Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Hav Boot Frlnt It.
fclgatUf riztmr anrrs-OrBda Co.
.Itit Dry Cleanlag of garment. Twin
tl; Dy Works, 407 Souin iifteentb.
1890 -JTatloiial Idfe XasuraBO Co. 110
Charles E. Ady, General Agent, Omaha.
The Cores War o Is to follow
flxod, deflnlt plan of saving so much a
week or month. Nebraska Saving I and
Loan Ass'n. Board of Trad Bldg., Omaha.
Library Crowds The library board has
returned the Indian rejic collection loaned
by Patrick Hyen. The reason given Is a
scarcity of room, caused by the failure
to secure a bond Issue for the enlarge
ment of the library.
Hen Ik- Victor Morgan to Lecture
Jlenry Victor Morgan, editor of a "New
Thought"" periodical at Spokane, Is to
lecture at the Lyrle theater for the week
beginning June i. Lectures will be given
afternoon and evening.
Ladlea of Or Army at Olive Bap-
i tist The. Ladles ef the Grand "Xrmy will
I attend service this forenoon at Olive Bap
1 tlst ohurdh. Thirty-eighth street and
AkJ drand avenue. Instead of at Hirst
Memorial church, as was first announced.
Wise Memorial Class Crrauda The
'graduation of the nurses, training class
fil 'Wise Memorial hospital is to be held
at Tempi Israel on Tuesday evening.
This la tno second annual commence
ment The three member or tne grad
uating ctaas are Mlas Sarah Farley, mis
Esther frelsoa n M,M Ellaabetn Weber.
The president and board pf the. directors
of the hospital extend an Invitation to
til friends of the hospital to attend.
I Knee Cap Traetnred William Bottom
ley of Heltman, la., sustained a fracture
, of the knee, while trying to catch a train
at the , Union Pacific depot, Saturday
night. He waa temporarily attended to
at the polio atatlon, before being taken
a at .lnunh'i hospital, where owing to
tL nature of the, Injury he probably 'be
u.nt tor the net two months. Bottomley,
who has a broMior named John, In Omaha,
working for the Nebraska leiepnone
nmnanv. savs that he stepped on
a switch box to board the train, when
he supped. He apparently fell on a bolt
aa not only la , the knee cap enanereo,
but there Is ' a hole In the face of the
knaa. He was going to Columbus.
Msw Knterprixe tf or Omaha The Scott
Tent and Awning xompany Is the latest
of the new Omaha enterprises about to
k. launched, at 111 and II boum
Mattcri of General Interest in the
Educational World.
college of letters and science, will speak of the recent May day revels, the proceeds
on "Journalism at the University of Wis- of which are 'being turned, over by the
consln," an(V Frank J. Shannon,' Oconom- undergraduates as their contribution to this
owoc, Is., also representing the same
college, will speak on "Industrial Justice."
Oliver 8. Rundell, Livingston, Wis., repre
senting the law tfrtiool, will give an oration
on "Disobedience of Law." "Student Self-
fund, it la hoped that tr.0.000 offered by the
General Education board will be shcrwn to
be matched dollar for dollar and the ambi
tious amount of endowment practically
completed through the eftorta of less than
Commencement Activities, TnnA Col.
lections, and Other Happenings
In Local and Distant
Considerable interest Is being taken in the
propoeal to increase the standard for grad
uation at the atate university by soMe of
Government" Is the subject of the addret. 1.000 women.
Of William H. Witt, Marshfleld, Wis., who Marshalled by Helen Taft and many of
will represent the college of engineering. I ber sophomore classmates, crowds of the
Burns O. Reverson, Stoughton, Wis., repre- families and friends of Bryn Mr girls
sentlng the agricultural college will apeak and graduates will welcome the president
on 'The Horse and Its Service to Clvlllia-1 of the United Slates, according to plans
tlon." that are now being perfected for this event,
The University Union tmilriln. to cost
HDv.OOO. is planned by the students, and is NEBRASKA CHEMISTS IN
urged in a booklet Just Issued by the board
elected by the student body to have charge
of the union. The regents, board of visitors,
alumni, members of the legislature and
the students who exp-eted the proposed rule fH-nda of th. in.....inn .r. h-m
to be effective this year. While it la pro- Bcqunte(1 ihrough the pamphlet with the
po u raise' me sianuaru m .a..u. r.pd grow,h of th. , nc ,,. eeUb.
partments, tne rule is yet to De passea on llahroent ,.,.. ytmn Ag0
vy tne senate, ana, ii acieu uiwu niunuu,
Twelfth street, with A. C. Bcott, formerly
i :
j v i 3
will not become effective until next Sep
tember. The college of arts and sciences
has already endorsed the proposed rule and
this gave rise to considerable apprehension
in some of those to be graduated this
year, but this endorsement has no effect
on the graduating class of 1910.
Some consternation was created over town
this week by the announcement from the
university that a new dandelion had been
vnws coM.norc, Nebraska.
r reseat Condition Detailed and Fa
tare Plaaa Outlined.
Writing to the American Educational Re-
Deaa George II. Fraakforter of Min
nesota University Chief Speaker
nt Banquet.
The Nebraska section of the American
Chemical society held Its third annual meet
ing In Omaha Saturday. Following a buat
ness session at Hotel Rome the party
visited the Omaha water works plant at
Florence, the Linseed Oil works, the Carter
Lead works and the Omaha smelter. In
the evening a company of fifty dined at the
Mayor Trainor Issues Memorial Say
Deputy Assessor Mahoney Figures
Valuation of Booth Omaha Prop
erty Half Million Over
Last Year.
Mayor P. J. Trainor Issued his Memorial
day proclamation yesterday in which he re
quested that all the people of the city pay
respect to the living and the dead, who had
served their country In war. He requested
that all places of business be closed and
that fitting exercises and remembrances
be observed. The following Is the full text
of his proclamation:
In the galaxy of national holidays, there
Is one which stands out pre-eminent In the
hearts of the American people. There Is a
day which has been aet art when all
liberty-loving and patriotic citizens of these
l nitcd btatea bow In reverence to those
heroes who braved death, who Sacrificed
all In the cause of that liberty which Is
our priceless heritage. The day or which I
speak is Memorial or Decoration day.
ineretore. I, p. J. Trainor. mayor of
view regarding the affair of Union college hotel
at Lincoln, Neb., President C. C. Lewie Dr. H. A. Senter, professor of chemistry
I in the Omaha Hiirh achool. ntealdent of the
During the last three years Union col- luminn r.fHr.i.t.,1 im.imi.iw Th. th city of South Omaha, do herehv declare
UIUVCIBIIJ lilBl m IICW U.llll. 1 1UII II.U V . 1. , - I v -.- -v-- . . ,w I , . ,
a ,n w ... Thi. has reached Its highest state of Cffl- .! u nm n svankfnrt.e """"'i .,e"a" noiway ana re
r -:.::"' "rr: deter and haa amoved it. irt .nmii-L.; iu' ; rc - 7,.zz:..n..m,i.u.n..,i
ciiy is particularly uiensea wun oinaniuuo - - i mo bvhuui ui viirnuBuj, uiuvrianjr vl w oueinees wnnin tne city or sOUTn
Of various sizes and shades, each an eye- lrent- for the second year, Minnesota. Dr. Senter In Introducing Prof. Omaha be closed on this date, in order
sore to the property owner, and an effort ""' mere was no omer scnooi 01 " Frankfurter referred to the tact that Tie was
uinuiuumwun in i wrniory. i ne enron- a Nebraska boy Who had brought honor
ments for 1908-09 and 1M9-10. respectively. , th. ..... of hl. n.vlvltv . -
The dean mentioned that he waa the only
will be made to prevent the head of the
department of botany from cultivating the
new variety found, unless It Is one that will
root out the old variety and die off quickly.
Among the Interesting lectures at the
university the last week were the talks
by Judge Lobingler, who Is now a Judge In
were 560 and 596. That of 1892-93 was 60S.
dus trial JralnWV. a enhT, rt f ,Urvlvta member of th flrt Chemistry who offered "up T.heir Uvea Tfor their couniry
dustrlal training as a regular part of , m.k.v. Th. ...v,o.. I and hv ihnwinr tht .n.ri hirh i.
that every man. woman and child In our
city may Join In paylnw Homage to those
warriors, (hose self-saciiflclng heroes who
rougnt ana died lor twsterlty. And I fur
ther request, that the day be fittingly ob
served by decorating the tombs of those
academto and college work have been espe
cially successful the present year. An In
the Phinpplnes. The former Nebra.kan f"81' 1etufy requ,r! ,,n fach y'a: ofJ ducts." He said that he had begun his ex-
the college courses. Classes In over twenty
industrial subjects have been conducted.
with an enrollment of 808 members. The
Industrial exhibit of the college at the
gave the law class a detailed report of the
Philippine Jurisprudence and of the work
that Is being done to develop courts of law
from the - Malay, Spanish and American
experience and precedents.
of his address was "The utilisation of
Waste Wood With Some of Its By-Fro-
perlments in this direction when he went
to Minnesota seventeen years ago. He
spoke of his achievements in the line of
the discovery of pitch and the resultant
to the surviving members of the Grand
Army t the Republic.
And let us offer un thanks to the
Almighty, who gave to our country its
heroes in time of need. Let there be solemn
rejoicing as well as unbounded respect
when we bow over the graves of the dead,
for the dead rejoiced when theirs was the
privilege of laying down their lives for
their country. And to the survivors let us
atate Teachers' association In November turpentine and resin In the Norway pine by word and action tell them of that love
of the forests of Minnesota and Wiscon
sin and In the Douglas fir of the Pacific
The officers of the Nebraska section are
president,' Dr. 1L A. Center; vice president,
Mary L. Fossler; executive committee, F.
rain, but with sunny days between, the packed the chapel to its utmost capacity Alway, Benton Dales, . George Borrow-
Cadetu Spead Week In Eacampment
, - at Mllford.
received first premium in Its class and
diploma for excellence, and was warmly
commended by leading educators. The
annual exhibit held in the college building
on May 10 and 11 was thronged with cltl
Starting in with rain and ending with ana ftufllence ot over m peop,P
vUi the Omaha Taht and Awning com-
Apahy, at the head of the concern. The
omDanv.wtll begin business J una i.
entahllshtnent Is capitalized at
000 and proposes to go rignt anor
ika tent and awning business. Mr. Scott
Is a patlve ef Omaha and at one time
belonged to The "Bee force. For the last
five years he boa been associated wltn
the Omaha. Tent and Awning company,
and waa' Its manager for four years, re
tiring from that position but a short
while ago to go Into buslnessTdr himself.
annual encampment of the Nebraska Mill- t0.8ten to tfMS inauBtrta, program, one
tary academy ended last Friday, And true tnterestlns- feature of which waa the nor.
soldierly qualities these academy boys formfcnce , concert of eeveral emergency
possess. Working hard In working hours. an1 slmpU( treatment "stunts" by a group
playing hard when they play, obedient and of hydrotherapy students. Deputy State
gentlemanly In both work and play, their Superintendent of Public Instruction Frank
arrival In Milfqrd was greeted with pleas- a pordue addressed the audience, warmly
ure by the residents, and many were the commending the variety and exeellenco of
lavors snowecea upon nera uuring tneir the exhibit and saying he had eeen noth
stay in camp. The boys showed their ap- lng to surpass It to his official travels
preciation as best they could by giving throughout the state,
nana concerts and entertalnmepts to the jn order to relieve congestion, to secure
old soldiers at the home and to others. greater efficiency, and to form other
During the opening days of the coming centers of educational Influence, the der-
week final examinations will be In order. I man, Danish-Norwegian and Swedish de
Following these, on Thursday afternoon, partments, which have been connected with
June 2, the second annual commencement I Union college since Its founding nineteen
man; secretary, O. L. Barnebey.
Foley Kidney Pills contain In concen
trated form ingredient of etsabltohed ther
apeutic value for the relief and cure of ail
kidney ana Diaaaer ailments. r
and devotion which dwells In the heart of
every patriotic citizen.
Plans for tho Dar.
Memorial day observance by the Grand
Army of the Republic and the Woman's
Relief corps will consist of a visit to the
Laurel Hill cemetery, where the veterans
will assemble at the grave of W. S. Ander
son, the latest veteran to die, and will
conduct the memorial ritual of the order
of the Grand Army of the Republic. After
this Arthur r will iI.IIvb. a,,1
CroM-Cooatrr Search s?or Joe Jendes
Which Finally Ends Where
It Started
After a chase which extended over thou
sands of miles and carried him from Omaha
as far east as New Jersey, Mike Chara, a
Hungarian, Sunday morning- led Detectives
exercUca will be held In Academy haU. years ago, are to be removed the coming Mlt"T and j5"111" , wh"1
when a clasa of nine will receive gradua- year to other locations. The Danish'
tlon diplomas. This class, whose member- Norwegians have already purchased the
ship represents Illinois and Iowa as well Lutheran college buildings at Hutchinson,
Twenty-Two New Members Are
elved by Clansmen of Amur!
.. Novf. pren Taa.
Twenty-two applications were received
and balloted upon at the meeting ot Lodge
No. 1, Clansmen of America, In Fraternity
haU, Tuesday evening. This gives the
lodge a membership ot S30, initiated since
January L 1 '
Next Tuesday will be ladies' night, when
a clasa of over 1W women wui oe miuaieu.
The new degree team will assist in the
work, and will later put on some fancy
drills. Dancing and muslo will follow, i -
Fraternal tJnlon of America.
Mecca court. No. IS, Initiated four candl
dates Thursday evening. All members are
asked to be present next Thursday evening
tr. k.Hirhft rw-ltv hail. Nineteenth and
Ft "nam streets, for the purpose of being
Tribe ot Ben Hur.
Members of Mondamln lodge No. Ill are
uriruri m ha nrMmit at the meeting Wednes
day evening for the purpose of taking a
photngrapn ot tne roonioor"
"HlBtory of Omaha."
TKi. ioAm will aive a dancing party
Wednesday evening, June 8, In Fraternity
hail, Harney and Eighteenth streets.
Banner Lodge No. 11, will give a dancing
party Thursday evening, June c.
, Ladles' of the Grand Army
AA x Joint meeting of Garfield and Oettys
Km rlrnlea. Ladies of the Grand Army.
Friday evening, resolution oi conaoience
were presentea ana aaopiea in miiuur; ui
the late Rev. John H. Brooks, for many
vir- . mambar of the ore an laa tlon and
,jne of Its most aeoious and active rrienas.
1H l LflT WH. Ifwi UVM. .. U v.
radtt Brooks, expressing th deepest appre
ciation ot the ritual ceremony of the order
performed at his funeral services.
The order also resolved to take up the
work of seeing that flowers were plaoed
an the naves of confederate soldiers burled
In northern cemeteries aa reciprocal of like
work done by the Daughters of the Con
federacy over the graves of union aoldlers
" burled In the cemeteries of the southland
other than to national ceuieierisn.
Royal Achate.
members of Omaha lodge No. 1 are
iiad in be nresent next Tuesday night.
xi at which time a vhotograpn ot tne
mber Will be taken, to appear tn an
mtl hiatorv or uraana. au tne un
orders will be represented in ma
Members or tne cegree team are
dress In white. ,
lodg No. 110 held aa enjoyable and
. . . . maw nn r lu (1 it 4 U II AA IllUi
1 ritv.dar veninsT at Barlght' bU. lc
bricks were served during tutermt
Vli slon. Mr. Fred Sullivan won ladies' first
' I w first nrlu
6riM I ftUV fc vaav - - - WT '
y reason of arrangement not being com
pleted for transfer of meetings to the south
ball Just now. this lodge will meet a usual
next iriuay eveum ui mi !.
Odd Fellow..
rim.ha Irwrx No. 1. will have three can
didate for the Initiating degree next Frt--i.u
.v.ninr xt its meeting last Friday F.
W. Whitney waa elected noble grand far
the turn- oeginnma r , .
MaH.hM . - Art m1 vice grand.
State lodge,' No. 10, will have election of
p'vcers tomorrow evening.
e..An irum. No. SO. will have election
ififloers Tuonday evening, and will close
the nvtettng with rerresnmeni.
Wu. hi.. Na lix will have seven can
dldatos tor the third degree Wednesday
evehtng. At the meeting iai
J. F. Kkwall was elected noble grand and
Andrew Monson wa elected vioa grand. '
Benson kde, No. S21, will have two -a-dldates
tor the third degree tomorrow -lug
and will also elect officers for tb c'rt
Ivy Rebeleah idge. No. S3, at Itr. nieet
Ing last Thursday evening elected f. o.
lowing oftlcers. Mrs. Huldah J jhnton.
' nouie grana; airs, nettle naoinowiu "
graud; Mrs. Jennie Frankum, flnanct wc
rriary; Mattle Clark, recording secre'.arr,
Mis Ruth McDonald, treawurer; delegalw
rio guneral attsembly. Mlas Grace Reed and
.Mrs. Manule tarberry.
encampment. No. S. will have
lelea lor the patriarchal de
lursday eveulmc. At the last
mauling the meeting nighte were changed
to the first and third Thursdays Instead
of Saturdays aa heretofore, arid the fol
lowfcnsvof (leers were eleoted: C. G. H. Hart
DkAiJI fhlef iiatrtaroh; licorge W. Reed.
senlo warden; L. V. Crum, hih priest, and
li. C. Has. Junior warden,
tiouth- Omaha lodge. No. 1U, will have
work la he. Initiatory degree next week.
as Nebraska, include the following: Minn., and a farm ot 160 acres adjoining fT"'! tL'ty x7 Z1' thfy'e" Omaha has Just completed the assessment
Carlos Epperson Artrerburn. Edwin Richard the campus. The Swedes have secured a
T3t..K VU,. T I ri.. ..I . T IrArm a T. rt KlllMllwi. twalw. mil., fpnm ftll.
JUIIUrIA, ilUKU VVU1PJ. UOIUA.U J A M.M AU.M..AA - " ' " A.v... - -
Elmo Arthur Cowles. Raymond Barrows crao. Th Germans will locate orhewhere I . . ' "" ' ' , I ' county levy win M based.
MnnntraJi Waii.e. IT-rVAr , .,. in northeastern Kansas or northwestern a ..ow-ooumryman. anient wlU atao be used as
John Bchwabaker. Robert Waters Turner, Mtoaouri.
Luclan Ellerslie Wallace. A number of I President Charles C. Lewis, who ha ad
out of town guests will be present on this mlntotered the affairs of the Institution
occasion on Sunday evening,, th baa- during th last six years, retires to occupy
Mi.nmi. .nmnn , tja t ip 1 the chair of education in the new Pacific " . ?. . .
RcacA at 8t. Pal'. churah. wn.! Union college at Angwm; near St Helena, " IT'"" . PPerty of abput J500.000, Mc
v " m-w i . . . . . , i nvtru ifcivro wiuuiii u vnnlinit ilfl ioumi is.,. Mi.ri,w iv.. ...
BVMilncth mnLnr hoA will h. hsvlA Qt thdlv ana ai0: uj erv a tawcauonir ,.u-u .v .u., t.a.. .... .rJ "" " w.0 vn ui
' - - - ...v. . . VII IvUllll Uldu LOM U BI Ola ingL , lit) I W A Jt K..a.1(A
' . . VI. .. . on jrettinjjx thera thai they 4mu1 init feft, Tr Lw ...... .
T.lnnAln rm4-L On Th,.wir1-. t V,--A-Kfh. airy OI lO iCUIC UlllOn COnwrenM h....,: . V uu wurr.uoua
u,..v -vw-.a, a.,1 XIVOU HITITI IW -TI lUDSUUrK. P. J., Mr iu li nrmtnnA that rhn TTnlrwr. 0-.L
OI E3V1I1 aLRT lUTnillBlB. CIIIUI av HH .I1TJ I . ... I - wmB - wiu. n.
Sa-Sa T'-- -- - w,U Z cIderabTy
" v-"""'" "" on the value of Its lands. Mr. Mahnni) hR
Chara arrived in the city Saturday morning had Beven as.Btants working under him.
MrohnM Fithf..! m Tur . Ttor, I Arlsona. lie is succeeded by Prof. Frcde
invocation Rev. W. W. Lawrence 1 rlcK ""ggs or wasningion, v. v., xor some
waits N. M. A. Orchestra I years ' secretary ot .the education depart
oaiuwirorjr VPl v;. AVTierpum mm, t th. Mnr.i amrtrcnm of the
u- iirniin. i w w s-i "
j niembi
' 1 ' lllustri
s ' "erent
1 yvOK. Ju'
1 )Hsd-to,-,
-a ttrwuiftt
ffi'sely at
f (Friday e'
Th A Wnmnn'i T?Uf trrrm will Via nroocn i
AND OTHER MAN LONG WAY ,ts rltual ttnd the audience will sing aj
pairiuuo nyinn. ine graves win oe occor
ated and It is arranged that no old soldier i
resting there shall be passed without a!
flower of remembrance. A special com- j
mittee of the Grand Army ot the Republic
will visit all the other cemeteries and per
form a like service. All people are re
quested to Join in this service whether
they be veterans or not. The veterans will
meet at Railroad avenue and Harrison
street at 1:80 p. m.
Half Million Increase. 1
Deputy Assessor Frank Mahoney of
I AfterO
aii nf Jsv I
1 Eat th ese dainty, crisp
l flakes for breakfast
lift everv dav and drive i f
1 11 K A-mnn III II
I w i m i 1 1
- m i
he had located earlier Jn the day the thief
of his wife's affections and the sharer of
the $400 of his money which he alleges the
him In Omaha last September. At that 0f the real and personal property for the
time, Chara say, h had been a resident cUy of south Omaha upon which the Doug-!
This as-,
thtt bssls
Chara saw that his wife liked the boarder, cf the gth Omaha municipal levy. The
uu one evening in .cepiemoer wnen ne re- books were closed yesterday and Mr. Ma-
lurneo irom woric ai tne emeiter ne round honey returned them to the county
his wife and two ohildren gone. He set BCT-Il 0ftlO9. The Iooting, show an ln-
uoui. o louow mem. 1M iirst point ne .o nf th. vi,,.tin t En,.tv, n,..k.
Most of this In
same denomination.
Estate Worth Million Goes
- - l7nl vrlty.
to the
Princeton university Is the' beneficiary child and Chara was bringing up the rear
Class History. ...Lieutenant X. E. Wallace
Oration Aviation Captain E. R. Burrows
Debate: "itesoivea, That Labor Union
Are a Benefit to the Country." Affirmative,
Sargeant W. M. Scott; negative. Lieutenant
L. EL Cowles.
Cornet Solo Glen Island Walts
..Steuben Jellnek
Class Will Private V. H. Conley
Gifts Corporal H. J. Bchwabaker
Class Prophecy Private R. W. Turner I to the extent of several millions by. the of the procession.
e - " xt m a Y?i I? will of Isaac C. Wyman, who died at his
v.. ........ ..... . v,.uu i , . . . it.. ,o Tn.i ..... r-r.1 1 nTrril lllinnrn r r- r-,. ,r-
Address. Superintendent W. al. Davidson. '"" oaiiu. uajr w, MUiura runn ttN IMLIriM-N KM h Vh
I'Tnana uuiniu vimiwi. i vi me vaiuu ux iae m.aie are irutn
wait ......i. at. A. orcneetra I ta am nno to saoooooo.
.nmmlB.nn. I'anl.ln I 1
i I.I.IJ UI9 Biiuio ,.k -W V, v., . abw.
recluse, who was graduated from Prince
ten -in 1648, is left as a memorial ot his
"lasting affection" for ' his alma mater
to the graduate school of Princeton
wcaa mejra i xuieventn ana azzara. it .m v. t m wtt.
The couple Is In Jail, a statutory charge MM.iri r th. Om.h. t ,mmi..
"Do you think your wife will come back
to you?" Chara was asked. "I don't know,'
he replied In his broken English, and there
doubt in the tone, "but I love her
till." When the party came to the nollce
station Jendes was carrying the youngest
Presentation of
George K. BartVettJ commandant presenta- I
tlon or diplomas, superintendent a. -u.
Benediction.... Rev. W. W, Lawrence
Notra from Pern Normal.
Th alumni banouet of the alumni of the university, to be used In whole or In part
Kearney Normal school occurred Wednes- trustee oirecj, io maintain, oe
dav wrnin, at the dormltorv. Manv Velop or asklat In any way that will in
former graduates of the school were pres- crease the power and usefulness of the
... aka aaa.a in. ru. i.r. rt.iA V,aii I universltv.
,ul a B- - -- - . . i .ha. fnnrta.n Jlln.. " r ... ...I,..
was banked at elthor end with masse of Rucently pubusbea ngures give to t'rince- school seniors to conduct the annual fair
red and green. The same colors prevailed In ton university Income yeilding funds of "-"- - w wuaessea
the Uble decorations. An elaborate repast about $4,168,900, the Income from which, - " " ':"
sloner's office tc secure a copy of the as
sessment as it 1 on the books of the county
and to present this as his report of the
mayor and council that the levy may be
fixed in the city.
Cheek on Switching" Charges.
Two representatives of the State Board
of Railway commissioners have been In
South Omaha for several days checking up
the business which is done by the Union
Stock Yards company, especially in the
way of switching, The object is to as
certain the facts and reach a conclusion
as to the Justice of the demand of the Un
ion Stock Yard' company for a raise in the
switching charges In the South Omaha
yards. If the commission Is convinced that
The seventeenth annual commencement I such a raise Is justifiable the raise will
exercise in connection with the Nebraska probably be permitted.
Methodist Episcopal Hospital Training Senior Fair
BfT, f,Kr wTe!,r tnli f1" The weather cleared sufficiently last
night In the Walnut Hill Methodist church, n.t tn rml) tha Rllth -.m.t,.
Cla Completes Prescribed Coarse of
Training; nt Nebraska Metho
dist Hospital.
Rev. Dr. William
ai.a. aai-yoA tn a .utti... m.nvi. xfi.. I rtliis tultinn and ofhar charires. amounted
Madge Loverin of the class of '09 wa the last year to about 1660.880. Th theological h ,nvoclon WM mad8 bv
toaatmaster. Toasts were given by Presl-1 seminary, a aeparate institution so far
dent Thomas, Miss Marlon Cmlth, Mr. Joel I as financial matter are concerned, Is
K. Ward, Mr. Anthony Eaaterling. Presi
dent H. M. Chtlds, Mrs. A. O. Thomas and
Miss Laura Baasett.
Prof. George N. Porter delivered the com
mencement address at Belvldere Friday
Gorst presided and
Abbott. The address wa given by Bishop
John L. Nuelsen, while a talk upon the
practise ot nursing wa made by Dr. J.
M. Aiken. The diplomas were presented
by C. M. De Lamatre, president of the
board of trustees. During the proceedings
muslo wa fur illhed by the Walnut Hill
orohestra. Miss Edith Collies sang three
tar richer la proportion to th number of
students, with an endownment of more
than $3,000,000.
, A gift of iao.000,000 would put Prince
ton near th front of American unlversl
tie. lii noint at wealth. Columbia with
President and Mr. H. M. Child of York it. allied olleea and their lare. owner- olo- Th "ra(3ute were:. Anna M, DI1
were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. (Thomas .hip of city properties lays claim toj,on' Atnena Weston, wiida A. Garden
during the commencement events, return-1 1- im m wMu H.rv.rA with Itm cn.l Be w- Graves, Emma Z. Harvey, Eliza-
ing home Thursday evening. . turls of givers, has less by HOOO,000. bth w- IIorn Loue'1 P- Jensen, Bessie
Th general reception and band concert l nirrd eoll.. Inland Stanford Junior and D- McDonald, Vesta Pickard. Jeanette
wa largely attended thi year. Th State University of Chicago, beneflclarie ot Bcnm,U' wh,le,ra,n B'emn. Maggie E.
Board ot Jiiaucation ana the faculty of h.. iartvm tmnmono Ayr ei.
th normal wer in tn receiving line. The i5,ooo,000. Tale, Cornell and Pennsylvania,
hall were beautifully decorated, and the also ranked as rich, fall far behind with
music rendered vy rroi. l oner s nana was ,lfl raM) 18 SoO .000 and I&.sOO.OOO.
with great success. . Many people took ad
vantage of the refreshing evening to visit
the high school. The seniors did all they
said they would In the way of entertain
ment. The booths were charmingly ar
ranged and the decorations more lavish
than In previous years.
Would You Like to Make Vt .
We are cleaning up a lot of youths and
men's single suits. Many of them nobby
pattern suits that were sent us to select
regular stock from. They are good. They
are up-to-date. They are at least 26 per
cent cheap. You can save a V on some,
more on others.
In the boys' department w are closing
several lines of good dependable suit,
none above cost, and many away below
cost; suits with straight pants at from $1
to $2, that formerly sold as high as $5;
J . 1 sj, v; 1 1 ' l ai pAn
.Mrs. Manuls C
Hesperian nc
tw elve y audldal
gree n"ixt Thur
thoroughly appreciated.
On the evening of the flat President and
Mrs. Thomas gave a reception to student
and faculty. The spacious home wa decor
ated with carnation and ferns. Light re
freshments were served and a most delight
ful evening waa vpent.
The steel tor the north wing arrived soma
day since and the work la being pushed
rapidly forward.
Lr. Wi A. "lark went to Endlcott Friday
to dollvtir the commencement address at
that plate, ... .....
The graduating classes this year num
bered seven ry-flve from the higher course.
twenty-two from the training course and
seven frooi th commercial course-
On Monday morning occurred th last
Chapal xrclB of th school year. The
hour wa given over to the senior' class
who entertained the students with a well
arranged program and "shower."
Prof. O. W. Neale delivered the com
mencement addrea at Miller Friday even
ing. An enormous correspondence foretells a
very large attendance at summer school.
Preparations have been made for a pro
fitable session and strong work Is offered.
The annual conwnenoemeot -concert
sssr Jaltaa A. lratt vofct (T.
.43, Dept. Q. A. B,
Mr. lease Cook. ommandr of abov
pctt, Kewanee, lit, writ; "For a long
V -v fV X wa bothered with baohache and
1 aliia aoroa my kldnaya. About two month
ago I started taking Foley Kidney Pills
and coon w thsy were doing Just a
taking them and now
backache and the nalnful
bladanT Vlsery I all gona I Ilk Foley
1.' I, IM Oliu vv.ll K.t I k.V. fftlll an...
f nriind and oomrade about thaa
. and shall' raootftmand them at every oppw
3 WW rMI4 A -
clalnkd. I kept on
1 air be from had
In th Program for
nraMucsi Day.
On account of th death of Edward VII,
late king of England, th Hon. James
Bryce, English ambassador . to tbs United
States, has been notified not to partake
In social events of any kind for a month.
Ambassador Lryoe waa to have been
honorary chancellor of Union university,
Schenectady, N. Y., at the coming com
mencement. However, word has been re
ceived from PresldentlUchmond, announce-
lng that Count Johann Helnrlch von Born
torff, eGrman ambassador to the United
State, ha been secured aa honorary chan
cellor of Union university to give the
chancellor's address on commencement
day, June . The announcement come at
a most opportune time and is meeting
with approval ot the college authorities.
Dallea Ulrla Will Celebrate Ik
President's Presence.
With President Taft coming from Wash-
"Uled of Pneumonia'
Is never written of those whd' cure coughs I Kenicker suits worth $4 at $2.C0, and some
and cold with Dr. King's New Discovery, very high grade ones at $3.(0. A beautiful
Guaranteed. COc and $1.00. For sa'e by 1 line of boys waists, made wide and roomy.
Beaton Drug Co. 1 at Mc.
In the dry goods department we ar show-
JAMES IN BUSINESS FOR SELF ' cent a lot of wash dress fabrics.
new imuuBimio yeuerus mat enuum seu at
Advertising; Mna Long; with The Bee
' Enter Firm of Hersoc-Jame
Tallorlas Compaay.
icrnest tt. James, wno nas Dqen con
nected with The Bee for the last twelve
years, leaves the paper June 1 to enter
the firm ot Hersog-Jaraes Tailoring cora-
1 12 to 15c.
You can make no mistake In buying our
interwoven hose for men; they are guaran
teed to outlast any other kind and they
are so fine you can see through them. We
are also showing the best there Is in ladles'
boys', misses' and children's hose.
We have a sure winner In men's union
and biliousness, sick headaches,
sour atomach. torpid liver, to cloar
up a sallow complexion, and trans
form a bad, obnoxious brr-ath Into
one that Is gweet and pleasant to
corroct the lrrrf?ularltle of .tho
stomach and bowels to (tlvsv yon
a hearty appetite and Ret your
system in good running! order, so
you can sleep welt and make your
life worth living, there Is one best
ready mado remedy, and It Is
called ' ,
It Is not a drastic purgative,
consequently you can take H at
any tlmo during tne day or night
and experience no griping or un
pleasantness. It won't interfere
with your work or leave you all
worn out afterwards, and It works
like nature works, when natur is
perfectly normal. ,
This is one of tho leading prepa
rations of the American Druggists
Syndicate of 12,uo0 responsible
druggists, and next . to the pre
scription of a reputable physician,
it is the best and safest thing you
can put into your stomach when
your system roqulres a laxative.
You enn get A, D. S. Krutt.Lax
at any A. F. S. drtlK s'oro. ' '
Hoot, rnonl Serve me a
luscious bowl
From t h at lovely Camp
bell's can.
Its torseous colors stir
my soul
Like the plaid of my
native clan.
You 11 never want
any different tomato
soup after you've
tasted Campbell's.
Its fine flavor and
creamy richness
are peculiar to it
self. There is noth
ing of . its kind
so universally pre
ferred as
Tomato Soup
It has a delitrhtfully fresh
and natural quality of which
you never tire. And it is
so satisfying: and nourishing-,
that any constitution
thrives on it.
If any Campbell's Soup
doesn't altogether please
you, get your money back
from the grocer.
21 land's 10c a can
Just add hot water,
bring to a boil,
and serve.
Josifh Caufiill
Camden N J
Look for the '
Look lor
this Sign
In the O
UOriif gist's
Witt. I. .OOP Oi.o DrofU
.naL'.nr a CUL A'l iwu AVtU4 a9.u.m. - .,ii)
and lAiug'as. ' 1 '
Scbacfifr's Cut Trios Drun Stores, a'
North lGth Strt. . ...
Schaeftr's Cut Prlc Drug Stores. 2401
N Btreet. South Omaha.
Beaton Drue Co., 15th and Farnam.
11. S. Kins, 24th and Farnam.
llalnea Drue Co.. 1610 Farnam. - -Bell
Druit Co.. 121S Farnam. -
Walnut 11111 Pharmacy, 0th and Cumins;,
Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and iVmos Avs,
3. II. Merchant, ICth and Howard. . - )
J no. J. Freytag, 1914 North 24th 8trct.
Th Crissy Pharmacy 24th and lyak
Johnson Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding.
S. A. Beranok, 1402 South 16th Street.
Cha. E. Lothrop, 4324 North 24th Street
H. I Prlbbernow, 1324 North 24th Street.'
Forest 4 Fenton Drug Co., Wth and Q.
Streets. South Omaha,
Bell Drug Co., Florence. Neb.
STOP our Auto Anywhere .ny
time and order pure fresh drlnkr
lng water direct from the Rocky Moun
tain. Remember the name.
10c a gallon Delivered
Douglas 60
ktcat in th West.
"Gas" 'Service
Economy in Selling:
When you buy a gas range from us, you buy one of
standard make.
( Rigidly tested, thoroughly inspected; we know that
it is right and that it will do what we claim for it.
. It is a perfect article when it comes to you.
Should any adjustment in the future be necessary,
should any accident befall the range, remember we carry ;
extra parts for every range we sell. We can replace any
part of any of them at a moment's notice.
There is no better time than the present to have
one of our experts examine and test your range.
His service costs you nothing.
Omaha Gas Company
fiany, changed from Ui Hsriog Tailoring I suits, th sura-shut, no chance to gap open.
Mr. James, during his residence in
Omaha, has forniad a large acquaintance
and haa a large host of friends who wish
him well iu hi new undertaking. He will
take eharg of th business end of the
Omaha firm, Mr. Harzog living at Lincoln.
No flatter bow severe an attack of dlar.
rhoea may be, Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy tievtr fall to give
. Acooant Katloaal CoaveatlonB.
Special low rate via th Chicago &
Northwestern railway, on convenient dates
during the summer months to Chicago,
her today by officer of the Bryn Mawt I Milwaukee, Detroit. Saratoga Springs, Nl-
Alumr.a association. Surrounding the I agar Falls, Washington, rew Tork City,
president In th open cloisters of th library I Atlantic City, Boston and all polnta on th
at th final seaalon of their commence-1 Atlsntlo seaboard, account national con-
ment, past and present student of Bryn ventions.
Mswr, assembled from all over this court- Summer tourist rates dally to all sa-
ous colleges of th University of Wisconsin I try, wilt await th final announcement of I side and mountain resorts in the east.
In th coming fifty-seventh aomnnrment the result of their campaign to raise th I Direct connections ut Chicago with fa.t
exerolaes, Jun XJ. have announced the sub- MaI.OM endowment fund which is needed to tratna ot all linea tast. Choice of routes.
Jrct of their addresses, aa follows: David I assurw for th future th widening work For Information, apply to any ticket acnt
given at the opera hous on Tuesday even-1 Ington on Jun 2 to celebrate with hundreds
lng and wa a great auocaaa. A chorus of of the women graduates of Bryn Mawr
1 voices, under th direction pf Mis Edith I the twenty-fifth anniversary ef the collegs.
U Robbln gav "Th Rose Maiden." i special plans for this vnt ar being made
Aetlvltle (
Itiinli u4
Th orator otaoa to represent th veri-
tusiti. For sal by all tfrugglata. Boott Hanchctb CalnaaA reoreaentlng thejof their aim, miller. Following the success ( the Northwestern tin.
or become untidy. Look at these offerings
and look to u& for your other needs. Wa
will not charge you more, but we will give
you more. JOli. D'LTNN t CO.
, Majle City liouls,
Unchurch lodg No. 2, Dearre of Honor.
will meet Wednesday evening, June 1. to
Initiate candidates.
PHONE SOUTH 868 for a caae of JET-
T1K GOLD TOP. Prompt dnllvery to any
part of the city. William Jetter.
10rnet H. Wlsner will spesk at the Bao-
tit church Tuesday . evening. May il, to
which treat all are cordially invited.
Mrs. Cleorre Stewart was aiven a sur
prise Wednesday evening on the occasion
ut her birthday. A lai.e party of friends
participated in the fcativlilea of th even
ing and In the presentation of numerous
Garfield school observed a fitting Decora-
tlon day program Friday morning, ltev
Dr. It. La n heeler made an addres. aa did
J. O. Lastruan, a veteran ox the civil war.
The South Omaha Country elub will tilav
Its first prise name this afternoon. The
I system of handictps m ill be used against
boey in medal pUy to sWout ths four best
Mrs. Alberta Graham ha given notice of
it damuKo claim ax ulna I the city because
one of the fire teams was driven over her
Bui den while the companies aer respond
ing lu a fir cull at fcevntentn and Madi-
sua street.
Low Fares to New York
and Seashore Resorts
From June 1st to September 30th everyday
also to Atlantic City, Norfolk, Va., and other resorts
on the Atlantic Coast. Go either direct via the
short line, or via Baltimore and Washington with
For full information, call on or address
XV. H. ROWLAND. Traveling ratsenger Agent.
Ill Hoard of Trade Building. Onudis Neb,
Habit cured by a thorough and clenttfte cours of treat
ment, which .removes the craving, or necessity for liquor
or drugs, Imparts new strength to every organ, and builds
tip th general health, proven efficacious by 10 years'
us and the ci.r of more than I&O.Oou patUinl. Bewars
of Imitations. The genuine Keeley treatment Is administered in this elate only at
til kSBI.IT IBTKTXTUTE. SSih ana C Street. OMAHA, KCi,