Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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.1 . BBBBjBBjswksB
y Local Shower Reported in North
Dakota Wheat Couatry.
oid American mixed, via Oalveston.
la !,; new kun tirled, oa lld. Future,
steady; July, nominal; ttepteraber, 4a ld.
Cera Markret U St a bear aad Mold
Firm la thf Far. af Wkr
! aad Ideal Graw
AT Weather.
; OMAHA, Junt Id. IMA
Tiif1 bor were reported In North
il7?. 'r" arm dry weather com
plaints h,v originated.
of th iHt bullish traders of last
,h-i .ave turned sellers on tha opinion
"-.. Advance n been too steady and
iba strength in corn u due entirely to
w.T!r'n" by hri. oeiar s t.m ben liberal
with tha expectation of freer country ol
"' which diU not inaUilallx. .
nd lower again to
ok Jr. . belling v.a f heavy and good char
acter or. if ported scattered In the
fL lakota district. It would seem that
tha drouth had broken and that with fav
orable ccnditions, damage nngnt have been
Tha corn market acta stubbon and hold
Itrm In face ot vtikpr wheat and ideal
growing weathet in tin corn belL Coun
try selling has been dkAVPuUillng and local
demand continues brisk- Cash values,
fcteikdy and unclianued.
Primary wheat receipts were 30fM
cusbNs. end shipments eie JlH.wo bushels
agalnjtr-rece-ipls hit ear of 2t.ou0 bushels
A'd snipmeuta of 1J0 0 bufchtsla.
Primary corn receipts were a-jS.OOO bushels
and shipments wer SHO.ono busheia gainst,
rccelpia last year of &.0uu butheia and
Momenta of sM.ftiO bushels.
Crearancei were S.ooO bubhels of corn,
LOW bushels r eats and wheat and flour
equal to 104.000 bushela.
Liverpool closed ld lower on wheat and
" Ud higher' on corn.
. Leai rang at opfobft:
Pair aa4 fantlaaed Wars la Prt-
OMAHA, June 20. 1910.
Temperatures have continued high every
where est of tha Rocky mountains since
tha previous report. The aealher la
lightly cooler this morning In the western
pomona of the Dakota, western Nebraska,
western Hanaas, and throughout Wyoming
na ( uioiko. the fall in temperature be
lli most marked in northern Wiommi. No
niportant chance in temperatuie baa oc-
uired in the central and eaatetn portions
f the country within the last twenty-four
hours, although a very slight rife la shown
trivially throughout those sections. Mat
tered atioweia occurred In the western Da
otaa, Mununt, Wyoming and Colorado I too ay la not to I exoiaineti bv tne aur-
ince the last report, but they were very I face causes, which nava hn advanced
light at ail points, except a fall of 1.42 from a ay to day. aucn aa the iinuaired
ichea at blsmarcfc. Norm Dakota. Rains spring wheat Dmsmi. th t.Hm turn of
were quite general over the southern I railroad rttM on th. irn, ..t,i,nnti ran.
states, and routine In Ueorgla and AJabama roada ordered by the lnteialate Commerce
nis moiiiuig. increa.iea ciouumcss is miuwu commission and almilar 'eiplanallona
in tne central vaneya ana ttirounoui me 1,,, causes are indicated and were
nonhweM. and unsettled but generally fair ,uu a, b lqulrer, in tn, Ijnanclal dls
wtather la pi evicted for NeDraska, with I trivx todav
probably fair and continued warm in tuis Krom hish ., n. Thlir.dav
t'nion Pacific sold today at a decline of iio
Article Dnen. I High.J Low. Clos. Tej'y.
Vheet ( - t
July ..!.. 1
Ket. p.
Corn- I r
Oats , I. ,.. I
...July.,.).. Jr;,
Sept... fcTef
is' as
64" 6.'H
W'al 7
" . "t Ontks Cats Prtcea.
WHEAT No. t. aiard, 22e, nominal;
Jn'o. 1 baud, .aufiikic. nominal: No. 4 hard.
7k42Wc, nominal; No. 2 spring. Sltioc,
Boniinai; No. I sprmg, bWVIC nominal.
COKN-.So. t w kite. 60Vfcti"c ; No.
while, .filXiwitlSic No. 4 while. osfwuKc; No.. I
color, biwj&ttc: No. Z yellow. kvc; jmo.
yellow, blfec; No. 4 yellow, MoidCc; No.
X, fate; 'N. X' ttbec: No. 4. hvtuHc: no
sirade 2kvU.c
OATS-No. t white. 35H436c; No. 4 white,
MtfJM-; Mo. i yellow, KSSoc; no. 4 yei
low, ii&Mc." ' '
BARLEY No. 4. 44Q46c; No. 1 feed, 436
ac; rejected. 2K041C.
.. RTK No. 2, 7wT2c; No. I, eS70c
4-alwt Uveal!.
Wheat. Corn. Oata
Chicago t 2U M
Minneapolis 132
Omaha . 4 7
PululU U
Featares of tha Tradlas; ss4 CloslaaT
Prlaaa os Bear4 f Trade.
CH3CAOO June W. Wall street weak
Dees appeared to be as much of a bearish
Influence on the wheat market today as
tha same cause was exactly the opposite
hi the first stages uX the northwestern crop
jdrA l.vnlariatlnn mTTttA 1 1 hA In thn
fact that tne grain trade is now figuring
an tha Wherewithal to handle the coming
crops. Ueneral selling of wheat had
another powerful reason 4n a good ralmall
at Bismarck, N. L., suggesting a general
breaking of the drouth which has mrta:
aned the yield In tha Dakoias and Minne
sota. Closing prices were l'c to Zc nt
lower. Corn and oats, respectively, snowed
ionewa of tttrtee and SavvkC Provisions
' wrrn anahaooeal to ha jlowri. . -
Time and aaaia tha a lit at market rallied,
but In every instanoe the price weaauoed.
aad worked lower. The official torecaai
was for showers and coolei weather in if:
northwest . totilghl- and tomorrow. Tne
Kansas crop exploded tneorloa of x
Iremlst-s regarding winter wneat, and thera
were advices from the harvesters showing
snaaimoaaly fine results. lvea Missouri,
, eaten by ileaaiaa fiy. and with much of
. the stale's acreage plowed under, reported.
i. a No. 1 grade for tne Initial car of wheat
seat- to bL Laouia. Oklahoma was sulci to
ke taking In grain of magnificent uuanty
An estimate by private authority mat in
total winter and spring crop would read
only fr,uuo,0UJ busnela was so far away
. from h popular couoeplion that selling
efforts wese redoubled taiher than otnor
wise, tleptelhber ranged from Si to lrttsc.
closing weak at lii to Viec, a loss ot .
to -ta compared with last night.
Cwru sunuiiaiurs auowed a remarkable
cliange of front in many cases, and there
was a good scattered commission demand
feeeldea. Oepiember fluctuated bet w"n
aswwutHkC ana oVc with Uio close o net
lower at bStC 'iue cmsIi market was tirui.
' Mo. 1 yenow closed at ikniac.
With Kansas promising tne largest crop
Of ata ever rained, in that state, longs un
loaded today and some of the large sellers
of wneat took a hand also on tne Dear
Side.' Variation for the September option
reached tugu and low limits at H)c and
Hoc. finishing to off at o.
Trade In nog products consisted chiefly
In tne Cleaning up ot July speculative
aeals. final o,uotalions were to less cx
- panel v -for pwra aJid lard, witn rios un
cnangwl to a stiade below.
IeadinK fuUuaa raaigea as follows:
Violent Crath in Price Almoit With
out Explanation.
Drop la Mheat le Arc-oatpaaled ky
Reparta af Reaeflelal Halaa la
Dreta-trlrkea Dlstrtet
f ,rtkntit.
NEW YORK. June 30 ;o violent a crash
In prices of stocks as that which culminated
lcinity tonight and Friday.
Weather Heruril at Omaha.
The minimum term t . ;.i uie and precipi
tation compared will, li.c- iast three years:
1H1W. L. 1IMM. li.
Minimum temperature 1 1 ?
rec nitation W ..t . T
Normal temperature for today, 74 degrees.
1'tl.tielity iu precipitation aiuce JttartQ t,
1 Ml inches.
lt-iii..eiit corretpondlng period iu 1!",
Hi Inch.
txttn corresponding period la 1908,
2 n Inches.
1-. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
tors is4 Wheat Btglea Ilalletla.
For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four
hours endang at ti. m.. 7Ui meiidian time,
Tliurtday, June , IS 10.
Temp. KhIii
Stations. Max. Mln. fait Sky.
Ashland. Neb.... K S Mi Cloudy
Auburn, Neb H5 bS .in) Cloudy
Broken Bow, Neb. M M .VJ Clear
Columbus. Neo.. HI ti ,u Cnur
Culbertaon, Neb.. CO M ,tW Cloudy
Falrbury, Neb.... Ki 04 .It' Clear
Fairmoj.t. Neb... M W) ,0" Clor
irand Island Sj 1 .M 'Clear
HarunKioti. Neb. ifc 2 .W Clear
tiaj-tmns. Neb.... Ml M ,A Pt. Cloudy
lloldrege. Neb.... S .m t lear
Oukdaie, Neo.... W 62 .tW Clear
Omaha. Neb US To .00 Clear
'iakamah, Neb.. H4 t6 .J Cloudy
A1U, la 3 U .00 Clear
t ur i oil, la W W - .W Clear
Clarlnda, la M 2 .9) Clear
Kibiey. la K 62 . Clear
Imoux City. la... W TO .U0 Clear
dollars. 4S llT.OnO; silver dollars of
tih,it'. silver certificates outstanding.
General Fund eitsixiara silver oniiar in
H.KT.n.xH: working balance In treasury of- Light Ran Of Cattle and Price! Some
Ilt-ea, in nanus to i-rvtiit t-t iht-
treasurer of the I'nlteel fist's. ftl.Csa.M:
subsidiary silver coin. Vu.WT."iS: minor
coin.; total tlaace In general fund.
heep ell Better tader laHaeace at
I.taht Receipts, While I,aWa
Are tlaelable at Jest AVaat
Steady Prices.
Ae Vsrk Maaer Market.
NEW YORK. June MONET tn call
strong and higher at SSinlH per cent;
ruling rate. f-r cent: closing bid. per
cent; offered at per cent,
TIME LOANS Steady and very dull:
sixty daya. J'p.t'i per cent and ninety days
r per cent; ilx months, 4Sti4S per cent.
Tiivn i-vrHinrwk with SOUTH OMAHA. June 90. 1919-
actual business in bankera' bills st $4 MOmtf Receipts were; Csttle. Hogs. Sheep
4Ci for sixty-day bills and at I4.8o90 tor Official Monday t t4
demand. Commercial bills. 4.VJV"V I Off iclal Tuesday .t
flLVF.R Bar. Mc; Mrxlcan dollars. 44c. OlIMai Hednesday I.W
KoMb Uovernnient, steady; railroad, I Estimate Thursday l.fcw
V. I. rf. 2a, feg....iMl Inter. Mel. 7 I Four days this week...M.S
s r ... I 1 n Jo
4 M ... SB Tl Ml i t
144 ... t 09 Tt.... ....!. ... IS
i yi ... t: i t ... i
14. ?r ... o tt t-t tie
ti I is r:i i i
e t i (i H ?? I 10
4 HT n on M -4 m i
s j 4 tw (t; .-. i is
i v is t r. ve t v
n r7 ... H tw ie w
I MS K 4 0U 14 1T ... t )
T IMJ Jul I " si 1 M l
47 tU ... I T7 1 40 Ti
4 1..I 44 W 7 .: ... 5"
41 :44 ... 9 44 44 ...
104 vt ... at IU IU ... 4 14
points, and from that maximum there were
varying iosaes through the whole list of
active stocks. The Juns advance followed
the agreement reached between President
laft and' the railroad presidents to sub
mit tne pioposect rate aavsnces to the op
eration of the new railroad law and the
movement by the representatlvee f the
great private banks tu secure aasents from
great shipping interests to tne proposed
freight rule advances.
1 he violent relapee which lias followed
tnmgs forward the operation of more gen
eral causes, which it was suppoeed had
prvgresed eo far towards correction as to
pave the way fur a general recovery. The
stock market of today and yesterday
showed how drastic a readjustment re
mained to Le made. That the progress of
correction may have ta extend yet beyond
tne speculative of the stock market is
an Inference that was common today
Probable dividend reductions by pfime of
the railroads were freely discussed as
events lorcishadowed from the reaction of
the stock market
The outcome follows the conviction of
the unstable conditions which were the
outgrowth of the premature recovery from
the crisis of three years ako. Hurting
with powerful artlficia: stimulant fur the
stock market last year, there followed an
Inflation of values In all directions, an
era of extravagance In living and in busi
ness and Industrial methods, immobilising
of capital resources In land speculation and
Irrigation projects at a time when business
was in need of resources.
There has been a conviction that exten
Slve commitments In speculative holdings
of stocks, which were carried throiurh tne
minimum temperature for twelve-hour 1 culmination of last year's rise in October,
period ending at a. m. I have been obstinately held over since In
DISTRICT AVERAGES. I lne laiin that eacn suggestive downturn
v., ,.r rm n in. I m me market was a simple reaction Oes
restricts. Stations. Max. Mln. fall. 1 nM to m iohowm ny a resumption oi
Columbus, 0 17
ivouisvnie. Ky.... 1
Indianapolis, ind.. 11
t.'hlcago. Ill 24
St. Louis, Mo 14
1 Moines, la.... 14
Minneapolis, Minn. M
Kansas city. Mo.. -4
Omaha. Neb 19
84 62
as W
S8 , 44
Vi ti
H0 W
tf4 tit
W 64
i ' 64
M the march of progress. It was current be-
bW i iiei mat maraei pools involved in sucn
'(4, holdings were being liquidated yesterday
a,i and today In response to the Imperative
I admonition of authorities In the banking
a,, and financial world. The process proved
Oil Painful one and Involved convulsive
ui price adjustments.
im quieter lone in me later oea lings was
so coupon l.'lnlr. M. M S
r. I. la. rcc llt:wD 4
So coumti llil4 do 4V.S 4S
C. ft. 4. res 1I44K. . So. lot .... 71
in mutton IHUUkl B an. 4s (lillll Kit
Allls-tltal. 1st b trl. at N. an. u '
Am. A(. V"M.. K. -T. 1st 4a K1
Am. 1. 4 T. c. .. W do saa- 4s M
Am. Tobacco 4 7llmMif4 Fiulfle 4i. 77
do 4s 1VS- no ti. M. eti 41
Armour at Co. 4t.. 4!'"N. Brt Of M. 4Si. 44 Cattle
Aitnioun con. is f in. i, tjvot. seI1 I
a. Inn i,h i. S-jk. I ,,upb
4o ct. u l"i K. T.. N. H. 4 H
Atlantic c. L. 1st tt J rr. 1J14
B. O. 4 a w. it con. 4
do i m Bo ev. n
Mo S W. : 1IX4 Nortkora Pacific 4a...lX"
Brook. Tran. ct. 4.. u to as
(.out. of O. 4a 1WOt. s. U rtdx. ta ... 41
Ont Lathar ti fena. c. tt UrU)..
;r,e n
1J.I42 6.T61
1(1. koO S.0U0
S8o4 1""1
41.1k S4.1W
31.SM lk.""
i.,.K7 .S33
4e U.lt4
Hill 13.SHS
a1) Sirna Amv lajat meok l.b.2
J"" Same days 2 weeks ago. .13.4-1
Same days 2 weeks ano..ii
Same days 4 weeks aco..l3,tM)
Same days last vrar 12.S
The following bible shows we receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at Soutn vmaua
tlie year to date, compared with last yar:
1S.1X 1S0S. Ino. leo.
. 4 a mi alt. ki 4 St.St2
.l.iu!ul 1.M.7W JTe.TIJ
Sheep eo.JV tK6.4i lt.?2
The fnllowlnc table shows the average
prices of hogs at South Omaha for the
lasi several oars, sun wt"v
Date. 1S10. riW.l!W.:i!77.il3W.l!.',li.
June 20.
June 21.
June 22.
June 21.
C. of N. J. goa. 4..i:i4 o eoo. 4a 1U
I baa. A Ohio 4t,t....l"fl Read ins (! 4s 47
do raf. (s Rliu L. at 8. V. is. 4a. 40
in.. I U. a . IJI A n Mtt H4
C , h. at g.. Jt. 4a... 4Bt. U 4. W. con. 4. W-J une
do .mi 4m do lat sold 4a ... June -a
S bl, Mil. 4V St. F. saabnard A. L. 4 ... II June 26...
ten. ISa 40V,So. Pacific col. 4s... 'H June 27...
C, K. 1. at P. col 4a. 'l do c. 4s I'-i June .
dn rtc. 4s Ma do R. K. 1st ret 4a I i,... an
-tvio. inaystnai so... . "-itit. xtanway cs .'Jit
Colo. Midland. 4a 44 4o sen. 4a ft
C. B. rt.-. 4Sa. V,l nloB Pacific 4s lt
Iola. Hud. ct. 4s.. 47 do ct. 4s
ll. A R. U. 4s 42 do lst-ref. 4s 4.
iV. t. Batber 4a.
Tt' g. Bleol ta 4a 101
414 Vs. -earn. Oiem. 4a.. 4(
11 Walastl 1st 4s 104
do ct. 4a. sorles A. 47 4o 1st -ext. 4a
do CT. 4a, Mrlo B. 41 Woatoni Md. 4s .-
Gen. Electric ct. as.134 Vtoat. Else. ct. 4a... S
1. C. lat ref 4s.... 47 Vlacoasln Central 4- 4vti
Oiler!. Bid.
4 HI I M 5?
4tS 7 C3 e Wi 4 i a jv. vi
H 7 fc t 77 Hi
S U I 4 all! ft U'2 S3
t .-.l 7 441 4 K Wi i ST.
I ; ui i iui I u i
s lttJ K Mi, ft kii C 43i t Ml 6 14
ft S 7 62 i W t i 471 iai
k ta ilU liui I ti 4i I l'l "
ft loi t 01
t H I 12
I . 14
do ret. 4a.
flstllleni' as
Erlo prior lien 4a...
do gen. 4s.
Kecelpts and disposition of live stocK at
the Union Sttxk yards, Soum umsiia,
lor twecty-lour lioura ending ai a p.
cstei day :
KiH tlt-lr. , ,
Cattle, Hops. Sheep. n r a.
C. M. & 6t P....
M.ssourl Pacific
Lniun Pacific
C. N. W., east
C. ec N.-W., west
C, St. P., M. A O...
C. H. At u. west.
C. K. 1. & P.. cant..
C, It. 1. V P, west..
A rain of 1.42 Incbe. occurred within the -L ,:.'J,"U. "i. k.....
la 4, - I-,,.,,., aa Xj I a - sa lr Ik' 1. agej tuwic iUIUIcu last MS K LI V U 11 114 taaVIItfB DCir
m Minnea.l ,nK on value. Indicated Improvement in
only appreciable falls reported a. occurring rthweL tI . k . i. rL'L
in the corn and wheat resion since the tM ti glelient oromise for
preceding report. The warm weather cimi- winter wheat. excellent promise for
Total receipts.... W
linuea general throughout the entire region.
h.. occurred acl ,he",t ZnZ?""'" I. ld to foreshadow a good govern.
L. A. WKLSll,
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau,
Private estimates of the cotton crop
ment report of conditions tomorrow
-store attentive perusal or yesterday's or
ders by the Interstate Commerce com
mission modified the impression of their
inclusive scope over practically all rail
road rates.
Money on call went no higher than 3
per cent In spite of the disturbance of loans
connected with the day's Impairment of
Itonds were weak. Total salts nar value
t nlted States bonds were unchanged on
Number of sales "nd leading Quotations
on stocks were as .ollows:
salsa. High. Low. Clnss.
LsH-al Seearittee.
Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, q, B. W., east
jr., ti acw aura A--iia Dunuiua, tmana.
Hit. Aak4.
Am. T. A T. col. 4a, 1924 40 40
City National 4s. 1424 44 u
Cur of 4a. S44 UN'S
CommoDtreallh Llfa Ins. Co
C. R. at 1. C. M. a L. fta. 1414 474
htdtaulls rirail brick yl4 44
laa-a Portlaad Cemont 1st Mtf. 4a..... 44
k C M. 4 O. B44 - 44
Ksasas C'.tr R. 4 l. k, 1411 44
Lincoln. Nek . on 144
Los Articles G. at L. ta. l?3 - 47
Lincoln. Neb., Tr. 4a. 1434 44
Micblcan Plata Tol. Bla..... M
Moma A Co. 4'ea, 1414 41
M nn. Nab.. Hrt watsr 4a. 1444.... 44
Nokraska Tslopkoua stock 4 fr coot.. 141
Nebraska T. A P. 4a 71
Potaaa Water Co le, 1M4.... ......... 41
Combs Gaa 4a 1417 44
Paiaka I. L, alt I par eaot 41
Omaha A C tV SL Br., aid. o-It.. 4JV4
baaslut A C B. u hr 4a. ISSk 47 1,
Omaka A C. B. E. A a ptd W
riatutntoiiui, jsaa.. loL staac, 44 p, a.
twift A Co. ta, 1111 44V4
kootk Omaha, City at, 4a
Trt-cttr k. a u. 4a 4v
to too stock Vara alock. So. Oosaaa.. 4
Waaura Paellts to
HUB Con. Co. (bonaa) 44
tatarnstliansl Can. Ca. Ikoaeai.. ...... 14
M 4 1
3w 2 1
7 .. ..
2 ..
1 I -
1(1 "k t
Cattle. Hoes- Sheep,
Ul 1,M
Qaotatlons of the Day
.W YORK. June SO. FLOUR Quiet
boxing patents. t&w4J4&.6V; winter straights,
M.oou.v; spring clears. 14-u-i. jo. re
ceipts, 14,722 bushels; shipments, 4.417 bush
ela. itye Hour, quiet; lair to goou, liu
4.40: cnoice to fancy.
CORNMKAL liasy; kilu dried. XiwS.4i
WrtKiAT Spot, weak; No. 2 red, kl.tiuk,
nominal, c. L f., to arrive elevator; No. 1 j Allle-ChaJmers fd
norUiern. ' 41JU4, nominal. L. O.-tl.. to ar- Amalramalod m
rive. Wheat was lower under active sell- Amorlou Asricaltural.
lug on northwest rains, Closing 2igac American Boot Socar..
lower. July closed L04"k. September closed Amancan Osa...
41.1W4. December, $1.044. I American Car A Foundry
CO KN Spot, easier; jo. 2, C4o, nominal. I American cotton oil
elevator domestio basis, to arrive; export I m-v'a Leather ptd.
No. z, 6c, nominal, r. o. v.. to arrive. 1 7: , ,
Opiion market was witlwut transactions, !L'f5 iJ1
ciosmg Uc net lower; July clotd the, Am., A
Ip., .' O0'c e'",uer- Am. SmolL A Rof'ns. pfd
OATU Spot, steady: mixed, 4W22 pounds, Amartcan 4u.i rmniru.
nominal; natural white, 'IhiaSl pounds, 4u) 1 Amoriasa Suitax Bfinlo.
tisc; Clippea wniie, hvu puunus, nffow. snianiaa Tol. 'lot...
11AV ! irm; prune, ILla; No. i, 41.0UU Amorlean Tobacco pfd.
Ltsj; ixo. 1, Bntc. amarican woolen
HOPi Steady; state, common to choice. A"000'1 Mining Co.
lSKnt. na24c: 1UB, nominal: Pacific coast, .""an v;
lM l'.ii 1 AtcmsoB tia, ox e!T
Hill kjwStM n v Central Imartpi o, . i ...... " - -
Bokoia. 21ti22c L,"v
. ... . . I "rtit ijaMii Btajsai,,. iu zi it
l..Aiiitit Pteaay; nemiocK nrsta, RKa Brooklyn Rsfid Transit.. 24. wo u 11
r ' kmc .1 1 il M ?Uui24p lhlrdsL llNtix2ct retectawt hv...... ...m. . u-. ...
l S
40. 4
40 14
40 1i
27c; seconds, 2iui4c; thirds, llKtf22c; rejected, 1 Canadian Pacific
iXUiUC I C entral Laatbor..
PllOVlBlONS 1'orit, Steaay. mess. Zo.t Central Leather aid
Cl)b.4w; lamuy, IJt.00l26.tiV; Short clear. Central of Now J
444. oma 26.00. Cut meaits, steady; pick leu I Chooaposko A Ohio.
belllea. IO to 14 Bounds, l.aalkc: uickleul nicaao ai Alton..
hm IlS.OlKft lS SO. 1-a.rd. eajiv: mlditl Chlcase Oraat Western
western orlme. I12.riai2.oB: refined, steady: L.nlo V"-. wrn pid
compound, tn. join 10. 00.
Articles. I Open. lflgh. Low. Close. Yea y.
Wheat I 1 k I 1
July KSCHI 'A ffH:T,e97 99t
'Sell. IkWTj'kVl,! WHl OTIa.KwVail 003
Dec. ,U fotrW 1 Wr,iii ssvi 1 tills
Corn .1 L I 1
'July fSRWeSI MS 1 B7V
Sep. rkthaWSI oo4;b')'8'-si.
Dec.. I
da IS I
July Sep.
July bep.
Wl '
SI U SO 21 tf
U t J U U 22 4b
' u'lTtJ U 17W IS
U iZH 11 421 U hi
U Kif 12 M I 11 tO
U 2m, U AiVkl 12 IS
B7i 21 76
U 46 21 60
13 to UK
12 1. U S.Vs
11 M 12 90
11 40 12 40
No. i.
Cask quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Firm: winter patents. 14
4.H0; winter straights, M-24.76; spring
tralghta, M 6Oi0-4.7ti; bakers, B 8o6.1,
spring patents, best bard. t6.K84.7u.
HVH Ni. I. 74n7iic
BARLKY Feed or mixing, ASjiaac; fair to
choK-e malting, axitroic
Niccil'laE. No. L southwestern. $1 7H;
No. 1 northwestern, tZ-Oi; timothy, IbOo;
rlnvtr 411 NIL
PROVISIONS "Mess pork, per bb!., C4.00
Ti 2ft: lard. Pur loo iba., snort nos.
aulas tluoaaL 413 O.-fi 13 S7 short clear
aiitMS fhoxatll. tl4.0lital4.2a.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
sniial to 104.0u0 bushels; primary receipts
wera Sts.OXlO bushels, compared with S44.0l
bushela the oorresponcung aay a year ago.
i..i imauul receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
cars; corn 111 cars; oats, 131 cars, hogs.
It .Ml tiA
i nicBKo Cash Prt sa-Wheat: "o. t red.
4i...-il,.trt4:-.No, 1 red. VulieVc; No. 2 hard.
1 00; No. i hard, 4jiiil4o; N'o. 1 northern
attiring. I1.11B lli; ISO. I nonnern spring,
tl.tsj1.4VVt; No. spring, stfcfiHOe, Corn:
Nik. oaah, aria's:; No. I cash, i4HQMle;
W.. 4 whuau fel-c: No. 1 white. 4.utJc:
Na. f yellow. t,Sl,c; No. 1 yellow. bv,a
duo. Oaut No. t white. 40HS4(c; No. 1
wbita, ofl4uc. No 4 white, 3ac; standard.
. i ai -.
BrfTERtedy.' creameries. 248rVc;
Aairlea. EUlSbc.
ICcKid t-teady ; receipts, t.714 eases; at
mark, cases Included, l&tflCV; firsts. 17c;
prima flreta.:.s'ii
CHtKSE Steady;- daisies. 15Hfn6H"
twins. i.U'a; yeunaj Ajnartcaa, l-aliV
lens horna. LWlb4.c.
POTATOES titeady; chokca te fancy. U9
0r; fair to good, liiitflac
POwLXRaV-hteady turkeys. Uc; chick-
ana. lc: aorlnss. 2A26o
EALr lcaiiy JO ta fA-ln. sjrelghta. 9
Itjc; 40 to 4V lb welghia, tdc; & ta 110-
lb. sxrJghts, jotpiorkc.
" rlSicu.o Recaivts Today: Wheat. I cars
corn, rv cars; mu, M eara Eaumsted to
morrow: nocsi, e carsj swat, osa aw
oats. 11 cars.
Llverstaal Urala Marttet.
dull:. No- I re4 s)im winter, no stock
rut urea, staoy , w.t, oo- i isv, wwtroi, wm
CORN fcpot, turn; old American mixed.
Mm 100 jins4
sum tia t. ti
1.410 likv, 114 inn
SIM WVk 4114 ft
.404 24 24S 27
4.404 ITU 4,44 27
47.4U0 O 41 4s 44
4U0 Bklk 4;s HV,
1.KU0 114 J1J1
13,100 1V744 10444 107
iw zi zi ot.
4.400 187 11 1M
I. M0 l;4 . ti
and la liak li4
W0 r7t) Z7 270
St. li 14 7U4 Ti
iw xi 2t Ja
1.4C0 t ti 21
BuO 44 45 44
l,'r litoS"1111 Awenca- ii''; chic!,", ii? a sTpaui:.' r'.'Iw Inl
Omaha Packing Co....
swilt and Company..
cudatiy Packing' Co z
Armour Co
CUdahy, from K. C 1"0
Cuuany. from so. St. f
lictilon Vansant At Lush..
Mephens Bros in
Hill A eVin 46
J. B. Root A Co 4
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 4
Other buyers 17
1.467 .137
Loadoa Btoclc Market.
r-A'i-i i.l--RereiDta of cattle were very
? light tociay, oniy fifty-four cars being re-
lonu ported In. This makes the toeai tor me
144 iour days only M.fcul head as against l&.i
B7 I ii.ari tor the same days last cm. '
"w market as a whole was In a very satisfao
s4 I irv ttnriitlon.
7 ., ... f iiMrs in small, but
Urm WAM roll aiderable lnaulry and prices
L.r. SLKtun ieadv to BlruiiBer. making the
.......... i.t i ti.h., than tna low time.
LONDON, June 10. American securities -i t,.,.. . . . r,.ihm, vrv choice on sale to
vj-ot-vi i tsumi iuuj. x-irat pricw rauicu make a real test of tne top.
7B iiistit-r to towei . ijatrr tne uiiraei lnia-o aiict heifers Were in STOOU uema nu
declined under Wall street and German sell- thia moruina and the few loads on sale
ing and at noon was dull and from "m to 114 I Ranged hands at an early hour at prices
below yesterday's New York closing. I around 10c higher than yesterday. In other
Consols, mooer tiVLouisTiUa A N 144 words the market On Cow stulf is around
41 7-16M,. K A T Xt I, hin .. lh. lnw Umc.
iJau Theie were no feeders on sale, at least
'" I .. ,.r rannu,n. and onlv a few
it I riiia.i i.'US oi sioca taiuo. j. ttts itwwiv.
I tne . a aiitii.
414 u .-nuns on cattle: Good to eholoa
74 con, -lea steera I7.S6Q.; fair to gooa corn
till I f.ri iHira. 4k.6uia7.2B. common to lair cx.rn
47 fd aitaera. icood to .choice cows
llh LnH haitara -,.ll.U0: lair tO BOOU COWS
and beifera, 3.siJi.vtl; common to fair
4SU ... . i ty tw.ia fal it,MMl l.i rhuica
iiZ stockers and feeders.; ia 10
" 14 Roo stockers and feeders, .7t)s.2i; com-
"' a) mon to fair stockers and fceaers. ta-ft
' . . . i. V. . , f . t . ik: - waul 1 J. i v..
SILVfcR-Bar, steady at 24 11-lod per M &047.00; Bulls, stags, etc. sj.2WU4.ou.
ounce. I Representatlvs sales:
At. rt. No.
do account..
AmaL Copper.
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio.
Canadian Pacltic
f!K. 1. Cantral.
.. 74k.Norte!k A Vt ,.
..10ft do pfd
..Kit Ontario A W..
. .1MIH Ponnmylvanla .
...141 Rand Minos...
Chesapeake A 0.....44 Hoadlns
Chloaso O. W 14 Aoalliara Rr
Cbi.. MIL A St. P.. .lit sjo axt..,
in Boors 17tovtora Pacltic.
uonvsr se ft la a.
4s pfd.
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
Grand Tnink
Illinois Central..
llVVnloD PbcUm...
74 do pfd
244. C. S. Btael
, 42 do pfd.........
44 Wabash
1414 do pld
.144 Bpaniab 4s...
IK. Se; California. No. L per lb, 17c; Cali
fornia. No. 2. per lh.. 14c.
lilt KtMtY NUT!-Larg e, per lh.. 4ej
small, per lb., fcc. Cocoanuu. Ter sack. IUO;
ier dim , Roc.
COCOAN CTS rer sack, tt 4f-. per do.
KHKB.P A very light supply of sheep to
day met with a more active demand and
anything that waa fit to kill commander
quotabiy strong prices. Wyoming wetners
that sold at yesterduy. went at H,
the same as Tuesday, nut any advance In
values was due to meager receipts Instead
of improvement In the volume and tone
Of demand, there were no spring mini's
of consequence on sale and quotations re
malhed nominally steady.
r eeder truoe prese-nico. no new pnases
worth mentioning and stink sheop sold
in -about the same notches as on previous
days this week. There has been more ac
tivity In feeder circles lately owing to in
creased receipts of atock suitable tor feed
lot and pasture, but demand, while fairly
active. Is by no means urgent and prices
are closing about steady with a week ago.
Not many feeder lambs have been coming.
but something good In this line would sell
right around 4 on. Uood feeder sheep are
quotable at H tout 00. with feeder yearlings
from M CutitN, according to quality.
in a general way rat sheep are closing
about a Quarter lower than last Friday,
with good spring lamb a little hikhrr
tnan at last week's close. Handy wemht
wethers are hardly worse than lOd lot
lower, but heavier grades have leen hard
to move at the full aecline. Receipts for
the four days have been normal, mostly
gran sheep of fair to good quality, and
trade on most days has been slow and uneven.
Quotations on crass stock;
Choice aitrin dumb. SMouTDO: fsir to
good spring lambs, .2.VJt"7.10; good to choice
leanings, 4o.l..iQM, fair to good car
lings, 4.Rw(iol5; good to choice wethers,
Kl"1(fs.i5s fair to good wethers, $;'Ka4.0O;
good lo choice ewes, $;.Si04.10; fair to
good ewes. 3 toys. 86.
W western Iambs, culls
4tX Wyoming wethers
iv vtyonilng wethers, culls..
Idaho wethers
30 Idaho wethers, culls
16 Idaho ewes, culls
U'4 Idaho ewes
27 Idaho wethers, feeders....
2-l Idaho wethers, feeders....
1 Idaho wethers, culls
272 Idaho wethers, feeders....
evaporated Apples aad Pried Fralta.
Ari'LKS The market for r aporated ap
ple was dull md featuteless with fmall
offering ami a light demand on the spot
Fancy Is quoted at K'Vi l"t': choice. j
V: prime. 7t7e; o minon to fair. MrfV
1K1KI FRl'lTS l'runea are steady on
small offerings and propped for a small
crop. Quotations range from Stiio for
Californias up to 4s and 4iifS'" for
tlrrgotis. Apricots are quiet but show a
firm undertone; choice. stiH11; extra
choice. loiic: fancy. luV'fliic, reaches
are In better demand and somewhat f rmer;
choice. 4tyu"': extra choice. 7ti7e, fancy.
7'i7c. ltisinB are inactive but firm on
unfavorable reports recsrdlng the crop;
loose Muscatels are quoted at 514c;
choice tt fancy seeded, 4W";r;- seedless,
274: London layers. 1.."j l.Zi.
Mlnweapolla (irala Market.
MINNFAPOL1S, June 30 W H KAT July,
tl.rO; September, LWS; IwrmlK-r. II 0.'.
Cash, No. 1 hard. 1114: No. 1 northern,
Jl.imSin1; No. 2 northern. UO0'jyLll;
No 3. II Ot.i-Hfil. 091
CORN No. 1 yellow, ?$tt.Vc.
OATS No. 1 white, SSy l"c.
RYK-No 8. trs'-iTlc.
ldlAN-ln 100-lb. sacks. 11 W.
FLOl'R In wod. f. o. b., Mintieapoln
First patents. .Y30;;f,.!A): second patents
li.10iii-5.Sri: firFt clears. $4 154.21; second
clears. W90tjS-.
.. 47
. 115
. 1'"'
. 1(
. l'ti
. 102
. w
. M
. M
. 71
. M
4 Of.
8 00
4 10
2 W
3 t4l
2 .'A
! .0
tut ton Market.
closed quiet to SO ixtlnts hlRlier; middling
uplands. IbSTc: middling gulf, lS.AOci Sales.
lS.ltB bHles. Futures clo.M verv steady;
Julv. In. 34c: Auput. 147c; Heptember,
U16c; CH-tober, 1! He; November, II ; De
cember. 12S4c; January, 12.Joc; February,
l tx-; March. 12 Sic.
at 14 lM6c.
ST IA)rif. June 30 "WaCN Pull .
mitldlltiK, 14'kc; sales, none; receipts, I b't
bales; bhlpments, 2.1W balca; atock. 1S.S70
MONEY IfiStt per cent.
The rate ot discount in the oren market I No.
tor snort bins is 2 per cent: lor three I
months' bills. 2 1-14 tier cent. I
Boatoa CloslaaT Stocks,
TALLOW-Dull; prime city, hnds.. 6c; io v.i i"''
country. e'atieSc. Colorado A BouUsrn ,
RICli Steady; domestic. !c; Pa to a. I Consolidated osa
SWd c. I Corn ProdBcts
BUTTJ2R Firm; creamery specials, 29Vic; ttoiawan a Hudson
extrita. 2Mc. I Inmrar A Rio Grands
CHh.F'Shi Firm; state, whole cream, ixmvcr at kib uranoa pin.
fancy white. 14c Wstilleri' Bocarltioa
KOG8 Weak, except fancy; state, Penn-
sylvanla and nearby gathered brown, 21 3! ,? !J
Brio td ltd.
4"0 74 74
I.") tt 10
SOU 651 (4
24,404 1II I
1.400 iaa nv4
1.000 1;, 157
2.4U0 40 27
71 44
tt '4
41 S
V tt
41 2444
tht 40
sot, 40
Utr-T Ko-o- .i n . wn 1 Oeneral Electric 14 140 184 10
I ill iiuu, " rr iri u vi unci , i au., vi.-. .. a,h, ... , , ,
O--. ITl.. t,. 1. I lr.Mul 1 Y ..
. i , -.... .7iv, . i urot jvortbem ure. etia. . . 4. sow b4
(irm; western oroucrs, auvic; tuwia, ittiiac; Illinois Coou-al.
turkeys. ImiIHc Ictorborourh Met
IniarborousB. Met. pia .
St Loals tieaeral Market. Imarnatlunai Hart eater
1.7U0 144
t.4,W 1714
4.704 4Ci4
1.700 44
400 15
104 14H
41V t
Uk 124
14 17
BOSTON, June M Closing quotations on u!!....
stocks were as louov-w: 148...
Alloues 44 Miami Coppar 14 44.
Amal. Coppar 40Motuk 44 It?.
Am. x. L. a tun.... zi Meraaa Con
Arltona Cam.. 14 Nlplsslef Mines.
Atlantic 4 North Hutu
B. A O. C. A ft. Ml. lf4 North Lako
butta Ooaiiuon l4oid Dominion....
laiunot A Arixona... 4 Oscoola
Calumet A Hoc la 446 Parrou glL A Cop... 12
cwi-t'"" -t 14 ta-ulacr v
Cop. Kaitxs Con. Co. onto superior II
E. Butts Cop, Mins.. evgaporior A B. Mia... 4
Kranklla vVSuporler A P. top... 4
uiroua wi s-lk ismaiaci
Oranbr t'D 11 t. g. Coal A OH 44
Groano Cananaa 4U- 4. km. It, A Mia. 44
lei KoraUe Cop U da ptd 4,
svorr laiso........... iwtJtan tw. it
Lake Coppar as Winona
M stl . . . . . v nmrirujs ............ 1111
Zi 4 60
10U4 4 46
474 4 40
1077 6 2J
iota 4 so
1024 4 44
Iowa 4 wo
loll 4 10
1021 I 16
at. Pr.
1144 4 6
list 4
lia I 4a
loll 4 40
4.1 4 74
hm 4 44
1140 7 40
lu 1 40
.47k 7 to
744 t 40 10....
ST. LOUIS, June SO. WHEAT Futures. I Jr.'i.fir.l pLJ
lower; July. M',c; September HSVic Cash: P!Bp'..:'.,.'.V.:
Lower; ro. i reu, slviiuliu, ro. Iowa Central too 11, o.iyi I Kansas city seuniora v is
CORN Futures. lower; July, 67c; Sep-1 k. a ftoiKbarn ptd. ex It. l.ioo 42
tember. t!"c. Cash: Lower; track N o. 2. 1 Laclodo Oaa , 1,400 M
OOulV; No. 1 White, 444J-MHC. LoaisTllla A NaabTllla 4.700 14 14 142
OA TiJ Futures, lower; July, Kc; Pep- Minneapolis A St. Loula.. 400 47 17 14
tember. JOIac. Cash: Higher: Uack No. 2. 1 M., Bt. P. A Sautt ftta M.. . 400 1st l 134
SSc: No. 2 white. aZIaKJ. Miaaourl. Kansas A Trias. It. tot 11 44 41 Alios
Kll'nl.rm- ravd wlntr ralHits ft., ISVR. I Missouri Pacific 4.440 40 46 44
.; extra fancy and straight, Hlte; iZl T""."" '& 'Hi 4: ei
Cam winter Clears, n o&a.v, K,t., Krs. of Mox. 24 pid. 2o0 a. 24 24V
Sfc.ED Timothy. 43.00y J.oo. 1 N.w Tor, Ceaual 17.200 111 110 111
CORNMEAL A1.25. New Tork, Onuarto A Wast. 1.104 42 40 4i vveaa; aacaeo. ease tnu-.x, owaTojc. ptorfois a waaara
HA Y Steady : timothy, llt.BOil ia.W: praurle, NorU AsMrtsaa.
U'.b04'14 00. I Mortaam Pacina.
HEMP TWINE 7a PennsrlTarila ....
,... ,,r..,,-N- . .- -X. . .. . PoonlO S OSS
rnu I loiun d rota, blcsut, josoinK. i . - r. . i
t-A 1 . .. ln-.r. rim ....... ail V, I -"-. .v
-' r . . . .. , t-i sittsbura Goal
1102. Dry salt meats, higher: boxed. stoai Car...
extra short, 1)4.26; dear ribs, 114 26; short Pullman Paiaoa -Car.
ciuars, $14.25. Bacon, higher; boxed, extra I Kaiiwar Btael Spring
shorts, la.7b; clear ribs, li.7b; short cleara, I kaavding
416 00. I Haoubllo fttaoi
POULTRY s Firm: chickens. 1214c : Kcpabita iaa4f..
springs. liS23c; turkeys, 14c; ducks, c; I R"' JP" ";i
ALn. I aTftJ"-m AalasAAAlB v. -saw ay w
tTa-i .... . . I ivkfAM a i r in jiM
Ml l'l h.Ha.ruiw - Prslmftrv w.aii t, aa-n I - - - w
1COGS Steady. 15c
iveceipia. Bmpmenui ilo-.Sbtnld ft. A 1
r iour. ddib. i.atv m.wv
Wheat, bu I.0u) 7.0ur
Corn, bu 2k.j0 SV
Oats, bu , .14,000 Ss.OUO
Baak af KaajLaad fttateaaeat.
LONDON, June SO. The weekly statement
or tne xianic oi England shows tne follow
Ing changes:
Total reserve, decrease. fl.TOa.000: clrcu
lation .Increase. Al.OU.OOO: bullion. Increase.
645,752; other securities. Increase, S,"7,
000; other deposiu. increase. 10.443.000: cub.
Uc deposits, decrease. s.'2,lao,0UC; cotes re-
serve, decrease, Al.aJ.voo.
Government securities unchanged.
The Proportion of the bank a reaerva ta
liability this week Is 4i7i per cent; last P
week It waa 4.a6 per cent.
.. 444 I 00 14
.. 440 4 24 17
..1004 4 44 4
.. 411 ( 44 14 ,
.. 144 4 ti 10
..4-4 IU 4
..434 4 40 14
..7a I 40
.. 446 I 14 4
.. 464 4 40 I
... M 14)
,.. 470 I 26 1
.. 700 4 24 I
...1240 I 46 1
,..UM 4 7
...104 I to 4
... ISO 4 40 1
... 4S0 4 70 4
,.. 10 4 26 4
... e 6 04 I
... 214 4 40 4
... 140 4 00 2..
.. 444 I 40
.. 444 I 44
.. tso I 40
..443 4 00
.. 44 4 24
.. 614 4 is
..lost 4 46
.... 425 4 76
.... 44 4 44
....1474 I 71
....14441 4 46
....UN 4 00
... 177 4 44
... 114 f 44
... IU td
... Ikl 4 4
... 141 4 40
... lad .HI 44
14 4 74
Cattle aad Pheep markets Higher
Hags Reported Steady.
ntlCAfiO. June SO. CATTLE Ttecrlpts,
5, 1".! head; market 10c higher; steers. ijlii
K.fio; cons, Il.u0ii4i.25; got.d beef heilers.
(!.!!; bulls, M-t"tiii; calves, tl.Wffi.iH;
stocker and feeders, 4 50j7.75.
HOOS Receipts. 34,000 iican; market
......A... v... .... tu vn,j ii,- hntili.ra xu.&'f
; m!5ted. fH.fetrVtri; iiBh't. ly.aOirf.M; pack
ing, I .Mu.Zo. pigs, 2S.yH9.73; OUia OI Mil's,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt!. 10.003
head; market 15c hipher; gheep, SS.75I& l.W:
yearllnps, M.7ui&a.7; lumbs, $; sprinc
lambs, 4... .iips. bo.
Kansas City Live Stack Market.
ceipts. 4.5011 head, including 2,00 kouiherns;
murket UtaJy to shade higher; dressed ief
and export steers, i;.vuvk.23; luir u pmu,
i.Oti.uO; western stet-rs, ll.OOiin 7.75; Block
ers and feeders. S.5(o'5.7d; southern steers.
U.2;V(;ii.lO; southern cows, 12.HiKa4.t"; native
rcv, 2Ij5 75; native heifers. a.Qi.!j;
bulls. $0.2;4ii4.H0; calves l.5o(7.75.
1I008 Receipts, 7,000 lieaa-: marhet 5TilO.
hlgher, advance lost; top, 4tS7'-.; bull: of
sales, 19.10-ijD.30; heavy.; packers
and butchers, light. Tit 2-0 Ile-ht. ID 255t.37W-. Pigs. $a 6.W4 01.
head; market steady to 15c higher; lambs.
fcl.b04r7.fl5; yearlm, fS.otiti.w; wethers,
M.01104.75; ewes. 4.i.butu6J. stuckeis and
feeders, j:.bfa 1-50.
St. LuIb Lire Stock Market.
BT. LOUIS. June 30. CATTLE IUl tints.
1,200 bead. Including 1.200 Texauis; miirket
steady; native snipping ana export steers,
fi.0Ofl4.60; dressed beef and butchers sters,
sri.4Knik.t5: steers under l.Ooti pounds, 5.7oij
7.So; stockers anl Teedeis, Itfliob; cows
ajid ht-Iters, t4.uvii7.2o: canners, fcUU2.75;
bulls, M.atrt.o; calves, t5.ooie.6o; Texas
and Indian sieera, l.b0i'7.w, cows and
heifers, I3.b0i6.i5.
HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market 10c
blartier; pigs and lights, Ay.lUal.65; packere.
.ajU.5o; butchers and beet heavy, ii.toxu
4. 60.
IsHEEP AND LAM ES Rece lpta, 4.400
head; market 10115c higher; native muttons.
44.000 4. oti, lanibb. 4o.iuio.k; cum miu uutaa,
S.50o.7a; stockfcrs, $a.oo4.O0.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
Recelpta, 1.500 head; market steady; steers.
li.ovVi.uu; cows and tieueia,,
calves, i.uo!B (.tw.
HOO! Receipts, ,O00 bead; market,
10c hifiher; top. JS.tO; bulk of sales, tW.Ou
I. SO.
bead; market steady to snaae nigner;
lambs. $5.50J7.K1.
Stock la Sight.
Tleceints of live stock at the five principal
western markets yesterday:
came, jiosb. ourc-ji.
Dry tiwids 3Iarket.
NEW TORK. June SO. DRY GOOr-R!-ached
:ixds were advunced He to a
basis of hc for Fruit of the Loom to take
effect tomorrow. The etocH goods were all
sold and msny new orders were received
to be charped at the new price. Trade
for the day showed a little more breadth,
the Inquiring being better. Raw siik la
'gar Market.
firm; muscovado. test l.SOc; centrifugal.
9 test. 4.30c. Mola?-8. bUgnr. J test, Jooc;
refined, quiet; crushed, ,ti.5c; granulated.
b.l.-c: rnwiifrfl, o.L'.ir.
COFFEE Spot, quiet:. No. 7 Rio. S8-1GS
cc; No. 4 Santos. ic.
Mllvraokee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. June 30 -FLOUR Steady,
WHEAT No. 1 northern. 11.13W1.14; No. 1
northern, ll.llvtl.L?; September, 97ijc.
BARLEY Sample, 6(J?V,c.
South Omaha
St. Joseph
Kansas City
t Louis
Total receipts.
1400 44 44 47
100 44 44 44
. 14.100 114 1:1 lit
bl KI 44 11 M
. 4.400 U 134 124
404 lu6 144 104
SO0 46 43 44
.. 2.4(10 17 14 4
. 1.700 (2 40 42
400 41 40 41
.257 400 l4a 14" 14
. 2,60 ttk 24 2
. 4s 44 41 44
. 27.400 M 40
. 2.404 44 77
. 4.IMS 41 M
tt. Loula BoBtkvostarn .... Laos 4o 2
4u u. B. w. ptd, ax cut,. , sov Tl i
Kaasata City Urala and rretwtalaaa.
July, 14)c; September, tiSfealVc; December,
W)C. Cash, unchanged to c lower; No. X,
Mn.102; No. 1. rlcfeU.01; No. 1 red, Mtftfc;
No. i. kHfiUoc
CORN July, iTtic: September, Me; De
cember, 6rc Cash, unchanged to e
lower; No. 1 mixed. Xs!6Sc; No. t. b30c;
No. I w hite. 63jJ4c; No. 1. (3JtIS4c.
OATb-UricnaUiged; No, I white, nvfftOo;
mixed, MtrCftc.
HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, HI 00;
ohotre prairie. $il 354JTLS0.
BUTTtR-Creameiy. ertraa. Mo; firsts.
Mc: seconds, tic; racking stock, lose.
EOO-First. 14-15, aeconda. UIO; cur
rent receipts, new cases. H. mlacal
laaeous, 14.16.
Reoelpta. Bhtptnenta
as VPJ b4.tsa
. 7.0u
. w..
tt neat. uu,..m,.h.m
Corn, bu JbOO
Pwarta Mavrket.
chanted; No. I white, tic: No. I yellow,
WaBrc: No. I yellow, fc; No. t, Ue;
No. 4. tVc: no grade. kc.
OATf4-ttady; No. 1 white, WAe; No.
white, 2'330)c; No. 4 while. 17Vrc; Stand
ard, (sc.
Dalath Crala Market.
PULUTH. Juna Ss. WHEAT July,
11 1?S; (September. 1107; No. I northern.
(ti4'; ro. 1 nonnern, fi.iz .
OAT8-r7. . " " ' k.
1.4"4 46 43 44
J01.P 116 H 111
. 4.7u4 M to 42
. 4,100 4i 44
4 23 11
Southern Pacific.
Bouinara HallTrar
outlwrn Hallway ptd
Toon last I Coppar
Taaaa A Paeitle
Toledo. Bt. Louts A woat. bob x 11
T . it. U A w. ptd. as diT. 1.10s 4 41 44
tnloo Pacific iTt.atw 1 u uu
loloa PatitU ptd tN II 44 40
tlnltad ttataa lWKr 400 71 71 tl
in tud ftuuaa auibbar 1.480 7 44 It
t niiod ftuoae ual 11 es. 71
I nitad fttataa fttaal pld.... 4 4 114 Ui 114
1' Coppar, ex l-lhi ... 4.7V4 41 44 40
Vlrtiata -Carolina Cbamloal 4. mo 4 44
tttlaa l n
WabaaA Pt4 U S S6
Waatara Marrlaad 1.40S 41 dl
Woauashaaaa Hactrla.... I at 41 44
WostarB VoiBB 440 41 41
kaolins A Lake arks
Total asjaa lar we ear, a,as.Bw aaaraa.
Saw Yark Cark Markat.
Tha following aasiAtlons are furnished
by Logan Ik Bryan, members New York
Stock exchange, au eouio oixieenm street
Bar fttata Oaa 44 lnapltatMa t
batts CuailUaa 16Laraaa 4
ractua 1 Nevada Com V
CMS - 10 N'oatasuas 41
C4ila Oaa. lOnaa Ooppar 14-14
rraottoa 444UaaMa Ooaillloa... SO
tBTO-rtai ltaaao ootial 1
Kir Contral.... ...... Aallt Ps- Ca Ia4
Ely Cuaa as aaara-tiuaaaaa ca....a4
Kraakua 44iiac ptok t
oiraas 44upar4ar A Plus..... 14
Oatofiold Coaa. , 4Tobopa atinina , 4
Ofldhaid risisasa... ITranllr tcapar 4
Oaiaflaal taasr- t 4hank La-la
Traaaary fttaleaaVBt.
WASHINOTON. Juna 10. The eondlUon
of the treasury at tne bearlanlng of bust
Base today was a follows:
Trust i'undsOold coin, tW2.74t,4. silver
New York Mlalaa- Stacks
NEW YORK, Juna 20 Closing quotations Iu
on mining stocks were:
sot oLeadvtile On
Brunswick Con It Little Chief..
Cons. Tunnel Sleek... ft at ax lean ......
do Bonds 17 Cm tan o
Coa. Osl. A Va.... 44 tipAir
Horn llor 40 Standard
Iron BtlTor ...O0 1 allow Jacket
... t
... 40
... 44
... t
lai 4 oo I t 04
140 4 26 2 ID IkJ
ai.wtaLli.ftai AN u a a.a.La..a.
6:14 I 74 4 760 4 41
464 I 46 14 til 141
, 740 4 00 6 t.4 4 44
601 4 00 4 601 4 40
CuvVs AND H-kir'-civo.
44 I 46 1 464 4 40
744 4 24
U western bailers ti 1 25
HOGb Price opened a big nickel higher
in the hog yards this morning, but af ler a
few loads ol mixed and light had been pur
chat-ed on ,tius tiaaia. uemand became In
different and sales cropped bank Into yes
terday s notches. Most of tn boks
changed hands at generally steady figures.
four droves aggregating s,du bead, cost
Baak C'learlasra.
nXf 1 TT 1 Tuna, SA RanV rlurinfi . I ill BDOUt t.00.
day, 2.3i,77.kS and for the corresponding fehipplng demand was Tenr slack, as
oat last year 4124,0111. .; I r ?. . i7 vlaZi. rv
WsTaVftlvawM VII W A tAB TkPt vat3 9. AvAsbv a- icp W TAT 4 V
sta l. Kr a Al4T.aaaaa af Lit a- aas-aa
tu - - a I AIT SB 1TJV la 4y s B TsTSTaBBkiBS tisa VaV 441S aja B B Will
axaraei. I ot.rt ta finish and hail ta aall at fiaruraa
jmlw i unit, june w.-iuai Aivi otana- I atraar to a nickel lower, rough an ex.
ard copper, weak; spot. SU-76v? 12.10; July, I treme heaviea moving at the low prices
August and September, tU.7btjl2.ffl. Lon-1 While movement waa at no time active
don, quiet; spot, 154 lvs: futures, fro 2 td. I cloning rounds were decidedly dull, the
Arrivals reported at New York, KO tons; 1 market finishing weak at yesterday' aver-
custom noub returns snow exports 01 140 I age.
una, maamg i3,n lor mis roonin. Lake 1 A large snare 01 receipt went at IS.
eopper. U.624iFL2.ll7; electrelytio, 112.AJ 1. 10. aa compared with much the same
12.50, and casting, 111 12V?1217 spread In prices yesterday, lops advanced
TIN Strong; spot, 23.2ji3.50; July and" to H.2&, the best light bog sailing at this
August. $23. mt4 11.50; Heptember, 31 15t figure.
13.50. Bales, five tons spot, at l'U.30. Lon- The demand at that price was limited to
don. strong; spot, ilu 10s; futures. 151 6a. on or two load and other light hog just
trill k'lpni- annt 44 SimbM CD Van Vml,. k. ..11 ... - 1 . .
mi -r : .. at, 1 .... I . T .... t..n i.. 1,4 1 . a uai
V-a.M-TB. I 'lBI k, miumi mmiAVtA, avw, - - . eSB pjOIUtJi
1" - - I W. A. at. .
or&i.iDn rirmrt .i, rsrw I . . , .
v i- . c .v,.l Arrtz i ... . cj. t i - v , I p ... -
luta, BO.WIUW.VI7B, Sata Oh SJVUla. 1AIOUOO,
IRON-Unchanged; 4K Id for Cleveland 1 ia
warrants tn London, i n local market was
quiet. No. 1 foundry northern. Ill botjlt.fci; M.
no. x, ii4.4Wi ; no. t southern and No. I zi.
1 southern, sort. 1ax1b.7b.
Caffaa Market.
market for oof fee futures opened steady at
a deciln of five point on July but gen
eral I r unchanged to on point higher In
sympathy with steady French cables.
There was very little business during th
day, but July ' recovered It Initial ksa In
th abseno of Important offerings and
price generally held steady, with th cloa
qu.ot. net unchanged t 1 point higher.
Sale were reported of 1 400 bags. Closing
bid follow: July, 40e; August, 445c; Bp
tembar. October. November aad December.
4 74tt!: January, t ne: February. 4 74c: March. I 47
4 74c- Anrll A7n. and Mav. 74. 1 44
Owing to th holiday there war no cable
from Uraail. Havre closed unchanged to I
frane hl-hr; Hamburg, V. hluner to H 1 1J "'
pfg. lower. New York warehouse deliveries I
jcatsniK, b.p oaa aiawnt 0.000 last
year. Spot, steady; Rla Na. 7, S4c: Bantu.
No. 1 4e; mlid, quiet, Oardova. ttfU".
Oaaaha Hay Marka.
OMAHA. June 10. HAT No. 1. WO: No.
1. I.' 5o; rarking. KsO; new, 110 oa Btraw;
Wheat, 4 W; r and oat. 17.0. Alfalfa,
iu w.
Ill 44 I 44
417 444 4 t
.....117 120 I 44
274 ... 4 4"
404 ... 144
44 44 I 4k
241 44 I 40
4U SB 4 44
24 44 IN
244 M I 44
Ill 44 4 44
444 44 4 44
24 40 4 44
174 44 I 44
431 44 I 44
44 ... t 44
, 14 ... 4 4Z-
441 44 4 43
Ikl 11 I K
1-14 It I 44
474 ... I 44
, 444 ... 4 44
241 ... ( 44
, 444 ... I 44
444 44 I 44
SA 114 4 44
274 to 4 M
...n 44 144
...444 144 I 44
...B4 ... 4 44
...14 144 47
...1 M4 ( 47
...t4 1st 4 4?
...461 ... 4 47
...HO MS 4 44
...Sal ... 4 BB
...444 ... 4 OS
...4a4 4 as
...xs 04 t 44
...46 44 4 44
...24 44 1 44
No. At. Ilk. Pr.
M Bl ... 144
74. 144 ... M
74 M7 ... 144
71 IS) .i 4 04
21 ... 4 44
4t .rt ... 0
44 rt ... I 04
40 174 404 4 64
47 444 44 4 t
Tt. ...... .294 40 4 4t
44 t7 ... 4 44
44 tf t 40 4 44
44 24 44 4 44
41 tat ... 144
44 Ml 44 4 44
14 2S 44 I 44
44.... ....ikl ... I 44
.144 124 4 44
44 44
I 44
... I 41
44 4 44
44 I 44
40 4 04
BUI 2J4 I 44
......144 ... t 44 '
t 144 1 44
44 44 4 04
44 ... 104
... H4 44 4
M4 44 1 44
Si4 MB 4 44
JIM 144 4 07
m ... 4 14
IU 44 1 1
144 44 '4 14
HI ... 4 14
M 114 104
as 4 ia
04 It
Refined Sonar 1b Advanced.
NEW YORK. June 30. All grades of re
fined fuc:ir were advanced lo cent a 10C
pounds today.
Iloaae aad Store Flooded Became
Taps Are Left Opea When
Treasure- Is Low.
ABERDEEN, S. D., June SO. (Sneclal.)
The wattr pressure in Aberdeen. 1e danger
ously lovf, so low that the city water com
missioner has lpsued orders restraining
property owners from watering- fhelr lawns
except nt certain hours, and not mere than
one hour, early In the morr.infr and an
hour In the evening. The pressure Is at
times so low that water falls, for a short
time, to run through the hydrants during
the time the lawns are being watered. At
a result cf this two disasters have been re
ported. A careless clerk turned a tap in
a local dry goods sloTe. No water flow
ing, the lap was Jeft turned on. After tlio
sure closed, the demand 'on the water
supply lessoned, and the water overflowed,
damaging .about $2.0(1 woitli of coods.
About the same time Mr. and Mrs. Morgan
II. Jones were preparing to leave th city
for a week's visit in other towns. Thn
tap was turned In the lavatory, but no
water gushed forth, and they, too. forgot
to turn off the tap. When, they returned
home they found the house flooded front
the second floor to the basement. Rugs
wearing apparel and furniture were ruined,
platter had fallen off the ceilings and th
floors were so badly warpt .1 they will hava
to be replaced.
7.1 0
H. two
2. 014)
4 4
.15,400 43,600 21.300
Paator of Holy Family Charrh at
MltcheU Takes Leave at taa-B-reavatloa.
MITCHELL. & D.. June 30. (Speclal.)
Rev. Father J. J. Shea, pastor of tha Holy
Family Catholic church, ha b4en granted
a year' leave of abseno from his church
duties In this city, and will leave next
week for a trip to Canada, where be will
Join a party of friend for- a tour of
Europe, at th end of which tiro h will
return to Canada, and tn all probability will
spend th remainder of hi day there.
Father Bhea was given a farwIl reotp-
ftaale d Faacy Prod ace Price Far-
wished by Mayer aad holeealera.
BUTT LR Creamery, No. L delivered to ' tlon by 400 members of tha church, at
w hich lie was presented with a gold watch
a a testimonial of th affection th
parishioners felt for him. He bas been th
lha ratail traue. in 1-ln. carton. 2nc: No. 1,
In 24-lb. tuba, 2Jtc; No. 2. in 1-lb. cartons
ho. In 40-10. tuba, 27c; packing stock, feoild
pack, wmc; ttaary, ui w-iu. tuua, aiai
kct changes every Xuesoay.
Cilki.b-1 wlua, lie; young Amencaa,
Uc; tuuay, 17sc; u-ipieta. l.lac. Lmoerger.
lso; No. 1 brick. 17c; No. 1. 14c; uupoited
Swiss, Doc; domestic twin, Uc
POL'L'iKr Dresaed brouera, 0c; hen
14c; cock. llVxc; ouuk. lac; geese, Uc; tur
key, soc; pigeon, per ooa., aisv, uuuier
squabs, i Oo per tloa.; fancy muaba, 4.6
per Qua. ; io. i, ia.ou per sua. auvb: jrou
era. from 1 to 1V lbs., lac; 1 to 2 iba..
lc; bans, 12c; old rooster a, c; ducks, full
featnered, c; geeae, iuii leauiereo. c. lur
key. isu; guinea tuwis, 2mc eacn; pigeons.
IwC per ooa.; uouiers, .w per uwa, Bidiaawa,
is. J, iov per do.; No. 2. boc
FI&U tail trosen PickereL 10c; whit
fish, 14c; pike. Uc; trout. 14c; large crap
pies, lixvlc; bpanish luaukei'ei, lac; eel, lac;
haddock, lie; llwundars, Uc; gretm catfian.
14c; buffalo, 6c; hahbut. lie; whil rcA,
le; hulibaada, lAoi wiiiia cat, Uc; rottsiiad.
41 each: shadroe. par pair, toe. fxog lega
l.6: . ... .. v.. .
A4k.Al 4U xviwa- ,-n. 1. Tkc; ira. a
14o; No. 1. ic Loins: No. L lac; No. t
14c; No. i, lu-ic Chuck: No. 1. 4i,c; No. a,
k.c: No. 1. fveu. Kouna: No. L llc; No. Z.
. ... . . i . . . . x... i ri ... t.
Xio; -u. a, oieu. i .,.,. . w. a. tsw, itv. a.
Uu-: MO. A One.
FRUITS Oranges: California Camilla
brand Iteoiana navels, so sixa, per oex. ti.uv;
100 ise, per box, o.&; Ls hixe, per box,
14.00; 150 si, 64.25; 174 and smaller slsea.
aer Lex. at.uu. nivans acuuerraouo
sweets. 126-111 ixea, per box, U-tai; 14 and
150 sisas, per box, W.25to.o; extra fancy
Mediterranean sweet, per box, 1.50. ;6;
Valencia. -lXt-U sizes. 14.50: 15w and
ftmailer aires, 14-74. Lemon: Liaioiiara,
extra fancy. -m sixes, 4.04.oo, choice,
tiaB0 Biaes. par box. lb OKV-a-Mi; 440 slxa, fcoc
per box leaa. Banana: Fancy select, iter
bunch, W2baI60; jumbo, bunch, 12 751.75.
Pmeapple: r lorlda, o-l alasa, li.00; 42-411
tike. 2.75iaa.Oa Cantaloupes: California,
I alsa, WOO; 4a standard, 14.60. Cberriea:
California, per 10-lb. box, 11.7b. AprlcoU:
California, per 4-baakst era la. (1-60. Plums:
Calitoruta. red, per 4-baskt era la, IL40.
Feacbe; California, per v-lb. box. II. 10;
triumpn, pr box, 11.2a, Watermelon:
laxaa, 2c - par In. Date: Anchor brand,
new. M 1-lb. packages. In box, per box,
VEGETALLlia Potato: Irish, Wiscon
sin And native, per bu., sOm-kuo. new. In
Back a. per bu.. 11 IA Cabbage: New Cali
fornia and southern, per lb., le. Onion :
Tex Crystal wax. per crate, 12.00; yellow,
par crata, 11.76. Uarlia: Extra fancy, whit.
Par lb., lie; red, per lb., Ike Lgg Plant:
aney Florida, par dos., Sl-5o2.ou. Toma
to: Tsxaa. per 4-baaket crate. 11.15. Bean:
fciulng and wax. per hamper, about 2 Iba,
12 60; markt baskets. 11.00. Cucumbers:
Hot ho use, per dot., 6uitic; Vex, par
bu. hex. 11.7b.
labaan Extra fancy boma-grown, per do,
bunches, 2u& Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf,
per do., OOo. Parsley; Fancy homa-grawa.
per do, buncha. sue Khubarh: per do,
huncha. 46c. Aaparagus: Per Sua bunches,
4baybuc. Onions: Oreen, per dos. bunches,
xbc Turnip: Per markav basket toe. Car.
rota: par market basket. ibTi, r.eeta: l'er
market baaaet. C54r76c aptaach: Par buslial,
U lb., soc Pea i Orean, par laarket bas
ket. uc.
MISCELLANEOU8 WslnuUi Black, per
pastor of the Mitchell church for twelve
year, and a year ago completed th con
struction of a magaifloant church building
t a cost of over PO.004. He began his
work a priest In this slat thirty years
ago, going first to Lead, tiienc to Emmet t,
la Union county, from there to Huron
and thenc to DeSmet, coming to Mitchell
from th latter point. HI work In Mitch ail
ha been successful.
Ask ta Hava lit Ta.Be RalateaU
ABERDEEN, 8. Ia,. June 2u SilaX
J. L. Browne, former peaker of lb South
Dakota uu house of repraaantativr and
a prominent busina man of Aberdeao.
furnlahed a good exam pi to oilier business
men when h appeared before th city
boerd of qualisatloa tins week and asked
that body to raise bis personal property'
assessment In lb city from 1100 tu li.uW.
explaining that be had been ana eared too
low and did not feel h would b paying
nia just proportion of taxes under Lbs -eeaor'a
Th Longest Continuous Douhl Track
System In the World, under one manage
ment 1 th Orand Trunk Railway Bysbtm
from Chicago to Montreal and to Niagara
Falls. Th Graad Trunk-Lehlgh Valley
doubl track rout' via Niagara Fall
reach from Chicago to New York.
Descriptive litaratura, timetable, etc.,
will be mailed free on application to W. .
Cookson. A. O. P. A. Orand Trunk Ran way
By stem, 13 Adams St, Chicago.
Speoausts In
Odd. Lots
Through us jroat can bow buj
stocks oa trrtxlit aavdar tta Arraatj;e.
mnt by which yon will not loa
tbeto on nuvrket breaks.
ad for Olrtmla If a. IA, Odd Xst
Malabar Maw Yerk Bteak Sxahaag.