ft THE OMAHA' SUNDAY BEE: JULY 10, 13IJ li y. o c c o c c: ' . - bo dy Reads 5ee Want Ads ft HELP WANTED MALE Aetata sad Salesmen Coatlaaed. WANTED. REPRESENTATIVES IN ALL CITIES OVER 6.0UO HANDLE HIGH-GRADE Una of DISINFECTANTS AND DISIN FECTING APPLIANCES; ALSO LIQUID bOAPd. Address, COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL CO., 62 fAXTON BLOCiC. OMAilA, NEB. SALESMEN WANTEDSell PP'e orch ard lands in famous Willamette valley, Ore gon; reasonable price, easy terms; orchard cared for. Particulars, Oregon Apple Orch ards Co., Portland, Ore. . . I'LL START yOU In a big business; rive you credit; fascinating work; easy; even amateurs make W to 412 a day. Ciiapruan, Mich., made $1 firat day. Lee. OKI., made l.iOiW and built home In one year. Uur i.ew ales plan creating sensation. Men, women, write today for particulars. C. 10. Swarts ha ugh, Box , Toledo, O. SALESMAN to carry quick selling t and 10-cent candy specialties a aide line for .New York manufacturer; liberal c-omrals-alon. Address Todd Candy company, M fcpring Jit, New York City. $27.60 AVERAGE made by our agents last week. You can do as well, even better, w Hum writes "Heat money getter 1 ever saw." Mrs. Judson aays Making $6.00 dally." Nothing like It offered for MEN or WOMEN. Send today for free Informa tion. Uould Specialty Co., Hennen Bldg., New Orleans. BOY and girl agents. Bell 34 packages court plaster for us at 10c each and receive a beautiful pair of skates or doll free. Write today. Mitchell Supply Co., Port land. Ore., 174 Front St. iMANAOER wanted, every city and county; handle beat paying bustnesa known; legitimate, new, exclusive control; no Insurance or book canvassing. Address Chss. Halatead, 43 West 34th St., New York. K1VE side, line salesmen to sell three Live Wire propositions for premium and retail purposes direct to dry goods, grocery and furniture stores, in small towns; s.'ilendid commission; "prompt settle ments." American Factories Co., St. Louis, Mo.' HELP WANTED WALE Mlecellaneoa oatlaaed. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks required; splendid trade for poor man; be your own boss; csn start shop with small capital or work 112 to $20 weekly; good demand for barbers; further Information free. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. DELIVERY horse. Omaha. SUMMER sulta to ordr 117.60. reduced from $25. MacOarthy-Wlleon, S04 S. 16th St. TOUNO man for fruit department at Bennett's. Apply In Dept. THE BENNETT CO. FAMILY or delivery horse, sound, gentle, for sale cheap. Dr. C. E. Sapp, South Omaha. 'Phone So. 217. THE Parlor Theater has the best to be had In vaudeville and it is cool all the while. HIGH SCHOOL man to put up real estate signs, (cloth and wlrs). good pay by com' mission, ought to nave norse. Address at once. G-4i5 care Bee. Cwvra, Birds, Dogs aad ra AT STUD King Comet, magnificent white, blue-eyed Persian (Angora) cat. Sires beautiful kittens. Kittens tor sale. Comet Cattery, 1318 So. 31st St. 'Phone Harney 1348. FOR SALE Good fresh. Webster 4430. A COUPLE good real estate salesmen, ex perienced. More customers tnan can handle. Commission, salary when proven. Answer at once, J-477 care Bee. SUMMER suits to order 117.50, reduced from $25. MacCarthy-Wltaon. 304 S. 16th St. $86 MONTHLY and expenses to reliable people to collect names and leave samples; large wholesale house, jri. Monroe, preai dent, 8 808, Chicago. ANYBODY can add $8 to $30 weekly to their inoome growing mushrooms In eel lars. sheds, boxes, etc; big market; free bockleL Hiram Barton, West 48th St., New York. WANTED Men to prepare for September railway man examinations: nign salary. Write today for free lesson and froe scholarship plan. Osments, Dept. E-B, St. Louis. NINE Odd Fellows given pleasant, profit fc. 1 ..1 ... - . k. . . ....... I ... time. Fraternal, Thames Bldg., New York. WANTED Several first-class. expert enced road salesmen; most popular line on the market; sells readily to country stores; pront sharing coupon, premium proposi tlon; every merchant glad to buy. Write for particulars. Old reliable, well estab lished, wholesale house. Our best saies men are making big money. Address 1110 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. I WANT GOOD, capable men for stnto Of Kansas, Missouri and Iowa to sell piano 'advertising contests for dealers and news papers. We got the business. 1 will break you In myself. Write me at once with full refeiences and experience. C. H. Dayton, of Inter-state Mlg. co.( ueni iei., at. Joseph, Mo. WANTED A man of ability as state manager for the highest class medical proposition ever put on the market.. A man who can handle agents and a mall order business, with a little capital, van mzke several thousand dollars yearly. It la a chance of a life time. Write now. Address National Inspirator Co., 1230 E. 63d St., Chicago, in.' REAL ESTATE SALESMEN wanted in every state to Bell lots in "SETTLE," the little manufacturing city In the heart of the Cltrua belt of Texas, twenty-ftvo minutes- from Houston, forty minutes from Galveston; surrounded by suburban gar dens. Prlte competition opens August 1. Write SOUTHLAND DEVELOPMENT CO., Houston. Texas. MEN WANTED Age 18 to 33, for fire men. $100 monthly, and brakemen, $S0, on nearby railroads. Experience unnecessary. No strikes. Promotion to engineers, con ductors. Railroad employing headquarters. Over 600 men sent to positions monthly. State age, send stamp. Address Y-147, care Bee. ,- SALESMEN everywhere, $15 dally selling $30 Soda Fountain. Manufacturer 1764 Aber deen, Philadelphia. $100 monthly and $5 Cally expenses to men selling our high-grade goods to retail trade. Experience unnecessary. Writ for partic ulars. Union Cigar Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. SALESMAN Experienced in any line to sell general trade in Nebraska. Unexcelled specialty proposition, with BRAND NEW FEATURE. Commission with $35 weekly (or expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O. . . . CANVASSERS . to fjell ' automatic screen door catches and checks; exceptional prop osition; sample catch,; postpaid, 25c Auto Catch Co., Chicago. ADVERTISING solicitors wanted in every city; exceptional opportunity for per- STOCK SALESMEN WANTED Profit able proprietary medicines; guaranteed Pure Drugs Act: preferred stock $10. Liberal commissions. Successful salesmen visit Washlna-ton ur exnense. SEMINOLE-CY PRESS LABARATORY. Washington,, D. C POSTCARD salesmen for extensive up-to date low priced line. Liberal commission; samples free. Traveling men acquainted with retail or Jobbing trade apply, giving experience, rerenerces and territory, c rank lln Post Card Co., Chicago. 'WANTED Seven first-class salesmen. men that have ability to forcibly present a high-class business proposition to bust ness men in an Impressive and effective maimer. Permanent position with good salary, men make from $260 to $400 per month, call Monday from a. m. to p. m., 607 paxton Block. ' REAL ESTATE! salesmen: experience not necessary; opportunity to learn the busi ness. Call Monday and ask for Mr. Hills, MONARCH LAND & LOAN COMPANY,, B23 Bee' Building Clerical aad Oftleo. 3 BOOKKEEPERS $85-$100 5 Asst- Bookkeepers $45-$65 CARSON REFER ENCE BUREAU OUR Dally Bulletin gets results. Give us your record and we will secure the position you are adapted to. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 878-76-17 Branded Bldg. WANTED Bookkeeper, young man; must write plain hand and quick at figures; ser vices 10 hours per day; give reference; ex perience aad salary required. N 464 Bee. SUMMER sulta to order $17.60, reduced frvtn t-i. MacCarthy-Wlleon. 304 S. Win St. Vi'E have positions open today for tflce managers, 3 bookkeepers, 4 ledger clerks, 1 collector, stnographer, 3 salesmen. i office clerks and t shipping clerks. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCES CO., S72-7S-77 Brandeis Bldg. We need competent office clerks, book keepers, stenographers and aalesmen. No chaise unless you secure position. If you are competent see us Monday. The Cano Agency, 433 Bee Bldg. Factor Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs, KnleeL Bee Bldg. WANTED Machinists, floor and vise men. Good Pay. steady work to sober. In dustrious and efficient men. Call Sunday fur W. A. Moray, Hensbaw hotel. SUMMER suits to order $17.60. reduced from $. MaoCarlhy-Wlleon. 304 a. 16th St. 125 pounds stonecutters' chisels all sties: very cheap. 13u S. 26tli Ave., D. SMS. A-13&4. WANTED, at once; all round Address Geo. A. Derleth, Ashland. butcher, Neb I HAVE fine location for either barber shop, shoemaker or tailor In Council Bluffs- Call or phone F. V. KnleeL 543 Bee Bldg. Omaha, wen. . Mteeollameoa. WANTED. KEPRESRNTATIVES EVERYWHERE TO PELL FI-ASH Brass Polish. RADIUM POWDER Pride ef the Bar. "Klean or thine." silver and glass polish. This Is a golden opportunity for the right parties. Apply or eudreee TUB COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL CO.. 53 Paxtoo Block, Omaha, Neb. OOVKRNMENT employee wanted. Write for Omaha examination scneouie. r ranklla Institute, Dept. 162 K, Rochester, H, J. manent agencies. Cleveland, u.' The Tissue . Company, $100 MONTHLY and. expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer; steady work. S. tScheffer, treasurer, L 188, Chicago." WANTED Organisers; good oommlsstorMt for live men; write for particulars to Order of Owls, tioutn Bend, ma. GOVERNMENT positions. Chances bet ter to secure one of the thousands of ap pointments to be made; full particulars as to salaries, positions, dates or ejtamin. .. . n ,maKa .umnl. n,l..tlAn. . . sent free In circular. 231 National Cor, In stitute, Washington, , C WANTED Man to travel In Nebraska- Good pay and tailor made suit in SO days YXj.vrivii Himw,iu, i .ii.uio tut .1,. Write for particulars. J. E. MoBrady A Co., Chicago. $25 WEEKLY and expenses to trust worthy ueoule to travel and distribute sam pies for big wholesale house. C. H. Emery, Lt 2bB, Chicago.- WANTED Steady, reliable man with small amount or money; make good wages Experience unnecessary. UUOft Farnam street, room 23; top floor. HELP WANTED MALE) AMD FEMALB. WANTED fill" good agents to work around city. Baitlett Supply Co., Brows Block. Omaha. LAUNDERERS CLEANERS Oil a aanltar ivitam ia death to germs and Ufa to you: Droteot your family by sending us your lauqary. rnone isusiu $t30, Omaha Steam Laundry, liW Leaven worth. YOU MISS the beat laundry service If you tall to patronise us. National Laundry, mm uurnint pi. LOST AND FOUND LOST A lady's watch and ohaln at Manawa July 4. Return to (02 No. 23d St. and receive reward. The Teddy 3ear 181$ HARNEY. BOTH PHONEB. A POCKET BOO It marked V. A. Corneer. containing Elk membership card and vbju able papers; libeial reward lor return to F. A. Corneer. !4Lh and Darcas. SUMMER suits to orer $17.60. reduced from $25. MacCai thy-Wlieon, 304 B. 16th St. LOST Pure white bull terrier, bitch welKhs i$ pounds; answers to the name of Biddy; phone Web. 6X1 " YELLOW and white Scotch collie, wear Ing collar with tag No. 126. Return to 102 S. 88th St. or Tel. Harney $17 and receive reward. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Rasstta HIGH GI1ADE ."fiJSTO a bouts for sale atMap. uu axuais ou GOOD DOUBLB HEATED CARRIAGE Pbcoe Haroey 1U. W7 La Fayette Ava ONE good single CARRIAGE! for halt price. Tel. Har. 3423, or tbiH Jaoksoa St. . Ilereea aad VeatldM. DRIVING HORSE, harness and phaeton for sale. We will sell this entire outfit a a sacrifice price if you will call on us dur ing the next few days. This horse Is per fectly sound and oulet. and has, been driven bv a lady for the last two years. Apply International Land and Investment Co., $10 Bee Bldg. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles Coatlaaed. 81$ No. 21st St, So. Salary aad Chatteke Coatlaaed. MONEY! NEED ANYT GO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Southwest Corner ltlth and Farnam Sts Telephone Douglas 22U5. Rates Cheaper than any advertised W scan prove It MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH KRS. without aecurltv: easy naymenta. Offices In M principal cities. Tolman. room 613 New York Life Bldg. Jersey cow, coming MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING MEDICAL OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE! CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electric aouum system. S. 17th. Tel. D. 166. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sber- t Mcconnell Drug Co.. uroana. EXP. Delivery Co.. office 18th and Day enport Sts., warehouse. 2207-08 Izard St. Dr. McGrew Has given Ms entire professional life to the treatment of all forms of cnrnnlo and spe cial diseases of men. For 36 years he has been known and trusted by all. 28 years la Omaha, Charges tow. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. MoUrew Co., IU a 14th St, Omaha. Neb. Board aad Roosas ROOM and board; homo cooking. 24th. Tel. D. 6433. FREE! medical and surrlcal treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daven nort Sts.: aDecasl attention oald to con finement oases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas UW Calls answered, day and night i. DJAaXU awl jnwnno nivw lUtAUOO, WUK Ing distance. iaies preierreo. kjus call' (ornia est. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES: best rem edy for Robing, bleeding or protruding files; mo postpaid; samples tree, cmar man A MoConneil Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. MONET. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONET. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY.' MONEY.' MONEY. MONEY. MONEY, -MONEY to LOAN RELIABLE CREDIT , COMPANY, 308 Paxton Block LOANS $10-TO $b00 On FURNITURE, PIANOB, .WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. FIXTURES, HORSES, WAG ONS, or on YOUR SALARY, if you are steadily employed. BEST TERMS and CHEAPEST RATES If you need MONET for your vacation, to pay grocer, iena- lord or butcher do not fall to MONKYj PLACE YOUR LOAN With US, MONEY: an old established and reliable firm, where you are absolutely certain to receive a WJUAKal DEAL. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY, We are here to do business and MONEY. If eaultaole rales, courteous MONEY, treatment privacy and . prompt service are inducements wonny of consideration, place your iouu with us. if you are already car rying a loan with another xin cern, you can transfer it to us at a cheaper rate. 1RI ix. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONF.Y. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, 308 Paxton Block. N. E. Cor. 16th and FarnarA Sta. 'Phone Doug, ltu ana a-mu. . My . . T -T7, titTTJT lit - CHEAP MONEY. $$ VOH YOUR SUMMER VACATION. $$ $10 TO $1,000 $$ tilNED ON HOUSEHOLD $t t$ FURNITURE. PIANOS, SALARIES. $J ic i Mia is jl rtmw rinm, v U Organised by the REPUTABLE- $ $$ BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- ff honest WOlKina people ui unu of temporary help from the exotbl- $$ tant obarges or tne so-canea loan mnr,i.a Wa will loan vou all the $t nnn vnu want and charge you only $$ 10 per cent a year. $$ THS MEANS YOU PAY H $1 Interest on $10 for 1 year. $$ &a intarrist on $25 for 1 year. $1 $10 interest on $100 for X year $$ And all other sums in proportion. $$ Easy Weekly or Monthly payments, $$ Reasonable Appraisement Charges. $$ A lance at the above rates will $$ onnvlnna vntl hflW much VOU SSVO by dealing with us. . , M NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. $$ MONEY IN YOUR POCKET $$ WTTHTN AN HOUR. $$ RIYIU WITHNELL BUILDING. $$ $$ INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., $t S3 Doug. 5046. N. E. Cor. 15tb and Harney. $$ iKttmttjatsitt$t4maa $$ $$ $$ n $$ $$ 8 $$ !! H $$ $$ $$ $$ Cash Quick on Easy Terms Have you ever thought of borrowing money on your furniture, piano or team If vou haven't lust thin how easy It I In mmt a loa.n from us and have your pay ments so small that you will not mis them !.$ is the weekly payment on s im loan for so weeka Other amounts In lha same nrooortion. If you have a loas at nreaent and the oompany suits you, stay with them. It they don't suit you, com In and let us explain our 50-week plan to you. We are dally taking up loans front other companies and advancing more money. Why not let ns do the same fot youT Money saved Is money earned. Phone or mall applications receive our proropi at tentlon. Private and rename. Stato Mortgage Loan Co., Room It, Arlington Blk., UllH Dodge St. Phono Douglas 2464. $$$$$$$i$muu$$mn$$t$$$$m$$$$$$$$$$$$f$$$t$ CHEAP LOANS Salary. Furniture, Piano or YOU BORROW $10.00 you pay back $11.00 t&M you pay back $ rt.OO M00 you pay back $64.00 NO OTHER CHARUK H OMAHA FINANCIAL CO, u Room 601 Brown Block. it ti $07 S. Hth St., Cor. Douglas t. $t U 'phones: Douglas $036; A-jb4. $$ tntmtttrntmtttmnmttmtttmtmtimttttM 25 PEli CENT OFF oa LEATHER HORSE COLLARE. Big bar- gatne in HARNESS and FLY NETS. HAY DEN 6. Harness Dept.. BASEMENT. CHEAPEST FEED In town at SIDMAN'S, The Cut Price Few! Man. 51$ o- Uih St. I.eOO-POUND TEAM, hamesa, wagon. dlk cultivator; bargains ait W. F. Shear, lid and Fraud rot- CHATTEL LOANS LOWEST RATES and STRICT fKIYAi, see MONEY TO LOAN OFFERED FOR RENT aoo a BOARD AND ROOMSIn nice congenial family. Large rooms, elegant table, good locatlty. Use of large parlor and living room. $20 per month. Phono Webster 5244. 5X1$ No. Twenty-fifth streeC W11RN18HED . room for aentlamen. strlctly moderns private family. tbZI D catur. w easier mm. PRIVATE family. t40t Cbloago St. ONE or two pleasant rooms la raodera home: will give breakfast If desired. 114 N. ttd St.. Food Red FOUR boys. $4.M per week. nia St. Pboaa Douglas U5L ten Calif or- ONB or two nicely furnished rooms with board, conveniently locatea: reierenoes UM Case. Phone Douglas tllL ROOMS and board, $1 week; home cook Ing. Modern. U Douglas. ROOMS and board. $712 N. Uth St. TeL Webster 1152. Good neighborhood; four blocks from oar Una, LARGE front alcove room, modern, with board; otaer rooms, zua uougias. Ing; modern. 2211 Howard. JTURNISHED room with board In private family, cau at gig Houta atn u ELEGANT parlor and also studying room, inane; private lamuy. ea av. uu ROOMS for light housekeeping, board desired. SOU Casa. OTTTH front parlor with excellent board. modern, aiso taoio poaro. iu vodga FURNISHED room and board. 18U Can ltol Ave. 'Phone Douglas 1758. . DOUBLB room with board. use of piano. 1U0 Douglas. tt and ub CHOICE rooms with board. plsjs." lbU Capitol Ave. The Tern LARGE south front room tor home cooking. 1814 Chicago. ; good NICE rooms, excellent board, with Ger- man Christian aximiy. vox capltot Ave. good boara; rateoi wis uarney. NICB parlor room for $ or 4 gentlemen. board o weeai atso single rooius. us Mth Ave. NICE rooms, with or without board. Cass St. Phone Douglas 1475. 191$ BOARD and rooms. 2607 SL Mary's Ave. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms -Continued. COOL south room for gentleman In crl vate family. W3 Seward. NICELY furnished room, all convert, iences; gentleman preferred. Call 2&U St. Mary's Ave. NEATLY furnished front parlor, close In; modern. HOI Douglas. The MosherrLampman FURNISHED rooms. 2114 Chicago St. SOUTH room for gentlemen. 2406 Harney, HOUSEKEEPING S. 24th Ave. rooms; modern. 54i NICE, clean, strictly modern sleeping room; rent reasonanie. & n. zoin St. SINGLE rooms; eastern exposure; nicely furnished. 1063 Park Ave. Harney S241. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th tt Farnam. LARGE front room and one small roj.n. suitable for two or three gentlemen; ft block from car line. 9Jt a. zn tit. rnone a-;2. MODERN outside room for five blocks P. O. Tel. Douglas gentlemen, nil. last week offered $100.00 to any teacher of penmanship In any other bus ness college in Omaha, who would duplicate a specimen of writing execute by Mr. C. Q. Kaessner. student of the MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE We continue the offer this week, not that we expect any one to win itl or to even try to win it, but because we wish to burn into the minds of youn people the fact that the MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE ia turning out writers who are more expert than eveu the teachers in othei schools. We repeat "Don't get the idea that business colleges are alike." The beet way to Judge anv school is by the grade of the graduates 1 turns out. Next week we will give you absolute proof of the superiorlti of the NORTHWEST CORNER 18th and Web ster, furnished .roo.ns, day or week. PARLOR-ALCOVE on third floor north. suitable for man and wife, or two gentle men. Breakfast privileges. Rent reason able. 563 H. 2tta St. Large Front Room, !T "S? Two gentlemen; $4 per week; for one geutieman. $2.60 per week. $408 Burt St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room: all modern; private family. Phone Red 7896. TWO nice rooms; Phone Douglas 542ft. terms reasonable. FRONT single room, $2. 530 S. 26th Ave. FURNISHED front room. In modern house; near Carter lake. Tel. Webster 690. FRONT room: modern: In private family: price reasonable. 114 s. wtn tu NICE furnished room, good neighbor hood. 830 S. 22d. Douglas 7101. THREE NEWLY papered rooms, parlor floor. 2002 Dodge bt. DODGE HOTEU Uth and Dodge, all cool rooms; special rates by the week. HAVE YOU TRIED KNXALT It abso lutely extermlnatee bed bugs, roaches, fleaa. lice and ail otner insect me. ine com mercial Chemical Co., 639 Paxton Block. COZY COTTAGE, handsomely furnished; ehean to a long time tenant. For particu lars can at 918 South 40th. West Leaven worth car.. TWO nicely furnished modern front rooms (connected) for two or three per sons, f none nea orau. NEWLY and nicely cheap. 214 N. 26th St. furnished X. t452. rooms. NICELY furnished room; reasonable, am N. ztn BU TWO parlor. 6837. well furnished- rooms, one front 8630 Capitol avenue. Phono. Red NICELY furnished rooms for men: mod ern, -coolest part of city; walking distance wholesale diatrlot ana depots; six per month. 'Phone Douglas 7263. 1404 S. stb St., corner of .William.. , NICE Cass. . dean, eool sleeping: rooms. UU VERY large, well furnished, south front permanent parties. 2220 r arnam. ESPECIALLY desirable rooms, $10 to $20, 2324 Harney. .Douglas 2091. NICE, large room In private family In nice neighborhood. 2532 Capitol avenue. BOARD and room; 1 or t ladles private home; walking distance. Harney 4337. LARGE south front room on first floor; running water; private entrance on the summer lawn; also other rooms. 123 S. 25th Ave. COOL east front room, with board, a 25th St. Phone Douglas 3138. . 312 SUMMER suits to order $17.60, reduced from $25. MaoCarthy-WllBon, 304 S. 16th SL WANTED Two ladles to board and room In private family; modern conveniences. 'Phone Webster 3065. FURNISHED room and board In private family for one or two gentlemen. $936 North 32d. near 24th St. car line. MADI80N HOTEL Rooms or room aud board If dealred. 3102 Chicago. Famished Rooms. NEWLY furnished front room suitable for two, with private family. 3614 Dodge. 4-ROOM modern apartment. Tel. Web. 128. 119 FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. & Uth St. The Chatham DESIRABLE room, reasonable, furnlBhev or unfurnished. New Hamilton, Inquire at cafe. 24th and Farnam. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms: large and cool; modern; east front, fine location. TeL B-1416. 2Si6 Is. lvtn Ave. TWO large rooms, nicely furnished, fine beds, all modern conveniences: walking dis tance;' on car line; private family; fine location. 223 N. 25th SL Phone D. 4802. PART of new modern house unfurnished (or furnished) for two ladles or husband and wire. No children. 20ia Lake ot. Phone Webster 5836. ROOMS for housekeeping. 29 S. 17th Ave. LARGE room and closet, facing south on Dewey Ave., near 26th; strictly - modern. Phone Douglas 6322. ROOMS near new street car barn and depot; all modern. 814 Hickory. ,R4 7365. TWO- nicely furnished rooms, either two gentlemen or man and wire; with or with' out board, lnd. Phone 1206. VERY large, well furnished, south front; permanent parties. 1226 Darnam. DESIRABLE room; fine location, walk ing distance, lit n. sutn ni. . ONE large and one single room, nicely lurmsned. zu t. utn sit. NICELY furnished S. Uth Ave. rooms, modern. 714 YOUNG MAN to share comfortably fur nished room; reasonable terms. 2;03 Far nam St. Phone Harney 3673. MODERN rooms for t, 3 or 4; separated beds If desired. 2037 Harney St. EIGHT rooms strictly modern, $30. Caldwell St. Call Harney 2393. 343$ EXCEPTIONALLY nice room. 320 N. 33d. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms: near car line. 3335 8. lStn. MODERN rooms, nicely furnished, and $3.50 a week. 618 N. Uth St. $3.00 SMALL, neat front room, modern house, Bemis park; strictly private family, to lady employed during day. Tel. Harney 2234. THE use of my furnished house ia ex change for board. TeL Web. 423s. ROOMS, 3210 Harney St. Red 6428. . FRONT rooms, south and east exposure; modern. 409 S. 25th Ave. Tyler luao. UNDER new management, 3109-2111 and 3112 Douglas St., rooms, cool apd In fine condition; desirable for summer, either fur nlshed or unfurnished. Call 2113 Douglas. FOR RENT Four large, modern rooms, furnished or unfurnished, suitable for either light housekeeping or sleeping, for rent all together or separate. Call Douglas 3273. 401 N. 23d St.. James Hunt. NICELY furnished room. 1818 Dodge St. SINGLE -room, reasonable, modern, Farnam St. 3701 NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Room T Crounso Block. Corner Uth and Capitol Ave. Opposite Postoff'.ce. Both Phones Doug. UM; A-Ubi. SUMMER suits to ordor $17.60, reduced from I JO. MacOaxthyWlleon, 04 S. 1Mb oL DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. 0 FLATAU, xr Zf&x NICELT furnished front rooms, large and nice; walking distance. Ill So. $Hb St. NICE, ooot, modern south aad east rooms. 1901 Dodge- Douglas 4498. Single room for gentleman, son. Haruey 3192. $7. 3U01 Ma UEAUTIFUL front parlor; gentlemen or couple. 4U4 S. 17th St. O. M. K. hauls trunks. Phones D. fll A-361L PINOLE SOUTH room. 3221 Dodge. Red ONE elegant furnished large room, suit bla for two or three young men, south v ,t exposure. 830. One north exposure, large room, elegantly furnished, $25. One south exposure, elegantly furnished room. suitable for two, $20. 2025 Dodge. Walking distance. rnone Douglas 4912. ONE large, cool front room. No other roomers. 2o08 Davenport SL EXCELLENT mod era furnished or on- furnlahed rooms; Hansoom park oar Una wo. bus a. aa Ave. WILL share 8 rooms with working girl, 61 per uoathi walking dlstsneie. Uni N. 19th. TWO elegant furnished rooms, light and cool au modern, m private lamuy. sua n list St. FINE east front room, strictly modern reasonable. Phone Red TOit. Ut N. 85th. NICELT furnished modern rooms, single or ensulta. U1 Cass. FURNISHED ROOMS In modern private home. 'Phone Harney 4811. tltii Dodge tit. NICE cool rooms: modern, brick flat walking distance; parlor room on first floor. mOS N. 23d. . MCE trout room, modern, private family gentleman; i& 2407 Davenport tit. LARGE front room, nrlvate family, excel lent neighborhood; walking distance. Phone U. euos. tig 0. 87 to street. MODERN. wall furnished. southi front with alcove ex single room; large la a; private family, wa Georgia Ave. NICELY furnished front parlor, suitable tor two gentlemen. I3it Cbloago at NICELY furnished parlor for three men. sue D una. EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL Collegd In shorthand. MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST Several new atudentg entered school this week, and a number of other wUU begin next week. "Why wait till September Call. Dhone or write tor our new catalogue, which explains clearly and convincingly many points of difference between the Mosher-Lampman Col lege and other schools. MOSHER-LAMPMAN 17th and Farnain Sts., Omaha, Neb.l THE SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLES C0LLEGE IS NOW OPEN. Prepare for profitable positions In book keeping, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service; sure to be open In the fall and winter. The year book Is ready. Apply for It. Students admitted any day. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Both Phones. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner, 3H48 Charles. Harney 23X1 OFFERED FOR RENT . Famished Booms Coatlaaed. FRONT parlor with licht housekeeping prlvilegitst modern; too and telephone, 3UI Chlcagn SL ONE large front room with aloova and two large closets;- also single room; fine location x-ara Ave. Tel. uarney suit. ROOM for one or two e-antlement nrl vate home; walking distance; new house; clean, cool and quiet. Phone Harney 4207. EXCELLENT room. nrlvate family. walking distance. Cars at door. 81.78 week. 2112 Leavenworth. NICB. clean, strlotlv modern rooms In a beautiful location; also suite of these rooms lor light housekeeping. Tel. Douglas 7611 1108 Cass SL FURNISHED rooms. 818 N. 82d. NICE front rooiw, private family, modern homes, easy walking distance, references. 600 S. 37th ,8L Phone Harney H080. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Itaoaai tinned. TWO modern. Furnished $8 month. Housekeeping Rooms, 3023 Davenport street NICELY furnished room. 3424 Caldweill COOL room for gentlemen. Tel. D. 8867. 131 8. 26th 8tl LARGE front room, well ventilated. 11 B. 26th Ave. COOL east-front partor; modern, privat home, clean bed; to quiet gentleman; $2.M a week, bum i. num. nea uri. LARGE modern furnished rooms, sepa rate beds. 2037 uarney. FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern walking distance. 622 a. Uth St, ARE yon looking for a ooo, pteasanl room? lha aire 2U Harney or phone Hart aey era. LARGE front rooms, nicely furnished li modern home! laraa closets: 812 a month one-half block from Leavenworth car. Tell Harney Wxi. 18 S. 28th EL NICELY furnished front room for rent 1464 & Uth SL. 3rd floor. 1 FINE south and east front suite; strlctlj modern, eieotrio iignw, lawn, oiose in. u Webster SL SUITS of modern rooms; man and wlfj without children; privilege, of kronen. UU racuio. NICELT furnished room, suitable for I gentlemen; everything modern. 824 S. 88th ROOMS, walking distance, modern. 673 N wtn. iiarney aw. NICELT furnished rooms, eastern ex posure; references required. 1063 farkAve. ruone naruey txm. THREE nioely furnished rooms. piano; modern. 2666 SL alary' Ave. with FIRST-CLASS rooms; reduced rates for ths summer; close in. 818 S. 18th SL 3 NICELY furnished rooms, with or with out board, 8 blooks from sealer of city. ap liy 104 Farnam SL ROOM: walking distance, strictly modern. 418 N. 18th st CLEAN furnished rooms, board If wanted. (Christian family.) UU Capitol Ave. COOL, elegantly furnished rooms; mod ern; reasonable. 1812 Chicago SL SINGLE room, 82.60; modern. 660 8. 36th Ave, THREE furnished rooms and one un furnished, modern, reasonable to the right party. 8014 Cass SL WHY pay so much for small bed rooit as we ask -for nice, front parlor. 314 H 36th SL Doug. 8468. . . THE BACHELORS avl'H AND FARNAM. Is now operated on the European plan. Rooms may bo had by the day, week or month, atealg as desired In the oaf e. FRONT room, new and olean, In nej home, close u good boarding place, 101 S 26th Ave. Doug. bond. FURNISHED front room; walking dm tanoe; private family. 618 N. 26iu bq toons Red 681a,. i SUMMER suits to order $17.60, reducec from MaoCarthy-Wllaoii, 3u4 S. 16th bi TWO good rooms, furnished for rent, real sonable. Doug. Tim, wm Capitol Ave. ONE, two or three first-class outside year a'round; furnished or unfurnished. 1718 Nicholas SL 'Fhone B 3031. NEWLY furnished rooms for rent, bath and lavatory 1 colored people. 3418 Cuming ML FRONT room, modern; privat family, HO. 2407 Davenport, 'phone. NICELT furnished, clean, cool room, In strictly modern home, within walking dis tance. 36U2 6l Mary's Ave. 'Fhone Red 2n. SINGLE and double rooms, south ex posure, nioely furnished, reasonable, re fined parties. 3218 Douglas, FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern. N. 33d SL - 4C8 LARGE, beatulful room, with or without board, on car line. 3704 Farnam, Tel. Har ney 3631. NICELY furnished, large, front suitable for two. 201 S. 26th Ave. room. SINGLE rooms, modern. 3039 Farnam. Douglas 7268; lud., A-327L PRIVATE family, front distance? ttlO Harney, room, walking COOL, olean south room, modern. Dodge. 1707 NEWLY furnished rooms In modern brick flat. 622 8. ltb St. NICELV furnished east front rooms, rea sonable, to the right parties. tlO N. 3otb St. Tel. Red 6628. FOR RENT Large front room. S41T Cali fornia, 'fbone D. 868. res.; or Douglas J0. TWO nioely furnished rooms with private family; strictly modern, walking distance. 2818 Howard. Tyler 1028. NICE cool front room. 3402 Harney. 2220 EmmeL larg room, modern. 'Fbon Webster 4170. NICELY furnished room, private family rnon u. mm. tie m. atn Ave. uentieme only. FINE, large room, for two men or marl riea ooupie; everything modern; eiecim light; terms reasonable. 704 S. 24th SL Twrfc rYfu-ifliTic u-u-tua L-var-TTU Oil SINGLE, for gentlemen, In fine Wesl rartMtm home; every convenience; mu be seen to be appreciated. O 466, Be. SLEEPING roams, modern. 82 ner weeld ui uuugias dl. SOUTH single room. 12 week. 2U wusm SINGLE rooms, 12; modern, nam. 3070 Fari COOL sleeping rooms, by day or weslq aiso nouseaeeping rooms. 710 u. lttn. TWO furnished rooms, modern, reason e.ut. im s. uuu COOL, well furnished room In all modern detached collate, private family, welkin distance. 820 S. 34th SL TWO single rooms, east front: 82.60 Uli moaern. mm b. Ktn. Harney mil. ROOM and board In private family, mod ern, walking distance. il N. 23d. SOUTH front room, private home, walld ng nistance. eu n. zbth Ave. THREE large, beautiful modern rooms I private family, furnished or unfurnished near oar. 4u6 Grand Ave. 'Phone Wed 47. TWO rooms, on front, strictly moderrJ rcierences. sue n. svtn ML 1682 HARNEf, nioely furnished sin I rooms, walking d is tanoe. modern. THE PLEASANTON known as the Old UIUH IIUIU W W U 4 I .11, fUUU uililua w... closed for tlie summer; breektaat will be served to any who desire; rooms are large, eool and running water; the large lawn and verandas make an Ideal summer home; meals can be had across the sueeL 3u8 S. Stih Ave. FOR RENT Large front room; modern residence. 2M Burt SL, D. 7d76. Ind. 164L FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, all modern. U J. Uth SL ROOMS near new street ear barn and depot; ail modern. 814 Uickory. Had 726. A lady on South 25th Ave., says: "You rented my furnished rooms Quickly. "I am giving you another want ad this morning." Those- ads are wonderful pullers. Getters of whatever you want. Real treasure. 4- If