Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 3, Image 11

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    U OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 10, 1010.
W. D. Willii Explains Becent Build
ing Operations in Omaha.
Larger BalMlnga Arc Mti4 Mack
Mora Eeoatomlcallr Apartaaeata
Eqaallr Attractive Beat
Wlthoat Elevator.
Ai every city Increase In proportion and
enjoys corresponding Increaa In land val
ues. It l found necessary to condense living
quarter. Thia is accompanied by a grad
ual development. First, the double houae,
second, the St. Louis flat, third the steam-
heated apartment, fourth, the apartment
The average resident of Omaha la In
clined to call every building providing ac
commodations for mora than one family.
a flat, which reminds me of an estimable
l.nly who owned and resided In a detached
limine. The lot adjoining was owned by a
clli'nt of thf speaker, who contemplated the
erection 01 a double house. When the ex
cavation was started, the lady called on
inn wldi numerous -protests. I assured her
that the building was not a flat, but a
double or duplex residence; she listened
patiently to my explanation and then In
quired If a flat by any other name would
smell as sweet.
While we are inclined to sympathize with
this Indignant property holder, yet the fact
remains that the duplex residence Is not a
Omaha haa been overrun with the so
called St. Louis flat. In riding through our
Streets recently with a gentleman from St.
Louis, I showed him a good example of
what Omaha calls a St. Louis flat. During
a long life time in St. Louis he had never
encountered any buildings of this kind and
remarked that It was an excellent thing
that Pt. Louis had not yet learned of this
designation or we would undoubtedly have
mimeroua Bulla for slander In riofrnH
To me the St. Louie flat Is not a good
investment. Every rental proposition should
be weighed by the question, will It be
-convenient and acceptable to the class of
tenants for wjiom designed and to whom
the landlord caters.
The fct. Louis flat with one family above
another and separate heating apparatus in
the basement, necessitating the family
abovo walking down two flights of stairs
; every time the furnace needs attention Is
hot good. It la alao difficult to make such
buildings sound proof.
Recently In leasing a steam-heated apart
mem Duiiamg or six families, I noted that
flv of the six tenants were moving from
6t. Louis flats. If one would ohfwn the
an apartment attractive to others, and then
large percentage of our new population
are moving from Chicago, Minneapolis and
Kansas City, where steam heated spart-
ments ar numerous and exceedingly popu
lar. However, you as real estate men are
even more familiar than I with the great
demand for a modern steam heated apart
ment. Let us now consider this matter
from a landlord's or an Investment aide.
In the first the steam heated apartment
will bring larger returns on the Invest
ment than the present type of furnace
heated flats. For Instance. In the eame
neighborhood and within two blocks Is lo
cated a modern steam heated apartment
of nine families and a St. Louis flat of
eight families. In the apartment house
six rooms heated bring a rental of V per
month. The furnsce heated apartments In
the same neighborhood and fully as de-
airable, bring 110. The apartments are prac
tically of the same size and of equal desir
ability in regard to location and arrange
ment. A difference of 20 per month equals
$240 per year. The nine apartments which
the building contains will provide annually
I2.1A0 for coal. Janitor and water. I am
quite sure without more definite facts
hand that by careful management or
this sum is net annual gain to the owner
of the building. Figured In this way, the
steam plant Is a perpetual business propo
sition to the owner, that Is the cost of coal.
Janitor and water Is Invested and delivered
In the form of heat to the tenant at a
profit from 25 to 35 per cent.
Consldrrlnsr that the steam plant Is not
only a business proposition, but Is tne
principal means of attracting and holding
tenants. It certainly should be attractive
to the landlord. In the last year the ft.
Louis flats that I have mentioned, have
had three changes of tenants against one
In the fteam heated apartment; and when
one considered that the furnace heated flat
Is practically new, and the steam heated
apartment has been erected for ten or
twelve years, the competition and the tenant-holding
ability Is even more pro
The original Investment of a steam heated
apartment Is considerably less per apart
ment, than equal accommodations In the
St. Louis flat. Apartments of this class
should be erected principally 1n.unit- of
six families. It has been found by expert
ment that a building of more than three
stories Is the most profitable. It Is diffi
cult to secure a tenant who will occupy
the fourth floir without elevator.
In a three-story building all of the apart
ments are of equal attractiveness. m
building apartments In units oi six
families a central hallway Is usually pro
vided, two families on each floor and the
bulldlnut three stories h'.gh. In this way
one entrance hall and stairway In the
front and wall rear stairs and one rear
nnmh answers for the six families. Py
units of six I do not mean that the build
ing should contain only six families, but
the most economical proposition is a ouna
ing of six. twelve, eighteen or twenty-tour
apartments, -arranged with one entranee
and front stairs and one rear stalra for
each six families. There are exceptions to
this rule, but in a general way th nas
been found to be the most economical In
construction. An excellent example or mis
i. round In the Bernard and the uinia
Apartment houses In Oinaha at the
present time will bring the owner from 10
to 15 per cent net on his Investment. In
arriving at these figures only the aitual
expenses against the property, together
with liberal allowance, for vacancies and
repairs, are used. No allowance is made
for depreciation of property. In Chicago.
Detroit and other eastern cltlrs, the in
vestor is satisfied with t to I per cent.
In Omaha there seems to be no general
plan or financing apartment houses. East
ern Insurance companies will make a lon
of approximately 40 or 50 per cent of the
total value of the property, at 54 to
per cent Interest.- In eastern cities It Is
possible to borrow a larger per" c'nt of
the value of the building at a slightly
lower rate of Interest.
If my remarks so far have seemed ele
mentary, I beg your Indulgence on the
ground of my own enthusiasm for this c'.as
of Investment, both In convenience to the
tenant and as an Investment for capital.
number of vacancies in this type of build
.., i am sure you will sgree with me that
umana has outgrown the St. Louis flat
Not only Is It inconvenient to the tenant
but In comparison to other tVDta of ntr. on the corner of Leavenworth street and
tuies It Is not an economic proposition to Park avenue. Each building contains
the landlord. For inino. ... - ih.n families and each building has
house, containing six families, with . three entrances.
central entrance, approximately eight to 1" regard to heating steam Is the most
en feet Is used for .this entrant. nractlcal and I earnestly recommend the
In a St. T.oui. ri e .i- ... .. I ,m nr double oloe system. It haa
- - - v. "i minutes eacn I - . ...
entrance should occunv at ei. I been found by actual tasks that this sys
of frontage, making a total of thirty feet tem win av from 20 t0 P'r C'nt
xrontage devoted to various entrant. I coal bills, ii is usuaiiy tuium.j
Kansas City Dealers jtnrprlaed at the
Low Valaes Prevailing; In
Kansas City real estate men who visited
Omaha last week were surprised at the
great difference between real estate values
11 Omaha and Kansas City and could not
understand how Omaha property should be
alued at ao much less than Kansas City
roperty. The delegation was taken for an
uto trip, visiting nearly every part of the
One prominent Omaha real estate dealer
ad three Kansas City men with him In
his machine and was questioned closely
as to prices on real estate during the en
tire trip. When shown lots in the neigh
borhood of Kountxe place at from $700 to
with lots further north at $"i00 and lots
near Thirtieth and Trait at XSfS, on paved
trcets with the paving paid, lots In the
same neighborhood at l:70 and other lots
In Orchard Hill at about (he same prices,
they could not understand why values were
so low In a city the size of Omaha.
When shown residence lots near Thirty
ighth avenue and Farnam valued at $100
per front foot they remarked that- the beet
residence property in Kansas City did not
exceed $125 per front foot. "But," said one
Kansas City man, "you have but a few
blocks of such high priced property, while
we have some forty miles of double front
age residence property, with values from
$T5 to $100 per foot."
Permits for new buildings are dally being
Issued and business with the building ma
terial dealers continues active. The ten
dency Is more towards stucco and brick
in good residence property.
One group of houses under construction
by D. C. Patterson, on one of the best
streets in tho city, Thirty-eighth avenue
and Davenport streets, are all being fin
lshed in oriental brick and stucco. One
feature Is that each house Is of a distinct
type of architecture.
against eight or ten feet In the regulation
apartment house. This also means six
front doors Instead of one, ' three front
stairs against one, and much wasted money
ana pace.
I am very well acquainted with the arau
mtnts used In support of the St. Louis or
the furnace heated flat. !. ..
worry to the landlord, no expense for Janl- I twenty-four families can be managed with
tor service and coal, tho elimination of all I mor economy than a small building with
expenses except taxes. Insurance and e-1 families.
pairs. No one appreciates the advantages
of this class of Investment more than tho
speaker; and yet If heat and Janitor Serv
ian is atmnnaea Dy me tenant. Is It not
vide a small Janitor s aparcmem in mo
basement, giving him his rent as a part of
hi. .otnnanaatinn for services. In a small
building the Janitor needs to devote only
Dart of his time to the care or heating
apparatus and building.
It Is needless, of course, to explain tna
the larger building containing eighteen to
Piihllc laundry for all of the tenants Is
umiallv provided In the basement as well
as individual store room for each family,
It Is customary for the landlord to provide
better to provide them In one large build- hot water ourln a11 montns of th vear
Ing, taking advantage of a greater economy
in construction, rather than to continue
the erection of St. Louis flats, that are
destined to remain vacant the greater por
lion 01 the time.
ji nas oeen a matter of considerable
UlUe to me that I have not
the St. Louis flat.
and pay all water rent. The landlord keepi
the walks free from snow ln the winter
and cares for the lawn In summer. He
also provides light for all public halls and
In the speaker's opinion a three-story
yet designed apartment Is a more attractive Investment
than the nigner DUliaings unrrc nevumi
If it Is abolutlv n....-. tk.t .w are necessary. Insurance companies will
pensea against the bulldlnc are llmttad to not as a rule make a loan on the six to ten
taxes and Insurance, I earnestly recom-I torr apartment nouse wun cevmor n.
mend, first, either a detached hou Ice and heavy overhead expenses. As
ond, a double or duplex hou r,r 11,1-0 rule apartments of this height are run o
angiisn terrace. The last mentioned type ,ne Pmeni "olE1 '" """"
Is a series of attached residences under of "v,nB room bedroom and .bath, living
one roof, each family occupying ths entire roora two bedroomB na bln "v,n. lnree
apace rrom the cellar to the roof. The bedrooms ana cam, wun a Benerai ic
word terrara mkih 1 , I located conveniently In the building. The
. v. buuuun, ann 1 ,
brings to one s mind the charming Engl'sh Pacedena In Detroit Is an excellent ex
group plan, widely used In the suburbs ample ot thl" c,88 of b"1IrtlnS. occupying
The Northwestern Line.
Important change Sunday, June 12 Lot
Angeles-Chicago Limited leaves Omaha 8:50
p. m. Instead of 9:10 p. m. Arrives Chicago
U:30 a. m.
City offices. U01-3 Farnam street.
Peculiar Feat a re of Demonstration
in Honor of Kins; Edward's
CALCUTTA. June 18. (Special Dispatch
to The Bee.) The Hindu demonstration In
memory of King Edward closed with a pe
culiarly Hindu ceremony. Nearly 20,000
poor were fed. seated In two rows on either
side of the public streets for over a mile.
The menu consisted of a delicious and
sumptuous Bengalee dinner. The mahar-
ajah of Darbhanga acted as president, and
the dinner concluded with the gift of
piece of cloth to every person. The cere
mony passed off without a hitch. -.
The chief Justice and other prominent
English residents visited the scene, and th
streets were crowded with tens of thou
sands of spectators. The poor dispersed,
shouting "GIoreto the British Raj!"
Wayside Wisdom.
Much modesty Is only skin deep.
Ennui Is the price we pay for knowl
You never heard of salary seeking the
man, a:a your
It Is a wise worm that turns no oftener
than tt has to.
Some men are so shrewd that nobody
can believe them honest.
A fault Is never so offensive as when
Is somebody else's.
Many people are busy mortgaging the
future In order to acquire a past. St.
IiTiils Times.
01 j-onnon, me sloping roof, the latticed
windows, the coxy entrance porches, il.
separata gardens and neat permanent
fances. Each family, with their own en
trance gate and well kept gardens, both In
front and In the rear othhelr apartments.
The designation terrace, signifying a row
of the attached residences, does not seem
to be in general use In the west, although
In eastern cities the name in general
use. The advantages of this class of build
ings are far superior to the St. Louis flat.
On the first living rooms and kitchen,
below is the heating apparatus and laun
dry, above the sleeping room and bath. If
a sloping ruof is adopted generous attic
bpHL-o for storage purposes may be pro
vided. Masonry walls between houses make
tliem practically vound proof and by In
Vjnlous planning these houses can have all
the privacy as to porches, en; ranees and
yard; can have excellent light and venti
lation and. In fact, practically all of the
advantages of the detached house.
However, from investor's and tenant's
. nandpe'int, and the tenants standpoint
t-hould always be th investor's, the steam
heated apartment Is he mjl advantageous.
To the tenant all the petty annoyance
are eliminated. Compare, for Instance, the
man paying $40 a month for a detached
residence ur a St. Louis flat; his yearly
expenses will total something as follows:
Rent, at $40 ' $40
Nine tone coal at $11 99
Water rent, at $1.35 li
Care of lawn In summer and walka In
winter 16
Gas lor heating water? T. 1.'
Total .' Ma
An apartment with heat and Janitor
service at $00 per month Is cheaper than
his house or furnace heated flat -at $40,
ana If lit own time and trouble in caring
for furnace, healing water and paying for
some of his small bills Is of any value to
tjilsn ha can easily pay $00 or VA for hi
apartment against $4u for hi present ac-
To the convenience to th tenant w
might add the freedom that an apartment
brings. Even a night's absence from your
residence brings the possibility of frosen
water pipes, the family canary killed and
th cherished fern frosen stiff, and what Is
home without a canary and a fernr The
possibility of leaving for a month's absence
without worry over burglars, water pipes
.and numerous other domestlo parapher
nalia are attractive.
maa is fast becoming a canter for
iMlMkjou traveling men, who apeclally
unrai-lilA th. anl .... f A nuw4fit
iperiment. Th arvaut girl problem makes
f On
a half DIOCK OI ground, nn eiorira iihii.
with a large public dining room and numer
ous private dining rooms, together with a
roof garden and promenade located on tne
top floor. Each tenant provides his own
furniture for the apartment and pays for
his light, and all other expenses are cared
for by the owner of the building. In theso
days of servant girl problems, this method
of living possesses many advantages, and
these buildings are exceedingly popular In
eastern cities. Detroit, for Instance, with
a population of 400.000, supports six Urs
buildings of this nature, each building con
talnlng from eighty to ISO apartments. 1
am of the opinion that there Is room In
Omaha at the present time for one mod
erate slse apartment hotel. These build
ings will bring approximately $25 per month
per room, and If such a building were ad
vantageously located and carefully de
signed, the chances of an unusually profit
able Investment are excellent. The Income
from such a building will compare favor
ably per cubic foot contents with our down
town office buildings, and such a building
can be placed Just outside of the business
section on ground which is considerably
less valuable In comparison to the grourtd
on which our office building stands.
However, for the average Investor, the
three-story apartment Is the most ad
vantageous. Conditions in Omaha now are
very favorable for Investment along this
line. Steam heated apartments which have
already been erected are constantly filled
and many buildings have a large waiting
list. To Illustrate the demand at the
present time. In one building which la now
In the course of construction, three apart
ments out of six which the building con
tained were leaaed and the flrat month's
rent paid before the excavation was
started. The brick work for this building
is at th present time scarcely out of th
basement and all of th apartments are
rented with one month's rent paid In ad
vance. Rentals In Omaha on this type of apart
ment are slightly higher than in other
citlea. While this might be a matter cf
considerable Indignation to the tenant, yet
the apartments already erected are po
neers In the field, and, as pioneering Is al
ways more or less of risk, the returns
should be correspondingly greater.
However, I believe the pioneer days for
apartment houses tn Omaha are over. A
gentleman from Kansas City recently re
marked that Omaha atood today In th
matter of apartment houses where Kansas
City atood tea years ago and he men
tioned tho large profits that had been
mad by th speculative builder In Kansas
Cil? during that period.
Means skin health and bodily
purity in infancy and childhood
and freedom, in the majority of
cases, from torturing, disfiguring
affections of the skin and scalp in
after life. Those who value a
clear skin, soft, white hands, a
clean, wholesome scalp and live,
glossy hair will find that Cuticura
Soap, assisted by Cuticura OinN
ment, realizes every expectation.
gaM tkrajebaut lb erl4. rxeev: Loedon. TT,
Caartarttouw S ; P&rta. 10. Pus d b Chaiaace
a'Aatia: AimWbIi. It. 1 own A Co, Sr4ar: India,
D. li. r-nuL Calcutta; China. Hong Koof Irut Co
Japaa. Uanira. Ltd., Toato; So. Alma. Laoaa,
Ltd, Cap Tows, ett : U A Patter Praf 4 Cbsaa,
Cora, gole Props, 13a Colusbus Ave, lioatoa.
ex Post-trr-r, 32-paca Cutmira Cook, "flow ta
Prvacrva, PwOr a4 stouuulr ta taia sad Haiti"
Now for a glass of sparkling, refreshing, invigorating
"Round in
It drives away fatigue.
It's pure, wholesome, delicious.
It's the golfer's favorite drink.
At all fountains and in bottles, 5c.
THE T. F. MEMMEN CO., Lincoln, Neb.
Nebraska Distributer
inns Aft v
n!l tr
al arasr
i 1 V I ii U 11
til i
1 w.V!M:i:mxmi7
i k mmw
aT A V 1 W 1 W M
increasing sale, 1 1
: their worth, f 3
1 own rr-niedy. I I
in any Salicy- 1
We want to tell you
about these wonderful pills.
Their curative power is
proven and attested to by
A Record of 75 Years
of constant and increasing ala
is evidence of the
They are natures
They do not contaii
Intes, lodidea or alcohol, and will
not harm the delicate digestive
organs whatsoever. If you are a
sufferer from Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Lumbago, Gout, Constipation. Blood.
Kidney, Stomach or Liver Troubles ve
want you to try these pills. They have
cured thousands they will cure you.
A box will prove that you are on the right
road to health and happiness.
Free Sample Bent Direct Under Plain Wrap,
per by th Manufacturer.
BELDxir b over co., jusseuolis.
ve 'did rot . Tna.Ue theteel tta
Te&avj x&de tvmeu.s -but
u i i s i' 3
f ov the t a c. V e nuW
Corner-16t b and aruani Streets.
s j " x
liu M
Go to Colorado
this Summer
IT'S just the place for a Sum
mer Vacation with its num
berless resorts and its boundless
opportunities for outings among
beautiful mountains and val
leys or beside some rushing
trout stream.
Go Via
Union Pacific
"The Safe Road
' Electric Block Signals
Dining Car Meals and Service
"Best in the World" 1
For literature and further information, call on or address
1324 Farnam St., OMAHA, NEB.
Phone: Bell, Douglas 1828; Independent, A-32.11.
in50, 41.85 and 43.20
u New York City
$f60 end 44.60
u Boston, Llass.
$ J Q 35 and 46.35
& Portland, Lie.
$Q9 00, 33.00 and 34.00
Buffalo, II. Y.
$nT0 and 41.00
w Atlantic City
$0060, 32.00, 33.00 and 34.00
a Toronto, Ont.
00 Montreal, Que.
$0000, 33.00 and 34.00
Niagara Falls
Tickets on sale daily.
Ticket Offices
1401-1403 Farnam Strut
Omaha, Neb.
Liberal return
limits and favor
able stopover
Fast trains at
convenient hours
make direct con
nections in Chi
cago with all
lines east.
I llipi
I f mm
Deeve i 1
You will find our late night train to Denver con
It leaves Omaha at 11:25 P. M.
It arrives in Denver at 1:00 P. M.
This is the usual Burlington standard, high class, dynamo electric
lighted, fast train of chair cars, diners, standard and observation sleep-
Enjoy the grandeur of snow-capped mountains the restful pleasure of
fertile valleys the magnificence and. beauty of nature's grandest and most
rugged scenery. A trip on the
offers a vacation at small expense to the most talked of and Interesting
scenic spots In the world.
BAxrrr, like iotjise, field, a&ACiEm
Here you will find a perfect revel of enjoyment no other place can offer
audi an opportunity to kodak, bant, fish, drive, sketoh. olimb, botanlsa.
Hotels are under direct management of the railway company and give
unequaled service.
Low Summer Tourist Tares Sally to all North
Faolflo Coast Cities, June 1 to September 30.
If desired, you may use the Canadian Pacific in one direction and any
other railway In the other.
I ICIa and return from Vancouver, 168 by Canadian Paoifle Steamers. Se
nLtljan cure your steamer reservations before starting. Send for "Chal
lenge nf the Mountains" and Alaska folder.
Tickets for sale by aKenta of all rallwavs.
A, C. SHAW, General Agent. 319 South Olark Street. CHICAGO
Bee Want Ms Boost Youi Business
Omaha-Denver Sleeper Ready at 9:30 P. II.
It leaves Omaha at 4:10 P. M.
x It arrives Denver at 7:20 A. M.
Electric lighted throughout, "with chair cars, diners, also through
standard and tourist sleepers for Salt Lake, Los Angeles and San Fran
cisco. Call or write for illustrated publications, descriptive of any tour
of the west you have In mind. Tickets, berth reservations, Informa
tion, etc.
A California Oil company to produce petroleum.
Owning in fee simple (not leasing) 400 acres of oil lands.
Located in Midway, the world's greatest oil producing field.
Now erecting five derricks, one to each 80 acres.
Anyone of the wells may be a Gusher, for all are In good oil territory.
The Lakeview Gusher In 90 days produced 4,000,000 bbls.
Midway field has many gushers flowing from 1,000 to 4 0,000 bbls per day.
A 1,000-bbl. Gusber will earn $500 a day, is worth $1,000,000.
Over $50,000,000 already taken in profits by oil well owners.
California oil wells will pay $10,000,000 profits this year. "
You now have an opportunity offered you for Investment, such as
rarely comes to the public eye. The MIDWAY PACIFIC seeks to en
gage capital to assist It in its operations. Its lands are conservatively
worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. C'alifornians are already In
terested in the state's foremost fortune-making industry to the extent
of their financial capacity. We must look to the east and middle wett
for investors. Will YOU be one?
I During the month of June we offer stock in Midway Pacific at 35 cents a
I share, par value $1.00. The company furnishes uninipeachfvble references.
Our proposition Invites unsparing investigation. The more you-investigate, tne
more you will Invest. Communicate with the comoany at once. Verify our
statements about the fortunes being
1502 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Bell, Douglas 8580.
Independent, A -3321
made. Satisfy yourself that we have
the essentials for success good
ground, good management, and great
futar. Fill ' out this coupou and
mall it In. DO IT NOW.
Midway Pacific Oil Co,,
372 Wlrcci Bldg., Los Angeles, Cat.
372 Wilcox llldg., Los Angeles.
Please send me full Information
about your Oil company, and reserve
for me shares at 35c, with
no obligation on my part to purchase.
Name . .