It 11 TTTE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, - JULY 6. 1910. LKAIN AND PRODliE MARKET I Wheat Has a Sbarp Advance at the Opening. CORN IS FIRM HIGHEX j'-" Rales Jn.tlie Spring Wheat ee e. How toother llalog Hash I Minneapolis Itu6 in- f clears, iZ yJ JO. HEW i' StartedMarket Oowi , Strews. Y OMAHA. July S. 1310, Ml., Mt had a iharti jkivadcc at th rtn- Irig.' .-.irons; n1 h.,;-ier Liverpool cauies !ai a o genertl - ruins In the northwest causes! ruait of buying by . commission the start. Bears have no offer- ings. ana tn early bulge was well sus tained. . f i orn was firm and higher with wheat, I regardieas at a red rains, which have i ? been received. It will take frea offermKS from farmers to cause a decline aa long as w A at .advance. t ;' Wittv no, raj; lb In the atpring ht-t belt (values easily advanced, and more bull news 4 tn rontinul dry weather started another ? buying ruah. wMva closed, the market S i atron on the advance. The few scattered iain over the oorn belt ; i were not cortnldered sufficient ana the aa- 1 Aance In whew made It ea-y fur bulia to put (WD' values higher. Ca-'h corn sold readily at Vttc lns-ner. Primary wheal receipts were 1.074.000 bu. and arupmerR were 2.i0 bu.. against re ceipts jies tat ceu.OUO bu. and. ship tnentH uf 30 0"K bu. Primaiy com receipt were 1.313."M bu. ni.d shipments w-re '" ba.. atfainel receipt Juat year of Lotfc.otu bu. and stup mems of 6M.OU0 bu. Liverpool ciooed z-ft2'v4 higher on wheat and Vu blghee on corn. Local range of. Options: Article. I Open! -H ttrn. I Low.-! Clowe.! Sat y. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Demand for Stocks Prostrated and Prices Take Tumble. BEAU PASTY IS DISCOURAGED Ceneeejeeare la Dr te Low Level Pending Sheraaaa Law Cases Artiw laterest af Seeeolateee. Vheat I July-... Sept... Corn-7 . 1 . July..., Kept.... Ostsw i July..,,.. W 94 , -fcrV '4- K 3i'ta: . i iff; r i ! . 94': 6V I r., . 94 a 6' 6twi I J7S 91 92' 3i; YORK GF.M7.HAL MiRKET Qantotlons af the Dar aa Varlaae Taaa mnellttee. NEW YORK. July l-riW:TUsQJf. Kanaaa t'ihi. U1-fii- Kya Hotir, dall, fair to Rood. M l.Vjt, choice to fancy, M 4 "A f'oft.NMF.AL Firm; fine white and yel low. 11 inLS:.; coarse. ILZifil to. kiln, dried, S3 r.;.4.'. WHKAT Spot atronc: No. 1 red, S1W. nominal, e. t. f., to arrlv. elevator; No. 1 northern, SI K. nominal, f. o. b.. to arrive; option were atronn an hmher on tha con tinued absence of general ra4n In the north weot and the f rmnees abroad and c oed 3JiTSc net hlaher, as follows; July, ll."'J: September. tluTi lecembr, S1-'V Ke- ceipti", bu. ; shipments, M F7 bu. ! CORN pot f.rm; No. 2. 6c. nominal, elevator, domeatlc, to arrive; export. No. Z. Kjc. nominal, f. o. b.. o arrive. Option market without trancartiona and closed 'u2c n-t hiarher, as follows: July. 7c; ptember, 70Sc; December, c. Receipts, S .Si bu; shipments. 1.41 bu. OAT 8pot firmer; mixed. to 33 lbs., nominal; natural white, M to 32 lbs.. 45i4c; cl.ppd white, it to O lbs,, 47j43Hc. 1 ceipts, V.i.Mt bu. HAT Firmer; prime. II SO; No. X. 11.130 1.1P; No. 2, HOCnllt; Na. S. XtolLOS. ' HIDF.8 13, Centra America 22c; Bo gota, 2'aI2c. LEATHER Julet: hemlock firsts, 2&3 27c; seconds. 22&24c; third.". VgZic; re jected. 12"! -lie PROVISIONS Pork steady: mess. S3 ffa 35 50; family, f Wf ahort clears. UM Beef, steady; mesa. j!5.m? W ; family 3Uai, bee nams. IMtavv. Cut meats, steady; pickled belllee. W to 14 lha.. 17.tiiis..-iu; pickled hams. S141 j0. Iird. steady; middle west prime, l-I.lmi! refned. stendy; continent, 2.3i; Sooth America, $14.00; compound. S! .rs. TALLOW Hull; prime city hhds., Sc; country. "aii6Sc. R1"'K Steady, domestic, Zic: Patna. BITTER-Steady ; creamery, steady; creamery specials. K'c; extraa, 2SV,ih2)!c; ihi.J . . fi... '.".., 'X, il,t. i i . . m ..... n to finest, 2a4-ic; process, second to special. hlj,torJ' of the supreme court has seen Tis. fartorv. 225123': Imitation cream- Questions of more vital and peculiar Inter- dollar. t4MS7a.i0; silver dollars of 10. DiMi: silver certificates outstanding. $!.a:il.. i-neral Fund Standard silver dollars In reneral fund.; current llahllltles. tStf.J7s.J40; working balance In treasury of fice. M2.3k2.tiH: In banks to credit of treasurer of the I'Blted utetee. S4.ltt.a; subsidiary silver coin. I'..770.3ie. minor coin, vvl wtal balaoce In geoeral fund. Slut -1.11. NEW TORK. July S Demand for etocks showed an extreme prostration today and p-ics were allowed to run downwards without any sign of support by important banking and financial Interests. The amount of stock marketed waa not la rare The seventy of the extreme declines was notable on that account. The bear party In the market seemed en couraged by the facility with which they were able to procure stocks ta cover short trai sactions left open alter last week's break In price. Having covered over the three days' holiday Interval, they were prepared to put out fresh snort line to day. The demand was ao languid that this selling waa easily effective, it was ii. t. tt. it se cos pee CS.Xs.nt V. s. . rp .. suspected that there was some reselling I Am. Tobscco 4i . . of stocks hourht on the break last week for a profitable upturn In the market or purely for purposes of support to check the demoralisation. The signs that these stocks were coming back on the market Omaha ash Prtt-rm. WHEAT No. 1 hard. KUTic; No. S hard. tl'i c.rNa. hard. ur(rle-. No. 2 spring, Ki0c;, Xiow ) aprmg, kWfUic - CoOS No. 2 white one; No. 3 white, 9Vui"c; No. 4 white, Dtjf1:; No. I color, fclStt.'.!: No. -f aoior.'iiiiuiTvcr No. S yel- aspire-; Jur.-S )'rUg, SOJbc; no. XjLAllowi, utiakci No. 2. iiic; xso. 1 t-7.l No. 4. Mii.Hc, p.. g:-.le corn, AMiSFte. & S. 1 1 '"ii r m mrA STfl.tfTlL X white. Sovc, N- -4 thlte. .iaiVo, No. S yel low -Wtl3ic; No, 4 ydiuw, UVso&c. BARLKk No. 4. 74ic; No. 1 feed barley; 4l946e' rejected barley. 3Wlc ttY . 2, WV'Oit; hie. 4,kX(r;0o. - . lartet Receipts. ..-' Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago -,.......,.... S 23 101 Silnneapoilg V.B C'mah t;...J.'.........'.?.........'. 17 3US 3t LtV-uUs . ....... .). n ... CHICAGO. GRllSI ad provisions anclal lnlereau were pot eommltung them selves to any effort to advance prices or even to sustain the market at recoveries. The consequence waa a drop, to near laxt week's low level of prices early in the day, but an arrest ahort of that and a recovery later. The renewal of the depression was not accounted for by any striking new devel opment In the situation. Th most Impor tant Item of newe was the dvath of the chief Justice of the supreme court of the I nited btate. probably no period in the erv. 2"r2fc CHEESE Firm; state, whole milk, spe cials. 15Vil; state, fancy while. 14e; stste. fancv colored. 15c; state, average prime. H'vjJ 14'c; state, fair to good. U 14c, state, common, lO&Uc; akima, full to specials. 2 V?" 12c. E'KJS Weak; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery white, 24tj77c; state. Penn sylvania and nearby gathered white, d 23c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hon nery, brown, tSu-Jftc; state, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered brown. tl&3c; fresh fathered extra first. l2t; freak, gathered extra first 17ylSc. pori.TKT Alive, oulet; western Broil ers. 35-S2V-; fowls. 17c; turkeys, 10jl4O. Itresaed, steady; western broilers, S4-iC; fowls, IVSlUc; turkeys. litjlBc . HIC eyta FeVtarwa pt the T. ad I as aad Cloelns; . Prices ua JBtytrd of Trade. CHIAJ3Q, July S. For four days scarcely any rain has "fallen In the drouth stricken fields of the northwest. Temper ature meanwhile have run high and addi tional damage., la pceaurued to have been Inflicted daily. Whether or not such In Jury has been done the price of wheat here closed "thta "afternoon with-a net advance of Vta Cora, and- oata were also- ai- fected,. the. former finishing T(jlic up and the latter lyl'c. Hog products varied late sale ranging from 17C loWef to 16c bixh A sLrona; . tone nrevailed In. the wheat pit from start to finish. Quotations were Vlthln o of the' top figure of the day when'tha final rong waa sounded. Trad ing, however, was not oa a eoale commen surate with the wide change In, values. The uoblic" so far as the Chicago biarket w as eanceraed appeared 1 willing to leave the calamity entiraiy u. the farmers and the, statwik laria. .A proraioent crop ex port here esurnated today mat tn total yield fa thr lfakouis and iTInnesota would b only jknt.Ua.u busheis as againat tne arovernment June figures approximately 80.uj0 two tjuspels, . Farmers at one place In Minmtadta were reported to have turned cattle' into- the wheat fields. Elsewhere plow Ibm .was said to have been started at inAiy . points. News came from Alberta that water was being hauled twenty miles for stock. In Europe, ' Canada and the United Mates alike, - tha visible supply of wheat showed a rapid rate of, decrease, ttoptember fluctuation . were between k4o and SLOl's, 'with the cloea JSS"3c up. at n.Ma. Talk, of- hither bay., dried -up paMurea and shortage uf feed northwest joined with the strength of wheat In advancing the price of corn. aVptecnber ranged from ew to -M4c and wound up at lSO'WVc, a gain oC IJaC aver tba previous close. - The cash market was. firm. No. 2 yellow closed at UMT:c. Theie was tnflasntiai- buying of oats. From,aio oa. the one -liand, September pened an. 4 went as high as sc, and in id" was llHc up, at 3SrSj1ic. - C rurHW shorts' in July pork hoisted pro niuns, but; heavy aetling by longs caused bacjUei later. Final Xiguxea for pork were at THo loss to 13o advance. lard was down M-'gXifta and 'ribs also were cheaper li(Ul7Ho. Lealuvg tu tuxes ranged as follows: -Articles Open 1 HigB. Low. Close.) Sat'y. WEATHER IX THE GUAM BELT Prediction for Coatlaoed Fair Te Ight aad Wedaeoaay. OH AH A. July S. 1910. Rains were aulte cenerai within the last twenty-four hours In the lower Ohio and MissliHslpul valleys and southern states and continue In wiaely scattered localities hi the lower Mississippi valley and west gull states this morning. Light showers were scattertd over central and western .Ne braska. Colorado and Montana dating the last twenty-four hours. Considerable cloud iness prevails in the central valleys this nmrnlnf, but the weather Is genenuly fair in loo eastern portion and generally clear everywhere west of Missouri river. Tem perutures were moderate throughout the central valleys and east during the last twenty-four uour. 1 hey were high on the eastern slope ana tne weather waa very warm hi western Nebraska. A temperature of loH degrees w-as recorded at CMiberteon. A barometrlo depression extends from tne extreme upper valleys south over the eastern Hoc ay mountain siope. This de pression is followed by an area of high nreesure over the west and tne continued eastward movement of the . high pre sure. soil probably cause slightly cooler weather in' this vicinity tonight and continued- fair tonight and Wednesday. Temperature and precipitation at Omaha. compared with the three preceding years: UW. 1SU7. Minimum temperature C2. St 24 Precipitation 00 1.63 1.33 . Normal temperature' for today. 75 degrees, XJefiatnscy.-la-prooipltatloa since March t, U.S8 kaohee. : lieflciency porrespondisg , period - in 1308, 1.0 Inches. Kxcess corresponding period In 1S0S, 3. Of rncties. . ... Ie X WELSH. Local Forecaster.-. Wheat f July 1 tpt. X lec. . ,lMay . Jily e 1 1'tytt,.1 t 01i . is TS i wr t oi ! l oi s voio v i i w i l s l Al t 4SHS4 ( SSHfiSi 6SI 5" SSi SV. tt.- leWSVt ' 1V V tS'S juay eitki i'ei July 3W--" I Sept. . ! Dec. ixym; 4te tXMki Oats 1 1 1 1 . i s:3j-m 3S,4KkjB J'al I. May Pork iily ftpU Sept. Sept.- U W 13 Si U 2e s' 1M, 3 M 1. M M j !4 24 S7H 12 rWi li 06 12 OTt, 13 26 U U viVx, 12 le I Li 27V, U S7H1 11 S7H! 11 12 TS 11 S2H ii 771 u ci u e.vsi n 111 u w xNo. a Cash aioratirma w era aa follows: FLOUR Sleady; winter patents, K6uj 46; winter straights, li.3oai-4.ts; spring Sira.gnts, hmhji.iu, oaaers, M H Y K No. S. 74 76C BAKLL Fee or mixing, 4mS7c; fair to choice malting, klac. , -SEEDS Flax. No, I southwestern,; Ju. 1 northwettern. IS.& Timothy, te.. Cloven Sll.s PROVlaloN8-rMs pork, per bbl., tSM fc26. 76. . Lard, per luO lbs... II2.U Khort rlba sides (loose), S12.7&U13.UV Snort dear aides l, boxed I, 14 0O14.2o. Total of wheat and flour were enual to- DO.O.W -liii. - Primary receipts were 1.V74.OJ0 bu.. cumtiared Kim ewl.wm bu. the o-orreopondlng day a year ago... The visible supply of wheat In the United S la tea de creased 1.107. two bu. fur the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage decreased asetcuuo bu. Eatiuiaied receipts for tomorrow : Wheat. 1 cars; corn, sM cars; oats, 17 cars; hogs, 2k.tM bead. - Chicago Cash .prices Wheat. No. 3 red, SlOXyLujS: No? red." ltrll. No. 3 hard. 1 uoijl.ol; No. I hard. Ho1 tl UA, ; No. 1 northern spring. 1, No. 1 northern spring, i le; .No. S spring, t(H-Hil.tlH- Corp. .No. 2. euviilc; No. a. iss, tB&t'rc; No. S w-hlte. 4.'4S: No. I white. tCVtuOc; No. 3 yer.iiw, ela2c; No. S yel low, sj481c. Oau'No. t. itc. No. 3 white, 4141':, No. wh)tev33y40'c; JS. white. fcly.uK-; staUcJarg. 4lc. , - Bt TTEH-Oeainerws. 2tf2JHe; daltias. 23 SjJttC. .,'..- E-kJS Recfclpta, IJ.Sil eaJl steady; at mark, cases luu'.uded. ll'ic; firsts, 17c; prime firsts .lac.' . CHEESt-Sioady; "daisies. lHl."'c; twins, UKilSwe; young .Amer caJ. liawc; Vk horns. lVlic. , . f. TATOE4ieiidf akoJce to fancy,' 13 CJOc. (sir to-cMd. Icg-lVa. PorLTRY-adj; lerksys. lie; ehlck ana. 14c; springs. lc. VEAL Steady; su to sO-lo. wts . StS; OT to to-lb. wts.. (uc; to Uo-lb. wts., 1W4 loW. t ' Cuicagi ReceiiXsv. Wheat, S eara; corn. t3 cars, oata. "lal cars. Estimated for pi morrow: Wheat, fa cars; oora, iM cars; !?' 8,1 sllaaosvevadU' OrwJa nariTet. ' MINNEAPtiUin July S--rLAX-Cloeel t $J li- CORN No. S yellow, SrSSe. l Al t No J witHe, SsHtxttrc - . It YE No. 3. 7i;V. BRAN In 100 pound- sacks, tlLM. I'LoCK First patents tin wood (. a. b., t Loale Gesioral Market. ST. LOUIS, July ' a. WHEAT Higher; July, 9c; tMiptember, 9Hc; cash higher; track. No. 1 red, fl.Oitil.le; No. 3 bard, ssc& I1.04W. CORN Futorea higher; July. 6T7ic; Sep tember, evisc; cash steady; track, o. X, 6tfc: No. 3 white. 3Wub4c. OATA Futures higher: July. 3Si.e: Sep tember. 37ir37Hc: cash higher; track, No. 2, 3tc; no. 1 white. srQnc. KXh-Hteaay at c. FLOUR Unchanged; red winter patents. SOua3.36; extra fancy and straight, S-t-suiu; .9t; nara winter clears, ss.ovtj4.iMt. SEE1 Timothy,. LtMVa.a, . CORN MEAL S3.25. . BRAN yuiet; sacked, aaxt track, S6938o. HAY Steady: timothy,; prai rie, 12.SOy 14.UU. BAliOLNtJ iC. HEMP TWINE 7e. PROVISIONS Pork lower: Jobbing. S34.3& Lard higher; prima steam, SU.SO&12.U0, Lry so t meats steady; ooxea, extra snorts. 114.26: clear ribs. S14 24. short olears. SKse. Bacon, steady; Doxea, extra snort, ., clear ribs. 316-75: short clears. lib. OS. POULIRY weak; cnicaens, izw. springs, l&ulc; turkeys, Uc; ducks, tc; geese, Sc. tttTTfcK-oteaay; creamery, ifuznae. ELKi-HiheT at 17Vo. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 30.010 4.2U0 Wheat, bu 7f.20S . 27. eO Corn, bu 2S3.W0 M.auO Oats., bu K.7O0 U,7tx) Ksssu City Grata aad Prevlaioma. KANSAS CITT. July a WHEAT July, 96"-c; September, tc; December, STVOl 7ic; cash unchanged to Sc higher; No. 3, I104O106; No. J. c 841.01; No. 1 red, S3) 6c; No. 3. 8'a3c CORN July. iic; September. 6H,c; December. 64Sc; cash unchanged to hc lower; No. 2 mixed, eOauOc: No. 3, 67a Sue; No. 3 white, 63c; No. 2. 2c. OATt Unchanged; No. 3 white, 36 40c; mixed, 34'o3dc RYE No. 3. SSffTOc. HAY Unchanged: choice timothy, S16.00; choice prairie, 3U.2&.OU.6S. BUTTER Creamery, extras, ISc; firsts, 24Wc; seconds, 22c; packing stock, aWo. EGOS Firsts, H3; seconds, SXbO; current rei-elpta, new cases, S4J0; miscellaneous. 14-vb. 10 ZHk 2V T4 fcO.ono o)Vt us 5H f XI pi, 1 tit t 3 thm l 7 7 li 4 49 ate e i U :uo j m 3 B 10 114 11 It oa 40 u n Mk vrw 4W 101 SSA? Wheat, bu., Corn, bu.... Oats, bp.... Receipts. Shipments. .... 31wt 1W.W0 l4.i ltil.'WJ 12.UU0 6.U0U Liverpool Grata Market. ' LIVERPOOL, July 6 WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 1 red western winter, no stock; futures, firm; July, ts tied; October, tie losd: December, e HSd. CORN Spot, firm; o4d American mixed, ta 4d, old Amfncan mixed, via Gaives ton. 6a 4d new kiln dried. 6s 3d; futures. eteauy; juiy, as ci, Bepiemoer, s sa. FLoUR Winter patents, dull, 2Sa 6d. Milwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. July J. WH EATV-No. 1 northern, 11.17 tfl' No. 3 northern, ll-UV OATS 12(3 42, c BARLEY Samples, iSsjttc- FLOUR Firm. est to corporate wealth awaiting the decis ion of that tribunal. The extreme view of the pending Sher man law cases before that court Is that the very existence of corporations Is wrapped up in the form which the decree may take. Even where that extreme view la moderated the opinion Is genet al in rinancisj circles tiat aeimite nans for forward action Involving the corpora tions la held back, and will be deuved until the supreme oourt has set Its defin ite Interpretation upon the Sherman law. Unless a special session of the senate Is called to act early appointments to fill vacancies on the supreme bench, a further delay In the hearing of the cases until after December 1 is regarded as unavoid able. Another item In the day's dis quietude was the large shrinkage In cash holdings of the banks disclosed by the Saturday bank statement. A loss of nearly Sl.00.0o6 in the actual cash holdings was difficult to account for. A S9.S13.80O loan expansion did not consist with the known facts of the drastic stock market liquid ation, alrhouerh the semi-annual settle ments might offer a plausible explanation of the loan item. The cash Item, however. caused a supposition that outside banks had drawn heavily on the New York bal ance and this directed renewed attention to the possibility of further requirements to conserve the interior banking position. The easing discount market In London and the downward course of foreign ex change rates awakened discussion of pos sible Imports of gold. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par value. ii.TWom. United States bonds were unchanged on an. Number of eaiea end leading quotations on stocks were as rouowa: sales. Hlrh. Low. Close. Allls-Oialmara era Amalcametee Copper ... Americas Aerteultanu ,. American bt Sugar.... Americas Caa Arawlcan C. A F American Cotton Oil ... American H AL. fli.. Am. Ice Securities Amarlcaa Linseed A aerlcaa Locomotive . . Amatiosa . A ft Americas 1. A h. pti. Am. Ft I FVrandrtas.... Am. Baser Brining AflMMos T. A T Amorices Toeeeco ptd... Amarlcaa Woolen" Anaaanda. stlamg Co.... Atahtaoa Atchison im .. Atlantie Caset Baltimore A Oslo bmihnl staai Broeklra Rai Tr , Ckaadiaa racifla Oantral Laathw Central Laminar std Central m Hw Jersey... Oiesi peaks A Ohio. Chicago m Alloa. Chlcase OC W., new..... C. O. W.. pfd Chieace N. W C, at. A St. P c. c a st. v....... Col ore da F. A I Colorado A Southern.... Consolidated Oaa ... Corn Prodoeta Delaware A Hadaon Denver A Rio Grande... D. A R, O. pfd Manners' Serurltlea ... Erie a Erie let p(d Brie Id pfd Ceaaral Electric Oread Northers pfd Ot. Northern Ore etm... Illlnoio Central Inierboreeeii Met........ Int. Met. pfd Int. Harreetar Int. Marine pfd International Paper ..... lntaraauoaal Pams lo-va Central Kansas CUt Bo.... K. C. So. ft Laclede Oaa Loulavllle Naahvllle.. Mina. A it. Luu tc r. A I. t. M. . M , K. A T K. A T. Kd. Misawui Pet trie National Blsctt National Lead N R K. of M. Xd ptt. New York Central N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A Western. North AsMrtoaa Northern Pacific Paeine Mall PeAnarlraBtA People' a Oea P.. C. C, A it. L piueearf Coal Pi Suet Car Pal I men Palace Oar Bell war Steel spring.... Keating Ropaslla Steel Republic Steel pld Ruck Island Co keck lalaad Co. Bt s. L. A . F. td ptt .. t. Louis sosthwestarji. . St L. I. W. ptt. Sloaa-Sborneld A A I... southern Parma oathera Halloa so. Ralioar PM Taoneeeee copper Texas A Pacific T.. It U a W T , St. U. A W. Bid L'alea Paclfie talon Paciha pfd I'. B. Realtj V. I. Ilakoar C. I. Sleet. C s. Slaat aid Cub CVipaer Va -Carolina Chemical , Wabaah Wabash ft Western Maryland Weaungheueo guactrts . Weevera linloa Wheeling A Leas Bno. tillered. Total sales tor the day, Mt.4vt) sharaa Hie York Mower Market. NEW TORK. July S. MONEY On call, firm. Mi Pa. per cent; ruling rate, 3 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent: oflered. 3 per cent. TIM K LOANS Firm: 6 days. S,3, per cent and days. ltri4 per cent; six months. 40t per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER t4JS per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with actual business In bankers' hills at S4 S37S t)4 64 for SO-day bills and S4 for demand. COMMERCIAL BILL6-4 SS4 H SILVER Bar, SSVtC Mexican dollars, etc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. CIom! quotation! on bonds today were as follows: tenlnt. M. M. 4ea St VwtJapae 4a (Ma .laiw do 4ea Ms, lv(liK. C oe. lw ta Ti .114 U t. tea, a IMi.... M 1HHU A N. snl. 4a .... 9t . '.. k., K. A T. 1st ... t .kw to gea. 4aa. at . PMo. Paclfie la 77N4 . 7VN. R. R. of M. eee. 10 N. T. C. g. Ia A da teb 4a 11 MN. T. N. H. A M. 1WJ cv. ta -..lit HHS'N aw. let e. ta.. as SI te ev. 4a. M st Ne. PadfU ts I , ao as Is 1 0. . U rfag. ta .... :t U Penn. cv. tsta 1U... KS, KM Mo eaa. 4a. let Reading gen. 4a t; !' St. U A A r. f. 4s TV-, US da sen. la ..... M . tt. U 8. W. a. ta.. T1 do let gold 4s t4Sraberd A. U 4a.... . II,"So. Pac. eel. U., C. M. A S-P. g tHa tit do tf. 4a C, R. L A P. a. 4a.. do let rat. 4a do ng. e. patso. naiiea, aa.... colo. Ind. ea 7t da gen. 4a Colo. Mid. 4a ts I men Pacific la... C. A A r. A a IS, tt1 e cv. ta D. A H. cv. 4a. t do 1st a ret. es. an. A R. a. 4s WHV. t. Rubber ta... to ref. U "Nl. s. steel J, ea Allla-Chal. let ta. Am. As. ta Am. T. A T. cv. to Armour Co. ma.. Atciiuoti gen 4a.... do c. 4a to cv. ta At. C. L let te..... Bal. A Ohio ta to Mo S. W. ta.... Brk. Tr. e. 4a t en. of Oa ta Can. Leather ta ec. at S. i. g. ta.. Ckea. A Okie 4a... do ref. ea Chicago A A. I've C. B. AW- L 4a .. de gea. 4a. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Tea to Fifteen Cents . Hig-her. HOGS SELL MOSTLY TEN HIGHER Llheral Receipts ef Grass Sheep, with DeoBoa Large aad Trade Tea Flfteea teals. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. July &. 110. Receipts ware: Cattle. Hofft. Sheep. Official Monday Estimate Tuesday 1.121 17tt 6.441 Same days last week.... IM l'il2 11.776 Same days S weeks ago.. tOVO L'. Ill Same days 3 weeks sgo.. T.t-h 14 iM 1,171 Same days t weeks ago.. ,1! ie.371 4.7 Same days last year .... 4.414 ll.TrS S.37t Holiday. The lo. lowing table shows the receipts of cat l la. hogs and sheep st Sou an Omaha for ths year to date, compared with laat year: 1J10. 1WS. Inc. Dec Cattle t7711S t&t.4S 22.4 Hogs 1.12S.722 1.4t.Of.7 276.335 Sheep th.! 7e.l71 14.727 The following table shows the average priors of bogs at South Omasa tor the last several days, with comparisons : .. hi, .. t7 .. tl .. 71, .. SJhj ..ltl ..101 Data mo. !lJ.lJOt.;l0J.ilirJt.U ;WA. Jane 9.. June a.. June 33.. June 24.. June r... June St.. June 27.. June 21. . June 30.. July 1. July 3. i 891 0 30! S 101 I n it si, s :i t 36, i Ul IWI S 07 S 07 s ot S 13 6 If S tOSI T 631 S lv T 5 S T7 0 14 Ts T to, S Mi 0 it 7 eO : a tu ic 161 tu u a i a : . S US t M. S W; 0 43, i K 14 S sO-,1 7 C 6 ! S 121 47, S 31 S OS 0 M 1 1 St 0 03 I S.ttl 6 h i 6 W S SOS! 7 j OS) S 0t I S 211 " s ;v, Ttnii;ilH t OSl i S 11 July 3. ...I 1 7 671 S OS 6 76, th, 5 29 July 4.... I , i Ju.y 6. ... S SSVsl 7 71j ) S i S ttj i 25, 6 S Distillers ta gne a. L 4a do gen 4a de e. 4s, ear. A. to aeriaa B Gen. dec c. ta.. III. Con. 1st ret. i bit Met. 4w , Bid, Oflered. Uli 'Vi -Oaro. Cham. as. .. tlWabaah let is. . . . .,.1A .. 11 to tat A ax. taer.. .. trttWaatern Md. ta .... .. tl Weal. Elec. av. ta... . .ll.tHW la. Central ta..... a. M Mo. Pac. -cv. la rtls. .. lt tt W Leadoa Stock Market. ' LONDON. July a American securities opened quiet today. Only a limited amount of business was done during the first hour. At midday the market was quiet with prices ranging from unchanged to Sc be low parity. Cloeina- auotations on stocks were: Consols, money... 82WL. A N 147H do account tnuM.. K.. a- i 34 Amal. Copper .... Ot'sN. T. Central 117 Anaconda Norfolk At W 100 Atchison Ti do pfd S3 do nfd 102 Ontario W..... 43 Eal. A Ohio UOHPfcnnsylvant b1 Canadian Pacific. m Rand Mines ..1... SS Ches. A Ohio 70 Reading 74S Chicago O. W 2S So. Railway 21S C., M. A St. P....le, ao pra m De Beers lTiSo. Pacific ..1I5S Denver A B Q... S2 Union Pacific ...,13S do pfd 73V4 do pfd 4' Erie 2iSU. S. Steel 72 do 1st pfd 4J'. do pfd Ill do 2d Pfd....... 32 Wabash 17S Grand Trunk .... tfi do pfd 37 Illinois Central ,.13R Spanish 4s ft SILVER Bar, stesdy st 2tSd per ox. MONEY lru lit per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 1 11-18 per cent; for three months' bills 113-166 IS per cent. Bestow Otoeks aad Bonds. BOSTON, July 6. Cloning quotations on tnluing stocks wore as f ollowau. . . . Sundsy. Holldsy. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union atock varda. Suuth Omaha. Neb., for twenty-four hours ending t o'clock p. to., July 6, 1810: RECEIPTS CARLOT6. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r'l C, M. St. P 6 Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific 13 C. A N. W., east 1 C. A N. W.. west r C, St. P. M. A 0 7 C. B. A Q., east C, B. A Q . west 63 C, R. I. P., east.. 7 C, R. I. A P.. west.. 1 Illinois Central 4 Total receipts ....128 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle, nogs- sneep. Picnics and Athletic Contests Feature of Independence Dsy. STEVE LUKIS SESIOrSLT HUM llss :e Loosed from "ocVet ta Fight White aad Bloek Mea Have Flslle F.m- rWuTil'l.: OT AT SOUTH OMAUA rrovemeni waa noiiceatue oti pmui'i.', timing to meager receipts In a general wsv, todav s sai were fully l"ilc hianer than those of ia'l -Thursdav. or quota My strong with lat aeeks close. II and v weight wethers sre meeting wkh more active Inquu y than the heavier graded, of course, but even the latter claas of stock Is selling to advantage. Several loads of heavy westerns went at 14.40 and 100 to It-pound kinds of strictly prt'iie qusllty are quotable at 14.60 or belter. Nt many spring lambs were oti saie and prices In this branch of the trade experienced no actual change. Feeder oflerlngs met with a ready de mand and moved in very good season at figures that looked to be fully steady t some higher In spots. A few feeder lambs were Included in the run. but hood fteder sheep were relatively scarce. uuotatlons on grass stock: 1. noire svring limha. 7.2.-u7. .0; fair to good st.rmg lambs. tn M;7 23: gooI to choice yearlings 15 lid 6 50; fair to good yeari:ngs. i :.tia is; g oo to choice Wethers. 14 .tir4 50. flr to wethers. Slot.So; good to cnolce eat. 4 00H.?3: fair to good ewea, llairuLOO. sales: 757 Oregon wethers 113 31 western lambs M 44 western ewes 1' 24 western ewes, culls i It western ewes, culls "0 17 western ewes 103 138 western yesrllngs W 21 Wyoming wethers, culls ko p4 Wyoming wethers I'" 167 western bucks 133 60 western bucks, culls 121 a Idaho ewee st 2tS Idaho wethers M 4 33 7 to 3 73 2 76 2 60 3 H 1 W 3 30 4 40 3 00 2 0) 1 73 4 40 CHICAGO 1.1 K STOCK MARK KT Cattle aad !fs Higher heep Re. , ported Flrws. CHICAGO. July a CATTLE Receipts, .) head: market TOH5c higher; steeitt. ti iitS.iO; O0. S4.avS.00; heileis. Sl tt'j aft); bulla S3-po-7; calves. S3.(.a7 If.; stockers and feeders, S4.0o-o.70. HuOS Receipts, lt.ow head, market 10d 5c higher; heavy. S ISfrS 2o; butchers. :'..0 tJ 40; mixed. S.lftr9.3l; ItBht. $- ij.3; packing. 10, pigs, S9.U3l.4'i; bulk of sales. t Oii 33. - SHEEP AND L.A MBS Receipts. 12.000 hd; market firm; sheep, l3.7Vg4.63; year lings, 4 50h.2C; Ismbs, S7 00t4 60. 14 20 1 It 'i 'i V. 10 1 1 1 'i 40 22 1 BW lmu, JHH ltsu. .. l.sre lute ill Hit 40 (1 1 1 .7 lt St lit" -, .. I7H ! 17 .. ." 17 tne, ' sit toe ai4 014 Ml4 .. 111 107 101 .. I.tut 1074 10f let It .. SO 14W R TJ44 1.4M IM14 1M . let .. i.too list n ti too lot in v , 2 .. I. MS 71 TJV, Tluj ve t n t; .. jne Mi U im ... is) t4 4t ... I.tut 141 i3v :n ,.. U.4St HHt 113 1H1 Ml TSVa 7i Tl M0 2 tl"4 II ... tW U 64 tl ... t0 13 1101, ISO T II 11 124 tte 1U 117 U4- ... l.loo io ttv, ttt tOt TVI tt t M0 r 17e ... loon tf It art tie tit M Mohawk . itti Nevada Con. . Xi Nlptoalng Mtnaa . . llti North Butte . North Lake . lipoid bomision .... . 1 Oaceols . a perrott 8. 4 C... .Is Uvilncr .1.... Centennial 1 4V, Shannon Cooeer Bance C. C. H Superior Beat Butts C M 1 Superto 4V a, M. Alloues Amal. Copper A. E. L A g Artaona Com. Allaatie B- A C C. A A M Coalition Arlaona rt - sn tatvt 11 .... I.tie 32t 13 l.tlU US Oi to 140 124 as U0 111 VT! IBM It 17 IT 1 tt 4 48 I.7W s si t lot ut :t lit let 10 m rt tuo 4 tit tl it l.ooa tit rt rv. is 11 ti ni lit Mk st t LM I44t lttS 141t r? so m in in 4.4ut est 11 11 let st tf tt LA it id tMl lot lot 11 Kit I, JUS Tt Ut tit Ltot r Mt S 1, too ui nit mt tot 4Mb lit 4lt 1 11 t7t Pit t ill tf 16 4t T.toe lit lit lift tot Mt t H.i to lt 117 1 ur 7S4 Hl5 104 14 Praaklln Olroux Ooa. Craabr Con. ........ Greene Caaanaa Isle Rorale Copper.. Kerr Laae . Lake Ooppar La Salle Cooper Miami Oopner ...... Bx-div. Asked. Vi Superior A P. C. . tt Tarnaraili hi V. B. C A O . ttL. 1. I. H. A ts,. . lit do pfd , Ttltah C00J... ...... . tltW'Inona 7. , W erwolrertne II MBx-div. ant askat. .. lit .. lt .. lot .. I .. U ..IM .. 11 .. tt .. IS .. t .. tt .. .. 4t .. X4 .. H .. 47 lt .. t ..let vts York Cwrh Market The following quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, cut south axieemn street, Omaha : Bay State' Oas.... 22 InsplratJon Vs . loti-arose t S 1-WNevada Con. IS . 10 Kewhouae If bfjtte Coalition Cactus Chino , Chief Con Davis-Daly , Ely Central .... Elv Con Franklin Q'.iroux tioldfield Con. . Gold. Florence . Goldfleld Daisy Greene Cananea 1 ..l2t Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Krey Packing Co Murphy, shippers Benton, Vsnsant A Lush. Stephens Bros , Hill A Son F. B. Lewis J. H. Bulla L. Wolf McCpsary A Carey a Werthelmer H. P. Haral ton . Other buyers Totals IM OtJl 77 tog 87 30 .. 142 .. .. 12 .. 78 .. 63 .. 15 .. ..1.890 .. .2.902 630 639 423 7SO 201 1.2tw 4M6 93 1,4-6 672 4.941 lSOhlo Copper ... 111-14 ltKawhtde Co. .. 97 Ray Central ... 66 Swift Pkg. Co. 9Sears-Roebuck OSSupertor A P... 8v,Tonopah Mln... itTrialiy Copper North Lake ... Bohemia ....... let "lot it 11 lot t lilt lot 't t t Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA. July a-OORN Higher; No." S white, 2c; No. 1 yellow, sOc; No. 3 yellow, tor; No, a c; No. 4. See. ,ne grade. U& ooSc. oats Higher. No. 1 white, 40c; No. I wnite, arte; r o. t wmia, sjc. Wool Market. BOSTON, July a WOOL In the absence of any demand for old wool. Interest in the local market is centering snore and more In the new clip now being shorn. Growers are still demanding pricea . which eastern dealers consider excessive, yet a fair sale of' Ansona la reported. The only Importance locally has been a row nunarea pounds or fine, unwashed Ohio at lie, which la said to reoroaont a heavy loss. There Is, a good demand for New Zealand crossbred s, but polled wool is euiL 1 Dry Veati Market. NEW TOR1C July a DRY OOODS The ary goods markets wore very quiet st the opening .after the holidays. Mails brought forward many requests for the prompt shipment of snerrhandiae under order for delivery July IS. Men's wear and di eaa goods selling agents are Inclined to num. pone the opening of leading lines 'until as late a date aa- possible. Cotton yarns are quiet, ivxpon iraoe xata. U4.M lMs 140 40t t 1 he M ti 17,100 tt rt 1.104 rt it Le 41 tt la) rt MS TI Tl SPW. IOV tt tt S4 , tt.ts 111 Ut Hit , I.OUt It 11 t M laS ti a&t 1 e. 22t St lb 17t t.'t IO0 24 Bt H e tt t 4t W HO ISO Mt 7 1 , l.tut tit t st ne te ts e e its rt si .UMBO tit ttt est . I.ho U4 Hit 114 la O't 44 t l.MO ttt ttt bit l.Tue 17 1 lit itt it, ww n tit lot tit 42 1 a kw fit ts ts os t-t tl tot ...... ..... tt New York Ml alas; Stocks. NEW YOBK. July a Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alloa to Laadrllle Con. Brunswick Cos. ..... T Uula Chief .. Com. Tunnel stock... 23 Mexican de boc tie It Ontario Con. Cel. A Va 11 Ophlr Horn silver 40 surdart I roe luver in Yellow Jacket . Ottered. No. 7.... 24.... ..162S 1 a 11.... 3li.... ... 40.... CATTLE As usual for a holiday, which was rendered still worse this time, owing to the fact that Instead of one there were two Intervening days, the market was in a more or leas uncertain condition. Every one seemed to be a little undecided as to Just what course values would take, with the result that the market was later than usual in opening and the trade pretty slow at the beginning. Receipts were very moderate and the feeling was that prices should be higher, but buyers were not In clined to take any chances by bidding the market up until they were thoroughly in formed as to conditions al eastern market points. The first cattle to sell were feeders, there being only a very light supply of cattle of that kind on sale. The fact that speculators were all sold out together with tne better feeling created by general rains at the cioee of last week maoe every one anxious for fresh supplies. The demand, however, was plainly for weighty feeders of good quality and tbey sold very readily at prices that were strong to 10c higher. There were hardly enough stock cattle in sight to make a test of the market.' violations on cattle: Good to choice cernfed steers, 17. 60$ 126: fair to good corn fed steers, to. 601x7. 60, common to fair-corn-fed steers, S6.0uQ4.6O; good to choice corn fad cows and heifers. pS.OKfft.OO; fair to good cows and heifers, S3. WU6. 00; common to fair 001 and heifers, S3.7d93.90; good to choice Blockers and feeders. S4.26$p6.75; fair to good slocaers and feeders, e.i6at.; common to fair Blockers and feeders, 33 00 (J3.76; stock heifers, S3.2r4t.OO; veal calv 13-5o&7. OU; bulls, stags, etc., "3.11)6. W. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Kansas City Live Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. July i.-CATTLE-Ile-celpte. lo.tun head. Including southerns; steers steady to weak; cows strong to loc higher; calves 2C higher; dressed beef and export steers, !7.25js.): fair to good. Ij.V.i 7 2o; western steers. t4.uM .'.60; Mockers an l feeders, SS"SiSw; southern steern, 3". i.'lt A: southern cows, e2.76ti4.5ti; native cowh, S2.6utjtj.75; native heiiers. It-TTyy Mo, bulls. U-Oidal 75; calves. S4ttT.Si. . . HOOK Receipts. 4.00U head; market 10c higher top. e-'20: bulk of saien. t.95( 1 15: heavy, St.koeiouu: packers and butcher. S0.16tjW.1S; light M.U 2"; pig". I "U -" SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, s.000 head; market strong to loc higher; lamtwt, S7.tftpS.10; yeSrllngs. 15 oury .ij; wethers. S4.0O-(jS.0O: ewes. o.744.75; stockert and feeders, 12.7Vij4.75. St. Lowls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Juj 6. CATTu-Rce!pt. a) head. Includin 3.200 head Texans; mar ket stesdy to 16c lower; native shipping and export sieers, 17-25'&S.SO; dressed beet and butcher steers, xo.uu43s.zo; sieers unucr i.v lbs., r.TTQ7 60; stockers Bnd feeder S4.2bj S.75; cows and heifers, 34.607.25; cannrrt.. 12.76ffi3.tio; buns, Sf.2atJo.jw; caiveis v '"" r'. Texas and Indian steers, H&0?r7.00; cows gnd heifer. J150&5.7S. HOGS Receipts, 8.200 head: market. 10c higher; pigs and lights, fil.ou gn SO ; packers. 19 23VJ.40; butchers and best heavy, Ps.Miq 1.47.. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. head; market steady; native muttons. 4.t)0 f)4 60; lamba. SS.7&aX.:S5; culls snd bucks. Sj.50iiii6.75f stockers, 13.004 00. St. Joseph Live stock Market. bt iaskph Jul s CATTLE Receipts, S.Ott) bead; market steady; steers, la.Wui.M; cows and heiiers, caiea, ea-i ! HOGS Receipts, 2.UUU neaa; marnec, higher, top, r20; bulk of sales. tH.Kir lo. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.000 bead; market strong; lambs, xi.50li3.0!). Stork 1st Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five principal Western markets yesterday: cattle. Hon. t-neep. South Omaha.,,....... Llo 1.744 6.4o0 St Joseph ..a... t.wm .o"o l.o-v Kansas City ....,.-.v. .10 two t.WM uw St Louis wi. awo 8.3W ll.t Chicago .10,00V 1S.0U0 13.1MI 10 5 . t . f SO Beak Clearings. OMAHA. July a Bank clearings for to day were 13.39.H41.tB and for the corre sponding date last year 13.830.110.44. eeewnrtes. Qantations furnished by Samuel Burns, jr.. sTU New York Life bulldiag. Omaha: Bid. Asked. la T. A. T. coL ts. Itt so Bt Benson (Neb I BcSeOI la, M -st MS Cltj Nat' I Baaa Bidg. ea, lta tt lot City el Oaoehe tta, IMS iMt Mt Cinisn "- Ula tea. Co ... ..... It Oeraaaa rue lea. Co ka lott leoa Partiaad Comsat 1st satg. ts tt let kaaaa Out. Mas. A uneoi sit It M Baoaaa Oea A Bie. T pld - tt 1 Uneeln INeb.1 ta, list It ' Mt Lea Angeles O. A K. ta, US) tl M Uaeola (Sab. I Tree. ta. INS M Mt Mioaisaa Staio Tel. at Mt trt Mema A Co. tta. "1M 1 II Nee, Telephaao aloes. . ss dir.... Mo 191 hieO. TracMua A Peeor Is. IMt It . It Oraaha Walor Co. ta, iMt rt Mt Ooaana Cea is. Ulf M tt Oaaaaa hlaetna Lcght ace.. fL at M Oaaaho AC. . St. Br. B(A. a. ' Ut tit Omaha A C. B. St r. as, lata. rt Mt Ocaafce A C. B Rr. A B- std Itt ttt Plattsaaaillh (Neb.l Tat. ateek, 10 1 SMb feitt aad Ceaapaap as, 1 la. a lost City at south Omaha is let 1m state Inearaaea Co US let l'alea stock lards sues, so, Omaha.. M M I'awa Cabsuroeuaa Co. Ibaaeej Tt TT utteawatiasil Caa. Ch. (hssaal Tl tt Trap airy Statwasowt. WAHHINUTOH. Jaly A The condition of the treasury at the beginning of bu si a see today waa aa follows: Trust UB1 Ool cola, M3. 167. st; allvsr Coffee Market. NEW TORK, July a COFFEE The market for ooffee futures opened steady at an advance of 64ij points In response 10 higher cables, and Improved during the day on local bull support and a little European buying in the absence of aggressive offer ings. The close waa steady at a net gain of 64J10 polnta. Sales. Including exchanges, were 38.260 bags. Closing bids: July, l.iOc; August Attic; September, .6c; October snd November, (.80c; December, 4-8&c; January, A87c: February, t.ftlc; March, 4?0c; April, t.Slc: May. 3c: June. t-Nc. The world's visible supply statement showed a some what larger decrease for the month of June than expected, the visible as of July 1 being 13.71k.630 bags, as compared with 12.141,067 last year. A prominent French authority estimates the total crop of all kinds marketed during the last season at 19.125,000 baga Jundiahy Receipts. 27,100 bags, as compared with ta.lOv bags last year. Spot Quiet; No. 7 Rio, 8Sc; Saatos No. 4. Sc Mild, steady; Cordova, iota 12Sc. Metal l.irkat. NEW YORK. July a METALS Standard copper, dull; spots and futures. 111. sou London dull; spot, A64 13s d: futures 56 ta id; locally, Lake, SU-CSellS; elec trolytic, fit 25XU.60: casting. 112 12V513.25. Tin dull: spot and futures, 33. ou. Lon don steady; spot, 150 2s td; futures, 1L Lead quiet; spot, S4-37Svt.4t, New York; H 4i4.i;v.. East St Louis; London spot 11 Us td. Spelter dull; iD.t&Ut.H. New York; S47S1r5.B. East St Louis; London spot 23 6s. Iron lower; 4ss lOSd for Cleveland warrants tn London: locally, quiet; No. 1 foundry northern, SIS. 500 i& 75. Cetlea Market. NEW YORK. July S.-COTTON-pot Closed quiet 10 points higher; middling up lands, 16.46c; middling gulf, li-Joe; salea, 11. 7 baiea. Futures: Closed steady. Clos ing bids: July, 16. 4.1c; August, 14.10c; Sep tember, II. 38c; October. UTac; roovember, 12-tac; December. 12.67c; January, 123. 5tc; enruary. iz.btc: Marco, 11 c. ST. LOUIS. July a-COTTON-teadT: middling, ltc; sales, IM bales; receipts. tl baiea; shipments, 680 tiiei; stock, 11.86 bales. Itgar Market. NEW YORK. July 6 SUGAR Raw Firm; anuacevedo, Ut test. 1 8uc; oontrUtuga.1, M tost, A Sue; molasses sugar, 89 test, llic Refined, steady , crushed, aSCc; granulated, 116c; powdered, aific. Av. IT. ... 846 6 60 ... 643 5 75 ... f7 i 76 ... fctt 15 ...983 25 ...1044 7 00 ...13j0 7 0U ...1151 7 10 ... S50 7 10 ...11 7 10 ...lint 7 10 No. .... 20.... 11.... 18 ... 20.... K... .... 62.... 9U.... 64.... Av. Pr. 11W.7 15 1215 7 10 1181 7 28 1115 7 25 1319 7 40 1313 7 55 1270 7 55 1421 7 oO 14JS S 00 UAI 8 00 1554 8 25 ' COWS. 804 3 05 7 &75 3 85 918 3 20 12 48 4 25 M S 25 6 1080 4 X Sol 1 3tt 7 1087 4 50 8t2 S 70 17 943 4 80 8Ui S 80 1092 t 25 .2 3 80 4 S75 15 HEIFERS. , S38 3 10 805 4 50 517 1 ft) 8 871 t 50 , 737 3 So 7 802 4 M BULLS. 1475 1 TO 1 1SJ0 175 CALVES. 330 3 00 1 110 00 414 4 00 3 K ( 25 SM i 00 1 10 23 206 5 26 2 lt 25 170 a 50 3 100 (26 90 6 50 2 120 ( 60 212 ( 00 10 199 ( 50 ...... It O) 1 150 ( 75 200 ( 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 507 1 40 48 1 ao 594 3 75 673 t 10 4. IS... 18... 4... 717 4 25 823 4 60 854 4 60 861 6 00 12... 6... S... 11... 4... 10 25 I 12 3 S 4 1 3 12 1 1 7 ( 20 la H. Pets Wro. No. Ast. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 18 cows 1061 4 HO 32 cows 921 S 16 Scows 11S 108 S calves... 150 (25 W, Johnson Neb. 73 con s 963 S 90 cows 895 3 90 J. 31. Enochs Wyo. 11 cows 1X 3 75 ( cows 950 S cows 970 4 30 8 steers... .1211 6 35 WYOMING. 48 feeders.. 1009 6 3b i feeders. .1008 4 30 Scows lObl 1 75 3 cows.....lttA) J 75 HOGS Receipts of hogs were the lightest of any day this year, barring one or two exceptions, and prices ruled higher throughout Dime advances were the more frequent, a large portion of the bogs changing handa on this basis. Some &uiloc higher business was done, but salea at the leaat advance were hardly numerous enough to Influence the market as a wnole. Heavies and rough mixed were neglected as usual, and had lo sell at the bo Hum ef the list. In point of activity, the trade was equally satisfactory in both divisions. Aside from a few scattered loads of weighty hogs, everything sold before 10:30 a. m. Closing rounds wore very slow and dull on this particular class of stock, extra heaviee toiling as low aa IS. 70. Shippers purchased about 6uv head oa outside orders and paid tne high price. ov. for a load of light One of the larger packers bougnt sparingly, but three other droves, aggregating alotoat 3.0U0 head, averaged 18 88. A spread of 31.sU0e.s6 bought up most of the offerings, as compared with Saturday's balk of SeTOfeAsS. Tops remained un changed, with 39-00 as the high price. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. gh. Pr. 36 20 40 S TS t0.....rS 40 S67H' M 9S H IN Be lit lot) 8 T7W Celehtatlons as various s.s the cU'ee snd the moods cf soc ety niuiked the ad vent and promt ss if the rational holiday In South Omaha. With the first liisht of dawn txclted snm',1 boys popped their crsckers and hurled torpedoes in all di rections frightening even tfo loquacious sparrows into timid silence. On the heels of the boys came young men who. in spite of strict orden to the e.'iitrsry, fired re volvers snd heavier firearms to add to ths big noisy day. Early In the forenoon a score of plcnle psrtles set out to various proves and lakes bent on a grod quiet oeirbratlon In the country. Anu-ng the more elaborate cele brations were those by the Ladles' auxiliary to the Ancient Order of Hibernians, the ha mi 00 k Athletic cluti snd the South Omaha Country club. The former order celebrated In Syndicate pink and the day was distinctly a quiet one, largely stfnded by women snd chil dren, family parties, wllii the main object of rest The Shamrock Athletic association enter tained about 2,000 giieti st Seymour park. The scheduled j-poits were carried out With the usual uccci-s of sucii affairs on the Fourth of July. Three hundred people attended the cslo brut ons at the South Omaha Country club. Tiusc cjI. filiated of racing, golf and tennis playing, a good dinner in the evening and U10 regular holiday dance. The lacing consisted (,f a motorcycle con test with four machines, in ehich W. E. I'eey won first money, Harry Stafford second and D. 1. Wallace third. In the horse race W. A. i'ltxsimmoiis' horse won in the quarter-mile dasli with three com petitors. Tne older boys' caddy race wa won by James Barrett, second place was Mun by llavinond Claik. The younger boys' caddy race lit nor by Kay Mullen. A. Buresh was soconl and Ed o Neil thltd. In the little boys" race Ralph La vert y was first, Paul Ilulbrook second and H. Smith third. In the driving contest on the golf links, I, A. Kellogg won first with a rO-jard drive. Kl.-hard Montague won the ap pjouching corneal on No. 9 green. He al.-o on the low medal handicap score. J. F. Fitzgerald tied Floyd Sherwood for low medal score tor scratch, each making 94. Mrs. E. V. Arnold won tne women's golf match. The follow 1111; art- the scores for the sixteen nun v. hi- uualtr;. d for the J. T. O'Neil cup: McCarthy iiinn KauuweIt '-'. tlfKK .. 94 ..1U3 .. 94 .. 87 .. 95 ..102 ..1 .. 9i' Totals .25.720 36,944 36,750 Omaha liar Market. OMAHA. July a HAY No. 1. 88.80; No. 1 S7 5o; packing. 84.60; new, SlOOa. Straw: Wheat. Jt-Ov; rye and oats. 7.08. Alfalfa. Slioo. . . EIsTla Batter Market. ELGIN. July a BUTTER Firm, Output. L0M.M pounds. rvic When you have anything to sell or trade advertise tt la Tba Bee Want Add columns had (Ot Quick rteulta. HI.. 74.. 43.. 70.., 66.. 38.. 6.. !.. 31.. II.. 08.. te.. 70,. .. SO 8 85 72-, .347 40 S S7. .264 .224 ... 8 S7H 70 228 ... I bo .253 130 8 92, 78 237 140 8 90 .223 0 8 87S 3 241 ... 8 90 2SO 120 S 76 63 331 200 S 90 69 til 120 S 80 71 130 t0 S 90 76 24 ... 8 90 bt o 1 .1V1 ... S 75 .80S ... S 75 . StO S 75 .) tO 8 75 111 80 S 75 ...tut ... S SO ...S-8 leO S 86 ...3717 120 S 86 ...23 80 8 86 ...ta 160 S 85 ...8 11W 8 85 ...260 It) S 85 ...281 sO S 86 ... 85 71.. 08.. 71.. 74.. 62. 78. 23t 120 S Kt2 .218 31 S82S' 221 U0 ( 86 .til 80 S 96 .210 190 8 95 .Sol II, 77 214 ... 800 . 260 It) 8 85 It 210 200 8 00 . 67 Kl sO S 86 71 lit 190 I 00 07 26 ... 8 5 74 2J tO 8 00 SHEEP Plenty of fat grass sheep arrived today, but demand was equally broad and ancos ruled higna-r troan the opening. As OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Staple aad Faaey Prodoce Prices Far- alalied by Bayers aad Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1. delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons. 2uc; No. 1. In 25-1 b. tubs, 28tc; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons. 17c; No. 2, In to-lb. tuba. 27VrC; packing slock, solid pack, 20c; dairy, in ou-10. tubs, uc. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE i w ins. lie; young Americas, lie; daisy, 17Vtc; triplets, 17c; limberger, 18c: No. 1 brick, - lc; No. 2. ltc; imported Swiss, joc; domestic Swiss. 2ic. POULTRY. Dressed broilers, 30c; hens. 14c; cocks, 11 -jc; ducks, lsc; geese, 15c; tur keys, 2bc; pigeons, per dux. 11.60; homer squabs, per dot., MOO; fancy squabs, per dos., 13.60; No. L per dog., 13.00. Alive: Broil ers, from It to IS lbs., lsc; li lo 2 lbs., 18c; hens, 12c; old roosters, 7c; ducks, full feathered, ic; geese, lull feathered, !c; tur- U .- liw- e-tiinea fnevia. 2te. ,.rn - rmrMim per dox. 76c; homers, per dos., tXtn); squaba. No. 1, per dot., !2.uo; iso. i, per doz., aoc. FISH tall frozen) Pickerel, loc; wniteflt-h, ltc: pike. 13o; trout 14c; large crappiea, ky iso; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, lsc; had dock. 13c: flounders. 12c: green catfish. lc: buffalo, 8c; halibut, 11c; wnite perch, 8c; bullheads, ltc; whits cat, lac; roeenad, l.uu each; shadroea, per pair, 50c; frog legs, per dot . tc. BEEF CUTS Rib". No. 1. lSc; No. 2. ltc; No. 1. c Loin, No. 1, lsc; No. 2. 14Sc; No. 3. lOtc. Chuck, No. 1. 8tc; No. 2, 7Sc; No. L 6SC. Round, No. 1, 11 Sc. No. 2. lovjc; No. a 80. Hate. No. 1, 7I.c; No. X f'c, No. I. 6Sc FRUITS Oranges: California Camelia brand Redland navels, 80 size, per box, 1325; 100 sise, per box. 13.75, 12c j:-?. per box, Hou; IjO size, per box. M oo; 1, and smaller sixes, per box, 14 jo. Havana sweets, 124 to 112 sixes, per box. 67i..'0; 124 and LiO alzes, per box. extra fancy Mediter ranean tweets, per box, 13.75; Va.encias, 94, 112 and IM sizes, 84.50; -150 aad smaller size., K 75. Lemons: Llrnoniera, extra fancy, juo IbO sites, 89.W0U9&O; choice. sUO-obO sizes, per box, a.v0trt.5t, 24W size, 50c per box leas. Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, 82.25-0 2.60; jumbo. B.r bunch, 12.75ti3.75. Pine apple!: Florida. 30-34 sizes, 13.U0; 42-41 sixes, 12.76. Cantaloupes: Californ.a, 54 size, 12.7b, to standards. 84 36. Cherries: California, per 10-1 b. box, tl.7a ' Apricots: California, per t-baaket crate. S1.6. - Plums: California, red, per 4-baskct crate. 81.50. Blue prunes: Per crate, SLso, Peavohes: California, per SO-lb box, SLW: triumph, per box, IL15. Watermelons: Texas, 2c per 11-. Dates: Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkg. In box, per box. 12.00. VEGETABLES Irish, potatoes: Wiscon sin snd native, per bu., aovouc; new. In sacks, per bu., 11. oti. Cabbage: N w Cali fornia and southern, per lb., le. Onions: Texas crystal wax, per crate, 12.00; yeilow, per crate, 11.75- Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per In., 16c; red, per lb., 16c. Egg plant: Fancy Florida, per dox.. Sl.SoffS.'iO. Toma toes: Texas, per 4-baaket crate. 81.35. String and wax beans: Per hamper (about 25 I he.), S2.00: market baskets. 76c. Cucumbers: Hot house, per dos., 603 uoc; Tesaj, per bu. box, S176. HOME - GROWN VEGETABLES Rad ishes: Extra fancy, per dvx. bunches. 30c. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per doz., loc. Parsley: Fancy, per d.z. bunches, Joc. Rhu. barb: Per dos. bunches, loc. Asparagus: Per dox bunches, tdieoOc. Green onions: Per dox bum-he, S6c. Turnips: Per mar ket basket. 60e. Carrots, per market bas ket 5i4j75c. Beet. Per market basket. 60c Spinach: Per bu.. 13 lbs., 60c Green peaa: per market basket. (Oe. A Baeheler'a ILef leetleas. A woman la awful loyal never to think her disloyalty out loud. The worst of It is you can get fooled watching a man Just the way you can trusting him. Some people have such Imaginations they can think they are having fun at a church plenic Part of the fun of going to a base ball game Is lying about how you tpent the afternoon somewhere also doing something it was your duty to do. It a man tries to save paying a painter a dollar by doing a Job around tbo bouse that ruins 860 suit of clothes he thinks he's smart to do it Just tb same. New York Press. Mai litis 1W.V.OX iui.a iW-MtHUague Mnerwood !, 11,111 Laveriy hMKolierts .. Boien I'M ii well Arnold lwt-laerald Steve Labia Injured. Steve Lukie, 2H o Btrt, his right eye cut from iu socket yesterday after noon In a fight at Twenty-seventh and R. streets. The quarrel arose between him and some of Lis coutitiyir.ea with little ap parent cause. He said he was attacked by several at once and that they used knives. It was found that he had ten knife wounds in his bead. Nina of these were In his scalp and the .iont Eerlous cut around ths inner rim of the eye socket and gouged the eye from Us socket The nerve of the eye and tne ttnoii are all that remained unsevered. Dr. A. H. Koenig performed the delicate operation of put ting the eye back in the socket and clos ing the wound. It required nine r-tltches to complete the operation. After ths wounds were dressed Lukis was sent to the South Omaha hoepiiaL. Peter Westby and Joe Be res h were ar rested in connection with the case, and the detectives are looking for several other's who are said to have been implicated In the cutting. Pasillam Transferred from Reno. No sooner had the bulletins announced the result of the fight at Keno than C. Ball, colored, of South Omaha and Bill Smith, while, of South Ouiaha transferred the championship battle lo South Omaha and engaged In a lively ru-ticuff without rounds or referee. They were milling over time when the police, as In other du-or derly fights, interfered. After they arrived at the jail und the policeman released his grip on young Smith's arm, he Immediately renewed tho battle, -Willi the remark;. "I U show bint that there Is no negro who can lick a white man." He landed a hard blow on Ball's eye before the poiice could In terfere. Both men had got into the quar rel over the result of the fig: Both were placed In jail to meditate on the merits of pugilism. Grace Green Missing. Grace Green, 14 years old, has been miss ing from her mother's home since Saturday evening. Ths mother is Mrs. T. Green, 2511 N street The girl left home Saturday night to visit a friend in Albright and did not return. The mother thought sue had de cided to stay all night with thete friends, but discovered later sue ;.ad not been in Albright and was gone without a trace. She recalled that a few days ago some one had tried to Induce the girl to leave homo on tho promise of a good position. The girl had told her mother of this and was advised not to have anything to do with the men who had offered the place. So far the police have not found the glrL Magic City Gossip. Herbert Martin has gone to Burlington, Is., for a week s visit A. L. BergquUt A Son crry a new stock of cement iiine, stone, sand, brick, etc. Frank Powers expects to leave for York, Neb., 10 make his permanent home soon. The Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeung luesuay evening. The city council w.ll meet tonight. Spe cial bUBinees will consist of the oroLlein of readvertialng the sale of Loudi. PHONE SOUTH 608 for a case ofJET TER GOLD TOP BEER. Prompt de livery to any part ot city. William Jetter Charles Cox has Just returned from a pleasant trip to epaldlng. Neo. He re ports crops and pastures in excellent con dition. W. A. Jones of South Omaha has put one of his merry mixers at the While City iu Chicago. It Is a picture-making da vice familiar In South Omaha. Serloos L derations and wounds are healed without danger of blood poisoning by Bucfclen's Arnica SaJv. the beavling wonder. Sc For sale by Beaton, Drug Co. 1898-1910 JohnMuirSfa Speciausts In Odd Lots Investment of Saving:. We will buy for you stocks In quantltlea of t shares and upward, and bonds from 1 upward, for aa initial deposit and monthly deposit thereafter until securities are paid for In full. oaa for Clrealar If o. IS, "Oct IVot la restates to." Members Slew York Stock Bxehaage, - 71 BKOAUWAV, NEW Vgjiic '