Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1910.
Man Who Made Motion for Oregon
Plan Found.
hallmtxrarr Sarin Nothing, bat
Walt 1I1 lie See that Reral.
' cltraat Appointee of
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, June . Spectal.)-The Iden
tity of the member of the democratic
tate committee who proponed that the
Oregon plan of electing United States sen
ators, . contrary to the wishes of friends
of Governor Hhallenberger, Is no longer a
mystery. Arthur Mixtion, state oil In
spector, Is the man. lie mode the motion
and the plan was engineered by Harvey
Newbranch, manager of Mr. Hitchcock.
Should Governor Shallenberger happen
to return to his office and should Arthur
Mullen ever show up at the Btate house
and the two should meet, there m'ght be
a lively discussion over the obligations an
appointee owes his chief. Yesterday Leo
Matthews, chief clerk to the governor and
secretary of the state committee, could
not recall who made the motion to endorse,
and neither could Governor Uhallenberger,
but the silence of the secretary's records
on the question Is an Indication of what
the governor thought of the matter and
how the" secretary considered it. Today
one of those who was present at the meet
ing came forward and announced that It
was Arthur Mullen that Newbranch had
used to carry out the Hitchcock senatorial
plans and thus put a block In the way of
the senatorial ambitions of the executive.
So far threo democrats have filed for
the legislature. Two of them are silent
on the Oregon plan and the third signs
"statement No. 1. . This man is Wes
Pickens who served In '.the house during
the last session from Jefferson county. He
has filed for the senate, but prominent
democrats from his home say he will be
pulled off In due time and permitted to
file for the house. J. A. Robertson Ig
nored "Statement No. 1" when he filed
for representative in the Flfty-thlrd dis
trict as did Senator Hatfield when he filed
for re-election from the Antelope county
- district.
f Oorklniibam Testifies.
General - Manager BucklnKham of the
South Omaha stock yards was the prin
cipal -witness today in the case wherein
the stock yards is seeking an order from
the railway commission which will permit
it to increase Its switching rates.
Mr. Buckingham was preceded by en
gineers of the railroads, who discussed the
Taluatlon of the real etat4 owned by the
stock yards, which corresponded to the re
port of this valuation by the company. It
was brought out that many empty cars
are handled by the switching department
of the stock yards without chanre. This Is
brought ' about by some shippers ordering
cars placed at their disposal and when
the cars are ready for use the order Is
countermanded. The stock yards has to
a witch the cars Into the yards and then
back to tho. railroads. . .
"Why aren't you entitled to make a
charge far this servicer lnuulred'ftr. Win.
sett. ".v .
"It Is not on our schedule," was the
answer of .(is general manager, "and we
are unable te collect any charge which Is
not authorized by our schedule of rates."
The commissioner was of the opinion the
yards are entitled to collect for this serv
ice, though the matter was not gone Into
further. Mr. Buckingham set out that in
his opinion, the stock yards was entitled to
make the' same charge for switching as
on railroad charges another.
"I am very much interested In the uni
versity farm," said Mr. Buckingham aftor
the hearing, "and it was my Intention to
spend a day there on this trip, but I have
sot . had the time. The farm Is doing a
jp-cat work for Nebraska. It Is turning out
young men upon whom the future of the
state will depend, and the stock yards
.ipany Is anxious to do all it can to en
courage that work and to asnlst In get'lna
young men to attend the school. We will
have the boys with us one day next Feb
ruary, and we expect to show them a
splendid time as well as give thfm much
practical Instruction.
t'onnty Option I. oral Question.
P. A. Caldwell, former member of the
legislature from Clay county, was in Lin
coln today calling on state officers and
talking politics.
"Out hi Clay county everything is very
quiet," rold Mr. Caldwell, "but politically
something Is apt to start at any time.
There Is sum discussion about county op
tion and If left to a vote of ' the county
I do not know how It would come out,
itaut in my opinion the republican state
Convention should not endorse It In its plat
form, rractlcslly all. If not all of the can
dldatea for the-legislature will be called
upon to take a stand on this question, so
j there Is no use Insofar as I can see for
sf the state convention to burden Its platform
with such a plank. Our party la made up
of all kinds and classes of people and I
can see no good to come af alienating
any o fthe voters on a qeustlon which can
be settled In each district.
Persons friendly to the candidacy of
JIunvon Pair
raw PUls are un
like all other laxa
tives or cathartics.
Tbey coax the liver
into activity by
5rntle method,
hey da not scour;
they do not gripe;
they do not weak
en; but thev do
start ail the secre
tions of the liver
and stomach in a
way that soon puts
f 1 V y these organs in a
w m healthy condition
and corrects consti
pation. , In . my opiuicn constipation
is responsible for most ailments. There
are thirty-two feet of human bowels,
which is really a sewer pipe. When this
'pipe become dogged, the whole sy stent
becomes poisoned, causing bLioumess, in
digestion and impure blood, which often
produces rheumaatism and kidney ail
ments. No womau who suffers with con
stipation or any liver complaint can ex
pect to have a clear complexion, or enjoy
good health,
iluuyou's Paw-Fair Pilla are a tonls
tr the stomach, liver and nerves. They
invigorate instead of weakening; they
fnrich the blood instead of impoverish
ng it; they enable the stomach to get
all the nourishment front food that is)
put into it.
Thaw pills contain no calomel, no dope,
l"f lfre.,oothn. healing and stimu
li fw The aduool the bowels t
a.U physio, J'tiea seat,;
Senator Burkett are working for his re
election, while among the democrats there
Is a strong feeling for Mr. Bryan. Mr.
Hitchcock so far as I have observed, Is
not strong In our county. Mayor Dahlman
of Omaha will surprise the people by the
vote he will get at the primaries. He Is
strong and many democrats In Clay county
will ovte for him because they know where
he will stand on any question that may
come up."
Mr. Caldwell has not yet decided what he
will do about running for railway com
missioner, but he may get Into the game.
Hastings College
Free from Debt
For First Time in Many Yeari Pres
byterian Institution Wipes
Off Slate.
HASTINGS, Neo.. June . -(Special. )
For the first time In many years Hastings
college stands free from Debt An an
nouncement to this effect by President
Turner at the commencement exercises
yesterday marked the beginning of a new
epoch for the Institution. Next September
the college will resume Its activities with
a clean slate, more liberal financial sup
port and a wider field of possibilities than
ever before. Beginning with the next col
lege year It will be the only Presbyterian
educational Institution In the state.
The degree of bachelor of arts was con
ferred upon Flora Fisher, Jennie Haner,
Lois Owen, Harry Russell and Erma
Splcer. The degree of bachelor of science
was conferred upon Alice Sayre, Lynn
Welker, Minnie Splcer, W 11 lard Mann,
Ruth Warner and Shepherd Dunlap.
Rev. C. W. Weyer, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, was given the hon
orary degree of doctor of divinity.
The commencement address was delivered
by Rev. L. D. Toung of the First Presby
terian church of Beatrice.
Address to Class Is by Rev. W. J.
Coalstoa of Hastings List
of Graduates.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., June . Spe
cial.) The graduation exercises of Grand
Island college occurred yesterday in the
First Baptist church of this city. The ora
tions of the graduates, with the interpo
lated musical numbers by pupils of the
college conservatory were as follows:
"Peace on War Foundations," Miss Lil
lian Sutherland; "Browning, the Prac
tical Man's Poet," Miss Mildred Smith;
vocal duet, "L'Addle," Nlcolai, Mrs. Pack
ard and Mr. Roeser; "The Need of Pub
lic Spirit," J. C. Kellenbarger; vocal solo,
"Nymphs and Fauna," Bemberg, Miss
Blanche Watters; "The Contribution of
the Common People to Civilisation," J. M.
Coon; "The Spirit of Civilization," I. E.
Johnston; chorus, "Swing Song," Lehr,
college chorus.
The Rev. . W. J. Coulston of Hastings
addressed the graduates. The degrees, dl
ployaa and certificates were conferred as
Collegiate Departmen J. M. Coon, A.
B. ; MUren Smith, Ph. B.; I. E. Johnston,
A. B.; J. C. Keltenberger, 8. B; Wllllna
Sutherland,. A. B., Miss Smith and Mr.
Kellenbarger received state teachers' cer
tificates. '
Academic Department Hattle Stewart,
Harriet Ege, Genevieve Pierce, Ethel
Strasser, Agnes Mellne, Lois Payne, Roy
Judklns, William Fleming, Raymond
Wrigh, Percy Hanson.
Music Department Eva Cadwell, Evelyn
Ly singer, Evelyn Nordgren, Rlvena Kaup,
Blanche Hastings, Marie Qulllln, Ruth
Groff, Louise Hatch Miss Elizabeth
Schers received a musto teachers' certifi
cate. The degree of doctor of divinity was
conferred upon Rev. J. W. Coulston of
Cecil I.eddy of Phelps County Com
mits Suicide While at Hast
I bbts Asylum.
HOLDREX3E, Neb., Jane 9.-(Speclal.)
Cecil Leddy, son of a prominent north
Phelps county family, who committed sul
clde early thle week at Ingleside, was
buried here Tuesday. The young man, who
was an Inmate of the asylum at Hastings.
killed himself by means of a piece of glass
which he broke from the window of his
room. He used the sharp splinter as a dag
ger and drove it Into his heart by jamming
It against the wall of his cell. Toung Leddy
was close to 23 years old, and was taken to
the Hastings asylum only about three
months ago. A part of that time, however,
he was under treatment at Emmanuel hos
pital at Omaha, but as that did not prove
beneficial to him he' was returned to Hast
lngs. The young man had been mentally
unbalanced for the last two years, and the
cause has always been a mystery. He left
the family home one day in the spring of
l'JOs and went, as his folks supposed, to the
fields. But when he returned he was cov
ered with blood and, although able to talk.
refused to do so and would answer abeo
lutely no questions as to how he became
bloody. His mind, which had been wrecked
that day, gradually became weaker, until
It was deemed the only safe course to com
mit him to the Institution for the insane.
There he was considered a good inmate,
and the possibility or the lad killing him
self did not enter the minds of the of'
Monument Erected by Daushtrra of
American Revolution Pre
sented to City.
KEARNEY, Neb., June .-(Rieclal.V-Th
first monument erected in Nebraska to
mark the old Oregon trail was unveiled
before a large crowd of spectators this aft
ernoon. The monument sets nearby the
railroad track, adjacent to Central avenue,
and is the work of the Fort Kearney chap
ter, Daughters of the American Revolution.
The services consisted of musks by a con
cert band; Invocation, by Rev. R. P. Mam
mons; unveiling and salute to the flag, per
formed by State Regent Mrs. Oreal 8.
Ward; presentation of monument to city of
Kearney, fcy Mrs. Charles O. Norton, recent
Fort Kearney chapter; response, by Mayor
Jonn Patterson; Introductory remarks, by
Dr. W. A. Clark; address, by Mrs. Oreal 8.
Vtard, on "The Daughters and Their
Work;" address, by Mrs. Andrew K. Oault,
vice president national society; address, by
Adjutant General John C. Hartlgan; ad
dress, by 8.. c. Bassett; address, by Hon.
John L. Webster, president Nebraska State
Historical society; address, by Governor
Ahton C. Shallenberger, and dismissal, by
Rev. C. B. Stephens. Instrumental and
vocal muelo was furnished by Kearney tal
ent, and was scattered throughout the program.
Democrats Hold
Feast at Kearney
Two Hundred of" Them Surround
Banquet Table and Talk of
Party and Politics.
KEARNEY, Neb., June 9. (Special Tele
gram.) Two hundred democrats feasted to
night, the occasion being the second annual
banquet of Buffalo County democrats.
Among the speakers who arrived during the
afternoon were: Governor A. C. Bhallen
berger, who takes for his subject, "The
Political Future of Nebraska;" James C.
Dahlman of Omaha, "Why We Should All
be Democrats;" R. D. Sutherland of Nel
son, "Insurgency;" W, B. Price of Lin
coln, "Why the Next President Should be
a Democrat;" J. R. Dean of Broken Bow,
"Our Next Congress;" F. W. Brown of Lin
coln, "Municipal Ownership;" J. J. Mc
Carthy of Ogallala, "Western Nebraska
D. D. Oldham of Kearney delivered the
address of welcome, T. C. Byrnes of Colum
bus acted as toastmaster.
Stolen Horse Recovered.
HARVARD, Neb., June 9. (Special.) A
horse and buggy belonging to L. W, Roll
stln, who lives near Trumbull, was stolen
from a hitch-rack near the church. The
following morning Mr. Rollstln sent out
cards giving notice of the loss and a de
scription of the outfit, one being sent to
Geneva, where, Monday forenoon, tho rig
was offered for sale at so small a price as
to arouse suspicion, and the party arrested,
after which one of the descriptive cards
was received, justifying the holding of the
man who has not been completely identi
fied. He was accompanied by a woman,
and both have been taken to Clay Centor
and placed In jail. The woman Is held as a
witness. The stolen outfit, which was
worth 1250, was offered for sale for $90.
Transfer Found Dead.
VALENTINE, Neb., June . (Special
Telegram.) Ole Olson, a teamster, was
found dead In the road by some other
teamsters. He had left here Wednesday
morning with a large load of lumber for
Rowley ranch, south of here, for which
ranch he was working, and as he had been
drinking hard before he left, it Is thought
probable that he got sleepy and fell off the
wagon, being killed by the fall, or else
having the wagon run over him. Coroner
Lewis took charge of the body this morn
ing. Olson was a stranger here, having
worked for Rowley but a short time.
Nebraska Slews Motes.
ALBION Mrs. John Stalker, a former
resident of this place, was burled here
SEWARD Howard C. Alshouse of
Denver, Colo., and Miss Alice J. Ritchie
win be married on Thursday at noon, at
the home of her mother.
ALBION The eaulty term of the dls
trict court convened here Wednesday with
Judge Paul presiding. Several cases of
considerable Importance will be tried.
WEST POINT Con McCarthy of Cleve
land township has filed for the nomination
ror representative ot Cuming county in tne
next legislature, on the democratic ticket.
No republican has as yet filed.
BEATRICE The home of Hon. Peter
Jansen was struck by lightning and
slightly damaged yesterday. The members
of the family escaped injury. Ernest
Bauman's house In West Beatrice was also
damaged by lightning.
HASTINGS Abundant rains have given
crops an excellent start In this section. The
rainfall here 1n the last two days measures
almost two inohes. Crop experts predict
that the winter wheat yield in this vicinity
will be heavier than last year.
BEATRICE Word was received here
yesterday announcing the marriage of Miss
cicely enton, a rormer resident or Wy
more. and Ralph Sherwood of FUley.
which occurred at Boulder, Colo., a few
days ago. The young couple will make
their home at Inlley.
HASTINGS B. F. Kingsley. well known
throughout the state as a lecturer on horses
berore farmers Institutes and agricultural
societies, died at his home here early yes
terday morning of pneumonia and heart
cormpllcatlons. Funeral services will be
held Friday.
SEWARD The Farmers Mutual Fire as
soclatlon has elected the following officers:
o. is. iiernecker. president: V. Daukers
vice president; Charles Schaal. secretary;
H. Bernecker, treasurer. This home com
pany has $1,340,000 insurance in force and
over 600 members.
MADISON County Judge Bates Issued a
marriage license Wednesday to Otto H.
Keller of Carter, S. D., and Miss Belle
Corwln of Dunkirk, O. Miss Dunkirk will
meet Mr. Keiler In Norfolk tomorrow
where they will be married and go at once
to their home at Carter, S. D.
OAKLAND Prof. La Grande Cherry,
formerly superintendent of the Falrbury
schools, has been elected superintendent of
the Oakland schools to succeed W. H
Myers, who goes to Blair. Miss Ruth
Rasen of this city has been elected to the
second Intermediate in place of Miss Annls
jonnson, wtio resigned.
BEATRICE Otoe tribe No. 16, Improved
Order Red Men, met lout evening and
elected these of leers: V. M. Miller,
sachem; Frank Benzine, senior sagamore;
I-., m. Bcnroeuer, junior sagamore: J. J.
Johnson, prophet. J. W. McKlssIck and
A. C Bradley were chosen representa
tives to the great council.
BEATRICE At the regular monthly
meeting of the Beatrice fire derjartment
last evening, arrangements were made for
tne fourth ot July celebration to be given
by the department. It was decided to give
$73 In prizes for hose races and $50 for the
best drilled military company. A prize of
$00 will also be awarded to the winning
oau leant.
HUM BOLDTV Members of the city coun
cil wont on record last evening In favor of
a "sane" Fourth of July celebration, as
well as sane performances all the year
around. An ordinance was passed forbid'
ding the "use or sale" of firecrackers, tor
pedoes, fireworks, blank cartridges or other
explosives at any time, under a penalty of
iiw ror eacn otiense.
HUMBOLDT The question of licensing a
third saloon In Humboldt came up for con
sideration at tne council meeting Tuesday
evening, when Alexander u.- Snow, land
lord of the Park hotel, asked permission to
sen liquor in tne second ward. A remon
strance signed by a single individual hav
lug been filed, the council Het a day (Frl-
uay, june ju; xor Hearing xne same.
WEST POINT Mrs. Sarah Glffert. the
widow or tne late Hon. D. C. Ulffert of
this place, will sail for Europe, via Mon
treal, on June 30, accompanied by Dr. and
Mrs. H. L. Crosby of Beemer. i Their trip
win emurace wrmany, r ranee ana Italy,
and the Oberammergau Passion Play will
be visited before their return. Thev ex
pect to spend the summer and part of the
winter on tneir tour.
ELYRIA The farmers held a big meet
ing to Improve market condition. Mr. C.
Vincent of Omaha was present on Invita
tion. Alter a run discussion Is was unan
imously voted to organize as a branch
of the line of elevators owned by the
farmers urain company with head
quarters at Omaha Five thousand
eight hundred dollars was subscribed and
over $2,0u0 was paid In at the meeting.
OAKLAND The Oakland Choral union
of seventy-five voices, assisted by Miss
A. Tebbens. soprano; Mr. L. C. Haxelton,
tenor, and Mr. E. Starr Travis, basso, all
of Omaha, will sing the oratorio, "Creation"
by Joseph Haydn, at the Swedish Lutheran
church on Thursday evening. June Its. This
chorus has been training under the di
rection of Prof. A. Delinnre Cheney of
Omaha for several months, with Prof.
John J. Herman of Sioux City as organist.
WE8T POINT The election of the teach
ers of the West Point public school has
been completed by the board. The follow
ing will constitute the corps: Prof. Reese
Solomon, music; Ml Fern Solomon, kin
dergarten; Miss Nellie Wilson, firrt pri
mary; Misses Blanche Shearer. Margaret
Wray. Marie Chambers snd Margaret tiftl
lagher. In the grades, all the above being
re-elected. The new appointees are: John
Thompson, high school; Misses Mabel
Brasda and Grace Hall, grades; Mun
Mary Parker. Lucy Hematreet 1
hi!. choil. ProX. H. M. CmpbU remains
the head of the schools under a three-year
WEST POIHT The newly elected officers
of Jordan lege No. JB, Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons, were publicly Installed
Wednesday evening. A. M. Rose officiated
sis Installing offK-er. The following are the
new officers of the lodge: Worshipful
master, It. M. Campbell; senior warden,
Ed W. Sass; Junior wsrden, L. Goldsmith;
senior deacon, W. A. Kerl; junior dfacon,
Herman Zeplln; stewards, T. M. Franse
and Peter Poellett; tyler. J. D. Romlg. An
elaborate banquet was served after the in
stallation ceremonies.
HOLDREGE A new trial has been de
nied In the cause entitled the State against
Lafe Burnett, wherein the Lincoln attorney
was charged with adultery committed In
this city with Mrs. Anna Wilson, a client,
during the winter of 1908. At his trial this
term the Jury found Burnett guilty, and
Judge Dungan found no good reason to set
aside their verdiot, and so sentenced Bur
nett to twenty days in the county Jail and
ordered him to pay nil the coats m the ac
tion, an amount totaling close to $000.
Conservation nt Itat era's Resources
Applies as well to our physical state as
to material things. C. J. Budlong, Wash
ington, R. I., realised his condition, and
took warning before It was too late. He
says: "I suffered severely from kidney
trouble, the disease being hereditary In
our family. I have taken sour bottles of
Foley's Kidney Remedy, and now con
sider myself throughly cured. This should
be a warning to all not to neglect taking
Foley's Kidney Remedy until It Is too
jata. "Sold by all druggists.
Our Letter Box
Contributions on Timely Subjects
Hot Exceeding Two Hundred Words
Are Invited from Our Beadera.
Teaching- In Asrrlenltnre.
LINCOLN, June 8 To the Editor of The
Bee: I am enclosing a clipping from to
day's Bee attached to the circular letter
recently sent out by Mr. Reed which I as
sume Inspired the comment. This letter
was sent to all the accredited schools and
applies to Lincoln, Friend, and all others
quite as much as to Omaha.
The Intention of the circular letter is as
follows: Some of the weaker schools have
been teaching agriculture from a purely
text book point of view In some cases not
the slightest effort has been made to pre
sent the subject In a practical way. We
feel that the time has come when the
schools can teach agriculture as fairly and
as honestly as they can teach the older
As far as Omaha Is concerned, since Its
high school provides for graduating pupils
with thirty-two points, and since we re
quire only thirty for admission to any of
the colleges of the university, It will not
make a particle of difference to its grad
uates whether they are credited with one
point In agriculture for admission to the
university, or not.
The letter Is a circular letter and there la
nothing In It to Imply that In our opinion
the provision made for , the teaching of
agriculture in the Omaha High school is not
adequate In every respect. As a matter of
fact it has been exceptionally fine.
I fear that some of the readers of The
Bee will Interpret the editorial to mean
that students will not he permitted to enter
our course in agriculture unless laboratory
work la done in agriculture In the High
school. The circular letter simply means
that they will not be given points in en
trance credits In this subject unless the
work Is properly done.' fhus,' for example.
If a student should enter, from a certain
high school with thirty points to his credit
of which one Was found to be agriculture
of such a character that we could not rec
ognize It, the student could enter any course
In the university with twenty-nine points
to his credit. He would have to do a little
extra work in the university and have a
college credit "set back" as we use the
term, for entrance credit, but he would be
In no way embarrassed, as agriculture Is
not a required high school subject for ad
mission to any university course.
Let' us suppose that a particular high
school requires thirty points for gradua
tion and we are obliged to notify the school
that one point offered In agriculture cannot
be accepted. If the school Is offering any
elective courses, whatever, the student may
take this Instead of agriculture, and hence
be in a position to present thlrtv points
for entrance. In a word, all we are trying
to get at this time: The agriculture which
we recognize as worthy of entrance credits
must be the real thing and not a sham
The requirements in this subject under the
new rule will be no more severe than they
have long been for botany, chemistry,
physics, and physical geography.
s' oi agricultural education In
tne country has been such that we find
one of the most embarrassing things that
we nave to contend with is to secure and
retain young men to give instruction in our
own scnooi of agriculture. They are taken
away at larger Salaries than we can af
ford to pixy before we consider them d.
quately trained. The calls usually come
irom scnoois in other states, and come to
us largely because we are making a good
icuoru in agricuiturai education. To in.
crease arbitrarily the demand for teachers
properly trained In agriculture, Is simply
to Increase our embarrassment. Further
than this, Mr. Reed Is not connected with
uie agricultural college except indirectly,
and has no personal motive whatever in
v uDinng mis side of the work.
T (, n . . Jk ... .....
. tuuum uo very giaa U the minora -ku.
in the main have been very friendly to the
university during my administration, would
mo an opportunity to explain any
thine that mau .i ...
as peculiar or
iy to do misunderstood, before they
publish things which tend to discredit us in
the eyes of the community. Further I
should be glad to answer any questions In
regard to tho matter under consideration
Wants to Make Music Count.
To the Editor of The B- i.. L '.
when the schools are In the public eye. I
u, .... , can attention to what seems
a defect of no slight Importance, the reme
dying of which would not entail a cent of
rxira, expense, nor inv .,
- - v.u..,,ln4 iaoor.
It would not affect all pupils, nor, perhaps.
wnomaruuie portion or them, but those
whom It would touch, it would, I believe
he of Inestimable benefit.
To make myself clear, and n
case as briefly as possible, I will take
vwicreie example.
In my family of four children Is one
possessing sufficient musical talent to
iiihas ns cultivation worth while.
During her work In the grades she had
sufficient leisure from her school dutiej to
give all the time necessary to hr
On entering the hlirh nchnr.i n ,ui.
.,,( n ft a
cnangea. The amount of work exacted
mado It impossible to rlva m i
ought to her music. To enable her to carry
un ner musio. i had her take but half
me work laid down In the rmim ,t ....a.,
o that she necessarily required two years
to do one year s work. This gave her
plenty of time for both her school work
and muslo without any danger of overwork.
However, after taking two vo '
first year's work, there was a decided ob
jection on the part of her mother and her
self to continuing In that way, as they
figured It would takn eight years to get
through the high school. Consequently, her
muslo since that time has taken a second-
ry place, while by rights It ehould have
had an equal chance, at least. Of course,
she might have discontinued her school
work and given her time to musk1. Pos
sibly that would have been wisest Still,
I did not wish her to give up her school
She finishes her work In the high school
this year, so the remedy which I suggest
can be of no avail In her case.
Our high school requires for graduation
a certain number of "points. These
"points" are to be gained by completing
certain subjects, some of which are "obli
gatory," and some "optional." A consid
erable latitude for choice Is permitted the
pupil. Now, as an "optional," why not
allow the pupil to take muslo In the place
of some other subject, such as German or
French, for example. I would not attempt
to minimise the value of these subjects, or
others I might mention from an educa
tional standpoint, but no one, I think.
would deny for some persons an equal value
for music, whether considered from either
the educational or "bread and butter"
standpoint. In case of the girl cited there
can be no question that the same time and
energy that she has given her German
could It have been given to her muslo
would have been worth many hundred per
cent more to her.
I would not have the school authorities
furnish the musks teacher. The pupil
would take her Instruction from her music
teacher Just as at present, but would re
ceive the same credit for the work done
as though she were taking some other sub
ject as now laid down In the curriculum.
Doubtless, certain details would have to
be worked out, but as it appears to me,
that would be a simple matter.
I am not making this suggestion as a
theorist merely, nor without consideration.
I wonder if there are not other parents
who are of my way of thinking.
What Everybody Oosht to Know
That Foley Kidney Pills contain just the.
Ingredients necessary to tone, strenghten
and regulate the action of the kidneys and
bladder. Sold by all druggists.
Frank A. Waack, Suing- for Divorce,
Asks Restraining- Order Aaalnat
Frank A. Waack lives in mortal terror
of Mrs. Lena Waack, according to a
petition for divorce filed In district court.
A restraining order is sought to enjoin
Mrs. Waack from entering his home. The
plaintiff avers that the defendant has fre
quently threatened his life.
Omaha Concern Makes First Direct
Importation from Ecuador.
The Nebraska Clothing Co. purohased at
one-half price direct from an Equadorlan
Panama Hat gatherer two bales (120
dozen) genuine Panama Hats In the rough,
They were blocked and trimmed by our
regular N. T. "blockers" and will go on
sale Saturday morning at most amazing
prices 12.95 and 13.95 for hats worth 13.00.
Member of Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners Convalescing" frosa
Ptomaine Poisoning-.
Commissioner Fred Hoye, who has re
turned from Washington, suffered from
ptomaine poisoning while In New York
City. His condition was critical for
number of days but It was learned last
night that he was much better. Ha la
under the care of Dr. Louis Swoboda.
H. J. Horn, assistant general manager
for the Burlington, has gone to Denver for
a lew days' business trip.
R. A. Smith, advertising manager for the
Union faciric, is attending a meeting o
railroad advertisers, which is being held
at Del Monte, CaU ;
Nearly Wild with Painful, Burning
Eruption-Half Her Hair Fell Out
and Combing It Was Torture
Feared She Would be Bald.
"Just about two years ago, some form
of humor appeared on cay scalp. The
beginning was alight itching but it
grew steadily worse until, when I combed
my hair, the scalp become raw and tho
nds of the comb-teeth would bo wel
With blood. Most of the time there was
an lntolerablo itching, in a painful,
burning way, very much as a bad, raw
burn, if deep, will itch and smart when
first beginning to heal. Combing my
hair was positive torture. My hair waa
long and tangled terribly because of tea
blood and scabs. This continued grow,
tng worse and oyer half my hair fall
out. I waa in despair, really afraid of
becoming totally bald.
"Sometimes the pain waa ao great
that, when pArtlally awake, I would
cratch the worst places so that my finger-tips
would be bloody. I could not
sleep well and, after being asleep a short
time, that awful stinging pain would
commence and then I would wake up
nearly wild wi th the torture. A nel ghbor
said It must be salt rheum. Having
used Cuticura Soap merely as a toilet
soap before, I now decided to order a
set of tho Cutioura Remedies Cuticura
Soap, Ointment and Pills. I used them
according to directions for perhaps six
weeks, then left off, as the disease seemed
to be eradicated. But toward spring,
eighteen months ago, there was a slight
return cf the scalp humor. I com
menced the Cuticura treatment at once,
so had very Utile trouble. On my scalp
I used about one half a cake of Cuticura
Soap and half a bog cf Cuticura Oint
ment in all. The first time I took six
or seven bottles of Cuticura Pills and
the last time three bottles neither an
expensive or tedious treatment. Bine
then I have had no scalp trouble of any
kind. Standing up, with my hair un
bound, It oomea to my knees and had
It not been for Cuticura I should doubt
lees be wholly bald.
" This is a voluntary, unsolicited testi
monial and I take pleasure in writing
It, hoping mr experience may help some
one else. Miss Lillian Brown, R.r.D.l,
liberty, Me,, Oct. 20. 1909'
Citlrur RscnediM art MM throughout the wnrta,
CottM )ni a :orm. Corn., salt Props , Brans,
us. ssr Mailed Fret, Cuticura Book us tut sua,
VAa coolest hotel IN
ycedl LoCie Evflagie
After Three Years' Suffering
ent Hospitals for Treatment Without Receiving Any
Permanent Benefits. Mr. John Starr, an Old Soldier, Was
Cured of Kidney and Bladder Trouble by
The Worli'i Best Remedy for the Kidneys, Lifer, Cladder and Blood.
"I can give nothing but the highest praise to the wonderful curative nnwers of
Warner's Safe. Cure. It Is a boon to all
na nas in my case acted like magic. When I look back and llilnk what I have
uffered In the last three years. I can hardly beleve I am the safe man.
"I have been In five different hospital, nnd nt best whs onlv relieved for a short
time. But Warner's Safe Cure has done
curing me. I shall continue Its use. trusting In a lasting cure. Mv rheumatism Is
much Improved and I can walk a mile without much trouble. lo ahead with your
good work." JOHN STARR. National Soldiers' Home, Maine.
If at any time In your family history there hits been anv trace nf kldnav
disease you can't be too careful. You should test your kl.1n,-s and find out for
yourself if there Is any trace of the disease In your system, an there Is no other
disease that causes as many complications and as much sufferlnir as diseased kidneys.
Decause tne oiooa is niierea ano punned
Warners Safe Cure is an absolutely
remedy for all diseases of the kidneys,
blood. It Is made from the fresh
medicinal roots, gathered at the proper
quarters of the globe. Men skilled In botany and chemistry
compound It Put up In 60o and (1.00 sixes and sold by
druggists everywhere.
Constipation and Biliousness
Warner's Safe Pills, purely vegetable, absolutely free
from Injurious substances, a perfect laxative. They do not
gripe or leave any bad after effects. 25
(,.. RaHI anil To convince every sufferer from
aampi8 BOIUe ana diseases .of the kidneys, liver, blad-
Rnv nf PHI Fro a der n bood
a sample bottle and a sample box of Warner's Safe Pills will
be sent FREE OF CHARGE, post-paid, to any one who will
write WARNER SAFE CURE CO., Rochester. N. Y.. and
mention having seen this liberal offer In The Omaha Bee.
The genuineness of this offer is guarantied by the publisher.
Not An
You're bound to be
dtsk. Success is not
force and vitality. Take a trip to Colorado and
tone up. It won't cost
such nshine in her 6,000 miles of trout streams as
will eladden your heart.
of the giant hills will bring new vitality and you'll
return home ready for any strain. The de luxe trains
of the
Rock Island Lines
1 direct to both Denver an4 Colorado Sprinst 11
provide tvtrything you expect In ftrftct service and some comforting details
you do not expect. The best way and the way of prcatest comfort with
out costing more. Let me show you haw little the trip really costi. Only
$nt Might m a berth like a bed, and the next in the tonic air of Colorado.
Splendid Fast
for Colorado, Yellowstone Park
round trip fares all summer to
.Urn rM.n
illustrated literature and
y vaiauun ui your iug w"
'. - x f ".. 1 1
r or write today.
r ' i Civilian Passenrsr Arena
Sjbk. IMS rarnam St. , all lSr5&
Facing Farnam Street
on the ground floor
The best location in Omaha for many lines of business
is opposite the' Court House and next to the City Hall.
It is very seldom that it is possible for yon to get one of
the ground floor rooms in
The entrance la Just west of the main entrance ot tha
building; It has an entrance from the court as well. The
'building furnishes heat, light, water and janitor service.
The building Is fire-proof and there la a large brick vault,
ao you can cut out your Insurance expense. The room will
be remodeled and redecorated to suit the tenant. The
apace can be arranged to give tenant 1,850 square feet It
If this is the best location for you, now is the time
to grasp the opportunity, and apply at once
Apply to It. W. BAKER, Supt., Bee Business Office.
I I.' its,
r Air-
1L. id. .-v
f ;', ,..r, .''
Th AfMricin Iniiltof of
Architects awarded lit
Gold Medal le A Fos
Architect and; Deiignrfel
tor following reason i
1st f grrangt
Bacni lot coc&JoM ot
24 FarlactlF planned for
14 Iicelleoc of tmlcrior
4tk Irtieriot dignity com
bined vttn honMlikeneao.
ih tie? to advened of any
other hotel.
and Having Deen In Five Differ
sufferers from bladder or kidney trouble.
and Is still doing the, right thing It la
tnrougn the kidneys.
safe and permanent
liver, bladder and
Juices of plants and
season In various
cents a package.
stale after a year at your
a matter of hours but of
much money or time. There's
The crisp, clear, sweet air
Trains Every Day
and the Pacific Coast. Specially low
the delightful
T ... an,l
suggest the
Newest, Latest
Michigan Boulevard tfottl
-TpHE most beautifully equipped and
homelike hotel in the world.
Single Booms with Lsvstory, $2.50 sod up.
Single Rooms with Bath, $3.50 snd upv
Large Double Rooms with Bath, (two beds)
$5.00 snd up.
Psrlor. Reception Hall, Bed Room snd
Bath. $10.00 snd up.
Every room is sn outside room.
Every bath room has an outside window.
rT'lit restaurants are
not excelled by sny of
the famous eating places
of the old world; yet the
restaurant price are no
higher than thcse of any
other first-class hotel.
The windows over
look Lake Michigan.
Ovasnsss SUusm
The Drake Hotel Co.
C Drsas, fr. Jabs B. DiU. Vics-Prss.