Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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    T11K BEE: OMAITA, MONDAY, MAY 30, 1!)10. N
a ;$WE& HOME lfi eQ I
Things You Want to Know
Trouble In Clilnu
r t
Otic! of fho favorite occupation of a
member, of i th houne U searching for
"doti "." wnd it I declared that the pres
ent V'Hgrei furnishes mora doubles than
nr other ennKreasin many year. '
Ont amdng th doubles In- Senator
. Pa-ynteB. ot. Kentucky. Mr. Paynter Is big.
. Jolly,' wears a aniile and a blond mustache,
and as he strolls-through the eapitol be Is
frequently mJatafton for .President Taft.
. VItb. President.. Sherman also has a
double In Representative Rothermel of
Pennsylvania although the' member from ' tailing old times back home,
tte . Keystone state Is without the color conversation the constituent t
being told around the eapitol "at hla ex
pense.1 - i
! According to the statements of several
members of the ways and means committees
of which Mr. Boutell Is a member, he ap
peared to" be quietly slumbering on the com
mittee couch one morning, with .a hand
kerchief pver his eyes, when' a constituent
of one of the member enteredthe room.
The constituent was an Intimate friend of
the member he was seeking and the two
sat around for at least half an hour re-
Durlng the
told what was
which "Sunny Jlnj" has accumulated on
"c-the Btdfrlinha.
' There ore two members of the house who
bear a striking resemblance to each other,
'rand It, happens bat each of them Is a man
of the. mot decldvoVvlews and .expresses
i those- view even In the face of the most
bitter oppwHltlotl. One of these Is Repre
i sentatlve Richmond P. Hobson of Alabama.
t 1 The other b Representative Polntdexter of
J Washington, an Insurgent, who goes the
f V'jimlt whoa .he. hiHurges and therefore es
caping -.being- .branded as a ; coward by
t Speaker .-Carman. - Mr. Polntdexter Is hop-
Ing h transfer hi Insurgency from the
Jcailoriihllp of George Norris to the. camp
i .1
regarded as an unusually good story.
Later In the day themember took the
constituent to lunch Jn tbe house restaur
ant. They had scarcely given their order
when Mr. Boutell appeared, searching for
a seat. He was Invited to the table and
introduced to the constituent. Political
discussion took place during A great por
tion of the luncheon, but Mr. Boutell fin
ally broke In, apropos of nothing, and an
nounced that he had a bully good story he
wanted to tell, even though It had -not
bearing on the previous conversation. He
was told to go ahead.
Aa Mr. Boutell proceeded the member I
looked at his constituent and the constlt-
15'TWfc nuts; I've ettM Tbu.-
oh opficw. ! pwav crrzen i
you. iou..rA6: ,TtU mc whv,
pj !?; "v I fterp a vtueniatc I
TV A ..j m eteMK, 8 Jtitf
) ': 'M7' SSI
of5enafer''?(iriimtns, he" being a candidate
.7 'Sot te Tj:nlted ; States annate in ppposltlon
lo Banato r'ilaa.". ' '. , .. . . .'
: Senator, Carter Jot Montana Is always a
""shlnlng'tnark forVthe-"guides at jthe eapitol,
and, the,, oartoflpjsns would want no better
(? subject -whD4rwlas V' picture of ,Vncle
Sam than, Mr. Carters
"Jlra" t.l6at eltalripani.aX the deniocratic
V . congrnriooi( ejnpnn committee, . looks
' rhuch' Ilk Representative Prince, chalr-
1 man of - fti'e house cotmrrittee' on claims,
that marjy governmont employes have been
known. J.q -buttonhole, the democrat and
-V-urga that ho push their bills to a speedy
' passage!
,y . f-' ' -. -', .
.-". Representative Henry R-Boutell of Illinois
is made the victim f a story which is
uent looked at h'is member.'-. Mr.' Boutell j
was telling -with remarkable accuracy the I
exact yarn-which had been recounted in the
committee foorrf several hours before.
When he had finished neither of the men j
gave any Indication that they appreciated
the very perceptible point, whereupon'"Mr.
Boutell asked for an explnttation.
"Nothing la the matter with our sense of 1
humor, Henry," ' remarked the member of
the house. "I feel constrained to remind
you, however, that It Would have been Just
as' "well liad you hot rested with a hand
kerchief over ' your eyes this morning.
Permit me to reintroduce my friend as the!
author of the story which you have Justl
ttfld us With such excellent effect.
Mr. Boutell insisted on paying fpr the I
three lunches, -
AMD OfTICtR. ! - SXy OfTlCtPt,
A QAYHOK." Oft A lOfttlC l
l know no LAnquAQC sreorc- tucMG
OT THE WY TFIAT MmOH - OFTMB "tAW My $ue&ttom3 ' "wurvs
. I II -
All of the principal nation of the earth 1
have a more or less direct Interest In af- j
fairs In China, and all of them are con
cerned with the present manifestation of
anti-foreign agitation in the Celestial em
pire. Bngland owna the Island of Hong
kong, the entrepot of sou them China, by
virtue of the war waged against : the
Chinese for the perpetuation of the opium
traffic. The British also have a naval sta
tion at Wel-hal-wel, as well as more or
lesa Intangible claim to a predominant
sphere of Influence in the Tang-tee valley,
Germany has a foothold Jn the Klaoohau
peninsula and is tenacious ot Its right of
extra-territoriality In the foreign settie-
menta of Shanghai and Tientsin. France
governs absolutely a large portion of the
Indo-Chinese peninsula and claims ever In
creasing rights (a southern China. The
French nation, aa the protector of. the
Christian religion In Asia, also enjoys cer
tain exclusive privileges based on grants
to the Church of Rome.
Bren Portugal, whose star of empire set
centuries ago, is an important factor In
the present situation in China, since It Is
asserting certain territorial claims with
that same arrogant disregard for the rights
of the Inhabitant of the country which
always has been manifested br European
nations when dealing with Asiatic peoples.
The Portugese were.tne first Europeans to
eetastiish eomttiercial relations with, the
Asiatic nations by means of water com
munication. They were first to Introduce
to the Chinese mind the existence of a
the railroads ef the country to be divided
between the belligerent JspaneKe and Rus
sians. It did not take long for the world
to realise that the parchment professions of
the treaty of Portsmouth were but prom
isee of piecrust. It became evident that
the possession of the railroads amounted.
In effect, to the control of the territory.
Ten years ago China was placed at the
mercy of the powers by reason of the
Boxer war and the imprisonment of the
legations In Peking. The billed tsuops of
the European nations, the United States
and Japan marched on the Chinese capital,
drove the court Into exile, looted the For
bidden City and terrorized all'-northern
China. Following that, campaign the
United Ptttes by John Hay, secretary of
state, took the lend In the effort to save
China from partition. Tho powers agreed
to Hay's proposal, which guaranteed the
maintenance of the administrative entity
and territorial Integrity of the Chinese
empire. It also committed all tho powers
to the "open doof policy.
Since the close of the RusKo-Japanesc
war and tho consequent division of railway
control In Manchuria between St. Peters
burg and.Toklo, there lias been a disposi
tion to keep all other nations out of Man
churia. The "open door" Is open only on
paper. Actually, It Is closed except to
those nations owning the railways.
Although tho treaty of Portsmouth pro
vided expressly that nothing should Inter
fere with the development by the Chinese
of the resources of Manchurln, It remains
."' K rtett Ha lads.
v. Whether, meat salads are. economical or
not depends apori.the way: In which tbe ma
terials are utilised. It In chicken salad,
foe example, only. the white-meat of chlck-
j ens especially bought for the purpose and
.onJjC .tlje lnld- sterns .of . expensive. -celry
k are. used. It -cftn hardly be cheaper than
4 , plain ;j3hlckenv; But. If portions of meat
. left .. over from .' a previous serving are
-mixed ' With ,elery grown' at home, .they
ij' eertalnUf' make -.'an economical dih, and
one very aooepiaWe ta most persons. Cold
-MAt rk; or tender veal in fact, any
: Vrrlte raeav can b utilized In the same
j: way. Apples cut -lnt cubes "may be sub
stituted for part of the colcry: many' cooks
;t." eonalder'tnat' with ' the' apple the salad
. t air Aft. iTisk . Atfkaa(r a Wia I
eelery alone. Many also prefer to marinate
j'c'J;(U"e,;.iilGt wfth a "little bil, and vlnegar, the.
k .. meat and ofilery-or eelery. and apples before
putting.-lii the' final '.dressing, which may
' be. elfh'ev'' mayonnaise, or" a, good boiled
dreaalnaii , .' ,. ' :
,i . j , MEAT WITH EQOS.
1 OocaslpBSjly . epgi a re . 'combined with
moat, tasking' Very nutritious dishes. Wbethee this ta tv -economy or not of
course depends on the comparative coat of
a ii si lii;efwwwisiii si mm m mil n u i m, m i
i v r r
TL T r 4L itlaUeA He Refuses to Be Called Reginald
lflC DUSS Ul IUC UMaUiiaUlUCUl Even at the Risk of Disinheritance.
It was the maid's evening out. Conse
quently when the door bell rang the Boss'
wife cast panlcstriken glance at her coat
less lord and remarked In a stage whisper,
"Suppose I don't open it?"
"All right," agreed. the Boss, as a look
of relief overspread his countenance and
ho settled over his paper again.
A ring more imperative and prolonged
than the flrat punctuated hla assent.
"Greet Caesar!" the Boss exclaimed.
"That must be. a messenger boy!" And
then In a voice grown suddenly alert he
added: "Say,, we'll have to open the door,
I'm expecting an Important telegram! I'll
go myself."
Blithely the Boas strode along the hall.
In general. It may be said that rr. .. I Blltbely he flung open the portals of his
cheaper food than meat when a docen costs home- Dut In"-'' tho blue-coated mes-
less than one and one-half pounds of meat en""er ne expected the confusing figure of
for a dozen eggs weigh about one and one- n utterly strange woman confronted him.
h,alf pounds and the .proportions of protein Kvn to tno Bo8s' unt"tored a"'1" It '
and fat which they contain are not far dlf- evident that the birdlike creature perched
,!. :- i.'l:
Just beyond his chamber door waa a per
son of fashion and importance. But who
lcrenl irora tne proportions of ' these
nutrients. In the average cut of .
When eggs are 80 cents a doxen they com- ,n? Wnat 5I1 Bh wntT
pare xavoraDie with round of beef at 20
cents a pound.
Such common .dishes as-ham and eggs,
bacon or salt pork and eggs, and omelette
with' minced ham or other meat, are fa
miliar to all cooks.
From Harper' ". Weekly.
How to Feed ah Invalid.
t xit uwt l uu uM.ym in iieMrninf now to in.
y.. And wheo. he' a gut hie lessen pat as pie
L-x , It helped blin no, for, so it bad been said,
.tir. f awuner had he learned than he was deadl
. . Vo wear another's shoes -
'" '. I really most refuse.
T , I'll be content alone
", call my sole- my own.-
-k A man-npon bis knees before a maid
,u Proves nothing that Is certain, I'm afraid.
.1 Bui 'When upoik his knees the maid we see
- :." iWare ttty iMLf In saying (J. JsL V.
Uplift la well. - To eJevate your kind
la wvrtateat ef tasks for man designed.
.HvL feewe W Oau-e Juet bow your strength
i , i. . you -use
i ' : Lest in -the end yea only raise the deuce!
i .. - . ;.
There's rthlng really new that's left to say.
The world's content, these times,-to piece
"V ' ' r- 1 -
,-' ' On brw that think old thoughts In some
r . f way '
Ih aU 'Wtprririce of life that's- merely au-
" ' man' ' ' .. V . .
.: -'There's but one thing that's sweeter than
' : woman, ' ' '
'Xeeth the sun '
And that's another one! .,
Her hat waa the hat of sweet 18, but the
faoe beneath. It. he could trust the hall
light, was that of saccharine .
"Does Mr. Mann Mve hereT" Inquired the
Venerable Vision doubtfully.
"He doea," the Boss admitted promptly,
not having -the fear of (he law upon him.
"I am he."
"Oh. you dear thing! I am so glad to
see you at last!" exclaimed the stranger.
and forthwith clasped her arms about his
Terror and - embarrassment struggled for
mastery in the Boas' breast.
There was a hurried swish of skirts be
hind him and the voice of his spouse raised
not in anger, but In pleased excitement.
. jU'7 V
.-j. A'-'-'-y '"-Ay ' M-' I
p ...
Few things are more difficult than to
get a sick person to take nourishing food,
and no task, as a rule. Is woree manaaed.
Amateur nurses may be successful In other ejaculated. "Why. It's Aunt Margaret!"
uiuer. dui mey generally make a failure I cn. .a.ia th. tw. nMi
of the food propoeltion. Expectation of his wife's famlly-the
The nurse is usually to blame when the wealthy maiden aunt, from whom more
patient will not take enough food. She will than a iosn ptrgons cherished fond hope.
' hfu" ,P.1tf,U, T ,el'y or bl of Inheritance, had, returned from a long
J.,' mn 01 "Not Margaret any more, my dear." the
so much food Is distaateful. If ah. brought aunt explaed. "Margaret Is rtot the right
wT VT " ,erV them or me. Tve discovered. I'm Gloria
d?Uly?, Wld.b tUd 10 eat now. You see. I'm a 348 Concord and Mar-
mi.- iwu ii a time. ' ana give it .
r.. iri... ..i.i.. i. . 7 "
tuai wiijvu caien wuiiniriv ana l . . ,
with relish. Is far better than double the
amount swallowed with disgust.
Be careful never to have food in the sick
room in Ihe hope (hat the patient may eat
It presently. Miss Florence Nightingale,
the world's most famous nurse, says this
will prevent 'him from taking food at all.
Never 'take a large quantity -of anvthlnc
at one time, thinking that because the pa-1 'L.
iwu .inrt iwurrj no WH IlKe It
again. In nine cases out of ten a sick per-
an undertone to hla wife.
A STkan(j OCt tACY THfiCW
The old lady heard him, but luckily
thought he said: "Naughty! Naughty!"
and wa perfectly pleased by it, aa old
ladies are wont to be.
"Oh,' no, I'm not chaffing you,'! she re
plied archly. "I'm In earnest. ' Evidently
you don't know anything about the great
est discovery, the most wonderful science
of the age!"
"Gloria" paused for a moment and then
said impressively: "Cryptologyt Have you
ver beard ot itt"
"Not by that name."' the Boas replied.
"But of course It's some new brand of
woman suffrage. When do you think
you'll get the voter he asked, by way of
making himself agreeable.
"Oh, I don't bother- with such trifles aa
that," answered the Venerable Vision airily.
"I'm talking about the new science of num
bers. It's this way. Every number up te
ten counts so many. You add together the
figures of the day on which you were born.
and If your name the number of letters in
It, I mean 4s In concord with 'the sum of
your birth date you're named right. If
not, you must change your name or you'll
never be successful in anything you under
take." .
"Who said eoT" Inquired the Boss scep
tically. .
'Why, the wonderful woman who In
vented the science, ot course. She'll change
your name for you If you like, and pick out
a new luoky name for you, too. And
her charges are so reasonable! Why, It
only cost me 16 to become 'Gloria' Instead
of Margaret!'."
"Well. Aunt Gloria,'' observed the Boas
wife taotfully, falling In with the old lady's
fad, "what name do you think I should
haver". r-
"Oh, your name is al! right." replied the
learned cryptologlst, "but your husband,
now. Is not so lucky. Why, when yon wrote
me of your engagement I really thought of
cabling you not to marry him. You know
his middle name, William, 1s the nnluck
lest he oouk possibly have!"
"Awnty," as the Boss' wife pronounced
It turned suddenly to the Boss. "Let roe
pick out a new name for you!" she ex
claimed earnestly, "and I'll get it changed
for J5! I remember last year I wrote and
asked your wife the date of your birth."
"Yes, I remember," replied the Boas'
wife, waiving diplomacy, "and of course I
thought you were going to send Mm a
present and wondered why it never came."
The Venerable Vision blinked. "Well. I
will," she remarked firmly. "I found out
then that Reginald la the right name for
him. And If he'll take It I'U pay the 5
to give it to him!"
The old lady rose as sha spoke, and the
Boss laid her wraps about her.
"I've a tagleab downstairs," she aald.
Of course I was oareful to pick one hav
ing a number with the same eonoord that
I have."
She held the Boss hand long and earn
estly aa she aaid farewell. "You win
change your name to Reginald, won't your'
she pleaded.
Reginald!' gasped the Bos, disgustedly
Reginald" he repeated. "Reginald!
As the door closed behind the departing
fortune hla wife murmured sadly:
"I don't blame you for not changlag
your name to Reginald. I'U bet ehe's gone
home to charge her will."
"If we ever have a son and heir," re
marked the Boss of the Establishment te
the Confirmed Married Man the next day,
"my wife Insists -that she'll name hire
'Reginald. . And If she does," added the
Boss Utterly. "Ill drown him!"
(Copyright, 1810, by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
Western world, and they -served also to a fact that Japan and Russia have pre-
make China known to Occidentals. Tbe
English language draws upon the Portu
gese for such words aa "mandarin," white
even "China" and "Canton" are Portugese
corruptions of the native names. The
Portugese established themselvea at Ma
cao, W the Pearl river, not far from Can
ton, about the time that the first English
speaking people settled on the continent of
North America. At that time Portugal wae
the moat powerful maritime nation In the
world. All that remains of the great Portu
gese erupir on the eaatern coast of Asia
is the tiny settlement at Macao, which Is
nothing more or less than an oriental
Monte Carlo.
But more important than British, Ger
man, French or Portugese Interest in
China ar those of the empires of Russia
and Japan. While the western world Is
concerning ItBelf with the solution ef vex
ing economic problem presented ' by the
complexity of what we are pleased to call
modern civilization, the Russians, half
western and half eastern, and the Jap
anese, half oriental and half occidental.
are yet devoted to imperialism, pure and
Imple. Nothing in the recent history of
mankind compares with the careful and
steady determination ot Russia to make
for Itself aa actual Imperial home on tbe
eastern shores of Asia. The slow but sure
Russian advanoe across the plain of SI
berla, the settlement ot colonist by the
hundred of thousands on the very borders
of northern China, the constructloa of the
great transcontinental Siberian railway,
the attempt to secure the control of Corea
ail have been a part of this national, but
halt-oonacioua program.
But Russia did not count upon the rise
of Japan. When the Japaneee realised the
hopelesanes of their ancient policy of en
tire Isolation and adopted the material
things of occidental civilisation, there waa
born in them tbe imperial Instinct They
came to know, as a people, that their only
hope for success in competition with- the
great powers of the world waa in their
ability to .establish themselves upon the
mainland ot Asia. . Decadent Corea was
their natural quarry. The Japanese st tea
men knew that once Russia was firmly
established in the possession of Ice-free
port in Corea or northern China, that the
Imperial ambitions of Japan were doomed
For thla reason, Japan waged war on
Russia and was the victor In the most tre
mendous struggle at arm of all history.
Ten years before Japan had defeated China
In a war and had obtained possession of
the Llaotung peninsula, with Pert Arthur,
commanding all northern China. The con
cert of the powers forced the Japanese to
give baok te China the territorial fruit of
that victorious war. Then Russia, through
diplomacy, obtained Port Arthur by lease,
The result of the Russo-Japanese waa was
te take port Arthur away from the Rus
sians, give tt to tbe Japanese nd to make
Japan the absolute master in Cores,
But tbe thing not decided by the Russo-
Japanese war waa tbe fate of Manchuria.
Manchuria, a great empire possessed of
wonderful agricultural resource, remain
today the rich stake la the worldwide game
of diplomacy. Nominally It Is owned by
China and 1 part ef the' Chinese empire.
Actually It 1 controlled in tbe north by
Russia and In the south by Japan. The
treaty of Portsmouth, which waa the re
cult of President Roosevelt' effort to end
the war between Japan and Russia, guar
anteed in term the continuance ot the
Chinese sovereignty of Manchuria, but left
The Tired Business Man
Tells Friend 'Wife About College
Actresses and Negative Cases.
vented the building of railways In Man
churia by tbe Chinese government have
prevented the Chinese from constructing
a railway line' in their own territory." Not
only hay they done this, but they also
have stopped railway construction' pro
posed by the Chinese and financed by
British and American, capital. As matter
tend today, Japan and Russia effectually
have shut out all the rest of the world
from Manchuria and. northern Chin A and
there Is every" reason to believe that they
Intend to keep what they have. For the
time being the Russian and Japanese In
terests with regard to China ar .almost
identical and the two nation, so lately at
war, will stand together in claiming their
rights." '.
Only one of the great nations of the
world makes no claim to special privilege
In China, holds no 'Chinese territory,, seek
no exclusive sphere of Influence. That
nation Is the United States of America.
The story of American diplomatic rela
tions with China Is one of whloh all
Americans may be' proud, for It Is a rec
ord of unselfish and disinterested friend
ship. There waa a time when the' Ameri
cans possessed sraaU extra-territorial con
cessions in Shanghai and Tientsin, but the
one In Shanghai was merged Into an Inter
national settlement and the one In Tientsin
was given back to the Chinese, only to be
gobbled up Immediately by the Germans.
All that the united States lias asked In
China la the "open door," the opportunity
to compete for trade upon an equal footing
with other foreign competitors. To obtain
this fair treatment the United Slate gov
ernment ha not had to make demand
upon Chinese. 'It Is the other powers, the
so-called civilised nations, which put diffi
culties In the way. ','
The action of Hay In saving China from
partition among the international vultures
had the effect of saving China as a po
litical entity.' The effort of Knox to neu
tralise the control of the Manohurlan rail
ways, had It succeeded, would have re
stored China' lost economic Independence.
That the Knox policy was rejected "by the
Interested power mean only that Jt Was
right as opposed to wrong, however unwla?
and untimely the ' proposition may have
seemed to those who ar seeking thoroughly
to enslave the Chinese.
But the fair and Jusf diplomatic policy of
the United States as It applies to China,
will not save the Americans from sharing
tbe fate of other foreigners if the Chinese
are aroused to an anti-foreign, wax. The
Chinese know only that the' foreigner 1
hi natural enemy, and a foreigner Is a for
eigner. He sees the foreigner com to hi
country and seise great cities and whole
province. Sees foreign railway enjoying a
monopoly because jthe foreign government
will not permit the Chinese to build other
railways in Chines territory. .He see the
foreign merchant Insisting upon taking
away the store of rice from famine-ridden
district. He see the' foreigner; In hi
arrogance, setting alde aa naught alt that
the Chinese hold dear and sacred.
It I difficult for him to understand that
an antl:forelgn outbreak might mean the
certain end of hla Independence. . He know
only that h la being treated unfairly, that
he t being oppressed and that he has not
had a "square deal." , The encroachment
of the foreigners upon Chinese territory
and Chinese rights must be considered a
of at least equal weight with '"Chines bar
barism" as the cause of the present anti
foreign agitation In the Celestial -Umpire.
y TBEDimiox 7 JEAftxnr.
Tomorrow Trouble in China, XXX Mr.
JEaom'a relloy.
Of Interest to Women
; 1a
foUhd to be darned gad tried t
son s appetite Is caprlcloua. Hi food, there-1 . "I see that the faculty of Wellesley or-
fore,. should De varied as much as possible. fiere4 u photograph of girl in male oo-
u.;.mu.;7t. Tu7 tet' rlTny nou " "ld
Uhlng. a most people suppose it to be. Frlen1 Wlfe Tm ' tMr W8rt "
say Woman' Life. positive."
Tie particularly careful to serve every- "Positive about the negatives," aggeated
thing in the daintiest style. Glass should th Tired Business Man. "Well, why not
be bright, silver burnished, napkin lily or-er half length for half tone. Half a
white. and aaueers free from slops. These length la better than none and some girls
little details Will make all the difference in will ge to any lengths, een halt length.
the patient' appetite. Ito have their picture published. I suppose
. Always make sure that, the patient 'Is that the faculty In designating the waist
placed In a comfortable position to eat and a the photographic dead line, didn't want
drink, and be careful .that no crumb are l th photograph to be overexposed.
left in. the bed.. . fc I vlli dreadful how little effect the tariff
,'7Cta-f1'?ll('. of putting dishes In the oven on fancy silk hosiery haa checked extrav
te jfterrqybeoi for ;the-lebl hrTa bad one. gance since half tones print so emit. ; J
The dry heat causes the e-oarnel to crack Imagine that's what the faculty balked at
In time, and then the grease soon penetrates What la o fair as a day In June when tbe
them," to their xtter ruination;. Put the paper print th picture of the graduating
dlshe to beketed ta-a dtQ(n and pour classes annual play, aam., osually being
boiling water oyer Them. It them stand something - classical. Ilka. .'Midsummer's
and aieaiB- unlp ready to iefV th meal. Night preanV or 'David Oarrtek-' or aom
then Wlpr wit a, clean.-dry towel. '.. pld-Umr Ukt that that bark back to th
knee lenguv genecajton ui good via Krack,
Persistent. AvrllUi is the Road te Bla-1 1 backer days, aa it were. - . - -
Rttujv" I "Btnuum haw Xxm anlleae eotaraUaa nant
for the etage glamor. But many a budding'
girl haa worn suspender beneath a fancy
walatcoat without being a. Vesta Tllley.
The friendly crlllb may. not knock, but
bow about th kneeaT And - these girls
positively can't be kept from In front of
the camera. Hence the edict of the faculty.
It waa all right In the quiet little day
when they got a dosea made and gave them
to relative and dearest girl friend who
lovingly hid or destroyed them.
"But with the development of th half
tone process and th fondnee of th col
lege annuals and the newspapers for pic
ture of the 'cast of character,' which
always mad th reader think th play
was entitled 'Centipede.' owing to the
number of well, anyway, there were these
picture of the college' little .dear being
spread broadcast and looking In many
case like cut for advertising snappy col
lege aurta, " enly ot : the wrong gender.
When th awpape ,eJled te print,
Ingle photograph of a alngl particularly
high brow, ox collection of lofty brows, but
featured something to make u tfred bust
ae men almost hear the word. 'Here she
la now, th merriest girl In all th village,'
right there tbe faculty threw tbe switch
and ordered the amputation of th photographs.
"If just as well for the young ladle In
question, for mm day twenty-five 01
fifty year hence, emnebody may show one
ef these picture to th children of grand-
cnuarwn ana tne aignity wnlca took years
to accumulate will whisk away like the
eomet If the photographer could invent
a print which would fade about the time
tbe gushy ag waa over it would be a
great boon for college girt actor who ar
photographed In those whatyoemeyceJletna,
for th college boy eoubrette who are th
ballet girl la th annual masked chow, for
tbe young persona who have their pictures
taken in th park or at th beaohe de
picting them .. bugging or . weaslng each
others hat and then marry somebody els.
Otherwise those . photograph, like the
trousers in qoret'on. always tura up."
"WUl.tb.. reform lastr eased Frtopd
"Until cummer,, when th Sunday paper
begin printing popular and prominent so
ciety belles wringing their bathing suits,"
aid th Tired Business Man.
(Copyright. Ulfl, by the N. T. Herald Co )
One of the prettiest design In. bedroum
towel I have seen for a long time Is called
th guest room towL It I of soft damask,
woven in a dainty scattered design of
sweet peas,' a deep border ot the flowers
appearing at the ' ends, which ar hem
Th size 1 XhrtS Inches and the price S
cents each.
A novelty In bath towels is a bleached
Turkish towel, with a red Jaequard border
that will not run in the washing, but will
come from its tubbing looking like new.
It coat only IB cents and measure 21x41
inches, a reasonable prioe.
The cross bar dimities and the self-
checked lawns are responsible for some of
the daintiest looking pillow shams designed
especially for summer use.
A rather large checked lawn, decorated
with water lilies above a scalloped border,
Is ' thirty-two Inches square aad costs su
cents- . The scarf, IfxM, 1 th same prioe.
. A second design t a. grouping of daisies
and bewknot set on above a pretty scroll
patters edge button-holed, the material
areas bar dimity. This I thirty-two Inches
square and cost enly M cent. Th scarf
th time price. ;
, Another pretty idea 1 a pillow sham of
fins dotted series, hemstitched . to" a wide
border of sheer cross bar. Price f cents.
It I a commodious article fashioned from
A large emergency pocket measuring ten
by eight Inchea to fastened ' to the outside
and closes with a buckle and strap.
Across the top th length of "the bag
I a wooden bar which keepa the hold-all
in- shape. To. this 1 attached, -a round
leather handle and two strong 'traps. In
side are found fold forming compart
ments, also a gusset pocket The hold-alls
com in four slsea, twenty-six to thirty
two inches, and Cost from f8 to $30 each.
, The English bold-all 1 taking the place
of- the steamer trunk thla season. It Is j
bought tor general traveling also. J
She I ' mi quite struck by
a& new auto (he either day.
0H--So was I It knocixd ton
town aad displaced a rlU '