The Omaha Daily Bee. Our Mfi4?lri f"f.irM WEATHER EUR VC AST. l'nr i Ii'iihKh i nri ally fair l'ir Inw.i (iiniMnlh (Hlr. lor windier iri'tirt i ct" OMAHA, WKDNKSD.W MOKXIMJ, .U'NK :, l'MO-TNYKLYi; l'AlilX .S1N(J!.K COl'V TWO HINTS. IDKMOCItATSI'AII, ATOIMJANIZATION r (tlumki t'MKI ft 0t 7tf ohf i nk, TALK TAKM Tf TIMF, Ulffct f fMl IWs Not Mf. f Ul JjVi ) Rlrn, i"' )CTtmr A'.tomli Ksion Ifp,fd fr Wrm Cmpiffi. Ironm orrron is th mvr. flttmt4 t. afafaalfa lll ffca rih M ! le 'fXMt 4 lafJ lf alalala lll(re. f.l S r !. t ir ? i ! .ail Ctlf't'fi fr..i n.a .,.,. rii. ihMini at lolifn . .a fiir,.i to I ) r . 1 1 i .,r i . i. I I !. ,f a il,' 'i N a f ' ' -I l a . I t.t ll., 'lf iii i 'ln t.rn'iddl f ! l itiitrlnM. ,B f out :r t,i.ia r ' ! t inn , ,i. nmnv w ant a flrfl.l ier Ilia ,, ,,f if.l i.nrfi.ili',n, a rnftiirill a ii" Ui"d to t Iho officers! "I f.o' .II II. a mv I.t Hi Mala loll .im. ti. Ti.i Irfl fioflitri' alaa to ha dona apt b, li l.arri.'iiiT ' i orivaraaflon ar"."v" la i'i nfily Mud jr"iil. i)ftMt..r s'l.iiaoiaMrw .iit .r.niprt f.f "r hlr 4 iwt a t.'i il f tin t liillit li r t-I ha f!- li.l i.n liU rlnlit wltii I nt a..' li tin.1 hi nwii nir .., n . ,i i.fl, r.f.ii Miii mrr hlM ait i.ii.I anil In In f.f, (lie 'iirct ..ii.ip..-fl tit hi" nafi aj)ilitp" Ti f..' l i'ntvTm. iliif 1 iim f allrrl !. ' ,V If. Huh. HmIi !iiv," Wfri i' II MumiI. u.rliiiiiW nl nf Hi" Kr ii lii'l'K'nil 9 1 1 f .r M"V. It '1 i 9t liln.1rfil "f Itm aivllllll lit l-ln- Vil. r. !.'. a i .Inl , Hui.rlti- i. .In.i II.. .f I:." Inl"iil f.r KitMc Slock Market Tnkc.H Another Downvvanl Drop Nrtmhr f the Prominent Shares Ruth lwet Point of the Yr. VirW TfftK. Jii - Wlnrln tofik in f,n,.r rt'ifinrl .liiT.ira tndav. rarrvlnd l'i In a Miifihof .r'imlnnt hars l.i H, iwi.t t,( (I, a yaf HI. I'a'il, Alrlil '.n, Ilia Mill aiiMk". Cnltnl Hlnl Ptfal fi'l Ainalanmalfil l'...wr fr irinilnrnt In h iiiti. Tli n i'l ltn and iiblHiitlal r o.ynif niiirh f.iiol In Ilia I'nuraa of the firni I,m. ir ira'lina reflated Ilia Induntry wliii wlil. h Iho hiar alpinent wua pur aiilf.a; li nrfmllntK. ti,m ,rlm l nl fnrtnr In Uia llrnp w thl iiiibi dpi If rffiil of yrrr,1av'a rnpid d- illi.o Tl," lirialrfiinl of fnarrln lilch lr ,ll. in Ilia nncovarltiK of it ,p l'ir order Hud Ilia kpncrnl ferlli of 1 1 r " . i I -i'" iianilarrl nmonf fell holdera of " r-( lpllalr1 Ihr rald,n ta-lk of II, n lnir Tl.a i1tiiiifi In Ilia flrat fmlf liour wiro vr,fv Inraro, Ht. I'hiiI liavlriK dpi luifd an niifiiix and fniiin I'arlfli-, Oram .V.irWiarti pffrriad and Canadian l'aclflc 7 Tda r a 1 1 1 r- in t i a point In tli actlva a lor ka. Tim r,,ik tnnrk'f r nnlrt during the lultrr pint nf Dm d,ir with a Kradiml ra fovrrv ,,f llio liiaar of Ida flrat hour. I'cal loK frit tii a nnnl'niim, with pi.coa at almiit lna nlKlit a 'avrl. hut thrr.- was nj I in ! it I ii t riTiiwal of a'lllnn pi iRfiiiri'. Dn- lailotinl rirrpxalium In tha mnrkat uncov rr, aiipportlng oidiim, which aclfd as a rhTk. Senator McEncry Dies Suddenly Louisiana Legislator Expires After Day's Illness Governor Sanders Will Succeed Him. MOW f lit J..KA NS. I.a.. Juna S.-fnltPd Mittpa Hiimtur Sninml Douplna Mclinory ll' d at Ma liiiriir her.' this inoi nliiK. Ki liator Mc'lini'iy arrived from Wnshlnu ,.n vraterday mornliiK aufferlni: fhun an M r.1. t ni n..iir. T V. Pmlih. warden 14 " . . ' " .1 li. m etal t'il.iitlar . I iaiili'1 lliiliua' ir 4'na waid.ii. Jrfipli ll.iahli'r. i. !,! i.t ii d'p if rntr Knrdin. wlm ..n 'a ap'ir- at lha darnn.'iHilr'iir at Uioxli . A . .lohnaoii, drpulv alatn f h iio.ixioar , li a dfputy, Andy Onl- '. I.ia li rapt r,hla I 'ova H iwdan, '... ..f lha t..l.i. -V hi, ma at Mil ford; l-r I'firliU, a iif riiiirndant of tha Nor f ii aahini. I'lil.-nrl y iraa, prU-ata aar tar. and Irf-.i MMti, rhlaf rlark tn lha rl laf lOnillit of l.i !la A nil thrrc r ,hr. no rto'iht, nlmaa namaa are dot In IMa Hat. Mfcooai 'I'r I n tlrlaaHr." TMi ,olr Riiard nf tha no-.ernor. the "wvfl Vr up ti.-la,a fur tha o'rlork r'aina l." .ook i are of me applaua iii,,rieil Tha aonntor rallied aomewhut jaftiT traatinant, hut lute Inst nlijht his 'rutulltlon took a tuui for the worse and Irmly this morning he lnpsed Into uni'on- srlouancss anil olid shortly brfore 10 O'l I'K'k. t-Vrialur MiKncry wan In hla seventy- fuuith year and hi i.enlth Imd not been Komi for m'veral years. Haiinior McKnery Reived clu a lieutenant In the confedernte army. He waa elected lleutnnant Koveriuir lit 1S79 and succeeded Oovernor Wilts on the latter'a death In lnl. lie Kradiiated from the University of Virginia and was a member of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity. Funeral arrange ment have not been made. n.vmv nuiroi-' i.a.. juna i-i:n,..r, f;r tfm I'tw and rft one of them .jnr..d Y. Hand-ra will succeed the lato hita.. lha rlilaf .-uilve failed s,.miU)r McKii.-ry In Hie Lnltod States sen ate, according tu party leaders gathered l.ra. The lelHlature Is In session and Sanders' election la being arranpfd for. l.leiilenanfOovtrnor I.arnbremont will suc ceed Sanders. t ray h.hT na would sign or veto a r-iunif iltin Mil. Thia hrlgada saw to i ,at .vor liahlnian'a frland. got no rf hum l i ' p. it one over" on lha gover nor. avhleixad wnen iave Row 1ai aMernpt to g.i tn tha mat with an i-ili i an. The honorable laa at an went so far a I atiuffla off ... roat nnd alrlka an i'tnhan li'Ppad on I'nve fur br.ngtng lha Mvii f( ahama ti lha rheeks of o,ii! a damo- r-ry hy l.alng for Hhnllen "rfr hen Mayor lahlman wna In lha ra' ' I 11 give v"H to understand ynj ran't t, ma." sail iae wlien hi opponent atari'. I ixit i-n h.a lartura, on ' What I ..,a n.a MTor. or whrrn an Omni. a Drin- rat Ho ,iiitl lie ' Folk Boomers in New England Six Ozarkers Will Stnrt Publicity Campaign in Connecticut Today. r.e li a I, i i,l f.,r fthallauixraer til tha r rurna hoioa ari II I none of your taina And If you d,,n I like It I will an.Ha l'ia fa. a li of vuu ' SEW TOI1K. June 2H.A new Idea In I I. n,.thm on of yo,i or anybody rampaigning originated In the Intt-rest of the candidacy of ex-Governor Folk of Missouri for the democratic presi dential i.omlnatlou Is on the eve of prac tical working out with New England ns With ihif lae dhed his roat and colled I the field for the experiment, ui hi I.. i. a rit,t and longer left for ai six Mlssourlans from the Or.ark moun- ).,, Tha pr.,pr.L.-r of the notel at j tain region are In New York today ready i: i j'UKi ira g,,i r,.Traii trie two men, to start tomorrow on a tour of New n i li. ii I' a f'.g I of tha century" 1 yrt f.'iirhl ! i.a liuldent merely ,.t air.tie n, ul Pavo what he was km aioua f"r Ik latralfe pear la. Ar.i.rdip t, lha turning pilgrims IllclV ar 1 I Mrl.alfas ; -l wfi lha eelit .f l' ar,lia M- u'f ius.aiad that county i l-ii-.. i ah.,ii.l n..t l,a i I i. i-d In tnn demo ." 4l p.atf. rn.. hut that It sh' uld be r-fa, rv-l t. !!m V4i 'ii leatMiatlve tliairlcts an I It, at ir t,Jrty sli.tud pi.lsa tha gjv- r-.r to ,n ti, a 1,111 if pAsrd. Thia poai I . ,i I ..,v'l'J tj that of 11 r !'- ya.i Xt u fi a.'.i tutk a fad out of thosa who f-iian itarMiuncirg i.a prlaa WaUer, . .i.,4 t it ha would lung be reincm l.rl af'-r It ay wrr dead and tw gotten. T prt of lha t.a. ii takan to refer j-i I t th-a who dropped the letters rf h prean. nt 1 t iixli.tate lit the wate Uia.l at r.ra-t ban-piets '..'nin nrl Mtralf an. In f .mr. INa t ',.a. trl ha will vrlu a w.i it, opt., n t i l Jua aa ' k as he ca:i st . 1,1 i f a in If I i alrcta.1 g,,vrrn,,r a ..I tha ltii ,..n ri l. hwu. I'himan held t "ai i g.itt. n,,r a ta givn th vela po,r I im v.iiat.ti,i..,n I., usa i. vim..' I. CILAI5LT0N CASE MF0KENAT10NS Matter of Extradition of Accused Must Be Settled by United States and Italy. CASE MAY FORM PRECEDENT Decision Regarding Action May De cide Matters in Later Years. ITALY ASKED TO RECIPROCATE If Prisoner is Surrendered, Italians Must Also Be Given Up. vS-.' LAD'S ARRAIGNMENT P0STP0K Hearing Xet fur July 1M Aflrr Appearance In Court Cnrlooe Crowd leather to See Jim. NEW TOrtK, June 2S.-Porter Charlton's raae now awaits on the result of exchanges between the State department at Washing ton, and the government. Ill coun rel today In asking that his formal arraign ment be postpone! promises that nu effort would oo muno under habeas corpus, In sanity or other proceedings to take the prisoner out of the hands of the New Jer sey authorities pending the adjourned ar raignment, which after some argument was set for July 8. Meanwhile It Is expected that the Inter national aspects of the case will have ad Justed themselves and a decision be reached as to whether Charlton shall be delivered lo the Italian authorities on extradition proceedings. Charlton In Court. Charlton, pale and thinner than when last seen out o doors, was brought from the Jail to the court house under escort of the warden and sheriff, between whom lie walked unmanacled and shielding his face from the gaze of the curious crowd by nf h. Dni-tlv oiK-ned newspaper. He vat with eyes fixed upon the floor while Attorneys conferred with Judge lllalr. With the arrival of tiustave Ul Kosa, the Italian consular representative In New York, the proceedings were opened by a moth n on the part of the defense tor an adjournment. Prosecutor Uarvtn said he had no objection to offer provided it be agreed that Charlton be kept meanwhile In the Hudson county Jail and that no pro ceedings were Instituted to take him out of the custody of the New Jersey authori ties. This promise Charlton's counsel readily made, and Judge Blair set the hearing for July 8. Posltlou of United Statea. Copies of Italian evidence of the crime are In the hands of Gustavo Ulrossa, the Italian consular representative In New York. It waa said also before the pro ceedings opened before Judare ill air In Jut sey City that the New Jersey authorities also had a copy of a dispatch sent by the Marquis Paolo Dl Montegliati, charge d'af faires at the Italian embassy In Washing ton, to Secretary of State Knox on the day of Charlton's arrest,, and requesting the young man's extradition. In reply the mar quls was stated to have received a note from Secretary Knox in which It was lntl mated that If Charlton were given up Italy would hereafter be expected to con Bent to the extradition of Italians who com mit crimes in America and flee to Italy. The further exchanges reported In this connection were sold to have resulted In a declination on the part of the Italian gov ernment to commit Itself to ar.y such prop osition on the ground that an Italian penal code provision of a later date than the ex tradition treaty with the United States provided that no Italian subject accused of crime should be tried outside hio own coun try. Italy was said to have made no reply to the State department's rejoinder that an International treaty should take prece dence over a national law. A ' THE TWIN SISTER From the Denver Republl.-an. . - j CASE ACAIXST PEARY CALLED , i UOYEKNOHSAYS I'I(1HTM.IV UO ON DickciEon of Ncvml.i Annomcrs There Need Ue No Fear of Intci'fcrenrr at Reno. HAS LONG TALK WITH RICKARD Executive Assured Contest Will Bo Honestly Conducted. HAS NO CONCERN BEYOND THAT Jack Glcasou for Second Referee at Riiur Sitlo. BAT' NELSON COMES FROM COAST LOMAX GETS HIGH POSITION He and Other Union Pacific Men Ver ify Report of Change. Kngland to tell the people of that section what Governor Folk has done and to organize the Folk aentlntent In each town Ihey visit. The trip tomorrow will be utilized by the campaigners to prem h folk gospel to Connecticut. The marker say they expect to Identify fhrmsrUes so thoroughly with Governor cause that they will soon stand In the sn:ne relation to the Mlssourlan as the rough riders now do to Colonel Roosevelt. Browne Jury Called Into Court Room Judge McSurely Gives Panel, Which Has Been Out Nearly Four Days, More Instructions. HALF MILLION-DOLLAR FIRE AT PATTERSON, N. J. All Dulldlna-a on Main Street Be tween Ward and Market Destroyed. PATERSON. N. J.. June 28. Fire early today swept a block on Main street from Ward to Market streets in this city and caused a loss estimated at $i00,000. Five firemen were Injured by a falling wall and others had narrow escapes. Help from outside had to be asked by the local fire men. The burned buildings Include the Van Dyke Furniture company's store, where the fire started; the Uckwood Bros', furniture store building, the Donahue building, Daly's moving picture house and a number of smaller structures. The burned area Is only a block away from the path of Paterson's big fire of MM. GOES TO THE WESTERN PACIFIC 'Will llecomr 1'aaaruuer and Traffic Manaajer at Sau Krant-laco July Vice Prealdent Mohlcr Expresses Ilegret. The appointment oC Edward Lloyd Lomax, general passenger agent of the L'nlon Pa cific, to the higher position of passenger and trafflo manager of the Western Pa cific road, with o'floea in San Francli-co. was confirmed Tuesday morning at the Union Pacific headquarters. A. L. Mohlcr, vice president and general manager of the Union Pacific, said that the report was true and that he waa sorry to see Mr. Lomax leave the Harriman system. A telegram reached the headquarters build inir Tuesdav morning from Mr. Lomax, which stated that the dispatches from San Francisco relative to his new position were true and that it became effective July 1. Local railroad men, on the Union Pacific and other roads, are hoping that the civil service principle which has been in vogue u.nv, iha Harriman system lor some umo, will operate In this case and lead to the promotion of William H. Murray to b- Mr. Lomax's successor, air. aiunay been assistant general passenger agent for some' years, prior to which he was chief clerk of the passenger department, and oe .... . ,uiih Mr t.omax In tie lore inai , capacity of secretary on the Union la cific and Burlington, twenty-five years aso. He has come up from the ranks and know, the passenger business thoroughly, and is said to have a wider acquaintance with the theatrical traveling publlo than any other passenger agent In the country. f. P. OFFICIALS' NEW TITLES Victim of Taft Auto Improving Laborer Run Down by Car Driven by President's Son Not Yet Out of Danger. CHICAGO. Juna M The great strain at tend ng the rl'i 'tv-tw hours' session of i he Jury whhh has the ortbery charge jg.iinst Lee o'Sell Browne under consid- nhera-r Mood rt (n tha'erut:on was slightly relaxed at noon today .-M...I.4 l. U !!- returning una. whrn Judge Mc- iri.y on nu own initiative ... ... a a ,., i. hi.J on hi c.,i. 1 brought the twelve m.-n Into court to give t .i , if r. u.U i.t ront.on c.oi'ity ou t . . ... ii4 at.aptKii to what Urtca.fe a,' .'"! In t! a miliar if pledging tfi . i.-r t.i ma.k t.t ri . 1 .I''! I'ahiman had ,i f r, fi ,,u lniah4 ni. h.irf Olii'S NEPHEW ON VACATO I III rap lie W illi 4 ae4 IrsM olfte kaiaa ,( I'aii I tva I la ai . .'. !. la. J i.i J -Gnari Falls tii . t iai I'i".1nl IMa. Ifft tjly f l'.i i H lm.l to ataie th tai "t li j ..! ' tr'v, but a.l txt w nu.o , lav Miiliii CUy aar 1.vr art i:iac a re .,vl -tt t.,.:. f )lio Ctty . a ti ' ri,.rt of iiovi. iir J f iut I f ina vU prral- a. I them further Instrui tior.a. Attorney Forrest of the defense objected to the instruction, declaring that they vare not applicable t, law or the evidence. He was overruled and the court proceeded. "It is Important lo tha stv.e and thr rfn,1ant In this case that the Jury should arrive at a ve'diet." BILL TO M0DIFY KING'S OATH rremler Asqollh lutrodncea Meaaure to Alter Hrlialou Irrclarmtlon at Coronation. LONDON. June 2S. Premier Aaquith. In troduced in the House of Commons today, the promised bill altering the form of the religious declaration of the sovereign upon his coronation. The measure was passed at Its first reading by a vote of 383 to 42. In the proposed text the doctrine of the Itoman Catholic church is not singled out for repudiation, but it is simply affirmed that the aoverelgn Is a faithful Protestant. Orr, Ware, Fuller, Huntley and Lin coln Aa.l.taui General The Union Pacific has made five new assistant general managers at the Omaha headquarters. This Is in accordance with the new unit system recently decided upon, and those who hae been promou Charles Ware. C. E. Fuller. K. L. Huntley, W. U. Lincoln and T. M. Orr. A circular will be sent out from the of fice of A. L. Mohler. vice president and general manager, dated July 1. which tells of the new appointments. It Is signed by Mr. Mohler and by Julius Kruttschnltt. ji, nf maintenance and operation. Koch of the new officials will have the same responsibilities which he now has. but the new system will effect a change In the present way of doing business at the Union Paclflo headquarters. When the general manager is absent under the new ruling one of tne asBistani geueia-i "' agers will take charge, and thera will always be someone in authority at the main office. The titles, general superintendent, super intendent of motive power, chief engineer and superintendent of transportation will be retained by the present holders or their successors to such extent only as may be necessary for a proper compliance with law and existing contracts. The plan Is similar to that adopted a couple of years ago. when the several hetds of departments were made assistant super intendents. thus materially reducing tho amount of work to be done in tne ornces. BEVERLY, Mass., June SS. Because of tho serious condition of Michael Thlstii woila, the Italian uorkman who was In jured by one of President Taft's automo biles yesterday, Robert A. Taft, the presi dent's elder son, wiil not go to New London for the Yale-Harvard boat race Thursday. The Injured man was reported to have passed a very comfortable night with im proved chances of recovery, but "his name still continues on the "dangerous" list. The case Is In charge of Ur. S. J. Mlxter of Huston, who came here yesterday at the earnest solicitation of the president. Robert Taft keeps closely informed of Thisthwolla's condition. WASHINGTON, June 27.-Presldent Taft was greatly1 distressed when he learned of his son's unfortunate accident at Heverly. He Immediately sent a long telegram to his son, Uie text of which was private, but which is said to have contained in structions to do everything possible for the injured man. The following telegram was sent to an old college friend of the pros ident: "Samuel Carr, Boston, Mass By unfor tunate automobile accident at Beverly, Mass., my son, Robert, struck a street laborer, fracturing his skull. He is at Beverly hospital. Will you not call up by- telephone the best surgeon In Boston and have him visit the hospital at once and tender service to the resident physician and do all he can for the injured man? "WILLIAM II. TAFT." The president then sent a personal tele gram to the Injured man expressing his profound regret over the accident and con veying to the victim his earnest hope for a speedy recovery. This telegram was not made public. Explorer's Attorneys Hold that Ber lin Court Has No Jurisdiction. CHARGES MADE BY . FRANKE Cook's Companion Allege Ills Xiir. nbal Horns Wrrc Presented to Roosevelt and Fox Skin to Tp ft. Invasion of Kissing Bugs is Reported at the Parks Kvrl hundred young women were young women say. According to certain kU.l at Manawa park and other pleas- ; accounts from the feminine contingent, . ,i. .ii. r, he lonesome little wretches have been ura raaorta about t . city or Kissing ur ron u ' " picking on the girls. On the other hand, bugs sturdy and Monday night. others who were out at th beach Mon- Thy all declare th k'.salng bug la again dav night, declare that though the girls abroa 1 In tne land. And, with tosses may have been kissed most, no one was uf tha haaJ. they declare there is no fun barred. Men, women and children tuf- ln tna dittig of the visitor. fered Is tha general report. a i . .a tr, ,f I v t iiv i l.i.l . p..,ua.l! A na lean in case in paai )", in nil invasion is aeciurea positively to ,i i .i i. f !,, .-urt I.Hlay :'litte crvatur It.t th amblttou nam. h-'- been started Sunday night. Not a ia - ..f . . a ioii jf t . !iu'ii. knii ! ha lll a w'h uf mu,iged. swollen. elrgle casualty had been. heard of before, u. m.i . N mtu f..M report to mt , itching hrrk. tehinj hint o far a lie according to attendants at the parks. The . .. a .1 in . uri'.iii.'i mii i ,-i a fcHai uf ha gon. moat dangerous spots Is declared to be . ii. i4 U.1C1. j k.aaing bug has plad no fav-i along th water's edge and near the 1.1 V'r.. ."w . ;;.uUjt. JUC4,it., baa.v.r. la .pit iit what tha ; bench, under cluster, or tree I i it'i'l.U I i.t . J Ja U'laiu i a-t, t , aaf...-r uf l ia Clllsaii ll . Everybody reads Bee want ads. If you want a servant, use a Bee vrant ad. If you. want a position, use a Bee want ad. If you want to rent a or buy a home, use a Bee want ad. Bee want ad columns carry all of the bargains. Read them today. It will be profitable. BERLIN. June SS. The charges concern ing the disposition of Arctic trophies left by him at which Ur. Frederick A. Cook made against Commander Robort E. Peary during the highest of the contro versy over their claims of discovery of tho North pole were aired in a German court today, whin the suit Instituted against Peary by Rudolph Francke was opened. Francke who was associated with Cook i In polar exploration, demands $10,000 In sat isfaction of prizes of the hunt, which he alleges Peary required him to surrender in consideration of bringing him back to America. The defense sets up a general denial and further questions the Jurisdiction of the court on the grounds that tho defendant is an American citizen, having no domicile in this city. After hearing the opening arguments the court adjourned to con sider the point of Jurisdiction. Commander Peary was served with pa pers In the suit when he came here re cently to fill a lecture engagement. At the time he said he would be unable to remain here for the local hearing and that he had placed the case In the hands of the American ambassador, Mr. Hill Peary's Interests were looked after to day by Attorney Jablonskl, a partner of Victor Schneider, counsel to the American embassy, while Herr Thiel represented Francke. The latter was present, but was not called to the witness stand. Tht proceedings were before three Judges of the prlvinclal cour. In opening for the plaintiff, Herr Thiel spoke for more than an hour, going over the whole story of the equipment of Cook's expedition, tiie building of tiie supply nation ut Ktah, on the northwest coast of Greenland ; the hunting in that vicinity. Cook's departure toward the pole. Franoko's Illness, the ar rival of Peary and Francke's return home in the Peary relief ship Erik. The lawyer asserted that Peary had caused the plaintiff to turn over to him certain blue fox skins, furs and narwhale tusks as the only condition on which he would take him from the Arctic, where, if deserted, he believed he would die. The attorney argued that the transaction was Illegal In that It was consummated under stress. He said that a pair of narwhal tusks then given up wore later prwented by Peary to Theodore Roosevelt, while hills, where all sorts of sports were cn- Mine of the blue fox skins were given to Joyed by athletes of thirty yetirs ago. As President Taft aud -Mrs. Taft by Mrs. Colonel Roosevelt had already notified the Peary. Counsel claimed that the German secretary that he would not be at these! courts had jurisdiction in the matter be observances,. tho members were undisturbed ! cause Francke, a German, was unable to obtain redress in tho United States. Former t hit m plon tirliea mill III- Lien Honor vtllh l.utermir In I'o pill u r A I leu tin ii I. In hi W iii-U liy l-'luliter. KKNO. New. June :'s Secp:ng a.i) tn lust Itligi'lil.K fear of eXi-v lliUr lllUl f I I em with the .lol.i. t,,i-.U 1 1; l-s battle on .Inly I, tlotlUlor l'11'l.i i .mi of .tr.l,ld III I tW'd 1,1- ilay ami pel .-.mail;,- a-,ui',il I'umiioUt Ti, llcUaiil tliai ilieo was no pos.-ibuily of Mi tel tei I Ul IV "1 h.ivu l.eaid t.o tumors leceiilly that dm fihl u.4 apt to Ihi stopped," said tin. gov ernor, us he e!a,e,l hanils w it il'l.iul In the lintel this tin, i nine,. "1 do nut hnuw how rumors of possiblu acliou by myself .kgalul the light luie M'llelt oill. "1 wish to .stale again that 1 I,:, e not ci'tisidei ed such a IIiiiik at any lime. My pia-.ious statements on li.e mailer slanil today. Tiie .-late of .Nevada will hot iiuei feie, as the laww of tin: stale been complied with." Rickai d In , nu, ',1 In l and I he gov ernor u I ul I'lghl promoter strolled across tho street to a cafe ami sat down to breakfast together. The governor arrived from Ely un an early train llns morning. Miilemeiit by (.iiii'riinr, Governor liirki-rsoti today said to a mem ber of tho Assoriatid 1'iess staff: The Associated Press may stale for me that the Jel'.i h s-Joliiisuii fight positively will be held iii Reno on the aftei noon of July 4 with no lutei fei enco from anyone. Mr. Kiclutid as referee and promoter has assured tne thai the fit;ht will be honestly eoadueUil. Leyouil this 1 have no concern v. Un il. 1 have known Mr. Kickard for Iseteu years and have absolute faith ill his Integrity. Jlis won! is sufficient for me." It is probable that Jack Glcasou, Tex Hickard's partner in the promotion of tho fight, will also be Ills partacr in an auxil iary way in relercuing the contest. Rick aid said toda.t that there must be a second refurce at the, ringside ready tu step in should Kickard be Injured or forced to leave for any reason. "I lavor Glcasou," said Rickanl. The fighters have not signified their atti tude on the question. lint . claim In Chiiiii, The honors of popular attcntiuu among t'Kiay's arrivals were shared by Governor Dicker. son and Battling Nelson, former champion lightweight. "Mat'' came fioni the coast and was the center of an inter- Harvard Law School Commencement Address to the Alumni 'is Made by United States Attorney Gen eral Wickersham. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 2S The Har vard law school set the commencement pace today although class celebrations, especially that of 1880, In which former President Roosevelt was graduated, also held atten tion. The law school alumni had as orator of the day Attorney General Wickersham, who spoke to a large assembly in Sanders' theater. Tha Roosevelt class of 'SO Journeyed out to the Hooslck Whlslck club in the Blue by a curious throng. Seven classes lunched and dined at the Country club at lirookllne, while later lu the day many of the officials of the uni versity were busy welcoming candidates for honorury degrees to bo conferred at com mencement tomorrow. The names of those who will be honored j unfavorably in some quarters.' by Harvard tomorrow will not bo made ' Counsel denied the allegations of public, until Just before the exercise, f, r j Francke from beginning to end and said it Is the custom at Harvard to confer no j they had the same foundation as did Cook's degrees uhless the recipient is present. claim that he had been at the North pole. Replying for the defense. Herr Jablonskl Insisted that tho court had no Jurisdiction for the reason that Peary' had neither prop erty nor home here. "We consent," he said, "to appear at tho trial only because our absence would have been construed Sodium Nitrate Fails to Affect Blood of White Rat KANSAS CITV. June CS.-Ur. Walter M. Cross, chemist of this city, was the first witness to testify In the bleached flour trial In the federal court today. His cross examination by Pierce lluller of St. Paul, special attorney for the government, was resumed. Ur. Cross was excused after he had an swered two unimportant questions. Prof. Albert of the Unverslty of Iowa, testified that he had given one-fourteenth of a grain of sodium nitrate to a white rat and an examination of It blood later failed to show any nitrate material. 1 he witness sold he had taken nine grains of sodium nitrate in several doses ovrr a period of fourteen hours and he was unable lo discover that his blood had been affected thereby. Charles A. Rex and J. F. Forster. millers of Lexington, Mo., testified that they used the Alsop bleaching process tn their mills end that the process did not Injure their flour. I Jti-A Ihmti. t-l,..t l, n,','l...l ll.iu ,,f 11 first men ho met was Tex Rickard. whoso career as a fight promoter began ttheu ho brought the Dauo and Joe Guns t igeiiur 111 Goldfleld several years ago for the big gest purBu ever offered In the prise up to the time Jeffries and Johnson wei a matched. Tlx greeted Nelson cordially und said as tho lightweight walked away: "Look at him step along. Seem.-- lively, quick in his I movements and all Hint. Bat is taking care of himself. He's oui for a comeback at Wolaast, surest thing you know. Lellevi me, he won't be such a shoit ender either." Rickanl was lu nu unusually clieertul mood today. He declared that the worries were over and that the fight ttus going to be stayed on time and with everything in readiness. The heat of the day was tem pered by a cool breeze and all the fight followers In town determined to take ad vantage of It and go out to tho tialuinsr camps. Filthier lln Light Work. By 7 o'clock nearly 400 people had gath ered nt Moana, but Jeffries refused to leave his personal quarters until after o'clock Then he chat gad through the crowd and went off up tho road In a cloud of dust. Before his return, more than an hour later, lie had covered about neten miles of Nevada roads, taken mostly lu short sprints. When Jeffries, swinging lliihtly along on his toes, trotted back to camp many pre tators were still there. He g hi need at tha lingerers and announced through his fol lowers that he felt too good tu work at a'l today and then went to his rooms. At Jack Johrnou's camp It was rest day In the inorniii'. The champion dilttrt down stairs later than usual r.n 1 after gazi'u out along tho road lor a few minutes told hl trainers on hand to participate in th.i morning road run that he would not no. He gate no reason, but said the boxing and rymnasliini work In the afternoon would piobably be as per schedule. Johnson wandered around the resott with his camp followers, shooting n liltle craps and keeping up a running fire of banter with everybody in range. 1 he champion since his urrlval at tho resort has taken upon himself ut odd times the task of entertaining clianco visitors and seems to greatly er.Joy setting the fun going, he devoted considerable time to amusing the crowd, then went bounding upstairs to hi rooms. "I'll be down thin afternoon," he shouted from the top an, I disappeared. There was no letup today tu the ui rivals. Each train brought a few well Known men. Arena Itcarljr Heady. Rapid headway is being mad on th arena A force of 1,'i men la working ten hours a day tu h ive it completed next Frftlay, and so marked was the progress that the coniraclois said It would b possible to finish the Job Thursday night. The plans call for u seating rapacity ot about 17.000, but, according to Rickard, heavy orders for tickets from the east yesterday point to 'the possibility of a much larger attendance than waa at Tlrst expected, and it may be necessary to en large the structure. Jim Jeffries' hard workout yesterday was one of the principal tuples of conversation last night and the opinion seemed to b shared by all that the big fellow waa ap parently iii the finest possible trim and ready for the greatest battle of hi career. SAN FUANi'l.-iCO. June 2v. Betting on the Jeffries-Johnson fight took an unex- Ur. Walter 8. Haines of Chicago was peeled turn yesterday. Following a heavy sworn oa a witness late in the day. jjulitiaon rhhy Sunday night, the udda rose