J 1? 1ft THE OMATLV SUNDAY BEE: MAY 20. 1010. - 4 4 rBSr---" ' FARMS-) t vI r-N, ' i ' ' "lit- fining WTC - ' . . I rr 11 1 UiU i UUl Bff fnirT mm REAL ESTATE CITY PHUl'EIU'V FOR S ALB (Continued. WALKING DISTANCE S rooms, reception hall and bath, trlctly modern, all hardwood finish, large spacious rooms, very conveniently arranged, full basement, 4 bed rooms, large attic, close to cur. $5,000 for milck sule; one-third cash. NEAR NEW CATHEDRAL, "-room house, modern except heut, on fine corner lot, has fine shade tie's, room for two more houses on this lot. Price reduced to M.TuO. Act quickly If you want this. New U-room house, south side, modern except heat, plpd for furnace, full lot, south front, ready to move Into, elos to car. Owner will take $2.4 If sold soon. Three rooms upstairs not finished. SHIM EH A CHASE CO., City, Suburban, Farm property, Fire, Tornado, Plate Glass Insurance, Surety Bonds. Factory Site and Butrtness Opportunities at Ralston. 309 So. 17th St. Both phones. POR the best cement blocks made In Ne braska, hollow and solid concrete blocks tiH hiiilrilna stone, stone Bills, cellar bot toms, chlmnev caps, stone veneering, atone coping, porch piers, stone stops, driveways, figure with the SOUTH OMAHA ARTI FICIAL STONE CO., J. H. Sanders, Prop. Factory Tel. So. SOI, Office Tel. So. 1138. Oniy$3.500 For 62x2 43 feet east front on Hans corn park; all specials In and paid. .W. FA11NAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tela.: Doug. 1064; Ind. A-1064. LARGE 6-room, modern cottage, room for 2 more large rooms upstairs, lot 40xL28; shade and fruit trees; one year old. Price, fS.OuO. T. W. Allen, m:i N. 23d. REAL ESTATE FARM AU 11A.M11 LAND FOR SALE ArkuuiH. FOR SALE Arkansas lands, 23,000 acres, one body; depot on ground; also 38,000 first class white oak timber. K. G. Wright, Berwyn, 111. . Cans dm. RIVERSIDE, Alberta's finest stock farm of 1.000 acres, la for sale at a snap. For particulars of this and other farm lands write to the owner, W, J. MoNamata. Wesaakiwin. Alberta. Canada. CANADA WHEAT LAND 20,000 ACKUS. BEAUTIFUL, LEVEL, RICH PRAIRIE LAND. ' Located In well settled district, near sev eral railway lines, 26 mites north of Uia United States boundary, in southeastern Saskatchewan; will be sold cheap on easy terms. In tracts to suit or In wholesale at a very low price. Full particulars on ap plication. N. HALSEY, C4 Endlcott Building, St. Paul. Minn. Callrornln. Eucalyptus Lands We handle lands suitable for grow ing the new California hardwood. Tracts ranging from 160 acres to 10, 000 acres, well adapted to subdivision. Write or wire for particulars. Sacramento Valley Land Co. Dixon, California See Government Bulletins on wan ing hardwood supply. Colorado, ROUTT county, Colorado; bargains la ranches and relinquishments, homesteads, water rights, iA) a. rel., ux; a good 1M acre ranch, plenty of water, i,20u. Writ me. N. A. Wright. Yampa, Colo. COLORADO LANDS Free homesteads. rluquisnments of Im proved homesteads, cheap deeded lands, fruit and garden tracts. 56.000 acres at edge of Denver, coming under irrigation. Colorado's irrigated land yields $300 to 1700 per acre. Easy payments. Get a cheap, good home lu sunny Colo rado. White for literature. SECRETARY, LAND HEADQUARTERS, 410 Empire Bidg., Denver. Colo. - 6tock and grain ranch no equal in the mountains. NEAR DENVER. Here Is an oportunity; auixe it; dissolving a partnership; 600 acres, all fenced, of which 200 acre are cultivated; very richest soil; luo acres mure can be cultivated; 66 aores oi mat run timothy meadow, with numerous springs: 36 acres in finest mim. lug grain aim potato crops: excellent hum. buildings, with largest Al barn, uurlu M.W0 uione, wi unesi saw, tie ana post umber, worth U.M) easy; all lmulements. tonls eta; location unsurpassable; X hours from Denver, 6 miles to lallroad; this place is a fcaci-irice and must be hold; price s,&00, only 14.000 down, balance 3 years at i per cent; Immediate possession; unusual sacri fice. Charlea F. Leaner, 1M Champa, Denver, Colo. CHOICE relinquishment on Crow creek, near new town of Bllggtdale; luu acres, finest soil, smooth land, 140 acres ready for corn; deeded land adjoining held at iiO to li an acre; relinquishments same kind land in adjoining section sold recently at $10 acre; possible to Irrigate; to sell before lay to. otter at ttiriL Owner leaving Colo rado. W. W. Loilmer, Urover, Colu, RELINQUISHMENTS AND DEEDED LANDS Kear Deer Trail, Culo., in the heart ot the rain belt, shallow water, fine soil. Also deeded lands, low n lots. Deer Trail Is the coming town ot Colorado, lui milrs tait of iJenver. Farming land in tliut vicinity pro duces belter crops than $jv to $1UU lands in the eakt. It's up to you. Write ua today, as question. The Deer Trail Really Co., Uatir Trail. Colo. FOR BALE 80 acres fine farm land in VLul.4 Mtunlv r'nli.,.!..- Vwrli.A H4k.il. i .. . tM) cash, balance on I yen.iV ' nine at I er cent. 1 his Is a big snap. Stanley Al, Ii arrows, 1641 Champa St., Denver, Colo. LARGE stock rancl. for sal at a bar gain; lia trade considered. Wrllo or call on A. U. i'ulnam. Jiabart. Colo. 83,000 ACRES of Kit Carson county, Colo rado, land la to be void by trustee at auction J una 23. Sea the big ad on pagg , lana section. - FOR BALK Genuine eastern Colorado bargains; $.OiO-acre ranch, all flrxl-clava plow land. Improvements worth $.l,0otl, mile It. K. town, KlhtM'l t?o.. only $:i acre; S4 kectloiis fine agricultural land. Lincoln Co., a gneat bargain at $t acre; two choice half Frcllotia near Genoa, bargains at $7.7f acre; four nectlotia at $i.oO acre, and two sections at $5.76 acre, north of Llmou. Terms. Full particulars on application. R. M. Bettrs worth. Cedar Rapids. Ia. FOR SALE 7.000 acres, the very best agricultural land. ) miles east of Denver. Colo. ; a big bargain at til. to ar, R. M Bclleaworin. Csdar 1UJus, Ja. REAL ESTATE -ABM AND IIAM11 MMU FOB ALH (Continued.) Florida. HIGH GRADE Fruit and Trucking- lands In small tracts In Southern Florida, below frost line. Prices low terms vPry easy. Dlxon-Burgess Co., Waterloo, la. FLORIDA LANDS CHEAP. Would you Invest In a S, 10, 20 or40-cre fruit, vegetuble, poultry, pocan or truck farm In Florida's best agricultural district If you could get It for 7.M per aero under market price? We are Just opening new tract In Columbia county, and while con structing the campaign will sell a few tracts on cash or easy payments of V per month. Wa have Just issued a beautiful 20-page book, showing pictures of fields and dwellings In our locality, all in artistic col ors. We will mall you this book free and send you such ofher advertising matter as will give you a good Idea of our proposition. Our land Is convenient to three railroads and we have Lake City, a modern county seat of 6,000 people. In our midst. ' People who know Florida consider our tract one of tho very best. It U indorsed by bankers, onis'i'cksmen. farmers and the Board of Trade. Prices very low; easy buying plan. V rlto for mans and book giving truthful description. Columbia-Florida Land Co., 44b times Bidg., St. Loulftv Mo. Idaho. The Townsite of Filer, Idaho Here is a splendid chance to get in and ' get in right. ' ' Filer ia located in the center of 240, 000 acres of irrigated farm lands the best and most fertile soil on earth. Filer is located in Twin Falls county, Idaho, nine miles from the famous Twin Falls City. The land about it is all being cleared; much of it is planted. .You simply cannot lose money in Filer. You can double your money in Idaho. Write for our monthly list of prices; a little leaflet that we is sue for Land Buyers who want definite information before they come out here. Ripley Brothers Formerly of Omaha FILER, TWIN FALLS CO., IDAHO. Farm Mortgages Double Your Money In Idaho Good farm mortgages pay 7 per cent net at Twin Falls because the security is first-class. A NUMBER ONE. Large or small amounts can be handled. Write for information. POWERS & DEW, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. Just See Twin Falls There are enough scenic wonders near Twin Falls, Idaho, to pay ANY BODY to come; 9 tons of alfalfa, Ave tons clover, 3 tons timothy, 75 bushels wheat, 120 bushels oats are top yields. Write to me to get information FREE. J. F. Stoltz, Secretary Commercial Club, Twin Falls, Idaho. Send 10 cents for the big book of views. Farm Lands Pay In Cassia county, Idaho, farming has been tested for thirty years. You can MAKE THE FARM PAY in Cassia county. Write today for complete, full and FREE Infor mation about this, the wealthiest and the most fertile county In tho BEST of western states. For FREE booklets, letters of general In formation, photographs ttnd lists of oppor tunities, address F. E. GRISWOLD. secretary. Burley Commercial club, Burley, luu no. G. A. AXUNE, secretary, Albion Com mercial club, Albion, Idaho. W. J. MITCHELL. secretary, Oakley Commercial ciud, oak ley, juaiiu. ROUBLE YOUR MONEY SOON Invest in Salmon River land. Tract begins four miles from Twin Fails, the fastest growing city In Southern Idaho. Water on next spring. Choice laud, ,"jO to per acre, on annual payments, 10 run to l!. Will advance like the Twin Falls tract did $100 to $1 two years after placed in crop, Wrlta or come. 13EAUCJIAMP & PICKETT, ' TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. SIX TIMES YOUR MONEY Sit down and write to ua for our pros pectus showing our guarantee and explain ing how, when and why your money comes back to you multiplied six timespossibly more. Vou can never make money by toll alone others must work for you. Do you fully realise that? Write today. Don't put It off. You'd like to make money like this, wouldn't youT Write JJKUNN-KINNEY CO., TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. W RITE I. M. Ingersoll, Pocatella, Idaho for free Illustrated book about that won- dei ful Gal City. The Chicago of Ins MU REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOn IAIB Idaha -C ontlnned. - RELINQUISH MENTS CARET ACT LANDS can be understood easily If you will take the trouble to SEND TO YOUR CONGRESSMAN for the docu ments which give full and complete under standing. Relinquishments on the Salmon river. Carey act projects are cheap now, but are rapidly rising In value. HERE IS A CHANCE TO DOUBLE YOUR MONEY, with your security, the richest, most fertile land that Ilea out of doors. The United States government Is behind these lands. ASK ABOUT THEM P..IGHT NOW. SIT DOWN NOW and ask us for our FREE BOOKLET. "The Call of the West." We are glad to send this book to you ABSO LUTELY FREE. And at the same time say you are Interested In relinquishments. WE WILL EXPLAIN THIS NEW WAY TO DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. W. A. MOO.MAW INVESTMENT CO., Twin Falls. Idaho. -r Farm Lands on Long Credit You can sell that middle west farm of your FOR CASH and with the money come to Idaho where tho Carey act lands give you tho richest farms on earth. VOL' HAVE TEN YEARS IN WHICH TO PAY FOR THESE FARMd and they are not worked out, have never known a plow. Come now. And If you cannot come, send us your name and address and we will send Idaho to vou. A oeauuiuuy niustraieu booklet FREE FOR THE ASKING. The pictures are printed In sepia; you can see the natural colors ot the lanaacape. oenu now to Ih H1IHI, INVESTMENT CO., BUHL, IDAHO. Wrlle today for this book. TWIN FALLS In the next three years will double in pop ulatlon, and property bought now Is eure to Increase in value. CITY PROPERTY of any kind, whether It be business lots, residence lots, trackage or additions. WILL make you money If you take ad vantage of the opportunity and buy at the present prices. MAKE an investment which will net you 50 prr cent In the next year and YOU will thank us for calling your at tention to the fact that all who have In vested here have always made MONEY. Business lots pan be bought for from 1,000 up. Residence lots five or six blocks from the business center of the city run from $500 up. Write us for list. , We will give you the benefit of four years' experience here. TWIN FALLS LAND & ORCHARD CO., F. G. LESSNR, President. Box 283, Twin Falls, Idaho. Iowa. FOR SALE 130 acres in the corn belt of southwestern Iowa. Half level and slopes back to the other half, which Is gently rolling. On of the best farms in this part of Iowa and ought to be quick sale at this reduced price. There are 5,lK)0 of Improve ments, fine water, 4V4 miles to town on main line of C. B. & Q. Price $125 per acre now. Address, Y-371, care Bee. FIFTEEN ACRES, $1,000. One mile of car line, Council Bluffs, about half suitable for fruit and garden, balance pasture; new land; no buildings, but very nice building site; well protected by hills on north and west; $25o caah, bal ance to suit at 6 per cent. M'OEE REAL ESTATE CO., 14 .feari si., council itiuris. Indiana. FOR SALE Best Indiana bargain; 240 acres Cass county, Indiana, i miles from Royal Center; 170 acres level, deep black soil, well ditched; balance timber, well set in Diuegrass; large lu-rooni oricK residence, modern; all outliouses; barn poor; two acres orchard; two deep wells; near school and church: telephone and dally mall; very desirable place; tor short time only $72 per acre. Box 60. Kokomo, Ind. FOR ALE 8i acres first class farm land; located IVi miles from city limits ot South Bend; no trade considered. Address Happ & Taggart, South Bend, Ind. Kausaa. FOR SALE 160 acres, six miles from Garden City, Kan.; 100 acres broken; price, $15 per acre; will trade for good city prop erty. Address Box 6115, Hastings, Neb. FOR SALE Kansas; snap; S. W. 33, 1, 37 Cheyenne County, only $850. Robt. Beltes worth. Cedar Rapids, la. FOR SALE Kansas bargains. Two choice Sherman county quarters being N. E. 23, 6, 42 and S. W. 19, 7, 40, also S. H. 8. E. and N. W. S. E. 30. 3, 39, mile Wheeler, Chey enne comity, all for $4.0n0. R, M. Bettes worth. Cedar Rapids, la. Mexico. Old Mexico American Colony Next excursion, Omaha to Tampico, Tues day, June 7th. Railroad fare, for round trip, $41.75. Wonderful possibilities in grow ing corn, oranges, lemons, pineapples and the fibre plant. The fibre plants live for fourteen years, require but little cultivation and after the second year yield a profit of $76 to $100 per acre net. This fibre is used for making binding twine, rope, cordape, etc. Orange groves are very profitable. We are selling good, smooth, black lands near Tampico, one of the finest harbors on the gulf coast, for from $13 to $15 per acre, in tracts of fifty acres or more, on very easy terms. Many Americana are investing In these lands In this American colony. With American schools and churches, a healthful climate and being near a fine harbor (Tampico), good railroad facilities, wonder ful productiveness, these lands will advance in value rapidly. This Is your opportunity. Go with us June 7th and secure some of this land before the advance In prlqe. Mexico Gulf Coast Laud Co., C82Vi Brandcls BIdB.. Omaha, Neb. HAVE short option on 10,000 acres of ths most fertile land In Mexico; will raise corn, suxar cane, rice, oranges, nearly every thing; river flowing through property for five miles; double In value shortly; will bear closest Investigation; want party to furnish half of purchase money. Address H. N. Nichols, L'48 Marquetie Bidg., Chi cago. M lannoti, LAND AGENTS LISTEN Better land values can be had In Minne sota today than in any other section of the country. Farmers are flocking her as never before We wish to form connection with com petent and reliable men to handle propo sitions tnat win inane tug profits aud sat tafy your clients. Thinxs moving fast. Let us get Into communication at once concern ing both our wholesale and retail propo sitions. Wa have the lands, hava had years of experience and can deliver the goods. ELWOOD BROS., CROOKSTON, MINN. WHEN answering advertisements In The He Want Ad columns, kindly mention the (act that you saw the ad. lu The Bee. REAL ESTATE CITY FROI'ERTT FOR 8AI.B (Continued.) TRUSTEE SALE OF FARM i - At Public Burlington, Thursday, June 23, 1910 -33,000. ACRES ON EASY TERMS. . ' 210 KIT CARSON COUNTY FARMS. Special Pullman train on the TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 21, for the round trip. For Maps, Description of Particulars, call on or write C M. Gruenther, Trustee Roem 307 First National Bank Building, Omaha. Bell 'Phone Tyler 1070. Minnesota Contluaed. FOR SALE Nice quarter; SO acres broke, SO acres good hay land; nice grove, ilM miles Irom Benson, Minn. County seat town of 2,100 population. Land is wortn $30.00 per acre, will take in a good five-passenger auto as pari payment. Address James jacoos, sioux falls, S. D. Mien I Kan. FOR SALE Michigan farms. No. I, 20 acres, cleared; small nouse and barn; some fruit; near town; fine truit land; l,uu0. Nu. 2, 40 acres, Cleared; good nouse and barn; plenty of fruit; level, good sou; $l,4i0. No. 6, Aiu acres, rich loam soil; level; 4 miles Muskegon, city &,Uuo; iJ per acre; i per acre uown, balance easy terms. No. 4, 46t) acres; 2V0 cleared; good build ings; tine lake trout; luo acres beech and maple timber; $2u acre, otnera. catalogue ana list tree. The iiivans-iion Uo., ! le mon t. Mien. FOR SALE 80 acres on lake; 100 rods of lake froniagu; this lies in sight of a beau litul village; laku has fine tanuy shores, affords tine tlsniiig, bathing; 20 acres tim ber lana; as good for all kinds of grain as well as fruit; this lays on two main roads, R. F. D., telephone line; $1,200, $oU0 down; 20 acres in the edge of a village; (t-room cottage, large barn, outbuildings, apple orchard of large, bearing trees; soil Is a dark loam and a sandy loam, good for all -kinds of crops as well as fruit; $1,700, $2U- down. K GEO. BRIDGES, Banger, Mich. FOR SALE Just on the Market and Will Sell at a Bargain A fine Michigan fruit and general purpose farm ot 43 acres; lo cated near Fennvllle, in the heart of west ern Allegan county fruit belt; only 60 rods from the Pere Marquette Ry. station; atore, postoffloe, church and fine school; best ot soil; large orchard, good buildings, pure water, etc.; price only $3,500; hail down, balance to suit . For particulars address W. E. Stedman, Fennville, Mich. FOR SALE Perfectly equipped poultry farm, 20 acres; sure crop; not affected by frost, flood or drought; successful business 6- years; finest Chicago trade; investigate details; 111 health. E. H, Wets, South Haven, Mich. Mifsonrl. FOR SALE 200 acres good land; good country, good neighbors; 16 acres rough In timber, balance rolling to level; Xt acres timothy, 16 clover, 20 pasture, 20 hog pas ture, tj& corn, 20 oats; 6-room house and tenant house, shed barn, grantiry (1,000 bu ), 8 other outbuildings; never failing water; land advancing $10 a year; tele phone, R. r . u.i ftM per acre, or win price stock, crops, and give possession; 40 miles from Kansas City, b miles Odessa, on C. u A. R. R. J. W. Gray. Odessa, Mo. FOR SALE A good ten acres; buildings: some fruit; 6 miles south ot bu Joseph. price $1,700. 80 acres, grain land; good buildings, well and windmill. Price $4,000. 10 acres, close to lnterurban station; good buildings; partly fruited. Price $2,600. 19 acres directly on the lnterurban rail way, 3'4 miles from St. Joseph; good build ings, good soil, well fruited. Price $7,000. Natural timber land lying directly on the banks of St. Joseph river, just across the road from lnterurban station. Will sell in parcels to suit purchaser. This Is a fine place for summer. Schulz St Plxley, St. Joseph, Mich. . . FOR SALE One section, 640 acres, $& per acre; 100 miles St. Louis; Pulaski county, Mo.; good land; on river; fine timber; terms, $300 down, $200 year. Address W. li. Williams, Mt. Vernon. Id. PRICE $SO.OO per acre.' 80 acres Joining railroad town in. Bates county, Mo., good Improvements, location fine as llk. Ad dress, J. P. Hart, Butler, Mo. LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISSOURI. 150 acres, good 7-room house and other outbuildings; &-acre orchard; all fenced and cross fenced; about 30 acres bluegrass and clover; Ml acres in cultivation; good well, windmill; four miles from May view. Price $75 per acre. "SEE ADAMS," WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO., 411 Karbach Bidg. Montana. FOR SALE 10, 20 or 30 acres choice fruit land in Bitter Root Valley, Montana; under fen:c; 17 acres orchard; B. K. V. I. Co. water right; house, barn, Ice house, other buildings; attractive prices. Address Chas. A. Carney, Corvallis, Mont. Nebraska. 4&0 acres, well Improved, all smooth, rich Best Farm Bargain in the State land, 200 acre farm land, balance excellent hay meadow. Cuts 400 tons. $30 an acre for quick sale. W. M. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Bidg. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE . Best 200 acre farm In Dodge county, Ne braska. Modern improvements; valued at $16,000.00. House has twelve rooms, two stories and basement; sewer, "water, bath rooms, telephones, and register dial for each room, and furnace, and also four fire places. There la an artesian well, with a water flow of 1,000 gallons per minute. Best fence In state on thu farm. Will sell all or sub divide.' Have option for one week, Price leas than $100 per acre. Wire or write at ouce. George Falconer, Fre mont, Neb. 45 BUSHELS WHEAT LAND, , $a PER ACHE. We own and control 20,ouo acres of Chey enne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land now on the market. The heaviest crop-yielding county In Nebraska for ten years; alfalfa also a leading crop; ask for folders and full particulars, agents wanted everywhere; write for our pioposltlon at once. Railroad fares refunded If things not as representee, t unuuigsiauu m sever- , ..... I .i . . -.. xtuk ' REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HANOI LAND FOR SAL.B (Continued.) LAND Auction T Colorado, Rock Island, leaving Omaha Land, Train Schedule and Full Nebraska Con tinned. Another Big Week Another excurcion party sent out by us into the Scott's Bluft country re turned Friday, reporting SALES OF SIXTEEN HUNDRED ACRES of that fine irrigated land. The men who have investigated have shown their faith in the country by $100,000 WORTH OF CONFIDENCE. All we ask of a man at all interested in land is to go and see the Scott's Bluff country. It represents its own arguments, makes good every promise, fulfills every pledge. THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY FOR ALFALFA. THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY FOR WHEAT. THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY FOR OATS. . THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY FOR SUGAR BEETS. THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY FOR POTATOES. THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY FOR VEGETABLES. THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY FOR FINE CLIMATE. THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY FOR A HOME. THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY FOR Alt INVESTMENT. Make your plans now to go with us on our NEXT EXCURSION, TUESDAY, JUNE 7. We have already sold nearly 2,500 acres since May 1 and we want to clean up the entire tract by the last of July. If you expect to go, get ready to go soon. Better ask us about it at once. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, S. E. Corner 15th and Farnam. "Manless Land for Landless Man." ALFALFA FARMS FOR SALE In the famous Republican, Sappa, Beeves and Prairie Dog valleys; all or a part of each farm now In alfalfa; every farm Improved; crops absolutely sure; no crop failures; no Irrigation; alfalfa- crops on these farms average four tons per acre each year; price of alfalfa hay averages $0 per ton each year; time that one seeding lasts averages fifteen years. Value of hay crop alone raised on a quarter section of land from one seeding averages $&,7,600; seed crops are more valuable; surest farming and best in vestments In the world; fine book of photos of land and improvements with description and price of each farm sent on request by card or letter. C. M. Miller, Alma, Neb. FOR SALE 7,000 acre tract high-grade land, situated H4 miles from Terry, Mont. Nothing better the Go!den Valley or Judith Basin. 8T per cent engine plow land. A snap. Send for plat. Swenson-Dlbblp Land Co., owners, Madison, Wisconsin. FOR SALE-S. W. 11. 10. 32 and S. W, 31, 10, 31, Lincoln Co.. Neb., only $1,200. P. O. Box 235, Cedar Rapids, Ia. A SNAP 14(1 acres In Sarny county: house, barn. etc.; the best of soil; 6 miles to town and 2 miles to elevator; price for 14 days, $65 per acre. McNeill-Jewell Realty Co. 515 N South 700. 2Uh St. 'Phone South Omaha, Neb FORCED SALE OF 63S acre Improved Boyd county farm, seta Improvements, 220 acres cultivated. good land, running water, 3 miles from Lynch, must bo sold in 20 days, $31 an acre, worth $, If you want a snap get uutfy. W. W. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Building, Omaha, Neb. Nebraska Lands WANTED To buy bargains In cheap Northwestern Nebraska lunds In quarter or half section lots only. Holt, Rock, Brown, Keya Paha, Kimball, Dawes or Banner counties preferred. Send full de scription with lowest price. W.LSelby 436 Board of Trade Bidg. $4,000 will buy H section of land t mll'i south of Benkeltnan, county seat of Dundy; i;ood soil, level road and closa to walr. Box 262, Albia. Nb. Owner. - Xurltt Dakota. HALF fvV'NSHlP-Bllllngs County, N. 1) , some rough, some but us, large part tillable underlaid coal. Price' $7.75. Part trade considered.' J. H. McCorfl, Spencer, US l FOR SALE A fin quarter, 2Si mile from Coteau; 120 acres under cultivation; her la a good chance, for someone to get a farm, as the terms are easy; $3,1100; noth ing chaap about this but the price. Lyon, Laud and Loan Co., Xkiwbulls, . u. 4; RFA1 FsTATE FARM AND RANCH UNO FOR SALB orth Dakota -Coattnaed. FOR SALE-Sectlon of fine Dickey county, North Dakota, land four miles from mar kets one-half under cultivation and now In crop, balance now being broken up ana will be seeded to flax; share oi crop goes to purchaser; owner must sell at once; price low and terms reasonable, the biggest snap on the market In Dakota land. Write or catl on Youker ' Perry, Ellendale, N. D. 26.000 ACRES choice North Dakota farm lands for sale: any slae tracts. Write for booklet with full description. ALFALFA VALLisi uaku CO., Towner. IN. u. FOR SALE A number of very good Im proved grain farms: rich black loam soil. clay subsoil; well adapted for raising wheat, flax, oats and alfalfa. H. 14. Tucker, Courtenay, N. D. Oreon. DETAILED Information furnished con cerning Oregon and Washington. I am con stantly traveling through both state . amlng fruit aim farm land investments. Writs me. W. G. Souther, The Souther Albertson Co., 2S Oak St., Portland, Ore. South Dakota. FOR SALE 160-acre farm.iH under culti vation; located 3H miles trom good town on M. & St. U Ry., in Walworth county, b. D. Price $.1,000; terms. ' Only reason for selling have located In the south. B. 11. Bunuy, Houston, Texas. Boa Chronicle Bidg. COME to Walworth county In "the famous Blue Blanket valiey, where you can buy the finest land In south Dakota at prices worth the money not boom prices. Several thousand acres to setec. rum on main line C, M. St. P. roau irom Chicago to the Pacific coast. Acl ' quick, prices are going nigner every day. tvrue for booklet and map. vV. ii. Jdyiei, t Bi-ioy, o. D. i FOR SALE 320 acres; every acre tillable; deep black soil; near town; price, 2o pei acre. Frank Mashek, Kimball, S. L). FOR SALE or Exchange-The Water Val ley siocK larm, conMsi.ng of a section o. fertile lanu in tne tamuus Blue Biankci vaney; will accept as pari payment Can adian land. L. J. Walter, Seioy, S. D. Texas. FOR SALE Altolma stock farm; 16,000 acres In one body, 30 m.re of Austin, 6 miles of Leander, eight good residences, eight farms, plenty of grass and water; lou.OUO cords of wood on land and goou roads; $6 per acre, one-third cash. Other large tracts at ail prices. Box 604, V in teract, la. BARQAIIff IN TEXAS LANDS. Tou are missing the best opportunities In the United States, today If you don't get In touch with the bargains in the Texas rain belt (Houston District). Next fall and winter will be a record-breaker In the sal of these lands. - We have the choicest list of these bargains from $5 to $16 per acre, In all sized tracts from 200 to 25,000 acres. Send for our list free. Address W. P. ROSS & CO., First National Bank Bidg.. Houston, Texas. $250 WILL secure option on 1.000 acres for 60 days. The biggest bargain in Texas (rain belt). Only $8 per aore. Greatest activity In property adjoining this, wher? large tract will be developed and sold tnla fall at $20 to $30 per acre. This 1.000 tin be turned at same prlcer Best opportunity of the year tor agent or buyer to make handsome profit on small amount cash. Apply to owners for fullest particulars. U. S. Treadweil, 1U7 Dearborn St. coctimn & McCluer Land'. Co., Chicago, 111. FINE bearing peach orchard; Texas fruit belt; trade Nebraska. U. P. Stebblns. TEXAS PUBLIC LANDS The state of Texas has 8,OoO,OUO acres for sale, $1.00 to $5.00 per acre; only one-fortieth cash, forty years on balance; 8 per cent interest; good farming land; some don't require residence. Send tic postage for further Information. Journal Publishing Co., Box 225, Houston, Tex. ORANGES and figs are the big money crops. Growers In Galveston-Houston dis trict realize trom $300 to $1,000 an acre an nually. Write today for- full particulars how you can, without leaving your pres ent home or occupation, participate in these large profits, and later become the owner of a bearing fig and orange orchard, should you desire to make your home in this beau tiful country. The .company la composed of leading bankers, business men and fruit growers of Houston and south Texas. Your Investment absolutely secured; no specula tion. Highest Indorsement from bank of ficials and reliable business men. Booklet and literature free. American Loan Mortgage Company, 110 American Bank Bidg., Houston, Tex. , Vf rarlala. $10 PER ACRE and up buys good farm lands, frequently with Improvements, In Virginia., Fine climate, water, markets and society. bend for beautiful Illustrated pamphlet, farm lists, rates, etc. F. H. Labaume, A. & i. Agent, N. & W. Ry., Box 110, Roanoke, Va. Wisconsin. FOR SALE HO acres of land, 2V, miles from Eagle river, Vilas county, Wisconsin; 7 acres plowed; one-half mile lake frontage; on town road; 250 rods ot fence; cheap and on easy terms. Writ Grant Lawton, Antigo. Wis. FOR BARGAINS In timber tracts and cut-over lands, better write ua today; nothing better In the country. Orlmmer Land Co., Marinette, Wis. LAND FOR THE LANDLESS To the homseeker or investor: Why not In vest in Marathon county improved farm and cut-over lands? Healthful climate, produc tive soil and best ot markets. Our cut- over lands can be bought from $10 to $24 per acre; $3 down on an acre and balance in yearly payments. Write us now for particulars. Make known your wants. Ad dress The Edgar Realty Co., Edgar, Wis. Mlacella neons. CHEAP FARM LANDS. In western Nebraska and Colorado. Writ for prices. NEBRASKA LAND COMPANY, Sidney. Neb. I HOMESTEAD and high-class cheap lands. We can locate you on 320 acres of excellent homestead land liV Oregon, Wash ington, Montana or Canada. Vve can sell you good wheat or fruit lard at from $6 per acre up, with tarms. Acme Homestead and Realty Co., Room 8, Sherwood blag., HO Riverside Ave., Spokane- Wash. WE WHOLESALE large tracts of land to Investors' and colonizers In Texas, Florida, Mississippi, Kansas, Colorado, the Dakotas and western Canada.- Large tracta to exchange. Writ us for a deai, stating where Interested. American Colonization Co., Ashland Block, Chicago, III. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Ion Voyage 1; for safety, puns, every mown signals. Appointments orchestras, gymnasium, LA HAVOIK. LA PROVENCE. LA LORRAINE, AUU 1 1 P.I M n. Vy HI ( I II I I .w.. . B. XETSUIiUa w. . mvvm., M. O. BBIELIIfJ, LOVU M scaxi, lllP .... REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANOI l,AD FOB -4 FRED S. HADKA, '417-418 First National Hank Hldg. rtell Phone. Douglas 23IS, SOUTH DAKOTA FARMS Fall River county, lw acres tor ?25 an acre, 6 miles from Oelrlcbo. .WYOMING An pntlre section or livlded, near I-ata-nile; Irrigation facilities. $.) per acre. THE Big Land show to be held next No vember In Chicago, under the auspices of the Chicago Tribune-, will have exmblts of land products from every state In the United States. Every responsible land com pany will have an exhibit. Space in this show Is not sold to wild cat companies. It you want land, visit this show. is dear at any price when the quality isn't in it; and many a good customer has been lost by having a cheap harness stuck on to him. HARNESS of the best make and best material is our specialty. We carry nothing else. If we cannot sell the best, we won't sell any. HARNESS of every style and for every purpose can be got at our store. v Many styles, but all of the best quality. If you are looking for good goods at moderate prices, you will find them at Johnson-Danforth Go. 10th and Jones Sts., OMAHA, : NEBRASKA. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals will be received by the city clerk of the city of O'Neill, Nebraska, until eight (8) o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, the 14th day of june, llllO.'for furnishiiiH; material and constructing a complete San itary Sewer System for the city of O'Neill, Nebraska, In accordance with the plana and specifications on file in the office ot the city clerk, O'Neill, Nebraska, and In the v.'fice of the engineers, Omaha, Mf branka. . Estimated cobt, $14,600.00. Each bid to be accompanied by a certU tied check of five hundred ($500.00) dollars. Anyone desiring a set of plans and specifications for personal use may ob tain the same by application to the engl neers and a payment of five ($5.00) per set. The city reserves the right to reject any. and all bids. O. F. BIGLIN. Mayor. H. J. HAMMOND, City Clerk. THE CONSOLIDATED ENGINEERING) CO., Englneeis, 640 Bee Bidg., Omaha, Nebraska. M26-d-7t 4Wti44 a Ul lt Cit PROPOSALS FOR SEWEK CONSTKL'C T1UN. Under and by authority of Concurrent Resolutions Nub. dW and 2J40 approved February 17th and May lith, 191o, sealed proposals are invited and will bu received at the office of the City Engineer, Room 403. City Hull. Oniana. Webrunka, up to i o'clock P. M. Monday. June bin. WIO, for tin, construction of sewers in the follow inir - afreets: Grant btreet from 2.Mh Street to 30tU Street. Twenty-fourth Street from Burt Street to California Street. Said work to be in accordance with plana and profiles on filo in the office of th City Engineer. Bidding blanks for siild work will be fur nished by the t.'ity Engineer. Each pro posal must be accompanied by a certified check on some Omaha bank for not leea than 3 per cent of the total amount of bid as an evidence of good faith that contract will be entered into with good and suffi cient surely should award- be niado thereon. The t.'ity reserves the right to reject any, or all bids. Omaha, Nebraska. May 24, 1910. GEO. L. CAM PEN, Asst. City Engineer. May 2?.d10t ' Use Tho Mura In Darla 1 SIX DAYS 1 speed and comfort. Fast trains .?T7f HARWESS connect for all continental points. i Compagnie Generate Transatlantique Magnificent twin screw expresn teaman leavetNew York evrr Thurc day at 10 A.M. Commanded by Naval Officers with tnan-o'-war dis-'- iciy. wireless tslegraphjr hod submarine lurpmi many palatial hotels, roof-' dally paper, superb cul.lue ,jrka Jun LA SAVOl" " M June 1 LA PRpir-hlinna Co N D Jun 2T LA Tfi 7" ' ?v' N u ."Ml l" . 7 AV v.wm.Mni I . . J ft 4 f J ! 4 f 1 1 I ' 1 i s4 ,fl V