Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Kavt moot mat Ik
Klsctrt. Tans lorftM-Oruido Co.
1S60 VaUoaal Ufa Inrmmc Go. 1(10
Charl.s E. A'ly. General A sent. Omaha.
Da Baa sudick's Doat Daring tho
tbsenc. of Jud Hedlck. Judge la
will prMld In court room No. 4, In th
ourt houso. Mob.? la landlord'! profit. Put
Into a horns. It makes for family happi
ness and Independence. Bee Nebraska Bav.
IdK and Xoan Ass'n. 160S Farnam, Omaha.
O.osral Smith om Xnsp.ctioa Tour
Oeneral F. A. Smith and hla aide. Lieuten
ant A. t. Clu-laty, left Monday morning
(or an annual Inspection of Forta Leaven
Worth, Des Moines and Itlley. The officers
will return to Omaha on June 2S.
Blff Bay at Tnsrmopolls 1 W.
Wakeley, general passenger agent of the
Burlington, has gone to Thermopolls, Wyo.,
lo attend the railroad day culebratlon.
which la being held on account of the Bur
lington' connecting the town with the- out
aide world by rail.
Davidson Lectures at Lincoln Super
intendent V. M. Davidson of the Omaha
ichoola, went to Lincoln thla morning, lie
will, during the week, deliver a aeriee of
lectures before the atudents attending the
ummer achool of the unlveralty of Ne
braska. Ilia theme will be "School Ad
ministration, Alka for 7B,00O Will A. Coraon, who
la aulng the atreet railway company for
60,000, will Increaae the amount asked
In hie petition to 7Muu. Ho clalma
that as a result of an Injury when atruck
by a car hla mental faculties have been
Impaired and he la no longer able to
practice law.
la the Divorce Court Henry Svoboda
ha started suit for divorce from Eliza
beth Bvoboda, charging desertion. They
have been married eleven years. The,
case of George 1'. Cronk against Cora L.
Cronk will come up Tuesday before Judge
Troup. Uertrude McConnell has sued
tor a divorce from Arthur McConnell,
Charging that he deserted and abandoned
her. She asks the custody of their child
ind the return of her maiden name, Uer
trude Johnson.
New Power House
to Be Skyscraper
, ;'. esmsBeMsa)
althonga but Ona Story, it Will Be
Beared Hundred Feet in
the Air.
Flans were placed In the hands of con
tractors Monday - for work on "the sky
scraper by the river," as the new power
house pf the street railway company has
been called. This building, which will cost
$300,000, Is to rise 100 feet above the ground,
and will be the tallest one-story building In
Structural ateel workers are already busy
elevating the framework and the bids to be
opened a week hence will be for brick and
masonry work, concrete flooring and so
". The street railway company Is busy with
other improvements also, Work will begin
In a a few days on the two miles of track
to be laid qn the Elmwood park extension.
It la declared that service on thla line will
begin about the first of August.
Digging a sewer and the building of a
retaining wall by Crelghton university have
held , back , work ' on the North Twenty
fourth Street cut-off, but this will not now
be long In completion.
Meantime work la being . ended on the
new $150,000 car house iof the company et
Tenth and Pierce streets. This building,
which will be done In a few days will be
the most modern and up-to-date car house
In the. west. It is announced that shower
baths for the use of the employes will be
installed and likewise a reading room and
a pool and billiard room.
Local Investment Company Buyi Iti
Qaarten from Boston Firm.
Preperlr at Firtecatat aad Dodge
Passes from Midland Realty Tom-
pavar to Mctaanea for Some
' thing Over fU30,000.
The Mi-Caifue building on the northwest
corner ot Fifteenth and Hodge streets has
I'uuiiKea nanai, naving Keen s'Hil to the.
land Realty company of Boston at a price
said to be something In excess of $2.0,000.
The McCaguo company and D. V. tiholes
conducted the transaction together and
are supposed to have been acting for the
Omaha Loan and Building association.
now located at Sixteenth and Uouglas
The Boston end of the transaction as
conducted by Thomas II. McCague, who
haa Just returned from there, where, alter
two weeks' negotiations he succeeded In
closing the deal by making a large cash
The McCague building was built In 1890
and cost, at that time, about $170,000. The
lot today la valued at about $100,000. The
building was constructed for banking pur
poses. The banking room contains a large
steel vault which cost $11,000. The building
Is six stories and Is what Is called slow
burning fire construction, all the parti
tions In the office rooms being fire tile
Instead ot frame. (
Neither Mr. McCague or Mr. Sholes would
disclose tho purchase price at this time,
the deal not being finally consummated
until the latter part of July. They Inti
mated, however, that the property was pur
chased at an exceptional bargain.
The new Union Pacific headquarters to
be built at a cost of ll,f00,000 Is just across
Fifteenth street from the McCague building.
Plans for Fine
Pompeiian Room
Are Completed
Splendid Show Flace to Be Built Un
derground Between Bran
deia Building;.
Dans for a splendid underground con
necting link between the Hrsi:dls theater
and store buildings were Approved Monday.
The connecting link, gorgeous with all the
appertanants of comfort and splendor, Is
to be known as tho Pompeiian room. These
plana call for the expenditure In decoration
alone of $IS,000.
The room when completed will be a sur
prise and revelation to Omaha, for Its
dimensions alone will make It Impressive.
The Pompeiian room will be ISO feet long
by 70 feet wide and of considerable height,
a mexzanlne floor being contemplated.
Large public lavatories will be Installed at
one side and a smoking room fur men la to
Included. The electric fountain. wi;li!h
Is to be Installed In the west end of the
room, will be one of the largest In the
F. V. Whltton, vice 'presMent of the
Thompson-Starrett company, which has the
contract for the Pompeiian room, left for
Chicago Monday, declaring that "the
Pompeiian room will be easily the show
place of Omaha. The architect's plans as
sure this."
It Is expected the room will be completed
September IS.
To Kearney for
Carrying Revolver
Youth Who Totes Arienal ii
Sent to the Beform
v School,
Joe Teashack waa ordered to the Kearney
reform school by the juvenile court Mon
day morning, charged with creating a dig
turbance and traveling about armed with
a loaded revolver. Harry Corcoran, brought
Into court with Teashack on the same
churge, was not passed upon, as his case
will be held over until his father can leave
the hospital. The boys were In trouble
pear Fremont a short time ago.
Doth Will Speak at Lexlnatoa
. 4ay Uveuln Dahlutan Tours
. . the State.
.Mayor Dahlman goes to Lexington Tues
day. where he will urate at a banquet that
evening. Governor Shallenbergar is also on
the list of speakers, and since Uie two
candidates have now got to the point where
they represent definite Ideas, some strongly
antagonistic. It Is suspected their utter
pce Will be significant ot what their fu
tura bearing toward each other will be In
' the primary campaign. The mayor has
, kept the soft pedal on, to a degree, so far;
. but his adherants are looking for him to
let the loud noise out soon.
The mayor and governor will come to-
gether again pn Juno 27 at Columbua, when
, the organisation of the state-wide demo-
i oratlo club Is to be perfected. Beginning
with the Lexington meeting, the mayor
will have a bunch of Omaha friends with
hlin at all meetings, to offset the work of
Bhallenbergera appointees, who show up
1 numerously at all democratic gatherings,
July X, the mayor will speak at a cel.
bra lion at Oretna, arranged by the Oer
Uian societies ot that vicinity. On the
' fourth of July he will speak at Beatrice,
Plymouth and Wymote. From the latter
town, where railroad men largely predonv
Inato, he ' has received a big blue badge,
"' bearing the words, "Me for Jim Dahlman.
i immediately after the Fourth of July, the
mayor will start on his automobile tour ot
' the state. He will first make a sortie into
' Otoe and adjoining counties, and later will
. shoot his machine through districts where
he Is not as well acquainted as be would
'. like to be.
Jacob H. Schiff
Sleeps in Omaha
Leading Financier Enjoys the Breezes
j from the Corn Fields of
Jacob H. Bchlft, the New York banker
who gave $60,000 In 1907 to erect a Hebrew
Sheltering home In New York City, director
ot the Union Pacific and leading financier,
passed through Omaha early Monday
morning while enroute from New York to
Yellowstone park. He arrived here at 4:53
In Pullman private car, "Constitution," and
slept peacefully during his stay In Omaha,
leaving at 6:55.
Shortly before the special train left A. L.
Mohler, vice president of the Union Pacific,
and W. It. Cahlll, division superintendent,
In Mr. Mohler'a private car, joined the
Schiff party and were eating breakfast
When the train pulled out of Omaha. Mr.
Bchlft waa sleeping, at least, he hadn't put
In his appearance, but when he wakes up
he will be greeted by Mr. Mohler and Mr.
Cahlll, who will accompany him to
Granger, Wyo.
Omaha Ministers
Commend Gillett
i Resolution They Say He is Act
ing Right in Stopping the
Prize Fight.
At a meeting ot the Omaha Ministerial
union held at the Young Men's Christian
association building Monday morning,
Qovernor Gillett' ot California was com
mended for hla action In stopping the fight
that was to be held in that state July 4.
Following la the resolution:
"Resolved that the secretary of the Min
isterial union ot Omaha be Instructed to
convey to his excellency. Governor Gll
letu of California, our appreciation of his
herloo position in the enforcement of the
law in the face of powerful Interests In
sisting upon Its violation. In the proposed
prise fights In California. We believe that
his coiirage and fidelity will exercise an In
fluence for good over the entire land, and
we congratulate the governor upon hla de
cision to discharge his constitutional obli
gations, notwithstanding such powerful op
The meeting of the ministers of the city
was the last that will be held until Sep
tkta - ftamael ImiIss Walks
elsi t,oet ta Thirty
f Days,
Samuel Basnne. who stated he waa em
.ployed as cdox wun a section gang on
.'the Union Pacific near the city, was ar
restrd by ' Peteetlve Ring and Murphy
Monday on a pharge of stealing. The man
, )s alloged to have given an order for $57
' Wort! pf provisions for the camp to Jacob
Bc-Uwarls. a merchant at l&U Webster
treet. and to have departed with loot
under his coat after giving the order. Com
been received from other
the same effect. H was
days when brought before
SHdse crawtord Monday morning.
vnaer nif coat ai
) a HV1" navo
,? fisJ;ihaiitt to ,tl
" gltea thirty da;
H orse Tears Off
Driver's Jumpers
Charles Wilson Fulls at Bridle and
is Climbed Upon by Big
While Charles Wilson, a teamster, wus
attempting to pull his team Into a start
up the hill at Sixteenth and Farnam
streets, one of the horses proceeded to
climb up the front of the driver, Mon
day morning. With hoofs pacing the air.
the animal managed to get both feet
thrust into the upper part of Wilson's
overalls, while the latter jerked on the
bridle. The result, in an Instant, waa that
the driver's overalls were torn completely
from him, by the weight of the horse, and
a barrel was needed to cover the driver.
Traffic Officer Bill Wilson helped the
haples driver readjust his nether garment
and the latter was able to depart.
Wilson Is a driver for C. L. McClaud A
Son. His wagon waa loaded with radiators
on the unfortunate trip. He was brought
to a dead stop at the foot of the hill, owing
to the weight of the load, and the driver
was forced tp get out and yank at the
bridles, when the accident occurred.
rr Let Us
Look Into
Your Eyes
The chances are that some of
the ailments you may have
come from your eyes. If It
does, a barrel of drugs won't re
move the cause. If you need
glasses or your trouble Is from
some other ailment, we will tell
you. Don't hesitate about call
ing and see If your eyes are the
cause. No charge for the scien
tific examination.
213 So. 10th Street.
Father Neglects
His 17 Children
Juvenile Court is Now Looking for
a Home for the Younger
Julius Lehr of Thirty-second and B
streets, South Omaha, is charged by the
Juvenile, court with having neglected his
children, - seventeen in number, and they
have fallen upon the court for disposition.
This Is the second time members of the
Lehr family have been before the juvenile,
court officer. Two years ago two daughters
walked Jn from South Omaha during a
heavy rain, and reported that their father
had refused to property provide for them.
The court will try to find homes for the
younger children.
Bryan Petitions
Arc Numerous
Reagan Returns from Trip in the
State and Sees Many Being
Circulated. .
Chairman John E. Ucagan of tho Doug
lus county deinocratlo committee has re
turned from a week spent on legal busi
ness at Seward, York and Grand Island.
He said he found sentiment for Dahlman Is
"At York I met a man who is in charge
of the circulation of Bryan petitions In
that judicial district." said Mr. Ueagau.
"He Insisted they are going to make Mr.
Uiyan run for the senate, and I am con
vinced the result of tho petitions In circu
lation will be to put Bryan In the senatorial
race. It 18 Incomprehensible to me that
these petitions should be in circulation,
with at least the tacit consent of Mr.
Bryan's brother and manager unless an un
derstanding of some sort existed with
Bryan himself before hla departure for
Europe. On his return he will be presented
with a stack of petitions as high as a
table, with 25.000 or more names on them,
maybe 50,000, since I understand republicans
ore not barred from signing If they are
Bryan men. In my Judgment, those peti
tions, presented In that way, will settle
Mr. Bryan's candidacy. It does not seem
possible he will turn them down."
Extorts Money
from a Cripple
Such Was Charge Against Man Who
Got Sentence of Ninety Days
in Jail.
Under a oharce of. naving extorted a
living from a crippled woman who earned
money by begging, Edward Craig was sen
tenced to ninety days in Jail by Judge
Crawford Monday morning. Craig was ar
rested .Sunday, together with Marie El
more, a cripple, who told the police she
had supported the man In Omaha as well
as in several other towns for three or four
or j'
When the two were arraigned, the woman
attempted to deny her1 'first charge against
the man,' and he 'flewared he -had never
seen her before.' The, woman was ordered
held until she would promise to go to her
home In Illinois.
Deadly Frla-nt
possesses sufferers from lung trouble till
they learn Dr. King's New Discovery will
help them. 60c and $1.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
City Knglner Craig; Returns from
(ialeebarv, Where He Finds
Ferr Beings' Made.
Prosrects are pot bright for the com
pletion of much new brick pavement In
Omaha this year. City Engineer Craig, on
his return from Galesburg this morning,
said the Purlngton yards are not putting
out any great quantity of brick.
"Much of the brick on hand In the yards
does not come up to the Omaha specifica
tions," said Mr. Craig, "and would not be
accepted by this department. Very little
new brick Is being turned out, so far as
I could see, because of the strike that has
been on at the Purlngton yards for several
months. It Is not a question of wages,
apparently, but of open or closed shop, and
the proprietors are unquestionably having
difficulty In getting the men needed to
run their yards at anything like capacity.
"The existing slate ot things makes ll
sure that we will not permit the opening
of any more streets at this time, at least
not In the downtown districts."
Not onlyla Mother's Friend a safe and simple remedy, but the
comfort and healthful condition its use produces makes It of Ines
timable ralus to every expectant mother. Mother's Friend relieves
the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the different liga
ments, overcomes nausea by counteraction, prevents backache and numbness of
limbs, soothes the Inflammation of the breast glands, and In every way aids in pre
serving the health and comfort of prospective mothers. Mother's Friend is a lini
ment for external massage, which by lubricating and expanding the different mus
cles and membranes, thoroughly prepares the system for baby's coming without
danger to the mother. Mother's Friend Is sold at drug stores. Write for our free
book for exjpoctant mothers.
Building I'prmlls.
B. Kb'iier, W Matey, frame. H1 100:
George K Howoll, 910 riouth Twenty-firth,
triune, $; lieiga t . Bergs, 471', ts'nrrh
Fiiit-sn-ond, frame, $1,600; Holga I". Herus,
716 North Korty-sucond, frame, $1,W0.
$1.00 to $5.00
New York and return 40.50
New York and return (one way via Norfolk) . .49.40
Boston and return . $10. GO
Boston and return (o'ne way via Norfolk) . . . .52.20
Boston and return (account N. E. A. meeting,
on sale June 29 and July 3) 34.00
Atlantic City, N. J., and return 40.70
Buffalo, N. Y., and return 32.00
Detroit, Mich., and return 25.00
Moncton, N. B., and return 44.50
St. Johns, N. F., and return. 00.00
St. Johns, N. B., and return 44.50
Halifax, N. S., and return... .40.00
Lake Placid, N. Y., and return 39.20
Toronto, Out., and return 29.G0
Montreal, Que., and return 35.00-
Saraloga Springs, N. Y., and return 38.80
Burlington, Vt., and return 39.10
Norfolk, Va,, and return 40.35
This is only a partial list of low ijound trip fares to
eastern points in effect daily.
Low round trip fares are alno in effect daily to Colo
rado, Utah, California, Oregon, Washington and Mexico
points. -
For further information call at
City Ticket Office, 14th and Farnam Sts.
1 J. S. McNALLY, D. P, A.
Perfect Comfort for Hot Days
$ltttttg Clothe
That is what you ivill find in our
new, two-piece suits for men.
They're mndo specially for coolness and comfort, yet
they're really as stylish and handsome in apptaruneo as
though looks was their only recommendation.
In fabrics we have selected none but suitable weight
materials of quality which we can recommend as being
somewhat above the average.
Then, they're so carefully designed for comfort, so
loosely but perfectly fitting that we know you will find
it imposible to criticise. They're the best values in town
SilO - $12 - $15
e Hons Of "fT,1. .-V y7,.f r- 0
il"a Merit." " "'''""salsiiliBiiMSJi y
cigar store is a
lighting place for the
w i.
' -: '';'' ..vr .
' V i
w m
You see it in more instances
and in more cases than any
other. There's a merit
reason behind "three mil
lions a week" and it's a
strong one. Better than
ever and better forever.
Now made In two shapes '
hi H H
The Pcrlecto you Imow
The Corona Is new.
ft i
1 M$f&
1 UTf: r'A
. 4 l, V
;Sm. ; r ' K-' vs. Lf- " .rL ? - ?- 1 -?t .
, ' t i.
ROTHENBERQ & 6CHt09S,bOlttrlbutora KanMS City,. Ms,
The only
20th Century Limited
18 Hour Train
Lake Shore New York Central
, - ... , -f
Over the water level route
of smoothness and comfort
from the heart of Chicago
to the heart of
Eleven daily trains of standard excellence traverse this way of fewest
curves and lowest grades and land you at the only railroad station in
the city on subway, surface and elevated Grand Central Terminal.
Tickets and sleeping car accommodations w3 be delivered by messenger
without extra charge, or, on request, by a special representative who will
furouh say LktKination !
City Passenger Office, 1324 Farnam Street,
Telephones Ifc-H, Douglas 878; Ind A-2221.
J. 8. WUlebraruls, Gen. Aft. Pmi, rrpt
Omaha, ."Nebraska,
1 Bee Tlic
Best lor Sports