Tin: OMAHA SUNDAY I. EE: JITLY 3, 1910. COLD-BRICRED GOLD MMS Variations in the Guce at it U Com monly Played. SOJCE TAXI. JOKI5G SCHLXLS t"ever.e. 4 (kill velty rirMtr4 with Crwde I rweke. WU A 4 1 lo 1 t I awarr. tn.S g sire of pluck.rg th dollar .if the nr end the g-norar.t. 'here ha oven a gradual Improvement in methods. The towitit aim lu been, first, to tr,c-e!i th mfunt ft the harvest, seconi. to re duce to a rnln!mur.i the rsk tie rears- run of detection and pjri.i-rtner.t by U.e . authorities Experience in most ir J commercial activity Im shown that '.he I wiidd.err.en often gather in the lsTtj prof ts end have the smallest loests. Many! nf thow working th m.ri.ng game and. by) tiit la meant sell.r.g stocks on wind and, water have made uve .f this fact. T'Kiay ia the rr.ejori'y of cases we have, lu J a-. ef the pio(ector or the tnaay se a tack direct to the sucker, the flnA-rUii or fiscal agent He operate either under i the name of a barking firm or aa a i -urity company, which t generally a, r.rltered trade-mark Intended a a uiat to cover the ttmti of Individuals aoi d.troue of publicity. The f'nenr.iel agent of this destcrtr-tion r n reality the organiser and promoter of tl-e nr. In In company whose stock be sella But ahould trouble come aloi.g, he la the firet to assert that he haa boon deceived aa veil aa h.s customer. He sells the shares of the mine on a commission bai o large thai practically nothing la left fori development. He take nut of the money I secured large salaries and the entire ex pmw of advertising carrying on the exploitation. He prepares ail the literauira Oik of the advantage he claims for hie proposition la the wide distribution of the stock aa a safeguard against assault by wicked Wall Btreet interests. i v n TZTirrTrrrrTiTJi . i r: n I B rSA 0 WAX M 1 scots j ,Acrr kax- Wi X fHOWII LOCATION i n 1 r a 1 a v bm r av. x, a t j a- ai v - - - w i of tl.e Kxlff. hul V t.g,?ie:a fiu-fd ' that It ould te rhrapr n the !re r'n t !nrtai! ireat pcmer h '.' l re the cial energy cwuid 1-e v ha ! to Fleam ' J J ficm ettam. thniich tl.e fud'uni of giart hrrfw-rwerr Th I. lino, Ontul I rn figurh.g on the e e-t ri! irail"1 of !'. I'd - ' caa a.f Tie l'ii'i 1-Va- ' area A eetr:; M eat.l to 0"rt"mr n- ; rig leotrlfica'tjon of tt a-ihutlian 1 f aiil j The t'jrhi- e enjln-e to e. nricaJ ne-gy fir the I ternuti; at Hotn.ker,. N . elertnral loon:t. vr Instead of having a i M iauke Jk M I"ul : iann:t( t ) lhoua-iJ and ot 1 tt'e Ter hou'e Jo- ! iectnctty n ii m,U- of 't i h .. 1 rated one in earh K-c.miotive. ' Although the Ne Yo'k .'euiiai. a J early a l tw up the matter of e ec t:1fj ing it Nm Tvrk City ternt!r.al n"thit g traa rtot:e unti! Ift8 r.en tde co:.g-jOon of : t-affie ahd atrnorj-hrric tvrd il"ii hetame' the B,tl-r Ko.it n.out tal:i It! I.taii.. Tit .'ait l.aae a 'gili-n c hute, I, t , r-ty-Ji'Xen ni'le of lt tteam road t" fctic tty. ul'g la-ge Iriterutl-an r- a ....nl umina It is w d U.r f authority t!.i the uch r.uiyarn-e that the etate !efri''jre jear 1S. will a how trtrrerxVme de ' 'tme' t etppd In arid demarded the romp let j In tV electMfiiatlirti of har.claea fc'i tr aheiidotinient of steam locomoUvee 'u;h of i m.nala of tant n 1f n '.h cn:t t- the Har-ra r1er. Largre ( adertaklaa. The elertnfiratJin of thU railroad aoout BRICK MAKEH" ZTf -r " nil r 1 mi HflSaMbiai AN INSPECTOR WHO INSPECTS h.'IV t'iTrek t?Xtt' Vt them dmg more than ther ran 'ane New Toik waa mammoth undertaking. The Harlem d. vision la electrified aa far aa North What P".klha. a dix-.ance "f I teenty-four m:lea and the H ud n d:..-i"u j - as far aa Orayetone. venter:i rinies. ahove ludot Wuifwh i in hi.i . .c the f'atk avenue tutnel. This grreat p.a lr ;or of ae'.ghta and Hif-anuie in H br.'uirht about ilbe deenpnietus of the ' d.an..poli? More than that l.e n. an ! 1 etec trlc 4owmotive to a ftit rever reached j as-ei-tor w no Itisi tvia. before No. I9 prort to le tl.e ninst K"cent'y Mr. ulleoti Lad a iiu:i.l : ot p.rrf jl locomotive in the world Weiph- j vmp'.a.iiitf from pra.vi. living a...t. a lit a Shert Welsh! lee Mn Mas laagkl lualii aad Col g . kt.n lea thkn rune'.y-five tons. aaii.t 171 , certain Ice wagon rout tons for the heavteet c'.ar:i Jas.!'gc: loco nioilv -. i:s ra..;:it' ' t" -?v. hj i i -a-' t U.at t U rival i'.t .'tteiti I tc 'tTioitX . ("( v' -t at'ciit ..a,f iht trk t-pwe v-r a :nui io.'oiu .t.vt . Li.e e.ec titc can be run with equsj facility In either direction ajid if rirceanary has an ove-l-.iad These oomp a. weie Is t;e effect that th (--i.jto- . . a, : ),. j ti V .n.e. 't a ?u were not it.ru a for. The lof fvr.. gaie H ia''.ii.r. weeds at I f u ciora iu ttie uiorun vl mailed patiently for the lot man tj h- t n !! Je;'.rerle finully thr wag.'ti ( vrt What aant ts a .KT. iv rUM Get ALL IMF 1A.VRKK T tfANT, hut we I'vJ WNT A HP.l.'K MAN WHO "AN SIAKK Blili'K W. 1 nkke a first claes piopo .tioti to the rlht man Hi .U ldal.D. l ttie n.araat point for i' f v ai r a if.' Act iand; tta m heet land trat In" -t of doors. There la rnrap e;ci:..' po r gwined frwtn the fa!i.s of the tinaka r: ee hr are ereaaa cf farm produce cf eery deacHrtle Yr thing is favorafeia, t'.eaea WIUTB UK AT .-Nv K. Tov can satisfy yeurwalf ahcat t-la If you will write to tn at enra I ear. een1 ,-u a booklet ehowtef W HAT THIS efcCTIUN HAS TO DtV II 0?. ;ust WHAT IT WILL. . t TOl'. Write for the book. It roeta tictntrig and may mean a fortune ta yea A fl Ireee C X. aarQtroWlT, tteeiwtarr im OOaV the cetiier of attraction among tboew who are Intereetied In Ua ho. aa the lewmarte opened or. Ju'.y Spe cial tra.tis were r jn on the Oregon Short line il"ri!on 1'a.r t ic railroad) for he a.rr.u and In ad'ilor to the sale ot town Kp s there was on aie large and sanll irrigated tracts adjoining the tow r.aite and t'M a sale of ranch lands nearby. firi-e la a towneue wtji.-h is offered w:th the tmprovemetitf already put in so tbat IM settler will rot hare to deal with incon reniKDOea wttea be firet vIte the place.. Water, atreeta. ce rr.ert aldewaikl. treea. etc.. are already there. A ta.w hot'-i. buiit of stone and cement, n. J-J.oiv business block, a la'je warehouse and many cottages are a'ready erected AU 'I this aecuoti ta Just coming ltit Its own. TTie land la mxt fertile and irrigated acres eeilltig at ta to U' one year a;o hare frequently quadrupled In value. capacity up to 3 i ho"wpo e . On the test j aieng and from his oign of a"tti-e M track at frcbet.ectady. No. txsM coupled to ti c we'd ich uifs ri watched the .ir.y. i heavy .aseerig'.-r train, stjv Ced ut V. ' cu'.r.r.g t' tie '.ce aid carry ir g It -nto I the flyiiig Empire State ttpitsa had passed, j Ik-uhci. Ha obsfived that the waiion had then started up and psjist-d the f.yer within ; no a i lfs n It as required Ty ti.e vy two n-ile. The eiectr.ca wegn tevecty -one , ordinauoe and ho noticed li.at thi ftrivr tons lea than a steam loccmct.ve, a eav-jdidnt take any ;rtkular pains ah ut lng of IS per ceht on a full tra.n of eight aivitig ti.e ci.uhka. Pu".mn cam. which means a:, important j Aftr Wr.lfson had sr:i al! l.e carej 10 Kavii.g of enerpy and consequent c.t ; see from Lis p arr of colic airucnt he io',- f.ated value That is to say. even the best and moFt stati.e of mines are overrated. In this wide distribution, hcrweve--, lies ! not l" K'Ovn the ; u-Hv Udcat vP-:um. on of his oiu greatest aaleguarda agalnat 'ther criminal or civil proaecntkia. ttcat tarad osrar the country are hia in-vreatora th mill hand, the poor aaajnatreaa. tha hnmbla artisan, whoee total lmraatmenta. comprlaing perraps all their savlnge, ael- MODERN TERMINAL POWER i ever been applied to railroad work lr. Amer- Flans have been Electricity 8upplntiR Stcsua in City i mT and Tnajiel Wori- of fifty-BTen d'-'m azce-d : caoli: and. with their sav ings gone, there lan't money left to pay ixfar to tba offua of the financial ag-ent, let aloaa to undertake a civil suit or ao liat tha aid of tha authoritiaa. A enw Bwalweaa Priwciwle. Borr Bros., Inc.. of New York, uaed ths efTer-ttTe halt of the installment plan of payment. Their literature and advertlalnr offered sudden wealth at 20 cents a abarek pay-meat to be In liistail merits, "the beat twenty ft ere'" to ba acoeHed It was pointed oat that tf ona made one's weekly payment largo onougto to bo included among the fortatuUa twenty, one could have a ruoe. clean rertifinato aant to ono lm-1 mediatory, and pay for It at one's leisure. If you think the operator coulj not afford to do that, yog are Ignorant. Thero waa an old negro woman in tho south who oftoo. Importuned her white friends for fnjuda to build a oerca.n oomewhat mrthlcaj horch. Thry asked bar what she received Cor tho time spout in onllecting. T has what I (Its," ww hor fraak roapotiao. Sha onwnerlated a groat modern mining prln ipU which has mado (artuneo m Dearer. Bstto. Krw Tork. Bootan ajvd many other paaano where handsomo Ilthrraphio work a daoo, and where advertising- spaoe can bw kwugtit in Journals oonaidered reputable. wo Mia wltlaa: Btortea. Xt no, however, aiwaya too city pro moter who famaobeo all of tha eronkwdnoaa. Bo himawtf may bo Aaoted by those who sI him Cno mlao, Somo of tho moot thrlD. tn atnriaa h Htararoro wrlrht be written aTaoot aaiied mines. .'Tho sale of tho Bear's Vawt aoina. and tho special train oxpodition U tho salted Baar river plaoer field: tho oalo of tha Mulaloo mine to a aet of China nan; all sorts of othor laenanoos in AmerV caa sntamc history, have been regarded razbar as big Jokes than as great lessons. And so to soch largo Jostlti we adraaoe in fiTMooa. The old way of ealflr.g a placer or a quaj-ta vein w Ith a shotgrua is now anUqwated. A little white a-o a party of capitalists nougtit a Nevada placer on what they tl.ougtu to be strictly a "cinch' basis, "With their own handa they collected the sped ten dirt from sll over the claim, and they w atched a Mexican miner pan the dirt at the creek. Tho pans ahowed up beautifully. They bought the claim. Later, it proved worthies. Afterward they remembered that tho Mexican smoked cigarettes all tho time ho was panning, and tnat he was careless in expectorating, as well as in knocking the a&has off hia cig-arettea. The truth was that the kia-hly Intelligent grosser- was using the cigarette trick In salting tha pan. There was nruoh fine gold in his cigarette and under -ilf lip: Al! sorts bf mothnds of salting mines, even to the tnjoctjoit. with s hypodermic needle, of strong solutions of mineral salts Into a mining engineer's carefully aealed sample tut-, have been worked. The tnrist honest. careful, and expert Btlclr.g rt-cineers have been deoeired time acd ag&lr.. and salted light under thir owa eye. Even a bland Cbiaea may be Toole 1. Take Lhe instance of tho Muiatoa mine The bunch of China men who proposed to buy It ina.sted on a mill-run test on fr-h mined ore. taaen out by tbemoeiva, f or a five days' run. They w are But Wtaung any chances In their own belief. Tho owner of tb mine, howevrer oo ran the storyhad a plu-'onn of plank areoatged above tha umbers at the top of tho drift where the Chlnatrun r rCught out their or car. On ti. j i-- us a maa lay face vinos ard, w here he cnuld see each ore cvr that peiaed. lis n 'id r.ther hard life for five e-ir on the sasdwiches and water which he tek U( tiirr; with blm. but he managed to drop a pinch or so of Bios gold duat into every car cf ore that oaoie true cur. g under hirr.. The mlll rsa waa an entire siccus from tie view IKiint of the itel.trra, jU.J-l not froju tliat f tho kuyora. rriavelsvoJ Terso lsreuf. Ax.y acioo, oo maiter Low ri--h, or bu ' large, begir.a to be axbku.-.ai fn-m tl.e tuno too firot pick la stuck Into the f-ounJ. and all Its profits ought to f'ured on tha baste of duii:Jal.:i.g dep.-vsit Whjt your deposit Is drawn out. jur o. uck pot yuur ensca. A nun. is U.e revere mortgage or a bond. The security mint may naiuraiiy be Iock-lived. oUiers ehort-llved: yet. if eiUter ry good stiff dividend, the puhllo makes no distinction between the two and win buy the stock of either. In this inventing the public has no protection on the part of the) gov err. men t on the part of honest pub- ! RiVitW OF FEOGEESS TO DATE lictty, or on the part of its own careful ; edu.-Ation "Mtm Rail. olectricU Fyttem of the lireet Northern . front vestibule i cf operation. 1 Not ail the ste4.ii, l oa.as ahKh thtu.ged I frt.m st.-am power to electric ty adopted ' the el.-ctric 1 comotive When the southern , I'ac'.fic electrified Ms Oakland iivision It adopted the multiple unit cfMTvl rys m in piajpei Wolds, it used large ir.lcrurbun . troll, y cars atiic-h could be cotiped to . t'Che; arid operated as a ng trajus from -yn.-ed to extend the one controllei In the majority of oaewa, a mine ourt't to pay ar.nuaily perhaps 21 per cent of the j Investment, to be profitable. That is to j aay. the actual value of any mine is rarely ' over five times actual dlrldenda paid after ' expeneee of operation. How many mines I are capitalized on any such real basis as i Market rwade aad More featem. plate I I tlllsla- Power f Moae taia Strvsvawa. cn in railroading was reached one by the motorroau ir. tie This installation proved rUjyomlsh to Leavenwnrth. a d'sance most fucceKful and economical. The West of fifty-seven miles, and from there It Khore used th.a Kam Fystem In Its el--may be extended even further fast. J v triflcation between Syracuse and I'tlc and largely increasing the tor.rope capacity of the Erie decided on the multiple unit con the Cascade tunrel and makinc rreater troi plan for Its electrical tone about the Ped over the heavy grades, the electric city of Hochestet. locomotives have ben of the g-eates- ben- The Weft Jersey & rhoshoue. one cf the fit to the Great Northern. j best examples of steam railroad electrlfica- Electrificatlon of a railroad floes not ' Uon ln th, uhte' hd connecting-Phlla- thatT The answer lies In our own 1 ; " nM long ago. when a heavy freight . a or an re. and In the shrewdness of the tra,n bocajn stailed in the tunnel con- I ' men who sell us mining stocks. Ftocks noUnK fort Huron. Mich with the town! that are the best dividend payers often of Rrn'- Out., and carrying the tracks j sell at ten to twelve times the face of the i of tD Gr-n3 Trunk. A powerful switch! annual dividends. Le the mine hit a brief j er'rir" Pused the stalled train out cf the i streak of bonanza and the stocks will climb " " ln0 the railroad men were bom mean tuch a radical Change a one wpuld think; It means mere.v a chanite of motive power, so the same standard systnk how almost Universal, can be tsed to Its b.-t advantage, moving the freight and par- deiphia and Atlantic City, uiws the electric tars Instead of locomotives for Its train Detroit River Teraatnal. Six i"OWr!ul electric locomotives aie be ing built fr w in the Detroit river tunnel lowed the driver into a house ai.J raw l.:m d-.-posit a big lurt p of Ice in a rfne eretor Wulfeon aeked hi'n h'W n.ucl tt weighed a.-i.l tl, invpi sa.J it we.g i d twertj -five pov.ids Wuifon d'.dr, t be lieve U. po k:ikevl l:e Ice out of h" bolt. wrai-t J It up careful'- to riot.-ct it from t': lleat. ,ariid i; t. a gr.-eiT I ell a : .rV away sr.d found li to we 'f. a little scat t i f twenty pounds Wuilson then ii formed tti driver J.at l.e would have a little bu!nee with r. in y. the police station later or.. He might f a.. anted him then and there, bin he d T i -. It was a hot dav and Wulfson r-a!ired th t the people alot.g th9 route would be n--- d ir.g their Ice needing tt almost as oa by as a mar sometimes needs a pistol m Texas. Po Wulfson got on the wagon snJ aas'.s'eO in the dissection and the )ellviy of th cv The sun was boiling hot a:rl It re-julred eeveral perspiring hours t .r the inHtctor and Lis prisoner to get too. the route Hut Wulfson stuck to th- j ! until all the housekeepers got their Ice MODey makpg core money In Ida ho than In bt other western gtat. Thafg wty the Burley grate Bank tar. paj a greater per cent ot inter est with Abeo.ute safety. You can't know- about this tiniest rou write for FREE INFORM k TION. WRITE TOLiAT. PE SURE AND DO IT RIGHT NOW. Ton can double vour lnccit.e Mid west Baak pay Itlx and we iit net on ail sums, large or email. Liavld Kocles of i'or har k th presi dent, la worth $1E i.nC ( M F Browning. vice-preedent. Is worth al most aa much more. Ivu can be at on with (heee big big men Writ today. B sure and write to day. Burley Stale Dank BXTBXXT. ZXkAJCO. JATTW BOCUea PreaidooV St. sv ItOWlIie, Tioe-ra. B. omOTXlt, A rem. Oaahi. XOXfBX.B IOC StOJTAT XBT ISAXO. aa a J sew. LdXiiL nooper. fied to find the engineer of th straaued train huddled in a heap en th floor of hie cab and the fireman a limp bundle across tha rumps of coal ia the tender-both had been suffocated from the poisonous gaaes from their big ngiiJ while trying to get omr to pull the heavy train 1 out of the tonneL j Thla was the third accident of this kind - 1 1 hit 1 1 -vhs ah .aa ,n how many, when fTT . 1 Vower had to yet higher. We buy ouch stocks, or woes; but even a fundamental acquaintance with the theory of mines would show as that ouon aa tarasiinat Is usually a bad one. Is a mortgage we do not look to the Inter est to pay ua back our principal; In a mlno we roust look to dlnderids to pay us our principal and latere; also. When the mine Is dona, our principal Is gone But how many mining investors ever thought of thai And offered a M per cent -guaranteed dividend" ae nr-Dr of th Grand for five years oe tbotr money, ever stop ' V. . " ln" " Baltimore A to reflert that, for instance. 1 could take ' . bn lroub1 lth Its tunnel your money and put K In a cracker box. I fsciliUe .bout tie dty ut and myse.f max. moo.y bv pa,ln It back ' ? " "'T " th' to you. per oerrt a year for nine year- I . 1 "pertnTlUn olectrtcity as and titan pialning what had happened LTir', hUT 10 to the cracker l-Kmereoe, Hough In f-' " Inve.tlgaUon. They found Ererybody. Magazine. locomtive. of the Baltl- more OiAo. looking more like huge looo- n 0(Cn ! aoCv b tD" scything else, handled ! w me neavieet trains with eaee. even on the M. j sieepest grade., and that the Baltimore "ww ws ea tunnel waa nnu.tti. ., ' " iv inuu au amoae BILLINGS BANK IS First WatiowaJ flared ia Rerelver by Order ( the rautrUer. WASHrNQTON. July i The First Na, aao gas. when a steam train was ready for th tunnel, the fire were tanked th. : steam waa shut nff v. - i , lf.n.1 r,U ,.f Rllllnira Unnl was oloaMt ' . . 'C vco today by direction of the comptroller of the currency, the bank having been re ported to be Insolvent. R W. Goodhart has been appointed receiver. On Manh tf last, the date of the report to tbe comptroller of th currency, the bank included a trior, r its resource tl.3S3.4 In lotto and discount, and SU.UB in cash and cash items Tbe liabilities Included tlf0.900 tn capital stock, ST-LWS in srurpius and undivided profits, and :,flr.. Ir. dp"s-t III ' j ': . y ' s y. J 4-a-V w , - J i t 'AN JK" - T- .... - : ' V. '8 'S-'N'ti't, V. -1.JI T -N Nt --, 4 - -V :. peflewaw ..--.-Viv-vr -Vw. -ej re- ac. -V."-Sf rr e - ' - - .Vjt . - -a. a f f- - a, "J .k.Im-. w"- . -rr vA'W VvfotTopofoced at HoopcT. Idaho. Ear T. Steed of Hooper. Vtah. is a apple is ir. shape Hke a Wlnesap tt has farmer who has studied soil conditions as the coloring of a Gano and the markinrs well aa olimat and has originated an of a pltsenberg. He now has in his or apple which is specially adapted to axi chard bearing trees of thi variety, elevation of 4.900 feet above sea level. He some of wnlch produced as many as six calls It "Steed's Favorite.' and while tbe bushels last yewr. and next year will add chard'rt. UTAH MAN WHO HAS DONE VERY WELL IN IDAHO aenger faster and better without Increas ing tbe trackage and working force. No change In the organisation are required, practically, from the president to th sec tion boo. Electric Power at leraalaala. "The fact that steam iwoumotlves are 1 about as perfect as men can make them and that tbe cost for their maintenance lujreaaes from year to ear has hastened " ' - ' . ' -y' V i r. I t i ... V , r v. -, . . : .1 i t .. ' ' - ' . - - I ; o . : ',.'' ; ".l. . - v - . ' l ' e we. Mt.. a out remain stable cor in JOHN A. ELuN. I Jo.-in A. Elison of Otkley, Ida., whil coupled on to haul th train an3 th. dead steam engine through tbe tunnel. In quiry Into the cost of operating these elec tric locomotives showed that they could move so much faster, being smaller and mor powerful, and could haul a large train at such a remarkable speed that the cost of operation waa really leas that ft would be by steam. It is worthy of bis turical note that the Baltimore A Ohio first in tbs use of electricity a a motive power, was alao the first railroad to use a steam locomotive in this country. The f tourbridge Lion." one of the two Eng lish locomotives, was Imported to Una ooun try. and used to haul trains en the Balti more A Ohio, as early a UtlKl A year latex the Albany coauectady railroad was running. In tn early oays of railroading oa the Great Northern all the trains Lad to be xrzagged over the Cascade mountains on a "swiicn-oack.- it took three of the most power: ul sieem locomotive to switch seven passenger cars over the mountain and the labor was aa nothing compared u, lhe time it toaa ta get tne train over, for time is so iciporbct In ail railroad ork. To avoid this monumental task a huge tun nel was bored through the mountain, about : W ml.es east of Seattle, custins million. .,e ..ii . j .. I ........ .u , . t iou. Al th tuneimately operated by electricity." 'IT. openee traxrio oa the Great! The future of railroading In tali ecu northern was not w heavy as tt Is today I was maooed out when the New Tork Can- t and the tunnel worked very well notwith- j tr.ai. one of the greatest eystems In th I division. Th proposed electrL-'.cation is for standing thai the grades were very steep j world, decided to electrify Its New Tork J mll' of u"tk u1 -be mt and the giant tteam locomotives couid not ! ter-mlnai and eliminate steam power en- I extensive installation yet undertaken by ma through the bore very oftes because ! tirely In and about New Tork City. Ther j ny ateam road. Waterfalls will be devei- of the Uarjsbroue smoke and gasea Great i was no water power to hemes like that i "l"1 u' f tiiouaands of electrical tn tunnel anywhere near pure and time j " ' 1 arid attain th tra.n crews were lifted from ! their p'Miitions ha.f uead from suffocation, and onoe a pasei.ger train beoam stalled i I in the tunnel and nm -k w ork was req-jired ' j to get them out in safety. ' i The danger aad ce,as in tins tunnel 'were a cfir.tinua! source of annoyance to! ; James J Hill, and te dispatched a party j of engineers to go up th Wenatci.ee river and study tl wate-fal! with a view to j make u.tm haul the trains througn jhe j Cascade tunnel. Another band of englneera I i was set to work f guting on th electrifica I tion of U. tunnel and tn installation ol powerf ul e ertno looomotlvt fr the lunnei I w ork. forty acres more of thee trees. This will make him a tcial orchard of 130 acres betides seven acres of vineyard Errs Steed is a couiiln of Attorney General Pteed of Illinois and is a progressive your. a or- and terminal of the Mit hmn Central Incidentally he used, hi beet efforts to s-e railroad. The Detroit river tuhuel. which ' thst the consumer wht ordtr calied cr will sunn be completed, will connect tht twer.iy-flve pounds was supplied with a West letrcit yards of the Michigan Central i full-weieht chunk Instead of one weighing with the New Windsor yards at Windsor. I only nineteen pounds and some uuuc'V Ontario. The electrified sone embraces the j When he had delivered all the Ice he d j tunnet and appruachea terminal tracks livervd the ice man Into lhe hands ot the and aiding ard will cover a distance of I properly coutltuted suthorlties to be about W OW fe-t. Two of the electric loco- j dealt with according to law. Louifv. !e motives will haul an l.Msi-tt.n trslMng 1 Courier-Journal. th development of th electric looomo- train on th I per cent grade at a sped of! -tive." said a prominent engineer well I ten miles per hour. Each of theee loco-j .e Verki Bawkrr Ulet n Irmla. known In raliroad circle. "Today a nuru- ! n..ttlves we gh It tons ai.d develop 1 -ft ! H Vl N T.. July .-.muif ' . ber of the largest rallrvads have electrical i horsepower will, a pull of neany ft . . of N.m. Tork ctv WM ,oun(j tones in operation. Wherever It la danger- i pounds at the drawbar. The proceee of I dead in nl seat on s northlound New York a us te u--a steam locomotivoa, where the starling a long freight train is a delicate j grades are verv steep, where quick and ' " " train is not a rigid mass, thorough work ia required and where clec- 1 bl n elastic body, liable to be seri- i Irical power can b oevetopeJ cheaper from ! u!y damaged by Jerks and buffeting, but water power than from coal, ther the eiec- I 'he tlectr.c loomollve start It ao smooth ly trical leoomotlv la working in place of "i wsnter te e.iL.reiy nihihiifs steam and It is safe to predict that this! A 5 numl.-r of steam rallroud com- itrtficatioB will extend alonr the lines i n f rivirg aer.ous consideraUon to until every prominent railruad will be this! A 'sj-ge numb'r of steam railroad com- je rCTr-'" lines j Ponies rr rivirg aer.ous consideraUou to (ZL nj-Ti ulti- I t!" electrification wf their lluea. Th iV1---" bout-hem Psclf.c is planning to secure a j'i 1 Tnfl J. jpj. ' number of locomotives to be used on the i ft HOW Can- I l'rr Nevada section of the sacrament $ picDIC b&l (Viitral express tias afterriooii beii hei-e arid Greendale. Hif death uas at-' tribute to heart failure. A ticket from t tlt was found in '.nq of the pockets cf , Mr. s-tyies' coat. Blackfoot Man Whose Idaho Potatoes Are Famou uown your picnic baiket With this rare, fine eparkling brew, For enjoyment it's your mascot The beer for all of you. i wSJ Vl ! value, but. oa th contrary, oontinuaUy .rot a nnr of txai city, is one who might j in value. In a mori-.tg, 1 per ! well be c aas-xi as socu. He was bora in oant 1 wisdom; in mining return, tt Is j Grsxtsv'.ite. I' -ah. J-jr.e 14. but re- folor. A Biina Inalud cf beti.g ftrurd m'-.t ed to Cmk'.ey exr'.y In ISM. w hen I. is on th basis of a mortgvae. ought to tjfati.er moved to ru farm at that piate. fig-ured on the baais of s terra annuity. J Nli '.cly Is he eei! postal m condl'-tons That is t say. oa th bests of a wip:r.g-out . in Idaho, but he 1 In a no tion te corn- data When the mine Is don pay lug djvt- j,-. tt opportunities there with thoe in , Uic locomotive hare been in operation a two as Power Baalaaxed. Today, r"-ant locomotive. built at 8chenectad'. N. T... by th General' Eiec- j trie t-jmpanj. are ! utt-ing th trains , through thtr Cakcaua tunnel. TTeee giant1 art-clop more than S.OXVhoroepower, weigh' Hi toiia and on tests have now a tract'rei effort of over MOW pounds Thee eiec-! ' sine, last July and ty haul in beavieet danda, ther is no return of the face of it, otna- s :a e.. as from lw to :d h vf tho principal lnveted. Tl the easier gaged m mlnuterlal work in Muinesots, , fame, dead ongine and all, through aad gullible aibllc forgets this il-tn.port- ' Texas and ic'ermediate statee and he Is lonnel at a aTood speed, which was im-; ant fact, which dlffrretitlaie mlnltig f r.m , a f.in, t.iver In tb "cllmai. prortuctive-' poib for steam powei. The Wonatcr. j very other form of busii... U9M lrt U; ulJ rvourvt of tnt stat. rtvr to h"Teaed about thirty miles sou'to i There ks a prohaWUty li.at the at erage ! m i.icn M ex melted by few. If any. couii-i0' lh" lv-nnl, whar M.0M- horsepower is i trios." Mr. Hlixm has beec in the mrr- ai.a-au3 y the t.lag water. This eiec-' eacttle buamee ta Oakley sine IMS and , Tai arTT iransnuiseo o in leotnoal lor tha taut four year haa been th man- aoout ms rannei. V' vVi i ; V) &f ...AVI "' K e. rC. J r J . . '. , ' a tai -. - Jt, ,e- f Z e "v. .l'v' wi.c vjiX i;2- tntresior Dover heard of a proper "anaort.aa- Ooo charg" tn the manage u. cut of iA Uadl he ahall have heard of It. unij h REfllUEMCE OF fAM sllCH Biacafoot, Idaiiu. HAM T'.K H IN HIS Potato Patch. 0r I i Sold and Served la EoHIes Coif Al all firrs-olass Bar and Caf. FRED KRUG BREWING CO 1 V r . ronsio ias I h J m B r"- j H ACREAGE TRACTS rXR THK INVESTOR OK rXK THE SMALL FARMER - THIS is our spe-csaity. Fron Od to Od Thouaaad kcr-tss. This business 1 BiAue la bene your lntertsu. Jo turn of money, however smalt, la two small to get our best attention. And no turn, boworvtsr tar. Is too Urge to tax oar capacity to TO PLACE AMI IlaACE WITH PROKJT TO THE IAAESTCiK. We would like to tiave you write to us for our bookie tf, literature and other Informa tion. We are cure tbat you want to know about JUAHO. It la the last West atd the rap idly crowing section of tbe United States. Here yon can make big profits on email ln eetmenta. Land can be bout-fat on credit. Write Rijbt Naw, Write Uhj GRAY a GRAY I.WESTMEXTS. POCATELLO. - - IDAHO 500 Bushels of Po tatoes to the Acre YOU know that potatoea are aJway. itaple. Potatoes axe like old. Tbe raarketa fluctuate very little on potatoea. And It yon Lave GOOD potatoea you CAN ALWAYS FISD A JtAK KET FOR THEM. Tbla la tbe rooet remarks tie potato conctry in ALL THE WORLD. Tbe Snake River Valley baa bees known to produce EIGHT HUN DRED AND FIFTY JJUSHELd OK POTATO liS TO THE ACRE. Yon can RAISE POTATOES IN THIS VALLEY. RAISE THEM AND GET MONEY FOR THEM, Write to us about thla W have th must handsomely illustrated booklet written about this, 1MB TWIN FALL TKACT in South ern Idaho that i,e been printed li'T a long wo:ie It is tnigrty in forming, too. IT IS FKhK A NL W K WILL .-ENU oNk C 'PY to Tof if y.-r WILL JVKT WHITE A FOETAL . AKD P.K. guEST. want iodav. J. E. WHITE TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Are You Going to Buy Land N. liirM: sauuid 'b-rk nf bu)ir.( a kiaterw as.ir a e-T ut stir journal. H riaa laaes. ctir vruiMrrvr af.4 aelt or K'." idwviial la it trum mvw-y stat m tiM- ci.iMi 4, last yoa uaa rn.d )wa wh.t TMi v.aa in lis eolurt.na It rU. Stl.lM mmi - u.ih ad.en.unf rata a- pr ..'. Ken J is. lur I a.-je-.l.. trial .WMS.M1.UCII1, U will Us sl-l.( at th. .'.4 if I ni.,'in tiu.w. vuw rit. raau a.m. iieal itte ;jieiL. Tl-atK. low a. or aaBBOTsu. I Th pictures sboww abut give view of 1 th farm reel owe of Samuel Rich of oxtail hare learned aome-.h:ng of the irru i iB, treasure of the People s Union, j tfc "oo ualqu feaiure of this i Bhvrkfoo. Ida., faminarly known to overy- f llf annuity, he ought never to invest a imilod. a corpurailea doing a large buai- mstallation U that oa U.e oeend r.g uoe tn mat section Just as "sun'' Rich. at la any minify an k After I. actually nrm at puriy. He U a member of In ' Tde th motors are changed lntj gen-1 arj of Lis late act potato patch, Mr Kioto A learned th tbety of auioruation, he ' !),; cMr couacll and I alao a eratora and assist ta braking trains dowalia one of the most woa-reeslve farmers In will observe that alnx.it every uumig a J ,,r raaa make Aradomy Board of Ed ura- I grad and reiura eiec trie Bergy to the j u. Blackfoot section and is on who Is listed ha public print is selling sx aa iu-jtlon. Una This la the first tlm thi feature ha j aiaair.g a fortune from th product of its . - huk, m MW , . . , . , jej ai res : nil. from good i-.w n on BrMniton ra.,wy. irlle. from another go.d-n ateL Tl . potatoes raised ti.ere mil i people; 12 rnlle from .JhlU.cotl... hirrr'unded bv fli farrua and wealthy tbt.ee f the Qrtey district In proviut tive- f .m er Adl'.irli.g land of aan.e quality ae nng from 111 to 110 per acre. rTac nea and also In tiual ty As high aa su tlcaiiy 1 L Jut enough slope for natural dra'r.age All, excepting 11 arroa tlmbet. . , . ' . ir ttilail "il deep hia. k loan, with clay fub-woil. In high state ff coltleaiKv. la.- busnels per acre are raisej at B.ackfeot. , ,.rlVe.lt. , eft-room huo with ba-ernei t. two Ur harna. m Kd wells and wind, arid li.e find a market at S Lake City , mili. l.e orchard, a l kli.UN k-nall frjit, piit.llc road n two eidea Priced till per and mi th Paclfie eoast as wej as In th i sere! To n prospect :ve purrhaaer ieokmg fr a borne or an Investment we guarartee . true farm to be aa der Led or will pay railroad far one way. Iteferwoo. Th oasum siate. on account of their gplon. nr9i Ntl..r..l Hank li'n-oi ne Mo '..r trolled ex. Mi--.eiv l did jality. TMM laOTUI LAJtS OOafyAJrT. CMTI.I.fOOTma. hUMOCsU