11 REAL ESTATE CITY "noiT.HTV Foil SALE (Continued) Hanscom Park Dis ct 2309 So. 32d St. This beautiful, all modern. NEW HOME Is now ready for you. Mas 8 largo rooms; hoi water heat; full basement, with laun dry, la finished In oak and birch througn out. Do nnt miss Dili opportunity If you want fine home. Price. (... Hastings & Heyden, Harney fct. r Splendid Values in Kountze Place Homes Omaha'. largest and most uniform resi dence dlxti l.i w,icie all tlie streets aia laved and many large aliade trees. A splendid place to live. 1809 Emmet St, $4,250 A 7-room strictly midern horse, built t years ago. Haa parlor, dining room, den and kl'.cnen on the first floor; S bedrooma and bath on the aecond floor; W ft. lot; on paved street, all pakl. 1621 Binney St., $5,500 An (-room, strictly all modern home; haa reception hall, parlor, dining room, den and kitchen, all finished In oak excepting the kitchen and four bedtooms and atalr to attic. Thla house la In one of the choicest locations In the addition, being clooe to car and stores, on paved street. Owner la leaving the city, otherwise you could not buy this noma at aucn a low price. House wua built 3 yeara ago. 1808 Spencer St. Spen $6,000 Thla la a fine style house, strictly all modern, on a 60-ft. south front lot. In a fine locality: house has reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on the first floor. All finished in oak, excepting kitchen; aecond floor has 4 good bedrooms and bath: also stair to large attic. This house wua built i years ago and la In good condition. 1920 Lothrop St, $5,950 This la a atrlctly all modern, new house, hunt nf the very finest moterlal through out. Located in one of the beat parta of Kountze Place on a south front 60-ft. lot. It ia no doubt one of the best bargains ever offered in thla addition. House haa 4 rooms on the first floor ana t rooms on the aecond rioor; hot water neat.; was duiii lesa than 2 years ago for a home. The price of thla property has been reduced Xrom 10,600 to 5,!00 for quick aaie. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Hartley St. REAL ESTATE riHK AND KAMOM LAUD FOB SAXs) Canada. POR QUICK SALE. One full section In famous Milestone country In Bask., Canada, where crop fall" ures ara unknown. Within one mile of chool house. Will divide. No trade con irierad. Addreaa JAMES W. MARTIN. Owner. Joliet, Ill Colorado. " FOB SALEOR TRADE m leaving Colorado and will trade first class eastern Colo rado unimproved lands for un incumbered property in eastern Nebraska or western Iowa. Might take a going mercantile business. Can suit my acreage to your wants. Give particulars in first letter. Dr. D. B. McMahan, 306 First National Bank Bldg., Tel., Tyler 1070. HEALTHBEEKER3, AUenUon'.-lnvestl-gate Basalt; mild climate; pure water; in midst of mountains; no wind nor dust; good fishing; fresh eggs and milk; tent sites free; cottages for famlllea cheap; no organised cllyue to get your money. Get out near to nature and get strong. Write to Mayor, Basalt, Colo. COLORADO LAND Very fine 1W) acres irrigated land near Denver; good soil and directly on railroad and motor line, surrounded by Improved farma of 6 and lo-acre fruit and gurdtin tracts. All plowed and ready lor water. vi n v. tin ikMl fniiliv whlnh mlht iixchanaift for rnn.i' inciinia Drouertv or mercnandiae. I Mortgage long time fa y. .,i?!l'.enl,: sfaUarOsMl VWIlQi, - - S.VAO iiunom a VI call Dougla 110). U ACREa UH LKr8 OF Tuai n.atpB.M FARM. miles northwest from Denver on C. t 8. K. K. lo Boulder; choice farming n.i! ft mlnutid irbin tiDencer station or school, hourly interurban to Denver and northern lowuli! DiCQty lrr Is ft tin n Wfttcf I-EVUIU aLKU.va, v.u.. I I Ii..-. I wii i I . k II . -lllura Anl W . 1 U. 1 - i ... w.w.muv, orchard, grove, large shade trees around bouse. Apply on premises uus, semper. nar, tr r. u. owa ki, liimw, A COLORADO LAND SACRIFICE, (40 acrea (or (S.000 (S.000 down, balance I v&ara' time, euual payments; compiialna the old borne place of the Spere ranch fine rolling anu second bottom land value of lands aurruunding la M to (40 per aore this land should sail for mure money the price is for limnsdlate sale writ for plat aaa oikiivuvu UA1GLLK REALTY COMPANY. ' Colorado Springs. Colo. COLORADO. Wyoming. Nebraska end Kansas Land for sale. (2t per sore buys from owner a tract of level, unimproved land In irrigation district (n the ban lius vauey. Will arrange to snow at any time. e us for full particulars. WM. S1PPLE, 4K ComtnoaiwaaUk Bldg.. Denver, Cola, (COLORADO Property for Sale U-reoa brick and atone residence at Golden, Colo,, 11 milea west of Danver; place has been used for private noaruing nouaa, ia inoa- era and a money maker; eaay terms to tee Sight party, uvx zz. troiaeu. wuii. HOW would you like to visit In Sunny Southern Colorado at our expense? For f all particulara address uie Vs eluon-Spelu (nvesuuent CO., ooa iuvkt, neo. fr'lorlda. " FLORIDA FARMS PUT MAN COUNTY. FLA, Ten-acr farma for only (). one-fhlrd cash, balance ow and tc years. We guarantee the iana to ue as gouc as any in Uie elate. Natural flowing welia. gnni draiuase, home markets. Only toilet from Palatka. carraaay atatiou on the G bl a F. Kv in the center ef the land. Au vt our farms are in easy walking distanc of station and poatoftice. Klver and rail way tranaportatloa facilities fwr truckers and gruweia the beat in the state. Finesl e.rnrtinar (lid residence sacllon In Florida Good schools, cburcbee, etc. No malaria. Write today ror one or our oeautuui il lustrated prospectus and map. E. Z. JONES CO. (X-eOI AUsntlo National Bank Bldg. Jacksonville. Fla. FLORIDA. We have some o( ths best land In the n. lulus iha frost line at attractive trios, band for particulara. Katero Land C ouauy, Fual Nauunal bank Bldg, iJi.cage. 16. 000 ACRES. A SNAP FOR WU1CK SALS. Florida aast Coast, Everglades. All aurk laud. Ureataat bargain la the wliule tau. Nu broken. FRANK L. BILI COMPANY, Jai Moai oa au. ClUcaa a REAL ESTATE FA It M AM)HA.tll I.AVD FOR IAI.E F lorltln ( ontlacd. TOU CAN ofAf AT HOM1B And make 13 If Money In Florida. One dollar month will make you part eaner In nne of the greateat fruit, true, reran, orchard, resort, hotel and general blgb-clsss development propositions evaf lnauguiated In tins state of phenomenal opportunities. Send for proof of tola Mtlf tntnt and full panic jlaie. A. Hollomon. President. Jark-onvllle Fit. REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HAXII l.A.ND FOR I ALE (Continued.) Iowa. IOWA COKN LANDS. t40 acres Improved, (Sfi per acre. JH) acies Improved, (no per acre, lttu acres improved, (70 per acre, to acres Improved, 1.5 per acre. 10 acn-s Improved, iM per acre. M0 acres Improved, Htf per acre. tfi acres Improve.!, (so per acre. 24V acrea unproved, ft per acre. 1M acres Improved, .k per acre, 100 aires Improved, (05 per acre. 147 aciea improved, JiiO per acre. The above farma are all within driving distance of Esthervllle and we will be glad to give description and particulars in re- gsrd to any certain tract, reraons rucner Lane; i.e., ismervnie, ia. I (00 A-FARM. mostly good land, finely lm- Dioved. located about 16 mllea . W. of De Moines.' Also 16.000 acrea east Panhandle. Tex.. 4 good corn land. A 1 1 STB TJ llMlug uciuin J aa vauni ui4 jr -. w I and the V. S. district court haa ordered v .1, Mi lie for full description. lr..nli 1. 14 a II I. f k'lomm A . . . . ..... . . . . Tl 1 I I crown, rinitti. ynice wnu uiu n i Land & Loan Co., Des Moines, la. Kanasa. THINK ABOUT THIS. If vour farm uavi you I'M an acre profit and you could sell It for 130 per acre and buy another for f6o that would produce you the same profit, would you do it? Let me tell you about' an alfalfa farm near Lteerneld. Kan., at 165 per acre. Write John hj. Lander, Ijeerflald. ICan. FOR KALIS Improved farm, MO acrea WO tillable. 00 level, fenovd and cross- fenced, watered with springs and ponds. some hay land. 800 pasture, nu rock. 29 cultivated, 75 wheat, io apelta. IS barley, 16 corn, cropa line; balance ieea; t-ioora etone house, atone barn, granary, room good well, mill. tank, brood house, full eat of Implements. 1 horaea. aet of harness. 20 cattle, 1 brood sow, DUO chickens, orch ard, all kinds of fruit, telephone: black oil. clay subsoil; buildings insured; i miles to acnooi and ooatollice; price iii.imi. tlO.SbO cash, 12.) ft yeara at Pr cent; It mllea to town, no agents. Write owner. A. P. CAKLKTON. Orove County, Alanthua. Kanaaa, Aliasoitrl, READ Thla. liomeaeekers The cheauest I farms in the United States today are in the Ozarka of Missouri; lovely climate; " " . U 1.1. , I sas ity; lur iiuumi, hiui, uover, i timothy, blue grass, timber, fine frulta, beautiful streams; fine fishing and bunt ing. If you want to see the cheapest and best farms you ever saw priced in your life for the money write for our list and be shown. A. D. ROBERTS at SON. Richland. Mo. READ THIS. HOMES EEJCER8 The cheapest farma In the United States today are In the Ozarks of Missouri, lovely 011- mate. cloae to good markets. St. Louis and I Kansas City; for health wealth, clover, I timothy, bluegraxa, timber, fine fruit, beau- ttful streams; fine fishing and hunting. It I you want to see the cheapest ana best tarms you ever saw pncea w iuut mm mr i the . money, write for our list and be I shown. A. a. Roberts & Son. Richland, Mo. IN MISSOURI. tig acres; US miles southeast of Kansas City. 70 acres In cultivation. Box bouse: good barn: out buildings and fins water and grass; large orchard of different varieties of fruit i miles to good trading point. Class to school and church. Price 44,600. Thla U a mossy maker. GEOROS KUMPF. M3-S Bheldley Bldg.. Kansas City. M& WANT a farm in Johnson county Mo.? Good farm near good town, school, church; on telephone sand rural mail route: well watered; smooth level land; buildings and fences new; good growing crops of clover, corn, blue grass, timothy aud oaU. Lowest rate of tux: carry bis loan. S. B. Sturgls. S. B. Sturgls, Leeton, mo. FOlt'SALE South Missouri farms near Bt. Louis markets: any slxe: some good bargains. Write, stating your wants. Free lint. wuuvtUi iiAaa, etee.viue, nao. FINE CASH CO., MISSOURI, FARM AA .i-r. mi a rv, it a nr r a il t-nu rl Inwn B I miles Kansas City; all In cultivation and grass; all rich, fine lying lano; . -room graaa; an ncu, um iiui mmu, riwu) hm.u h.rn una niithiillrllnns: wall fanoaa I and watered. If you want a bargain in a canbeat It; only (to par acre; good Urms UU Ull-o w r.r.4rvr t rn. wall located grain ana stock larm, you I ii t , .a Jk. afiMie fu-m um.s i tar. rw a s .a si i i a an w . 101 Commerce, Kansas City, Mo. TIMBER and ranch land bargains la South Missouri. Morris ft Walker, Moja tain View. Mo. Uinnriiii. . 10.000 acrea of cholue hardwood timber land for aaie In the clover and fruit belt of Bavflald county. Wis. Very productive soil. Dura water, and where the rainfall is ample lo insure good crops; will sell lu tracts to !"!!'. ."i'i'Tl!, feK! n,',". I csas jr (di iua, autav- s wwuvs wea s kato, Minn. 175 acres, best, all tills ble. blaok loam soil: tine eroo growing; high state of cul tivation, never remea; an tencea; targe. pleasant house; barn and other buildings; fihe wen, wuiamin; value oi improvements, U-iMO. Insurance, (8,000. Fine grove ever I u mun m m&nleji hm IHr and aDDla trees! near house. Three miles from finest county seat in state; . public parka, lakes, band concerts, rural delivery and telephone. Positively worth (M) per acre. Will not be aold for leas next fail, owuer quits iarm- ing. Quick sale, (68.60 with terms to suit. Nu trade or tritlers. Call or write at onca Brock, Litchfield, Minn. la. BO PER ACRE K ana acres In Minnesota s great clover belt., price, (3.&0 per acre; biggest bargain lu state. ecu WAR BROS., 123 Guaranty Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. UlCDISlB. SO ACRES. (J04l HALF CASH. BALANCE U TEARS. The land la art ua tad not far from Bay City. Michigan, and adapted for farms graslng or fruit. Perfect titles, and will bear dose Inspection. The above price and terma are made tw eloae an estate aulok. If you want a 40 or loore send your option In now. with (1 per tore, axd balance (e be paid wnn seeds ays ratumeo. F RADFORD v"cOMPANT, (4 Adams Coloago. FORCED SAI "i-An excellent bt-eera iarm, au immui suu . , uv swamp or et iana. sry productive; witn success - illy grown corn, clover, wheal, vegetables ful and fruit: (-room bouse: beautiful ahada large barn, poultry bouse, tool house, eta: also plenty of choice bearing fruit. This is a real farm and one that will make money for any uvs man. it is on mara road. eioae nelghoora, aehoola. etc.; oniy about 10 inlnulee mala from the biggest laks in Michigan where there is gooa boating, fish' ina or bathing. Thia farm must bs sold quick and me therefore make the price (1,400; oue-naii caan. naianxe to suit Buyer. H c. bos a., alai un. Mica. WRITE ME ABOUT MICHIGAN I am farming near Baldwin. Lake county. Michigan, i came here from Indiana four years ago and am well satisfied with this country" I know"' ofVome-rgainl'lS Si. vicinity that can be had for cash. If you Lrwm7ch"oue'c.n,uy.,lI:,llna sometuing to suit you bere or at least try to, and it mill coat you nothing if I don't. I have no circulars or liters t uie, so make your watts plain In your letter and I will describe to you what 1 can find, then you citn come and see It if interested. W. A. ELLIOTT. STOP AND THINK! WB are on the ground and have theT T. 4.- A f first opportunity to buy land at low prices. JTaYnC lU VeStnient LO. We eave the rent of big offices in Chlease 1 viiiiivit vv" and give our customers the benefit of low pries. We beve farms snd unimproved land, summer resort properly, cottages Jor sale and rent near a bssutiful chain of lakea, three mllea from town. The beat bargains ta Michigan. Write for booklet, o, D. THOMPSON, NEWAYGO, MICH, REAL ESTATE FARM AND MACH LAM D TOR SAM Mlekla;aa- roatlnnea. FOR P ALB an acres, two miles from ona of Michigan's finest villages; 7 room house, barn SOmO. windmill that furnishes house and barn with water, outbuildings, spine orchard, peara. cherries, plume, grapes; ( acres timber; 40 rod to echool; aoll dark loam, corn planted, oata aown, all cropa ate now piantea; span norwi, t cows, chickens, hay, corn, potatoes; au Implements necessary to carry on a farm; telephone R. 4 U.l close lo creamery; mica- ly settled neighborhood; 12,800, (tflO down; to appreciate this Is to see it; 14 acrea on the tmnks of beautiful body of water; Ilea on the edge or Deaulirui vuisge; room house, barn 40x44. Icehouse; all Kinds of fruit; fine shade surrounds the house; this Is worth seeing; (2,600, j00 down. GEO. BRIDGES. Bangor, alien. LAND FOH HALE. Write me today. E. r. FREMONT. NEWAYGO CO. MICH. FARM BARGAIN. Rest firtft acre farm In Michigan black sandy loam. If bldga. : 1 mile from town. P. ARHOKUAST. Hloomfield. N. J. SNAP Moner-msklna country home. toek. tools and crou complete; one of the best 70-acre tarma In the atate, practically level, lays about IVi miles from town, on beautiful made road, cloae neighbors. schools and church. Thla farm borders on a baautiful lake, an elegant spring prooa flows aaroaa It. lara-e naw B-room fluid atone residence, big basement or csnar. large reran a as: oig. new De.ru, iwra mt f tti.raea. a aswa aieo oarrissw ana iooi roomi lota at choice Hearing fruit. Tola farm la high oleee In every lespect and we are making a great aaorlfloa whan we oner It. It must oe bom quica ana - win everything go .in tne way ui sr - - wsws . , - T, . I . . pttcbrora. v mmu ainaere, au '":"'"- tto. TO ukk buyer will make the price M.sO; must Lave iLakJ cash, balance i oan be pad la amaU yearly payments. Will give nam IB M r - r. - . ,i.hiB over ta buyer la 4 hours. If you ara ready ta nap the biggest bargain oa eaxu. aoa t BUM seeing una quica. THE FRED PARR CO.. . Box & Plalnwell. Mloh. THESE ARB WONDERS. Read. Read and wonder. PTacttcally a gtft; 840 acrea, Ilea like a garden; 17 aoree cultivated; balance in Umber and pasture on beautirui river: aooa nouse. in story. good barn and other bulldlnga. Buildings carry $2,000 Insurance; farm all fonoed and cTOsa-fenood; rural mail and telephone; three mllea to town, nine mllea to railroad town; 100 fine bearing apple tree and other frulta. THE PRICE ITS lis PER ACRE. Think of 1L There la not another auoh bargain In the world. Eighty acres splendid land, H acre Cul tivated, balance in fine hardwood timber; T miles to town; rural mall and telephone; aood house ana barn: A wunuisbill BAROA1N. Price, tLTOO; (1.000 cash, balance to suit you. we are always the leacssa ia oargama, ethers try to follow. Bend lor full particulars. H. W. 8AWTKR, Mewaygo. MkihleW IF SOLD AT ONCE. A - - - Mil anil annltt n,lllsMi a, -aoA hm- ,Vervthln cojrrDlete. K acrea: a sandy loam: T aorae maple Oi.JI ilUIUCl. . " W JM m-WW MWMMU, jo-room house; large frame barn. Within four miles market ana mala line railroad. Cboloe, 13, ZOO; cash 1790; oalanoa tarsus. WATLAND REALTY CO, Wayland. Mica. A SNAP. AGRF.3 FRiJIT, VEGETABLE AMD CHICKEN LANU In canter of Michigan; near county seat and railroad town and fine lake: 10V apple trees. loo peach trees, 700 email fruit; raises 40t bushels of potatoes to an acre; good soil; clear title; -only SSOO; (24 down, $10 per month, without interest, or (30 off for cash; must sen; nugm uarow io cow or ew cnica n OWNER. R. 403. US Dearboui Chicago. MICHIGAN FARMS. No. 120 acres, cleared, email house and barn, . some fruit, near town, line fruit land. U.000. . . No. 40 acres, ' cleared, good nouse and barn, plenty oi fruit, level, good aoli, fl.250. No. g zoo acres, rich loam soil, level miles. Muskegon, city. So.OuO: tl2 per acre. 1 per acre down, balance easy terms. TUXl EVANS-HOLT CO., Fremont, Mloh. Aloataasw FOR 8ALEt-4,7i acres tn Jeftarsos) county, Montana, at 110 per acre, on easy terms. This traot U located IV mUes frotsi town of Whitehall, a thrifty little city oo the N. P. and C, M. 4k St. P. coast Hoe; s.ttuo acres oi u Tract is unoer irrigation; waiter rlabu from tha Joffereon river. About 1.200 acres bottom land, about 7S per cent of this traot la tillable, balance suit- able for pasture. Thla tract is iooated la iamoua aaontaaa appie oeit ana is a bargain. U,00s acrea Meagher county, Musselshell alley, Montana. (17 par acra; easy terms; , located OO C M. from two good towns; at least M per cent v um tract is auitaeia or farming, a sn r inn irayr sa 1 1 1 : an i aa r-r rAr-mms? a jood f? iSSSa-SSS I'Smi. rVnitbd J"1, yLWS buaUoc rear around. MA1V1XN Jfc ITl'UART LAJ.D CO, Aberdeen, a, D And (Jb Palaoa Ulg-. Muuiaapoua, Itebraaha. There Arc Dry Spots " over Nebraska and the west. mat means poor cnc.pe. Last year there were too many wet spots. Now oat In tha I Scott's Bluff Country where the water suddIv Is abundant, there I Is no complaint about wet weather. Irri- ration farming Is the most sure, tha most practical. Irrigation la crop Insurance, In Irrigated country you irrigate the sou; in tne ram belt you "irritate" your mind trying to regulate tha weather. irrigation Is the bond; th. crop U your )utKtl- Tn-t..tn ,v- .,i . Irrigation Is tha co-operation of man and nature. Irrigation Is A draft on Providence paid In ninety days. Irrigation begets ambition, arouses en thusiasm, creates energy. Irrigation Is' agricultural optimism. Test These Things Go .With Us on Our Next Ex cursion to the Scott's Bluff I . m . . I OUlltl Y A UCOUit V. U Ul V J.. I Prove Our Statements The famous "Payne Special" leaves the i.i.A.w.. -i w. p. an. rv take you at once to the headgatea of the Trl-Siate canal, show you the method of handling the water supply, the canal. sluiceway for cleaning out the Band, the drops, laterals and the crops growing where wet watered. " f tl.U trip. W. show land by automobiles and get you back to Omaha There is a limit it limit Is not far tnl,-w .h.t vmi will ,oaaT, ,m" you wl" or t'Phon ak for a copy of Land Owner. You will find It good read lng as well as good advertising. 8. E. Cor 15th and Far nam, Omaha, Neb. "To Put Landless Man on Manleas Laod. FOR BALE Improved stock farm, acrea; Custer county: oioae to station; per acre; no trades. Bog JL. Oooato, Nab, THE BKE;J)MAUA. SATUKDAV, JULY 9. 1910. REAL FSTATP. M HAKCH l.tJTI) rOR SALE Nebraska- LontlnaeS. Farm Bargains 160 acres I luiks north oi ..i.iu. Ant.ion. Co., .Neb. Snial set of impruvements; go acres in corn, 40 seres in wheat, balance n pasture. PRICE $13 PER ACRE. 129 acres, Fillmore Co.. Neh. Fair set nf mprovements. All In cultivation: 1 milea to Shlckley. FKICK l!t5 PER ACHE3. 4S0 acres In Boone Co., Neb.; S20 acrea un der cultivation. Good Improvements; 6 miles to Cedar Rapids. PRICE. 60. PER ACRE. 610 acres, mllea from Potter, Cheyenne Co., Neb. ritRb lib 1'isn Ai:itu. Western Real Estate Co., 411 Karbach Block, Omaha. Sarpy County Snap A Leau'iful home, highly Improved. ISt toe, tine land; 10 miles lu Oinana, miles to Suutu Omaha atoca yarda Piiv U sold MUKk. 41uu per acre). C. R Combs, R. om Mli-ll-bratiaets 't heater Bldg. 'Phone L. 2lo. FOR 8ALE leariy acres in Cedar Val ley, una luiie from Ceuar ipius, Neo.: good lium. Adnress Kira. Alice It. Toung, cedar ivapias, XMeDruska, TEN THOUSAND acres of corn, winter wneal and auaifa lanu for saie in large unu email farina ui oiierman, ouster ana uurfaio counties, vv rite lor pries. J. i'. camppell, Litunileld, Neb. MUST sacrifice lVk sections of the beat plow lanu in Kimuali county. AdUress T. Omaha Bee, Council Bluiis, la. BARGAIN Ul Platte Vahey iri.aaied Fa rial fcitra good liw acrea; uju lm uij llUica. (O acivs allalla, SO aciea wheal grass meadow lu the coubiiy, U acrea tu utner ciutw. per acie. xriie tiuiua lor terms aod further IntuimaUou to Boa Na Ul Ocring, Neb. FOH BALE. 180 acres unlmproveu uraltle land. Alt level, good lanu, in good nelgn ournood. I mile uormeaat of O'NauL iais u a bar- saui. Tice (a per acre. C. '. kcKbNNA, u'Neill, Nebraaaa. ' Uregou. FOR SALE Wanua Long headed con servative men and women looking for anu capaoio or. leuogiiizuig a life tune oppor tunity to write tor five buuK, "ine Apple tiing," written by 11. a. 'iruukon, Uie Apple iving oi ins world. Telia how you can par ticipate in the enormous profits bains reaped by apple growers In tbs famous Rogue River valley, without leaving your present position or residence. Address Rogue River Commercial Orchard Com pany, Dept. W. MedXord, Oregun. ALBERTA WHEAT FARM. (20 acres of finest Alberta wheat land In the famous Saskatchewan valley, about six miles from tue growing town of Vegrevllie and between the main lines of Canadian Northern railway anu Oi-ana Trunk Paci fic, aud omy a lew mllea (rom bum. Land In this vicinity produces from o0 to W busn- els of wheat to the acre and loll bushels of oata, and la rapidly increasing in value. One crop will more than pay lor land. Will take (13. per acre lor quick sale. Aosoluta gov ernment title. This is a great bargain and will make lu' mousy, 'mere is vuly one crop of tana; Deter get in wiuie it is cheap. C. . nootn, vox ao4, foiuaun. ore. LEARN about the country through which Hill Is building to toe coast; aiso aoout toe land receatiy purchased by ou Paul capi talists. Vale is we key city of tola oig country. BUDscrioe tooay xor oriauu, vaia, ore., at i.ov per year. IRRIGATED FRUIT LAN Da. Rogue River V alley, Oregon. Declared by government experts to be the niMl Mrtart f l il it halt in th wnrM- .nnil sweepatakes prix; stpokane National AApl I show; bas received uie highest prices ever I paid xor iruit m ins xnew.sors ana Lon don markets; orchards now producing ovsr i,tiu0 net per acre. Irrigated ercuara txacts on payment plan, ranglug m prion trout (& per acre for un developed laud to (but per acre for devet pea vrcaaras. ... Keguelands, Incorporated, . ttearora, Oregon. (50.000 IRRIGATION PROPOSITION. X,two acres locally located contiguous to government and private irrigation projects will be soia to maiviausi or syndicate ror subdivision, or for selling tracts. (60,00 will swing uie oeai. lari oi lanu already under Irrigation, produces heavily In al lium, onions, potatoes, etc. Low altitude: long sunshiny season. Nelgnoorlng lands selling lrom 2v to toOO per acre. Chance to make (Aiu,vuu. ror particulars aaoreas D. O. Liveiy, North Portland. Ore. BUY fartn lands now; they are dally in- creasing In - value. There is a limited amount of land, but no limit to tha future population.- The pacific Northwest is the stream an act iroin government timoer re oreaent lnd of ouoonunity. Wa hi?t a I ,,rve. Independent of all water Cumpaales; oia.m.f which 1U uit you. Wnta us today, stating your wuiri particulars free. The Card Realty A lav. Co.. usury Bldg., Portland, Ore. ilklakeaia. NOTlCr. To be sold at pubao auotton, June n. UM. A (-story, moaern. (0-roon, brlok hotel building in city of (,000, Stillwater, OkL Best located property in city. Stillwater is center of Interurban system now build- in, has other good railroad facilities, haa l state agricultural scnooi; city ia growing rapidly. This hotel haa best business in ths etty. but tne proprietor must sell on so- count of poor health. Will sell furniture and building on day of sale with privilege f leasing it ooiiaing itseu noes not soli. Inquiries . concerning this property and tarms oi saia win ue promptly answered by the unaersigneu. dOttM iwuiii, nr., uuwaier. uaj. Nartb U-Vota. lJ20-acre grain and stock farm, best part of North Daaota 1.600 acres cultivated and In r.m ahullt ti i . cr.. niAn (-An ha I cropped: . 140 acrea fine Umber, too acres fine bay meaaow; balance urat-ciass pas- ture; excellent set ot buiiainga. improve- V?$L?S I new air line. Fargo to Mlnot. under con- iUVUUsf TsslUVU (mis eAV,wr, liuuav, W ai ptuu I structlon, crosses, part of land; some of Un,t diin n.w iownshin: if Durchaaad I kfars harvest half crou aoea with land An navln, ftr mmi1 liaAd: saulnmant ni.v i be nurchaaed if desired: owner haa ranched here tor twenty-live years auu wisaea to retire: land has been i armed only raw yeara and grows excellent cropa Price (60,000, and a snap at that. Don't bother ms if you are not able to handle this; could sell a dosen tlmee to lightweights; terms on part. tn. B. atcuutcueon, aiinot. WHEN answerlrg advertisements In Ths Bse Want Ad columns, kindly mention the fact mat you saw the aa. in hi aee. NORTH DAKOTA FARM LAND EXCURSION. JULY 19. Closing out larse tract fine agricultural land, underlaid with coal. Stark Co., N. D., near Northern Pacific R. K.. (11 to (4) per acre; eaay terma. Prices, (3 to (6 per acre less man adjoining lands, crop prospeota in Btark county are fine this year. . Plenty of rain. Write for dud and full in forma tlon. Excursions 1st and 3d Tueaday each paia II you buy J. H. DUMONT A SON, 1606 Fsrnam St., Omaha. oiais uiericai and 8tenographlo BOOKKEEPER. Ins. office. (75. (urincui il. ....r,.. r... i. sca or r icrj clerk and typist, ins. or EXPERIENCED bank clerk, (60. EXPERIENCED collector. (uO. WESTERN REF. & BOND AtiS'N., INC., 763-4 Omaha N.t.-Bank Bid,.' E.t. ( Yrs.) ; . INDRTprrTT. Land In the - Mouse River loon, where erop failure la unknown. Hon. J. J. Hill says tnis land to all wortn iue per aore. ana be knowa Will rent and pay so per the I sent on Investment. Wbat is your money I earning r tne lineal praine iana u dl In lbs world, write me for list. It is rres. K. B. GO WIN. Oienbum. N. IX TWO TEXAS FARMS FOR BALL Ul acrea lot In cultivation, alfalfa. ami nolatoas: thraa miles front the taws ef W barton; on the Colorado river SB overflow; 44 miles from Houston. Also acres, as la cultivation, corn; ad joining the above olacs: 4a of mile to a railroad switch: early oan gat Immediate (00 bosscmsIob ; will take (Ml per acre for one (17 I or both piaeea. write to tne owner, I Mortoa. Yi karlaa, Tex. Ternsv RFAL ESTATE FARM AMI ItA.NCH LAMi rOK SAL North Dakota- ontlnned. 1-eaaa. TO ZAVALLA COUNTY. Tb.AA Ha ass a novice to farming. A man offered him the uee of SO acres of land without charge for one year fur ib- clearing and plowing. He planted X acres of onions according to the directions given him by his neJchKnrs. HIS CLEARED 110,000 NET PROFIT FROM THE 20 ACHES. OH MJN ACRE. IN ONE SfcAbON. lie tnen offered to buy the land at 41. an acre, but the on per wouldn't sell. I HAVE 10.000 ACRES OF THE kAlli. LAND JUol' ALONUSlUli AT ONLY (16.00 AN ACRiS. But It must be sold in one body. Real estate men of long experience pronounce It THE BEST TRACT IN TEXAS." It must be aold at once, and 1S. Ow is cost price. Naturally thla ia a wholesale proposltton. '1 liia land can be readily re-aold in small tracts from M to $T6 per acre and If the buyer nlahea, I will undertake Ita re-aale. The land I offer you la In the artesian belt and Is the best N opportunity you will ever nave to buy. For particulars address W. B. MURRAY, 407 COMMERCE BLDfJ., KANSAS CM I. WlbbOURl. A CANADIAN WENT TOU OUUHT TO KNOW ABOUT IT. It s a county seat In the ceotsr of the Rio Grande Valley and Irrigation; baa railroad. canala. new court house, goon Dans, school, brick buainess houses: Chapln needs people to develop Ita greet resource; tny re ncn euougn to maae yvu rwu. ah us tor booklet "il." tnArln iOV.N81Tia (.ujarani, Chapln. Teg. Viti,urs, BS-anre Imnroved farm for tl.fttt. This farm has HO acres cleared free of stumps snd under cultivation; land ta level; good clay loam aoll. ciay subsoil; no atone; haa Ui acres of heavy hardwood timber auoh as sugar maple, oak, baaswood end birch. no uiiiierbruali in ine timuer; paiance oi land easy to clear. Thla farm borders on a beautiful lake with good fishing, it has a new frame house with aeven rooms nil complete ready to move into; and a new stable, HxM. Farm is locatdd bis miles irotn cumberiana ana uiree nines lrom Barronett; in a well settled farming coun try; Germans and Americans; on main traveled load, near schools, ciiurches and .-reamery. There is timber enough ou this l arm that when aold will pay the Interest ixes for five years. Terms (200 cash. I and taxes balance on time to suit purcbaaer. We also own another 80 of Uulmproved land that Joins this farm in caae you want mora .and. bend for our special list of other terms and timber land we own, also our book on northwestern Wisconsin. We are located In Barron county. 7( miles north- eaat of ht. Paul. Addresa Wlsconaln Cot- ealaatlon Co., Cumberland, Wis. YOU CAN BUl LAND FOR (10 a month, good .land, at from (8 to (20 per acre in Vilas and Oneida counties. Wis consin. ' We charge no Interest. We pay the taxea. Inaurance clause In the contract- Best op- portunlty In the country lui- the man of moderate means to own a farm and be in- dependent. Write for map and book Q Dept. U. F. SANBORN CO. Eagle River. Wis. TOU CAN BUY LAND FOR (19 A MONTH good land at from (8 to (30 an acre. io Vilas and Oneida -counties, Wisconsin, We charge no interest We pay the taxea Insurance clause in the contract. BEST OPPORTUNITY IN THE COUNTRY for man of moderate means to OWN A FARM AND BE INDEPENDENT Write lor map and book to Dept. s 0. F. VAN BO KM CO.. Kagle River. Wis. Virginia. CHOICE VIRGINIA FARMS. ALONG THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY Aii LOW AS (10 PER ACRE: rich soil, mild winters, uearby eastern mar kets. For bandsome Illustrated booklet. COUNTRY LIFE IN VIRGINIA" (100 oases), and low. twice a month excursion rates. Address u. a. wau neai estate Agent, C. ft mond. vs. o. Railway, Boa m u. kiou- VIRGINIA FRUIT FARM. Ui ACRES (4.400. Two-story bouse; U rooms and basement; t porches: ample outbuildings; apple .Mh..rf r.f Slut llh.m,rU niunlna win. taps and otbar high-priced varieties; the trees are u years oiu. ana oeuig locatea id the great fruit belt of Albemarle county ihY ara naray ana unity, ana win rieia a llfeioug income; tvi mues to railroad station; eurruuuaea ct gouu aeiguuors. u '" , , v."-. - r ace ou easy terms. or turtner details, i see page , atrout a Farm catalogue No. W, Second Edition." It describes other I rare Bargains troin to an acre up in vir- aluia. Maryland and the south. Copy free. Station ). B. A. Strout. Union Bank Bldg.. Pittsburg, fa. WyosalasT. FOR BALE 640-acra improved and lrrl gated ranch, located in southern Wyoming, comDlstely fenced, with first class house I and all . necessary outbuildings; irrigation iT cC.eff or owner must sell II st nnn and will SMrlli,'. 0- r Iunch.pn. fcdi Unity Bldg., Chicago, iU. Miscellaneous. HAVE YOU A FAxUa FOVs SALE OR Trjliu? or do you want to buy onst Make your want known uiiougn THE DES MOlNaSS CAPITAL, tue want medium of Iowa. It lea; 1 cent a wora tor aoa inser tion, cents a line, itt ceuia an inoo. Clr- cuiadon. 41.00U. larasal of any lowa daily. Give us a trial. Address Tl Capital, Land Dept.. Des aumiea. lowa. . REAL ESTATE LOANS GARVIN BROS.. d floor N. Y. Life, (MM to (1M),0U on improvea proparty. jhw oeiar. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warranto. W. Fsrnam bmlUi as Co.. HM Faruaia MU MONEY TO IX) AN Pay ue Investment Co. lisa to 110.000 made promptly. V. D. Wead, W sua oiug.. joui mv -- .rjw i. a.ooo un homes In Omaha. O'Keete Real instate tu.. aw ' or A-iliO. - . - . - Wi. ft., ill.,- wK V'rlvUV of mating partial pay moatm ml'aiixr,x,A. W. H. THOMAS. K First Nation? Manfc Bids- REAL ESTATE WANTE D ,WE HAVE BUYERS FOB (. I and 7-room bouses. If prices ara right we can sen your property ior iu NOWATA LA.NL NU l-ui Suite 1M N. Y. Lite Bldg. WANTED Good rantn. property, (1.600 to t ami far ehoica vacaiM mt or lots, one- third to one-nan tne vaius, iiuv ti cash. Give particulars property otiereu. Address m an, siee SWAPS il arras land In El Paso county. Colo rado, all fenced, every Inch of It tillable; well settled all arouna It- v-iear. x-rica (2.600. Want 8-room house, norm eno pre ferred, will assume a reaauuauis mkum- brance. ..... . NOWATA LANU AL liOl v,v., 66 New York Uf Bldg. Phone Red 1U. aia 1PRES extra level land, closa to rail road. In Box Butte county, Nebraska; will exchange for merchandise; price. M per acre: wui carry e.wi w. Holdrege. Neb. SWAPS. J9rVn K"a NOWATA LOT 4k LAND CO.. SulU U New York Lit. Bid.. lUd Nine-room bouse nearly new. Will put In Use. WE trada anvthuK. anywhere. I A THItOl' St TOU1N. D. MM. 421 Bee, aulumobl. f0r Ralston lots. L. Howard, Ralston, r-ieo. TAILORS MISFIT tailored suits O and (40 values st (la. ee A. nuosoatsin. Q. A- LINQCI8T CO (38 PAXTON BLK. I fX)R evening functions full dress Is the rula. snd to get It made right see k4 Tblel lallor. tig si. Mia au j IUR HOME r ncc nf f h h cf nhlichfTIPnr i- K'y Mint Ui IUU aitllUIUWumvM C.in 1 BY AMERE MI. The Boss of the Estsbllshmcnt ass ex pecting a distinguished visitor a gentle man of the old school, brought up In the mint bed of southern luxury, whom It was the Bos' purpose to treat with much honor and even more liquid refreshment. So, when early In the afternoon of the anticipated call his wife opened the door to what seemed sn lnipersonullon of the bartenders' danta Clous, she could not re st lain a started exclamation, "What on earth have you got In all those bundles?" she asked aa she relieved the Boss of some of the tottering treasures as, with a algh, he depoKlted the others on the dining room table. "Limes," said her lord, holding up a pa per bag; "mint," he auard, discovering a carelessly wrapped peonage from which the tips of a bundle of that fragrant herb protruded. "Tills is Angostura; over there are Marlschtno cherries, while those bot tles contain the finest Scotch and rye and gin you can buy tn New York City. I guess I can give the colonel anything he calls for, from an old-fashioned cocktail to a pousse cafe. Including all the mint Juleps and gin rlckeys he can drink." Doubtfully the 'Boss' wife surveyed the mighty battalion of bottles arrayed befoio her. "It's so warm, dear," she said, "that maybe the colonel might not care for any of those heating drinks. Did you," sho added, hesitatingly, "did you order any beer?" The Boss looked at Ms wife for a brief moment nd then, like Lord Ronald, "h laughed a laugh of merry scorn." he "Beer!" he snorted contemptuously. "Beer I Why, I wouldn't Insult a Kentucky gentleman, much less a Kentucky colonel, by offering him beer!" And then he added bltlngly: "Don't you know that a southern gentleman never takes anything stronger than buttermilk or sarsaparllla?" Perceiving the posltlveness of the Boss' mood, his wife said no more. But a few moments later she stole from the room, and when she returned she wore her best afternoon costume and a triumphant smile. But the Boss, absorbed In the preparation I of his liquid reception committee, did not notice either Then the distinguished visitor was an nounced. And tho Boss, sparring for an opportunity to utter the only familiar quo tation that ,never grows stale, forgot that there were such feeble-minded creatures as women in the world. . 'What'll you have?", he asked finally when a conversational Interstice presented Itself. "Don't you think a mint Julep would reach the spot?" he added Ingratiatingly. "No," answered the Kentuoky colonel, languidly, "I never drink mint Juleps. I know that the confession stamps roe as a mere stepson of my native soli, but it is a fact," "How about gin rickey?" Inquired the Boss, with undiminished ardor. 'I have never touched one!" answered the honored guest. And then he added by way of propitiation: "I know that for years I have enjoyed the ' unmerited repu tation as the National Bacchus. If I were a younger man I might live up to It, but my digestion being as it is, 1 prefer not to deserve mv laurels-or. to b. rl..lr.ll - - iuuuilb, suuuiu my mj vine leaves. I "What do you say to a cocktail 7" ner- ..rtHH the Bass, still snilmmlv hn.nlt.KI. OMAHA PUBLIC LEBEAEY AND MUSEUM. Nineteenth and Harney Streets. Cook Books. I oerry. Fruit Recipes.. ...O (731 ...0(704 ...OS6S1 ...0 8741 ...0 9B7( ...oust .. .0(681.21 ...O (631 ...0 3629 .0 (624.1 Christian. Uncooked Foods Farmer. Boston Cook Book.... Chafing Dish Possibilities What to Have for Dinner Fox. Blue Grass Cook Book.... Green. How to Cook Fish One Thousand Simple Soups., Harland. 966 Cakes and Cookies. (66 Desserts O (628 Kitchen O 3690 O (624 Lincoln. Boston School Text Book (66 Breakfast Dishes .... Macfadden. Physical Culture Cook Book 026S3.2 Mitchell. Flreless Cook Book O (713.2 New York Cake Book O 3608 Rorer. My Best 260 Recipes O (636 Bachse. How to Cook for the 81ck.O (694 Williams., Chemistry of Cookery... O 3689 A Practical Poet. The poet wrote about a man Who struggled 'neath misfortune's ban; w no taoorea eariy, laDorea late, I Tet had to knuckle down to fata I T mnil.r. 1I1a i.w Via WMti.hl ,. work wa ur. t0 cora. to nau.ht. The poem went the weary round, But not a purchaser It found. The poet, tho.ugh, knew what to do, And added on a line or two That never yet were known to fall, A check came by return of mall, What were the lines havs you not guessed Bo good they carried all ths rest? They showed the man had missed success And met with failure and distress, Because he never deemed It wise. As other men, to advertise. J. J. O'CONNELL. PILING IT UP. lesgot insomnls snd cant "Well. weDf To be fkprtrsd of Tils tlocp Is bad enough, but to havs tosomnin. too poor.tdlcrr Will v 1 J MAGAZINE . mr . Gin Hltkejs and lU-rr. but showing a decided lessening of confi dence In his po-ver to pleas. "I'll have to say no," the honored vlslt"r answered, and then he turned eagerly to the Boss' wife: "How Is your estimable father?'" he In quired politely, "lias he completed Ilia Interesting monograph on 'The History of Cremation' which he contemplated on my last visit to the north? You know," he added, turning explanatorily to the Boss, "Nick and I were boys together." Just here the Boss' w ife launched up in a five-minute monologue, half h'j:nTous and half admiring, of her father's contemplated litersry project. "I fear," she ended, "that the general public Is not quite so interested as father thinks In the newer methods of being con sumed." "Say!" Interrupted the Bor, " "cnn.uinaa' Is good. And, by tho way. Colonel, what will you consume? Do you know whnt I think Is the most expressive line In thu English language? It'a nhen the An.lt-nt Mariner exclaims: 'Water, water every where, and not a drop to drink!" The Colonel rmllcJ spprovlnsly the DOTrULLYlfTrlE BOSS I UIFE Slf2VBV0 THE ' Ml&MTY BATTALION OF BOTTLES. quotation from tils beloved English classics. Not so tho Boss' wife, who burst forth with indignation: "Ancient Mariner, In deed! I suppose that's poetic license for drunken sailors!" Then with a smile of discriminating hos pitality she turned to their guest. "I know what you want!" she exclaimed, "a nice, long. Ice-cold glass of beer!" "How did you guess It?" the Colonel murmured, ecstatically. And then, as the hostess hustled away ha said to the dismayed Boss: "You know I spent five years In Germany studying the piano and I learned there to prefer lager beer to anything else on earth.'' ' "Where did you get the beer?" the Boss Inquired f his spouse after their guest had departed happily. "Why." exclaimed the lady, with un usual diplomacy, "don't you remember you told me to telephone for it? I never could have 'thought of It otherwise." And the Boss smiled fatuously, being onca more at peace with himself and all the world. (Copyright, 1M0, by the N. Y. Herald Co.) r Today's Menu J BREAKFAST. Canteloupes, Iced. Shirred eggs. Creamed potatoes. Beaten biscuit Sliced cucumbers, dressed. Coffee. Tea. The Omaha Bee. LUNCHEON. Potato puff. Bread and butter. Cold tongue, sliced, with sauce. Salad of string beans, French dressing. Rice custards, cold, with whipped cream. Tea, Iced or hot. Milk. DINNER. Cream of rice soup. Lamb cutlets, tomato sauce. Boiled potatoes. Lima beans. Cauliflower, drawn butter. Salad of head lettuce. Cherry pie. Coffee. Cheese. r Dyspeptic Philosophy. J Many a' fellow has Jumped from the fry ing pan Into ths fire under the Impression that the fire was out. Many a man doesn't recognize an oppor tunity unless It comes up and slaps him on the back. Some men are so constituted that when they are not giving themselves away they are being sold. Just because fools and little children tell the truth Is no reason why they should monopolise the conversation. The fact that there are sermons In stones shouldn't Influence a woman to wear ber diamonds to church. A woman may have a mind about clothe, but seldom about hats. Love your neighbors. You can always get more out of them that way. When a woman' weeps she wonders why there Isn't a second deluge. The men who thinks seriously of marriage Is likely to remain a bachelor. It Is necessary to strike the average man below the belt if you want to reach bis potketbook. Every young girl thinks she is competent to write a book called "Advice to Parents.'' It Is probably ths uncertainty of the fu ture that prompts women to cry at wel dings and funerals. The only reason some man are not glut tons Is because they are dyspeptics. "Tip l'feft