Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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lisdi Fetched Xlosr Sti4 Wu
Aizlterttei ui JCiibraaded.
Crabtree Talks
to the Teachers
of Criticism
Forcer Head of Pen Soma! Scaool
Dt-lirm Address at Boatca em
Sovre ef Trouble
Board Decides
Against Naming
Fire Warden
Now For a
Fare to Be Kefuded if Tiej Biy
Jaijt Kiigrr Orders ILitMxri Fa
eifie to Boili Chie.
Goo& Here.
rkraala Wkeat (.raom Will
tH see Beeael
vat (np, Milleva
BrTCV. Man, Juiy ?- S9rU Tr!
ra:j5. Bf we wrtril uai. a eetegntee eU
KTMj.rg the Nabooal Etfacatlooei eaeraei-
atjoa cesrreattoa la tfcis cur today. .'u
i W. Crateree. formr aramaent of tne Stale
fc-aJMSAs UTI, Wi-T ..- v. e. ixe JT. Normal seaooi la Pra Ne,- eeiiverea a
rod tie rur srsl waa i- -t-i ier-Jsy eedresa. Ha subject u
- Crv
-'.. the J-jry. f.-4 Cat t!-.e fw srise-i J Lej-j.
was OMttajiAd. afr. Crabetree eexl la part: Tsere are
TSie I separate verdicts w e-e rftin-d tiiree t ef the laser w !va rn enti-
.tlcism cf tie Praise eois y
hi the f'4-rmi cturt fcere tcxlay tr U-e
o3 apoo tte a-u&ic scaooae.
Srj, walca lor oot taoa f w' -Flrat TIe smallest. Mit taportaBt. t
Ester t tf i.uoL7 f.r aca agairst tlt mca see to the can knewn
tt ft cX tt government tisat 3 ee'.cs aa t&e caroaae f a ultflaoer.
Cr. bita-cae axl sul bv i?e Leii.-srtm "Seceod A maea larier ami nor da-gee a4 K-evaU-r eoccpecr f Lx'r'Tti. cae j, rcirtil of UkM h-M aia
Ne. sixl by the gjvenaseet aroiaJ has baea of ft eomethr.g personal.
la the pse.iee ef tbe irctar. a g:ice Imnitlce. faetieaal or (ttfnM selCsa.
at Cu'.rt. Ma.. were adulterate aa ffiie- Tatrd The laT-r ru of people wiOM
BTaAfcd. J entJ clean crva y sf trj Va!tT ta tt
T rj"i-.I rturs--J aTtf a-ra aocrT pooj ackoote.
4:Mrataa aa a tT;t rietTrr I ta "Thoaa h ertt-ciaa bcaiu ot aota per'
g-iveniBSMst licJi peutJ th auft an- .ocaj (rtttaac aad tor atiwr ae.faa ra
atr ifc ta.ilor.-a: fsod and era? act. ( j, aooroa awt tS aerlM
Tt -iyra3rat cfia-'xl that th roar -roivM of tba acfcaoL Tkf-r retort U. an
laiiida cf rxtren ta rt wa tla
a id ii-.ti.d ia that rt waa t-' J br
taa Alavp proaa, S;ch make cm of
peroxuSa aod iiuxa ptoxal ia t aCr - r
iJbrasdC a ctiarxed ia that ti.
rur arul hi labeW a fa.-vry patrr.t
T-our and t& jtaj!5trat e:tB!d tt u
tot a faacy aatrnt f;wr beeua It arra
rt a-ad frtjra a f-rt pi4 ta. winter
Haailf far Faraacra.
Ati&rrja . tr L- tr!"n will fi.a a
aotioa f.T a rw rrsaJ afttai tamty
aya a i ' K'wQ W aaard br Jlr
HrPraoa about IMfflUr 1. If ta n-
lxa ta orrraed ti. eaao iS aa earrwd
at one ta I'm circuit eocrt arsd ar7aMy
wU ba trard Jn er3tar.
MJ2a aar tr-' t fetacard Coar dreia
tor. wtl kaoaliaa ti farsMra of tb anuta
weat u tba cataot of from .tM.1 to
r A. -- jaar- Tftry aar t.1 aid diffrr-
nUal of a cecia a bsfcl a roa-aa Cai-
taa acd St. Lou: earkrta f t years aaa
befora bieacbrd fiuur caja ia. wtU aooo
appear aa.'i
Tbrr fortBr say that farara cf X
BrUaa. K a-.f v and Oblafcoma
aJi Wt i casta a oa tQcir frant
.iwl ttaat hard airttf kit anil iom
t b aellisa s crata a btl kaa tJbaa at
I ratnT Al-eadr icLr ara cocaklrrter
tuaiW:BKt at biacaic ata jars Li
aatrs wbra tS aaa of biacfcd Tour ia
rot Brofc!b.od-
Tbiaa taay aar tbay aiar aroij tta Iz'tr-
i Vj aia CaCTBxrc law. Br isiria. kw
prod'jet Is tarnad out ia natra waar
b.'racfcad rar ia Uleaai. Tnay tai-vsa-lacad
Cowr icto taa ata -a wara ta
aaUa ef It la permiitad. aajoad U at ths
biwach'rg; lut orj. biacb it and dtribjt
It ta taa siata.. .
Jalr IS Ortaa- IS,
Vfctrb Ttaa Owaba Ot
ur AlUwtlaM ta
Darf aar
Tea OmU CoaEcrriaJ riab has
parfacted arraecaiBaata far a-Salla of coun
try Berchats ta Omata 4tizus tb aQav
aacr. data asd trra:a btad' ta ssoat 4
irali.a vr amirad. Fivm Jaly U ta Oc
tabrr la, any aaarchast r-.V.T OtBUia a J!
bara taa anoaat of tia fax Wta ways)
rcfuadad to fciaa proridrd that tala aoaouu
to 1 par ccrat of aia purefcaaa from aAT or
ail KiBbTS of tba Jabbers fcd Mudac
tarrra aaaoctatioo.
Tbera ara aa otbor ktaitatlnaa or ccadl
tw&a. TKkats win bc kaa ta ba boht
at anr particuiar t.m or piaca, aad sX
Fire ud Folic CossiiscioEers Tim
Tkm Xtyor'i Aj-pcicteeat
for Tscsrt Office.
Aa atirmpt to rt a fVra irii fr
Omaha la accordaaa wtt a tb cfoartrr
proviaioa was icaa by Mayor Paaiavaa
Wrtv4tr afraraooa a baa hla apeoist
arnt of Edaard T. Unrfj aaa broc-t ba
f era tba rsiar awtcif of tha B-iard of
FVa aad Poiica Co3r.aitaFtccra. bat tha
apeotatKret waa aol eocfxDed. Tta f
fcaitr tea (a taa rrliKtaaca of tve cora
miawiacrrs ta appocat aay ofRriai until tsr
ara certaia ti ha a rrapunaltla ta scro
superior efTlcrr. Tba Xl is worth SUM
and tsa a-ocy has been appropriatrd by
taa city council, bat as las aa thara la so
pnrrtsioa la tt ttatatrs wbk hoids ta
wardaa raspeeabla far bis poaafbla eraicct
of daty. no obo aaacca 1-kely to tt taa
salary, cntifawotr Mora was ttm
that wm b accaasary ia to tako a rrca.rO rbcr aba farr taa pootetmwrt aad
aupcriateodccC teacaar ar board Kaibra.
C5ty Bvaertatradeta haro oftMi foaad
tha fooo "I-a" ta fia back of criiicjaaa:
First dafeatad for a ptaca oa tac board, i
"ireeood Caocbiar taBtd to setura as
rlrcttaa i tba acooote.
-Tfcird A rtl- ar poetical Crasd net
rtectad aa aitor.
"roartb CotnpatJtor ata tto contract
far aefcooi acppijaa or fur coal.
TiTLH Boy aujiiahod for soom school cf
faraa. " Taa grrateat ( -od mum frxa tha bast
rcopla. W tta tnis elaaa of people rprtt
taair rtewa ara rcspaa:?iL'
B-TraJ booaa for candidates for tba areai
doocy of tlta Xational Edacauocwal aaaoca
atioa drrcicpad at Laa caareatioa hra ta
day. Tba Candida taa who ara ta sppoas
Mrs. Hl-a Faa Tacaav bead of Caicaara s
acfooot systrsa ara Mama G. Bajcbaacfc ef
tba Pbideipaia ocaoala. Vaitad Statas
Cotsmaaocar of Cducatioa Caiar Ells
worth Brawn. Z. T. . Snyder. priocJpaJ.
Cotorado Etata Normal acaoot; Prcsidaat
Joarpa Swam r-f Swarthmora coUcxe.
SvpanatradaBt Baa Elatt of tha t- Laojia
scaoola a&d Joaa H. PaHIlpa. ataU director
of Alabama aubnc scacoia. Mrs. Tooac's
foiloacra arcs bar clacuoa aa racocatwa
of tea worn a teachers wba coasprlaa tha
majority of tha masiberaklp. Tha eiecfeoa
will ba hcd totaorrow nocn.
from taa ticket seUar. Tba refcatcc ma
chinery will ba operated by tie dob's com
mittee oa tba Jot bars aad Maasaztsrert'
asaociaUoa. which iodiwies W. M Barceea.
iah-Rsan. H. G. L. Hammer. N A. Jadaoo,
A. A. McClura. F. Martin, X- A. Sp-ea-berrer
aad E. H. Spraroc.
Tba list of aaracuocs i jr.r. taa dates
ara ajneraua. aed basadea thoaa which
would ordicarUy bmic ia Been from s-aailer
tawaa. ara taa aviation meet. Joly OS,
aad Use rat.Tal of Ak-Sar-Ben. wtieh ttia
year rac from Sepceajber 9 to October S
Fanning Has High
Indignation Over
BranV Methods
Coloxel Aikt what W. J. His
to TLreatei Party Bridgei
Also Waxes Et.
D. E. Thompson
on Way North
from Mexico
ha s-jpocrted it aa tee mrpoafUoa that
every officer is a-jbject t tta coatrol of
tha body that appoints kirn. a.tbav(k taera
ia aa special prwristoa to that afreet. The
dstiea cf tfce fre warden icir4 tia la
spectJOQ ef fireproof bua'iLsa. fire es
capes aad other rirauar taiaa-a that come
w -. i i tha orliaaacea. To sett!s tha -jes-ta
of resporiatbility. tha matter was re
ferred to tha city attorney. Tha board now
may decide to wait ust-I taa lerlsiatiire
meets aaain when aa attempt wSi ba made
ta chac-a tha law aad bare tha of-e sub
ect ta the costrol of tha board.
William Waacch was acted secretary
ef tha board to succeed C. J- Karhach and
W. J. Harder waa re-elected caairmaa
t aerra cati the ma; or rttarca. Av
atstijit Fire Chief Sac;oa was arsjited
a ten-daya leare' of ahaeace. Th! soard
decided to bold raeeti-jrs oaiy a
month dirts- the neat three moatha. oa
the Cxst and third Tweaaay a of each
Western Engineers
to Ask More Wages
XocomotiTt Pilots em Fortr-Xiiie
Zoads Will Preteat Clsias Tit
ian Aajut Fust.
CHICASU. July t it was aaaawaeod
fceea tsxiay that S. iocasMSive eaarloacra.
ejepioted ea tarty -a. re railroad sratema
we of Can:at are formulaTlBK demands i
for tacreaaad wacea which ana ba pre-;
aeated tJ taa anaaaaara bef ara AuaMet L
Tha sebc-da. aa fax a they have baea
prepared, call far a erssiete readXsuiaent
cf a aaea far ail Parses a( eAslacera. taa
ca o tna far western diviate&s deatand
tt a higher adtaaea than ia naked by tha
men rwaaiea; iota Cktcaao.
Tha tocamoti-ra flraoea oa tha asms lines
recently were ?rea, aa tacraaaa ranatng
from S to 8 ceata a day by aa arbt
trauoa board appotmed uadar taa Era
avaa law. Aa a rrauit. tha railroad mana
gers have baea expectl taa camiec da
Beaad ef tha acaraeera.
Rama are By-tare aa- Van weeae-llc
yu m raew
WAaUUCuTOX. July C Tfeat at least
three, aad peehape aaur. of tha Cestral nod
gt ulii AmartcaJt lepasiics will make a eua
certed. protest of aocae kiod at tha conTnaj
tni.ema,; utni awaXareaca af Ameneaa staias
at Uueaaai AyTea, aawmat tha Ceatrai Amer
ican fmixr af tha L'aitad akataa a tha poa
a.hility bitj dLacuaaed la dldoaatla drciea
Ramors to ta;s effect Lava baea pereti.
eet of saxa la tjuarters vaoafly well m
farased. aad aoma reapueaibie Latin-Jkmer-tcaa
reporta adaiitted .tix appraaxmats
trwta. thooa-h Bona wooid pernut "" f ta
ba quoted. Tin rumors have tad ta lveiy
aabas of IcioraLaXioa anions; tha Central
aed eVjatJh Araaricaa d-amata kexa. Of
nciala af tta f :; aVpetmeat are vatca
laa tha t.t-saSca Ltuaciy.
tocsa t !ia awte radical af tha Spaataa
Aerfcara. are aaid ta ba ta faror of a
! . -AsatrKaa aXtaaca asainat tha Catted
It ia serailj cuaweded. aoweter.
nai act loo. f t& aatura la ua-
SoatIier Projects Well Under Way
and is Sow to Baild ix Bridje
Across Sneiatc Hirer.
ST. LOUIS. Ma, Ji-J i-?peeial Tele
aram. D. i- Taornpeoa af Mexico City
aad Liacois. former lirhamador af the
ITnitad Siatea ta Mcxlca, and now prsai
dent af tba Pan Amaricaa railroad, walch
hia syndicata boyisat from tha 8c Looia
ayaaUcata that eocstTBcted tha read, ae-
yestarday by Mrs. Thompson.
Laoia ia hia prtcsia car avar
tha National railways of Mexico aad tha
Iron Mountain. They departed last avlfnt
via tha Kturb&t-tea. for Lmcoia.
Tha Paa Amertcaa raflxaad ia
te$i property, winnir.a; aloes taa
coaei af Mexioa from San Gernnimo near
Cru, to Tapacauia, soar tha citcuu
rttr. ax tita Guatemala border. Tha line
is aoo constructed between the Sierra Ha
ir raac aad tha see.
Mr. Taompaoa la aeaj&tiaiir' persoaally
for taa privilege of coaatracusa; a bndat
acroaa taa soaata river, connecnaa; Mexico
asd Guatemala. As sooa as tha protacoi
racanvas the -ena tares cf both rovara
meats ha wil be!a tatmediateiy to bo&d
taa bridca. Accordiax ta the sepiiaooss
the bndga cannot be ewaod by either tha
Fan Anaencaa raalroa ar tha Gaatamaia
Cestral. aad tt caaaot a under taa coo
troi of atther tha Meiicaa or tha Goata
ma!an tToveramest. Mr. Thompson ia at
kaeny to orwaxnta a aridca company, bat
the coatrei of tha stmcture must remain
iadepefident permaaeotly.
Mr. Thompson said tha last roverBment
stauly is now affcred fior tha coaatrac
tioa of railways ia Tatxaa nad C rrjat
Caioiiel Charles E. Faun Tig U oca of
tha OmaAa demoerata ara-o caaaot see w here
W. J. Bryan gets tha right to Insist oa
either ruling the democratic party or dis
rupting it ta tha poiat where there win be
so aarty.
"Id Lka to hate aomebody poait out to
mo where aad wbea Mr. Bryan waa made
tha custodian of to democratic party asd
the framer of ita iasraea.- aaid Colonel Faa-
"1 hare kcowa tha gentleaaaa ever race
ke first broke IE, through tha aaaistaae
of gmd frieads ia this cocaty. aad so far
aa 1 know he always has been boosted with
a wCllrg heartiness that should have left
soma iarpreasion oa him.
"But. aesde from that feature, who ever
ard cf mea tk Tbsrmaa. Hendricka.
TCdea. Hancock aad others of that catber
asaamiag the role of dictator, with the
threat t tura wrecker if they cooid not
have their way. Even G rover Cleveland,
ia his mor autocratic haanor. never so
much aa approached the spirit af arrogance
and mtoleraaca ia which Mr. Bryaa is now
attempting to boss and frolldose tha dem
ocracy af Nebraska. I do not believe ho
can saccaed la tha. aelf-apaxvated dictator
ship, at Vena, not by democratic votes, asd
I know ba ought not to succeed.
CoascUimaa Lee Bridges is another man
who snesrauaaiy ebjecta to Bryan's assnmp
Uoa of authority. "It- ts attariy wtthoot
warraat.' said Mr Bridges. -Oraat-ag taat
Mr. Bryan has aa laflveneo ttaat must be
reckoned with, it tana to a great many
af as baa a very uarsatifabie and unwise
nee to make af it when he attempts to aaa
it to cram bis reveal paramoaBt. and bis
weakest ideas down the throats of those
MlTaiaf laTiT VIM W 111 T J afa.a. m s,ii m
rater Board Asks
for Much' Money
Seta Aside Reetralalac Order Held
lag City Coaaell Mae rtert
to Order reaitrantea aad
Law Is lalld.
Through the decUa af Jadg V. !i
Marger ia the t ailed Staus district irt
yestrday. the Masonri Facir.c Ra. ival
eorcraay must now proceed to construe! a
rlaJart over its tracks at Eodge aad Forty- '
Kfth street, la his eciJoa J1 Mia-:
ger routed oat the tnojejlsteocy sal
baeieaaiuas of each of tue alVra'loea aet
forward by the railroad ta Its pia fur an ,
tajunction e.rt the enf cwxetneat of tie ,
ordicaaca rjuirtr.g the vAd.-t-
Th rallrtad coicpay used roarteen rf
agrachs ia Its peotrea for the ir)vncti v.
setting forth first the nedsaoas .f t-ve
viad jet; its wort.Meseaeas ta the rcevl after
It shot Ji be built; Its great coot; the aa- '
roas-JtatieA:y cf tee statute empower. .tg ,
tha mayor aed council cf a city to ror .
each a pce of ccastructloa. at fir-xily '
the pretad'ee caued tie Oiraha coua
cJ ta frame the ordlnaace eriet-g tae
stract are.
According to the rs-Troaa. the rta-l--t
win coat rS.. Alao the road alleges the.: ',
would net have time ta assemble tha ma-.
tertal for the tiaiuc aad cwiatract K j
wttJim the oef.
Notwithataadirg each aed every itera si
larl by the road, it mast new p-oceed tu
bu'-id the viadact. The ioju.tloa is not ;
only decked, bat the temporary restra n.a
order agaicat the city enforcing tse ra
naace ia withdrawa by Judre Mucgvr.
Tte court bold that, the v-laduct Is seri
ously neceseiry fr the saiety af the pub
lic; that the couacii had cctrt-iete power to '.
order it; that the body ra so ordering it was
not prej jaLced ; that the statute giving tu '
council its power is perfectly eoast-tatniil :
from fonntr tests, and that the fact t'at t
J tne atructure wUl be of no use to the taiJ- .
1 road des not matter. '
Plea is Xade to Council for Eoairrd
' Ihouaai for Eyiraat
Hiway Coaaaaiaatoa Flavda that He
Waa et Xesllgrat ia
I jSTOX. Uaas.. Jaly Ta no fault o
Rotert H Tart, aoa cf President Tart, waa
d-oe the ir-jiry which the automobile he
was driviEg ea'jsed to Michael Tuhwaita.
an ItxlAa laborer. June X! iast. accordjvs
I to the ef the Massachusetts
ccmalsaiAie. made ph4i toc:gat.
The city council will be "sied by the
water board to appropriate S10t.m to pay
hydrant reatala for tha essoin year. This
will be the second aparocriatioa far
purpose. Before the recent ntieratinn i T
hydrants were pajd for front the general Tcucg Taft a operator's license, which has
fund, aad this appropriatioa ia wast the ! UP Isding aa iaetiga:ioo of
water board has been working- for. There j the acadsat. wJl sow be renewed upon a
ts a yodgmest of SH5.M to be paid for I plication. The statement says impartial
back rentaia. which wia cocao from the i eye witaesses testified that Taft. when tn-
yodgmeat fund.
A Hat ef preliminaries which must be
gone throcga with before the purchase af
the water works is accompCshed was of
fered by the board's attaraey, Joea L.
Weestar asd were aocepted. The de
terwilnariog of the amount ef personal
property which is actually to chaage
kaada. the determination af the exact
rigats of the holders of mortgages aad
privileges against the campaay. the ariad
iear ap af the accoaats aad the traasfer
af funds to the yssweisioa of the board
within a
Overloading of
Boat is Verdict
liliseta Central teaiaaay Stese
laats oa Cwamree ef Freed
la fteraalrta- Care.
Jut Finds Carter Laxe
Victims Cane to Deatk frera
that Cause.
Z torts are beiug made to Caaace
taa aafdartakiag hi St. Louis.
ttTtatrTeaMU Moat 3ear Xilaaak
Maru Dewta. Beeaaaf od
SaaaU Debt.
xULBANK. S. TJ, Jury ?.-James Reem.
a n-yeax-aad farmer. Gvuig soar here,
waa poisoned today by John Van Aaeae.
. '
iesuag aa earaeat aeair that tha i
N.ta.'agruaa troubles be tnmsated as
apce-Jdy as poeaihie. there raa baea aa l'B
pvrtast exebaage ef view a between taa
Caited States aaif Uexico. TtJ ieforma
ta waa givea sot at the State eeparcseat
tdcay aad Uie cimeud unicatMrna were !?
ser ved as moat rordiai.
Ttat a attempt as bwicg made ia Nica
ragua le ly tee douMe duty called for ia
utm t.ect okvm af Geeerai Inaa, aaa ib
caieJ ia a diaeauch received by taa atata
eperija.r.t to43y froca Ameneaa Caaavl
Mrtatt at Maxag-a.
a aeighbor. waa gave - h-m a driaar
wkisky. Ktra was at work a a
aad was called to aad offered a dnna trosa
a bottle. At first be demurred, but finally
took the drmk. It tasted bitter aad be
asked Vaa Asrhe to drtak. but the Latter
aa-d be had came from town, where
he had drank beer and did not want to
dr.a whisky. Ia a auaata Keesn aegaa ta
grow atck. Vaa Asche tearkig. A ample
minded aaaghtar waa ts Ike field with
tha father. She tried ta get help aver a
paoee, but it was two boars befjr the 'J
waa receeved aid. 11 swecambed aa hour
later. Vaa Asche was arrested aarttly
after and bound ever to tse drca.t court.
Puavbe is h-aa ever tLe affair.
Jut before ha died Reem seed a stats-
j saeiU ta the ef?eot that Vaa Asche aad
j poiaoaed ba for S3 wsich ho awed, aad
prayed mat oad weuid forgive Vaa Asche
tHlCA'iO. J-ly 7. l-'poa the dismissal of
court proceedBgs here today, it was stated
that the Blue Island KoLlicg Muls aad
Car company, formerly the Blue Island
Car aad Equipment compaEy. had settled
out of court the case brought garret it
by the Illinois Central raUroad. The Blue
Island coecera is one of the five eorpor-
atiou charged with defrau&ag the lirjeois boe of Mrs. A J
Central company eat of more than KJ3.i j Twenty-tsurta street.
ia eeviBectioo 1th the repairing af ears.
it la stated that aegatiatlocs for settle
ments are uader way with other com-
The eorocer's jury Wedsseaday found that
the death of Mr. aad Mrs. Tbeodccw Lisde
aad Mr. and Mrs. John jLtartoa was casaed
by the everioadit aad tippisg ever of
a row boat at Carter lake Monday after
noon. Witnesses stated that the f tr ac
capants wefghted the boat dowa at the
stera until the water was dose to the
traawaJe. and the disaster is directly due
to this fact.
The Plattedeutadber Vereia will have
charge of the funeral eervice af Mr. and
Mrs. Liiie. whica will be held from the
Ireland. C North
Tfcarsday afteraooa
Haaky Tooaat ee Jerwey has Dropa
After Tables tevemteea
NXW TCTUC Joly 7 Peter Smith, a
husky youag tannery worker la Newark.
N. J . draxk. sev-eateea Aggers af whisky
la succeaaaca today, thereby winning a at
of ST. As be pocketed the money he leli tt
the floor oacooscioos and died sooa after
ia a hospnai.
at S a'clork. The pallbearers will benthos en
frora the Eagle lodge aad tha P!att
eeutscher aad iaterment made ia Forest
La a a cemetery.
Rev. F. Tertaa conducted the fxzeral
serrtce of Mr. aad Mrs. Jofca Barton,
which was held Wednesday afternoon at 1
e'dtock front their former reaideaee la
South Omaha. 1 hey were bud side by
side in the Laurel Hill cemetery.
W. r. Bteaep
Heads Stiver
of 91
prcackisg a number of men at work oa .
the ruavi. blew the horn of hia car aad pro
ceeded very avrwly. The ataa who was fa- j
Joied stepped dlrecCy la front of the auiw- .
mobile and was knocked aViwa. I
V r Ti
jbLwyrTa s saw"
mS P Pijs ar m-
una a- cut sua
tzves or calharuca.
Thej coax the krer
ito acSivuy ty
ratJe metaoca.
Itcy &3 mot aeoar;
they i act grtpv;
they cL act weak
ea; ixA tirf
atart all the aarra
ticaa ef the Irrer
aad stomach, ia a
way th-.: aoca jnts
these crjiaa ta a
aciltiy mtvhtjra
aad eccrects caosu-
cstica. Ia r-.y wfiaaca eocsuratjos
.a rerporaaiiuo lor aaost auaeata. Thera
are thaiy-two feet cf fctuaaa towels,
which ia reely a sewer pipe. Wiea tkji
tm bectxaes clcT-i tie wiole sraUa
Secoraea pocsoced. caacag buocmesa, ta
cestsra sad irapwr btoorL etici oitea
produces rheamascsm and kidaer k-k-arm'
Ks wemaa who safers with coo
Lipatioa cr asy ter ecmkhrt can ex
pect ta have a car eoawfxacn, cr enjey
r& neaith.
ilrayca's Paw Pi w TTm ara a ofc
tc the stosaach, Irrer aad Berrea. Tiey
invigorate rmstexi cf wesieniag; tik-y
earaia tha biocd irsfead at nnoverwa-jr-C
it; tacy eoaiie the atomaca to set
a"' the aaxiabaarat frora food,
ptrt eta rt.-
XVse piUs contaia ora!oenel. noctoea,
thee are aootking. keahag aid stana
laca. Tker school "tie boweJa to ast
wJJkLxA piiyac Prca Z5 cesla.
rati La -1
Poet file EaaplevM tre Saanew la
tbie tate aad leath Pevavoaai
Arwar OrSera aaa.
Trooi a rn?f Cerreapocideat I
AaiU.STOX.vI. C Jaly 7. ?racial
t T.Tra-i. Jiwraj carrbsrt aooiaied - f jr
l-cra.a a.. Aaiia. roata two, Fraaa
U. S.-iJ-is earr:r, Fraak Goe suosututa.
l"jana cVttoes. m'.u ere. Adei
eerr W. SAtN; rimer, eedie MeNeU siib-'-i4e-.
t4('J M Hiuji Is appvKBted aost
T.iwr at 1t5-. Hughes eouMy. South it A. J. Sih reeigaed.
Kl ..Ktr- arv y iSTicera are re-.toved rrees
t .'7 la tae -at rmaaters' eepartmect, te
tats eiftrcg awfv.-ased after each name,
tai aea.'t "H yn bra reg-imeat: Eaoaxf
r Keeer. eejtfi taialry aug-jst 1;
l.a.r Jk-ac B Aattek. Fourth lafastry.
A.av i. Lspt Ner.j-g K- Wart. Fif
. .-i -jt.' autre. jtH-itt I. Leave of abeeate
;. '..- iti-v aaa greated First Liea
; . . t . il rte-.t TT. I'Oaar.aa. Fwrta ln-t...-l
eserted laaalry CoeaeaJttee Hakei
Xsaeraaa Clarsn Agaiaal Crekrr,
Will kealy Before TrteJ.
NEW YORK. Jury 7. AKaougk ao for
mal report aa J M bera evade public, tse
New Terk Tv.b.uae wiil say temorrew that
a majority af a reeclttee of hi-qjiry baa
reported to Coamm i astntser Waklo that
Chief Creaar af the New Terk Are e
partmeat is guilty ef incompetency, mio
maaageateat bad tadgment a&d also ether
Caief Crekar will fiie bia reply. Aa epea
trial befjre the cemausaieaer win then be
Taa coraaiittee. ef whx-h Creker h'aiisl
is a sieaier. tegaa its tavescgatioa after
a dwastroue fire oa J-r-e la whica two
f.reo:ea were hatied.
PEORLV. Til-. July 7- Comaaodora W. P.
Btvbop cf the Muscauae Lauack club waa
today cnasmouaiy choeea preside at of tla
Mlsstsarcpl Vaaiey Power Boat aaaoci-
atloa at its annual meetisg. Ii b-q. '
Ia waa awarded the tRI caaventioa and !
rear a tta after Fort Madison reaouaced its
claim to the BU evert.
E. H- Caease ot St. Louia waa re-elected
aecretary aad the other ofTxers were
chorea as follows:
Goeca, Daveaport. Is vice coaa-
W. H.
Ernest Corseptua. Fort Madisoa.
4 vice comaaudore. aad Robert
Kelso, Beilov-iae. lav. treasarer. Tom Webb
sf Feorta- IX. J. W. DtxJa ef BuriLagtoo.
Ia.. aad & C Seamaaa were elected ex
ecutive committee nacssbeia
attempt Made te
Oewt ray
trweeere la Ma tlsoa
Coeaty. .
CRXSTOX. Ia, July 7.-4 Special )-Ao ra
aort. received here yaeterday. ia that aa
attempt ts draaaute the Msdisoa couaty
ee:rt house was made Moaday ng-t Two
Zee W e xat.ia- Baa Wast All.
rvtableevew lele rite
ty fear ef aape&ala'tua, taA rr
New I : 1X aad away
trvwble. Claras teed lx- f
Siataa Lrvg Ca.'a
aiaaesi atmu!tajeooa!y.
6a ma flag the court ho-xse at ai.ghtly. but
wreckisg the carriage ao Jee and bara af
tha c:ty aarafcal. who live near the ccart
bease. The txpieerv waa pUced ander the
aorthwest corner ef the buiilag. Ail tae
tueast ia taat wag were shattered by
tae cxpioeioa. The work a belMrvad te be
that ef spite. Fojt prraoea are ander ar
rest ue S'pciaa aad ether aevekoameau
are aarectad.
TS Car W tte .tau eiea Waal AXs:
South Dakota
Hot Springs
Endorsed by the 17. S. Govern
ment as a National Sanitarium
Is in the heart of the mystic
region of the Black Hills,
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Its summer climate is charming.
Its medicinal waters and big plunge baths
restore health and provide recreation
Its hotel acconinKxiations are good.
Direct Train Service
Through PnUnun Slefp'tnz Cars and Tree
Rtclbtir.z Chair Cars Lkad'jod daily, Lrae
Vnicn Statian at 3:55 p. m.
Low Rates Daily
TArzughsut the summer to Hit Springs, Dead
uW, Lead, Rapid City, S. D. , and Douglas,
Casper Sh&shsre and Lander, Wyo.
Illustrated fdders Kith full
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llii-i Th het OLts
- y
Clothing -Sale Worlli While
At tho Original Storo
The store that made it possible at
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See Out Windows Watch
the Papers aad
.. ... ..-''.'' -1 1
VvXAi-aBasBBnTaBMa H
Tow the West
Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, daily ...S60.00
Portland, Seattle, Taccnia, July 9-16 $50.00
San Francisco and Los Argeks, daily SCO. 00
San Francisco and Los Angeles, July S, 25-2$ $50.00
Circuit Tour to San Francisco, includiEg Shasta
Boute, Portland and Seattle, $15.00 higher.
Side-trip from Livingston or Ogden. all accommo
Going and returning via Gardner (official
entrance) rail, stage and hotels for 5Vb-day tour. $S4.50
In via Gardiner, out via Yellowstone. Salt Lake
and scenic Colorado, all accommodations for d
days S107.25
Personally conducted Park camping tour via
Cody, the scenic entrance, and over Sylvan Pass;
an eighteen-day tour from Cody $72.00
... - SIS. 75
. . S15.75
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo....
Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Estes Park. Colorado
Salt Lake and OgdenUtah
Deadwcod. S. D
Hot Springs. S. D
Ranchester, Wyo (For Katon Bros.' Ranch).
Cody. Wyo. (Starting point for Holm's personally
conducted 18 days Park camping tour) .$30.75
ThermopoHs, Wyo $31.75
Free illustrated publications oa request,
"Summer Tourist Rate." "Summer Tost to
Pacific Coast." -California Eicnrsioaa,' "Cci-orado-Yellowstone
Tours," "Yell-owstoii
Park." "Th Cody Road Into Tellowstoae?
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Utah Haad Book."
. .... oa
rTopcruotai roana trip r-es to raary
other western destiaaUons. Write or call.
aeacrtt your proposed trip, and let me h-lp jou plan it to make Use
cost attractive toar at the least cost.
J. Q. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent
1502 Farnam Street, Omaha
All correct forms in current social usare engraved in the best
manner and punctually delivered when promised.
and ether work executed at prices lower than usually prevail
A. I. ROOT, Incorporated
1210-1212 HOWARD ST.
PH0HE D. 1604
(Getoff atOmaha
Sixth Annual Convention July IS. 19 and 20
Associated Ad Clubs
Met wkh Amrrica'a busineaa creators