i 12 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1910. Bennett' Bennett' Bennett's STORE CLOSES AT 5 P. M. (EXCEPT SATURDAY AT 10 P. M.) UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1ST AFTEH-ifJVEfJTtlhtf G s flOUKD-UP SALE The July sales arc not now underway the clearing spirit runs rampant, summer teaiids Stores Great Semi-Annual 2&j merchandise of nearly every description suffers radically reduced prices to effect TTtnfr$&i& a speedy It's not a spasmodic effort, but a concen clearing out. "IP " A mrnmrnm 1 H j tJ I. u nursuay . c ieariffl All our summer goods must go at once. We positively will not carry over any summer goods until next season. Everything must be sold at once at these extraordinary re ductions. ,We are offering more big bargains than we have ever shown' at a clearing sale. Big Specials Wednesday ' 'We pLace on sale 2,000 of the finest hand drawn linen scarfs, center pieces and lunch cloths at extraordinary bargains. $1.00 DRAWN WORK LINEN PIECES AT 59c Fine Drawn Work Scarfs and worth up to $1.00; clearing sale Linen Dept., basement, each.. $2.50 DRAWN WORK LINEN PIECES AT 98c. .Best quality Drawn Work Scarfs, and Lunch Cloths, most of them are worth $2.50 and. even up to $3.00 at, (Linen Dept., Basement.) Three Big Specials in Basement 15c CURTAIN SCRIM AT 5c YARD- All the odd lengths Curtain Scrim all kinds plain and fancy thousands of yards for the clearing sale at, yard 10c and 12y2c WHITE GOODS AT 5c YARD. Plain and fancy White Goods, including Plain Ba- ! tiste and Sheer Lawns; clearing sale price T Wednesduy, yard Traveling Men's Samples of Curtains Up to 2 yards long and would be worth up to $3.00 a pair in full size curtains as long as they last v each', i , SUMMER DRESS GOODS ON All Our Genuine Himalaya and cloth of the kind in the market looks like $1.35 Rajah in beautiful range of colors clearing sale, yard ,.j VERY FINE FOULARDS AT 39c YARD, One bargain square loaded with fancy two and three-tone colorings, jardiniere and geometrical patterns beautiful line of colorings at, yard Clearance of Embroideries and Laces 18-Inch Fine Nainsook and Cambric Embroidered Flounc ings, Skirtings, Corset Cover widths; also fine insertions r big bargain square piled high with real bar- i C gains worth up to 35c yard at, yard.; Fine Embroidery Edgings, Insertions and Beadings Neat, effective open-work designs, worth up to 12Vjc 7l yard at, yard 2 C Fine French and German Val. Laces and Insertions Many to match ,also dainty designs effects, worth 10c yard at, The Charms r'Th Beauty Spots of tha World Kound-trlr. tickets (limit 30 days) ponding fare from all other places, via Canadian Pacific Railway lomi.Mti, ana Keturn.. VJW.oo MONTltKAIi and lteturn. . :tf.00 QUEBEC an J Itrturn. . . . $3lM0 Halifax and He turn $40.00 lOKTLAM Me., Return 942.35 JiOMTOX and Iteturn... 940.00 Corresponding fares to hundreds of land. Through the Thousand Islands t a nllKht Hddltionul cost. Through trains via v ai)un-(.:nimoisn l'arinc at 3:30 p. Tickets for sale by all agents of all railways. Further information and literature to be had by addressing A. C. Shaw General Apent, .South Clurk St.. Chicago. 6 THE OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIA TION has paid its members Six Per Cent per annum for the past 27 years, and today is better prepared than ever to protect and foster the interest of its -v members. '".' Try a saving account with it, $1 to $25 accepted in monthly payments or lump sum not over $5,000. Ask for Booklet 11 A" and other information. ASSETS, $3,600,000. RESERVE FUND, $64,000. Address, 16th and Dodge Streets, Omaha, Neb. BAI LEY (EL M ACH DENTISTS Best equipped dental offlc. la the middle west. Highest grade dentistry at reasonable price - Porcelain fillings. Just at'lcnt instruments carefully sterilised after eacn TUllO) FLOOR. PAXTON BLOCK Corner J 6th and Kania.m Streets. the Prompt, Chan and The Hens You Want to Read Sale Center Pieces, 59c price, Center Pieces 98c each; . . Now Stor 5c 15c MAIN FLOOR REDUCED Durbar Suitings-The best 25c stunning foulards dots, 11 Wl vtu VJ ltjj !39c in crochet and cluny yard. JK Tar ms of Canada for Your Summer Vacation on gala dally from Omaha corres the HUSTON 953.50 (Limit 0 day, folng via Montreal, return ateamer through Norfolk.) NEW YORK 937.20 (Limit 60 daya, grflna; via Montreal, return steamer tnrougn JsorrolK.) other places in Canada and New and Rapids of the Bt. ' Lawrenre leave Dearborn Station. Chlcaao. m. and 11 p. in. BEE A Daily Mirror of Events trated determined movement that will mark it as the most effectual selling campaign this store ever made. Every department has felt the quickening influence of generous markdowns. Shoppers are responding nobly and the selling is breaking all July records. Summer has but fairly begun. It will pay you well to supply every possible need now.' 5,000 Pieces Exquisite Undermuslins An Immense lot for the July Sale and Its all beautiful, snowy white underwear of undeecribable dainti ness The materials and trimming are of the finest kinds. The garments are designed in Tery latest styles. No July Sale here ever had so many choice muslin garments. The lowerea prices make it wise economy to lay in a year's supply. Clearing Silks ' Thousands of yards new sum mer silks, sacrificed for quick clearing most impressive July sale in our history. Natural Pongee Silks 24, 27 and and 36-Inch goods, strictly new goods for coots, dresses, .etc. July clearing sale 9Qf price, per yard UC 80-inch $1.00 and $1.25 Pongees Smooth, even finish, also semi rough effects the finest silks we have had at $1.00 and $1.25. July clearing sale price, per yard. ...... 58c Clearing Dress Goods Wednesday we put. on sale all the dress and skirt length, from our wool dress goods stock. Every length in any color or black, up -to 50 Inches wide, that sold up to $1 00 and $1.25, regardless of dn value; July clearing .XI price, per yard . . ; vJ Clearing Vomen's Apparel The garment section offers soores of big- clearing- bargains. ' Women's Tailored Wool Suits Any one in the house, vulues e. 4 n to $10.00; oil go at. Sill choice. . . '. V V long Black Taffeta Coats, values to $2o.00, at .. 910.00 Xilnen and Sepp Suits, worth $10. 00; clearing .95.00 White Lingerie Waists, beautiful $1.25 styles, fur 860 Misses' itepp Suits, best colors, D.0O values v $j.00 Women's. Dress Skirts, summer irrav, $10.00 values 95.05 All Pongee Coats, full longtn, worm to $30.00, at 4.915.OO Misses, Wool Skirts, dark worsteds $7.50 valuta, at , ...93.85 Boas Dresses, high and low neck, values 10 11. ,5, lor ...91.00 Children's Dresses, values to $1.0i clearing at 75a Oirls' riaid Olngham Dresses, worth $2.26. for , 8o Kajkh Silk Dresses, pin stripe silks and shepherd pUld silk dresses, val ues to $26.00; clearing at. ... .9)8.00 JULY CLEARING Bed Room Suites Twenty-five handsome suites, all show pieces no two alike Tuna mahog any, solid mahogany, Circassian wal nut, bird's-eye maple, e?ly English and waxed oak all at great clearing markdowns. An Example Quarter-sawed golden oak nuites, large diesser, unltioiiler and toilet table Three pieces alone ' All 10 worm ti.-s.uui 1'leces Brass tseu, -im-n 1 for posts eu.ui'i Eolld oak bod room $142 rocker 4.00 Bolld ouk bed room chair 1. 601 Felt top box spring with Diattiess and feather bil lows 35 00 $167.60 We have 24 other splendid bargains in the higher grades of bed room suites. Bee 16th street window Refrigerators Clearing prices now rule. $11 00 Kef rig- ft 7C eiriloii $15.00 Hefrlf-f 7? erators $:! uO Uefrlg- tC 75 craturs ! 25.ii.) Uefrlg- l 7- rators 10.1 5 rators r.vv TmTraTVTATTra Corset Covers Cambric, finished at neck narrow embroid ery, 16 cent values, for 5c Corset Covers 2 styles, lace and ribbon trimmed, . 25c val ue, for i9o Corset Covers 20 styles, em broidery and lace trimmed. 39 cent value, for 8So Nainsook Covers Finest laco . or embroidery trimmed, 75c values, for . ...S9o Kalnsook Cover Wide embroidered edfre, run with ribbons $1.00 values 890 Others at 11.00. 1.25 to $2.50. Long Cambric Skirts Skirts 4 styles, deep flounces of embroid ery or lace; underlay and dust ruffle, . at 91.00 Skirts Cambric with wide flounce of 18 Inch embroidery, cambric top 91.35 Skirts Cambric with wide English em broidery flounce, wheel pattern design, at 1.7B klrta 8 styles, lace trimmed, - ' some have entire flounce of lace, for $3.00 Others at $2.25, $2.75 to Combinations Two piece garments. Corset Cover and drawers, or Corset Cover and Skirt, $1.25 values,' for 91.00 Combinations 12 styles, in elaborate lace and embroid ery effects, exquisite new styles, at 91.25 . and $1.75, $2.25 to $4.96. Clearing Wash Goods All manner of ktunmer wash fab rics are out to the quick for a rapid disposal sow. It's the annual July clearing markdown. The bargains are extraordinary. 25c Scotch1 'i Madras, 86-inch, light colors, at ........ la 10 25c Plain and. Fancy Poplins, all best shades, t V laVio 12 He Manchester Chambrays, all bust shades, at , 7Ho 8Hc AmuskAag Apron Ginghams, ut yard .'. ' .Bo 2oc Art Ticking, for boxes and pil lows, at . , 18Ho 18o Serpentine Crepe Kimono Uoous, at .' : iao 60c Silk Organdies, floral patterns, a yard 35o 29c Natural Linen .Suiting, nil pure , linen ISO 50 pieces Linen Suiting". In colors, worth 26c, Ma to 75o u yarl; deal ing at lOo 20c Indian Head llcrdered Suiting, y inch, fine for coats and dreHxes, white only, at 7Wo Silk and Linen Mlx..'d Wnsh Stulf, plain and jacquurd 'ouvpa, nil In solid colors; very fine, thin fabrics, with a hic'i. silky luster many In natural pongee shades. Three lots, yard 39c, 89c and 85o Clearing Shoes Seven great lots on the tables for clearance at surprising- bargain prloss. Shoes for men, women and children. Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Oxfords, black and tan 93.45 Women's $2.50 and $1,00 Oxfords, black and tan 91.45 Women's $1.60 White Canvas Ox fords 600 Misses' $2.60 Ankle Strap Tan Pumps, at 91.35 Misses' $1.60 Oxblood. Ank'e btrap Pumps, at 79o Boys' $1.60 Oxfords, black and tan 90e Child's 76c Barefoot Sandals . ..45o Clearing Books Odd lots books of many kinds dis covered during invoicing clearing at trifling prices. Children's Illustrated ten-cent books very special, each 10 Miscellaneous Volumes, worth up to $1.00, at 5o and lOo Books of notion Good reading for the summer months, each ISO Clearing Notions Shoe Zaos, per dozen pair. .: lOo Corset Stays, long and med. lgths. .60 finishing Braid, colored, 4-yd. bolts. 80 OUt Body Vine, M dux on card 80 Carter Xlastlc. fancy silk, all colors, yard 16o Supporters, silk pln-on style, all col ors I8I10 Assorted Tapes, 2 bunches 60 Kid Malr Curlers, large and small, 1 dozen to package, per pkg So c!:r White Goods 45-lnch Persian Lawn, sheer . 19c quality ia'20 . Vasoy Plaae, for coats and dresses, 40c and 60o goods 89c French tewms, 4$ Inch, best 29c qual ity, enough to last one day only, a ' ' yard . 18o White floods. 27 Inch, newest checks, blocks, stripes, etc., worth up to 60c yard; our July clearing price, per yard . . . , 88Ho II I if8- H. GKEKX TIUD1NG STAMPS WITH J 2 riBCHASES. Drawers with Muslin Drawers Cambric ruf fle ana fin tucks, f C 26o values, for "v Drawsra lu styles, cambric, with lawn rutfie, pin tucks or hemstitched plaits, j)5c value, at a 6o Drawers 2 styles, cambric, with lawn rutila and hem stitched tucks, also lace trim med styles, 60c values, at 3o Drawers Circular shape, 10 styles, nainsook and cumbrlc, embroidery or lace trimmed, 76c values, at .680 Others at 8 Ho. $1, $1.25, $?.5U. Gowns Muslin Oowns Made from ex cellent quality material, nicely trimmed with embroidery, cut wide and u,-. long, 60c ZdC garments Muslin (towns High, 1 ow and V shape neck styles, lace or embroidery trimmed, Lll. beautiul 76c DiC gowns Oowns 6 styles, high and low neck styles, cambric and nain sook, $1.00 values, for ....890 Oowns 10 styles, round neck slipovers and short sleeves, also high neck, lace, embroid ery and ribbon trimmed 91-00 Oowns 12 styles, cambric and nainsook, high and low neck, beautiful $1.59 values, 91.85 Others $1.50, $1.75, $2.25, $7.95 Princess Slips Slips of white lawn, lace at neck and armholes. also flounce lace trimmed, at $1.93 Princess Blips 15 styles, white lawn, with embroidery under lay and dust ruffles, all lace trimmed, 88.60, 98.75, 93.50, 94.50 to 97.95 12.95 Clearing Embroideries Corset Cover Embroideries. 18 Inches wide, in fine assortment showy pat terns, 26c goods at, 1 C yard, ., C 27-inch Swiss Embroidery Flounclngs and Allovera. very fine materials and elaborate patterns, values VQp to 69c; clearing at, yard v CU1AKXN9 BIBSOITS 600 bolts in the July clearing satin taffeta, moire antique, glace hair bow rib bons in white, black and dozens of shades; also floral and warp print ribbons 5 and 6-lnch all silk 1r goods, worth to 39c yard, at. . . . "v CX.BAJUXO HTSCXWxlAX A Wednes day sale of summer styles In collars and Jabots a little mussed 2oo goods at 3 for 86c; 1fl each Irish Crochet Bows A lot of splen did styles, always 60c; clear- 9C lng at "'v CLEARING- OLOTES Long silk gloves, 10-button lengths, very finest $1.00 qualities black and brown made by prominent makers; C7f ' clearing at. pair July Clearing Linens aQd Cottons Bleached Bath Towels Hemmed, ends, heavy and large 20x40-lnch, always 19c clearing at 10 Table Xilnen 70 and 72 inch, heaVy ( bleached, 60c quality choice pat- . terns clearing at, yard J5o Pillow Cases Linen finish, heavy 46x86-lnch pieces, always 22c each clearing at ISO Bleached ttneets Heavy durable 6 Do quality our clearing price . ...46o Beu Spreads Extra large fringed spreaus, new 12.26 values Clear ing at l-o9 Bleached Oambrio 36-lnch, chamois finish, tne liuest lifino quality clearing at V0 Pillow Cases Hemstitched. mane ot extra tine muslin, i or 45-iucn, were Zitc and 2uo each .... ...no Bleached Meeting Good heavy quality, 2 V4 yaru wide, usual ill kind, at, yard mo Groceries Cornmeal, waite ur sack yellow, 10-lb. 100 Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb. can, for .,...400 Bennetts Reliable Coffee, .U...S00 oSC leas, assorted kinds, lb . ...4oo 4 so 'lotus, assorted klnas, lo ,,..MO 160 'lea billings, lb. pkg 10 Capitol Baking t'owuwr, 6-lu. can 1 Ana loo Stamps. Haarman's cider Vliiogai, bottle lOo Anu 6 atamoH. 8. W. C. Table Syrup, is Vic cans loo plckies, largo aoaui .ineiu, bottie 00 c'heose, fun cream, lu Sao And 10 Stamps. Cheese, Virginia Swiss, 10 8So And 10 Stamps. Jap Rice, 10 quality, 6 lbs 8 So binder's Pork and Beans, 2 car UOo And 10 Staiiips. Enlder's Catsup, pint buitla ....880 And 10 Stumps. Gritrardelli Chocolate, Jb. can... 350 And .0 Stamps. Package Flicks Free. ' Tea Garden Preserves, 3uc jars. .880 Macaroni Star and Crescent, 3 pack ages for 860 and 10 Stamps. Castile Toilet Soap, 10 cakes ,...85o Spratt's Puppy cakes, pkg 80o York Violet Toilet Soap, 3 for ,8So And 10 Stamps. Snlder's Salad Dressing, bottle... 86c And 10 Stamps. Sterling Corn Starch, pound pack ages. I for lOo Flake Tapioca, 1 lbs. for 8S0 Schepp's 'Coeoanut. lb. pkg 850 And 10 Stamps. Ivory Soap, bars for 8 So Hammocks Genurons leJuctions n all stock. $1.60 Ham- eo- mocks OOv $2 00 Ham- (f a mocks $2 60 Ham- tf 08 mocks. ...... 0) $3.60 Ham- 7c mocks I f 6.00 Ham- f AO mocks ril THE RELIA3LE. STORE A general round-up of all remainders, odd lota and broken lines left from the past month's series of brilliant Bale events. A cutting out of great quantities of high class absolutely dependable summer merchandise of all desevip-' tions into lots and branding them with prices that insure a complete clean-up of all short lots and a quick reduction of all summer stocks. ' . Watch Wednesday evening papers for bargain offer ings surpassing any known in many years. Stocks must be quickly reduced and Thursday's offerings mean all kinds of savings and satisfaction to you. Gome Try HAYDENS' First Thursday B '...) L - l. , Tffi miii Goto Colorado and 1 r s sssssk. ZL. "I Get away from the . "... 1 tne mountain tops: Ky and city taint. Have a Rock Island ..J . a Pa1am1m wrVi avai the first day of creation. Rebuild home vounetr and stronger and Any way of going to Colorado Rock Island Lines direct to both Dearer You're attended with etery begins. Dig beds as comfortable as inose at nome ana periect ventilation. Only one ntght mountain fairyland. Let me spots, interesting tours.and show Splendid Fast Trains Every Day for Colorado, Yellowstone Park and the Pacific Coast. Specially low round trip fares all summer to tne dehnttul resorts o! the . . . , 'II 1 If. . 1 . . V Oolden West, un us sena vacation of your life. J. I. McNALLY Olrlslon rsssencer Acsnt ISIS Farnsm It. OmkhJL, Neb. are one of the troubles of this warm weather, but we can help them jest a change of shoes in the heat of the day will help. A fine, light tan shoe is good or a black vici shoe will do nicely, and they can be had in any grade from $2.50 up. Better come in and tell us your foot troubles. We can help you. FRY SHOE CO. TIIK SIIOEK8 lfltb and Douglas Street. Come aiflSQESBKsSSSSSR 1 . iw S?s '"SLA rJi j SSksi SB chimney tops and co to . 1 .1 11 quit Dreaming coai aust real vacation. Take the to the Rockies tViJB air a i a rnat onI miitstf a r mentally and physically and come i twice as eater to tackle your tasks. I is worth while but the test way is the j aul Colorado Sprin courtesy from the moment your trip on the rails and next day in a tell you about delightful vacation what you can do at slight expense. liiusirsiea uiersiure auu nugcsi uie Call, phone or write today. Y Engraved Stationery WadJing Invitation Announcement Vimiting Cmrd . All correct forma in "current eocwl uauape enrraved n lK beat manner end punctueily delivered when promised. . , Embossed Monogram Stationery and other work executed at price lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 1210-1212 Howard St. Phone D. 1604 ' rm"4 I i -tvw'tn si-Si Rollablo Dentistry If V Tail's Osntal Rooms The parent thai pollutes hii chlldreu's nilmlu by bringing home filthy newspapers is no than a criminal. Tlio Be alu s to prnt a paper for tiie bonis.