, i .tzTttt? , 37 ! m. , .... , 0 Want - Ads Want ads received at any time, bat to Insure proper classification mt be presented before lit o'clock M. for the rtrnlig edition and before Ti.lO o'clock of previous crenlna; for morn Ins and Bandar edition. Want gill received after aucU boors will have their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to Classify." Cash mast accompany nil ordera for riant ads and no advertisement will be accepted for tea than ZO cent for first Insertion. Ilatea apply to either The Dolly or Sunday Bee. Always connt six words to o line. CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGLAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 1-3 cents per word and 1 Feat per word for each subsequent Insertion. Bach Insertion raado on odd days, 1 1-3 cents per word, 1.50 per llac per month. Want ada for The Dee may be left at any of the following drag stores one Is year "corner drug-gist" they are all branch offices for The Bee nnd your nd will be Inserted Just as promptly nnd on tho same rates on at the main office of The Ilec Building, Seventeenth and Farnam streets. Alhaoh. V. C.. 4'ith and Karnam. Heraiick, B. A..; 1403 8. ICth St. J'ayton Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St. Hcnson Pharmacy, B.Misnn, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blakp-Bradlftli. 2S16 Sherman Ave. CaiiRhlin, c. 11., 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Hlnterlong Drug Co., 81st Ave and Far nam St. CrlKsey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2223 S. 16th SL (Vrmak. Emll, 1264-6 S. lath St. Khler. F. .. 2N2 Leavenworth. Pouter & Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th St. Ffeytag. J. J.. 1914 N. 24th St. Fregger Drug Co.. 13( N. 16th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Green's pharmacy, Park Ave and Pacific. Orcenough. G. A.. 105 S. 10th St. Oreenough, O. A., Tenth and Hickory. Harden. William C. 2.120 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1501 8. 29th Ave MOM, John, 624 N. 16th St. Hutf, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. Jolianson Drug Co., 21th and Spalding. King, H. 8., 223S Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Mare, Fred L., 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick. Drug Co., 1624 N. 21th St. Lathrop, Charles R.. 1324 N. 24th St. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven worth -Sts. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Schuster's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and (.nicago ata. 8fhaefer, August, 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H.. 2lth and Cumin St. alnut 11:11 Pharmacy 40th and Cuming. vauun rnnrmacy, a.tn ana urace sts. Wlrth, O. H., 40lh and Hamilton Sts. : MAHHIAUH LICENSES, The following permit to wed has been granted!- -"J - J Nanre nt' Residence. Age Odin C. Knudsen, Omttlia 22 Mable McCullough, Omaha is jonn W. Hallam, Tabor, la 36 viva A. Jackson, Sliver City, la 21 H. E. Webster, Denver 33 Ada E. vvnite, Denver uesley B. Walch, Eagle 33 Lucy F. Martin, Omana 22 Jack Herr, Chlengo 27 Jaaoei HIlea, Animon, la 2o Ivan Kerlle, South Omaha 27 juary nraran, euutn Omaha 24 Louis Kulskcfsky, Omaha 23 jeua Kaplan, south omuha 22 ANNOUNCEMENTS MONEY ! TO LOAN LOW "Alt, In sums to rhuna Ijmiv vuni UNION kUA.M BARGAINS --"'y)VClto3tneing.''!ta' MUEDAiA.VS LOAN BANK, Jul 8. iJirl, Colt LGLUi.Ad. TEL. D. 6325, DIAMONDS WE AKE SELL. 1NG DIAMOND A T 40 PER Lii. - L1:Lji Cool'. iUur.ey to loan, itiuukvy aeueiry jo., 1401 Douglas tit. Fence Iron and Wire ' Champion Fence Co.. ICth At Jackson SU. Tel. it. 1500. WliXJUi.NU line and presents; complete riocli. oun.afHon & Meuurickauu, 201 N. ICth. DIAMONDS Saa1 81 PER CAHAT .a -ilex , 1 1 1 .i'c vniicii is pi at 1. cully tne saiuu s u uiau.uUii: ui uua.u.., una k-uurkie uuaiu toed lurvei'. call or write fur catalogue. De Lung Jeftciry Co., Uii MuCaj;ue uiug., lath uuu uuugu. vii:aiii, neu. liAKKKtt KUOik PAINT CO. Wholaulc-roi.t.l, JUtioH Fat cam tU. bher- wn:- 1...U.US ittu.U,'o... aiinaiio, wuaM. white luud, wau paper, biunea, g.an.ii; bad piciuiU) iramiug. itU. jjcu, Duugia 4.60, iUU A-imil, ICE CUE AM ,,ALWYS '"m ukst. Wedfcowood Cro. Butler. Hardiiig Cream Co. LAV KOt'HEU HOME COOICINQ. Alklrs, 31u S. lulh, upstairs. ELEVATORS REPAIRED. Ficlght.Pas seugvr. J. It. Kenneuy. ivl S. lZlh. Doug. 2lu. j MAGGAP.D Van & Stoiage or Omaha liunk. van u btoiage Co. Pack, move. M,oie ana ulp H. 11. g..uds. D. Itjo. B-24A. n r Will move to Its new location, lfos Farnam. WE ARE IN OMAHA lO STAY. orr, CASH OR CREDIT u0. aAVED on graduutloii presenta. KANDU'AUj Jewelry Co, 3d floor, axton B.k. STORE OCR FINE FURS IN MOTH PtttHiF VAULTS. Nominul coat. SHU Ki.lli a. i:th and Harney. l.ATTON-BO W MAN HWD. CO. AOENTS P. F, CORU1N BUILDERS' HARDWARE. CONTRACTORS' SUP PLIES. 1615 Farnam. Phone Douglas 6Si4. t'VOand L04?K SMITHING, HKKU N 11j 1 O L.0 Douglas, upstairs. D. 27t A. E. P.OUERTS. tellablo emp. agent. Successor to Martin & Co., lull Capitol Ave. SHOES called for and delivered free. Standard Shue Repair Co.. 1MX Farnam. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 75c a large bot tle. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE, &2 N. 16th fcl. Diuglas CtviU. JOHN NITTUIR HomDi.&uJr,er LUXFS 'nUs: BEER YO'J LIKE. Douglas 13, Red 3SU. ludepoadenL A-142& LYNCH BROS. hLU1MSAIT?N(iNU REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. 7 & Km. i Puumt Duuglas 14 7. FINE clock repairing; prices right; call, deliver. Belknap. fcundeiland Bldg. 1'Mhlte.Ll.AS RECOVERED AND RE PAHUuD. Lu. F. Pickering, M . liih til. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) WE ARE LEADERS SW'TS AND 8EK un first before having those pictures lramcd or telephone Doug. lo4 and a man will call on you witn samples of moldings. OMAHA ART AND FRAME CO., 707 8. 161 h St. P T VUI . Locksmith. Lawn Mowers yj' oiiMLJ snarpened; call and deliver. I do repairing. 170D Leavenworth. D. 4377, A -43X6. GET Missouri Filters, 1310 Howard St. Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Works, 1620 8. 10th St. Tel. Dougla 4367. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. THE 1900 WASHER CO. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF THEIR STORE, 1611 HOWARD STREET. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND SEE HOW OL'H ELECTRIC. WATER AND HAND WASHERS AND WRINO ERS ELIMINATES DRUDUERV OF WASH DAlf. DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order. 103 So. 10th St. ED ROTHERY Proprietor Schlitz No. 2, full line of wines, liquors and clgaru; merchants' lunch nerved from 10 a. in. to 2 u. m.. regular n.ouis at all liouia; suariK-ri s in Uinaha and visitors to the city always welcome and Bhown every attention; Information bureau in connection, wnere all lnquir.es are oneer- fully answered. A can appreciated. Ill SOUTH FOURTEENTH STREET CLARK jy- SIGNS OMAHA VACUUM CLEAN1NU CO. Cunuacls for cleanliiK houaea. halls, chun nea, opera bouses, etc W. 6946 and Multigraph Work Typewritten leneis uupllcaled. J. C, Nortnup, t06 Paxion. Douglas 66S5. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your house and porch screened fror.i THE OMAHA WINDOW SCREEN CO., A CANl 1 A K X NECESSll'K OR EVERY HUME. C24 N. 16th St. Call Doug. 4692. BEAVER BOARD ftnW..- ier. American supply ,o., ills J.' amain. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west, 16lh and Howard Sts. Turkish Baths ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and W Ire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 107 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 814- THE City Garbage Co., Tel. Douglas 13M7, leans vaults, ccsupools and removes ma il re, asliea and all kinds of refuee. THE HOME FURNITURE CO.. 20 per cent less than Omaua prices; 2utn and L Sts. GAIN health & wealth. Adv. under Colo, lands tells how. Western Land & In v. Co. WHERE DOES THE CROWD GOT TO THE PARLOR THEATER. OF COURSE. Get your WEDDING RINGS at FRED BRODEUAARD S. It inaures good luck. 116 ti. 10th St., at the sign of the Crown. WEDDING rings made by hand, sold by weight. T. L. Combs 4k Co., lu2o Douglas. UMBRELLAS recovered and repaired; supplies. Wfc.sI'EKN UMBRELLA Co., 182J Farnam. Red 74Ti THE SICK MADE WELL wltnout medi cine; the Oxygenator cures dUeases with oxygen; tree book. . C. C. Johnsou, Be an ice, Neb, GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH K PTS! A. JEl ii. 1m Douglas St. " ul' JOHN E. U1MOE, shirts, 630 Paxton Blk. WESTERN DUPLICATING CO.. 403 Bee Bldg, Multlgraphed letters. Douglas 8641. NOTHING more cooling or lef leaning than a giass ot ice cream soda at the Beii Lnug Co.'s fountain, 1216 Farnam Su S. H. Cole Sign Co., D. 876$. 1816 Farnam. IJ A T M T S Clil-ENAMEL, JAPALAC. L JVi 1 O duN pkoOF PAINT. SARATOGA DRUG CO.. 24tU ds Aiue Ave. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. TH li1 PA RISI FRENCH DRY CLEAN Xillj t Silvio 1NU co N. Win St. Douglas 2J13, B-24. li. F. WURN, Optician. 421 Brsndels Bldg. MKlJCfl ANTS' 150 and 0 lunch All-ill llr4 lO. AlluLAiNO CAFii. PrtlVATE DlNliNG ROouia. ill N. lulu St. V IT fir Qli'.M Practical Builder, w11") Lsuuiaiea 1-uimsiiei lei. tSeuHun too. DELMON1CO Cafe, 017 N. 16th; Chinese cud Mexican UiSiiea. a.l hours; best meal, )-o up. iVOUAKS ttnu upplle; largest stock; iVVyiilVO AWAltlLU FlMSiUNO best work. DEalPS'l'ER, 1215 Farnam St. THE NOVELTY STORE It a worth a vi. n to nee tne large line of novelty goods, ulc. A. E. Julia, propu 2j.N. S4t.i bt.. bun til Omuha. AUTOMOBILES JDRUMMOND Sells Busgw.i. axes- AUlO Wagons. Repairs Auloa and all kinds of OPS, BulldH usviunes. uiu aim iiaruey sts, WRITE for Hint of automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRlCKSON AUTO Co., Omaha. FOR SALE One l:09 model 7-patscnger White bivuincr uulo. complete equipments. Has omy been run 12.001) u.lies. Com io.100. Will sell for li, mm. No traaes wilt be eon sidercu. object of sale faoing iu fc.urop. William II. urarelon. Monmouth, 111. BARGAINS in used cars; expert repair ing Agent lor Oaaiand. biavv V Welcu. U'LVi'YRE AUTO CO, LiUi Faioum. bEND lor our list of second-hand cars, DKR1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 Farnuui iL (lle 30 UIOWEBT AUTO CX. Jl AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds ot broken cylinders, crank case and castings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. . Council Bluffs, la. FOR RENT Large two-story brick barn, for automobiles and stor.ig-. 123 H. 2Jlh Ave. BARGAIN IN FULLY EQUIPPED AUTO For sale. 40 h. p. Oakland touring car; 1900 model; fully equipped, with lop, wind shield, speedometer, bumper, electric side and tail tamps, chains, extra casing and carriers, 4 extra inner tubes and magneto; has Just been mechanically overhauled and painted; cheap for qulok sale, tl,3iu. No trade considered. L. M. PKGAU, ZMl Manderson Sr. pfcMie Webier 2iJ0. Omaha. AUTOMOBILE (JOGGLES. lio to 13. i COLUMBIA OPTICAL Co., 2C4I SU . H.U. AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) 1909 PTODDA RD-DA YTON touring car, with top and full equipment; used but little $2,300 1909 Stoddard-Dayton roadster with top and full equipment; ued but little; fine condition 2,000 1D07 Stoddard-Dayton touring car, 7 paBsenger;. full equipment; over hauled 1,500 Waverly electric, without battery.... Ia0 With battery 350 Reo touring car, two-cylinder, 1906 model 400 1907 ritoddard-Dayton, with touring car body and limousine body; all In good condition 2,000 DER1UHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. ISIS Farnam St. FOR SALE Flve-pasenger Stanley; newly painted; perfect mechanical condi tion; full equipment; extra casings, tubes, top, glass front; bought In April, 1909; reason for selling, want the money. Ad dress, W. Carey Lewis, M Adams St.. Chicago)- Antn Pninfino- "Murphy Did It." Get auio x aiming our prlces. andrew MURPHY & SON, 1412 Jackson. TIRE REPAIRING ScffiV WC8t AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO.. 1920 Farnam. M otoreyclea. OfW discount on new bicycles and u motorcycles this month. Re- f airing and sundries at lowest prices, 'lescher Motorcycle Co, 1622 Capitol Av. WRITE for list of used motorcycles. We carry a full line of THOR part". NE URASKA CYCLE CO.. Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on QANGESTAD, 404 Be Uldg. Tel. D. 367. S. Fogel TO BUY OK LL 329 Neville Block. Doug. S123. FOR SALE Well established grocery store, excellent - location. Business about 2U,ooo per year.. Address, J. B. Anderson & Son, 22V-231 Broadway, West, Little Falls, Minn. SINCE FEBRUARY 1ST DR. BALD WIN, Specialist, has treated sticcesHtuily 1.6 patients. He Is building a sanitarium at Lake Andes to be 30x50, three stories above ihe basement. It in In view of the beauti ful Lake Andes, which is stocked with fish. nnd on which are motor boms. Patients can boat ana tish, take treatments and get well; no cruel operations. They otter 3 snares or stuck for mia at nou Der snare. 10 per cent semi-annual interest and 6 per cent dividend guranteed. Dr. N. B. Bald win, Lock Box 96, Lake Andes, a. v. 6EE me for city and farm investments. Alex Chapman. 330 Neville Blk.. D. 1698. FIRST class restaurant for sale, doing fine business in town of fourteen thousanu inhabitants, poor health, reason for selling. Address Y406, Omana Bee. OWNERS Let me IMPROVE your VA CANT lots, FREE. Ferguson, 610 Paxton. INCORPORATE your BUSINESS. Money easier obtained; IMPROVED share selling pian; small cost. promoter, 611 Paxton. A YOUNG man who has had ten years' experience as a carpenter toreinan and assistant superintendent, who is thoroughly versed in all builuing trades, wants a posi tion with a good reputable firm. G-60. Bee. To buy, sell or trade, anything, any place. See H. Holdrege, 620 N. 24th. So. Omaha. BLACKSMITH business, machinery, tools and stock for sale. R. D. HUne, George town, Colo. FOR SALE Four-chair barber shop, two bath rooms and electric machine; good lo cation. Inquire Eagar Benoit, i2 East Main St., Lead, S. D. 111. nVt nnn.holf In1ur.nl In Omrwl rfl i estate business; cannot handle the business alone. Will bo priced at worth of furni ture. Also have a good typewriter for FOR SALE Drug store doing good busi ness in good Iowa town of 6,000 population; must get out of the store on account of ill health; would consider exchange for real estate and right valuation. Address Y 369, care Bee. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop; best loca tion in Weid county. Apply to Frank Mo Dougall, Lucerne, Col. HOTEL Live Iowa town, brick, 22 rooms, furnace heat, gas plant, modern water plant run by gas engine. Only hotel, near ueuot. well patronized: 50 miles to nearest good hotel. Want to sell building and equipment. Will consider some trade, either taiin or city property. Andres., o U8. care Bee. WHEN answering advertisements in The Beu want Ad columns, kindly mention the tact that you taw the ad. in The Bee. TO BUY, SELL OR TRADE, See Midland lnv. Co., Iu3 McCague Bldg. FOR SALE FULLY EQUIPPED RES TAURANT; beat location In South Omaha. Apply 411 N. 2tiih St., .Sou ill Omaha. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 105 Farnam St. Douglas 6497. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK. 3d floor, Paxton. D.1066. TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 151! Douglas St. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agency. 42S Paxton. D. 1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 517 Karbach. D. ISJJ EDUCATIONAL THE SPRING TERM AT Boyles College, is now open duy and night. Students are admitted any day. Prepare for profitable positions In BOOKKEEPING, SHORT HAND, TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPH k. CIVIL SERVICE, sure to be open in the tail. The catalogue is ready. Apply for it. BOl'LES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Both 'Phones. SPRING TERM MOSIIER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled course in business, short hand, penmanship aDd English. Nona but experienced teachers. Day and evening sesbions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished in Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41st and CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner, iMli Charlei. Haiuoy 23S3. EVERYTHING -f-UR WUMEN Vl'A V 1 nonsurgical treatment; It has spared the lives of thousands ot men and women; 40o-pat;a book free. 812 URANDr.ld BLDG.. OMAHA. ARSENIC and IKON complexion wafers make clear, white skin, by mall LOc and 1 00. Sherman & MuConnell Drug Co , Omaha. CHINA decorating; ordi-r work a special ty. LeaHona Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's eiasses Sat urdsy morning. Mrs. C. I'. Hungata, K94 Biandeis Bldg. Tel. Red M6. E. P. BRUCE. Molln Pianos. 411 McCagua. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) Si A 'Ml TAT? V HAIRDRESSINO Parlors, omuinin Switches made from comb ings, iL&O. C01 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 4671. THE FRENCH WAY gSJV.hrn.S Ladles' clothes beautifully dry cleaned. THE PARLOR THEATER Is in a "class" by ltsolf, a big show for the smallest ad mission. Winnnn SEAMLESS hosiery. Best on "moua earth. 519 Bee Bldg. D. 4337. Dres3 Pleating, Buttons Covered All sixes and styles. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. Both 'phones. 18-Inch Willow plumes, 12.25 and up. Feathers cleaned. Pennell. lull Douglas. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Narserles. TTRTiTF.R "n1 Plants that grow. F. W. i-iiijiJkJ Meneray. Crescent Nursey Co.. Omaha yard, 21st and Farnam Sts. 'Phone Harney 4660. FLORISTS HES3 & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Douglas 300). A. DONAGHUE, 1607 Far. V. 1001; A-1001 J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, la.; larg est greenhouse in west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere in U. S. L. Henderson. 1519 Farnam. Doug. 12iS. BRAN DEIS' CUT FLOWER DEPT. FURNACES AND REPAIRS GAS WATER HEATERS, VASES for parks, yards and cemeteries, tank heat ers 2 and 4 hole, water fronts and furnaces. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1206-8 Douglas St. Both Phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Afcsta ss4 Salesladies. WANTED Experienced salesladies in ribbon department. Apply Superintendent, Brandels Stores. Clerical and Office. CASHIER AND STENOGRAPHER. CHECKING CLERK and typist lor whole sale hOURC. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 673-75-77 Brandels Bldg. BRIGHT high school girl that wants a business education stenographer, book keeper or most any of the trades. We will pay for your schooling and assist you to a position. Address L 715, Bee. W A XT T I." 1 A n AvnAlAnn& aalAnn.nmnn In leather goods department. Apply at once to Superintendent, Brandels Stores. FIRST-CLASS public stenographer stand for sale. Snap. Bargain. Account of per sonal Interests. J Address C 622, Bee. CIGAR girl, $40 per month. 413 Bee Bldg. Fac! and Trades. TWENTY-FIVE gtrls at ' once; good wages and steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag Company. Entrance oft Eleventh street viaduct. ' TWO girls wanted. Experience unneces sary. Olympla Candy Co., 1518 Harney. Housekeepers and Domestics. GOOD girl for -general housework, 16 per week. Mrs. Cowcleroy, 1326 bo. wtn Bt. COMPETENT, permanent girl for gen eral housework. ' Tel. Harney 4229. GOOD girl wanted for general housework, no washing. 140 N. 81st Ave. Tel. II. 2064. Cook and second girl wanted at 818 a. 20th St. v WANTED A general housework girl who can cook. Wages 47 a week with washing, f without waaning. Telephone Dougioa 2j5. Reblueuce, iM Dodge SU GIRL for general housework; $7 per week; no wasnuig. 634 to. 26th St. WANTED A good cook (white); refer ences requirea. gout Jackson SU Tel. Har ney 2307. GOOD competent girl for general house woik; thiee in family; wages 86. Pnone Harney Sm. 1301 8. 32d tot. Mrs. K. j. Ciaucy. YOUNG girl to wash dishes and assist In general Woik. Tel. Har. 3008. U13 to. 13th. WANTED Girl tor general housework In small laiiiny; nm woik. Harney is6s. 004 to. 8oth Ave. GOOD colored cook. 1517 Burt SL GIRL for general housework. 405 N. 15th St GIRL for general housework; no washing. ZZla Burt ot. Tel. Harney 1(120. GIRL fur general houbework; small faunly anu goou pay. 50s to. 201U tot. WANTED A nune girl. 2571 Dodgo. GIRL lor general housework; small faum anu goi.u iui. a. M. Orr, t'luv caruaiu. WANTED Reiiaoie woman lor tioube k1.e4.e1; kiuull laiuily; best wages and tv uvl.vul iioe loi coiupeteat vuu, Ca.l ailer 6 at vwt xewey AV. 'lei. 11. iX. WANTED Girl for general houewora; small fa.Biiy; siuail hwusu. Vnona iiur uey 210. WANTED Experienced girl tor general houaewuiiv; Iuu oe guud cook; lauiiureas eiupiojta. 41u b. &ta ou Tel. imiiny M. GIRL tor general housework, lovl Blu ney St. F11UT-CLAS4 washerwoman. 417 North 2oth bt. COMPETENT girl for geiieral house wora; gouO w4i paid; uouso citaiuug uoue. JJ4 Siiuruiun Ad. 'lei. Weuaioi 41U AN experienced girl for gen oral house noik; wages, su a week. Mis. Ed B. Wil liams. &-3 bo. th St. GIRL for general housework. 120 b. 83d SL GIRL or woman for light housework; no washing or cooking. 234 Ohio. GIRL wanted for general housework; Bo hcmiun ur polish pi el ei l ed. Apply ut 10u6 Farnam. GIRL for general housework; two in fam ily; no washing or ironing. U2l Cass bt. WANTED Good, competent girl to do second work. Mrs. J. F. Wilcox, 1132 East Pierce, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED A whits laundress at once. 133 N. Cd e. GIRL for genera! housework. 6016 Cass St. Telephone Harney 1321. GIRL wanted tor general housework. Mrs. C. W. Hhradur. 2.S24 Blondo SL WANTED A gaod, plain family cook. App.y Xn Cass bt. WANTED Middle-aged woman for gen eral housework; faiuiiy of three. 828 Ueorgia Ave. Phone H. 440u. GIRL to ausl;t wlt! general housework. K. J. Col let t. 1114 Georgia Ave. HOUSEKEEPER for uiau and wife. 2017 Manderjou. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers nnd Domestics Cont'd. second girl kept; two In family. 2450 SL asrjr B Ave. GOOD girl to assist with one child and upstairs work; eany place. 116 S. 32d St Harney 984. WANTED Girl for sjencral housework. 3602 Lincoln boulevard. Phone Harney 540. (11 RT. fur irpntrnl limiRwork. two ill family. Call 415 N. 20th St. GOOD general housework girl, employ alto second girl and washerwoman. 137 b. 36th St GIRL or woman to care for invalid lady; good home; light work. 614 S. 28th St GIRL for general housework; good wages. Call at once. 615 Georgia Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. C. C. Rice. 401 G Cuming St. Tel. Harney 10C3. linuir.,a wnnieci 10 lane. worn nonie; ap plying transfers; tl to 14 dozen; original; reliat 10 firm; work guaranteed. Tnleber's, 1201 f arnam tot., basement. A GIRL for the kitchen work and a sec ond girl. Apply In peiBon. 510 S. 22d St., bet. bt. Mary's and Howard St. Doug. 4430. COOK WANTED-2564 Marcy St. GOOD, reliable rclrl for general house work; wages to. Call 1024 N. 32d St. A RELIABLE second girl, apply person ally. 610 S. 22d St., between St. Mary's Ave. and Howard St. 'Phone Douglas 4430. GIRL for soneral housework. 1004 Chi cago St GOOD washerwoman. 1024 Park Ave. GIRL for general housework; three In family. 2546 California, Cor. 26th St AT ONCE Experienced girl tor general housework; two In family. 88 per week. Call 3316 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 3753. GIRL to help and assist with children; can go home nights. 2ol4 Emmet St WANTED A child to care for; good home. 2006 Bancroft St. EXPERIENCED clrl for general house work; no washing. Mrs. T. E. banders, 1301 S. 86th St Tel. Harney 2320. WANTED A Hood Klrl for general housework, also employ a second girl and wash woman. 137 ti. 36th St -i. vjwv t-f 111 Avi HCIICtai uuuocnuiA, imuii of three. Tel. Wetister 890. 1016 Spencer bt -.-ltll nl.l I U .... I. . au WANTED A Kood cook: small family and highest wages paid. 806 8. 88th St GIRL for general housework; family of four; no washing. 420 to. 15th. Phone Douglas 1829. WANTED Competent nurse girl: one who Is willing to go to country place near Council Biutts tor the summer. 104 to. aun bt Tel. Harney 1138. WANTED A nurse girl to assist with children; color no objection. 108 b. 33d bt Phone Harney 1106. GIRL for general housework and wash ing, 8218 Dodge t Tel. 11. 318. GIRL for general housework. 2215 Howard. GIRL for general housework, small fam ily, no washing, good wages. Phone Bur nt y 4.82; 3616 Dodge. EXPERIENCED girl, good cook $7; no wabhtng opup stairs work. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, 3S16 Uurney. Phone Harney 4760. EXPERIENCED, capable, good appearing head waitress. Apply S. H. Frle, Union Stock Yards, Sou in Omaha. WANTED Girl for general hodsework; small family; good wages. 606 Park Ave. NEAT irlrl far eeneral housework: small family; good wages. Inquire 2523 Capitol Ave. 1 1 , h . T I . . 1 J I. 1 T I in private family out of town In Nebraska; wages, 80; transportation furnlsned; no lauiidry. Mrs. Stubbs, 1811 Farnam bt. 11' A NT T I." T I mnAtA, rr 1 f 1 In fnmllv f)f n All . uli mk vviiivcicii. ' ' two. Apply Mrs. W. J. Burgess, 3812 Harney street GIRL for general housework. 205 S. 35th Ave. WANTED A good plain cook. Mrs. W. W. Marsh, 806 Pine. Miscellaneous. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and Seventeenth St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at Union Station. WANTED Lady for vaudeville act; must be able to sing. Write or call. P. Dalion, Lang hotel LADIES wanted to take work home, ap plying transfers; $1 to 84 dozen; original; re i.uiiiM firm work iruara.nLeeL Trieber's. 1201 Farnam St.. basement PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglas County Hospital, 40th and Poppleton. Ad dress Mabel Christie. LADIES wanted to do stamping; work taken home; experience unnecessary; stead employment. Willis Ward, 102 N. lBth. Hours, 0-6. i.k'.ahjj HAIRDRRSSING It Davs. You can earn 815 to 825 weekly, l ull course laugnu j. i-t. X3rauueis. nairurvMiiiK eyw vait r a K-'nn t. k . . . . . .. . ... i .... b .,iul r ) . - PBULfiU VHWATlK. IImi vudevllli?. Matinee half price. LADIES to learn the art of corset fit ting and selling; Instructions free of charge; good position usbured. F ijoS. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitor. LEES, TEXAS New town In Glasscock county; building hotel, stores, paving streets, elecino lights, newspaper; center 26,000 acres finest agricultural laud, now being colonized; crop (uilure unknown; lots, $35 to Juo; lunus, 818 to $10; liberal terms; opening, mercantile firms; towusite and land salesmen wanted. Lee-Norrls Co., Lees, Texoa. START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCY THAT WILL PAY YOU 16 TO 840 WEEKLY, UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT START AND RAPID INCREASE TO WORKER. AODRESd FOR PARTICU LARS. HOME CASUALTY CO. WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go on the road for The Twen tieth Century Farnirr. Call or write man ager of circulation. The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED First-class salesman for retail drug store; good wages for good man; also neat soda dispenser. Sherman 4c MuConnell Drug Co.. 16ih and Dodge. WANTED Reliable agents to sell Colo rado land In best part of the state. Com mission liberal. Write for contracts at once. The Divide Land and Investment Com pany, Elisabeth, Colorado. WE WANT a live, neat-appearing, young, unmarried man about 24 years of age who is well acquainted in Omaha. For such a man we have a pood proposition. Wray & Steven, 610 Hee Uldg. WANTED A superintendent of agencie in Nebraska for an old line acridint insur ance company. Must be a live wire; a splendid opening for the right man. In aimweriug slate exprrlrnce and give refer ences. Address O 623, Bee. HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) Boys. WANTED ft boy 1 or 17 years old to do work around store and help wait on trade. Good chance for advancement. Ad dress 219 North 16th St. Clerical and Office. WE need at once: TRAVELING SALESMAN", $100. Stenographer, $75. Office clerk, young man, $iS-$70. Young man; must operate typewriter, $45. ("nil or write for a complete list. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC. 762-54 N. Y. lAfe Bldg (Est. I Yrs.) BRIGHT young man that wants an edu cation, commercial or most any of the trades; we will pay for your schooling and assist you to a position. Address M 716, Bee. SIX BOOKKKKPKRS$C5-$75. INVOICE PLF.RK 45-lV. ASS'T CREDIT MAN salary depends. SEVEN STENOGRAPH ERS $HO-$75. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1173-75-77 Brandels Bldg. YOUNG man who has taken a com mercial course for office work. Apply 41S Bee Bldg. If you are employed, call and go over our list of openings with us. Get busy. We can place you. Carson Reference Bureau, Suite 574 Brandeis Bldg. Factory and Trade. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. WANTED A first class hatter with full set of blocks and tools. Good salary and commission to right party. Address Rapid City Dry Cleaning & Dye Works, Rapid City, 8. D Immediately. WANTED Gasfltter, reliable, experi enced piping houses, single man preferred, for out-of-town work; give telephone number, also references. Address until Friday, Birch Acetylene Co., Lincoln, Neb. PAINTERS wanted. Call Web. 741. BARBER Wanted, good guarantee, steady Job. Want steady, sober man, answer quick. At. Kinney, (jampoen, rueo. WANTED An experienced, assistant baker. H. L. Sampson, Seward, Neb. WANTED -209 Cabinet Makers and Ma chine Hands. Thirty-five to" forty-five cents per hour. Steady work. Open shop rules. The Cabinet Fixture Mfgrrs. Associ ation, Box 624, Denver Colo. WANtED--Experlenced gordon press feeder, lrvln ,A. Medlar Co., 414 S. 14th St. Miscellaneous. I MADE $50,000 in lve years with a small mail order business; began with $5. Send for free booklett. Tells bow. lleacock, 6067 Lockport, N. Y. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; fractlce. furnished by free work; careful nstructlons by experts; few weeks com pletes; tools given; board secured; ex perience in shops before completing; cat alogue mailed free. Moler Barber Col lege, 110 to. 14th St Tl- mT THE OLD RELI- ? $15 lKiVlfVlN ABLE, 108 N. 16th, - w nii ta . tn i trnmr. COME and see our large stock of plain and fancy laughs. THE PARLOR THEA TRE. Matinee half price. HOUBBMOVER wanted; sober, experi enced housemover wanted at once; good wages; Bteady employment. John Ogden, Lamro, S. D. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Write for Omaha examination schedule. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, dept 187. O, Rochester, N. Y. STUDENTS wanted, to work for room and board. Apply Terry Dressmaking Col lege. Tel. D. 6a34. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Six good agents to work around city. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown block. Omaha ' LAUNDERERS CLEANERS FOR perfect laundering here's the com pany for your trade; no chemicals used; we rely on pure soap, water and starch. Yours for satisfaction. Omaha Steam Laun dry, 1750 Leavenworth. 'PHONE 'for call and our wagon will stop promptly and give best service In every way. National, 'phone Harney 4504. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. DELIVERY WAGONS Heavy teaming, gear and farm Wagons. 1117 Farnam St FINK wagon repairing. Frost, 714 S. 14th. HORSES for sale. 1415 Cap. Ave. D. 1810. GOOD driving or riding horse for sale. 3024 Emmet St. 'Phone Webster 408. FOR SALE Three eecond hand wagons, one leather double wagon top. Apply The Cudaliy l-'acking Co., Purvnaslug Depart ment, Uoutli Omahu. R UNA 1 IO UTS, buggies, surreys and stan hopes. "Racine" and other nigh grade ii akes sold by us at moderate prices. Johnsou Dauforih Co., 10th and Juinis Sis. HIGH GRADE Bugles. Surreys, Ktan lllUliuiiaDL hopes and Runabouts for sale cheap. 1117 Farnam bt SECOND-II ND ou"'" nd wagons ljVU',u llilL crit.ap Murpny Sun, 14th and Jackson. - Cons, Birds, Dogs and I'ets. FRESH cow for sale, with calf. Robert lUon, Benson. LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear. s':6" 1818 HARNEY. BO 111 'i'HONES. LOST Brown mink fur tipple; return to Mrs. Loblngier, Rome hotel; reward. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; best rem dy for itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 50c, postpaid; sample free. Sherman U MuConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creignton Medical college, 14th and Daven port His.; special attention paid lo con finement cases; all li eminent uprvlcl by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1107. Calls answered, day or night , MEDICAL (Continued.) , ,i n -r GAIN health A wealth. Adv. under Coio. lands tells how. Western Lund c lnv, Co. BEST nerve bracer for man. Uray's Nerve Food Pills. $1 a box. postpaid. Snerman 4k McConneli Drug Co., Omaha, DRS. STIVERS STIVERS. Formerly the Radium Medical and Surgi cal Institute, now suite 8, Patterson lllock. All chronic diseases for men and women. Consultation and examination free. We give the radium treatment. MONEY 70 LOAN SALARY AMD CHATTELS tmmm($m$$$$ $maw$?m$$m$ms j Notice to the Public J J No More High Rates j $10 to $1,000 I LOANED ON i i HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. $ v ' $ PIANOS AND SALARIES. $ THIS IS A NEW FIRM 1 $ Organized by the REPUTABLo, BUSI- 1 I NESS MEN of this city to protect I $ honest working people In ' need of i $ temporary heip from tne extortionate $ $ charges ot the so-called ion com- $ $ panics. We win loan you ull the $ money you wain anu cuarge you ouiy I 10 per cent a year. $ THIS MEANS YOU PAY !s l.ou interest on $ 10 tor 1 year. $ 2.00 interest on 25 for 1 year. $ 10.00 interest on loo for 1 year. 8 $ and ail other sums In proportion. Easy $ $ Weekiy or Monthly payments. Re- $ $ sonabie Appraisement Charges. j $ A glance at the aouve rates will con- $ vtniv you how much you save by $ dealing with us. $ $ NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. oioiicjf iu your pocaei witnin 8 hour. ! independent Loan Co., $ ROOM 204 WITHNELL BLDG., t $ 'Prc-no Doug. 6o4i. 16m ana narney. $ ' issmttttmmmtmtttt mittmtmmmttmiftt ', " Could You Use $50.00 ft To a Good Advantage! on uown ana sum up ail your Dins, 18 putting tnose of the butcher, the 88 48 grocer, the rent man, tlia furniture U 4$ store, etc., an in one amount; then tt 8$ come and see us and give us an op- 88 U portunuy to explain uui plan lor help- ti 8$ ing you to pay your bills. $f 88 We will louu you the money to pay 88 48 your bills. it 88 It Is rar better to have all your debts . 88 In one piaoe. 8$ It win be easier to make payments ft M uii one utoc inun many, ) 8$ We will loan you money on your fur- ( 88 nlture, piano, team, fixtures, ware- $ $8 house receipts or otner personal prop- 88 88 city of value without removal. $8 All business strictly confidential, 8 88 Your payments will be so small you 88 88 will not feel them, and you can have $8 88 fifty weeks to pay off your loan. If M 88 you wish. $J - 8$ $1.20 is the weekly payment on a $50 j 88 loan for fitty weeks. 18 Other amounts in' same ' proportion. 81 8$ Loans made in all parts of the city. If $ 88 you need money, call on or write us it IS and our agent will call on you. 88 88 it 88 STATE MORTGAGE LOAN ,Cp jf (I Room 12, Arlington Blk., 1511 V Dodge. 88 $! 'Phone Douglas 466. $$ MONEY MONEY MONEY We will loan you any amount bn your-1 FURNITURE. PiANOS and LIVE STOCK. ' or any other chattel SECURITY. We positively have the lowest rates in Omaha. CALL and CONVINCE YOURSELF. BUSI- r NESS fclTKlCTLX CONFIDENTIAL. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 7 Crounse Block, Corner 16th and Capitol, opposite Poatottlce. Both Phones, Douclas Li56; A-1364. ttttum$!;$i$i888t8$,$$utf48i88mm;tH$$$$8 -J CHEAP LOANS J r t$ on Furniture, Piano or Salary. $ ' 8$ YOU BORROW s r 88 $10.00 you pay back $11.00 4S 88 825.00 you pay back $27.00 84.V 88 toO.OO you pay back 8o4.0U 88 ' $8. NO OTHEH CHARGE: )$ g OMAHA FitJANClAL CO., JJ $$ Room 501. ' Brown Block. $i ' 8$ 207 S. lUtn St., Cor. Douglas St . $ T 88 'Phones: Douglas 20.i; A 2036. 88 ' S488488488U88888MJ88$488M$848t848a$8 Salary and Furniture Loana at positively the LOWEST RATES, quicker . mnA UOH'P f' rA.' 1 I . !. iv - T' r . T KIVH.U fiv w.. 11A1J DEAL of any In the city. Patronise the BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 307-308 Paxton Block. Douglas Ull ami MONEY NEED ANY" GO TO " Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board ot Trade Bldg. Southwest Cor. 16th and Farnam Streets. ,. Telephone Douglas 22:5. Rates cheaper than any advertised 1 We can prove it. iV MONEY LOANED ON CHATTEL! AND SALARIES. Easiest terms and lowest rates obtainable. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board of Trade BiJg. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. , WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OT1D ; ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices in 66 principal cities. Toliiiuu. room 618 New York Life Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 1514 Dodge. Tel. Ited Mlfc MOVING ANDJHOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. ' cleans carpets on your Jl","r T...c-a ' vacuum system. 809 So. 17th. lei. D. Iiu9. ffTTT A TV Cleaned, aay worg aona. lyuuiauiu phols Dougla 4&2J. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport Sts., waieluiuse, 2207-00 laard St STOVES stored. Ranee. 1611 N. 24th St I in IT VnU HAVE YOUR FURNN LIU IX TiTRE REPAIRED ANU UPHOLSTERED. 29o6i FARNAM. II, Sllg, WHAT Is Ihe use of taking up your car pets when you can hava them cleaned on the floor in a few hours? Free estimate given. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., 200 Dougla block, 107 S. ldth St. 'Phones: Doug. 7i Ind. A-IH.W. Across from Hayden's. 4 STORAGE; reasonable rates, prorr.pt VV Ice. Cole's Exp., 161 CapltoL D. 670. A-&37. OFFERED FOfi RENT Hoard and Hoema. ROOMS and board. 8071; Mason. Tel. Iar- ney 26S0. THE IRVING 2102 Leavenworth; newly - 7 . uuuuii ruoiii, wiiu V . . board at reasonabls pr labia board a specialty. Douglan th rices. 7. t7r? 1 uult 2319 M bt. Am. plan; bath; $1.26 day; weeVlv, $5 up; meals, UTOPIA Good board and rooms. 1MU anu uavenport. LARGE ROOM, on first floor, coltfcUkf or two; ladlis preferred; detached 4Wt icard If ureired. 2152 St. Mary'g-'T . . 3 - BOARD AVI) lliinui. ..........I - ---- itv.ii.uii ru-"4iim,a home. 12J b. 2ith Avs, 1 " r ;) 1 c v