THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1910. U 0 V I N G A N D h Uub t U l l a n in ii CM AH A VAN AND STOri-'QB CO. rlrini i hi lie la on ouf flour. lleetr! avbJin syaKra. f9 Fo. 17ih. Tel. l. Yjui. KXI Lol'.very Co., office lth and Da? enpuit Sir., waiertouae, ILWi-tt isard ttL BToVLH stored. Ranee. 1CH N. 24th Ht CFFEKtO FOH RENT Ouaril nil Rooms. UTOPIA Good iard aud rooms. nil Lavenpurt 1Mb I'.UOM and hoard; come cooking. 8009 3. 4th. lei O. 6-lsl KIRdT CLASS LOAHD-ll.iO per 2111 Harney. week. HOARD AND ROOMiJ In nice congenial family. Lame rooms, tltgant table, good locality. Lae of large parlor and living room. x0 per month. Fiiune Webster 6344. I'Jln Nu. Twenty-fifth street. FUKNlsSllliD room for gentlemen, eirtctiy modern; private family. 'Ltil l I caiur. Webster iatt. ON 10 or two pleasant rooma In modern home; will glvti breakfast If desired. 314 K. 23d (it., I'hone lied ii'J. FOUIl buys. 4.H) per week. 2i33 Califor nia tit I'hone Louglaa 61.1. ONE or two ntcoly furnished rooma with board, conveniently located' references. UM Cast. X'lione Louglas &3' , BIN'lLE and double room", with board. Home cooking 2.22 Howard. ROOMS and bonrd, 15 week; homa cook ing. Modern, tilt Douglas. LAUGH front alcove room, modern, with board; other rooms. . 2103 Douglas. ROOMS for two, with board; homo cook ing; modem. 'S2ia Howard. FURNISHED room with board tn private r-unlly. call at MS ouUth. Zulh St ROOMS and board. 3712 N. lth St. Tel. Webster 3164. Good neighborhood; four blocks from tar line. ELIiOANT parlor "and alao studying room, piano; private family. 643 b. 19th. 1'RIVATK family. 2406 Chicago St. tlOOkld for light housekeeping, board If deblred. Cant. SOUTH front parlor with excellent board; modern, also table board, iiolO Dodge. FURNISHKU room and board. IMS Cap itol Ave. 'I'hone Douglas 7io8. DOLBL.M room with board, 35 and up; two ol piano, till) Uouglas. BOARD and room; I or 2 ladlea; private noma, waiving distance. Harney 43. LARGE south front room for I; good noma cooaing. ivi4 Chicago. NICE rooms, excellent board, with Uer- niau cnrisuan aximly. loll Capitol Ave. LARGE front rooma; also single room; goou Doaru; ratesi ztiio Harney. NICE parlor room for or 4 gentlemen. noara s ween; also single rooms. 113 ti. 24th Ave. . . . BOARD and rooms, 2007 St. Mary's Ave. NICE large room and ooard, reasonable rati;. &U6 Howard. ROOMS AND BOARD Home cooking car line. 3009 S. 24th St, Doug. 6482. NICE rooms, with or without board, 1913 Cass stret 'Phone, Doug, 1476. TWO nice furnished rooms, with board; references given and required. IsOl Blnney St. Tel. W. m. WANTED Lady boarder; private family; modern conveniences. IX IB Lotlirop St. I'hone Webster 2UD5. ' Famished Rooms. NWLY furnished front roor.i suitable for two, with private family. 2614 Dodge. -ROOM modern apartment. Tel. Web. 62s. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. US ff. 13th St The Chatham. '. . MODERN rooms for 3. I or 4; separated beds If desired. 3037 Harney. i ... i . DEWEY European hotel. 13th & Franam. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooma; near car line. 3336 8. lDth. . MODERN rooms, nicely furnished, tnd 33.60 a week. 618 N. lth St, 33.04 EIGHT rooms strictly modern, t&k 243J Caldwell Bt Call liarney tm THE use of ruy furnished house In ez tbange for board. Tel. Web. 4238. LARGE pleasant room, suitable for one or two. 201 So. 36th Ave. DESIRABLE room;, fine location, walk ing distance. 218 S. 2uth SL ' SMALL, neat front room, modern house, Ziemls park; strictly private family, to lady employed during day. Tel. liurney 3234. LARGE front room and one small room, suitable for two or thrae geutiemen; block trotu car line, tw & 23ia tu, 'Puou A-2M2. MODERN outside room for gentlemen; five blocks P. O. Tel. Douglas 7UU. Thfl (leortria 'lrt clM t,imiy hotel, DODGE HOTEL Large outside, and team heat la every room; rates by week. NORTHWEST CORNER 18th and Web ster, furnished rooms, day or week. LOVELY, cool rooms In modern private home, very cheap, fur the summer, 722 N. laih. Call Doug.. 4J08. . . PARLOR-ALCOVE on third floor north, ultsble for man and wife, or two gentle, men. Breakfast privilege. Rent reasonable, W4 S. mn. u BEAUTIFUL large furnished room, north xpoMure; bath, ga, elfctric light; walkini; , m Disianee, tiv .imiiw; iw ieivey avo. ' IXiH RRNT Nicely furnished room; afl modern; private family, 'phone Red 7336. TWO olee rooms; I'liono Douglas 64J0. terms reasonable. TWO very desirable rooms for light noufteKeupuiHi uiuurru; reasonauiu; Walking Uisiancsj. ui a. wui v. l'OH RENT Nicely furnished rrmn. laigo and cool) modern; east front fine tocauuu. d-iii soxe im Ava TWO nicely furnished modern front rooms (connected.) for two or three per- UU, 1 ItUllfJ 1W1 HM FURNISHED front room. In modern liouxe; near Carter lake. Tel Webster 691 FRONT room; modern; In private fain tly; price reasonable. 114 6. iUla St .NICE furnlhhed room, good neighbor- aoou. oow o. uu, .Lrougias uei. EXTRA large, elegant room, fine furul lure, aw iso. aiiu. . ro sign on bouse. LARGE room and e!os.i, fcln south on ewe.- Ave., near sum; smouy tuodern. I I'HOIl UUUIIH OAS. 711 N. lath St. large modern room, cheaD rivata family. pri N1CEL.Y furnished room In all modern cottage; . easy walking dlsUtuce; urivata s .1.. iL-jrf a o. "aie 6INGLE rooms, $3 week. 609 N. 23d, NICE fror.t room; also two smaller south SINGLE room In- fine, modern home close to the best boarding bouses. Iv7 s! THREE rooms for runt In private fam llv. laiae house, nice lawn, cool room. one large and one small; strictly modern.' (.Jill uoug aa wa. jjj noria win at. TWO nice 1 modern south front rooma 3104 lOCUSt' bu . LARGE and smalt rooms. 614 North Uth. LARGE, beautiful room; large closet mm.iiort or unfurnished; inodern. Ivl euraiu Avi jtatuey giJ, LAHGE frost room and aleova. tvumi. fully I'uranlied; reasonable. 2671 Dodge. luiiyj NlCr. clean rooms, 103 N. U'.h St. J:.71 U'.a "r I''e rea- LARGE pindern ruum, 3 week, too Burt. OFFERED FOR RENT furnished Hooinfr Continued. LOVELY, cool rooms, close In, beautiful lnvin; mine allele, double, and light honso kctpliig for the right parties; slate l..v many; must be permanent people, strictly lir&l-cla.MM ana select meom; convenient. tasy walking distance. Address K '&o. iJeo. CLEAN, furnished rooma, well cared for. 220 N. Dth. BEAUTIFUL large furnished rooms, north exposure; bam, , gun. electric lis; tit ; walking distance; 110. Harney 34. 3706 Dewey Ave. FURNISHED front room In private family; all modern conveniences. 2041 Dodge St. 13 Webster, phone Harney 3738. PARLOR floor, large, cool rooma; two, three or four; handsomely furnished; piano; snady lawn; walking distance, mod ern, fluu Bouth 28th street. IF you wish a room with piano call at 2ioa bt Mary s Ave. TWO furnished front rooms, new flat; walking dlxtance. reasonable. 616 B. 13th. Douglas 6JK6. NEATLY furnished, strictly modern, with or without board. 2210 California St. LARUE front room, 33. 00 week. Also sitiglo room, L 61 N. Uth St. NEWLY furnished single rooms; exposure, ttxw iarnam bt. south AR1 you looking for a cool, pleasant room? Inquire ZiiHi Haincy or phone Har ney Vila. NEWLY and nicely furnlsliod rooms, cheap. 214 N. 26th bL D. WiZ MODERN basement room for boy, II. jo. .'16 ti. 2jIU St. PARLOR for 2 or 3 gentlemon; modern; also small room. )2 week. 646 S. 24th Ave. TWO beautiful clean front rooms, ail modern; private family, ;u6 Georgia Ave. I'honu Harney 8164. NICELY furnished room; reasonable. 221 N. 24tn St. NICELY furnished room, all modern, 2212 Cass, 'phone Doug. 2.i2. NICELY furnished east front rooms, rea sonable, to the right parties. 610 N. 20th St. Tel. Red 0030. SINGLE room for gentleman, 37. 3001 Maxou. Harney 2793. NICELY furnished front room to gentle men; U-tXJ per week. 1811 Cass. CLOSE In clean large furnished room, reasonable. 260ti Capitol Ave. LARGE alcove room, (3 per week. 221S California. FRONT room, walking distance; private home. 3219 Douglas, 'Phone Douglas 7&. NICE clean, strlctlj modern rooms. 2203 I.Chi llCjr Dl. TWO modern light housekeeping rooms, tlu monthly. 2U0& Leavenworth. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 710 S. 17th Ave. Red 6172. LARGE, newly panered. modern front rooms, en suite If desired; 6 blocks from -. uis v.asa ut. A NICE larsra rnnm in nrlvata family; fine neighborhood. 2532 Capitol Ave. THE BACHELORS 20TH AND FARNAM, Is now operated on the European plan. Rooms may be had by the day, week or month. Meals as desired in the cafe. NEWLY furnished modern rooms, fmm ii.w up; unaer new management. tru N. 17th St. 3 NICELY furnished rooms, with or with out board, 3 blocks from center of city. Ap- pijr uw x MrilftlU ot, ROOM: walking distance, strictly modern. 415 N. 18th St. .j FOR RENT Larn rmnt room 5417 rail. fornla. 'Phone D. Wi. res.; or Douglas 170. NICELY furnished rooma for rant, l&tia narney bi. NICELY furnished room,. 2424 Caldwell. FURNISHED Room, walklns dlittannar private family; no children; one or two gentlemen; jnq. 7 Shelby Court, 2d and ieavenwortn. A 104; Doug. 673L TWO Furnished HousekeeDlna- Rnnm, modern, $8 month. 2622 Davenport street NICE Rooms for colored Deonle. 1719 uurt. i none uoug. mi 4. LARGE Front room, first floor, modern! kuou neignoornoou; suitable for two gen tlemen or man and wife. Reasonable, zsm Harney street LARGE south front room, on first floor. running water; private entrance on the summer juwn; also other rooms. 133 K 25th Ave. THREE unfurnished and two furnished tiM n. Z4tn t. MODERN rooms, for 2; rates. 2317 Uarney. NICE outside room, 2222 Farnara. 4 handsomely furnished rooma v.uaa in, " uioiaucv. OV( o. Bltl A VS. TWO nicely furnished rooms. lrhr n gentlemen or man and wife; with or with out ooara. ina. prions uut. FRONT reoins. strictly mndem. anit.Ki lor iwo rauies ot two gentlemen. 1S22 Capl tol Ave. 1 OR 2 rooms furnished for hnuuiiu,i.. td floor, modern. 622 N. 23d St FURNISHKD room. 32.60 week. 619 N. 19lh, NICELY furnished rooms. Walking dis tance, new. 607 S. 26th Ave. TWO' Furnished SleeDins- Kaum im m 23d street PLEASANT Furnished Front P.rin. i Veb.y43!S0dUra Ut" 1M " l7th- lh0n' i n r. l. i lurmsnea. strirtiv ,n... room, suitable for two. In a new. strictly i..h....l 517 NT Vim tit ..u SUITE of rooms, also other .i,,! rooms, modern. . Uui-A-Paclfio street Call after aiSO, ONE single front room for , i... lartte front room; two email connecting iniiniii with cioaeta. luik ..."" 7.7,7 w -none NICELY furnished rooms; new mana. ueiit and reasonable. 2JU8 Harney WILL share 3 rooms with workin. tfi fitvr iminth: walking ilUtnn.. . . ' . fx. jam EXCELLENT modern furnih .. fvruiilied rooms; Hauscoin park car n,.i AN elegant south room furnished suit, able for two gentlemen; private family breakfast anl dinner it desired. 2204 Howl . . w ... i i,,i nuw- I,,I,1.-I1KT lu.,,lt,0 r,.m. " Dollar a week, 3018 Webster St Harney NICELY furnished modern rooms, slncla tr i.iiki .1- lulu u u NEWLY furnished room, for two gentle men or man and wife. 626 a 2uth St FINE east front room, strictly modern reasonable. Ptioue Red 7046. 24) N. 25 to! NICE clean, tKol sleeping rooms, uu TWO or three furnished rooms for house- v i ,i. vi jr iuvuern, ami g arnam. TWO modern furnished light housekeeo ig rooms; also sleeping rooms, iuu s. 2itn In Ave. TWO elegant furnished rooms, light and m i cT " ynvsii lamuy. 60 N LARGE, newly furnlshad nmh..., Ith all modern conveniences. Also suikI - FUR.NLSUED ROOMS in modem private home. "Phone Harney 431L 273 Dodge St ROOMS for housekeeping. 129 g. J7ln Xy. ONE elegantly fu.'sbibed front room, liil OFFERED FOR RENT I'nrnlahril Rooms Continued. LARGE, beautiful rnnm: lnrff rlnatt- furnished or unfurr.lshed; modern. 710 Georgia St. Harney 21J0. ONE nicely furnished lurse front room. Slj H. lSih street. SUNNY single room. 32 a week. Walkina distance. 211 Leavenworth. STRICTLY modern larce front room for two gentlemen. 21a S. 25 til at Tel. Doug las 6uJ6. NICELY furnished room, modern. 714 S, I7lh Avo. NICE LAliOE modern, newly fur i,luiJ Uiuluu Dished rooms. wiLh cellcnt board. 2C1I St. Mary's Ave. LARGE front room, private family, excel ent nrlirhborhood: vialklna distance. I'hone H. G0C9. 618 P. JTth street PARLOR for two. also housekepninc rooms for couple employed. 11)19 Chicago. NICELY furnished, strictly modern rooms, hot and cold water. 1M6 Chicago St. NICELY furnished. strictly modern rooms. 403 N. 23d St ROOM; walking distance; strictly mod ern 673 S. 28th St TWO nicely furnished rooms with nrlvata family, strictly modern, welkins distance. 2318 Howard. Tyler 1026. ONE nice clean room, suitable for 1 or t persons, boarding place close, 632 8. 2sth. MODERN. well furnished. southeast front with alcove or sincle room: larire lawn; private family. 702 Georgia Ave. FURNISHED rooms at 842 S. 22d 8t Tel. Douglas 4442. SOUTH front sleeping room. 2118 Douglas. MODERN room, case in. Private family. o CHILDREN. 1 or 2 gentlemen. 2516 ones. Red 6242. FOR rent, one larce. SDlendid furnished room. Strictly modern. Walklnc distance. Call at 2308 Dewey Ave., or Douglas 6401. NICELY furnished front room, nrlvata family. 1044 S. 28th 6t 'Phone Douglas 4863. NICELY furnished larre front rooms. M3 N. 19th St ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, cool and light; all modern; reasonable. 603 N. 21st street LARGE east room, furnished for gentle men; private family. 2008 St Mary's Ave. KMtf-'trT V i-i. . . .-l .i,.kl. 11VUU. &UUIJBIICU II U 11 1 jaiiui, DMtUIWl, for two gentlemen. 1916 Chicago St ONE elerant furnished lares room, suit able for two or three young men, south east exposure. 330. One north exposure. large room, elegantly furnished. Z6. One south exposure, elegantly furnished room, suitable fur two. 320. KU6 Dodge. Walking distance. Phone Douglas 4912. ROOM or rooms for rent 3041 California, IP L I! N'T n .1 .tu 1 . i. w 1 .. ymiwi rfjtii , j ft 1 1 1. tivuBcnceiiii privileges; modern; ice and telephone, lilt Chlcagn St. THREE furnished housekeeDine rnnmi Modern, gas rang clean. 2010 N. Uth St CLEAN, furnlshuu rooms, well cared for. 220 N. 19th. TWO nicely furnished rooms, either two gentlemen or man and wife. With or with out board. Ind. 'phone 1206X, Council Bluffs. .wiuo iicai- new sireei car uarn anu depot; ail modern. 814 Hickory. Red 7395. XJ , 1 . , lJ . - . . . , , NICE, clean, strictly modern rooma In a beautiful location; also suite of these rooms for light housekeeping. Tel. Douglas 7614. 2106 Cass St. r Housekeeping: Rooms. . . wtv,n M , . . n rooms, secona iioor. zor ngnt houSf-kpenlnff tn tmnll f.miltf? inntlmMt corner lath and Hickory. TWO modern houaekeenlna- rooms. Hi K. 18th. , TWO Comnletelv. furnished rooma fo light housekeeping; bathroom floor; rea sonable 638 S.' 84tb Ave. Douglas 6354. TWO nlceiy furnished large, modern rooms on ground floor, gentlemen pre ferred; also large front room on second floor and two small rooms, too N. 23d St A' Kl I ITF1 nf . th... alannt nw rm modern. 20 N. loth St x: i r-1.' ...,i , i.i., ., " ,, . - ' - - - ' UVMWJ tUlUIVUOU 1 1 a U I hmiakAMIihiur: 1 1 rruimi u m .1 reasonable rent 3421 N. 17th, ' THE DOUGLAS Clen- cU Douglas street TUUVCl nUn.... k . v'cnMiib aouBeaeeping rooms; also nice sleeping rooms. 606 N. 23d. TWO vir-vr v i, , housekeeping rooms, light, cooking gaa laundry. Ice box, with or without piano, also other light housekeeping rooms. 623 FOUR ranma. ivin. 1 u ,1 u . i . i 1 . , ...... v. .u.j Au.iiiaiiou, ior housekeeping. No children. References re Quired. 366 No. 40th St FOR RKNT-I.lnlil , l. i ! . - .. uuunkccuiiii ruutui: good location. 2106 Cass St FITRNISIIFin housekeeping rooms, 614 S. 22d. SUITE of housekeeping rooms. 2601 Dodge. THREE nlCA mn mm hnlla.Lc.r.1... ,11. s. uth st " FITRTvTISHtnn mnA ,,n r.,.r.l.u. A . - ..v. ... ... ii.nuiu luuiui lur light housekeeping. 4768 N. 34th. TWO larsa front ronma. twn inmh mnr.. and one email room, for housekeeping. 2U1 Douglas. TW- frnrl . 1.J . . - , v" iwwiiibi luiuniisu ooinyieio, for light housekeeping; modern houas. Web. 6410. 11U Spencer St NEAT and clean light housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1411 Jones. LIGHT housekeeping room. 818 N. 17th. 2682 Harnav. KrtllTH ifVPnsiiiBij ii.. furnished housekeeping rooms; mouern; walking distance IJIVIT.I.V fn, sonable; for light housekeeping.' 2114 Chi cago bt HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 409 N. 19th. TWO nicely furnished room at v.iij km-. nam. TWO nlCalV flimlh4 rnnm. floor, S per week. 613 N. 21st bt TWO modern ronma An far iinA ima N. lfth Bt " LARGE, convenient rooms; modern; housekeeping or sleeping. 2403 Leavenworth St. Phone A-2811 FRONT room, for sleeping or light house keeping; everything complete: reasonable. 2426 Dodge bt Red 6166. NICELY furnished housekeeping or sleep ing rooms ; close in; strictly modern: 360 and 33 week. 647 & 34th Ave. VERY desirable housekeeping rooms; parlor floor; furnished compieio. 650 b. 2olh Ave.' ... PARLOR floor, two or three rooms hand somely furnished; modern; walking dis tance; shade. (H S. 2Mb, KITCHEN and parlor for housekeeping; modern. 2110 Douglas. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; use of laundry. kJl S. 19th bt SMALL housekeeping room; $5 per mouth. 2013 Leavenworth. ONE large, modern room for i gut house keeping, mi cass nt TWO modern light housekeeping rooms for 14 per month. 6u6 N. 2oiu, phone 34-2893. TWO large, all-modarn rooms for light BVUHAKriui- ...I.. i miiia srs LARGE. convenient rooms; modern; housekeeping or sleeping; walking distance; reasonable. 1660 N. 19th bt Puoue Web. 3725. Call today. SUITE of two rooma, all modern, fur nlshed box privileges. Tel Harney 3jv1. 1041 Park Ave. TWO nice rooms, range, refrigerator, two U1W HflllVllk VWM, IUy. ULM O, VJ ROOMS for light housekeeping; modern house. irU o. in Ave. OFFERED FOR RENT House keeping Rooms Continued TWO rooms, gas range. 2006 California. 1551 N. 17th. t furnished houttekeeplng rooms, on car line,- house modern, first floor. TWO furnished front rooms with house keeping privileges. 20U1 Burt St TWO front rooms. 918 & 20th. TWO large rooms, gas. $4.60 week. 1401 Dodge. FURNISHED rooms for sleeping or housekeeping. 809 h. lth. Douglas 6610. SI.KEPING and housekeeping rooms. 1311 California. THREE well furnished front rooms, also three back looms with sink, pantry, large porch. Call third floor 1016 Howard. FRONT parlor and dining room with set; use of piano; no children; for housekeep ing. 606 S. 2Uth St TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping. 708 S. 16th. Phone A-2719. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma 24U6 Cuming St. THE HOWARD, 21st and Howard, 2-rooin apartments, new,' private bath. Janitor, steam heat Ice and hot water, vacuum cleaner, furnished complete, $;16. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, modern; walking dlxtance, 2663 Dodge, LARGE, modem room and alcove, newly papered and cleaned. Bath same floor; housekeeping privileges. 2571 St Mary's Ave. SITTING room with kitchen, housekeep ing; modern. 432 North 17th St. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, modern; gas range. CLEAN, 2010 No. ISth, TWO light housekeeping; references. Red 6204. 2118 Chicago St FRONT and back rooms for light house keeping; completely furnished. 2576 Harney. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, all modern, shade trees and large lawn; all outside rooms. Tel Doug. 4402. 203 Burt St UNDER new management; nice, large rooms; cook on gas; reasonable rent to re spectable people at 1916 Cuming. Ind. Phone B. 6174. FURNISHED rooms; house new; plenty hot water. 316 N. 19th. Lnfurnished Rooms. FOUR rooma, for li per month. HI N. 27th Ave. FOUR unfurnished rooms; modern except heat Call after 4:30 p. m.. 2606 N. 19th Ava THREE rooms for light housekeeping, 2264 N. 20th Bt THREE unfurnished rooms, new flat; also S housekeeping rooms. 2013 Davenport tit THREE large unfurnished rooms, every modern convenience. 1618 Webster. TWO or three furnished or unfurnished. 271e Dewey Ave.; Harney 1743. UNFURNISHED room, private family, no other roomers; close in. Harney 1377. THREE unfurnished rooms, 211 S. 27th St FOUR ground floor housekeeping rooms, modern; no children. 2610 Davenport St FOUR rooms, unfurnished. 13th and Vin ton; rents $8. 'Phone D. 6073. Q. E. Hard ing. 2603 S. 13th St THREE southeast rooms, on Harney car line; references. 3210 Cass.. St TWO unfurnished rooms for light house keeping. 646 S. 24th Ave, ROOM. 206 S. 26th Ave.' Apartments and Flats. 8-ROOM house, new and modern, located In the Field club district;) .five bedrooms and sleeping porch; tile bathroom; hard wood finish and floors; very desirable; 356 PETERS TRUST 'CO.. Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg;' y. Y. Life). New Apartments Four rooms and bath, janitor, phone, gas r (4 r i LrH ' mfrlirrnlfi, etAom V. I l . , i -O v , nielli UCAL, lUUKCm, steam dryers and laundry. A few left. xae al Doit iteaity Uo., 411-415 Brandels Bldg. ELEGANT 1 4 and 6-room aDartmnl -Strehlow Terrace. Webster 4328. STRICTLY modern, 6-room apartment $25. H. 3886. NEWLY papered -room flat; modern except heat; $11 15150 N. 20th St Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge Street SERVANT PROBLEM solved: 8 rooms condensed into 5; steam heat; electric lights and laundry, hot and cold water, wall bed. safe, gas stove, refrigerator, Jajiltor service. j ne Hunter, 2oth and Dodge. Tel. Douglas SERVANT PROBLEM' solved; 8 rooms' LuimoiwTiu iiivo u, neaiu neai; eieuino ngnts and laundry, hot and cold water, wall bed. b. .luTc, icu .aerator, jauiiur service. Tha Hunter. 2lh ami riiidra. Tl TimirU. 4132; " " NEW fiat, 6-room and reception hall; all modern. 3124 Cass. FOR RENT---room flat on 26th and Davenport $18. Call Doug. 3762 or Doug. 3378. NEW five-room brick flat, 2307 Dewey Ave.; strictly modern. Phone Harney 2254. FINEST IiPATRn LWimr u-r ah city for $22.60 per month, loll North 34th St CENTRAL APARTMENTS Cheapest high-grade flats In city. Well ventilated, cool rooms, fine finish. Real Chicago flats. Free hot water all year; steam heat; walk ing distance. One 6-room flat, 326 summer; $7 more winter. Reteronoe reauired. Bemla. Carlbcrg Co., 310 Brandels Theater Bldg. KPKPUt.l.V du.lrflhl, lA-ronm !. ern; nice location, 614 N. 23d St. Red' 4854. Furnished House ssl Flats, FOR RENT FURNISHED. 10 rooms completely furnished near Flu dub. D. V. 6HOLE3 COMPANY, 111 Bd. Trade Hid. Te'u D. 49; Ind. A 2049. NICE front room, private family, modern homes, easy walking distance, references. 606 S. 27th St Phone Harney 6o60. FOR RENT for summer furnished house 8 rooms all conveniences, west Farnam dis trict to small family without children. Ad dress a 621. Bee. IN THE West Farnam district, a 7-room modern f urnlnhed home for rent by owner, who is leaving city; everything complete for housekeeping; only one block from Farnam car; large lawn and shade; ref erences required. Address O 282, Bee of fice. FOR RENT Furnished apartments in mo dinjcauu. ft CUBIC! 1UI. 3110 CHICAGO St., 11 rooms, 2 bath rooms, large kci-eeued sleeping porch room; $65. FOR RENT for summer furnished house rooms, an conveniences, west arnam dis trict, to small family without children. Ad dress B 68 Bee. Mouses and Cottages. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing, txpressmeu's Delivery Co. 1-el. Doug. 34, linilSFS 10 Pff of the city X1U crtlgh Boo. Co.. be Bidi CMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move. Store household goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N lsih; office. 3v9 6. 17th bt Tel. Douglas 166k! 6 ROOMS, modern, $26. Tel, Harney 1510. J012 Elm St NEW 6-room brick attached house, oak finish, gaa range, shades and curtain rods laundry with gas stove; fine neighborhood', close In. $35. Special inducement Ho first Class tenant. ERNEST SWEET. 660 N. Y. L. BLDG PHONE DOUGLAS 1472. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 424, N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 199s. 7-ROOM modern house, nicely furnished, reasonable for the summer. Harney 3auo. uot e. acta Ave. COTTAGE, fon:- n!ow rooms, pantry npl larxH basen' n- - ' lenanL in :ji ii li. Boyle. Both 'phoiwitfc OFFERED FOR RENT Koneee and : oatlnned. NEW 6-room brick houe, modern. Har ney 647. TO COLORED PEOPLE Six rooms, modern except heat. Nowata Lund and Lot Co.. (t'4 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Red ltf9. 8-ROOM modern house, 2703 California St. E. A.. Smith, Neville Blk. 'Phone D. 2710. FOR RENT Eight-rooms brick house, modern, 8 minutes nalk to city ball, zm Capitol Ave. Tel. Doug. 5t. 7-ROOM house, modern, cistern, barn. 2756 California. Phone B. 3182. NINE-ROOM modern brick bouse, norta part of city. ti. 8-room apartment. 1917 Clark. $10. 3- rooin apartment 1917 Clark, 19. 4- room apartment, city water, toilet. Ilile. I-room apartment, 1838 N. 17th. 111. C. M. BACH MAN. 436 Pax ton Block. 'Phone Red 2639; Residence 4nug. 6066, NINE-ROOM modern detached trick, 1414 herwood Ave.; 330. Patterson, 16'J Far nam St HOUSES, flats. Garvin broa. 3d floor K. Y. L. ONE 9-room, new, brick house. Just com pleted, all modern; combination fixtures, il3 N. 21st St: 3o6. C. M. BACH.M ANN, 4H6 Paxton Block. Ofllce 'phone: It 2uX.i; Residence. D. eOiie. ( rooms, all modern, first class shape, 2116 N. 21st St Tel Douglas 6197, Webster ltS7. J30.00 MODERN 6-room brick house, 1109 No. 23d St., 326 per month. Owner pays water. Phone 11. 980. FOUR-ROOM modern brick. 1110 N. 22d St.; 319. Patterson, 1623 Farnam St 5-r all mod.. :6- 6!2 So. 27th St Bcmls-Carlberg Co.. 480 Brandels Bldg TWO 6-r. modern, very nice, beautifully located, newly renovated. 719 S. 37th; Web. 2690. 6-ROOM, modern, partly furnished, sum mer or longer, 840. 3666 Jackson. 4 room partly modern house $11.00, 1436 No. 19th St, to party without children, elderly couple preferred. 11 1199, 6-r., 23d and Mason, $15. 8-r., 28th and Howard, $t0. 4- r., 38th and P, So. Omaha, $8. 5- r., 35th and X, So. Omaha, $7.50. Phone Douglas 2107 'jr evening, D. 4606.) Ask for spe-.ial discounts. FOR RENT 8 rooms. S349 Harney: 8 rooms. 1539 So. 29th St.; both modern and in first-class location. W. L. bELBY, 436 Foard of Trade Bldg. Phone D. 1510. FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modern except heat; corner 28th and Capitol Ave,, $: to good tenant. Telephone Red 6264. FOR RENT $20; new 6-room house; modern. 3419 Parker. Owner, 1S26 N. 19th St. FIVE-ROOM modern, $16; 1501(&103 S. 28th. Phone D. 6969. A-3912. FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage. after July 15; gas and electric light, ce mented basement, furnace, fine bath room; located in Bemts Park section. No. 1414 N. 33d St.; rent $36. Apply to owner at -5322 Hamilton tit. 6 ROOMS and reception hall, thoroughly modern house, walking distance, on parked street. 2763 Webster St.; $30. Key at Ring wait's office, 801 Barker block. FOR RENT, by owner, 7-r. mod. house, furnished. One block from Hanscom park. Low rent to right party. Address -44, oars Bee. 8-r., brick, close In, roomers $4 8-r new, equare, on car line $31 O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1002-3-4 M. Y. Life. Doug. r A 1152. SIX-ROOM cottage, strictly modern. West Farnam District $20. Ten-room flat strictly modern, down town. $36. W. H. Russell. Phone Douglas 867. 6-ROOM cottage,- all furnished; modern; 2418 Fort St Tel. W. 6006; $30. NEW 6-room cottage for rent good loca tion, on cat- line, 'phone Harney 1721. BOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt ftarker Blk. Buildings. FOR LEASE Long term, reasonable rent, two-story and full basement brick building. 132x140; S. E. corner 20th and Harney; alter ations to suit tenant. Apply Room 818, Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Offices. DESK ROOM with use of desk, in whole sale district 201 So. 10th St Stores, TORE ROOM 1807 Farnara t Seml-besnmenta, well lighten, 1807 and ISO! Farnam St Store room,- 818 N. 24th St., So. Omaha, THOS. F, HALL, 4,13 Ramge Bldg. Both 'Phone. TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent the one story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty baa trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO., 17th and Farnam. WELL lighted large corner room, 33x160, situated on second floor. Palace Clo. Co., 14th and Douglas. ONE storeroom In first-class building on 18th, the coming street to the north, X. J. Hook, oflice llol N. 18th. ONE store room In first-class building on mm, tne coining street to the norm T. J. Hook, office 1101 N. 18th. , LAlttiiE atnra rnnm for rent, atli-titi: mimn fl elegant living rooms and basement suitable for barber snoD. 1716 Leavenworth St. IIMl'.Q I T A I . P. n OVP HTM K1TV ll.f.n..u and meat market with fixtures complete; no equal. TiZARD BLOCK. Apply 2A N. 23d St OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. PRINTERS' FURNITURE. Four Imposing tables. Iron base and tone top: also 1 galley banks and two team tables tor sale. Apply Bee Pub. Co., 17th and Farnam, SHOWCASE 3MiXl feet six tables 2fex4 feet Phone Red 6629. FOR SALE id-hand 4-burner gas range. X 1IV1IV .1.IIICJ. 611V, Vesical Instruments. JU8T in. complete line YORK BAND iri iiUMtivi b; no equal lor price, bchmolier ti Mueller. 131$ Farnam, FINE Upright Piano, latest style, $116. Owner leaving city. Cost $-i50. 1911 Cass, Typewriters. tECOND-bsnd typewriters sold, repaired, Central Typewiiter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. Typewriters for Rent J; 1311 Farnam St, Omaha. YOU can rent an OLIVER TYPEWRITER with oak stand, $3 monthly, from manufac turers, most interested in sausiacuon given. unver xype writer uo., oouVJV, BUY an L. C. Smith Broa. Tynewrltar. B. V. Swansea Co Distributers, uil S arnam st Miscellaneous. ONE bamboe shirtwaist and skirt bog. la good condition. Length 4 ft Addreus, 0 (li. care un. FOR BALE Or trade 13 h. p. Portable Mc Victor gasoline engine, uood as new. William reltes, Asuton, la. FOR SALE Four cone end, steel tanks, suitable for storage purposes; 3,ooo-gal. ca pacity. Armour et Co., bouth Omaha. OFFERED FOR SALE Miscellaneous Lontluued. LUMBERS board, $30 per M. s'ses lo match. Try tha only Indepen dent Lumber Draiers ;n ins City. C. C, Dlmmock A Sons.. 24th and II, So. Omaha. DRUGS at eut orleea: frsurht Bald a. all $10 orders; catalogue free. fthermee A McDonnell Drug co., Omaha, Men. BAFES Overstocked with second-haita sates, all alaes and makea; bargains. Aoter lean Supply Co.. 1111 rarnam St FOR SALE New and second-hand hlniarA and pool tables. We lead the world ia cheat bar fixtures) easy payments. Brunswick Balke, Cullender, 407 S. loth 8t SECOND-HAND oaa counter: hand. carved, marble cashier Plata: wire wicket about 44) ft, odd shape; will fit a room twenty feet wide. Can be seen at atora house. For further particulars Phone Doug. Ihe Economy X" in ay FOU ana-half T. H. W Sirica Fixture Co.. all klnde of mill work. Electric Power Attachments. LeBron Electrical Works. 313 8. li D-2174. TENTS YOU RENT. Ask tor Estimates on Awnings. SCOTT TENT ft AWNING CO. $14-314 So. Uth St.. Doug. $3 $38. UAItirt nlnf4 fihln. 4nm ... . , rr.Mg. able prices. U49 W. 19th, Tel. Web. 676L WE HAVE on band a number f lau barrels which we will sell for 60 cents eeotv. They are fine for rain water or ashes, Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. rENT COTTAGES SawV one at Carter lake. Price $2oa. OMAHA TENT A AWN1NO CO.. 1103 H sine r St HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. HUBBARD OVEN-Come out and see It work. Have two, hence this sale. 1837 Vin ton St. i FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE far nh.,m. aceutlcals, soda fountain, tables, chalra, ahowcases. Brink Drug Co., Brltt, la. K A T .TP. Tr, a.-- 1, , . cnndltlnn for .IvIit.MritM inoi a .1. 30th Ave. Phone Harney 8382. ONE Kimball Ivna nlootrlr, i. .1 one 20-h. p. motor for sale. Phone Doug 2211. Schuciiart & Co., Howard St, Omaha, Neb. TWO double heatlnir har4 rnal k.irn.r. large sise, nearly new, pipes, etc., 1913 St Mary's Ave. prin faiT.p a vt . T. . - - - .iu. v -,0iiiu viunerai at a bargain. This enjnera is as good as new. EnquMre at 3218 Webster St Phone Harney 4693. Five mAMM and Bn,AlU. l.J .. home for $1.00. Address, Utore Optical Co.. 22V Dearborn St., Chicago. MTTUr n, .,... k..... . . , ... OJ:: nun; aim narneas, pu, 2423 Poppieton Ave. 2.000 Sldfrwallr hrlxlr til till Dn..u. . .. - , -iii , uvviviau Avo. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson. 808-8 Brandels Theater Bldg. DR. R S. PETERSON, 616 Biandots Theater Bldg Xr. Kathryn Nlchola, 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. PATENTS HIRAM A, BTURGES, registered patent attorney. U. 8. and foreign patents se cured. 619 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. D. $469. D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7Ut. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In U. S. Pat Office. 618 Paxton Blk. R. 299L PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Massage treatment for rheumatism. Dr. Margarita Halloran, 226 Neville Blk. D. 7761, HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen, too. BELL DRUQ CO. SwitphfiS from eomblngs, $1.60, Mrs. 8. OWllCHeHjiath.w 804 NevLle Bk. L. 6861 YOUNQ WOMEN nnmlnr to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Woman's Christian association building ai Seventeenth St and bt Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoes or otherwise assisted. Look for out traveler's aid at the Union station. WOULD one of the three ladles that wore the gold swastika pin at Sunday's ball game write to the llgl.t complected gent mat sat on her rigntT is. 298, Bee. GAIN health wealth. Adv. under Cole, landa tells how. Western Land lnv. Co. SYRINGES fESrvStti'SP'-g catalogue. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. PRIVATIT ItriMlB ii.ln- ...ll..m..i. babies for adoption. Qood Samaritan Sanl tori urn, 740 1st Ave.. Cminotl Bluffs, la. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th St Phone Webster 8668. Mme. Fraver Aent r "Sempre .1 Urovine." "The Foun tain ot xouin." Megeath Stationery Co., 1421 Farnam, TEARS will come to your eyes after the laUKhs are abstrantari hv nnr onmnunv ui vauuevine artists, parlor 1 neater. BRAIDS and switches made from comb Ing. $l up; a fine line of witches on hand; mall orders filled. Mrs. P. Stover, 8618 Bt Mary's Ave. Phone Red S1SL THE 6ALVATIDN ARMY solicits cast-off clothing, in faot anything you do not need. We collect repair and sail at 134 N. Uth St, tor cost ef collection, to toe worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4U5 and wagon, will call. MAGNETIC treatments. B. Brott. 8313 OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. EXPERT china packer; wedding presents a specialty. 1H14 Davenport. Ind. B-279. MISS LORETTA MORAN, Massaelna. manlcurlnir. chlrniuHlv. analn treatment, hair goods; Sundays, 10 to 4 p. m. 308 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 4238. MAGNETIC treatment Mme. Smith, lU-O.ULiAAVJ 832 & 14th. Third Floor WTflS nd toupeti for men, Griffith. AUO u fcmJ g- rRBNZJfiB BLOCK. MASSAGE) AND BATHS. Room 8o Old Boatoa Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance. 120 S. 16th It DR. JOHN J. FOSTER, dentist has w.wvu ivi em oranuies x neater mug. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A 1663. Doug. 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, 15 lb and Harney eta. MME ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt giuw anu massage, iwn HOOKS Bt, opt site postofflce, 3d floor. Tel. Doug. 7666. STRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent uare; babies lor adoption. 8618 Davenport MRS. EOGERfT nrlvata home, 1616 Martha St, Omaha, Neb. Phone uuugias nun, EXPERT massage treatment. 107 8. 17th ot.. room i, in st floor. IOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under, world Sewer," at all book stores; price U tA INVALID LADY would care for piano while owner's away from city; no children. in, neu. iwfj. A GREAT DAY. MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN. TEN CENTS, JULY SECOND. POULTRY Screenings, $L per 106. Wagner, 801 N. 11 SILKO CHICK FOOD la the beet In the market for young; chick ens. Made from pure grain, A. W. WAGNER, 801-11 NORTH SIXTEENTH B-rnir.irT Phones Douglas 1143, Independent A-3468. PRINTING LEW W. RARER, Printer, ENco'rtn ON HKE BUILDING 21 YKAR8 IN HUINF,S9 IN OMAHA. WE DO ALL KINDS OF FR1NT1NO. DOUGLAS COUNTY aavaa Himiuml. dollars yearly by having niy flgurae ) printing. John T. Thompson. Tel W-Jbaa. R1ES-HALL Pig. Co. 109 8. 14th. Ind. ASM 4. 'PHONE IND. A-2620 for aood nrlntlnm. Lynsiad Printing- Co., Uth Capitol Ave, Miller 4k Jainieson. Uli Doug. Both phone. IOl'GLAS COUNTY saves thousands of dollars yearly by having my figures on printing John T. Thompson. I'hone W. S&NS. REAL ESTATE REAL 8E8TATB PBAUkt. RCRD ABSTRACT CO , Rst. 1W8) promul service; get our prices. 208 Brandels theater. REMINUTON-LUNDBERG REALTY CO. Tel. D. U.i. 643 Ramge Bidg. New houeea. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 471 Brands Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO, uui rarnam. urouna rioor. r ncu b. naiiivA. rs rnew . vrntvhtv Na tlonal Bank Bldg. Doug. 4334. W. S. RODMAN Realty Co., 408 Bee. Eastern Colorado lands, wholesale nrln Western Realty Co., 338-39 Paxton Bldg. ABSTRACTS OF TITLB. Neale & Norton ST'L',?; a M. SADLER A SON 808 8. Uth Bt GUARANTEE Abstraot Co.. 1628 Farnam, PETER JESSEN. JR. -. Douglas BH CITY PROPERTY FOH SAL 38. West Farnam Home $500 Cash Balance monthly, buys a 7-room, all mod- ern residence, only two blocks to Farnam car. The house la only 3 yoars old and haa Just been put In first-class repair. Full south front lot 60x100. For further particu lars The Byron Reed Co., Both 'Phones. 212 South 14th. CENTRAL CORNER ON FARNAM 44x132: S-stnrv. hrlok hnllHln. . tire lot Make unusually easy terms and. the price la so low that It will surprise NOWATA I.IKn A T -it rw 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phona Red 1921 Choice lots in different carta of city, $1.00 cash and 50 cents per week. W. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT co.; Tel. D. 786. 836 N. Y. L. Bldr, o- $3,500 BUYS one of the best six-room mod- ci ii nuuees in oemis .rarit XJistrlot Parsons Realty & E. Co-, Room 618 Bee Bldg. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO., ' , 810-318 Brandels Theater Bldg. IIpMES FOR THE PEOPLE . $1,950 , A .(in m , r . . 1 1 , . r.i. . .' . "'"oem, orana new with electric light. We have three of these houses now In the course of. completion, lo cated at 1917, 2919 and 3921 Boulevard, lay ln,.onthat "Irhtly hill a trifle west ot Vinton Bt v alimr Tl.. 4ti r.-. ' .v.i- a- i fi.nw, siTi4mji pay same a rent ' C - $2,100 6-room cottage, all modern excepting heat. wimin waiKing distance, located at 101T So. 83d bt Price, 82.100; 8m6 cash and the bal- anrA vav w" " w wgajr iy iuvnim. 5 ROOMS only 11,500. Thl, Is decidedly cheap. iNUltTll 27TH AVE. 6-room hnima all imnA.n I . . . , . . , nicely decorated, located near Ontl boulevard. Price, only 34,000; 8600 cash. terst08 Pei" month' w"lcn moludeg lu- 1506-1508 YATES ST. 8n,000; 8uO0 oash, balanoe S66 per month. yov UUTJI 38TU AV&. COPnr lot navnd aa.M4- H a. . ..a modern dwell. - ' JNJiiAlvLi COMPLETED Pletlon, located 432B Patrick Ave., Just trlflp east of Military Ave., only 82 660 small cash payment, bklanc. same aa r'eTt VAUANT LOTS 3 larce lota. 44th a c. ----- - ju-i. Biuuii portion ot what we have ta afl i-',.. . " you about score of other basins. l" liiuMlS CAR LBERO CO.. , 310.nS Tl m w. .1. rr., . K. . GEO. P. BLM18, C. U. CARLHRRn 'resident Hearetarv . th nd Douglas Bts. Beoretrr- Must Sell Now Only occasionally do wo get a bargain like this. Owner must sell and has allowed us to offer two fine 7-room houses and grounds 100 by 156, at a price at least $2,000 less than they are worth now. HERE YOUR MONEY WILL BE ABSOLUTELY SAFE IN ANY EVENT. You can get your rent for a year free and sell each place for from $1,000 to $1,500 more. As an investment it will pay about 10 net. The property is in perfect condition in one of the best locations in the city high and sightly-paved' street on car line. Here is your op portunity if taken quick. Perrine & Wolcott Suite 328 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Doug. 7801. A Swell Home woto'f'fl!ih!ri.iCOrT,er Hth nd Muder.on Sl.. "r nery n 8-room .hot water heat permanent walks, paved street ad Paid. Owner leaving city offer, for 'only F. C. Best, 957 N. Y. Life. 'Phones l Doug. 8330 and Harney Kit FOR BALE Lot on Grant SL, be tween 46th and 47th 8ts.; fine laying lot; $450; 50 cash, balance $10 per month. Will sell to reliable painter and paper hanger and give employment to pay for moBt of It If desired. W. L. SrJLllY. 436 Dd. of Trade Bldg 'Phone D. 1510. B1X-ROOM MOUSE for' sale lot imiMi1 tones reasonable. Paul Sydow.. 23 g. Uio,