THE BEE: OMAHA, RATTOPAY, .TUTT 2, 1310. I Itwithiiti" wiu mi hi hub ur iiit" A Sale Bound to Create a Tremendous Sensation Unrestricted Choice of Our Women's Cloak and Suit Stock PUtinr nf TTtrnrir TPn!1nm1 Quif Pirorir T Intinrto Troco TTirorir IfTnm'ifi'c fTb t 1 jS'SvfV? VUUltt UJL .LfVtlJ JLUllUltU UUllj JLtflUgtUU JLsfTVIJ II UU1UU t Linen Siiit, Every Costume or Gown, Every Coat, Every Cape, at Whether the former price was $25, $35, $50, $75 or more SATURDAY, One Day Only Your choice of all the women's suits in Bran deis Stores All tko wool suits, white scrgo suits, Shantung suits, Ilajah suits, worsted suits, mohair suits, lin on suits, etc., etc. Whether they sold formerly at $25, $35, $50 or over, your choice at $15.00. ) Your choice of all the Women's Gowns, Cos tumes,. Silk and Wool Dresses in Brandeis Stores All the elegant evening gowns, all the silk dresses, all the exquisite demi-costumes, all the party dresses, all the clever wool dresses, etc. Whether they sold formerly at $25.00, $50.00, $75.00 or more your choice Saturday only at $15.00. Probably you have admired some beautiful cos tume in our stock this season. Buy it Saturday at $15.00. ; NO MAIL ORDERS FILLED NO O. O. D ! NO ALTERATIONS-NO EXCHANGES NO PHONE ORDERS FILLED i rlntt.imiii i mrmrmmmmm ' M xfnarn it There never was an offer like this made by Brandeis or any other western store. Saturday you can come to our women's cloak and suit section and select any garment in the entire stock, no matter what its former selling price, for $15.00. Absolutely every woman's ready-to-wear garment in our stock is included in this offer. Many have been selling at $30.00, $40.00, $50.00, $00.00, $75.00 and up. Every garment is in this season's best styles and up to the Brandeis standard of excellence. The first offer of its kind ever made. Your Unrestricted Choiceon III ' 2A Your choice of all the Linen Dresses in Brandeis Store all tho newest styles for 1910. No matter whether the former price was $19, $25, $35 , or $50 you may take your choice at $15.00. Your choice of all the Women's Lingerie Dresses in Brandeis Stores All these ex quisite and ultra fashionable dresses now nearing the height of their season. Whether the former price was $25.00, $35.00, $50.00, $75.00 or more your choice at $15.00. Your choice of any Woman's Cape or Coat in our stock All the serge coats, linens,' silks, Shan tungs and lace all the elegant evening and party wraps. i Whether the price was formerly $25.00, $50.00, $75.00 or more your choice Saturday at $15.00. UNRESTRICTED CHOICE OF ANYTHING IN stock; saturday- One Day Only, at Special Sale of Waists Big purchase of 200 dozen Women's Waists, new styles with Dutch necks, turn over- col--larg, lingerie and tail ored styles, lace and embroidery trimming, long and short sleeves; nice, new and crisp, worth up to $2, at 4th o! July Candy and NoYcltics Sweetland The cleverest novelties for 4th of July candy boxes in appropriate shapes also specials in candy for Saturday. Brandeis Stores Greatest Millinery Offer m Our Entire Stock Saturday, for One Day Only Any H Tliis is the greatest' Inillinery offer ever made in Omalia. Hundreds of the beautfiul mid summer hats with the most ex quisite and expensive materials and trimmings- Everything in- eluded. ' '-' ' ' YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE OF ANY WOMEN'S HAT IN OUR STOCK, WHETHER THE FORMER PRICE WAS $20.00, $25.00 OR $35.00-FOR SATURDAY ONLY-AT 1 "1 Mil . u MBBHHPHHWIHI II. W,..llwr,.,,...ntfl 1 p-i " Saturday Special Offers in Brandeis China Dept. West Arcade Cut Star Tumblers Straight or bell shape, IOr each IlC Extra Special Saturday in "Wart Arcd. Heavy Colonial Tumblers On sale at six for, Extra Spaeial Saturday In Wst Aroad. Big Sale Glass Vases 12, 14 and 16 inches tall worth to $1.00; each. DC Extra Spaoial Saturday in Wait Aroad. Glass Vases 8 and 10 inches tall worth up to 48c, at, each , 10c Decorate , for the "FourthV Silk and cotton flags all kinds and sizes, mounted on sticks with spear or unmounted large flags all at'very special low. prices for Saturday's sale. Every flag will be closed OUt. ' . ' ' ' '.i . , . " i Red Cross Drug Sale Extra Spaoial Saturday In Wart Aroada. 25c Sanltol Tooth Powder- at , ...ISO 25c Dr. Gravea Tooth Powder at lo 26o Lilac Talcum Powder at 7o 76o Pompelan Massage at .40 Small Hlze Colgata Ribbon ; Tooth Paste at lOo 25c Arnica Tooth Soap at 16o 26c Kublfoam , at 17o 60o Sanltol .Liquid ' at 89o 60c Java Rice Powder at- 80 60o Poiionl's Powder at 880 60c Florida Water at ........85o 10c Emery Boards at 6o 15c Cliamols at' so 6 Cakes Ivory Soap t 19o 1-lb. 20 Mule Team Borax t 90 10c William's Shaving; Soap at 6o 25o Bottle Hydrogen Per oxide at Bo 10c Shtnola at ,,....70 75c Rubber Oloves at 3lo 76c Ideal Hair Brushes - at 690 1 pint Thermos, Bottle ' at J. .83.00 1 quart Thermos, Bottle at 85.00 Bathing Caps . at .190 to $1.60 NEBRASKA CROPS SPLENDID -V eaasa Campbell Report Small Grain Ripe and Being Cut. SEED TESTING OF GREAT VALUE riacea Where the Seed Waa Tested 1 1 Show Better tttaads of Corn State Ilaa Had an Aba, daviiee oC Il.ia ' Anyone who visits the Platte valley be tween Kearney and Grand Island at this time would agree with Chancellor Avery of the University of Nebraska when he said at the Corn show last year, 'it is the most beautiful valley J have even aeen, and I have visited the famous valleys of the world.' " raid Will A. Campbell of th Commercial club publicity bureau, who re turned Friday (rem a trip through central Nebraska. "Small grain is ripe and being cut. It Is in excellent condition. The second cutting of alfalfa Is now being mule and lt is more luxuriant than ever. "While the corn looks good, we did not see a flold in a fifty-mile automobile drive but what showed the effects of weak seed. In soma places there were three sizes of corn in one field, showing two rf plantings. "Out around Kearney and Grand Island the farmers tested their corn as the news papers, bankers and business men of those cities with among the first to lend their co-operation to the movement when the Commercial club of Omaha tUvted a cam paign to get the seod corn tested. "Yet with all the care the farmers in the Platte valley took, real estate men and farmers themselves say they realise as never before the neceeslty of testing their corn. "What these fields would look like if the Commercial had not taken up the work and spent Omaha money to interest the farmers lt would be hard to Imagine. Everywhere west of us they have had an abundance of rain and the only thing which will decrease the production of com will he the poor stand owing to seed of weak germinating power." Mr. Campbell says both Kearney and Mrand Island will be well represented at the coming advertising club convention to ha bell la Omaha, byta cities bavjuj; tyais live ones who are much interested, more particularly so because of the movement to advertise Nebraska. - FESTIVAL OF THE BRIDES Play la Saperbly Staged at Washing ton Hall and Meets with Hearty Approval. A large attendance graced the perform ance of the "festival of the Brides" at Washington hall Wednesday night. Be sides the play a number of solo and duet numbers were rendered by various of the participants. The stage was splendidly decorated and the costuming of the young wemen who took part, lent a pretty effect. Dancing terminated the evening of pleasure. The play was produced under the direction of Mrs. Silas Johnson, who designed the beau tiful costume effects. CAST Of CHARACTERS. Queen of Wishes Stella Scott Ambassador of love........Robert L Cusile Trumpet boys Frank and Kenneth Moore Suanlsh dancers ionald Harding, Orllf South. Surah Griffin, Annie Neuland. BlULiliiS. Brittany IJlllan Gray German Sadie Kennedy HunBlan Jennie Helronymous Japanese Georgia Kennedy Spanish Kmma Parker Wuaker Wllhelmlna Wilma WatHon American Ottoma Elllgan Mother of Brittany bride Bessie -bell Japanese attendants ....Marguerite Moore, Myrtle Newlaud Russian attendants Goldie Bond, Nora Helronymous German slaves Lawrence Parker, Willie Bell Flower girl to Awerlcu.ii bride Alberta Traverse GROOMS. German L. Gardner Brittany Earl Kigglns American Clifford Kublns Japanese : Henry Black Father of American bride.. Pearl Thompson Violinist Ruth Stay Pianist v Addle Bell Assistant planlm Blanch Wade SKKENADERS. Oh! Promise Ma William M. Botts Lohengrin wedding march Addle Bell SPECIAL SOLOIST. Duet Only Thee Thomas Rogers. Mrs. Silas Johnson Solo If 1 Had the World to Give to You William M. Bolts Never Was a Ulrl Like You, My Old Lady Walter Bell Orchestra leader I'lysses E. Cross Coaaterfrlt Dollars . . buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys Dr. King New lire 1111s, for constipation, malaria and Jaundice Fer sale by Beaton Prut; t . . '.. ... - Urchins Chase . ' Champ's Double Catch Sight of Big Ebony Chauf feur and Set Up "Jack Johnson" Shout. When a big touring car swung along the Central boulevard, driven by a large negro of real ebon coloring, it attracted the at tention of all the kid ball players In that section. The car was proceeding very decorously, unlike most autos, whose driv ers seemingly take a keon delight In rais ing a dust to obscure the sun, which Is no trick at all In that neighborhood. "Hello, Jack Johnson!' shouted one urchin, up at the California street end of the boulevard. Tho cry attracted the at tention of every lad within half a mile, seemingly, and they went streaming after the big auto with yells of clrcus-Hke char acter. "Iat ain't 'Jack Johnson," panted one racing youngster, as he got on a level with the auto driver, who was grinning until his teeth looked like a headlight in a dark landscape. '"Tls too, you mutt" gasped another boy, running even'. "Aw. g'wan," replied the first lad, stop ring as lt ashamed of his wsiste of energy. "Dey don't have airships In Reno. Come on back, kids." And again the game went on. 1411 Farnim St. Saturday Bargains in Hair Goods ay Hair goods come In many grades and front many places Europe, Asia, and some from America. The grades are ho vartuiiM that lt takes an expert with years of experience to purchase bo that his customers will receive the greatest .value for their money. A store that has a hair goods department as a side line la often cheated in Its purchases the unexperienced buyer is "bitten." In turn the unnunpeetlng customer receives In ferior Roods at superior prices. That's what you are very likely to get. too, If you don't come to Monhelt's. the ex clusive hair store. tVe have had 20 years and more of experience In the hair busi ness, enough to learn all the manufac turer's tricks. We buy the best goods only and though we make considerably less on most sales, we have the satis faction of knowing our customers ar retting Just a little better deal than they could get anywhere else In the west and will therefore become permanent, customers. That's our aim. A beautiful cluster of six and seven curls made of naturally wavy hair of finest quality a great tl CQ bargain, at til-Inch Coronet Braid, of fine Jl ft ft Quality, i value.. . Saturday . .ww If V fVlW. lift,) BDsBBBflLBBfls for Only At Kilpatrick's Millinery Our Combination Cluster Puffs an Curls, regular price M-00 1.J5 ' and M00 Saturday only.... SO-lnch Coronet Braid t? CA Saturday Mall Orders Out-of-town residents may bu thee goods at the prices quoted If ordered at once. Address, Lent B for illustrated catalogue. an? send sample of hair when oruering bv mall. For stylish halrdresslng. hair goods, facial and sinlp treatments manicuring and chiropody come here. Phone Doug 2337 for ap F ointment. Expert attendants Klv ng to all beauty matters scientific, correct and satisfactory service. We speolallxe la manufacture of toapes for sasi and everything In hair work. For your choice of any hat in our mttli-. nery department. EVERY HAT MUST GO, regardless of their former price. Many of these sold as high as $20 and $25. Every hat which for merly sold as high as ' $4.30, on sale Saturday at $lo'50.' "Nothing Reserved . Remember nothing over $5.00 here Saturday. Thos. Eulp airfoil (a Co 8 i