1 If IAN ;Ct!ES , . top, AT.. TLSTATlv v- sn - - - iarf r . THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 3, 1910. 1 'ir'iatrna teasers - s i it? 5i 1 4?l V V i ! r 1 i REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAM r I.UU FOll SW.K lewa Coailaaed. IOWA CORN LAND. NO acre Improved, W per acre. 1 acres improved, ti per acre, iw acre improved, U per aire to acre Improved. ,i per acie. 1M ut improved, IoO per acr. wO acre improved, Ijw per acte. M uiu Improved, tsu per acre. VM tcri improved Vi per aiie. lMt aerea Improved, per air. It acres lii.pt oved, Ha per a ro. Hi acres improved, tw per acre. The above tarm are all within dnlng distance of Laiherville and we wnl be g.aU to give Out; iption and p(; "iall In ! Hard to uy ceriu.n ua Pe.oii Plvciier Land Co., hlkthervlile, la. 2W ACRES FOR A FARM, per acre, situated In lecutur county, along Burlington K. K ; all :ri cultivation, but about fxi acres timber and blue grsna pasture, good lo-room houce, barn, cribs and orchaid. Owner ioj old to handle It and offers at price that should fel 1 It. M OL tv IU.AL ESTATE, M Pearl fct-. Council Bluffs, ia. kssus FOR KALE Improved faria. Cf aerea. tut tillable, boo level, fenced and cross fenced, watered nn apiiiiga and ponds, seme bay laiiii. sou pasture, no rock. 22 cultivated, i w;i.-t, u spviii, tt barley, 7; corn, crops fire; balance leed; 4-roc-n Hone house, biods barn. i;rai.ar, room for l.wiM bu.. beit DO use, crib, cauls ahed. good well, mill, tank, brood bouse, full set of implements, 1 horses, act of harness, 29 cattle, 1 brood sow, sum cnlckena orch ard, all kinds of fruit, tetepuone; black aoo, ciay aubsoll; buildups Insured, J uniee to scnooi and poaiofflce; price II1.9W SlU.sot cash, Z. I years at t per oent; U tr.lloe 19 loan, no agents. '.i4e owner, A. P. CArtLKTON, Grove county, .juauiuu. Kanaaa THINK ABOUT THIS, If yaux farm pays you IA) an acre oroflt and you could aell It for MM per acre and buy anotner for tab that would produoe you the same profit, would you do ItT Lt me tell you about an alfalfa farm near Ueerlield, akan., at lea (er acre, .lonn E. Lander, Deerfield. Kan. Wrlte i ; Kansas 8nap It acres alx miles aouthuext of Norton, Kan. Raw land, all fenced. Vk i good farm land. 1'rlce IK per acre. A. B. Lathrup, Cfl BEE BUILiIo. ajlaaonrl READ This, Hameseekers The obsapesi f ai mi In Uie United Stales today are In the Osarka of Misaourt; love.y climate; close to good markets. dL. Louis and Kan sas City; for neauh. wealth, clover, timothy, blue graaa. timber, fine fruits. Ieaatiful streams; fine flsnlr.g anl hunt ing. If you want to so the cheapen and best farms- you ever saw priced In your life for toe money write for our lici and be shown. A. 1). ROBERTS SON. Richland. Mo READ THIS. HOMLbJCRKERi - The cheapeat farms In the United atai.en today are in the Oaarka of Mlxsouri, lovely ou niate, cloae to good markets, tit. Louia and ivannaa Vlty; lor health ea -.n, clover, timothy, biuegrars, timber, f.'.ie rrult. beau tiful streams, fine tiahing ind hunting. If you want to see the cnoupeat and best farm you ever saw priced in your life for the money, write for our list and be shown. A. U. Roberta Eon. Kloulaad. Uu. IN MISSOURI. 114 aerea; Vk miles southeast of Kansas Ci.y TO acres in cultivation. Box house, good barn: out building and fins water as J grasa; large orchard of different varieties f fruit- I wiles to good trading point. Close ta school and church. Price S2.MK Thia i a money maker. UEORdE KL'MPf. KB-t Kheiuley Uldg.. Kaaaaa Cty. it Ozarks of lifouri For Ou'ryint;, t.ti.in,;, ioi racing and irilt;! se larinii.B: no pittcc in ,iir nonj bet ter than the ijzarh country. l'leruy ol pure waier. nne im.o-;. deiicnttul climate and Uie cheapest . . i ii 1 iiiiwd Utatea. :( to tot land ... . h ini'f timca l.iai viiiuuiiu 1 i lit. k mii.,M'i aujiffm A. B. Lai tli ro , O live lliU. KOIfSALE Soutu Missouri tarms near Si. Louia inaiaeta; any stxe; a.uae good oaigamn! Wine, stating your anl. Free liU NORVLiL A BAaj. ateelvUe. Mo. riisb U.m k. alDSOLui, i aUm u aclta, ooe mue .l lailioau loan, i iiilifsi lvauaa Ctiy; alt iu cultivauon and iiiaaa; al 1 I' ll, fine 1 ui lanu, k-toou. l.uuse, bald auu ouiuuiluni, eu- Unixu nil waieiuu. If au vt tut a bargain ia a v.eil located grain ai.d stock lariu, you .an I beat U; only fm ver acre, goua laruu t.u Uiia a. W. CLARDY INV. CO.. ttn Commarc. awaaaaa City. Mo. TIUbLU And rancb land oaraaiaa la eoutb aliaaouri tain View. Mo. aiiaaouri. Mollis 4k wauser, aAoaa- Miaaeaataw 10.0UO acre of choice harjmood limber land for aal In the clover and li uit belt of Bayfield oounty, Vi. Very pioductive soli, pure water, and a here toe raimali is amuie to insure goou cjop, vtui aeu in tiacts to atil with email uou puynnni, imi,,r 01. easy larnis. Aue- wooU-Ooli Co., tuc, Alau bate. Mina. ITi aerea. bast, all tillable, biack loam aad; fine crop growing; L.ia aia.e of cul tivauon, never leiilvd; au feucea; iaigc, pieaaatit Uouae; barn ai.d otuar buildings: tiaa wait wlnamiil; value of intpruvements, ftit.L . Inaursthca. $3.00. l-'ui grot ever g real 1 a. uiajilea. box elder and apple traaa near beua. IUtm mile from fineal county aeat In atate: public parks, iakea. band oonoarta,' rural de-ivery aud lelepnoiie. Poattlvely wwrib tat par acre. Will not b old far laa next fall. Owner quits farm ing. IsuJck sale, ew.ou with teruia to suit. .u trade er trtriers. Call or writ at ouca ink, Litchfield, Minn. PKR ACRE . . ta in Miuiittota s great clover bv.i. iiiti, ti per acre; biguest baigaiu tu at it la SCHWAB BROri.. Ut Ouaranty mug . MluneapoliA, Minn. Vlrsuas. KNAP Money-n.aVina country home, stock, toola and crop o.npieta. one of ti e best Tt-acr farina in tn atate. practically level, lay about I tuiies from town, on beautiful madw road, cioae neinrorii. ectieula and churcn. in: tarm Ooroers n a beautiful lake, an e:cgant p.u.t i.t.11. Ikow aero it. large ntvt -1001.1 tirlj s j.ir es. dance, big basement or vci;ar. !aia- 1 rajidaa; ba. new bam. loo.u tor 4 bead uf fcwisea. e c-ow. also vari'taav and uhi, room; loia 01 choice bearing HuiL 'lint tarm la htgr. ciaaa In every le'-pect and mk ar ntakit.g n gnat aaurillca nn w offer it. It aiual b avid uulck and ue will let everything gu 111 the way uf machinery tutg. etc A'her u every In. n iroui pilciifork to self bindera, all utatiuuery is MMCtlc y n, aiau wason. carnage, liar. pes, 1 cuicaeus, Cus. 4 Iiuih, hoi;. ; 1 ' etc Tc oui;a buvr uill u.aaa tn o:it''tl Kirt ;ltinilHl llnril.- lil.lrr tttas); must rave tL.tw rh. balance ra i paid lb sa.all yeaily payuienta v ill git avasesaiou and tjrn vr tiling over to buyer us 4 liuui. If you arn readv te anap tba b-gget bargain vn aitu. Jnn uiiaa avlna s'ji. . THIS FKK1 PAKR CO. Box 1- '.'Uintt eil. Uich. WRJT1C ill". Al'.OlT MiCUlUAN I am larnititg near lia.du in. l.aUe count? . aliClilg&n. 1 tame heie itoin iiul.ana four lars ago xiiO am cil Mutttied muIi tin. 3CUI.IH. 1 know of aoie luitxins in tni vicinity that can be i.mi Iji . asn. If you will write mi ana lea uie w tuil ou kil god now niui.-n ou mil to), i win tniuifio:ii li H. town In Keith county. Neb, eoruething to ui j uu neie or ut try to. ana it win ion u.i notnit.g .i i len't. I have ho circulars ur literature, a ttiake your wai.l piain in your letter aud (will deacrlb te you what I can find, tnec ram aa aoota aud aa tt if taiareeUA -W. A. ULLIOTT, REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HA.1CH LAX O FOR BALB Mlrhlaaa- ailaaral. THE8K ARE WONPF.RB. Reed. Read and wonder. Practically t'Kt: 240 acie. Ilea like a earrtem 1T6 acres ! cultivated; balance Id timber and pasture , on beautiful river: good house. I1 slorjr. k'"d barn and t.ther build nits. P.ulldlngs ' carry 12.000 Irisuiance; farm all fenced and cross-fenced; rural mall and telephone: three miles to town, nine miles to railroad town: lwu fine bearing apple trees and other frulta. THlI PKICK-IT'B 1 FEll ACRE. Think of It. There la not another such bargain In the world. Kituy arrrs splendid land. So acres cul tivated, l.a.anre in 1'ne hardwood timber; 7 n.des to loan; ii.rai mall and ttleihone; good limine aid barn; A WONl.'EHFCL PA KG A IN. price, tl.Tr-V, 1 1. CXI cash, balance tv suit ou. We are ) the leaders In bargain, others try to follow. bend for full particulars 11. W. IAWTER Newgygo, illclilgan. IF OU AT CiNCt IX acres: ged toii: apple orchard, t acres timber, i-ioom bouse; good barn; etrrrthirg coaileie. t acres: a sandy loam: 1 acres maple and eim tlmner: two large app'e orehards; 10 room house; large frame barn. Wlihln four miles market and mala line railroad. Ohnice, ti.W): oaab ITOO; ealauce easy terana WAIIAXD UEALTT CO- tVayland. Mica. FARM BARGAIN Beat tat acre farm in allchlca:) black aandy loam, It blags ; 1 mile from town. R. AUbOKUAcT, biouturield, N. J. FOR SALE to acres, two miles f i-om or.e of Michigan s finest villages; 1 room, house, barn uii-hj, vnr.dmill tnat furmshta house and barn with water, outbuiid ngs. appl orchard, PfaiS, cherries, plums, grapes; t acres timber; v rods to school; soil dark loam, corn planted, oata sown, all crops are now planted; span horses, 1 cows, chickens, hay, corn, potatoes, all implements necessary to carry on a farm; telephone K. ID.; cloae to creamery; thlck- ly eettl'.d neighborhood; U.MJO. M down; to appreciate this Is to tee It: 14 acres on the br.nks of beautiful body of water; lies on the edge of beautiful village; room house, barn z4. icehouse; all kinaa 01 fruit; fine ahade surrounds the house; this Is worth seeing; $2,300, fc00 down. UEO. BRIDGES, Bangor, Mich. FORCED SALE An excellent tO-acre frm. all smooth and level, no swamp or vt land, very productive; with succeu fully grown oorn, clover, wheal, vegetables and fruit: s-rooin bouse; beautiful abade; Urge barn, poultry bouav. to.M house, etc ; also plenty of choice bearing fruit Thia la u leal tarm aad one that will uiaue money for any live man. It IS on main road. 1 lute n.inior, schools, etc.; only about Iv lulnutta' walk frocb the biggest lake In k"hisD wlieie Inert is good boating, flsb iiiu 01 nathUig. This farm must be aold q.;lck and wa therefore make the linn i40; vue-balf cash, balance to suit buyer il C. Ia.ls. iws E, alaiUn. atlctt. tt ACRE. IX. HALF CASH. RALAlsCE IZ TEAR The land la altuated not far from Bay City, ationlgao, and adapted for far ma, Erasing or fruit, Parfeot Utlea, and will ear oloe InspacUon. The above price and teiuis are made to cloae aa eataie sjuica. If you want a 40 or more aend your opuoa In now, wlia ti per aero, and bens are ta k,e paiu waeu Oeev ar raiuraadV BliADFORD As COMPANY 4 Adams bu, Chicago. 8TOP AND THINK! iVMv!:?r.r:Bluff County, Neb., under the 2 "i: i .1' 1 Goshen Hole Canal. It lays al- pr.ee. ' Ve have tarm and uniiupro.4 1 . , . , miiu, summer resort property, cottage, ov IUOit level, OJeBT Ol incumbrance, aaie and rent near a beautiful suaui .it A.rvrvrw 1 iakth. mree miles tTom town. 4ue oeat , Cheap at $40.00 per acre cash. i ,r. Uichmn Writ, for hooblKt ' ti. D. THOMPSON, NEWAYGO, MICH. MICHIGAN FARala- ' 1 ,M acres, cleared, small house and I brB fruit. near town, fin fruit In ad. J gj lnl No 1 40 aerea. cleared, good house anrt barn, plenty of fruit, level, good soil. II AM) No. iM) aerea. rlcn warn soli, level, 4 milea Musa-igon, city ti.OOn, til per acre. Jl per acre iiuoii. balance easy term. THE EVANS-HOLT CO.. Fremont. Mich. " LAND FOR 6ALE. VS rite me teday. K. F. FR2MONT. NhlWAYOO CO, MICH. A SNAP. 10 ACRSS FRUlT. VKOETABI AND CH1CKKN LAND, In renter of M cu gan: near county at and railroad town and fine lake; low appie trees. 1 peaon vreea. .u aMaail fruit; ralar-s 4M ousbe.a of potatoes to an acre; good aall; clear UUe; only UM; A down, tit per month, witnoul mterest. or jv ert lor cast); must aall; uiigut uirew la cow or 40 cblck ena O .t NEK. It o. Hi DarrorM Al., Chicago MICHIGAN FARMS. No. 130 acita, cleared, aiuail house and baru, some null, near town, flu fruit land, tl.uutt. No. t en aerea, cleared, food house and barn, plenty of fruit, level, good soil. tl.HwA Nu. A aerea, ricu ioaui aoll, level. 4 tuiiea, Muaaegon. city, tu.uwu; la per acre, 1 pr acre uoau, balance iai teiiu. 'iiil. bVAXe-tioLT CO., rnuiont, Mich. llssuss. FOIt KALk 4.724 acre III Jeffereo county, Montana, at tit per aere. on easy terms. Tnir. uact 1 located 1 niUe front town of Whltaaau, a tnnfiy iitil city oa the N. r. and C. M. A sit. P. coast line; I Out acre of this traot 1 undor irugation: water right from tba Jettersou river. About l,2ve aerea hot tout land, aoout 1 per eeui of tbia traot I Uliab.e. baiaiiae suit able for paatuie. Tbla tract is located la the famous Montana appe bait and u bargain. 1).A aerea Meagher county, Musselshell valley, Montana, tli par acre; easy terms: located on C. M. A at. P. R. K-. it mile fioin is good towns; at leaat per ecnl f this tract 1 aui:abl 'or farming. A good proposition 10 cut up injo nuaJi larma; 4 (M to u.iJuv aerea cuii be uriga.o'. many firings fiirmaa auuudanc of t..w a ar around. MAHII.S- A STUART LAND CO. Aberdeen. . D.. And IS paiaca U.dg., Mimiaapiia Kekraaka FOli SALE Owner will sill any part of L'3,i tOU acres western Nebraska and eastern Colorado land, in tracts to suit purchasers. This is a chance l'or bargain, ii' you want an investment or coloniza tion proposition. P. E. McKillin. ! - - " '"o- Teh. Ty ler IU7U. 4SJ-ACR& well improved low farm, Hoith tiuu. This muKi be so!d and are ilterir.g sine ai the remarkable low prict f .' un aAre. Kasy terme. OANCi-STAD. Room fH Hi t Bldg ' FOR si ALE CHEAP. '.CO acre iKtv'ei! Uml unl MO .-icres. Ti y, irs hool Uai-e. jll in a hotly: all i" uct-1 with Osjk hii-i- pots Mid thrt-e Bj1 united hot wirev. 1'urt le.4.1 and iiart r.m.i.g: otir-ri.i ii in le rr .in school; t ml. !u-;.f sold quick will take K.iw; no tradca Addresa box 4i Netraka City, Neb. MO RAROAIN ON "QUARK SKCTION IN REWARD COUNTY-Extra gooJ Im proternents; t per acre, fcchuiiili A Trute, i.warO. Neb ! FARM AXD KA.tril L1KU FOR ItL Nebraska- Coat iaaea. You Take No Chance With weather In an Irrigated count rv. Rain or no rain you arc sure of water for your crops. IX THE UAIN BELT You dept-nd on weatr.er Tor p'owltip. j cultivation, harvesting or krowtli of cro! A perfect reason is unknown. It is too wei for one crop and too dry for another. ON DRY LANDS Tou farm every other year: low vljid, neighbors a mile or more apart; uncer tainly that leads to nervous breakdown. IRRIGATION FARM J NO Is. Intensive farming; near neighbors; hopes fulfilled; the contentment that comes with certainty of crops, control of crop conditions you know beforehand iiisi about what the crop will be. IRRIGA TION IS IDEAL. THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY la nearer Missouri river markets thai any other large Irrigated tract. Dellglu fui, healthy climate; fine people, no jioncer Ufa, plenty of school and churches, 'phonea, free mall delivery. Splendid water supply, with a aoll that will grow almost anything that ia planted. Oo with uaon Our Next Excursion, Tuesday, July 5th And aee the country at It beat, sropg growlirg, everyone buay. On the famous fayne special; It la a safe, profitable and pleaaant trip We get you home Fri day afternoon. Show you the land by au tomobile. We would like to talk with a few more Swedish people about our Swedish colon?, northeast' of Bayard. 'Phone, writ or call on ue, Payne Investment Co. 8. E. Comer 15th and Farnam. We aim "to put Landless Mm on Man lee Land." FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE 1 own the following described 7s M.imlu. JiKI noma Kontr 'a "Will sell all or part of it, or ex change for dear inside brick income property in Omaha, Also C40 acres of as fine land as there is in Kimball county, Neb. Clear of incumbrance, fenced, cross fenced, houe, barn and other improvements. Lays splendid, 7 miles from Bushnell. Abundance of rain. Will sell whole or part at $15.00 per acre cash or exchange for clear in side brick income property. L. C. GIBSON, South Omaha, Nebraska, DID YOU EVES bear of thu Sidney draw in Cheyenne county, the bent land in western Ivcbraska; 2 section 7 miles from iiulrv.iJ, $15 per acre, if taken iininediate'.y. You can stand on one corner and see every part of it. B 497, Bee. FARM BARGAINS 4Sj-acre. lmprovtd, Orccly county. Neb. farm; all good laud. No sand or gravei, good Improvement and plenty of tne.n. lo .cre In cop, and 17 acre lu alfalfa. I ;.ri an acre. Lusy terms. W. W. MITCHELL, Roaid of Trade lilug , O.iib.iu. f'Oll KALE 320 acru of agrvuitural Jloca fa: in. St mllea from tow.i. Addres Otx 372. Mil ford. Neb. FOR SALKLy owner. A farm of 1) acies in Va.ley cou.uy, Nebraska, located octwei-n Ortl and Arcadia. tlouee, baih' ana fcOHi n,n tower wiiiuui.ll uitn my .,a:e of the crop price, tju per, ame. Au aieaa, L. v erner, tu't router ituaa, Lenis, Oregon. BAIlUAIN in Platte Valley Irriga el Farm! Kxtra good lu arrea; must be o;j uuit k. U acies alfaita. SO cr best wheat I ar-ia uiauuw In the t-ouutry. Hu aorea te .uxr crops. iu per arra write quick fur terms aid furtuer mfoi matiou to AAa Na i..l Oeiiiig, Scu. FOR KALK Itt acre unimproved prairie land Alt level, good land. In good ne'gnbortoood I Bill normeaat of O Neill. This 1 a bar (.aa. prica ls par acra, C. F. McKKNVA. O-Nsill. Rabiaaks. MUT ELL FARM-420-acre. JOO culti vated. lOu-acre best liottoin and alfalft lund. one and one-elt'litii nnlr to town. Vj per acre. Worth l.O. Motki Land Co. Keirney, Nob. FOR KALK Nearly T acra In Cedar Val l y. one mile from Cedar Raplda, Neb.; good horn. Addreas Mr. Alice R. Young, Ceuar R.tpid. Nebraska ONE hundred and sixty acre Improved In Seward Co.. l acre In Butler Co., at !) per arre: will take amal! stock for part pay inaut. snuUi A trie, be ward. Neb REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FARM AD HtX'H UD FORIF. ' Acbraaka- . uatlaaed. Farm Bargains lo acre. 7 m.les north of Neu. Ante- h. pe Co., Neb. maii net or Improvements; bv ucies In corn, tv acres in corn, balance i. i laeture. r'RICE. M3 PER ACRE. ISO acres. KUmore Co.. Neb. r'alr set of Improvements. All In cultivation; S miles to Mnckley. PRICE. IT PER ACRE. 4W acies in Boone Co., Neb, ; X.'i acres un til.' cultivation. (Jood Improvements; 6 u.i,t'a t J Cedar Raplda. PRICE. iM PER ACRE CIO acres, ti nuics from Polter. Cheyenne Co.. Neb. PRICE. Hi PER ACRE. Western Real Estate Co., 411 Karbach Block. Omaha. Sarpy County Snap A bvaw'.lui home, hignly i::ipii.vru. 1M jcie. fine land, It miles i Omana. s mile :u Bevth Omaha stock yaros 4'nce If swld ulck. 1M par acre. C. R. Combs, itooio Ultl c sai io . aoi HL'ST aaciifice IK sections of the best plow land '.n Kimball county AdureSK T, Omaha bee. Council bluffs la. FOR PA LK Improved atork farm, X acres. Custer Co.; close to station; $17 per acre; no trades. Rox A, Oconto, Neb. WELL Improved 11 acre. near Mlnden, Neh., good black noil. Hinterlong aV Adams Realty Co., S.1 Brandela Theater Uldg &arjsi Dakota. J,8J0-acre grain and stock farm, best part of -Norm xjaaotai. 1 ou acres cultivated and la crop, about M acre more oan be cropped; 240 acre fine timber, !0u acres fine hay meadow; balance flrat-clas pas ture; excellent set of building, Improve ment valued at tlb.UOO; house, barn and all pastures piped with running water; twelve mile lenoe; locatea on (man lake; new air line, Fargo to Minot. under con struction, crossea part of land; some of land adjoins new township; if purchased belore harvest halt crop goes with land on paying for seed uaed; equipment may be purchased If desired; owner nas ranched here tor twenty-five years and wluhes to retire; land has been farmed only few Jearg and grows excellent crop. Price pju.Ouu, and a snap at that. Don't bother me If you arc not able to handle this; could sell a doxen times to- lightweights; terms en part. E. B. McCutcheon, Mlnot. & D. NORTH DAKOTA THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. Land In the Mouae River loop, where -rop failure la unknown, Hon. J. 3. K'll fays this land ia all worth lit per acre, ard ha knowa Will rent and pay XI par cent on Investment. What 1 your money earning T The finest uairl land tn tb wend. Writ me for Hsu It ia frea K. K. CO WIN. Olecburn. N. D. Uklahonia. NOTICE. To bo aold at oublic auction. June nV inn A 1-story, modern, fco-roon. brick hotel building In city of LOWl Stillwater. OkL Beat located property In city. Stillwater is Mii t ,r nf lnlfiptaui avatara tiaar K,iia I ln: h olhr railroad facuiti. h state agricultural school: city Is growing I raploly. Thia hotel ha bast business In the count of poor health. Will aell furniture and building on day of sal with privilege t leasing II bulldingltaeuT doe not (nil Inquirle concerning this property and terms of sale win be promptly answered by ine unoersigneo. JOHN YOUST. Br.. tUlwater. OkL Oregoai ALBERTA WHEAT FARM. mi aerea of finest Alberta wheat land la the famous Saskatchewan valley, about a!X mllea from the growing town of Vegrevllle and between the main lines of Canadian Northern railway and Grand Trunk Paci fic, and only a few miles from both. Land In this vicinity produces from in to U bush els of wheat to tli acre and 100 bushel of oats, and 1 rapidly increasing in vaiue. One crop will more than pay for land. Will lake $13 per acre for quick sale. Absolut gov. ernment title. This U a great bargain and will make big money. There la only one crop of land; beter get In while It la cheap. C. F. Booth, Box tu. Portland. Ore, IRRIGATED FRUIT LANOdt Rogue River Valley, Oregon. Declared by government expert to be the soost parfaul fruit belt In the world; grand weapatake prise; bpokane Natioral Apple bow; ba reotived the highest price ever paid for fruit in the New York and Loa don market; orchard now producing over $1.0,4 net per acra Irrigated orchard tract on payment ptaa. rangiua in price from U2i per acre for un developed laud to iauv per acre for devel oped orchard. kuguelands. Incorporated. Adeuford. Oregon. f0.00 IRRIGATION PROPOSITION, acres ideally located contiguous to government and private Irrigation project will be kohl to InOi viclutil or cyntlicate for subdlvlblon or for selling tract. IjO.omO will swii.it tne Oeal. Part of land already under im-attun. product s heavily i.i al lalla, ouiuiiS, pot y tots, etc. iw ultltudu; long euiibliiny eeaaou. Neighoormg lands telling from tM to WUU per acre. Chalice to ruake V-tw.wu. l'or particular addrea D. O. Lively, North PorUand, Or. BUY farm land now; they are dally in creasing In value. There is a limited amount of land, but no limit to Lh lutur population. The Pacific Northwest Is tli preaeut land of opportun.ty. We have flie ssoriment of farms, some of which wl.l suit you. Writ u today, tasting your requirements, and we will mail you full particulars free. The Card Really A Inv. Co., Henry Bldg., Portland. Or. FOR SALE Wauled Long headed con servative men and women looking for and capable of recugnlzing a life time oppor tunity to write tor free book, "The Apple King," written by H. il.Tronaon, trie Apple King of tne World. TeU how you can par ticipate In the enormous profits being reaped by apple growera In the famine Koguo River Valley, witnout loaving o-.r preent position or residence Add'ea ltonue Rtt '.'oiiif.iercial Orchard Com pany. Dept. ' , Mtdtord. Oregon. BUY farm lands r.ow. They ar dally In creasing in vaiue. There la a limited amount f Isrnl but nn limit io the future popula tion. The I'aclfif Northwest is the ni e land of opportunity W have a tine a-nit-ml hi of fai'iu,. ome of which hill silt you. Wni u- todav. atatitig our require r.enti. and we will mail u full partitulart free. The Card Realty , im. u Henry !l(l... A'urtiand. Or. t- LKAUN about the country through whicti Hm Is building to tne coasi; a.nu aojut tue laud recently purcnaaed by -St. Paul caul la.ibta. Vale ia the key city of tills big country. Hubscrlb today for oriano. Vale. iie.. at li.6 per-year. tests Uakota. iOUTH DAKOTA CORN AND ALFALFA LANDH. 10 rush la on fur Manley county: buy ianu near ii. i.w ratiroaa ana doubl your money In the next year; zu.OuO aere to select from; tit to fit per acte. Call or write eland Realty Company. 631 Palac bidg.. Viuneapuli. Minn. Trans, TWO TEXAS FARMS FOR e-ALB I I acres, lot tn cultivation, alfalfa, cor and potatoes; three miles iroro tbe town of Wharton; oa the Colorado river; re overflew; r mile from Houston. Alao Id acres, In cultlvsuon, cora; ad Jomiig ih aixiv place: ta ut mile te a railroad swiuk; party can get Immadlat poasesaion; wlil take tt per acre for one or both puveaa. Write ta the awner. A, A. Nor loo. W barton, la. Tsrauv REAL Li i Alt I AHM AMI RANCH I.AMU FOR BALK Tex retaliated. A CANADIAN Wh.NT TO ZAVAI.LA tXLKTV. TKXAS, He was a novice to farming, A man offered him the use , lit Sv acres of land without ihuige nT one ear ioi i.ie , IK.IIIOK klld plo!nK. lie planted Ai acres of onion accmtiui to the directions glveu nl;ll by his lluto'M s. HK CLu-AllaJD l.oo Nr. f PROFIT FROM 'I Hli M ACRe.8. OR tW AN ACRK, IN USK ClvAeoN. He tneli offered to buy the land el il.itf an acre, but the owner wouldn t ftell. 1 HAVL Iv.we ALi'tiS OF THE LA .Ml JL'eiT ALCiNUSlDB AX O.NLV il&.M) AN ACRE. Hut tt must be gold In one body. Ileal eelate men of long experience pronounce It THE bKST UlAlT IN TKXAS," It must be sold at once, and iUi mi is cost price. Naturally thia m a whol- !a!e proposition. This land csn be readily re-snld In email trsctu from tu to (r( per acre and if the buyvr enshea, I lll undertake Its re -ale '1 lie tand I offer you .s In the aitcian belt and Is the bent tippol iwuiiy you win eve. nsvo to buy. r or particular address V. b. HLKIUl',tuMMERCK BLDO., KANSAS C1TV. MI.SSOCRI. VO'J OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT IT. It's a county seat in the center of the Rio Grand Vailey and Irrigation; haa railroad, taiiata, cio court bouae. good bark, school, brick business houses; Cnapin need people to develop Jus great resources, they re rich enough to maa you rich. Aa us for booklet "B." CUAP1N TOWN SITU COMPANT. Cbapin. Tea. FOR SALK 3M caah. 120 monthly secures 10 acre fine Texas fig and orange land direct from owner. Only few tracts. Write H. W., 704 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. WE TELL how to get a Texas rig, orange, grape fruit or p an orchard for $10 Qonn and K a month for t muntha. We care for it tree. Write the Altlto Orchard and Pre serving Co., IM Tabor Opera House., Len ver. Colo. ThAAB ut Ll IUA6I-iney are coniui In tralnloads to buy our E and ld-acre farms In the proven orange belt ol lexas; aiso truck farm and town lota on the coast. W hv don't ton comef Write for books to day. 8candlnavinn Dept., Kit Gitib Hldg.. dan Antonla. Tex. TEXAS SCHOOL LAND Several hun dred thousand acres coming on market monthly as ranchmen ltat- expire; r.r snle by the state. II. W) to t-Vuu per acre; one- fortieth down, balance lorty year; gooo farming land; aome don't require r'-aklenci-. Ser.d 6 o.nts rwrtsre tor runner iniormu- tion. JOt RNAL PL BLlrHlNG CO., Hou-i un, i ex - Vlrglala. CHOICE VIRGINIA FARMS. ALONG THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY AS LOW AS (10 PUR ACRK; rlcn soil, mild winters, nearby eastern mar kets For handsome Illustrated booklet, "COUNTRY LIFE IN VIRGINIA" (1U0 pages;, and low, twice a month excursion rates. Address O. d. WAli, Real Kstat Agent, C. A O. Railway, Box at L'. Rich mond, Va. VIRGINIA FRUIT FARM. W ACKalS tt.tOt. Two-story bout.; u rooms and basement, I porches; ample out buildings; appl orchard of MM Albemarle pipplna, win tape and other high-priced varieties; the tree ar 11 year old. and being located In Ui great fruit belt of Albemarle county tbt ar hardy and thrifty, aud will yield g lifelong income; I mile t railroad station; surrounded by good neighbor. If taken at one, only ft,tfau; part cash, bal ance oa easy term. For further detail, ee page k4, "Strout Farm Catalogue No. becuoel Edition." It deaenbe ether rare bargain from t aa acre up la Vir ginia. Maryland and tb out. Copy frea. biatloo Hkik. E. A. btreut, Unlou Rauk biug., Piiiaourg, Pa. Wysailsg. FOR SALE 40-acr Improved and Irri gated ranch, located In southern Wyoming, completely fenced, with first claaa house and all necessary outbuildings; irrigation stream direct from government timber re serve, indepenoent of all water companies; no charge for water, ngnu perpetual; owner must (ell at once bud will sacrifice on reasonable term. Addrea A, B. Land, tJM Unity Bldg.. Chicago, 11L Wtsreasia. 10-acr Improved farm for tl.ano. Thlt larm ha 30 acres cleared free of stump and under cultivation; land I level; good clay loam soil, clay aubeotl: do stona; hi to acre of heavy hardwood timber such as augar maple, oak. baaswood and birch, b underbrush In the timber; balance ot land easy to clear. Thia farm border on a beautiful lake with good flatting. It ha g new frame house with seven room all complete ready to move Into; and a new table, lSx26. Farm i located ix mile from Cumuerland and three mile from Raxronett. In a well aettled farming coun try; German and American; on main traveled road, near acnoola, church and creamery. Tbr ia timber enough on tbl farm that when aold will pay th Interest and taxes tor fiv yeara Term (MO cash, balance on time te suit purchaser. W lo own another sw of unimproved land that loins this farm In case you want mo .and. band for our r penal Hot of other farm ana timber land we own. also our hook on northwestern Wlscons.n W ar located In Barron county. VI mile north east of bt Paul. Ad'lreas Wlauunaia Cae olxation Co.. Cumberland. Wia- YOU CAN BU LAND FOR 110 a month, good land, at from la to IM per acre In Vila and Oneida counties. Wis consin. W charge no Interest. We pay the taxes. Insurance claur in the contract. Best op portunity in the country fur tb man of model ate' mean to own a farm and b In dependent. Write fur map and book to Dept. I O. F. SANBORN CO.. Eagle River, Wl. YOU CAN BUY LAND FOR li- A MONTH good land at from lb to U0 ait acre, In Vims ana OneiU conn lie. U itconsm W charge no interest We pay in taxca Insurance clause in the contract. BEST Opi'Oi;r UNITY IN TH i. 'OUNTRT for i:aii of muUerat niea'm to OWN A FARM AND fag IMiKi'l . OKNT UiH. U" iuai and book lo Drpt. a O. It. IrANLORN CO.. Kai Kivel. Wla Mlaerllaaewas. HAVE YOU A FAH.W Foi- EALR OR TRAT'ET Or do you want to bur one? Make our w ant knowa thrutipn TH K DK-4 AIOJNF.S CAI'lTAL. the want medium of Dwa. Rates: I cent a word for eaoh inner- Hon. t cent a line. iO cent an inch. Cir culation. 41 uuu laical of any Iuwa daily. Civ us a trial. Addraas Th Capital. I .and Dept.. Ie Ai'ime. Iowa. C.tWt acre Montana; Wi.OiHl acre North Dakota, at a bargain: no trade. Western Land company. Temple Court. Minneap olis. LARGE tract if timber, grai. ind agricultural lands tn Mexico, Texas. rlda and elsewhere. Write for full Information. Brown Realty Co.. general Merits. Wlnllsld, Kan SWA PR WC can til anttumc. anywbera LATliRoP TOU1N. D 06t 421 Bee. t room, all modern: easv waiving dls tanee; price IT.OtiO; mortgage 11.K0: giv legal numlien In first letter, it -aves time NOWATA LAND AND IXIT CO. C4 N. Y. Life Pd . iiniaha. Nab Pbon Red ll tet ACRES extra lave) land, close ta rail road. In Box Butt county, Nebraska: will exchange for merchandise; price la) per acre; will carry 4,tfJu A. It- Thompson, tloidrege, nen. -DEMIS PARK DISTRICT- $5.5)0 win uuy inis 16 m properiy if taken now V Sb' t I cm Komir tn Culifoi'nia and must sell v ; r.e'. r 4 1 .. - ' 1 li J I I '3 , Fr" 12... " " 'J a-4 - - i;' 7,., i .i '.'v, - 1. Is . 0 i , . i-r - . - . , . .a I V - - r : t V -v v f . " , new; h large bright rooina and Iiooieii attic; monern in every aj , iui eto 101- jKrii'j In oaa; gecond In birch and u,uarter - varus toiiat; laundry, v BALK BY OWNER, 41l vegetable room, HI BT. SWAPS ICOmiouut-J HANDSOME Wavarly electric; new ttrn", top, chainlesa, black plusu upnoiaiei uia, new batteries, perlect conoiikm, coat l.ew new. owner will sell for cash or take clear cottage or lota. Ho N. T. Life. FOR ENCILVNGE Two clear haJf siectlons of good wild land. They will bare inspection. Want goofl City prolierty. Trade one or both togeuier. cioou modern ten-room huuse, ncHirable locaiion; Kant to exchange lor modern t or 7 -room house. Two oiear lot on paved atreet; want oot- 1. N. HAMMOND, V Board of Trade ' KM rtock of hardware and furniture; large, two-story, corner, frame more buim li.g, ware houses, tc , M.uoj. For good land. r ine buck flat uf two it-room houee. well located. In tne Hanncom park district, t.uKi. will take in exchange cottage si atMiut I'..'io0. NV. W. MITCilELL, Board of Trad Hldg.: Omaha. WK handle exchanges of properties of merit, HARRY 11. CU LVfcR, IWs-Slo N. Y. Life Bldg.. phone Douglas IMS. 10 AC RE 8 of good grazing and farm land; good soil; will excuang tor house ur oottag In omaha.' Price ui per acra QANULrfTAD, ROOM 404 BEE BLDU. KLKCTR1C light plant, Missouri county seat; ooet tWOtm; leased )MI month; per fect condition; owner live North; will con cider clear farm. 810 N. Y. Life Bldg. SWAPS. Nine-room houee hourly new. Will put In cash in trad for vacaiit lot In Omaha. nowata lot a land co., Suite (jft New York Life Bldg. Red 199. Double apartment bous. strictly mod ern, close-ln. Good Income payer. Pries llO.OM, nitg. U,Mo. Want land. Might take an automobile. Don't need rain to make thia pay. Nowata Land t Lot Co.. SJ4 N. Y. Lift Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Red 1999. SUITS that eold for $30. at lis. VOLLMER'S. 107 eo. IKlu. TAILORS MIPriT Uilored suit 1 and Ml value at B A. Rubensteln. 211 - 14th u O. A L1NQUIST CO t3S PAXTON BLK. FOR evening function full area la th rule, and to get It made right see fed Thiol Tailor, 71 8. WthBL WANTED-T0 BORROW WANTED to borrow 17.600 from private party on first das security. A dares B tat. Hm ' When you have anything to sell or traa advertise It In Th Be Want Add column and get Quick result. YYANTEO TO BUY WANTED to buy second-hand tlieigar. model 14 or !C speed motor, wood or brass wind ehleld, two-way valve for exhaust pipe blank. Address D 5o. Bo. RKHT PRICE paid for econd-hand furnltui. carpet, clothing and bva Pbon Douglas 7L Kafee One ixrg and en medium i taic. atate aiae and price. M MO Baa. SUITS tnat sold for ItO, at tli. VOLLMcJH eI. 107 Bo. 16th, BEST prloa for BROKEN WATCHES, Old Uuld. etc. NATHAN. tU & Ulfc au WANTLD By. voung lady, good looa.no n for small cigar at auu, in store or of tic building. W itt. Bee. DLACKKMlTH HHOP, In good territory, where there 1 only one In town. Address Y U. cur Bee. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls 1 or House of All Hlies List With L'a NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. fI4 N. Y. Life Bldg. Pbon Red lMk SUITS that aoid up to 130. at lli. VciI-LMfcR's. 107 So. 1Mb. WANTBIyfiult of room with bath, convenient to stock yards, two gentlemen. Answer, room 14&, Exohang Bldg. Phone B. TA REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfer for July 1. 1H furnished by the Midland Ouaranlee A Trust Co.. Iviided Abatiaclers, 1714 Far ran. St.. Tel. Douglas Zt. T. E. Jones and wife to U. F. Jones lot 16. block IV.. Walnut Hill t 1 C. Ottn to K. R. lovett trustee, lot It block 6. Omaha View m to I. Lovtt, part lot 11. block I'll. Rounlz piac 1 F. H. Oarvln to C. McMahon, part of lot a, block 71, city 1 E. H. Olson and wife to F. E. Hen si, part of lot I and I. block 14, Roae Hill J.Wu Elrinore place rompany to T. J. ilan Hell, lot 10. lilo.-k . Orant Place. .. 176 The Nehrbkka National hank to E. it. Mlahaugn. lot 10. block Z. Munset.. K76 C. V. Handera' n and wlf to O. A. Reuse, lot 4. Dean Place L7O0 C. Anders. n and wife to H. Hamoti son. lot "D" rep) at block 4. Menus Park I my lieatitlful home at once IloufC almokt nw e, pine; full cemented cellar and er screen and e tor in aaali, lot, 6lixl6t). FOR RAILWAY TIME CARD CKION gTATlOS Tea lb. and Muts. Iblcaara 43rt 1 ter Leave Arlivt Chicago Limited a t:J pm ' Twin City Limited a l:N bo a 1:00 an Chicago Express a S 45 pni i win City EiCprea. a t.'M am a t to pm llliuola iralrsl Chicago Kxpievs ........ 7:00 am t ti pm Chicaiio Limited a t:00 pm a 7:45 nnt Mlnn.-8t Paul Lx b 7:0 am M -M Paul Ltd a t:W pm a T :4S am Omaha-FL Dodge Loc..b 4:14 pm bU:U am taloa Paeirte leave Arrive tan Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. 1:16 a. m. U:M n, n. Chi. ft Pac. Fait Mall. 4:lS P. m. I t p. m. Atlantic I'.ipruaa..., t 46 a. in Oregon Lxprea 4:00 tt. t .JO . tu. t .'M p. ni. U K a. m. t U L U. 6:00 p. aa. Oregon-Wah. Ltd U:4t p. m, Denver bpeciai t:47 a. m. Coiorado bpecial .Ul:4t n. In. Colorado h.iprts 1:60 p. in. North Piatt Local.... t it a. ra. 4 4t p. m. Grand lsiaud Local... W p. in. 10 Ml a. nu Btromsburg Local U 41 P- m. 1 M P, m. Cbteaga, UMik Island faclflo EAST. Rocky Mount's Ltd.aU ah a. co alO.SO p. m. Iowa Local Pas.. ..a tt:Di a. ta. a 4. XI p. ra, Chicago i-y i a. bo. a I k a. m. CiiiCaao iecai j-aaa.i . a. m. bi:i p. to. Lies Motoe xocai paaeongsr a 4.00 p. m. all:.tt p. m. Chicago aJtpraau. .. .a 4 40 p. ta. a l:li p. m. Chicagv Ltiuiptd a t:0l p. ta. a i.Ut a, m. WtaiT. - Tb Mountaineer.... a t.ittl a ' a i -.aiio-Nebraska Ltd. a 7.-U5 a. sa. far Lincoln. -a Lit a. m. a 1:47 p. Colo. t-ai. Jk4...a Um. p. ui. a 4.M p. a. Okl. A Tex. Lxp....a i.M p. m. m l.M p. ro. itovky Mount a iAd.a-Ui.iil i. to, aii. p. a. Wasma Om.-St Loul Exi..a t:St a. ra I S a ta, Mail and Impress.. I.W a, m, sUl;it p. , tatiaerr oowi Council Aiutia;....b 6:01 p. at. UlO.li B. m. k. blaaao, An" aue bt. I'su Overlafd Liiuitad aU.U poi 7.t kta Omaha-Chiua-go Akxpresa.b 7-U au t.su am uiuana-Mavauua .x. ..... 7.1 am t.tuam Colo-calif apie........ w pm t. pm Colorado Bpecial a .. am u.U pin perry-Omaha Local b 61 put u.ui pni It C A bt. L. Lx a 1:40 am a t:K am U. bu u. Ax aii .la pm a 6;0 but fc. .utiaevnirs KA6TBOUND. Omaha Exprea a i.uw am tU B am Chicago Local aiZKa pm 111 pm Coieiado-cniciagu ' a v. in m a l.tt pm 'Oiiau byvcuai -a .w pm a f:6i am pacutti Coaai -Chicago. .a S.u pm a tJH pm Angeea iuiuau... a a.su piu aix nu pm Ovarlaou A-uunvU aii:s pia a J:5 aw Lnvr epeoiai la.M am a t:L! ant CarroU Local .- t.av put a . am V'aat Mati a t.M pot NORTHBOUND. Twin City Expieea a . am alOJO pru bioux City Laivai a t:a put m r.Xt pot Minn. A AJaaoia AkA....a Viov put a V:t am inis City tauuiii....s l.w tu al.jvaaa W Jaiji BOUND, Uncoln-Chadruu a i w am ai i .nu an. Norfoik-tMi'ickte! a Mm am ail) 44 Long rin-ao. fiatl....b t:ia pia a .M pra Hasunga-bJPerior b l:U pm b t.A pm Deadwood-sioi aBringa.a . piu a I t pot Cpr-l-a"ur a It m pm aU:OV am FraiiMtlit-AibuMi ! at 4 I; pm tibKLlKSTUN ITA, IOTU A MAIO.V 4fe Msf AlMK J , Leava Arriva. uenver and CllfcrnU..a t.i lm at ttpm Puget awuiid Axprea...a t.i pa atatpia Neoiaaaa iimUta.. . . ant a t.i Mh ..a i.i pm a 10 pa . .au .is put a 7 uu am ..a t.A am a lot pa a ' auiityia ,.s IU aiu aeowpia l.va ..a Lit am a iwta stiava uulo ,tiiuiitMt capre Nauraaka poiuut.. Ir1""'" aa Neoitaaa a.xpiaaa ukuiiu iouai. ..... ianouiu latcaA. .nuii -Jr laitauiuuka t-wv put lilt.Aiua Ptaitaoiouut-Aowa t 1 11 aMi aaaa Oatievue-Piailaiuouui ..a U.st put a . pa Cwioiauu iaiiuue aii.A put a!.'aa cuioaaK apauuu a t u pa ailitapa cuicaaO a.apiaa a 4.- put . pus cuitaau I ai JkA.prea...a .AI pm l. aa iwwa Aocai t.ia aut alv.evaa Ci tiou-iowa Local a t. aw put aau.Maa u iuau a.vpieaa a .jtd tnu ajA.teaa a c. ami a- (unu....ni,i. ui "a . aa a. auU tb oaayU'-S (.aiaia tjlluul - W, aud awau...-a t-aiui ......... Mk-Hk'lau a ilteBtki a( a abate, jutaauarl Kle . av. Arrlea Auburn Kpeolai b !- pm bU.it pa LbtuaAu, at. fast, auasuaiiiu av uutahaB Sioux City Exprea b l ot pa bll aam ouiana Local 1:3 pa muux City Paaaenger bl:Jtpa Twin City Paaaenger... . b t:W am biuux City Local t-Ji am aiuroa Luoai ..... 6 pm b 1:1 aa IEUAL OTll'K. 1 NOTICE. The annual meeting ot the shareholder of the Nehraskt Saving and Ixiau asanuia- , tlon win ie held in tne association office 1 I No. I(H Board of Trade tiullding, Omaha' I Nthranka. Weduelav, July ft IKiO. at t p. 1 ' m. Poll for elect. on of three directors open at iz n cioca: noon aua cioae at p. m. Ail Hi sain day JOHN It. BRANDT, KecreUry, Jyi-M OARBAOE. Imimrunt Knur Cut thi out. Tack It up in th kitchen. Do riot call City Oarbag Co., Douglari 1S"7, a they do not and can hot haul gar bage. If Vou lit west of 1-ih. siKiih of Cuming, north of Leavenworth to the city limns, telephone Webster 'iM,. All outsid of this dturtct call Wehnier 407. If not tended to tall Health Office, Dougia SIM. Jw ' t t i t