K pfd Am. Steel Koundriea Am. Sugar ReMnlng American T. A T American Tobacco ptd American' Woolen Anauonda Mining Co Atchison ....... Atcblaun pfd Atlautlo Coast Una. Baltimore A Ohio. Iiethlehem Steal Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pat! If to Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of Mew Jersey Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago A Alton , tailcago Ot. W C. O. W. pM Chicago A N. W C M. A St. P C. C. C. A 8t. L Colorado F. 4k I 21,700 100 70 4l 40 100 18 401, Vi 49 19 Vi 'si' 'ti'i SVI 60 40 4V ft vVi 31 8 BO 6 10 10 28 23 21i 12V4 o,uu on esj s 101 SKI 119 J00 IU ll U3V4 'ii" J6Ti rS ioi" iu? 'iivi 18714 "V 1MVI 11 W244 3 100 jt) 14. W0 37 37 26 87 7i IV) lilt U0 10Vi "xi'-i 'wi v0 1T 1,M S2',, 2o 104Vj 11 1074 a 7o 17 S3 104 M 71 94 44 142 121 T5 32 M U2 U 168 tot r 2A 41 1 141 1,10 100 4Vi M14 00 Hit 10,000 liaia 141 111 iw l-' :is Colorado 4e Bouihem Consolidated Uaa , Oom Producta Ilelaware A Hudaon Denver A Rio urande , 1. R. O. pfd. maimers' Securities Erie , Krle lat ptd Brie M pfd lieneral Klectiio Oivat Northern pfd tireet Northern Ore ctfa. .. llllnula Cenlrml lnterhfrougll Met Int. Met. pfd International Harveatar .. International Marine' pfd. International Paper IlltematUmal Pump Iowa tvntral Kanau City 80 K. C. So. pfd lac lade Oaa Uralavllle A N Minn. Bt. Loula M., St. p. A s. a. M I.6H0 1S3 1.100 14 100 lot . 600 ao 400 70 9uo ns 00 26 ltl 13 V, If 70 ti rs 24a 100 141 V. 1,00 1264a 141 13 6I0 6a 61 62 117 410 111 11 14 Vt 4lr ly 400 W 14 M 14 lwi 44 43 43 I'M) 1 lt 1( too rv n ii wn (1 ci 41 2,u ua x 7 6 14 141 141 . ) 27 37 3 1M 126 124 1M 1.1U0 12 31 34 100 44 4 1.IKI0 6 67 6 1o2 W l uT '"ino iis ji iui4 10 42 41 43 300 97 17 7 I.1U0. 111 116 117 6il 4 34 . t.0 la 127 in 400 106 lug 104 100 la 6 M 14 13 100 165 16 ISA 41 . I6.ku 144 143 144 3 lu 11 l 1 4.IH1 31 to 31 1 7.1 71 73 41 ,. .. ai M., K. tc T M., K. T. pfd Missouri Paulflo National Hlerult -. . National Lead N. K. H. of M. Id pfd New York central N. Y.. O. W Norfolk A Western North American Northern Paclfto Pacific Malt Peunaylvanla People s uaa P., (!.. C. It. L plttaburg Coal Preaard Steel Car Hull man Palace t'-r Klla 8tel Spring loading Hapubllc Hleel Republic tt.l pfd Kerk laland t Ha t l.lan V pfd at. L. S. P. M pfd .... IU Lou.1 8. W (". I., ft. w. rM Slnaa-Khelftatil S. A I.,, Southern Pacific Southern Rallwav So. Rallwar plii Tenneeena copper Texaa At pacific T., St. L, a: W T., St. U W. pfd t'nton Pacific l"nnn Pacific rfcl 1U"1 IS.ane ee '"ino 114 MS 64 I Mi 11 M 'ii" 24 4 4H i:,k P0 'ii" I Hi1 It 4Hi 7 7,'S 11 iv, 41 Mj 6H 44 40 tHj S 1"0 W.4 1011 , "l ew 800 nv !. no . 1.k 2l 4IIU 11 V, 'it" 7"4 1 1 41 an it Mle nltd fllatea Hlty.... nl!4 Slaira Kubtwr. nltrl Siaira Kr.1 . 8. Knl pfd tah 'opp a.-i'antlina C'hamlral , Witt 41 14 14 44 11 vtahaah Wiuun pfd Kmnrn Mary1an4 ...... W.alrn l.'nion WhMtlna A llia Krla. Tntal aalia tor tin iij, iZl.iiK) a6ra. etr York Money .Market. NBW YORK. July 9. MONK Y On call, nominal; Time loans, very strong; sixty days. per cent and ninety uays, 4'u 4' per cent; six months, 6V4 per cent. PlllMli; .Mt,K(JAIVllL,t, fAftlVllV per cent. STtKL.iPiU JxcitArurj wteaay, witn dual business In bankers' bills at $4.837041) i.KVM for sixty-day bills and at H.KiSO for demand; commercial bills, $4 .834i4.83V. SILVER Bar, 6uV; Mexican dollars. 44c. BO.NDS uovernment, steaay; rauroaa. steady. C'lOHlng quotations on bonds today were as follows: V. S. rf. la, r(....1lInt. M. M. 44a do coupon lWS'Japan 4s p' V. s. la, rf miH du do coupon 10IK. C. to. lnt la iiw V. 8. 4a. rag 1MNL. 8. dab. 4a Ml ... do coupon lUSb. ft N. unl. aa AIM. -hl. tat Is T M , K. & T. lat 4f.. 4 Am Ag. (a .1MI do fan. 4S tJ .10) llu, facitlv 4a i.4 . 7HN. It. It. of M. 4Wa n .1ih-,n. Y. c f. IWa "H . il Mo deb. 4a tt . lN. Y., N. If. A H. . IOoVj c'r. Oa Ml .linSN. A W. lat c 4a.. M . 4 do ct. 4. V4 . y'tNo. I'aciflo 4a 1101 . not do la . '..0. a. L. rfds. 4a w . H Pann. av. I'a mi... tij4 .1044 do eoa. 4a 1UJ4 . KaWKcadtns sail. 4a .1 81. L. 8. F. If. 4a. .VI .luoii do gan. la Ui Am. T. A T. cT.a4., Am. Tobacco 4a...., do a Armour A Co. 4Ha Atrhiaon gan. -la... do ct. 4a do ct. Ge ... ..... At. C. U lat 4a... Ual. A Ulilo 4a do SW do . IV. 3Va... Brk. Tr. ct. 4a Cen. of ua. 6a Can, Leather &e.... et?. ol N. J. g. f.a. Chea. A Ohio 4We.. do eg. 4 Via Mst. U 8. W. o. 4a.. W) Chicago 4c A. 3V,a.. 11 do lat sild 4a -J" B . U. 1 4a. WHS. U adj. ea. .. 11 .. W .. SJVi .. V ' ..!04 .. 7444 ..100 ..101 .. 6Vk do gen. 4a ... . 3 Bo. Pac. col. 4a.. I4a 1S do ct. 4a 4a. 71 do lat ref. 4a.., ..... M'tSo. Hallway 6a.. 74 do gen. 4a C. M. A I P. d. C, H. I. P. 1 do rfg. 4a Colo. lnd. 6a... Cola Mid. 4e.. 47 Union Parlllo 4a C. A 8. r. A a. 4 Va. Mli do ct. 4a I), at H. ot. 4a..... WW do 1st A ref. 4a.. 1). 4k R. O. 4a...'... ., 1SV. 8. Rubber 4a.... .. oaU. 8. Steel Id 6a... .. 16 Ve.-Oero. them. 6a .. mSWabajMi let 6a .. 46 do lat ex. 4a... .. (7 Western Md. 4a .. II Waal. EIho. ct. la.. do ref. 6a. 101 107 VI , MS, M eiilatillera' 6e Erie p. 1. 4a do gen. 4a do ct. 4a. aer. A. do aeriea B 714 Oon. Bloc. cv. la.. ..WS Wla. Central 4a 111. Cn. lat ref. UTH'Mo. Pao. ot. la ctfa. WVk Int. Met. 44" 7 eflld. Oflered. atatementa of CleatrlBK Ilonae Baalu. NEW YORK, July 9. The statement ot clearing l.ouae banks for the week (five days) shows that the banks hold $11,326,660 more than thes requirements of the 25 per cent reserve rule. This is a decrease of $7,bol,WO In the proportionate cash reserve as compared with last week. The state ment follows: Decrease. Loans $1,208,016,600 $ 7,521,400 Keponlts .. I,la4.573,400 23,700,400 'Circulation Legal tender 4.1,4il,0O 66,715,200 .. 240,61(4,700 .. 307.469,900 .. 2u,143,3o0 .. 11,326,560 .. 11,758,075 54,800 v 1,603,400 epecle Reserve Reserve required... Surplus Ex-(J. 8. deposits.. 11.814,600 13,517,000 5.825.100 7,51,00 - 7,664,700 Increase. The percentage of actual reserve- of the clearing house banks today was 26. bo. The statement of banks and trust com panies of Oreater New York not reporting: to the clearing house shows: ,, Decrease. Loans $1,147,892,000 $27,347,100 Specie 127,122,700 3,247,600 Legal tender 22.0i6.7W Total deposits.. 1.248,873,800 362.400 4LoV,200 Increase. Londoa Stock Market LONDON. July . On the Stock exchange here today American rails openea net on the government crop report and the pros nects of a poof New York bank statement. Later prices naroenea sugntiy on a tew covering orders, but the, market closed un certain. . . ' Cloning; quotations on stocks were: Consols, money HIl-MLoalrrllla A N 146 .. ttVjM., K. A T 12 .. VjN. Y. Oentral 1UH .. 7S Norfolk A W 100 .. MM do sfd Kt do account Amul. Copper Anaoonda Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio., Canadian Pacific .. Cheaapeake 4k Ohio, ..101 Ontario A W 43 ..110 Pennaylvanta 46 ...l:4Rand illnea t. 74 Reading T8Uj Chicago Ot. W. C. M. A Bt. P. .. 14 So. Railway IBS ..121 do ptd 16 Do Beera 17H8outbern Paclflo ....lli. Dener A R. 0 10V Union Paclflo .142 do ptd lm do pfd S3 Erie I4T6U. 8. Steel 70t do lat pfd 42Vi do pfd Ill do Id ptd II Wabaeh 17ft Grand Trunk 17 Wabaeh pfd 86 Illlnola Central Ul Rpantah 4a II S1LVKR Bar, steady at 25Sd per ounce. MONKY 1H per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2h per cent; for three months' bill 2 per cent. Local Bocoritloa. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, Jr., 633 New York Life building, Omaha: Bid. Aaked. Cudahr Packing Co. Is,1 114 ., City Nat l Mana Bldg. 4a, 1IW , Cltjr ot Omaha 414a, 1930 Colurnbua IClec. Lt. I, 1924 , tirioan ire lua. 'tJO Iowa Portland Cement lat mtg. 4a. ... Iowa Portland Cement eon. 6e kauaaa City, kea. at Orient pfd.... Kaiuuui Oaa A Hiea. 7 pfd Kanaaa Oaa A Bleo. 6a, Iftg Michigan Stat let. ptd llorria A Co. iaa. US) Neb. Telephone atock, . ax die.. low 1034 II " 140 l' ' n ' 160 " ' rs u Ml ' W Vi M 8H H IBM 94 1 1M 160 1M 1-1 17 108 10 in M 91 SB as 16 M , II 100 . Neb. Traction A Power 4a, 1Mb...... Tl Omaha Water Co. 6a, 144.. Omalia uaa la, 1111 ,. II Omaha E, L. pfd. 1 a:!1. umana at C b. St. My. pfd., 1 as Omalia 4fc C. M. SL Ky. la, lane rtl Omaha tt C. B. Ky. 4k B. pfd 44 ia Paclflo T. A T. la, 1W7 17 Swill anu couipauy ae, !..... eata City of Soutb umaha ea rata State lnauiaooe Co. 11 Seattle, ty of, la, 1. 104 tnlon Stock Yards stock. So. Omaoa.. 96 Boaloa Itocka auti lloutla. BOSTON, July 0. Closing quotation on tninlns; stocks were as follows: Allouea 16 Mohawk A mat. Oopper .., A. Z. U A 8.... Artauna Coin. . Atlantio , H. A C C. A 8. . 40 Nevada Con. . 22 Nlplaaing MLnae ,, . 14 North Itutte . 6 North Lake . liOld Dominion . 17 oeceole . 41 Parrott 8. A C .601 Uulncy . 14Shannoa , . 11 Superior . 7 Superior A B. M.. . T" Huparlor A F. C.. . 41'auianack . 30 U. gw C. A O , 4 U. 6. S. K. A M. .14 do pfd . t'tab t oo. . 43 Winona ... . 10 WolTarlna . 18 . ! .10H ,. vi4 . i . 13 ,.123 . 13 . . 40 ,. .. . 41 ,. 34 ,. 98 ,. 4? .. 20 .. .106 11. Butte Uualttlon Cat. A Arliona !al. A Hecla Centennial Copper ltange U. C. Kaat Butte C M ... Franklin Glroux Oon Oranhy Con Oreene Cananea ... lale Rorale Copper., Kerr Lake , Lake Copper La Salle Copper Miami Copper Kid. New York (.orb tlwktt The following quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 3io Boutn tnxteenui street, Omaha: Bay Slate Oaa.., Butte Coalition Culno Chief Cnn. aTle-Daly Kly Central .... Ely m Franklin Glroua Ooldfiald Con. . Ooldfleld Daley Oreene Casauea 34 Larvae 4 , 17 Nevada Con , 10 Newoouee , ltblo Copper 1 Hawhlde Coalition , WHay Central , 46 Swift Pkg. Co , Superior A P , t'Tunopah Mining ,, , I Trinity Copper .... , T North Lake , T Bohemia . 18 . 17 . 1 . 1 . 2 .101 . . 6 . 6 . . 1 Book of Uerssanr Stateaaeat. BERLIN, Jury . The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following changes; Decrease. .... 34.82.0oO mark Cash In hand Loan Discount , Treasury bills 136.137,000 mark 151.544.OoO mark 16.2a4.000 mark Notes In circulation.. ... 177,233.000 mark ... 99 Ml.ooo marks ... 17,794,000 marks saw I ... 3J Deposit uTl Gold in I hand... Increase. Book Cleariacs. OMAHA. July 9 Bank clearing for to day were $2.33,67187 and for the correspond ing date iaat year $2,108,176.42. Total clear ing lor the week were; 1910. 1909. $2.hW.ii044 2u41,367 $.107,864.11 $.444.64.00 1,108, 17. 42 Monday ... Tuesday ... Wedneaday Thursday . Friday .... Saturday . Totals Holiday. .$ 8.839.841.48 . I.loOtMOS . 2.4X1.79607 . i.tw;,mn . 1.123,573.87 ...$:l,U4 496.78 $12,792,063 04 OMAHA LIVE SlOCli MARKET Some Kindt of Cattle Lower, Others Higher for Week. uOGS ARE IIVx, pOXS HJGHES V 1 Aw Hrrp on Mule Hatarday mm Prices tor Wrek Are Stroo, W hile l.amba Are tieoerally Aboot Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, July . 1810. ReceiDta. hire: Ckillti. Xlolie. ouocp. Official Monday ... O.liciai 'lueeuay Official Wedneaday. oiiicml Tliuraday... t-'Hicial Frluuy catiiiiaia oaiurd&y . .. 2.0.11 .. 1.321 .. 3,tMit .. I,0o4 .. Hi 2.7uo 4.044 b.yih. 4,101 &.o4 i.OOl k,42w ,ioO oli ISlx day this week 11.20S 2i.m . tiume uuya last week....ll,t4 oe.uos la. ail dtime uays 2 weeks ago.. 1,, 143 l, ao.441 came Uays 3 weeks aso..l5,l2 4i,o48 l,fo4 riaino days 4 weeks v,Ui U,rUf 6uiiiu tlaja last year. ...12,314 4o,uW s.mi Holiday. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep nt South Omalia for tne year to, date compared witn last year: 11(10. 1S. . inc. aJoc. Cattle tK..lM 4tu.:7 lu.ciJ Hons Uiii.-Vvl l,44f.oa 204.410 silu-ep 70o,SJ 18,4i6 2i,407 The foilovwiiK tauitj ahuue tne aveiKiU prices of lions at fcotuh Omalia lor 111 wl several days, with comparisons: Ua'tes. 1010. liH.lJ6.la0i.lihj.190o.l'J01. June 29. 8 9t4 7 62 W 9 02 I J 561 03 6 921 I 471 S 221 fi 06 i OS June W) e 16 461 s 1 July 1 a su-aj I u S vo $ 784.1 7 6.: & ; t4 1 23 I 13 5 19 July July July Juiy 1... ... 4... ... 6... 7... 8... 6 4 4S 6 761 6 4ft 5 29 i ; oa e , ee I 8 IvSt-l 7 711 e I i 7U, fi 4ol 6 2i 6 6 Juiy s ; ,i t m & 7u, s 4ii & 251 6 21 Juiy I 7HJ 7 Wl 2o 481 5 2ii. 6 19 Juiy July 6 66 1 i 7 o 15 5 74 5 29 1 5 17 I I 7 67 8 181 5 691 6 52 5 lo Sunday. Holiday. Receiuts and tliMiinsitloii of live stock at the Union block Yards, South Omaha, Neb., tor tweiity-lout- hours undlng at o clock p. m., July 9, 1910: RKCKIPTS. C. M. & St P 4 Union Pacific 8 .. 1 C. ot N. VV., east 23 C. it N. W., west 4 23 .. I U. St. P. M. & O t. 7 C. B. & g., east 4 1 C. Ii. tt y., west 11 .. . C. R. 1. ac P., east.. .. ,3 C. R. 1. ec P., west..' .. 2 . .. Illinois Central '1 V. ii. W 3 i Total receipts 8 84 2 2 DISPOSITION Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 439 .... 8o9 .... 88 636 .... 1,063 .... 99 .... .... 417 , 28 , 1 Swift etc Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Cudahy ,' from K. City Cudahy from So. St. Paul Hill & son Other buyers , Totals 216 2,W 417 CAj. mere were liu catl.e of any consequence here Uirlay, Uie market being practically bare as usual at the ciose oi tho week. Receipts lor the week have not been very large, showing a slow falling off a compared with last week and suu more ot a tailing off as compared with a year ago. A feature of the week's run has been the large supply of cornfed steers. It Is a question If mere ha been any week previous to this when more good cornfed steers arrived at the yards. In conse quence of this large supply of fat cattle receipt of other kind were oorrespona lngiy small. -The market on beef cattle opened on Tuesday higher, an advance of 10i0Uc beUig reported, but a a matter of fact some cat tle showed even more sain than that. Dur ing the two day following the market broke badly, all the advance Detng wipea out and more too. At the close of tne week It is safe to quote the market lOWldc lower than at the close of last week,, ana on some kinds of cattle the market 1 possibly a flat Hoc lower. Cow and heifers were light all week, or at least In moderate supply, with the re ault that the market waa in a good healthy condition. The severe break In beef cattl would naturally have some Influence on butcher stock, but still the supply was so moderate that prices remained Ilrm, and at the close of the week the market Is anywhere from a little stronger to as much as louloo hlgner In some cases. Stocker and feeders were in moderate supply throughout the week, while the de mand was somewhat Unproved owing to the better feellna- prevailing In the country In oonseauence of the June rains. Prices gradually, firmed up and at the close of the week are around lOt&loc higher. than one wvek ago. Quotations on cattle: Gooa ' to cnoic cornfed Kteers, I7.2Mi8.00; fair to good corn fed steers, 16. 60s:7. 25; common to fair corn- fed steers, l6.50ia6.eo: good to choice cows and heifers, $5. 006.00; fair to good cows nd heifers, $3.807j4.00; common to lair cows and heifers.li.COftij.so: good to cnoice stock rs and feeders, I4.264j5.65; fair to good stockers and feeders, $3.io&4.Z; common to fair stockers and feeder. $3.00&3.7o atock heifer. $J.254j4.00: veal calves, $3,500 7.00; bulls, stags, etc., $3.25f4.70, Rsprenentativ sales: ' . COWS. No. 10.... At. Pr. No. .. 741 $ 00 te tlEIFh-RS. .. Ill I 15 CALVES. At. Pr. 3 4 IS 14., 4 170 I 75 4 , 4 126 I 00 140 I 50 STOctCLRS AND FEEDERS. H. 461 I 76 41 940 4 26 13 721 8 SO ' VV KSTkUtNS NEBRASKA. , Frank Sides Neb. 21 feeders.. 108 5 60 ' Scows 834 4 35 3 cows 818 8 00 t cow 1000 4 35 12 calves... 171 6 50 1 bull 1290 t 66 10 Sleers....l246 6 55 ' Scott Sldea Neb. II steers.. ..1008 (50 Scows 940 1 oow 1070 4 00 1 heifers... 836 3 oalves... 185 6 50 2 calves... 2C6 8 15 i 4 50 ' 6 00 HOU8 The market recovered a portion of yesterday's sharp decline today on a limited supply. In a general way, hogs sold about a nickel higher, but an uneven session Is always a poor basis tor comparison and salesmen's opinions were colored more or less by the treatment they received yes terday. Some business was done at figures no better than strong, while dime advances were also apparent In both divisions. Light shipping and bacon grades met with the popular demand' as usual and sold at or near the top of ' the list. Shippers picked out a few loads, but their orders were not large enough to exclto very much com petition. Movement was fairly active and pens cleared within two hours after the opening. Heavies and extra heavies ex perienced the average advance, but the usual spread Is still In force, extra and rough lot bringing the low figures. Selected lights sold up as high as $8.90, good mixed around $8. 60 8. 65 and heavies around $8.5024l.tt, according to quality and weight. Bulk ranged from $8.60 to $8.65. For the week receipt have been relatively light, but demand for product has been very dull and hog prices have weakened as a result. Current sales are just about itt'Mo lower than those at last week's close. ' Representative rales No. 47.. 47.. 43.. 61.. 61.. 41.. 61.. 14.. 69.. AT. 39 26 tuO H4 176 14 311 tit tIM) 164 Ill 171 Ii4 8h. Pr. N. At. Sh. Pr. ...331 100 I 12 ...344 40 I 4a ...144 140 I 46 ...3.14 100 I 41 ...324 ... 141 ...234 U0 I 46 ...111 40 I 46 ...141 40 I 41 ...149 1(10 I 41 ...140 200 I 06 ...341 ... 146 ... 40 I 46 ...137 10 I 41 40 I II 40 I 46 49 I 41 40 I 46 180 I 46 110 I 46 ... I 69 10 I 60 0 I 60 10 I 69 50 I 60 40 I 10 40 I 60 ... I 66 M I 65 4.... 17.... 44.... :.... 44.... 76.... 11... 47.... 16.... 61.... 66.... 79.... 14.... 74... 41 ... 64.... 66.... 64.... 46.... TO.... 130 I 41 130 I 70 ... I 10 ... 170 40 I 70 40 I 70 40 I 71 80 I 71 ... I II U I II 149 I 16 ... I 11 N 111 100 I 49 ... I 44 0 I 40 49 I 49 40 I 19 .164 .369 140 I 61 4 137 74 113 46 fttt 71 tm 11 Hi 42 14 tl 123 61 313 44 .323 11 14 11 ra u lui 49 221 14 90 3o1 44 3U9 13.. 41.. SI.. 41.. 40.. 40.. 74.. 44.. SO.. 61.. 41.. S3.. 44.. 7.. ....171 14 I 66 ....SM lu I 66 ... 14 ... Ill ....141 ... 166 ..... 130 4 64 ....141 ... IU. ... MO 149 I 66 ....166 316 I 44 ....Ul 140 IS ...IU 340 140 ....BMI 111 IS) ...141 ... 140 110 149 . ... 1-41 49 IM ....344 S I 90 SHEEP Two loads of sheep and lambs, mixed, were received hls morning, but they were consigned direct to a packer and the market remained nominally steady. For the week, supplies have been fairly liberal and demand rather quiet, closing ..rt. nreaenting a very dull appearance. Bulk of the run conalsied of western stack nd sharp advances wi scored on Tu. day, the trle appearing 15fi25c higher. Practically an or tne eariy improvement has vanlHhed during the last two or three days, however, and best kinds of sheep are little if any nisner man a weea ago. tiomi riahily-wetuht yearlings are uiitiiatny up to $6 60, choice fat wethers would sell around 14 40 and strictly prune grass ewe would not sell over $4.25 at most. Lamb trade haa been pretty sticky on most dsys owing to heavy southern supply t eaatern points, out loral prices have held up remarkably well. It lakes extra quality lo bring $7.7o anil the ordinary run of stuff ha Ix-en moving around 17.00, little different from quotations at last week's close. Feeder sort was fairly large this week. ml hlle the Inquiry is by no means as active aa.lt was a year ago. there arc plenty of orders on rile to lake care of moderate offerings. The week Is closing with a perfect clearance, most of the etntr selling on much the same basis as common nd fair quality killing stock. Quotations on grass stock: Good tn rh,,l,. lambs, $7,264(7.75; fair to good lambs, $ 7.Va 7.25; fair to god lambs, $6.7oi;,7.25; feeding lambs. $O.OOM.25; handy weight vearllnca. $r..00i(6.50; heavy yearlings, $4.6Wi5.00; heavy reeling yeaning", e.e"i4.oo; goon to choice wetneif, 4.i6ii 4.40; fair to good wethers. $J..Vy 4.1.'i; feeding wethers, ;).D(ii.Ni; fat ewes, $3 75i 4.2-i; feeding ewes, $2.7)3.25. thlcago Live "tuck Market. CIUCAtiO, July 9. CATTLK Receipts. estimated at 700 head: market steuily; beeves. $5.$MiS.35; western Meets. ti.3Un.i1.io: stockers sua feeders, $3.7iVu;. ,"0; cows and hellers, $2.66'f46.0: calves. to.OOuio.O. HOUS-Otecclpts. estimated at 9,000 head; market b'uioc higher; light, $J.10n9 35; mixed, ?S.s,ya.37V; heavy, $.joo9.1o; rough. s.tn.ui.w; good to choice heavy, $J.o0'j 3.10; pigs, ti.lu((iv.4u; bulk of sales, $.90u'J.lo. cuttci' AMU LAMIts-Receipl. esu-iiMtt-u at 4,000 heud; market steauy; native. z.nxu'I.oo; western, I2.mku4.60: leanings. 14. .6 luu.ou; minus, native. 4.,iaYuO: western 14.90 V i . w. Kansas City Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CllY, July 9 CA'iTLH Re ceipts, 2uo heud; no soutneins; market. steady; native steers. J4.io1i8.Uj: southern steers, $4.006.25; southern cous, ii.4.uti; nutive cows and heifers. I2..5ut7.25: stockers and feeders) $3.25tj5.50; buns, $3.2o4.ij; calves, $3.i648.2u; western steers, 84.'ia(ui.40; western cows, $3.2oUo.60. HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head; market, 6ijl0c lower: bulk of aalex. XX xnruK ikl: heuvv. Ih 71 ifi.H,, pacKYrs and butchers, 8.b09.00; light, $o.90tj9.1o; pigs, 4.r,ixu,.00. SHKKP AND LAMUS-Receipts, 1,000 head; market, steudy; muttons, $4.o04t-i.00; lambs. I7.0O4jX.15: fed ayethera and VearllllilS. $4.264j5.50; fed western ewes, $3.7i(H.50. St. Losls Live Block Market. ' ST. LOUIS, July 9. CATTLE-1 Receipts, 500 head. Including 200 Texans; .market, steady; native beef steers, $o.75&8.40; cows and heifers, 4.70(iyi7.25; stockers and feed ers, $l.5ju.75; Texas and Indian steers, $4 507.00; cow and heifers, $3.&tU6.7o; calves In carload lots, - $7.50yS.75. HOGS Receipts, 4,600 head; market steady; pigs und lights, $9j0or9.65; packers; $.8604t9.26; butcher and best heavy, $8.9010 8.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpls, 6,0c0 head; market, steady; native muttons, $400 424.60; lambs, KUiXjtS.OO. . St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 200 head; market, steady; steers, $5.'io&7.75; cows and heifers, $3.2oO6.25; calves, $4.00iS8.00. HOGS Receipts. 8,000 head; market, steady to 5c higher; top, $9.05; bulk of sales, $S.65&8.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head; market, slow; lambs, $7.25fy,7.75. Stock In Slant. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha St. Joseph .... Kansas City . St. Louis ...... Chicago 223 4,181 615 500 200 200 600 700 3,000 2,000 4,800 9,000 1.000 6,000 4,000 Totals 1,823 82,681 12,115 FINANCIER CLAIMS .DISCREPANCY Statement of Associated Bank Pro- dncea Unexplained Conflict. NBW YORK, July .-The Financier will say: An amaxing discrepancy marked the publication of the statement of the asso ciated banks of the city of New York for the week ending Saturday, based on the statement of averages and oq the actual conditions of institutions. In the average Statement the loss In legale was reported a $13,500,000; loans were reported as hav ing decreased $7,500,000, while deposits fell $23,700,000. The result of these operations wa to re duce the reserve on all deposits by $7,591,900. making tlae surplus? reserve $11,326,555. The statement of actual conditions showed a decrease ot $24,021,100 In loans; an increase of $3,844,300 In cash and a decrease in de posits brought the cash reserve to $10,0719,000, making the present surplus above the 25 per cent minimum, $ld,739,100. There Is no explanation to reconcile these Conflicting! statements, but, as a matter of fact, the report ot actual conditions prob ably more clearly defines the real position of tho banks. The summary of state banks and trust companies not reporting to the New York Clearing house showed an enormous decrease of $27,347,000 in Kajis, a contraction of $28,003,800 in deposits, and an increase of $17,000,000 In cash. The trust company position is therefore stronger. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July 8. COTTON Futures, closed steady. Closing bids: July, 15.47c; August, 14.79c; September, 13.90c; October, U.toc; November, 12.66c; December, 12.63c; January, 12.63c; February, 13.64c; March. 12.67c; May, 12.70c. Spot closed quiet, 6 points higher; middling upland 15.45c; mid dling gulf 15.70c. No sale. LIVERPOOL, July 9.-4JOTTON Quiet; prices 7 points higher: American middling fair, 8.43c; good middling, 8.13c; middling, 7.99c; low middling, 7.89c; good ordinary, 7.63c; ordinary, "7. 88c. The sales of the day were 7.000 bales of which 300 were for spec ulation and export and Included 8,700 Ameri can. Receipts. 2,000 bales. Including 1,900 American. Futures opened steady and cloaed quiet. London Stock Market. 1lNDON. July 9. During the week the tock market suffered much liquidation in connection with a reported failure In Pa:-ls. Values sagged all around until the we-k end, when moderate buying and a tempor ary recovery in Americans, imparieu a stronger tone. American securities lost a to 4 point early In the week on continued bear pres sure, but recovered on the announcement of gold engagements and the maintenance of various dividends. 1 ooay, nowever, tne bad government crop report brought a fresh break and under renewed liquidation the. market closed uncertain and from 1 to 4 points undor last Saturdy. 8 agar and Molnaoea. NEW YORK. July $. SUGAR Raw, firm; Muscovado, 89 teat, 3.83o; oontrlfugai, 96 teat, 4.33c; molasseg sugar, 89 test, 3.58c. Refined, steady; cut loal, 6.9oc; eruslieni, 6.80c: mould A, 6.60c; cubes, 6 40c; XXX X. powdered, 6.30c; powdered, 5.2oc; granu lated, 6.15c; diamond A, 6.15c; confection ers' A, 4.9oc; No. 1, 4.90c; No. 2. 4.85c; No. 3, 4.80c: No. 4, 4.75c; No. 5, 4.70c; No. , 4.65c; No. 7, 4.60c; No. 8, 4.56c; No. 9. 4.50c; No. 10, 4.45c; No. 11. 4.40c; No. 12, 4.35c; No. 13, 4.80c; No. 14, 4.30c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, 321-12420. Trraaary Statement. WASHINGTON, July 9. The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: Trust funds: Gold coin, $862,798,869; silver dollars, $490,576,000; silver dollars of 1890, $3,662,000; sliver cer tificates outstanding, $490,675,000. General fund, $6,590,667: current liabilities, $90.5741115; working balances In treasury offices, $14 149. 804; In banks to credit of treasurer of the United States, $39,658,397; subsidiary silver coin, $19,626,555; minor coin. $1,221,500; total balance In general fund, $107,173,435. Oils nnd Heal. NEW YORK, July 9. OILS Petroleum, ateady; refined, New York, bbls., $7.63; re fined. New York, bulk, $4 16; Phlkidelphia. bbls., $7.66; Philadelphia, bulk, $4.15. Tur pentine, firm; machine bbls., 68c. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good, $5.50. SAVANNAH. Oa., July $.-OILr-Turpen-tlne, firm at 64466C. t ROSIN Firm; typo K and G, $5.50. Liverpool Groin Siarkrt. LIVERPOOL. July . WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 3 red western winter, no stock. Future, strong; July, 7s; October, 7s Iiecemher. 7 2d. CORN Spot, firm; old American mixed, 6a4'.kd; old American mixed, via Galveston, lalVtd; new kiln dried, iilM. Futures, dull; September, 4s64ad: October, 4s 7d. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July .-C'OFFEK Futures closed a lead y. at a net gain ol 4 to 7 points; amine were reported of 2X750 bags; closing bids; July, $6.85; August, $6.90, September, lii.tiO: October. 1Y,!5: November nnd Decern- tier, IT.tm; spot, steady; Rl' No. 7, 8 7-16; Santos No. 4. 9t-; mild, steady; Cordova, ityl."c, OMillA .KNl:llAI. MARKET. Staple nnd laar) Produce Prices Par. nlahetl by lluyrrs and Wholesalers. HUTTER-Crtamery, No. 1. dellveve.1 t the retail trade In l-IK cartons, sou; No. I in 25-il. tuns, 2Vvc; No. i. ill l-lb. cartons, 27c; No. .'. 111 tki-lb. nibs, 2i'o; packing stock, hulld pack. JO ic; dairy, 111 0O-I0. tub. 2jc. Market rliuiiges every Tuesday. CHEESE-Twins, 17, c; yuuiw Auvilciis. JSc; daisy, llc; triplets, 17'jc; llinbei ger, lc; No. I brick, 17c, No. 2, U ; hvtporlrg !wi.h, 30c; dunnsllc Swiss, 23c; bl,ck Sul.-s, 22c ltM'LTRY DrcMsetl broilers, Sc; belts, 15c, cocks, UVic; ducks, lc; geese, IjC; tur keys, 2tic; pigeons, per doit., 11. "0; Iioiih r squab, per (tox 14. ou; fancy squab., per do., $3.6ti; No. 1, per dos., 13.00. Allt'9 broilers, from l',4 to Pi llif., 2oc; l'4j to i lbs., lc; hens, 12c; old loonier, 7c; ducj,, full feathered. 7c: ceic, full ftaiiiirnl, V. tuiktya, I8c; iulina fowls, 200 each; pigeons, per do., iuc; lionui.", per Uox., minaiit, No. 1, per tlox., $-'00; No. 2, per dos., 6e. FISH tall frosonl l'k'lterel, lie; wlilte IIMi, 14c, pike, Uc; trout, lie; laryc crajiples, 20c; Sp.tniHli maelierel, ISc; tel. lac; had dock, 13c; flounders, 171c; green catiev!i, isc; buffalo, be; halibut, 12c; white peicii, 9c; bullhuads, 14c; white cat, le; roeshad, II 00 tacli, shadruv. per pair, 60c; fro legs, per dux., KOc. BEEF Ci:TS-Rlbs. No. 1, 16'io; No. 2. 14c; No. 3. 9c. Loin, No. 1. 18c; No. 2. 14c; No. 8, 10c. Chuck, No. 1, 8'fcc; No. 2, 7'sc; No. 8, liUc. Round, No. 1, llc; No. 2. 10'c; No. 8, 8c. 1'late, No. 1, 7U-'; No. 2, 6tc; No. 3, 6L4C. FRC1 IS Oranges: California Camclla bland Redland valenciUK, loo ante, per box, $3.76; U6 size, per box, $4.60; 160 sisc, $4 50; 176 and smaller sizes, per box, 84.50. Ha vana Mediterranean awcuts, 200 216 sixes, per box. $4.00. Lemons: Liinonlera, extra funcy, 300-300 sixes, $0.00; choice, 3o0-.'Hj0 sizes, per box, $8,001)8.50; 240 slxc, 50c per box less; Sunset brand, per box. $8.00. Itannlms: Fancy select, per bunch, 82.j,2.;; Jumbo, hunch, $2.77fi'3.76. 1'lneapples: Florida, 30 36 sizes, $2.75; 42-4$ sizes, $2.50. Cantaloupes: California. 54 size, $3.75; 45 standards, $4.28. Cherries: California, per 10-lb. box, $1.75. Apricots: California, per 4-baslet crate. $1.50. Plums: California, red, per 4-baaket crate. $1.85. Blue I'runes: Per crate, $1.50. Peaches; California, per 20-lb. box, 90c; Texas yollow frees, per 4-bnsket crate, 75( 80e. Penrs: California Ilartlett, per box, $3.25. IV'sternielons: Texas, lc per lb. Dates: Anchor btnnd, new, 30 l-lb. pkgs. In box, per box. $2.00. VEGKTABLES Irish potatoes: Wiscon sin and native, per bu.. 50c. New potntoes: In sacks, per bu.', $1.00.. Cabbage: New California and southern, per lb., 240. On. Ions: Texas crystnl wax, per crste, $2.50; yellow, per crate, $2.50. Garlic: Extra fsncv, white., per lb., 15c; red, per lb., lfic. Egg plant: Fancy Florida, per do., $l.."ra2.00. Tomatoes: Tennessee, per 4-bnsket crate, $1.10. String; and wax beans: Per hamper, about 25 lbs., $2.00; murket baskets. ?6c Cucumbers: Hot house and home grown, per dm., 7R HOME-OROWN VEGETABLES Rad ishes: Extra fancy home-prrown. per dor. bunches, ?0c. Lettuce: Extra fnncy leaf, per dox., 30c. Parsley: Fancy home-grown, per dos. hunches, 30o. Rhtihnrb: Per dox. hunches. 4."c. Asparagus: Per don. bunches, 4.ri((750c. Green onions: Per doz. bunches, 25c. Turnips: Per market basket. 4lc! Carrots: Per market basket. MiflSc. BeeM: Per mirket basket. 60c. Green peas: per market basket. $1.00. MISCFTLANEOI'R-Walnuts: Black, per lb., 2c; California No. 1, per lb.. 17c; Cali fornia No. 2, per lb.. I4c. Hlckorvnuts: Large, per lb., 4c: small, per lb.. Sc. Cocoa nuts: Ter Bsck. $3.00; per (Joz., B5c. Veer York Mlnlner Stocks. NEW YORK. July 9 Closing quotation n mining stocks wren; Alice 200 tartvllle Con I n-onrjwlre. Cos 1 i,'tlle Chief Com. Tunnel atock... 23 Moxlran 100 60 bnnrla is Ontcrlo ...?oa Cnn. Cel. A Va 7 Ophtr If Horn Sliver 40 sirpitant 40 Iron Silver !O0 Yellow Jacket 16 eotfered. Wool Market. ' NEW YORK. I"lv 9. WOOL Quiet; do-rrre-tlo fleeve, 32ifi33c. ' ST. LOUIS, July 9 WOOL Unchanged; territory and western mediums. 18234c; fine mediums, 1iVS17c; fine, 12ifil4c. Omaha IIn- Market. flMllfl Jlllv t-Hir-Vn 1 um. x--rt t. $7.60; packing, $4.50; new, $10 00. Straw; nnrat, rye ana oats, (.uu. Airaira, $12.00. RAIN COVERS BLACK HILLS Lone Delayed Moisture Reaches Western South Dakota nnd Doe Ureat Good. DEADWOOD. S. D.. July 8.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Steady drizzling rain began fall ing this evening, general throughout the Black Hills, and Is worth many thousands to farmer and stockmen. MITCHELL, S. D July 9.-(Speclal Tele gram.) A rain covering this county and extending some distance beyond, fell during the night and was followed by a light shower this morning. The rain came slowly and every drop soaked into the ground. The precipitation amounted to 1.80 inches. Grain in this county has been doing ex ceptionally well under the dry conditions of the -last month, when the falling mois ture ha been lea than half an inch up to the present rain. CHIPPEWA FALLS, Wis., July 9. For est fire In thl section have been quenched and drouth broken by plenteous rain which fell today. WAUSAL. Wl., -July 9.-A heavy rain started in today and Indication are that there will bo a ateady downpour all day, which will be of great benlflt to the farm era and extinguish the forest fire which are raging around thl city. Reward for French Heroes. PARIS, July 9. The administrators of tho Carnegie Hero Foundation today awarded pensions varying from $40 to $300 an nually to widows and orphan of police men, firemen and other person who lost their live in the performance of he.-oio duty during the Paris floods last spring. New Players Come Today. Suter Sullivan and William Muriarty, tho two players purchased by Pa Rourke from Louisville this week, are expected to ar rive In the city tonight. They will Join tho Omaha team Sunday at Des Moines. Ad rxtH'fieiicMl i.titis operator, ut present micceusfully operating a plant, has socared desirable Icsse of 20 acifs. Adjoining on three sides are tho richest lead and zinc mines in the district; desires the assistance of one or more parties to help develop srnie. An attractive proposition can be made, and I desire to interest con servative business men, as I can furnish exceptionally good bank ing references as to honesty as well as Ability to make a success. ANDY MclNTl'KKF,, Webb City, Mo. stock rKirnvsoa 00 stbioti $10 and upward Invented In Option muy return very large profit in an ac tive stock market with limited risk. All contracts secured on commission. Write for dotal! and rates for Options. CKABa.Ha M. BTCBBT CO Mr A STY 376 Bourse, rtuiadelphia, Va. Herbert BaGooch Go Broker and Dealers OBAIsT VBOTISIOBS dTOOXI 03 aAa Offto:. US Board of Trad Bldg. BU Vaoao. Doug. S81 lad. A-Sl l-m OlaSBSX ABB aVAJtUBST BOUBB Uf $81 nXATaV .1