Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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    THE BKK: OMATTA, FRIDAY. .TOTR in. 1010.
Friday is Remnant Day
AU em
Hants and
odd lota
from our
. degular
tanit be
old at
. greatly
; reduced.
jfl-" MJyiiiiKMMiH ( yiiFV thai
(IIIIBIKHI MllllW II liailllllM IMinll IMIWilM i l.ll ill I 111
A Large Accumulation of Remnants and Odd Lots
18 and 22 Inch Fine Embroidered Flouncings,
Skirtings and Corset Coyer Embroideries
Also -wide insertions and galloons on two bargain squares
-many worth 50c yard at, -I )Gef
a m n v) n m m n -m m n m n
" I ij The Hundley Stork from I ore I vers Snip. II
I) )ur y fraat bargain treat continues as week's f tatnrs. JjT
Bargain Friday Sales
Fine Embreidery Edgings, Insertions, Beadings
all kind einbroid-
Narrow and medium widths,
eries, worth 10c at, yard..
Remnant Pieces of Fancy All Over Laces
, Various kinds for yokes, sleeves and coats to 1
yard in lengths white, black and cream at, each
h 1,000 yards all linen Russia Crash
full bleached, 1
10c quality, yd
(Remnants of Turkey
; Ked Table DauiaBk
' 4 Be quality,
200 fine, Imported, mercerized
Table Cloths, 8x10 size, QQ
Large Satin Marseilles
Uoil Spreads, worth up
to M; Rome are slightly
values, each. . . .
100 dozen large mer
cerized Napkins, flno
quality, worth $1.00,
Natural Pongee Silks at 49c yd.
'4Extra special sale of all silk natural pongee, full 27 inches
wide a rare bargain in the most wanted silk
of the season regular price from 75c to 85c;
Friday, yard
One Big Table Manufacturers Silk Sample Pieces
,IAn extra special bargain Friday
Plain and Fancy Silk Remnants From Our Own Stock
Silks that sold from 75c to $1 a yard in remnants !Qo
at, yard ; UUV
39c DOTTED R0SC0E SILKS at 25c Yd.
27-inch dotted ltosco silks in 42 different shades one of
the prettiest summer silks, regular price 39c on
main' floor, at, yard .
Wash Goods Remnants
A large bargain table of
lengths from 2V-2 to 15 yds.
in a piece, worth 25c
to 50c yd. at, yd
Dress Goods Pieces
Many to match up, in all
shades, mcluding black-
on sale at,
For the Graduate
lie for making your selection for a graduation
present step In and let uii show you a very new line of
CLOISONNE E9AKELED Belt Burkina, Brooches. Hcarf
Pins, Hat Bins and Beauty Pins Look Xor tha name
S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler
1516 Douglas Street
, Thinks Plant Will Be Turned Over
Before First of the Year.
that More Moner. Moat lie
Raised to Kou the I'lant by Ad
ditional Bund leaue
Iloard Selerta Force.
R. B. Howell of the Omaha Water board
returned Thursday morning from An-
, nuiKilla, Ud., where he addressed the mld-
. ghlpmen. On arrival home he had a brief
conference with President Barlow, but as
yet no date haa been agreed on for a
j meeting of the board, although one may
I be held thin week.
On the question of taking over the water
' works plant, Mr. Howell does not agree
j with those who think it will require the
i time between now and January 1 to com
! plete the transfer. Neither does he think
( the water company has offered the board,
: up to date, the kind of deed that will be
I called for when the court has finally
passed on the details.
"The company will have to liquidate its
obligations," said Mr. Howell. "The water
j board certainly will not undertake settle
, ment with mortgagees. We must have a
, clean deed, and until liquidation of its
' obligations is made by the company, 1
! doubt it the city will be held for Interest;
I certainly, In my Judgment, the city will
1 not be held for Interest from the dute, the
, award was made by the appraiser."
charging his duties In a competent man
ner, he cannot be let out without cause.
Naturally, the board will Belect its own
force of employes at the start, with a
view to their qualifications for the work
to be done."
Mr. Howell alpo expresses belief that it
will be necessary to raise more money by
additional bond issue after the city takes
the plant. "New capital is necessary in
any large buulness of that kind," he said.
"if it Is to be made a success. The city
of Omaha will have to go about the con
duct of this new branch of Its business
just as any private concern would do."
Farm Not to Go
to William Labs
Judge Sutton Says He Will Have
to Stand By Will of the
Civil Nervloe Hales.
Touching the civil service requirement of
the law under which the plant is being
acquired. Mr. Howell Bald that will hardly
govern the employment of men from the
start. ''Civil service will be in force after
the staff is made up and the men selected
have made guod; that is, after a man en
ters the employ of t lie board and is dls-
.TP" I mm w
1 w
rrCMIAN'H ROACH FOOD kill.rn.ckel.
Vfttrr buaw and brtlr. Standard lor a. veara.
fgrtRMANti DlBlOVKKT axilla bed but
Sad Ihrtr ret. A par preventative.
PITC K ANH ANT roOU kill. am. and fleas,
rbTl.KMA.N-8 atOTal roOD Cklorleae
Kills rnouu. A aure preventative.
Un X
ii aliM.i". ii i '.
William I.abs will not get the Bennington
farm on which he worked thirty-four years
for lils father. Ijibs contended in district
ourt that he worked all this time without
pay on the understanding that he was to
et the farm. Instead his father, Ferdinand
Nabs, made a will In which William Labs
as only a one-fifth participant.
"There Is no certainty here," said Judge
Sutton, "of an express contract no cer
tainty or a contract at all. The parents
may have talked over what they Intended
to do with their property without definitely
deciding or promising. The leaving a will
la some evidence to the effect that the
father did not consider himself under a
Man Who Shot Arthur Standleh
Held to the Dletrlrt Court
for Trial.
William Bailey must stand trial In dis
trict court for shooting Arthur Stand-eh
in South Omaha two weeks ago. Bailey
was arraigned in police court and bound
over under bond of 11.600 on Thursda
Htandlsh was shot -by the negro, who was
Infuriated by his discharge from employ
ment as a laborer on the construction of a
building at the Cudahy packing plant.
StandlBh Is a structural engineer.
House Dresses
V'Hlueg to $1.7i
colorM, IMll'He
d:iik colors, IiIkii
low neck slyleM. all one plere
tiHulcN; Home open all the way
down front.
Muslin Gowns
rtn Made of nainsook and
Tjjflf cambric, long and short
sleeve styles, high neck
nnl slipovers, Inie or embroid
ery trimmed; VHlues to $1.1!5.
B Black Petticoats
Made from 1 I g ii t
eight rustling i'en -er
silk with a rich
silky sheen, finished with tall-
ored rloume, dust ruffle
underluy; values 1 09.
Waist Special
Pfi White Waists In several
UU C "tvles. Dutch neck and
embroidery trimmed high
neck styles; a clea'i-up lot of
regtilnr 11.25 Hues.
Lingerie Dresses
$3.95 S
White and colors,
some are pretty appli-
me errects with lace
or net Inset: have been till. 00
to $15.00, but are a little soiled.
Silk Dresses
Stunning new $25.00
styles of changeable
taffeta silk. In hand
some colorings, also moire silks
in black and colors.
Waist Frontings
) A Beautiful embroidery all
7Jf overs In pretty openwork
m designs, used for waist
fronts, for sleeves, for eiklre
waists: all new goods, worth
76c and 11.00 yard, at 29c.
Bleached Damask
Just five pieces for Fri
day; good heavy material
and splendid for every
day use It's 64 inches wide
the usual- 3Dc quality, yd., 19c.
Pillow Cases
Always 15c each, made
from standard grade
muslin. 42x36 Inches:
well made and finished. Just
60 dozen to sell. Friday-at
11 He each.
Tailored Suits
the pick of our en-
sprlng stock;
veral hundred ui'-
to-diite models that were f 15.00
upto lln.00; every gum! color
Hnd every size. A surprising
Embroidery Fl'nc'gs
Great counter heaps of
18 to 27-inch embroid
eries, very handsome open
effects. Imported to sell tor
II oo to $l.:r. a yard; a great
Friday bHrgslu.
Dress Nets
40-ln. nets In the wanted
colors, round or square
mesh nets and dotted ef
fects, worth 7fc a yurd; black
and white included.
Silk Ribbons
Wide messallno taffeta
iml floral ribbons, all
silk and 4 A to 6V4 Inches
wide, worth -fic to 20c; special
Friday ut 15c.
Neckwear Special
p A clean-up of u recent
JP purchase of pretty Jabots,
w,st(icks. rabats, etc., wortn
up to 60c; Friday, 15c.
Embd's and Laces
2c g
Kdges and Insertions. In
both lines; laces shown in
'als. and torchons; values
up to loc a yara; r riuay oinj-.
at 2c.
Drapery Cretonne
On sale In Domestic depart
ment, main floor 16c, 190
and 25c, good for draperies.
box couches, etc.; good patterns.
A one-day clearing sale.
36-Inch Cambric
This Is the best 10c
grade and sold at tnat
reeularlv here and else
where; soft nainsook finish, for
underwear (12-yard limit.)
Bath Towels
Bleached Towels fine
large, spongy ones; wun
red horders: heavy 15c
! kinds; special for Friday only,
10c each.
White Goods Remnants
All sorts of White Goods, worth 19c to-50o a yard
waistings, poplin, piques, hand embroidered , goods
stripe, check and figured effects, in xz iV f)pp
to 4-yard lengths; Friday for ...v72, O IvC
Great Bargain Day
250 Prs. Misses' . . .
100 Prs. Women's Low
400 Prs. Boys' Low . .
to jo at 95c
to go at $1.25
to go at $1.75
A one-day sale of very desirable and dependable foot
wear. A great clearing up of regular lines at good sharp
price reductions.
Women's Oxfords
Biggest bargain of
season, only 100 pairs
IV to ZVt only; all
widths and styles
$2.60 to 3.50 shoes
Misses and Children's
Ankle Strap Tan Pomps
Sizes &Vi to 2, wide
toes and widths, $1.50
and $2.00 shoes
Boys' Oxfords
In dull leather, vlcl
kid and patent colt
sizes 3 M to 4 in D and
widths $3.50 values
200 and 300 cards, worth
up to 50c; Friday
ST. ELMO Augusta J Evan's
well known novel, Illustrated.
Get a copy while it's
only ,.....
Bennett's Big Grocery
Bennett's Excelsior Flour
per sack $1.60
Bennett's Best Coflee
3 lbs .1.00
And 100 Slumps.
Bennett's Best Cotfee
per lb. 3"
And SO Btamps.
Bennett's Itellable Coffee
per lb 30o
And 30 Stamps.
Teas, assorted, lb. . .880
And 100 Btamps.
Teas, assorted, lb. ..680
And 75 Stamps.
Tea Sittings, lb. pkg. ISO
And 10 Stamps.
Diamond Crystal Salt
14-lb. sack "Oo
Royal Celery Salt, bottle,
now at 100
York Violet Toilet Snap.
3 bars 860
wurnmeal, yellow or white
10-lb. sack 18o
Pel Monte Broiled Mack
erel, can 15o
And 10 Stamps.
Nectarine's Kvaporated
per lb 100
Beauty Asparagus per
can. at SOo
v And 10 Stamps.
Oneen (ider Vinegar
at. bottle 180
Dulldnt Maraschino Cher-
He. 85c bottle 600
Franco-American Soups,
mock turtle. Ox Tail
chicken, gumbo, bouil
lon, mulllaatawney. e'e
2flc rans 15c
Bennett's Capitol naklna
Towder. 6-lb. ran 91.00
And 100 Stamps.
Piralilli Pickle, qt. ..806
And 10 Stamps.
Snlder's Pork and Beans,
No. 2 can 16c
And 10 Stamps.
Walker's Chill Con Came
20c cans 15c
Walker's Hot Tomale
10c cans 7c
Capitol Whole Tomatoes,
per can 13 Ho
And 10 Stamps.
Qalllard Olive Oil. small
size, at 84o
And 20 Stamps.
Oalllard Olive Oil, med
ium size v.49e
And 50 Stamps.
Galllard Olive Oil, large
size, at 7&
And 100 Stamps.
De Jon French Mustard,
per jar SOo
And 10 Stamps.
Sterling Gloss Starch. -
lb. box 600
And 50 Stamps.
Ohlrardelll Chocolate, lb.
can. at 36o
And 20 Stamps.
And pkg. Flicks FRKE
Nutlet Peanut Butter. 10c
lars. 2 for ISo
Spotlight Matches six
boxes at 26o
And 10 Stamps.
Dutch Hand Soap, three
cakes at 25c
And 10 Stamps.
Tea Garden Jreserves
.30c Jura 83c
Marshalfa Preserved
Bloaters, can ......80o
And 10 Stamps.
Jell 'O Ice Cream powder
t pkg aso
And 10 Stamps.
IColman'a Mustard, can 6o
Macaroni, Star and Cres
cent, g pkgs aso
And 10 Stamps.
Jap ltlce, 7c quality. 5
lbs., for 85o
Poppy Condensed Milk. 6
cans for 25o
Pickles, assorted, bottle,
now 'at 8o
Cheese, full cream, lb ,
now at 83o
And 10 Stamps.
Cheese. Virginia Swiss.
Per lb 8So
And 10 Stamps.
Salad Dressing. Yacht
club, bottle 3So
And 10 Stamps.
Sprat fs Puppy Cakes
per pkg. aoo
Capitol Wheat, pkg., 10c
And 10 Stamps.
Seedless Raisins 15c
quality at lOo
Fels Naptha Soap. 6, 88o
Snlder's Chill Sauce, 35o
And 20 Stamps.
Double Stamps on But
terlne. Don hie Stamps on Gran
ulated Suvar.
Armour's Potted Meats
large can lOo
Tten'a Tourist and Gra
ham Crackers, pkg. 100
And 10 Stamps.
Crcnm Honey Cookies .
fresh mnde, lb loo
large lot very choice
fresh made Butter
direct from farm, 2
and 3-lb. 2ft
lars. Ih 6(Jt
What lauoirr rota, Mmr Do.
A summer cold, if neglected, Is just us
apt to develop Into bronchitis or pneu
monia aa at any other aeaaon. Do not ne
glect it Take ' Foley'a Honey and Tar
promptly. It loosens the aough, soothes
and heala the inflamed air paaaagea, and
expela tha cold
by all druggists,'
from the ayatem." Sold
Yaaag Wanra at Qo' on Tea-hers
TraloloaT C'oorae lor Profea
alonal IHplomaa.
' Examination of the' attendants on tha
tearhers' training oourae la now under way
at the rooms of tha Board of Education.
The -work w ill be - completed today and
then the thirteen young women will be
given diplomas aa teachers. Thay bava al
ready been placed on the "assigned" Hat
for tha next school yr, giving them tha
right to teach as called on. For the grades
tha following glrla ar taking tha examin
ation: Anna Carruthera, Lincoln; Jobaa-
nah Chapman. Forest; Mamie Chapman,
Leavenworth; Mildred F. Cooper. Omaha
View; Blanche Marshall, . Saunderx; Fran
ces Nleman, Bancroft; Pearl Norton, Wind
sor; Myrtle Broufe, Druid Hill; Grace M.
Stenberg, Kellom.
Taking the examination for kindergarten
work are: Haxel Hartley. Druid Hill; Inez
Marka, Forest; May Nlchola, Columbian;
Eileen Patterson, Leavenworth.
Cauaht In the Act -
and arrested by Dr. King's New Llfo Pills;
bilious headache quits and liver and
bowel act right. 20c For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Biggest Friday Bargain
Offering Known in Any
Omaha Store.
All odd lots, broken lines and remainders that have accumulated frcm the past 2 weeks sales of
undley Dry Goods Co. Stock
Small lots and incomplete lines haie been deeply cut in price to effect a wholesale clean-up in Friday's jsle
Women's and Children's Ready-to-Wear Garment Bargains
Broken lines and small lots from our big New York and St. Joe Purchases, on sale Fri
day in Domestic Room, at less prica than like quality garments were ever before quoted
in the history of Omaha merchandising. Nearly 1,000 Tailored Suits all colors, newest
styles. Divided for Friday's selling to closo in two big lots:
LOT 1 Tailor .Suits, made to sell to $15
while tliey last, choice $4.95
LOT 2 Tailor Suit?, made to sell to J0
marvelous bargains, at S6.50-
Pretty Wash Suits If eg ul a r
values to $4.00 on sal'.?
Friday at $1.95
Long Kimonos Regular $1
values, at 49c
Children's Wash Dresses
garments made to sell to
TiOe, choice 10?
House ' Dresses Regular
$1.50 values, at OSi'
In the Wash Goods Dept.
All kinds of wash goods, white goods, lin
ings, etc., worth up to 50c a vard, will go in
five lots at 5f, 7X2C SVaC, IOC, ,1225
At 9 A. M. We will place on sale short
lengths of goods, worth up to 10c a yard,
at, per yard 2Vc
At. 2 P. M. We will place on sale remnants
of good long lengths, worth to 15c yd..3Vc
At 3 P. M. We will place on sale all the remnants of
the high grade Wash Goods, worth up to 50c a yard;
all at one price '. ,i 10
1,000 Remnants of Linen Toweling, at . . . . M PRICK
2,600 yards of Sheetings and Muslins, at.., PRICK
60 dozen Towels, worth 16c, at 8M
35 dozen Sheets, odds and ends, to close at PRICK
Plain and Fancy Silks, Values to $1.25 yard, at 25c and 49c
Remnants of Foulards, Pongees, Taffetas, Messalines, Fancy Silks, etc., left from the
past week's tremendous selling from the Hundley stock regular values flrn M Q
Ul3j i 1t4v
up to $1.25 a yard, at, choice
Black Peau de Soie from the
Hundley stock, 36 inches
wide, $1.50 yd value $1.10
$1.00 Quality Black Dress Taf:
Black Peau de Soie from the
Hundley stock, 35 inches
wide, $1.50 yd. value. 89c
eta 36 inches $1.00 Black Foulards 27 inches 'wide.
White Jap Silks from the
Hundley stock, 20 and 27
ins. wide, choice 18c, '2Si'
wide, oil boiled, at, yard ..G9c j beautilul summer silk, at U5t
Furnishings from
the Hundley Stock
Ladies' fine lisle vosts,
pants and union splits,
regular 75c values, at,
garnent 39c
Ladies' muslin and
cambric corset covers
and drawers. 50c val
ues, lace and emlucld
eiy trimmed, at.l9c
Ladies' gauze vests
.regular and extra
sizes, values to 25c, on
sale, choice .9e
Men's and Roys' shirts
worth 50c, slightly
soileJ, on sale, your
choice for ,.162-3c
Notion Sale Extraordinary
Special values from the big Hundley
wholesale stork purchase that surpass all pre
vious bargain offerings in staple and fancy
50c Cord Shopping Rags,' at. 10
50c Pad Hose Supporters, pair.; 10?
25c Hand Mirrors, each 5
ROc Ladies' Itelts, choice, at. 10
Kleinert's Dress Shields, all sizes 15
Jet Ruttons, per dozen 19
5c Pins, 3 pkgs., for 5
O balls Darning Cotton, fast colors, Friday 5
6 pkgs. Gold Kye Needles 5
12 Hat Pins for So
6 AJumlnum Thimbles So
rolls Cotton Taps So
3 f pools XBO-yd. Sewing; Bilk, Friday So
a spools Xdnan Thread Bo
3 spools Maohlna Thread, 800-yd., on sal So
3 pairs Corset Stasia 100
6 dosen Muraery Pina So
6 oarda Enmp Books and Eyas, Friday So
6 dosen Paarl Buttons for Bo
SOo Dreas Sblalds. pair So
30o Baok Ooraba, aaon Bo
BOO Bids Comba, pair lOo
B pairs Shoe X.aoea Bo
And Booras of Other Equally Great Barg-alns.
Furnishings from
the Hundley Stcck
Men's, ladies' and chil
dren's hosiery, a J 1
cob;s to 2d values,
at, pair ..7VrjiC, 10c
Ladie.i ' A in o s k e a s
gingham aijions, ex
tra l'irg-..i size, regular
35c Viiiuds, at ... I9l?
Children's romper suits
worth to 75c, go ut
25c a id 35c
Ladies' 25c sun bon
nets, a; .. ... ..10c
Men's J.5c canvas
glove3 7ve
Read this Big Grocery Sale for Friday
It pays to trade at Xayden's
where you can save from 85.00 to
910 a month on yonr grocery bill...
18 lbs. best Granulated Sugar ..$1
g bars Diamond C or Beats 'Em All
Soap, for . .26o
48-lb. sacks Hayden'a Diamond H
Klour ...$1.35
10 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oat
meal 5o
6 lbs. beBt Pearl Barley, Farina or
Hominy jc
6 lbs. choice Jaian P-lce "O
4 lbs. Fancy Japan Head Klce...25o
The bent iioniesiic nacuviu .
Tall cuns Alaska Salmon .. KiiDtunl KnnllnAa. ran
2-lb. cans Kancy weei nuijur v.wrn
. for '0
2-lb. cans Fancy Wax, String, Ureen
or Lima Beans '4
J-lh. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hnmlny.
Squash, Applea or Baked Beans,
for 1 Ho
BromanRelon, Jellycon or Jello, per
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg- 7V40
(Irapenuts pkg loo
The bast Crisp Pretzels, lb o
The best Soda Crackers, lb 7V4o
40 different kinds fancy assorted
cakes, lb 10a
Butter. Cheese and Ears
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butler, lb. ,30o
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, lb 280
Fancy No.. 1 Dairy Butter, lb ...,24o
Fancy Full Cream, Y. A. Cheese,
per lb lo
Fancv Full Cream N. Y. Cheese,
per lb 20o
Fancy Full Cream Wisconsin Cheest,
per lb '. .20c
The very best No. 1 Eggs, doz...20u
Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese.
per lb 18o
Omaha's Greatest Market for Fresh
Vegetablee . .
Fresh Spinach, per peck Bo
6 headH fresh Ieaf Lettuce Ko
S beads fresh Head Lettuce Bo
8 bunches fresh Radishes Bo
2 bunches fresh Asparagus . . . . Oo
1 bunches fresh Turnips So
2 bunches fresh Beets tio
2 bunches Fresh Carrots Bo
Fresh Wax or Green BeanH. per
lb VM,o
Fresh Peas, per quart 7 So
Fresh Ulpe Tomatoes, per lb... 7no
New Potatoes, per lb aHo
We adrise our customers to put up
Pineapples now.
They aro bound to advance in
Each Bo, 7tO, 8 Ho, lOo and 13'.o
Far dosen 5&c. 80c, SOo. Bl.10 SI 33
Today is Bargain
Day at Cackley's
imoorted Italian Olive Oil per at. Wo
S'am'e njm . b
Maraschino Cherries, per auart bot-
Tnes-s'e":; fhit. J'orn Whiskey
(moonshine), per at 'gj
per gal "tbo
Maryland llye. per lt. '" 3
P"1- ?f 'j'J V'rnnn'winV.'r'e'd or white
Home. Made Grape ine, rcu
per gal
Mall and Talaphone Orders Frompuy
Ul lth Bt. OPP. O. Both Phones
Msbt Itambler Gathers (tlx Ilottlea
of Inaiilratlon and Loose
(baaaje. (
A thirsty ourglar climbed over the tran
som at Henry fall's saloon, Ninth ar d
Douglas, early Thursday morning and
took six bottles of whisky, a handful of
cigars and $15 In
A bottle and an empty glass on the bar
indicated that he stopped for a drink be
fore departing. .
"Gas Service
Users of Industrial Gas
There may be some who think that gas could not
be used to advantage in their business.
For their information we give a PARTIAL list of
uses of gas for industrial purposes:
Japanning, small quantities of steam, hardening,
tempering, coloring, soldering and brazing of metals,
singeing of cloth, melting of soft metals, boiling of water
and liquid compounds, drying of materials, fast clothes
pressing, roasting of coffee, popcorn and peanuts and
fast candy making.
If your business appears on this list and you are not
using gas, are you not allowing competitors to gain an
advantage over you?
And if your business does not appear on this list,
might YOU not gain an advantage by using gas?
One of our experts could tell you, and his advice
would cost you nothing.
Omaha Gas Company
Wash Dress Skirts Wort h
to $5.00, will go at $1.98,
$1.50 and $1.25
Women's Wrappers to $1.1'.")
values, at G9
DRESS SKIRTS that would sell regularly to $7.50, all sizes, women's juid misses in
three lots nt $3-9S, $2.9S, $1DS
Remnants of Wool Dress Gcods
All kinds of Serges, Henriettas, Sultiiyrs, Fancies, Etc.,
worth up to $1.50, will go in this salo lu 6 lots, nt
per yard lC 10 25c 30c 49J end 59C
Remnants of high grade Linens, hi four lots per
ard, at 25c 39c 49 a"l 59c
Six extra specials will bo called from time to
time on the floor.
Regular $4-00 cable Net Curtains; full size, go at,
ler pair S2.9S
Regular $4.00 Nottingham Curtains; dainty patterns,
full size, go at, pair S2.98
Regular $3.00 Nottingham Curtains, at pair, $1,)S
Odd pairs of Lace Curtains go at, pair
82.98 $1.98 $1.50 $1.25 and ps
Odd Curtains, each 75 3f) land 15
Remnants of Swisses, Madras, Nets and many others,
go at, yard 25c nl 10c
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