Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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    rrrn bee: omaha; raturdav, .titxe 4, mo.
W. E. Reed to Accept New Position
moot rrut it.
X-lfBtlaf natures rres-Qraa4e Co.
sat Zrr Cleaning of garments. Twin
City Djr Work. 407 Bouiu ciUeenth.
lSsO litlnit LU laamraac. C ItlO
Charles Ady. General Agent, Omthi.
Irpeoial ' Coal an Trouaera to Orttr
20 watch our windows for prlc.a,
BUvens Co., Tailor. 316 8. Isth SU
Sr. Abbott to Students Uev. U W. Ab
bot, pastor of Trinity Methodit church,
address the students of the University
of Omaha at the church Sunday morning.
Thsre ar. Several Waya of Saving
Tha Nebraska Savings and boan associa
llon may, and others. Our way paya par
cent per annum. It Board of Trade
Croak OlTn Time George P. Cronk
haa been granted lime by Judge Troup
In district court to file an amended peti
tion for divorce. The new plea Is Intended
to offset Mrs. Cronk s claim of condonation.
Many' Homestead Entries The Bur
lington's homeseekers' information bureau
lias received word from the land office at
broken Bow to the effect that sixty-nine
applications were made for homesteads In
Nebraska during the monthof May and
that there were ililrty-flve c'ancallailons.
Babies Till toe Court Boom Cooing
tables, crying baoks and eke some nursing
babies are prcent In Judge Sutton's court
loom, where a considerable part of the
population of Beni.lngton or the neighbor
hood are gathered to hear Labbs against
Labbs et al. One brother Is suing his
brothers and slaters; tor possession of a
(urn., f
Hamilton Club Meet The
Hamilton club of Chicago, which Is plan
ning to give a big reception to Colonel
Theodore Koosevelt upon his return to
America, has 1tvlted the people of Omaha
to Join In tho celebration. The western
people who are to make the trip to New
York will leave Chicago Thursday, June 16,
on a special train.
Book Island Time Changes The Rock
Island haa put on a new Colorado train,
effective June 6, which will leave Omaha
at 1:60 a.' m., arriving In Denver at 6: p.
in. The train will leave Omaha for Chi
cago at- 7:42 a. m. and will arrive at 9:26
p. m. The Rocky Mountain Limited, No. '8,
which haa been leaving this city at 2:40
a. m., will be changed to 12:38 a. m. and
will arrive In Chicago at 1:68 p. m. The
Iowa local will leave at 6:36 a. m. Instead
of 6:68 a. m., aa at present.
Senior JParty Postponed The senior
class of the Omaha High school has been
obliged to again postpone Its party which
wag to have been held at Chambers' last
night. Arthur Aycrlgg, one of the mem
bers of the graduating class, Is seriously
, 111, and so the event la postponed for the
second time. All the preparations for the
social time had been made, as up to a late
hour the sick boy was believed to be 1m
' proving, but this morning it was found
necessary to take action upon It.
International Befrlgeration Oonferenoe
H. F. McFlke, refrigerator service agent
, for the Illinois Central road and secretary
of the Railroad Refrigerator Service asso
ciation, has been selected to attend the
second International congress of refrigera
tion at Vienna, Austria, October 6 to 11.
The objeqt of the congress will be to talk
' over the matter of refrigerator service
with the desire to get Ideas which will go
to the Improvement of the same. The rail
roads of the United States and Canada
have about 100,000 refrigerator cara equipped
with Ice tanks and the subject is an Im
portant one to the American railroads,
Grand Island Man Neatly Robbed
'While Going; Down Stairway
in Blocks
Maybe the next tlm. David Emmett of
Grand Island visits Omaha he will not be
so confiding In every casual acquaintance
and may be not At any rate' he had last
night an experience he will not forget for
a month or two. He arrived In the olty
yesterday and when doing the sights he
truck the company of two men, one aged
80 and the other 20.
With them he visited 1131s North Fif-
tenth street. Returning to the street, one
of the men preceded him downstairs. The
progress streetward had scarcely been be
gun when the light went out and Emmett
found himself grabbed by. the man In the
roar and then both rifled his pockets, tak
ing $23 and his tllverlne 17-Jeweled Elgin
'watch. Almost before their victim had
recovered from the surprise of the sudden
attack by his quondam friends the pair
were out on the atreet and had vanished.
in Chicago.
Medals Will Re Given Tkls Morning;
Sareesafnl Athletes of the
High School Track
Wants to Be Enrolled This Year
Among; the Cohorts of Kins;
From away over there In Rome Arthur
Uets baa heard the call of Samson. On
Thursday a check was received at the
office of the most royal king. Ak-Sar-Een,
from Mr. Metx, who is stopping at
the Grand Hotel Du Qutrlnat in the Eternal
city. He Insists on being enrolled as a good
-knight even though he Is far from the
land of Qulvera.
The opening presentation of the Halley
Initiation la to be given at the Den Monday
Dlsgrrnref nl Condnet
of liver and bowels. In refusing to act. Is
quickly remedied with Dr. King's New Life
Fills. 350. For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
t in socA ramiufts or tuiwHtm f
. Got tho . 4.
Original'- Genuine
fj a fTk H S3 rra TV
x TheFoodDrinkf or AllAes
lid in cny LTtk Trust
PT-IntUt on "II O RUCK'S"
Take a oookade
Good Things to Eat
XSls Dodge St.,
C. H. BALL, froprfttor
(Formerly with Hanson)
Try one of our SEo plate dinners
They are the talk nf the town.
Vfeolal Table d'Bote Sinners aa.
JF ' daye, 400.
r oves? ax.1. moat.
.......... I . . rl , l JUL
W. E. Reed of Pouth Omaha, who has
been msnsger for Clsv. Robinson A Co..
commission men aj thkt point for a total
of ten years. Is to leave for Chicago Bun
day night to aeume a position with the
firm of John Clay Co. This la prac
tically the same company aa Clay, Robin
son & Co. Tho position offered Is, In his
estimation, a decided adfance over the
present one.
Mr. Heed has been In tlio service of Clay,
Robinson & Co. for nineteen years. Ten
years were spent In Bouth Omaha. On his
first assignment to South Omaha he stayed
five years and he was then sent to an
other point, where he remained for a num
ber of years. Since his last return five
years more have elapsed. W. E. Reed Is
known to every man In tho South Omaha
market nd has a wide acquaintance among
all the stockmen of the state. He waa al
ways a hustling, enthusiastic and engaging
character and will bs greatly missed among
the familiar feces.
He will assume his duties at once on ar
rival and his family will accompany hlro,
as the offer Is permanent. Bince It has
been learned that he was going his friends
In the city have been tendering him a num
ber of farewell receptions of a strictly In
formal nature and offering congratulations
as well aa regnts.
Frlrea for Blooded Stork.
That Nebraska stockman are fond of the
Aberdeen-Angus breed of cattle was fully
demonstrated at Charles Escher A Sona'
sale Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.
The pavilion, where the stock waa offered,
was well filled both days and the bidding
was active and the prices paid exceedingly
high. Seventy-five dollars was the lowest
price paid Wednesday for any animal,
and It was a strong, young calf Just past
weaning. From that price up to was
about the range. One good bull brought
$675. W. Roberta of Atlantic paid for
a cow.
Thursday's sale was quite as good. In
all about 120 head of pedigreed atock was
Henry Tonges of Pender had a load of
twenty-eight head of steers on the mar
ket yesterday which averaged 1,428 pounds
and which brought him a fiat s per 100.
Thla would give about $3,200 for his load.
He had fed .'his bunch on corn and alfalfa
for eight months.
Mednla for Athletes.
A mass meeting of the students of the
South Omsha High school will be held this
morning at which time medals will be pre
sented with appropriate ceremony to the,
boys of the South Omaha track team who
have won honors In the several track
meets held recently. This is the first year
In which the South Omaha school has bad
a team. This presentation of medals. It is
hoped, will help to make thla branch of
athletics more popular even than it has
been this year.. For the opening year the
South Omaha school showed considerable
merit. With the aid of Stryker the school
received four points in the state meet, and
had he not run himself out of breath by
spurting too soon he could easily have
won the half mile race. In all, about twenty
medals or badges, will be given .out to the
Miss Alleo Davis Abroad.
Miss Alice V. Davis, daughter of Mrs.
O. W. Davis, left last evening for Paris,
France, where she will spend a year under
the direction of famous tutors to complete
her musical education. She goea In com
pany with her present Instructor Prof.
August Borglum, and hla wife. Miss Marie
Meek and Miss Cecils Berryman of Omaha
will also be in the party. This trio of
young musicians hav shown extraordinary
development under the direction of Prof.
Borglum and have given numerous recitals
In Omaha, where their friends expressed
much favorable appreciation of their
talents. Miss Davis will be accompanied
by her mother aa far as New Tork City.
Tho young people of South Omaha ' have
given her a num6ber of farewell parties and
Cornerstone Laid Snndny.
The program for the ceremonies of laying
the corner stone of the First Presbyterian
church has been completed and the cere
mony will be held at 1 p. m. Sunday. The
exercises will be rather extensive and the
occasion promises to be one of Importance.
Dr. Edwin H. Jenks of the First Presby
terian church of Omaha will deliver the ad
dress. Mayor P. . Tralnor will be present
and open the program of voluntary ad
dresses. The following la the full order of
'A Call to Worship," Instrumental Cor
nets, altos, trombone, bass.
Invocation Pastor.
Hymn No. ! Church choir with onm
Responsive reading.
Gloria Patrl and recitation of gnostics'.
Placing of Documents and Records in Re
ceptacle In Cornerstone The session.
Placing or the Capstone By the builders
and contractor.
Dedication of Stone Pastor.
Hymn No. 16, Psalm 100 Church choir and
t"AK I J I.
Adjourn to floor of auditorium,
instrumental. Consisting of Two or Mnn
Numbers Omaha Musical union.
ITesidant of the Board Dr. C. M. Behind!
presiding. ,
Fraternal greetings from resident pastors.
Instrumental Music Omaha Musical union.
Address Dr. Edwin Hart Jenks.
"Nearer My uod to Thee" Church, choir.
Voluntary Addresses, Led by Mayor P. J.
Tralnor Visiting guests.
Free Will Offerings Finance Committee.
Instrumental Muslo Omaha Musical
Hymn "America," church choir and or-
Recessional Omaha Musical union.
Msgle City Goaelp.
FOR BALE Cheap, four-room house, two
lots. 66 8. 19th.
W. C. liAMBERT has moved hla law of
fices to Wl-7 N. T. Life Bldg.
The South Omaha Commercial club held
Ita weekly session yesterday at the club
Mrs. R. C. Beavers Is entertaining Mrs.
i. E. and Mlsa Oda Carpenter of Crooks
ton, Minn.
John Casey, 1610 North Twenty-fourth
street, Is In St. Louis on business for
Armour & Co.
CW. Sears Is in Wichita. Kan., where
he Is engaged In legal business for the
Cudahy Packing company.
Dennis Boyd and R. R. Tatea were ar
rested yesterday on ausplclon In connection
with a recent box car case.
FOR SALE Best restaurant and money
maker In South Omaha. Good reasona for
selling. H, Bee, South Omaha.
No word haa been received of Kthel
Parker, who ran away from home Monday
and who waa supposed to be In the com
pany of Clausen Miller.
PHONE SOUTH SSS for a case of JET.
TER GOLD TOP. Prompt delivery to any
Edward Lee, Jsmes Kelly and William
C. Boners were arrested yesterdsy on sus
picion. Tr.ey were rouna selling a very
cheap variety of Jewelry.
For Rent Store Bldg., S3d and K Sta :
Suitable for dry goods or groceries; will
repair and remodel to ault tenant. Inquire
John Franek, luth and 8 Sta., Bo. Omaha.
The Junior reception to the senior class
of the South Omaha High school will be
held Saturday evening and will be the
first of the several functions of the annual
Never thread bare. "Ail wool and a yard
ummer (Garments for
Men "and'
Finds Us
in Omaha
Prepared to meet the demands of every man or boy
At $15 or $20
We've tho Finest Bluo Sorgo Suits for Men
that have ever been displayed in the west at their respective prices. There's
not even one little point, which you can criticise, no matter how critical you
are, nor how carefully you examine these garments.
OUR Blue Serge Suits are made, in the handsomest styles of this season,
of the choicest all wool, dark blue, absolutely fast color, serge fabrics and are
tailored in that careful painstaking manner for which "Nebraska" garments
have been so well known during almost a quarter of a century.
Whether for business, or fdr dress occasions, they're absolutely correct in
xstyle, and the handsomest looking garments you could wear, besides being far
more serviceable than most fabrics at these prices.
We've your size, certainly, so why not look them over at once?
At S7.50 $10, $12.50,
or $15, Our Two
Piece Sumrner Suits
provide more comfort, neater appearance and bet
ter service than any we've ever offered in past
season's. They're made of every desirable fabric,
Including very handsome blue serges, and are espe
cially designed to give you the most relief from
hot weather, without sacrificing tho carefully
dressed appearance demanded by the average man.
They're skeleton lined and splendidly tailored
Into garments, perfect In fit and stylish appearance.
Sincerity Ctotkt
Won't you devote a few minutes Saturday
an Inspection of these two-piece suits?
Wash Suits
for Boys
More than likely 'your boy haB already
been Introduced to a "Nebraska" Wash
Suit, but have you prepared him for this
season? We've a really unusual showing
of new and beautiful color combinations,
any of which will look neat and dressy
on your boy. These suits are made of both
imported and domestic, fast color, wash
able materials in Russian and Sailor Blouse
styles. Worth more than their prices
95c $1.45
A Men's Underwear
Purchase From America's
Foremost Knitting Mills
A large quantity of Men's Highest Grade
Union Suits, that are worth up to $3.60, go on
sale at $1.45-
Silk Lisle Worth to S3; 50,
French Lisle Saturday at
Sea Island Yarns.. ( f I,tZ
French Balbriggan ) vJ&m-J
Every Desired Style and Color.
"B. V. D." Nainsook Shirts and Drawers, BOt
and 76o grades, at..... 35
"B. V. D" Silk and Mercerised Shirts and
Drawers, (1 grades, at 50
"PORbSKNIT" Union Suits, $1.00 grades,
at 55
"POROSKNIT" Shirts and Drawers, 50c grades,
at 33
"Dr. Wright's" (Imported) Mesh Underwear, 75c,
and $1.00 grades, at 35
SCRIVEN'S" Elastic Seam Jean Drawers, lot
No. 50, $1.00. grades, at 50
Men's Fine Shirts
i Two Big Lots of Highly Tailored Shirts, priced
wonderfully low.
Lot 1
Consists of Madras, French, Per
cales and Cheviots, in coat styles,
cuffs on or off, pleated or plain
fronts, beautiful light patterns.
Priced at-
Lot 2
Splendidly Tailored Shirts of
Cbambray, Percales and Madras,
cuffs attached or detached, coat
style If desired. Handsome new
spring patterns. Priced at
The Straw
Season is
Offically Opened
by our display of nearly 5,000
Straw Hats. This is probably
the greatest hat exhibition in
these United States today.
We good ii at u red I y dfy you
to make any demand, which we
cannot meet.
from Ecuador
$3.50, $5, $7.50
' from Belgium
$1, $1.50, $2, $2.50
from Italy
$2, $3, $4, $5,
$2.00, $3.00, $4.00
from Switzerland
$1, $1.50, $2, $2.50
from the Philippines
$1, $1.50, $2, $2.50
Entirely Unlike Any Ever
Held By Another
Omaha Store
6 for 59c
(Sold .Qny By The Box of 6.)
16,000 collars, in boxes of 6 each, go
on sale at this store Saturday morning,
as the result of an idea originated by us.
These collars are sold in most Omaha
stores - today with the maker's trade
mark in them at 2 for 25c. They're
here Saturday without the maker's
name in them at 39c for a box of 6.
We guarantee them to be strictly 4
ply, and the latest prevailing styles, as
shown by the above illustrations.
All Sizes from 12 to 20 SATURDAY
At This Store
Buys a Groat
amount of Shoe
It's simply because our interest
in your shoe comfort is not con
fined to the sale of one pair of
shoes or oxfordfi but that we
want to sell you every pnir you
And so we take greater pains
than most 6tores to make certain
that you are exactly suited as to
style, and exactly fitted aa to size
and shape.
We have but recently added to
our great line of $2.50 shoes and
oxfords, several npw lines and can
now say to you that we've the best
looking, best fitting, best wear-'
lng and most stylish shoes and ox
fords in Omaha, at $2.50
Every popular leather, and all
sizes and widths
For Men
For Women
FA It A l
6 for 39c
wlda," words well worn, but never thread
bare. They stand up to the usage Just
Ilk. Flynn's clothes. We told the people
last week we wouia save every sun cus
tomer that bought an II., . A M. suit off
of our odd lot counter a "V," and we are
hr.DV to say many took our word for It
and are satisfied. They will be better satis
fied when they wear the goods. This week
we have added several small lots at prices
that will bar disputes. These goods are
UD-to-data In every way nothing cheap
about them only the price. We place on
sal. today nfty dosen mens summer un
underwear in a handsome light blue shade.
too quality at luo. Thirty dozen union aults,
tl.SO values, at $1.00. We have an elegant
union ault for boys, Porosknlt. at 25c. best
thing for tha money wa have aeea. A
look Is all we crave. John Flynn.
The Nebraska Shoe and Clothing House,
South Omaha. A continued sale of the
Krgent shoe. For the benefit of those
who were uname to get wauea on, or for
other reasons not able to attend the sale
of last Saturday, w. will place the balanoe
of th. Regent shoe stock on sala Saturday.
Tour choice or all the 13. &o, f4.uu and 5 00
shoes and oxfords. 2.46. Every pair
stamped and guaranteed. On. day only,
Saturday. June 4. Three hundred and
twenty-flv. young men's suits, all new
trie and patterns, fancy worsteds, velour
and plain blue serges. All are well made,
guaranteed to hold their shape and color.
Coats are mad. both plain and fancy
cuffs and flaps on the pockets. Pants are
pec top. A regular $13.60 value, Saturday
your choice 17.60 Id going over our hat
stork w. have picked out all the odds and
ends and broken lota of our $2.00, $2.50 and
$3 0U0 bats to make quirk selling of them.
You have your choice of th. lot Saturday
at si. w.
Bee Want Ada Are Business Boosters.
Nearly Tkoasaad Prisoners Enu
merated In Report Completed
bjr Jailer Osborn.
A report compiled by F. F. Osborn,
county jailer, shows that for th. five
months ending Jun. 1, 954 prisoners were
commuted to the county Jail. Th. crimes
charged to th. prisoners in this regiment
number forty-six and rang, from murder
to vagranoy.
Three hundred and fifty vagrants wer.
Jailed in th. flv. months and 1S8 were
committed for drunkenness.
"Douglas county is certainly in need of
workhouse," said Mr. Osborn. "Th. fig
ures show that our institution her. is too
popular with th. idl. vagrants. Mora than
on. third of our prisoners ar. vsgs. If
w. had something for them to do, some
thing to keep them really busy, they would
avoid Omaha."
Sirs. E. D. Slmpsou Loses Ilsastag,
bat I.unty fries Frighten
Wonldb. Robber.
Scared by her persistent screaming "a
highwayman, who attempted to rob Mrs.
H. D. Simpson, 621 South Twenty-second
street at Twenty-first and Howard streets
last night, bolted leaving the satchel he
had dragged out of her hand lying un
opened on the street, but the victim of his
attack in a fainting condition, owing to the
rough handling she had received. Mrs.
81mpson was taken home by Walter Norrls,
who had been attracted by her cries. A
singular coincidence, as Norrls had a few
weeks sgo been held up and robbed at the
same place. Mrs. Simpson believes that
the thief followed her from Council Bluffs.
Ak yat abcJor if AW bnatto better
pill form duftith per. That folio
Better atir up your liver a little I Not too
much, Just a little, Just enough to start the
bile nicely. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime
Is all you need. These pills act directly on
th liver. Made for the treatment of corl
stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick-headache.
Sold for over 60 years.
I " ' ' " " , 1 sa-aa-aaa-aaaaMasa-.n
It !
We have taken over all surplus portiere stock from our Des Moines
wholesale store, which we deBlre to close out at a special sale Monday
morning, June 6, at the manufacturer's cost of making.
We quote here some of the values that you will find Monday morning:
Regular $4.00 Portieres, selling at, per pair SI. 00
Regular $5.75 Portieres, selling at, per pair 32.95
Regular $7.75 Portieres, selling at, per pair $4.85
Regular $10.00 Portieres, selling at, per pair 85.75
Sale Commences at 8 O'clock Monday, June 6th
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co
Bee Want Ads
Produce Results