THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUKE 1D10. 'lRIEF CITY NEWS I LOSE CIliMAN CELEBRATES Sect IV. Ho ctrl a rn Burfii i-Orcdan Co. ei J)r Olsanloa; of j.irmnls. TalB i:y lu Work. Ui Ntutil lMtefBtll. 13:o IfctioiuU Llfa laanraaca Co. T10 'v-rlti 1:. Adv. central A com. umihl J. Cur- 1. Hi' till. I' ' incMiit i-Ucea on in w.ier Ssrtia tot t-a WsUr Boar J. filuil lua I 110 bf tilt VAC J a naftrasaa BaTlB I S aua boas ass n. iaim -u ituu.ta n"y uouaU county. rvtcti prompt, i.-rin.i roaaonablo. ctotrd of Trails tiidg , 1('3 l'arnum Su, Omaha. Jttdr ottm Talka juilgn Sutton r tiltht from Craig, Nb. v. v JeiiroU tti annual memorial aiili4 t e dull Odd Kellowa. l.K noruJ tliat on Sunday, Craig re it-ivJ .1 mucli nvld rata, un tli tour ill ut July, Judge fatten will apeak at Elk City. Vcaana ST.ars Oomplatloa- Alt the l.nal rrcurjn, accounts anil portfolios of tlia cmaua bureau h-iva tx-n nt Into itahlngtun. Tho remaining detal'.a of to Omaha oftlcu will be completed and .ut tw tlia natlon'a capital by Irrtduy. All nnmti that 1 tve not ben nnumeral.d rom now 00 will lo Bent to Washington direct. Judj Consldsra K3rld Caaa Wesley Leo Lawrence Obserres Two Thou sandth Ton? Birthday. 13 ONLY MXMBZ2 IN 01IAHA Chinaman Obaervea Annlemnv of roar Brethrra Soviet - H1a-a Wn too Caaa of Blo abed In w York. "1 , Vr' '"loUrUlo, occjultled of the murder of I a Harry lAing on the. grounda of Inaanlty, i 3 likely be oumui.Ued early tltia week ; X to either the Lincoln or the Norfolk asylum. Judge Eatclle is holding a con- " Terence 11. la axteinoon with an Oman IT a physician who la well acquainted wtlb conditions at theae Inatltutlona and may dec.uu tudAy. ' i Arrange for Postal Station Uoorge Van Dyke, superintendent from the flrat assistant poatnia.iler general's oillcu at luililngtori, will arrive In unu.,1 uiooday nlgnt to complete ar rangement fur Dew poalai stations, which will be installed In Omaha. Moat of tna details tor ilia locutions of the substations have lxn arranged and Mr. Van uyke will complete them. kXohl.r Jtetnrna A. U Mohler, vice preildciit and Keiiura.1 luanager of the Union I'aclllc haa ret ur net! from a trip i Grander, 'yo., to which point he ac companied iiou JL bclilft, the New Voir capitalltc. tii;aklng of the trip, Mr. Mohler ald tiiut U waa one purely of pk'rfsulo UI..1 that bualucsa was a for MuJcn subject.' r. Kchlff waa taking tlio Journey as a lcluxutlon from business cures uud Mr. Munitr enjoytd his com p.iu. lrcm Oiiiana to Granger. Want Uniforms on Cyole Copa John urilMii und' 1'iunk larinalee Were ap- txilnteu by the Omaha AutumatiUa asso ciation Monday morning aa a committee of two to call on tho chief 01 police and Mrik ti;it tao inolorcyclo policemen be placed In regular uniforms. The Idea of tno club Is that uniforms on the mo torcycle police, would act aa a menace gainst reckless driving and would pre vent it In addition to the present func tlons of the officers of merely arresting the drivers after the harm haa been done. Leo Lawrence, an Amorlcan-born Chi nese, celebrated all by hlmalf the two- thousandth birthday of the Four Broth era society, or the Leo (Jong Chang Cliuu tong. Sunday. Bo fur an known Lawrence and his father. Chi Sang, are the only Omaha membera of the venera ble society whoBe celebration In New York was attended with bloodshed caused by the On Leong tong. "We don't go in very much for the tonga here." said Joe Lee. proprietor of the Oolden Eagle reataurant and proba bly the wealthiest and the be-at educated Chinaman In Nebraaka. "The Four Broth ers' society la a good deal older than the On Leong, and the last la generally known as trouble-maker. Chinese en gaged In bualneas here In America do not vary often belong to It. "Lawrence and his father are thaonly Omaha residents 1 know of who belong to the Four Brothers, and their member ship comes about by right of birth. The father la, I understand, out of the, city at present liwrence celebrated the event by himself." til ! it WILL PRINT BOOK OF OMAHA A. I. Boot Company to Prodace Book o( Views to Advertise tao City. An announcement was made Monday by the A. I. Root company, that It Is preparing to Issue a book of views depicting Omaha. The book will contain forty-eight views, tr.cludlng a two-page panorama, of Omaha. ' The publshers stipulate In their announce ment that the work will have as its sola purpoae the advertlement of Omaha, and will not contain' a single printed advertise ment of anything else. No charge will he made for the production of . ptoturea of buildings. It was not stated when the book would appear. V ' Bullet Grazes Court Attaches Pellet Rebounds from Cobblestone and Goes Through Police Court Window. f looping low cr.3 looking under a partly opened window of the pollco court room, Judge J 8. Cooley and Clerk J. J. Maho.iey narrowly missed being struck by a bullet which shattered the glass above them Monday forenoon. The two legal lights had been attracted to the window by the sound of several revolver shots. As they gated below they discovered Patrolman 13. A. Thorpe attempting to kill a dog. One of the bullets struck a cobble stone on the driveway and ranged upward through the courtroom window, bringing shower of glass upon the spectators and strlkli.g the celling above. Excitement reigned In the courtroom for a few mln utes and Policeman Thorpe received a few words of advice on the virtue of careful ness. The dog, which had belonged to John Fogarty, and was declared vicious Eatur day, died after the fifth bullet. Negro Remembers Sergeant's Help Colored Kan Sends Back Dollar He Borrowed from Desk Han at Police Station. "If you listen. bo s, 1 II tell you a story,'1 said the desk sergeant, aa be took a large envelope out of tho eafe, fingered It and looked at tlia ttudreaa. The conversation ceased, everyone cocked hie ear, for all knew that when the ser geant was In form he could spin a yarn and a good one, too. And this promised to be a good one, by the kindly, merry twinkle In the eyes which light up a face that pcuraya the sympathetic heart that teats beneath the coat of blue. It waa one day last month," said he, aa left the aeat of duty and Joined the unco, of Idlers and in the outer 1. "I waa at the desk when the head 1 big. husky nigger was framed in the window. "What's the matter. Job,' I rked. Ah've lost ISO. sergeant,' said he. How did you do that? 'Oh, Ah didn t go home last night; I slep' In a box car; there was other strange cull'd men there, strangers Ah didn't know. nd now Ah haven't the SM and Ah can't so home 'cause there d be squabbiin' an day.' Why don't you go.' said L 'to some of the colored people; they'll lend you some money. 'Lend roe money I They wouldn't to bury me. An' Oh, sergeant. Ah 1 lose my Job as Ah ain't got oarfare. Couldn't you lone me a dollar. It'll put roe over to ion- ayr The tears were running down his cheeks he wasn't a bad sort of nigger and I said to myself, 'well here goes. A dollar will neither make nor break me, so I lent him the dollar, and now, boys, do yoa know what's In that envelope?" Faying this he tore open the paper and out dropped a silver dollar. As a sequel to his story, the sergeant told of "Makin Oeorglas" coming to Omaha and how he got that nickname so full of the glow of the plantations and the water melon patch. It was a cold January night that Toby sought the shelter of the police station. His teeth chattering wrth cold, he told of how he had traveled from the west In a box car and was "Makin Georgia." "You can't stay here, this cli mate will kill you, roan," saia tne si- geant He agreed, but he felt In better spirits the text morning after the warmth of the police sUtlon. and getting work, he made the sergeant his treasurer until he got married and fear of "facln' the mis sus" drove him back to the quarter whence her had received succor In the past Social Calls Too Much for Woman Can Stay Sober at Home All Bight, but Not When She Goes Visiting. i! it? t DISFIGURING ERUPTIONS J, t v t MNvvcrr wa 11 Speedily Yield to CUTIGURA Soap and Ointment Cuticura Soap, assisted vhen necefesary by Cuticura Ointment, not only pre serves, purifies and beauti fies the skin, scalp, hair and hands, from infancy to age, but tends ;to prevent clog ging of the pores, the com mon cause of pimples, blackheads, inflammation, irritation, rednessahd rough jiess, and! other unsightly and annoying; conditions. aU tkraoahMt ftw vat Id Dveta: Laedro. ft. ChaMrrtMue M : ruk. 10, Mm ea la l h 1 1 1 a'Aatia: Aaatmiia, K. Towoa Co. or4ar: Iwin, X. rani lieut: China. Hu Koas Drue Ca. .'arao, tlarara, l td. Toio: Da. Amca, Kaaaoa. Ltd. Car-, ; T . A, IHitter truso Chaoa. Con. Roia Props . IJ4 Onta'abaa Aa. Baataa. vlot-lra.l2-kan Cuticura Booa'n. civiot la ni.Htta tor laa BU CM at okav f ?aa4VJ Mrs. ,H. Peaaner, who waa taken before Judge Sutton In Juvenile court Monday morning charged with getting drunk and neglecting her children, claimed her ine briety was due to the hospitality of friends and. .neighbors ahe visited. "If T stay at home I don't get drunk," she said. She has been married twenty years, and lis twelve children. At various times dur Ing the past few years most of them have been tsken In charge by the juvenile court and have been found homes elsewhere. The case Monday was to determine whether two other children should be taken from her, Judge Sutton took the cafe under advise' ment, warning Mrs. Peaaner that ahe must either keep aober or refrain from makin aoclal oalia. Wife Beater Roughly Treated Policeman Proves a Hard Proposition for Man Who Had Easy Time with Woman. Policeman Smith, by efficient use of hla club and hla fiats, proved Sunday night his argument that a man who beats woman can t beat a man, according to a report at the atatloa Monday. Smith waa called to the home of David Kanarrow K3X Decatur street, at a late hour Sunday night, on Information that the roan was beating his wife. The evidence that met his eyes bore ou the information. "Any man tnat win hit a woman can hit a man," he remarked in disgust, whll Fanarrow was venting words of defiance und wrath. Thereupon Fanarrow threw himself In wild attack upon the policeman. Smit proved nia contention, and brought th man a prisoner to the police station. Farmer Drives Auto Zigzag and is Taken Policeman Wilson Arrests A. F. Wat son of Emerson After Exciting Scene on Farnam. A. V. Watson, a farmer living near Emerson, la., was arrested Monday noon at the corner of Sixteenth and Farnam streets on the charge cf nearly running over four women and then starting after a cop In an Automobile. It Is said that as he was driving doan the street lie barily nitaaed running Into tho women, and In an attempt to aet out of their ay he made a bee line for Of.. . r lilll WU.-on the traffic policeman at the corner. The cop a ire was arouiel. and he called for the police patrol. L'urtng this part of the pro gram a companion of the driver was seated In the car, hardly knowing whether to atay or not. Ha took a tumble tn a mlnutt, however, and warmed the pavement with hla feet. Aa the policeman and his prisoner came from the atore the latter asked that he be allowed to drive to th station In his cwn machine and not be forced to accept the disagreeable Invitation to ride In the city's joy wagon. This waa refused, however, when the officer once more recalled the craxy driving. He loaded the man Into the patrol. At thla juncture Mr. Watson asked that he be allowed to ahut off lils engine before he go to the jail. Out Officer Vllaon replied, "Not on your life; let the blooming thing go. Tou didn't seem to be so overly anxious to atop the thing when you were making for me, ao you can just let It run along and look out for itself." few ' Five Arrested in Riot at Sheeley Policeman Thomas Calls for Help and Squad Gets Two Women and Three Men. Two women and three men were rounded up by the police In response to a riot call to Sheeley Sunday night Policeman Thomas found the quintette engaged In wild free-for-all light, and attempted In vain to atop them. After charging through the fighting crowd several times, Thomas stepped over to a patrol box and sent In a call for help. The participants In the fracas later gave their names aa follows: John bhoca, Joe Sandusky, Joe Mawracy, Agnes Mawracy and Anna Shoes. .... Thay were each fined II and oosts In police court Monday. Cigars, Mustard and Tin in Loot Burg-las Invade Three Places of Business and Get Strange As sortment for Trouble. lurglars who were active Sunday night ranBackcd three places of business and got away with a quantity of tobacco, cigars, mustard, sardines and brass and copper. The concerns which were Invaded were A. E. Burkh'and's store at 1603 Vinton street, where 160 cigars and a quantity 01 tobacco was taken; the store of A. V. Cronk, at Eleventh and Kane streets, from which thirteen jars or mustard, eleven cans of sardines and twenty packages of tobacco were taken; and the American Metal and Novelty company, 1206 Dodge street, where 120 pounds of brass, S.000 pounds of copper and tin tanks fell Into the nands of the prowlers. PERRY TO SUCCEED WARING Superintendent ef Omaha. Gat Com pany Promoted anal Philadelphia Man Takes Ills Place. George H. Waring, superintendent of the Omaha Gas company for the laat eight years, haa been made vice president and general manager of the Charleaton Consoli dated Railway, Gaa and Electric company, Charleston, S. C, and will leave Omaha for his new field of operation on June 29. Mr. Waring will be succeeded as superin tendent of the Omaha Gas company by Joseph A. Perry of Philadelphia, Pa. LABORER HURTJN BAD FALL George Washington, a llodrarrlrr, Knlla Sixteen Feet to Ground and la Badly Cut If. George Washington, a negro hod carrier. received serious Injuries In a fall from n ladder sixteen feet to the ground at Twelfth and Davenport streets about l:V) Monday afternoon. He was taken to the police station and attended by Police Sur geon Standeven. Washington's Injuries consisted of lacera tions about the head, face and back and possible Internal Injuries. Shoots at Man Who Offers Aid C. J. Williams Fires Several Shots When Another Attempts to Stop Quarrel. C. J. Williams, who rooms at 823 South Nineteenth street, was wrrested about mid night Sunday night, after he had fired several shots at a man wJho Is known as "Fatty" Abner. A charge of firing a re volver within the city .limits was placed against him. : ,-n... According to the lnforrmitton-agalnrt him, Williams had engaged In 1 a 'quarrel with his landlady, and when Abner interfered In her behalf, had turned his gun upon the peacemaker. Pcrsiatent Advertising la the Road to Big Returns. 13 Why don't YOU try one? Schultz Gets Out" Under Big Bond Bond of $5,000 is Signed bv Mother-in-Law and Friend of Man Held for Krug's Death. Al Schult. the man who figured In the Automobile accident that cost William Krug his Ufa, waa released under $S,0(0 bonds Monday afternoon, pending trial on a charge of manslaughter. The amount of the bond was fixed by Judge Crawford about noon. it was furnished several hours later by Adulph Cuboky, a friend of fichulu, and by Mrs. Frances Probal, $chulti's mother 1 11-law. The two signers qualified tq sign, by showing that between them they ptsseaa til. WO in real estate. Say It! If your Joctor tayt ihh ft ell rifht, thtn my H ever and regain. jZtriX; Headaches. Biliousness. CoiKtipadon. Ayer'a Pills. Sugar-coated. Easy to take. Don't forget. Headaches. Biliousness. Constipation. Ayer'a Pills. Sugar-coated. Easy to take. Don't forget. Headaches. Biliousness. Constipation. Ayer's Pills. Sugar-coated. Easy to take. Don't foreet. The Board Sidewalks at tb comer of lClfc uad Dodge lead to tiie buJUat drug, store In t j west here Mtenslvo lwprvvejneriU ar be ing made that will greatly Increase rapacity for talilcr far of our rarldly win.- bueinvts. Prescription depart- t e!'3c? mill bo lust .about tripled. Sherman & 'UcConnell Drug Go Cor 10th and Dodge 61. Lifts Lid Off and Gets Fine Tony Buda is Cau?ht Selling Beer to Crowd in Shanty Sunday ffifrht. Tony Buda. who occuplea a shanty at 531 North Sixteenth atreet. waa fined $2i an coats for aclllug liquor without Dcenae and two women and several men arrest.l with htm. The police found Buda dispensing beer to the men and women. . The roroeu gave their names aa Kitty Lundell and Dolly Dug an and were given thirty daya In jail. A Cruel HI Intake. U to neglect a cold or cough. Dr. King's New Discovery cures them and prevents consumption. Wo and (1.00. Yor sale by Beaton Drug Co, Not much to look Wt. Goodafterthey're. j w rappeci in a green pacK- age. Imitated all over the land, but Cobs quality has put. it all over the imitations. But be sure you get the real article, not a cheap and cheapened substitute. Tne "J aim Buskin" U aa Eye-Cpener. too Coba big fie brother. L LEWIS & 1 In Planning Your Vacation -our clothes ar, or oonrse, one 01 mr msi iuumriniuu. Their style, comfort, fit and nines make "Nebraska" Two-Plec Putts particularly suitable for your every vacation need. Cool ness and comfort, the main considerations in the wearing, have been the main considerations In the making. Fabrics are worsteds, woolens nnd serges light In weight, but shape retaining because of their spU-nutd tailoring. Will you aee, TOl'AY, these Men's two-pieco suits at sio, sis and more j $tttCmtyCtolkc "The House of High Merit" Mi.;.l iF r;KLEWlS&CO.,Mfri cv 10 l' M r ift. 'v. : , -'it I ' t, m'mm A t Hot Weather Housekeeping Upstairs and down stairsin and out- one duty after another ---shopping: too. No wonder you're hot, tired and thirsty. Send out to the drug store and get A GLASS OF Just like taking a trip to the mountains. Cooling as a fresh breeze -fatigue-relieving and thirst-quenching. Delicious Refreshing Wholesome 5c Everywhere Send for Our Free Booklet "The Truth About Coca-Cola." Tells all about Coca-Cola what it is and why it is so delicious, wholesome and beneficial. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Atlanta, Ga. 7-B Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola Sri 1 mi - " ' '-' A '"r'tr - ' - - :-.i-' FU1NITIKE 0, OUTH OIVSAMA. Sells Furniture 20 Below Omaha Prices All Street Cars Pass Our Door Low Prices Not One Day But Every Day WE FURKiSHEDTHEiR HOME If it t r fi4 ALLEN BROS. CO., Distributers, fboae Doug. 463. joib and Farouia 9 :1 Pali SBsBaaaanaaaV WTY SBS aT. . -ft TaJ ajn Mm mm v 4 Fall Styles in Rugs NOW ON b 9x12 Brussels . . , 9x12 Velvets . . . 9x12 Axminister 27x54-in. Axmin See our complete line of and Body Brussels Hug 1 IL "- J V v mtNf"' I ' 111 all V'rfWA ,7'50 Wm istcr i.45 i mm Lowell Wilton I I W 1 u "u mm Y rite for Catalog of Rugs and Curtains SENT FREE BV MAIL. ataa. l4 i