TTIK OMAHA SUNDAY KKK; .Wis? 3, 1010. A A Complete List ol f Tie Individuals and Firms With Oiiicei in the New io)iif8! n 11 N6WAIT RO 710-712-714 BR.MTSETS TEIATEtt BI.DO. Phones; Douglas 423; A-4423. INSURANCE Established 1882. n Write Kvry Kind of GOOD IXSl IUNt'K, Adjust Personally und lay Promptly. losses Paid in Omaha Ovrr $.100,000 REAL ESTATE Dr. B. S. Peterson Osteopath Dr. M. I. Gordon Dentist Rooms Gl i, GIG, 618 Brandeis Theater Building. Phone Tyler 1091. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY NORTH CITY LIMITS. 720 Brandeis Theater Building. Both Phones at Cemetery and Office Tkara ax 3 CO aora. for sal aa time demands. Twenty aoraa Bold slno. organisation twenty-five years ag-o. 18.173 dnterm.nts to July 1st, 1910. Perpetual Caro Given Without Expense to Owner. OMAHA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL CEMETERY PARK Conrad Young Selwyn Doherty Young & Doherty General Insurance Rooms 406-408 Brandeis Theater Building Phone Douglas 1571 Delft Tea Room Open Daily 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sunday 5 p. m. to 8 p. m. Chafing Dish Specialties Sundays Special Party Reservations can be made. John De Fox Osteopathic Physician Phone Tyler 1151 320-22 Brandeis Theater Building E. D. McCALL, President H. G. MONTGOMERY, Sec'y W. H. RHODES, Vice-Pres. E. KEMPER, Treas. HcCall Insurance Agency Booms 214-216 Brandeis Theater Building Omaha Nebraska Crist-Chapman c Company Brandeis Theater Building. Suite 738-44 OMAHA, NEBRASKA Dealers in Hl0ti Grade Investment BONDS and STOCKS CD) All Of iices Reached by Elevator from Seventeenth Street Entrance. ; fc i U 7 TV !K a. : : - : ST f fH' lf v 5 N ? 4 f i 1r f' M'vl , V. I ' ;SJ! ' 1 'ill V ' - ; i" v !1 (Sv. E. J. DAVIS HOISTING SAFES INTO BRANDEIS THEATER BTIILDINQ. .. . . ' ' THE NEW BRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING The forward movement of Omaha Is well illuatrated by the rapidity- with which the 'offices In this new building are being leased. Some desirable offices are still to be had. UILT BY- Mompson Starrett Co. Building Construcors OFFICE 1515 Fisher Ave. Chicago, 111. Fred Whitton Vice Pres. and Manager. . H. Cole Sign o Designs and Makes ELECTRICAL, SIGNS Class Wood and Raited Letter Cloth, Wirt or Metal SEE US BEFORE ORDERING Tel. Douglas 3758. 1316 Farnara St. DON'T STAND IN YOUR OWN LIGHT WEAR THE BEST Criss Tailoring Co. Made-to-Measure Garments Are the Best. Your nionoy back unless we please you. 1,000 all wool samples iu all the latest fall weaves and colorings. Our tape is ready. Come in. CRiSS TAILORING CO., 1715 Douglas St. Omaha Office of The Midwest Life . or LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. N. t 3 NELL, President 611-617 Brandeis Theater Building C. L. WILLIAMS - - - General Agent Abstracts of Title The Reed Abstract Co. 204-206-208 Brandeis Theater Building. OLDEST ABSTRACT OFFICE IN NEBRASKA Established in 1856. WE E. RfJ. : '."CLARK "TTER YOUR SIGNS He did the Work for Pr. Bliss I)r Blodgett r. Rridgrs Bird F. .Miller Ham'l Trelber Dr. Peterson Dr. G. A. Voung Dr. Nikolas Dr. W. O. Henry Dr. E. C. Henry Christ-Chapman Co. IUng-waJt Bros. Alice Johnson, D. O. Toby Jacobs - Rromc, Ellitk & Drome Delft Tea Room Plainer Lumber Co. Criss Tailoring Co. Mrs. Alberts Dr. McAvin E. Dodson Union Pacific Railroad Co. LAMP PEPARTEfiEMT Rooms 215, 217, 220, 222, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240 and 242. Address all correspondence to J. A. GRIFFITH, LAND COMMISSIONER 222 Brandeis Theater Building, Omaha, Nebraska. WB LAID THE SIDEWALKS. The Grant Paving Co. 36 Dee Building General Contractors for all Kinds of Paving. Artificial Stone Walks and Drives, Curbs and Gutters Bteps and Copings, Reinforced Concrete. All Kinds and Classes of Asphalt Pavement. Bituminous Macadam. Neuchatel Mastic a Specialty. Will Furnish Estimates on All Work. V Telephones Douglas 7242; Harney 3386. JOHN GRANT, Pres't and Genl. Mgr. GUY B. GRANT, Sec'y and Treas. Union Pacific Railroad Co. TAX DEPARTMENT asaa bb m h. aa am Has Moved to Rooms 814.816.818-820-822 Brandeis Theater Building A. IV. SCRIBNER, Tax Commissioner ., We Manufactured the Face Brick for this Building Hydraulic Press Brick Co. Office and Sales Rooms: , 330 and 332 Bee Building DR. JOHN J. FOSTER ..DENTIST.. Vfcoaa SonfUs 880. 318 randl Thaatar Bnlldls DR. KATHRYN NIKOLAS rnons M S87 OSTEOPATH loomi 834-438 Brandeis T&aatsr Balldlnr ALICE JOHNSON OSTEOPATH Fboaa Smglaa 1684. Booms 308-308 Brandols Tnsatar BnUdiaf. X. TOBY JACOB HE WRITES ADS" 607 Braadals TboaUr BaUdlnf. Coutant & SquSroo har. rtawtil tholv eoal offloo to 810 South Bovontocnta Btrost jmt sonta ol tao Braadals Tbaatar. ' BBAX XBTATB 'and SBSUBAJTOB Bemis-Carlberg Co. raoaast Pony. Moj lad, A-1888. 810-813 Brand.1. ThaaUt Bldy. Hlntorlong Cl Adams Co. Arnt for tta VorthwBirm Mutual X.lf XniMMci Co. of MUwaskit, Wii. IV11SS MARTHA R. EMIG CHINA DECOR ATOW 338 Braadals Taaatar Bnlldlar.