B i s H n : ! 1: i n THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 3. 1?10. 3 '-TT l I mil ni mil ii i innfiHi i . n i : 1 - Ii 2 J i V 1 : T :r u i HE STRENGTH OF OM AFnTA MATIOWAIL EKNICfe I lM TH1E CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 50." 1910 Ml T "V - fe f. 4 i It k City National Bank OF OMAHA. NEBRASKA. CHARTERED JXT.T :ST. ! STATE AT CLC'SE OF BUSIXESS JTXE SI. Jl BXSOCBCES: lx2S ard l.e-our:-L il.l I IT Baeda 7477 m I" S. Bocda ftr Ctrrnioa .. 1I Dpoait viut :i.sr 4- Aecri3-rJ I iermt Lm tniynnt CJJx-wd ;4iIl4J Cai la Buis. .J"7 ;i7 Cc n Tut .. i .44i n LIABILITIES. CtpitaJ in tn m Hdaj tad front! et on repaiu OTcuit:oe CeT-T-fV:, . .$: ' ; f""r-- at... 4.j; 11 ti.it! 4 IN Mrt : r;.iiT $i:n.c:i 1 Its 1. III. I pBt.WTf f5 C! 'k p..rjri AccwXta JOHN r. FLACK. Prenitft J. A. gfNX-ERT.tYP. V i-- rT'tl4nt TVV HIT.T.T3. OFTICER3 ANI WBECTORS. H. RHOtiS. At iL:r RO-BT. I'EVPSTEE. R.OET Z. IT'RAJCE. CHXf. C. GEiIiR'jE. .1 t . 7.111 U5M GEO. r TUVrORE. H. S. TUiia. C. 8. HaTWaRD. O C. RET'I'K. W. U TETTEA. I. A. EAt"U G. A. "WElaE. rOOT'ED 1I5T. CHARTER Nul is. XATICXAJ-IZED lll. First National Bank of Omaha THIRTEENTH ANT FARCAJM STREETS. IJX51 torr f tb Uajted Stt. Cc-raTy of Tooy'aii. On 0a!ul THE OLX'E&T NATIONAL, BAXK IX NEBRASKA CAPITAL. AXL St"RFX.rs ll:i lfl 04 STATEMENT OF CONL'ITI'.'N. JUNE ZfL 111. REIrCRjrE: LIABILITIES : tic 1 ;.:. : it BaaAit Hu :M.'e fH V. S Boui to icsrt Clrcltj"n . ru frvia Erts jt C S- Tre. li.19.f S i J r. S. Booda 1 . M r-Sfr Boato J "2 3 Cl i.l.TS7 J 4.S54 C.p:TAi Sfsck Sun-liij L"Dl;Tld Prcf5t CtrctjTioa L?ltj C. T. KOrXTZE, r. H. DAVIS. E. U. i:: " s:i -i riRECTCRS. L. L KOrSTZE, T. L DAVIS. AXDREESEX. WM. s TM.Nm M 147 ( m 11 M4 ii:.i: tii.Ti J. D. CEXIGHTON, C. B. KOUXTZE. POPPLZTOX- f-arBltj Ko-irtJ E Fr.-3 CtrruLar L-fT tf Ermar to Credit. bwT Aad Farea Excr.arrf jad Iswt Trm.r' Ipn-t Va:ts Check. t 3 67 5o. 13ta St. it i ' A 1 wrr: .-rrr . r. . . 2 7?" CRGANIZEI APRIL !. 11 EXPC'ET OF THE CONDITION OF THE Corn Exchange Nat'l Bank OMAHA. NEB. AT THE ClXfE OF JUNE JTH. lilt. CAPITAL PAII. IN" 1 1.'" RESOURCES : tiin I'loOBEts SL611.&44. 4 V. S. Boo3s t9 ecar cir- cai'jc'B iuA((.M R4enrftj'a F--al FBrTUture nd Fiuxtm lS:sl4t Cu3 Sct EichAtxe.. 4 LIABILITIES ' Crn.a Strck Pmj In t M UBdifuled PrT'f:t i.JI 1 NtBJ Eiui Nie Cnit- iiB'iuyf Ir.3:viL Zvvra.va I.fi7 S7 EarA Lf9.'j .. i:7.ti:;t l.lt:.M H 11 4-s ::s j: 11 4:1 111 17 JOSEPH HA TDEX. Pridt T. E STEVENS. Vir Prr Kia t 3 W THOMAS, C r.ir JOSEPH HA TEEN. JAMES LAV j AN. Cupltalist OFFICERS AND t'TRECTC ES : E. F. MARSHALL, Mt1 Farr Ca. E P METERS. CH.VS. H P1CKEN3 Pxto Ga..A;er C CHAS. R SHERMAN. S:i4M-m.n & McCocaeU T E STE-VEN? V K - Pre nai r G-JTTLIEB 4TTORX I StcTj BiTwiE C. " J. W THOMAS. Ca.ajr JOHN R WETSTra. Ora E Ter Ry C. THOS. V. MCTHERSOX 1581 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA. NEB. United States National Bank OF OMAHA. NEBRASKA UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY OFFICEES: M- T Barlow. G. W. Wattles, V. B. Caldwell, "W. E. Ehoades, ProMeBt. TW-e-Prestdeat We-Prendeat. Cfeler. G. E. Havwstick, K. P. Morgman. J. C. McClure, At. CkliieT. At. CmmbJirr. C. P Brick man. Ami MfT. Credit Ipt Aaet. Claier. 1L T. Barlow HA-Duff, A. Millard B. F. Smith DIRECTORS: A. D. Branded S. S. Caldwell Tho. A- Fr C. W. Lyman E. M. Morsnan A. L. Ree-I W. A. Srdth G W. Wattles . Y. B. Coldwell Euclid Martin W. E. Rhoades C. E. Yort ? ii 1 m m I -J - -5 f' I 1 " y- -a 1 f C V. A. : I I ' v - r -A --' , U ' I , United States National Bank OF OMAHA. NEBRASKA UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY ESOUECES: , Loans . $175o,T56.C-S U. S. Bonds eW,0Ci0.CO Other Bonds 613.630.00 Bari Biiildirg 3X,D.fO Cash and Exchange . . . 3.72?:2-2S LIABILITIES: Capital Stock $ 600,000.00 Serpens and Profit?. . . 62601.51 Reserved for Taxes .. 1,742.54 Circulation 444.7CO.CO DI-os:ts 1054,794J51 $12,025,03.56 $12,025,035-36 i---l. i ? i ' - .. - ' -- ' ; ; r : .7! - r r ! - i I 1 ? 1 OMAHA NATIONAL BANK priLi'iNB. ITiA aji FtJOmS Ffi-2eriy N- T L ii.it- The Omaha National Bank : 14 it :" S4 .tJT.iT BXSOCRCES linn ftjad Cucouu 17 17 OrerdrTt i. r. S. bmad. t9r-CreUim T litcu isl Bsd 177 Brm:T4t Emm u4 S4Lfety Depoe-.t VtLU 175. e TT. ft. Bouda fv1 rew-t. .41:T Tu frw 49fnt4 Ri m AMta MMI4II Iu trwa Ot&er BaA. . "rBi.7Ji t Cut 4M Ha4 i.4 : ! tmm V. i. Tmiiv ;4.iWi.e Al7j74:s LlAB rLTTTES : Cw.'Al I 1.444.H4 N S'.rr.M FtJ ... ? i4 4 rtiiitd4 PrCt. I1.TTI i"imiatji 7i M tplt ll.i7.TM 41 J H. MILLARD. PTMloest OC WALLArE. -Pre;a&t w. H. ircwu. VWM-PrelJt YARD M BCR'IES VKt-PT4tolMl i:i.iis.i crFV-ERi AN1 MRECTCtRJT J tF RIC-tARL-S. CA!ijr FRANK EOTTj. luitui CaAtjfr B. A WILCOX Am mui Cuirr EZRA MILLARIX 111 Ml it 14 K. c. barton. J. E BAUM CHARLES H BBOWX. ISAAC W. CARPENTER. L A CT-TJAHr. lAX lfl C- NASH. ARTHUR C SMITH. Solid as Everlasting Granite. Omaha's banking in5titntkii5 make a sLowinz in rejpoE-5 to the call for a statement from the Comptroller of tte Cnrrenpy that must l most gratifying to their managers. While the totals are not so high in millions as were those submitted a few months ago. the decrease is due sol-ely to espanding business. The money that was held on deposit here -is out and at work azaim The de crease in dep.sits i oounterba!an-ed by the increase in loam. P'Toving that the money has gone to work. The fact that deposits ' still exceed loans and divunts hy more than 16,0J m.'.MJ is an indication of the healthy condition of the local institutions. Money on hand is sufficient to care for the ordinary demands, of busi ness and leave a surplus for meeting any extraordinary ocx-aion that may arise unexi-ectedly. This has long been the keynote of the banking business in Omaha. The men who direct the affairs of the irreat institutions proceed always along safe and conservative lines. No Omaha bank has ever been cauzht supporting a "wild cat" movement of any sort. The managers have confined their efforts to the for tering and promotion of legitimate business enterprises, and Lave taken care of their customers in a manner that has proven the wisdom of their course. Omaha has been remarkably free from the difficulties that follow in trfe wake of unsafe banking for this reason. The bankers are progressive, and ever ready to extend help to new firms or enterprises, but such a thing as "the gam bler's chance" is unknown in local financial circles. The addition of two national banks to the local group during the last year is but an evidence of the growth of the city's commercial and indus trial interests. The names of the men who are intrusted with the banking business of Omaha, as disclosed by the publUhedfreports and advertisements, are such as inspire confidence, tud give weight to the assertion that the local banks are as solid a the everlasting granite. 5 .''1 1 ..IR .-.mil ' . - . rvTTTTi state T'::p:'iT': p.t REPORT OF THE CONLITION CF The Merchants National Bank capital. : I.F CMAi;. :;E3. LT-TLV5 I .ad Ef:n 'n aru of bj.j. rtr. torpor .. e a fAt :-r ruxt 4 Literf .f i'reC1 'a!, a a .: .- .t. "1 :. t: m or'.d. '' rjLiCll i tt. Lmm Jd Tal U. a. EwB.i inn- Clr:iitj's s.r Ko4u U . Eoi i:iMi' C0:er 3ood ' 1.1' Z frs EacJu . . Co At Htr- .14 41 :.: ri i . 1.4:: i4 i - 74 i.4" V LIAPILTTIES. k.r -j! j-. ..t-k r4 Is. .liu M r jt" 4 v ;J ; r-.'f.: f x iw L;u.i..fi f.Mi.t;41 17 4il. T OFFICERS AND M RECTC PjS r r. HAMILTON. ".4il.l 7 UTTHXR I'RAIE Frl5t t r.r rRAyr: t Hamilton. h b m ::.. .Tc-fTetiM At.at C C. B Ir3PALE. AAtab1 CuJJr LUTHER TRARE, JOHN F COAX. FEjkNK T HAMILTON. 4" a R3ER. OEO E PRITCHETT