f 8 Want - Ads DEATH A til rtKKBAI. NOTICES. WOLFER-Wllllam, June la, 1910, aged C9 years. Funeral from his 1st resilience, 2219 Ohio street Friday, June 17, at 3 o clock p. m Interment Forest Ltwn, LODGE NOTICE. I nlon ravlfte l.edge No. IT, A.O.t'.W You aro hereby notified of the death of Brother William Wolfer at his home. 2219 Ohio etreet June 13, 1910. Funeral from the Im residence at 2 p. mvJune 17, lulu. Interment ' at Forest Lawn eemotery. Brother workmen and friend requested to attend. JOHN bchindluk, , Master Workman. A. F. CLARK, Recorder. CARD OP THANKS We wish to return our heartfelt thanks to the friends, neighbors and lodge brothers lor their kindnens and help uuring tne sickness and death of my husbana and our father. Albert Newman. WHS. ALBERT NEWMAN AND CH1L- UKEN. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., Under takers. embaimers, 6i4 cnicago. u. ii, B-1668, MONEY U.tiO.v IiOaN TO LOAN-LOW IIATE, In sums to suit, 310 Bee Bldg. Fhone Doug. M. COMPANY. BARGAINS In Watches, Jew Ciotnnig, etc, FRIEDMAN'S U)AN BANK, IT,!-1 m A.I a lArt uniin., COR. DOUGLAS. TEL. D. 6325. l s. I3tn, CLARK iJ3ti? SIGNS DUilU VACUUM CLEANING CU. rnniruii for claanlna- bouses, halls. churches. ODera bouses, etc. Vv. (941 and Multigraph' Work TvnAn-rltten letter riUDllcated. J. C. Nor'thrup, in Paxton. Douglas 6685. TMi P1JVAV "ALWAYS TUB BEST, XVjIU Vit-J-x-uu. HARKINO'8 Ice Cream Wedgewood Cre. Butter. Harding Cream Co, ED. ROTILERY Lh.Uof tui Full line of liquors and cigars. Cafa In connection. Ill S. 14th, WVQ nd LOCKSMITHING. HEFL1N A-f A CO.. 1516 Douglas. Upstairs. D. 2074 STORE TOIIH FINE FURM IN MOTH PROOF VAULTS. Nominal cost. SHU- KERT'S. Uth and Harney. MAOGARD Van Storage or Omaha Trunk, van Storage Co. rack, move. store and ablp fi. U. goods. D. HW, u-mm, Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Works, 1(30 8. 10th ft. 'lei. Douglas 4367. ' ANCHOR FENCE CO.. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N,17th St. Phone Red S14. THIS HOME FURNITURE CO., 20 per cent -less than Omaha prices. Z4tb and Sts. V TTHH iMATT,SJ Watch our specials at Uit VAlVJliO Hayden's Bakery Dept. Try. Hay den a first. It pays. A. E. ROBERTS, reliable emp. agent successor to Martin & Co., lbii capitoi Ave. WANTED Good attractions for good, live, wet town for 4th of July celebration, Also want steam merry-go-round or ocean wave. Address Secretary Fire Department, Syracuse, iseo-.' ' WANTED At Ravenna, Neb., Fourth of July attractions, constating of balloon as. censlons. merry-go-round and other attrac tlons. Write O. L. Miller, Ravenna, Neb. SEGERSTROM Piano Mfg. Co. We are now open for business la our permanent location, 1808 Farnam. WE ARE IN OMAHA TO STAY DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklns, 316 S. 15th. upstairs. ELEVATORS REPAIRED. Frelcht Pas enger. J. K. Ken-edy, 104 S. 13th Doug. 2997 WEDDING rings made by hand, sold- by weight TV L. combs A Co., 1520 uougias. FINE clock repairing; prices right; call, deliver, Belknap, aou sunaenana mug. Where does the crowd goT lor Theater, of course. To the Par- GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH, A. JETES. 1302 Douglas St 5 CTS GAIN health & wealth. Adv. under Colo. . , . . . , i . T, . I J a. f tanas leu iiuw. ttobui wiuu w. .. PHOTOGRAPHIC Supplies. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames. W. 116. B-1016. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. JOHN NITTLER Homen Consumers' Distributer, LUXUS THE BEER YOU LIKE. . 3224 South 24th St. Douglas 1899, Red 3932; Independent. A-1420. 25 Dipftiint n H pictures and O XJSCOUn muuij.n- tor this month. JmM lowest prices. See us before having your pictures framed Omaha Art and Frame Co., TOT So. 16th St : Douglas i094. UMBRELLAS RECOVERED AND RE PAlHaD. Ed F. Pickering. 106 S. ltilh St. SHALES Independent Scale Repair Co. HKPA 1U:M in.' Refitted scales sold "-"---' li.. a... int. li,...., Robertson's Restaurant f luuttiimiit); cool, l.ght, sanitary, quick aervlcv, popular prices. For ludles and geiitleioen. Table dilute dinner Sunday. THE City Garbage Co.. Tel. Douglas 13s7, clean- vaults, cesspools and removes ma iikre, asues and all kinds of retuse. WANTED At Ravenna. Neb., brass band, Colored troop comoiiy cuinpany, cuiored uuurict, and other attractions. Write O. L. Miller, Ravenna, Neb. Lawn Mowers Kh-reiiod by m- a chtnery; culled for and ucjivcrcd. A. Jensen ai Sons. W.1049; B-liili. LYNCH BROS. PLlMJ?I5.?v.NU 111. PAIR WOIUC A SPECIALTY. 7ou S. lctu. St D. 14V7. DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order. 103 S. 15th St. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your house and porch screened from 'lllU OMAHA WINDOW SCREEN CO.. A SANITARY NECESSITY FOR EVERY HOME. 6J4 N. 16th St Call Doug. 4692. BARlviUt BROS. PAINT CO. Wholesale-retail, UOO'i Farnam St., Sherwin-Williams paints, oils, varnishes, glass, white lead, wall payer, brushes, glaxmg and picture framing. TELS.: BELL UOIU LAS 4750; IN P.. A-3tv21. , 1LER GRAND HOTEL SlnJIforTXi: Turkish Baths C. JAItL Locksmith. Lawn Mowers . ' " sharpened; call and deliver. I do repairing. I7t Leavei.wortli. D. 4377, A-4314. KODAKS ,r"1 '"PP'iea; largeet atock; AMATEUR FlMrilUNU, brat work. DEMPTSTER. Uli Farnam St CASH OR CREDIT 4W SAVED on graduation presents. SAVDWAM, Jewelry Co.. 3d floor, .7. . Puxton. Blk. S. U. Cole Sign Cos, D, 17s. 1J1 Farnam. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued, t 4 1 1 m t x? l.i iAfrhinv Medicinal UAllUlHrj Summer Drink. Dally retail delivery. Ask your doctor. Alamtlo GET Missouri Filters. 1310 Howard St Wl'Min I Wl rings and presents. Gustaf- iJVUlVi 1 ion & jiendrickson, Ml N. 16 Oet jour WEDDING RINGS at FRED BKoDEGAARD'S., It Insures good luck. 115 S. luth St, at the sign of the Crown. VIRGIANA DARE wine, 75c a large bot tle. KLEIN LlgUOR HOUSE, iU N. lbth St. Douglas 66,0. M WPP! i AKTS' 15o and 250 LUNCH iiujMumui MIDI LAND CAFE. PRIVATE DINING ROOM 317 N. 16th St UMBRELLAS recovered and repaired; supplies. WESTERN UMBRELLA CO., l&J Farnam. Red 7478. B. F. WURN, Optician, 424 Brandeis Bldg. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMONDBsS iwuuim. Keualrs Autos and all kinds ol Machines, 13th and Hurney cis. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. lu ItELiHlUliSU' AUlU uiuaaa. UTtIyn"M PAINTS AND REPAIRS. Auinmobllcs. wagons, carriages; makes to order new wagons auu auiomouue bodies, automobile wheels, tops, springs, slip covers; second-hand bargaina closed carriages, uoiu puuuca. HAROA1N8 In used cars; expert repair Ins. AKent for Oakland, btaver weicu. Auto Repairing 'VSJXrSXZ Diamond tires carried In stock. The Pax- ton-Mltchell Co., iis narney. u. tni, a-u. TIKE REPAIRING Ue0V 1Lnagwo'8t AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO., llttO Farnam, ttNU for our list of second-hand cara DUR1UHT AUTOMOB1LH1 CO., UU4 Farnam St A BARGAIN In a slightly used, new high wheeled llolsman runabout. f-M cash. Address Y 115 Bee. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Council Bluffs, la. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, 25c to $3.50. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., 2ft-211 S. 16th. COMPLETE lire, auto accessories and supplies. Neb. Bulck Auto Co., Omaha. Anto Pnintintr "Murphy Did it." Get .AUIO i Ullllllli, our pneeg, ANDREW MURPHY & SON, 1412 Jackson. FOR SALE Five-passenger Stanley; newly painted; perfect mechanical condi tion; full equipment; extra casings, tubes, top, glass front; bought In April, 1909; reason for selling, want the money. Ad dress W, Carey Lewis, 34 Adams St., Chicago. ELECTRIC automobile bargain, with complete charging outfit. I will make an exceptionally low figure on this high-priced outfit if taken at once. Address G 12, Bee. Motorcycles. discount an new bicycles and motorcycles this month. Re 207 pairing and sundries at lowest prloes. Flescher Motorcycle Cc , 1622 Capitol Av. WRITE for list of used motorcycles. W carry a full line of THOK part. Nfr BRA SKA CYCLE CO., Omaha. R. F. MOTOR CYCLE, excellent condl tlon; side car attachment. Call Harney 3673. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of 1 business call oa QANGESTAD. 404 Be Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. FOR SALE Small atock of groceries and building at 1426 N. 11th; good trade estab lished. Plione unugias 4M, Omaha. STOflKS Listen, have you 310 or more? JJ-VV-Li-K-' fays monthly 2 per cent. Life BONDS IbHurance dropped purchased. Stocks you're aissatisfied wun negouateu. Ferguson, 611 Paxton. o balu-united Wireless, pfd. any part 200 shares, must sell 30 days, very low price, a. u. Anderson, Peterson, la. EEE me for city and farm Investments. Alex Chapman. iUO Neville Blk.. D. 1U9S. OWNERS Let me IMPROVE your VA CANT iota FREE. Ferguson. 610 Paxton. INCORPORATE your BUSINESa Money eaaier obtained; IMPROVED share selling plan; small coat Promoter, U Paxton. f ok sale Finest tea, coffee and spice store in Nebraska. On account of llinesa In faintly and having to change -"""" i uiier my outlines lor sale. uanuie iremi iruu una in season year around. No solicitors to pay; fruit line urmgs customers. nave line trade; nanuiea tUu crates of berries last week. uiaa to snow sales, invoice about 2,2uv, independent store, represent no company. Furtner particulars address C. I. Van nuen, nusungs, xseD. YOUNG married man wants capital for stock and dairy farming business profit snaring plan. Farm and general experience. Satisfactory references dress Y 117, Bee. Ad having farming Interests, have for sale our . weekly paper, the Uougias County ...yinv;ii. iucuiation ow; town of 600; two w. iiiuu.um, iuis ot joo wora; good plant Price for quick sale, l.uu casn; or, flM) casn balance In 3 yeats. Address Chronicle Elkhorn, Neb. NECHACO AND FRASER VALLEYS. It YOU ARE A t AKiltH, go to .e chaco vailey. If you are not a larmer, be ono quick, if oniy in name, for the r ARMER is KING. Every one wants land HAVE 1UU GOT YOURaf It will soon toe the eleventh hour una tne prices are soar ing kkyward. Farm land in British Colum bia 1 a scarce article. It Is so everywhere, 'the demand lor land Is great and the sup ply cannot be increased. Our price is ti.uv per acre; 31.00 per acre cash. lucre are only about 300,000 acres In the wnole Nechaco valley. It could ho COLo SlAlU to Hie lust acre in a SINGLE SEASON. Owneis will not have to list lands to sell mem in the Necnaco valley. Purchaser luuKtng to tne profits of farm ing in that section will semen out lite own ets wherever they may be. We give you direct title from the Ca nadian government. In secretary Wilson's latit report he says: "Every sunset for the last live years lias marked an advance ot iMvu.Ouo In the farms ol tne lnltod States." TELEGRAPH CM FOR A RESERVA TION. Y u will select one for you and please and protect you until you sell It. By your own hands you cannot get rich, 'ine development work of others can mane you rich. LET THE GRAND TRUNK PA CIFIC DO IT FOlt YOU. Can lor particulars or send to GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC LAND CO., 312 N. Y. Life Bidg., Omaha, Neb. PHYSICIAN'S location In good little Iowa town; will sell or rent orflue; good opening for young German or Scandinavian, Addreas M. D.a 4oi Brandeis Blk., Omaoa, FOR SALE Good live newspaper In lively town in a rich farming community In Southern South Dakota. Will pay to Investigate. Address P 2ls3, care Bee. FOR SALE or trade, fin retail stock of wail paper In Omaha. Finest stock In the city. Address Bee. O-C50. NEW laws and other conditions neces sitate opening distributing office In this district to supply Increasing demands for our manufactured products used by buil ness men, fanners, eta flue to I1W salary monthly; office expenses and commissions allowed; position permanent; references. Sfurgls Thayer. Northwestern Sales Director. 40u National Bank Commerce Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. STORES, all kinds for sale. Knleet. B Bid. WANTED District organiser to cover Nebraska and other states. U.ooo will handle proposition. This will more than meet your expectations. F-U, care Bee. AUTOMOBILES (Continued. WANTED A high-grade solicitor, capable of selling to business men In Omaha first mortgage funding bonds issued by an Omaha corporailou and secured by suffl- c ent proprety to make the bonds abso lutely gilt-edge. Compensation salary nd commission. Address, D 742, Bee. IV YOIt want to buy or sell pool or J.J. iuu clgar flxluregi ae Linn, lolO Harney St. FOR BALE All kinds of property, farm and timber lands, saw mills, town and city. tsiorea, etc Terms. A. Jtt. nice. Avon, Latah County. Idaho. TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE. Midland lnv. Co., 103 McCague Bldg. Be FOR BALE. Ealoon tn Washington, Neb., for sal or trade; only saloon in city; paying Invest ment; new fixtures and Inside furnishings; also residence, with five city lots; would sell or trade for nice property. 11. Buacb, Washington. Neb. SPECIAL value In drug store fixtures and fountain; complete set; ready for starting ; also casn reglater. Scnaffer Drug Co. May b seen at u 4. 16th St. New & 2dhand harness & hardware atock. Sell or trade fur real estate. 1912 Cuming. FOR SALE Bakery and good location. K Ha, Bee. confectionery; TO SELL OUT See Kniest, B.Bld. CHIROPODISTS UK. ROY, 1505 Farnam St Douglas 47. CONlhACfOKS AND BUILDERS CONTRACTING CARPENTER. JOBBER D. 3445, A-jfeUu. Frank G. Sewaru, Lit a. Hth. Screen, repairing, new housea. "THE MAN WHO KNOW HOW." STEVENSON ROOFING CO., gravel and compoaiuou looting. 1U S. lum at Tela Doug. 3U9, lud. A-l92. Res.. Webster 2M4. FOR PLUMBING and gaa fitting se Waller J. Cauiu, ylO I. liui. Doug. lui B-1625. V II fir KlM Practical Builder. aj. ax. VALtOJ-U, Estimates i- ui mailed, ik. eiiMon XuO. Kl. V li.K'. K( I A H 1 lake place of lata and blaster. AMCitiCAiN buri'i.1 CO., illi f arnam. tttiilliWAStlliMi, plastering, screens repaired and put on, windows wauhed, new bullulngs cleaned, floors waxed or polished. fttcuta, iiut nun w coster, xiarnoy 340t. CEMENT BLOCKS and building matnr lal. Frank Marshall, 4005 Leavenworth St 1-AiiMB.n, saves ib Der cent: Dannr uuitaer, v'aoieter ana narawooa finisher: tcuiivb leij leanonaDie lor lanuiorus: ea tales or contractors; estimated free. Deo- orator, iws so. ot.. south Omaha. DENTISTS BAILEY 4k MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D.lOBi. TAFT'M Dental Room. 1517 Douglas St DETtUTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency, Inc. and bonued, 42a- Paxton Bik.. U. 1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 5l7 Karbaoh. D. &tt DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 2702 Farnam, Tel. H 4676. TERRY Farnam. Dressmaking school, 20th and FIRST CLASS dressmaking. 2423 Dodge St. EDUCATIONAL SPRING TERM . MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS UULLKUK. d'nexcelled course in business, shorthand, Der.mansiilu and English. None but experi enced teacuers. Day and evening sessions, Most interesting catalogue puollsned In omaha. wend lor one today. MOSHER & LAM f MAN. THE SUMMER SCHOOL B0 YLES COLLEGE, IS NOW OPEN. Prepare for tirofliablo positions In book. keeping, shortuar.d, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service; sure to be open In tne fall and winter. The year book is ready. Apply lor It students admitted any uuy. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Both phones. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BO ITS 4Iat and CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tynar. .-- Charles. Harney 23S3. EVERY I riiNii rOR Wu1EN ttt a TTT DruKless. nonalcohollo and J I J V I nonsurgical treatment; it lias apared the live of thousands ui ....... a..u women; 4oo-pae oook free. 312 ItA-.iiJ toLDG., OMAHA. CJ A VTirp A ! V HA1RDRESS1NG Parlors. oaiiAxiiivijjWtC,M made from comb' lugs, $1.50. 001 Paxton Blk. lei. Uoug. 4uil, 1HSEN1C and IRON complexion wafer make dtar, white skin. By mall 60a anU (i.vu. tuerman it McCounail Urug Co omaha. HT TVh1 We are exclusive agents for the KJlJi. V SU famous Calbas olive oil, from AT f Italy, for medicinal purposes. Liquors, macaroni & other Italian products. A. Minardi Co.. i.tt s. nth. uoug. tojs. CHINA decorating: order work a special ly. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur ays. Firing daily. Children s ciasaea Sat uruay morning. Mr. C. C. Hungate, st Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red 486. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN N arteries. rTT?I.',T,,;und plants that grow. F. W --AA-'x-'v-Jjieiieray. Crescent Nursery Co. Ontuha yaid, 21st and Farnam sts. Phoi Harney 4ioO. FLORISTS J. H. BATH, im Harney. Douglas 3000. A. DONAGHUE, 100. Far. D. 1001; A-1001 L. Hondersoii. 1151 K Farnam. Doug. 1238. BRANDEIS' CUT FLOWER DEPT. HESS & SWOBODA, 1115 Farnam St. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la., larg est greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere in U, FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES. Marvel Coal Chutes Furnaces, Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 12U6-8 Douglas St. Both Phones. Stoves repaired, good as new. guaranteed storage; buy & sell, lilt Cumin;. D. li0. HELH WAN i ED FEMALE Agent and Salesmen. WANTED Experienced saleswomen lices, einbioideites and underwear depart menu. Apply superintendent Braudei Stoiea. Clerical mm Ufflee. 8TENO. and BKPR,, 35. STENOGRAPHER, loi. CASHIER. tJa. board and room. Western Ref. & Bond Assoeia tion, Inc. Life Bldg. 752-M N. Y. (Eat. t yrs. WANTED An experienced checker. Her Grand hotel. lady cafe STENOGRAPH KR TO ACT AS PRIVATE SECY. TO OFFICE MANAGER. GOOD SALARY TO RIGHT PARTY. Co-Operative Refer ence Co., 673-75-77 Brandeis B'ds- HELP WANftD FEMALE (Continued.) Factory mm Irssia TWENTY-FIVE rlrls at once; good wages and steady work. Beinls Omaha Bag Company, entrance off a.ieveuui sueei Viaduct GIRL wanted to learn hair dressing. price reasonable. Oppenhelm Hair Dressing manors, u Mccague Bldg. lei. u. .sra. WANTED A young lady to come to Denver, Colo., and taKe charge of the of fice of an established Cleaning and Dyeing Concern. Only one who Is thoroughly ex- eneiiced in this kind of work, anu one who knows how to handle the trade and able to attend to the taking In of work properly. Aa to the fare and further In- tormation, kindly write us, giving us your experience ana aioo iirsi-cias references. Uueen Cltv Dye Works, nana uesierreirn and Conrad Hank, Proprietors. 631 15th St., Denver, Colo. lloasekeeper and Domestic. WANTED CaDabl rlrl who can cook: second girl kept; two In family. 1160 St Mary Ave, COMPETENT. fermanent gin for geo el. Harney 422. e.-sl housework. WANTED A general housework girl who can cook. Wagos 17 a week with washing, 6 Without washing. Telephone Douglas KU. Residence, 2007 Dodge St GIRL tor general housework; small family and goua wage, lira X. M. Urr, 2i06 Farnam. WANTED Girl tor cenerar housework; small family; small house. 'PUou Har ney 210. WANTED Reliable woman for house- kceuer: small family: best wages and ex cellent home for competent woman. Call after 6 at 3404 Dewey Ave. Tel. H. VA WANTED ExDerlenced airl for general housework; must be good cook; laundress inploTed. 416 S. 83th bt Tel. Harney 2600. AN experienced girl tor general house work; wages, v a week. Mrs. Ed B. Wil liams, 22 So. StltU St HOUSEKEEPER for man and wife, loli Manderson . WANTED-rfJIrl for ueneral housework. 8C02 Lincoln boulevard. Phone Harney 640. GIRL for general housework, two In family. Call ilb N. 20th St GIRL for general housework and wash ing, 3218 Dodge St Tel. H. 343. WANTED; girl for general housework. also second girl to assist with children; small family; good wages. GOo Park Ave. WANTED Girl for light housework; no washing, no ironing. Call 2003 N. 20th. WANTED Cook and housemaid; three In family. 1UM S. 8kd Ave. WANTED First-class cook. In private family, out of town. In Nebraska; wages 340 and transportation; no laundry. Mrs. Stubbs, 18U Farnam St WANTED ExDerlenced dining room girt St James Hotel, 416 o. 13th. WANTED Girl for housework; two In family. 38U0 Farnam St WANTED Ladles to do stamping; work taken home; steady employment Willis Ward Co . 102 N. Uth. Hours 9 to 6. GIRL for light housework; a good home for some one. Call 1331 N. 24th St GIRL to help In household; will pay any price for good girl. 412 S. 28th. WANTED A girl for general housework and also cook. 524 S. SOth St GIRL wanttt tot general housework: mall family; good wages. 3008 Paclflo St Tel. Harney 676. GIRL for general housework: small fam ily. 206 S. 3ith Ave. WANTED A good cook; 820 N. 33th St Tel. Harney 212. Mrs. L. C. Nash. WANTED Girl, general servant; easy place; three in lamuy; gooa wages. Airs, B. H. Barrows, 626 I. 1 26th St V ANTED Girl. Xnr general housework; family "OT two. UeooV wages. Call 3U1 Pa clflo St ' ' WANTED A good girl for general house work. 1300 Capivil Ave. WANTED A good girl for general house work; good wages. Mrs. Sain Snyder, 430 Broadway, Counoll Bluffs. NURSE GIRL for afternoons. 6M Purk Ave. GOOD GIRL for housework: no washing or cooking. 4i N. zutn et. WANTED At once, young girl to assist with child ot 2 years; to go borne nignta. Mrs. F. A. castle, axu raciiio &t GIRL for general housework; 17 per week. Apply at 4Su Pierce St. GIRL for-) general housework; week; no wanning. 634 S. 2tith St. W per GIRL for genera housework; small family; good wuges. out. Park Ave. WANTED Good, competent girl to do second work. Mrs. J. F. Wilcox. 1132 E. Pierce, Council Blufta. Ia. WANTED Competent cook. L. Webster, 61a S. 2utii Ave. Mrs. John GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; good wage. Tel. Harney 711. 1204 S. 36tn St WANTED Woman to work at my house two days a week. One who will do wash lug and ironing. Phone Web. 4i24. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 2005 St. Mary's Ave. Telephone Douglas iiii. COMPETENT irlrl for housework by June 1; two In family; 63 a week. Call at 2101 Wht St COMPETENT cook In private family Mrs. F. B. Kennard, ls24 Dodge Bt No objection to color. WANTED A steady, middle aged woman for general housework, family ol three. t2 Georgia Ave. II. 4405. WANTED Girl or middle aged woman for genera Ihousework. 1D17 Grace. Web. S43S. COMPETENT girl for general housework. small family, besi of wages. 616 S. 2-'d St, between bt. Mary s Ave. and Howard bt GIRL for light housework. 641 N. Ceutral Diva. GOOD wages to girl for second work, Mrs. Vvm. B. Clark. Millard hotel. GIRL fo. light housework. 2710 Burt St, WOMAN to help in kitchen; no objection to color., juuj uuuglaa bt WANTED A girl about 14 to assist In small private family of adults where other help is kept rnone zt4. tu a. tot a st WOMAN or girl for housework. SJ0 S. 22d. Douglas 7101. GIRL for general housework. 160 S. 36lh Ave. lei. Harney 1&63. GIRL for general housework:; small fam lly and no cooking. S. 24th Ave. Tel. Uougias bJSl. WANTED One dining room girt tsth St. 160 N. GIHL wanted for general housework; small family. 646 Georgia Ave. GOOD girl for housework; no cooking; good home. Tel. D. 660L 633 S. 24th St GIRL for housework who can go to Colo rado for summer; must be good cook and laundress; good wage and permanent place; white or colored, reference 1 squired. IU S. Attn St WANTED Girl 1138 N. 17th St. for general housework. WANTED A girl for general housework; two In family; good wages. 202 Dodge St GOOD colored cook. 1517 Burt St WANTED Good girl for general house work; family of three. 8613 Harney St. GIRL for family; good Capitol Ave. genoral housework; salary; do cooklug. small 8613 GIRL for general housework. 1114 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 836. GIRL for general housework. 118 N. IJd Ave. Mrs. F. H. Gaines. WANTED Good girl for general house work; good wages; n a good home for a good girl. UU Lothro su, 7 HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoaaekeper and Domestic ont'd. WANTED A GOOD COOK, 130 PER month; no washing. Mrs. John L. Ken nedy. Tel. Harney 62.. LADIES WANTED Take work home; apply transfers; fl to $4 dox; work guar anteed. Tnebers, 31S Brandeis Theater Bid. COOK wanted. 618 8. 19th St. COMPETENT girl for general house work. Phone Harney 619. 322 S. 8fith St. GIRL Good wages; small family; gMifTHl housework. fcjO S. 29lh Ave. Tel. Harney t72. MUcellan'ons. TOUNd WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary s Ave. and Seventeenth St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at Union Station. WANTED Young lady with some drug tore experience to help with fountain and trade. Broiison Drug Co., Belle Fourche, 6. D WANTED Young lady to sing anil play In moving picture theater from 3 to 10. Call Tyler OOmJ netween 12:30 and 2. Schaub, 70S Hamllttm flats. WANTED at once girl for table work for gaiters and leggings. American Hand Sewed Shoe Co., 12th and Harney. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, dalesmen and solicitor. WANTED A good nustllng subscription solicitor to go ou the road tor The 'iwsa lictu Century Farmer, call or wrue man ager of circulation. The Be Pubiisuing Cx WANTED Good men and women agent at once tor "Hooseveil's Famous Hunt for Big Game'; also lor "Trattic in uiris. Immense sellers, rrice il.uo, oO per cent commission, outfit tree, bend 16 cents tor mailing. Bulu outfits, 26 cents. Also uis trlc managers lor easy payment install ment pian. Permanent work; 42,000 to to.oou per year pronia. Particulars tree, AU uress, a. B Jtuiilmtui Coinpauy, tulco.o, lit WANTED A sen La. to sell cigars direct to consumer. Appty lor Information, Room fco, 66 Fif th Ave., Chicago. WANTED at once A No. 1 caller for flashligut phoiogrupner. A good solicitor can ftu position. F. M. Campbell, 4iu r li'tu Sts. WANTED A first class salesman to sell ladles, aprons and children's piay suits as a side Hue Must give reference. Address Chic Apron Co., 216 Adams St. Peoria, Hi. WANTED Special resident representative for Omana and surrounding territory, to sell Dlir line of hiah arade celluloid and metal advertising novelties and signs. Every business concern in every line ot inousiry a possible purchaser. Hustling, orainy salesman can make upward of 62,aO0 yearly with sulendid future, on our liberal commas- sion arrangement. Address, for Interview and liupection of sample iiue. tvpeare, mis oince. WANTED Expert salesmen of corpora. tlon stock in one of the best now operating coal mines In Oklahoma to represent us In omaha. Big thing for experienced sales men, others need not apply. Send reference with answer. P. O. Box 144, Enid, Okl. WANTED A high-grade solicitor, capa ble of selling to business men in Omaha first mortgage funding bonds, issued by an Omaha corporation and secured by suffi cient property to make the bonds absolutely gilt eage. compensation, salary ana com mission. Address, c 741, nee. Boys. THREE BOYS at Child Saving Institute, 10 to 13 years of age, who want to go to the farm for the summer and return to their mothers In the fail. Any farmers wii ling to furnish board anoNciothing to such boys for their work this summer should write the Institute, 18th and Onto street a Phone Webrter lttU. Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER, building and loan, out of town, good salary. LEDGER CLERK, 165. ORDER CLERK. $45-350. YOUNG MAN to act aa assistant to sales mgr. for large corporation, $76. TRAVELING SALESMAN, young man, 176.01). COLiLiECTOtt, preier miauie-agea man, Western Ref. & Bond Associa- tion, Inc. Life Bldg. 752-54 N. Y. (Eat 8 yrs.) WANTEiD Stenographer and bookkeeper live young man between 26 and SO years of age. Give experience, references and salary required. Address N-231 Bee. POSITION wanted by practical, compe tent bookkeeper; experienced; can handle good position, a. 2,8, Bee. Factory and Trade. Drug stores (snaps). Job. Kniest. Bee Bldg, WANTED Harness makers, stock saddle hands, horse collar stitchers: steady bosl tlons; open shop; v-hour workday. Address E 10, Omaha Bee. WANTED Reliable foreman for first class country newspaper. Good wages, steady position. Wire Blnney & Kelly, care News-Journal, Fullerton, Neb., at once. WANTED Young married man for orchard work; (children under school age); practical, reliable farmer only. $66 per month and house. State age, weight, slate ot health, experience, nanus. Address, Marks Bros., Lemoncove, Tulare County, California. SHOES repaired by hand while you wait Correct Shoe ltepalr t,o.. ill S. Uth. Miscellaneous. WANTED Railway mall clerks, city car. rlers, clerks, omana examinations an nounced July luth. Preparation frea Franklin Institute. Dep t 163 P Rochester, yi N. Y. WANTED Four single men to travel In Iowa. Best soliciting proposition ever pre sented. No experience necessary. Rapid promotion and good money to hustlers. See A. H. Williams, Hotel Loyal, Room 400, touay after a. m. WANTED Men to Learn Barber Trade. Few weeks required. Splendid trade for Door man. Be your own boss. Can start shop with small capital or work $13 to $2u weekly. Good demand tor uamers. f ur ther information free. Moler Barber Col lege, 110 S. 14lh Street WANTED Business manager big con cern. Call 1SH Chicago St Rev. Dr. Dowle and Rev. Schrader. COME and see 'our lurge stock of fancy laughs. Parlor Theater, 1408 Douglas St HELP WANTED HALE AND FEMALU. WANTED Six good agents to work around city. Bertleti Supply Co.. Brown Block. Omaha LAUNDERERS CLEANERS OUR sanitary system ia death to germs and life to you; protect your family by sending us your, laundry. 'Phone Douglas 3530. omaha Steam Laundry, 1750 Leaven worth. A TRIAL ORDER will convince you that our service is the best National Laundry, 2U10 Cuming bt. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. DELIVERY WAGONS Heavy teaming. gear aod farm wagons, uw remain St SECOND-HAND buggies ana wagons cheap. Murphy & Sun, 14m ana Jackson. RUNABOUTS, buggies, surreys and stan hopes. "Racine" and other high grad pases sola by us at moderate price. Johnson Lantorth Co. lutn anu June sis. High Grade Buggies, Surreys. Stan hopes and Runabouts for kale cheap. 1117 Farnam bt. McCRARY buys, sells all kinds hor.ei Blue bilck Barn, back Millard hotel. D. M& LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicle Continued. ENGLISH buckboard, new and In flrst- iass condition. Jones' Stable, 1114 Dodge. FAMILY horse, 2-seated carriage and hariU'fcs. &3 N. 37th. WORK HORSE for sale, $36. 2421 8. 17th St ONE BORRELL HORSE. 8 years old: weight 1.JU0: Derfectly sound and senile. In quire Copeland-Flynn Co., 1203 Howard St. FOR SALE Hlah Grade Carriage, nearly new; rubber tired; also double-seated har ness. Will sell cheap 2618 S. 11th St- 1.100-LB. bav horse, harness and steel- tired top buggy, $i;ift. Will take good cow as part payment. 1!U0 S. 34th St. FOR SALE-Very fine driving horse. mahogany bay, 8 years old, perfectly sound, pretty and toppv driver; $275 takes him. Charles Koran, 218 Grant St Bnagles. TTTflTIT CIR llF, Buggies, Surreys, II-IC'II-1- ctlVVUPj stanhopes and Run abouts for sale cheap. 1117 Farnam St. FOR SALE-FINE STANHOPE TRAP with pole; used but few times. phone Harney ZiS. hflnn IMilTHI.R SKATED CARRIAGE, Phcne Harney 233. 4J07 La Fayette AvJ. Cane, Bird, Dog and Pete. FOR SALE St. Bernard dog, 18 months old. 2K26 Charles St. LOST AND FOUND TlmHlvlUir Expert Cleaner avivij j--" ad Dyers. 1S13 HARNEY BOTH PHONES. LOST Between Columbus and Omaha, one Fink demountable rim and 34x3Va casing anl tube. Ten dollars reward for return to H. E. Fredrlckson Aulumoblle Co., a4 Farnam bt f nr. m.,1. ,1 K.. i.-.m,. It u I f and . ...... n.i.i ,... It... .ni.ll vaiiiuuit, .itivt cimtit nam vuiu.iiiihi ...... , . .... . m 1 1 ..,1 t-J goia puise anu naiiKerciiiei inttineu x. , lewaru II returned, can naruey duo LOST Ladies' gold hunting case watch. Sat; initials "H. K." on case. Return to 2014 Hamilton or call Weo. lilt LARGE Una of plain and fancy laughs at the Parlor Theater this weK. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; best ranv edv for itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60c, postpaid; sample free, oueriti 1 4t McCoitnell Drug Co.. omaha. Tin T u lITTriI-lt.-. HnpilA.llnt In chronlo diseases. Consultation, with In structions how to use tne waters, nee ui charge, ofiice 1 Mciutyre Bldg., Excelsior Springs, Mo. FRUE medical and surgical treatment at Crelgntou Medical college, Uth and Daven port Sts,; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered, day or night OAIN health A wealth. Adv. under Colo. lands tells how. Western Land 4k Inv. Co, BEST nerve bracer (or man. Gray's Nerve Food Pilla, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman it McConneil Drug Co.. omaha MONEY TO LOAN IlLattY ANU CUAllkLI .Notice to the Public 1 No. More High Rates $10 to iji,0U0 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, P1A1NOS, SALARIES, x$ THIS IS A NEW FIRM M Organized by the REPUTABLE BUS! f$ NESS MEN of this city to protect f honest working people In need of f ft temporary neip ironi tne exorbitant 3$ t4 charges of the so-oalled loan com- M ss tianles. We will loan you all the ft ft money you want and charge you only ft ft 10 per cent a year. tf ff THIS JUEiAlMB XOU HI, H 4$ (1 Interest on $ 10 for 1 year. ff ft 2 Interest on 25 for 1 year. ff ft 10 Interest on 100 for 1 year. ft ff Ana an oiner sums 111 proportion. ft Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments; ft ff Reasonable Appraisement Charges, ff ft A glance at the above rates will ff If convince you how much you Bttve by ff ft dealing with us. ft tt NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY, ff ff MONEY IN YOUR POCKET $f ft WITHIN AN HOUR. ff ft ROOM 204 WITHNELL BUILDING, ff Independent Loan Co., tf Doug. 5045. N. E. Cor. 16th and Harney, ff Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATES, quicker service and MOST CONFIDENTIAL DEAL of any In the city, patronize the BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 807-808 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411 and A-141L MONEY NEED ANYT OO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 118 Board of Trade Bldg. Southwest Cor. 16th and Farnam Street, Telephone Douglaa 'UHo, Batea cheaper than any , advertised. We can prove It' K4ftfftfft$m$$wsitm3tmm$$m$tttfs$$$f$$ W Could Ynu Use $50.00 $$ - w " EM " To a Good Ad vantage! g tf If ao, sit down, sum up all your bills, ft t$ putting them In one amount, then oome $ tt in and give us a chance to explain our $$ tt plan for helping you pay your bills, ft tt It is much easier to make payments ft tt on one bill than many. We loan money ff ft on furniture, pianos or teams, with- ft 5 out removal; $1.20 la the weekly pay- ff ft ment on a $50 loan for fifty weeks; ft tt other amounts In the same proportion, ft tt It you need money, call ou or write ft tt us and our agent will call on you at it ft once. All business Btrictly confidential, ff U STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO., ft tt Room 12, Arlington Blk., 1511 Dodge, tf ii phone Douglas 24oti. $f CilUAP LOAaNS 5 00 Furniture, Piano or halary. f XOU POttAOH 91 $10.00 you pay back $11.01 ft t6.oo you pay buck t-'l oo ft fjO.00 you pay baok f,4.u) fj NO OTHER CHARGE. ft H OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., $ If 1 LOO til WV4. m. . , U 207 S. 16lh St, Cor. Douglas J: . V if 'Phones: Douglas 2ci; A 2036. 3 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLK. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH" ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal ollle. 'i'olutau, room 1J New York Lit Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT b V. C. FLATAU. 1514 Dodr. Tel. lleil MOVING ANDH0USE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpet on your floor. Electrle vacuum system. 808 60. 17th. Tel. D. 1559. EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Dav enport Sla., warehouse, 2207-09 Isard St STOVES stored. Rano. 1611 N. 24th St OFFERED FOft RENT Hoard and Mnoiu. HAVERLY HOTEL? 10 M St. Am. plan; bath; $1.26 day; weeflv, $6 up; meals, fuc. ROOMS AND BOARD Home cooking. Car line. Sous No. Twenty-fourth. Doug. 042. UTOHA Good board and rooms. 1Mb ind Davenport. LA RG E south front room, on first floor, running water; private entrance on the summer lawn; also other rooms. 123 S. 25th Ave- p.OOM end board; home evoking, toot S 141b, Tel. U. 641. QFFtnc.u Fun ntNf Boarding nnd linos FIKST CLASS BOARD $160 per week. 2401 Harney. HOARD AND ROOMS in nice congenial family. Large rooms, elegant table, good locality. Lee of latge parlor and living room. fW per month. Phone Wcosler 6241 531m No. Twenty-tltth street FURNISHED room for gentlemen, strictly modern; private family. 2-7 De catur. Webster 3-tlo. ONE or two pleasant rooms In modern home; will give breakfnsl If desired. 314 N. 23d St., l'hone Red 6350. . FOUR boys, $4 50 per week. 1BJ9 Califor nia St. Phone Douglas 6151. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms wltn board, conveniently located; reference. 24A) Cass. Phone Douglas 5316. PRIVATE family. 2400 Chicago St SINGLE and double rooms, with board, Home cooking. 22 Howard. ROOMS and board, $5 week; home cook ing. Modern. 2216 Douglaa LA KGB front alcove room, modern, with board; other rooms. 2103 Douglas. ROOMS for two, with board; home cook ing; modern. 2215 Howard. FURNISHED room with board in private family. Call at 818 South 25th St. ROOMS and board, 3712 N. Wth St Tel. Webster 31tt2. Good neighborhood; four blocks from car line. ELEGANT rarlor and also studying room, piano; private family. 643 S. 13th. ROOMS for light housekeeping, board It desired. 2018 CaoS. SOUTH front parlor with excellent board; modern, also table board. 2510 Dodge. FURNISHED room and board. 1818 Cap itol Ave. 'Phone Douglaa 7758. DOUBLE room with board, $5 and up; use of piano. 2110 Douglas. BOARD and room; 1 or I ladles; private home, walking distance. Harney 4337. LARGE south front room for 8; food home cooking. 1914 Chicago. NICE rooms, excellent board, with Ger man Christian aflmly, 1811 Capitol Ave. LARGE front rooms; also single room; good board; rates! 2610 Harney. NICE parlor room for 8 or 4 gentlemen, board $5 week; also single rooms. 118 b. 24th Ave. BOARD and rooms, 2607 St. Mary's Ave. NICE large room and coord, reasonable rates. 2226 Howard. ROOMS AND BOARD Home cooking car line. 8009 S. 24th St Doug. 6482. NICE rooniB, with or without board. 1918 Cass stret 'Phone, Doug. 1476. Furnished Ilooui. NWTWLY furnished front room suitable (or two, with private family. 2614 Dodge. 4-ROOM modern apartment. Tel. Web. 628.' , FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 113 8. Uth Ht The Chatham. MODERN rooms for 2, 8 or 4; separated beds If desired. 2037 Harney. DEWEY European hotel. 13th & Franam. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; bear, car line. 2336 S. 19th. MODERN rooms, nicely furnished. $3.00 rnd $3.50 a week. 618 N. Uth St EIGHT rooms strictly modern. $10. 2433 Caldwell SL Call Harney M, DESUtABLE room In modern house, with board; walking distance. Tel Douglaa 4348. THE use of my furnished house tn ex change for board. Tel. Web. 4238. LARGE pleasant room. suitable for one or two. 201 So. 25th Ave. rIPSI HA Rt.H! ivutm. fin. Ini.tlnn Mil,- Ing distance. 818 S. 20th St V- '' U :H SMALL, neat front room, modern house. Bemls park; strictly private family, to lady employed during day. Tel. Harney 3234, MODERN outside room for gentlemen: five block P. O. Tel. Douglaa 791L The Georp-ia "'lr"t oUkM hotel. UCUlgltt. , 1(Ha Qeor8U Ave. H-63L DODGE HOTEL Large outside, and team heat In every room; rates by Week. NORTHWEST CORNER 18th and Weo ster, furnished rooms, day or week. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; all modern; private family. 'Phone Red 7336. TWO nice rooms; torma reasonable. Pbone Douglaa 6426. NICELY furnished front room to gentle- V men; $2.50 per week. h)ll Cuss. J LOVELY, cool rooms In modern private home, very cheap, for the Bummer. 722 N. Uth. Call Doug. 4308. PARLOR-ALCOVE on third floor north, suitable for man and wife, or two gentle men. Breakfast privileges. Bent reasonable. 603 S. 28th. at TWO very desirable rooms for light housekeeping; modern; reasonable; walking distance. 623 b. 25th Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; large and cool; modern; east front fine location. Tel. B-1416. 2816 N. Uth Ave. TWO nicely furnished modern front rooms (connected for two or three per. sous. Pbone Red 6350. SINGLE room for gentleman, $7. 8001 Mason. Harney 2793. FURNISHED front room. In modern house; near Carter lake. Tel Webster 696. FRONT room; moaern; In private fam ily ; price reasonable. 114 S. 2jUi St NICE furnished room, good neighbor hood. 830 S. 22d. Douglaa 710L EXTRA large, elegant room, fine furni ture. VJD No. 20 til. No sign on house. LARGE room and closet, fsclng south on Dewey Ave., near ,26th; strlotly modern. 'Phone Douglas 5322. LARGE front room and one small room, suitable for two or three gentlemen; H block from car line. 807 S, 28Ui St, 'phone A-2692. DIN. 19th St., large modern room, cheap, j.rwate family. H.fC;1LY furnished room In all modern cott"i; easy walking distance; private fairdr. f.16 B. 24th Bt ""sItVOLR rooms, $2 week. 609 N. 23d. VICE frot.t room; also two smaller south foom3. 631 S. 19th. SINGLE room in fine, modern home; close to the best boarding houses. 107 m 25th Ave. Douglas Wk4. THREE rooms for rent In private fam ily, large house, nice lawn, cool rooina; one large and one small; strictly modern. Call Dougiaa 43u8. 732 North 19th St. TWO nice modern south front rooms. 2106 Locust St LARGE and small rooms. 614 North 19th. LARGE, beautiful room; large closet;' furnlHlie'l or unfurnished, modern, 714 Ueorg.a Ave. Harney 2130. LAIIGE front room and alcove, beauti fully lurulsiied; reasonable. 2571 Podge. NICE, clean rooms. 70S N. 13th St IF you wish a room with piano call at 25U3 6t Mary s Ave. TWO furnished front rooms, new flat; walking distance, reasonable. 610 U. Uth. Douglas 649(1. NEATLY furnlshetf, strictly modern, with or without board. 2210 California St LARGE iront mom, 83 50 week. Also single room, i. 616 N. lath St NEWLY furnished single rooms; south, exposure. 25uo Farnam St. ARM you looking for a cool, pleasant room? lngulrs itil Lsjney or phone liar, ney If NEWLY and nicely furnished rooms. cheap, til N. 25tll St D. 6152. LAR4& modern room, tl wstk, kxa Burt.