! THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: JUNE 5. 1910. MONDAY THE GREATESt DAY OF THE GREATEST BARGAIN GIVING SALE OF SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE EVER KNOWN IN OMAHA OR THE WEST. EVERY ITEM A WINNER. NOT A DISAPPOINTMENT IN THE WHOLE LOT PJ1AW With the opening for business Monday, nearly all the big purchase from the Hundley Stock will be in and in shape for display. So watch every day for new bargain surprises. With the assistance of all other departments, our buyers mean to make this week's sales bargain events, long to be remembered in Omaha. It's nothing unusual to see crowds at Hayden's, but to see the continual crush from 8 a. m. till 6 p. m., Thursday, Friday and Saturday, anxious to se cure more of the splendid bargain offerings, is certainly most gratifying. Every effort will be made to see that your wants are supplied Monday. -Extra sales people to wait on you all the week. THE RELIABLE STORE Our buyers wero the first on I ho field ami wcirel the cream of the offer Inga at the M eceive JU'lJ S3B3 8 i'J r3g Sale off Hundley Dry loofe Go's Stock Cm On of the largest lav and bent known I A wliolexale and man- 1 J, ufactiirlng concerns a In the west. 1 ion-' Do arc? t I 1 NEVER BEFORE WAS THE POWER OF READY CASH AND THE ADVANTAGE OF ACTION BETTER DEMONSTRATED THAN IN THE MARVELOUS VALUES IN CLEAN, NEW, DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE THAT WILL BE OFFERED HERE DURING THIS SALE Embroidery Bargains that Defy Competition Leaders at all times in low prices and variety of show ings in fine Embroideries. Yet the advantage of the purchase of the Hundley Wholesale Stock, places us farther than over before, ahead of all competition. Monday You Can Buy 27-inch Flouncings, that are worth fully 75c yd., at 25c 45-inch Flouncings, that sell regularly at $1 yd., at 49c 18-inch Flouncings, that should sell at 35c yd., 19c 18-inch Corset Cover Em broideries, regular 35c yd. values, at . .I9c IIIIOKKN SETS, 9c YARD). Thin is a lot of very fine Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries in . broken' Beta, worth 25c and 30c a yard, Monday sale price. . ,f) Fancy Insertions and Beadiiur big assortment of dainty styles, at. yard. 3ttk 3Ktf and 5 Special Embroidery Suitings. A choice line of 27x46 Inch Flounc ings, $1.50 to $3.00 yard values for white suits, at 79S 98S 81.35 and.... v 81.50 Wool Dress Goods From Hundltf'$ stock Colored Goods to Black (no creams). Hundley's $1.50 Serges. . .98J Hundley's $1.25 Serges. . -88 Hundley's $1.00 Serges. . -78 Hundley's $2.00 Broadcloth yard 81.30 Hundley's $2.50 Broadcloth yard 81.65 Hundley's $3.00 Broadcloth yard 81.06 Hundley's $1.50 Fancies, 73 Hundley's $2.50 Fancies per yard 81.68 34 lines of different wool goods on sale at above, prices;. Bargain Offerings June JumitUre SaleS Thai's Bound to Bring Big Business $10.85 Dresser, like cut, in American quartered oak, large bevel mirror, three large drawers, snap, at ........$7.50 $5.85 Iron Bed at $3.95 $19.58 Brass Bed $13.50 $8.50 Chiffonier-. .$5.85 $10.50 Chiffonier .$7.50 $12.50 Princess Dresser at $9.85 $2.95 Lawn Bockers at $1.95 $6.25 Lawn Settee at . ..S4.S0 Wy&M 50 Bed Davenport at $19.50 a R $2.95 Rockers ..... $1.95 Xjj $7.50 Oak Dining Table at $4.95 Toweling, strictly pure linen, 18 inches wide glass or Banes-, ley, worth 12 V4c yard, Monday, yard 9 Union Linen .Huck Towels or large size Bath Towels in cream or white, good value at 19c, Monday, each at H Hemstitch ed Towels, satin damask finish, large size suitable for dresser scarfs worth 29c, Mon day, each 15c German Silver Bleached Dinner . Napkin, pure flax, worth $3.25 dozen Monday, s 1 x for 98 70-incli Bleached Satin Damask, Irish manufac ture, 'choice se lection of pat terns, worth $1.25 Monday, yard 69 German Silver Bleached Satin Damask, 70 inches wide, the best value ever offered, worth $1.50 yard Monday yard. t 98 " W cannot ruar antss tha filling- of mall orders at tasss sal prloes, as somt lots fo In a Tsry abort tlma aftsr sal opaaa. 35c Laces Monday Yard 5c From the Hundley Wholesale Stock, St. Joseph, Mo. Our Spot Cash Offer on an entire line of 20c, 25c, oOc and 35c u yard Laces, was accepted and places us in a position to offer our cus tomers the greatest lace bargains ever known in matched sets of Edges and Insertings, a solid case of fresh, new goods, which had just been received by the Hundley people, actual values to, 35c a yard, at, yard Don't fail to see these Luces on Monday, they can't last long at such a bargain price. Sheetings, Sheets, Pillow Slips, Do 1 mestics, Etc. 0x4 Unbleached Sheetings, worth '26c yard, at yard. 18 0x4 Bleached Sheetings, worth 30c yard, at yard .22H Yard-wide Unbleached Sheetings worth 8c yard at yard 44 Yard-wide Bleached Sheetings worth 10c yard, at yard 5 12 He Crash, all Jinen 8H 10c Crash, all linen 7W Crash, worth 6c yard, on sale at yard 2H 81x90 Sheets, worth 75c, at. -48 72x00 Sheets, worth 69c, at. -38 15c Pillow Slip 10 18c Pillow Slips 12 H 12 He nice Printed Bastistes, fast colors, fine range of colors and styles Monday, at 5 ISc White Goods . , 10 12 He White Goods.' 7H 10c White Goods 5 All kinds of Wash Goods, Foul ards, Batistes, organdies, etc., at about Half Price. . ' High Grade Wash Goods From Hundley Million Dollar Stock 69c Drajnoe Silk 28 W Arnold's Silks, worth 60c, at 25 Fine Poplins, worth 50c, at. . .25 Fine Ottoman, worth 59c, at 39 Fine Rough Pongees worth 60c at 312 Fine Abberfoyle Ginghams, worth 25c, at 15C Fine 39c Madras Cloth 25 Fine French Organdies 18? HUNDLEYS' WHITE GOODS. I 15c India Linens '. . . . . lOt 18c India Linens 12H 12 He India Linens ?H0 25c 40-inch Lawns 15 18c 40-Inch Lawns. ... 1 10 15c White Fancies 18c White Fancies 12t 25c Persian Lawns 12 20c Persian Lawns 10 1,000 different styles of White Goods from Hundley's stock, too numerous to advertise, will go at the same rate as above equally great bargain prices, - Imported Mar sei lies Hcd spreadH, . heavy knotted fringes, cut corners, ex quisitely assort ed patterns are "worth $U.50 Monday, each at . . . . 83.98 Uxjra large Hemmed Bed Spreads, crochet patterns, good value at $3.50. Monday, each at $1.98 Full Size Crochet Hemmed B e d Spreads, heavy and durable worth easily $2.00 Monday, each . . .$1.25 Large size, 81x00 B e d Sheets made from one of the best mus lins manufac tured, regularly $1.00, Monday, each 60 Large Size, 81x00 Bed Spread h specially adap ted for apart ment rooms worth 75c, Mon day each. -50 42x36.1ncli Pil low Cases the best value ever .offered; worth 19c, Monday at each . 12 H Oat of town cam toniors would do wall to make tola th. tlma for a apo dal buying- trip to Omaha and Hay-dsn's, Silks From Hundley Wholesale Stock Priced greatly below the regular wholesale prices. SILKS-Worth up to $1.50, at 38c and 59c Nearly 10,000 yards . of plain and fancy Silks, including "Shower Proof" Foulards, yard wide Black Taffeta, yard-wide Pongees,, 27-inch All Silk Messa lines, 27-lnch Auto Pongees and nearly all most warranted wbaves. SILK PONGKK SPKCIALS. 80c Tussah Pongee, 30 Inches wide,' at 59 $1.50 Tussah Pongee, 30 Inches wide, at 79 $1.30 All Silk Pongee, 36 inches wide, at fS f 50c Semi-Rough Pongee, 27 Inches wide, at yard 28? 85c All Silk Tussah Pongee, 2 7 Inches wide, on sale at. . . .45 $1.50 Pongee Cotele, 27 Inches wide, at yard 89c N1XK Git AND BLACK SILK BARGAINS. $1.50 Black Peau de Sole, 30 inches wide, at, yard. . . .$1.00 $1.50 Black Moire, 36 Inches wide, at yard 81.00 $1.50 Black Taffeta, 36 Inches wide, guaranteed, yard. .$1,00 $1.50 Black Peau de Cyone, 80 Inches wide, at yard. . . .$1.00 $1.25 Black Peau de Sole, ( inches wide, at yard 89 $1.25 Black Dress Taffetas, 30 . wide, at yard .$5 $1.25 Black Mescaline, all silk, 36 Inches wide '89 $1.00 Black Taffeta, oil boiled, 36 inches wide 75 80c Chiffon Press Taffetas, 36 wide 59 Monday Specials From HUNDLEY STOCK $2.00 Hand Bags. 9g 75c Elastic Belts 25 BOc Cord Shopping Bags . . 19 25c Dress Shields, pair. . . . J) 25c Stand Mirrors '. ,5 20c Side Hose Supporters . . 9 50c Pad Hose Supporters 19,r 10c Pearl Buttons, dozen 2J2 8 Spools Silk Thread, 5 8 Spools (200 yards) Machine Thi-ead, Monday at. .... .5 1 JfesfS-. 1 IV. Kiun-rj-.: if $17.ju Buffet at $12.50 $2.85 Center Table at S1.50 $13.50 Oak Dining Table, at $9.85 $18.50 Side Board at .$13.50 50 Mattresses, slightly damaged in delivery will be placed on sale at Half Price. Curtains and Draperies Very Special Bargain Offerings From the HUNDLEY WHOLESALE STOCK Brussel Net Curtains, at pair. $12.50, $9.00, $7.50. $4.98 and $3.98 Cluny Net Curtains, at, pair $7.50, $C50, $4.98, $3.9S and $2.25 Irish rolr.t Curtains, at, pr., $7.50, $6.98, $5.98, $4.9.8 and 82.9S Nottingham Curtains, at pulr, $3.98, $3.50, $3.98. 12-73 and $1.98 Swiss Curtains, at a pair, ' $3.95, $2.95, $1.95 and tor 98 Filet Nets, at a yard, $1.50, $1.00, 85c, 49c and 39 Madras, colored or white, at a yard, 75c, 69c, 59c, 49c and .33 Curtain Swisses, at yd., 25c, 15c, 12Hc and 7H Rope Portieres, each, $6.88, $5.60, $4.98 and. .$2.75 All the New York arid St. Joe Wholesale Stock Purchases Have now been received, offering to buyers better assortments and bigger bargains than were ever before known. All this week you'll be able to secure ready-to-wear outer garment bargains in our busy suit department, surpassing any and all competition. Here are" a few of Monday's best bargain. Refrigerators Must Be Sold , The late season forces us to cut down the prices on refrig erators, lawn mowers aud garden hose below actual cost 30-lb. Ice capacity, one day $ G.95 8 8.95 1 $lli0 812.75 50-lb. Ice capacity, one day SO-lb. Ico capacity, one day 100-lb. ica capacity, one day 17.011 Hall HcHrlnx Nw Knifiaiitl Lawn Slower... trt.tul Hall UeurhiK New KuulunJ l.awn Mower... $.1.00 Holler ileailnc I.uwn Mower, only 'i-linli I'uuva coerd Itubber Hosit i-ini li guuranlevti Hublwr Garden J I owe 4-lucli hiKti Hade Itubber Garden Hunt The Famous WH1TK MOUNTAIN Befrlgerator $ S4.50 H loo UH All nixes Screen lHvirs, extra thick, liaiii wuoil, well made and pnlnted, now at o Natural flnlah. hard- wood, var nWlied. fancy BuurH, now at $l.4t M.1111U Jll"ge.. Catcliua. Ulc. f rfe. 11-qi., Knameled Dlah Pana. worth 50.-. only Oo IT-pt. aia. only Soe Sauce l'ana. Knameled Preaarvlna Kettlea. Stew Hana. I'uddlna l'uiii. Waab Baalna, etc., on aale one day U'-gallon Garbage Cans, now !e -ftx)t Step Ladders TSe It-gallon Uarbag Cans, now 11.85 lllKlf grade Copper Bottom Wanh iiullera, on, each, at $1JJ Copper Uottom Rollers, each. to Farlor Urooiu. only aso No. I Ualvanlxed Tuba, now at No. 3 Galvanised Tuba, now at Ae No. 1 Galvanised Tuba, now at 48e 10-qt.. Galvanised Palis, now. ISo Galvanised Koot Tubs, worth '. on aale te 1 $15 and $18 SILK DRESSES at $6.95 Just think of it, your unrestricted choice of several hundred beautiful Dresses, in pretty foulards; figured, fancy aud plain silks, all newest colorings - and style's; prettily trimmed, well made, the actual $15 and $18 values; Monday at ; ........$6.95 235 Tailor Suits. Made to sell at $20 new spring styles in serges, panamas and English suitings, from the New York stock .. ......$10 SILK COATS. Long silk and pon gee coats, worth to $20, tans or blacks, in all sizes, big as sortment; on sale at $10 Elegant New Suits Silk Rajahs, Pongee and Cloth of Gold the most beautiful, most wanted of the season's new suit ideas at.... $25, $30 and $35 Most complete showing and best values in Lingerie Dresses ever brought to Omaha superior quality and superior style, marking them at every price at ...... $7.50 $10 $12.50 $15 up to $75 Silk Rubberized and Moire Rain Tourist and Auto Coats Worth $20, from the Hundley wholesale stock, at -$8.95 Women's Short Silk Dressing Sacques Good values at $4.00 Big assortment and colors and styles On sale, choice, at.... $1.98 $10 French Voile Dres Skirts; j $5 Long Kimonos, $2.03 From $2.00 Lingerie Waists, 8l)c 50 all ,the new style ideas and) the St. Joe stock; silk and j doz. of them; prettily trimmed most wanted colors, at $4.95 i' crepe, big snap, at... $2,951 all sizes, sale, choice, g9 Every day this week new garment surprises will be brought forward Watch the papers and take advantage of the exceptional saving opportunities. Ladies' Muslin and Knit Uuderwear From the Hundley Dry Goods Co's Stock Priced for Saturday at less than the cost to manufacture. Every item a rousing bargain. Ladies' Muslin Skirts Made to sell to $6.0 0 elaborately trimmed with fine lace and deep embroidery flounce, in sertion, bead and dainty wash ribbons; choice Monday at. each $2.98 Muslin Skirt Worth to $3.00; fine assortment of designs, beautifully trimmed, cut long and full at $1.50 Fegular $1.00 values; pretty trimmed; long and full. Muslin Gowns, at 50V Gowns, Combination Hulls and Princess Slips that would sell regularly to $2.50, choice line for selection, Monday. .98 Ladles' Silk Vests, at 50 Values to $2.00; colors and white, with hand crocheted yokes; very choice values. Indies', I , Isle I nlon Suits The $1.00 quality, with fancy yokes, big snap, Mon., 50 Ladies' Union Suits In regular and extra sizes; well made garments and lisle lace trim med vests; all styles, regular values to 75c, at 25 S5c quality Cotton and Lisle Vests, Monday 9 Children's Spring Jacket Reg ular values to $3, at $1.98 60c Ginglium Itonipers, at 25 Second Big Shipment ot High Grade Rugs From the New York Audionof Alexander Smilh & Sons This lot surpasses in assortment and if possible are choicer values than those offered in our first big sale. They're the choicest productions of the biggest rug mill in the world. $30.00 Axmlncter Hugs, $17.7325 ele gant new patterns for your selection; 9x12 size, on sale, choice, at$17.75 $23.00 Axinlnster Hugs, $13.73 14 beautiful new designs, in this lot 8-3x10-6 size; the greatest snap ever , at aale price $15.75 30x72 Axiuinster Rugs $2.98 ,27x54 Axmlnster Rugs $1.59 i $2MH) Seamless Tapestry llruxsels Rug 10 wire quality; 19 patterns in the lot; 9x12 Elze, Monday $13.98 $10. (JO Seamless Tapestry flrusKels Rugs 6x9 size; 15 patterns for selection; on sale, choice $0.98 $15.00 Seamed and Seamless Brusrels Ruga 9x12 size; small lot, while they last, choice, at $9.98 $30.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs, $19.98 Elegant new patterns and colorings 9x12 size; seamless, magnificent values. $30.00 Wilton Velvet Hugh Nothing better made; big line of patterns, In 9x12 size; on sale, choice, at $35.00 ALL RIGS OKKKRKD IN MONDAY'S SALK.ARK GIARXNTKKD I'KRFKCT. SZaHIQsC2SBs3 Don't forget v.d!afu9sFQirstlp Pays Monday China Dept. Specials That are world beating values A very fortu nate purchase only enables us to offer these most unusual bargains. Handled Cups, 2 for 5c Tea and Pie Plates, at S'L'C Saucers, each It; Dinner Plates, ea., 5c Soup Plates, ea....5c Creamers, ea 5c Meat Platters, ea. .5c Every one of them most exceptional bargains. You cannot afford to miss. Come early. A Special Flour Sale For Monday This sale Is a special Inducement for every housekeeper In Omaha and vicinity to try a sack of our HlKh Patent Flour, every sack fully 'guaranted to give the high est satisfaction, or your money refunded. 'Iis Hour usually re tails from II. B0 to 11.70 per sack. As a wpeclal Inducement we are (jolna to sell It for one day only, Monday, par 48-lb. sack. .. .$1.30 18 lbs. liext Granulated bugar, H.00 ( Hars iJiamoud C or Ural 'Km All Honrs at J 60 10 lb. Bet ttolled lireakfust Out meal 5c 6 lbs. Best Pearl Tapioca, Hago. Barley or Farina Jlic lbs. Choice Japan Rice. 25c 4 His. Fanrv Japan Head It lie. 2 5c The Best Bulk Peanut Butter, per lb 15c The best Domehtlc Macaroni at. per pkg 5c X l .1 111 oixt C or Ulamond It Mince Meut. per pkg 5c Yeast Foam, per pkg 5c Bromangelon , Jellycon or Jello. per pkg 714c Celluloid Starch, per pkg 7c Kagle, Lew is and Champion f.ye, per can T"r Rex I. ye. per can 6c The Bust iioldrii jjanlos Coffee, per lb T lc Big- Butter and Erg" Bala Monday. 'I'lio Best No. 1 Fancy Creamery. ptf lb 30c The Best Country Creamery, per In XRii The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, per lb iU: The licsit Strictly Fresh No. 1 F.gKH, per dozen 20c The Best Full Cream Cheese, per lb -Jdr Trash Vsfstable Prices Oat Down Again Omaha's Orsatsst Market. Flesh ilnacu. perk 6c e bunches FreNh Kadlxhes 5c 4 hunches Fre ih l.euf la-ttuce. . 60 5 bunches FreHh Onions 5c 3 bunches Fresh AMparagua . ,10o 2 bunches Fresh Pieplant 5u I'Srge CucumherH, each 5c Fresh Wax or Hiring Beans, per lb 7 V,o Fie-di Oreen Pens. o.uart 7 Ho Fresh "ets or Carrots, bunch 8'ao Fancy Pipe Tomutoes, per lb. 7 He New potatoes, per lb 31,4c A Special Car of FlnsappUa These are r'rtncipHlly all 42 to the i rate, and for Monday's Kpenlal HhIs. we will sell thorn, . vk' crate J.vl rut T7p Tour rtnaapplsa Wow; I l i Ill 1