Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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JJorthwestern Rod May Find Itself
in Pretty Predicament
H o4 Lwr Rat Far. ma at to Order
from lateretate Conainluloa
Flare I p.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. July . (Spoi-ial. Kor follow
ing the Instructions of i?.e interstate Com
merce cornrr.tanion and reducing intra. at'
freight rats tn Nbr Anka. without first con
sulting th Nehr.uika commission, the
North m-e stern railroad may get itself Into
tioubl and (he case may lead to a con
flict over atate rights.
The Northwestern has filed a new rate
schedule with the railway comramlon
showing a reduction in rates on cement
from Norfolk to other tnwas tn Nebraska,
and with the schedule was filed an order or
decision of the Interstate Commerce com
mission, authorising it to charge these
rates. In the printed decision Commis
sioner Harlan dissents.' holding that the
question is one purely" affecting the state
and, therefor?, the Interstate Commef-e
comm!""Vn has nn jurisdiction over the
matter. The maqrity of the commission
hold that the rMes charged between Nor
folk and the other Nebraska points were
unreasonable and ordered a reduction, and
the railroad complied with the order with
out consulting the local commission.
The cae w brought by the Acme Plas
ter company of Wyoming against - the
Northwestern. This company ships lis
cement from Wyoming to Norfolk over the
Union Pacific and from Norfolk to Ne
braska points on the Northwestern. It was
the rates on tne Northwestern that were
Roowerelt for the Fair.
Secretary Mellor of the State Board of
Agricilture has decided not to try to get
ex-President Roosevelt for the Nebraska
stata fair. He will do nothing that, might
lessen the chances of Omaha securing ta
"Colonel Roosevelt Is going through
Omaha September 2 for Cheyenne," said
Mr. Mellor. "and that would be a week
before the fair, so It would do us no e-od
to secure elm for the fair crowd. If he
stops over In Omaha more people would
get to seo h!ru and It would not Interfere
with the crowds which are coming to the
state fair."
Not Ip to Legal Department.
Being In Omaha today. Governor Shallen
berger did not get to ask the opinion of
the attorney general on the legality of an
exhibition of the Jeffries-Johnson prize
fight pictures. Mr. Thompson said be had
not looked up the law In the matter, but
If bo had to pass on the question it might
bo probable ha would have to sea the pic
tures firs'- In fact the defeat of Jeffries
wti the first prise fight disappointment the
attorney general has had since the defeat
of John L. Sullivan by CorbetL
Coaaolldatloo of Raral Schools.
"Superintendent Biuhop has Just Issued a
forty-page bulletin on the "Consolidation of
P.ural Schools." Consolidation, i explained
As meaning the uniting of two, three or
xnora small and weak schools Into one that
ball be large enough in point of members
to be Interesting, and strong enough In
tho way of money to afford a comfortable
building, two or more good teachers and
.reasonable facilities for work. It also
means that outlying territory with but few
children shall bo combined wtth a nearby
school that la strong, rather than remain
unorganised Into a separate but weak dis
trict. In Its fullest sense It means the unit
ing of all tho schools of a township Into
pn or two so located as to be most ac-
csib!e. though not necessarily at the
geographic center. '
Amxig tiie adantacs claimed for con-j
.;.dt" are:
1. It la much cheaper for the same grade
cf school. j
1 At the same espense "nuch better
scho.-is can he secured, because fewer
teachers being needed a better grade can ,
be secured, a division of labor established '
and at Imst sirw sort of supervision in- I
It make possible a country sehcil
eijual In every sense to the best city ,
schoois. yet within reach of farm
4. The health of children is better wiien
conveyed In wagons a--vd landed warm and
dry than when sitt:ng sS day with wet
Wt and draggled clothing after tramping
throi.cti ail kinds of rc-ads in all kinds o(
weather. I
.". Tr.e Inspiration that comes with nuut
b. rs puts ills the school that Is i:n
pxtlbie in classes cf ooe or two each.
a. It makes possible the employment of
at least one experienced. w vll-educstcd,
broad-minded teacher, under whose super
vision even young and Inexperienced teach
ers covering fewer things will do far bet
ter work thnn w nen woi king atone tr ing
tj everything.
7. It increases property values as a
whole fir those who care to sell and
broadens Mfe for those who stay.
J. It makes unnecessary the sending of
young boys and girls away from home for
liifch school privileges on the one band, or
the breaking up of homes oo the other tn
'going to town to educate tha children."
5. It makes unnecessary the present
coat!;' lyfltra of sending the young men
and women at private expense to village
nign se no h s. tnua supporting a douoie sys
tem of education for country enhdren.
Statesaeot let.
Governor Shallenberger returned from
Omaha this afternoon, but he was too busy
to give out a statement for publication on
the charges against the city offlciaJ that
the liquor laws are being violated in the
big city. The governor said he probably
would issue a signed statement tomorrow.
We've Just What You Want in Straw Hats, Warm Weather Furnish
ings or Footwear at Just the Price You Want to Pay
Caused by overwork or worry, by
Summer "beat, nervousness or in
digestion, take Uornforda Acid
Phosphate, a remedy prepared
by tne most improved method
kuown to chemistry.
Acid Phospiiate
am . mum a uwiujli... .jilhil urn
atf a jsri
TTrorxv. J
ft OO j V-J 1 'Ull ft-e J ..O
; . -A
; til v iiSw
3 tce? rto bribing ca i I
, 'nowxv""""1"'''"''""1'
- i i is sirs r n --w iiir
W. E. Kecfer,
Afjt. Omaha Cranch,
1022 Doualas Street.
J"i:::t Ds:;Iu 1)11
Madison Men
Declare Against
an Option Plank
Norfolk Republican Convention
Heartily Endorses Taft and
Nebraska Senators.
NORFOLK. Neb., July I (Special Tele
gram.) The Madison county republican
convention today heartily endorsed Presi
dent Taft, Senators Burkett and Brown,
and Instructed Its delegates to the state
convention to use every effort against a
county option plank- The fallowing were
chosen delegates:
Burt Mapes. Howard Miller, E. H. Gear
hart C. A. Smith. C. E. Harland, T. E.
Alderson. W. 1 Dowllng. Morritx Gross.
Henry Massman. C. E. Burnham, W. N.
Huse, M. D. Tyler, George Gutru. H. Mar
shall. W. B. Fuerst- These resolutions were
We. the republicans of Madison county,
in convention assembled, hearby unani
mously commend and endorse the wise and
vigilant administration of the president of
the United 6talee. William H. Taft. and
we reassert our confidence in his slates
mansnlp and his fidelity to the Interests of
the people.
We endorse and commend the laws en
acted by the congress of the United States
during the last session and we recommend
the records of the senators from Nebraska,
Elmer J. Burkett and Norrls Brown, both
In the field of general legislation and in
their faithful and efficient representation
of the Interests of the state of Nebraska.
Resolved. That the delegates from Mad
ison county to the state convention In Lin
Coin, July 26. be Instructed to use their
best efforts-to prevent the Incorporation
of a county option plank In the republican
state platform.
The Home of Quality Clothes
f. sua
) je
of men's and young men's suits is the most
important bargain event of the year
Never such crowds at a sale never such satisfaction for buyers never suc.n
assortments and such qualities in a bargain event.
A "Clothing" Sale" usually requires 4 or 5 tables to hold the "Bargains"
It requires a whole clothing floor to hold our bargains. Just think of it.
One whole floor devoted to half price suits. Your size is here aplenty ' Your
favorite color, weave and model is here. Come in and get the best bargain you ever bought.
Porinlor Smnfi r HO f
Regular S7.50 to $25.00 two piece outing suits for
S5.00 to S17.50
S&75 to $12.50
True Blue Serges at One-Half Price
Owing to the fact that the models in men's clothes are constantly changing
and that our 1911 stock must sustain the high reputation for style and quality of
our 1910 True Blue Serges, we deem it advisable to now offer the broken lots now
remaining of our
$15.00, $20.00 AND $25.00 GRADES AT HALF PRICE.
Inquest Blames
Etue for Death
Mas Who Shot 07 Hodgts at Kea
esaw Named by Coroner's
HASTINGS. Neb., July a-Speclal Tele
gram.) A coroner's jury today returned m
verdict holding; Frank JCtue responsible for
the death of Roy Hodges of Kenesaw.
Hodges was shot three times by Etue dur
a fight in Kenesaw last Sunday. Ha w as
brought to a sanitarium here Wednesday
evening and early this morning be suc
cumbed. The dispute which led to the shooting
started when Etue asked to be trusted tor'
a meal tn the boarding house conducted
by Hodges' aunt. The proprietress agreed,
but Hodges commanded the mau to ray
and threatened to "take it out of his hide '
if he didn't.
A complaint charging murder in the first
degrea waa filed against Etue this afternoon.
Wraaor te Have Water.
WTMOKE, Neb.. July S. (Special.) 1 he
city council has taken steps Immediately to
put the city pumping plant on a safe work
ing basis. At present thtre la but one
boiler and one pump working. The boiler
Is in good condition, but trouble Is frequent
with the pump. It was reported that Uiue
Springs council has taken favorable action
on the contract drawn with this city
whereby Wymore la to pump the water for
her neighbor, and the local council will
start wor:-. at the Blue Springs at ncv
An ordinance condemning block 31 for park
purposes was read for tha urst time. This
block fronts the Turlington depot and the
street adjacent to it will be vacated lor
use by the Burlington In building a new
depot. Several mHes of cement waiks
were ordered built end bids for construe of same aaivrd for.
No OW Stock Next Year
in conformity with our past policy. "We've determined that
every light weight suit will be out of the store by the time
fall showings are made. This sale will accomplish it. These
clearances are the secret of our extraordinary success. Yoa
will not see a sign of 1910 styles when you look over our
1911 stock. "We clean stock with a vengeance. ' " .
A Prophesy and a Promise
We aet out two years ago to do an Immense business we've sur
prised even ourselves. We now predict that inside of two years 90 per
cent of Omaha's men will have a Klng-Swanson label la their garments
nearly 2,000 suits went to that end in the past five days. We consider
our label la your coat a mighty good ad. We promise that when we
get it there you'll not be sorry because it is.
Boys' Knee Pants Suits at
All broken lots of boys' and children's knee pants suits
(including all the popular knickerbocker and juvenile styles
for which this store is famous) will be placed on sale Satur
day at exactly
One-Half the Regular Prices
S2L50 to S15.00 for
L25 to $7.50
t 0 h i a A
Construction company In this city recently,
settled the claim yesterday by receiving
PLATTSMOUTH During the regular
meeting of the Board of Education in the
First National bank last evening the levy
of taxes for the ensuing year was fixed
at U mills, an Increase of 4 mills. It costs
about $22,000- per year to run the city
WTMORE The City National bank,
which went through the fire and which
has had temporary ouarters downtown
since, purchased the First National bank
fixtures, stork and business last evening,
and will take the name of the later In
stitution. PLATTSMOCTH Rev. Wsda I. Austin,
pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal
church, preached the funeral sermon of
Owen O. Hale Wednesday. The deceased
was a member of the local camp of Modern
Woodmen of America and is survived by
a widow and one son.
L.TONS The body of W. G. Davis will
arrive here soon lor burial, he having died
at his home in Washineton. Mr. Davis
ued to be a prominent merchant in Lyons
some twenty years and more ago. with
Thomas White as a partner, under the firm
name of White & Davis, and waa well
known by all the old settlers.
PLATTSMOUTH County Assessor Roen-
nichsen has just completed the compilation
of the personal property assessment of
Cass county, which shows the total to be
!.4.U9, an increase over last year of
1-13 2:. Plattsmouth, Jlt7.i3V notes and
mortgages. $17.93; notes. book ac
counts. JI0 Su3; monev, $112.2; merchandise,
$IJ2.7; agricultural implements, S'J&.O);
household goods. M.9-. horses, $215,222;
mules. I35.J22; cattle. titfl.STT; hogs, Itiiiu,
Hi automobiles, XlS.STi.
.rknaka ews states.
BEATRICE Kev. Benjamin Bean, for
f Ik nl years rector of -1. Luke's Episcopal
cdurch at Wymore, has reaigned and will
Im ate in Colorado.
BEATRICE M. J. Johnson of Cortland
yosierua? riled with the cuunty clerk aa
a candidate for representative from ijage
county on tne republican ticket.
HUNTLEY Mra Minnie Payne's horse
became frlKhtened yesterday at an auto
mobile, throwing her out of the buggy,
tfno received a number of bruises.
WYMORE Rev. Benjamin Bean has re
silfned as rector of Hi. Luke's Episcopal
churcn alter a service of lour years to ac
cept a rectory in southern Colorado.
BEATRICE The City National bank of
W y more, aa recently damaged by
lire at that pi ace. baa purchased tne First
National bans, an ok! instil uuoo of mat
St'TTON There Is such a demand for
harvest Hands in this vicinity that farmers
are offering from $2 W to M per day.
Srventy-rive men could find employment
here at once to ne.p care for the Harvest.
BEATRICE Frank Mc Master yesterday
reargued his position aa manager of tne
eiectnc light piant here and wrtll go to
Wyoming to live, where he and K. J. oulli
vau of omaha are interested in an Irriga
tion project. ;
PLATTSMOCTH Dana Pleeih and Miss
Eugenia Maratiail. both formerly icsidema
of tula city, were married in Lincoln. Mr.
Pirelli is a son of Rev. Asa fleet h. a
former paaior of the Methodiat Episcopal
church here.
Sl'TTOX A heavy storm of wind, rain
and hail passed over tins locality at noon
Tnuraaay. No particular damage waa done
to crops by the hail, but the Kind caused
i he uncut wneat to fall la sections norm
and eaat of loan.
BEATRICE Blame 8leker. arm recently
vtiet eiii! for feoe dauiaaae fur the lues
irtree ttuwe whim epareuna a art. I m-
woi u ua ai ua batiaa f;
Iaejaest Held Over B4y ut Rafaa
Calesaaa tireesi'a De-sale Dcelaoreel
Da t 'ataral Csiaa.
Tha coroner's Jury in tn Inquest held
yesterday afternoon over the body of Ruf
Coleman, the negru who waa shot and
kilted Thursday noon by Eugene Jackson,
found that Coleman came to hut death at
(he bands of Jackson. Tha decision was
"As tha evidence before us. that the said
Rufe Coleman came to bis death by two
bullets fired by Eugene Jackson, so-called
"Buster," on the 6th day of July, 1910. at
tha Brown flats on Twelfth street in the
city of Omaha, we, the Jury, recommend
to hold said Eugene Jackson for further
Investigation, without ball."
Thomas Green, tha negro who waa dis
covered tn a dying condition la a barber
shop at 1030 North Sixteenth street the
afternoon of the Fourth, and who later
died upon arriving at Pt. Joseph's hospital,
was found to have com to hia deatn
through natural cause by the Jury tn the
coroner's Inquest. At the time Green was
laat seen, it la stated h waa drunk, and
when be died It was thought by the sur
geons who attended him that It was from
suffocation and Itqaor. sine hs had been
dressed as a ghost and left la a small room
which had poor ventilation. The Jury de
cided: "That we have found that said Thomas
Green came to tils deatb through natural
causes; that of a diseased heart, thereby
caualng heart failure, at tb 6L Joseph's
hospital. July 4th. at $ p. tn.
Tat Kay u u suuauoa J Waat Ada.
vNWatV I
Real $5 Ladies' and Hen's
I'lidsummer Oxfords $2.50
$2.50 Alexander
Our footwear is both unmatchable in quality
and price in Omaka. Our sfyoes can not be compared
with shoes sold by other stores at $2.50, because we do not
sell the $2.50 quality of shoes. Every pair f shoes are
pcrfectia every respect and equal to any 555
iand 34 shoes on the market, ff there is
any new style we have it in all sizes, widths
ana leatners at one price. .
n. li..Jl.s- any new sryie we nave it in an sizes, wiatns ,
-YV-'X ani leathers at one price I
u aVw'vC' j
Sew Meal) Mas Is A pplated
Calted grate DUrriet At
tors.f tmr Alaska.
WASHINGTON, July l President Taft
has appointed B. B. Rod nay of Aibequerqua,
K. M.. to be United States district attorney
at Noma, Alaska, vie Georga B. Urlgsby,
retired. Mr. Rodney waa until recently
judg of the United State court of Porto
It was said at the Department of Justice
that certain charges wer preferred against
Mr. Giigsby which he did not explain satis
factorily to tr.s attorney general.
Waen you have anything to eel or trade,
advertise It la The Bee Want A4 oelumoa
tag t auick result
Shekel ifaiUcjf!
Ct xh a.
Orlgirval Genuine
CtAaU JmitailcriS
TheFood Drinkf or AllAfiei
list fa nay Cr.k Trust
The Elegant Steel Steamships
aflor arit4 mrc tt4aClilt4r vn4 Mtwrltt
tat iaujinl Bi oUff ttmou Hummer it otx ot
NurtJagyrm Miofe1sjua.aut-u4ta wiilj. aui tiDam for Lk
Kijrlnr avaatl VaaUB IrMaJkieV XL mot Mlr-vcti
aaa dtrocw rof to . ,
t.utinjjto orlslprtw fioasfiisC brook
tmLmm TmTar-a Ity ttArmor Wpclmy 5C -f f.
If rai.k f.srwl I-tsBi srw MsV-klsMM
Calam Hm Umf tow 4.m-oisui Smalt Mm. Mmrt
Tham gla-ajMt gtm-amlm tvra taou tm tarn m1 bmm miidbw! om thm flm
V lavraT Moi y mm U9 Mmr oiiifo-ici pa salami to Uu to Itit triiA
IImt otTmr tli trmvMr mri feutn nwfnaiiua UlmA ftl Up 4ii gttt) of u
miiaajj oi tia W7.U4W. Wo9 boon or loan oairjgm
L C CONUT.G. P. A. Wtmm md Om ik U tmk Suwl ftrlosc CH1CAC0
1 ,
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