G TIIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1910. REAL ESTATE CITT FROPEHTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) I .West Farnam District W havs Just listed a Dwell horn In !.bov district. (Hhown only by uppolnt nent.) Ten rooms; built for a horn In U06; quarter-sawed oak upstairs and down talra. Prle only 112.000. You want to see hi to know what It Is like. COTTAGE. Flv room and bath; built In 1908; In flrst filass neighborhood; paved street and paid fur. Two lot. 60130 each. A bargain at 12,700. One block to car. International Land and Investment Co. Big Bargains 46,000 1 brick stores, on South 10th street, ranting at $Ti6.00 per month. 12.800 7-room modern houHe, except fur nace, located near fit. Joseph's church. Two lots or. Bouth 24th street, clear of til taxes, suitable for business or residence, t $1,600 each. MELCIIIOB LEIS & SON INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE 94J 8. iOth St. 'Phone Douglas 3555. Cash Bargain A MODERN HOUSE, NINE KOOMS, In Omaha's most select residence district; no incumbrance. Might consider trade for farm In corn belt. Address, W 286, Bee. TWO choice Dundee lots, together or separate; all Improvements. Owner selling, discount for cash. J 2U4, Bee. SOUTH OMAHA HOME We mean it, a perfect 10-room home; best location In Bouth Omaha. The prloe we will make you Is a teaser. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. $24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 13110. ViOTHlNd VENTURED. NOTHING WON $100 as a first payment will buy a 6 room up-to-date, modern cottage located at 2403 Ho. 17th St. You can pay the bal ance Including interest monthly. In place of a pile of rental receipts, you will soon have a home of your own. My price is as low as you could buy for cash. In spect every day, including tiunday, from I to 4 p. m. F. R. Gosney, 526 N. T. Life. Phone D 4334. FINE $3,000 PROPERTY. Council Bluffs, 1 block of Omaha car line and city school, good high south fronth lot, with large shade trees; house of 8 rooms; bath, gas electric lights and furnace; similar property In Omaha would cost $5,000; let us show you. McQee Real Estate Co., 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. FOR SALE Nearly new, strictly modern, t rooms, fine neighborhood, near High school, 803 N. 21st St., South Omaha. To close an estate, will sell at a bargain, E. W. Meth. 3019 N. 24th St., Omaha. A RARE CHANCE Until July 1 I will sell a well Improved property with all the publio Improvements paid for, seven blocks southwest of court house, always rented, paying over 14 per cent at present, with the sure prospect to aouDie or triple in value l In a short time. Price, $6,000 cash. Address 11 OtHI 1AA . YES, ONLY $20 PER MONTH 7 rooms, brand new; large lot. How much rent are you paying? We are mak ing you a present of this home. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1099. Two New South Side Homes Southwest corner of 14th and Martha 6ts., a twj-story, 8-room house; has par lor, reception hall, dining room and kitchen on the first floor, and three good bedrooms and bath on the second floor. The first floor is all finished in oak, except the Jtltchen, which Is yellow pine and maple, The plumbing and heating Is first class throughout. This Is a well built house u if Is one of the best homes In that lo- callty. The lot Is 41x120 ft. Will make terms of one-fourth cash and the balance in monthly payments. 2308 S. 14th St., a large 6-room cottage, has entry hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and two bedrooms on the first floor and stalr leading to second floor where two more rooms can be finished. The cellar Is under the whole house, all bricked, has cement floor; and a first-class hot air furnace; plumbing Is first-class through out; has cement walks; 40-foot east front lot; clone to school, stores and car line: the location Is very desirable. Will make terms of one-fourth cash and the balance monthly. These houses have just been completed ana are reaciy to move into. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. SALE ON LOTS 42d Street and Grand Avenu6 , 100 LOTS $150 TO $250. WITHIN ONE TO FOUR BLOCKS OK CAR LINE. WILL BE AT MY OFFICE. FORTY -SECOND AND GRAND AVE., ALL DAY SUNDAY. IF YOU CANNOT CALL, SEE ME AT 300 NEVILLE DLK. A. CHAPMAN 187o INTEREST We still have those brick flats for sale, 1'4 blocks from South Omalia, bringing In M00 a month; never vacant. Price, only X5.500.OU. 7-room house, on Seward St.. In good or der; large lot, 50x123. Price, only $2,U00.0O. .asy terms. Two' strictly modern, new 8-room houses just north of Field club; oak floors. Priced at M.ouuou. Easy terms. Five rooms and bath, built 1 year, In north part of town, on paved street; paving bald up; two lots. 60x130 each. Price, only fc.lnO.Ou. Will accept $1.0u0 cash and the balance at 4s per cent. Payments required, about $25.00 a month. A rare snsp. tuiouln any of tne above not be what vcu are looking for, call at 210 Bee building uuu iook over our tun list. International Land and Investment Co. D. 3133. 210 Bee Building. A-t37. Best Bargains in Hanscom Park District s-room house, new, built by day's work mt beat material; bet floor; has large re ception hall, dining room and library : parlor all finished In best of red oak; oak stairs; 2d floor, 4 large bedrooms; sleeping porch screened; full cement basement, with toilet and laundry; full lot; worth $6.0o: will take $6,800 for quick sals. Owner's family going away. 2313 0. SM at. keys at his a. en m. ; u you want a nne home, please look at this. $1,000 Cash Will buy a new room house, all mod ern. West Farnam district balance monthly at leas than what the house will ; rut for. Puons Harney ifcSa, REAL ESTATE CITY PKOPF.BTV FOK lH (Continued.) NEW 6-room cottage, modern except heat; a dandy; near car, in Benson, on very rea sonable terms bv owner. Phone Benson ML COURSE YOU WANT A SNAP West Farnam, 12 blocks from IRth and Farnam, S-room, modern; only $3,200. Make any reasonable terms. NOWATA LAND Y I5T CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. Several good locations on lots WILL at first cost (1104 up to $t25. Will "build to suit'' for good pen BUILD pie. whose needs are modest that Is, small homes, 3 to 5 or S rooms. FOR Our low prices or big bargains will sprpnse you. Get our list of YOU lots and select your house plan. You can be living In your own house In six days. J 31. Bee. Is, 250. St. Louis flat now rented at $64.50 per month; reason for selling, owner must leave city; walking distance. L 296, Bee. FOR SALE CHEAP TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. 901 South 33d St., 6 rooma and re ception hall, all modern; full bage ment, corner lot, on paved gtreet and paving paid; fine neighborhood. Owner Uvea In property and will show It at an ytlme. Price, $3,600 caah. 'Phone Harney 4860 for further details. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE California. MADELINE MEADOWS Lassen Co., California; rich Irrigated land with perpetual water rights, $34,25, government land; $40.00, deeded land; no excessive heat; no .excessive cold; on rail road; another building;; plenty of water; $5.00 per acre will start you; we wait for the balance, or you can raise It on the land from half your otop; we have faith In our land; investigate this, you win never nave an opportunity like this again. JOIN OUR EXCURSION. We leave July 6; free fare x to buyera. Send for booklet. E. 0. MEYERS, Gen'l Agt. 1201 Farnam, Ground Floor, Omaha Neb. Canada. LAST GREAT METROPOLIS OF NORTH AMERICA. Fort George Now starting on main line of Grand Trunk Pacific Ry., and on lines of six other railroads projected and build Ins. Fort George Is geographical and strat egic Commercial center of British Columbia and metropolis of an Inland empire larger tnan tne states or lowa ana Minnesota. Fort George Is at junction of one thousand miles of navigable waterways. Millions of acres of splendid farming lands, besides unlimited timber, mineral and coal re sources, are tributary. One hundred mil Hon dollars will be spent In next three years In railroad building alone. By the summer of 1911 twenty-five thousand men. with payroll of one hundred thousand dol lars tier day. will be employed In the vicin ity of Fort George. We are joint owners and sole agents for Fort Ueorga Town site. The government Insures and guaran tees title to lots and owna one-quarter of them. write us quick for maps, plans and full information about fortune-making oppor turfltles at Fort George, also about our umiirr Fraser Valley Farms. NATURAL RESOURCES SECURITY CO., 1,1X1. 613 Winch Bldg., Vancouver, B. C. Florida. FLORIDA LAND CHEAP Would you invest In a S, 10, 20 or 40- acre fruit, vegetable, poultry, pecan or truck farm In Florida's best agricultural district, if you ctuld get It for $7.60 per acre under market nrleeT We are lust opening new tract In Columbia county, and while constructing the campaign will sell a few tracts on cash or easy pay- ments of $5 per month. We have just Issued a beautiful 20-page book, showing pictures of fields and dwellings in our lo- callty, all in artistic colors, we will mall you this book free and send you such other advertising matter as will give you a good idea of our proposition. Our land Is convenient to three railroads and we have Lake City, a modern county seat or B.ouu people, in our midst. People who know Fiorina consider our tract one of the very best. It ib endorsed by bankers, congressmen, farmers and the Board of Trade. Prices very low: easy buying Dlan. Write for mans and book irivlnir truthful description. Columbia-Florida Land Co., 440 limes uiag., st. iouis. mo. 15,000 ACRES. A SNAP FOR QUICK SALE. Florida East Coast. Everglades. All- muck land. Greatest bargain In the whole state, No brokers. FRANK L. BILLS & COMPANY, .25 Monroe St., Chicago. FLORIDA. We have some of the best land In the state, below the frost line at attractive prices, bend lor particulars. Estero Land Company, First jMatlonai Bank Bldg. Chicago. YOU CAN STAY AT HOME And make Big Money In Florida. One dollar a month will make you Dart owner In one of the greatest fruit, truck. pecan, orcnara, resort, notei and general Mgn-ciass development propositions ever Inaugurated in tms state of phenomenal opportunities. Send tor proof of this state ment ana run particulars. J. A. Hollomon, President, Jacksonville, Fla. FLORIDA FARMS PUTMAN COUNTY, FLA. Ten-acre farms for only $300. one-third cash, balance one and two years. W guarantee tne iana to be as good as any in the state. Natural flowing wells, good drainage, home market. Only miles from PaiatKa, larraway station on the O, S. et F. By., in the center of the land. All of our farms are In easy walking distance or station ami postoirice. River and rail way transportation facilities for truckers and growers the best In the state. Finest tarming rna resiaence section in Florida. Uuoa scnoois, cnurcnes, etc. mo malaria, write toaay ror one or our beautiful n. lustratea prospectus ana map. E. Z. JONES & CO.. 606-507 Atlantic National Bank Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. Idr.ho. We Guarantee 1 Net The Twin Falls Tract, THE LARG EST IRRIGATION TRACT IN THE WORLD, Is peopled with lot of good citizens. They need money for SEED, Implements, home building. We guar antee 7 per cent net on all money you can lend. Security approved. Write to us about this. RIPLEY BROTHERS, formerly of Omaha, FILER, TWIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO. loi 7Mr-ACRK FARM. Six miles of Council Blutts. all fine land but about three acres; one-half In upland vaiiey as ricn as iana can be; large orch ard, good vineyard, S-room house, good barns, hog houses, chicken houses, coal eeuar, running water an the year round: about rive acres each alfalfa and tlmothv; we have lust been over this farm and con. elder it one of the best small hog or dairy iiimi we navo seen ana one ot tne best bargains at $115 per acre. McGee Real estate to., it rear i St., council Bluffs. Colors its. COLORADO. Wyoming, Nebraska and Kansas Lands for sale. $25 per acre buys from owner a tract nf level, unimproved land in IrruMilou district in tne pan l,uis valley. W 111 arrange to show at any time. See us for full particulars. WM. BIPPLK. 41$ Commonwealth Bldg., Denver, Colo. REAL. ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR ALB Colorado 33,000 Acres at Auction by Trustee BURLINGTON, COLORADO Next Thursday, June 23d, 1910 Tliis 33,000 acres will be divided into 210 farms and sold under the hammer to the highest bidder, regardless of price. SPECIAL ROCK eaves Omaha 10:40 P. M. NEXT TUESDAY, June 21st, con necting with trains from other points at Lincoln and Fairbury, Neb., and Belleville and Phillipsburg, Kan. Fare from Omaha only $14.70 for round trip ticket or any other Rock Island train. Easy Terms J)fcUU is the highest amount "T of cash required to i-JOWllbuy any 160-acre tract. The balance, if any, may be carried on the land at 6. This Omaha June Remember 1910. You next CUT OUT THIS COUPON AND MAIL M. GUENTHER, TRUSTEE. Room 307 First Natl Wank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. Please reserve berth for ma on the special Rock Island Excursion train Omaha to Burlington Colo., June 21st. I expect to connect with this train at Designate town and state. Name Address Fill this out now the time is short. CHEAP LANDS Large and small tracts. E. E. Dey, Akron. Colo. A COLORADO LAND SACRIFICE. 640 aares for to.Ooo $3,000 down, balance 6 years' time, equal payments; comprising the old noma place 01 tne spere ranch fine rolling and second bottom land value of lands surrounding Is $20 to $40 per acre this land should sell for more money the price is lor immediate sale write for plat and description. IIAIULER REALTY COMPANY, Colorado Springs. Colo. 80 ACRES OR LESS OF THE SEMPER . FARM. 9 miles northwest from Denver on C. . 8. R. R. to Boulder; choice farming land; 6 minutes from Spencer station or school, hourly interurban to Denver and northern towns; plenty irrigating water, 7-room house, stables, granaries, etc., 2 wells (best mineral water in Colorado), orchard, grove, large shade trees around house. Apply on premises to C. S. Semper, owner, or P. O. box 867, Denver. COLORADO Property for Sale 11-room brick and stone residence at Golden, Colo., 12 miles west of Denver; place has been used for private boarding house, is mod ern and a money maker; ensy terms to the right party. Box 223, Golden, Colo. Ksuisaa. FOR SALE A good 1C0 or 240 acres. fenced. $ta miles; also 320 acres. Im proved. 80 rods of Gem. Thomas Co.. Kan. Owners live in another state and want to sell on account of old age. This is a good chance to get some land that is going to be sold. Write for price and terms. Might take a little exchange. Henry c Smith, Fails City, Neb. FOR SALE Improved farm, 640 acres. 600 tillable, 600 level, fenced and cross- fenced, watered with springs and ponds. some hay land, 800 pasture, no rock, 22U cultivated, 75 wheat, 25 spelts, 15 barley. 75 corn, crops line; balance reeu; 4-room stone house, stone barn, granary, room for 1,000 bu., hen house, crib, cattle shed good well, mill, tank, brood bouse, full set of Implements, 2 horses, set of harness, 20 cattle, 1 brood sow, 300 chickens, orch ard, all kinds of fruit, telephone; black soil, clay subsoil; buildings Insured; 2 miles to school and post of flee; price 113,000. $10,8u0 cash, $2,200 6 years at 6 per cent; 12 miles to town, no agents, vvrito owner. A. P. CARLETON, Grove County, Alanthus, Kansas. Michigan. 40 ACRES, $200. HALF CASH, BALANCE 12 YEARS. The land Is situated not far from Bay City, Michigan, and adapted for farms, graxlng or fruit. Perfect titles, and will bear close Inspection. The above price and terms are made to close an estate quick. It you want a 40 or more send your option in now, with $1 per acre, and balance to be paid when deeds are returned. BRADFORD & COMPANY, M Adams St., Chicago. MICHIGAN FARMS. No. 120 acres, cleared, smaii house and barn, some fruit, near town, fine fruit Innd, $1,000. No. 2 40 acres, cleared, good house and barn, plenty of fruit, level, good soli, $1,2,0, No. 3200 acres, rich loam soil, level, 4 miles Muskegon, city 35,000; $12 per acre, $1 per acre down, balance easy terms. THE EVANS-HOLT CO.. Fremont, Mich. THESE ARE WONDERS. READ. READ and wonder. Practically a gift; 240 acres; lies like a garden; 175 acres cultivated; balance on timber and pasture on beautiful river: good nouse. i4 story good barn and other buildings. Buildings carry $2. COO Insurance; farm all fenced and cross fenced; rural man ana teiepnone; three miles to town, nine miles to railroad town; 109 fine bearing apple trees and other fruits. THE PRICE IT'S $18 PER ACRE. Think of It. There Is not another such bar gain In the world. 80 acres spienaia iana. ou acres cultivated, balance In fine hardwood timber; 7 miles to town; rural mail and telephone; good house and barn; A WONDERFUL BARGAIN, price $1,750, $1,000 cash, balance to suit you. we are aiwfcys tne leaders m bargains: others try to follow. Send for full particulars. H. W. SAWYER, NEWAYGO, MICHIGAN. IF SOLD AT ONCE. 120 acres; good soil; apple orchard; 40 acres timber; 8-room bouse; good barn; everything corplete. S3 acres; a sandy loam; 7 acres maple and elm timber; two large apple orchards; 10-room house: large frame barn. Within four miles market and main line railroad. Choice, $3,200; cash $700; balance easy terms. WAYLAND REALTY CO., Wayland. Mich. FORCED SALE An excellent 60-acre farm, all smooth and level, no swamp or wet land, very productive; with success fully grown corn, clover, wheat, vegetables and fruit; 6-room house; beautiful shade; large barn, poultry house, tool house, etc.; also plenty of choice bearing fruity This is a real farm and one that will make money for any live man. It is on main road, (lose neighbors, schools, etc.; only about 10 minutes' wslk from the biggest lake In Michigan where there Is good boating, fish ing or bathing. This farm must be sold quick and we therefore make the price $1.4iiO; one-half cash, bslance to suit buyer IL C. DUES, Bog E, Martin, Mica, , REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR IAH Con tinned. ISLAND TRAIN good for thirty days on special TAKE YOUR VACATION NOW and attend this trustee's sale on your way to the mountains. Any summer excursion tisket is good on this train. You can stop over at Burlington, ex amine this land by free auto mobile and PICK UP A SNAP at this sale. .Where so much land is forced under the ham mer in one day some one will get bargains. WHY NOT YOU special Rock Island train leaves 10:40 P. M. next TUESDAY, 21st, 1910. You inspect this land by free auto mobile next WEDNESDAY, June 22, buy this land at your own bid THURSDAY, June 23, 1910. And REMEMBER that every acre of this land MUST and will be sold on June 23d, 1910, RE GARDLESS of price. For further particulars call 'Phone Tyler 1070, or write C M. GKUENTHER, TRUSTEE, 307 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., OMAHA, NEBRASKA Michigan -Continued SNAP Money-making country home. stock, tools and crop complete; one of the oest (u-acre iarms in tne- state, practically level, lays aoout zvt miles irom town, on beautiful made road, close neighbors, schools and church. This farm borders on a beautiful lake, an elegant spring brook flows across it, large new S-room field stone residence, big basement or cellar, large verandas; big, new barn, room for 4 head of horses, 6 cows, also carriage and tool room; lots of choice bearing fruit. This farm Is high cluss in every respect and we are making a great sacrifice when we offer it. It must be sold quick and we will let everything go in the way of machinery, stock, etc. mere is everything irom pitchfork to self binders, all machinery is practically new, also wagon, carriage, har nesses, do chickens. 6 cows. 4 horses, hogs, etc. To quick buyer will make the price $3,800; must have $1,200 cash, balance can be paid In small yearly payments. Will give possession and ('turn everything over to buyer In 48 hours. If you are ready to snap the biggest bargain on earth, don't miss seeing tins quick. THE FRED PARR CO., Box E, Plalnwell, Mich. LAND FOR SALE. Write me today. E. F. FREMONT, NEWAYGO CO., MICH, A SNAP. 20 ACRES FRUIT, VEGETABLE AND CHICKEN LAND. in center of Michigan; near county seat and railroad town and fine lane; iuu apple trees, 100 peach trees, 700 small fruit; raises 400 bushels or potatoes to an acre; gooa soil clear title; only 300; M down, xio per month, without interest, or uu on lor cash must sell; might throw In cow or 40 chick CtlH. OWNER, R. 403, 115 Dearborn St., Chicago, Missouri. FINE CASS CO.7 MISSOURI, FARM 4t acres, one mile of railroad town. 35 miles Kansas City; all in cultivation and grass; all rich, fine lying land; 8-room house, barn and outbuildings; well fenced and watered. If you want a bargain in well located araln and stock farm, you can't beat it; only $65 per acre; good terms on this. Q. W. CLAKUx IINV. CO., 301 Commerce, Kansas City, Mo. TIMBER and ranch land bargains in South Missouri. Morris & Walker, Moun tain View. Mo. Missouri Continued. IN MISSOURI. 215 acres; 125 miles southeast of Kansas City. 70 acres in cultivation, box house; cood barn: out buildings and fine water and grass: lance orchard of different varieties of fruit. 2 miles to good trading point. Close to school and church, price JJ.iMl. This is a money maker. ' GEORGE KUMPF. 203-5 Sheldley Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. Montana. FOR 8ALEV-4,720 acres in Jefferson county. Montana, at $10 per acre, on easy terms. This tract is located 2Vk miles from town of Whitehall, a thrirty little city on the N. P. and (J., m. ac si. f. coast line 2,000 acres of this Tract Is under irrigation water rights from the Jefferson river, About l,2o0 acres bottom land, about 75 per cent or this tract is tiuame, Daiance suit able for pasture. This tract Is located tie famous Montana apple belt and Is bargain. 13,000 acres, Meagher county, Musselnhell valley. Montana, 117 per acre; easy terms located on C. M. & St. P. R. It.. 3H miles from two good towns; at least 80 per cent of this tract Is suitable for farming. A good proposition to cu'. up Into small farms; 4.000 to 6.0U0 acres can be irrigated; many springs furnish abundance ot water the year around. MART VN ft STUART LAND CO., Aberdeen, S. D., And 335 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. Nebraska. FOR SALE. SECTION good fanning land near Red dlngton, Morrill county. Neb.; only $14.60 an acre. FRED OILMAN. Reddington, Neb. 700 ACRES. NEAR OMAHA At Just about one-half the price asked for adjoining land. Finely improved farm. Any business terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 New York Life Building. 'Phone Red WJ. BARGAIN in Platti Valley Irrigated Farm! Extra good ltO acres; must be sold quick. 50 acres alfalfa. bO acres best wheat grass meauow in tne country; M acres to other crops. $S5 per acre. Writs quick for terms and furthsr Information to Box No. 151 Uerlng, Neb. 2,620-Acre Up-to-Oate Ranch. At the price of raw land. Cut Into 16$ tracts. This land will sell soon at $- per acre, rricp, ou.uvu. veijr Hay terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., fculte 624. New York Life Building. 'Phone Rd lBji. C30 ACRES timber tand. $ miles from rail road station. Will cut over three million feet of good lumber, and when the land Is cleared it Is the best fruit land In the world Price, $20 per acre. Clear. Want Omaha income, or would prefer to trade one-half Interest It- ac experienced lumber man. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., buits 624. New York Life bldv pbuue Red U . REAL ESTATE FARM A!n llANCll LAND FOR SAL Nebraska Continued "Crop Insurance" Is the very pt name applied to Irrigation. Out In the Scott's Bluff country big crops are grown by carful cultivation of the soil end the APPLICATION OF WATER AT THE RIGHT TIME. There Is no doubt as to a crop under those conditions. Compare that with con ditions In the corn ueit. Some farmers lose sleep when It rains too much; others walk the flour over too much dry weather. The First Crop of Alfalfa Is being harvested In the Scott's Rluff country. Two more crops will be cut by September 15. A good stand will net the owner at least $25 per acre. You save the nrst crop as easily as the third. Can you do that in the corn belt? Value of Corn Land depends upon what It produces. Nebraska's average corn crop in iw was 25(4 bushels to the acre. At 60 cents Der bushel that makes the gross receipts average $15.30 per acre. This on lands selling at $,'5 to $125 per acre. COMPARE THE ABOVE FIGURES WITH ALFALFA IN THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY, where the NET IN COME IS MORE THAN $25 PER ACRE. Nebraska's Wheat Average for 1909 was 20.1 bushels to the acre. Out In the Scott's Bluff Country It ranges from 35 to 45 bushels to the acre. Consider these facts, then go and SEE run louKSUL, wnat tne country win do. Get on our Next Excursion Tuesday, June 2L The "Payne Special" leaves the Burling ton station In Omaha at 4:10 p. m. and gets back at 3:45 p. m. Friday. A short three days' trip, but cammed full of Informa tion about the Scott's Bluff Country Write, phone or wire us where you will Join our party. We look for two carloads this next trip. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., S. E. Corner 15th and Farnam. "Manless Land for Landless Man." FOR SALE. 100 acres unimproved prairie land. All level, good land, in good neighborhood. $ miles northeast of O Nelll. This Is a bar gain. Price $25 per acre. c . MCKUJNNA, O'Neill, Nebraska. FARM LANDS 100 acres of level, deep, heavy, rich, black soil, six miles from Tekamah, Burt county, Neb., and only forty miles from Omaha. Price $0 per acre; $3,000 cash, balance 6 per cent Interest. NO SAND, GRAVEL, ROCK. Oil STUMPS. A. C. CROSSMAN, 218 Chamber of Commerce, Omaha, Neb. Telephone Douglas 5107. Sarpy County Snap A beautiful home, highly Improved. 160 acres, fine land; 10 miles to Omaha, 5 miles to South Omaha stock yards. Price if sold quick, $150 per acre. G R Combs, Room 15 Old V. S. Nat Bldg., 12th Phone, D. 3016. and Farnam. TWO BIG BARGAINS. 320-175 cultivated; best, blaok clay soil: new 9-room house. Price, $6,500. 100110 best bottom land. 110 cultivated: improved; lVs miles to town; $45 per acre. STOCKS LAND CO., KEARNEY, NEB. Korta Dakota. NORTH DAKOTA FARM LAND Excursion June 21st. Closing out large tract fine agricultural land, underlaid with coal, Stark Co., N. D., near Northern Pacific R. R., $11.50 to $20 per acre; easy terms. Prices $3 to $5 per acre less than adjoining lands. Write for map and full information. Excursion 1st and 3d Tuesday each month while this land lasts. Your expenses paid if you buy. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 1606 Farnam St., Omaha. NORTH DAKOTA. THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. Land In the Mouse River loop, where crop failure Is unknown. Hon. J. J. Hill says this land is all worth $100 per acre, and he knows. -Will rent and pay 20 per cent on investment. What Is your money earning? The finest prairie land in the world. Write me for list. It Is free. K. E. GOWIN. Glenburn, N. D. Uklahonia. NOTICE. To be sold at public auction, June ?6, 1910. A 3-story, modern, 60-room, brick hotel building In city of 6,000, Stillwater. Okl. Best located property in city. Stillwater Is center of interurban system now build ing, has other good railroad facilities, has state agricultural school; city is growing rapidly. This hotel has best business In the city, but the proprietor must sell on ao count of poor -iiealth. Will sell furniture and building on day of sale with prlvHege ot leasing if building itself docs not sell. Inquiries concerning this property and terms of sale will be promptly answered by the undersigned. JOHN YOUST, Sr.. Stillwater. Okl. Oregon. BUY farm lands now. They are daily In creasing In value. There is a limited amount of land, but no limit to the future popula tion. The Pacific Northwest Is the present land of opportunity. We have a fine assort ment of farms, some of which will suit you. Write us today, stating your require ments, and we will mall you full particulars free. The Card Realty & Inv. Co., 626 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore. IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS, Rogue River Valley, Oregon. Declared by government experts to be the ... .. ,.,,1 hall in h. u-i,,M ... luvm lei., u. ... ....u .iiiiiu sweepstakes prize; Spokane National Apple show; has received the highest prices ever paid for fruit in the New York and Lon don markets; orchards now producing over 1,0U0 net per acre. Irrigated orchard tracts on payment plan ransrtnr In price from 1225 per acre for un developed land to $600 per acre for dcvel- ooed urchards. IU una HUB, illLUIUIKlCU, Medford, Oregon. south Da not a. FOR SALE South Dakota lands, $15 to $40 per acre, near town, ror booklet, map and nrlces ou tne dohi ana Cheapest, au dress L. L. liogamuu, pukwaua, Brule county, o. xt. SOUTH DAKOTA CORN AN D ALFALFA LANDS. The rush is on for Stanley county; buy Isnds near- the new railroad and double your money in tho next year; 20,000 acres to select from; $10 to U per acre. Call or write Felland Realty Company, Ul Palace Bldg... Winnuapolis. Minn. CHOICE BARGAINS. 100 acres, 7 miles from Watertown, miles from Foley, beautiful slightly roll lmr land, free fiom pond, creeks, gravel or stone. 155 acres Into crop, 6 acres hay no buildings, for a quick sale M.tf per ritb. cash down to a $2,600 mortgage now on the land, 6 per cent, purchaser gets one-third croD delivered. IM acres, all prulrle. no Improvements 40U acrrs good farm land, 160 rough pasture land. 11 miles from Watertown, G miles from 3 other towns, It's worth $& per acre, we are offering It for $25 for a quickVsale, cash down to a $:i.uo mortgage now on tho land at 6 Ir cent. If you are on the market for a bargain In land you should lose no time In seeing these. Address alKiin Ac. uusney, water town, South Dakota. W) ACRES MEADE COUNTY. S. D.; every ncre can be cultivated; $15 per acre. J. G. Bone, 312 Kugart Blk., Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE s30 acres; every acre tillable step black soil; nnar town: p-lco. 2i per acre. lank llik. swuitoail, o. !. REAL ESTATE FARM AJil) HAM It LAN U FOR BALB South Dakota Continued. FOR SALE Extra choice half section In Hyde county, 8. D. All good tillable land. Price $25 per acre. The Keiser Land Co., llighmore, 8. D. FOR SALE Extra fine 100 acres unim proved land near llighmore In Hyde county, 3. D. Choice agricultural land. oU per acre; easy terms, ihe Keiser Land Co., High more, S. D, FOR SALE BY OWNER 3JO acres good agricultural land, located two miles from new townslte on C. & N. W. R. It., In Hyde Co., S. D. This has positively got to move within the next twenty days. Price $Ji per acre. J. N. KING, Hlghmore. S. D. Texas. TWO TEXAS FARMS FOR SALE. 131 aores, lou In cultivation, alfalfa, corn and potatoes; three miles from the town of Wharton; on the Colorado river; no overflow; t miles from Houston. Also V5 acres, 86 in cultivation, corn; ad Joining the above place; V of mile to a railroad switch; party can get Immediate possession; will take $00 per acre for onn or both places. Write to the owner. A, A. Norton, Wharton, Tex. Terms. YOU OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT IT. It's a county seat In the center of the Rio Grande Valley and Irrigation; has railroad, canals, new court house, arood bank. school, brick business houses; Chapln needs people to develop its great resources; they're rich enough to make you rich. Ask us for booklet "H." CHAP1N TOWNSITB COMPANY, Chapln, Tex. Virginia. VIRGINIA FRUIT FARM. 325 ACRES $6.G00. Two-story house; 12 rooms and basement". 3 porches; ample outbuildings; apple orcnara or duu Albemarle pippins, wine saps and other high-priced varieties; the trees are 12 years old, and being located In the great fruit belt of Albemarle county they are hardy and thrifty, and will yield a lifelong income; 24 miles to railroad station; surrounded by good neighbors. If taken at once, only fti.600; part cash, bal ance on easy terms. For f urther-detalls see page 24, "Strout's Farm Catalogue No. 30, Second Edition. It describes other rare bargains from $5 an acre up Jn Vir ginia, Maryland ana tne south, copy free, Station 2076. E. A. Strout, Union Bank Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Wisconsin. YOU CAN BUY LAND FOR $10 A MONTH good land at from $8 to $20 an acre, In Vilas and Oneida counties, Wisconsin We charge no Interest. We ray the taxes. Insurance clause In the contract. BEST OPPORTUNITY IN THE COUNTRY for man oi moderate means to OWN A FARM AND BE INDEPENDENT Write ror map and book rto Dept. 3 G. F. SANBORN CO., Eagle River, Wis. 80-acre Improved farm for $1,600. This farm has 20 acres cleared free of stumps and under cultivation: land Is level: good clay loam soil, clay subsoil; no stone; has 30 acres of heavy hardwood timber such as sugar maple, oak, basswood and birch no underbrush in the timber; balance of land easy to clear. This farm borders on a beautiful lake with good fishing. It hns a new frame house with seven rooms all complete ready to move Into: and a new stable, 16x26. Farm Is located six miles from Cumberland and three miles from Barronett; in a well settled farming coun try; Germans and Americans; on main traveled road, near schools, churches and creamery. There Is timber enough on this farm that when sold will pay the Interest and taxes for five years. Terms $200 cash, balance on time to Bult purchaser. We also own another 80 of unimproved land that Joins this farm In case you want more land. Send for our special list of other farms and timber land we own, also our book on northwestern Wisconsin. We are located In Barron county, 78 miles north east of St. Paul. Address Wisconsin Col onizatlon Co., Cumberland, Wis. Miscellaneous. CAN locate parties on desirable timber, fruit, agricultural and graxlng lands. In California. Oregon and Washington. Special government land list, with laws, sent to all Interested parties. West American Land and Timber Co.. Sacramento. Cel.. 714 K REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM LOANS We offer conservative Investors carefully selected first mortgage loans on improved Oklahoma farms that net attractive retu.'ns. Write for particu lars. Humphrey & Humphrey, Independ ence, Kan, GARVIN BROS.. Id floor N. Y. Life. $50$ to $100,000 on Improved property. No daisy. FOR SALE A $4,000 first mortgage on new, first class Improved Inside property, 6 per cent semi-annual. Phone Red 2U47. Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on hand and for sale at amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Dldg. WANTED Cltv loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1120 Farnam St. WANTED-City loans. Peters Trust Co, MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. $100 to $10,000 mads promptly. F. D. Wsad. Wad Bldg., 1Mb and Farnam. LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandels Bldg. $500 to $5,000 on homes in Omaha, O'Keefs Real Estate Co.. low N. Y. Life, Douglas or A-21U. SECOND mortirases negotiated. 52i New Onaha National Bank Bldg. Doug. 4334. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR S. and 7-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property tor you. NOWATA UKU AMU i.Uf CU. Suit 2 N. Y. Life Bldg SOUTH OMAHA SOUTH OMAHA horse shoeing shop, 614 N. 26th. Experience has made Horses feel an open bojk to me. H. Noone. S. 532. EVERY LADY LIKES DISTINCTION- Our HATS are especially attractive; see them. Ryan's, 61i xv, 21lu bt., bouth Omaha. OUR WATCH REPAIR DEPARTMENT can ue depended upon au far as doing the most perfect work Is concerned, jacoobon u Fuien Co., Jewelers and Opticians, 2404 N St., South Omaha. SWAPS 630 ACRES timber land. 3 miles from rail road station. Will cut over three million feet of good lumber, and when the lund Is cleared it is the best fruit land in the world. Price, $44 per acre. Clear. Want Omaha income, or would prefer to trade one-half interest 10 an experienced lumber man. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., bulte 624 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red VtM. WE can trade anything, anywhere. LATHHOP & TOB1N. D. DM. 421 HARNESS or phaeton, sale or trade for Dlano. phonograpii or gun. J. N. t renrer, South wmaha. TAILORS JdlKFIT tailor .d suits $46 and $40 values st $15. Ses A. Rubansteln, 211fr B, 14ta bl Q. A. LINQUIST CO.. tii PAXTON BL. FOR evening functions full dress Is the rule, and to get It made right ses kA Tblel, Tailor. 719 b. 16thSt. WANTED TO BORROW WANT, to borrow $6,500 on gilt-edg first mortgage real estate security, at 8 per cent Interest. Address. K 663. Bee. WANTED TO BUY BKST PRICE paid for second-hand furniture, carpets, vluthlug kud sboca Pboos Douglas tV GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Opens Strong and Higher When Cables Show Strength. ( IDEAL CORN WEATIIIB NOW ) Some Fear from tho Lack of Molsluro gome Italn In tbo rlnsj; IVheat Belt Corn Holds Steady. OMAHA. Juns 18. 1I0. Wheat opened strong and higher with cables showing strength. Further ad vances were made on good buying due to ncre drouth reports in Russia and ex treme dry weather In the spring wheat belt. Some damage already being re ported there. Weather continues ideal for corn grow ing, receipts are light and country selling slow and some fear la expressed concern ing lack of moisture. Wheat started strung and higher with a ruth of buying from commtsMon houses. Later reported rain in tho spring wheat belt eased the market and cloning values were sternly at yesterday's level. Corn held steady without much change. Values ranged narrow and the market was rather a dull affair except for the cash grain, where prices were rather stronger and demand good. Primary wheat receipts were 2S1.000 bu. and shipments were 315.0U0 bu., agnlnst re ceipts lust year of lits.OOO bu. and ship ments of 372,1)00 bu. Primary corn receipts were 40.1,000 bu. and shipments were 6. ,0,000 bu., against receipts last year of 44!),UuO bu. and shipments of 31ii,000 bu. Clearances were 15,000 bu. of corn, none of oats and wheat and flour equul to 1,&M bu. Liverpool closed T4jd higher on wheat and ?il higher on corn. Local rango of options: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.j Yes y. Wheat-I July... Sept... Corn July... Sept... Oats July... Sept... I 84 4 8i 53' 34i 33 li aw S4Vi(, KIWI 33 W Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 904T93c; No. S hard, 87(u-90c; No. 4 hard, 76ftj Ktc ; No. 2 spring, tO Hjil2c; No. 3 spring, (MftsBc; No. durum, i4((i75c; No. 3 durum, "I'll 74c. CORN No. 2 white, 0Vnlc; No. S white, GOrutiOfec; No. 4 white, 684ii)c; No. 3 color, Mifcotfo; No. i yellow, fttkunio; No. 3 yel low, bt6(ib6c; No. 4 yellow, 64V(&5!)c ; No. 2, bbW(i'-6c; No. 3, 65VtU56c; No. 4, 64Vu54c) no grade, 41(u47c. OATS-Standard, 34Q34ttc; No. S white, 33HUUc; No. 4 white, 33iU33Vso; No. 3 yel low, 33Vtr033c. BARLEY No. 4, 420 44c; No. 1 feed, 40J 42c; rejected, 3Sji40c. RYE No. 2, 70tt71c; No. 3, 6769C Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Cora, Oata Chicago 6 223 M Minneapolis 146 ... . Omaha 4 50 A Dulutlt 21 St. Louis (icnernl Market. ST. LOUIS, June 18. WHEAT Cash, dull; track. No. 2 red, t&m'JSc; No. 2 hard, UTdtJl.Wi1. CORN Cash, strong; track. No. S, 605 60Vc; No. 2 white, 64'(85c. OATS Cash, steady; track. No. 2, 36c; No. 2 white. 3014c. RYE Nominal, 77c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4.90 5.25; extra fancy and straight, $4.40yi4.8fa; hard winter clears, 3.40ui'3.80. HEED Timothy, $3.OO8.06. CORNMEAL-$8.25. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 8"5g87o. HAY Steadv; timothy, $15.004j18.50; prai rie, $13.0tr(J 14.00. PROVISIONS Pork, hlghor; Jobbing, $23.50. Lard, higher; prime steam, $12.22',j Sil2 32i4. Dry salt meats (boxed), stonily; extra shorts. $14.8714; clear ribs. $14.37',i; short clears, $14.62'. Bacon (boxed), st.'ady; fine extra firxts, S15.62!4; clear ribs, $15.62:?; short clears, $l5.h'r. POULTRY Weak; chickens, 13c; springs, 18ii20c; turkeys, 16o; ducks. 10c; geese, 7o. BUTTER Higher; creamery,. 23,2Sc. EGGS Steady; 17o. Receipts, shipments. Flour, bbls 7,400 - 6.300 Wheat, bu 20,000 2,i0 Corn, bu 42,'W 3.H.0O0 Oats, bu ao.uuu n.tuj WANTED TO BUY (Continued.) SECOND-HAND clothing; party, after noon dresses. John Fcldman, D. 3123. A-2fi3a BEST price for 2d-hand clothing. D. 14 M. WANTED A Stanley steamer runabout, 1909 or lalO model. Address Y 110 Bee. WANTED TO BUY two 8 or 4-room ckt taRes. Must be very cheap for cash. N-B, care Beo. v WANT a byclcle; must be cheap; state price. Address B 2x7, Bee. BEST prices for BROKEN WATCH ICS, Old Gold, etc. NATHAN, 211, S. 13th St. Safes One large and one medium s!z safe, state size and price. M aw Bee. HAVE customer for grain elevator. 11. l'anoth. Board of Trade. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calla For Houses of All Rises. List With Ua NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 34 N. Y. Life Bldg. phone Hot lift. WANTED To rent modern suite of twii or threo rooms (unfurnished preferred) with board, within easy walking distance. Address D 657. Bee. WANTED A 6-room cottage, not too fnr out. Give location and prlco. Address il 13, care Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position by up-to-date lady graduate registered pharmacist; twen'T years' experience; capable of managing store, or would like position for phsrma reutical houfe; can sell the goods. Address Y 114. care Bee office. POSITION wanted by flrsl-rlnss nurss for babies, or maid. Traveling preferred. Web. 80. 2405 Blondo. ROAD or house position by experienced hardware salesman. W. 23, Hec. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Maximum Steamship Luxury Six Days New York-Paris Companie Gene'rale Tiansatl&ntique Elegant mod irn express steamers savs New York lor Havt 1, Thursdays 10 A. M. Kspreaa train connections for Paris and U continental points. Passenger have the comforts of famous hotels superior cuisine, palatial suites, mag nificent salons, orchestras, gymnasium, eleva tors, roof gardens, daily paper and every desired luxury. Naval orllccra: mn-o -wsr din cipllne. Safety la amply provided lor by wire s and submarlna bell signals. Lu Favoie..June 30 1 LaLorrnlnc, July -1 La Prover.ee.. July 7 La Havole....Ju!y 28 La Touralne, July 14 I La Tuurulne. . A iik 11 Additional aalllncs at M nUi prtem alwmte S.turdan br popular ob aiaaa cafcia aiaws lit lu C tO. J. B. gFYHOLDI, IBoa Farnam at. W. S. BOCK, Agt. O. ML IB St. P. By. H. . 8HIE&BS, 1601 rarnam 81 IiOUIB BESSB, First Batlonal Bank. HAMBURG AMERICAN, All sfodara Bafety Devices iWlrwless. stag London-Pa ria-Hamburg Ii.uixbland Julrl 1 P.M iaflndnnatl juir 1 ' Hrea. Llnroln....Julr t i'annaylvania .Jui MAmartra JulF ! CIlan4 Ju.f It ITe,. urant July M;Kala'n Aug. Vic. July 0 IK111 canion a Is Carl KauaurauL IHaiuburf 41 1 ail. Na. Hamburg-American Line, 45 Broadway, X i.-. or Loeai Ageuta. (