it A. TIIE BKE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1910. -V 4 ! : GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET weather Conditions Are Not prored in Northwest. Im- PRICES AEE BEINO FORCED UP (ora Greatly Imprt4 by flat a, bat Tradlag la It U ftUfgfcl Wheat llrld Same Price Oirii to tba Urr "pell. creased M.OOO bu. Total. 1'nlted Ststes and Canada, decreased 2.2.17,000 lu. aiiobi ior and In Europe, decreased 1.WO.O00 bu. Total American and European supply decreased I7, bu. Coin. I nlted mates ana i n- sda. decreased. 444.UOO bu. Oal. I nitea State and Canada, decreased. 136.""0 bu. Tha leading Increases and decreaaea re ported thta week follow: inrrrr. a- u. Worth. l'A.Om bu.; (Joderlrh, ). bu. le- cteaaea, Manitoba, 110.009 bu. OMAHA. June 28. 1810. Wtatber condition In ine northwest hava not lmpioved and holders ot lung wheat aie uoi anxious to tako profit aa long aa present conditions exist. Karh day brliiKa rrnewtd buying orders, and with ilia mu lt, i bare ot offerings advance ara shai p. Coin baa been greatly benefited by la cent rains, which should indue holders to sell. No heavy break la looked lor, however, until wheat has a setback. the same situation confronted wheat luilns attain today, no in the dry auctions o the s'liing wheat district, i he opening advance was sharp and some pi of It taking eased valuea -off from the high point, but unleaa good rains are re '.ivd values will work hikher. The coin market was aott and weaker today In lace of a strong wheat maiKt-t Keporn from the entlra torn belt m bearish, owlna to the very favorab.e a rowing -weather. The advance In wheal i- ti,o only auslainitik feature. Primary wheat receipts were IVT.OO buh ela and shionu'nta were 217,OuO busnel, af.i:!ii receipts last year of ,000 busnels and shipments of 2u0.ot bushels. I'l Imary corn recelpta were iw'J.OOO bushels and shipments were .0uo busnels. against receipts last year of tot.ouo buahala and uhlmiients of Ml l0 bushel. nirnrM were lo.ouo bushels of corn, t,iM bushels of oats and wheat and fiour equal to 16,000 DUBlieia. Liverpool closed Vti to lHd higher on wheat and Wd lower on corn. Local range ot optional Artlcle. Open. High. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat July... Sept... Corn July... Sept... Oats-July... BepL.. 9.1 - M M 2 I Wft W4 -H 2j 65 KK &o bir 87 I 37 37 V M 16 M W Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 helil. 34lffc; No. I hard, 'afoiMir- No. 4 hard. IvtlWc: No. 2 spring sparse; 1 spring, twuc; No. 2 durum, No. 2 durum, lisiiioc. COKN No 2 while, toe; No. 2 white, i to1c; No. 4 white, S.iUoil'fcc; iMO. 2 yeuow, h.- in x vellow. Bo'mi.oOc: No. 4 yellow. M&roc; No. 2, b6Wc; No. 2, 663 6c; no giade, 421,51c. OATS iNo. 2 white, 2e36c; No. 4 white, UUilU' No. 4 vellow 3(i,14'AC. lUKLEY-Na 4. 44fe4c: No. 1 feed, 43 tiW, rejected, Huilc. KIE-No. 2. 7ro73cj No. 2, BSilC. " lail ueeelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago 19 39) 1M Alimu-apolia 128 Omaha 1 Uuhuh 67 'as . CHICAGO CRA1. ASU PROVISION Feat area of the Trading; and Closing Prices ou Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, June 28. Suspicion popped out today that stock and Jobbing Interests have been Influencing the wheat market lor er feet on aecuritlea. As a result grain prices were extremely nervous and In vtntors sold during all bulgea. Neverthe 1 kh, hot, dry weather In tha northwest caused further advances, and each wen further than the ona that preceded. The ' clone, too, was firm and at ltttlHo net higher.' All other staples headed In the oi'poKlt direction, corn finishing unchanged to Vac lower; oata, unchanged to He lower, and hog products down Muc. . Crop experts In the spring wheat dla- trict added to the (calamity talk aa a rule, but a few made more temperate aanertlona than formerly. It was noticed that tha firm which haa bought wheat here tha most .freely In the last three or four days, was a heavy seller throughout the session. U'luropeao marketst were mainly higher, but showed no Indication of excitement con cernlns a Ruaaion cholera report that taught tha attention of tha crowd In the final hour, and was an element In bringing About the top quotations of the day. Trad ers quickly changed their minds as to the importance or the news irom hub nrir, muhim an average of Kc. but cloa Ing firm because of high temperatures and reported atiH worse conditions in North Dakota. September ranged from 21.W to ll.fCVi. closing WlHc up ai There was a great ow ol cuuuuy Blu ing of small lots of corn. September functu atlons were 6c and 60c, with the close Vie off at 69Tc. The caah market was weak. No. 2 yellow ftntfhed at 604( - In oats the disposition to take profits was pronounced; Price limits for the September delivery were 28fi39c, with last sales at SsHi&SS'V a net decline of V4C To offset a heavy tone, packers bid per . aiatently for July pork. At the wlndup that option was off only Be. as against 25c for September. Lard and ribs finished 10 lfic below the previous close. Leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. High. Low. Close. Tes'y. WATIIER IS THIS URAI BKLT Indicatives tor Kalr and lostlssea Warm la This Vletaltr. OMAHA. June 28. 1910. R.ina ware ceneral within the last twen- tv-fnur hours In the middle snd lower Mis sissippi valley, the Ohio valley, lower lake region ana can to ine Aiianuc i-yuai, ,nu rains are falling this morning in rew iora. Ivnnsylvanla ana ine insinci oi toiumoia. rhe ralna were veiy neavy joiii in mt OTiio and tower lisaiasippi vaurys. ine falls varying from one to nearly iwo incnes in Ohio, Indiana ana southern Illinois ana over two Inches In Arkansas. ine oniy appreciable precipitation occurring in tue west within the laat twenty-four hours was litf'tt slioners In Colorado, isew Mexico i nd northern Arlsona. o marked cnange lit temperature has occurred in any urn lion since the preceding report. A very slight but generaJ rise la ehon over the valleys west or the Miaaissippi river ana mrous"- out the mountain region ana northwest. and alightiy cooler vwatner prevails over the locr lakVa i i!d tha Ohio and lower MiftKlanlppi valleys ner precipitation was general. The weather will continue fair and warm In this vicinity tonight and V edneaday. The minimum temperature ana precipi tation compared with the laat three years: liu. uw. isvs. 1WI. Minimum temperatura .... 6 1'ieclultation W .Ki .01 .00 Normal temperature lor toaay, is aexreee. Deficiency iu precipitation ainoe March 1, 10. OH Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in iw 1.4ii inches. . Kxeess corresponding period in ira, l.fc'j inches. L. A. WELSH, Local rorecaster. Corn aud Wheat llegloa Bnlletln. For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at a. m.. 75tb meridian time, Tuesday, June 23, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT, Stations. Temp.- Max. Ashland, Neb Auburn, Neb li ken Bow, Neb. Columbus, Neb... Culbertson, Neb.. fun bury. iseb... Kairtnunt. Neb... Gr. Island, Neb.. Hartlngton, Neb. 90 11 In. 60 e 61 67 02 61 6 Kl 00 81 U o3 08 63 Hafitlngs. Neb.... 7 Holdrege. Neb... Ha Oakdalu, Neb W Omaha, Neb 87 Tekamah, Neb... 90 Alia, la 7 Carroll. Ia 86 Clarinda, la 00 Sibley, la 87 57 Sioux City, la... 68 62 Minimum temperature period ending at 8 a, m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. Rain fall. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 for Bky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear twelve-hour -Temp. Rain' Max. Mtn. fall. No. of Districts. Stations. Columbus, 0 17 Louisville, .K-y 19 Indianapolis, Ind.. Yi St. Louis. Mo 13 Des Moines, ia.... 14 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansas city, mo., zt Omaha, Neb IV Kalna occurred within- the last twenty four hours lu all exceDt the Omaha. Dea Moines and Minneapolis districts. The rains were excessive at points In Ohio. In dlana, Kentucky and southern Illinois. The weather continues warm throughout toe entire belt. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. 78 64 .60 90 68 .70 82 64 .60 (Mi 64 .40 W 1.2 .01 if2 W) .04 88 66 .20 8 60 .0) Wheat July.. , Sept.. Dec... Cor ii v July.. Sept.. Dep... Obis July -I 11 00'4 1 01H i o-jhv ill 01H l o-." 1 us ir.svji 9SV.1 om4ll OOfliv. 1 00'ail 0lHb 1 00 101S M 1 03 i or 0 23 4& J 22 47' 39VM.! 2Si SeDt...38T.3W t Deo....!3ViuW 40' Pi. i k July. Sept. July. Sept. Hin. -. July...! .12 87m 12 12 824 Sept...) 12 40 11 40 1JW MS C8H M'. 60"- 88', 39H S 8rM 29N;3SV 23 64 HI 22 26 J. 12 S3 12 2714 12 27H 22 60 22 25 12 27 12 12 22 12 30 3A4 23 65 Zi 60 12 40 12 4IH 12 Kht 12 46 SEW YORK oraiKRAL MARKET Qaotatlona of tho Day on Various Commodities. NEW TORK. June 28 FLOUR Firm with a moderate trade; spring patents, 15.80 tiS.00; winter atraignu, n.tofa-4; spring clears, 14.204.60; recelpta, 13,400 bbla: ship ments. 6,571 bbls. Rye flour, firm; fair to good. f4.ir44.40; choice to fancy, 14.4aig4.50. COKN MrJALr r irm ; line wnne ana yei low, ll.Jwl ii, coarse, Sl.26j3l.SO; klm dried, t.1 '0. WHEAT Spot, lrrigular; No. 2 red 11. 0b1. nominal, c. I. f.. to arrive.-elevator No. 1 northern, 11.25. nominal, f. o. b., to arrive. Options were nervous ana eratlc but sentiment was buHlsh. Tha close was lttlHo net higher. July closed at SI.O8V1 September closed at 21.07 December closed at 1.06. Receipts, 47,400 bu. CORN 8 pot, easy; No. 2, 68c, nominal. elevator, domesuo basis to arrive. Ex port No. 2, 6714c, nominal, 1. o. b., to arrive. Options were without transactions, and closed unchanged to c net lower. July closed at Bac: September, 68 Vc: Decern. ber. 664c Kecelpta. 42,o&6 bu. : shipments O.V.D DU. OATS Spot, steady; mixed, to 22 lbs. nominal; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs.. 454t !4c; cuppea wnite; a to ids., 46V4'U49C, riecetpts, w,nw du. ; shipments, 1,716 bu. HA 1 Steady ; prime. 11.16: No. 2. 21.00O 1.06; No. 8, 86(0900. HOPS steady ; state, common to choice. lfow. 2124c; IMS, nominal; Paclflo coast. , 14'JllSc. HIDES steady; central America. 22c: Bogota, 21S 22c. LEATHER steady; hemlock firsts, 25 c: soconas. 22u-c; thirds. Itf4l22c: releeted iyy20c. piu visions pork, steady: mess. 225.00 (125.60: family, $26.00926.60; short clear 24. mi 26.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to it pounas, limine; pickled hams. ll6.wuis.Mi. Utsa. unsettled: middle western, prime. I12.SS4t12.45: refined. etriv continent, 112.20; South America. (14 00- compound. i.5oi(i 10.00. TALLOW Dull; prime city. hhda.. 6Hc: country. 6MiSo. RIt'E Steady ; domestic. 2HS6c: Patna 5k'a6o. BUTTER Firm; creamery specials. 281 ac; extras, 284o. ciie-KSK r irm; state, wnoie milk, 1 pe tals. loUlC'-ic; fancy white. U.tSU6c: fancv colored, l'ic; average prime, 14jHVc. EGOS Easy, state. Pennsylvania anrf nearby white, t&t&'&a. POULTRY Alive steady; western broil- ei-s. 25c; fowls, 17o; turkeys, lO'oHc; dressed steady; western broilers, HUije: to wis. ua 18c; turkeys, 15S18C. No. ...-. . rsn iiuotutions were as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, 14.50xflM.90; winter straights, 24 2tVu4.75: spring straights, t4.5ta4.70: bakers. $3 RYE No. t 74 S 76o. BAilLEY Feed or mixing, S56c; fair to choice (uniting, bUiiCOc. SEED Flax. No. 1 southwestern, ?.07; No. 1 northwestern, 12.17. Timothy, 14.50. Clover. 11160. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 123.87H UJ4.00. Iiid, per 1O0 lbs., JU J-'V,. Short rlba, sides (loose), fl3.0O(13.37H; short clear sides ;boxdl. W4-OOU14U Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to &5.CMI bu. Primary receipts were S52.0il0 bu., compared with 236,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The world s visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's, Im-ieaaed 4.037,000 bit. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 1 ran: corn, 10 cars; oats, 88 cars; bogs, M.OmO head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red, ll.0trtrfil.u3Vi; No. S red. 8o(S1.00',; No. hard, il.tmi1.02; No. 2 liard, 7ciQtl.00; No. 1 niu-thern spriiur. 11.12', No. 2 north ern spring, il.tMVa'jl.Oa; No. 3 spring, li.owji 106i. Corn: No. 2 cash. 68v6!tc; No. 2 cash, ine; No. 2 white, tdiMlVc; No. 2 while, tuic; No. 2 yellow, 6oV,c; No. 2 yellow iWuojV.r. Oats: No. 2 cash, 7So;. No. 3 white. ',c; No. 4 white. iitittc; standard, ill404c BUTTER--Steady J creameries. JiVijI7o; dairies. 20 .tic. EUG-Lasy; receipts. 26.936 casea; at mark, caea inrluded liJlliV; firsts, lie; prime firsts, lS'-fcc. CHEESE Steady: daisies. UV.&15'4c: young Americas, 1oVw15V 'uu horns, li',. POTATOES Steady: cholca to fancy, 18 inOc: fair to good. lwjWc. I'ol'LTUV-Steady; turkeys. 15c; eblck- ltc; spring, uIjc VEALStesdy: 60 to 60 lbs., SftSVic; 60 to 60 los.. yv'-,'tc; !: to 110 lbs.. Ht&lOHe. Chicago Receipts Today: Wheat. It cars 1 01 11. i-'u 1 a r. oats. 158 cars. Estimated to inoirow: Wheat, 8 cars; corn, laO cars; iats. 8 cars. Llverovol Veala Market. I.1VERPOOU June IS.-WHEAT Ppot. ...-I. Va V r.t ftul.m K-Ila, . . . futures qqlet; July, as ITd, October, m 1VIU, Liccvmucr, iu. CORN Spot firm; old American mixed 6s 4i,d; via oaiveaton. &s 6d; new kiln ariea. am ia, iuiuiu nuioi, juij, nominal September. 4s 6Vd. Ulble lapsl of Grala. XT.W YORK. June 28. Special cable and l iiKiaphio communications received by l(rad.-trefs show the following changes In available supplies, compared with previous account: Wheat. United States east of Rockies, dtotease 1.862,000 bu.; Canada, de- NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Crop Situation in Korthweit Plyi Large Fart in Trading. RAIN NEEDED IN ALL DISTRICTS Hates for Meaey Shove Little Change with Ton somewhat Firmer Panelty of Ueaiaas Be yond IHaaate. NEW YORK. June 28. The parallel spec u- latlon In stocks and in wheat showed evi dence today of a realising movement, In the sense of buylna stocks to cover shorts and of profit taking sales in wheat. There was no material change In the conditions wtilrh promoted the movement. Ihe large Influenee on the course of the markets played by the crop situation in the northwest does not admit of doubt. The Immediate relief to the most severe of the weather conditions there, was proven by the official terms of the weekly bulletin of the Weather bureau, which reported improvements due to timely rains In the more southern portion of ths spring wheat region. There was, however, the qualifying statement that rain. In abundance Is needed In nearly all portions of the district, mere was much attention paid to the constant estimates of the amount of damage al ready done to spring wheat, nnd the con sequences to be expected to railroad traf fic and general business activity in the sections affected. Officials of the railroads admit the fact of the damage done by the drouth, but pronounce the reports of It ex aggerated lor speculative eilect. corn re ports, aside from the spring wheat dam age, are favorable, as a whole, especially for the corn and winter wheat belts. The effect was seen In a degree of positive strength of some of tha corn grangers in the day s market.. Of the more abstruse causes of tha break In the market, there continued to be much confused conjecture. The force of events give warrant to the supposition mat tne djournment of congress and the return to New York of J. P. Morgan had failed to bring out a demand for storks which had been counted on by a party in the speculation. The paucity of the demand was the fact beyond dispute. Representations of oppo sition from the miscellaneous snippers to the agreement over the rates between the meat packers and the railroads were cited calculated to Invite renewed agitation against the proposed advance in freight rates. The complaints of this agreement take the form of accusations ot a com munity of interest by mutual ownership In the railroad companies and the central ised industries, whose assent is being sought to higher freight rates. A common prorit at the expense 01 smaller shippers is alleged as a ground for proceedings before the Interstate Com merce commission to interfere with the fro posed program. Rates for money showed ittle change, but the tone was somewhat firmer. The day's small net changes are due to the covering movement among the bears and supporting orders, through which the early losses were entirely retrieved. Net sains were indicated in but few cases, ai though the early downward plunge es tablished new low records lor tne year in some of the market leaders. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,833,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number ot sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: sal. Hlh. Low. ci, Allls-Chalmsrs pfd Amalgamated Copper fund, M.27.;3; current Jlabllltles, .a4..7; working balanre In treasury offices, IX 150. ay: in banks to credit of treasurer of Ine United States. $40.i65.6.; , subsidiary sliver coin. l-'W.lift.iJO; minor coin. II V4.4, total balance In general fund. M.0,;,'I&. rir Yark Money Market. NEW YORK. June 28. MON EY-On rail, steady; 2Hp3 per cent, ruling rat. 2H per cent; cdosing bid. per cent; offered at 27a per cent; time loans, firm; sixty days, 1 per rent; ninety days, l'y3Hi pr cent; six months, 4Va44 rr cent. PRIM K MERCANTILE FAPER-4V(r5 per cent. 8TKIIUXO EXCHANGE Steady at a decline, with arttinl business In bankers' bills, at 14 4404i 4460 for sixty-day bills and at 4 vai for demand; commercial bills, 4 83'n4M. SILVER Bar, Kc; Mexican dollars. 44c. BONDS Government; steady; railroad ir regular. t.ioMiiK quotations on bonds today were aa follows: I. s. ref. 2a, rs....l"ilnt. M M. 4',i.... so coupon 1S Japan 4s t. (. to, ri 1014 o 4s coupon lltK. C. So. 1st to ... I'. S. 4a. tg 1HSL. . 6. 1H1.. 4n coupon 11h1j. N. inl. 4s... Alll-ral. 1st 4a TH48.. K. 4V T. In 4a "4 HS t!4 t PS', "V4 Am. A. ia 1W 4o son. 4a. Am. T. at T. ct. 4l..l''S"Mo. facltlo 4a.. Am. Tobacco 4s n N H. R. ol M. 4Vt. MS do 4a liVtVON. V. C. s. ! Armour A Co. a1... do deb. 4 Kit Atchlaon gn. 4s....... SN. T N. H. A H. do ci. 4s.., 1U4 ct. to HI1 do c. 4a 10s.v. A W. 1st e. 4s... M4 At. C. L 1st 4s i de ct. 4s lot" Bal. Ohio is No. f'acllro 4a. :" do SHS " do to ' do S. W. m. 0. S. U rfdg. 4s. ZH Brooklyn Tr, ev. 4s.. U imn. ot. 4vs 1i4... rn. ot Ua. 6a 104 do con. 4a ion. On. Uaathsr a t9 Readme am. 4a. ('. ot N. J. g. to.. ..Ill St. U 4t 8. f. 4. ui Chca. A Ohio 4a-..-ln"Vi do rwi. to 84 do rof. 4a !,St. L. g. W . c. 4a.... 77 Chicago A A. ISa-.. 7u do 1st (old 4a 0 C, B. J. j. 4a.... 4f-SSaboard . U 4s Hi do gn. 4a 7,So. Pac. col. 4a U C. at. A i.P. g. IVm rl do er. 4a. C. R. I. A P. c. 4s.. ?o4 do lat rat. as 44 do rff. 4. I7ho. Railway aa 1H (-olo. Ind. 4a. 74 Mo goa. 4s 7oV Colo. Mid. 4s 4Lnon Paclflo 4a 10d, (.'. A 8. r. A a. 4Sa. lsi do ct. 4a 10314 14 do lit A rat. 4s.. Wt M V. S. Rubbor a 1V24 8144V. 8. Itsel sd to 10114 4 Va.'ara. Cham. to.. Mva . lSiWsbaak lat to lOavt . Ti do 1st A a a. 4s 44 , 7e W tatam M4. 4a 8.14 . 64 wt. glee., ct. to... U .1MV.WIS. rentral 4s an 111. (en. lat nL 4s. 7vlato. Pas. ct. to ctla. M4. Int. Mat. 44a so Bid. Otiarsii. 0MA11A LIVE STOCK MARRtT Cattle Generally About Steady at the Recent Decline. HOGS AEE FIFTEEN CENTS LOWER Mot Activity 'isj Hheea a ad Lam ha, Vr hlle Herelpts Are Liberal aad rrlcee Steady wltk Mow day's Record. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. Juna , 11. RecclDta m-mrm OfflcUl Mondav Estimate Tueaday... Cattle, lloga Eheep ....24 9.37 MM ,...2.300 12.M 1.&0U at r4 24 H 44 !M IN I at 41 M7 ... St 1 ... tr m; I 44 n ... os U if ISO t 46 44 4 N K 1-4 ... IN 71 14 . . 114 44. 1 S l I n 71 tn 1 l H. 2M 1.1) I S4 74 2i l l 123 M IN 41 IU4 IjD IU 44 144 t I 44 44 12 1) Otv, 42 2-4 W 14 71 ill 4V li 7v 40 4 46 74 117 ... I 10 7M 4 . . IK 71 XI ... I 10 71 tt M l 14 HI K III 71 1.J 144 I M 7; ..I 4 I II lot 1 I K II Ill ... I I') as 3M 41 I N 44 114 ... I I'l 44 244 4 I 44 I 4 ... I II III 274 su I 44 74 i'U Mil 11 ... I 44 17 J-"4 ... I 10 U. MO ... I 14 41 Ill I 4e 7(1 Ml II) I Ml "i I.'4 ... I I'l 71 .! 40 I 01 71 IJ ... I ll4 44 147 1 I t) 1 I' ... I !: VI 814 ... I M It I" ... 14 44 Ill 10 I 6 1U ... I II 44 117 SO I 04 T7 147 ... I 14 ft M M I IS) 44 1 40 I II 4 r7 ... I W 14 144 ... I 14 71 K ... 4 00 ..6.1H ...,.'0 19.4T70 ln.wa 14.W4 l't.371 la, 16 U.Ui 11.514 15.113 D.173 4.7J6 i.pxo Two days this week. Same days laat week.. Hamoi days 2 weeks ago..7.6i"i Seme days 1 weeks ago..,l Sama days 4 weeks Same days last year .fcl Tha following bible shows me receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at booth Omaha for the year te date, compared with laat year: 191 1WM. Inc. Leo. Cattle 4.S.S02 44S.4M 25,236 Hogs l.iM,140 l.aM OiS 270.1M tiherp 77,i62 (k.44 1,S4S Tha following table shows the average prices of hogs at tfotith Omaha for tue last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 110. llka).llK41.:iW7.lt3.UM8.lW)l. Juna IS. June 17. June 12. Juna Is. June 20. June 21. June 22 2U? V. A H. ct. 4a. 1). 4 H. O. 4a.... do rat. to , Dlatlllon' Is fcrla p. I. 4s do gon. 4s. do or. 4a, sor. do series B-... an. ttlsc. ct. Is., 7 K 8 64 6 2 i 22 1 4 18 7 63 8 6J 6 91 1 6 20 4 Ki 7 fill 6 6?i 6 7 4 3S 14 83 I 7 so s 04 e VS Mj e I81 41Vi I 1 t t 1 1 li S 00 40Sl 7 631 I tWi tol 1 Wi 6 07 I low: 7 foi 6 771 4 111 1 U b Ui I 07 June 23... 14' 7 4& 1 16! 3o 6 16 6 06 June 24... I 24 7 40 1 1 2i S Mi I 6 20i 6 Ll June 26... I 2a? 7 4 I R7 1 BOj 2ni I k 16 une 2i... I 7 b I 6 B3 ( 3 S ( 2d, une 27. .. 13S 6 IK t 82 1 43 t 32 1 14 une H si 7 64, 1 11 to t i 1 m o 11 London Stock Market. LONDON, June 28. American securities opened quiet today. First prices were from V, below to V abov paiity. Later cover ing caused a slight Improvement and at noon the market was steady, with prices ranging from unchanged to higher. Jondoii closing stock quotations: Coi. sola, money. do account Amsl. Copper .... Anaconda , Atcbison Atchison p'd Baltimore A Ohio Canadian f-acuto Chea. A Ohio.... Chicago O. W.. . C , M. A BU P.. Ie Bears Denver A R. O . do p(d Erie do 1st pld do 2d ptd Orand Trunk .... Illinois Oemral 12 4-16UiulaTllle A N ltt4 Ml-IIM., K. A T 34 . New York Central. ..IU1, . 7, Norfolk A 14 .101)4 do ptd M .l'J4 Or.tario A W 444 .111 Pennsylvania 4444 .IKfcRand Mines t . 7s1, Heading 77 . 74', southern Railway .. H ,i24t do Pii 41 . IT, Southern PaoiMc ....1141, . 4tnloa Paclllo ....... 17( . 7 do ptd IK-ej . MSI). 8. Steel Tl, . 44 do ptd Ilk . 4 Wahuli ii .. 24 do pld 41 .U Bpaniah 4s U Bluv'th-Br, quiet .t t4u per ounce. MONElf 2m per cent. The rate of discount In the open markot for short bills is 2t per cent; for three momns puis per cent. Sunday. itevttiput and disposition of live stock at tne onoii Muck larua, boutit Oinaus, lor twenty-four hours ending at 3 o clock i. iu. une iA, jsiv; RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hun.PhfD.Hri. M. oc M. f 1 Missouri raclllc Cuion l-'aciliu 25 C. 44 vv., east.... 1 as XN. W ., weal.... 2a C, tit. f., M. 4k O.... 13 a. k east.... t C, H. Ac W West.... 32 C, R. 1. At !., eaal.. a C, tu I. at f.. Weal.. 2 Illinois Central Total receipts 114 C U. W a . at. Loala Ceneral Market. ST. LOUIS, June 2S. WHEAT Futurea higher; July, 8Sc; Beptember, Vc; cash higher; track. No. 2 red, 11.0s; No. 2 hard. tl.Ct.X3 1.06. CORN futures lower; juiy, asvac; Sep tember, UHd&sVic: cash, firm; track. No. 2, bOWC No. 2 white, two tibc. OAT& Futures, lower; July, 36i4S6ic; September, 26Hc; cash, higher; track. No. 2. JTV-tiSc; No.' 2 white, 4llg42e. RVE Unchanaed. 75c. FLOL'R Firm; red winter patents. tri.OOtl; extra tancy ann Jtraignt, Sl-fiotsf. hard winter clears, ta.aKiJ.W. SEEl Timothy, 13.OU3ii.63. foRNMEAL 13.J5. BRAN Firm; racked, east track, VrfgSV. HAY Firm; timothy, 114.50iii 18.00: prairie. I12.504J H 00. UAUUIMJ aC. HEMP TWINE-Tc. PROVISIONS? Pork, uncharged: Jobbing, 224 50. Laid, lower; prime steam. !ll.liir 12-00. Dry salt meats (boxed), unchanged, extra shorts, 114 25; clear ribs, 14.25: short clears, 114.60. Bacon (boxed), unchanged; extra shorts, Mi.75; clear ribs. $14.75; short clertrn. 1K00. , POULTRY Steady J chickens, lie; spring tttr-Sc; turkeys, 17c; ducks, c; geese, 1c. HI TTER Higher; creamery, 24'a27Ho. EUG8 Lower; 14VaC Receipts. Shipments. 1.7O0 I4.3tl 10.000 2i.J 4'i,!W 59 400 2I.W0 42,tV0 Amsrloan AsTlcultutml .... Am. Beet Sugar American Can American C. A F , American Cotton Oil American H. A L. ptd American lea Securities..., American Linseed Americas Locomotive .... American 8. A R Am. a. A R. pld Am. Steel Foundries Am. Sucar Refining American T. A T American Tobacco ptd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co. Atchison Atchison pld Atlantlo Coast Una Baltimore A Okie Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclflo Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central ol New Jersey Chesapeake A Ohio Chlceso A Alton Chicago O. ., new Chicago O. W. pfd Chicago A N. W C, M. A St. P C, C. C. A Bt. L Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern Consolidated Oaa Corn Products Delaware A Hudson...... Denver A Rio Orande D. A R. O. pfd Diatlllera' Becurltlea trie Krl4 1st pli Brie 2d pfd General Kieotrlo Great Northern- ptd Oreat Northern Ore Mrs... Illinois Central Inter bo rough Met. Int. Met. pfd International Harvester .. Int. Marina pld International paper International Pump Iowa Central Kanaaa City Bo K. C. Bo. pfd Laclede Oaa LoulsTllle A Naahvllle.... Minn. A it. Loula 44. , St. P. A B. 8. M M.. K. A T M.. K. A T. pfd , Missouri Paclflo National Bleautt, ex-dlv. National Lead N. R. ft. of M. M pfd... New York Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A Western North American Northern Paclflo Pacific Mall PennsylTS-nla People's Oaa p.. C.. C. A Bt. L Pittsburg Coal Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring.... Reading Republic Steel Republlo Steel pfd Rock Island Ce Rock Island Co. pfd Bt. U A B. F. M pfd ... Bt. Louts S. W Bt. L. B. W. pfd eioee-Buoffteld 8. A I.... Southern Paclflo Southern Hallway So. Railway pld Tennessee Copper Texas A Pacific T., St. U A W T.! St. L. A W. pld Vnlon Paclllo I nton Paclflo pfd I niud Statee Realty Pntled States Hubber.... t nlted Btates Btsel V. 8. Steel ptd I'tah Cooper Va.-Cara. Ctiemlcal Wabash Wabash ptd Western Haryiauo ... Weetlnghouee Kleotrtc .. Western tnton V, heeling A Lake Brte... 100 44. 1"1 100 two I0 1.SU0 400 100 200 100 00 17,200 Su 414 41 32 I 82 41 13 23 1! 40 73 l.uuo 10a SCO 42 SuO 700 400 700 100 2. 000 too BOO 111 114 44 ' 18 10O 10144 Hi 2,700 104 ao 41 12 62 60 31 23 12 40 72 102 51S 111 1444 M 17 M W 114 40 I! 41 I2 U u 2J 40 73 102 62 14 1M tl 17 SI 1004, Ml 116 lot Id 24 14. mo 2,700 1,400 " W0 jj.004 100 400 suO 1.4U0 145 14.900 122 100 71 400 13 200 44 lfPUO 134i 400 14 1 ISO 15 10 j 'iiii so 4 47 600 1.200 KM 40J 2,400 00 lilO 162 S3 76 24 24 41 53 100 141 76 in 84 106 75 SO 2 41 143 111 71 22 64 ltt 14 li 12 7J 24 2i 43 33 143 S.4U0 in 12" 400 67 400 131 1,200 18 4.100 1.000 1,104 60 44 14 131 174 41 44 11 UU 43 42 1.S0 so 1,100 44 S.OUO 101 1,600 146 144 43 t 1.300 136 10,104 14 100 2,700 204 300 44 SO 104 72 114 43 H ex 4,100 l.oo 1000 0 11,101 its 10Q 30 27.101 130 me 104 mo 1; 144 S4 4 43 103 n iis 42 M. 44 111 24 124 1K 74 ll U 106 100 74 ss 47 143 121 77 33 6 143 14 161 33 74 24 24 43 S3 143 127 64 131 17 49 4 14 11 4 14 SO M 100 144 40 134 46 44 44 104 71 11 42 W SI 141 130 1 Boston Closing Mocks, BOSTON June 28. -Closing quotatloni slue km were aa loiiows: 34 Mohawk 2Nnada Con 24 ' Mines 13 North butts 4 North Lake 12 old Dominion .... 17Oeceola 64 Parrott 8. A U ....640 luincy .... 16 Shannon C. eufiuperlor .... 7Superior A B. M .... luv Superior p. C .... 4 Tamarack .... 34U. a. C. A O .... (U. 0. 6. R. A M.... 14 do pfd lL'tah oon 4aVlaona lot. Wolverine 14 Allouss Amal. Copper A. St. U at S Aritona Com Atlantic B. C. C. at B. M Bulla Oaalltlon Cel. A Arlsona 1. A Hecla Centennial Copper Range C, Kt Butte l. M Franklin , Utroux Con , Uranby Con Uiwone Cananea .., lale Horale Copper kerr Lake Lake Copper La Balls copper... Miami Copper .... 17 luo 17 12 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu. Corn, bu Oats, bu.... Kaaaaa City firm la sad Provisions. KANSA8 CITT. June JS. WHEAT July Mc; Heptembwr, l)C; December, (7VC rai-li. unchanged; No. 2, SKcfj 41.02 Si Xo. 2, MiWc: No. 2 red. Stic; No. 1, Si)S1c. CUKV-July. 67c; teptember, &7J67Hc caah, unchanged; No. I mixed. 6(A4i41c; No 2, ba 4 i(i 000; No. 2 white, MiC. No. a, 44c. OATtt I'nchaoged; No, 2 white, 3b940c niixd. 144i36c. RVE-No. 2. fcWte. H AY Unchanged: choice timothy, 115.00: choli-e prairie. Ill 2&&U.M. BL'TTER-Creamery, extras. 24c; firsts 24c; seconds. 22c; packing stock. 204. EQG8 Firsts, tS.ll; seconds, 11 50; current receipts, new cases. 14.20; miscellaneous, 14- 25. Recelpta. Shipments. Wheat, bu ei.000 B.000 Corn, bu.... 4b. 000 47.000 Oats, bu - - T.uuo Pearl Market. Juna U CORN Unchanged; 62c; No. t yellow, 6c; No. i PEORIA. No. 2 white, yellow, ec; No. 1, 6Sc; No. 4. 6c; no grade. UtV. OATS-sieaay; rso. 1 wnite, 40c; No. 1 white, snTjjo-iac, ou. e wnite, stand ard, c 404 S3 43 T ,.134.40 161 144 Jao ,. 2,0"0 31 30 31 100 13 4o r ,. 14,400 14 17 H'f ,. 1.IO0 81 71 7A ,. 1,100 42 41 43 SuO 43 11 1 M0 74 74 74 700 41 44 44 ,. 11.300 114 117 HI .. 1. 00 26 24 S4 S0 61 6i 14 23 400 21 21 24 ,. 200 S3 23 23 ) 10 40 40 ,. t3, 147 143 144 2u0 12 42 It 600 74 73 73' ,. 2,100 SI SI 44 ..174.IIXV 74 73 74 ,. 4.400 IU 114 115 .. 4.400 4 40 41 .. 4.400 IT 44 17 .. S.4O0 14 17 14 ,. l.luO 41 Sd 40 4 44 44 44 40 41 41 4 100 43 43 43 W , 714.400 a Saras. to) lot 7 U M Lascal seearitlea, Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, Jr, 6.11 New York Lite building, omahs Am. T. A T. col. 4s. 1 City Nstlonal as, 1 city of osiasa . Mm Commonwealth Life Ins. Ce C. R. A I. C. K. A L. 6s, 1I2I. h4rsulle rrajeee sunt pld lows Portland lejnnt lat Mil I SC. C. M- A O. pld Kanaaa City R. A L. 6s. 1131.... Llnuain. K'-b. . sa Loa Angeles O. A L. as. Ill 17 Lincoln. Nek.. Tr. is. 1W4 H MMshisaa Stats Tel. pfd 14 tiers A Co. 4a. IMS II M oden. Neb.. ,!. Water la. 114.... ss Nebraska Telephone stock I pea- seat-. 11 Nebraska T. A P. Is 74 feoua Water Co. 4a. 1st ' Oaiaaa Oas 4s. 1117 44 Osnasa St U fd 4 per eaut SS Omaha A C 34. St. Rr ptd. sa-Ale.. II Oaaeka A C. & Bu Sty la. liU 4 1, Omaha A C B. aV A aV pfd 44 plailainaiua. . leL stssk. 14 a '. Bwtft A Co. 4a, 1114 44 aeaxa onisoa. Citt of. as sets Trt-Clty Ay. A LL 4a 4a taloa Stock Yards stack. So. Osxaha.. 44 estara Psctna ta ,. jjnKa Cam. Ce. (Senas) 14 UturaaUoual Cac be. . aoaaat 18 40 luo ! 14 44 SS to S 4 aa 4 n S3 l' 44 . 100 to 7 Si 44 Treasary Stateaaeat. WASHINGTON, fui)4 22. -Th condition or the treasury at tne Beginning of bual ness today was as followa: Trust funds Oold coin,; sliver dollars, HX1 130.000; silver dollars of last), 13, IT. 000; sliver certificates outstanding, I47.ks0.0u0. General fund etanaara auvsr dollars la general 1 on a 18 , 11 S , v 1Z 11 .0 s 10 60 44 4 44 Ml New York Curl Market, The following quotations are furnished ty Logan 4k Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, aio South Sixteenth street Bar state Oaa.. touite coalition .... Cactus Cnino Chief Con. Kraction DaTia-Ualy Ely Central kly Cunsolldatsd .. Franklin Oiroua Ooldtisld Con Ootdfleid yiorence, Ooldtisld Daisy .... 24 Greene Cananea . l.'Hll eplrallon 2 4-ll.svada Ceo, ...... . 10Kewhouse 1 1-leunlo copper . 41 Hawhlde CoallUon ,. 14 Ray Central 1 l-14Saift Pag. Ce . . 46 bears-Huebuck Co. .. l')miTr Pick .. 1 superior at P 1 1-UTonopan Mlnlns .. ,. 2Trinity Copper ... .. sNorth Lake 1 7 .. 11 .. 41 1 14-14 -. 1 .. 3 ..103 ..16 .. 7 -- 10 1 16-ia .. .. 10 New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. June 22. Closing Quotations on mining aiocas were: Allies 201 Leadrille Con. 1 Hrunswlck Con 7Littie Chlst 4 Com. Tunnel stock... S3 Mexican 44 do bonds 17 Ontario S00 Con. Cel. A Va 17 Ophlr to Horn Sllear 40 standard 46 Iron Surer 2uv Yellow Jacket 40 Bank Clearings. OMAHA. June 21. Bank clearine-s tor to. day were 12,232,1M.42, and fur tne corre- sponoing ante last year were 4i,u4,74d.07. Metal Market. NEvV YORK, June 28. METALS Stand ard copper, weak: spot market for June July, August and September. !H.laliLi. London market quiet; spot, 54 7s Id and futures, av&t Us Id. Arrivals were reported at New York of l,31o tons. Custom house returns snowea exports of 127 tons, making 1 1,09s ions so tar mis month. Lke coooer. u.wnuam; eiectroiyuc, 112.2MtU.o0 casting, lU.1212.37vk. Tin market llrm; spot, lx!.&&J3.1; June, S32.a2Wu32.U6; July. WtUtaSi.-. Auarust.; September. tSi.suttXt .. London market sieaay; spot, A. 148 lbs; futures, 14 us ea. Lead, quiet, 24.454.50. New York and 24-174.22 at East Bt. Louis. London market unchanged at 11 lis. SDelter. quiet at fo.40t?5.50, New York, and 15.000 6.02H at East Kt. Louis. London market uncnanger at A 22 bs. Iron market lower; Cleveland warrants, 48s sd In London. Locally iron was tin changed; No. 1 foundry northern, 214.60 14.76; No. 2, 116.00ft 16. 2fi; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, US.Zo.75. Evaporatod Apples and Dried Fralts NEW YORK, Juna 28. EVAPORATED APPLES Dull and featureless with buyers and sellers apart; on the spot fancy 1 quoted at 10til0c: choice, laSSic; prime, iniivtc. common to iair, o'jc. DRIED FRUITS Prunes are meeting with a iairiy active aemana ana as stocki are small prices are steadily held. Quota Hons range from 2c to c for Californlas up to 20-40 and 4Vai)V for Oregons. Aprl cots are inactive and barely steady; choice, loc; extra choice. lOU0llc; fancy, 10 tjUc. Peaches ara dull and easy, with considersbie pressure morn the country choice. ("VntiVs; extra choice, 747Ue: fancy 77Hc. Raisins are dull and steady: choice muscatels, seeded, ec; seedless, 444Vko inaon layers, h-mui.s. Mlaaeapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 2S. WHEAT Spot. 1. 12; Beptemoer. 41. w; Decern bar, 11.07. Cajih: No. 1 hard. 11.17: No. i northern. 21.151.17; No. 2 northern, 11. UV HI. 15; No. 2 northern, ll.09',l-12. tEED Flax, 12.17. CORN No. S yellow, 565fiti OATS No. t white. STlajvjJSe. RYE No. I. 70r72c. H RAN In 100-lb. aacka, 117.00. FLOUR In wood. f. o. b., Mlnnespuils: Firat ia tents, Va.3ug5.S0; second patenta lS.107i.20; first clears, 14.15j4.25; second clears, li OOuJ.30. 4i 14 44 4 'i U 2 21 'i 10 171 24 1 SHEEP More activity featured the traua in the siieep farn this morning and while competition was hardly lively enough to prouuee an advance In values, it was comparatively easy matter 10 ootain fenwraiiy steady prices. itet-eipts were ully normal, tha big end ot the run con sisting of sheep, aa usual. Good grass wethers sold at 14.2)b.4,2o, quotably steady ith yesterday s sales, nnd ted yearlings commanded la.74. A large portion of sup ply changed hands before midday. There were not very many spring lambs on sale, but good springers met with a better Inquiry, and, in a general way, moved rapidly at strong figures, uange prlngs sold at ami something strictly prime would go at 17.75 or better. Choice quality Is Insisted upon In toppers, how ever, and the spread between best and medium is relatively broad. Several good-sited orders for stock sneep nd lambs have been Placed on file h local traders, and anything suitable for reeding purposes has been meeting with rainy active inuuiry. 1'einana m tem pered with Judgment, however, and It Is evident that feed lots will be filled if prices are held too close to fat stock val es. The few orders that have been exe cuted thus fur, have curried figures little airrerent irom those paid tor fair qtinitty killing stork. Feeder lambs are iiuotahle arouna so. 00, feeder sneep arounn 4412 .OO. and feeder yearlings. 14 254. 00. Quotations on grass stock: Choice spring lambs, 17.2681.75; fair to good spring lambs. .za'47.zb; good to choice yeariinga, so.aij .76; fair to good yearlings. So.(4Kn6.35; good to choice wethers, 14.25ii4.60; fair to good wethers, S3a4.25: Kood to choice ewes, 4i.iU4.3o; lair to good ewes, liyxui-W. No, 690 Idaho wethers 15 Idaho wethers 86 Idaho wethers, culls 15 Idaho wethers, culls 10 western bucks and ewes 80 western ewes 15 western ewes, culls 25 western ewes 11 western lambs 45 western ewes SS7 Ore. wethers and y'l'gs. culls uiSf-osiriON. (.uile.Hogs.bheep. Omaha Packing Co &o l.hiu 4,1 0111 ana company sis a.wi l,v cuuauy racnuig 10 b4 x,um armour at Co 4,4 s.oM i,4M v. i. Vanaant Co i .... atepiiena aro as iiii Ac con 00 .... .... f. ii. LW1B dO rtuston at co bo J. ti. Rout e CO IM J. 11. iUllA II Alocreary dc Carey 14 o. vv eruieiintr m Mo. oc ivan-Calt. Co 2 oiner buers Hi .... l.oul CHICAGO LIK STOCK MARKET Cattle? Market Heavy Hoga Lower Sheep Market Firm. CHICAGO, June 28. CATTLE Receipts, 500 head; market heavy; steers, ss.2Miii.ri0; cows. S4.2."4i.O0: heifers. n.oo" Bulls, V.t.50m"'3.73; caJve. V3.Oftjrj8.25; stockers and feeders, 4 .00445.60. HOOS Receipts, r.ono head: market :mpt 25c lower; heavy, V9.20fti9.25; butchers. l'.i.'(5f(f 1: mixed. S9.264i9.3S: llcht. sy 44Viiw.50; pack Ing, lx.75tfi9.15; pigs, ;9.2yj9.75; bulk of Bales, 19.K4i9.30. MIEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, i:vO. head; market firm; sheep, lJ.7ia4.75; year lings, M7.vu43.oii; lambs, 5.:Vfl7.oO; spring lambs, 17.uO'uS.2i. Totals 2, eta) 11,140 6,440 CAi iiii-lleceipta of cams at ail points wete mouctats touay anu, aa a result, tne downwaru movement in prices was lor tne time being checked. Beef steers were still slow, buyers being in no hurry to nil orders. 1 heir lirst bids were rtany lower titan yeeteruay, but 111 the end tney bought up pretty luucn every tnlng at prtces Just about steady. Ice sup ply wus very small, and although, the mar ket did not open until lale, most every lulng was disposed ot in lair season, xue quality was very uruinary, tuere not being a slnals choice toad ou sale. Cows and hellers were in belter aemana and there was more life and a little better feeling to tha trade generally. Home sellers thought they secured prices inai were trifle better than yesterday. There was quite a little run 01 Blockers and feeders here yesterday, and the ooun try proved better than It has been tor some time back with the result that everything was disposed of before the close. This morning, with light receipts In sight, there was naturally a better feeling aud specu lators were all looking lor catue auu sere wllllna? to pay fully steady prices. f-liin(ta.nnna on rattle: Oood to choice corn-fed steers. 17.0O4t7.7o: fair to good corn fed steers. 16.2ftn7.00: common to lair corn- ted steers. 4.7t4i6-2o; good to cnoice cow a end heifers, 15.0Ott6.00; fair to good cows and helfera. S3.aW2io.oo common 10 iair cows and heifers, ja.75180; good to choice stockers and feeders,; iair 10 good stockers and feeders, V3.764.26; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, V3.00Q 2.7b; stock heifers, 12.25(21.00; veal calves, V3.60iSif7.00: Bulls, stags, etc., I'.iXcao.w. Representative saias: 44k; nil" sisano. No. 14 is is SO 24 11 14 30 IS SO 11 44 IS 11 SI II 4 4 11 4 1 I 1 At. Pr, .. 144 1 04 .. 944 I 44 ,.1144 I 70 ..1117 I 74 .. 474 I TS .. H 4 71 ..944 I 00 ..1077 4 SO ..104 I SI ..nil 1 21 ..1047 4 34 ..1113 4 40 .. 14 I 40 , . 414 14) No, 14 14 47 11 II 20 14 10 7 . 11 21 14 . M COW'S. At. Pr. ion 4 to 10U 4 60 1171 4 44 1044 4 4e 1071 4 44 114 4 41 1240 4 10 766 I 71 1044 4 74 1111 4 74 114 1 44 1234 4 14 ltil 4 44 1141 7 04 IS... 14... It... 11... IS... I. ... 4... 4... II. .. 4... .... S20 1 70 .... M 170 .... 141 I 70 .,..1033 4 05 .... 441 4 IS ....loot 4 IS ....1112 4 24 ....1041 4 20 132 4 25 .... 44 4 74 4... II... 4... 1... 1... .... 441 2 44 .... 441 1 71 .... 73S S 44 .... 127 S 00 .... 447 1 14 .... 144 1 11 .... 122 I 40 .. Itl 14 .... 164 S 44 .... 14 S 61 ....1007 1 40 HEIFERS. .... 411 2 IS It .... 441 I 14 4 , .... 411 1 14 CALVES. .... Hi 4 04 1 174 .... 144 I 14 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 441 4 14 414 4 14 4 CO No. Av. Pr. No. lu lielf era. .1021 4 50 2 cows.. R. D. Brgun Neb. 1 feeder... 480 1 50 Steers 11 steers.... 850 4 00 7 r.eera.. 7 Ml 4 20 i cows 1000 I 25 2 cows SOUTH DAKOTA. ,. 630 I 25 IS cows. Av. .1130 .. 6S3 ..1100 1 steer... 17 heifers... XH 810 Pr. ItO 4 40 4 00 1 00 I 86 12 cows... 13 cows... 1 calves. 1 carves. 13 steers. 758 893 173 SU 2 90 2 00 6 75 426 4 00 260 i 30 () 400 estl Coffee Market. NEW YORK, June 28. COFFEE Futures closed unchanged to 6 points lower; sales, 14.250 bags; closing bids, June and July, 14.56; August. 16.46; September, 16. 70; Octo ber, November and December, 14.66; Jan uary, 170; February, 16.72; March. V6.74; April. V6-75; May, V 77.. Spot coffee steady; No. T Rio. 15-16c, No. 4 tfantoj. 9c; mild coffee, quiet; Cordova, 9's&12c. Mi:raakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, June ZS.-FLOUR-Steady: WHEAT No. 1 northern. V1.154J1.14; No. 2 northern. VI l?1 1.14; iSeptember, VI 01V OATS 40410. BARLEY examples, 578T7e. Oaaaba Hay Market. OMAHA. June 28 HAY No. 1. 00; No t. V7 6o; packing. V4 50; new, V10.00. Straw: Wheat, $400; rye and oats, 17.0U. Alfalfa, VUOe. 848 1 20 12 cows... . 146 6 60 calves. . 143 4 00 4 steers.. ..1143 4 25 WESTERNS WYOMING. 4 heifers... 662 V 20 feeders.. 700 feeders.. i4 4 20 V cows 8S8 U cows J0 4 00 U st'ers... .110 T. A. Bell-Wyo. V caives... 144 4 60 10 calves.... S08 17 cows 912 2 o S cows 92t HOilA Receipts of hogs exceeded mmu at all leading market points today and prices suffered ss a result. Local trade opened about 15c lower and While movement wn at no time especially ac tive, the big end of supply changed hands on this basis. Some ltxul5c lower business was dona, of course, but sales at laftjzoc declines were equally numerous, extra and rough heavies selling at the full decline. Shippers bought sparingly and closing rounds were decidedly dun. Heavy hogs sold at Vo.sVfi8.6. mixed a' M.stait.oD. and light grades from even money to V9.15, which was the highest price paid. Two droves, aggregating 4.) head and made up largely of light and mixed loads, cost Wfil. ana two oiner droves. consisting or .W0 bead ot mixed and neav lea. coat 18 M. Today's decline carries he market to tha lowest Dolnt It has been In man weeks, and with tha spread in prices wid enlng, it Is hardly probable that heavies will experience very much reaction. large share of today's run went at l.0y 1.06, as compared with yesterday s bulk of V9.0uxfS.25. Representative sales: No. 43.. tl.. 44.. II.. HI.. 4ft.. 44.. 4. . 4.. 41.. 4.. 44.. 47.. V.. 41.. i.. 40.. At, Sk. Pr. 110 SO 1 to SW 240 I 40 sso ... in .....4r4 10 S 40 S14 Mis 7 ... 110 171 12 I 44 804 SO I ID S'.l ... S 40 2T7 SO 4 14 317 HI IS) 24 W IN 1.1 144 4 s 141 4 S 44 4e4 13 44 7 SO 4 45 143 10 I 44 m ... it M to I 44 Na. A. Sa. ft. 41 144 44 I 44 70 241 104 4 4 7 241 244 I 00 44 S4 ... 4 40 44 l it 4 ea 44 St l 40 4 00 44 244 130 4 00 71 S41 44 4 4 40 lI ... I a 74 241 130 I Ou 74 S3S U IS, 4 17 H tu 70 Ml 40 I ' 4 SuS 14 OI14 74., 34 14 41 S7I lis) Id 4 843 ... 1 04 4 4a ... II M IS M 4 44 4f4,i5V. Unions: Orevn. rer dnx. hunches a. Turnle: Per market basket. fc"c. Cat rots: per market basket. 6u,'c.. Herts: Pa market basket, .'-i ;.V (Spinach: 1'er bushel 12 lbs . 60r. leas. Ore-en, per market baa) act. hoc MIsCFLLANKOl-VVainiits: RWrk. pm lb.. 2c; Cnlifornla. No 1. per lb., 17c; Call fornla. No. 2, per lb., 14c. HICKORY Nl'TM-Latrga. pee Itv. tr, nail, per lb., 5c Cocoanuta: Pur sack. 15 su per doi., twc. (otlea Market. NFW YORK. June 2. tXlTTON-Pnoi wed milet. 6 points lower; middling tin. nt's. 14 96c; middling gulf. l.'..2"j: aalna ' balea. Cotton futurea cltcd barely steidyt Clg.w g Mil: June, It S.V: July, 14 r: Atittust. 14 47 September. 12.97c: October, 12.8.c; Novem ber.; DeoenilH-r. 1214c; January, Ilk, fi'iuniy. siarrn, iz.iic. T. LOU lit. June 28 COTTON Un hanged: middling. I4'ac. Sales, none: r celpta, 414 balea; shipments, $04 balea; stock. iju pales. NEW YORK. June 28 SUUA R-Flrnv muscovado, , teat. 3t4c: centrlf iical. M est. 4 14c. molasses aucar. aa test. S.4Sr: refined, steady; crushed. 4.87c; granulated. Turn Bryan's Face Toward the Wall Democrats of State Meet to Form Club, But Peerless One no Longer Feature. Av. 100 98 99 108 112 111 l'tl 84 44- 94 S3 Pr. 4 2S 4 25 3 35 3 Xi 4 i0 4 20 2 75 2 26 6 V) 3 25 8 40 Kanaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June 28. CATTLE Re celpts, 6,800 head, including 1,800 southerns, Market steady to 10c hikher: top. VS.40. Dressed beef and export steers. 10.7CiiH.4o; fair to good, l.ird 7U; western steers, 44. &8.00; stockers and feeders, U.uOiio.,b: south ern steers, V2.76iuo.20; southern cows, SX.Zo-u1 4.00; native cows. V2.60ti.26; native helfera, lt.4orori.00; bulls, V3.2b'u46; calves. 13.607.60. HOU Receipts. 16,000 head. Market itmi Ifio lower; top, 19.36; bulk of sales, V9.Ha 9.30. Heavy. I9.0Mi9.1: packers and butch era, $9.101tf9.27V; light, 29.169.36; pigs, Vo.25 Sl.T6. tSHEiEf AKU UAMliO IteceiptS, 4.WU head. Market steady. Lambs, tn.0u-7.40 yearlings, V6.OOtLr6.00; wethers, 14.2,6.00; ewes, V4-74.76; stockers and feeders, V2-75 6-1.60. St. Louis Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. June 28.-OATTLE Receipts 4,100 head. Including 1,800 Tcxans; market steady; native shipping and export steer, 17.2f.&8.50; dressed beef and butcher steers, TC.oua..zo: steers under iihi- stockers and feeders, V4-2v6.76; cows and heifers. I4.26fr7.00: canners. I2.60U2.75: bulls, 14.25uv.Ov; calves. Sfi.tjOufl W: iexas and in dlan steers, S4.404r7.0u; cows and heifers, 13.6(KS5.76. HOtis-Receipu, 12.700 head: market vne 20c lower; pigs ana ngnts,; pack era. 19.30(,40; butchers and best heavy V9.3fitr9.60. BHEEl" AND LAMBS Receipts. 4 2V0 head; market strong: native muttons, V4 00 (p4.fa0; lambs, V4.60(riK.oo; culls and bucks Vi.bOt23.ia; stockers, sa.OOM.OO. COLUMBUS, Neb.. June 28.-(8peclal Tsle- ram.) Of fleets for the Nebraska SU14 Democratic club, which was organised hei4 this evening, were not selected, but thll power was delegated to Ir. P. L. Hall, Edgar Howard and W. V. Alleh, who will report at tho next meeting of the club at ,. m. of the day of the democratic stats convention at (J rami Island. The banquet haii was decorated with American flags. but the likeness of the Peerless Leader wag ot In evidence. Three hundred and fifty democrats from all over the state attended the first annual banquet of the Nebraska Ptate Democrat!) lub, held In this city this evening. The banquet commenced at 7 p. m. and the speechmuklng followed. Judge I. N. Albert of this city acted as toastmaster. W. B. Trice of Lincoln had for his subject. Tha Democratlo Party and tha Trusts;" Prosperity by Act of Congress," by O. M. Hitchcock; Richard L. Metcalfe spoke on -Politics;" Willis E. Reed of Madison had for his subject "Getting Together;" Mayor James C. Dahlman's subject was "(Self Re liance," and Governor Shallenberger closed with "Nebraska Democracy." Among the prominent democrats who were present were Senator W. V. Allen of Madison, Judge Homer Sullivan of Broken Bow, Judge Oldham of Kearney, Tom Flynn of Omaha. One of the leading topics discussed In aa nformal way was county option. Many ot the democrats who came to attend the ban quet were present at the county convention this afternoon, when Mayor Dahlman mad a strong talk against county option. Tha attendance at the banquet was up to tha expectations of the local commute as every seat provided was filled. t. Joseph LIT Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 28. CATTLE Re celpts, 1,000 head; market steady; steers,; cows and heifers, 12.504.50 calves, 13.00a-7.00. nuu-Receipts, head: market, iota 16o lower; top, la. So; bulk of sales, V8-M1: SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 head; market steady to strong; lambs. V6.60 tff.fro. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prln Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2,300 12.300 6.600 St. Joseph 1,000 8,000 2,oou Kansas City 6,300 1.1.000 4,00ti St. Louis 4.100 12,701) 4,200 Chicago 2,600 17,000 13,000 Totals 15.200 85,000 29,700 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Starle mm Faaey Prod ace Prices Far. Dished by- Bayers and Wholesalers, BUTTER Creamery. No. 1. delivered to the retail trade, in 1-lb. cartons, 29c; No. In 26-lb. tubs. 28Wc: No. 2. in 1-lb. cartons 27c; In 60-lb. tubs. 27Vc; packing stock, solid pack. 2Uc; a airy, in 40-10. tubs, 210. Mar. ky)t changes every Tuesday. CHEESEt-Twlns, 17c; young Americas, 110; daisy, liVic; triplets, 17to; limberger, lie; No. 1 brick. 17c; No. 2. 14c; Imported bwiss, vc; oomestio bwiss, uc. POULTRY Dressed broilers. 30c; hens. 16c; cocas, iivc: ducks, loo; geese. 15c: tur keys. 2o: plaeons. per dos.. 11.50: homer squabs, V-00 per dos.; fancy squabs, 13.64 per aox.; xso. 1, w.ou per dos. Alive: Broil ara. from 1 to 1ft lbs., lftc; IVa to 2 loa 18c; hens, 12c; old roosters, 7c; ducks, full reatnereu, ic; geese, run leathered. 9c: tur keys, 18c; guinea fowls, 200 each: pigeons Sac per dos.; homers, V-1.00 per dos.; squabs, no. a. - per uos. ; ro. s, ouc FISH tall frosen) Pickerel. 10c: whit fish. 14c; pike, 13c; trout, 14c; large crap- viri, wvi'v, bwui,u uiavawai, aou; eei, lac; haddock. 18c; flounders, 12c; green catfish, lie; buffalo, 8c; halibut, lio; white perch, So; bullheads, 14c; white oat, lac: roeshad. 11 each; shadroea, per pair, 60c; frog lege, sue per mia. MEAT CUTS Ribs' No. L Uttc; No, 14c; No. V, 94c Loins: No. 1, 18c; No. 14c; No. 2, 10c. Chuck: No. 1, &V:; No. Hc; No. 3. SSo. Round: No. 1, ll,c; No. lUac; No. 3, 8Vc Plate: No. 1, JVc; No. 4W-; No. 1, 6We. FRUITS Orana-es: California r.mlli brand Redland navels. Hi sise, per box, 13.00 1U0 slse. per box. V3.36: 124 also, urr hnt 14.00; 150 slse, Mffi; 174 and smaller sixes, per box. H 50. Havana Mediterranean sweets, 124-112 sixes, per box, 13.00; 124 and sixes, per pox, 13.23.60; extra fane Aieaitarranean aweeta, per box, U.60ui3.7 valencias, 94-112-124 sixes. 14. 60; lio and smaller sixes, 44 i. iemons: Umorlera. extra fancy. 200-lnO sixes. HibOuOO: rkniea 1U0-2S0 sixes, per box. ln.OOJi".; 340 size, 6O0 per box less.. Bananaa: Fancy select, per bunch. V2.26i2.jO; jumbo, bunch, V2 75,73 75. s-lueapi'icB . r iuiius, ov-00 aixee), 4J.UU; 42-4J sizes, V-'.753.00. Cantaloupes: California, 44 size, 4J.w; 40 standards, 14.60. Cherries California, per 10-lb. box. 11.75. Anrimi, California, per 4-basket crate, 1 50. plums' California, red. per 4-basket crate, 11.40. reacnes: i auiornia, per av-lb. box. 11 10 triumpb, per box. 11.25. Wtterm.inn. Texaa. 2c ber lb. Datea: Anchor 1,1-. r. new. 10 1-lb. packages. In box. per box, Vl.ooi lui.iadi,i.ii-j-oiatoea: irian. W lacon sin ana native, per bu., bOUboc. new. In acaa, per ou., al io, caooage: Mw Call fornla and southern, per lb.. 2c. Ontnn. Texas crystal w;ax, per crate, 12 00; yellow! per crate. Vi.75. UarUe: Extra fancy, white, per jo., m-, , rea, per id., ibc. r.ft Plant Fancv Florida, per dos.. ilaofiffoi Tn.. toes: Texas, per 4-baaket crata, VI. 35. Beans String and wax, per hamper, about 25 iba. 12.60: market baskets. 11 00. ' rurnmk... Hot houee per dos.. HXuuitc; Texas, per HOME-GROWN VEGETABLES Rad isnes: extra lancy nome-grown, per dos. uumiira, tw. iiiurs; extra tanoy leaf per dos., SOo. Parsley: Fancy horn e-arm am per dos. bunches, too. Rhubarbs per doal juncnes, toe. Asparagus: l er aox. bunches llalath lirala Market. M'MTH, June 2S WHEAT Jttlr, it.': Septeniler 11.11S: No. 1 northern. HI': No. 2 northern. Il.ltii. UA I t .oC. i Wireless Agent Taken at Seattle George H. Parker Arrested, Charged With Use of Mails to Defraud. SEATTLE. Wash., Juna 2S.-Georg IL Parker, fiscal agent for the United Wireless Telegraph company for the territory west of the Mississippi river, was arrested lata today on a federal warrant charging tha use of tha malls to defraud. Mr. Parker was released under 210,000 bonds. The pre liminary hearing was set for August 1. The warrant upon which Parker was gr' rested was based on a letter written to B. B. Shc-ppard of Des Moines, la., April S, In which Parker, It is alleged, mis represented the affairs of the company for ths purpose of selling stock. Parker is reputed to be a millionaire and is said to have mad his fortune within the last few years. The arrest of Parker has a direct bear. ing upon the recent arrnsts in New York of President Williams and Vice President Bogart of th United Wireless company and of W. W. Tompkins of the New York selling agency. The local Inspectors and the district attorney have been in frequent communication with the federal officers handling the cases in New York and hav been working In harmony with them. BURKETT WILL FALL HEIR TO SENATOR ALDRICH'S SEAT Nebraska! Has Filed Clalsa to It Dolllver for Hale's Desk Hla ikiw Takes Trig). (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, June 28. (Special Tel. gram.) Senators A Id rich and Hale, having ch announced that they will not stand for re-election to the senate. It Is In order for senators to file with the sergeant-gr-trmi bids for their beats In ths Sena to chamber. The terms of Aldrlch and Hals each expire March 4, 1911. Senator Burkett was the first to fll for th seat now occupied by Mr. Aldrlch and Senator Burton of Ohio Is th second. In the event Nebraska returns Senator Burkett to the senate he will occupy tha seat vacated by Senator Aldrlch. Senator Dolllver, whose present term In the senate expires March 4, lUlw. La a filed the first claim on the seat In the chamber now held by Senator Hale. Congressman Hlnshaw and family expect, to leave Washington early in the week for an automobile tour through New England. Their schedule will cover a month's tlrn before arriving at their home at Falrbury. Postmasters appointed are as follows: Iowa Given. Mahaska county, Mary J. Brown, vice C. J. Jackson, resigned; VA lerin, Jasper county, Cornelius J. Ryan, vice C. Jones, resigned. South Dakota McClure, Lyman county, John W. Bush, vlca W. A. Welsh, raslgued, 1898-1910 JohnMuirS(o, Specialists In Odd Lots We now have a plan for buying stocks with margin calls eliminated. axtd fo Olroolas- Ite, 14 "Ode kVot Investmenta." Members aTw Tori Block Zxcttange. 71 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.