TTTK I5KK: OMAHA. SATtTiDAY. .frLY 2. 1010. 11 BRIEF CITY NEWS Evnih sirt v'aduct tht City'ii'-: I Craig h"M to b rturrwiin. Mr. Cra:g ds not bllve It mill h nf'fMTr to stop I traffic In order t"i make the ne.led charrs ) et Frui n. iectrio Tlti IirftivOrtiln Ce. that wi'l rtrristhen" the structure for the Dry Cleaalag ,.t garment!. Tla ! 11 h" to carry- City Dye Works. j South Flftnth. ( Kfcr Dctim Vest Wlt Juic CoatoM .quire. hv, rmovri their ' S,"""T h" h""1 "'"" mW nd coal office t J;, tn S-venK-nti. street. ' v.,!""m'nt ,he f"r " : m cae ir ir."nore tnraa. com-ri"i m ! unit g the t'nhed States ma I to dfrai1. i leclMi.n on the motion" will be handed :dn nest Tursrtay. juki soutn or the Branrfen theater. There are E.vsrai Ways of nariag The Nebraska tavlngs and Loan iHwit tlon wry. 'and others. Our way pay Per cent per annum. io Board of Trs-l building. 'u the Bride Month j une safely pas sed, with .104 rrairiaae llcenis iMtwd n Omaha. Marr'.aije License rrk Furjy fec'.a that he Is er.utied t'vat l.a-l a short per.oJ 'f quiet. Nineteen more l;c im-s weie s sued than (1'irlne Jim-, w.: Facing- Taxes Told I'avlng taxes levied on South omaha property owners on Twe-ity-fuurth street from (J sireet nort i to the city limits have b-en held vo.d by Ihe district court. A nihiontv vt th prop erty owner affected nr.. i , .1 a protest Tana for Comrt Xouse Four electric fans have'n voted for the court house by the Board of County Commissioners. The county clerk s office will receive one, th ounty Judge s office two and the com msioner' one. Officer of the county " le'k and the county commissioners are on the it round floor and the county j Judiie s office on the eecend floor, and are i the warmest offices in the building. ! Havsrly Wants Kelp The county clerk has notified the county commissioners that ! he will rfqulre an addit'qn oi' five men to hi c.ffice force for the three months com mencing July 11. They are nere."ary to van urn; to Try Again Charles 1 I make snJ omrjlete the regular tax lists of Van Camp, who i te di m ora'to1 can- j ioUia countv. There will be a consider- didate for county commissioner atinst the Tate John A. Scott In this !a.t cinipatn. will try again for the place, having pail In his filing fee to fet on the primary ballot. Gruealf Bnys Mora Property Oharlee Gruenig had added another piece of prop erty to his already extensive noldmss In Omaha, having bought a brick njre build ing at the northwest corner of Twenty fourth and Lak streets ffira Elizabeth and Kdith Patrick. The price r corded Is Sheriff a Meat at Kearney The semi annual meeLlng of the Nebraska ttale Sheriffs' association wiil be held at Kear ney, Thursday. July 11. In the office of the sheriff of Bnffa'o county. Important busi ness la to be brought up and every sheriff In the state has been specially urged attnd. ab'.e Increase of land descriptions this year owlnc to the new additions and also an In crease of work on account of the Clkhorn and PapiUion drainage districts. Za tha OlTorea Court Mary J. King has begun suit for divorce from Andrew J. King on charges of abandonment and fail ure to support.' Montie A. McMurray r.a- been given a decree, from Mane Mont gomery. He claimed that ahe refused to live with him. Ellen I'oake received a decree from Edward Doake on the ground of his having failed to support her. Goldie B. Howard asks a divorce from Hayet L. Howard charging him with cruelt. Eagles to Plcnlo Saturday afternoon and evening members of the Omaha Kaniea' lodge will gather at Courtland Beach for a picnic and general Jollification. Coin- to imer.cing at 5 o'clock there w'il be an ath letic program, with all sorts of athletic WOULD UNLOCK JAIL DOORbij" Judge Eitelle Threaten! Move Prisoner! Aren't Aided. it CTTBEARAFLE HEAT IS TROUBLE Jarlst Declares ttmlnn Molt Be Dared oa I. on a; ttladoera to Pro tect I n main or lie Will Art 4 owarll Doria't Art. Judge Estelle threatens to unlock na doors of the county Jail and turn tv-ry prisoner out if they are not given a little more humane t-eatrrent and the west w:o dr ws of the ;ail provided with awnlng. Sheriff Brailey sys awnings are the one t.nt.g teahy nee.led at tne Jail. From Z o clock In t'.ie afternoon unt.l sunse", he sas. the heat Inside the jail become i-i-tense. The sun beats down through t'.io row of loi.g windows for hours ai a lino and it Is oniy a qut-.iicn of humanity, in th : mind of Judge Estelle, whether they should be given the protection of a t.'w awnings or whether they should be com pelled to endure the heat. John Grant of tha B.ard of County Com missioners Intends to bring the matter be fore the board and do ail he can to se cure the passage of a resolution authoriz ing the purchase of awnings. Borne lime ago the sheriff wrote to m- council asking that awnings be furnished, but his request was not granted. A reso lution was passed by the -oard a Jthorixi.ij the installation of the Ice water tanks t the ;nl. one for each floor. "i " -4 & - Two Great Offers on IVlen's Maiini(dI"TaiSfloFS(di ggnjiiLtte These are offers which YOU cannot afford to overlook; Because these garments ARE new and correct 1910 models, ARE nobby and handsome in shade and pattern ARE strictly hand-tailored by expert tailors and ARE actually worth $15 to $22.50. Board la Continuous Session T'e stunts. Prixes to be awarded the winners County Board of Equalization held no j are on exhibition at the Nebraska Clothing meeting Friday, having taken a recess to 'company. Addresses by several of Omaha's Saturday at S a. m. No further complaints ! leading speakers are down for the even will be heard and the board will take up In? program, commencing at 7 o'clock, nothing except unfinished bunlnesa. Re- Among the speakers are Mayor Pahiman. eessea will be taken from time to time, but ' T. W. Blackburn, G. M. Hitchcock. A. W. tha board will not adjourn until tha state IJeffi ris, Harry Fleharty and Isidore Zeis- . board is mapairl heard from. spalring tbs Viaduct Assistant Gen eral Manager Huntley. In charge of engin eering matters for the Union Pacific, has a tar ted a gang repairing the span of the ler. The Right Hand llllJli I ill t M The Right Beex PLEADS THEM ALL" Stmn9 Co. Saint Paxil :: Minnesota VV. E. Keefer, AgL Omaha Brancb, 1022 Douglas Street, .Phone Douglas 3975 Love Causes Suicide Threat Two Hen and Woman Arretted Fol lowing: One Admirer's Desperate Actions with Bottle. Possible murder and suicide was pres ented and three arrests were made by Policemen Fahey and Lahey after a hurry call In the patrol wagon to TZl South Eighteenth street last night. "Come quick; there's going to be murder here," was the message over the telephone that brought the police. It was "the eternal triangle" of melo dramatic love that caused the climax, as the police discovered. Otto E. Tague and Herbert R. Scott, the police learned, were opposed to each other In relation to the attentions of Mrs. Edith Holsclaw. The trio were arrested and permitted to tell their story at the police atattion. Tague had threatened to fall dead at the feet of Mrs. Holsclaw when he confronted tier ana Bcott after following them In a mysterious walk. It was explained. A bot tle of formaldehyde waa found In Tague's pockets at the station, indicating the ln- tentiona he had had. Tague and the woman bad come to Omaha some time ago, after Mrs. Holsclaw obtained a divorce from her husband. They lived for a time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott at 1909 South Twenty-fifth street. Tague grew jealous of Scott's attentions to the woman, and also trouble between Scott and his wife transpired, according to Tague. Scott telephoned the police while Tague was enacting his threats at suicide. Both Tague and Scott were fined SI and costs when they appeared before Judge Cockrell in poJice court Friday morning. 1 1 ii iii ii ir." m m m ph w -J 1 i-f n t- .. J ow s the Jay and Noto's the hour" Bura 1. CAM? FOR BABIES IS AIDED Braadela' on Annonnre They "Will I ForaUu Ire Maar Other j Conlrlbatlons. J. L. Brandcls' Sons have announced that they will supply the Open Air Camp foi babies which the Visiting Nurses associa tion has established at Eighth a:d Bancroft I treeta with the needed ice this aummer; that is. they will meet the expense of keep- j Ing the camp supplied. Ak and ye shall receive is a maxim j being dally illustrated in the respense of the public to the needs of this camp. Its . equipment and furnishings have been quite J largely donationa by generous people. The camp now consists of one large bou.e tent. Another house tent is to be erected and other small tents. One of the tents Is to be reserved for the cases where there is possibility of contagion. The loca tion of the camp is splendid, high and tree aliaded. Miss Nan Dorsey and Miss Blanche Kelly, who are to be In charge of the camp, ex pect to take up their quarters there this evening. Saturday will be spent in putting the camp in ord-r and Monday the camp will be open for the reception of the small sick folks. BODY OF AMUS R0YSJER FOUND AT, LAKE MANAWA Corps U Positively Identified ky the Tswa Manaal of Flareaee. " - Marshal A. Marr of Florence visited Council Bluffs Friday and positively Iden tifled the body of the man found near Lake Manawa as that of Amus Roysur of Florence. Royster was assistant en gineer at the Brandela building at Omaha. He leaves a wife and two children. There seems to be no doubt but -that the man was overcome with heat and thus lost his life. Ha.nd-Tcvilored Suits worth $20 to $22.50 Saturday $14.50 The well-dressed meh and young men of the eastern fashion centers have worn these models and pronounced them their choice of all offered this season at prices ranging from $20 to even $"23. The shades and patterns are the dressiest and handsomest of any you will find in Omaha at their regular prices of $20 to $22.50. And, as we have already said, these are strictly hand tailored garments, which will fit you perfectly and always retain their stylish lines. Solely because of the inclement weather of this spring, we secured these suits greatly below their true worth, and so offer them to you now at CONTRACT FOR POWER HOUSE Street Railway Company to Spesa 60O,HO In Effort to Far Disk Sufficient Power. McGowan and Jacobberger have boen awarded the contract to build the new 1 power house for the street railway com- pary. The Wisconsin bridge company of , Milwaukee will pi are the structural steel. The new house w,ui equipment represents an outlay of about tbOO.000 on the part of i the street railway company, and is ex pected to furnish enough power to meet all requirements for some time to come. mm Hand-Tailored Suits Worth $15 to $18 Saturday $9.75 Were we to name the makers of thoso gar ments you would at once recognize them as being among the most reputable makers of the country. But one of the conditions under which we made this great purchase was that we keep hecret the makers' r.ame, because their garments are found in other Omaha stores at $13 Jo $.'50. However, we give you our guarantee that every suit in this lot is a high-grade, strictly hand-tailored garment. The styles, shades, patterns and fabrics em brace all this season's most jopular novelties iu sizes to fit men of all build. Take your choice during this sale at Three Great Big Special Shirt Offers for Men MANY READY FOR TEKAMAH R elevations Are Belaug Made Pwst for the Trip to Tekamah on the Foarth. Many reservations are being made through Samson for a trip on the McKeen motor cars to the basket picnic at Te kamah July 4. Many autoists have also declared their Intention of driving to Te kamah to Join In the picnic and to see the races. SHAWVAN TALKS POLITICS Boone Conntr Statesman Visits with Frienda In Omaha la Very Friendly to Dahlmaa. Douglas Shawvan, the democratic bell wether of Boone county, was calling on friends In Omaha today, preparatory to the state convention at Grand Island, July 26. Mr. Shawvan has Just returned from a four months' trip to northwest Canada, Texas and other places, on land business. "If I had gotten into the senatorial race, aa some of my friends wanted me to, you can bet there would have been a race," said Mr. Shawvan. "As it Is, I am out of LOT 1 30 Dozen Custom Tailored Shirts Absolutely unapproached In smartness imported fabrics fine custom making exquisite taste and perfection of fit. Worth $2.50 and $2.00; choice Saturday, at $1.35 LOT 2 Madras, French percades and cheviots, in coat style, cuffs attached or detached. Beautiful patterns and splendid tailoring combined make these worth 91-50 and - n and $2.00; choice J TP Saturday LOT 8 Fine soisette, sllkollnes, etc., with soft collar and cuffs attached In solid or fancy striped patterns of all shades; worth $1.50 g-y and $2.00; choice Sat- f urday M Men's Straw Hats We've the Finest Straws in Omaha at S3. 00 Focus your eyes on the straws vou see 'round town at $350 and $4 come here with the picture in your mind and see the same hats at $3. Crisp new styles in English Sennetta also genuine China Split Sailors, in all brims and crowns all the flexible pull-down brims, too, and fine Mllans and Shinki straws. Other Straws at $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 $3.50, $5, $7.50 Panamas Genuine On Piece This store will be closed all day Monday, July 4th "The House of High Merit." IT Ism politics, except for my friends, and I presume we will have to keep Boone county democratic for a while yet." The Boone county statesman said this with a smile, in allusion to the fact that he was the first organizer who ever car ried that county for his party. He is very friendly to Mayor Dahlman. and believes the Omaha man will be nominated for governor. Brandela Sterea Close Monday. To celebrate the Fourth of July Brandela' stores will be dosed all day Monday. THE BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT HOME conauMiws' distributm JOHN NITTLER 3224 SO. 24TH STREET IN. -44SO eu. tees &aa NO FINES COME TO MAHONEY Clerk ef Police Cnrt Gets Groaes Because One Has Money tm Pay. "I am going to worry a whole lot about paying Judge Cockrell for services In tn absence of Jutige Crawford if he can't help brirg in the cash." exclaimed J. J. Ma Honey, cierk of the police court, Frklay merging after tha criminal mill had ground out the day'a work. "A poorer bunch I have never seen, why there were thirty seven names on the books, and here It Is 11 o'clock and I haven t been paid a single cent for fines. Almost every one is a a3 or drunk and absolutely broke; the only remedy I can see for It la to say that busi ness Is poor, mighty poor, and Just close up the shop." ii I i m 1 PROWLER ARRESTED IN ACT rollce Cantnre Mtenaet Xnlnn At-leaaBCinn- te Enter Hons Witnont Shoes. Caught prowling around the house of E. P. Myers, S1& South Thirty-second avenue last night by Officers Lahey and Fahey, Michael Nolan, who gave his address aa ffouth Omaha, will have to answer the charge today of being a auaplcious char- 1 acter. The Myers are at present at their ranch in Wyoming and the appearance of Nolan at the place Wd a neighbor to inform i the police. His coa,t and boots were found on the front porch. 1510 DOUGLAS STREET 1510 DOUGLAS STREET OLD POINT COMFORT HUTU CHAMBERUN BOATING. BATHING, F1SH1XJ. SAILING, OHCUESTKA, TEAXIS. GOLF. Unique sea fcod Cuisine, rORTKKaa MuSRufc t-arget Mill- taty h-ost on tiie Alianuc Coast. HiurTu.N KOALvi. trie P.en.iesvoua f Ue Nation a Werahipa. scial weekly mates June te Octoae mokits at Caleaga, Bloc Zslaa4 a yaeifia, ass Wabash Aatlroaaa. Or address USO. F. AJDASkn. Mam, TUmXMAM KOISOI. Ta, THREE BAD MEN BREAK JAIL Charles Kohner, Wllaar Greaser and Cny Brawn Cat Bar and Earns te If Ills. I 8TURGI3. 8. D.. July L-SpecIal Tele gramsCharles Kohner and Wilbur ! Granger, charged with grand larceny, and i Guy Brown, aervir.g a Jail sentence for dis I turbing the peace, broke Jail here last night and disappeared. A bar was cut In a window which allowed their escape. L'p to tonight nothing has been seen or heard of them. Authorities all over the Black Hills have been notified. Mardrrer ef Wsnas Eaeented. RICHMOND, Vs., July L-Ar.lo Hamil ton, who was convicted of murdering Mrs. Sallla B. Hix at Lynchburg. June IS. 1U. was put to death in the ejectrlo chair la the state prison early today. h4 Saturday, at Our Douglas Stroot Store A Great One Day (Clearance Sale Saturday, July 2, One Day Only This Great Specialty House Offers Your unrestricted choice of any Suit, Coat or Dress in the house. Take your choice Saturday for Regardless of whether the former price was $35, $45, $50, S65, 575 or more. All the Tailored Suits, all the Silk Dresses, all the Linen Dresses, all the Wool Dresies, all the Lingerie Dresses, all the Summer Coats and Evening Capes. Everything in Our Entire Siock at $15; Nothing Reserved SATURDAY- One Day Only SATURDAY DRUG PRICES At the NEW STORE Melcher's 17th and Farnam Sts. BARGAINS IN DRUGS YOU NEED $1.25 Bath Sprays t8o 10c Jap Rose Soap 7e 10c Palm olive Soap 7o lSe rf. H. Soap lOo 25c bottle Peroxide 8e SOc Colgates Perfume, per ox... 19o 25; Arnica Tooth Soap 15c 25c Tooth Brushes ISO 20 per cent discount on all Bath Brushes for Saturday. 1 lb. Borax so CIGARS t for 25c Tom Moore cigars. 4 for Mo Per box of 50. $3.00. t for 25c Robert Burns cigars, per box of 50 93M 10c La Felicldad cigars Be Per box Of 25. (1.25 PALMER'S PERFUME FREE Vita each sale of drugs or sundries we give Saturday only, a 50c bottle of Palmer's Perfume absolutely free. BABY WASH RAG FREE In Rubber Lined Case With each 60c sale of baby foods or baby supplies we give, Saturday on ly, a body wash rag in a rubber lined case free. THESE PRICES FOR SAT URDAY ONLY Our new drug store is the hand sorriest In Omaha Have you taken advantage of our fine soda fountain, and roomy, cool store. The equipment -of the new Colfax Springs Hotel excels that of any resort on the continent. Rooms exquisitely furnished every type of bath to be found in two & worias vvaicra iameu iur a Kcncraiion cui sine a specialty. On the highest hill in Iowa. Beautiful scenery and only a few hours away. $3.00 a day for your room and board. Write feabeeefet. Hotel Celfaa, Cetfaa, leva. ii. i a