Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Better Bargains Than Evor in
IW 0
m ji
United Manufacturers Stock Sale
Big Purchase of
r mm
L M r
Specials in Sheet and Pillow Case Department
New Store Basement:
Size .04x00 Bleached Sheets,
made from good quality
sheeting; 30c values; 200
dozen for AVednes- y C
day's sale, each. ... JC
Pillow Tubing Odd lengths in desirable widths; fine pil
low tubing, worth 18c yard from the bolt. They are in
lengths suitable for making pillow cases A
Special for Wednesday, at, yard. .. . . IUC
Wednesday, from 11 A. H. to 2 P. H.
We place these special bargains on sale for three hours
.Wednesday. These sales will appeal to Omaha business
women, because they come at convenient hours for shopping
Special attention to customers in all departments at these
Dutch and Middy Collars, in crochet and Venise, fancy lace
jabots; some with real Irish crochet and real cluny lace ef
fects; also Oriental and val. lace effects; new black satin
Dutch Collars with Persian and white (? yfl CI
frill, many worth $1.00, each, at DC-fC
Women's Sheer, All Pure Linen Handkerchiefs
Hand needlework initials encircled with wreath, dainty one
corner designs, fancy blocked and barred effects; fl
many worth 2oc, each, at MszC
Women's Fine Ribbed Undervests and Drawers
Lace trimmed, umbrella knee, regular 25c quality; f (
also Comfy-Cut Vests, with can't slip strips, ea., at. .1C
Women's Fine Imported Lisle Thread Hose
Plain and embroidered; black, tan and colors; double garter
tops, high spliced heel, double sole and toe, at
3 for $1.00 Per pair 35c
A special bargain in notion department 11 to 2,
per pair, at JrC
Back Combs and Side Combs Big variety of
styles; always sell at 25c, in notion department,
5 SPECIALS IN DRUG DEPT.-ll a. m. to 2 p. m.
uUc Java Kice j
Powder, at UC
i I 15c Cham
Tooth Pwdr. . ois,
Next Tuesday Last Untrimmed Hat Sale of the Season
Entire slock of a well known manufacturer, including
horsehair, chip, Milan and Tuscan shapes vf
in Millinery Dept.-ON SALE TUESDAY at. ..T-f.C
TION has paid its members Six Per Cent per annum
for the past 27 years, and today is better prepared
than ever to protect and foster the interest of it
Try a saving account with
payments or lump sum not over
other information.
ASSETS, 53,600,000. RESERVE FUND, $64,000.
Address. 16th and Dodsre Streets: Omaha. Nlv
Sixth Annual Convention
Associated Ad Clubs
Meet with America's business creator
Wo bought a manufacturer's sur
plus stock and show room samples of
embroidery and lace trimmed petti
coats. They were made to sell up to
$3.00; two special groups at '
98c and $1.50
Combination Undermuslins
All the manufacturer's samples cor
set covers and drawers and corset
cover nnd skirts combined in one
garment, embroidery and lace trim
111 W , A X
made to sell up
to $2.50 a suit
at ..
Large size Bleached Sheets; size
84x99; they are Beamlesa, nicely
hemmed and rdady to use; free
from filling; regular C9c values,
one dozen limit to m g
each customer, Wed- 12
nesday, at.
25c Sanitol Face
Cream, at
- A I 25c Lilac
9c i Talcum, at,... 6c
Cet cqulppe-1 dental offlca in tlio middle west. Highest
grade dentistry at reasonable prices. Porcelain filling! just
like the Uoili. All lumruiueuu tarefully bterillxed after eacli
Corner lOlh and Farnam Streets.
it, $1 to $25 accepted in monthly
$5,000. Ask for Booklet " A" and
July 18. 19 and 20
Hj To Stamo
Red Letter Day Wednesday
Great Pre-Inventory Sales
A combination of two powerful store attractions,
making the most intensely interesting shopping day of
the naif year. All over the store pre-lnventory bar
gains are offered. Wherever we have too many goods
of a certain line, out they go at a mark down. Special
red letter day offers everywhere.
10 8. & II.
Wonderful Red
Imported Scotch Madras Very
good 25c materials, in light col
ors. The very thing for cool
house dresses. All are highly
pleasing, striped patterns. Red
letter day price, i9-l
per yard, at lu2 C
Best Dress Ginghams Goods you
know to be reliable; such as 15c
Tolle du Nords and Bates' Seer
sucker; strlpo ginghams the
standard American m i
lines, at 2fC
Pre-lnventory Bargains in Women's Wear
A choice lot of Light Lawn Dresses that are as trim and dainty as any
we have seen. Thin and sheer in fabric, trimmed with polka dot border
or bands, and with lace at neck. They are fresh and crisp; ready to
put on and wear, at ..g4 95
Linen and Kep Hults Natural linens and pink, blue or lavender rep
cloths; all new coat suits with pleated skirts; until now $10, at $5
Lawn Dresses Pretty light colors, with neat figures, low neck and
short sleeves, with lace and insertion trimming; tunic skirt effect
nOW at . r ril
I'ongeo Coats The ideal summer
wrap for evenings, for vacation
trips, etc.; full length, $20.00
coata, for $10.00
Bathing Suits Dark colors; navy
or black only; high and low neck
styles, now at
$2.25 $2.95 $3.50 $3.05
AVhite Waists 60o Handsome new
lingerie waists, artistically de
signed with yokes and
fronts; every one $1.25 quality,
and each is fresh and clean 89 (
Notion Day
Dutoh Xilnan Tap, assorted sizes to
bunch of six pieces lOo
Bait Mas, assorted sheets, worth fie.
st 3 for Bo
Maohlns Thread, 200-yd., all numbers.
Iilack or white, at for So
Bon Supporters for women and chil
dren, pin or pad style, all colors lOo
Darning Cotton, spool lo
Nainsook Dress Shields lOo
Colored FlnlBhlno- Braid .... S for So
Silk Garter Slastlo, fancy frill, all
colors, yard i 16o
A Red Letter Day Commotion in
You can choose from either batiste or coutil. There'B a model for your
own particular needs, in any size up to 30. They are nicely made and
have hose supporters; standard dollar makes; very desirable hot wea
ther corsets, for 69
Another lot extra long Corsets, in light batiste, with fine supporters
now at, each $1.00
Double S. & H. Green Trading Stamps All Day
Wednesday on Linens, Domestics, White Goods, Etc;
Also a few strong specials that "stick out" prominently in the mass of
under price merchandise that fills the store this week.
35c Bleached Table
Damask, at
7 He Bleached Crash
Toweling, at
14c Large Huck
Towels, at
12 He Turkish Towels,
big ones, at
$1.25 Hemmed Bed
Spreads, at
. . tOc
Sale of 500 pairs (tood, solid, all
Russia Calf, two-strap Sandals;
with, heavy stitched sole. A very
exceptional opportunity to buy
unity to bu
splendid, 98c San
dals, in sizes 5 to
8, 8 Mi to 11 and
11 H to 2, at.
Grocery Specials for Wednesday and Thursday
Bennett's Breakfast Cof
fee. 2 lb. can. always
48 cents, for Oo
Bennett's Ideal Coffee. 26
cents usually, fur . .800
Bennett's Kxcelslor Flour
24 lb sack for TSo
Bennett's Teas, assorted
kinds. 48c quality 380
Tea Hlftlngs. usually 16
cents, lb. pkg. tor ISO
Capitol Country Gentle
man Corn, can . ...llo
and 10 stamps.
Snlder's Pork and Beans,
2 cans for HOo
and 10 stamps.
Snlder's Cocktail Sauce.
per bottle 8oo
nnd 10 stumps.
Plamoiid C Soap, sight
bars for 860
Cheese. Virginia 8h.
per pound 8 So
and HO stamps.
Bennett's Capltbl Extract
per bottl ISO
and 20 stamps.
Wonder Wax, bo pack
ate. 12 for 8So
York Violet Toilet Soap.
3 cakes for 8oo
and 10 stamps.
Crackers, any make, per
package lOo
and 10 stamps.
Double stamp on Gran
ulated Uugar.
OaUlard Olive Oili
Small site 84o
and 20 stamps.
Medium slse 43o
and 60 stamps.
Large slxe T&d
and 100 stamps.
Macaroni. Star and Cres
cent. pkga for ....86o
and 10 stamps.
Diamond 8 Crystal Salt.
14 lb. sack 80o
to everybody. You can have as
many complimentary sots of 10
stamps as you have books. Bring
your books with you.
Letter Day Offer
High Grade Wash Materials to
Close 39c and 50c siut and cot
ton mixed goods, 45-inch linen
Buitlngs, French Ginghams, and
several other lines of the better
sorts; take your fft
pick, at IOC
Clearing Silks Several thousand
yards plain and fancy silks
new, up-to-date goods, and well
worth 50c and 69c a yard, to
hurry them out before stock tak
ing, we offer them
, Lonjr Kimonos Nothlna adds an
materially to a woman's sum
mer comfort as a thin, loose
kimono We have pretty crepe
garments, in floral and Oriental
patterns and border trimmed
specially priced at $1.00
Nainsook Corset Covers Dainty
sheer material, in one-piece
French) back style; narrow, fine
lace or embroidery edge and rib
bon run through 25J
Fed Letter Daj in
Here's the biggest 10c worth n writ
ing papers you ever bought Very
fine quality, worth to 60c a box .
24 sheets and 24 4nn
envelopes for XVrSl.
And 10 Stamps
Decorated Kapklns, one hundred lOo
And 10 Stamps
Xinnoh Faper, one roll 10o
And 10 Stamps
Two Loach Beta, for picnic parties.
at lOo
And 10 Stamps
Three Distinct Models in
Summer Corsets and Alt
Good Dollar Values
12 He India Llnon, hi
special, at , I 2C
15c Pillow Cases, i
special, at IljC
65c Bleached, 9x4 TA
Sheets, at 0UC
14c Bleached Cambric, 0L
3G-inch, at JJjC
12 He Silkolines, all new 7L
patterns, at 2'
Next Saturday,
at Bennett's
in the house, regardless of
cost or former price; one
day only, July 2d.
Armour's Veribet Kilted
Dried Beet fur ....ISO
snd 10 stamps.
Munsica jtapar.uiil tile
mi no csn xur
iiu u stumps.
Ullleus Miibiu u, Jut re
jsr lor 4a
aim lo Htuiups.
ilai'm.un'n lr received
ttiusiei. can SOo
Jap Kice. iu Quality, u
pounus for 8So
loppy Condensed jklliK.
tf cam tor o
Moulds .Noodles, Maca
roni, Spatfiieui, pkg. feo
Fels JNaptiilia boap, six
(or Soo
Castile Toilet fcoap, 1
for SSo
Pk-kles, assorted, st. per
botilo so
Sterling Cornstarch, lb.
package for 4e
8. W. C. Table Hyiup.
12 He cans for loo
Tan shoes are always popular dur
ing the summer season. Tan is an
Ideal leather for low cut shoes. Al
ways stylish and always smart.
We're showing oxfords,
and one and two-eyelet ties,
ankle strap pumps, in the
new shades of tan, that are
very handsome. Short vamps
and hdgh Cuban heels. Every
size and width.
Tan footwear never looked as beau
tiful as it does this season, In our
new low cut summer models.
16 th and Douglas Sts.
Bottlo of Wino
Until July 4th
To every one that purchases
a quart or more of
Hitler's Brand Whisky
Up to the 4th of July we are
going to give absolutely
You know if it comes from
Ililler's, it must be good.
Mail Orders Given Prompt
fh oi
Buy from the biggest stock
and get the best wind cheap
est fireworks. You can't buy
these as cheap. No selection
in town like this:
XX Tigu 64 count 2c
Gold Chop 52 count 2c
2V Ball Candle 5(
8-oz Sky Rockets 5c
54 Torpedoes, box ... lc
Kilgore Ammunition
three for 10 C
Fireworks Headquarters
204-206 North 16th Street
Dozens of .Brands
of Standard Whiskies
Per Quart Bottle
Maryland Rye Wlilokey, '6 years old
per uuart bottle, 7 So.
Tennessee White Corn (moonshine)
whiskey, per (juart bottle, 7jc.
S-Year-Old Kentucky Bourbon Whis
key, per gallon, 3; per quart, 11.00,
Home Mads Grape Wine, red or white,
per gallon, (1.00.
If you can't come, telephone.
Wine Merchants.
131 So, leth St., Opposite Fostofflce.
Both Phones.
Fort tieorce now . startles on main
line of Uraud Trunk Pacific Ity., und on
Hup of sis other railroads projected and
Kurt Ueorce ts geographical snd stra
trulc Commercial (enter of British Co
lumbia aud metropolis of an luluiid Kin
plre larger thau the states of Minnesota
snd lows.
Fort (ieorpe Is at Junction of ods thou
sand miles of navlfishle waterways. Mil
lions of acres of aplendld farm In if lauds,
besides unlimited timber, mineral aud
coal resources, are trlbutury.
One hundred million dollars will be
pent In next three years In railroad
biilldlutt alone. By the summer of lull
twenty-nve thousand men with psy roll
of one hundred thousand dollars per day,
will be employed lo lbs vlclulty of Fort
We are joint owners sod sols agents for
Fort Ueorge Tout unite. The overuuieut
Insures aud guarantees title to lots and
owns ooe-quarter of them.
Write us quick for maps, plans sad
full Infornuttloa shout fortuue-luiiklofr op
portunities st Kort George, also about
er upper Fraser Valley farms.
natural Kssonrces Security Co., &t&
a Wlaea Sloe, Vancouver, m. O.
July sth This
Store Will Olose
at 3 P. M.
at 10 r. K.
Summer Underwear and Hosiery
25c Hose 12Vc-Children's
seamless hosiery, -big line
for your selection.
50c Hose at 25c Ladies'
silk lisle hose, great snap at
sale price.
Children's Parasols; values
to 75c, hig assortment in
Wednesday's sale
at..lOc, 19c, 25c, 39c
Embroideries Less Than Half
Mill End Strips of Beautiful Edged, Flouncinfrn, Insertions,
Corset Cover Embroideries, Etc., from to 0 yards In length,
at most delightful bargain prk-es.
3tt for Edges and Insertlnga, actual value to 10c a yard.
5t for Edges and Insertlngs, actual values to 15c a yard.
74 for Edges and In3ertings, actual value to 20c a yard.
12 Vat toT Edges and Insertlngs, actual values to 30c yard.
Edges. Flounclngs and Corset Cover Embroideries, values up to
60c a yard, choice .X9
27 and 45-lnch Skirt Flounclngs, actual values up to $1.25; on
sale Monday, at 49
1,000 Beautiful Was!) Dresses Wednesday
In Two Great Lois
Very Newest Summer Styles
$5.00 and $6.00 Dresses, $1.95
Pretty lingeries, ginghams,
linens, etc.; dainty designs;
all colors, and come in sizes
14,16,34,36,38 Gr
and 40, at . ..y)liUU
$10.00 Summer .Dresses, $2.95
Beautiful lawns, batistes,
lingeries; daintily trimmed
with fine laces and insertions
and tucks; in white and colors
actual values to Jrt Qf"
$10.00, choice, at. . ..yi w3
Women's Colored Princess Slips
Regular $3.50 values, slightly soil
ed, while they last, at.... $1.50
$15.00 Silk Suits, $20.73 Elegant
Rajah and Pongee Tailor Suits, In
natural, black and colors; beautiful
designs; actual values to $45.00
now at $29.75
$25.00 Taffeta and Foulard Silk Dresses,
$10.00 150 of them in the lot; the sea
son's very choicest designs and colorings,
not a garment worth less than $18 and
up to $25, your choice $10.00
Wednesday Specials
19c Oreandies: cood
assortment, per yard,
at 12V4
15c Organdies, per yd.,
at 100
36-inch French Per
cales; a good line of
colors and patterns,
regular price 15c
Tuesday, rer yard
at 10c
all good
ular price
yard, at
27-inch Shirting Ging
hams; regular price
12 c, per yard, now
at 8V
36-lnch Bleached Mus
lin, always sells at
10c, per yard, 7H
Some Special Bargains That Will Enable You to Reduce
Your Living Expenses
A No. 1 B. F. Japan Tea, worth
$1.00 a lb. only Oc
A special blended Tea, worth 60c
a lb.,. nothing better for ice tea
at, only
Tea Dust, only, lb 12 He
Golden Santos Coffee, lb 15c
H. B. C. Coffee, excellent cup
quality, at 80c
The Pineapple season will soon be
over, therefore, you will not
make a mistake by buying now.
We have several choice ones at,
Be, 7 He, 8 He, 10c and 12 He
Per Dozen, now at
CBc, 85c, 05c, $1.10 and $1.33
1 Bee
July 6th Tula
Store Will Close
at ft r. M.
t io r. m.
n i
The bargain getting power of ready
cash was never more clearly shown.
Ladies' Fine Lisle VestsAlso fine cot
ton and mercerized; U5c, 35c and 50c
values, white and all colors, regular
and extra sizes; on sale at,
choice... 9c, lS'L-t', 19c
Ladies' Union Suit?, values
up to $1.00, lisle and mer
cerized, regular or extra
sizes on sale,
nt....25c, 39c and 19c
Children's Muslin Drawers,
in all sizes 1 to 112, hem
stitched, tucked and ruffled
worth up to 25c, on sale
at, per pair 10c
$1.00 Night Gowns, 49c
A big lot of men's and
boys' fine cambric and
nainsook gowns in all
sizes 12 to 20; well made,
full size, extra long, $1.00
values at 49c
in the Domestic Room
27-ln. Mercerized Fou
lards; In all colors;
25c vaiucs, per yard,
at ....12W
81x90 Sheers; regular
price 7Cc, each j9
Regular 19c Towels -
each, at 12 H
Remnants of Towel
ing at just about half
colors, reg
19c, per
. . . ,12i
Very choice Apricots, per basket,
now at ,40c
Per Crate of 4 basicetd ....$1.10
Special Prices on Vegetables
New Peas, quart 3c
New Wax or Green Beans, lb. 7 He
Large heads Cauliflower, each
now at 5c
3 bunches Beets, Carrots or Tur
nips, at 3c
4 bunches Green onions Bo
3 heads Lettuce Be
5 bunches Leaf Lettuce ...... Be
8 bunches radishes Be
Large Cucumbers, each Be
New Potatoes, lb 2c
New Cabbage, lb He
I Jr
Engraved Stationery
Wmtlding Jnrf ration Announcmmmnt
v'iM.tini CrW
All Mrrect form in current octl uiuifi nrravod
in the beat manna mnd punctually dalivwM when
Embossed Monogram Stationery
mad ohr work ocutod at pricoc lower than usually
prevail lMWDre.
A. I. ROOT, Incorporated
1210-1212 Hawtrd St. PUmD. 104
Best lor Snorts