TITK BEE: OMAHA", SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 1010. I ? ' r i MONEY TO LOAN salary 4 bat el lontlaaeo. MONEY NEICD ANY? GO TO Omaha Mortgago Loan Co., 119 Board u( Trade Bids. ' Southwest Cor. ifith and Kernam Street, Telephone Dougiaa 2. Rate . cheaper than any advertised. We can prove It. m CHEAP LOANS J f on lurnmirt, mno or naiarr. 14 M YOU BORROW tt 110.00 you pay back fll.M u M , l-W you Pay bark IJ7.M 1) II 150.00 you pay back 164.0s IS NO OTHER OH A ROE. 11 ! OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., H It Room lot Brown Block. It It )7 B. 16th PL. Cor. Douglas ft . it It 'Phones: Douglss f08C; A KB. It immwwsjwmmwmamwK:mimi MONET LOANED SALARIED FEOPLH. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSW AND OTH-fc;R.-4, without security; easy payment Office In M principal cities. Tolman. roam kit New York Lite Bldg. Salary and Furniture Loans . at positively the LOWEST RATES, quick service and MOST COrFIDENTIAI liEAL of any In the city. Patronise the BIGGEST AND BEST. IiELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 107-308 Paxton Block. Dougiaa 14U and A-1411. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 43tSXVi MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. clean carpets on your floor. Electrl vacuum system. W So. 17th. Tel. D. UM. I EXP. Delivery Co., office lth and Daf ; enport Sts., warehouse, 2207-01 Izard Bt STORAGE; reaaonable rate, prompt serv Ice. Cole Exp.. 1611 Capitol. D. 170. A-W37. BTOJSjitoredRance. J6U. N.24thSL 0FFEREDJ0RRENX (ml a Rooms, HAVERLT HOTEL, 1310 M Bt, Am. plant bath; U6 day; weekly, 66 up; meala, 250. UTOPIA Good and Davenport. board and rooma, IStb THE IRVING 2102 Leavenworth; newly decorated, alngla and double room, with first-class board, at reasonable price; ta ble board a. specialty. Dougiaa iw, ROOMS AND BOARD Home cooking- car una. sw a. Mtn St Doug. 648. THE IRVING 2101 Leavenworth; newly decorated, alngle and double room, with firet-claea board, at reasonable pricea; ta- i e uie board a speoiaity. Douglas own, u uijum ana ooara: noma cooking, www o. A ,14th. Tel. D. Ma. BOARD and ROOM jL ne Doug. 7781. 523 Bo. Mtn Ave. BOARD AND ROOMS; dealrable aummer noma. Ui o. Bin Ave. ROOMS and first claaa day board. 418 & :un Ave. TWO amall connecting rooms for two , ladlea or gentlemen. Also large front room. Aiao alngle room for one person. Private jamny. lieferenoe. 1918 Case. Phone Doug. 1471. IDEAI, aummer home, large rooma, run nlng water, cool, ahady lawn, large ve randa, beat homo table. The Fleasanton, uo no. win Ave. Far-lake Rooma. NEWLT fumlahed front room suitable for two. with private family. 2614 Dodge. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. S. 13th St. The Chatham. 110 FURNISHED rooma; house new; plenty hot water. Ill N. 18th. MODERN rooms for 1, I or 4; separated beds If desired. 2037 Harney. DEWEY European hotel. 15th 4t Franam. LARGE front room, with alcove, suitable for three or four young men. 2420 Cass. Douglas ISU. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooma; near car line. 2331 8. into. MODERN rooms, nicely furnished. I3.W rnd IX6 a week. 118 N. lth St. EIGHT rooms strictly modern, 130. 2433 Caldwell St. Call Harney tm. NICELY Uli Cass. furnlahed room, all modern. NICELY furnlahed large modern rooma, reasonable prices. 2204 California St JgVrRlCTLY up to date. Tel. Douglas mi lw; 8. 27tu Ave. FOUR rooma for housekeeping. 17W 8.1th. ' ONE large and two small nicely fur nUihed modern rooma In private family; gentleman preferred. 211 N. 19th St LARGE front room, modern. 1417 Califor nia. Tel. Sunday, Douglas tMe; during veek Douglas 670. NICE room for gentleman, S1.M week. 611 6. 20th St DESIRABLE room in modern house, with board; walking distance. Tel Douglas IMS. . TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms. Ml S. 17th St TH :E use of my furnished house In eg ge for board. Tel. Web. i!S. . NEWLT furnished, large front rooma with alcove; also two smaller rooms; all 'piodern. Call XiUif Farnam St. STIUCTLT modern, neat basement room ar" tlinen, 16 " ' m luglaa 1626. I V - ... .:.L" per month. 216 S. 26 In St SINGLE south; 12 week. 2011 Leaven- worth. MODERN, well furnished, aoutheast front room, with alcove or - elngie room. Latge la wo: private family. 702 S. 29th St Wi CHICAGO St.. nicely furnished, mod' erit vooiu; would rent to traveling men. BEAUTIFUL, light, clean furnished rooms; BATH, gaa and electrlo light; walk-In- dlatance. 13 per month. 27u Dewey Ave. UKS1RABLE room; 216 S. -6th street first -class location. EXTRA large nice room with fine furnl ,tt. 120 N. in- No sign on house. 'ft CLOSE la, large front room. 206 N. 19th. EAST room. t par month. K70 Farnam. MODERN parlor room, to a married couple or ladies; cheap. 2u0 N. loth St. NICELY furnished room; gentlemen; new iflat. hot and cold water, electrlo lights and telephone; walking dialauoo; reaouable. .ItO 8. I9lh. MODERN front room, suitable for two. '.24UJ Uarnoy. i LARGE front room with alcove; modern; .walking distant. Dodge. TWO south single rooms. S3 week; balk .'ou same floor. U'i'i Harney. -- NICELY furnlbd parlor for two. nil tChlcage bt. i IF OU would Hue to rent cne elegant fuinlslied room, all modern, suitable for one or two smut-men, can at i Jones bt. lei. Douglas u. ku all. neai rroni room, moaern nouie. Mxiiiib uark: atrlctly private family, to ladv tnplu)d during day. Tel. Harney S234. WALKINO diatance; east front room, -Willi alcove: also alngle room, auitable fur two; strictly owUern; newly furulahed. 671 to. ISth bt HEAUTIFVL, light, clean, furnished reomx,. BATH, gas and electrlo light, walk ing dialaice, IS per month. 2705 Dewey Ave. JuTSlDB alngle Iwa, 13 60 w eek. 614 Sa KUi. flat 1. 2LM HARNEY, front room, south wla. duws. tMtch; suitable fur two gentlemen; FToom. with alcove: also smaller im, . i"m niceiy lumianeo; modern; roiii. resldtnce. ku N. ioth HL Ti- l.ou Red I'M OFFERED FOR RENT Faralshe roatlaoeeL NICELT furnished rooms In private fam ily; all modern. 2301 Capitol Ave. NICELT furnished room. 10 Dougiaa PL MODERN outside room for gentlemen; five block p. O. TeL Douglas 7911. Trio nonririn Flret elass family hotel. ne Ueorgia 1M, Georgia Ave. H-531. Young man to share comfortably fur nished room. 1702 Farnam, Phone Har. 2173. DODGE HOTEL Large outside, and ateam heat In every room; rats by week. NORTHWEST CORNER lth and Web ster, furnished rooms, day or week. NEWLY furnlehed rooms: everything brand new, at 2603 Parnam St COOL rooma. fine neighborhood. X224 Howard. v 1 FURNISHED rooms, single or en suit. 1044 Dodge. NICELT Furnished room for rent: private family; new, modem. 130 So. 30th St. Har ney 476L THREE separate rooma; private bath. 2608 Harney. Harney 1171. FRONT parlor In newly furnished flat. 214 N. 26th. D. 6462. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; all modern; private lamuy. Jt'none Red 7S. NEWLT furnlahed room In a new, mod ern apartment bouse. 2011 Chicago St IN PRIVATE home, large, cool room, ele gantly furnished, electrlo light, heat, bath, phone; walking dlatance; nice porch and lawn, r arnam ana snn Ave. narney nua. Also single room. LARGE front room, newly furnished, ply 220 N. 2&th St. LARGE south room, reasonable; walking diMance. Call 2623 Dodge. 'Phone Harney 164J. NKTF, IjAROP, n"5ern, newly fur 1 LVjXj U'UIULi nlnhed rooms, with ex cellent board, iois bt. Mary s Ave. NICELT furnished front room to gentle men; iz.mi. per week, mi uun. FURNISHED rooms for one or two gen tlemen. iii( Bun. FURNISHED rooma, strictly modern, suitable for ladles or gentlemen. 1122 Capl tot ONE nicely furnished room. S24 N. 19th, D. 1292. FINE room In modern flat, close In. 212 N. ttth. FURNI8HED rooma completely modern. soutn iront. 4 cumlng. 2202 Douglas St., nicely furnished parlor, witn pisno. PARLOR-AIXTOVB on third floor north, suitable for man and wife, or two a-entlo- men. Breakfast privilege. Rent reasonable. OOO B. 25in. Bt. TWO Bice rooms; Phone Douglas 6426. terms reasonable. 130 Dodgo Furnished rooms; two small rooms. ..LARGE furnished front room for rsnt. 710 n. ana. NICE front room, moaern home, strictly private lamuy, m IM. Central boulevard. vaii alter p. m. or Sunday. MODERN furnlahed room. 1617. Burt St cnone u. ittla, TWO alngle rooms, newly papered end furnished; modern; also parlor. 611 S. 22d. uougiaa 1ZBI. NICELT furnished room for married cou ple or for two gentlemen; also board. If desired. 516 North 20th. Suitable far two. Tl Dour. !14,.7 nr onll NICELT furnished room for gentleman private family: strictly modern house. fifW o. sum ot. Kererences required. NICELT furnished rooms. Ma Unrnv ?t uhwioui location; wanting aistance. ' LARGE front room with hoard xnltahU for two or three ladles or gentlemen. 2611 u Mary a Ave. Tel juougiaa 7776. tor rent Nicely furnished rooma; large and cool; modem; east front, fine location. Tel. B-1416. 2811 N. lth Ave. CLOSHS In. larsre. clean furnlahed rooms. lawn, porch, bath on same floor, 2600 Capl- ioi avo. tteaaonaoiA NICELT furnished rooms at reasonable price, can 214 N. 25th. Phone D. 6462. I .A RGB south .room with bay window; moaern. in o. zatn Ave. THREE furnished or unfurnished rooms, moaern. ia in. a.tn. SMALL room, modern, private family, cneap. uz in. itn. Red 6336. FURNISHED room, 11.60 a week. 415 a itn, top noor. FURNISHED rooms In private family. on in. Mm bl, Doum umana. EAST front room; brtakfaat optional. 308 n. in. LARGE room: suitable for two: walk Ing distance; 16 per month. 1535 N. 19th St SINGLE and double rooma for sleeping, si.ou up. ioi jeavenworm. aa noor. MODERN Mary s Ave. .furnished rooma. 2007 St maAUTlfUUvY furnished front room for l or l, reasonable; modern. 2o71 Dodge. SOUTH front parlor, 12.76. 2310 Douglas. FRONT parlors for two. 18.50 week; mod ern, im uougiaa. TWO nlcelv furrilahAd nnnrtrl rnnmm will rent single or suite. 311 N. 28th St THREE rooms, upstalra, couple without cnuaren preierrea. 244e o. jutu St TWO nicely furnished modern front rooma iL-onneciea tor two or tnree per uim. jruuiie iru oiwo. FUR. rooms, 611 N. 22d St. SINGLE room for gentleman, 17. Mason. Harney 2739. 3001 LARGE modern room, nicely furnished. YOUNG LADY to shaie a suite ot parlor floor rooma; modern conveniences; com munity meals. 2627 Harney. 'Phone Har ney wu. FURNISHED front room. In modern nouse; near carter lake. Tel Webster 19. LARGE front room for two gentlemen, niuuem. oa o. xvm. iwu, aila. LARGE, newly furnished suite, bedroom aim Billing room, iu per uiontn. Web, acjt. uui i-. Anil. FURNISHED rooms for one or two sen. .1. ...... UCIUCIli Alt, . FRONT room; moaern; in private fm LAUGifi front room and on imall room, Kl.v.Lr Ain . linsa JMI7 U ")w,i. o . uivv sa a a waaej n.bs eaee A-2692. 207 S. bib St. 'Phone FRONT room with alcove; also south room, sutiaoie tor two. tw p. l&in. 1812 CHICAGO ST.. one large south room. mveiy turiiiaueu. wiui or wiinout board. VERY pleasant south alngle room, 11 week, or auilable fur two. iiiil Harney. Hariey 6328. FURNISHED house for aummer months 'Phone Douglas 1126. EXTRA large, elegant room, fine furni ture. SjO No, Hull. No sign on house. SLEEPING room for two Lyiuihuiet 617 . 18th St. gentlemen. TWO modern housekeeping rent. Apply 2103 Miami St rooms for FURNIoHED room, suitable for two gen tlemen. Apply 1211 3. 16ih St. 2d floor. Phone Doug. 4729. LARUE room In strictly modern home. Sue N. 1h St. Web. . NICELY furnlxhed rooms; alae house keeping. 215 N. tid. MODERN room, 3(11 Capitol Ave. ney Xwe. Har- OFFERED FOR RENT Hhmi Loatlaeed. FOR RENT Ttro nlcelv furnlfhed rooms. m'lern. Mrs. Forrest 320 S. 24th St. NICELT furnished room for llrht house keeping; good neighborhood. 624 8. loth. FURNISHED room. 132 8. 2d St. THREE southeast rooms, modern: on car line. 3210 Cass. References. MODERN housekeeping rooms, 11.00 a week. 3018 Webster. 'Phone Harney 8738. WANTED Two furnished rooms with bath In apartment house with cafe. E 6U. Bee, FURNISHED room for gentleman; Tel. Dougiaa 2bH. 103 S. private family. 25th Ave. MODERN furnished south front room for one or twa gentlemen or traveling men. 2&30 CapltoIAve. LARGE room and closet facing south on Dewey Ave., near 26th; strictly modern. rnone uougias o&3. IF YOU are looking for a large, well fur nished, cool room, with every convenience. i nave one suitable lor two or more gen tlemen or employed respectable ladles; also one single room. . 2563 bt. Mary's Ave. FURNISHED room. ILRO a week. 819 B. 19th St SOUTH front room In new flat for ladles; private family; walking distance; modern. 2614 Dodge. Harney 6479. SOUTH parlor for one or two: also room with alcove. 2t67 St Mary's Ave. NICK furnished room, itood neighbor- nooa. ear . xza. Douglas liui. ONE large front room for rent 1813 Can Itol Ave. NICELY furnished room. 2X06 N. 24th St; reasonable. NICELY furnished larra front rooma. 202 N. 19th St NICELY furnlahed front room to gentle men; 12.50 per week. 1911 Csss. NEAT, clean room for gentlemen; private lamuy; an new. Tel. Dougiaa vsjs. FURNISHED rooms; house new; plenty not water. 816 N. 19th. ONE elcsant furnished larsre room, suit able for two or three young men, south-. east exposure, 30. One north exposure, large room, elegantly furnlahed, !. One soutn exposure, elegantly furnished room suitable for IwoJSA 2025 Dodge. Walking aistance. fnonf uougiaa 4912. FIVE mlnutea' walk from postofflce; large, newly papered front rooms, ensulte if desired: modern. 'I'hone. both. No furnished room sign used. 1919 Cass. ROOM or rooms for rent. 3041 California. NICELY furnished front parlor, auitable for two gentlemen. 1916 Chlcaso St. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. Modern, gas range, clean. 2010 N. 18th St. NICELY furnished room, modern. 714 S. 17th Ave. FRONT and back parlor, modern; cheap. 2213 Douglas. TWO modern furnished rooms. 1S14 Dodge. Wanted Furaiahed Room. WANTED Good, cool room for slnele man, within walking distance and in pri vate family, or where there are few room era, preferred. Phone Douglas 1666. HonseweeplnsT Rooma. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 1807 Leavenworth. TWO desirable rooms; good location; reasonable to right party. Harney 4632. 2770 Cuming St Call forenoons. WANTED One or two ladles to room, for light housekeeping; rent reasonable. Apply 909 S. 27tb St. In basement. FRONT suite of nousekeeplng rooms, modern. Phone 1916 California St MODERN rooms with nousekeeplng con veniences. 811 8. 20th St FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Cuming St 2408 BEAUTIFUL south rooms for house keeping. 2018 Howard St. FOUR rooms, second floor, for light housekeeping, for small family; southwest" corner 15th and Hickory. LARGE, modern room; complete for housekeeping; suitable for man and wife or 2 or 1 young ladles. Phone Harney 2492. 2627 Harney. LIGHT housekeeping rooms; small rooms. 622 S. 16th, flat 9. FURNISHED rooma for light housekeep ing. 613 N. 22d St. UNFURNISHED frtnt rooms. 22d St 513 N. BASEMENT rooma for rent, reasonable, tor housekeeping. 618 8. 22d St. THE HOWARD, 21st and .Howard. 2 rooms, apartments furnished, janitor, heat, hot water 'and Ice. 136.00. NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 2206 Harney. NICELY furnished rooms for housekeep ing. 422 N. 17th St TeL B-6366. TWO nicely furnished front housekeeping rooms. 712 N. 16th St TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; ground floor. 1610 California St. LARGE front room; housekeeping. Leavenworth. 2013 TWO nice front rooms; refrigerator; modern. 614 8. 22d. SOUTH basement rooms for housekeep ing; modern, till Douglas. THREE modsrn furnished light house keeping rooms; uo children. Uil 8. 2uU) Ave. TWO suites modern housekeeping rooma 2916 Mason St. Tel. Harney 4146. TWO nice, clean furnished rooma for light housekeeping; very . comfortable; reasonable rent. 1441 North 17th St. DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms, single or en suite. 2569 St. Mary's Ave. TWO rooms; gaa range; laundry priv ilege. 2226 Farnam. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 608 N. 16th St SUITE of rooms; walking distance. 120 N. 2&th St. Phone Douglas 2359. FOUR unfurnished rooms; gas and bath; gas paid, 112. 702 N. SOlii St IN new house, two clean, pleasant rooms for light housekeeping. 5oo S. 34th St. TWO newly papered, furnlahed rooms for light housekeeping; modern, gaa range, ice box, telephone, laundry privilege; close in; no children. 616 N. 21t. TWO modern, newly papered, furnished complete, including refrigerator, gua range, phone; no children. 307 N. Xoiu. NICE housekeeping rooms, all modern, with laundry. 631 8. 19th. LIGHT housekeeping room at 241 Dodge St. TWO nice, clean rooma. 1M7 N. 17th St. LARGE front room for housekeeping or deeping; modAn convenience. 7715 Dewey. THREE furnluhed room, first floor, gas and bath, houe modern, no children, ref erence. 1651 N. 17lh St. V TWO completely furnished rooma for light housekeeping; bathroom floor; rea sonable. 546 8. 24i U Ave. Douglas 6354. FRONT suite of housekeeping rooms, modern. Phun 1916 California St. TWO housekeeping rooms, 115 per month. 20U6 California St. NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 412 N. lath St. FURNISHED room for light housekeep ing; model u house. 6l6 S. JUrt Ave. THREE furnlahed, modern housekeepiag rooms. 141 8 lttii St. TWO rooms, en suite. 1911 Chicago. TWO moeiy furnlahed large, modern toon) on ground floor, gen tinmen pie ferred; also large front loom un second floor and two small ruwiua. MM N. 23d bt OFFERED FOR RENT ' lloaaekoeplas; Reosne 4 oat laeed Tunr.E rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping. 118. 2106 Caaa. NICELY furnished room for housekeep ing. 1H13 Chicaao St NICELY furn'..hed large front parlor. light housekeeping privileges. 111 per month, i'hone Red 600. 1116 Chicago St. TWO 1 nice, modern rooms; gaa range. electrlo light. 1818 N. lth. a hi-ith! nf three eleaant new rooma. modern. 2) N. 20th St vtpr i . t-va neativ furnlHhed rooms, llvht housekeeping; all front rooms and modern; reasonable rent 1427 N. 17th. THE DOUGLAS JSSVSK Douglas street THREE furnished rooms, complete for light housekeiplng; all modern; gas range and electric ngnu iw oi, TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 622 N. 19th. THREE pleasant housekeeping rooms; also nice sleeping rooms. 606 N. 23d. TWO NICELY furnished parlor floor, housekeeping rooms, light cooking gaa, laundry, ice box. with or without piano. also other light housekeeping rooms. 523 S. 25th Ave. FOUR rooms, completely furnished, for housekeeping. No children. References re quired. 366 No. 40th St TWO nicely furnished rooms; gas range; sink; no children. 616 S. 18th St. THREE unfurnished rooms, new flat; also 2 housekeeping rooms. 2011 Davenport St. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooma 2571 Harney bt FOR RENT 4 rooms, modern, unfur nished. 116. 1766 & 9th. FOUR rooms, for 111 per month. 312 N. 27th Ave. THREE southeast rooms, modern; on car line. 8210 Cass. References. Us( arnlsbed. Rooms. FOUR unfurnished rooms; modern except beat. Call alter 6:30 p. m., 2606 N. 19th Ave. THREE larsjo unfurnished rooms; every modern convenience; close in. lula Webster. THREE rooms for light housekeeping, 2254 N. roth st ENTIRE 3d floor for housekeeping, un furnished. 2621 Harney. Harney feus. FOUR front rooms, . strictly modern, 2804 Sherman Ave. Webster 6310. One nice large unfurnished room for light housekeeping II desired. 2413 weoster su THREE rooms for rent Inquire 2004 Vin ton St TWO unfurnished rooms In new brick flat 113.60 per month. 311 N. 21st St UNFURNISHED housekeeping 2026 St Mary's Ave. THREE unfurnished rooms, entire upper uuur. oiio isuuKiaa. S LARGE rooms and- store room; ground floor; 15; only 3 blocks southwest ot court nouse. 6 s. 20th St 4 modern rooms, parlor floor, 1509 8. 28th st Apartments and Plate. FOR RENTA n 8-room modern anart- ment. Field club district; five bedrooms and sleeping porch: beautifully decorated throughout; strictly first claaa. 3308 Pop- pieiun Ave- cetera xrusi -o. uoug. sws. ELEGANT . 4 and 6-room apartments. cireniow xerrace. wcDBter 43ZB. A BEAUTIFUL apartment at 33d and Farnam. nothing finer in the city. Call wm. k. cotter, Harney 2216. targe cool rooms, fine finish, modern, hot wier mil yer sienin neai, J'wy to see li; walking distance; summer, 127; winter, 17 more; reference required. Bemls-Carlberg Co.. 480 Brandels. . . ' FOR RENT Five-room flat, corner Har ney and Park; immediate possession. Tate Ehrhardt Co., Real Estate and Loana, Room 406 Webster-Sunderland Bldg. Phone Dougiaa 4M3. NEW FLAT 6 rooms, reception hall. All modern. 3124 Cass St FOR RENT Four room flat In the Cal ifornia, 17th and California. Reichenbcrg Bros., 694 Brandeis Bldg.. Tel., D. 1670. HEATED APARTMENT FOR RENT. 140 on year's lease, 6 rooms and large hall downstairs, on cor. S. 25th Ave. and Dewey; floors waxed. FIVE rooms, new brick flat, modern. 2S07 Dewey Ave. Phone Harney 2254. VERY desirable 10-room flat, close In. Call 614 N. 23d. Phone R. 4854. NEJW 5-room modern flat, .easy walking distance; gas range; shades and curtain rods; fine decorations. ERNE.ST SWEET, 660 N. Y. L. Doug. 1472. Famished Hon see and Flats. COTTAGE on Lake Okobojl; a 9-room cottage on Des Moines Beach, one o the best furnished, most desirable and con venient on the lake. For a family and the season only. Address F, C. Macartney, Victoria hotel, Des Moines, la. 7-ROOM, modern, completely furnluhed home for rent by owner, who is leaving city. Everything complete, including piano. Located In Went Farnam residential! dis trict. Only those furnishing good refer ences in their reply to J 662, iset oftlce, will be considered. Houses ssi Cottages. HOUSEHOLD boODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. 2 6-ROOM houses, good location, 719 So. 37 ih St. 1'liune Web. 2590. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. g-rom fully modern flat; hardwood floors throughout; 140 to desirable tenant Wright at Lasbury, 606 S 16th St. 'Phone D. 152. HOUSES In all parts of the city UUUoliO Creigh bon ac Co., lice Bldg. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624, N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. 10-ROOM house and bath, strictly mod ern, flrat-class condition, close in. 'phone Douglas 433. CMAHA Van A-Storage Co., pack, move, store household goods; storehouNe, 1120-24 N 19lh ; office. 309 S. 17th St. Tel. Dougiaa 155a FOR RENT 7-room house, modern and In good condition, large lot and shade, liu per nionll. In advance to a good tenant. 1503 Ohio St Inquire ISIS Lothrop St. HOUSES, (lata, Garvin Bros., Id floor N. Y. I. RENTAL BARGAINS 1839 N. 24lli, 6-r.. city water, gas, electrlo light, eic-. newly pi pored. 117. 715 S. Iltli. C-r., city water, IK. 2604 Decatur, 7-r., all mod., onlv 4217- lUrney. 8-i, all mod., only $2.'.o0. 4Jwi Burdette, 9-r, house, mod. except heat, Kood barn, J5. 4W7 Izard, 7-r., all mod., only J27.TK). 1113 N. ISth, good 6-r. house, mod., close 111, will paper, $22.50. 3017 Emmet, new 5-r. modern cottage, t22 50 4103 Lafayette, choice 6-r. elrlcliy mod home, fine neighborhood, US. 414 N. 41t Ave., 6-r., all mod., new, 133. 1.'125 8. list., 8-r., mod., pedal prlci to right parly. !I15 Plnkney, 10-r.. all mod.. IB. 31 S. 21th, 6-r., strictly mod., fine shape, 17.50. 413 N. 28th Ave.. 8-r.. strictly uvJ.. house, tiood shape, t'.50. 4004 Charles, l-r., strictly mod., fine loca tion. $:so. I3S S. 35tli. l-r, all mod. and In fino shape, $15. INkl Farnam, 7-r.. mod., 140. . 8ci .our list before you move. PAYNE, BObTWICK At HLATEIL Sole Agents, MH N. Y. Life Ring. F.HiHT rooms; walking distance; ion venlent: 123. sil S. 20th. Tel. Harney 2j. NINE-ROOM modern house, hard wood finish 244 Jones, 140. Sven-100111 modern house, fine repair, 291 h and Izard, JU. BOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt Parar Bia, OFFERED FOR RENT Hooeea ar4 Cotfaree Coattaoed. REDUCE YOUH KENT IN HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT we have a good 7-room, all modern houce. will be newly painted at once, 13J6 S. 27th St., 12500. 2414 fchermsn Ave., 9-room, all modern residence or rooming and boarding apart ment, a rar;ain at .oo. 270N Caldwell: 8-rnom: all modern, prac tically new. large lawn; shade and paved street, :0.00. 6 rooms, modern, 839 8. 24th St., 113 "0. 4 rooms, partly modern; 837 8. 24th. 111. 1628 Martha St.; rooms, city water, H5. le.i.1 Marcy St., 6 rooms, city water. III. We also have several cheaper cottages. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. FOR RENT New 8-room modera house. 1405 8. 8th St ONE l-room, new, brlrk house. Just com pleted, all modern; combination flxturea. 313 N. 21t St.: 105. C. M. BACH M A NN, 4tt Paxton Rloi-V. Office 'phone: It. 2b39; Residence. D. BOU. I.innK store room for rent. 20x60. also 3 elegant living rooms and basement suitable for barber shop, liiu i.eavenworin jji. FOR RP:NT Elegant 10-room houte. all modern, 621 Park Ave, city, only ;6. C. Ii Herring, 417 N. Y. Life Bldg., or 'pnone Douglas 18S& 4-HOOM. modern, partly furnished, aum mer or longer; 40. 3666 Jackson. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN. 1534 Georgia Ave., 3-r., all modern, only 40. See us quick. PAXISK, uusriyitft. rSL,ATElt, Sole Agents, 001 N. Y. Life Bldg. NEW l-room brick house, modern. Harnov 647. 3116 Chicago, 6 rooms, mod. 1.10.00. 219 Mason, 10 rooms, mod., 131.60. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker Block. MODERN 6-room brick house. 1109 N. 23d St, $-5. Owner pays water. phone Harney 3361. HOUSES FOR RENT. 6- r. mod. ex. heat, 2210 Farnam, 110. 7- r., mod. ex. heat 502 N. 25th, 130. 6- r., new, mod., 24th and Ike Sts., 122.60. 7- r., strictly mod., fine lawn, cor. 2ath Ave. and California, $35, inc. water. 7- r., all mod., 8216 poppleton Ave., $35. 8- r., all mod., 2309 California St., 1.12. 50. 7- r., mod., 2959 Farnam St., 142.60. 8- r., new brick, 512 N. 20th St., TK). 10- r., steam heat, 621 Park Ave., 150, 11- r., steam heat, 2124 Davenport, 10. 10-r., hot water heat, 1427 8. 8th St., 150. GEORGE & CO.. 1U01 Farnam St. REDUCE YOUR RENT IN HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT we have a good 7-room, all modern house, will be newly painted at once, 1326 S. 27th St., 125.00. 2414 Sherman avenue; 9-room, all modern residence or rooming and boarding apart ment, a bargain at $26.00. 2708 Caldwell; 8-room, all modern, prac tically new, large lawn; shade and paved street, $30.00. 6-rooms, modern; 839 S. S4th St., $13.00. 4-rooms, partly modem; 837 8. 24th, $11.00. 1623 Martha St; rooms, city water. 111. 1523 Marcy St.; 6 rooms, city water, l3. We also have several cheaper cottages. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg., . 16th and Harney. 6-ROOM, modern, $26,00. 2012 Elm St. Phone Harney 1510. 3906 N. 18th St., 6 rooms, all modern, $25 per month and water rent SHIMER & CHASE CO., 309 S. 17th St. Both Phones. NINE-ROOM modern brick house, north part ot city. 126. l-room apartment 1917 Clark, $10. t-room apartment, 1917 Clark, $9. 4-room apartment, city water, toilet $13.60. l-room apartment, 1828 N. 17th. $11. C. M. BACH MAN. 436 Paxton Block. 'Phone Red 2639; Residence Ooug. 6066. FOR RENT 7-room cottage at 1729 Georgia Ave., now being repainted and DaDered and put in iirst class condition $25 per month to permanent tenant. Inquire of S. B. Richmond at J. J. Deright Co., or F. D. Wead, weaa Biag. . 6-ROOM modem house, 1060 S. 29th St.. 136, John W. Robbins. 1802 Farnam St. EIGHT-ROOM house, 128 8. 86th St Phone Harney 1366. 112 No. 26th, 9 rooms, HO. 2604 Dodge, 7 rooms, I27.SC. 6-ROOMS, modern, $26.00. 2010 Elm St. 'Phono Harney 1510. Five-room modem cottage, 3015 Leaven worth. FOR RENT Eight-rooms brick house. modern, 8 minutes walk to city hall. 3543 Capitol Ave. 'lei. voug. 409. HAVE you $500 that you would like to have pay you 16 per cent Instead of 4 to I per cent? See advertisement In this column over address 01 L nw. nee. FOR RENT 6-1. cottage, 2017 Howard; save car fare; all modern except furnace. D. 987. Putnam Ctf. 1 T?or1iir.or1 tn ' Wl house, 1342 i.vuuv.,u w. b 27th, porce lain bath, lavatory, closet, furnace, screens. Phone Web. 1798. THE HOWARD, 21at and' Howard, ready for occupany; 2-room apartmenta, bed In wall; Ice, heat, hot water and janitor free; 135.00. 6-r.. all mod., 136- 13 So. 27th St. Bemis-Curlberg Co., 480 Brandeis Bldg FOR RENT 7-room house, modern, 4132 Izard St., $30.00. Doug. 3382. Gallagher & Nelson. 132.50 Strictly modern 8-room oak fin ished house. 1306 8. 28th St. Tel. Harney 1767. 6-ROOM house, water and gas, 2311 Cen tral boulevard. 8-r., brick, close in, roomers $45 8-r., new, square, on car line.. $2! O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1002-3-4 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2152 1624 CUMING St., 5-r. all mod. flat. $30, J. W. RASP CO., 689 Brandela Bldg. 40S No. 2fith St.. 6-r mod. ex. heat, 122.50. 3610 Jone.s St., 8-r., all mod., 130. 15o6 So. 10th St.. 9-r.. all mod.. $4. 1036 So. 18ih St., 8-r., part mod., 17. 34r Ames Ave., 3-r., part mod.. 10. 3015 California, 8-r., all mod., 127.50. 1702 Dorcus Bt., 4-r., part mod., $11. 1SI4 So. 17th St.. 3-r., part mod., $6. BIRKETT TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg Phones. D. 4754. A-1704. Offices. OFFICES FOR RENT. Fine, light offices In the new City Na tional bank bulldlne. 16th and Harney Sts. This building will be ready for occupancy Dbout Augimt 1. Will be up-to-date in every respn-t. Call at our office for floor plans and full Information. GEORGE & CO.. AGENTS. liiOl Farnam Sc. I Storea. FOR RENT Large storeroom and base ment. 22x70 ft., all newly decorated, new plumbing. 2423 Cuming St. Rent 130. N. T. Dodge & Co., 15lh and Harney. TRACKAGE PROPERTY "We offer for rent the one story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty Las trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO., - 17th and Farnam. WELL lighted large corner room, 13x100, situated on second flour. , Palace Clo. Co.. Will and Douglas. STORE ROOM 1S07 Farnam . 6eml-baementa well llghteo, 1807 and ISOt Farnam St. I flora room, 618 N, ttth St., Sa Omaha, THUo. II ALU 4.13 Karnge Bldg. Botn 'Phones. KAKN for rent, 3518 N. 27Ui. Web. 2i Phone OFFERED FOR RENT ttorei oattlaeed. for automobile and atorage. US h. 2Tth Ave. fV So. 13th St.. larara atora with base ment. 40. 1611 Webster St., 913. HIKKETT A TERRENS, 423 Bee Bid. Phones, D. 4754, A -175 1. STORES FOR RENT. i-w, Kiiiaruve storerooms on uri nwr City National bank building. Also space on 1W.-OHU noor ior nign-ciass snops. r ine wnyjrw wimiuwa on corriaor. i.an on us &vr full information. GEORGE A CO.. AGENTS, 1601 Farnam St. 1406 FARNAM ST. Second and third flours. 2x60 feet esch. at a very low rental. $40 for 2212 Farnam and basement, 22x60 feet. GEORGE & CO., 1001 Farnam St. IbJO CI' MINT, St.. I nr a r.ew store. . J. w. KADI' CO.. 6S9 Brandeis Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE Baasle. COVERED wagon and surrey, both In good condition, cheap, 621 8. 24 Ui Ave. Farwltare. PRINTERS' FURNITURE. Four Imposing tables, iron base and tone top; also 1 galley banks and two steam tables for sale. Apply Bee Pub. Co., 17th and Farnam. " A 13-HOLE STEEL RANGE; 1 warming ovens, 1 baking ovens; burns either coal, gas or wood; will sell cheap if taken at once. Call Red 6930. 1519 Leavenworth St HOUSEHOLD furniture and painted china for sale cheap. Any person wishing bargains should call at once, aa parly leaves city soon, 1105 Park Ave. LEAVING CITY By June 10 must sell all my household goods at great sacrifice. Would be Just right for a newly married couple. This Includes the furniture of a 6-room house; with ga stove, range, sideboard, etc; call 2313 Sec ond Ave., Council Bluffs, la. ALL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. In cluding gas range, Hooster kitchen cabinet. secretary Duitet, sewing machine, bed room furniture; leaving the city; prices reasonable. 'Phone Harney S610. Mi its. ELEGANT $78 Storey & Clark ORQAN, lightly used, with secretary compartment, also practically NEW Storey & Clark PIANO A bargain it taken soon. 101 Old Boston Store. JUST IN, complete lino TORK BAND INSTRUMENTS; no equal for price. Schmoller at Mueller, 1313 Farnam. FINE Upright piano, latest style, 1115.00. Owner leaving city. Cost $360.00 1911 Cass. Typewriters. SECOND-hand typewriters told, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam, rp,., i-i tr-a Y.T. Pnf ALL MAKES. XTcniiivioivi B. F. Swanson, 1316 Farnam St., Omaha. YOU can rent an OLIVER TYPEWRITER with oak stand. 13 monthly, from manufac turers, most Interested In satisfaction given. Oliver Typewriter Co., jjyj one as 2S19. ROTARY NEOSTYLE. Bargain. 1117 Far nam. BUY an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter, B. F. Swanson Co., Distributers, Uli Farnam St Miscellaneous, ONE bamboo shirtwaist and aklrt box, In good condition. Lengtn 4 ft Address, Q 673. care Bee. FOR SALE 1 stone candy Blab about 8x5 feet, win sv vijr luv x. Diiiiin. 1812 Farnam. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders; catalogue, free. Sherman . & McConnell Drug to., umana, jncd. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. iirunswicK Balke, Collender, 407 8. 10th St TENT COTTAGES Snan( t Lake n tt? A m n A one at Carter lake. Price 1200. OMAHA TENT A AWNING CO, 1102 Harney St SECOND-HAND oak oounter; hand carved, marble cashier plate; wire wicket about 40 ft, oaa snaps; win lit a room twenty feet wide. Can be seen at storage house. For further particulars Phone Doug las 238. Bee Building Co. Th Economy 'Wln(low Bereen will A lie fituuuuijr ,av, you one-half. T. H. Welricb. Fixture Co, aU kinds of mill work. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all alsea and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co.. Ul Farnam 8t Electric Power Attachments. FOR HAND ELEVATORS. LeBron Electrical Works, 813 8. 12. D-2176. TENTS FOR RENT. Ask for Estimates on Awnings. CifmT TENT & AWNING CO, 314-316 80. 12th St., Doug. 338. FOR BALE ONE KINNEY WATER tube boiler, 126 horse-power, complete; one 66x6 horizontal boiler; one 46 horse-power Powell Jewell engine, practically new. All of these are In use at the present time and we will sell them at a very low flgure. Farrell & Co., Omaha. T.rrmrior Trr G- c- Dimmock at bona, 24th UUllluer, 4nd H St Bo Qmaha, only In dependent lumber dealers In the city. 60 H. P. Gas Engine and Producer Plant Almost new; suitable for electrlo lighting plant or mill. Perfect condition. Will sell at sacrifice, or trade for good weatern Ne braska land. Address B-621 Bee. SADDLE and bridle; excellent condition; used but abort time. Harney 1051. or 4819 Cas- . FOR 8ALE-4-foot showcase, 21 Inches high; walnut frame; cheap. 544 Ramge Bldg. RELIGIOUS LIBRARY v5fu; choice, spirUual works, $100, 3219 Mander son St. SIXTY palra, Wlnalow roller skates, good new. They retail at 15.60 a pair; 11.25 aa takca them i'none Webster 19H9. TEAM, harness, wagon, dump boards. Ice wagon, coal box. Call 1618 Frederick. 40,000 feet of Cottonwood lumber and 600.000 brick for sale. Corneor Bros., 24th and Dorcas Sts. EGGS We are now prepared to furnish egg for hatching from Seven Oak strain of (bred to lay) 8. C. White Leghorn at 15 per 100; 15 for $1. SEVEN OAKS POULTRY FARM, Phone Florence 101. Florence, Neb. HAND painted china for sale; reason able prices. 114S N. 19th. Tel. Web. 6761. PURCHASE check for sale. Dougiaa 3982. FOR SALE One roller sap desk, one oak letter file, one typewriter desk, one office chair. Inquire at room 806 Brandeis Bldg HALL'S safca. new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. ELEGANT $76 Storey A Clark ORGAN slightly used, with secretary compartment' also practically NEW Storey & Clark PIANO; a bargain if taken soon. 301 old Boston Store. ELEGANT, full hand-stamped saddle 'Phone Harney 647, care 1021 park Av. OAK Writing Desk and Library 2701 Jackson St. 112 00 Tnnls ,f,ft ln Pn 'or le at cost, Jef- lersun Hquare Loan Co, 418 N. Wth. SADDLE and bridle; excellent condition list' but short time. Harney 1051, or 4M9 Cass. ' FIRST -CLASS publlo stenographer's stand for sale; snap, bargain; large trade established; personal reason for selling Apply Immediately. S 6-J, Bee. WJIEN anawering advertisements in The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the tact that you aaw the ad. in The Bee, OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, 36-8 Brandeis Theater Bldg, Dr. Kathryn Nichols. 661 N. Y. Life Bldg. PATENTS HI KA M A. STt'ROFS. registered patent attornev. I". 8. and forelsn patents se cured. 519 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. D. 34ii. D. O. BARN ELL, Pel ton Blk. TeL Red 7117. WILLARD EDDT. registered practitioner In U. S. Patent office. Ill Paxton Block. Tel. Red 2991. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPT. Massnce treatment for rheumatism. Dr. Margarita Halloran, 126 Neville Bik. D. 7761. nniiC;iir, iir, vol, manicuring anu mji age. 624 8. ltiih St.. Flat I. Phone D. 7o-S. SIm-itnVic from combings. 11-60. Mr. 8. ""'-"Matnew. 304 Nevlde Bl 1 Bk. D. ISO. MRS. ROGERS' private confinement borne. 1616 Martha St, Omaha, Neb. Phone Dougiaa 62M. YOUNG WOMEN eomlna to Omaha a strangers are Invited to Visit the Young woman a Christian association building at Seventeenth St. and bt Mary Ave., where they will be directed to auitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler'a aid at Uie Union station. HINDOO TABLETS will build, braoe. strengthen. 60c BELL DRUG CO. ABLENE DB VOT, manicuring and mes sage. 624 S. loth bt. Flat . Phone D. 7640, GAIN health A wealth. Adv. under Colo, landa telle how. Western Land lnv, Co. 8warta Mclielvy News Dept. Id-hand books; Ger. ek Eng. periodicals. 109 8. 16th. SiVIMMflKS Kubber good by mall; cut 011ViU0 prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. A HOME for women during confinement We find homrs for bable whose mothars cannot care tot them. Bablea boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha L. Lee, 401 Bancroft at, Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas WE don't like to get personal, but It's right to the point. Vaudeville, latest avod liveliest PARLOR THEATER, Half price matlnse. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book, "The Under world be wet-," at all book atores; price 11.60. Mm Frnvop Adelight Hair Food. Dl-Luc. 1 lujtl, toI. baldneaa, removes dandruff. Megeath Stationery Co., 1421 Far. BRAIDS and switches made from comb ing, l up; a fine line of switches on hand; man orders filled. Mrs. P. Stover, 2611 bt Mary's Ave. Phone Red 1161. THE SALVATION ARMY aollclta caat-oft clothing, in fact anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 114 N. 11th St., tor cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 413S and wagons will call. MAGNETIC bol'ieth." d. 6kBrou' OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. EXPERT china packer; wedding presents a specialty. 1814 Davenport lnd. B-2798. DIVORCES obtained without noise or delay. Wills and estates a specialty, Practiced law 28 years. W. A. CONNOLLY, 474 Brandeis Bldg. Phone Douglas 8668. MISS LORETTA MORAN Massaging, manicuring;, cnlropody, scalp treatment nalr goods; Sundays, 10 to 4 p. m. 801 Neville Blk. TeL Doug. 4111. MAGNETIC treatment Him, Smith, 621 8. 16th. Third Floor. WTflS n toupes for men. Griffith, "luoU and 14 FRENER BLOCK. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; bablea for adoption. Good Samaritan Banl torlum, 740 1st Ave.. Counoll Bluffs, la. MASSAGE electrlo treatment by expert 107 So. 17th St., room 1. 1st floor. PRIVAT13 confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N 14th St 'Phone Webster 1551. MASSAGE AND BATH8. . Room 308 Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance. 120 8. 16th St. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines, lnd. A 1663. Doug. 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, 15th and Harney Sts. MMB. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. 1606 Dodge St., oppo site postofflce, 3d floor. Tel. Doug. 7666. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss LaGrane, 1817 Dodge St; houra 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Basement flat STRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption. 2518 Davenport. POULTRY SILKO CHICK FOOD Is tbs best In the market for young: chick' ens. Msde from pure grsln A. W. WAGNER, HM-ll NORTH SIXTEENTH STREBT. Phones Douglas 1142; Indopendent A-t46t Screenings, 11.26 per 100. Wagner. 801 N. 11 PRINTING LEW W. RABER, Printer, ,? Entrance on BEE BUILDING R1E8-HALL Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th; lnd. A3624. DOUGLAS COUNTY saves thousands of dollars yearly by having my flgurea on printing. John T. Tbompaon. Tel W-1681. 'PHONE IND. A-2C20 for good printing. Lynstad Printing Co.. 16th & Capitol Ave. Miller ft Jamleson, 1212 Doug. Both phones. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1851; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam St. REMINGTON-LUNDBERO REALTY CO. Tel. D. 1271. 643 Ramge Bldg. New houaea. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandeis Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. 1201 Farnam. Ground Floor. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. rVonlo AV rVnrtrm Abstracts of Title. ieaie tv iNorion Bee Bldg i omaha. 8. M. SADLER & SON, 806 8. 18th St. JOHN CAMPBELL, 411 N. Y. L. D 1071. GUARANTEE Abstract Co., 1623 Farnam. PETER JESSEN, JR. Tel. Douglas 2202. CITY PROPERTY FOR SAIB. MUST BE SOLI) IN THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS 640-acre Improved farm, 2H miles from Venango, Perkins county, Neh. ; all good farm land, smooth and practically level and good soil, all fenced and cross-fenced, fair set farm buildings. 240 acre cultivated, $f an acre, which is 15 to 110 an acre less than any like land can be bouitht for In ' name locality. Get busy un this If you want a bargain. 4H0-ACKE WELL IMPROVED ROCK COUNTY FA KM, 4 miles from Newport, all rich valley land, 200 acres farm land, balance used for hay and cuts 400 tons: good set of buildings and well fenced: I'lQ an acre If sold this month; $40 after Julv 1. 4MI-ACRE FINELY IMPROVED Oreelev county farm; all excellent soil, hut a part of it rolling: no sund or alkali; all fenced and croba-fenced, excellent et of farm bulldlngx and plenty or them; in') acres cultivated balance now uxed for hay and pasture. This Is a fine home; $12 50 an acre buys it for s short time. Terms easy. W. W. MITCHELL. Agent. Board of Trade Bidg. Omaha, Neh. " FOR SALE A DESIRABLE HKH I IBNTR IN A DL MIKABJ.K NEIGHBORHOOD. 127 N. 32 d AVE. A thoroughly up-to-date home; 10-room. servants room on third floor; two bnrri room. Dr. J. E. Summer. 3624 I'eney Ave. Tel. Harney 2!9, or Douflaa 641,