j .. the omaha kpay bee, jtxe gfi. imo. " I Want - Ads Want suls receive m ear tlaae, Imin vrtr elaaaliioatle), ,,at preseatea fcefere S3 '": .. tor the areata edition, Vast befare T18O dock ef areTlecs WIbi far noralagr aad Saadar yltUn. Waat ! after fk ar will tavalr tint irtla " " , Mr "Taa I,. ta ciaaalfy." mast aae'yanpaar oraera -for "" . artlmnt will Svcoete 1 )Ma tk-J, sOcenta far "rag lBMrtl'tfj Ratea 7.r 14 eitkar Ttt Dally or r Jaa. Uw, -aaat alx ward . Vfm KATBl FOR WAKT AD. CLAIIiriCATIOIf One '''rtiom, X la eata er atrl mm 1 ar wr4 for rank aaaaaaarat aaarlloa. Knots laaartloa nays, 1 1-a oents er word, 1.30 JPa 11m per month. ada for The Bra mar ' at aar of ae fallarrlaK irait atorra la roar "corner aralat" ra all braneh atflrra far Tha Dra roar ad will ba laaartad laat a raaatlr aad aa the. amine ratra aa at aaala office la Tha Bee BaUdtag, aereateata aad raraam atrretai , .Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. . Beranek, 8. A., 1403 8. Mth 8t. ' nylon Pharmacy, 730 B. lAth Ft. Henson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Or ana Park Pharmacy, 3Kd and Cuming. Blade-Bradish. 2M6 Kherman Ave. Caughlin. C. H., th and Pierce 8t. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Are. Hlnterloug Vrug Co., list Ave. and Far nam St. Crwsarr Pharmacy, S4th and Lke. Coottey Pharmacy, 2223 6. IHtb fct. Carmak, IS mil, 1204-ti Bo. 13th 8t. . Khler, K. U 2W! Leavenworth. Votfter ec Arnoldl. J13 N. Kth Ht. Freytafc, J. J.. 1914 N. J4th 8t. lregKr Drug Co., 1308 N. 16th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Ureeq'a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. CraeiiBugh, O. A., 106 a 10th Ht. Jreenout;li. O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden. William, 2020 Farnam 8t. Ii ant coin Park Pharmacy. lWl S. Silth Ave. Holrt, John, S24 N. lKth St. Huff, A. hi m4 Leavenworth Pt. Johannon lirup Co.. Mth und Spaldlne. .KlnK, H. 8., 2228 Farnam St. A KounUe Place Pharmacy. 304 N. 24th. Marea. Fred L., HOI Central Hlvd. Patrick Drug Co., 124 N. 24th St. ' Lathrop, Charlea K., 1324 N. 24th St. Goldman Pharmacy, ?4th and Leaven ' worth Sta. Baratoga Druj Co., 24th and Ame Ava. Schaefvr'a Cut Plica Drug Store, Itith anO Chicago Sta. , ftchaefer, Anfr., tfiil N. IRth. Schmidt, J. II., iMth and Cuming StK. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40tn and Cuming LODGE NOTICES. , Brlcklayara' Notice. All member of Union No. 1 of Nebraska are ordered to report at their hall on Tues day evening, June 28, and gWe Information required by the I. U. By order of the Prealdent. . f MemlUra of Covert lodge No. 11. will meet , at Maaonlc hall at 1 p. m Sunday, June 2t, tn attend the funeral of William H. Straight. Membera of sitter lodgca In vited. KDOArt X. BOWLEK, Maater. FRANK V. HO TEH, Secretary. BIRTHS AXB DISATIII. Birtha . Vogel, 244ti South Fifteenth street, twin boya; John Homers, VW Ohio atreet, girl; (fc-orge RlchardMon. 2Til Brlntol etreet, girl; John Terry, t2 North Wlxteenth street, girl; William Carli, Wi North Twen-ty-eventh avenue, boy.. Deaths John A. Johnson, Omaha General hospital, 41; Ianlel T. Ryan, Florence, 51; Albert Towneend, county hospital, 24: Anna H. Stewart. 1223 South Fifty-first street '; Baby Wonder, 370 North Twenty-second street; Mrs. K.rina Krickson. Omnha ien . eral, 23; Josephine gpellenberg, H17 South Twentieth atreet. 7. J1ARRIAGB LICK.XaiES. The following marriage licenses nera Issued today: Nam and Residence Age. Jucub tioldware, Omaha 2H Rcsa Zisslin, Omaha 2.' Henry K. Robart. Walkerville, HHch 21 By 1 via Smith, Kansas City, Mo 10 .'harles F. Untlberg. Irfad City, S. D 23 Vlda Olden, Hioux City, la 21 Frank Morris, Omami ;rr Gertrude Denlstun, (Juiaha '& ANNOUNCEMENTS J . A. GENTLEMAN CO., embalmera, ltl Chicago. D. lO. B-1j' METlfTITANTS' 1Bc nl t5 lunch JlLUJ.IVXLai.XXO MIDLAND CAFE. PRIVATE BININO ROOMS ill N. 101b St MONEY SHSS W it,01.. i0 TO LOAN-LOW In sums to Bea Bill K. Douc. 2su4. VNION LOAN COMPANY. V. V. WL'RN, Optician, 4L'4 Drandeis Uldg. HAVE YOUR EYES TESTED ' BT AN EXPERT AT SANDWALL iZfJZ ml: " tl""' GREEN OABLK3 Magnolia, Masa. Ijiura 12. Monk. Large airy bedrooait, mlth or without bath. 113 to .'5 per week; European plan; only fow steps from bath Mng beach. . GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCIL K fvi'tj A, JKTJid, mi Pougiaa St- PHOTOGRAPHIC Supplies. Saratoga Drug Co., Mth and Ames. W. 111. B-1011 DAVID COLE Creamery Co. " ELEVATORS REPAIRED; freight, pss enxer. J. R. Kennedy. 104 8. 13th. Doug. JIM WEDDING rings made by, hand, aold by weight T. L. Combs ft Co., 1U0 Douglas. UMBRELLAS recovered end repaired; supplies. WESTERN UMBRELLA. CO., 1b.'2 Farnam. Red 747S. ' MAUGARD Van i )toras or Omaha Trunk, Van 4 Storage Co. Pack, move, store and ship II. H. goods. D. 14M. B-24J8. WlTinTKll "ngs and presents. Oustaf . U )na 4 He.fjrickson. 801 N. II Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Works, 1 8. 10th SL Tel. Dougla 4367. BARICER BROS. PAINT CO. '. Wholesale-retail. 1C09H Farnam St.. Sherwin-Williams paints, oils, varnishes, glasa. white lead, wall paprr. bruxhes. glas'nit and picture framing. TELS.: BELL DOLG UAH tlb; IND.. A-JS2L Dr. John J. Foster, lit Brandsls Theater Bldg. Dentist, baa moved to VIRGIANA PARK wtna, Tbo a larga bot .tle, KLEIN LlyUUR HOUSB. Ui N. lta 'frL Douglas STO. ' 8. U. Cola blgo Co.. P. 17(4. Ul Farnsuu. I ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOBILES . AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS CHANCES I BUSINESS CHANCES FURNACES AND REPAIRS j VWIH1UCU.; - I.UIIIIIIU' U' I - ' ' 1 1 11 " ' i ' - I-. ii i i . I (VUIKIIIVIMI.! The Grentest Day of the Year Eagles ricriic at Hie White City Courtland lVai-li. Saturday, June 2 All Day Admission 10 cent. ANCHOR KKM'B I'd.. Iron and Wire Kence Cheaper Than Wojd Laiit a Lifetime. 207 X. 17th 8t. phone Red ill. FOR CAKES ol" tcial'' ' iun WllUM,Ujr(1(,a., Bakery Dept. it naynen iirFt. It fays. TI1K HOMK ri'RNlTritK CO.. per rent lw than Omaha prices. 24th and L Sts., South Omaha. GET your WKDPINO R1NUS at FflEM HKODKOAARICS. It Insures Rood luck, ll.i S. liith St., at the xlxn of he l.'nran. ENGRAVED STATIONERY ! Weddlnga, announcements, calling card. Kotera & Leary Co., lJr". i A. K, ROHKR'I'S. reliable nn Mirrnt Sui'cww to Martin A .. i:,ll iji),t ): Ave eat KosiiF.n ii -Mr: cfoicrMi. Arklna, 21 S lrnh, uptair. JOIIN NITTLER ' LUXTTS TI,E BKKR YOU 1.1KE. " ,UlJ 314 Houth 24ill Kt. Douglas 1839, Red KOJ; Independent. A-34JO. LYNC1I BROS. bSeAT?NaND Sff2PAIRWOHK A KPECIAL'i-y. 7 S. oin oi. u, 14,7. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your house and porch fcreened from THIS OMAHA WlNlHiW SCRKKN CO.. A SANITARY NKCFSSITY FOR , KVERY UOMK. 624 X. Mth St Call Doug. 4'M 1LER GRAND HOTEL .1:, Turkish Baths PICNIC LUNCHES M orwd; home cooking, cakes, pies nnd cold pleK. I I) VI ,1 1 ATIiK'V L'Kl't lunches. to i Jeffries-Johnson jT8 HOME'S SUMMER GARDEN Omaha's Coolest Spot, if K?.oH TAlMi Lockamith. Lawn Mowers v.uiJ.nu sharpened; call and deliver I do repairing. 170U Leavenworth. D. 4077 A-41 LACTONE Befreshlng Uediclnsl " v x v 11 Bummer Drink. Iaii retail delivery. Ask your doctor. Alaraltu DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Dougla iWi ICE CREAM "ALWAYS THE BEST." AXJ W"il HARDING'S Ice Cream Wedgawood Cre. Butter. Harding Cream Co. ED EOTHERY Scnt no. t. Fun clgara. CaTa In connection. Ill S. 14th. FREE comcesslon to first class merry-go-round lor July 4th. Is offered by Wayne. Neb., which town has always been an ex tremely liberal patronlaser of this amuse ment. Other amusement features are also solicited. Address, A. Berry, secretary of the Wayne Commercial club." STORE YOI'K FINE Kt'RS IN MOTH PROOF VAIXTS. Nominal cost. SHU KERT'fl, lath and Harney. SCALES 'pPndent Scele Repair Co. wiui,u Refitting, rebuilding and tt REP AIRED ,n" Hefltted scales sold Robertson 'a Restaurant Jfn,s fbasemant); cooJ. light, sunltarv. onioii' service, popular prices. For lsdis and gnllemen. Table d'Hote dinner Sunday Lawn Mowers ('',n", m- . ,, chmery; ealied fnrsnd delivered. A. Jensen & Sons. W.1U4' TMi!47. THE place where cool bieeses. music and amusement all mingle to make an enjoy able hour. The Failor Theater. fishermen ,l;nuhr,r mr,kevh; .... ... finest fish bait. Tons of it cheap. Urlau A C.. 13th and Howard. !lL?a11A KTHV-w i u in. an x. mth. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMONDS Wagons. Rvpatra Autos and all kinds of Machines. Utb and Harney Sta. We Have the Following NEW CARS Kor Immediate Delivery Loiomobile touring car IS.3I0 Locomobile roudster 3,o00 Matliesnn rosdster. baby tonneuii 3,on Stoddard-Dtiyton. 7-passengcr tnurliig.. 2.8UO Stoddaru-Daytnu roadster, buby tun- neau ?.S0n Stoddard-Daytcn, torpedo body 2.sut Stoddard-Duyton baby tonneau 2,:mt Stoddard-Currler roadster American Men Traveler Rpgnl 1,UM .... 2.10O .... 1,11 .... 1,100 Slightly Used Cars Stoddard-Dayton roadster i f.OOO Stoddard-Dayton, "-passenger touring.. 1,400 SUxliiartl-I ay ton. 5-passenger, with touring and limousine body 1.S00 Stoddard-Dayton, 5-passenger l.Ootf lxlngton, 7-pat.senger , 2,'JiiO Win ton touring. 5-passenger l,am Some Waverly Electrics $1M to. 4 Discount to Dealers. TITlIfnl IT AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. UUHUIll m8 EARN AM STREET. OMAHA. MOD. AUTOGENOUS "WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BEHTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs. la. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, 2So to $3.60. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 206-2U S. Mth, COMPLETE line, auto accessories and supplies. Neb. Buick Auto Co., Omaha. BARGAINS In used cars; expert repair ing. Agent for Oakland, Htaver at Walch. M INTYRE AUTU CO.. 1U03 Farnam. Antn Pnintinir "Murphy Did It." Get iVUlO X UlUUUg our pricei, ANDRS VV MURPHY SON, 14U Jackson. FOR SALE My 4-cyllnder, SO II. P. mortal 10. Ilul. k runabout, with Rumble seat, iwed less than one year, first-class condition, fully equipped with top. wind shield, spwdometer, Atwater-Kint Ignition, th century lire protectors, as good as new; cost $1,210; big bargain at $o60 cash: no trades. T. 11. Pollock, Plattsmouth, Neb. BEAUTIFUL Waverly electric. oust II. Mm; new batteries, new tires, top, per fect condition: will exchange for clear cot tage or good lot, clear. O 414, Bee. COAT and PANTS to order. $3); perfect fit. MacCARTHY-'WUjSo.N, 804 a lsth. We Have Just Re ceived a Shipment of Parry Touring Cars ' and can give Immediate delivery. 1 1 Theue can have the longest wheel bane (116 lnchea) and most power (35 H. P.) of any car at the price 11,485. They atand the hard knocks without going to the repair nhop. See them, try them, and you will buy. SWEET-ED YA K DS AUTO COMPANY. 2052 FARNAM. DOUO. 3085. WHITE STEAMERS TWO OV THE FI.VKST CARS both in cli gant condition, full equipped; 1H0S models; ut original cost; cng'nes and pait good as new. ALSO ONE NICE ELECTRIC STAN HOFE; new batteries, M. DRUMM0ND lsth and Harney. AUTOM QB TIES" ToiTiiIRK DAY OR NIGHT REPAIRS AND STORAGE STATION 16TI1 AND HOWARD D. J248-A-3247 GATE CITY AUTOMOBILE COMPANY One G-Cylinder . STEVENS-DURYEA Touring Car ONE TWO-CYLINDER BI ICK ONE THIRTY-HORSE ROADSTER. The above cars are all bargains, In flint class condition, cheap if taken at once. Cull for demonstration. VELIE AUTO CO., For a complete and thorough SfXfPSDV PAINTS AND REPAIRS. 01iUXOVJi, 1409 DODGE, Automobiles, wagons, carriages; makes to order Deer wagons and automobile bodies, automobile wheels, top, springs, slip covers; second-hand bargain In closed carriagea Both 'phones. HEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIOHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 18? 4 Farnam 8U Auto Repairing ." Diamond tlrea carried It stuck. The I'nx-ton-Mltchell Ci... 231S Harney. D. 72S1. A-I0H. WRITF, for list of automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRICK BOV AUTO CO.. Omaha. Misrra.. Second-Hand Motorcycles One Fletcher Special, in fairly good con dition, ,75. One Curtice Twin-cylinder lHt) model, In perfect condition, having l.een ridden less than 500 miles. Price. $X. One Racycle, fitted with Tlior engine, wheel in good condition, $127.. One Marshmetz S4 h. p. Magneto ignition, very low saddle position, wheel in perfect working order. Price. $1'M). One Reading Standard, u't, Ii. p. engine, 19W model, $125. ' One V. N. 4-cylinder, in pcrefect condi tion in every way. Price, $220. One Harley-Davldson, 1W9 model;' has been ridden less than 300 miles. Price, $190. One Excelsior, 190$ model, $150. One Indian, 1909 model, been ridden about 500 miles; in perfect condition, $150. One Thor. model 8. $126. One Thor, model D, fitted with Magneto, 1909 wheel, $175. . One Indian Twin-cylinder, 1909 model, has been ridden lesa than 60 days, $200. One Thor, model A. $125. One Fletcher Special, M. These machlnea hava been put in condi tion to give satisfactory service. Nebraska Cycle Company 15th and Harney R. I'. MOTOR CYCLK. excellent condl. t' n; tide car attachment. Call Harney tin BUSINESS CHANCES ! To .UCT in or out of bin I nest call on i ClANOKSTAt. 404 Bee Mldg. Tel. D. S3tJ7. Here Is Your Chance To Get Into Business That Will Pay A grocery and meat market, the best location in North Om aha. Stock and fixtures will invoice about $2,400. Reason for selling sickness. Light grocery and confection ery, $350. Grocery and meat, the best in South Omaha, $2,500. Grocery and meat, doing fine business, $3,500. And other good stocks doing fine business. Remember, if you want to get in or out of business see BOCK, The Bargain Man, GOG North 25th St., South Omaha. STORES, all kinds for Bale. Knlest. B Bid. FOR BALK-My tailoring business, with gents' furnishings and variety store In connection, everything new. Reason for selling, poor health. Address Lock Bog 2i. Holyoke. Colo. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE Here Is a bitrgam, 10-room rooming house, all In A No. 1 condition; cheap rent; all rooms well rented. Price, 1676.00. Location, I4th and Dodge. LATHROP & TOBIN, 421 Bee. SEE ME for city and (arm Investment. Alex Chapman, 230 Neville Blk. D. 1688. FOR SALE or trade, fine retail stock of wall paper In Omaha. Finest stock In the city. Address Bee. O-660. FURNISHED flat, near new street barn, for roomers and boarders. C 43, Bee. NEW laws and other conditions nee. sitate opening distributing offloe In this district to supply increasing demands for our mamiraciurea products used by busi ness men. xarmera. eta.: ii () to uv, , monthly; office expenses and commission's auowea; position permanent; references. t-turgis Thayer. Northwestern Sales Director. 400 National Bank Commerce mug., Minneapolis, Minn. TO SELL. OUT See Knlest. Bee Eldg. FLORIDA LAND Salesmen who cn invest II.mu or mora in one of the test land propositions In Florida can get in on a syndicate now or ganizing to taka over one of the best nrnrv- ositions In the state. This is a big op portunity (or those who are equal to the occasion and know a good thing when they see it. Addreaa Florida Land Co., care Nelson Chesman & Co., St. Louis. CHICAGO Mfg. Co. wants man with $l,ooo capable of handling the state agency for the sale of Its goods through local agents. The best money making proposition ever offered; at least $10,000 per year In it for the right man. Address J. F. Lawrence, manager, S14 W. Lake St., Chicago. PATENTS secured or fee returned. Illus trated guide book and list of Inventions wanted sent free to any address. Patents si cured by us advertised free in World's Progress. Sample conv free. Victor .1 Evans & Co., J24 9th St.. Washington! $5,000 TO $10,000 PER YEAR in the real estate business. I will teach you how and make you my special represontatl'-e. Send for my big free book. Herbert Hurd, President, sl Dwlght Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. MAKE MONEY MINING Only its per Di.uie, eruai uargam; awi tunnel on ore: mommy payment accepted: advances cer tain; references, reports. specimens; monthly statement free. Addresa Lansford Butler, liwl Coronado, Denver. FOR KALE One of the best meat mar kets In the city of Normal. 111., known as the Scliultz Market, doing the leading business of the city. Fully equipped, to gether with barns and stables. Will sell on easy terms for quick sale. For full In formation, write Hegnes-Rleger Land Co., Chelsea, S. D. STOCKS Listen, have you $10 or more? 'tv-',-'lvJ Pays monUily J per cent Life RONDS ""trance dropped purchased. uw, Stocks you're dlssatisfltd with negotiated. Ferguson, 111 Paxtun. FOR SALE-Unlted Wireless, pfd. any part 200 shares, must sell 10 days, very low price. A. O. Anderson. Peterson. la. FOR SALE All kinds of property, farm and tlmbef mills, saw mills, town and city. Stores, etc. Terms. A. E. Rice, Avon. Latah County, Idaho, FOR SALE. Saloon In Washington, Neb., for sale or trade; only saloon In city; paying Invest ment; new fixtures and tnsldo furnishings; also residence, with five olty lots; would sell or trade for nice property. H. Busnh. Washington. Neb. FOR SALE Livery plant and etoelc. In a good, live town of 2,600 population: the only livery In town; haa a good location and la doing a good business and will stand Inspection. The best of reasons for selling. No trades will be-considered. Box (3. West Point, Neb. DRUG store, money maker, wealty com munity, large unopposed territory, practice consumes my time, can't give necessary attention; good prescription trade. Dr. Pierce, Woodbine. Kan. WE start you In bualnesa that pays $150 to $300 per month. Experience unnecessary. Advertising in national maga sines free. Must have $75 and furnish references; fur particulars, write The Hayden-Grlffln Co., Colonnade Bldg., Toledo, O. WANTED A promoter with some means to put on the market one of the best sell ing articles of the age. Write Box B5J. Central City, Neb. $8,000 GENT'S Clothing and Shoes. Best county seat town in eastern Nebraska. Address owner, Y-131, care Bee. COAT and PANT to order $20; perfect fit. MacC A RTI I Y-WILHON, 804 S. lftth. FOR BALE Hotel. Mrs. E. W. McHenry. fall field, Neb. There la Somebody Somewhere Interested in Your Proposition Advertise. A Ten Dollar Note for a Flyer will carry a'SVtvovfl classified Ad. Into over a million homes one time any day in entire list: GIVE LS A TRIAL POCKET tUIDE FREE. IWtMl TTrr.ld. Rurfalo Rxprra. Hilltmnra New. Svrarsar Herallt. Provldenrs Trlbuna, rlf-vetanl l.eadar, iHta Molnaa H. baalar, Tanvar Republican, Han Fran. Chmnlda, Atlanta rnnatllutlsn, Dal lea Nawa. i hlrasn R;or1-Hraid. Kanaaa Cllv Jnlimsl. PniiaiielphlR Hsoonl, nmahs Dm, rillbur U pt,-h. N Haven benier, Si. Liuls titnbe-LMm., Withtnsion Pnst, Mllvsukve V"rr Prtss. Cincinnati Knqulrsr. MlnneapoM, Trlhuns, , Detroit Tree Prasa, Indlanapulla Nana, oi...u.i nh this oitue on your adver tising campaign. Special lists of newspa pers and magsxtnes prepared to meet vour requirements. This office has built many meritorious advertising successes. Can It help you to do the same? References, any paper. RUDOLPH GUENTIIER, 115 BROADWAY, 'N. V MRINVESTOR Are you getting a fair return from what TOUR money earns? It It's less than S per cent It's not enough. Would 1 you consider an Investment In a local mercantile proposition guaranteed at this rate? We shall be glad to tell you our etory und leave the decision with you. DO NOT HESITATE. DO IT NOW. Address C 400, Bee. FOR SALE A 17.000 stock of millinery and ladies' furnishing goods at Alliance, Neb. Good proposition for right party, Wrlta a J. Burke. Alliance, Nejj. FOR SALE First-class shoe repairing shop with factory machines, doing large business; must sell at once on account or death. Address Y 126. care Bee. FOR SALE First class planing mill In Cheyenne, Wyo.; building. tWxlSO ft., well equipped; good opening for first class con tractor; present owners not contractors or mill men. Address B. J. Bradley & Co., Cheyenne, Wyo. New & 2dhand harness & hardware stock. Sell or trade for real estate. 1012 Cuming COLLEGE men, high school boys or young women, you can eaMly make 115 to $20 a week calling on dentists, physicians, business offices and summer cottages. The new "Scotttasue" paper towel la a hygienic necessity; practical and enonoml cal; saves laundry expense; sells on sight at $2 per 1,000, with free fixture; large profit to you; sample and selling plan on receipt of reference from responsible busi ness firm; otherwise mall us 25c; big de mand right now. Scott Paper Co., 7tn and Glenwood Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. FOtt SALE The best restaurant In Bo. Omaha; a snap for someone; must be sold quick. H, Bee office. South Omaha. FOR 8ALB Ice and dray business, exclu Ive ice and only well equipped dray line, county seat 2,500 Inhabitants; western Iowa; both Ice and dray line have full outfit toola, etc.; will sell on basis that will pay 80 per cent on Investment; possesion of loe business Oct. 1: no real estate except Ice houses and lots; owner has other Interests, Address Y $6, Bee. or sell pool or see Lino, 1C1I i.r 1JU cli;tir fixture,, Harney St. FOR TRADE OR SALE Elevator und mill, located in Omaha, doing good busi ness; all clear. Will trade for tiity lota suitable for flats. Call or write owner. 300-302-304 Brandels Theater Bldg. WILL sacrifice an excellent pool hall at a bargain, owing to accident to proprietor. Phone Webster 2733. WOULD you like Interest In live, wide awake company buying land ahead of new western railroad, establishing townsltes, etc.? No speculation. Safe and clean money maker. Address Lock Box 845. Omaha, Neb. ON account of sickness I will sell the Mailer Medicine route of Platte and Col fax counties: route established; good chance for a live man. Terms to suit pur chaser. James T. Bonner, ColumDua, Neb, Route 6. FOR SALE One of the best equipped drug stores in the state; a bargain If taken at once: ill health and other business de mands the reason for selling. Address Box 611. Nebraska City, Neb. liYiR Q AT IT1 TWO-CHAIR BARBER r onua shop: wit tinsiiiBiui Ad dress 1201 S. 11th St TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE. See Midland Inv. Co.. 103 McCaguc Bide WHEAT Send for booklet, "Fscts and Figures," describing option trading and market letters; both free. Osborne Gialn Co., Minneapolis, Minn. HOTEL FOR SALE or trade: 30-room house, clear 2M to :W0 a month over all expenses, In good county seat town in Nebraska: a snap if taken at once. G. Texley, Pender, Neb. FOR SALE Best store In the best totn in north Nebraska; doing a good, profitable business: reasons for selling, wish to rtis solve partnership. Address Y 12i. care Ilf-e. TODD and Mellette counties are to open this year: U. S. land office located here. Thla la a fine business town; $H,O0O will buy a fine business; $24,000 soid last year shoes and groceries. I Box 1S, Gregory S. D. BUY For big profits. Phoenix Invest ment Company (Ltd.) stock at l snsre. Write H. Morton Ktrby, 2121 oth Ave., New York. FREE) trade bonus to any merchant or vending machine operator answering this ad: a sure money maker. Mention The Bee. Address United Supply Co., 53 River St., Chicago, ill. OREGON Timber Investment 2.400 acres well located, cruising over 100,000,000 feet Will sell $17.60 an acre about 42c per 1.000 etumpago. A snap. "Timber," Room $17, No. 116 Broadway, New York. SEMINOLE-CYPRESS. the wonderful discoveries of three years' investigation in patent 'medicines now ready for national market Nonassessable redemption stock aubcsrlptlun opened at $10 ier share, jrinanciai teparimetit. Seml nole-Cy press Laboratory, Washington D. C FOR SALE Complete electric shoe repair outfit, cheap, weatneriora Shoe Co.. ! N. 24th, South Omaha. Bell 'phone South 2433. WANTED Active land salesmen for Colorado Irrigated land: haa plenty water, best location, climate, markets, railroad facilities; paya llbeial commission. Call at Hotel Rome for J. D. Glover. Gen. Agt., Monday, I to 10 a. in., or write him at Colorado Springs, Colo. RELIABLE Promoter Capable of or ganising creamery companies or canning companies, and willing to travel to towns throughout the United States or Canada can make good connections. O. press ptich 4k Co., builders and equlppers of com plete creameries and canning factories, established 1890, 108 Park Ave, New York. WANTED Young, bright man with busl-ne.-e capsrity and .' In cash lor theatrical road company; proposition big money muker and bears Investigation; everything now in shape. Those meaning tiusiness ud nress A ill, Tire, giving Ipil name and home address. WANTED Citpublu, em rgetlc young n..tn ! with some capital to buy naif inteiest in . an old well established furniture business. Senior membvr of firm wishes to retire, i -417, Bee. rooms, i HOTEL furniture and contents. only house; good Junction town. Custer Co., Neb.; paying business. Contents val ued at H.fiOu. Might consider HO acres good ranch, western land. Give particulars In first letter. J. H. JOHNSON. I7H Brandels. HARDWARE and furniture stock, 12.7.00; brick store bldg., steam heated and plate glass front, 7.6ll. Good town. Phelps Co., Neb. Owner will tuke good raw western land. J. 11. JOHNSON, 67 x Brandels. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY to get control of permanent business; will net big returns; small capital will handle It; Mand close Investigation; need no experi ence; see models, low N. 24th St., South Omaha. W. H. Millis. Kline's hotel. WANTED Young men with capital to promote an Oir.ahii invention. l now In use In Omiihu. Will pay you to investigate this proposition. 20 Capitol Ave. PHOTOGRAPH studio In n good live town of Nebraska. Modern 'conveniences. Good oppoitunlty. Address. V-li7, care Bee. FOR SALE Interest in manufacturing and Jobbing plant and established business: fine clmnce for experienced traveling sales man with capital; at least 14,600 required to make the purchase. W. L. Hand, avvarney, Neb. ' WE WILL exchange Income property for Stocks of hardware, general merchandise, etc. What have you to offer? Wc w 111 mutch you quick. ENGELBRECHT & ROVER. Omaha, Neb. 'Phone H--ney Kitw. PARTNER WANTED, with $1,500; safe Investment; means grent chance for right party. Address P 415. Bee." CHIROPODISTS tR. ROY. 17A Fainnm St Douglas sfQ7. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS STEVENSON ROOFING CO., gravel and composition roofing. Ill S. 10th St. Tels. DougT U9, Ind. A 1712. Res., Webster .tH. FOR PLUMBING and gas fitting see Walter J. Cattln, 910 N. 24th. iKmg. l'; B Ir IT ni OTTNT Practical Builder, ii. 11. VJliO-Eil. Eetlmates Furnished. Tel. Benson 2M. BEAVER BOARD Jtf-lSSt AMERICAN fcUPPLT CO., llli Farnaio. wmttrW ASHING, nlasterlng.- serf ens repaired and put on, windows washed, new buildings rieanea, noors wasm or ponrorvi. McRea, 81- UMf Webster. Harney 3406. rw-iiTn !44K CALL REWARD. A-2806. CONTRACTING, CARPENTER, JOBBER. CEMENT BLOCKS and building mater ial. Frank Marshall. 400u Leavenworth (it. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. 4t.,r sratemroof conorete blocks are guar anteed. Phone factory, S. 801; office Phone B. 1133. O. LUND, sidewalk contractor. Tel. Sftl4. PAINTING, rtaner hanging and decora ting, very reasonable for landlords, esti mates free to all. O. S. Kenneson, 4302 L 81, South Omaha. COAT nnd PANTS to order $30; perfect fit. MncCARTHY-WILSON, 34 s. inn.' DENTISTS BAILEY MACK. 3d floor, Paxton. D. mi. TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas St. DR. M. T. GORDON, 61 Brandela Thea ter Bldg. DETECTIVES- riu a M A Secret Service Detective agency. Inc. and bonded, 428- Paxton Blk. D. 1319. CA PT. T. CORMACK. 617 Katbach. D. M DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 2702 Farnam. Tel. H. T7. TERRY Dressmaking School, JOth and Farnam. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Naraerlea, --.T..aK nla.nts that srrow. F. W. IlvrrjOvi.nerHV. Crescent Nursery Co., Omaha yard, tlst and Farnam Sta. Phone H a rnev 4f.M. , , EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CJ XTITAl?VAIRDRE8SINa Parlors. DAiM X AvlVA Switches made from comb ings, $1.80. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 4CTL ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mall 60c and 81.00. Sherman ii McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. rT TVI" We are exclusive agents for tha JLtl V JK famous Calbas olive oil, from rTT Italf, for medicinal purposea. Liquors, UlU macaroni 41 other Italian products. A. Minardi & Co.. 71 B. 14th. Doug. SUa. CHINA decorating; order work a spe cialty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. llungate, 891 Brandeia Bldg. Tel. Red (488. ' urarr mirth .nj4 stnnsement at the coolest of summcfV playhouses The Parlor Theater. ' FLORISTS A. DONAHUE, 1007 Far. D. 1001; A-100L L. Henderson, 1518 Farnam. Doug 1258. J. F. WILCOX, Counoll Bluffs. Ja., larg est greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglaa 3000. HESS 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St A big land firm has this to say: 1 "We have received more profitable business through our ad in The Bee thun-we have from any other ten papers in which we advertise. L. 0. FUNDINGSLAND, "Manager of Fundingsland & Severson, Sidney, Neb." LAWN VASES. Marvel Coal Chutes, Furnaces. Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating. Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE RHPAIR WORKS, law-K Douglas St. Both Phones. stoves repaired, good ss new. guaranteed: storage; buy A sell. 1IH Cuming. D. IR'-O. HELP WANTED FEMALE lerlcal anal Office. STENOGRAPHER tsrv. P. and prlVHte secu-- STENOGRAPHER, wliolessle. Its. STENOGRAPHER, building material. HILLING CLERK, wholesale, 7A STKNt GR A PH ER. out Of town. $30 STENOGRAPH EU and boikkceper, $t. f'EMONSTRATOR, experienced, 18 per week. SALESLADY and fitter. $15 per wck. CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU oT-t-576 Brandels Building. STKNt. and telephone operator, $M. Young Indy stenographer. $:I0. Hotel checker, $.10, board and room. Office clerk, young Isdy; must live, in South Omnha; $40. Stenographer, $). Stenographer, $f3. WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN.. INC.. "R2-&4 N. Y. Life Bldg. Estab. 8 Yaara. STENOGRAPHER. Vho Is quick and ac curate. $4.". to $.'0. STENOGRAPHER, must be first class. $K5. BOOKKEEPER and typist, $ii5. CHECKER, hotel, $: and board. STENOGRAPHER who can operate Smith Premier machine tatty. 'a office) be ginner will do. STENOGRAPHER, good future. $45. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. (Originators of the Bulletin Idea.) (173-75-77 Brandels Bldg. W A NT El A n experienced checker, ller Grand hotel. lady oaf EXPERIENCED stenographer: give ref erences and state salary wanted. AddreF Y 3ii, Bee. . WANTED Experienced lady bookkeeper and stenographer. Apply Raphael Pred Co., 13th and r arnain.' TWO cnpuhle female stenographers for permanent positions; exceptional opportu nities to right parties: salary $M to $17i. Promotion. The Oliver Typewriter Com pany, 110 S. 15th St. IS. Ml PER WEEK addressing envelopes at home spare time: experience unneces sary: material sent prcpuld; send 10c for outfit, postage, Instructions, etc., to start at once. Enterprise Publishing Co., Cov ington, Ky. We can place several stenographers and bookkeepers at top salaries, also a hotel checker. See us Monday morning. THE CANO AGENCV, 432 Bee Bldg. Factory and Trades. TWENTY-FIVE girls at once; good wagea and steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag Company. Entrance off Eleventh atreet viaduct GIRL wanted to learn hair dressing. price reasonable. Oppenhelm Hair Dressing Parlors. lil UcCague Uldg. Tel. D. 2296. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE shareholders of the Nebraska S!ngs and Loan association will be held In tho as sociation office. No. lurt Board of Trado building, Omaha. Neb., Woincsoar, juiv . 1910, at 8 p. m. Polls for the election of three directors open ot 12 o'clock, noon, and close at 8 p, m. on the same day. JOHN R. BRANDT, Secretary. LADIES and school girls wanted to work sofa pillows at home; experience unneces sary. Call afternoons, 2307 H, 13tli. Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Capable girl who can cook; second girl kept; two In family. 2460 ft. Mary's avenue. COMPETENT, permanent girl for gen eral housework. Tel. Harney 4220. WANTED A general housework girl who can cook. Wagea $7 a Week with washing. $6 without washing. Telephone Douglud 2065. Residence, 2007 Dodge street GIRL for general housework; small family and good wages. Mrs. T. M. orr, 2706 Farnam St. WANTED Reliable woman for house keeper; small family; best wages and ex cellent home for competent woman. Call after at $404 Dewey Ave. Tel. II. 866. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; arnall house. Phone Har ney 210. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; must be good cook: laundress employed. 416 S. 88th St Tel. Harney 2060. WANTED Girl for general housework, also second girl to assist with children; small family; good wagea. 606 Park Ave. GIRL for general housework, two In family. Call 415 N. 20th St GIRL for general housework and wash ing, 3218 Dodge St Tel. H. 248. HOUSEKEEPER for man and wife. 2017 Manderaon. COMPETENT woman for general house work, no washing, good wages. Call 4810 Florence boulevard, or Phone Web. 4624. WANTED Girl tor light housework) no washing; no Ironing. Call 2003 N. 80th. WANTEIA-Experlenced dining room glrL St James hotel. 416 B. 13th. WANTED-A good cook; 836 N. ttth St Tel Harney til. Mrs. L. C. Nash. OtRL for general tiousework; $7 per week. Apply at 4840 Pierce St WANTED lady to care for child during the day, and room mother. Reasonable. Call 10U6 Mason. LADIES WANTED Take work home: apply transfers; $1 to $4 do) work guar anteed. Trleber'a, 316 Branded Theater Bid. GOOD girl for general housework; 110 washing and ironing; good wages. 010 N. 20th St. COMPETENT girl for gen. housework. Mrs. V, F. Hall, 2215 Sherman Ave.; both phones. WASH woman for Monday and Tuesday. Tel. Harney 741. 1304 S. kith street