Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEK: OMAIIa) SATURDAY. .1UXB 4. 1910.
Matchless Opportunity for Real Bargain Getting Saturday
of tho
well known
The Third Day
MundlBy try dl
St. Joseph
The Biggest Sale
Such values as we're offering in this sale are making
'Try Hayden's First" advocates by the hundreds and
thousands. They come again and bring friends.
Ladies Muslin and Knit Underwear
From the Hundley Dry Goods Co.'s Stock
Priced for Saturday at
less than the cost to man
ufacture. Every item n
rousing bargain.
Ladies' Muslin Skirts
Made to sell to $6.00
elaborately trimmed with
fine lace and deep em
broidery flounce, inser
tion, bead and dainty
wash ribbons; choico
Saturday at ....$2.98
Muslin Skirts worth to
$3.00, fine assortment of
designs, beautifully trim
med, cut long and full
at $1.50
Mualin Gowns, at 50
Ladies' lisle Union Salts The
$1.00 quality, . with fancy
yokes; big snap, Sat., 50
Ladies' Union Suits In regular
and extra sizes; well made
garments and lisle lace trim
med vests; all styles; regular
values to 75c, at 25
35o quality Cotton and Lisle
Vests, Saturday ........ Q
Regular fl.00 values; pretty
trimmed; long and full.
Gowns, Combination Suits and
Princess Slip tbat would sell
regularly to $2.50, choice line
for selection Saturday . .98
Ladies' Silk Vesta 50
Values to $2.00; colors and
white, with band crocheted
yokes; very choice values.
Mail Orders
will not be
filled at these
sale prices.
Prepare to at
tend the sale
Saturday o r
next week
the big bar
gains offered
will repay
you. Every ef
fort will be
made to facili
tate your buy
ing and help
you in selec
tion. Come
The first buyer to attend the opening
ut' of th Million-Dollar- Wholesale
etock of th Hundley . Dry -Goodt Oonv
mnf were from .. tne - nrm or niyom
Bros, of Omaha. Th enterprising meth
od of thl fltfn ar certainly displayed
by their prompt action In. bain, th
firt to attend thla great ,dry goedi aele.
These buyers ara registered at th Bob-ldoux.
Local Brevities
Ail alad. Camp,. CH TU-
Mson. Fawn City. Keb.i
called at II I I l"WWUlitiiUIIHI " 11 ill
-Xarolng. H la an anthuaiaiCla
The almve paragraph H rcl f-explunalory.
the) St. .ToMpph News-Press of May HI.
Strong ArtnmKnt for
Amaarfment to"CV
or OW'
iun t Miss Saturday's Salea. From
By Saturday
all goods from
tho big pur
chase will be
in our store
and will be
placed on sale
just as rapid
ly as it is pos
sible to do so.
Extra sales
people to wait
on you Satur
day so that
long waits
may be avoid
ed. Come
Thursday a crowd, Friday morning a crowd and Sat
urday's offerings are sure to fill our store to overflowing.
Be there you can't afford to miss it.
From the Hundley Stock
All Silk Veilings worth
20c on sale at... . . 7720
All Silk Veilings worth
. 30c on sale at 15c
All Silk Veilings worth
50o on sale at ; .-. .25c
Automobile Veils, in all
colors, at .$1.00
Hose Supporters
From the Hundley Stock
All fancy Satin and Sat
een Pad Hose Support
ers; regular 50c values,
at ...19c
Combination Waist and Sup
portersboys and girls
t 10
20c Side Snpporters- Ladies'
and Children's, rubber 'but
ton, at, pair . . , 7 W
50c Card Shopping
Bags 19c
Extra size Bags, with
wire frame; regular
- 60c value; big snap,
: now at 19
Hair Ornaments
From " the Hundley
Stock Back Combs,
Barretts, Side Combs,
Etc., go at 5
From the Hundley
Stotk All the SBc
Neckwear lace
stocks, jabots,
Dutch collars,
chanteclers and
lace ties,- at 15
Hair Rolls
' From the
A full. 24-inch Hair
Roll, on ' sale each,
at i. i'.H54
Hair Nets, now, each,
t ..5 10 15
Biff Line of Switches
Very special values,
at . v08 S1.25
91.50 ftnd 82.50
Big Shoe Sale Saturday
Our own big stock, together with the sur
plus floor stock of a prominent factory in Bos
ton, compels us to unload at a big saving to you.
Men's, women's, misses' and child's Oxfords
and pumps at LESS than the cost to make.
Good shoes with the HAYDEN guarantee back
of each pair.
Men's and Women's $3.50 pumps and Oxfords,
in patents and gun metals, all the new lasts
and models, at $2.50
Men's and Women's Oxfords, shoes and pumps,
tan and black, values up to $3.00. .. .$1.98
Boys', youths' and little gent's shoes, the kind
that stand the hard knocks of a real boy, val
ues up to $2.25; in two big lots, $1.50, $1.10
Women's $1.50 rubber heeled JulietB with pat
ent or plain toes , . . .$1.00
Misses' and children's strap slippers, Oxfords
and pumps, in THREE big lots, priced accord
ing to size, $1.25, 75o and 50c
Misses' and child's barefoot sandals, sizes 5,
to . 2 one price '. 50c
A better grade at $1.25, 95o and. .85c
Queen Quality and Orover shoes for women
and Stetson, and Orossett shoes for men.
Refrigerators Must be Sold
The late season forces us to cut the prices on ro-
frlgerators, lawn mowers and garden hose below actual
30-lb. Ice capacity, one day, $ 0.95 I The Famous
60-lb. ice capacity, one day. $ 8.95) WHITE
0-lb. ice capacity, one day. $11.50 S MOUNTAIN
100-lb. Ice capacity, ono day, JU2.75 Kefrlgerator
$7.00 Ball Bearing New England Lawn Mower, S1.95
$6.00 Ball Bearing New England Lawn Mower, $4.50
IS. 00 Roller Bearing Lawn Mower, only. .... .33.95
Vi-luch Canvas covered Rubber Hose 7li
it -Inch guaranteed Rubber Garden Hose 10
-inch high grade rubber Garden Hose 12 U
11 elses Screen Doors , 6-foot Step Ladders, 75
Huck Towels,
hemm'd ready
for use, 15c
values, Satur
day, each, 9c
High grade
Huck and Da
mask Towels,
29c values 7
Saturday at,
each, 15c
Imported mer
cerized -satin
Damask, w'th
75c yd. Satur
day, 49c .
72-in. Satin
Damask, war
ranted all
pure flax .-r
jworth $1.50
Saturday, yd.
Hemmed Bed
Spreads, . full
size, $2 value,
Saturday, ea.,
Big Shirt Sale Saturday
Without doubt the choicest lot of bargains it has been the
fortune of any Omaha store to secure in years. You'll not dup
licate the values again soon.
Men's $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts Saturday 98c All the very finest
goods produced by the Hundley Co.', who were shirt manufac
turersall newest colors, in mercerized or silk and wool fab
rics, with soft collars or collar bands; your unre
stricted choice Saturday
Men's 91.50 Shirts, 40c All newest
negligee styles and patterns; plain
or pleated bosoms with soft collars
or collar bands, made to sell at
, $1.50, choice, at 49
SOc to $1.00 Shirts, 20c Some used
as samples and slightly soiled; all
sizes, for men and boys; values
you'll not find duplicated at 25
Here's some Furnishing Bargains for Saturday from the
Hundley stock you never equaled before. .
' 50c and 75c Hosiery 25
Fine Imported lisles and mercer
ized, in plain colors, fancies, lace or
embroidered; all colors and sizes.
25c and 35c Hosiery, 10 and 15
Fine ojiallty lisles, In all colors
and slzes-t-Saturday.
.$2.50 Little Union Suits ....$1.50
$2.00 Lisle Union Suits 9g
$a.SO Pyjamas, at .'.98
$1.00 Poros-Knit Union Suits 4J
50o Silk Ties 25
All newest colors and shapes in
Silk Four-ln-Hand Ties.
25c Wash Ties, at 7
75o and $1 Belts, at .. i-25
Fine leather belts, even better
than those shown last week.
Men's SOc Suspenders 25
Men's Undershirts and Drawers
mixed lots; -values to $1.25, per
garment, at 49
All SOc and 75c Underwear in Two
big lots, at 25 nd 39
Men's SOc Poros-Knit Underwear; long and short sleeve shirts, at,... 25
Fringed Bed
Spreads, , full
size, $2.50
value, Satur
day $1.50.
Colored Bed
Spread, heavy
knotted fringe
with cut cor
ners, worth $4
Saturday at,
each, $2.50.
Sheets, heavy,
s p e cially
adapted for
hotel wear
worth $1.00
Saturday, at,
each, GOc.
Ladies9; Gloves, Parasols, Hosiery
. Never before in the his
tory of this storo have we
been in a position to show
such magnificent assort
ments at prices to com
pare with the present sale
Ladies' Fancy Parasols
shown in every imagin
able color and style, pon
gees, linens, taffetas, etc.
in plain colors, fancy
borders, Persian effects,
etc.; very special values,
at...... 75c to $4.50
Children's Parasols 10c
to $1.25 Most delightful
assortment and values
shown in Omaha.
$1.50 and $2 Kid Gloves, 8c
Hundley stock and importers'
samples; all colors and sizes;
made to sell at $1.50 and $2,
now at " . . . -98
12 and 16-button Silk Gloves
KayBer and Fowne's; all colors
now at ... . 75 to $1.50
Two-button Silk Gloves Kay
Ber and Fowne's; all colors
now at . . . .50 and $1.00
Come Early Saturday.
Ladles' Hosiery From the
Hundley stock; 60o and 76c
values, in lace, lisle, plain
mercerised or fancy embroid
ered and gauze, lu two lots,
Saturday at . .25 and 35
25c and 35c Cotton Hose; all
colors and weights, 10 15
Silk Hosiery Regular $1.60 to
$3.00 values, at ......98
From the Hundley Stock
75c Fancy Ribbons on
sale at, yd 25c
25c Taffeta Ribbons, on
sale at, yd 12MjC
15c Ribbons, in wanted
colors, at, yd 5c
From the Hundley Stock
Silk Elastic Belts, regu
lar 50o values.... 25c
50c White Wash Belts
at . ....... 25c
50c Silk Girdle Belts
at .' 25c
Fancy Chanticler Belts Made
to sell at SOc, at 25
Notion Bargains
That should give you the notion to lay in an entire year's supply
5c Pins, 3 pkgs., for . .5
6 balls Darning Cotton
fast colors, at 5
6 pkgs. Gold Eye Needles,
now at 5
12 Hat Pins 5
6 Aluminum Thimbles, 5
6 rolls Cotton Tape... 5
3 spools 150-yd. Sewing
Silk, at 5
2 spools Linen Thread, 5
3 spools Machine Thread
200-yd, on sale at ..5
3 pairs Corset Steels, 10
6 doz. Nursery PlnB ..5
6 cards Hump Hooks and
Eyes, for ... 5
6 doz. Pearl Buttons ..5
20c Dress Shields, pair O
20c Back Combs, each 5
20c Side Combs, pair 10
6 pairs Shoe Laces ...5
And scores of other
equally great bargains.
Nearly $75,000 worth of spring and summer outergar
ments from the New York manufacturer's purchase and
the Hundley wholesale stock on sale at the most marvel
ous bargain prices.
rexira iiuck, uaru uuu,
well made and painted
now at 09
Natural finish, hard woou,
varnished, fancy doors
sow at $1.40
Spring Hinges. Catches,
Etc., free.
lt-qt. Enameled Dish Pans,
worth 60c, only.... 20
17-o.t sise, only 25
Sauce Pans, Enameled Pre
serving Kettles, Stew
r Tans, ' Pudding Pans,
rfv'ash Basins, Etc., on sale
fWday .0
?kS-gallon Garbage Cans
' now at 05
lS-gallon Garbage Cans
now at $1.25
High grade Copper bottom
Wash Boilers, only, each,
Copper bottom Boilurs .
t 05
Parlor Brooms, only 35
.No. 3 Galvanised Tubs
t GO
No. 1 Galvantced Tuba
now at so
No. 1 Galvanised Tuba
now at 40
10-qt Galvanized Palls
no t .-15
Galvanized Foot Tuba
worth 60c, on sale, 29
From the St. Joe
Messalines, nets,
Jap silks, etc
$7.50 values
trimmed in all
colors .$2.95
Newest Long Coat Styles Values up
to425.00, in silks, broadcloths, serge,
and coverts colors and black
from the New York fa 4) A A A
:lto:k:..n.6.alr. MO.DO
289 One-Piecex Silk Dresses Regular
$25.00 values, in foulards, messa
lines, rajahs, chiffon taffetas, -etc.
in plain colors, stripes
checks and dots, all new
est styles at, choice
uvvua v vvi
Beautiful Lingerie Dresses, worth up to
$20.00 Trimmed with fine laces, inser
tions and embroideries, all newest de
signs, all sizes, at $10.00
Children's Wash Dresses, worth to $5.00
Immense assortment in lawn, batiste,
ginghams, chambrays; all colors, sizes
2 to 14 years, at. .50c, 98c and $1-95
Children's Spring Jackets, worth to $5.00, on sale at $1.95 All styles und colors,
sizes from 2 up to 12 years.. -
From the St. Joe
Ladies' and
misses', values
to $10.00, lin
ens, ginghams,
reps, etc. all
sizes and col
ors ....S4.95
Many other extra special bargains Saturday in Tailor Suits, Silk Dresses, Wash and Silk Underskirts, Dress Skirts,
Kimonos, A rappers, House Dresses, etc.-from our New York manufacturer and Hundley Dry Goods Co., purchases.
Never before have such assortments or values been offered in any Omaha store
At much less price
than you will pay
elsewhere for equal
quality and style.
We would call spec
ial attention to our
ing of Trimmed Hats at. .$5.00 to $15.00
Trimmed Hats Worth $6.00, big assortment
. for selection, at .$2.95
Trimmed Hats Worth to $5.00, 100 in the lot
for selection, at .$1.50
All Millinery Marked in Plain Figures Here.
Big Special Sale in
Drug Department for
Saturday and Monday
6 bars of Ivory or Wool Soap, for 10
10c Williams' Shaving Soap, for 54
10c Jap Rose or Palm Olive Soap, 2 bars for 15
One lot of 10c, 16c and 25c Toilet Soap, assorted
at 2 bars for 15
3 cans finest quality Talcum Powder, for 25
10c Chamois, excellent quality, at ...5
60c Stlllnian's Freckle Cream, at -39
26c Pond's Extract, Vanishing or Cold Cream 15
26c slzo Pure Hydrogen Pt-roxlde, 3 bottles ......25
6O0 per ounce Honey Suckle Perfume, per ounce, 25
60c per ounce White Rose Perfume, per ounce, 25
1.60 Oriental Cream, at 91,05
S2.60 8peclal Syringe and bottle, guaranteed for 'five
yer- at 81.39
Large cans Insect Powder, for , 10
60c pkg. Paris Green, for 35
$1.00 Preparations, every day, at 89
60c Preparations, every day, at - 45
Jl-lbi. baat Granulated Sugar, fl.
S bars Diamond C or Beat 'Km All
Soap, (or ) .25c
I Iba. beat Pearl Tapioca, Hfo,
Barlay, or Farina for .Ho
Iba. choice Japaa Klca for ..2lc
4 iba. Fancy Japan Htad Rica tie
The baat JJomaatlo Macaroni, par
packaga 00
plamond C or Diamond II Mlnea
alaat, par pack to
Laraa Bottlea Pura Tomato C'at-
aup. Worcaatar Kauea er Plcklea.
aaaortad kuula, bottla I Wo
Fancy Klpa Quaan Ottvaa, Qt. ISe
1 lb. cans aaaortad Boupa .,.7 o
OU er Mualard Sardlnaa, can ,.4u
U. C. Cora nskaa, pkg TV10
Calluold Starch, pkf ,..To
Orupa-Nuu, pkg 100
Tlia best Bulk Laundry IS lurch,
por pound 40
Z tiiii I.avallne. the . great maglo
Cleunker JUu
1 lb. cana Fancy 8weet Sugar
Corn, Jor 7Ho
t lb. cana Karly June Pea .."bo
3 ll. cana tiolld Iackod Tomatoes.
t"T 'o
2 lb. cana Fancy Wax, String..
Green or I.lma Ueana 7 Wo
I lb. cana Oolden pumpkin. Hom
iny. Squaah, Hakad tteana. or
Apple, tor TWo
Oallon can Columbia Apple. tc
Batter, Cheeae and Sgg Bale
The best No. i Fancy Creamery.
Itr pound J0c
The beat Country Creamery, per
pound xkc
Tna beat No. i Dairy Butter, per
pound He
Tle beat Stric tly Fresh No. 1
FgRa. per doaen 20c
The beat Full Cream Cheese, per
pound j(0c
Freak Tegetable Prioea Cvt Down
Aral a Ouiatm'a Oreateat Market
Freati Hlnach. peck 6
6 bunchea Fresh Kadlahea ...,6c
4 bunchea Fresh I-af Lettuce Be
6 bunchea Fresh Onions 6c
3 bunchea Fresh Asparagua . .lftc
2 hunches Fresh Pieplant Be
I -arcs Cucumbers, each 6c
Fresh Wax or String Ileaii, par
pound ,. TVic
Fresh Green Peas, quart . ...7Ho
Fresh Beets or C'arrola, bunch J'.iC
Fancy Hlpe Tomatoes, lb. .,,.7vio
New Potatoes, lb ic
Oontiauatloa of Big Pineapple Bale
A Carload oa Oonalgamaat,
Bo Brow for Canning.
A apeclal carload, shipped to ua
direct from the grower, to sell for
hint on ciiiiHlgmiient. This will be
the greatest bargain that will ba
offered this acaaon In Pineapples.
We advise you to buy now. They
are extra fancy, Juicy and awaet.
For this aula and while the car
lasts, we win sell them
Kach 6c. 7Vc, 4c, lOo and l!c
Doaen 65c, iiic, Hue. 11.10 and II 15
All you want while the car laata.
We will not sell to dealers, com
mission houses or broker at this
special sale.
Some Rousing BargalnslnOur
China Dep9t
Dinner Plates . . E nq
Soup Plates. . . A. Sp C
Creamers C -v 1
Meat Platters.. H-
Handled Cups, two for. ,5c
Tea and Pie Plates. . .2 Vic
Saucers, each ,1c
Every one of them most
exceptional bargains. You
cannot afford to miss. Come
' fan flu Department
LdffUy Specials
Our Special Mixed Candy at,
per pound f t . , .9c
lion Ton Mixed Candy at,
per pound 12c
Cream Caramels, 1U..18C
At Soda Fountain.
Ice Cream Cones .3c
Orangeade, big' cool glass
for .......v. 3c
Ice Cream Soda , , 5c
Sundaes, fresh fruit or nut,
ut 10c
t .