Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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Little Change in the Wheat Market
Traders Waiting.
Wheat Has a Ileler Ton Alter the
Opening, Which Mas a Shade
I. o tret" Because of the
, soft Cables.
' OMAHA, June . 1910.
There was very little change In the wheat
market, early traders being Inclined to wait
for the government figures to be issued at
noon. Values opened a shade lower, finn
ing up again toward mid-esion and an
advance la predicted from these levol.
The corn market was steady, but rather
dull artalr. Home good support wan In
evidence, but prices were only trifle
iilgher 'or the day.
Wheat had a belter tone after the open
Inn, which was a shade lower, caused by
sott cables. Damage reports are now
numerous and trade is inclined to favor,
a higher market until more definite harv
est returns are made.
Corn held firm and showed good tone,
advancing at the close, showing some gain
lor the day. Cash offeilngs were very
moderate and were well tuken at !c over
Primary w heat receipts were 314,000 bush
els and- shipments were fxMJ bushels,
against Receipts lat year of li2,000 bushels
and shipments of 174.000 bushels.
srlmary corn receipts were 7:i2.000 bushels
and shipment . were bushels,
against receipts last year of 714,000 bushels
and shipments of 3o6,0w bushels.
Clearances were 21,000 bushels of corn,
none of oats and wheat and flour equal
to 164,000 bushels.
Liverpool closed ",,& lower on wheat and
Td lower on corn. ,
Ivocal range of options:
1 '; bacon steady; boxed, extra shorts,
15c; clear ribs, 13c; short clears. l.V,c.
Receipts Bhipm'ts
Klour. bhls 4A-0 11 ()
Wheat, hu V.'.nim l.""
Corn, hu ir.'.Tiifl los.iio
Oats, liu 4000 48, 800
Artlcles. Open. High. Low. C10-I Yesy,
Corn I
Oats t
'' Omaha Cash l'rieca.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 9r-r7c; No. 3 hard,
91fo94c; Mo. 4 hard, 81rj'0c; No. 2 spring,
M'i No. I spring, 8l'ir3c; No. 4 spring,
78a82c; No. 3 durum. TlkutWc.
CORN-No. 2 white, 8"fTH4c; No.
w nite, wytwc; . xno. 4 white, OHVaoStc;
No. 2 yoliuw. 66&&6Hc; No. 2 yellow, bug
Khic; No. 4 yellow, 6&4V.c; No. 2, 66rc65i4c ;
No. 8, 64k6Sbi4C; No. 63r'a&44c; no grade.
OATK-Stahdard. 35c; No. 3 White, MhbQ
3f.(c; No. 4 white, MMc; No. S yellow,
J4'a34'ic No. 4; yellow, 82330.
BARLEY No. 4. 4tVg47c; No. 1 feed, 43(3
46c; rejected 40-l3c.
RYE-Jno. .i. Via No. 3, 72&74c.
Carlo, llceeipt.
i. Wheat. Corn, Oats.
Chicago ...;;... '.-....4 5 307 119
Minneapolis.... 141
Omaha 64 13
uuiuth ..Tjfrr. so
tJIICAfcO vaai au provisions
Features of the Trading; and Closing
Prices' on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO.' June . Active spreading be
tween July and September options received
more attention today in the wheat trade,
while buying the earlier was the favorite
form of speculation. Leading In the move
ment was a prominent elevator concern
which has Issued a bullish circular after
being rather conspicuous on the bear side.
The close was firm with July Vfje net
higher and the other months a shade up to
c. Corn finished at an advance of o to
nfiSc and oats showing a decline of a
'shade to Ho. Final figures in provisions
were 10&13!q. to, 27fcc above last night's
Aq the -government crop report was not
due until after the end of the session, a
disposition to indulge In scalping as a
temporary occupation seemed natural -with
a large numbe" of operators in wneat.
Towards -the-end. of the day most-of the
jguessera Inclined to the idea of a mod
erately bullish document from Washington.
This expectation was a factor In produc
ing' a reaction from an early break due
to lower cables. Following tho advance
profit taking on the part of dealers who
had bought during the first hours led to
a sharp break in September, but the effort
wa partly overcome by transactions be
fore the expiration of the last fifteen min
utes. It was asserted that the southwest
was receiving too much rain for this season
of the year. Showers northwest and predic
tions of more took a classification precisely
reverse on all aides regardless of opinion
as to the needs of the winter wheat coun
try. September, ranged from 90To to 91
81c, closing at 91Sc
General buying of corn was lnducedby
targe shipments from 56!c at the opening.
September advanced to 69o- and finished
stead v, "P at 59(&59c. The cash
. market was firm. No. 2 yellow closed at
eV e1p5Wo-
' beirleh showing looked for In the gov
ernment report made oats a trifle weak.
September varied from 35',o to SbfeigJ&VsC,
closing Ho down at 3fVc.
A bulge In provision was followed by
twavy profit taking. Nevertheless, pork in
the end retained an advance of 12Mr?274c,
lard 124c and ribs 10il24o to 174c
The range or futures waa as soiiows:
bcaeral Rise la Temseratur Shawn
East of Rockies.
OMAHA. June I, 1910.
The weather continue showery and un
settled throughout the central valleys and
rains are reported at all stations In N
braska. The rains were heaviest in the
southern portion of the state, and the fol
lowing hv) falls occurred since the
report: Columbus, 1.60 Inches; Hastings,
13 Inches, and Uroken How, 1.20 Inches.
The weste.n trough of low pressure now
overlies the entire eastern slope of the
itocky mountains, snd It will continue
wluly eaMwaid over the central valleys,
and conditions are favorable for continued
unsettled weather witn showers In this
vicinity tonight and Thursday. Tempera
tures are sllahtly lower on the Pacific
slnpe und along the Atlantic coast. A
very slight but general ri-e In temperature
la shown this morning trom the Kooky
mountains east over the central valleys to
the lakes, and the weather will be slightly
warmer In this vicinity tonight.
The temperature and precipitation at
Omaha, compared witu, the, last three
years, is as follows;
lfclO. 130!. 190t. 1807.
Minimum temperature ...,66 M 61 5o
lTecipilatton T .W .00 .00
Normal temperature for today, 70 degrees.
Deficiency in precipitauou since Marcij
1, 7.5: inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1901,
2. b2 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1903,
:.U Indies.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Cora aad Wheat Region Balletla.
For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four
hours ending at a a. m.. ',6th meridian time,
Wednesday, June 8, l'JlO:
Temp. Kaln-
Bl at ions. Max. Mln. fall. Sky.
Ashland, Neb.... G3 64 . 3.i Cloudv
Auburn, Neb 65 52 .33 Cloudy
Hrokcn How. Neb. M0 47 l.W Cloudy
Columbus, Neb... 3 60 1.60 Cloudy
Culbertson. Neb., fis 68 .13 C!oudy
Falrbury, Neb..., 61 65 .61 Cloudy
Fairmont, Neb... 5 49 .97 Halnlng
Or. Island, Neb.. 84 ii V) Cloudy
Hartington, Neb. 60 .12 Cloudy '
Hastings, Neb.... 67 4 1.23 Cloudy
Oakdale, Neb 63 63 .?A Raining
Omaha, Neb C2 65 .08 Cloudy
Tekamah, Neb... 6S Tk) :2X Cloudy
Alta, la 6! 60 .00 Cloudy
Carroll, la 63 4t .00 Cloudy
Clarinda, la 68 62 .26 Cloudy
Sibley, la 69 4'i .00 Cloudy
Sioux City, la... 63 54 .1 Cloudy
Minimum temperature for tweive-nour
period ending at 8 a .m.
No. of Temp.- Rain
Districts. Stations. Max. Mln. fall.
Columbus. 0 17 70 46 . .00
Louisville, Ky 1 72 62 , .00
lndlanaDulls. Ind.. U 7 2 40 . 00
Chicago. Ill 26 72 40 .Vj
sr. Louis, mo is YU o-' .jo
lies Moines, la....' 14 68 60 - .00
Minneapolis, Minn. 30 72 60 .30
Kansaa City,, Mo.. 24 66 56 .10
Omaha, Neb. 19 64 - 60 .60
A very (light but general rise In tem
perature la shown throughout the corn and
wheat region this morning. Light showers
were scattered over the St. Louis and Min
neapolis districts and rains were general
over the Omaha and Kansas City districts.
All stations in Nebraska report rain, (he
heaviest falls being 1.60 Inches at Colum
bus, 1.23 at Hastings and 1.20 at Broken
Bow. L. A. WELSH. ,
Local Forecaster.
Railroad Rate Settlement Incites
Hesitation in Speculation.
of the r. ., .W.sjv2.r3; subsidiary silver
coin. fr.l.l.Ts.lfM, minor coin. U.ITI.HIS; total
balance in general fund, tC494.2;i.
Article. Open. High. Low. Cloe. Yea y.
. rept.
'July .
Dec. '.
Oats' '
- furs
; Hent. .
af r Ribs
( July
IWH0.V.I H6'
36 IUM
?2 87H!
21 VU
W i4kllVtt'H
WSs 911, SW'
BTTa! M',! SSH
36f 8tiT
8o' 3i-
22 23
21 65
13 754: II 4".
12 27Wt 12 37WI
12 65 U M)
lii XiW, J2 421
22 13
21 60
12 7J
12 Zi
12 60 I
12 27
22 25
21 70
12 S74
12 27,)
12 76
12 30
37 '4
21 97H
21 50
12 28
12 15
12 E7S
13 30
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOl-R Firm; winter patents, HSOhKUO;
winter atraighis. f4.20-ij4.7o; spring patents,
40.00; spring straights, t4fu4.7tf; bakers,
JJ Steu V0.
KYE No. 2, 75770.
UAKLEY Feed or mixing, 46'ij4c; fair to
ohoroe -malting, t6c.
fiJCKDti-Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $1.90;
No. 1 northwestern, 3200. Timothy, 34. i.
Clover, (11.26.
PROVISIONS I'ork, mes, per hbi., 122.25
422,50. Lard, per H lbs., 312.321. Short
rlhs sides tloosel, ll2.62Vl13.UO; short clear
V sides (boxed). $13.'(13.W.
Tii clearant-es of wheat and flour were
uu.uul 10 104.000 bu. 1'rimary reoeipta were
314.000 bu., compared with 122,000 bu. the cor
itspondlng day a vr ago.
- t-iiinaiJ receipts for tomorrow: Wliet.
12 cars. 'corn. 1!4 cars; oats, M ean; hogs,
17,000 head.
ChlCHKo Csf-h Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
31.0.4 I uu,; No. 3 red, 95c431.01; No. 2 hard,
irtWi'fcc, Nu. 3 hard. 92'ti Jx'jc; No. 1 north
ern spring, IUWj 1.044; No. 2 northern
Pilhg. ll.lilCl.03; No. 2 spring. 2t(9c.
t urn: No. cash, &!', 'U':'", No. 3 cash. fvrt
fc'c. No. 2 white, kjWic; No. 3 white,
WiMti&itfc; No. 3 yellow, 5:t,6i9c; No. 3
ellow, 6(Vu-:fc. Oats: No. 2 white, 39
Nu. 3 white, 7fJ3ic; No. i white,
aSe; standard, SjHc.
, WC'ITKH Steady; creameries, 241s!S27c;
.dairies. Z.iyitic.
EtIGA Steady, at mark, cases Included,
UW4al6c; receipts, 22.22J cases; firsts, 174c,
pi line firsts, IHVtc.
t'HKKHE- Firm; daisies, KkBISc; twins,
I44r((lic; young Americas, i:jUWc; loug
horns. Ki 16'tc
JtlTATOKS-Easv; choice to fancy, HQ
26c; fair to good. Ktj23c.
VfOt'LTRY Easy ; turkejs. 15c; chickens,
.Receipts Today: Wheat. $ cars; corn. W
cars; oats, lis cars. Estimated tomorrow:
Wheat, 12 cars; corn, 1S4 cars; oats, cars.
St. Loots tieoeral Market.
ST. LOUIS. June .-FrrR-rnchangd
red winter patents. I6.0046.36; extra fancy
and straight 4.S,t,u-i.ii; hard winter clears
13 50400. T,v-
BKEU Timothy, IS.OOtjSiO.
,H KAN -Dull: sacked east track, Mfj6o.
HAY-Bieady; timothy, U.ouvn.iu, prai
rie. i'3tjl4l. ' -i
TIKSlron cetton, 0o.
(iootatlous of the Day on Various
NBW YORK. June 8. FLOUIe-Barely
steady, with a aulet trade: winter etraighu,
4.40ii4.50; winter patents, 5.4;y6.10; spring
clears, 34.10rg4.36; winter extras, No. 1, 3.85
04.30; wtmter extras, Mo. 2, ja.tyvjpj.vs; Kan
sas straights, 4.7(Kg4.80. Receipts, 15,230
bhls.; shipments, 15,762 bbls. Rye flour,
barely steady; fair to good, 34.164.40;
choice to fancy, 34.454.60.
CORN MEAL Steady; fine white and yel
low, 1.3oul.40; coarse, tl.2at1.30; kiln dried,
$3.30. - -.
WHEAT Spot market firm; No- 2 red,
$1.05, nominal, c. 1. f. ; No 1 northern.t31.13Vi,
nominal, f. o. b. The option market was
Quiet, but prices were very steady .In the
face of lower cables and favorable weather,
on covering by July shorts and covering up
for the government' report, closing un
changed to Ho net higher. July closed at
fl.01. September closed at 97,c, December
closed at 98c. Receipts, 20,000 bu.
CORN Spot market firm; No. 2, 67c, nom
inal, elevator, domestic oasis, to arrive, c.
I. f. ; export No. 2, 66Vc, nominal, f. o. b.
The option market waa' without transac
tions, closing at Vico'.c net advance. July
closed at 68c, September at "c and De
cember at fii'ic Receipts, 4.500 bu. ; shlp
ment!. BOO bu.
OATTg Spot market steady; mixed, 26 to
32 lbs., nominal; natural while, M to 32 Ihs.,
4345c; clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., 4a474c
Receipts. 211.K00 bu.
IIA riteudy; prime. $1.16; No. 1, $1.10
M2Vfc;; No. 2, $1.00ral.06; No. 3, IWfcifto.
HIDES Easy; Central America, 22c; Bog
ota, no
LEATHER Quiet: hemlock, firsts. 26a
29c; seconds, 2627c; thirds, 22 1) 20c; rejected,
KrUJVtMUiss r-ork, easy; mess, 124.00;
family, $26,004(26.50; short clear, $24.60
26.00. Reef, firm; mess, $15.00n 16.00; family,
$l9.0Oti 20.00; beef hams, $21.6325.00. Cut
meats, aulet: Dlckled bellies. 10 to 14 lbs.
$16.00(13.00; pickled nams. $16 OOii'16.50. Lard,
rirm; middle west, prime, 112.6O11j12.70; re
fined, firm; continent, $13.15; South Amer
ica. $14.25; compound, $9.764110.25.
TALLOW Barely steady; prime city,
hhds., 7c; country, 606Tia.
RICE Steady; domestic, 2ac; Panta.
SMi'iihc. No. 4 Santos, 9l4c.
HUTTEH SteieJy; creamery special,
28?ic; extras, 284c; third to firsts, 26fr28c;
state dairy, finest, 28c; state dairy, com
mon to prune, wwf-n--: process, second to
special. 22Cu26c; factory, 22462.14c; imita
tion creamery, 24Q25C.
CHEESE Quiet; state, whole milk, new,
special, 144UI-": state, whole milk, aver
age prime, 134i?i:i-V; state, whole milk,
fair to good, r2l'.4jl3Sc; state, whole milk,
common, lO&'ll-Vic; skims, full to special.
. VEALr-steady; w 10 do-id. wetgnts, 8
S4c; 00 to 85-lb. weights. 9tr9Vic; 86 to 110
Ib. weights, lOftlOHc. -
EOOS Steadier, unchanged; fresh gath
ered, storage packed selections, i'o'j
21'iC; fresh gathered, regular packed extra
first, 204921c; fresh gathered, first, 194'ij
POULTRY Alive, Irregular; western
broilers, 25o; fowls, 194c; turkeys. lfWpf to;
dressed Irregular; wentern broilers, 30(a32c;
fowls, 1D&20C; turkeys, la318c.
Ii-Vjf ilNtV--o.
, 4" ,K-Hemp 7e.
x issju.-rork, higher: Jobbing
tfc a. Lard, higher; prime steam. $12 IM
l.'ix liy salt meats steady; boxed extra
liortg, 14c; clear ribs, 14c; short dears.
Kansaa City tirala aad Provlaloas.
84'S94c; September, 8flc; December, 8BS,
bid. Cash: Nominally unchanged; No. 2. tttc
$1.(H; No. 3, 93c4)$1.02; No. 2 red, 87cS$100;
No. 3. 92'a7e.
CORN July, 67Tit(5Sc, sellers; September,
56c. bid; December, 52?ttJ3, bid. Cash:
CncKanged 10 4c higher; No. 2 mixed, Ej
M0c; No. 3, 68VUc;.No. 2 white, 63Vic; No.
3, 624c
OAl'S-l'nchanged; No. 1 white. nflSSc;
No. 2 mixed. 351J6c.
HY-No. 2. 6470c.
HAY Unchanged to riOc(&$1.00 lower;
choice timothy, $15.00; choice prairie, $11,000'
UUTTEH-Market easier; creamerv ex
tras. 26c; firsts, 24c; seconds, 22c; packing
stock, 21c.
EUG8 Current receipts, new cseee, $5.15;
miscellaneous casea, $o,10; southerns, $4 70;
storage packed, $5.65. .
.Receipts. Shlp'ts.
Wheat, bu , 30.000 28.000
Corn, bu 24.000 63.000
Oats, bu 2.000 6.009
Mlaaeapolla brain Market.
$104',; September. 24iMSlc; December,
Cash: No. 1 hard, $!.!; No. 1 north
ern, $1. OS-Mil 0: No. $ northern, $1.04Sa'
m; No. 3, $1.01aiO3ti, - .
IJVX $2 00.
CORN No". 3 yellow, 52fifBo.
OATS No. S whit. 84T,i357c.
RYE No. t. i89c -
FRAN-In UiO-lb. aacka, $18.0rvfflR 15.
FIAJCR In wood.-. o. b.. Minneapolis:
Flift patents, $5.00ir5.30; seoond patents
$4.nh'S.0t): first clears. . $3.863.o; second
clears, $2.603 2.90. .
r ii.
I.lveroool Urala; Maaket. -
No. red western winter, no stock; futures,
steady; July, sa &4d; October, (a 7d; De
cember, nominal.. . .
CORN Spot, easy; old mixed, 6s 4d; new
kiln dried. 4s 11 4d new kiln dried, via Gal
veston. 6s 3d; futures, - quiet; July, 4s d
September, 4s 67d. -
Milwaake Qraia Market.
MILWAUKEE. June 3 FTrif R.T.,ll
WHEAT No. I northern, $l.flni.09; No.
nortnm. sitsyit.wt; juiy, o4trWc.
VARLEY-Sample, 59 '-;
et Hetnrns to Be Large Kol-
"lt Drastic Eroaomy Practiced!
la loot-Crop Report En.
NEW YORK, June 8 There was some
speculathe hesitation reflected In the action
01 today's stock market partly due to the
rapidity of the advance of the day before
ana partly to the conflict of opinion over
th situation created by the railroad rate
settlement. The contrary views expressed
by railroad executives themselves were re
sponHlble for the conflict of opinion, es-
Tluil. Ilu .... - . . . . ' .
" v inj mo nunouiicvincnt vy t resiaent
Urown of the New York Central that work
calling for $.i,Ouo,0"0 expenditure and orders
for ft eight cars which had been held aa a
result of the rate injunction would be ic
sumed. in contrast with the assertion of
President Ripley of the Atchison, that his
company would not depart In any degree
from the policy of retrenchment decided
on after toe action of the government
against the rate. advances. Loudon Joined
In a substantial way in the early selling
brought about by these conditions.
The heavy selling of St. Paul and the
dlKCouraged feeling expressed In a published
Interview with a capitalist, prominent in
that party, were corroborative of the con
viction that a divergence of opinion existed
""""n prominent groups In the financial
Much attention was rlvn tn ih. n..n.
of railroad earnings as they will be af
fected by the postponment of rate ad
vances until approved by the commerce
commission and the probable period of that
ri!rai-.iuni, mat the advances would
ultimately become effectlva waa ih.
assumption. Railroad earnings for March
me me latest ror which comprehensive re
turns have been received hv ih
commission from 98 per cent of the total
muesge or the country. The increase In
gross earnings In that month over March
of last year were shown to be $31,685,800. or
lo.4 per cent, and In net $8,000,000, or 11.62
per cent. Last year s earnings for March
had already shown increases over the pre-
tT.d,f r' im- of :a-190-0'S I" gross and
314.303.800 In net. The lean year of 1908 for
i f JX,1 rt"t''-'l shrinkage of about
$.14,000,000 In gross earnings and $10,000,0(10 In
net earnings. The drastic economies In
force In that year are being made up In
part by the heavy reports now current,
a though advances In wages, which have
already, been granted, are pointed to as
additional future requirements.
... statistics or the Copper
Producers association offered little
ground for encouragement, the months
production hav.lng been the largest with
the exception of October of last year for
any month since the association was
formed, deliveries meantime having re
mained stable at about the. level of the
last three months with the result of
another addition of 18.441.814 pounds to the
u,iiuii BiocKs or me metal. The total
Surplus. Which la thna hrnnkl
100 425.976 pounds, nevertheless, represents
.uuui six weens consumptive require
ments at the Dresent rata nf am.n
Quotations for copper were lower both
in London and New York. An Increase
of pig Iron stocks In May In spite of cur
tailed production inrtin-ari a nr.Jlriln. V...
the Iron Age that the blowing out of
.ulnars nu not gone far enough. Sell
ing of the metal Industrial.
'Amalgamated coDDer. was a i,.tu
kthe late backset in stocks, which closed
wiiii unces generally at small declines.
A favorable view was taken of the gov
ernment crop report, although Its appear
ance after the wheat market had closed
i me rinanciai district without the In
dex usually relied on to tnternret th. r.
port. Money was easier, but foreign
exchange recovered in response to selling
of stocks for London account and In spite
c- 1 j ji reuueuon in tne Bank
' iMRmnu uincoum rate tomorrow.
Ronds were firm. Total ui.. r, ,.i..-
$2,061,000. United States 2s. registered, ad-
. ... fc 1 un can.
Number of sales and principal quotations
u.. Dtuvii. were as soiiows
'" High. Low. Clow.
Allle-Chalmar Pf 100 .( it
Aragnitte4 . roppar ,.,. 45.400 '. . M' Mi
American Agricultural .... 100 43 4 4m
Amarican Dt Busar,....-. 500 3414 (4 34
uniancan i an IfM) 9u tu ftu
Am. C. A y 1.M0 Ssv4 Ml M
wv ai
Am. H. A U pfd 4" S V 3444
Ain. ica securltla 400 224 21 224
American Llnaead jj
Amarican Locomotive fto 44 i" 4j
Am. 8. A R 16. n4 74H ii
Am. g. R. pfd.... 100 m im lou
Am. stsal Foundrlas . .7
Am. 8ur Iteflnlni i.jni) 1184 114 1174
American T. A T l.xoo lSis, U44 134
Amarican Tobacco pfd.... VA M4 n H4
American Woolan 600 Sjii 31U jju
Anaconda Mining Co 1.100 A 4114 4O1I
Alchlaon 18,00 IOH4 10314 10414
Aichlaoo pfd m) 10H4 1014 1011
Atlamto Coaat Lint J"0 120 114 lit
Baliimora A Ohio 4,0 113U 1114k 11244
tiatnirnein steal aiw
ir.v a.O".l 7VS4 144. 78
Cantral Leather j,oi 3744 7
rantral Llher pfd 100 104 1074 i7U
Central of Nw Jaraay 390
Chaaapeaka A Ohio.: 6,t00 M4 siii 11214
Chicago Alton Mi) n 7
Chicago Ot. W., new JIM) .g ;e 8644
f. O. W. pfd 100 4714 4714 47S4
f- t m. v , - ..,.7 . . .
ii.aav a . " 114!4 144
C, M. A 81. P....? M.l0 11) 122V 12J
c, c. c. a st. l too tn o 7
l olorado IT. A I ; 00 (& S44 M14
Colorado A Eoutharn l M4 M4 M4
Conaolldatad Gag 11,000 Iti its uSi
Corn Products 700 16H 14'4 14la
rhl,-.M IL. U . . -. .1. .c.7 . . . ...7a
- . . . ..... ir -v. i". a Mt 1H
Dmar A Rio Grand t,W0 tb it 1514
D. R. O. pfd 7(
niatiilenr Sacurltlag too 214 24 1944
K" . t4 t5'4 34
Rri 1st pfd....'. 300 .44 4 44 444
Krl 24 pfd jjju
Genaral Electrlo 700 1 46 144 143
Great Northern pfd S.toii :ji 131)14
Great Northern Or ctfg.... 1,100 f r. 64
llllnoU Central l.) U2 i;u aj
interborough Mat !,) 11114 m j
Int. Met. pfd 4.800 524 U HU
International Harrester ... 3,400 HH M M-
Int. Marina pfd r.... yiu
International Paper n
Internal tonal Pump 1(4) 45 45 4i
Iowa Central too 1944 1 1814
KiuMi City Southern (00 'Utt 524 1314
K. C. o. pfd : 441,
Laclede U 1,700 102 IUI4 )iiu
Loulnvllla A Nathvllla 400 142 4 1114 142
Minn. St. Louii 100 1V 814 ID
M., Bt. P. 8. t. M 700 IS ISH14 IH?
M., K. at T 1300 fi 3H .1
M.. K. at T. pfd gi4
Mliaourl Pacific 1,600 4744 H6 g;w
National Ulacult u 100 K4 I.M14 i(
National Laid 1.0)0 7444 744 !4'4
N. K. H. of M. li pfd 24
New York -antral 1,604 114 1:44 IU4
N. V., O. A W 1,10.) 4414.431,
Norfolk Waatera 2.400 1004 mi '4 t4
North American 400 6 8vt HS4
Northern Paclfla 4.1'Hl 12 U'44 124
Pac-rfii! Mall 800 tf. 244 M4
Pannaylvanla ll.0 133 1H4 Ihi
People's Gaa 1,300 1044 1044 lba
P.. C. t:, aV St. b aijtl
PittabuTg Coal -. 300 14 184 U14
Preaaed Steei Car 3414
Pullman Palace Car , 300 I6O44 !! lrti
Hallwar Bteel Spring 300 S44 844 114
Heading 141.000 1&4 I1I4 isn
lupublle Steel l.SiU 9114 r4 jn
Republic Hlael pfd 300 t:i4, M 1314
Ilo.k leland Co 64 4.4 404 4044
Hock Island Co. pfd I0 844 44 M
Si. L. A S. P. M pfd 1.8U0 4l4 84 844
Bt. Louie B. W 2la
St. L. I W. pfd, 73iT
gou-hetfleld S. A I (4
( Pacific 8S,7' 122 1114 1214
Southern Railway 8 4 244 Ib4
Bo. Hallway pfd ;uw M S84 (I)
Telineaara Copper I'M ii tnV to
Tetaa Pacific too t4 214
T., Bt. L A W S.'KiO 304
T.. Si. L. A W. pfd 400 S04 o4 so 14
I nlon Pacific 13,400 Vi 104 171V4
I nion paclh pfd tjii
tailed States Kealir 71
t nlted Stataa Rubber 400 24 314 3814
Vnlted Stelae Steel...... 10.200 7 774 784
I . . Btael pfd I.80O 11&4 1164 114 k
t;uh Copper- 4, tn) 44 4J 444
Va. -Carolina Chemical .... 3.100 414 f,
Wabaah ' t0 14 144 lw
W abaeh pfd 3, He 474 434 43 -a
Weatern Marrland 48 444 Wm
Weeilnghoiiee Elactrl 4") 83 414 (1
Weetern tnlos 300 44 444 8414
Wheeling A L. K 100 4 4 3
Total eales lor the dar. 7O.4O0 shares.
ee Verk Mlalagj II rocks.
NEW YORK. June . Closing quotations
on mining slocks were:
Alice Cen I
brunawlik Coo T Lntie chief g
Com. Tunnel exeik... 38 Meil.-an 84
d bonds 1 Ontario :i
Con. Cel. V 80 Ophir 74
Horn Bllr Sundtrd , 74
lroa Slltar 144 Yelies Jacket 44
w Vark Moaer Market.
NEW TORK. June 3. MONEY" On call.
easy; 241b'24 per cent; ruling rale. 2' per
cent: closing bid. 34 per cent: offered at
24 per rent. Time loans, steady; sixty
days, 34T34 per cent: ninety days, 3H per! six months, 444 per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 fUVi'tf
4 Usi for sixty-day bills and at $4 tu (or
demand. Commercial bills, $4.33?4.S3V
ell.VKR Bar. n34c: Mexican dollars. 44c.
N MUX LS Oovernment. firm; railroad, ir
Closing Quotations on bonus were as
t'. 8. ref. U. reg....1oosen(, m. M. 44
do eeupoa VOHejapan 4e 4
V. . 8a. rag l'H do 44 H4
So coupon lot K. ('. Bo. let 3e 734
U. . 4e. rag .1144L. B. deb. 4a 1M1... M
do coupon 1144 U A N. unl. 4. IS
AIIK-Chal. 1st ia 74M.. K. A T. let 4s.. t7
Am. Ag. te 1014 'do gen. 44a 4
Am. T. A T. rr. 4a..loo Mo. Pacific 4s 774
Am. Tobacco 4a 78 N. ft. ft. of M. 44.
do la 14N. Y. C. g. Iiki "4
Armour A Co. 44.. ' S do dob 4a 124
Airhieon sea. 4a K. T., N. M. aV H.
do ci. 4r Vi cv. la .... 13 4
do ct. ta 107 X. A W. let . 4e... 74
At. C. U let 4 14 do ct. 4 14
Bal. A Ohio 4e liNo. Pacirie 4 1004
dc, 34 "4 do 3e Ti4
do 8. W. IWe MVO . L. rfdg 4e 11
Rrk. Tr. cv. 4a MvtPenn. ct. I4s 1118... TI4
C. ot tla. ( 104 do eon. 4e V2
Cen. Leather t Reading gen. 4a 14
'. of N. J. g. 8a... Ill Bt. L. A 8. f. fg. 4a. W4
diet. A Obi 44-..1014 do gen. 8a t
do ref. 8 W4et. L. 8. W e. 4e... 7i4
Chicago A A. 34... '"4 do let gold 4a.... M
C . B. A i). 3. 4.,.. en 'seaboard A. L4e...
do gen. 4. TSo. Pacific col. 4a... SO
C. M. A B.P. t 841 do ct. 4a H4
C. R. 1. A P. c. 4a. 7(4 do 1st ref. 4a M
do rfs. 4 84So. Railway 4s 104
Colo. Ind. &a 17 do gen. 4e 77
Colo. Mid. 4e 73 Vnion Paclflo 4a l'4
C. A B. R. A . 44 -''4 do ct. 4a '.044
D. A H. ct. 4e is do 1st A ret. 4a ... H
1). A R. G. 4. 8. Robber 4e 1"24
do ret. bt I14C. B. Steal 2d ta ins
niitlllera' ta Ve.-i-aro. Chem. 6a.. W4i
Erie p. 1. 4 82 Wabaah let ta 1"4
do geo. 4a 4 do let A M. 44 fl'
do ct. 4, ser. A... 72 Weatern Md. 4a 844
do eertes B S44West. Rlec. CT. 5a,, 88
0n. Elee. ct ia...,liM WH. Central 4a 104
III. Cen. let ref, 4i.. 174 Mo. Pac. ct. ti ctle.. 14
int. Mat. 44a 114
Hid. "Ollered.
Be$t Gradei of Cattle Strong to
1 "
Demaad la Artlve, rarkers rarekas
aatt Xearlr All Stock oa Market
I 1 Sheep aad Lambs Are
London Stock Market.
l,w. i-'u. . juna a. aiiici ii:hii .rcuinir,.
after a steady opening today, declined
uoub ev iiuiiiL oil 1 rail lAiiie,. . iiitii ."KV1
lug orucre rciievou ma nmiiviri. nuu .wh
ptioes ranged from H above to below
yesterday's New York closing.
Coneols, money 13 LeuleTill A Nub... 1414
do account we-mm.. n. t ..r.P
Amal. Coooar SSSNew York Central. .11144
Anaconda 84 Norfolk A Weeiern..l03
Atchison 1' . Pfl1' -i;.- :I
to sfd l04yjmano at western. ..
Baltimore A Ohio. ..lit PenneyWanl 474
Canadian Pacific. ..! Rand Mines 74
Cnlcsgo O. W 41 Southern Railway.... J
i m. at si. w uv "u
Pa neera 174 Southern Psctflo ....1344
Denier A Rio O.,.. 4fnlon Paciflo 1774
do pro. " w
Brie llaf. 8. !
do Id nfd a4sbash H
Grand Trunk 04 do pfd.
Illinois Central !Tanisn es
HI LVKR-Bar, steady, wta per rauw.
MONEY 2'if3 per cent.
X ne rate 01 umtuuni m
. , . umi. i ti. .... ,.at ThA rate
lor snuri- uuia 10 ? 1 - " -
of discount in the open market for three
months Dins is s per cem.
Local Sccatrlties.
Quotations furnished by Bamuel Btiras,
Jr., (33 New York Life building. Omaha:
Bid. AakaS.
Auditorium. Chicago, ta, 1I2 J44 JJ
Beatrice Creamery pfd 0 Jj
City of Omaha 44s. 1900 1044 10i
Cudahy Packing Co. ta
Iowa Portland Cement bonds Is JJ
Lm Swt r.m.nt Mn aa IB 100
Kansas City Block Yards sleek II JJ4
Lincoln. Neb., 4s. IIJO..... r... 4
Nebraaka Tel. stock, f per ceni. i"v j .
rirr..h. W.l.r CO ta. llll. 100 101
Omaha Water Co. t. 144.7. IT 4
Omalia Has Is. 117 "
Om.ha Os te, 1114 104 lot
lim.h. K I. A t. r.a. 1IU 874 94
Omaha . L. pfd i per cnt.. M Ji
Omaha Bt. Ry. 5., 1114 Wtt 14
Omshs A C. B. 8t. Ky. 6. 1923 91 W4
Oaaha C. B. Bt. Ry. prdi I
Omaha M, C R Si. Hi. A B, Dfd . rf. . . . 4t
Omaha A C. B. St. Ky. com..... 1 144
South Omaha, city of. ta.. .. ...... 194 10
Panirtn T A T. ta. UI7 II s
Trt-Clty Ry. A U-ta,. ....- 974
I'nlon Stock Yards, South, , Omaha 94
Traaurr llsfeucst,
WASHINGTON. June I The condition of
the treaaury at the close of business to
day was as follows: Trust funds: Gold
coin. 367.403.36!; silver dollars. 4W OTg.tX'O
silver dollars of 1K0, $3O2.00t; silver certif
icates outstanding. $490.0.3.000. General
fund: Rtandard silver dollars In general
fund. $l..73ii; current llabllliles. $&J.4ol 144;
working balance In treasury offices. $1.
5o,5i4, iu bauks to the credit of treasurer
mining stocks w
Amal. Copper . . .
A. t. L. A 8..,..
Artaona Com. ..
B. A C. C. A 8,
Buti Coalition
Csl. A Arlions
Cal. A Hecla
Copper Rang C. C.
Eaet Bull C. M....
Giro tut Con. ...
Oranby Con. ...
Oraen Canaries
1st Royal Copper .
Kerr Lake ......
Lake Copper ....
La Salle Copper.
Asked. Bid.
Cloalntv Stocks
$. CloBlng quotation
. 39 Miami Copper ....
. M4 Mohawk
. 344Nvrada Con
. 18 Ntplaslng Mine ...
. 644 North Butte
. 13 North Lske
l401d Dominion
41 Osceola
t;o "l'arrott 8. A O..
14 Qulncy
84 Shsnnon
8 Superior
. llHSuperlor A B. M...
. 74Superlor A P. C...
. 39 Tsmsrsck
. 14U. 8. C. A O
. 1I4U. 8, 8. H. A M...
84 da pfd
. 61 t'lah Copper Co..
. 11 Winona
a on
. M4
. 4S
. ll
. U4
. H4
. 104k
. 864
. 14
. 7444
. :o't
. 424
. 104
. 114
. HI
. 98
. 404
New York Car Market.
The following quotations are furnished
by Logan A Bryan, members New York
Stock exchange, 315 south Sixteenth street
Bay State Gaa 35 La rose 4 l-ia
Butte Coalition .... 18 Nevada Cons 30
Cactus 24Newbouu 174
Chlno 1140hlo Copper 3 1-1
Chief consolidated..! i-iaKtvrnifl (Joanuon... 24
Fraotlon , 324Ray Central 11-18
rvet Daly 1 11-liswlft Pkg. Co IO84
Ely Central 99 re-Roebuck Co.... lot
Ely Consolidated.... tt Bllver Pick 74
Ely Wltoh 1148ilver King Coal'n..34(
Franklin llHSuperlor A Pitts 1H
Oiroui 14Tonopah Mining .... 84
Ooldfleld Cona ISTrlnlt Copper 44
Ooldfleld Florence... 14 North Lak 11
Ooldfleld Daisy 1 North Lak 11
Greene Oensea 74 Bohemia 74
Inspiration 74
Bank C'learintra.
OMAHA, June . Bank clearings for to
day were, snd for the corre
sponding date last year were $-',367,066.60.
Melal Market.
NEW YORK. June 8. META L8 The
market for copper was weak today, with
spot and deliveries up to the end of Sep
tember closing at $12.J."4t 12.60. The London
market waa quiVt, with spot quoted at
56 Ta and futures at 57 2s 3d. Arrivals
of copper at New York reported today were
1,240 tons. Custom house returns showed
exports of 441 tons, making $.233 so far
this month. Local dealers report a aulet
but steady market, with lake quoted at
$12. TM 13.00; electrolytic, $12.b24$12.75; cast
ing, $12.37Hffl2.V. Tin waa weak, with
spot quoted at . w w; June, si.ntytsa.w,
July and August, $: 6od32.7; Heptember,
232 60 bid. The London market waa weak.
with spot quoted at 143 17a and futures
at slbO 2b. Lead was quiet, witn spot
quoted at $4.404.60, New York, and $4.104
4.20, F.ast St. Louis; London unchanged at
22 2s. The Kngiisn iron market was tin
changed at 49s 44d for Cleveland warrants.
Locally the market was quiet. No. 1 foun
dry northern. i7.tsjirw.; ro. z. tm.oun ir.ia;
No. 1 southern ana rvo. 1 soumern son
ii ?.vai.7S.
8T. U5UI8, June g METALS Lead firm
at $4.22Vi. Spelter dull at t t.
Coffee Market.
KKW YORK. June . COFFEE Closed
steadv. net 6 uolnts lower to s points higher
Hales were reported of 4.760 bags. Closing
bids follow) Juns, 6 20c; July, 6.20c; August,
3.36c: HeDtember and October. t.4c; No
vember. $.4fic; December, 3.a)c; January
r,:ki: February. $.56c: March. ..Vc: Aoril
&c; May, $.60c; spot, steady; Rio No. 7,
a4c; riautos .-so. 4, c; mua, quiet; Cor
dova, W)U,.4.
Oil aad Koala.
Dentine, firm. M bbls.: sales ' bhls.; re
celpts. 730 bbls.. shipments, 14 bbls. stocks
1414 hb's.
ROSIN-Flrm: sales. 3,303: receipts. 2,350
shipments, 226; stocks. 49.141. Quote: R
$41Mj4?24; U, $466l4.57Vi; E. $4.0; F,
!4 KMiS.OiV.: O. $5.10; H. $6.10: I, $:.t": K
6.S: M. fc.Iftft'S.SO; N, $5.63; WO, $3 36; WW,
Col (on Market.
closed dull; middling uplands. 15.20c; mid
dling gulf. 16 46c; sales, 1.863 bales.
BT. IX5CIS. June 8. COTTON Plead v;
middling. 14'e: salea. 71 bales; receipts.
1.147 bales; shipments, 1,167 bales; stock,
24,803 bales.
Omaha Har Market.
OMAHA, June . HAY No. 1. $? 00; No
t. $I 6o; packing. $4 50. Straw: Wheat $4 00
rye and oats. $7.00. Alfalfa. $12.00. There
has been a drop of 60c on all grades.
Peoria Market.
FKORIA, June 8.-CORN Firm ; No. 2
yellow, XT4r; No. $ yellow. i4c; No. I, $6c;
No. 4. 44V: no grade. 60tfr63c.
OATS-Stcady; standard, $840.
Receipts were:
Official Monday
Official Tuesday......
Eailmate Wednesday
... 2,448
... 3.747
... 3,b50
Three days this week.10.04A 17.071 6.82
Same days last week.... 10.767 36.040 ll.Orl
Hame days 2 weeks ago..l-'.047 80.063 13.08S
Hams days 3 weeks ago.. 12. t2 21.674 18.4M4
ame days 4 weeks ago..l3.7 n.vt
Same days last year 3,717 24.520 7,2Vi
The Xollowlna table show the receipt
of cattie, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, compared with lent
year: 1910. 1!0 Inc. Dec
Cattle 427,014 407.609 19,505
Hogs 947.808 1.2i.7n Z.!t.4o
Kheep 614,569 621,806 .24
The fnllowinsr lahla ihne. the averag
prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several day! with comparisons:
Date I 1910. 13O9.l!s.19O7.190.r.KIMl4.
May 23.
May 29.
May 30.
May 81.
June 1..
June 3..
June 3..
June 4..
June 6..
June 6..
July 7..
June 8..
9 344
t 804jj
9 1&4
9 084:
9 05
9 00
9 1541
9 2941
7 02
7 02
7 11
7 14
7 19
7 26
7 34
7 321
7 38;
$ 28
6 27
t 26
I 36
I 23
S 24
5 81
6 26
6 92
6 94
6 01
$ Oh
( 10
6 05
6 99
6 98
6 981
I 6 021
S 27 6 08',
( 26
$ 2H
6 89
( 32
$ 29
6 21
( 20
6 241
30 ;
6 S7(
6 12
6 17
6 13
6 0
6 16
S 21
6 23
4 49
4 53
4 59
4 63
4 49
4 49
4 63
4 64
6 3f 4 28
B 20! 4
R (.points sind dlanosltion of live stock at
the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb.,
for twenty-four hours, ending at 3 p. m.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.HT s.
C. M. & St. F 4 1 .. .
Wabssh 7
Missouri Pacific 2 ..
I'nlon Pacific 25 34 4
C. & N. W east 5 2
C. Ai N. V., west 67 37
C. St. P. M. & 0 7 3
C. H. A Q , east 2
H. & U.. west 41 19 1
C. R. I. A P.. east..... 6. 1 2 1
C. R. & P., west 2 2
Illinois Central 1 ..
C. U. W 2
Total receipts 170
472 663 641
7H2 1.224 4-6
.043 1.863 944
869 2.019 964
US ,
3 .....
306 1
buying fully l.M head. The hulk went at
$9 30. as compared with yesterday's narrow
spread of $9 U'tftl 274. Tops were also 16c
higher, the best lights Belling at $3.36.
Representative sale:
No. Av. Ph. Pr. No. t. h. Pr.
84 til IS) 9 134 44 Mt ... ltd
44 7l ... S4 81 t ... 31
tit 120 8 M 7 t' 11
8 Ml M u ta to t so
73 34 ... t ti n 3.M ... 3D
81 34 M l to 3 4 ... 8
8K T"4 8 15 It IX) ...
140 80 17 W ... 9 3
tt m If4 tB 81 313 40 8
48 3M. ' 8 34 IS til ...
M 3.4 80 :t 87 33 11 8 M
4f fel ... I to 71 tail 10 8 1'"
TO St to I It 44 S.4.1 ... t JO
44 n 81) 38 t ... 30
48 2! 8 24 71 t4 1 .VI
14 t 14 III 13 187 ... I.
11 f.l ... IK -t t ... I S'l
it in ...'tn ti if ...
10 141 to I tt 13 IHI 40 I 80
73 348 120 I 274 4 110 ... I 80
48 17 40 I 1:4 71 :0 W I SO
i 30 1174 II ll ...
71 BO SO I J7' 4 H7 . . I 30
W tflO 840 1 274 47 L' 100 I S'l
tl M4 SO 1T4 ' ft
U fS 10 1 17 4 74 2-tl 1 180
7 241 ... I 80 M 244 II I 10
74 ! ... I 80 7 2.1 80 8 80
71 til 40 I 80 TH. 347 40 I 30
80 144 80 I SO II 3S2 ... ISO
88 If7 0O IIO 40 J40 ... 180
72 147 to I 30 VI ... I 80
71 248 340 I 30 K 2sl 80 I 30
21 Ill 40 I 10 77 tl 40 I 80
74 225' 100 I 80 (10 211 ... I
II 3fJ 40 I ) l M4 to I 80
17 18S ... I 30 84 21 80 I SO
I ... I 80 II 2M 40 I
11 ST1 ... I 80 44 SM ... I SO
40 227 80 I i 80 321 I 30
II &t 140 0 7 21 8 8 SO
87 . 241 0 I 30 71 231 Ml 9 134
14 t 10 I JO 88 2.iO ... 24
78 125 ... I fl K4 !M H0 C4
70 Ill 40 I SO 80 2.1 ... I SI4
81 80; 10 I 80 7 4 244 M 1324
M 840 100 4 SO 70 2-J8 1W) 1324
81 JM ... I 80 78 214, 40 I 324
12 3"4 IS) 4 80 71 212 40 I SA
170 120 I 30 2 43 ... I JS
75 124 40 I 10 88 274 ... I SS
47 15 ... 9 30 7 2"3 M I SS
79 321 l I SO M 21 ... I 33
71 ill 10 I 90
per bos, $2 2J. Cantaloupe. Trxa, 48 site
$160; California. 64 site. $; 60, 4j standards
$1" OH. Chen les. California, per 10-lb, boa.
$2 16. la(rs. Anchor brand, new. .10 l ib.
PM. In box. per box, v0. Figs, Cali
loltila ie, MOi'.
VKtlKTAHl.KS-lrlHh potatoes. Wisconsin
and nntive, per bu., MMriUc; Colorado, ix-r
bu., iV.c. New pirtatocR, in sacks, per Ih
Cabbage, new California and southern
per lb., 3c. Onions. Texas crystal waa. per
rate, tLi.w; yeuow, pi r crate. 31.76. im
vegetables, rrsnlps. carrots, beets, turnips
In sacks, per lb., 2c. llarllc, extra fancy'
white, per lb , 15c; red. per lb., lc.
Radtxhes, per doi. bunches, 20c. Turnips.
per doi. bunches, jmc. t srrots, pr dos.
bunches. 60c. Parsley, per dos. bunches
60c. lieets, per dos. bunches, 46c. Kplnach.
;ier bu.. 12 lbs. too Kgg plant, fanrv
Florida, per tloB., 3l.5iaiii.00. Tomatoes
fancy Florida, per B-bsk. crate, $,1.00; choice.'
$2 60. String and wax beans, per hamper.
about i 10s.. i.;; maraet baskets, $100
Oreen peaa, per hamper. $: 60. Cucumber,
hot house, per doi . $1.00; Texas, i-er doa..
tV; er bu. box. II. ,S.
shes, extra fancy home grown, per doa
bunches. 20c. Lettuce, extra fancy laf,
per dos., 30c: head lettuce, per dos., 75c.
Parsley, tsncy nome grown, per dos.
bunches, 40c. Rhubarb, per dos. hunches.
45c. Asparagus, per dos. burches, 60c,
Urecn onions, per dm. bunches, 25c,
M1SCELLANFAH S Horsedarlah, $ doa.
In case. $1.90. Walnuts, black, per lb.. 2c;
California No. 1, per lb.. 17c; California
No. 2. per ib., 14c. ltickorynuts. large, per
lb.. 4c; small, per lb.. 5c. Cocoanuts, per
sack, $6.00; per dot., 65c.
Cattle. Ho?!. 8hep.
Omaha Parkin; Co....
Miarirt ? Comnanv 792 1.224 4-6
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour & t.o
Murphy shippers
Stephens Hros
Hill & Son
F. B. Lewis
II union A Co ,
J. B. Root & Co
L. Wolf
S. Werthelmer
Mo. & Kans.-Calf. Co....
Other Buyers
Total : 3,819 6,004 2,876
CATTLE Receipts of cattle this room
ing numbered 175 cars and the quality,
takina the run as a whole, was quits good.
The same thing might be said of the mar
ket as the general trade was in a gooa
healthy condition.
Beet atecrs possessing quality -were In
very god demand and the market rea
sonably active at prices that were any
where from strong to as much as 10c
higher in some cases. Common and
medium cattle on the other hand that did
not appeal to buyers were slow sellers at
no more than steady prices. While the
heavy fall of rain in the morning delayed
the opening of the market, still when the
trade waa ones underway there was a fair
movement and everything desirable sold
in very fair season. -
Cows and heifers were also in good de
mand and the desirable kinds sold -quite
freely at good strong prices. Some sales
men thought that they secured as much as
a 10c advance on kinds that just fisp
pened to suit buyers.
The feeling on fleshy feeders was about
steady, owing to the fact that the killers
would take anything having sufficient
flesh to suit their purposes. On the other
hand light, thin stockers which have been
accumulating in the handa of speculators
this week and which were quoted lower
yesterday were still lower again today.
Stock cattle could safely be quoted 26'o4oc
lower than the good time last week.
Quotations on cattle: Good to chice corn
fed steers, $7.36$i8.20; fair to good cornfed
steers, $6.85,7.40; common to fair cornfed
steers, $6.506.60; good to choice cows and
heifers, H. 006. 65; fair to good cows and
heifers. 84.76iao.76; common to fair cows
and helfera. 33.00,4.5O: good to choice stock
ers end feeders,'6; rair to good
stockers and feeders, $6.005j5.60; common to
fair stockers and feeders, 33.764.75; stock
heifers, 33.764r4.86; veal calves, l4.(;
bulls, stags, etc., $3.765.76.
Representative sales:
23. .
.... 840
.... Ill
.... 114
.... 486
.... Ill
.... 768
.... 37
.... HI
.... 173
.... 787
.... Ml
.... 141
.... 147
.... 141
.... 140
.... 180
.... Wl
.... Ill
.... 781
.... 13
.... 91
.... 827
.... 177
.... 120
.... 940
.... 714
.... SI7
.... 478
.... 640
.... 780
.... 640
.... 130
... .140
.... 150
.... 124
.... u
.... 8
.... 170
.... 320
4 10
I to
I 71
I 10
I 00
I 06
I 23
I 80
I 40
4 bO
4 40
I 61
I 7
I 71
I 71
I 80
I 16
6 16
I li
I 80
f 10
1 05
I 16
7 00
I 10
7 li
I 20
7 25
7 25
7 34
7 It)
10 1314
14 ... ,
7 31
T 36
1 86
7 40
7 40
7 40
t 40
7 40
7 40
7 41
7 46
7 16
7 40
7 40
7 46
7 6
7 45
7 15
7 16
7 70
7 70
7 70
7 76
7 76
7 75
7 80
7 .
7 66
7 t
I 00
8 It
I 30
4 It
I 31
4 00
4 15
4 10
4 It
4 40
4 65
4 76
4 7i
4 75
I 00
i 00
IH t
4 n it
4 so 12
4 85 - .
I 10
I .
17. .
i .
1 .
I 75
4 00
4 06
4 30
4 40
4 40
4 76
4 10
I 10
I 00
I to
I 60
I to
7 U0
7 00
7 2
7 li
1 S5
... 188
... 141
... 844
.. .11341
. . 160
. .141
. .UV)
. .;6wj
.. 129
.. MM
.. 10
.. 110
.. 240
.. 140
.. lli
.. lii
.. ItO
8 10
I 50
I 60
I 60
I 44
I 43
6 75
t It
I li
4 20
4 26
7 00
4 40
4 86
6 06
6 16
I 40
6 60
I 60
6 50
I 80.
I 44
I 65
i 7t
4 10
7 80
7 60
7 60
T 60
7 40
7 7i
7 75
7 71
. IS
, 401
4 t
4 71
4 80
4 i
4 10
, 700
I 04
I 10
I 10
SHEEP Prices continue to advance In
the sheep barn On a very limited supply.
About the same number of lambs were re
ceived today as on yesterday and the de
mand Via active and the trade brisk from
the opening. Several prctly good slritiRs of
western lambs arrived, the best iignt
weights aeillng at $8.60. Something strictly
choice In this line would probiibly sell up
aa high as $S 75. The first fat graers ap
peared at this point today and they sold to
good advantage. They were ldnlio gra.s
lambs and yearlitiKs and commanded t'i.5.
Not many snrlne lamhs have been romliikt
lately, but anything good has been selling
readily, a small bunch of western spring
crs going at $9.25 today. Generally speak
Ing the bulk of todrv's lamb sales were
Just about 107J250 higner than those of yes
Only a few sheep were on sale, but prices
in this branch of the trade showed the same
advance as lamb values. The best ewes
brought $i.8o and really toppy grades might
sell as high as $ii. Another string went at
I0.50. . There were no wethers on sale ana
prices on heavy muttons remain nominally
Quotations on fed stock: Good to choice
lambs, $H.2f,'u8.75; fair to good lambs, $7.26'd)
8.26; good to choice wethers, $5.2,VT'5.75; fair
to good wethers, $4.04j5.2f; good to choice
ewes, $5.40'Q,6.00; fair to good ewes, $5.006.40.
Kenresentatlve sales:
167 spring lambs
60 western lambs, culls..
26 western ewes
80 western ewes, culls..
13.1 western ewes
79 western ewes
34 western eyarllngs ..
3"3 Oregon yearlings ...
492 western lambs ......
89 spring lambs
.... 82
.... 109
9 25
6 00
C 85
4 25
5 85
5 75
7 50
8 80
9 25
5 50
3 00
6 25
7 85
6 75
9 25
western ewes
10 western ewes, culls..
22 western wethers
602 western lambs
60 western lambs
$ native ewes
3 spring lambs
Cattle Market Steady Hobs and
Sheep Reported Firm.
CHICAGO, June 8. CATTLE Receipts,
11.000 head. Market steadv to strong; Steers
$6.25fi8."5; cows. $4.50ti.75: heifers. 4.a(U
7.25; bulls, $4.60rq'6.25; calves. $3.008.90
stoi-kers snd feeders. 84.76rl6.60.
HOGS ReceiDts. 16.000 head. Market firm
Choice heavy. $9.6c4i9.60; butchers, $9.80
9rt6- lla-ht mixed. I9.45fti9.u5: choice light
$9.669.66: packing, $9.4f.(rf9.56; pigs. $9.00
9.40: bulk of sales, $9.60M9.60.
SHEEP Receipts. 18.000 head. Market
firm. Sheep, $5.15(58.00; yearlings, $6.7W
7.25; lambs, $7.4068.85; spring lambs, $9,004
Dry l.ooda Market,
NEW YORK. June . DRY C.OODft-The
cotton goods market Is quiet and steady
and with some sllht Improvement noted
In the demand for domestics for prompt
shipment. 1'nderwear for spring of 1911 Is
being offered at prices current at the open
ings of last year. The silk trade rules very
quiet In first hands.
President Hefnaes Keoneat of t'ltisene
of "eattle for Transfer of
Colored Heglmeat.
WASHINGTON, June 8,-Ths president
has flatly refused to accede to a demand
from the cltlxens of Seattle, Wash., trans
mitted through Senator Jones, for the re
moval of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, col
ored, because a soldier ia accused of as
saulting a white woman.
SEATTLE, Wash., June Lieutenant
Miller, commandant at Fort
has been made from Fort
Washington, concerning the
Colonel S. W.
Law ton, said
"No report
liwton to
complaints against the soldiers and none
has been called for. Private Nathaniel'
Rledseer, accused of assaulting a woman,
has been turned over to the civil authori
ties for trial."
St. Louis Live ,8tork Market.
ST. LOUIS. June g tATTI Bl Receipts,
4,100 hesd, Including 2,000 Texans; market
strong to 10c higher; native shipping and
export steers, $7.25iS8.60; dressed beef and
butcher steers, $6.5X8.50: steers under l.OOO
lbs., $ti.l0fa8.00; stockers and feeders, $4.2."i(
6.25; cows and heifers, $4.257.86; canners,
$2.7oiff3.25; bulls, $4.00843.76; calves, Vi.507
9.50; Texas and Indian steers, $6.00)'8.tj0;
cows and heifers, $3.Kf6.26.
HOGS Receipts, 8.200 head; market 10c
higher; pigs and lights, $9.0('f9.50; packers,
$9.0iifl.55; butchers and best heavy,v $9..W
(&9.60. -
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3 300
head; market 162oc higher; native mut
tons, $42.5(fj'5.50; lambs, $7.75i.75: culls and
bucks, $3.60ft7.50; stockers. 3.00'a4.&0.
Kansas t It Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 5.400 head, including 2,000 southerns,
market 10"(25c higher; choice dressed beef
and export steers, $7. 25-38.36; fair to good,
$5.60i87.15; western steers, $5.50g8.15; Block
ers and feeders, 34.5oti6.30, southern tciT.
$4.75(97.35; southern cows, $3.26ri5.40; votive
cows, $3.800.60; native heifers, $4.50'f7.76;
bulls. $4 40y.2S; calves. $l.2f74.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7.000
head; market 10025c higher; 'i'exar4 mut
tons. $5.85; lambs, $7.509.36; yearlings. $6.50
8.00; wethers, SB.OOfpS.iS; ewes, $l.5(Vfj.;
stockers and feeders, $2.75745.50.
St. Joseph Live Block Market.
Receipts. 1.200; market Strong to 10c higher;
steers, $ft.O5t.00; cows and helfrra, A.Wu
7.00; calves, $3.008.00.
HOGS-Receipts, 4,500; market lOfjloo
higher; top, $9.45; bulk of sales, $9.25(59.40.
SHEEP Receipts, 500; market 25c highsr;
lambs, $7.603.400.
Stork In Sight.
Receipts of. live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets:
South Omaha 3.860
St Joseph I.200
Kansas City ., 5.400
St Louis 41.000
Chicago 11.000
... 600
HOGS Product scored another broad ail.
vance at the opening today, and with only
a normal supply of hogs on hand killers
were forced to elevate prices still highsr.
Demand was sctlvs throughout, packer
buying most of the hogs, but sales are still
closely bunched snd th spread of values
ha practically vanished. The popular pile
today was $9.30, 16c higher than yesterday's
long string, the bulk cf receipts moving at
this advance. Good heavy butchers sold
a high aa good lights In many cases, but
the latter class of stock Is still favored
and is generally appraised at or near tha
lop of th list.
A tiainload of hogs that arrived shortly
before noon after most of the buyers Itsd
left th alleys did not fare ao well as early
shipment, practically all of the advance
waa lost on the (ew hogs that sold 1st, but
at the tima ol cloaittg this report, there
were still several loads in first hands.
An eariv hiearance was made, shipper
Staple and. Fancy Produce Prices Fur
nished by Bayers and Wholesalers.
BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to
the retail trade, in 1-1 b. cartons, 29c; No. 1
In 36-11). tubs, 284c; No. 2. in 1-lb. cartons,
27c; in (10-lb. tubs, 27!4c; packing stock, solid
pack, 19'ic; dairy, In 60-lb. tubs, 22c. Mar
ket channel every Tueiday.
CHEESE Twins, 164c; young America,
174c; daily, 17c; triplets, 17c; llmberger,
20c; No. 1 brick, lttc; No. 2, 14c; domestic
Swiss, 25c; whole Swiss, 24c; imported
Swiss, 90c.
POL'L'f It Y Dressed broilers, $9.00 dos.;
for storage, 16.00, for fresh springs, 20c;
hens, 17c; tvckH, 124c; ducks, 18c; geese,
16c; turkeys, 3uc; pigeons, per dux., $120;
homer squabs, $4.00 per dos.; fancy aquabs,
$3.50 per doi.; No. 1, $3.00 per dux. Alive:
Hioller. trom l', to 14 lbs., 26c; 14 to 2
lbs., 26c: hens, 134c: old roosters, 84c;
young rootlets, 16c; ducks, full feathered,
13c; geese, full feathered, 10c; turkeys, 18c;
guinea fowls, 2oc each; p.geons. 90c per
qui., homers, $3.00 per dos; squabs, No, 1,
$2.1X1 per dos.; No. 2, 60c.
FISH (all frozen) Pickerel, 10c; whlteflsh,
16c; pike. 14c; trout, 16c; large crapph's,
15il8e; Spanish mackerel, lc; eel. 16c;
haddock, 13c; flounders, 12c; Green catfish,
lie; trout, 13c; buffalo, 8c; halibut, 8c;
white perch, 6c; whlteflsh, lac; yellow
perch, 9c; bullheads, 12c; white baas, 17c;
rouskads, $1 each; shadroes, per pair, boc;
frog lege, 3oc per doz.
Beef cuts Klb: No, t, 17c; No. 2, ltc;
No. 3, 13c. Lulus, No. 1, 19c; No. 3, 144.0 ;
NO. 8, 134o. Chuck: No. 1, 94c; No. 3. IVc;
No. I, 440. Round: No. 1. 11 c; No. 2,
1140; No. 3. La -lat. No. i, m; No. 3,
740, No.- 3, 7'Ac.
i'RL'lTS Strawberrle. Missouri, 24-qt
case. $2. 75423.00. Oranges. California Ca
milla and producer brands Redland navels,
80 slxe, per bvx, $3.76; 100 six, per bus,
li.26, 1-8 size, per box. $3.25; lut size, $3 ,5,
Mo arid smaller sixes, per box, $1.26. Otlior
brands from Rlveislde and other districts,
per box. taOO(u3.6o; 80-96-112 sizes, per box,
Havana Mediterranean sweets, U6.
112 sizes." per box, $JU); 160 and smaller
a, sea, per box, Lemons. Llmon-
leia. extra fancy, 3oo-8i aizes, $"j.60; choice
30t)-j;0 izcs, per box, $4 76; 40, 600 box leu.
Bananas, fancy select, per bunch, 12.254
1260, Jumbo, bunch, I-'.i633i5. Pineapples,
Cuban, eO-o-z sizes, i:.mi, norma. 24-30-36-43
sixes, $2.76. Apples. California fancy W. W.
Peaiinalns. per box. $236: California extra
faucy W. W. Pearmalns, Red Wood brand
Moat Wonderful Healing.
After suffering many years with a sore,
Arpos King, Port Byron. N. Y was cured
by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 25c. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
f.MO. STATION Tenth and Maeoa.
I it Ion Pacific . I.eae ArrlTe
San Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. 8:15 a. m. 11:30 p. tn.
Chi. & Pac. Fast Mall. 4:10 p. 111. 5:46 p. m.
Atlantic Express , 6:46 a. m.
Oregon Express 4:00 p. m. 6:30 p. m.
Oregon-Wash. Ltd 12:40 p. in. 8:20 p. m.
Denver Special 6:47 a. in. 12:30 a. m.
Colorado Special 11:43 p. 111. V:43 a. m.
Colorado Express 3:60 p. in. 6:00 p. in.
North Platte Local.... 8:J5 a. m. 4:45 p. m.
Grand Island Local... 6:30 p. ni. 10:30 a. in.
Stromsburg Local.. ....12:41 p. in. 1:20 p. m,
Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific
RockXMount'n Ltd.al2:38 a. m. al0:30 p. m.
Iowa Local Pass.. ..a 6:35 a. ni. a 4:30 p. m.
Chicago Day Ex. ...a 7:42 a. ni. a 2:45 a. in.
Chicago Local Pass.bl0:3o a. m. bl0:19 p. m.
Des Moines ixicai
passenger 4:00 p. ni. al2:30 p. m.
Chicago Express. ...a 4:40 p. m. a 1:16 p. m.
Chicago Limited.. ...a 6:08 p.. m. a 8:02 a. m.
The Mountaineer. ...a 2:50 a. mT a 7:05 a. m.
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd.
for Lincoln a 8:23 a. m. a 5:47 p. m.
Colo. & Cal. Exp... a 1:25 p. in. a 4:30 p, tn.
Okl. &. Tex. Exp.... a 3:30 p. in. a 1:20 p. m.
Rocky Mount'n Ltd.alo.W p. ni. a!2:30 p. m.
Om.-St. Louis Exp. .a 6:30 p. m. a 9:23 a.
Mall and Express.. a 7:30 a.' m. all;15 p.
Stanberry Loc'l tfrom
Council Bluffs). ...b 5:00 p. in.
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul-
Overland Limited. ..all:45 p. m.
Omaha-Chicago Ex. a 7:16 a. ni.
Colorado Special... .a 7:67 a. 111.
Colo.-Cal. Ex a 6:00 p. 111.
perry Omaha Local. b 6:15 p. m.
Missouri Pacific'
K. C. &, St. L. Ex a 9:40 am
K. C. bt St. L. Ex. 4.W.
Saluiday 13 p. m.)... .-.all. 15 pm
Chicago A or th wester u
Omalia Express ...a 7:00 tni
Chicago- Local ...al2:oi pm
Colorado-Chicago a'a:20 pm
blO : 15 p. rn.
a 8 25 a. m,
a 9:30 a. m.
all:33 p. m.
8:26 p. m.
bll:U6 p. m.
a. 6:35 am
a 6:30 pm
Chicago Special :..'.a6:oupm
Pnclllo Coast-Chicago,. a b:uO pm
Lua Angeles Liinltcu....a 9:10 pm
Overlund Limited ...;..all:4j pm
Deqver Special al2:40 am
Carroll Local a 4:30 pm
Fust Mail .'
Twin City Express a 7:50 am
Sioux Cliy Local a 3:16 pm
Minn. 6c Dakota Ex. ...a 7:uo pm
Twin City Limited a 9. 00 pm
Llncoln-Cbadroii ia 7:50 aim
Norfolk-l'-onealeel ......a 7:50 am
Long pine-So. Platte... .b 2:15 pm 1
Haslinga-Superlor b 2:15 pm
Deadwood-Hul Springs. a 2:65 pm
Casper-Lander ,
Illinois t eulral
Chicago Express .....
Chicago Limited ....
Minn. -St. Paul Ex...
Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd,
2:66 pm
.b 6.30 p:n
al2:35 am
a 3:2vpm
a 8:28 pm
a 7:66 am
a 8:28 pm
a 12: 20 pm
a 7:45 am
a 6.32 am
a 9.60 am
a 8:36 pm
ul0:20 pm
a ?:3a pm
a 9:15 am
a L30 am
all :00 om
a 10 45 pm
a 6:20 pm
b 6.!0 pin
a 6 20 pm
all. 00 am
it 1:35 pm
a 2:45 pm
a 7:45 gin
a 7:45 am"
bll.SS am
a 7:00 am
a 6:00 pm
b 7:00 am
A .WVl ...
V.VW Ulll
Omaha- t. Dodge Loc.b 4:16 pin
Chicago Grent Western
Chicago Limited .........a 6 00 pm
Twin City Limited a 8:30 pm a 8:00 am
Chicago Express a 8 45 pm
'1 win City Express a 9:00 am a 8 W pm
' ' Leave. Arrive.
Denver and California. .a 4:10 pm a 8:45 pm
l-ugei cuuiiu express. ..a :iu pmi a S:10 pm
Neoraska points
Black Hills ,
Northwest ExpruHS.
Nebraska point....
Lincoln Mall
Nebraxka Express..
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Plattsmouth-Iuwa ....
liellevue-Plaltstnouth .
Colorado Limited.......
Chicago Special
Chicago Express -.
Chicago Fast Express.
Iowa Local a 9:16 am
Creston-lowa Local...... 3:30 pm
St. Louis Express ,,,.a4..10pm
K. C. and St. Joeph...'.ai0.45 pin
K. C. and St. Joseph. ...a 9:16 am
K. C. and St. Joseph. ...a 4:30pm
8:20 am
...a 4 10 pm
...all :25 pm
...a 8:20 am
.. .b 1:20 pm
...a. 8:16 tun
t7 .26 pm
3:06 pm
.a 9:16 am
.a 12:30 pm
. .all :25 pm
a V:1j pm
a 6:10 pm
a 7:00 am
a 4:10 pm
al2:lt pm
a ft: 10 pm
b 9:08 am
a 7:60 put
bl0:20 am
a 8:60am
a 2:40 pm
a 7:00am
all. :0t mn
a 4:30 pin . 2:66 Dm
a. 6:20 pm a 8:00am
a!0:30 am
ail :46 am
a 6:45 ant
a 6:10 pro
STATIO.V Fifteenth and
Missouri Pacific
Leave. Arrive.
b 8:60 pm bl:10pm
Paul, Minneapolis et
Auburn Special.
Chicago, 8)1.
Omaha - ...
filoux City Express. . . . b :00 pm bUM5 am
Omaha Iocal c 6 20 pm
Sioux City Passenger.. b 9:20 pm
Twin City Passenger. ...b 6:30 am ...........
Sioux City Local ...c 8:36 am .',
Emerson Local b 6.6 pm 't 1:10 am
Herbert B. Cooch Co
Broker and Dealers
OBAIW 3dVl5103f8 TOC3t
Omaha Office, 113 Board of Trads Blag.
Bell Thou; Ioag. e.31 Jnd. A-ll 1 .