Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Lawns and V
Iowa Railroad Commisiion Will Inves
tigate It.
151R-1S20 Farmm Stre
Lynn, Masi., Shoeman and Policeman
Men Seised Hair Containing S0.000
Intended for Pay Holl They Are
Quickly Burrounrfed by Pome
of Factory Kmplojn,
LYNN, Mum., June 2r. A double murder
and the robbery of. more than 36,000 by
three young: Russian Poles on the principal
business thoroughfare of Lynn today had
Its sequel within 1eH' than two houra In
the death of one of the bandits, the aerlou
wounding of another and the arrest of the
third. The victims of the murder were
Thomaa A. Landregan, a shoe nanufao
turer of tills otty, and Policeman Jamas
Carroll. ..y ........
The name of the dead robber la Abba
Anson of New York, according to bla abate
ment to the police. The name of the other
wounded highwayman la not known, but
the third man aald he was "Bill" Kovonsky
of Boston. Inspector Morrissey of the
Boston .police department later said Ko
vonsky was one of the Jamaica Plains out
laws, who held that suburb of Boston In
terror two years ago.
llceman, was returning from the Lynn Na
tional bank to the factory of Welch &
Landregan, of which he was one of the
proprietors, and was carrying In a bag
X.000, the weekly payroll of the factory.
Ban of Money Seised.
As the pair neared the factory on Willow
street, three robbers ran up behind them
and opened fire at close range. One of
tho trio aeiaad the bag of money and al
most the same Instant Mr. Landregan fell
dead with a bullet through the neck. Car
roll dropped mortally wounded, and the
robbers ran up the street, heading for High
.. Rock, a olty park! After reaching: this
hill the men separated.
In the meantime a crowd estimated at
, 10,000 persons started in pursuit. Practically
11 were armed. In a short time a cordon
was thrown about the High Rock district
these lines that all three of the bandits
1 came to grief.
Anson died In an ambulance as the result
of a bullet wound in the head. He had
. ceen repeaieuiy snot at by the police, but
i' the indications when his body was dragged
rum a clump ui uusnes in uraime street,
were that ho had sent a bullet from his
own revolver through his brain.
' A second man whose name Is not. known
I was wounded by Policeman Grady. He
probably will recover.
t One Man lladly Beaten.
The man called "Bill" Kovonsky sur
v rendered to the police a short distance from
f vhere tlio secoud was shot. Kovonsky Has
been Identified as the man who killed
Landregan. When Kovanaky was brought
to the police station several hundred shoe
factory employes followed him, knocked
jt. him down and beat and kicked him. Sev
'l eral of the policemen were roughly handled
In endeavoring to protect Kovonsky, who
: was finally dragged into the station.
A search of the robber's clothing resulted
,' In the recovery of more than It.OOu.
. Mr. Landregan was aui 42 years of
''. sge and leaves a family. The firm of
'Welch & Landregan. of which he was u
member, opemtcs 0110 of the largest shoe
factories In tho stale, employing nearly
1.000 persons.
Tax Levy at Nebraska City.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., June 2S.-(Spe-clal.)
The Board of Education at a special
meeting decldeo to levy a tax of 23 mills
this year, it costs fcCUOO to pay the run
ning expenses of the schools of this city
and J 12.000 has been realized from the sa
loon licenses tht.- year and the remainder
of the $35,000 has to be raised by a direct
levy. This Is the largeki levy in years
for school purposes. As yet the board has
not been able to dispose of the (SO. OUO bonds
which were voted for the purpose of erect
ing a new high school building and the
board haj appealed to the Commercial
club to aid in finding market for the
same. The trouble is the bonds are to draw
only 44 per cent Interest and the stringency
of the money market creates a demand for
a better rate of interest.
Month. Dakota l.vyal Leg Ion.
SIOUX FALLS. S, P.. June 2S.-(Speclal.)
At business session the annual state
convention of the Loyal Legion of South
Dakota, which has just been concluded
here, elected the following officers for the
soming year: President, Miss Strayer
Myers, Brookings; corresponding secretary,
Miss Helen Rowaii, Hartford; . recording
ecretary, Rachel Newklrk. bJloux Falls;
iieasurar, Mrs. Bid well, Mitchell. . . .
for Small Women
(32 to 38 bust).
Special nt $G.75 Cool hiwns nud
dimities, some in small polka dots,
other designs in small rose patterns
in pink, blue and lavender; neatly
tailored with the low round neck
and short sleeves lace trimming
at neck, sleeves and belt plain
pleated skirts; sizes 32 to 38. A
warm weather flyer at only
Pension Agencies
to Be Retained
House Conferees Are Forced to Yield
to the Senate on This
WASHINGTON, June 26. The house con
ferees today yielded on the question In dis
pute over the pensions appropriation bill
and- the -conference report was agreed to by
the house. The house wanted to abolish
all penslpn agencies but the one In Wash
ington,' but "the senate-would not agree. Ail
the present agencies will be retained. The
pension bill carries 1156,000,000.
Case Against Frank. Arnell, Charged
with Mistreating; Miss Dale, la .
Called In Ckloaaro.
CHICAGO, June 25. (Special Telegram.)
John D. Rockefeller, jr., will be called on
to take an interest In the case of Florence
Dale, 18 years old, who took the witness
stand In Judge Hlmea' municipal court
room this morning against Frank Arnell, 22
years old. Arnell was arrested last night
on a grave charge. The case waa continued
until June 28.
Miss Dale, with tears streaming down
her cheeks, told how vivid stories which
she had heard about New York City had
attracted her from her home in Seattle to
the metropolis. She was only 1 years old
then, she said, and she met Arnell shortly
after her arrival.
Arnell was arrested by Detectives Loftus
and Garrd today. Attorney Clifford G. Roe,
active in "white slave" work, had taken
an interest in Mlsa Dale's case and as
sisted In the prosecution in the Chicago
"There is a more severe punishment in
New York than is the case here for the
charge against Arnell," said Attorney Roe,
"and It Is probable he will be tried In that
city. I will send a telegram to John D.
Rockefeller, jr., son of the oil king, who is
Interested in the suppression of 'white slave'
work, to see what can be done about the
case." Arnell is being held in $1,500 bonds.
General Field Secretary Her. F. C.
Berger Addresses Convention
at Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN, S. D., June 25. (Special.)
The Dakota branch of the Young People's
Alliance of the Evangelical Church associa
tion held its fifteenth annual session at
Big Stone, S. D., this week, the sessions
lasting an entire week. General Field Sec
retary Rev. F. C. Berger of Cleveland, O.,
attended the meeting and gave a number of
addresses during the sessions. The reports
from the different societies showed the
alliances raised over $1,111 for missionary
and benevolent purposes. The convention
of 1911 will meet at Big Stone on June
1G-20. The officers elected for the ensuing
year are: President. Rev. F. F. 8chaefter,
Langford, S. D.; first vice president. Rev.
G. E. Bonner, Cavalier, N. D.; second vice
president. Rev. J. J. Schacffer, Clear Lake,
S. D.; third vice president, Rev. C. F.
Strut I. Croton, S. D.; recording secretary,
Rev. H. W. Teichman, Aberdeen, ti. D.;
corresponding secretary, Viola Gross, Madi
son, H. D. ; missionary secretary, Ella
Heidner, Fargo, N. D. ; superintendent
junior department, Lydla Miller, Mil
bank. S. D.
raael Which Has Bribery Case
(hlraso Seat Bark to the
Jury Hoow,
CHICAGO, June 25. After eighteen hours
spent partly In Bleep and partly in consid
ering the fate of Lee O'Neill Browne,
charged with bribing Representative White
to vote for William Lorlmer for senator,
the Jury had not reached an agreement
this morning. Judge McSurley left the
Jury to further consideration of the case.
At noon there was no sign of agreement
W. O. Brawn of Ottawa, III., Iajared
la Accldeat Near Des Mataes,
Dies la Hoesttal.
DES MOINES, la., June I$.-W. G. Brown
of Ottawa. III., died at Mercy hospital early
today frora injuries received In the wreck
of a Wabash passenger train near Percy
mar Dea Moines last night. Thirty were
Injured. The wreck was caused by a wash
out. It la (tared ether deaths may follow
- wj m r. j i
state Hoard of Health rata Baa oa
Paalle Drinking; Can Tom
tuercial Ma a la la
f dieted.
DES MOINES, June 2J.-(8peclal Tele
gramsThe State Railroad commission to
day sent a representative to the scene of
tho wreck late last night on the Wabash
railroad, in Marlon county, to make In
vestigation. If It Is deemed best, the com
mission will make a full Investigation of
the surroundings. ,
The wreck was caused by the washing
out of the track by a sudden shower of
rain. The commissioners say that they de
sire to Investigate with a view to directing
the betterment of the Iowa roadbeds, to
the end that such accidents shall not take
place. W. G. Brown of Ottawa, 111., Is the
only one of the persons Injured in the wreck
who has died.
Drlnktnit Cap Abolished.
Secretary Sumner of the State Board of
Health today Issued an order directing that
tho public drinking cup be abolished at
once. The order, while not strictly manda
tory, calls on officials of corporations and
others where the public drinking cup is
furnished to get busy and abandon the
same In the Interest of the public health,
Secretary Sumner In his order declares
that more germs detrimental to the public
health linger in the public drinking cups
than are found in many of the poisons,
draught of which brings terrible agony and
generally death.
Traveling; Man Indicted.
The grand jury has indicted W. 11. Fyne,
a traveling man, for Illegal voting, and it
Is expected this will be followed by other
prosecutions. Hs gave an address other
than that of his real home, and it Is sup
posed, was planning to engage lu repeating
when he was caught at the polls,
' Bar Association Fleets.
The following officers were elected by
the Suite Bar association: President, J. L-
Carney, Mai shall town; vice president, C. U.
Saunders, Council Bluffs; secretary, Charles
M. Dutcher, Iowa City; treasurer, Charles
S. Wilcox, Des Moines; librarian, A. J
Small, Des Moines.
The bar association adopted the report of
the law reform committee favoring reform
in divorce matters by requiring that a full
report of the evidence in all divorce cases
be placed on record and that the court
name a lawyer to act In all divorce cases
by default. The committee also recom
mended that the supreme court reporter
and clerk be appointed and. not elected.
A measure to prevent second trials was
that for a law forbidding a new trial on
mere technicalities.
Figures on State Convention.
'The following figures have been given
out by the republican managers with refer
ence to the present status of the repub
lican' state convention' next August, show
ing the factional division as tar as can
at present be designated.
Prog. S. P. Doubtful
14 b6
51 25 2S
105 . 20
its 13 V
42' lb
28 80
.128 13
19 82 21
45 80
147 11
107 ,10 31
784 491 106
Second district
Fourth district ..
Fifth district ....
Sixth district ....
Seventh district .
Eighth district ..
Ninth district ...
Tenth district ...
Eleventh district
Claims Are Reiterated.
The Taf t republican committee in charge
of the campaign for control of the state
convention denies the accuracy of the
figures given out and has again Issued a
statement showing that they have the state
convention. In this statement no figures
are given but it is cleamed that the con
vention la clearly controlled by the Taft
Newspaper Man's BUI Passed.
Major Frank E. Lyman, who la local
manager of the United Press, received
word from Washington today that tho
bill to provide for his retirement from
the army had passed the senate. It had
previously passed the house. Major Ly
man served in the, Philippines in the sig
nal corps and broke down in health so
that he was forced to quit the army be
for time for retirement. The blU give
him the right to go before the board for
examination and to be retired aa If he
had remained in the service. .
Iowa City Gels Encamninent
Iowa City will be the location for the
encampment of the Fifty-fourth regiment.
Iowa National guard, in August. The
other three reglmejits from Iowa go to
Sparta, Wis., to camp with the regulars.
It haa been decided that one Iowa regi
ment will go to Iowa City for practice.
The Plpmouth Co-operative Creamery
company of Plymouth, la., was incorpor
ated today with 1 1,200 capital.
Iowa Postmasters to Meet.
The annual convention of the Iowa
branch of the national association of
postmasters will be held in Des Moines,
August 30 and 31, at the time of the state
The estate of the late Senator W. B.
Allison on which collateral inheritance
taxes "have bean paid to Iowa amounted
to $114,000. It all went to his nephews
and nelces, except a life estate in lla
home in Debuque which went to his
Indicted for Martlcr;'
Polk county grand haa indicted Henry
Thomas, negro, on a charge of first de
gree murder for the killing of Harry
Cook, timekeeper. Turner Construction
John Cownle, formerly chairmai state
board of control, and Bernard Murphy,
editor Vinvton, la., Eagle, appeared be
fore the grand Jury, supposodly in the
Mltchclvillo industrial school case.
Iowa Atni Notes.
ACKLEY William SDecht a Drominent
carpenter ot mis plaoe, was killed today
when lie fell from the root of a barn he
was building. He tell on a cement sidewalk
an J was frightfully crushed.
v i 1U.N ilis twenty-filth annual con
vein Ion of the Iowa Christian Endeavor
union will be held here on July s. 7 and 8.
The sessions will be held In the Presby
terian cnurcn.
MARSHALLTOWN The rewards for the
murderer of the three members ot the
Hardy family was Increased to liwi today
wuen jasper county larmers turned in
subscription ot $110.
MARSHALLTOWN Verification of the
report received here yesterday that Lloyd
D. McCluer of GUman had committed
suicide, was received today. Mr. IdcCluer
killed himself by hanging at Nameokl, 111
i ne ooay is to orougni nere.
FOUT IXJDUE In the Interesting test
case or the L lilted Mates scainst the 1111
nols Central railioad, tried in federal court
here this week, the jury returned a ver
dict ugalnst the corporation. Judge Paxe
alorrls. on the bench, assessed a fine of feu.
GARNER When the automobile he was
driving turned turtle last night, Ernest
Watts, a prominent stork buyer of Han
lontown, received most serious Injuries that
may prove fatal. The machine ran off a
diked road near here while running at
high speed.
NEWTON The Jasper County Telephone
company was denied a renewal o Its ten
year franculse at an election held here
yesterday by a vote ot 65 for and bta
against. The old franchise expires next
April and the company desired to make In
creases of (rem 2 to W per teat in the
Faulkton, 8. D.
Sangamon Grand
Jury Finds More
Jackpot Bills
Lee 0'NeiI Browne and Four Others
Are Charged with Conspir
acy to Bribe.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., June 25. The San
gamon grand Jury today returned the fol
lowing Indictments in the legislative bribery
Conspiracy to bribe: Representative Lee
O'Nell Browne, Representative Robert E.
Wilson, Frank J. Traut, Louis D. HlrBch
eimer. Bribery: A. B. Johnston.
Perjury: A. B. Johnston.
Browne and Wilson are also Indicted on
the general "Jackpot" proposition, and the
fish fund jackpot. There are three counts
each in the conspiracy indictments. Two
in the perjury Indictment against Johnston
and twelve In the bribery Indictment
against Johnston.
All the Indictments except those against
Johnston are In connection with the jackpot
Investigation regarding the fund raised
among the fishermen to defeat the state
fish commission's bill regarding the size of
seines and making other regulations.
Hlrschelmer, who Is a member of the State
Board of Equalization, it was stated by
Fred J. Schweer, who brought the fish fund
to Springfield and turned it over to Traut,
was in the room when the fund was
Traut had testified that he did not know
how much money there was in the fund.
A. B. Johnston waa the local representa
tive of the Ford & JohnBton company of
Chicago, to whom the contract was
awarded by the commission appointed for
that purpose, to furnish new desks and
chairs for the senate chamber and the
house pf representatives.
Schwartz Leaves
the Field Service
Chief of This Division of Land Offioe
to Be Suceeded by 7. M. Sheri
dan of Denver.
WASHINGTON, June 24.-Harry S.
Schwartz has resigned as chief of the field
service of the general land office and will
be succeeded in that position by James
M. SheVldan, now a special agent located
at Denver.
Mr. Schwartz wished to leave the gov
ernment service 'more than a year ago in
order to take up his law practice, but
when the Balllnger-Plnchot controversy
came on he consented to remain in the
service. He said today that he felt it his
duty then to remain until the Innocence
of the officers charged with Irregularities
was established. "That result," he de
clared, "has been accomplished."
(Continued from First Page.)
crop. The winter wheat this year hasn't
as much straw as usual, but tho heads are
bigger and full. The wheat, In my judg
ment, Is in good condition and this rain
will make it still better. Corn Is In capi
tal shape and there ought to bo am excellent
crop ot corn. The pastures have been dry,
out not aangerousiy so, aa far aa I can
tell, and take It all In all, agricultural
conditions are first class In Nebraska."
Farmers Elated.
GIBBON, Neb., June 25. (Special Tele
gram.) About two Inches ot rain fell here
and farmers are elated.
BEATRICE, Neb., Juno 25. (Special Tele
gram.) Light showers fell in this section
today. There was not enough moisture to
benefit crops. Indications are tor rain to
HURON, S. D., Juno 25. (Special Tele
gramsAnother heavy rain fell hero this
afternoon, making an inch and a half in
the last twenty-four hours. Many farmers
In the city when the rain occurred refused
to go under shelter and were drenched to
the skin. They declared It tho most timely
blessing that had como to them in many
months. Frora one to two inches of rain
fell over most of the state.
Good Rata Sooth Dakota.
WATERTOWN. S. D., June 25. (Special
Telegram.) Bountiful rain felt here this
morning, a heavy downpour of thirty min
utes' duration left the roads muddy and
filled low places with water. Tho fields
are thoroughly soaked. Sioux valley Is gen
erally benefited and experts this morning
say that drouth damage in this section of
the state is averted.
ABERDEEN, 8. D., June 25. The drouth
was broken here last night by an inch of
rain. The fall continues In gentle shuwers
which are soaking into the soil.
.tared Woman Attacked by Dog.
SYRACUSE, Neb., June 25 (Special.)
Mrs. William Daman was seriously injured
by a bulldog Thursday evening. When she
knocked at the door of a neighbor the dog
Jumped through the screen door and at
tacked her, throwing her down and dislo
cating one of her hip Joints. Neighbors
hearing her scream came to her rescue,
Mrs. Daman was taken to the local hospital
and Is In a serious condition. She is 72
years old and has resided here for almost
forty years. The dog was killed later by
tho owner, Mr. Anderson.
Quartet of Alienists Will Inquire Into
Tou&f Man's Sanity.
Kallaa Ferelgn Office Haa Record (
Crime and la Coaslderla ae
Oaestloa of Aaklac for
NEW TORK. June . As In so many
other murder cases of world-wide celebrity,
the proceedings In the cat of Porter Charl
ton, confessed slayer of his wife In Italy,
today bid fair to turn largely on the ques
tion of the defendant's sanity.
It seemed probable that Charlton's fate
was to be deolded by a quartette ef alien
ists. Judgo Paul Charlton of Washington.
the prisoner's father, declares that he
proposes abiding entirely by the decision
reached by the exeprts he has retained to
examine his son and pass on his mental
condition. He believes Porter to be ment
ally unbalanced.
On the other hand, Captain Henry Har
rison Scott, the murdered woman's brother,
personally and through his attorney, Emll
Fuchs. indicates his determination to press
the charge against Charlton, bring about
his extradition to Italy, If that be possible.
and his trial for the crime. Captain Scott
insists that the youth was and Is In full
possession of his mental faculties.
The alienists engaged by Judge Charlton
are Dr. Charles L. Dana, Dr. Allan Mc
Lane Hamilton, Dr. Edward S. Fisher and
Dr. William Jerome Arlltz of Jersey City.
Next Move Problematical.
Charlton stands formally charged with
murder on complaint of Gustavo Dl Rosa,
the acting Italian consul here, and has
been committed on the statement that he
Is wanted by the Italian government The
next move will depend on that govern
ment's further action and on (he course of
the federal authorities to whom in the
natural course of events Charlton would
be turned ovur for extradition. The au
thorities of New Jersey now have him In
custody. Prosecutor Pierre Garven of
Hudson county made the following state
"The state of New Jersey now holds
Charlton merely on the complaint of the
Italian consul general as a fugitive from
Italian Justice, pending a request for his
extradition from the Italian department of
state, through the Italian minister to Secre
tary Knox. If extradition is not demanded
there Is absolutely no action the courts of
this state can take. Whether the federal
courts can still step In Is a matter outside
my province and on which the attorney gen
eral of the United States is more competent
to pass opinion."
What Italy May Do.
ROME, June 25. The ministry of Justice
today transmitted to Ue foreign 'office the
evidence In the case of Mrs. Porter Charl
ton, who was murdered at Lake Como,
leaving tho foreign office free regarding
further steps to be taken In the matter of
extradition from the United States of the
confessed slayer. Porter Charlton.
It Is believed here that the whole affair
will be disposed of through negotiations
between the Italian ambassy at Washing
ton and the American authorities.
Friends of Cady
Have Petitions
Howard County Bepublican Likely to
Come Out Soon in Bace for
, Governor.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., June -(Spe
cial.) Petitions for filing the name of A. E
Cady of St. Paul on the republican primary
ballot for the nomination for governor are
In circulation in his home county of How
ard, in this county and several other adja
cent counties and will bo circulated suffi
ciently at least to comply with the require
ments ot tho statutes.
Mr. Cady has not as yet indicated defln
ltely that ha would consent to the use of
his name, the recent fire loss of which he
was an unfortunate victim causing him to
give all of his attention to his business
affairs. However, his friends in this sec
tion of the state, where ho is best known,
are enthusiastically ot the belief that in
him they have a candidate who will not
only rank decidedly high when gauged by
the requirements of a businesslike, capable,
square deal sort of a governor, but who can
and who will unite the different elements
of the republican party In this state as no
other man, so far mentioned, will be able
to do. His ripe legislative experience, his
close interest in the public affairs of Ne
braska for tho last thirty years and
decidedly judicial and calm temperament
are urged as qualification especially deslr
able at this time.
Aa the father of tho State. Railway com
mission, which even members of the com
mission know him to be, pronounces htm
as a decidedly progressive republican along
safe and sure lines as the personification
of "progress without wreckage." Little
doubt is felt hero that Mr. Cady will accede
to tho petition to permit the use ot his
name when ho learns how strong tho de
mand Is for him in this section ot the state
and, as far as can be learned, in other
Delegates Will Meet la Hoax Falls oa
Fifth of Jaly to Draft
SIOUX FALLS'., S. D., June 25. (Special.)
Now that the excitement occasioned by
the June primaries Is over with, political
Interest In Boqtli Dakota centers in the
republican state' convention, which will be
held in Sioux Falls on July 5, for the pur
pose of adopting a party platform and
transacting such other business as may
lawfully come before It. The date for
the convention Is fixed by tho state
primary law. The convention will be called
to order at 4 o'clock In the afternoon.
Minnehaha county will be entitled to
thirty-five delegates, this being the largest
representation of any single county. Brown
and LawrencO counties come next, with
twenty-flvo delegates each.
Dor Accidentally Drinks Lye.
BOONE. la., June 28. (Special.) Harry
Metcalf, 8 or 10 years of age, the son ot
William Metcalf of Fraser, lies in the
Eleanor Mooro hospital in this city suffer
ing Intensely from the drinking of a
quantity of lye water through mistake.
Harry had gone to a neighbor's home for
a short time and they had given him a
lunch. Ho wanted a drink, and going to
the kitchen took a cup and went to the
well. In t0 cup was a quantity of lye,
and Harry, not noticing this, put some
water In It and drank the contents. He
was soon- In great agony and pain, and a
doctor had to be called. The sick boy
wa hurried to this city and out to the
hoepltal. and reports from there this after
noon aero to the effect that he was greatly
improving and would eventually recover.
Tht. Kay to tha Situation Bto Want Ads!
if.r.;; " . y
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s If 4
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Mlllbank, S. D.
Searchlight to
Be Turned on the
Packing Business
Attorney General Wickersham, at Chi-
cago, Confers with Edwin Sims and
Outlines Plan of Action.
CHICAGO. June 25. (Special Telegram.)
Deflnlto plans for federal grand Jury In
vestigation of the Chicago packing busi
ness, with a view to Indicting packers as
individuals, was outlined today In a con
ference of George W. Wickersham, at
torncy general of the United States with
Edwin W. Sims, Chicago district attorney
Mr. Wickersham sought Information first
hand, that he might on his return to Whsh
Ington instruct Oliver E. Pagin, special as
sistant attorney general, In drawing new
"I am through now," said Mr. Wicker-
sham, "and will go east at 2:45 p. m."
Neither the attorney general nor the ills
trict attorney would reveal the plans for
tho new Inquiry, except to say that the
grand Jury would begin its labors July 14.
"The packers will be Indicted and prose
cuted as individuals If such is warranted
said Mr. Sims, and a similar statement
was made by Mr. Wickersham.
W. S. Kenyon, assistant to the attorney
general, will arrive In Chicago Monday to
take charge of the preliminary work. He
will have a conference with James H
Wllkerson, special assistant district at
torney, who will have charge of the of
fice during the absence of Mr. Sims, whoso
vacation began today.
One report is that Mr. Kenyon will have
personal charge of the grand jury. It is
also reported that he has succeeded Wade
H. Ellis as. official "trust buster" of the
Bolt of Lightning
Kills Two Iowans
Men Take Refuge in Tool Shed
While Working on New School
LUVERNE, la., Juno 24. August Will of
Luverne and Tony Campagna ot Indepen
dence were 'instantly killed at 3:30 o'clock
this afternoon by lightning. They were
working on tho new school building and
took refuge In a tool shed during a thun
derstorm. Others in the same building
were uninjured.
A Fierce Attack
of malaria, liver derangement and kidney
trouble, is easily cured by Electrlo Bitters,
the guaranteed remedy. 60c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co. -
The Weather.
For Nebraska Generally fair.
For Iowa Generally fair.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
,J I Hour.
r I 6 a. m
.... 74
.... 74
8 a. m
7 a. m
8 a. m
9 a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m
2 p. m
3 p. m
4 p. m
5 p. m
t p. m
7 p. m
.... 73
.... "2
.... 79
.... 81
.... S6
.... 88
.... 89
.... 82
.... 80
.... 87
.... 85
.... 83
.... 83
This town wants a cannery and wants
It badly. If you are a canneryman of
experience you can como to this place and
make a s'ake. The country Is ready for
TRY will make a FORTUNE FOR YOU.
Buhl, Idaho, is the market point for
0.O0U acres Carey Act land; the richest
land that lies out of doors. There Is
cheap electric power gained from the
falls of the Snake river. There are ocean
of farm produce of every description.
Everything is favorable. Please WRITE
You can satisfy yourself about
this If you will write to me at once. I
ran send you a booklet showing JUST
FOR YOU. Write for tho book. It costs
nothing and may mean a fortune to you.
C. K. ateQUOWsT, Seorotary BU OOBV
KXmOZAJU CX.VB. Buhl. Idaho.
If you suffer, call or write me at ones
and Isarn of something you will be grate
ful for the balance of your Ufa.
J. Q. McBRIDE, Stella, Neb.
2l:t So. ldtli street.
For Children-Thai lit
You must como to Dirxel's
if you want ankle strap
purapa that fit the children's
feet. They not only have the
fitting qualities, but have the
wear and style as well ser
viceable and practical in
every way for summer wear.
We have them for both
street and dress wear all
leathers; welt or turn soles.
Children's: Sizes Q. 1 C f
8H to 11, at 3laDU
Misses' Sizes
11 H to 2, at. . .
Young Women's
SlM'g 3ta to 6
Bring the children in and
let us convince you that the
above statement is correct.
Drcxel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam St.
We apply our local application tn youl
gums and extract your teeth without pain.
We make plates that fit and guarantee
them.- We make plates that look natural
and feel comfortable, and we make good
gold teeth or gold crowns that yo ucan't
wear holes In.
Wo insert a porcelain crown on a rool
that looks like your own teeth. We fill
teeth with any kind of filling you wish
and they last you a lifetime. We make
tell it from your own teeth
brldgework that Is perfect and you cannot
We replace missing teeth without plates
or bridge work.
We do all kinds of restorative work.
We have one price for the same grad
of work to everybody.
We extract teeth free if you wont a
plate or a bridge.
Set of Teeth 8.00
Porcelain Crowns (4.00 and ts.00
Gold Crowns C4.00 and $5.00
Bridge Work, per tooth. . . .$4.00 and tB.OC
We straighten crooked teeth, tighten
loose teeth and cure all diseases of tlie
mouth and gums. Ws warrant all our
work ten years.
Suite B09-MO New Tork Life Building.
'Phone Douglas 3773 Omaha, Nsb.
Fort George now starting on mnln
line of Grand Trunk Poclflc Ry., and on
lines of six other railroads projected and
building. j
Vott Oeorge Is ueograpblcal nnd stra
tegic Commercial Center of British Co
lumbia and metropolis of an lnlniid Em
pire larger tbau the slates of Minnesoti
and Iowa.
Fort Jeortf Is at Junction of one thou
sand miles of uavlgable wsterways. Mil
lions of acres of splendid farming lumin,
besides unlimited timber, mineral and
coal resource, are tributary.
One hundred million dollars will be
speut tn next three years In railroad
building alone. By the summer of lull
twenty-five thousand men with pay roll
of one hundred thousand dollars per day
will be employed in the vicinity of Fori
Wo sre Joint owners and sole agents foi
Fort George Townslte. The government
insures and guarantees title to lots auc
owns one-quarter of them.
Write us quick for maps, plans sni
fall Information about fortune-making op
portunities at Fort George, also sboul
our upper Fraser Valley farms.
Rstural Besourcss ourlty Co., Ltd.,
643 Winch Bldff., Vancouver, B. C.
Hsacaof tko llri I took Most
l Liquid J
It Sunshine jjg
mjr coNsraEis distiibctei u&i
f John Nittler
If) 3221 So, 24th Street jgk
l2 douq. icaa, rcd aoa 'A
iM IND. A-1410
that tf Brown.