Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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This $tore u-iJl be closed all day Monlay, July 4th. so do not fail to
tecure your Monday Wants Saturday
Beginning July 5th and continuing till Sept. 1st, this store trill close at 5 p.m.
rtvry day, excepting Saturdays u-hen dosing time urill be 10 p. m. as usucJ.
Saturday the Last and
Greatest Bargain Day
of All Days
in Oct
United Manufacturers Stock
Many of the Choicest
Lots were Saved for
This Great Saturday
Unprecedented Bargain Offerings
in Summer Underwear
k a J w .-
V. j TV
1 o."-lr
vc Choicest of the Great Bargain Offerings
In Our United Manufacturers' Sale of Women's Garments
All Women's Union Suits
Valnes to $1.53, lisle and
mercerized, all styles and
sizes, at... 29c, 39c, 49c
All Women's Gauze Vests
Values to $1.00, silk lisle and
mercerized; Saturday in 3
lots at..l3Hc, 19c, 25c
All Women's Gauze Vests
Values to 25c on sale at,
each TC and 9c
All Children's Undervests
and Pants, made to sell up
"to 50c; on sale at, per gar
7iC, 10c 15c
All Men's Union Suits; regu
lar values to $3.50, in all col
ors and styles, all sizes; on
sale at 9Sc
All Men's Union Suits Val
ues up to $2.00, in one big
lot; choice 49 C
All "Men's 2-Piece Suits, val
ues to $1.00 a garment, at,
garment 19c and 25 C
All Men's High Class Lisle
and Mercerized Shirts and
Drawers 39c and 49c
Boys' Undershirts and Draw,
ers; regular values to 50c a
garment, at 19c
Assortments and qualities never before duplicated at
hee surprising Saturday sale prices.
If You Wast
It Will Certainly Tty to
Try HAYDEN'S First
Our stocks are not depleat
ed and we'll show you the
best in clean, new Dress
Hats, Outing fiats, New
Early Fall Hats at a guar
anteed saving of
It will pay y&u to look.
200 Trimmed Hats, values to
$4.00, at ...$1.00
200 Trimmed Hats values to
$7.50, at $2.95
If you
surely buy here
look here, you'll
Combination Suits; values to
$3.00, beautifully trimmed;
great snap at 9Sc
Princess Slips; values up to
$3.00, colors and white; all
sizes, at..9Sc and $1.50
The season's newest styles in ready-to-wear garments; the
best productions of many of America's le-5t manufacturers, at
prices we are confident cannot be duplicated for like quality gar
ments elsewhere.
It costs you nothing to make comparison of values, and we
always welcome closest comparison It's bound to make cus
tomers for this store.
$50 TAILOR SUITS, $1190
375 of them, not one
worth less than $25 and up
to $50; surplus stocks of
three prominent New York
manufacturers ...$14.90
$10 WASH SUITS, $2.50
275 handsome suits, in the
lot; all colors; newest sum
mer styles i all sizes, 34 to
42; any of them well worth
four times Saturdav's sale
price, at
Muslin Underskirts Values
to $5.00, in beautiful styles,
elaborately trimmed; on sale
at . $1.50, $2.50, $2.98
Gowns, Corset Covers and
Drawers, values to $1-50, at,
choice 25c and 50c
3 Great Furnishing Specials Saturday
Men's Summer Shirts f&'K 98c
All the newest styles in summer shirts, fine silk-finished
mohairs, mercerized pongees, fine imported madras, etc.,
; with or without collars, with turn baek or plain cuff, plain
, or pleated bosoms,. white, cream, champagne, steel grey,
light blue, best makes, $2.00 to $3.00 values,
Men's $L00 Night Shirts
300 dozen of them, in fine
Men's $150 Shirta 49 All
the men's percale and
chambray shirts, - with or
without collars, values to
$1.50, light, dark or med
ium colors; choice. . . -49c
cambric and nainsook, well
made, cut extra long and
fnll, regular $1.00 values;
Saturday 49c
Big Assortment at
the Very Lowest
Hair Goods
New Puffs. Switches, Bolls.
Hair Net, etc. Saturday at special
bargain price.
1 c Hair Nets 54
16c Hair Sets . ....15
SSe Hair Rolls 19
E0e Hair Rolls 25
$5.00 Real Hair Puffs . . . . $3.00
$1.00 Switches Saturday. .$1.25
$5.60 Switches Saturday. .53. QQ
Bar Your Ribbons for the 4th
Here Saturday
S3c Ribbons at 12 He All strictly
sew, up-to-date shades and the
very best qualities, 3"d..X2Ik
75c Fancy RibboM S5c The rery
finest trade of sew Novelty Rib
bons, regular SQe and 7 Se values;
for this one day, yard 25f
Nearly 800 Dress Skirts, About One-third Worth Voiles, serges,
Panamas, taffetas, fancy suitings; all clean, new goods, in new
est colors and styles; regular and extra size skirts in 1 QF
the lot, worth $12.50, sale price, Saturday V
Rajahs, Pongees, Linens, Cloth of Gold, Serges, Cheviots, Crar
enettes, Etc.; all at Half Regular Selling Prices.
15 Coats. $7.50 $25 Coats, $12.50 $35 Coats, S17.50
$20 Coats $10.00 $30 Coats, $15.00 $40 Coats, $20.00
Children's Spring Coats at Just' Children's Wash Dresses Val-
$3.00.Cbats, at $1.50
$4.00 Coats, at $2.00
$5.00 Coats, at $2.50
nes to $4.00; white and colors
all sizes, at $1.95
100 White Middy Dresses Val
nes to $3.00: all sizes. G to 14
$7.50 Coats, at $5-I5l ears, now at SI. 29
.Aii iv.w voaib, at iw.uu mnn vjr
Flags, Hammocks, Tennis
Racquets, etc, at very spe
cial bargain prices Saturday.
In Domestic Room
Extra Large HmsBOcks with val
ance, gooff pillow, full six bed,
ereral colors DS
Others bp to fTJM
Special Flag Offer Fast colors,
cotton flag 4i6 feet. fuU quantity
f stars, brass eyelets; !elal
Saturday at 6t
Other flaps from 10 Jer dorea
up to itc each.
Good Teaais RacqaeCS FV td
with rood quality rot. full aixe
Other Tenuis off
regular price.
PrartJoB Teaais Balls A good one
each 19
Radger Coaster Wagoai
sire, strong aad durable. S3.00
OcaeC Sets of aU kiads.
Grocery Department
Prices for Saturday that will interest
you. Saturday will be your last chance to
buy lemons before the Fourth of July.
"We place on sale our regular 35c and 40c
.lemons, per dozen 25c
Fresh Peaches, small basket 15c
Leaders in Omaha's favorite vege
table department:
2 bunches Asparagus
4 bunches Green Onions &
Cucumbers, each .51 and 7SP
New Potatoes, per peck 25C
S bunches Fresh Leaf LUnc
3 bunches Carrots
3 bunches Turnips Tf
New Cabbage, per pound t
Large Juicy Bananas, dozen 15c
Fresh Wax or Green Beans, per pound 7 C
New Peas, quart 5
Best No. 1 Creaniery Butter, pound 30
Choica Country Butter, pound S4c
Strictly Fresh Eggs, dor-ea 3Uc
Best FuU Cream New York .Cheese, pound . . iJOt?
lt-lb. Best Granulated Sugar 1 OO
Bars Diamond "C or Beat To An Soap. .25c
l -ib. uans rancyjaa Aiasu aauaoa. worm Ic-
t Bars Fels Naptha Soap 25
Kgg-O-See, Com Flakes or Dr. Prion's Food, per
. package 7
Fancy Blended Tea, nothing better for Ico Tea, per
pound, only 35
Tea Sifting, v pound 12
Golden Santos Cofffee, pound 15
JL B. t Special Blend Coffee, pound 30
Saturday Specials
A neat price saving and satis
faction in every item. Compare
the quality.
$3.00 Hand Bag 51.48
12.00 Hand Bags 9S
SL00 Hand Bags 49
He Linen Handkerchief 7H
10c Uaen Handkerchiefs 5f
Sc Ladies' Belts 25t
Many other specials shown of equal
bargain merit.
57.50 Women's Wash
$2.95 Lingeries, latrns, batis
tes and linens; white and col
ors; made to sell at $7.50
dainty, new styles $2.95
The best assortment shown this
seasoa in new Dates CaUara,
Jabots, etc., regular 2lc values;
on sale Saturday.: 12 f
Regular 56c values, on sale Satur
day at 25
Regular 31.00 values, on sale Sat
urday at 49t
Seldom, If ever, hare offerings
of equal merit been shown.
J. -A V) . I II
f I if
's Wash Dresses,
54.95 Beautiful lingerie and
reps; made in the popular over
skirt effects; lace and embroid
ery trimmed, at $4.95
Beautiful White Organdie Dresses Made to sell at $25.00;
trimmed with Duchess lace and fine insertion; ele- 4 ft 50
gant new designs; all sizes; on sale, choice at laJ
Pretty Silk Foulard Dresses
-"That were made to sell to
$15, Saturday, choice, $5
Women's Wrappers Begu
lar values to $1.50, choice,
now at 69c
Dressing Sacques That sold
regularly to 75c, at..35c
Women's Wool Dress Skirts
Immense assortment of
fabrics, styles and colors;
to $5 values, at....$1.9S
Infants' Wear of All Kinds, at Lowest Prices.
Have a Hobby Hew Straw Hat
In Time for the Fourth
We offer you assortments we know can't help but
jtlease, qualities we know will satisfy at prices as low or
lower than you'll find for equal quality goods any place
in the city. " Get a Cool, Stylish Straw Hat Saturday.
Soft Braids and Sailors, in in splendid assort-
n i , i , ment of newest blacks, the
all shapes and kinds vajDes to omaha,
prices up to $3.50 for S3.9S $10.00
Straw Hat Worth to 2.59, broken lots and samples. Sat 'dv 954
Mea's, Boys and Childrea's Straw Hata Regular 0c and 7&c val
ues, on sale In Domestic Room Saturday, while they last . . . . 2oC
Specials on Bed Spreads in Our High
Grade Uaea Department tor Saturday's Selling
Fringed and hemmed Bed Spreads.
full size, worth 31.15; Saturday.
each 51.50
Full sire, heavy knotted fringe Bed
Spreads, crochet, patterns, worth
13.0ft; Saturday, each 51.98
Scalloped and Fringed Bed Spreads,
exquisite designs, with cut cor
ners, worth IS O; Saturday at.
ch $2.25
In Our Popular Family Liquor Dept.
Have You Tried Our High Grade Beer! Quart bottles spec
ial two for 25c
InnMiff Wbiia Cora and alary
land Rye Whiskey; six years old,
fail quarts 75t
Per gallon i-30
Rye aad Boorboa Wbikkey Best
brands, h years old full quarts.
Per gallon i-50
rar Try H AYDENS First",,,
Screen Doors Va Price
2 ft. 8 by 6 ft S hard wood, painted, Screen
Doors, $1.65 values; on sale 95c
2 ft. 10 by 6 ft 10, same quality, at $1.00
Hard wood natural finish Screen Doors,
extra fancy; $2.10 doors Saturday. $1.00
Adjustable Wire Screen Frames, 24i37-in.
for 25c
14-in. New England Lawn Mowers, guar
anteed hardened steel, enclosed geer
dirt proof $2.75
16-in. wide, $2.95 13-in. wide, $3.35
New England 14-in. ball bearing Mowers,
for $3.75
16-in. ball bearing for $4.15
lS-in. ball bearing, for $4.45
S1.O0 Ring Lawn Sprinklers, only 49
i-iacb Gaaraateted Gardea Hose, per foot. . - IOC
Large Refrigerators, Saturday, only $9.95
Extra Large Refrigerators, ISO-lb. Ice capacity
t 516.50
Carbaga Caas, extra heavy 1 gallon, at... 1.25
Garbage Caas, extra heavy 12 gallon, at....Qf
Largo Covered Lanch or Picnic Baskets 15
Extra Larga Covered Laach or' Picnic Baskrta, 20
Pie Platea for picalrs, 8 dosen for lOt
gvoc Eiefriges-ator Paa, large sixe galvanised seam
less to cloae 25
galloa Water Coolers, with faucets. i.(t value.
Saturday, only 53.75
1JM Boca Reels, Saturday, only 69
-quart Trtpple Motloa lee Cream Freesers, 51. OS
t- it!! If l)
The most com
plete showing of
the popular makes
In Omaha.
Warner's, Xabo, W.
R's, R. & CTs.
Royal Woorster.
TbomMa't Glove
v j Fituag, and many
others in light
weight batiste.
with rust proof
boning, price na
tron. 51.00
Tbe Blaaer aad
Boatoa are given
the preference by
j. insny paruruiar
& show you tbe cor
sets and tell you
the reason a.
Ruffles Regular fcOc
hot Weather Specials in tbe
China Dept.
CrrstiJ Juic-c Extractor, large tin, f.itur
uay. at
Berry Susr and Creancer. rocJc crynaj
tyi a&
Hantid ttBria. for xd
i. tci. ei Waitr Tun.biera. ISc load. Batur
flar, t'JT ....."....IS
"atr Jam. par raiiun "loo
UajoUca fcuoi ixaer Mu uati4ii, Hol
land style X0a
Vayiica tfumonada Pltcbers. 1-ot. nu
v till tiv last XOamr
Economy Fruit Jars All Bisea.
r l nl
Tilt i tie Only Trnubls Court
Houae Jh, Taiaka Troiton.
After a TMt ta 4fmr4 tk gaaatr
I'a-all la Alt arltk tn
Ca-atim tai.
4. .. U' Ciimsusow Troutoa. ana aaa
rrt ay U Buara al Cafcaiy C-trr, aaioacra ;
tc tatctirax cvi.lMttiM at ttia Bedford
iUM uaJ7taa. aas nrcaarad a repevt
ahka knacLa U p:aa Iron brbca prac
tical jr rm. X eacaaa acaaa hy CoaL: krlor
CaidaaJ (r tba aiaatieaa ot vak ai tb
aw court bausa. Tba board mat la on
at iu-a rnAar artcrccaB ia Arcaitac
Lai-w ta aiacura Mr. Trtnnaa's rurt
a&4 uia further axtija. Tba bjaxd
X meet ta refiuax aeaaioa M 1) t. n
Caiicr Caltf an, a f"tba
firm Cjwa A Draka, aas baled ba
ler taa board a abort tun as ta axpiaxa
Uia alow a ark. H ctaUai ta tba board
that a atra &l ucioa maxn at tba Badford
Suarrua made It ixnpoaalbl tor tba a tar,
rompany ta supply tba ataaa as (act as it
rouLl ba set.
air. Tvfruios rports that tbera is as
mi is tba uarrtaa ar aitla of tba Perry.
MaiLbaws-Bncklrfc taaa eomaaay, abieb
u t itruabSsg nons tot XanteOu eouscy. Tba
nuiis aad auarriea. ba aaya bav been ran
ana day aad oiftiL &:atit aork baa bees
ttippi to na level cf lu third story win
dow and is e:tber ta Gnaha or is
Tba close companies are bavlr no dil
ticulls la Xmjiu4 abreaat with tba oa
aurnl, Mr.- Truiiiji cootlr.j, and Uia a
lay appears to be la tba catuca ot staaa la
ttmahi Tbe oaJy thisc recommended aa
neecKaary by Mr. Trout in maa that tba
ountrartor b required to etcpit-y nur
atoe c liters.
Body of Man
Drowned is
Now Recovered
whs had stared for several dayi at the
Neumier bote af that dty. fcchlbaie bad
bean in lh: oaostry only a few cays after
caminc trxim Ceratasy.
Tba recovered bedy pmbably wfll be
buried at Vemaha. as Schlbilla bad aa
fneada or relatives elwwbere. so far aa
is known.
aWbSre ttraacWi
by cratiB, CMHicba or eais are naataat!y re
lieved and Jt'k'r enrod wrtb Iw . Klna'i
New liaaorery. aac and C ML For aale by
Beatua Zfrog Ca
Tbe Key la the &laatun Bee Vut Aas.
Ii Teuai n the Baxxj of the
Hirer at the Town cl 5e
Tn,ah TasrsdiT.
The body cf a Kan. aba is cuppoeed to
have' beta rrvj SchibUia, aha malked
inta tba rtver at tbe feot of Atlaa street
in Omaha last Saturday, aaa recovered by
several anaa at Nemaha Thuradar bight.
Tbe caroner at Xem&Xa aouried the polios
a Omaha Friday BUM-bUig conoenuna' the
Tbe retaeered eorpae was nude and an
swered the deacrtptian of the area-ntnf no.
tin ef Omaha. The man aent inta the
river 4 urine; Salarday rveainc after eV
veatlac hliaiai If af clothin. and with a
a Ulna' saadhy ta boya M were n
aunt at the point, daappeared from slctt.
Uia clothiiix was fouiid oa the bank va
identified by several alien troas Celiacs
Bliiffs as that ahicb balanced ta Sc hi utile
Taal far First bis Meatba af tbe
Year aa ISmt aa Lara aa
far Laat V ear.
Births Is Omaha d urtr.f June. IJ. num.
bared 1TV con-ipared to lit m June of laat
ar Of the new arrivals iirtui th
month tbe ahita Bales numbered SZ. ek
ored bora 1; white femalaa. n. aad iuU
ored. 3. Thrre pairs of twtna were ta tac
list, and a-i ware Us estapt eaa
Cp to this data the tints aoug IM
have not estialed tbe aumber reported Sur
ins the nam period for lb. Tbe coin.
panaoa gives 14 Tl in IMS. ae-ninst l.iSf7 in
laia. The a mark for blrtna aaa paaaad
in January, February. March and May
jlmi year, white so far This year February
is the en ir nauatb eaewinf amvato ta aa-
I cess A. a
Dietz Menagerie
in Deep Mourning
Pet JtoakxT BroTifnt from Tropic
Cait Stand Omnia 'i Tropi
cal Tenperatare,
Tba net mocker, iochu, brought fram
the tropics by Gould I lets en bks late trip
la booth America, has ded. having wc-
ftumt ta the truttical beat of Omaha
of laat week. As a oonaequenc. the Iirts
happy family or enaonaa asimais ana
Urea is tawaxk doth and aabea The te
m.. .re waarina- cum ea their nxht
abaalders, tbe cockatoos are sihgihs- dlrj
aAd the parreta are retlur.g meuraii-j
Just wbr the aMtikey sboald have in-
aiated aa ending tua earthly career
enortlr after becinnins; bis aeowra ta the
t-fiB J the Irteta family la ailaDilr urn-
explainable, for he was pampered and pet
Lad as reach as aey other member af
the menagerie, and could not peeafblr
have been afflirted with beaieali kinaa.
But the snaaaey is be snors aad tbe iieias
are seeklTig solaos in the aoenkershlnes of
the angora eata
iniGiors K0TES.
Qevan wetnea. tbe oldeet of them ST. three
of them more than efe and the etbera ba-
t eta Vt aad m years cud. occupied tne
t serrioe
Ail of the i
aan iw at a
at liaBViile, pa.
widow a
After thirty-"1 yeare a i lee aa n Baa
tiat preacher. It. Luatald It MacLaana.
widely known Chicago minister. ul suit
hie pulpit aa the r-eu-t of the Umooi Foa
ter emtrwverry. He will embark irpoa a
buameaa career in Mlnneapolia. srbare be
has ba first paaiaraxa.
Fon sraoFuu
. iimmft pehfect cuhe
Tbs chBdrtn of blood aalrtad parstags inharit a polluted circulation to bur.
den their sristanca with diseas and raCerti-g. Swollen &xni about the uncle,
weak area, running sores and abaoaaiaa, rale, aazy oosplsxiona, and trail,
poorly dewiopad STTtaas are tba most usual wars in which ths diseass is eau
fasted. In bosm cases tba blood is so f-llad with tin acrofvlous germs that from
turth, is mads Buacrabla with auCarizg. at. lie in other cases it is bald tx
chack during young, vigorous life; but when lha system begins to weaken, as
Tciall7 aftar a spall exf atcksess, ths ravages of tha rtiseaaa win ooramanca.
E. 6. 8. is Xatare'a perfect curs for Scrofula, xnada entirely of LaaltMul roots,
fcerb.. and barks, a saia xnadicix for young or old. 8. 8. 8. goes int-o tha ctrcaln
txa drires out all acroralons inattar, and entirely removes ths cause. It
supplies tha blood with ths healthful proparuas is la dead of, and in this war
builds up waalt, frail, r'ianssf tmrrunsrt persons and Eiakas them strotg. robust
and baa-lkj- B 8. 8. cares Bcrafula, bacauss it m tha most perfect of aU blood,
puritan. Book a tba fclood and any zoadical adwa frae to all who arrita.