11 vr his is a Pipog Want-A Wainf-Ad . He Secinxe Iri& Help 3L ee Now thpmi q h Irhf oep. Wflmt- Adr4 . OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 20. 1010. id eg puis Business Jsrao. rcdnxiniy aM m TUT A T , THIS , J. Tt. 44.; .-n -l - lis. iiie wot iu& riim ikoiSaliuii a a, 1 bT : Want - Ads Want ads received at any tne, lnt to Insure proper classlf icntlon must lie presented before 12 o'flook M. for the evening edition and before 7 t.'il o'clock of previous u rnliii for morning and gandar edition. Want ads received after such taoara will hare their first Insertion nnder the heading "Too Late to tlassllr." Cash must accompany all orders for want ads and no advertisement will he accepted for less than !i cents for first Insertion. Rates apply to either The llallr or Bandar Bee. Alwars count six words to a line. CASH H TRS Toil WXT A 0i. REGI.AK CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 l-'J cents per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent Insertion. Each Insertion ntr.de on odd days, 1 1-2 cents per word, Sl.SO per line per month. Want ads for The Bee mar he left at anr of the follonintc drnu stores one Is ronr "corner druggist" they are all branch offices tor The Bee and roar ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the surie rutes as at the main office of The Bee llnlldlna, Seventeenth and Fnrnum streets. Alhach, W. C. 4th and Farnam. Beraiiek. 8. A.. 1103 a. IGth St. Fayton Pharmacy, 720 S. 16th St. Benson Phainincy, B.inson, Neb. Bemls park Pharmacy. 33d and fuming. Blake-Praillsh, M Sherman Ave. v CauRlilln. C. K., 6th and pierce Sts. Clifton Illll Pharmacy, 2.'.'! Military Ave. Hlnterlong Drug Co., 31st Ave and Far nam St. Crlssey Pharmacy, 2tth onrt Uke, Cooney lliarmacv. 2223 B. 16th St. Cermak, Enill, 12B4-6 H. 13th St. Ehler, F. 11.. W Leavenworth. Foster A Arnoldl. 213 N. 25th St. rreytag. J. J.. ini4 N. 24th St. Fregger Drug Co., 130S N. ICth St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave and Pacific. Greenough. fj. A.. Ida S. 10th tit. Greenough. O. A., Tenth and Hickory. Jlayden, William C, 2H20 Farnam ft. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, l'ul 8. 2Jth Ave Ho'st, John, 624 X. 16th St. Huff. A. I. . 1(24 Leavenworth St. Johanson Drug Co., 21th and Scalding. King, II. 8.. 2238 Farnam St. Saratoga Drug Co.. 21th and Amen Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Sts. Schaefer, August, 2631 X. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H .. 24th and Cuming St. Walnut Hill Pharmacy 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, kt th and Grace Sts. Wirth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sts. BERO William, May 27, liUO, Aged 46 years. 3 months 14 days. Funeral from family residence, 15:18 Sher man avenue. Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. JONES Alice, May 28, 1910. aged 81 years and s months, beloved wile of Henry Jones. Funeral services will be held from fam ily residence, 242S Decatur street. Monday, May 30, at 2 p. m. Friends invited. Inter ment, Forest Lawn cemetery. LODGE NOTICES. Attention, U. A. H. George A. Custer post Xo. 7, G. A. R., and W. R. C Xo. 82. you are hereby directed to assemble at Fortieth and Cuming streets at lo o clock a. in. Sunday, May 29, for the purpose or attending services at the Lcnvi Avenue Presbyterian church. Visiting cum lades and survivors of the war of tne re bellion are cordially Invited to Join witn uu H. A. Beitelraan, post commander. KnlB,htsvof Pythlns. I ne runeral services of Wiinam Bera -.in i. .i.i a a ..... a vm ne iinu Dummy, jviay V. at I p. m. at his late residence, 151S Sherman Ave tinder auspices of XebrasUa Lodge Xo. 1 Knights of Pythias. Interment at Forest l.awn. All Knights urgently requested to be present. William A. Foster, Chancellor uiiiiuanuer. Alpha lamp No. 1, V. I. W. n i 1 1,11 i loin inemners of Alpha camp Xo. 1, W. O.- W. The funeral of Sov a Stepp will take place from his fami.y resi- flt.n,0 H'Ul Ci,i'l,u 4 . L3 , Kiemneis of otner camps and friends of too inmy are niviieo lo attend, chas, v ion. v-jera In Ion l'nclflc Lodge, A. ).' I. T You are notified of the death of Brother V"" r-osiusnu, ruieentn and 8 streets ul viiiuiia. runeral will be he d ui Turner hall. South Omaha, Silnday after noon at 3 o'clock. Memoers are reguested to oe present, sister lodges and degree ivtmio bib iim ilea lo ai.eno. JOHN HCHINDLER. Master Workman, No. 17. A. F. CLARK. Recorder, No. 17. BRICK I.AYERS NOTICE. epecial meeting Xo. 1, Neb. Tuesday eve june Mtn. 1910 to vote on mortuarv plan mm uiunw uv I. i . executive Boaid fleeting at 7:w stiarp. By order of pres. CARD OF THANK. Mrs. Joe Hood and sislers wish to cln crcfly thank their frleuua and neighbois ana also this Degree of Honor No. 2-. for me kinn expies:uns of svmpainv. am floral tributes upon the dcHth of their be tuveu momer, Margaret MeUuIre, niKTHS AMI DEATH. Births Eber Wallen, 2611 Burd.Ue, bov iuer esion, i.ai Dodge, uli l; j0t. ivn. iim i-aciuc, gin; joliu Johnson, 6th 11111 L.UL-UQL, UUy, Deaths Eleanor Howell, 301.1 Franklin ; tirvine .Manning, smu and Cuming 35 Waller F. lary. mtii and Castellar. 3o Geo. F. Steff. Su44 Curtis Ave. 56. ANNOUNCEMENTS SEGERSTROM Piano Mfg. Co. will move lo its new loca tion, lvm Fsrnani Street. WE ARE IN OMAHA TO STAY. MONEY TO LOAX LOW RATE, In sums to uil, 310 Rue iiug. Ul,.n. t UNION' LOAN COMPANY. BARGAINS:;;-,::..'::;: FRIEDMAN'S LOAN RANK, Ml 8. 1.1'IH. COR. DOl'u'l.Ai TEL D. 133, DIAMONDS. WF. ARE SE.'.L" I INU DIAMONDS AT 40 PER CENT BEDoW COST. Money to loan Riodkey Jewslry Co.. 1401 1oig las St. GAIN health wealtn. Adv. under Colo, lands tells how. Western Land & lnv. Co. Oet your WEDDING R1NOS at FRED F RODEO A ARD S. It Insures good luck, lib S. loth sit . at th sign of lbs Crown. WFDD1NO rings mads by hand, sold by wtlglil T. Lt. Ctimbs A Co.. lolu ioiiglj. FINE clock rtpairlng; price rllit: call, dulivsr. biknp M Bundcrland BMg. ANNOUNCEMENTS iCunlluiied. I i Fence , Iron und Wire Cliutm .on Fence Co.. ."th & Jdcksun Sts. Tel. II. loW. WEODINU ring, and prosents; complete stock. Oua'.uli) : llemlriik.-uii. 201 N. 16th. 'A LW A y S THE REST." lVjJiV.llija.il IIAUl:.Vj'f Ice Cream Wedgewood Cie. Uuitir. Harding cream to. DIAMONDS i i-i-.jt cAiur tauioua Atex- uan ntte sap- llai hem, winch ia piacticauy tne. same an a diamond; brilliancy and sparkle' guaiuti teed tmever. Call or write for catalogue, De I. Tug Jeweiiy Co, 5vj Mccague inln.. lulu and Dodge. Uinaha, .Neb. BAKIvELi UIaOS. l'AINT CO. Whole-ali.-rel.il, Farnam bt., Sher w!r.-V'i.i.aiua paiiitH. uiib. vanukiieH, i;lusi. wiilte lead, wall iaper, bruanea, g.axmg and uicljre naming. Tela: ueii, Dougia. i,W, lud.. A-H621. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINU. Arkirs, iH 8. l;tli, upstalra. El.kitA'iUHS REPAIRED. Kielght.Pas tengvr. J. rt. ivtnneui. lot B. l.ltll. iJuu. 2J.'i. liAUOAHii Va:i .V Stoiase or Omaha Tiunk, Van 4c tnoiug Co. Pack, move, bluie auu tiilp H. H. iuoda. l. li, li-242. CASH Uli CREDIT -"" SAVED on graduation SANDW ALL uxlon 'u'k presents. M lloor, S'l'ORii YOLK FINE Kl'Kd IN MOTH PKOi !"" V.U Iil S. Notuuiul cost. titlU KWKl'S. l.'ith and Harney. vii i?nrrH vi? v Sth1!z N " 1'u11 TjU. liUl IujIU lllie t,f iu,rs and fdgars. Cafe In cunnectlon. Ill S. Ut!i. M.OOO ACRES of Kit Carson county. Colo urn, land i-i to be t'M by UiiMee at auction Ju.'.c 2. t!e; the big ad on pug-' land sicilon. L'ATTOX-liUWMAN liVD. CO. AGENTS P. & F. COltlSIN BC1EDEU.S' HARDWARE, CONTRACTORS' SIP- FLIES, lols Farnam. Phone Douglas &NM. 'l,u'ci"wi lo.;ks.mithixo. heklix vuliJ Ci.,i.;iii Dounlaa. uuslalia. D. 2;i74. A. E. ROBERTS, reliable emp. agent. Successor to Martin & Co., lull Capitol Ave. SHOES called for and delivered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co.. 1MJ Farnam. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 75c a large bot tle. KLEIN I.lyUOR HOL.SL. tC2 N. lbth St Douglas CC70. JOHN MTTLEl? H01TJistbnuste,rn.er, LUX US Douglas 1SX9, THE BEER YOU LIKE. I'224 South 2ltit St. Red 3,ii2, Independent, A-1420. UMBRELLAS RECOVERED AND RE PAIRED. Ed. F. Pickering. 105 S. 10th St. SODDING '""- r-. ',1"r,,K'd8 WE. ARE LEADERS tfAl0,7Lpr,ieN AND SEE us f.iHt before having thoso pictures framed or telephone Doug. 10i4 and a man will call ou you with samples Of moldings. OMAHA ART AND FAME IX)., 707 S. 16th St. C. JARL Locksmith. Lawn Mower Hhai'Dened: call and deliver. I do repairing. 170D Leavenworth. D. 4J77, A-4:i!SG. GET Missouri Filters, 1310 Howard St. . . Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye. Works, 1620 S. 10th St. Tel. Douglas 4371. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. THE 191)0 WASHER CO. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF THEIR STORE, 16 11 HOWARD S T li E E T. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND SEE HOW OUR ELECTRIC. WATER AND HAND WASHERS AND WRING ERS ELIMINATES DRUDGERY OF WASH DAY. DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order. 103 So. 15th St. ED EOTHERY Proprietor ; UliU .s'o. 2. Full line of wines, liquor!, atnj cigaiu; merchants' lunch served from 10 a. in. to 2 p. m . regular meals at all hours; Hit-anVera in uinalia and visitori, to the city always welcome and shown every attention: Information bureau In connection, where alV Hmuir.cs are cheer fully nsenv. A ee, . appreciated. Ill-SOUTH FOURTEENTH STREET ILElt GRAND HOTEL Finest In the wist, lbth and Huuard Sts. Turkish Baths ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and Wire Fences t'iieaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 X. 17lh. Plume Red-M4. LYNCH BROS. REPAIR WUKK A bilti. D. 1477. PLUMBING AND HEATING. SPECIALTY, 705 S. nl Alv Doug 1J78. Rm. 202 U(V UUiUUV old Boston Store. OMAHA VACUUM CLEANINU CO. Contiacts for cleaning houses, halls, churches, opera bouses, etc. W. iHi and B-IU21. Multi graph Work Typewritten leuern uuplicuted. J. C. Northup. 6')tj I'axlun. Dougias HEALTH "COMMISSIONEKS COMMANDS Order our house und porcu screened from THE OMAHA WINDOW SCREEN CO., A SANITARY NECESSITY FOR EVERY HOME. G24 N. liith St. all Doug. 4tyl. THE City Ciarbage Co., Tel. Douglas Wi. cleans vaults, cesspools and remove ma nuie, aches and li kinds of relate. THE IIOM E FURNITURE CO.. K per rent less than Omana prices; 2utU and L Sis WHERE DOES THE CROWD UO? TO THE PARLOR THEATER. OF COURSE. UMBRELLAS recovered and repaired; supplies. WEoTERN UMURELL-V Cu . ll22 Farnam. itei ifis. THE 94C1C MADE WELL wltnout medi cine; iheV Oxygenator cures diseases wlih oxygen; fit book. C. C. Johuson, B- ati ice Neb. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH A. JEiE.-t. 13W Duugia St 5 CTS. JOHN E. H1MOE. shirts, till Paxton Blk. DElJdoNICO Cafe, 617 N. Wth; Chines and Mexican dishes, all lioara, best meal, Joe up. , KOTH'NU more cooling or ifrehin thaa a g ass of Ice cream soda at the Bell Dtug Cu.'s fountain, l-lt Faniam St. - 8. H. Cole Bign Co.. D. $741. 1314 Farnam. vTT MT CHI-ENAMEL, JAPAI-AC. I AiiN lOv srN .K(uF PAINT. SARATOGA DRUG CO.. 24tti & Ames Av. DAViD COLK Creamery Co. rPl f ".r T 1M-1 FRKNCH DRY CI.EAN UliiiXMHo 1N,-j (.0, ui N. lata St. Doug:4 Jit. B-2J24. MERCHANTS' hW" PRIVATE DINING ROuAJd, J17 N. loth ttL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) K'f lH VTCQ and mippll; largest stock; I.CJ.'W.0 AMATKl'B FINISHINtJ best work. DEMPSTER. 1215 Farnam St. FOR SALE One 11)09 model T-passenger White Steamer auto, complins equipments. II. only been run 12.000 miles. Cost 16,100. Will sell-fur SI, Mu. Xo trades will be con sidered. Object of sflle going to Eurnpt. William H. itrei-eton, Moiimoulb. 111. ".VEST RUN" DCrLU-ATINQ CO.. 4(13 Bie FUlg. Multigraphed letters. Douglas 3641. B. K. WUltN. Optician. 424 Brandeis Bldg. AUTOMOBILES SDRUMM0ND1 Sells Buggies. Makes Al'TO TOPS. Builds Wug.ins, Repairs Autos and alt kinds of Mdchinus. lsth and Hartley Sts. AVe Have Ou Hand a Num ' ber Of MOTORS, TRANSMISSIONS, DIFFERENTIALS, FRAMES, RUNNING GEARS, ETC. Those nnrts are in good shape and can be used in remodeling an old1 car, building a new one, or in stalling in motor boat or delivery wagon. AVe are offering these at exceptional bargain prices for immediate delivery. Hudson, Chalmers, Pierce-Arrow, Thomas. H. E Fredrickson Automobile Co. 2014-6-8 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb- SOUTH OMAHA AUTO CO. Announces. The Opening of New and Fully Equipped Auto Garage. The added facilities combined With our usual good Service, makes our New repair department The best In west. Agency for Carter car. Deal, Invincible, Imperial. Complete line of auto supplies. A few snaps In used cars. SOUTH OMAHA AUTO CO. H. N. Petersen, Mgr. 436-438-44U Xo. 25th St. Tel. So. 1257. to. Omaha, Xeb, l!ni STODDARD-DA YTOX touring car, with top and full equipment; used but lit tie. a.m. litoi) stoddard-Dayton roadster, with top and full equipment; used but little; fine condition, $:',00d. 11)07 Stoddard-Dayton touring car, "-passenger, full equipment; overhauled, $1,600. V averly Electric, without battery, $l;i0. Waveiiy Electric, with battery, $360. Reo touring car, two-cylinder, 190ti model, $400. I'.i07 Stoddard-Dayton, with touring car body and limousine body; all in good con dition, $tOiH DER1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1S18 Harney St. BARGAINS In used cars; expert repair ing Agent tor Oakland, Slaver & Welch. M l.M iiit al iu t-u , iM rarnam. , FOR SALE Cheap, Wolfe Electric Stan hope, or lli trade for gasoline car. lei. N ebster 2j8. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. K. FREDIUCliSOA AUTO CO.. Omaha. HOW about your gasoline motor? Does It run .-in. ui I y ? If not, (end loc postage for btl-puge text book on "Engine 1 roubles. Breeze Caruureters, xsewarK, N. J.' f'U 11 HID WEST AUTO CO.. uoie ,W g mh st AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank ease and eastings promptly repaired. All work guarantrtd. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs, la. BARGAIN IN FULLY EQUIPPED AUTO For sale. -.0 h. p. Oakland touring car: l'Hhi model; fully equipped, with top, wind shield, speedometer, bumper, electric side and tail lamps, chains, extra casing and eai tiers, 4 extra li'iier tube and magnate; I. a just been n.echanically overhauled and puiiuiiti; cheap tor quick sale, 1,&0. No tiada eoiiHidtred. L. M. PEOAU. 25S1 Manderson fit. 'PlKiiie Webitr 2i0. Omaha. A BARGAIN in one 150 h. n. Roadster, also Touring Car. Call for demon st rat ion. VEUE AUTO CO. PJO-J Farnam Street AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, tXc to $3 fA COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 2CS-2I1 S. 16i. WANTED men owning automobile run about. Legitimate; Investigat. O 633, Bee. COMPLETE supplies. Neb. line, auto ccessris and Bulck Auto Co., Omaha. A4r. Pnintinrr "Murphy Did It " Oet Auto t aiming our prjcei. andrew MURPHY 4 SON. 1412 Jackson. TIRE REPAIRING oY'chYao. WMt AUTO TIRICREPAIR CO.. 1J0 Farnam. AUTOMOBILES CContlnued.) I AM OFFERING EIGHT SPECIAL Bargains in Used Cars 140.HORSEPOWER 1M! OLDSMOPTI.K. fully equipped with magneto, top. glass front, speedometer, trunk rack, slip Hiving over the upholstering;, far has run less trian mo miles, original cost. v.oo. SPECIAL PRICE $1,600 2 STEVENS-DURYEA MODEL "V." Light t." fully equipped with top. glass front, speedometer, tire Irons, extra tire, tub- and cover, ard full set of tools. Original cost $3,750.00. SPECIAL PRICE $1,400 3 OLDSMOBILE, LW7 MODEL "X." 4o-hnrseDOwer. eaulpped With top ana full touring outfit. Car has been thoroughly overhauled and Is In good c mdltlon. Original coat. J2.750.00. SPECIAL PRICE $1,000 4 OVERLAND 4-PASSENGER ROAD STER. 1309 MODEL. Selective type trans mission. Car was purchased In October and bad very little use. Original cost, $1,700.00. SPECIAL PRICE $1,000 E 2-CYL1NDER STEVENS-DURYEA. MODEL "L." In good condition. Original cost, $1,400.00. SPECIAL PRICE $300 8-BABCOCK ELECTRIC RUNABOUT, with good Panaceaii top, batterlos new. Car guaranteed In A-l condition. This car haf been used as my own demonstrator, Orlfinul cost, $1,650.00. SPECIAL PRICE $850 7 RAKER ELECTRIC RUXAROUT, small type, with top. new batteries put In this spring. Original cost, n,2W.uu. SPECIAL PRICE $1275 8-20-HORSEPOWER WHITE HTEAM ER full v euulnped with ton, glass front. This car also has a special deml-llmousine top. Original cost, $3,i.-.0.00. SPECIAL PRICE $J0O These prices may seem re markably low. I am pushed for room and must sell these cars during the coming week. It will pay you to look them over. R. R, KIMBALL 2026 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEBRASKA Distributor of CADILLAC and STEVENS-' DURYEA CARS For Sale Two used ears. I'm putting them in condition- When fin ished, they will be worth twice what I' ask for them. See me Tuesday. Drummond 18th and Harney Sts. ELECTRIC SNAP Baker Electric, New Batteries $275.00 Get Your Storage 'and Spark Batteries Charged at R. R. KIMBALL, 2026 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. WE HAVE ONE $2,000 CAR 40 H. P., equipped with top and other extras; practically new and ABSOLUTELY PERFECT SHAPE $1,250 buys It this week. W. L Huffman Automobile Co. 2026 Farnam St. A BARGAIN 22-H. P. Jackson touring car FOR QUICK. tALE, 4ii0. AUTO REPAIR AND OARAUE CO., 22.50 Farnam atreet. Tel. D. 95. OTTO NESTMAN. LOUIS 8CHMITZ. FOR AUTOMOBILE TROUBLE See Auto Repair and Oarage Company, S230 Farnam St. Phone Douglas ii5. OTTO NESTMAN. LOUIS SCHMITZ. ONE MAXWELL Touring car for sale cheap if taken at once. Call or phone Doug. AUTO REPAIR AND OARAGE CO., 2230 Farnam. OTTO NESTMAN. LOUIS SCHMITZ BEND for our list of second-hand cars. DKR1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1&14 Farnam St. Motorcrclea. discount on rew bicycle and motorcycle this month. Re and sundries ftl lowest prices. 20 pairing F lescher Motorcycle Co, 122 Capitol Av. WRITE for list of used motorcycles. W carry a full lln of THOR part.. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO.. Omaha. READING STANDARD motorcycl. cheap. Used one month. Address J. C, Rnbnght. IMP Farnam BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET In or out of business call oo QAXQE)TA. 04 Bee bldg. TeL P. fc"7. BUSINESS CHANCES (.Continued.) TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE Sea Midland lnv. Co., 103 McCague Blng. SEE t'S FIRST For Anv Kind of huslness IN THE CITY OR OUT. GROCERY STORES, all good ones, prices from $.100 to $3,000; first class locations and nil money-makers. MIDLAND INVESTMENT CO. BAKERY, with rcstauriint in connection. In good Nebraska town of 1,500; first class fixtures and fountain; receipt $1,000 a month; stock and fixtures Invoice about $2,000; a money-maker. See MIDLAND INVESTMENT CO. BLACKSMITH SHOP, a complete set of tools and giisollne engine: plenty of work; cash business with gjoj profit; only one in unaii town, with good territory to draw from; $.7) for everything. MIDLAND INVESTMENT CO. A RESTAURANT SNA I', a big money maker; town of fitw on the main line of the U. P.; carries Hue of light groceries, good fountain,; 7 sleeping room.s in connec tion, hotel plan; the price is light, v. MIDLAND INVESTMENT CO BARBER SHOP, 3 chairs, fixtures the best money will buy; town or 2,500, Id east ern Nebraska; rent only $it a month, . In bank building; rerelpts $75 to $:K) a week. For price anil further particulars see MIDLAND INVESTMENT CO. GENERAL MERCHANDISE utock. now and up to date; In good Nebraska trading town; large territory to draw from; stock will Invoice about $3.0X; sales J50 a day; will mnke liberal discount for quick sale. MIDLAND "INVESTMENT CO. HARDWARE, furniture, harness and buggies; a new, clean, up-to-date f took; in voice about $7,000; in growing Nebraska town or 1,000, with a large territory to draw from; a good, honest business doing $20,000 a year. Sickness reason for selling. MIDLAND INVESTMENT CO. BARBER SHOP, a Jim-dandy; ti chairs, all up to date and of the best; In a city within 75 miles of Omaha; best location In town: business about $180 a week. The price is right, and If you want a good t'hop see MIDLAND LN VESTMENT CO., 103-4 M'CAGUE BLDG. A MONEY MAKING INVESTMENT WILL PAY YOU 18 PER CENT. Amounts of $100 and up. Only very small amount Of stock to be so placed. How much of it do you Want? Business proven success. Co-Operatlon of big firms. Facts and figures that Enable you to see Just Why this Is possible. Xo secret about it. Not a stock selling sen erne, But strictly a business Proposition of magnitude. Our reason extra profit To us on volume thia year. Address Immediately 630, Bee. ACRE-BOND8. a gllt-edsed securltv tvar- ticipating In the profits of a great co-opera- iivh iik mm orange orcnara in tne proven Galveston-Houston district, where growers realize $.100 to $1,000 an acre annuallv. Conservatively estimated to return 200 per cent profit. Your Investment absolutely secured; no speculation. Company com posed of leading bankers and business men of Houston and practical fruit growers. Highest endorsements of bank officials. If you wish to Invest ISO or more, oash or monthly payments, write today. Literature and full particulars sent free and postpnid. American uan ana mortgage CO., lvs American Bank Bldg., Houston, Texas. 'I know where you can get a drug store for 75 per, cent of its cash value. Address, P. 0. Box 97, Burr, Neb. I. HAVE some nice five-room cottages for sale on and near 42d and Grand Ave. A. Chapman, 4203 Grand Ave. A SNAP. 52 ACRES near Fort Crook car line, .at $200 per acre, the finest land in this sec tion of ' the county; must be sold at once. See Bock, The Bargain Man, 6ti X. 2ith St. 'Phone South 756, South Omaha. HARDWARE, $,000, clean, up-todate stock; paying business; best town in York county, Xebraska; cash and time' on this exceptional proposition. J. 11. Johnson, 678 Brandeis. An Omaha wholesale and retail establish ment of years' standing, doing a business of $200,000 annually, and the largest and strongest concern of Its kind between Chi cago and the coast, is willing to sell ten thousand dollars' worth of its treasury stock, which pays bigger dividends than and Is every bit as safe as any bank. This is done in order to handle a greater volume of business, which may easily he had. Only a few representative investors are desired: Address J 713, oare Bee. WILL Invest $2,O00, in addition to city property yielding $670 per annum for good income property. K-620, Bee. S. Fogel TO BUY OR oELL. 32S Neville Block. Doug. $121. FOR BALE Well established grocery store, excellent location. Business about KJ0.000 per year. Address, J. B. And;rson & Son, 29-231 Broadway, West, Little Falls, Minn. A FIRST-CLASS, up-to-date hoe store in county seat town of 6,0oo population, lo cated in western Nebraska; the only ex clusive shoe store In town. The stock will invoice about a,0o0, and doing a yearly business of $tS,imo. For further particulars address Y-2tiU, Bee. FOR SALE Restaurant with eight furn ished rooms In Iowa town of l.oOO. Must sell quick, good reason. Snap. Address, Y-472, care Bee. SEE tne tor city and farm Investments. Alex Chapman, 330 Neville Blk., D. Ions. FOR SALE Hotel, 30 rooms; money maker, clearing $1j0 per muiilh. Come and stay and be convinced. 2.00 house only. Address John M StevciiU. Scott City, Kan. PATENT secured or fee returned; Illus trated guide book and list of Inventions wanted free to any address; patents se cured by us advertised free In World's Progress;' sample copy free. Victor J. Evans & Co., F St.. Washington, D. C FOR SALE or trade; good meat market in live town of 1,500 population. Northeastern Nebraska; will take good land in part puy ment. Box D, Crelghton, Nob. .FOR SALE Blacksmith shop In eastern Kansas town, with good location, giod business and good reason for selling. Write for particulars. J. W . lerreil, Burlingitme, Kan. STOCK, bond offering, Industrial, mining, railway or electric, wanted for sale; com mission basis. Address, full particulars, Clinetele, P. O. Box 976, New York. WANTED Resident manager for loan business; must have at least $1.0u0. See our ad In financial column. Kanter & Co, 454 E. 47th St., Chicago. REST opening in United States for candy maker with $..i as partner in retail snnp, E. J. Steele. 616 West Mistletoe Ave., San Antonio, Texas. Population 140.000. INCOME of I.V0 to $7i) per acre; rlt for full particulars and Intorniut ion as to how Oils can be made from U'l ln em inent of $-' pee a. re per month: ork gu iraui 'en. Arrow Lake orchard. Ltd., Dept. IS. 1 . r,. Lethbrldge, Alberta. MONEY making books, plans. Mens, formulas, seeret. etc. Mutual Exchargi, Columbus. O. CORPORATION CHARTERS Any utsie; liberal, safe camp; sdt.e : free; stock gusrn.iieed. U S l.eijal Cor poration. Wuaiiluaton, O. C, ftpt tatpting l,22.Ml,0utt. ) BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) There Is Somebody Somewhere Interested in Your Proposition Advertise. A Ten Dollar Note for a Flyer. will carry u 25-word classified Ad. Into over a million homes one time (any day) in entire list: GIVE t'S A trial-pocket guide FREE. n i ton Hpi-ald. Purrslo Kxpret.it, PilMmore Nwi, &rftiuit Hsraltl, riuvldnnea Tribune, 'lAvplnd leader, 1m Molnra R. A LoiJrr. lmr RepubHra-n, an Krn. lronki, Atlanla 1'niiatltutlon, tiiiMan Nawa. Chli.a'i Kei-ord-llemld, Kunaaji City Journal. Philadelphia Reeoitt, (mah Uro, I'iiuburg llL)uh. Nw Haven Lender, St. Liui Olb4-L-rrri. V. nthlnifton Fiwt, Milwiuk' Free Prewt rtnHnnatt Kmtufrer, MinntapnllH TriMmy, Detroit Krr Prenn, Indmiiapnlta Sows, Consult with this office on your adver tising campaign. Special lists of newspa pers and magazines prepared to meet your requirements. This office has built many meritorious advertising successes. Can it help you to do the suine? Refer ences any paper. KCDULPH GUEXTlIEli, 115 BROADWAY. X. Y. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR SAVINGS PAY YOU 16 PER CENT. Have you $j00 that you would Like to have earn 18 per cent this Coming year? Business proven Success. Creation o rvolume For coming year makes this offer Possible. We make much more Than thla by creating this Volume, but you can have 18 per cent. We are not philanthropists. Xor are we going to give you Something for nothing, but If You would like to have 18 per cent on some of your money for a year, This will make It possible. Facts and figures for your In vestigation. You will appre ciate them and see quickly. Amounts of $100 up taken on This plan. Only limited amount. Immediate action necessary. Address 8:10, Bee. WAXT to use $9,600 on first mortgage and for privileges desired offer special induce ments as below. Security Omaha property worth $22,500. Will pay 7 per cent and bonus of $10 per lot (70 lots). Want privilege of "paying on or before" and releases on re payment of pro rata part of loan. Borrower has known good business standing. An swers received In perfect confidence. Ad dress at once, A 637, Bee. FOR SALE An up-to-date stock of gen eral merchandise, mostly dry goods, ladies' suits and furnltiiings. groceries and shoes. Best stock and business In town of 1,200. northeast Nebraska, within 50 miles of Sioux city. The stock Is in a modern, double store room, 60xS0, with balcony, rent $65 per month and can have long time lease. Have Just traded for the above and will sell at a big discount below Invoice. This won't keep. Don't wait. Address Lake & wannaugh, Plorre, 8. D. MOXEV My business Is getting money for companies by selling their shares. Promoter, 610 Paxton. ON HAXD TODAY. Immediate delivery, subject prior sale, etc. 1 United Wireless pfd., transferable, $22. 6 United Wireless pfd.. transferable. JIM. 8 United Wireless prd.. transferable $18.50 20 United "Wireless pfd., transferable, !. 11 Unit. Wireless pfd., stamped, but irausieraDiv, 1.000 Lost Gulch United Mines, 311c. 1.000 Sultana-Arlxona, $5 par. S3c. 1 Albaugh-Dover Con.panv, $65. WESTERX STOCK & BOND CO., CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE, with or without stock or rent, building of old established furniture credit business In Newark, New Jersey; best retail location, four floors Btreet to street "BUSINESS, Room 817, No. 115 Broadway. N. Y. IXVKNTOR'S FIRST AID. sketching out fit, pocket library (ten little books, etc.) on approval, $1, worth $5; sample, catalogue. Engineering Searclilrg Co., 1403-Ou X. Y. Ave. X. W., Washington, D. C INVENTORS, patentees and men with bright Ideas can secure the support of a $2,000,000 corporation for any proposition of proven merit by writing to p. o. Box 383, New York City. INCORPORATE your BUSINESS. Money easier obtained; IMPROVED share selling plan; small oust. Promoter, till Paxton. To buy. sell or trade, anything, any place. See H. Holdrege, 620 N. i!4th. So. Omaha. FOR BALE Four-chair barber shop, two bath rooms and electric machine; good lo cation. Inquire Edtar Benolt, 12v East Main St.. Lead, S. D. ALL OR one-hal Interest In good real estate business; cannot handle the business alone. Will be priced at worth of furni ture. Also have a good typewriter for sale. E 75, Bee. H.M.MUXXECKE, collections. 5i4 Brandeis. 33,000 ACRES of Kit Carson county, Colo rado land is to be sold by trtisice at auction June 23. See the big ad on page 4, land section. UX1TED WIRELESS, Preferred. 1 will sell 10 to 20 shares transferable stock, $211 60 per share. A. O. Anderson, Peterson, la. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop; best loca tion In Weld county. Apply to Frank Mo Dougall, Lucerne, Col. TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE, See Midland lnv. Co., h'-i McCague Bldg, FOR UL'ICK SALE. Fine buslntss, excellent location In heart of city, net protlta 1 were fi.'JA: fix tures, 4t00, included; J:."! catit reijuii'td; Al opportunity for young muriied man. 11 712, Bee. WANTED Street attraction for Fourth of July celebration. Address, Ed Mat thleaen, Secretary, Blair, Neb. SPECULATORS and liivestui-H: Taylor's 1'iiianciul Predictions, stocks, cotton and grain sent free foi a year. Ii you will send me the addresses of It n aciiiiiiiitdnces who ai active speculators. U. F. Taylor, 2 Hereon Bldg., Syracuse, X. Y. OSTRICH FARM-400 birds at Phoenix, Arizona, fur salu at a low figure. Address Trustees Zippcrleln Estate, HIS Land Title Bldg.. Philadelphia, Pa. U 11 EAT Send for booklet, "Facta and Figures," describing option trading and market letters; butii free. Osborn Oraln Co., Minneapolis, Minn. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, Sd floor, Paxton. D lOUa. TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas St. Read the auto s The mny r dealers, hag pla nlightly used used j 7 On tod raoblleg", r CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 160T. Farnam St. Dmiglar CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS E II OLSEN Practical Builder., IU. iX. WXJOrjiM, KlltIn,tes FurnlsheJ Tel. Benson 260. BEAVER 130AKD ter. American Supply Co.. Ilia Farnam STEVENSON ROOF1NU CO.. gravel am composition roofing. Ill S. loth St. Tel. Doug. aU9, lnd. A-l."ii2. Res., Websltr ZH. CONTRACTINO CA RPKXTER. JOBBlA D. W16, A-2ri6. Frank U. Reward. IMi " Wlh. Screens, repairing, new work, col ctete. "The Man Who Knows How. '.' DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agency. US Paxton. IX Ul CAPT. T. CORMACK. 517 Karbnch. D. K DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, ?72 Faniam, Tel. H i EVERYTHING FOR WOMEtt 17T A ITT Dru"'"". nonalcohollo an V 1 r V i nonsurgical treatment; It ha . spared the lives of thousand ui men ana women; 4uu-page book free. 81 BRANDEIS BLDG., OMAHA. ARSEX1C and IRON complexion wafer make cltar, white skin. By mail Mm an $1.00. Sherman & McConnull Drug C.i Omaha. 1 CHINA decorating; nrder work a special ly. Lessons Tuesdnv Thn..,i.u u...... ruing uauy. unuuren s classes Sat iua illuming, airs. C. C. HimufttA. uranaeis tfldg. Tel. Red 6186. . E. P. BRUCE. Moline Pianos. 413 McCagu! SANITARY H-y "DRESSING Partort t ,7. , twl:h made from corrl Tl axion liik. Tel. Doug, 4, THE FRENCH AVAY rVhon' iv hiuium ueauiuuiiy ary cleaned. THE PARLOR THEATER! In a "clasi mUalon"' bl ""W fr th""'" Winona BEAMLESS hosiery. Best rth. 61 Bee Bldg. D. 43S Dress Pleating, Buttons Covere All sizes and styles. Ideal Dealing Co.. i Douglas block. Both 'phones. is-incn Willow plumes. $2.25 and u feather cleaned. Penned. 1611 Dougla. MAKE your own furnliure one-four i fi ee fj"11"1""". complete direction send 10 cents for hall-seat pattern. Hor furniture Pattern Co., 403 Potter Bldi Birmingham, Ala. ' EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDE BJ2.iV,ON'EY "Wnir calla miles ea i bout It and send a fine bu b for V " a Wortser,. Ben Lomond. Cal. ...., nu, niurKet: I w tail you . ' SWEET POTATO PLANTS any Kinounc you need Phone Benson 3 or write A. D. F'erguson jeiiBoi, iveb. i Nurseries. T'RFITT'S nd plants that irrnt. V i rt k- .Vl.Mr.neray- Orescent Xuriev' fj FLORISTS HE93 A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas A. DONAOHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-M J- F- WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la.; lai ?0 .T!!i0"?'".W flow! Buippaa anywner.- in U. L. Henderson. 1519 Farnam. Doug. BRANDEIS' CUT FLOWER DICPtT FURNACES A'ND REPAIRS i .?A? WATER HEATERS, VASES for Parks, yards and cemeteries, tank h er8".n,1 . h.le' fronts and furnac iwM.AKA VE REPAIR WORKS" 120h-g Douglas St. Both Phonej HELP WANTED FEMALE A grata and Salcaladloa. AIS 1 ED Experienced salesladi.a ntbon department. Apply SupeilntendJ i". - Ui' U..v "ollcltors. We guaraJ 7 i 7i '7, V 1 c" make 12 to $3 i un.r UMirilirig HI illl Boutll Ave. Ask for V. E. June. 1 3 Clerical and Office. - y BRIOHT high school girl that want' j business education stenograplier, t i T 1 keeper or most any of tho trades. Wt4- ..iti, .... ' pay for your schooling and asslut you 1 jf position. Address L 715. Bee FIRST-CLASS public stenographer stand - roic. oiiap. nargain. Account of per sui:al interests. Address C 022. Bee. J.--' STENOGRAPHERS, clerks, cashiers us for a position. No charge unless place you. IRK CANO AGENCY, 432 Bee Bldli WE NEED AT ONCE: Cashier, hotel, $35 and board. i Stenographer, $."i5. i Open Monday till noon. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N. 11 752-54 X. Y. Life Bldg. (Em. 8 years! KTENOGRA Pll ER, V I-$i . STENOGRAPHER and cashier, $. STKNOiiRAPHER. insurance, $40. CASHIER, hotel. ti',. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE Ct 75 Brandeis Bldg. Factory and Trades. TWENTY-FIVE girls at one; itui.. wages and steady work. Bernl Omaha Bag Company. Entiame off Eleventh sh.. viaduct. WANTED A limited number of girl telephone work. Apply Traffic department. Neb. phone Co. llousr keepers and Domestic GOOD girl for general housework. II week. Mis. Cowderoy, 1325 So. 3'ith 1- rOMPKTENT, eral housework. Permanent girl 1,1 Tel. Harney 422J. GOOD girl wanted for genial bou'e'H no wasniug. lkl N,' 21st Ave. lei. u si. I iji Cook and second 'th S"L girl wanted V 1-4 I i T i i Ii M