Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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The omaha Daily Kee
Entered at Omaha poslofflce aa second
ciua matur.
Champ Clark'i Aspiration.
Without feigning a falBe modesty or
pretense that he ia responding to tiie
irresltible call of. his party and hla
country, Champ Clark announces that
he will not get Into the senatorial
debt In Missouri because he wants
TEKM3 OP SUIJSCIUPTION. , ..... . ... . . . .
allV Hm t Irwtmltnff Rniijiav nr ,'ek.l5C 1 ' '
J'aiijr na (without tunday. per wck. .100 For being frank and to the point, the
VXi ZSw':::ri minority leader of the house la en-
iiK.U.h.RKi 13 r t'ARKiiin. titled to credit, although he may as
Even n Pu twuhout Sunday;. pt well take Inventory of hla strength, be-
cvemng Bee twun Kundav). per - '
nunuay uee, on year..
....12 w cause even In the event of a demo-
Saturday bee. one year t-W .. ,. . ..
Address ail complaints of Irregularities ia crauc majority next urae ne wouiu
slavery to City Circulation Uepartment.
Omaha Tha Bee building.
South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N
Council iilulfs U Kcott Blreet. .
l.lmjin tis Uttle building.
not be safe on counting on an un
opposed elevation to the speaker's
Competent observers of the political
imcaao-ij4 Marquetta Bu.ia inc. drama as Dlayed on the congressional
New York Koutna UUl-liW No,
amrty-thlrd Street.
Washington 726 Fourteenth Street, N. W.
Communications relating to news and
editorial matter should be addressed:
Oniaha Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable to 1 he bee Publishing i.ompsnj
boards regard Champ Clark as being
more lucky than shrewd in securing
whatever measure of success the demo
crats have achieved under bis floor
leadership. He ia a good talker and
quick at repartee, but easily out-
Oniy t-cent atampa received in payment of matched as a parliamentarian. As an
toittunrmt'E2& obstructionist he has done fairly well.
. but has demonstrated norjconstructive
STATEMENT Or CinCOLATlON. ... . im ... :
Et.te of Nebraska. Douglas County, aDiuiy. 10 get me minoruy to vote
ueorKe b. 'iisonurk. treasurer 01 n. against something proposed by the re
Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn. "... . .
says that tha actual number of full and publicans is one thing, and to get
M5l7d.r BVK'dutlf; them to vote for something proposed
snonth of April, mo. was aa follows: I by a democrat is another. He loot
49,800 i "Jaaoo contro' cmPlete,y at the' opening of
II ,43,3001 congress wnen ine uzgeraia Don
) 43,080 saved the Cannon rules, and in the
J? "'if? later successes against Cannonlsm it
II. .ea.owi ...
U..,; ,43,6301 was ine insurgent aniance mat saved
II. 40,100 the day and not the generalship of
I M00 rlnrl.
I.... 43.840 "
II 4a,a30 It takes peculiar qualifications to
17 ..,.4a,oo perform the dutieB of speaker lnrthe
is.- 48.780
ao.. ...4a,70 1 and to guide the deliberations of a
- I hrtHv nt m nra than
4 44.400
.... 43.684
.... 48 8M
10 ,44rBT)
11 .4840
1 48,800
1 4300
with sonie hope of assistance from
such a consolidation, for concessions
would naturally follow in the wake of
the merger as a bid for popular favor.
Whether it would collide with anti
trust and anti-merger laws would
transpire later. ,
Steel Cars for Safety .
Railroads have been surprisingly
slow In adopting all-steel passenger
and mail cars, but now the more pro
gressive lines have taken the first step,
the time is probably not far off when
their ubo will be general.
The Harriman railroads are taking
the lead in this, as they have done in
so many of the most modern improve
ments In transportation. They have
just placed an order for 42 4 steel pas
senger coaches, which, when delivered,
will give that system a total of 023
cars of this type, placing it ahead of
the Pennsylvania lines by twenty-five
The all-steel car should rapidly be
placed in use, not only for passengers,
but for mall and baggage, for its abil
ity to withstand fire and the Impacts
of collisions makes it the safest means
of travel and transportation for human
beings and valuables. No matter what
the extra cost of the steel car may be.
tbeNallroads can well afford to make
the1 investment if it will shut off the
frequently recurring wrecks with their
appalling toll in human life. The per-
An Ill-Timed Speech
Houston Tost R. M. Johnson. Domorrntlc National Committeeman for Texas, EJItor.
Representative Hitchcock of Nebraska, by the InventlnatlnK committee out of
the author of the first resolution cnlllnir all proportion to Its value. This Is all
, ..... .... i wrong. Secretary Halllnger is entitled
for an investigation of Secretary Hal- o ,m, ,t not tn (ne
linger and the Interior department, mau ntprest of the cause of good govern
whlch he violently attacked the president ment, which the democratic party ex
a speech In tha house Thursday In its to conserve, to deny it to him.
for his attitude In upholding his cabinet The Post would not prejudge the case,
officer pending the report of the com- Bs so mnny are doing upon mere scraps
mittee tm ta Its findings tn the matter, of the testimony, but In all candor, nc
Among other things, the Nebraska repre- cording to its reading of such of the
rentattve Is quoted as charging the presl- testimony as has appeared in the pnper.
dent with being "drunk with power and n can hardly anticipate a finding other
willing to Involve his administration In than favorable to the secretary. Cer
scandal rather than give up BallHiger." talnly the president's course In the mat
It is hardly to be conceived that any ter has not been such as to Justify the
one with a thimbleful of brains, who remarks attributed to the congressman
has tho faintest conception of the high from Nebr.ipkn a state In which de,mo
character of the man who now occupies cracy and populism are very much
the Whit House will believe a word of blended.
what Representative Hitchcock charges As the Post sees It, the Important
against the president. In fact the speech thing developed in the investigation is
seems to hava been timed with a view the existence of, if not a conspiracy,
to arousing partisan prejudice against nt least a tacit understanding -among
the finding of the committee, should it certain republicans that were once In
be favorable to Mr. Balllnger. office, but are now out, aided and
While in nd senae of the worj a de- abetted by subordinate employes of the
fender of the conduct of the Interior de- Interior department, to bxlng discredit
partment under the. present admlnistra- upon the. present administration with
tlon. The Post, has regretted to nota a the hope of promoting their own selfish
disposition on the part of many over- political ambitions. '
sealous newspapers anxious to create Tha cause of democracy will not be
popular prejudice agfllnst the party In furthered by Joining hands with these
power to distort tho testimony taken rascals.
TcU1 - " ; 13Jirio body of more than 350 statesmen,
AatuxQsd oapia 10,481 each cocksure of his own importance,
Nat total ' 41 U74ill8 vnuiup viara a possession
Dally average... 48,470 these qualifications has been ques
ujcoHOis u. TzacHUCK. tloned by his own party colleagues
Cubscrlbed In mr nreaanna and sworn to I The best thing that could h&DOen to
aaior ma uum ta cay oc May, mv.
f. W, R.
Notary. Public
abaorlbera leaving tka eltr tam
formrlly akoalel kav Tka Be a
aaall ia thtm. Adtreasca will
aba-aaYad mm aiftea aa requested.
Evidently the proof of the comet's
tail was not a bit more distinct than
Dr. Cook's records. . .
Champ Clark would be to have the
next house republican, and thus save
him1 either from being dethroned as
party leader or from being subjected
to a test his closest friends think he
cannot meet.
Perhaps "Uncle. Joe" might regard
"Bat" Nelson as a good prlvato secre
tary. They could exchange blows.
Citizenship for Porto Bioo
Congress will be doing the proper
thing by Porto Rico to pass the bill
defining the scope ot Its civil govern
ment which carries a bill of rights
fixing Its status of citizenship. Until
the supreme court took an opposite
view, It was contended by some that
Even some of the high-brow sclen- ine . oraKer acl 01 18WU maae ine
tists are beginning to realize that the People of Porto Rico citizens of the
late Mr. Halley handed them a gold United States, but, while no longer
brick. citizens of Spain, Porto Ricans, in
the dictum of Chief Justice Fuller,
What do those gossip mongers who have been without any national citt-
reported ,tha the colonel had. been znshlp, "like & disembodied .shade In
bitten by the sleeping bug think by Ian intermediate state of ambiguous
now? - I existence,1
Thn I'hlted ' State Tins 'eyerctaed
-trr t-rr- - . 4
News Item: 4, Macon man ha lost beneficent protectorate over Porto
faith in Bryan. We do not believe it Rico as well as Cuba and cannot
and will not until wo. see and talk with at this late day afford "to have Jts
tho man. -. I good, faith and influence Impugned or
marred, so concresB will' be warranted
Carrie Nation has recently made a doiD whatever Is necessary to clear
round-up in Texas. Perhaps that ac- up any amblgulty ln the 8tatus of
counts for" Senator Bailey putting on Porto Rlcan cltizenBnIp. If the Porto
Ricans had not responded, ln such fine
spirit to the new conditions of gpvern
ment there might be some reason for
hesitating to pass the. pending meas
ure, but their avidity in. seizing and
improving every opportunity offered
since transplredi how much better it
would have been for South Omaha
people to have let the law take its
course in the first place without bring
ing nnon tha town tho nrflum rr o mnh
buh nnu jiaya uis laio to rjue biiu lu"' outbreak
trainman wno is employed on the rail
road has a right to ttie greatest de- Dallas, Tex., has Induced Adolphus
gree or snrety ana protection witnm rjusch, the St. Louis brewer, to erect
the power of the railway to give and a $1,000,000 hotel in that city on a
tne railway let not exerting its full jot for which he is to pay I2G0.000
power in mis direction wnen it sucks jnvlt0 Mr. Busch to come t0 0maha
to the use of easily destructible and at 0nce,
Inflammable cars. With all the other
highly modernized facilities for travel, "Fortifying the Pennsylvania Rail
the wonder Is that railroads have not road" is the caption of an article in a
long ago come to this proposition. Philadelphia paper. Most people will
be prompted to ask, "From what?"
Omaha as a Terminal Point. No one ever thought of it needing pro
Omaha's strategic position on the tection.
railway map arises from the fact that
It Kfrnriti Mnnr tnrnmnarnhln faplll- Offensive Discrimination.
.. J Kansas City Star.
iicb iur ouu u.uwmvmcui The - rnrlmer esn't see wh t..
traffic, waa singled out. when so manv other
While In other commercial centers senators got their seats in exactly the
the railroads found themselves called Bame way-
upon to spend millions Upon millions Another Martyr to Science
of dollars to secure adequate means of Philadelphia Record.
entrnrifA and lt. tn Omaha thev have ' T"8 6"reat scientist who Investigated
. . . . . . the. causes of the African sleeping sick
an u.uiuo., uu.lui.4 kiuiiu.i ddlciu t th .. . ... ... .
provided by configuration of the topog- gone to his last sleep.
ranhv. and the loratlnn of tha cltv.
...u.-v v -j.....- Corporation Oalbbllsg
wiiitu, wiiuuuv iuiuus, hub Bujuniuui Brooklyn Post.
Itself to the utmost Utilization 0I these Tha Pullman company's solemn plea
advanages., I that it only does a hotel business and
Hardlv a city in the country ' can lsn 1 BubJect to interstate regulation adds
I tf "tntk sTCivotv r4 naMnno ava a a
matcn umani a joouing aisinci. irom tlon of QUibbers or are we not?
the standpoint of terminal facilities
Thla trnclrmra nnrl Bwlt,blnrr onnln. Observntlona f the Boss
' . . 'z " . ch.0agovpo8t.
uicut, ia ujr iiu uiu mil? yciicvicu, Ervan of Nebraaka .v. Mr IIr.
out ine rouuaaiion is- mere awaiting mon of Ohio shows vmptoms of weak
extension and development, and these ening vertebrae, WhJe Mr. Bryan says
terminal farlHHea mean mm-A tn ahln- rop ay Soa dftflOBrat for national
- I lntnM bAAM . . I n n .1 . n 1.11, . . .
who make serious. ,yQteasione ' to that
honor. - '' ..
that eilk tM-
The Tennessee manwhq posed as a
squirrel re&fyy has no good ground for
complaint, ; That is generally what
the squirrel ' gets.
A New 'York woman gets a divorce lvs them RmDle claim upon larger
hcauae her husband stutters. Looks privileges. in ousiness, eaucauon,
aa if woman, might at least allow man statecraft and social life they hav
a piece of a word now and then. ma(le Progress that la almost lncred-
idio consiaenng ineir circumstances
Mrs. Hetty Green has lost a suit, when the United States relieved them
She ought to provide against that by of Spanish rule and the short time
observing : Mr. Rockefeller's frugality, tnat has since elapsed.
He buya paper vests to play golf in. Both Presidents Roosevelt and Taft
have advocated full American citizen
Perusal of the sporting news page ship for Porto Rico and undoubtedly
howa that Nebraska is one of the few the sentiment of the American people
states which, by law forbids indulgence jig reflected in their recommendations
ln professional games on Memorial to congress urging this action
day. .
Planning; New Transcontinental .Line
The report that the Rock Island is
about to secure control of the Wabash
land Lehigh Valley roads Is bf the
utmost Interest, because It presages
the advent of another powerful trans
Those kiss-not buttons came ln on
the crest iOt the better health wave,
but after all there is such a thing as
life getting: stale, even with the best
of health.;;
pers than is usually realized or appre
In holding out Inducements for the
location of new jobbing houses, millB
and manufacturing establishments
World-Povrerlnar In Finance.
Philadelphia Bulletin
If the participation of the American
Omaha cannot emphasize too greatly bankers in the Chinese railroad loan and
its superior terminal facilities, which ' 'ep . k VI Amer,can 1molney
are the backbone of Its strength as a
railroad center and market town
by Turkey are to be taken as a criterion,
the United States Is, advancing rapidly
as a world power In finance along ltn
portant lines.
Our local democratic contemporary
prints an unsigned communication, ap
parently by oversight, giving a vigor
ous left-hander to the men
The man who asks for a more flexible
Whose I monetary system comes from Paris, where
sole province of life seems to be to money is hoarded in stockings
hold office. ' This is pretty strong for "he census dlsoloses that the average
a paper with an editor and chief pro- sa,ary of a mlnlter tha Gospel ln the
.... , m m - nn unitea oia-ies is i sure ne veiB ine iu.
nrietor drawina- a salarv of 17. ROD I
. . , . Miss L,)iian Russell Is organizing the
and perquisites as congressman, whose Grand Unlted nfl Mutually Bensflclal
appetite for office began with an un- order of No Tellm' Ages. She's to be wor-
successful run for the city council, and thy grand patriarch.
even now. still unsatlated. ia yearning Tha evidence in a Salt Lake case was a
Around Nev York
XJpples on tha Current of X.U
as Seen la tha Qreat Amarloaa
Metropolis from Say to Say.
For the first time tha consolidation
of tho boroughs comprising Greater New
York an actual reduction in the city budget
has been effected. Heretofore Increases
approximating $8,000,000 a year has been the
rule. This year budget estimates have
bcrn reduced $24,000,000, and the total of
$85,000,000 provided for Is less than the
preceding year. According to the budget
committee's estimate the borrowing ca
pacity of the city at present Is $93,R19,637.
Against this sum, however, there is now
registered $S3."43,000 In the form of con
tracts and other liabilities. Of this sum,
about $53,000,000 Is In contract liabilities
which cannot bo revoked.
A well dressed woman stood before a
shop window on Broadway the other day.
She gazed intently at the display within
so Intently ln fact that other women no
ticed her and stopped to see for them
selves what tha attraction was. A little
group had gathered, when suddenly the
first woman turned and hurried into the
store with the air of a woman who has
made up her' mind. The others followed
fully convinced that it was a time for
special dispatch ln baraaln buying.
"A new way of drawing customers,"
said an onlooker to a friend. "If you
watch long enough you will see the original
bargain hunter reappear and resume her
post at the window, ready for the next
bunch of women who are willing to bo
shown what to buy."
for the Job of United States senator.
bottle of whiuky. and the Jury took it all
in. The court accepted the empty bottle
as evidence ot contempt.
Close observers of men and things ln
Washington have decided that for pure
brilliancy It Is a dead stand oft between
When Norman Mack asserts in cold
print that "It is Idle to think
of Mr. Bryan as ever again be
ing the party candidate for the Champ Clark and Mrs. Champ Clark. She
presidency," -the democratic na- 's most ambitloua woman and wit
ioi hirmi.n in. Mm,ir Prkle ln her lke sunlight on a awaet
10 mo toa.eo ui ua.iuiiua Bimg 01 Fordham college is to confer the degree
ingratitude, who made Norman Mack 0f literary doctor upon Tnomas A. Daly,
national chairman, anyway? And to' tha author of tha Italian dialect poems in
whom does the democratic party be- the Catholio Standard and Times that
long If not to Mr. Bryan?
So far as senorttas are concerned, continental railway, extending -its own
It la hard to see that New Orleans I tracka continuously from the Atlantic
has any advantage over San Francisco lo the Pacific.
in uraina its claims for that Panama This transaction is being negoti
exposition. ' " ated, It is understood, through Eng
liso. capitalists and is expected to
A democratic paper says the coun-l reach successful issue without serious
try will never get rid of national ex' delay. It Is easy to Imagine that the
travaganca. until It gets rid ot the re- Rock Island's tendency toward inde-
publlcan party. Funny the country pendence in traffic matters would be
cannot see that. come the dominant policy lu the event
of this merger, for it Is the only policy
Champ dark boasts that golf Is not that could promise effectual Inroads
his game.;A certain quiet, sedentary en tne established rivals. The.con
pastime has always been much more servatlve Gould Influence could not be
popular in that part of Missouri where depended upon lu such an aggresslv.
The Imported champion of the in
itiative and referendum proves to be a
professional lecturer for the Henry
George single tax propaganda, who ad
vocates the initiative and referendum
merely as a means to that end. We
suggested not long ago that the Henry
have made him famous tho world ever. A
literary honor was never more fully de
Our Birthday Book
Champ comes from.
Fraud arid corruption, says Mr.
Fairbanks, will never ruin this nation.
No, not if the nation keeps the upper
hand and there Is no serious apprehen
sion that If VUl not.
Omaha Memorial day exercises com
pare with those held in any other city,
hnth In ebarnrter of nharviini and
interest manifested. K good sign tor untry would have anotb great
field of operation to achieve the re
sults so. essential to that kind of-a
movement. The Rock Island today
owns and operates more than 8,000
hiiles of railroad, the Wabash 2,157
arid the Lehigh Valley 1,393.. aa that
the combined mileage would give phy
sical utrength of formidable propor
tions. Add to this the strategic ele
ments of the three roads and the
June 1, 1910.
Redfleld Proctor, (-governor of Vermont,
George single tax was still available also former secretary ot war, was born
a3 the next paramount. Juno 1, 1831, at Proctorsvuie, vt. He is a
lawyer ty profession, ana nas a miliary
rivo. In Tnun tha tmn constnra .pa recora as a union veteran
traversing the state telling the people wn0 haB been tisurng , th, pubc prlnU
whom they should select as congres- quit freely by hla outspoken and unique
slonal candidates. In Nebraska, comment on social customs and conditions.
where the people rule, Mr. Bryan Is ' . Almost needless to say, he Is of
. . . . x . A 1 uuiiiiau iv v j .
tne oniy Bisiesuiau nccusiomea 10 piay . Mwhn,v
the roie OI ponucai aiciaior in mat Webster Davis, once assistant secretary
fashion. . I of the Interior department during the Mo-
ICluley administration,' who made a great
The "only heir of George Washing- furora by coming out for Bryan and f igur
patriotism of the future.
An Omaha preacher boasts having
tied -t. 000 matrimonial knots. It a
transportation system with , which
other lines would hare to treat.
Undoubtedly such a combination
would bring advantages and dlsad-
reunion of the preacher and the vantages, ii wouia leaq. 10 cenirau
wedded couples and their progeny "tion in agencies and traffic arrange-
could be pulled off It would do as well menis. jaiursuy tne tenaency wouiq
aa a home-coming week. be to economize in pay rolls, but such
I a movement would, not restrict . ex
Despite the rising cost ot living, two pendltures that would have to be made
Washington, newspapers, published in other directions for a while at leaBt
. i i V J . I , I a I Y. I - W . V. a n ., V. 1 1 . . I. .... 1 J .... I
rlgni uuuer ui uuuio vt ius vayiiui, I sou ia wiihu iu yuuiiv iuuvi mil
are reducing sale price to 1 cent. It I some benefit. ' Western cities Jnst now
this does n,ot convince our national engaged In fighting for their rights in
Uw-makers nothing will. . the matter f freight rates, mUbt look
ton" says he will prove his claims asi
soon as he finds the documents carried
ing as the chief orator at tha Kansas City
convention of 1900, waa born Juae 1, IBM,
at Ebaniburg, Pa. He used to live ln Kan
to England by John Paul Jones. If It I iaa City, and is now supposed to be located
takes him as long to make that dis
covery as it took this country to find
Paul Jones' body he will never need
the fortune.
In Seattle enjoying political oblivion,
Char Ira K. Llttlefleld. former congress.
man from Maine, Is 69. Although one of
the most brilliant members of tha house,
ha resigned from congress to go to New
York to resume the practice ot law.
The democratic state committee has e. II. Sprague. tha rubber man, waa born
been called tj select the place and ln Boaton. His exact title is
. . . , . president and manager of the Omaha Rub-
make arrangemen - for the democratic . ,n4nciaenUlly h. pUy,
piatiorm couveniiou. e 0if with the best of them. ,
present the claims of Omaha, but pre-1 Charles W. Martin of Martin Brothers'
sume Mr. Bryan left full directions be-1 Inuuranca company Is celebrating bis tUh
Mn Ufr,f h. hllrnd for 1T,.rnn birthday today. Ha was born In Gales-
a. . a.. SUa Inanaanaa kiiflManal 1st
me conviction 01 toe ureea wnose . .
Shooting of a policeman started the I Frank C. Purr, ehiaf dark to the auditor
Bouth Omaha riots does' not conclude I of passenger accounts of tha Union Pacific,
the claims for damages that have been bor June 1M7 ln Cincinnati. Ha
filed by the government of Greece In
has been in tha railroad bualneaa for mora
Kan twnfv.flva vMri. and all of that
behalf or tne ureeas wnoae Places ttm, eEcept two j,,ari wlth lh Voloa
were raided. , in view or wnai naslpadfio. - . ,
After bending over a washtub for twenty-
two years, fighting to support herself and
one child. It sounded good to Mrs. Cather
ine Allltzhauser when she learned that her
husband, from whom she had been
separated for twenty-five years, had Just
inherited $00,000 through the death of his
father, all of which explains the suit
brought by the laundress against George A.
Allltzhauser recently In the supreme court
for separation, with tho customary attend
ant alimony and counsel fees.
When the case came up before Judge
O'Gorman,' that official Immediately fol
lowed his usual policy of endpavorlng to
bring the litigants together whenever pos
sible, thereby making a happy ending to
the divorce action.
It required but a hint of what the alterna
tive might be to the defendant to make the
latter think seriously of the suggestion
and even that was emphasized when Judge
O'Gorman granted Mrs. Allltzhauser
monthly allowance of $100 and postponed
further hearing indefinitely In tho hop of
a reconciliation between the two people.
Judge O'Gorman Is Inclined to tho belief
that the separation suit of the Allltx-
hausers will never be mentioned again In
his court except for final dismissal.
Judge Badgley, once on the bench In
ualirornia and well-to-do, but now 80 years
old and a public charge In the Home for
the Aged and Infirm on Blackwella island
mumbled his prayers feebly Sunday while
Bishop Partridge, head of tho Protestant
Episcopal church In central Japan, con
firmed thirteen Inmates of tho home,
Beside tho Judge sat Harry Courtalno, In
his day an actor famous for his rendering
of Simon Legree, the cruel slave master In
Uncla Tom's Cabin." Court aine traveled
far and wide with the play, end he and
Judrra Badgley often talked of old days
on the Pacific coast.
Scattered among the 400 Inmates of tho
home who attended the services were ma ay
other men and women who could tell ot
days when they little expected to become
public charges. A lawyer, a graduate of
Amherst, row In his seventieth year; a
broker who ones handled thousands of
shares on the stock exchange, and actress
whose voice and manner charmed many
an audience these and scores of others
rubbed shoulders with those who had
known nothing but poverty since their ear
liest days and who hud long looked to the
Home for the Aged as a haven of rest.
The thirteen applicants for confirmation
Included three women Fanny McDermott,
aged OS; Julia Engalhart. 73. and Helen
Klat, 65. Tha ages of the men ranged
from 65 to 80, the most active of them
being Alexander Dunstan, who cama from
Aberdeen, Scotland, twenty years ago. His
wife is at the home, too.
The most pathetlo figure in the thirteen
was Peter Schmidt, 73, blind and paralyzed.
He waa carried to tha ohapal and Bishop
Partridge had a long talk wUh Peter after
the service. Schmidt oama to this country
thirty years ago and took up farming on
Staten Island. His wife and children arc
dead. Ha told tha bishop, "I have no
friend now except the Ixrd,"
Stanislaus Nlemaszak, It years old, was
discharged as a bankrupt by Judge Ten
Eyck, In the court of common pleas In
Newark tha other day. One result of this
case la that th laws of tha state have
been changed so that In the future children
under 16 years cannot be Jailed In civil ac.
The arrest of the boy was made after a
Judgment ln a suit for damages had bcn
entered against him. Ha was relea.-o.l
under bonds. Tha suit grew out ot the
stabbing ot another boy, Edmund Wll-
mansky, of 21 Prince street. The Judg
ment given wa for $75 and costs, amount
ing to PZ.ti.
In his petition Nlemaszak gave his as
sets as 70 cents and his liabilities as
$3383, tb latter representing the judgment
and coats rendered against him. When tho
case came up for a hearing Nlemaszak
assigned all his property except the clothe
he had cn to Thomas Mcl.clland, clerk
of the court. The consideration m-ntloin-d
In tha case drawn up was 60 cents. After
thla was dona tha Judge discharged the
Heaver City Times-Tribune: Governor
Shallenberger, who Is th principal owner
of a bank himself, has a new remedy fm
bank panics, and that Is fewer banks.
Some way we' always believed In competi
tion. I'lattsmouth News: So the railroads are
not to be permitted to mnke contracts with
the newspapers to exchange mileage for
advertising. All right. Cash will be ac
cepted In lieu of mileage. Send In your
orders, you general passenger agents, for
Scrlbner News: The supreme court of
Xebruaka has decided that railroads can
not exchange transportation for newspaper
mileage. Newspapers doing business on
business principles, and which give adver
tisers their money's worth, are well sat
isfied with thn decision.
Hastings Tribune: Governor Shallenber
ger has hopped onto a new hobby. This
time It Is a law limiting the number of
banks for Nebraska. Whenever "Shalley"
doesn't play the game of politics for all
there Is In It he will throw up the sponge
and retire to private life.
Kearney Hub: The Nebraska bankers
assembled the other day at Hastings re
solved again against the postal savings
bank proposition and petitioned the con
gressman from Nebraska to vote against
the bill ln the house. That they will bolt
their party platform Is not probable. Nor
would they dare to.
Papllllon Republican: In his speech at the
graduating exercises Governor Shallenber
ger made an attempt to ridicule President
Taft because of his extensive traveling.
Those who live ln glass houses should not
throw stones. The governor must remem
ber that ho spent $1,267.82 of the state money
to defray his traveling expenses for a
period of fourteen months while his pred
ecessor expended but $848 ln twenty-four
months for the same purpose.
wood ttiver interests: Our supreme
court has unequivocally declared that the
railroads of Nebraska cannot swap trans-.
pcrtatlon for advertising space. The court
holds that "the standard measure possible
In order to Insure absolute uniformity In
the charges Is money." The notion the
railroads have had that they could not
pay cash for their advertising service the
same as other business men has been
wrong and It Is well our supreme court
has clearly pointed out the error of their
Plartsmouth Journal: In some sections of
Nebraska the people seem to have it In for
Omaha. Go down into Missouri and they
possess the same feeling with regard to
Kansas City and St. Louis. It would ap
pear that the large cities of any state are
the ones the people are always condemning.
Lincoln does not possess enterprise enough
to have people talk either good or bad about
It. When that town loses the capltol, they
should erect a high wall around It, and
gates on each side and admit no one but
those who are religious, moral and tem
perate, or profess to be, and call It the
Holy City."
Grand Island Independent: Dr. Greene,
formerly superintendent of the Nebraska
Insane asylum of Lincoln, in a recent ad
dress, declared that tha lawa of this state,
with reference to its public institutions,
are about the most antiquated In the coun
try. Which reminds. us of another demo
cratic promise unfilled. The party pledged
that it would put at least some of the
state Institutions ln the hands of a board
on lines making efficiency, rather than
party, the basis of appointment to and re
tention In office. The promise waa good
enough to "get ln on," but no attention
waa ever paid to it after that.
World's Best
Mason Hamlin
Pianos have no equal for tona
or touch.
Eranich & Bach Pianos
have stood high In the estimate
of themuelcal publto for thirty
five years.
Krakauer Pianos
recommend themselves. You
can't find one In use that is
not considered the beet by Its
Kimball Pianos
There are 200,000 and over
In actual use both In America
and abroad.
Bush & Lane Piano
with Its 1 0-year factory war
rantee and Its most excellent
architecture of case design
can't be beaten.
Cable-Nelson Piano
As good as the $350 kind
still sold for a great deal less,
and It's as reliable m the clock.
Hallet-Davia Piano3
made Just seventy years You
never saw one of them that
was worn out. We have a
record oi some Hallet-Davls
Pianos, which had but one tun
ing ln 18 years.
Cramer Pianos
Made ln quarter sawed oak,
walnut and mahogany cases
375 Is charged by "elsewhere"
We advertise to sell this for
Sample Pianos
from A No. 1 firms are placed
on our floors at prices $165,
$175, $185, with free stool and
Buy Now, It's Your Opportunity
The woman of the house." remarked
the tramp to his brother hobo, "made a
big hit with men.
By her personality!" queried the other.
"Not so much that as her rolling pin."
Baltimore American.
"You are but a servant of your country."
"That's right," replied Senator Sorghum.
'I don't object to belnx classified as a
servant It you don't get me mixed up with
those fellows who stand around and get
grouchy about tips." Washington Star.
"You remember the picture you saw me
ot work on 7" said the painter.
'Yes," repnea Mr. uuatin max. "it was
real art."
"I sold It for $5.000."
"That was genius." Houston Post.
"Don't you wish you had Aladdin's won
derful lamp?" said the Imaginative, boy.
"No," replied the practical youthi "I'd
rather be sole proprietor of a city fall of
eas meters." Washington Star.
'What was that report?" akM the
startled boarders, as the pistol shot rang
"That?" said the mistress of the lodc-
Ing house, with great presence of mind.
'Oh. that report is only a roomer." Balti
more American.
Ha 80 Brown's wife has left him. I am
sorry to hear It.
Rhe But I thougTit you didn't Ilka
we 1 oon 1 tnat a wnv I'm aorrv.
oobiou transcript.
"At that wedding last night," said Mrs.
Lapsllng, "the organist made the worst
1K1S-1S15 Douglas St.
Pianos Toned by Expert Toners
mistake I ever heard of. He played Meddli'
some's wedding march when the bridal
party came ln and the march from 'Loner
Ran' when they passed out." Chicago
1 l" Oliver.' Wendell Holmes!
There Is no time like the old time, when
you and I were young.
When the buds of April blossomed and
tho birda of springtime sung!
The garden's brightest glories by summer
suns are nursed,
But, oh, the sweet, sweet violets, tho
flowers that opened first!
There is no place like the old place, when
you and I were born,
Where we lifted first our eyelids on tha
splendors of the morn
From the milk-white breast that warmed
us, from tha clinging arms that bore,
Where the dear eyes glistened o'er us that
will look on us po more!
There Is no friend Ilka the old friend, who
has shared our morning days,
No greeting like his welcome, no homage
ilka bis praise ;
Kama Is tha scentless sunflower, with
gaudy harp of gold;
But friendship Is tha breathing rose, with
sweets in every fold.
There is no love like the old love, Uiat
w courted In our prlda;
Though our leaves are falling, falling, and
we're fading side by side.
There are blossoms all around us with the
colors of the dawn.
And we live in borrowed sunshine when
the day star is withdrawn.
There are no times like the old times; they
shall never be forgot!
There la no place like the old place keep
green the dear old spot!
There are no friends like the old friends
may heaven prolong their lives;
There are no loves like the old loves God
blesa our loving wives!
Talks for people who sell things
Preparing; Cepr.
There is an old saying, "A
should not shoot at a pond to hit a
this purpose by what you say and how
man you say it.
If your funds are limited confine your
lilua.tlalnw , V. ,. 1. 1 1 ...... ! M ..
duck." The chief trouble with many 0 r9onallltt mount of 8pac, , thesi
advertising campaigns Is that they try rather than a larger number of papem
to cover too much territory with their and insignificant advertising copy, m
advertislng and to spread the money, houh- yur importance ia judged sume.
, . l. . . t. . what by the amount of space you uho, do
which they have to spend, bo thin that not UHa nior, than yo can ea.0nabiy
the advertising Is pitiably threadbare, afford. Nevertheless, it is not u oorrect
They use so small space that they do conclusion to do no advertising at ail, be
not make a favorable Impression with caus y" cannot afford to use large
. . . . M space. If 'your means are small, start in
those who do see their advertisements. wUb m modMt
It is much better to make the right Cnang, your .dvertlslnB taoh tlme,
Impression with fewer people than to ,at f0now thc same general style. By
succeed In reaching ten times the adopting a certain style and uing the same
number of readers and make a poor ' continuously, each advertisement, it
. . .tu . - ,w T,hA only given a glance, wUl brlinr you to the
impression with all of them. The mlnd of tfc anJ whal wM ad ,B
number of people that you succeed ln ,ha itt advertisement, which they read.
convincing Is the final test of the sue lo not try to Ull your whole story in one
cess of your advertising, after all. advertisement. Bring out one point.
.... ,,, . clearly, In one piece of copy and another
When you are selling a customer the nexradvertlse,nont. relying on
you have a way of telling things about the whole series to carry home your com-
your goods, tha points of superiority, plete argument.
how they are made or why they have If possible, have your advertisement n-
style; you tell it to him with a certain lustratea. but th. illustrations should be
" ' ' , , ... ., appropriate. They should be designed to
pride and enthusiasm which, If you convL.y ,ome lde4i or mak, ,om, psLrtlcult.
can only transfer to ink and paper, impression on the reader. The advantage
would be the best kind of advertising of using an illustration la, that tha eye
copy. Borne men, the moment they ri" th w ot . quicker than It
. i i . . , , ,.inv uun uur i .mi, ui courw, mis pr-
take their pen in hand, begin to think aume that therf ,g an )(Ua fcacJt of"th-
that they are worthy successors ot illustration.
John Milton .or Herbert Bpencer. Mil- it your advertising appropriation Is big
ton and Bpencer are much talked about enough, put it in the hands of soma good
In works on literature and science, but advertising man and hold him response,
m wui a. if.- 'or results. yOU cannot, however, rely on
are not .popular authors. Horace an a(lvert(,lng inanu(rer to Uo hls bMt ,)0
Greeley and Charles A. Dsna are bet- gii, woril for yoU( unless you co-operate
ter models, because they expressed with them in studying out a plan of cam-
themselves in English that csn be "ich ' ulu requirement.
v . v, ,. He can give you a great deal of valuable
comprehended by the ordinary news- an(J MllllltaIlc but you mu,t
paper reader. give them material, with which to work, If
Kirst, ,maka It clear In your own mind your appropriation Is too small to .Wi
what Impression you wish to leave on the handled by an advertising munager
minds of those who read your advertise- can have our copy department prvparo ijV
jrtnls, and then set about to accomplish nd designs for you.