Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMATTA. FRIDAT, MAY 27. 1910.
I (
Independent Telephone Company
Aiki Beleaie of Bond.
Will Walt t'ntll Condnlt Milrm la
Entirely Complete Br for Volt
dating Franchise D. Erloa
. Resigns.
Tho Independent Telephone company lias
for iom day been requesting the South
Omaha city council to release Ha bond and
thus validate the franchise of the com
pany. The company under the terma of the
contract had until May 23 to got its ex
change built and have Its llnea In oper
ation. There were twenty-five telephones
in operation on that date and by that
fact the company maintained that It had
fulfilled the contract and asked the re
lease of tho bonds.
This bond was given two years ago when
tha company applied for a franchise, and
H "was to assure tho completion of the
p. ant within two years.
The South Omaha council at Its meeting
Monday night refused to release the bond
on the ground that the conduits of the
company were Incomplete and the exchange
building waa not yet finished. It is not
likely that the council will make any fight
on the franchise as there is no desire to
Injure the company. The bond will prob
ably be released as soon as the conduit
system Is completed.
The work of laying the conduits has
At the Theaters
Otl Fkinnt-r and company In "Your Humble
Servant." a comedy in four acts by Booth
'J'arklngton and Henry l.eon Wilson;
under alrectlon of Charles Frohman. The
Lafayette Towers, an optimist
Otis Kklnner
Richard Prentice, sr., who worships
Mammon Charles U wells
KnolllnKsworth Urean, who worrhlps
Haccnus Edward F.eidlng
Isldor ilium, an
...A .O. Andrews
"Dick" I'rentics, a college-bred youth...
Alfred liudmm, Jr.
Lon UlddlnK, a rural sheriff ....Frank Bell
Dan, a stage hand James liaiuian
bervant at the i'rentlces
Waller li. Johnson
Usher at the Manhattan theater
, Arthur Blake
Margaret Druet, tho ward of Latsyctte
Towers Miss Isetta Jewel
Mrs. Kuulungsworth Brean, a social
leader Miss Isabel Klchards
Mrs. Cooley, a landlady
MIsa Jessie Cromette
"Your Humble Servant" Is a cleverly con
structed comedy dealing with the adven
tures of one Lafayette Towers, an actor,
and his ambition to train his ward tor a
leading place on the stage and secure that
place for her. It is In some ways a glimpse
at stage life from the inside, and it is made
most entertaining by the efforts of capable
actors who play each part with loving care.
Lafayette Towers resembles Philip Brl
dcau only In the point that each character
la humanly possible. Brldeau was a
roystering, blustering soldier of France;
Towers a trusting, hopeful, unspoiled man,
an actor who might dream but not quite
attain the realisation of the dream. Don't
worry about who th picture is pain drawn
progressed very rapidly during the last ""! multitude of men have strutted
three weeks. One week more will probabiy
see the main Hues of tho system finished.
It is said that the work has narrowed
down already so that about 100 men have
been dispensed with.
II. C. Murphy, city attorney, was slightly
disappointed at the attitude of the council.
as he recommended that the company had
practically fulfulllcd Its contract.
Men lu Assault Case tint.
and fretted their brief hour upon the stage
any one of whom might have sat as model
"The passing brief chronicle" of their lives
ia now and then recalled when some otner
obscure and aging Koscius reminds a fel
low of the Ilk with "Do you recall dear old
So-and-So?" To quote again, the public
little heeds, nor long remembers anything
they said and very soon forgets everything
they did. But Late Towers is a type of
his kind, a irenlal philosopher, a willing and
Six of the eight South Omaha men 1m- enthusiastic sacrifice on the altar of Art,
plicated In the assaults, from which Ida and a pretty decent sort of chap in all
Mikkelaen, the girl of IS, Is said to have ways.
suffered on May 1, at VWta Springs, are Omaha is fortunate In having the oppor
now out on bonds, pending their appearance tunlty to aee Mr. Skinner in his latest role
before the district court. The two remain- after he has had the benefit Ot a long sea
lng men are Wlllard Stanley and Thomas son's experience in the role one that has
Cauley. The sixth man of the octet se- for him a peculiar charm. He has In Ms
cured, bonds yesterday. It is likely that own blood the quality that enables him to
the remaining men may secure their re- depict a care free vagabond with particular
lease. unction. In no other roles has he shone as
The. men released are Anton Korlnek. in the Harvester. In Brigadier Brldeau, and
Joe Drahos, Joe Kraljcek, Mike Slager, i, now shining In Lafayette Towers. It
Joseph Vendra and William Sedlacek. would be a waste of time to tell Omaha
. D. Erlon Keslsaa. people of the ability of Otis Skinner; he
- has been coming here annually for many
D. Erlon, who haa for many years been na. made nlmself a part of the
the South Omaha representative of the oolal ,Jf(j o th(J cUy. u expected by all
um.n. JD.ucvr.o ...u xuwer company. jeagt one evenlng ln the year Will
haa resigned his position to engage ln busi- at th(j tnettter U8tenlng to this
rtaaaiaa tnwt rilmaalf T-Tla l liQSnr la ITVas I "
ness for himself. His successor Is Fred
Haynes of the Omaha offices of the com
pany, who haa been in a responsible posi
tion, with the company for a long time.
The change haa already taken place.
Call for Vital Statistics.
Tho city clerk received a call from the
talented man. Last night ne was given
recemlon that evinced the attitude of the
audience toward him, and the evident sin
cerity of his remarks ln a speech at the end
of the third act showed how deeply ne xeeis
the welcome he meets ln Omaha.
In "Your Humble Servant" the comeay is
Dakota Senator Will
Return for Primaries.
Thinks r rear at (Itate Administration
Entitled to Renewed Confidence
Forestry mil Favored
by Committee. n h. Tmrir.r w.ihiitcrinn Lf thm nniti rrt. but never falls In quality.
yesterday, for a statement ol the number and Mr. Skinner and his assoclatea develop mortal to hom the Institution Is to be
of aotual - deaths, which occurred within It wonderfully well. Miss Jeweu is laeany
the city during the year of 180P. The clerk cast for the role of Margaret Druce, ana
prepared the following table, which shows gives a delightful Impression of the stage
the deaths were Ml: girl who grows up through nara worn aim
No. Deaths. m,.nh orlvatlon to be a successiui acireaa.
Months. All Causes. ..i - ...,. with mnnv warm personal
January a .-. thB local Woman's club
reoriary " . " i. well
March. workers, nas cuiiku;
April,,,. ..,r... .,,........ 28 done. MWHUdsqn shows great capacity as
May ............................................ IS Md Megsra Andfews, Fielding and
July '. IS wells contribute well developed character
August , "studies.
?.':Vi?bcr The Brandels was filled at both matinee
November"! l and evening performances and the regret
December, to the wtn ftf tha .... expressed ln his curtain speecn,
TaUl 241 that bis stay at the beautiful theater, which
Mnlc City Uoaalv.
Thai funeral of the Infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Matysa waa held yesterday
John Welmer has gone to Excelsior
SwrinRS, where be win enjoy a lew aayi.
Notice I will not be responsible for any
debt hereafter contracted Dy my wire, Mary
Thordeson. thumao inuituniBuix.
Arthur Standlsh. who was shot Monday
noon, is greatly improvea at tne soutn
Omaha hospital.
PHONE SOUTH 868 for a case of JET-
TER GOLD TOP. Prompt delivery to any
part iit the city. William Jetter.
'H. O. Pike Is the fourth scorcher, ln the
Judgment of Officer Kreeger, whom It has
ueeu necessary for him to arreBt for ex
ceeding the speed limit.
Harry Hartnett, who Is assistant In the
office of the city tax commissioner.
called home to the central part of the
(From a Staff Corrspondent.)
WASHINGTON. May 26. (Special Tele
gramsSenator Gamble of South Dakota
believes that his duty Is In Washington
and not In South Dakota at this time not
withstanding the primary campaign Is on.
He raid today that he was ln favor and be
lieved that pledges made ln the national
republican platform should be redeemed
and that he was going to stay In Washing
ton to make possible legislation promised
before the adjournment of the present ses
sion. He mentioned as legislation to ful
fill party pledges, railway regulation;
postal savings bank; regulating Issuance of
injunctions; statehood for Arlsona and New
Mexico; the bill relating to conservation
of natural resources and an appropriation
of 250.000 to enable the president to secure
full Information In regard to the cost and
production of all articles affected by the
customs laws of the United States.
In regard to the primary campaign now
on ln his state, which will terminate on
June 7, Senator Gamble said:
"I have kept ln close touch with political
conditions In South Dakota during the
progress of the primary campaign. I feel
that Governor Vessey haa given the state
a most capable, clean and buslnees-llke
administration and that he deserves, and
Is entitled to the endorsement of a renoml
natlon and re-election by republicans of
the state. The candidates on the ticket
with him are alike entitled to the same
support as the governor.
"The wise and advanced legislation en
acted during Governor Vessey's as well as
Governor Crawford's administrations
iflerlts the confidence of the party and
Justifies the claims of the state administra
tion and its friends for the continuance of
that confidence it has had of a majority
of the party for the last four years. All
platform pledges- have been faithfully kept.
Along all lines of administrative activities
there has been exercised Intelligence inte
grity and a high degree of efficiency."
Bill Favored.
Senator Dolllver's committee on agri
culture and forestry reported favorably to
day Senator Burkett's bill establishing the
Morton Institution of agriculture and for
estry, as a tribute to the late J. Sterling
Morton, former secretary of agriculture.
This bill carries an appropriation of $100,000
and provides that tho Institution shall be
locatud at Nebraska City, Neb.
The forestry department at the Univer
sity of Nebraska, recently made an ex
haustive study of forestration at Arbor
Lodge, Nebraska City, the report of which
shows how particularly well adopted this
locality Is for an Institution of this char
acter. Senator Dolliver says In reporting
the bill. "The proposed location Is the
former home of J. Serllng Morton, founder
of Arbor Day, ln whose honor and as
. w . " l W . ' W ' ,w - .
9 W
Located on Lincoln Ave. (Center St.) between 54th and 60th Sts.
within easy access from Omaha and South Omaha by paved road.
OpCll For InSDCClion This beautiful modern Cemetery will be open tor
3j inspection by the people of Omaha and South
niiAM nh 9Qlh rxmi 2Mh
Jm- Vyill Ull tl UUIUI U U J t UUIIUUJ UUU IIIVIIUUJ &r VVUl UtlUll UUJ liatBJ UUUI) Mwaaa wiu ww.
You nre cordially invited to walk or ride through Umaha's Isew .Lawn 1'lan Ucmctery ana seo its Dcauuiui inns
and vales, its winding roads and magnificent views of the surrounding country.
The purchase of every lot or single grave carries with it a guaranty of perpetual care for all future time without
cost to owner. The costliest space or simplest grave receives equal care from funds held in trust for that purpose.
"West Lawn Cemetery is planned to be the most beautiful Cemetery in the State and no expense will be spared to
maintain the highest standard of architecture and landscape development. The management seeks to have this Cem
etery within reach of people of moderate means as well as the wealthier class, therefore to encourage the purchase
of lots before they are forced by circumstances to make a hurried choice we have planned to sell lots on easy terms.
. INSURANCE FEATURE How to Reach West Lawn
Following the custom of some eastern cemeteries WEST LAWN Take Went IeaTenworth St. car to 4th (end of line at pres.
OFFERS TO EVEHV PURCHASER ON EASY TERMS A FREE ent) where we will have free carriage and carryalls to the ceme-
I)EEI TO HIS OR HER HEIRS, IN CASE OF DEATH REFORE tery. We have purchased a carryall which will maintain dally ser-
PAVMENTS ARE COMPLETED. vice to and from the car until car-line Is extended eo the cemetery.
Come any day or evening. Salesmen always at the Cemetery who will show you every courtesy and aid you in
selecting a lot. Contracts delivered at the Cemetery. Special orce of salesmen Memorial Day and ample provision
has been made for several thousand visitors the opening day.
Further information and carriage to and from the Cemetery at any time by telephoning to the Secretary at 201
Withnell Building, or the Superintendent at the Cemetery Harney 4343.
Telephone Dong. 1105; Ind. A-2155.. 201 Withnell Bldg.
Republicans in Lower House Fail to
established. Mr. Morton was a pioneer ln
the field of forestry and the benefits to
mankind of his life and efforts ln the pro
motion of those great Ideas can never be
Congressman Kinkald has today recom
mended, the appointment of. Puf ferine E.
Morrison, postmaster at Norderv Keya Paha
county, vice '.. Theodore : li. . SJrfepger.. re
signed; also the establishment of a new
office In Cherry county, to be known as
Martlndale, With J. H. Martin as post
he warmly commended, was so short was
more than shared in by a great many who
were unable to obtain seats for either performance.
Real Value of the
Nebraska Farms
Omaha Road Makes an Inter
Tax Commissioner Polleys ol the
estingf Tabulation.
An interesting- compilation showing land
was sales and values in northeastern Nebraska
the h.a K-ii. maria hv T A. PolleVS Of St.
state by the report that his lamer was p Ux comml,.,oner of th9 Omaha rall-
Thn r.IAnp of Jarrv Bee at 41J North roaa. Mr. x-oneya Bivca i.,--
Twenty-fifth street took fire last evening, counties of Burt. Cedar, Cuming, uakoia,
The loss was mittni. as me iiremen con- rnxon Knox, Madison, . Pierce. Btanton,
tinea tne uise lo tne sningies oi me root. . ., . th.
A "un earlier In the day took the depart- Thurston. Washington. "Wayne and the
mant to Keventeentn ana Maaison. wnore Derioa coverea is rrom ucwdw, iw, w
a small Darn belonging to tu. cnurcn was ADril. 1910. two and a half years.
destroyed. . .... , , ha total num
nr..... .Inoara thanks to the men of the ber of transfers during the period was
T . . ... . . t i mt I . a . . 1 a a . 1 i . CGZ Cu?
nutf deparinienx, tjuaany empiuyea, nre- ana uie ftcres bum wiieu wi,
men. M. K. bmlth employes, w. (J. u. tf .
li.. A. O. U. W. 227. K. of C. and friends
for creat klndnes and beautiful flowers
sent during tho Illness and death of the
Shoots Self in
; Hospital Tent
The average price per acre tor the group
was G.3. Cuming county land ranged
highest with an average of S39.29. and
Washington was second with an average
value of $84.53. Knox county land sold
lowest at an average of 143.02. The next
lowest ln average value was Thurston,
&M.03. .Burt county's average was 178.58.
The average assessed value of the lands
sold was $40.68, and the range was from
$23.53 ln Knox to $59. 1 ln Washington and
. 0. Manning of St. Paul, Neb., $09.83 In Cuming. Burt county land was
Patient at Methodist Hospital,
Commits Suicide.
"My head hurts me so that I ache all
over. J don't want to live any longer.
Within a few minutes after penning these
words K. O. Manning of t. Paul, Neb.,
who was a patient In the Methodist hos-
aesessed at $58. 80 and Wayne at $51. M.
In the whole group the ratio of assessed
value to sale price was 7-88 per cent, being
highest In Thurston at 27. W and lowest in
Knox at 54.70.
The average assessed value per acre for
the group was ' $16.28, while the average
true value, as figured by Mr. polleys, w
$6i.71. lie finds that the yearly rate of
Increase In average true value per acre
Perplexing Wire
Sent to Lincoln
Morning Paper Receives Narrative
from Omaha, Signed by Erdman,
with Story of Heiress. .'
(From a Staff Correspondent.) ,
LINCOLN, May 26. (Special Telegrams
Early this morning a telegram, sent as a
night letter over the Western Union wires,
was received at the office of the Llnooln
Journal, signed by W. F. Erdman of
Omaha. The context of the message first
Induced the belief that the letter had been
filed by the man now In Jail ln Omaha ln
connection with the Lennlson dynamite
The message ia irrelevant, lacking ln
coherence and gives the impression of hav
ing been written by a man under a
delusion. The writer states that he is
heir to an enormous fortune, but that in
order to win it he must marry a Lincoln
girl. It is not believed here that the mes-r
sage was written by or for tno prisoner
Erdman in Omaha.
pltal 'for eye -trouble, was bleeding to I during the period was 11. t per .cont.
death In a tent on the grounds of the In- County estimated true value per acre on
tlturion Tuesily morning from a revolver April 1, lvio. for the group was $76.36, with
wound in the right temple. Washington running high at $102.33, Cum-
The body was discovered yesterday after- lug second at $Ua.3U and ranging down to
noon at I o'clock. Charles Duncan, em- $53.82 ln Knox. For the group the ratio of
pioyad as a llieman at the hospital, passing present assessed value per acre to est!
the tent, the door of which was open, saw mated true value April 1, 1910. Is given as
a man's Ikk as If a person was asleep on $is.31. Here again Thurston U high at
the floor. Uoing la he found Manning with $75.70, Burt second at $72.81 and Washing-
nis nuu in ricol of blood and a revolver ton third at $i3.!6. Knox is lowest in this
beside hin ilia called the engtneer, L. column at $47.85. Cuming stands at $511. 88.
jjuncan, who reported the occurrence to
the hospital and afterwards Informed the MEMORIAL DAY ADDRESS
ma uuitet came out inruuan uia
side ut the head and embedded itself in
the imb of the door.
aiming had been patient In the hos
pital since March 22. when he was sent
.then) to have his eyes treated by He v. Dr.
Matthews of Sergeant. Neb.
Muanlng was a member of Camp 1733 of
itlorurr Mill ftiako Speech Suaday
a ratvlotlsns aad I'hrUtlan '
Service.. -
Preatou T. McAvoy and Herbert J,
Conurll Curry Away Honors In
Elocution Contest.
Preston T. McAvoy and Herbert J. Con
nell were the. prise winners In the annual
elocution contest of the senior students of
Crelghton university, held last night in
Crelghton auditorium. The men who won
second place In the contest were Raphael
N. Hamilton and George A. Keyser.
The auditorium was crowded with friends
of the students and the contest was con
sldered to be the best one held In years.
There were twelve speakers, divided in:o
two sections of six each, and a gold medal
was awarded to the winner in each section
Several selections were given by the urt!
verslty orchestra.
The speakers and their sections follow:
First Sectlou "Parrhattlus and the Can
tlve," Omer t'ailivan; "King Robert o
Blcily," John L. 1 olskl; "The Hero," Krnes
r. Simmons: "CJ.e Hat. Kanhael N. Ham
ilton; "The Old Actor's Hlory," Preston T.
McAvoy; "Warsaw's Victim," James A
U Neil.
becond Section "Klsslng-Cup's Race
Loula 1. Kavanaugh: "Webxter's Portral
of Murder," Walter C. Hronek; "The
Miser, Uoorge A. Keyser; "Uugene Aram
Dream," Uerurd V. Kudemaclier; "L'rsus
and the Aurochs," Herbert J. Connull
"The Prisoner's Plea," Edward J. Costello.
The Judges were: Judge Alexander C
Troup, Lieutenant Colonel D. E. McCarthy,
V. 8. A., and Dr. John P. Lord.
Attnrnev V!l,-m BalrA
me Moaeia wooamen of America. He was mtmorIul address In the
a larmer ana nis lather, Reuben Manning.
llw at BL Paul, Neb.
- m ,
.; , What Ifveryauar Waste.
tvtrjM desire oo health, m-hlrli VS
impossible unless the kidneys are sound and
health?- Foley's KIdnsy Remedy shoukl be
takea at the I'rt indicatloo of any I' reg
ularity, an aertoua Illness may ' be
averted. 'Foley's Kldny Remedy wi, re-aioi-e'
ye"' kldueys- and bladder i ihi
, ai atata aud aeuviiy, Fer sale by all
a a
will deliver a
lobby of the
Young Men's Christian association Suqduy
afternoon at 4 o'clock on the subject of
'Patriotism and Christian Service."
While the address la of a publle charac
ter. It 111 pe more particularly directed
to the veterans of the Grand Army of the
Republle. A cordial Invitation is extended
to all Orand Army veterans and soldiers
of -the civil and 8panlsh-Amorlcun wars to
be present.-
Persistent advertising m The Pmabe Bee
iU tea road to Big Retaraa.
Agree at First Session.
Whip Bases Statement on Fact that
Temper of Members Indicates
Harmony Many Amend
ments Offered.
Arthnr Bchwarts, Four Years Old,
Receives Broken Arm and
Other Injnrlea.
Arthur Bchwartx, 4 years of age, whose
parents live at 627 South Twenty-ninth
avenue, was struck Wednesday evening by
an automobile at Twenty-ninth avenue and
Jackson street and sustained a fracture of
the right arm and some bruises on the
head. The little sufferer was attended by
Dr. Pollard and taken home. The auto.
No. 1001G. belonged lo Hugh Murphy and
was driven by J. Wbeaton, &3 South Six
teenth street. Wheaton saya that the
child was crossing the street and that he
was unable to stop the machine before It
truck bin.
WASHINGTON;' May 26. The caucus of
the republican members of the house of
representatives on the, subject of the postal
savings bank blll..gan last night in the
cnamber ox the houqoy i It was soon appar
ent that no agreement could be reached
at the first session and it waa predicted
that the caupua would extend over two or
three nights. ,
Practically all of the changes considered
in the bill tonight related to phraseology.
None of them touched upon the contro
versial matters connected with the dispo
sition of deposits.- The caucus will be re
sumed tomorrow evening. The total num
ber of republican members who answered
to their names at tonight's session was
144, out of a total republican membership
of 217. Among the absentees were both
'regulars" and "insurgents," but It was
claimed that a majority of those not pres
ent had promised their support to the
caucus measure so ' that the republicans
would be assured of a sufficient vote on the
floor of the house to pass the bill.
Dnlght Hopefnl.
'There is no doubt that we will have
enough votes to pass the bl.l the caucus
will agree upon," said Representative John
Dwlght of New York, the republican whip.
He based his statement' on the fact that
the temper of those who attended the cau
cus was an indication of harmony. .
It is known, however, that a dozen or
more "Insurgent" members, many of
whom refused to sign the call for the
caucus, may not subscribe to the caucus
actions. It has been suggested that some
of those who attended the caucus may ab
sent themselves on the final vote In case
the bill does not suit them.
The "insurgent" members absent were
Representatives Cooper, Lenroot, Nelson
and Carey of Wisconsin, Davis, Llndberg
and Vllstead of Minnesota, Norrls and
Hlnshaw of Nebraska, Hubbard and Woods
of Iowa,, Polndexter of Washington, Fowler
of New Jersey and Gronnk of North Da
kota. !
Some of these members, it was stated by
leaders of the "regulars," had announced
that they were prepared to vote for
postal savings bill and that the "regulars"
were counting un their support.
When the caucus convened tonight the
bill introduced by Representative Gardener
was taken a a basis on which to make
caucus measure.
Chairman Weeks explained to the caucus
that the bill was no one-niun'a bill, but
was the result of the careful work and
thought of many members. He was fol
lowed by Representative Gardener In a
half-hour's speech explaining the provisions
of his bill. His explanation was sa'd to
have proven satisfactory to a great many
members of the caucus and to have done
much toward paving the way for an amic
able agreement.
The bill was then taken up and read sec
tion by section. Many amendments were
offered and accepted, but all of them in
volved only changes of phraseology.
It was not expected that any great
amount of trouble would be encountered
until section was reached, which section
relates to depositing postal savings funds
and their final disposition. Upon this sec
tion it wai expected that a haid fight would
occur, owing to the great number of mem
bers who believe that postal savings should
be kept, in large part. In the communities
In which they are deposited. Many believed
that the 47V per cent prescribed by the
committee bill should be Increased to 75
per cent at least.
Almost innumerable amendments are
ready to be offered on the bill. Representa
tive Madden of Illinois, it Is stated, has
twenty-two separate amendments which he
desires to submit and many other members
have almost an equally large number.
"Golden Rule"
Kohler Turns
Upon His Foes
Suspended Folioe Chief of Cleveland
Says He Will Tell on Promi
nent Men.
CLEVELAND, O., May 2d Chief of Po
lice Frederick Kohler, known throughout
the country as the "Golden Rule" chief,
waa suspended today by Mayor Baehr on
charges of gross immorality, habitual
drunkenness and disobedience of orders.
The tentative date of Tuesday haa been
set for. Chief Kohler' s trial by the Civil
Service commission and statement by
Kohler and his- accusers today point to
the development of sensational testimony
which may involve many of the city's
prominent men.
Mr. Kohler has Intimated that he In
tends to fight the charges against him to
a finish and that If he Is disgraced he will
not be the only one to fall. Among the
chargea brought against Kohler is one
that during the seven years he has been
at the head of the police department he has
utilized the detective force for the collec
tion of facts concerning prominent offi
cials and others to be used ln the event
that he was attacked.
The present charges are the culmination
of a long series of attacks against the po
lice chief. Afer he had been Informed of
his suspension today Mr. Kohler ex
claimed:' "These- charges are the work of
the character snatchers, grave robbers and
blackmailers who have been after me for
Chief Kohler joined the police force as a
patrolman fourteen years ago. Under
Mayor Tom Johnson his rise was rapid.
He was appointed chief In 190$ and since
then has attracted national attention by
his policy of the "Golden Rule." Briefly,
this policy was that in the case of minor
offenses, such as Intoxication or disorderly
conduct, it was better to admonish the
offender and persuade him to go home than
to arrest him. His opponents have accused
him of having Increased criminality by this
Electrical Ion
Causes Surprise
Discovery by Chicago Professor In
cites Cariosity Among Light
' ST. LOUIS, May 26. Electrical experts
attending the National Electrlo Light as
sociation convention here, expressed great
surprise tonight regarding the statement
of Prof. Robert A. Mllllken of the Un!
verslty of Chicago, that he had Isolated and
studied a single Ion of electricity.
The standing of the professor Is such,
however, that most of them credit his
discovery." 8. E. Doane of Cleveland an
expert on electricity said:
"I cannot aee that the discovery of the
Ion will have any effect on the use of
electricity. If the ion Is discovered. It
means a mathematical demonstration of
what electricity Is. We cannot figure how
the stars transfuse their light upon the
world. It Is the same with electricity. I
am not from Missouri, but I am in Mis
souri now."
Taft, Sherman
and Roosevelt
Three Will Address National League
of Republican Clubs in New
York Next Month.
CLEVELAND, May 26. Theodore Roose
velt will speak from the same platform
with President Taft and Vice-President
Sherman, at the meeting of the National
League of Republican clubs In New York.
June 24 and 25, it ' was announoed today
by telegram from John Hays Hammond's
office ln New Vbrk to President Henry
Davis, of the Ohio Republican league. It
Is planned to make the New York conven
tion the real start, of the congressional
Western Output of Packing; Houses
Reaches 483,000, Against 4US,
OOO Week Previous.
CINCINNATI, May 26. (Special Tele
gram.) Price Current says an enlarged
marketing of hogs for the week has oc
curred and some lowering of prices. Total
western slaughtering reached 486,000 hogs,
compared with 426,000 the preceding week
and &0.000 two weeks ago. For the corre
sponding time last year It was 606,000 and
two years ago 610, WO hogs. From March 1
the total Is 4,390,000 against 6,760,000 a year
ago, a decrease of 1,270,000. Prominent
places compare as follows:
' 1S10.
Chlctigo 8X0,000
Kansas City 610,000
South Omaha 405,000
St. Louis 406iOU
Ht. Joseph 2il,OO0
Indianapolis 170.000
Milwaukee 136,000
Cincinnati 108,000
Ottumwa 67,000
Cedar Rapids 77.0u0
ftloux City 178,000
St. Paul 142.000
Cleveland 126.000
Bxploalon Ignites Depot sad Rushing;
Fire Apparatus Frightens
Dray Team.
The explosion of a box of firecrackers
Wednesday afternoon caused a small fire
at the Burlington freight depot, fright
ened several horses and resulted In the
smashing of a wagon belonging to tho
Merchants' Express company. The ani
mals became restive when the fire engines
dashed up to the place and one of them
getting beyond control ran off.
Scarcely had the firemen been relieved
of duty here when another call was re
ceived from Seventeenth and Dodge streets.
Children playing in the back portion of
the vacant frame uuiiclug adjoining the
parochial house had set alight some rub
blsh and the flames Ignited the timber,
The loss is slight. i
Commander Jullua A. r-ratt vroat lit,
J 43, Dept. 111.. Q. A. St.
Mr. Isaao Cook, commander of above
post, Kewanee, 111., writes: "For a long
time I was bothered with baohache and
pains across my kidneys. About two months
ago I started taking Foley Kidney Pills
and soon saw they were doing Just as
claimed. I kept on taking them and now
I am free from bachache and the painful
bladder misery Is all gone. I like Foley
Kidney Pills so well that I have told many
ef my friends and comrades about them
and shall recommend them at every oppor
tunity." For sale by all druggists.
General Superintendent of Burlington
Sara Ills Road is la Beat
Condition Ever.
L. B. Allen, general superintendent of
the Burlington for the lines in the Iowa
dlvslon, arrived ln Omaha Wednesday In
his private car.
"The tracks In Iowa," said Mr. Allen,
"are ln tho best condition they were evef
In. The passenger trains are all running
on time and I am very much pleased with
the way things are going. Last month
the road made the best record ln Its his
tory. The new double track, built last
year, Is holding up In excellent shape and
the recent rains have not affected it in
any way. The road Is better than It haa
been in Iowa for years, and we hope to
keep It In Its present good condition."
Little Girl Burned to Death.
8IOUX FALLS, 8. D., May 26.-(8peoial.,
While the little daughter, aged SVs years,
of Mr. and Mrs. N. Iverson of Miner county
was playing in a field where her father
waa engaged In plowing and burning off
the stubble she was burned to death. The
fire in the stubble was supposed to have
burned Itself out and the father went to
the opposite side of the field, But It un
expectedly started up again and the little
girl's clothing was set on fire. Before the
father could rush across the1 field and ex
tinguish the flames she had been burned
so badly that she 'died a short time later.
lowa fiovwm Votes.
CEDAR FALLS The State Board of
Education met In this city at o'clock
Wednesday morning at the State Teachers'
college to transact regular routine busi
ness. It Is the first meeting In Cedar
Falls of this new board. President and
Mrs. Homer H. Keerley entertained the
members of the board for dinner Wednes
day at 1 o'clock. Mrs. fteerley gave a re
ception to Mrs. James H. Irewin of Cedar
Rapids, whose husband ,1s president of
the board, from 3 to 6 o'clock on Wednes
day. 1
1, Hi ,000
Skinned from Head to Heel
was Ben Pool, Threet, Ala., when dragged
over a gravel roadway, but Bucklen's
Arnica Salve cured blm. 2o. For sale
by Beaton Drug C
irtt 1
Various Posts liar Been Selected to
Dedicate Graves In Different
' Burying; Grounds.
Decoration of the graves of the soldier
dead with flowers will take place Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock at the various ceme
teries by the different posts and corps.
These assignments have been made for the
respective cemeteries:
Holy Sepulchre, Custer Post and Corps.
Prospect Hill, Grant Post and Cerps.
Forest Lawn, Crook Post and Corps.
Fort Crook, United Spanish war veterans
and auxiliaries.
The Grand Army and Woman's Relief
Corps ritual memorial services will be
held by the same posts In the respective
cemeteries at 10 a. m. Monday.
Garfield Circle No. 11 and Gettysburg
Circle No. 48. Ladles of the Grand Army
of the Republic, will carry out their ritual
service of decorating the graves with
flowers at the Bonders' Circle In Forest
Lawn cemetery, Monday forenoon. May SO.
These organisations will attend divine
service Jointly Sunday morning at Hirst
Memorial church. . .
Tickets on sale daily after June 1st by the ILLINOIS
CENTRAL at greatly reduced rates to destinations shown
below and many other points in Maine, New Brunswick,
New Hampshire, Nova Scotia, New York, Ontario, Quebec
and Vermont; 30 day limit.
Detroit, Mich $25.00
Buffalo, N. Y $32.00
Niagara Falls, N.Y. $32.00
Atlantic City, N. J., $40.70
New York, N. Y. ..$40.50
Boston, Mass $40.00
Portland, Me. ....$42.35
Toronto, Out $29.00
Ottawa, Ont $35.00
Montreal, P. Q. ...$35.00
Quebec, P. Q $39.00
Halifax, N. S $49.00
Summer Tourist farts with long limit to summer resorts in Min
nesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario, Quebec, and the New England
States. Some very attractive circle tours, Including New York and
Boston with an ocean trip.
For tickets or detailed information call at City Ticket Office,
1507 Farntni St., or write
SAMUEL N0RRIS, District Passenger Agent.